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Journal of Economic Literature 2020, 58(2), 405–418

Sins of Omission and the Practice

of Economics†
George A. Akerlof*

This paper advances the proposition that economics, as a discipline, gives rewards
that favor the “hard” and disfavor the “soft.” Such bias leads economic research to
ignore important topics and problems that are difficult to approach in a “hard” way—
thereby resulting in “sins of omission.” This paper argues for ­­reexamination of current
institutions for publication and promotion in economics—as it also argues for greatly
increased tolerance in norms for publication and promotion as one way of alleviating
narrow methodological biases. ( JEL A11, B40)

1.  Introduction 2.  Hard and Soft

T his article draws a distinction between

“hard” and “soft.” It advances the prop-
osition that economics, as a discipline, gives
Since Comte (1853), it has been common
to classify sciences according to a ­hard–soft
hierarchy, with physics at the top and sociol-
rewards that are biased in favor of the “hard” ogy, cultural anthropology, and history at the
and against the “soft.” This bias leads to “sins bottom.1
of omission” in which economic research This classification relates to precision;
ignores important topics and problems when and it can be applied to subfields as well as
they are difficult to approach in a “hard” whole disciplines.2 Consider empirical meth-
way. It recommends a ­reexamination of the odologies within economics. Quantitative—
­institutions of publication and promotion of as opposed to qualitative—analysis is one
the economics profession. dimension of being harder. And, within
quantification, causal statements are more
* Georgetown University. This paper is based on work
precise than those that only concern cor-
with Pascal Michaillat, as summarized in our joint paper, G. relation. Hence, empirical work that focuses
Akerlof and Michaillat (2017). I am especially indebted to on identification is considered especially
Robert Akerlof and also to Hui Tong, Robert Johnson and
my fellow panelists (James Heckman (organizer), Angus
“hard.” Economic theory is “harder” when it
Deaton, Drew Fudenberg, and Lars Hansen) at the precur- is expressed in mathematical models rather
sor American Economic Association session, “Publishing than in words; and mathematical models are
and Promotion in Economics: The Curse of the Top Five?”
in January 2017. The Canadian Institute for Advanced
considered harder when the math captures
Research has provided invaluable financial support.
† 1 See
Go to to visit the Cole (1983).
article page and view author disclosure statement(s). 2 See Smith et al. (2000).

406 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LVIII (June 2020)

fundamental underlying ideas/concepts 4.  Reasons for Bias toward Hard

more precisely.
The question remains: why do economists
have hardness bias? I suggest three possible
3.  Sins of Omission: A Model
reasons, which also, at least partially, explain
This section presents a simple model of why this bias has become stronger over time.
“sins of omission” in the spirit of Ellison
(2002a). Reason 1: Place in the Scientific
An academic researcher selects from a Hierarchy.—In their article “The Superiority
set of possible research topics. These topics of Economists,” Fourcade, Ollion, and Algan
can be characterized along two dimensions: (2015) argue that economists “see them-
(1) hardness (i.e., the ease or difficulty of selves at or near the top of the pecking order
producing precise work on the topic) and (2) among the social scientists.”4 Economists
importance.3 take great pride in their view of their disci-
The researcher values both hardness and pline as “the most scientific of the social sci-
importance; but the weight he places on ences,” and they look down upon sociologists
hardness leads him to trade off hardness and and political scientists for their “less power-
importance in a socially n ­ onoptimal way. In ful analytical tools.”5 This desire for place in
this sense, he is biased. (We will discuss the the pecking order, I would argue, is a leading
reasons for such bias presently but, for now, motive for hardness bias.
take it as given.)
Figure 1 depicts the solution to the Reason 2: The Evaluation Process.—
researcher’s problem. While the researcher Rewards such as journal acceptances are
chooses a topic lying along the “frontier,” the generally meted out by committees (in the
frontier topic he chooses differs from the case of journals, the committees consist of
social optimum. His chosen topic (topic A) editors and referees). When rewards are
is both harder and less important than the scarce, obtaining them requires that most/all
social optimum (topic B). committee members consent.
If we aggregate across all researchers, Precision is a relatively ­well-defined con-
we obtain a prediction about the “cloud” of cept; hence, it is easy for people to agree
topics the profession will address. Observe regarding the hardness/softness of research.
that there will be a set of important but soft In contrast, importance is fuzzy, so that it
topics that will not be pursued; in this sense, is relatively easy to disagree regarding its
bias toward the hard in the profession gener- importance. This tendency for disagreement
ates “sins of omission.” on importance is exacerbated by tendencies
to inflate the importance of one’s own work
and deflate the importance of others’.
The implication is that evaluations by
committees will be biased toward the hard.

3  In Ellison’s model (2002a), researchers face a trade-

off between investing in the ­q-quality of their research 4 As slightly paraphrased and rearranged from the orig-
(which is equivalent to importance) and the ­r-quality of inal. The phrase “see themselves” was italicized in the
their research (which is equivalent to hardness). Ellison original.
argues that different norms may prevail in the profession 5 Also quoted by Fourcade, Ollion, and Algan (2015)
that place different weights on q- and ­r-quality. from Freeman (1999, p. 141).
Akerlof: Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics 407


Topics A



Figure 1

­Note: Trade-off between hard and soft with choice of topics on frontier according to maximization of individ-
ual utility at point A, and according to maximization of social welfare at point B.

Furthermore, the scarcer the rewards, the to ­economics PhD programs to “take math-
greater is the likelihood of such bias. ematics until it hurts.” But, Mankiw gently
added that in his opinion these standards are
Reason 3: Selection into the Profession.— too strict; if he were a member of the admis-
Academics are not all the same. The greater sions committee, he “might argue with [his]
the bias toward the hard in the profes- colleagues’ … excessive [sic] fondness of
sion, the greater will be selection into it mathematics.”6
of those with intrinsic tastes in that direc-
tion. Indicative of such selection, Mankiw
(2006) has advised prospective applicants 6  Mankiw (2006).
408 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LVIII (June 2020)

Just as rewards affect selection, so too does are important; but, clearly, the most import-
the mix of types within the profession affect ant topics are new. Hardness bias inhibits
rewards. When hard types are prevalent, acceptance of new topics in at least two dif-
they occupy more of the profession’s pow- ferent ways.
erful positions (such as journal editorships). First, old topics/paradigms have a variety
From these prominent positions, they bias of tools that aid precision: such as established
rewards: for instance, by selecting harder terminologies, conceptual frameworks, and
articles for publication. Of course, the same empirical methodologies. With bias toward
bias will affect promotions.7 the hard, academics working within such
One reason the profession seems to have accepted paradigms have an advantage,
gotten harder in recent years is a negative since they can borrow at will from such
feedback loop. Biased rewards have caused toolkits to state their ideas precisely. In con-
the profession to intrinsically value hardness trast, those who are presenting a new idea
more; the intrinsic value placed on hardness are disadvantaged, since they must develop
has led to more biased rewards. their own tools. As expressed by Frey (2003,
p. 212): “a new idea is less ­well-formulated
than … ­ well-established ideas and there-
5.  Some Consequences of Hardness Bias
fore rejected for lack of rigor.” In this way,
This section explores three consequences demand for precision (for hardness) impedes
of hardness bias. the introduction of new ideas.
Second, hardness bias reduces the ability
Consequence 1. Bias against New Ideas.— to challenge existing paradigms. According
So far, we have classified topics according to usual procedure in economics, as in sci-
to their “importance” and their “hardness.” ence more generally, old ideas are only
Another relevant dimension is whether top- rejected when they are shown to be inferior
ics are new or old—or, in Kuhn’s (2012) ter- in tests against new ideas. Since Friedman’s
minology, whether they entail “normal” or (1953) classic essay, it has become
“revolutionary” science. Not all new topics all-but-uncontestable that new theories
need to generate testable predictions. This
7 Two papers—one by Brock and Durlauf (1999), belief may seem innocuous; but, in point of
the other by myself and Pascal Michaillat (Akerlof and fact, it involves rejecting softer tests of the-
Michaillat 2017)—show that beliefs in a scientific field will ories, such as those that evaluate models
converge if its practitioners have a desire for conformity.
In Brock and Durlauf, scientists continually adjust their based upon the quality of their assumptions
beliefs to reduce the distance between their thinking and as well as the quality of their conclusions. It
the beliefs of others. In Akerlof and Michaillat, evaluators especially entails exclusion of evidence from
of candidates for tenure are biased in favor of those with
similar beliefs and also against those with different beliefs. case studies, whose detailed evidence can
In both cases, the beliefs converge. Furthermore, that be highly informative regarding context and
convergence will not necessarily be to the truth (or to best motivation.8 While harder tests with statisti-
practice). On the contrary, because of reason 1 (the role of
hardness in the scientific pecking order) and reason 2 (its cal data may be a gold standard, restricting
facilitation of agreement), following from the comparative the set of permissible tests reduces—perhaps
statics of equilibrium in Akerlof and Michaillat, those uni- greatly—the ability to test theories. Hence,
form beliefs are likely to have hardness bias in turn. These
theoretical findings of belief convergence under rather bias toward the hard makes us too accepting
general conditions accord with Kuhn’s (2012) view that
scientists base their work on ­commonly-held paradigms.
Those paradigms do not just pertain to subject matter; they
include, as well, beliefs about appropriate methodology for 8 For the advantages of case studies, see Flyvbjerg
the respective field. (2006).
Akerlof: Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics 409

of existing theory and insufficiently willing to of journals—particularly those journals that

be ­self-critical as a profession. are general interest, in which all subfields
are represented. It is perhaps no surprise
Consequence 2. O ­verspecialization.— then that the most heavily weighted journals
Bias toward the hard also encourages in the ­economics-tenure process (the “top
­overspecialization. Generalists need to meet five”) are general interest.10 (As Casadevall
the standards of precision for multiple fields, and Fang 2014a have also observed, there
while specialists need only meet the stan- is an additional benefit in the use of journal
dards of one. Hence, it is easier to be hard as metrics—for the “lazy.”)
a specialist than as a generalist. The greater
the bias toward the hard, the more special-
6.  State of the Profession
ization we should see in economics.
Indeed, specialization appears to be A collage of statistics suggests that
increasing in our field. As one symptom, research economists, especially young ones,
departments are increasingly balkanized into find themselves in an environment that could
subfields, each, for example, with its own easily lead to sins of omission because of
respective seminar series. The proliferation excessive demands for compliance in favor of
of subfield journals is another symptom of the hard relative to the important. Assistant
the trend.9 professors at research universities are not in
a good position to put up much fight against
Consequence 3. The Curse of the Top the dictates of what the journals want: espe-
Five.— Hardness bias is also a cause of “the cially, when, as documented by Heckman
curse of the top five.” As documented by and Moktan (2017), top five acceptances play
Heckman and Moktan (2017), tenure and an outsize role in grant of tenure.
promotion committees are increasingly rely- The demands by the journals are just one
ing upon journal metrics to make decisions, more in a long series of previous demands
with the number of “top five” publications for academic compliance that begin in high
given particular weight. school, if not yet earlier. These are demands:
Tenure, like most other rewards in the for ­high-school performance to obtain col-
profession, is meted out by committees. One lege acceptance; to obtain sufficient grades/
approach tenure committees can take is to letters of recommendation/GRE scores for
evaluate the quality of candidates’ work. admittance to graduate school; to obtain the
However, discussions of candidates’ work PhD; for a g­ raduate-school record sufficient
are likely to be fraught—especially when to obtain a l­adder-track academic job. Of
the profession is balkanized into subfields. course, all that compliance, usefully, forces
As already explained, academics disagree economists to master the field’s current para-
about what is important; and there tend to digm; those who wish to correct its omissions
be systematic differences of opinion across have special need for such understanding.
subfields. But, just as there can be too little demand for
This problem can be finessed by evaluat- compliance, there can also be so much that
ing candidates by metrics. It is relatively easy important problems are neglected: either
to reach agreement regarding the quality because the problems themselves, or the best

9 In line with the themes of this article, there has been
­ ush-back against excessive specialization (and also hard-
p 10 Weighting publications by their journal impact fac-
ness) in biology. See Casadevall and Fong (2014b). tors is another mechanism for reaching consensus.
410 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LVIII (June 2020)

ways to tackle them, are deemed outside the These findings of Conley and Önder are also
frame of what is acceptable in the journals. in agreement with a ­ten-year-afterwards sur-
The statistics on acceptances suggest the vey of US PhD graduates of the academic
need by researchers, especially those on a year 1­ 996–97 (Stock and Siegfried 2014).13
short tenure clock, to accord with the jour- For the approximately half of respondents
nals’ demands. At the journals, rejection is who had initially received “permanent aca-
the mode. According to Card and DellaVigna demic positions” (i.e., t­enure-track jobs),
(2013), circa 2010, those influential “top median ­ top-50-economic-journals publica-
fives” had acceptance rates of only 6 percent. tions was 1; the mean of such publications
That figure was down some 60 percent from was 2.0.14
15 percent some 30 years earlier. Young academic economists facing the
These low acceptance rates are not only tenure clock thus have little choice. Even
at the top five. For even the very top eco- if they have opinions different from what’s
nomics departments, only a small fraction of acceptable to the editors and referees, they
PhD graduates have a significant number of still must comply. First, even before begin-
publications six years after receipt of their ning a paper, they must consider whether
degrees. Conley and Önder (2014) counted the final product will be ­journal acceptable.
what they call “­ AER-equivalent” publi- And then they must decide how to frame it;
cations of the annual cohorts of US PhD for example, as an “­AER-paper,” or possibly
recipients from 1986 to 2000. “Even at the as an “REStud.” We have no statistics, in
top five departments,” they say, “it would be this regard, concerning how initial ­decisions
hard to agree that the bottom half of their are influenced by conceptions regarding
students are successful in terms of economic what the journals will or will not accept;
research. The ­AER-equivalent papers at the but Ellison (2002b) has compiled statistics
median at year six was below 0.1 for all five regarding another aspect in which the jour-
of these schools, and in fact at zero in most nals have increasingly taken over from the
of them.”11 Furthermore, even the eightieth authors.
percentile of graduates of all economics PhD According to Ellison, before the 1960s,
programs, with the exception of Princeton “revise and resubmits” were fairly rare
(at 1.01) and Rochester (at 1.14), was less (2002b, p. 984). Insofar as they occurred
than one such A ­ ER-equivalent publication.12 at all, the author would quickly submit the
These same data do not just show the low revision; rejection was uncommon. But an
level of publication of these cohorts, they array of statistics (Ellison 2002b) shows that
also show rapid declines over time; between the length of time between submission and
the 1987 and 1999 cohorts, A ­ ER-equivalent final acceptance has increased greatly (both
publication six years after graduation fell in economics and in other fields). The aver-
by approximately 40 percent, for all of the age increase at nine economics journals
­ninety-ninth, ninety-fifth, ninetieth, eighty-
fifth, eightieth, seventy-fifth, and fiftieth per- 13 However, low response rates to the survey means the
centiles (Conley et al. 2013, table 3, p. 1263). findings should be interpreted with considerable caution.
Only 207 of the approximately 950 J­EL-recorded gradu-
ates of that year responded to this survey, which was ten
years after receipt of degree.
11 Conley and Önder (2014, p. 212). “At zero” means 14 Among the o ­ne-third of these initially lucky ones,
rounds to zero, rather than to 0.1; .1 means rounds to 0.1. who had received tenure at their initial institution, median
12 Their findings were, however, not without a silver lin- ­top-50 publications was yet lower at 0 (perhaps because of
ing: although the t­ op-ranked schools did better on average low standards for tenure at their schools); as was the mean,
than those of lesser rank, they did not dominantly do so. at 1.8 (Stock and Siegfried 2014, table 4, p.297).
Akerlof: Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics 411

for which the data were available was 185 to comply with those editors and referees,
percent—from 6.1 months in 1970 to 17.3 especially after they have been lucky enough
months by 1999.15 to receive a revise and resubmit. The statis-
Ellison does a further analysis for differ- tical evidence suggests what probably every
ent journals regarding how these increases research economist of my age knows from
are divided between submission and receipt personal experience: as time has passed those
of first review, and between initial request demands have become increasingly insistent
for revise and resubmit and acceptance. and have increasingly emphasized hardness.
He summarizes the evidence as saying that Furthermore, the emphasis on hardness
“[roughly] ­ one-quarter of the slowdown is likely at the expense of importance. A
may occur because journals may take lon- survey of economics graduate students by
ger to conduct initial review”16: so that the Colander and Klamer (1987, table 4, p.100)
remaining three quarters of the increase are thus found that only 3 percent of economists
due to the increasing demands for revise thought it “very important” for their suc-
and resubmit. But that process is, of course, cess to “have a thorough knowledge of the
almost entirely about answering the refer- economy”; in contrast 65 percent thought it
ees, mostly to make these t­o-be-accepted “very important” to be “smart in the sense of
papers more precise. This evidence is symp- being good at problem solving.” Additionally,
tomatic of increasing emphasis on hard- when asked retrospectively about their PhD
ness. Additionally, it shows that much of this programs’ emphases, more than half of two
increased demand for hardness is coming separate ­graduate cohorts said that their pro-
from demands by the journals themselves. grams placed “too little emphasis on applying
Ellison also suggests another indicator: theory to the real world” (Stock and Hansen
pages per article. Economic journal arti- 2004, p. 267, table 1). These opinions are
cles, he says, have (2002a, p. ­994–995) lon- thus suggestive of an environment that
ger introductions, more extensions of main could spawn sins of omission because of bias
results, and more references. And all of these toward the hard and against the important.
increases are, of course, associated with what
this paper calls “greater hardness.” At the top
five, between 1970 and 2010, ­paper length 7.  Examples of Sins of Omission
has almost tripled.17
In sum, the economics profession, espe- This section presents a few examples of
cially for younger researchers, is highly com- sins of omission from economics that are
petitive; it has rapidly become more so. The related to my own recent research. The fol-
market for academic research, which is the lowing section will discuss implications of
economics journals, leaves the researchers these examples.
with no choice but to foresee the dictates
of editors and referees, even in their initial Failure to Predict the Financial Crisis.—
conception of papers. They must continue In the aftermath of the financial crisis of
2008, economists asked why no one had
15 Ellison (2002b, table 1, p. 953).
predicted it, at least exactly as it happened.
16 Ellison (2002b, p. 958). Rajan (2011) said that such a prediction had
17 Card and DellaVigna have computed that between not been made since it would have required
the early 1970s and 2­ 011–2012, the average page length detailed knowledge of theory and institu-
of papers at the ­top five increased from 16 pages to 45.5
(Card and DellaVigna 2013, p. 150 and figure 4, p. 151). tions in the disparate specialties of finance,
­Page lengths here were “adjusted for density.” real estate, and macroeconomics.
412 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LVIII (June 2020)

Curiously, prior to 2008, those subfields Regarding predictions from empirical evi-
had laid out all the elements that were dence, the crucial data would have been of the
later deemed to have been the cause of the wrong form. Data on tail risk would have been
­crisis.18 Those contributions included the revealing. But an economist who had been
possibility of a ­fire-sale crash in asset prices, lucky enough, or insightful enough, to obtain
driven by the posting of dodgy assets as col- such data and perceive its implications would
lateral; other sources of ­tail risk; a housing have had another hurdle to cross. Even if she
bubble; the erosion of standards for mort- had uncovered, for instance, AIG’s $533 bil-
gage loans; the conflict of interest by ratings lion of commitments to insure securities such
agencies paid by the issuers of the securities as CDs,21 she would have still needed to turn
that they rated; and interaction between the it into the basis for a publishable paper. Those
macroeconomy and the financial system.19 $533  billion indicated tail risk of sufficient
All the elements were there. But only Rajan size to threaten a gigantic crash of the finan-
(2005) came close to crossing all the neces- cial system; but it was only a single number. It
sary subfield boundaries necessary to predict was not the statistical evidence that typically
the crisis as it historically occurred. underlies empirical papers in economics.
There were incentives to present the This example of hard standards resulting in
key pieces of the puzzle, but none to put a sin of omission is still of importance today,
them together. Following Caballero (2010), some ten years after the crash. Reinhart and
regarding theory, a model with all the pieces Rogoff (2009) have told us that “This Time Is
could not have been published; it would have Different”—meaning that it isn’t.22 Now, in
been considered too far from precise, sim- 2018, for the sake of prevention, policy mak-
ple ideas (such as those that motivate simple ers continue to need predictions of when,
new Keynesian or dynamic stochastic gen- where, and how the next crash can happen—
eral equilibrium (DSGE) models); and, in as much as they had needed such analysis
this way, too soft to merit publication.20 back in the early 2000s. The hard standards
for what is publishable meant that there was
no incentive to make such a prediction then.
18 See, for example, the report of the Financial Crisis
That remains true now.
Inquiry Commission (2011) regarding those various causes.
19 Reviews p­ ostcrash along with the ­precrash articles
themselves indicate that every significant aspect of the Motivations.—In traditional economic
crash had been the subject of work by economists: for theory, motivations come from ­ a  priori
example, on fi ­re-sale crashes, see Shleifer and Vishny
(2011) and Kiyotaki and Moore (1997); on m ­ is-accounting assumptions regarding what people plau-
of current profits that would encourage tail risk (for exam- sibly maximize. But there is a much less
ple, see Healy and Palepu 2003 and Partnoy 2003); on
the housing market (for example, see Gramlich 2007 and
Shiller 2012); on conflicts of interest regarding payments mechanisms with assumptions designed to kill unwanted
to ratings agencies (for example, see White 2010 and Jiang, effects that would pollute the message” (p. 91). He says
Stanford, and Xie 2012); and on the interaction between that theoretical models were allowed to make one devia-
the macroeconomy and the financial system (see, for exam- tion from either a standard Keynesian model or a DSGE
ple, Bernanke and Gertler 1995). model at a time; but the several deviations needed to pre-
20 Caballero (2010) thus explains why macroeconomists dict the crisis were outside the range of the publishable.
did not predict the crisis. He divides macro models into 21 Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (2011, p. 141).
what he calls “core” and “periphery.” The core, he says, is 22 Two other incidents prior to 2008 demonstrate the
a DSGE or a standard Keynesian model. There was also a vulnerability of the modern economy to financial crash
considerable peripheral literature, which explored devia- (even prior to the m ­ ortgage-backed securities bubble of
tions from this core, but only one such deviation at a time. the early 2000s). See Edwards (1999) and Lowenstein
Caballero gives the methodological reason for such a mod- (2000) on the threat of bankruptcy of Long-Term Capital
eling strategy: “The periphery is about isolating specific Management and Leland and Rubinstein (1988) on portfo-
mechanisms. [Therefore] it surrounds the sources of these lio insurance and the crash of 1987.
Akerlof: Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics 413

r­estrictive, and more general, characteriza- Example 1. The Soviet Union.25—The

tion of the range of possible motivations:23 analysis of the economics of the Soviet
that people are motivated through the sto- Union has demonstrated the failures of its
ries they are telling themselves at the time system of centralized planning.26 But this
they make their decisions. In turn, insofar as analysis has ignored another, perhaps equally
human thinking can be described as occur- negative aspect of the Soviet economy. The
ring through stories, that means that people Bolsheviks promoted the story that planned,
are motivated through the stories they are forced industrialization would rapidly create
telling themselves.24 The core of sociology an economic paradise, so that even the small-
and cultural anthropology is ethnography, est interference with the plan would warrant
whose goal is to uncover and interpret the the most severe punishment.27
stories that people are telling themselves. This story legitimated much cruelty.
But the ­case-study, interpretive methodol- According to the first Five-Year Plan, indus-
ogy of ethnography is considered soft. try would feed tractors to agriculture to
The preceding logic suggests that, gener- make grain and agriculture would feed grain
ally, the biases against the soft and the new to industry to make tractors. But according
cause behavioral explanations to be down- to the story, when the deliveries of grain in
played in economics. The logic further sug- the Ukraine fell short of plan targets, the
gests that our class of behavioral models is fault could not be with the plan. Instead,
still limited and have yet to sufficiently incor- the shortfalls must be due to saboteurs, who
porate ideas from sociology and a­ nthropology were quickly identified as kulak farmers
that emphasize the importance of stories. and duly deported—some to Siberia. Those
Case studies help us see what consti- deportations, in turn, reduced grain deliver-
tute good assumptions for our models, as ies yet further, especially since these richer
they also help make the case for behavioral peasants had been contributing more than
over classical models. Economists’ current their share to the plan’s targets. As a final
Friedman-type approach, which eschews
­ step, the peasants of the Ukraine were then
testing models based on assumptions, keeps forced onto collective farms, where they
us away from case studies. A good hunting would use the tractors presumptively being
ground for sins of omission will concern the produced by industry. This move aggravated
stories people tell themselves, but that are the disaster yet further, since taking a horse
outside the range of what economists would (or a cow) onto a collective farm would have
­a priori surmise underlie “utility.” Four exam- been a huge liability; it would have identi-
ples will follow: each of them illustrating the fied its owner as a “kulak.” When the trac-
unappreciated role of stories in economics. tors either did not show up, or broke down
if they did, grain output fell yet further. The
Ukrainian famine, the holodomor, followed.
At every step in this tragedy, “the story”
played a major role, as it legitimated the
23 This generality goes considerably beyond the consid- forced measures used to carry out the dys-
erations in current behavioral economics.
24  See Akerlof (2017) and Collier (2016) for the role
functional plan.
of stories in economics. Likewise, Morson and Schapiro’s
(2017) Cents and Sensibility also emphasizes stories as a
missing factor in economists’ representations of motiva- 25 This example is based on Akerlof and Snower (2016).
tions. McCloskey has also stressed the role of narrative; 26 See, for example, Ericson (1991) for such analysis.
for a summary of her recent views on “what is wrong with 27 Also see Garai (2017) for such an interpretation of the
economics,” see McCloskey (2014). role of identity under Soviet Communism.
414 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LVIII (June 2020)

Example 2. Smoking and Health.—There the restrictions against soft theory and soft
is a fine literature on the economics of smok- evidence, this story would be a star of the
ing. For example, it estimates the effects of show.
tobacco taxes on the demand for cigarettes.28
But, regarding smoking and health, another Example 3. Global Warming.—The role of
type of public policy—largely ignored by stories falls outside the range of the standard
economists—has also been remarkably suc- economics of global warming. Yet, beyond
cessful. In the early 1960s, the US Surgeon the physical problem of climate change itself,
General, Luther Terry, convened an advi- there is a second inconvenient truth. Among
sory committee to spell out what was known the US public, there are not only those who
about the question. The resulting report, view global warming as outright hoax;34 many
Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory more also fail to perceive its urgency.35 The
Committee of the Surgeon General of the stories that justify continued inaction, year
Public Health Service,29 changed the legiti- after year, are as important as the physical
macy of views regarding smoking. With this reality of global warming itself.36 The impact
document, the US government officially cre- of those stories, how they are formed, and
ated the story: “smoking is stupid.”30 It thereby how they might be altered, are as important
refuted the contentions of the tobacco indus- as issues such as cap and trade arrangements
try that the relation between smoking and and carbon taxes that are now central to the
health was undecided. ­Anti-tobacco activists economics of climate change.
then used this story down the road in cru-
cial actions that resulted in the prohibition of Example 4. Macroeconomics.—The role
tobacco ads on radio and TV and later, that of stories in economics has been stressed by
justified regulations against indoor smoking Shiller (2005) for some time; his American
in public places. (This ban on indoor smok- Economic Association presidential address
ing has been remarkably effective; with each on “Narrative Economics” (Shiller 2017)
puff, the outdoor smokers’ expressions prop- provides many further examples. Among
agate to all ­passers-by the original message them,37 Shiller says that the n
­ ear-constancy of
that “smoking is stupid.”31) From the time
of the Surgeon General’s Report to the pres- reluctant to vote for t­obacco-tax increases in states with
ent day, the fraction of adult smokers in the greater ­anti-smoking sentiment. This work goes a signif-
United States has declined from 42 percent icant way to bringing the “­smoking-is-stupid” story into
smokonomics. But “­anti-smoking sentiment” need not just
to 15.5.32 The role of the story has only a be an independent variable, as in DeCicca et al. To explore
­walk-on part in smokonomics;33 but, absent the full role of “­anti-smoking sentiment,” it must also be a
dependent variable. That also adds an omitted policy vari-
able to ­anti-smoking policy.
28 See references, for example, in DeCicca, Kenkel, and 34 See, for example, Inhofe (2012).
Mathios (2002). 35 In a March 2017 Gallup environmental poll 45 per-
29 US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare cent of Americans said they “worried a great deal” about
(1964). global warming.­
30 See Akerlof and Shiller (2015, chapter 8), for this global-warming-concern-three-decade-high.aspx. But,
interpretation, including what follows. when ranked with other issues they “worry about a great
31 Brandt (2007, p. 267 and p. 288). deal” it usually places at, or near, the bottom. In a March
32 For 42 percent smokers in 1964, see US Department 2015 poll they ranked it fifteenth out of 15 issues. The pre-
of Health, Education, and Welfare (1979, table 2, p. ­A-10). vious year it had been fourteenth.
For 15.5 percent current smokers in 1917, see US Centers poll/182018/­worries-terrorism-race-relations-sharply.aspx.
for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). 36 We further add, parenthetically, that the public’s
33 DeCicca, Kenkel, and Mathios (2002) and DeCicca antipathy to carbon taxes is another odd story that inhibits
et al. (2008) show that estimates of the elasticity of demand ­climate-change policy.
for smoking will be overestimated if legislators are less 37 Shiller (2017, p. 989).
Akerlof: Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics 415

the ratio between the money supply (M) and and consumption of goods and services.”38
nominal income (Y) in the Great Depression But, Webster’s dictionary also has a second
may not indicate that M causes Y, as claimed definition. Economics is “economic theory,
by Friedman and Schwartz (1963). Instead, principles, or practices.” That corresponds to
Shiller argues, it is likely that the sto- what is taught in graduate PhD programs in
ries people were telling themselves as the economics. According to Craighead (2010),
Depression unfolded and income declined “Economics Ph.D. programs are trying to
would have decreased peoples’ willingness train students to become productive research-
to hold money. Thus, he attributes the con- ers, not to teach them about the economy”
clusions of Friedman and Schwartz (1963) [italics and underlining in the original]. That
regarding the causality of M to the omission is, PhD students are taught the hard meth-
of a variable: the stories people were telling ods of economic research: mathematical
themselves. modeling and statistical analysis.
A brief review of the examples of the pre-
vious section shows that none of them would
8.  Comment on Examples of Sins of
qualify as “sins of omission,” according to
Omission and Why They Have Not Been
the second, methodological definition of
the field: since each of the examples entails
The examples of the previous section methods, or use of evidence, that is outside
allow us also to see a reason why many sins common practice taught in graduate schools.
of omission in economics have remained We saw (following Caballero) that theoreti-
unchallenged. cal analysis of the crash would have entailed
Kuhn’s Scientific Revolutions (2012) going beyond the current methodology for
describes scientific progress as occurring economic theory; and its empirical predic-
as “normal science” uncovers “anomalies” tion would have entailed examination of tail
with existing, generally accepted para- risk, for which the evidence was unlikely to
digms. “Scientific revolutions” that explain be in statistical form. Furthermore, none
­accumulations of such contradictions then of the four examples of the role of “stories”
lead the way forward to new, better para- would have been classified as sins of omission
digms. But Kuhn’s optimistic view of “scien- with the methodological definition, since
tific progress” fails to perceive a possibility those stories, likewise, would be difficult to
that is particularly relevant to economics. observe with statistical methods. However,
Suppose the paradigm not only describes the with the first—­subject-matter—definition of
subject matter of the field; suppose it also the field, each of the examples would be a
describes the field’s appropriate methodol- respective sin of omission. Financial crashes
ogy. In this case, observations that contra- are clearly within the purview of the subject
dict the existing paradigm will be dismissed matter of economics; and, with each of the
if they violate the prescribed methodology. four “stories,” their omission significantly
The hardness police will rule them out as affects a respective economic problem of
inadmissible evidence. some importance.
We can restate the previous proposition
in another way. Webster’s dictionary gives
two definitions of “economics.” First, it is
described by its subject matter as “a social
science concerned chiefly with description 38 https://www.­m
and analysis of the production, distribution, economics.
416 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LVIII (June 2020)

9.  Summary and Conclusion in the United States was famously influ-
enced by the Flexner Report of 1910 (Starr
Before describing the implications of 2008), there is a need for a similar report
our analysis, it is important to emphasize today on publication and promotion in
what has—and what has not been—said. economics.
The theoretical and empirical accomplish- Such a report could be divided into two
ments of modern economics, obtained with separate parts. The first part would analyze
hard standards for the conduct of research, the norms regarding the role of journal edi-
should be rightly celebrated. But such stan- tors and referees. As mentioned earlier, times
dards should not be uniformly applied to between submission and acceptance are
all economic problems. Especially, they extremely long (Ellison 2002a, b), as authors
should not be applied to those problems and their ideas are strung out with often
for which those standards are too restric- repeated requests for r­ evise-and-resubmits
tive: for lack of evidence or because moti- according to the tastes of the editors and
vation significantly differs from standard referees.
economic assumptions. Different terrains Returning ownership of papers to the
call for different vehicles. A sailboat is use- authors would not only show greater
less in crossing a (riverless) desert; a camel respect to them. It would also accord with
is useless in crossing a sea. the stated purpose of two of the ­top-five
The norms regarding how economics journals: as the AER and REStud both have
should be done should call for flexibility the word Review in their name. As I under-
of methodology—instead of insistence stand it, a “review” is a journal that takes
on methodological purity that might be submissions, and decides which to accept/
perfect for some Important problems, which to reject. That means that the editors
but leaves other problems and other and the referees should be viewing them-
approaches outside the domain of eco- selves as helpmates, rather than dictators
nomic research. holding authors at ransom before accept-
Historically, those paradigms—norms ing their submissions. 
A second part of the
for how economic research should be report would describe appropriate norms
done, and also for what constitutes “eco- regarding criteria and methods of promo-
nomic research”—have developed out of tion. Special topics for examination would
an evolutionary process. Neither the opti- include the appropriate, and inappropriate,
mality of the resultant conclusions of the criteria based on publication metrics (such
field nor of the resultant institutions for as the number in the top five), and, interna-
economic research can be taken for grant- tionally, ­overdependence on publication in
ed.39 At the journals, the norms for what US journals and even on US data.
should or should not be published, and the Recommended reform could reduce the
selection of the editors and the referees, sins of omission due to inappropriate empha-
and their conduct, should be the subject sis on hardness. Furthermore, while not solv-
of examination. Likewise, at the universi- ing the problem of the competitive ­rat race
ties, the processes of promotion and ­tenure for new entrants into the field, it would pro-
should also be examined. Just as medicine vide them some relief by encouraging them
to bring out the best in themselves. And for
39 The nonoptimality from evolution follows from Brock
all economists, it would allow us to express
and Durlauf (1999) and also from Akerlof and Michaillat what we want to say as best we can: from the
(2017). heart.
Akerlof: Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics 417

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