Variable and Values 1: Homework 10 Variables and Values Elizabeth Wayman SOWK 300 Tuskegee University 1/13/2010

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Variable and Values 1

Running Head: Variable and Values

Homework 10

Variables and Values

Elizabeth Wayman

SOWK 300

Tuskegee University

Variable and Values 2

Variable Value Variable Label

1. RACE What race do you consider 1 White
yourself? 2 Black
3 Other
2. FAMDIF16 If not living with both own 1 Parent Died
mother and father: What 2 Divorce, Separated
happened? 3 Armed Forces
4 Institution
5 Other
7 DK
8 NA
3. OWNDOING Please indicate which of the 1 I have little influence over things that happen to
following statements comes 2 me
closer to describing you by 0 What happens to me is largely my doing
circling the appropriate letter: 8 NAP
9 Don’t Know

4. DRINKYR Thinking back over the last 1 Never in those 12 months

12 months, about how 2 1 to 3 times in those 12 months
regularly 3 4 to 7 times in those 12 months
did you drink alcoholic 4 8 to 11 times in those months
beverages? 5 1 to 3 times months
6 Once or twice a week
7 3 to 4 times a week
8 5 times a week or more
99 No Answer

5. FORBDMAR Do you think the law should 1 Forbid Marriage

forbid marriage between 2 Not Forbid Marriage
blacks and whites? 0 NAP
8 DK
9 NA
6. CIDEKNEW Within the past 12 months, 0
how many people have you 1
known 2
personally that were victims 3
of homicide. 4
7 Seven or more
-1 NAP
9 NA
Variable and Values 3

7. MOREGOOD Indicate your agreement with 1 Strongly Agree

each of the following 2 Agree
statements by selecting the 3 Disagree
number that comes closest to 4 Strongly Agree
your answer: i. Overall, I 0 NAP
expect more good things to 8 Don’t Know
happen to me than bad. 9 No Answer

8. SUIKNEW Within the past 12 months, 0

how many people have you 1
known personally that have 2
committed suicide? 3
7 Seven or more
-1 NAP
9 NA
9. AIDSSCH Do you support or oppose the 1 Support
following measures to deal 2 Oppose
with AIDS? a. Prohibit 0 NAP
students with the AIDS virus 8 Opinion
from attending public school 9 NA

10. PIKUPSEX If you had other partners, 1 Had sex with pick up
please indicate all categories 2 Not Selected
that apply to them. c. Casual 0 Nap
date or pickup 8 DK
9 NA

11. SEXSEX Have your sex partners in the 1 Exclusively Male

last 12 months been... 2 Both Male and Female
3 Exclusively Female
8 DK
9 NA
12. SEXFREQ2 About how many times did 1
you engage in intercourse 2
during the month? 3
Variable and Values 4

-1 NAP
98 Don’t Know
99 NA
13. NATRACEZ We are faced with many 1 Too Little
problems in this country, 2 About Right
none of which can be solved 3 Too Much
easily or inexpensively. I'm 0 NAP
going to name some of these 8 DK
problems, and for each one 9 NA
I'd like you to tell me whether
you think we're spending too
much money on it, too little
money, or about the right
amount. h. Improving the
conditions of Blacks.

14. DENOM If Protestant: What specific 10 Am Baptist Asso

denomination is that, if any? 11 Am Bapt Ch in USA
12 Nat Bapt Conv of Am
13 Nat Bapt Conv Usa
14 Southern Baptist
15 Other Baptists
18 Baptist-Dk Which
20 Afr Meth Episcopal
21 Afr Meth Ep Zion
22 United Methodist
23 Other Methodist
28 Methodist-Dk Which
30 Am Lutheran
31 Luth Ch In America
32 Lutheran-Mo Synod
Variable and Values 5

33 Wi Evan Luth Synod

34 Other Lutheran
35 Evangelical Luth
38 Lutheran-Dk Which
40 Presbyterian C In US
41 United Pres Ch In US
42 Other Presbyterian
43 Presbyterian, Merged
48 Presbyterian-Dk Wh
50 Episcopal
60 Other-Specify
70 No Denomination
98 DK
99 NA

15. RACMAR Do you think there should be 1 Yes

laws against marriages 2 No
between 0 NAP
(Negroes/Blacks/African- 8 DK
Americans) and whites? 9 NA

16. CONARMY I am going to name some 1 A Great Deal

institutions in this country. 2 Only Some
As far as the people running 3 Hardly Any
these institutions are 0 NAP
concerned, would you say 8 DK
you have a great deal of 9 NA
confidence, only some
confidence,or hardly any
confidence at all in them? m.

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