E B M D D C C: Nergy Ased Ethodology For Uctile Esign of Oncrete Olumns by A. Dutta and J. B. Mander, Member, ASCE

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By A. Dutta1 and J. B. Mander,2 Member, ASCE

ABSTRACT: Potential plastic hinge zones in confined concrete columns require that sufficient transverse rein-
forcement be provided to avert undesirable failure modes and to ensure dependable inelastic (ductile) behavior
in earthquakes. Conventional code-based approaches for detailing confining reinforcement are founded on the
premise of preserving axial load before and after spalling of the cover concrete. Such formulations account for
neither the cyclic actions nor the duration effects of ground motions. This paper derives the amount of transverse
reinforcement necessary so that hoop fracture and fatigue fracture of the longitudinal bars coincide for critical
earthquake motions. An energy-based approach coupled with notions of low cycle fatigue are used for this

INTRODUCTION • Bond failure of the lap-splice zone at the end of the

The seismic design philosophy currently followed in the • Anchorage-bond failure within the connection
United States and many other earthquake-prone countries re- • Joint shear failure adjacent to the column
lies on controlling damage through energy dissipation. Ductil- 3. Premature concrete failure due to lack of confinement
ity based design assumes earthquake loads to be significantly 4. Failure of the confined core concrete due to buckling of
greater than the available strength capacity of the given struc- the longitudinal reinforcing bars
tural system and its critical elements. Thus, it is not surprising 5. Fracture of the transverse hoop reinforcement (leading to
that inelastic behavior and damage was observed in structural failure modes 1–3)
components resisting lateral loads in recent catastrophic seis- 6. Failure due to low cycle fatigue of the longitudinal re-
mic events such as Mexico City 1985, Loma Prieta 1989, inforcement
Northridge 1994, and the Great Hanshin (Kobe) 1995 earth-
Each of the above mentioned failure modes can be averted, or
Conventional seismic design uses loads from deamplified
at least delayed, with proper reinforcement detailing: by pro-
elastic spectra along with special ductile detailing. Although,
viding sufficient anchorage to the longitudinal reinforcement
in reinforced concrete frame design, plastic hinges are nor-
and sufficient transverse reinforcement. However, in the limit,
mally expected to form in the beams (the so called ‘‘strong
it is the final two failure modes (5 and 6, as listed above) that
column-weak beam’’ philosophy), column plastic hinges at the
govern the design. Fatigue failure of the longitudinal reinforce-
base are required to complete the plastic deformation mecha-
ment cannot be avoided; thus, sufficient transverse steel should
nism. For bridge structures, it is neither feasible nor desirable
be provided to ensure transverse hoop fracture does not occur.
to locate the plastic hinges in the superstructure. Thus, unless
The subject of this paper is to derive the amount of transverse
seismic isolation or some form of passive energy dissipator is
reinforcement necessary so that the hoop fracture and low cy-
employed, plastic hinging in the columns tends to be the pri-
cle fatigue of the longitudinal bars (failure modes 5 and 6)
mary source of energy dissipation. Therefore, proper care
coincide for critical earthquake motions. For this purpose, an
should be taken in detailing potential plastic hinge zones. The
energy-based approach coupled with notions of low cycle fa-
potential plastic hinge zones of confined concrete columns re-
tigue is used. Hence, expressions for both seismic analysis and
quire that sufficient transverse reinforcement be provided to
design are proposed. A critical comparison is then made with
avert undesirable failure modes and to ensure dependable in-
present codes of practice. Full details of the hoop fracture-
elastic (ductile) behavior in earthquakes. Conventional code-
longitudinal bar fatigue modes of failure, presented herein, to-
based approaches for detailing confining reinforcement are
gether with other companion failure modes such as longitu-
founded on the premise of preserving axial load before and
dinal bar buckling and shear failure may be found elsewhere
after spalling of the cover concrete (Park and Paulay 1975).
(Dutta and Mander 1998).
Such formulations account for neither the cyclic actions nor
the duration effects of ground motions.
Based on numerous experimental studies, it can be observed Fatigue Life Leading to Hoop Fracture
that failure in a reinforced concrete beam-column can arise in The object of this section is to derive from first principles
the form of the following modes: a fatigue-life relationship and to validate this with results from
experiments. In an analogous form to the well-known Manson-
1. Shear or flexure-shear failure of the column outside po- Coffin (1953) fatigue-life equation, an expression can be writ-
tential plastic hinge zone ten that relates the plastic curvature (␾p or ␾pD in dimension-
2. Failure of the connections by one of the following: less form, where D is the overall member depth) with the
number of cycles (Nc) of loading to failure:
Lead Engr., EQE Int., 28 Second St., 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA
94105. E-mail: ad@eqe.com ␾p D = ⌰⬘hoop(2Nc)c (1)
Res. Prof., Dept. of Civ., Struct. and Envir. Engrg., State Univ. of
New York at Buffalo, 230 Ketter Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260. where ⌰⬘hoop = fatigue-rotation coefficient; and c = fatigue ex-
Note. Associate Editor: Joseph Bracci. Discussion open until May 1, ponent. Note that 2Nc = number of reversals to failure. When
2002. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must be plotted in a log-log plot, (1) takes the form shown in Fig. 1.
filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on October 14, 1999;
In the same figure, analogous expressions for low cycle fatigue
revised May 29, 2001. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural and longitudinal bar buckling are also plotted. The figure
Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 12, December, 2001. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0733- shows that the composite surface for a reinforced concrete col-
9445/01/0012-1374–1381/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 22061. umn dominated by flexure is typically bounded by three failure
It is presumed that the additional ductility available from
confined concrete sections can be attributed to the strain en-
ergy stored in the transverse reinforcement. Hence, by equat-
ing the internal energy absorption capacity (IWD) of the sec-
tion to the external work done on the section (EWD) by the
imposed cyclic loads, it is possible to write the well-known
plastic work expression
IWD = EWD (2)
Each side of this equation will be expanded upon in what
Internal work done on the critical section—that is, the sec-
tion’s capacity to sustain plastic damage—is defined as the
sum of the energy absorption capacity of the constituent ma-
terials, steel (Ush) and concrete (Uco); thus

FIG. 1. Fatigue Plots for Confined Concrete Columns IWD = Ush ⫹ Uco (3)
where Ush = energy absorption capacity of the transverse steel
boundaries. A good design should aim at lifting the boundaries until fracture, given by

of bar-buckling and hoop fracture above the one for low cycle εsf
fatigue. If that is the case, then failure will always be governed
Ush = ␳s Acc fs dε = ␳s AccUsf (4)
by bar fatigue. This can easily be achieved by tightening the 0
spacing of the transverse steel and/or providing more lateral
steel. Typical design curves that follow this principle are plot- where ␳s = volumetric ratio of the transverse reinforcement;
ted in Fig. 2. In that figure, curves for circular and rectangular Acc = area of the core concrete; and Usf = area under the stress
sections are plotted along adjacent vertical columns. The first strain curve of the transverse reinforcement until fracture strain
plot along each column shows the design curves for 1% lon- (εsf) and is equal to the integral in the above equation. Ac-
gitudinal reinforcement ratio. The next plot shows a simplified cording to Mander et al. (1988a), this may be taken as Usf =
version of the above curves contrasted with currently used 100 MJ/m3 for normal grade (typically Grade 40 and Grade
design expressions. This is discussed in detail later in the pa- 60) reinforcing bars.
per. The energy required to fail an equivalent unconfined con-
For the purpose of developing the fatigue based design crete column is given by

curves, an energy approach will be adopted herein. This ap- εcu
proach is based on an extension of the energy balance theory
Uco = Ag fc dε = 0.008f ⬘A
c g (5)
proposed by Mander et al. (1988a). In that theory, the predic- 0
tion of first hoop fracture was derived for concentrically
loaded confined concrete columns and validated against near in which Ag = gross area of the concrete section and the in-
full-size high speed concentric axial compression experiments tegral denoting the area under the stress-strain curve of un-
(Mander et al. 1988b). The fatigue theory developed herein is confined concrete is assumed to be equal to 0.008f ⬘c for typical
for sections that are loaded under combined axial load and concrete, where f ⬘c = unconfined compression strength of con-
cyclic flexure. crete.

FIG. 2. Typical Fatigue Based Design Curves for Circular and Rectangular Concrete Columns


Assuming that, at large curvatures, the cover concrete either
spalls and/or becomes ineffective, and normalizing the internal
energy absorption capacity by f ⬘A
uex = 冋冉0.5 ⫹
D⬙ 冊 ␳t fy
f ⬘c
⫹ 0.8
f ⬘A
c g
册 c⬙ D⬙ ␾p D
D⬙ D 4
(2Nc) (10)
c g, one obtains
where ␳t = Ast /Ag = ratio of the total longitudinal steel to the
uin =
f ⬘A
c g
= 冉
0.008 ⫹ ␳s
f ⬘c 冊 Acc
gross area of the concrete section.
For circular sections, when c⬙ < 0.5D⬙, the concrete com-
pression force ratio can be conveniently expressed in the fol-
External work done results from the force actions of the lowing form:

冉 冊
neighboring concrete and longitudinal reinforcement trying to 1.38
bulge out at the critical section. This may be expressed as Ccc c⬙ Acc
= 1.32␣c ␤c K (11)
f ⬘A
c g D⬙ Ag
EWD = Us ⫹ Ucc (7)
in which ␣c = stress block factor denoting the ‘‘average’’ stress
where Us = work done by the compression steel; and Ucc = across the stress block; and K = confined strength ratio, both
work done by the concrete in compression. defined later. Verification of (11) is given in Dutta and Mander
Consider the circular column section in Fig. 3. It is assumed (1998).
that the available strain energy is consumed during cyclic load- It is possible to provide a fatigue-life equation in the form
ing by the concrete and the steel doing plastic work in cyclic of (1) by substituting (11) into (10) and equating with (6); thus
compression. The plastic work done by the steel and the con- ⫺1
crete is obtained by multiplying the forces in the compression ␾p D = ⌰circ
hoop(2Nc) (12)
steel and concrete by the appropriate plastic strain. Further, where the fatigue-rotation coefficient (⌰ circ
) is given by
assuming that, in a circular section, one quarter of the total
steel is lumped at both ends of the pitch circle diameter and 0.008 ⫹ ␳sUsf /f ⬘c

冋冉 冊 冉冊 册
the rest is distributed in a thin rectangular strip of depth (D⬙ ⌰circ
hoop = 1.38 (13)
c⬙ c⬙ ␳t fy D c⬙ D⬙
⫺ d ⬙), the external work done can be expressed in terms of 0.5 ⫹ ⫹ ␣cK
4D⬙ D⬙ f ⬘c D⬙ D⬙ D
the sum of the plastic work done on each load reversal as

冋 册
The neutral axis depth ratio (c⬙/D⬙) can be obtained from
Us c⬙ c⬙ D⬙ force equilibrium across the section. For a circular section, it
= 0.25 ⫹ 0.5 Ast fy (␾p D) (8)

冉 冊
2Nc D⬙ 2D⬙ D can be shown that

冉 冊
and 0.725
1 ⫺ 2c⬙/D⬙

冋 册
Pe fy
⫹ 0.5␳t
Ucc 1 ⫺ ␩c c⬙ D⬙ f ⬘A f ⬘c 1 ⫺ 2d ⬙/D⬙
= ␩c ⫹ Ccc (1 ⫺ 0.6␤c ) (␾p D) (9) c⬙ c g

2Nc Nc D⬙ D = (14)
D⬙ Acc
in which Ast = total longitudinal steel area; fy = yield strength Ag
of the longitudinal steel; Ccc = core concrete compression
force; ␤c = stress block depth factor; and ␩c = efficiency factor where the stress block factor is found to be related to the
to account for the reduced area of the concrete stress-strain volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement by the relation
curve after the first reversal. Note that in (9) the concrete com-
pression force (Ccc) is assumed to act at a distance 0.6␤cc⬙
from the outermost edge of the confined concrete core.
␣c = 0.667 冉 1 ⫹ ␳s
f ⬘c
冊 (15)

To simplify and reduce some nonlinearity in (9), it is as- in which fyh = yield strength of the lateral reinforcement; and
sumed that ␩c = 0.33 and Nc = 4. This is based on a statistical ␳s = volumetric ratio of transverse steel with respect to the
observation of specimens that have failed due to fracture of core. This equation is based on a reanalysis of confined stress
transverse hoops. An average value of Nc = 4 was observed block parameters undertaken previously by Mander et al.
for the tests in the ensemble. Thus, the term in square brackets (1984).
in (9) equals 0.5. Also, ␤c ⬇ 1.0 is assumed for most practical The confined strength ratio K, is defined by the well-known
purposes. expression derived by Mander et al. (1988a):

Combining (8) and (9) and dividing throughout by f ⬘A c g
gives the normalized work done (uex) on the section over Nc f ⬘cc f ⬘l f ⬘l
K= = ⫺1.254 ⫹ 2.254 1 ⫹ 7.94 ⫺2 (16)
cycles of loading at a plastic curvature amplitude of (␾p): f⬘ f ⬘c f ⬘c

FIG. 3. Illustrative Cross Section of Circular Column


where f ⬘l = effective confining stress provided by the transverse test results, Mander and Cheng (1995) have shown that the
reinforcement at yield. equation can be rewritten in terms of total displacements (or
The fatigue-rotation coefficient (⌰circ
hoop) given by (13) is for ductilities) as
circular column sections with longitudinal steel evenly distrib-
uted around the perimeter. Again using energy concepts, a sim- Nc = C␮2⌬ (22)
ilar fatigue-rotation coefficient can be derived for rectangular where ␮⌬ = reference displacement ductility factor for constant
sections (⌰rect
hoop) and can be shown to be amplitude loading; and C = a constant.
0.008 ⫹ ␳sUsf /f ⬘c Thus, to determine the effective number of constant ampli-

冋冉 冊 册
hoop = tude cycles for a variable amplitude displacement history,
c⬙ c⬙ ␳t fy D⬙ Ag c⬙ D⬙ Miner’s rule can be utilized as follows [see Mander et al.
1 ⫺ ␥ ⫹ 2␥ ⫹ ␣cK
4D⬙ D⬙ f ⬘c D Acc D⬙ D (1995) for proof ]:

冘冉 冊
(17) 2
Neff = (23)
where ␥ = reinforcing steel configuration factor, which denotes i ␮⌬
the proportion of total reinforcing steel area that exists in each
of the two sides of the member. Specific cases are as follows: where ␮i = displacement ductility factor for the ith cycle of
1. Square columns with reinforcing steel placed symmetri- Fig. 4 plots the foregoing fatigue-life theory as compared
cally around the perimeter ␥ = 0.5 with column cyclic loading test results, where hoop fracture
2. Beam sections with distinct top and bottom reinforce- was the reported failure mode by the experimental researcher.
ment ␥ = 0.0
3. Rectangular wall or column sections with two layers of FATIGUE LIFE OF LONGITUDINAL REINFORCING
steel running parallel to the long sides; for strong axis BARS
bending ␥ = 1.0 and weak axis bending ␥ = 0.0 This section develops a fatigue-life expression for the failure
of longitudinal reinforcement at a column section. In a recent
The neutral axis depth ratio for rectangular sections can be study on the fatigue behavior of reinforcing steel, Mander et
obtained from force equilibrium as al. (1994) showed that the plastic strain amplitude (εap) can be

f ⬘A
c g
⫹ 冉 ␥␳t fy / f ⬘c
1 ⫺ 2d ⬙/D⬙
冊 given in terms of the fatigue life (Nf cycles to failure) by the

冉 冊
= (18) εap = 0.08(2Nf)⫺0.5 (24)
D⬙ Acc 1 ⫺ 2␥␳t fy / f ⬘c
␣cK ⫹ The data also show that in terms of the total strain amplitude,
Ag 1 ⫺ 2d ⬙/D⬙
a simple Koh and Stephens (1991) type relation may be used:
and the corresponding stress block parameter given by
εa = 0.08(2Nf)⫺0.333

冉 冊
␣c = 0.625 1 ⫹ ␳s (19) where 2Nf = number of reversals to the appearance of first
f ⬘c
fatigue crack; εa = total strain; and εap = plastic strain at the
level of reinforcing bar.
Validation of Fatigue-Life Theory It is possible to transform the low cycle fatigue behavior of
It is customary to plot the fatigue-life equations that have a individual reinforcing bars into familiar fatigue-life expres-
similar form to (12) on a log-log graph. This theoretical equa- sions for concrete columns. Consider the strain diagram shown
tion can now be compared with actual experimental results. in Fig. 3. Through geometry, an equation can be derived which
For reinforced concrete members, however, it is necessary to relates the total plastic strain range (εap) with the dimensionless
transform experimental plastic displacements of entire mem- plastic curvature of the section (␾p D):
bers into plastic curvatures at the critical section utilizing the D⬘
moment-area theorems. This can be done as follows for can- εap = ␾p (26)
tilever members:
where D⬘ = pitch circle diameter of the longitudinal bars in a
2(␮⌬ ⫺ 1)⌬y

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 册
␾pD = 2 (20) circular section or merely the distance between the outer layers
Lp 2L of steel in a rectangular section. Substituting (26) into (24)
⫺D and normalizing with respect to the overall member depth D,
D Lp /D
one can obtain a plastic curvature-fatigue expression in the
where ␮⌬ = maximum displacement ductility factor; ⌬y = yield customary fatigue-life form
displacement; L = lever arm of the cantilever column; and Lp
= equivalent plastic hinge length given by D⬘
␾p D = 0.16 (2Nf)⫺0.5 (27)
Lp = 0.08L ⫹ 4,400εy db (21)
The above relationship was extensively validated against test
where εy = yield strain; and db = diameter of the longitudinal results by Dutta (1995) and Mander and Cheng (1995).
reinforcement. This equation is a generalized form of the ex-
pression suggested by Paulay and Priestley (1992). EVALUATION OF SEISMIC DEMAND
When interpreting experimental test results that are com-
monly conducted at increasing displacement ductility ampli- Deterministic methods of analysis are necessary to assess
tudes (e.g., ⫾2, ⫾4, ⫾6 ⭈ ⭈ ⭈ ⫾␮⌬) it is necessary to determine the energy demand imposed on reinforced concrete structures
the equivalent number of cycles at the maximum ductility am- by earthquakes. This depends on the duration and magnitude
plitude. The Palmgren-Miner (1945) linear damage accumu- of the event. A hysteretic macro model calibrated against the
lation rule is appropriate for this purpose. If the fatigue ex- actual behavior of concrete columns via a fiber element micro
ponent of (2) is c = ⫺1 for plastic displacements, then from model analysis (Chang and Mander 1994) as well as experi-
FIG. 4. Comparison of Experimental Results and Theoretical Expression for Fatigue Life Corresponding to Transverse Hoop Fracture in Concrete

ments on near-full size and model structures was used to rep- The previous equation relating cyclic loading history to dis-
resent the single degree of freedom idealization of a structural placements can be restated as

冘冉 冊
system. By utilizing a well calibrated macro model that is rep- 2

resentative of overall behavior of a structural system, it is pos- xi

Nc = (30)
sible to obtain a reliable prediction of the seismic energy de- Xeff
mands on that system.
It is important to note that this formulation assumes a sym-
Analysis of Energy Demand metric (equal positive and negative amplitude) loading history.
Real earthquake time histories are not necessarily symmetric;
According to Uang and Bertero (1990), the total absolute thus, in order to obtain an effective displacement amplitude
energy at any instant of time is given by (Xeff), an approach suggested by Chang and Mander (1994) is
Ei = Ek ⫹ Es ⫹ E␰ ⫹ Eh (28)
proposed. For a general displacement response history, the
standard deviation of the inelastic response history can readily
where Ek = absolute kinetic energy; Es = strain energy; E␰ = be computed, from which the effective amplitude can be de-
absorbed viscous damping energy; and Eh = hysteretic energy fined as
absorbed by the structure, which can be found by numerically
integrating the nonlinear force-displacement history over the Xeff = 兹3xSTD ⫹ ⌬y (31)
duration of the event. The magnitude of this hysteretic energy where ⌬y = yield displacement; and xSTD = standard deviation
absorption for a given structure depends on its natural period of the plastic displacements. It was shown by Chang and Man-
of vibration (T) and the force (strength) reduction factor R␮ = der (1994) that the equivalent cyclic demand is largely inde-
Cd /Cc. pendent of the force reduction factor R␮. Fig. 5 shows the
A more convenient way to express hysteretic energy ab- cyclic loading spectra for several earthquake motions force
sorption demand is to determine the equivalent number of reduction factor of R␮ = 6. It is evident that the range of cycles
equi-amplitude displacement cycles. To overcome the fact that follows a trend between earthquakes that is quite consistent.
materials and elements may degrade in strength on cycling, in For design purposes, it is proposed that an envelope spectra
this study the average energy absorption per cycle over four be adopted as follows:
constant amplitude cycles was chosen to define the energy
absorbed by one cycle, Eloop. Thus, the effective number of Nc = 7T ⫺1/3 (32a)
cycles is defined as the ratio of the total energy absorbed in
the variable amplitude seismic response to the energy absorbed but
by one cycle at an effective displacement amplitude (Xeff); thus 4 ⱕ Nc ⱕ 20 (32b)
Eh where T = period of the structure. This equation defines the
Nc = (29)
Eloop seismic fatigue demand.
of concrete is seldom an issue. Therefore, a protracted design
for confinement should ideally be avoided. This necessitates
the development of simpler more easy-to-use explicit formu-
lation that can still capture the essence of the problem without
being unduly complex.
By simplifying the foregoing analysis and assuming the cy-
clic demand (Nc) is in the range of 10–20 cycles, the following
form of an explicit design equation is proposed:

冋冉 冊冉 冊 册
2 2
f ⬘c Pe fy Ag
␳s = 0.008 ⌸ ⫹ ␳t ⫺1 (36)
Usf f ⬘A
c g f ⬘c Acc
where for circular sections ⌸ = 12 and for rectangular sections
⌸ = 15.

State of the Art in Confinement Design

FIG. 5. Effective Number of Inelastic Cycles The importance of concrete confinement of achieving high
ductility has been understood by the code committees for a
By balancing this seismic fatigue demand against the afore- long period of time. Design equations that stipulate the pro-
mentioned fatigue capacity it is possible to define certain de- vision of lateral reinforcement in the form of spirals has been
sign limit states. This is discussed in the following. in the ACI code as


⫺1 冊 f ⬘c

The fatigue equations developed so far can be used for eval- where Ag = gross column area; Acc = area of core of spirally
uation purposes of a particular section with a known volu- reinforced concrete member measured to outside diameter of
metric ratio of transverse steel. Conversely, they can be used spiral; f c⬘ = unconfined compression strength of concrete; and
as design equations if the plastic curvature demand is known. fyh = specified yield strength of spiral reinforcement not greater
Following the principles of capacity design, the only unavoid- than 414 MPa (60 ksi). This equation is based on the notion
able failure mode in a reinforced concrete column is the failure of preserving the axial load compression capacity of a confined
due to low cycle fatigue of the longitudinal steel. If the ca- concrete column before and after spalling of the cover concrete
pacity of the section is set to the ultimate capacity obtainable (Park and Paulay 1975).
before longitudinal bar fracture occurs, the same fatigue equa- Special provisions for structures in seismically active areas
tions can be used to predict the volumetric ratio of transverse also require that the volumetric ratio of spiral or circular hoop
steel. In other words, this would ensure that the capacity of reinforcement ␳s shall not be less than
the section based on hoop fracture will be higher than that
based on bar fracture. In the most general form the volumetric f ⬘c
ratio of transverse steel can be expressed as ␳s ⱖ 0.12 (38)
0.008f ⬘c Subsequently, in the ATC 32 bridge design recommendations
␳s = [⌿兹Nc ⫺ 1] (33)
Usf for CALTRANS, (37) and (38) were modified to account for
axial load effects.
where ⌿ is a factor that depends on section, hoop type, and Researchers in New Zealand have long been dealing with
effectiveness. For circular sections, as an example, equations the problem of concrete confinement. Theoretical work on this
of the type shown above can be obtained by equating (12) to subject was commenced by Mander et al. (1984, 1988a,b),
(27) and thus and, in a follow up to that work, Zahn et al. (1986) proposed

⌿circ =
7D c⬙ D⬙
D⬙ ⫺ 2d ⬙ D⬙ D 冋冉 0.5 ⫹ 冊
␳t fy Ag
f ⬘c Acc
a design approach that was based on moment-curvature anal-
yses. Consequently, Watson et al. (1994) proposed design
equations for transverse reinforcement that suggested that duc-

冉冊册 tility can be improved by increasing the longitudinal reinforce-

⫹ ␣cK ment. This is contrary to earlier findings of Mander et al.
D⬙ (34) (1984, 1988a,b) and subsequent recommendations of ATC-32
Similarly, for rectangular sections (ATC 1996). Mander et al. (1984, 1988a,b) showed that ad-
ditional longitudinal reinforcement places additional internal
7D c⬙ D⬙ energy demands on the core concrete; this must be restrained
⌿rect =
D⬙ ⫺ 2d ⬙ D⬙ D by hoop steel with greater energy absorption capacity. How-

冋冉 冊 册
ever, simplified expresssions based on the Watson et al. (1994)
c⬙ ␳t fy Ag c⬙ and Zahn et al. (1986) approach have been adopted by the
⭈ 1 ⫺ ␥ ⫹ 2␥ ⫹ ␣cK
D⬙ f ⬘c Acc D⬙ (35) 1995 edition of the New Zealand concrete design code (NZS
In (34) and (35), the ratio c⬙/D⬙ is determined from (14) and
(18), respectively. Also, the number of cycles Nc in (33) can Comparison
be obtained from (32) to appropriately reflect the period and
hence the stiffness of the structure. A comparison of the confinement requirements previously
The procedure described above represents a thorough ana- proposed by AASHTO (1994), ACI (1995), NZS 3101 (1995),
lytical approach for developing design curves. However, it and ATC-32 (1996) with the energy based approach proposed
lacks appeal due to apparent complexity of the calculations herein is given in Fig. 2. Graphs are plotted for f ⬘c = 30 MPa,
involved. Also, with reference to typical bridge columns where fyh = fy = 414 MPa. The ratio of the gross to the core area of
the axial loads are generally low (Pe ⱕ 0.2f ⬘A
c g), confinement concrete is taken as 1.23. It is evident that, for low axial loads
and low longitudinal steel volumes, the contemporary methods Mander, J. B., and Cheng, C. T. (1995). ‘‘Renewable hinge detailing for
are in reasonable agreement. It can also be observed that the bridge columns.’’ Proc., Pacific Conf. on Earthquake Engrg., Austra-
lian Earthquake Engineering Society, Parkville, Australia.
ATC 32 recommendations are also quite generous at low axial Mander, J. B., Panthaki, F. D., and Kasalanati, A. (1994). ‘‘Low cycle
load levels. The reason for this could be prevention of buck- fatigue behavior of reinforcing steel.’’ J. Mat. in Civ. Engrg., ASCE,
ling of the longitudinal reinforcement. Conversely, for high 6(4), 453–468.
axial loads and high steel volumes, where there are consider- Mander, J. B., Pekcan, G., and Chen, S. S. (1995). ‘‘Low-cycle variable
able energy demands on the confined core concrete, the pro- amplitude fatigue modeling of top-and-seat angle connections.’’ Engrg.
posed formulation requires considerably more reinforcement J., 32(2).
Mander, J. B., Priestley, M. J. N., and Park, R. (1984). ‘‘Seismic design
than the existing ACI/AASHTO provisions. This is necessary of bridge piers.’’ Res. Rep. 84-2, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., University of
if flexural ductility is to be maintained rather than axial load Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z.
capacity. As mentioned previously, the NZS 3101 (1995) rec- Mander, J. B., Priestley, M. J. N., and Park, R. (1988a). ‘‘Theoretical
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strain behavior of confined concrete.’’ J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 114(8),
to be fundamentally flawed. 1827–1849.
Manson, S. S. (1953). ‘‘Behavior of metals under conditions of thermal
CONCLUDING REMARKS stress.’’ Proc., Heat Transfer Symp., University of Michigan Engineer-
ing Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Seismic design of reinforced concrete structures aims at Miner, M. A. (1945). ‘‘Cumulative damage in fatigue.’’ Trans. ASME, 67.
achieving ductile response, which is characterized by the struc- Park, R., and Paulay, T. (1975). Reinforced concrete structures, Wiley,
ture’s ability to undergo large cyclic inelastic displacements New York.
without significant loss in the load carrying capacity. Since the Paulay, T., and Priestley, M. J. N. (1992). Seismic design of reinforced
inception of capacity design, ductility has been presumed as concrete and masonry structures, Wiley, New York.
the principal criterion for design. However, for ductility, Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F., Xiao, Y., and Verma, R. (1994a). ‘‘Steel
jacketed retrofitting of reinforced concrete bridge columns for enhanced
whether it be explicitly or implicitly incorporated into design shear strength. Part I: Theoretical considerations and test design.’’ ACI
requirements, the influence of a ground shaking duration is not Struct. J., 91(4).
considered. The duration effect is important in inelastic design, Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F., Xiao, Y., and Verma, R. (1994b). ‘‘Steel
as the cumulative effects of ductility and energy absorption jacketed retrofitting of reinforced concrete bridge columns for enhanced
may lead to premature failure even at modest ductility de- shear strength. Part II: Test results and comparison with theory.’’ ACI
mands. As an alternative to ductility based design, energy may Struct. J., 91(5).
Uang, C. M., and Bertero, V. V. (1990). ‘‘Evaluation of seismic energy
be used as the basis for developing design paradigms. Energy- in structures.’’ Earthquake Engrg. and Struct. Dyn., 19.
based methods coupled with notions of low-cycle fatigue can Watson, S., Zahn, F. A., and Park, R. (1994). ‘‘Simulated seismic load
be used to derive confinement expressions that ensure the final tests on reinforced concrete columns.’’ J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 120(6),
failure mode is through longitudinal bar fracture, which is gen- 1825–1849.
erally considered unavoidable. Yuk, L. W. (1990). ‘‘Squat circular bridge piers under multi-directional
seismic attack.’’ PhD thesis, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., University of Can-
terbury, Christchurch, N.Z.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Zahn, F. A. (1986). ‘‘Design of reinforced concrete bridge columns for
This research was sponsored by MCEER through a contract with the strength and ductility.’’ Res. Rep. 86-7, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., University
FHWA on the seismic vulnerability of new highway construction; this of Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z.
support is gratefully acknowledged.
The following symbols are used in this paper:
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
(AASHTO). (1994). AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications, 1st Acc = area of core concrete;
Ed., Washington, D.C. Ag = gross cross-sectional area;
American Concrete Institute (ACI). (1995). ‘‘Building code requirements Ast = total area of longitudinal steel;
for reinforced concrete.’’ ACI-318-95, Detroit. Ccc = concrete compression force considering core
Ang, B. G., Priestley, M. J. N., and Paulay, T. (1989). ‘‘Seismic shear
strength of circular reinforced concrete columns.’’ ACI Struct. J., 86(1).
Applied Technology Council (ATC). (1996). ‘‘Improved seismic design c = fatigue exponent;
criteria for California bridges: Provisional recommendations.’’ ATC-32, c⬙ = neutral axis depth measured from centerline
Redwood City, Calif. of transverse steel;
Aycardi, L. E., Mander, J. B., and Reinhorn, A. M. (1994). ‘‘Seismic D = overall depth of section;
resistance of reinforced concrete frame structures designed only for D⬘ = distance between furthest longitudinal rein-
gravity loads: Experimental performance of subassemblages.’’ ACI forcements (pitch circle diameter);
Struct. J., 91(5). D⬙ = overall depth of section measured from cen-
Chai, Y. H., Priestley, M. J. N., and Seible, F. (1991). ‘‘A seismic retrofit terline of transverse steel;
of circular bridge columns for enhanced bridge performance.’’ ACI
Struct. J., 88(5).
d⬙ = distance from centerline of transverse steel
Chang, G. A., and Mander, J. B. (1994). ‘‘Seismic energy based fatigue to c.g. of nearest longitudinal steel;
damage analysis of bridge columns. Part II: Evaluation of seismic de- db = diameter of longitudinal steel;
mand.’’ Tech. Rep. NCEER-94-0013, Nat. Ctr. for Earthquake Engrg. Eh = hysteretic energy;
Res., State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y. Ek = kinetic energy;
Dutta, A. (1995). ‘‘Fatigue analysis of non-ductile concrete columns.’’ Eloop = average area inside hysteresis loop cycled to
MS thesis, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., State University of New York at Buf- displacement;
falo, Buffalo, N.Y. Es = strain energy;
Dutta, A., and Mander, J. B. (1998). ‘‘Capacity design and fatigue anal- Et = total energy;
ysis of confined concrete columns.’’ Tech. Rep. MCEER-98-0007, Mul-
tidisciplinary Ctr. for Earthquake Engrg. Res., State University of New
E␰ = damping energy;
York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y. f c⬘ = unconfined compression strength of con-
Koh, S. K., and Stephen, R. I. (1991). ‘‘Mean stress effects on low-cycle crete;
fatigue for a high strength steel.’’ Fatigue Fracture of Engrg. Mat. and f l⬘ = effective confinement stress exerted by
Struct., 14(4). transverse reinforcement at yield;


fy = yield strength of longitudinal steel; Xeff = effective displacement;
fyh = yield strength of transverse steel; xi = ith displacement;
K = f ⬘cc / f ⬘c = confinement coefficient; xSTD = standard deviation of displacement;
L = lever arm of cantilever column; ␣c, ␤c = stress block factors for core concrete;
Lp = plastic hinge length; ␥ = reinforcing steel configuration factor;
Nc = number of cycles to concrete failure—note, ⌬y = yield displacement;
2Nc = number of reversals to concrete fail- εa = total strain amplitude of longitudinal rein-
ure; forcement;
Neff = effective number of cycles; εap = plastic strain amplitude of longitudinal re-
Nf = number of cycles to failure—note, 2Nf = inforcement;
number of reversals to failure; εy = yield strain of longitudinal steel;
Pe = applied axial load;
␩c = efficiency factor to account for degradation
R␮ = Cd /Cc = strength reduction factor (ratio of
of concrete stress strain curve due to cy-
seismic demand to capacity);
T = time period; cling;
Ucc = work done by concrete in compression; ⌰⬘hoop, ⌰circ
hoop, ⌰hoop
= fatigue rotation coefficients;
Uco = energy absorption capacity of concrete; ␮i = ith displacement ductility factor;
Us = work done by compression steel; ␮⌬ = maximum displacement ductility factor;
Usf = area under stress-strain curve of steel from ⌸ = parameter used in simplified design expres-
zero to fracture strain; sions;
Ush = energy absorption capacity of transverse ␳s = volumetric ratio of transverse reinforce-
steel until fracture; ment;
uex = normalized external work; ␾p = plastic curvature; and
uin = normalized internal work; ⌿, ⌿circ, ⌿rect = parameter in detailed design expression.


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