Case Study Method Handout

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Case Study Method Group - The study of a single distinctive

set of people, such as a family or small group of

- Frederic Leplay, 1829

Location - The study of a

Learning Objectives: particular place, and the way that it is used or
regarded by people.
• Define case study research.
Organization - The study of a single
• List reasons researchers use the case organization or company, and the way that
study method people act within it
• Explain the how data is recorded when Event - The study of a
using the case study method. particular social or cultural event, and the
• Describe the benefits and limitations of interpretations of that event by those
using the case study method. participating in it

What is case study? The main characteristics of the case study

1. A descriptive study

Case study can be defined as an intensive study a. (I.e. the data collected constitute
about a person, a group of people or a unit, descriptions of psychological processes and
which is aimed to generalize over several units. events, and of the contexts in which they
occurred (qualitative data).

The case study method often involves simply b. The main emphasis is always on the
observing what happens to, or reconstructing construction of verbal descriptions of behavior
‘the case history’ of a single participant or group or experience but quantitative data may be
of individuals (such as a school class or a specific collected. c. High levels of detail are provided.
social group), i.e. the idiographic approach. 2. Narrowly focused
Case studies allow a researcher to investigate a
topic in far more detail than might be possible if a. Typically a case study offers a
they were trying to deal with a large number of description of only a single individual, and
research participants (nomothetic approach) sometimes about groups.
with the aim of ‘averaging’.
b. Often the case study focuses on a
limited aspect of a person, such as their
psychopathological symptoms.
Table 1. Types of case study
3. Combines objective and subjective data
Person - The study of one single
individual, generally using several different a. i.e. the researcher may combine
research methods. objective and subjective data: All are regarded
as valid data for analysis, and as a basis for
inferences within the case study.
i. The objective description of time and money by not creating new and
repetitive studies.
behavior and its context

ii. Details of the subjective  Critical Instance – These studies are used
aspect, such as feelings, beliefs, to examine situations of unique interest or to
impressions or interpretations. In fact, a challenge a universal or generalized belief.
Such studies are not to create new
case study is uniquely able to offer a generalizations. Rather, several situations or
means of achieving an in-depth events may be examined to raise questions or
understanding of the behavior and challenge previously held assertions.
experience of a single individual. 2
Hayes, N. (2000) Doing Psychological Advantages of the case study method
Research. Gathering and analyzing data.
Buckingham: Open University Press. p. 1. Stimulating new research.
134. 3 A case study can sometimes highlight
extraordinary behavior, which can
4. Process-oriented. stimulate new research.
a. The case study method enables the
researcher to explore and describe the nature 2. Contradicting established theory.
of processes, which occur over time.
Case studies may sometimes contradict
b. In contrast to the experimental established psychological theories
method, which basically provides a stilled
‘snapshot’ of processes, which may be 3. Giving new insight into phenomena
continuing over time like for example the or experience.
development of language in children over time. Because case studies are so rich in
information, they can give insight into
phenomena, which we could not gain in
Types of case study methods: any other way

 Illustrative – This type of method is used

4. Permitting investigation of otherwise
to “illustrate” or describe an event or situation
in such a way that people can become more inaccessible situations.
familiar with the topic in question and perhaps
become acquainted with the terminology case study gives psychological
associated with the topic. researchers the possibility to
investigate cases, which could not
 Exploratory – This method is a condensed
case study and the purpose is to gather basic, possibly be engineered in research
initial data that could be used to identify a laboratories
particular question for a larger study. This
study is not designed to produce detailed data Disadvantages of the case study method
from which any conclusions could be drawn. 
It is simply exploratory in nature. 1. Replication not possible.
 Cumulative – The cumulative method is Uniqueness of data means that
designed to pull together information for
several events/situations and aggregate it in they are valid for only one person.
such a way that it allows for greater While this is strength in some forms of
generalization. It has the advantage of saving
research, it is a weakness for others, 1. Personal documents, viz diaries,
because it means that findings cannot memories, autobiographies, letters etc
be replicated and so some types of of the researcher.
reliab29ility measures are very low.
2. Qualification and interest of the
2. The researcher’s own subjective researcher.
feelings may influence the case study
3. Life history of the respondents.
(researcher bias).
4. Motives and objectives of the study.
Both the collection of data and
the interpretation of them.

3. Memory distortions. “Research,” Center for Innovation in

Research and Teaching <
The heavy reliance on memory
when reconstructing the case history
means that the information about past
study> ( 27 April 2019)
experiences and events may be
notoriously subject to distortion

4. Not possible to replicate findings. “Research,” King’s Psychology Network

Serious problems in
3838/Case_Study_Method.pdf> ( 27 April
generalising the results of a unique
individual to other people because the
findings may not be representative of “Research,” Study Lecture Notes
any particular population. <
Stages in a Case Study Method of Data ( 27 April 2019)

The techniques and processes of a case

study method are given as following.

1. Choice of a case or selection of a


2. Description of the events.

3. Factors influencing study.

4. Data processing.

5. Data recording.

Sources of Data for Case Study

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