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Aamir Khan’s

Fat Loss Diet for Dhoom 3

Greetings! I created the following diet for Aamir Khan during our final stretch of training
before filming his shirtless scenes in “Dhoom 3.” I designed this diet to help Aamir burn
fat, to look lean and athletic, and we used it for a short amount of time toward that end.
During other parts of our training journey, I had him on a number of other diets, each one
custom-created based on his training schedule and intensity, as well as our goals during
that period of our work together.

Any diet needs to be created based on the person it’s for, and should be adjusted to take
into consideration their:
• Weight
• Fitness level
• Training schedule
• Training intensity
• Muscle mass
• Body fat percentage
• Metabolism
• Carbohydrate sensitivity
• Goals

In short, this diet is NOT a prescription for you to follow exactly as written. This diet,
and the video it accompanies, is an educational resource you can use as a starting point to
adjust and create a diet that works for YOU.

A few specific points to consider:

• At this point in our training journey Aamir had been working with me for over a
year and a half, and we were doing intense weight training and cardio sessions 5-6
days a week. If you’re working out less than that, and/or not doing both intense
resistance training and weights every day, this diet would likely contain too many
calories for you (even if you had almost exactly the same weight, height, muscle
mass, body fat percentage, and metabolism as Aamir, which you surely don’t…).

• The Pre-Cardio meal was included in order to fuel an intense cardio session after
a FULL break following weight training. If you’re doing weights and cardio back-
to-back with no break, you’ll likely want to increase your carbohydrate intake
during your breakfast, and cut out that extra meal. The extra carbs at breakfast
could be a small bowl of oatmeal, a second piece of toast, etc. That said, if you’re
not pushing hard in your workouts, you might not need those extra carbs at all!

• I am not a nutritionist, and this diet is not a recommendation. If possible, the best
way to create a diet to accompany any serious fat loss or muscle building journey
is to work with a licensed nutritionist. Also, if you have any physical or medical
concerns, such as diabetes, carbohydrate intolerance, etc, you should consult a
doctor before beginning any new fitness or diet regime.

• Certain oils, such as olive oil or avocado oil, provide healthy fats that can actually
help you lose weight if consumed in moderation. But that magical word,
moderation, is the key! Indian dishes are often prepared with a lot of oil, which is
not necessarily “unhealthy,” but definitely adds a lot of calories to your meal. So
the trick is to choose healthy oils and to use them sparingly, which will allow you
to reap their benefits and enjoy their flavor in your meals, while still keeping your
caloric intake under control.

• I did not specify the kind of vegetable or preparation in this diet. There are two
reasons for this. Firstly, Aamir was constantly traveling during this period, so we
had to create a flexible plan he would be able to follow on the road. Secondly,
ideal vegetable intake includes a variety of different vegetables. A simple rule of
thumb is to try to include as many different colored vegetables as possible in your
diet, as different colors tend to reflect different vitamin, mineral and pigment
content, which is ideal for your nutrition. In terms of preparation, steaming will
keep the calorie count down the lowest, but for most people, only eating steamed
vegetables is a sure-fire way go crazy and abandon your diet after a short time! So
feel free to steam, fry, bake, etc. Just be sure to keep the oil content in moderation
when frying.

Vegan Alternatives
I’ve included Aamir’s diet here, but as he’s now a vegan, I’m also including vegetarian
and vegan alternatives. For this offering I worked with the Vegan Bearded Guy, a
passionate vegan athlete I’m proud to collaborate with. Be sure to follow him for more
great info about vegan nutrition!
• Instagram: @VeganBeardedGuy
• Youtube: (

In addition to the alternatives within the menu, here is a list of vegan protein sources:
• Beans
• Lentils
• Chickpeas
• Quinoa
• Peas
• Tofu
• Tempeh
• Seitan
• Plant-based protein shakes

Plus a few veg/vegan meal suggestions:

• Sandwich with tofu, bread, and vegetables . Sprinkle black pepper and pink salt.
• Kidney beans Multigrain bread sandwich
• Vegan taco with green coriander Chutney and salad extra
• Protein scramble (high in protein, with healthy fats and low carb count)
The Diet
• Egg and Vegetable Omelet
o Or Tofu Scramble (Vegan)
• 1 Slice of Whole Grain Toast
• Small Handful of Almonds or other nut

Protein Shake
• (Consumed during last 15 minutes of weight lifting session)

Pre-Cardio Meal
• Oatmeal with
o Banana
o Chopped nuts

• Chicken Breast
o Or Tofu or Tempeh (Vegan)
• Brown (NOT white) rice
• 1 serving of Vegetables

Afternoon “Snack”
• Dal (Lentils)
• 1 Chapati (or 1 Roti or 1 Slice of Whole Grain Bread)
• 1 Small Serving of Vegetables

• Grilled Salmon
o Or Grilled Tofu, Tempeh, or Seitan (Vegan)
• 1 Serving of Vegetables OR a Salad
• 1 Serving Brown Rice OR Chapati
• 1 Small Serving of Nuts
• 1 Serving of Fruit

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