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VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS IN LAMINAR FLOW (38) ~MOMENTUM: , . Momentum yin contrat be mas and eraxgy is ov mtclor Gpantily. The total lincarmementuny 6 the mais “Cm” antth muctecity “EY SG Mand it Momentum = ma x velocity ! M = mxw ‘ Unib a omemembum are kgm Sim the SL (dypom mateemabimal) Ayitem RATE OF CHANGE OF wowentone hemes wee Atad the wad cake, Ue Concednr the meant wth resect to time tr Enginconun teumd. Thus Aake x change & amerentum & dojimd as © ie Change in mementium Uith Change tin tome”, Khan the uni kg. .S"/s tn SI Agstom. — aM te change ansmintiym = —— an % dt Constant aM on x AY) (os Mz xv) dt de =mxa (az acceleration) = F = acuig face, ho « dM ” aE F The, derucation § a Acree 4, the Newstin’ A second Lawsy mation ; “ Reke ay change aamomontivary & & m Uh & & Gre Aummation s ad 8 axtiong ow the byte and tales flace tn the Tair fee? SF = aM dt . Now; unis q dl One ye om which atuns 5 foe bm SE depen (39) T — MOMENTUM FLUX: » Flux ¢ depened. as Ake g, slo bea “ unk aned- Yy 7 6 anmmentiom uk bey Mamémuan fun 2 time x QALa - He em (&) Sim ss | S-m* om tem | . . Tre units (IR), £ aunt % foe pu unit area ao Ni. ( ‘ ™ # pe 3, Momemtunn, fluid = | = Sam. Momontium fare is demeted be T, aud has the unth ay -om'- S% f Tun = Flum oy Z- cinitted emsmentume ory the 1 - durectim —— A Tyg = Flue if meme 2 al Fe inenen entum 0s th the K-dudetion at dentamce 1. . CHANGING, CONTINOUSLY IN THE X- DIRECTION MOMENTUM BALANCE OR CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM: The eqpation fr the corsemuation 6, merentiom luucth, a fo a corti volume B TH RCES F RATE OF MOMENTUM SUM OF THE Fol = RATE OF MOMENTUM A RASHETCONTROR ACTING ON CONTROL l= OUT OF CONTROL YOLUME VOLUME VOLUME f RATE OF ACCUMULATION + Of MOMENTUM IN CONTROL . -VOLUME Thy ts the Ame four oo the OCs, balance Guith the sum the Ch ds Che Aake i [om i d } ~- a o (40) Te momentom Nhe onan and & ov conserued, ap ma amd anergy ore corremed Im ord ord: id pacers! calerlations atthoriph ( Eemc*), The monentum § Consanced) | a, tks by extemal forces on the am» USUAL i extumal fre whch goneecte crogmantumn: are acvrcshed, coment oosenued « WAYS OF MOMENTUM TRANSFER: Je Monentum emmy entrr nto the en omamentivm Hanifer mVa\ bbe at the auc opie lurk f-e- due to “Ere enchame, Hpamblecules. Conidr, toro a lay ov flacd, harun, dq ferent utlocitee, i-e-- ve loed le "gmat Lage ia (promt eB nid, velocity ppd Paaighe i | Ms thi tio lagens Faure difpume veleccteb, , Ao thot amantntury ae dijpr. The hamden mations of the molecules om the omcutry Atnol dome a the ankkcules ito the 4 Couter omeutn puhue they colkiole wiitiy Che dloutr mousing andlicccles “amc tind to “spied up thom, he- they taicke, tanser thei. monentim ‘te the slew omewimg omslacules auc Wrcuccie Chet. omermnentivm - . Similarty, ombceules tin the slower s tind be pratard there tn the foster Lege . Thy exchange O nBlccerles Dw leupers prockrces a Komp & flue (mamenturm. flan) fom high urlecGy bo the low uel i Lager, Thus moruntum 5 tans deuin the padient igh te law walectty hegisns. Thi, Kemilor te Gre bansfer a Aaa form high (low ‘temprratine Aagiows. 22 Momento anter o Leaue also due the ounall firud amation ire macorcopically. SHELL MOMENTUM BALANCE: We dekined cartier the memintirm balance uselg conbbl yilumc® Ram ths ut. 6bicimed the tata or ourrall chamae> hr momentum Cuasscng the conse nentacts | aa (ay Tis ewtrall mamontum balance did mot tellus te dekatts % what happens inside the const fut. Puro wae analyze a Armatt control uslume and thin Ahiimk thé emtiol Wume to diffeamtial sege . In doug thy ue amake a phd amemintunr balance. Usutg “thy ue Witt otter the wilociby didibutcons (vet Le) and anamention A kenewRedge 9 complete vuclecils dle vs mot murdod Dut ov kmarted Pte ee [ee , ousrage ue tty» oF Che shear Abies on a surface os maeded m mame in w peotlarns . ( fed faa tad : Bake whine Rake % accumulation 0) the Ahekk omerrinturn balance (ie- amemimtiomn balance oer Gin shell fleet é | Rate. o% }-{ Rake J+ Sorre 5 tht. emamamtbiures bw emesmantiurw out) foes aang} =o PROCEDURE FOR SETTING UP AND SOLVING VISCOUS FLOW PROBLEM USING SHELL MOMENTUM BALANCE TECHNIQUE: STEPS: : 1. Selecka shell finite thicknen « 2. Watte canemembumy balance 6 thrfourn phavum abeue or he dame paged the abour shell. : 3. ot this thitkmens appreach 3ir0, aml using the degmatians | 6- Inswe the Newtsncaw oy Non. Neuterton ! un the aboue- Another di eqpakion, je- decand Set 9, trumdary cmritians corrtart § 1 orotic culated to duntubukiion equakion Us the a on beemdancs- MOST USED BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: a. fe i fusd intertaces the fuel the uelictty uaithy uhich the ‘smmonirg. Thu the WG kame an the uth which . For jah at ba. Add fl ee, fuud goat b. At Uiguid— gas onierkaces theamememtuny flun, hence the wi i ei grin Prot c. At liquid - tig tages he mera fi pene ; to the mberyace , amd. unlecity are Corkimucurs aces the mku- fou “FLOW OF A FALLING FILM: FALLING FILM: Te [low of o plaid, om inclined, flak surface ot Lelow corrtitutes the wralind Fulrn”. H fonds tks Ate ccakion Un tuetted - wath towers, euccparation, @ obser peior 5 cacttinga to foper Aotts. ENTRANCE DISTURBANCE: Liquip Fim. — LIQUID IN EXIT DISTURBANCE RESERVOIR A EXPRESSIONS: Considir. ov Aagion, hawimg lomgth, equal tL” on this flv as shawn aboue. This Aegon tr token where the entanee and exit durturcbarces aremet ricluded . Tus the uclecily Com im the direction op flow (x—duickion) ts contamk (vs, is Cortamt). Ucrcoscty and demsity oO the fluid arr Contant - SELECTION OF SHELL OF FINITE THICKNESS: To afly momentum balance , cue corrider the femite Length: (L) Ranimg thickmens & fax? bounded. by i Mngt (0 zel. “W's otha the filmy (ie the fem & “Wamit un longth on the ddection Y, cutwad fom the fame o the paper). This shake oy fluid MOMENTUM BALANCE: SURFACE AREA Rake x- msmumtumn vn acres t hunfous ak % (by wircous tramstt) - (wt! Rake o% Z- moment out across Auakace ak at dx (by wiacous tramport) = (LW) | OO ft © 7 ve “ & © MOMENTUM IN Ww SOLID onwaicH FUID Flows u eye VELOCITY SHELL DISTRIBUTION MOMENTUM IN BY VISCOUS TRANSPORT SHELL (RECTANGULAR) \ a M \ . DIRECTION \ oo OF GRAVITY Rake o Z- moment ov acrons am surface at z=0 (by flow) (wax ¥5) (eve) Rate of 2- amomentum out A004 marface ak Z=L (by plow) . = (WAxtk) ( Cu . . © ete pe 440) Grauity force acting om fluid = (Lwdx) (9 cop) No. pressure forcer an the flow > umd. the imtuence bf graurty ony. NOTE+ Rate & omementunv bamju. uuacours Gearnport = petals Ahaar Mis pone) Tun Aate of 2 moment viv by wuiocous Caro ee = mas flow x uslocdty . = (alee x anea x cenit) x unlocuty , ho atzeo, = (WAay,) (Cz) poe digg yet. uwte) - mmxm x Yao No thus ts ~the rake change 6, amemembun.=. Onn FECL» m | Grawity (LW dx) (9 ce> B) - Pee erode Wem = tm =.N Se ee eee Al, bon ofxce balawe , fortes ore added aud Aubotrocted Pot [atta blew gpaity fore: - . aan mg = (ev)g (as e=%) = domiity of the Ve Volume & the Aheke, ge neal’ a rad ‘ Vume'= lomgth x width x haght Foy Comoro direction & mation mg amg CoB + . ang C69 B = (LW Ax )(€9 CoB). bolt aah od Companonbs y whak are (Wax, ex) - amxeny x FE x t x o* EN | ho, opin te at large enue = aching fae \ age CVG = Cx( L wax) xq = (Lwax)(€) : thy? dee p- » chaps 3. . (48) Far gauitiy face wt haus tive as shaumand wt Wc the Com bn the dudeckion, of omobion, ie onfiichy ts urefu. Tus Com| b ttdul Os omg C6 =[CLwax)(e)) x gx Op We know, For ctoady. Akake,orvsmemtun ; balance “is a! BV Rake o Rake of Sum oy the Sng momentum] ~ + | fs mte! =0 bw Ayrton. (p- 41) putting volursy We he. [ow e + (Waz¥, (ev, )] - ew. y2) Le + (Wax news|} + femanye cop)|-0 Sie a)! ee em) - ew Ta Wax ‘Dl + Lw dx C9 corp =0 New for each value of x". % | 295 | thus seem South trom one , eae eae Comcelled ou, So, (lw %2)] ~Cew. %)| = - LW ax €9 0m 6 atan WO [I] ~ Tel Jee ) Ax 0g corp DFFFERENTIAL EQUATION FOR MOMENTUM FLUX DISTRIBUTION: Diuiding thoughout by dx ond takung lamat when. dx 0, thn %, Um 1g — Nel 7 Cg comp ax-0 ‘AL # (Tr) = Cg comp. ene * This i the digerential, equation for momentum fun y Ta . MOMENTUM-FLUX DISTRIBUTION: Snkeprating (, wae get [4% » [0eqonpy de VN = Cg % mp + Cr 2. (2) To taluk the condont Cy use boumdaig amditions a quid. gas intespace . BC. is ots 0 + N20 (seep. 42) thw fon), = 0 , Ao Tee = gn cop ao (3) Th eqpakin Asus aman fum didsibution. 5 an epaaiony 6 Orcuighle Une Fe Taz Voris Limreaaty auth %- PNSERTION OF NEWTONIAN EXPRESSION: Foros Newteriianefiucd (a fluid urich obeys Neuten’s ¥__~ velocity im the x-durctein hy = pp We “i dx at duntamee x. ow the (3), ue DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FOR VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION : Late) pS = = 0G x mp dve _ _ (&gcmP dx -- - ie “— ee Tris the diperembcol for VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION: Sntegrating (4) we howe Uy 2 (£8 Coop fF eye + Cue | tw To euotmake Cortomt oy intancatisny G, cocdlitins at seldd- leah umber face, B.C. 2: dy. “(420 fd at %=6 , VU=0 (Ave p- 42) 40, pon (S); : ; - (art) + 8 +e, oY Ce L6BOP thas Co co p - vn (BONE alison 1 eg 8* cop )o(%) wo ' ee) ee Tis equatirn [hours ine locity duitucbulrs SHAPE OF PROFILE: mo ‘. me ! Sharpe, 0) wetorigy prot B parabolic shown un p- 44. Kar . , pittenatanon OF VARIOUS QUANTITIES: ise con calcilake o. Uses @)and C4) mans] munnber 1 qponbtis: : () Maximum VELOCITY ( V;, moe) 4 Manciomurn, weleecty wally be Vz = a ape ug - a) PreRace VELOCITY ( ): i Aw ue shh 28, 40 Coc ae < pt oe peaieng SAS E. i-0)9 . cur the Osi Ob = Cg cop S* ope. BK SV27 CgemP 3 3KQ Cg Wop ov $= we = 34 Z- COMPONENT: OF FORCE (F) OF THE. “The. z- Com bo the force (FD of: an be, found by mkegating the fuud- oti inkangace if er ak %= ho, ; pps cl dye -[f- Sl yt. be vali 6 rayprstiguaa ave i s.r are e g Wempxe e PF FLUID ON THE SURFACE : fuud ow the ce per flint aut, Che ah Ares SS! see a meats Abreys Fee [Pl 4 _G” Ww “st Fn aisha £2" eA a foo Feta. C96 (LYCW) = Og SLWoosp Lo TINGS gick the z- Compomamt a Che uLuahe of the ut selon flora (ong cop 2fBLW ICED} g Cop =(\él-xdennet Aboue all Arsule arg ae Gohan thy farting felm is or Lamuinett plow tuithy aia} dasomimes. Fer Che Aloww flow gy tihim wlocous fmt: . fo UsGeal calls, lomeriar-flaw without Ag Hong Re o4 Curbulomt 7 Re> hares 5 © Row AbSMPC | ACEWICE)D YD 4 i 1 } I. am] Ae i : i 2s 4 av weit Aatp mg 4625 ¢ Re 1000 to 2oo0 * & 2e0g PT B , pw dD. ax floc arece he “Ceatied: peremater. Go, Rez 48 <¥2> 0 _ ca acwayicvsnyle - 4Qe@ a oe Ww ? AW Tos Qe Uns (ay x (wé) do Ps ) + if huvage Weleciky oun the cers): Aeckiar i O° SUZ y = Vlume flow mate over, the Cross Aeciron fat lide . Sur dh alt Che Unlocikies curva 24s -dechict : Cos hockional orca, or ax Rk ' nn od [radude EW keg : Cee Loh a pps Adade do fn ; eo ey ! [sand ing Fudsini's theelemy, ut Can Aeuunte the order m y [ado da. od gk [Made 4 FE di » [ey ade [ede aheu puting clit AV, “for (6) bry = az (SoBE (4) 7 a Rep at mn Ms 2 | (RRR (=) ‘dn RK oa fe BE ! R R |, - At fe] wedi [ a ‘] Reape 0 0 ak IR ~ 2 (B=K) (pr) % _|% Re apt [el -1] | 2 LOM) 1 (ee _ £| - 2ptL el 2 + _ fo- Rr 2RA-R) PR Rt I 2HL | 4 i 2p RE ae (R—RIR opL re OR mma. We locity bs —___—__£, bo tue know bry pipe Low » haa. velocity e on - [VEY bo, pe KU) = (Po- POR BRL VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE (Q): Ro .RK ; Q: { | A de dacvey 6° : . te | | LH fo. guzy = ze’ (@— BIE | aE ‘Q- x(R-R)RE . 4 ant | aw Raa. Rk | s a. if | v, ado dh = ax | up Ade O° © putting qurlue Vz 5 ube! howe Lae [ (Po- (Oia se SHE) dg ' 5 4pe ° — i [ined cf We. al 0 et ele [2] xR) [e Re “| (a=) I 1 e 1 ABE FY ape 4 So ane Sony - 4 | : nth FR (Hager. Pocseunlte law) 1 Bue Th, a arlation bfw’ Wun dM law (Q) see arrd the fr (omcciated with the pansure drop uuakional acceleration ) Caine the flow & coultey Pacsouilla low.” , iv) %--COMPONENT OF THE FORE OF THE FLWID ON| THE WETTED SUREACE, OF THE PIPE( Fz): : Hagen — S : ony a a 2 (S4) = = (ANRLY( Tez) | TORREY wa): ae ae Rel . Mv. hf CHAR” . id So el See CEI frien (PRR hey & Ow aEE ( x Om wR | (Pe—POR™ | fo. 28) ' ape Rd! e axRL) (Po -Pi 2h ze ) (+p ait “ee (= AR = QARL) (ee 2 ARR A) 2 . ; Now f, = po and. Pie h- gl (Aeep— 83) - Fe = AR“(bo —f + QL) = ART Fr= AR (Po) + MR “egh (fo b.) +n gh Ts Amy cn aol il fr Ral "mo lew thom about 2100( a4 laminar [lo) where Raymatels’ oy b Re D&M e ASSUMPTIONS: a OL that ag é vivthe tinal mt a agate arin tte ett a@., Flow iy laminar — Re lex than Roo. >be Ce ea rarer c. - Atate (Low. B44 ds “End effec are naglasted i , e- Fludds Newlmrtan. | od ; f- rin behaures a ov cntumruu ( mite ‘dilute dtboke manow copdllaxy : wd . ee 1. "reli Aipat the ull. LI: , m sei an lus he. the tino canal teular . Cy § Sytinaen at cteady state, conditions. The culsicte nocliels G, the wer. Cylemeler: 20 C4) baa ve Oral) = 2K ab GGL. +p, oh) (Me bse a: frecth=gy athe gh. — Rosine fact actaig on the. fusfactat Xel_ == (axndn) p,- —j __y Bah +091 (as ditams fom. ares $i lle) =(Be keynes oct lomguwory aE. Piece: Conditions: Now : . at A= AR 9 Taz =0 sft C2)» sue. get & Po _P a Tans ( -)a - fool aL 2b “tig ote (ct ) -x(#)] . ale) “'QNSERSTION OF NEWTON'S Aas Caw: ‘uc shewue , Tog = (SPE) ping value: tm (3), uct gel pire. SEQ. ‘FoR VELociTy DISTRIBUTION: nae) = (AA) fc ' dvs ° _ (ho - (ho PR x RRL tuale covtant 6," ue wie boundary tmditlin, hekR ow heR; cae value 4 Te. § 0 = ( fe fom 5 oe 2k nl ¢. a [ Ay aA 4 i oe "NG contin amd ditt tobe “tnalughe . 4) -x(2)]} ; = cent ot gh be a oy she: angations Lum velecctiy oat, ‘aflame A. Dia pleme howecr’ is yk unkmewn, dee diagtam . , Hae) VR According 6 Heuston’ oh wares, ! i i | | i i i +r] (61) ' VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION: [am . - EM" [a ntegating (4) we Age 4 (BBs : ~ (B-POR LE fa an OR bp a] Met “Sa (Els * oe ‘ _- GoDE (LS jain) 26 ape R 2 2 Taking out % commen, we hae (Po-ft)R ~4nt EVALUATION OF A AND Cy AND HENCE DISTRIBUTIONS: Sf Whawe y equation vr Ceumbs Thy We hawt the vals Vz ab, A Vals oy! hy ashy wure net kmcum. Tu the verluien of” the Cy and A Corppecivedt be 7 Vz = - Ueng bse Corclitions Bci: at ASkKR 4 VY 20 BCR: ak AZR 1 Uso Useng B-C-4; (5) becomes (ey - ete) 4) 5 oM. AND VELOCITY , of y, trvtead of a kRomd A= Reumbke lus we.can calorhite. me - (Po RRL pkRe LER o> a Ce) aXe") 8] “Q~ — AIR [i= 2 oe wo] 4p a so - (a) Using B-C.23 (5) becomes Rh - PR” * 2 a [&) ~2h O=- Zbl + CL h) Ca eee! [tong G, = -l Ww (ay, we gee O= b-aXink-1 ~ 2k = lk BN (Ye) 2 ek Boline) yal tok : eer Packs zm (Vk ) [ou a- |e) ih; ] ting on (3):ond (6) the Value 6 2%, wie howe tee fig (3.98 . ua (BRR (phy fick y/ R | Ps Tex "sr [(z)-Gma \(F)) : to (6) 1 ' "TRO Ob tha, manent fund (durabuions 5” ‘Ban (4) : : “(B-h)R™ hye Ine S| Omagh) , fulluag vale J Ge =I, re . 2 ! vee GME [BY + (eR) 0 SHAPE -OF PROFILE: The hope 5 uelocitiy peofele Bhai digtom| DETERMINATION OF VARIOUS QUANTITIES: Useng (6) amd (7), ue com daleutake. a aes + gprorntitess « & E i) THE MAXIMUM VELOCITY; Uz, man + © Manticmary welocityy is ° ak As AR ner 7) (diay | ede | { hk i 1 wy (h—- RR [ bo R rar AME f de PK (ap 63), alr (Vic) putterg. Ais vattre im oboe, we ha Dr, (ay WR, 4 zmax ~ = amy ape + Jake in (EX y] nk) aku - Ee. Ie ek ape aln(%) me ~ Le Ik k) a ain(\) Vs, man = (AR (i yf nl (ek) } 4pl iu) AVERAGE VELOCITY ( = a R ba. 2K AR o KR Ustng Fuline’s thutrerny wie Cary AX ee ee V, ado de WAL KY%7 = ek o ky ad " a ff die 3 oo a 6) putting value & Ve pont amd intagiake » we howe cy COE 1k ; ape (HE tah) id) VowMe RATE OF FLOW (Q): AK Qs x flow area, ho 4 ES (* Re o.(b- Fe [I-M _EK ) f Pda do BRL EK * ne) A oR BRR fet Ik }x*/4| BPE ie ~ ine) ~ : REL aaa se ] x (RR) Bye Ee imc) Q- BBE AIR | tet) ey ope He m%) ‘ Q- m(R-R)R* [ee - ape bro Me) iv) FORCE EXERTED BY THE FLUID ON THE SouD : Total force exerted = fore aching ov Ui Gyimden ouker wall + cack. fort aching orv outer cylinder mmmer wall. Fou, = haar Aliess x-Auaface area , bo Fe = (-Tz] (ar ket) +(%,] )(axec) AR AekR regplure Mop 4 because Tx Gs magakinee -for amy valut 6 A feo 1 oot i Lippe Flutds are flousi dw the x ovine ({etol. Adkes are so adjitecd that tino Loyen 587, ‘uth B . See diagiam . The thick % each fos as! "bY ; MOntNSHEL SELECTION OF SHEL LOF FINITE THICK NESS: tv Chickmess fe“ atit & 507 Lied wutkh A amd ; hoki genteel, : 1 feuids one tmvmiicille there ane. taso Kp. | |___ Momen TUMFLUX DISTRIBUTION J. 7 |: a paws = A & mamed : To, Offa), onamemtunry bolamces' | ie cncder: euthk Uihath eh LS width “W." ea MOMENTUM BALANGE:. . : Rate of 2-momemtur vv at %’, ] ciate ae estes by autocoers thampout | (LY) ae) Rake. of 2- moment out at “ ret bX, Hef tape = (NNCA, es) Rake of R- omomentumy vat Rao, by flo = (war, y(eve)| Rake 0} %~onomentume out (at ZL, by flow = (WAx%,)(0V;)| . (Se p-44) Pramure force aching ak 2=0 = Prowure x are, = Nei fo} fromure four abx=L FON AL)( b ) as md eid oy Grouly force Os mat donidered . mm ee pea rina For Keady- date, manentinme balance se cst eft ep fea]. 2) fa values , we howe. L [corer ot (WAXY CU) | | ~ [voce oo Zoo LAX (Wan (ev, ) | J +[eeqrromencg =0 a ZL - dWi%2)| +(WarvdCv,)| ew)? | ae Z=0 ate = (ALY )(Cvz)| + Wae(b-p) =0 | = |<, ho Bnd and Ath Comms are %=0 wel L— Cancelled .outs.amd we .are (ft with ‘ai 2) Hew Lene oe NTUM. DISTRIBUTIONS: I ny tMaghout rycen J amd. taking Lin a ats {Ete ~ Ch ‘ : Ax : “ld & Po- hy “ ‘heyy Ete) A fl TH 4 the difranbial equabiow for ethan, A oy B. wi “ten ie Ab thee are Eco Luqpaccls Co hanes) ey ; at (tele Candcar. ; : atnso, Te = Tz Chea] p- 42) om = C8 LC, y thus; aye duh (Boh), . "de. c 1 pe ay, 5 (Roh) dx L A pe camne and . pee dv,? =e (Pen, i ‘ ar velocity pistriBution: = fY& ada a) ph . i . | [CL dye cane @)- | A ' ; ! = de -@) : Snkegrating (2) and (3), we haw Atipictinely aA (honk) a Sih. Gt (4) | ' 1 “ek z fH i amd. s a \ A A wy | BL 2 Ue : aa . _ENALUTION oF THREE 'CONSTT. OF INTEGRA'TO |AND HENCE: Vit. & Mowoie | We maw A three condonts, i 4 enkegration, Ao use UL thee mote Condition, , \ B-C-2 ey , ab x20, ote ee, Aq em (4amd 5) c,.= cf : B.C. 3: A \ ao oa=-b, VU; 20 |! ( Ackil Wud ert) | fiom (4) 5 ue haue 1 i | : _ 2 at A : oe Chak) Bibl, Gh (6) pAL Zz " . B.c-4: at aath , uP =O Ram (5) une haw 2 H (bo a) b On -— iar oe i debe ahead elo LC) | ring 6 the value of ¢,' ae cy fom and ts : ng them as C=C". Cb- A) bo” _ Cb (he= Pu) & Low pAL TF pA ~ feet = 2 [pe eb | e1b Corb) be (poh), B Bee pa a 2 a 7 (b-bd dl pal Sie alll . Ape Cb bb cf 1 [pepe] ae ee Go. hone | = | A 5 * tn) Boe pulluig "Cy" value ow (B)> ue hone oe, (Pom Ab =e Ee] 4G a 3pAL Ma ape Ay po 4 cf. (Pp -h)e [i+ pre pe) a ST) 2p Ak parte cad on. oe ee ed 7 BAL Paap ct hohe [ze ape ~\ eo . ‘ pr po a Leo Cr tm (a), wehaue mee aa Yb (ear ) _ Where Tz = Tex fone. tee BEMIE (4) )- 2G) tapotisn Akan distribution ts howght re. aqpatin Be wlth Yemete. : pete, welt C4 and G2 vin (4) stat howe uh. rh) e Coe ee Pat (be ZW fa ‘] Zz paL 2 "2b pape, oe xp AL peape BIH (kk wwe capt 9) = oot [-% ¥ (Gre) a ee ye. - Rope all bAW pe ~~ -Clo ute Goh (Gea) + (oe We -G 5 4 Senay fom (S), we heuce we Rb u,8 . 4 BL VARIOUS QUANTITIES, AVERAGE VELOCITY: (): fet tat B = web Dye Plea patturg ci) fe abou ; WR hae | [he pdb ce oh : ep th a) ep wy et _ Me Hib [¢ Go) * re Sa) ie jn gBits WU27 = CPo-hu)b EE, ape? “aptly Kyra 4 (PERE 2p aepr—aph 2 (BMH) PRR se (p a He) ct SEGRE [escent ar BHPE MC pAaRP) (pox fo pray 6 See (Beat Scmulatyy , chp SP Be (WOT) a | ppAL pe +p » PLANE OF ZERO SHEAR STRESS: ! fiom (9) eR) b op par_ps ine COME 2 ES) pectleing Typ 20 9 X=? (flame & Bq =0) 1 Top hand Be gi 7p? a out fue thas a (12) (13) VELOCITY , AT INTERFACE: vats fm (14) Mn (Hom get rl y = putling xL=0 Mm Clo) 6 Cll) s He hawt rem Clo) . ut. Chobe [ial * eR) ce pL re . DRAGON WALLS OF THE. oa Fee (NL) Tin] 4 po Te . fa» (WL) [eo tb» (by. 1 oni feb CebIE geaty 14 =Wy(t) Cher hb h ieee 8 + CWYL) [ete - +a) F = WY cheb [ ee 's Fe =-W)(h—p yb (MEM Y) 2, wht (oe) - A B CREEPING Flow AROUND A SouID kPHeRE Boss Tams : lao af way low velocities ( dstmo. : charachtged by the uirtual absence a, pre ipa OE Ay a nN 8 apt) J CT APPLICATIONS: i VALIDITY: waged ith i |S has bean found hfs, & dadhisa (R) fiauels ato urlocity Ve, ph a Blad (pao id) with wiccority 1’ Ehe fate a Hed y Suktcch fue bot Chak dus to uinserty § > vo RS large compas ecth the didamce bo the i, been: ‘ha (oittimg body & chammelland 7 fee, a mi G.G. Stokes thab ipa [imate Foe 6x LR, oo al . Ths Gpakeen § kmowm a4, Sofa low t . . i : 1 “ab vallcd ol dos gy ‘ a fore Chat § abouP (0% too low. a bbl. uhm the particle § placed om” Bigm oy fucd witty elects Uso « . ‘ EXAMPLE” 2.2. 1.(REF. 1, p- 4): An et hao al faxiotam/s and a chemsity 5 0% 9 xI0 tar ameus Aake 4 low 4 thé, em dowd a otha toatl be un oudey to hawk « fem thickaress 4 Samm? SOLUTION: ‘ \ Ve kénematee. awacontty Wy = Axio “on fs bit S= Flim thickness 2 2 gin ton 2 RSX m| vx C= 0.9x 1° ky fa»? ‘ l Micemeng Lamenees pleco, fue hewce | x3 | ANGLE B 30 = 8079 CoP : vs 7 he Bu - B09 cop He iy hr 35 (0 . =v) Now angle tacts bis rckicecl § Zeplies =o} do CoB Cn (0')-1. , Thus . 3 . Told J. Gi) 3yv . es aid whae Te Fladrale mh |, . mM-S 1 putas meetucs bi (7), we, ha | 1. : T: (25x6°}(09 ne (4a) 2) a d= 0-204. Ag 3 (2 xJ0°#) CHECKING » Re kiynilds’ moe BUF bw “ 4x (0.204) ©. 9xl0?)(2x(0"1) the Reynolcls? mo. calebalted. Us Upeng 1a ha cory of Lorminat flow Ao ot 4 & comeret. | EXAMPL RQ-2 (Fawng Ful usith, vacoble 0b} bg) (REF Sp ti) “Wak the fallir Y : eo Actuakien lw which, the tuiscenctey” yf oe posing & enone 1 ; pues) . Le My ‘ Huw which je & the uvxesilyy at the surface og th Klne and « “4 constant that tells how rape y fe changer with} 9c Uncrcases.> Such oy, Variation. amass iw ‘Ge [low of | downy av watt ubith Winsor Eeny 1 the film. ' Chow frow the Assutls ct i pat sing Ne anibare 1. odes otfpumed fr? peccal limit thak t= 0 ¢ tl ot covrtaink ‘ ee uuncortly ). : SOLUTION: Fer a» fathing slew the momemtunry = babe ff, dibibution = S] bs Ty = Cycom p aoa ct) | (ade.e9-3, P 46) 6 “we tase for na law oy wiecorety : i Tz = ae BaeO (tty | 7 (18) io putting b= Hoe (ii), atkgek tee pty ace cli) putting (ai) ww Ct) we gee — foe can =1¢gx coop des gear 2 $C 46) xe \ (aoe (EH) OP a sSelagating eget fe (sit ) [xe ft wx a (seat (ofa) cay? A ajae’ B eualuate constant of inkegngkion C; bie uae Boundany Onditions at solid ~ Li ak x28 9 Urea fore Civ), we hane wmtnface a& 2 «6 0n(-GPF Yo (ee -(q): c.|( ae ee - He wae -) puting thes av (lv) 5 Ss ~(epe sg ee ~ Jac Wer hane valaslated ase 2, we bmow calodtlate other arntilits 4 t . Fev, Tanimiun wexleccty” »X=0,ho : | | i hom (V), 4 i i aac Sater (et (d -t)+a] - Se | wie Fi oa . 'Feraunage uctocity, ‘we knew fer ting film co Loz) = £ frie { . eked png vate v, a (WD, wie get : | aX : i j pgealeia Ms p- (7A) ‘ me C4 Sen zy ey. | | Lee tue occed ‘gtatonal, etard i Tay ta SOL and fake lum whew v0. |! t 1 CG & Co a 1] i (Cleeo {ison i ler (iter re + “(ah \ awe aw | { ~ [1+ Fz oo (Fe gS mP bm fy | byt doe * He col aoge eae pte | je yt ee x ae [at al - £98 @P Cae aurcd wen sting é% § fle oo M [ee Ab - fle Gr lex } jse/ - / _ +e | %s % | ). om[ECa-x)6 - Fe(6 z), 9 CO # e Ap *). 4] -[ 5 § ee eX Se% § be" § =] x3 x ee te x3 ta x XF [Se 288 2e%6 4 bE al = me [e" (z-e* a)- 5] — patluig uulie 9M, wie howe 2 #8 et)s[e(L-& +5) - see le “a7 Bt8 nS 1 Sle slp al ac ] {isp $ we ['- x TR ee] RO equation ts Aarne ox a fatuing fv -covitame tuncasts y himce shown . We: know, jf feline ; EXAMPLE a 3° fe ( DETERMINATION OF VISCOSITY FReM ey flow: para): REF 1, p-48 i ba Cmbipsine,* SOLUTION: Q= OA, Spite & ’ Q aan aime (CH, OH CHOH . CH,OH) uo (wing Susi hertgontal tube 7 tego > trate. Pea bemure chop ~ 4 & 0.00398 ft? /orun- Tre 'demsity ’ REL Gor’ « hho the flew data. , f BRE unilyis mat Sher C95, 60 au Ge. IG Ap) Re BH iycine at 24 yo fe wit gym iow Hagin - Pevecuitle law a(R —h)R* . fe herigento( [lew fo> be omd. Ge Pro he pis Bop ep i) lm uct ' i ib | Seay OR% THE] ac_| 8760 Mbp lf. 1667 og (appre I - de BQL f=? ‘ Le length 0 tubes Sg De duameter q tubes 0+] R= radii the brbe= 0 —Ap = premure eof = 4o pre > Q= ume [low rate = ‘ ‘i ‘ ~ y = es 00833 ht 2 Ox0Strv r= 4, 1667 X10 (b : 40 i lm*z 4x iaxie = S70 Ibe ye. 398 i /min oo = G6 HDX (a5 bys. ee i 3 Ee [bps If Powe [\ Lamp Hla : ji iy :/ ea eee Ib i = 0381 re 1 i% tye vie / |! 0 cece as3.egh = 4.9269 — Age 30-486m| L ! omn-S “Ik 442-6 cp CHECKING: ‘ Reynolds’ mo. = Re hh Oxv4> Dae Rew PRYEP | % Re 4..| 6-633 .x105¢ | 79:7 1b | | rls | #? [o-da8ss ft [doarib = RAl CAloo. i af Remo Lox than Aloo shows the flow is lai ast dheue’ formulas voli. Astuatly the ingen ee LA law 5 wld enty for laminar fue. I ' END EFFECTS: Tre embrace length, “Le'G L, = 0-035 DPe = (0-035) (0.00933 )( 2: 41) : = 0.0007 ft u, oo The Cua ‘ejtecks ane met impottank as emp , \ lengty.6 " nc Bo the wiocerityy value catecdgted . cals (ree fe S97). j _ EXAMPLE - “2R6-1. “(bere MINATION OF. VISCOSITY FROM 1 TERMINAL VELOCITY OF A FALLING SPHERE): ' ib 4 p a yu by a Artakion that encohils ome get the iccerity of a fluid by meaning the rtiadyg.' stake Aakeop fall of a. Aphene on Che flute. ; SOLUTION: DQD RAE QORD ABUL so Q ee (last Oui deg i soe SOLUTION: t Wher av sbhanital body feller” tw a fiucd som Agat, a Utccows force y omation «This Usrceus force ties “te olyeck: A pout ts heacked uw the | a corddnt uslecity (called Eamimad up 6 attaimed when the waceus force ‘ the gravitational putt fe. fee aK § eqpial ty He buoyam, ce (mn wxaceus force Calo m ofpovce. duxectig s Grauity foure = “ busyamey 4,7R Cs gv = “KR Cg B ZAR Q( C520) “= Ape dow the u duced “dur to. there attains ex equal tp non | ) : | 1 od. + unrceus 45 ¢ vat xclemailey dQ = ctl + es Fram Stokes? Laxo 6A KUER ‘ aK UR Pe ater me = 2 COs 009%)! be ae whue, y R= haduis | 4 ‘ Ose lemaikty oy Aphaas , - Qs «x a flac. ; Ut 2 ( usloaky 0 bethnd fee Uutacen ey a Che cd: Fo. EXAMPLE 2-3-2 4° Ade p- 187. Ay “ONS A NB_ DISCUSSION. ee ti ay the fiat . lsh dif of * hake changtot The wat pate: § used eekly for “with: Aespect i welectty) CB a-fud dent tune & din k waeby & Wane. Think about q “(acccluation due 7 Y USED WITH SHELL BALANCES: ft DEFINDTION: lek “x* bea Uy. Sf vow ae juery an increment trv Crus qeanbty » Le-'ch ee thim “%" Becomes a+ Ax. Naw yy om change im Xp ie. qe f0X) ly 4 a formction 4x4 7 Chom whom bs 1 By’ ans tncrement tn 47) do qtay = fcwran Ay= fortdn)—y = fran} ay _ fxtday~ fO) ae Now taking lice when Ax is Lier mall, i Ax —305 them : on um Ay Um — fQrtdxy- feet Axo Ax * Aqso ak dy — lm f(xtax= fm idx. at790 7 Ax MY g the fet dacuatuie 9, Hp ue A de tow Os wed im bho bokomiés “aH a wee OO HHiuemtiol 2 fey ‘ i i dm shit ostgatinn.S os A diteaamtcscl iio bam equa~ teow which miu deaivatiuce » Trl : Li prontio eapation inulin fod order howirccture O Called? furck odin Ait akiol eqpakion. an J , ¥ Uz emake o model eqnakcov ow fotlerns eration a preans. Truss thane dita aki ane. ~~~ pkaed by oie riake omethads Alich as lay amaform, K- tampon, Repeating witalles|ete. uv odin te use the amet patie J _ 2 Conbavk’ the 2 Tylon k forthe lamimar fio 6% wisccous Hain vv o tube witty that’ uv anv anmulus. Dendence & Thy oh, fer 0 Orbe ee LRH) and -fr armulus, ah - CR-RIR [rey piel vr Ty» Got [(e)- GRENS)) See . : : Kooy the, dome alin 0, tube. Thyz0 on | | yd Tha max 4 ' | . | . TUBE | a "| Flow in’ ANNULUS CHamdi-) Ahedns, Shows: thal | _ bome.d}, : Wate. dp FLOW IN = x Cap) R* ope iio): ond the forculeuseciaed with, the, sud “Re padi G the tube [C= Wocostty 6 the fluid Le" Lingth § the tube a whew the fiw 6 ward, Pe + gh | “” ne @ dewruatd, Pe p= @qh | iy i wn no hemtgentol , P= po ; p = abi pumure af mick i “he » ok oublel. ; } | m. te Nfn® X_m* ad pines, So NeS xm ; am m i 3 . om. ant gs LHS 5 RAS] ko Comdial. 4. What ib Reymotds me ? What arr Us ‘dimentems ? . “Reymotda? mo. Re ‘and Wg’ - Pinu Lau era why iste This Gs a elation bjto edna . i j - diarmalta: oychammal x welooity ty fluid x {db consi “fond the qrauitatimal acceleration) cause the -filsw - . wrconiy oy fal Due vneabial fi Res = rad . cd . Wicous forty) D Su e Ie mee, 5. For ammulan ow, © the surface flu deren to He une or outer wool ? wk kmaw furface 6 Zromementum ! form Sak b= AR, puttuig mn follorng we haue Ke . _ = LR tan = EDR (CH) A) Hk nk er) fo— Pr ak I O= e[-( 2e OAR fe ye + BEE) aR eke ‘ Be Ve) aed pe Bey pd ARs (5 )( #): . oy AR.= a lek Re bom kR= Som ake Be Ys uttung valu mm (i), ue howe] pee [LOB g tc bos ; Pyle, zin(f 555)" D4 | : ' Shar chin § goo at AR= VS4 MG RH-AR ao ISH 4542 Som “amd, ARE AR-KR= 451-5 2 Tas he dimersionles qpiamt rR : (using Stumib), nace % bhaow dass (Which § Cs 92 What & the ange oy axjuicability ity oy Stakes’ Laws t/ Stokes? Laue 6. valid “ff eet oe (Re) 9% apout, 0-1 « Would: Stokes? low be bo beak id. medina up of B? Kb expected thak the ts ull ba oO tail) hawewws, density Ahold be ay aul apat A chor amadiunry 8- Mou the “ bhnatd eat be " lo- Would Sates ua tbe held for sy img pankicla re he dantiatiar & votid| oy [dm & fouing tw laminar flow with Ou a tonal te, IR- How doe i uo So lane clement used to make a Ahstt balomee. “Re, fotn 3 deled eps the, Whale foe eth Agitem cmuasly .e-9 hala dma tiv the where flute flours a-crcular sheets ndahed soe tr tikes othe ! dunechion, eee her be the : ‘ B-Ab hak poone ov Gu daunation 6 How he ow cruular, ticbe would me haux to begurw ir emake. phanges Cayithe 1 Coefficiemks 6 udocartly wre 0. function sy “(because op rian” Ontheumoal emdiions 7g.) br the fui c LULAe, mon- Newterian ?- (b) The unsertcan 6 Non- Newtencant'enfrerscon vs done umciead Se-Nakertar oftsr onakurg rembunw flun diibeetin (a) AY Ose pADBLOy 20 PRMe Puttulg par a funscicn. of A im Newter’s law g, wracblibitoy Ako ain. Chew, puttucg tho. in anomentumy Slur dutitbakior, after | Olusteng the 7. ec for Ite amementivaw flu click fan. Dicuss the dufcoubkces of maorwetmaents vinSuad, vv determining abséuke wuicosikies wulh the aud oy the Hagen — Potseuitle, formulas Hagin Pineal (aw -fy w hovejonot appauatus he x Capt i besbs. 81). K ~~ 8Qu i ep . abou ) we haue Now un oid le medrure wircaVitus wor te haue a LuKy Amal. Cd cl tube mode to henstep Laminar flow. The maampertenk 6 Aadus (CR) OF "the capillary Gube § a protien. The calatlation oy b.d Cap) amd flow in Such ay thie co-pellousy snd ely “see p-S2- IS- Two vinrrincilie Liquids A oma B Ot flowing vv'lannimar fla bfw bu pet pare Ye pomcbiliby that the welrciy [naples | would be as Ahowm ? I" ' Yes, the ore & ths Accu 4 chen cas thac). Oo "e* uv on cekuic fuuld Prsuming Sokv' Alaw ck ' Would there cum be (8) J the onere clerse fesuct fas lus wip (surely I6- Whaté the tumunal ueloatiy =i ico lt Ve the hake no 2m suhue, Yeeteumimali Ee-m , erin & pouticte dueto €, =" PROBLEMS. = 90. 2A, (DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY RADIUS BY FLOW MEASUREMENTS): REF 1 One amethod of debexmnimimg tre hadins vasa pao tous Os babe. ved tha Ao de ‘ fluid. through, the tube Find the Aadius of a. Capi i bow Longthy pila & % = §0-02¢m ; kinemabic varconity o _uud = 403 xan fs a] fluid = 0-9852 xI0* 3. Diy 1 gp Chawigental) capillary tube = 4.829 x 10%.N/]m™ os = 4.766 akm : Maxi Aake of flaw tube = 2-997 x15? kay, + _ siocewuna jot dau back. to this anathod ? One for determining the nadit capillary Gches* umion. : We kecus Hagen - Poraewillé os Q- x(h-A)rt pL i. Na tube § hovizertol eee p > TF ep» he p> 4 he= pe “he eros 7 ae we O) (fer to ast) : Mons hate 6 plow = Ge anni ; danny 04 the fuuid = © “7 qgs2 x 0? Helos : = 3. Tae (i np las Fee a. 4p) = 4824 X10 N fon kimemakic zVe a 4.03x 10 me (ra _-- Wotan of fluid = ft» 4.0340 KE = 403x063 =0-039s@ =, 0-088. anes i igth oy the tube = L = S0-020m = 2 % the the = R=? putturg values th Ci), We haue © Blaxips = (4829x109) R4 . 8 X0-0385x 0 -Sooxr R42. 3.1887 x 108 mt "Re FSIS xo tan = -TSIS R= 0.7S1S mm . For the mmeamurement O, Acqpurtd potameter a no. oY conditions ars ty be nLvo| ed fi then use Hagen - Poeurlle Law, A. p- 54. The cliavoback Agems te be thctt the flow shou d cuenta Lon (ie. Axeam Wma), Andthermethed wong urdng onechantcal balance as oi + Yaz fodr. APY WE Wea, d= ddag, me 2.8, (Volumea! “‘nake ot o flow thrsughy am rls)? REF 4, p.. 6 / A harigavtal omnultu is 7 If. tng. nner addi, 6 the Umer cytind x $ 0.4951 “the ‘tnadde adius ot cubencglimalae 8-1 A Go % ofpreous Actution d¢ Macrae (Cp Hy, O%) & to be pumped. “though the agynuLuns at 20°C, At this Evmperctune -the f fd emai “0” $ 90-3" Ib, and. th wincartty 6.136: mae What B the ume Aake How whew the vmpressed pas chp Gs 5-39 psi? Sousa Te a SRA NP We kmow 1 fo flow thioug ov soinubdd _ Acfox RAR [cen PD : Bul vn Ve ‘ Hovigertal 40 Po= bos hep, “| e—P.s p-p = Ap) 7 7 Aap) r+ (Kt ee 7 gpl 0. S002 Ww 10*x Joo 1 mee), “Boa C1) | SOQ. FCAPRI gf, yy (eR | . a ape de [° ie | th putting ulus, ue hae Vp Qs v cal \ Express ) gad mg sour I BIB he As Unik are | O80 Amertoan Engg. re Bob Sted . di . Ne 7 \ ExCreloorI, sar vay 04 ate? ] hk 8X.9.038x 27 On ¢ has) 7 = 0-1 {b/s . : : ! cake that could he tnt on theslack ops tnieundir. the condikenrs | - cen ak.anis % ptack = |-0 Ws ” “Cas wcrc = O 026 cp Cu oe, , = 0.045 “1 Aumale cababyst pousicte’= I 24 2 thw tothtein oa amicnens .(4 mica = Io Som) pemedinils, tore aoa law (a)? dor. “OF CATALYST PARTICLES [iv A STACK { GRE): = REF, bea | ie kavd that ML auuage uclonty § tue 48 (lod time. Shaw haw oe Cau gee the ally Oa hor ua [ ” SP Rat OD PAT. “_tipibatin gue = Pete gg that % & meawued, frm the wall Cthat 6% 20 the wal, % = SGak the edge 6 the (lin). Shao thak the dicen § ther gite sieht \, iy) a 8 fina, ds fplaning Pens) daa ew ise ae cha Tea (i) this equation, (WW ursek Newton’ s law uno the pre b Ad. diy dati uatocilyy, (tae he a the fi ms doin a. the omoementurw Ci) mak eet aoe eee de a fr the ualeiley, (th) unbes re ata Oe lei ttn ‘fg he by ranting Newton's Law vm (pe 46 ed continuing as Aurgiceed unéch the veloccty dichributior has beer otfounedl. SOLUTION: (a) Rast otha pucedurse Fame ah Uae dic for fatima falas » rhe Pr 4By Ufo Ufte &y-(2), p- 46 TR = gon Pet © aoe (2) (x=%) Mw ake changed B.c- 1: at Z= 8 CRU (pepe MEG thus from (2), use hae » Taz =0 (Aeep-42) Cia" —egcop 6 gz = Cacop% + (-e9 co 8) Taz = wp(z-8)” p eee (3) SINSERSION OF NEWTONIAN EXPRESSION: For ov Nertaniann fad a lal wice bag “Neutan's ee ~ ex. = of oe 4s- mm (3), ie Reuse. DIEFERENTIAL EQUATION FoR VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION: —L 2% = pgcmp(x—8S) be > eager dz . 9 mp($—X) pp ee = 9% pC = = (€ge°Ff, )(E®) a (4) a Tha the differential equation veLoctry DISTRIBUTION: Inkogaking (4) 9 ae hour far - (S628) [oi a Uz = £4eP s [ai CIP Ie. ae B rm a, = LAPS gp LIMP Eg. (s) Svew oF cane eo 1, DIRECTONOF (an) VNGRAIITY = _ _ 96. vu < AOBS = BOP MK bo? EE - 2 F] Yee (EE cop ((%) -L 2h] 6) Thus shawn. - AVERAGE VELOCITY; <7: cups LL diay [sai ff teay Ung abla then, we cam Aeume the oder | alin ute gee £ (pe = (oP VU, 04 Cop Se @) dx* fe Tab the beemd oer Wh) Integrating (2) te ate the ueiity dituibation dy a EOP c, a+) Ax fe To twoluake C) > uring baumdory corditaans : 38. Bet, ak %=0, Aye =0 (omaaiomuns ucla ) ho, C,=0, Pam(3), we howe oe «oth wae (4) Snkeqrating (4), we haut % - FOP t 60, _ f 2 To eroluate Cr, F B.C. 2: on at x=&, Vz=0 5 ho mh C2 LIP & Wy. - LEOP ar, CacmP &* aati.) (>) x = ac He +] Ca cmp S By Ye SP [1-(35]. Thus the welecy distribution has ben — dlfouimed as use get tm Chan. paceduas her p— AT » 09 (6). caer RE (Lamina ~flan vn 1. manow A utacous fui ewe Hie fosrmecl by lato pruatlef walls a did Make. ov chipecential onsmentum balance an fir the lin ribukions of anomentum lun and | i Te R-P, Taz = E AZ (=-4)+ (R— he” ape Vy = un which Pe p+ Oph = p-eqz. What} & anaxtenum ueloaty ow the see?’ CHios Hagen - Pacseuilte law » fr the atte. SOLUTION: LAMINGR: FLOW IN A NARROW SLIT: [| : p-6R Po nina bomce 2B Loltain the copa uolaityexcobcgpom. ee the hatin % useyge ve omakeg 9 the MOMENTUM FLUX DISTRIBUTION AND VELCKITY oistaiBUTrON EXPRESSIONS: » We aae ong to lomtmat fla fd vie ofl: uml a didamce "28" afart. Thelengtly “L" HE solong thal he end effect, are. meplected - demvity 6 the. (ued « e FLUIDIN 7 FLUID CUT loonie, the fq ous he each fate a eetist SELECTION OF THIN SHELL OF FINITE “THICKNESS: A thin Mott § Aclectedd where * thickmess = ax , lomgth, the shell = L | width = WwW. MOMENTUM BALANCE: Yoxsious contributions bo theoementum balamce in x- dusckionare | Rate 6% mementum nv atx” Y = (LW)(%, (by wnscons poe tharsport) (Lw) ( x) | Rate 5 2-momentumy out ok C U = L + AX (by usiscour fompsct) (LW)(Taz) es Rate & R-mamandiumr tn AAO punface ab R= 0. (by How) = (War) ev, | | ; Z20 - Rateoy. % momentumr cul arrow . . Aunface at Z=L (by flaw) 2 Wwanz) ey | uw. | ek Cramity force acting on tha shett = (wl) | Phomure fre aking on the | suyjace at R20 = Po (Ww ax) | Pramure a om the surface at Z=L =-P (Wax) | We knovo knew for Heady. stake, momentum balance & [me] - [ise] [ards] =0 “: viv uk Agatom J.” {fig Setene ea. fun a = os sae OL Bi cwaeven(en)) Je [eran eg + p(axw) —p.(war)] = ° LWIA) ] + CWE] — CLIC) x Z=0 AtAn - (wars CU)! + (Lwdx) eg + (fp—p)( War) =0 vy | =e) » bo (04 Cand areafor Zo = Hleware omdauts) (rpc) | — CLINDCT ae)! + Lan eg ad ach Wax) =o twee haus (LW) Te? a - (LW) hye ~ (lwen &ath -p(wax) Sis egpee by (LWAx), we have alto baking Umut when ax0 - bm (Tine eg + (bot a 7 L ax70 ne fog) = Sbeltet & (%e) = [potane | ining ee p+ Oph =f (a4 hao rd ats. fe ae ah bo 75 cteamusd dit A(t) (Rak) On C ss ———— 102. "MOMENTUM FLUX DISTRIBUTION: Smteprokucg C1), wre get Tax: = (bot ye od () | Fe eualuate the covtame ¢, , ue B.C 4: 5 at x=0, Txz=0, ho fom (2), Cp = Osh Tax. = (B=#)x wee (3) LT hb eqpation shows the emomentumy fun didsibution. 8S am eqpation Hoaipht line, fe Taz varies Limealy wth ~ wunth qe ooucatt =o. INSERTION OF NEWTONIAN EXPRESSION: Fer ov Newtonian fluid (ar fluid whch Tax - “fF dx pen mm ©), vat howe - Dt PEREATIAL EQUATION FOR VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION: -p oe a (Ea dx L dv, _ (h- Fen _ (4) ae BES nis the difuentiol VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION: Ontagraking (4), we haue [ew - - (Fn) fe Un (HA). 2 tO, seers cs) L 2 i (& un Cat aye “Tape Uz = didetbucion SHAPE OF .PROFILE: © Shapes he fe ds patel MAK. VELOCTY( Uz man) : thalat. the centre, 40 poterrg xeOm CPe- ft) ge 2pL VU. SVnp = L fim ed i ct )(B-% , (ef They “eqpathy hous velouty i | 7 \ 1 Manttarum uslocstyy : « i ant 1 AVERAGE. VELOUTY( 2 cater] Benaily a the fluid (oncom promi Se | ance. , wen theughy wv t SHELL CI | THICICAY TUBE MOMENTUM (N andias gists pare oul ero echoaxys » luizcion in iy care the momentum A -dinedsi « fv the falling. fon ie of, flow ww ‘the fen. b) stam tices te lon undex, grantely (p-4 } FINITE (O A) ( aren IN Fury SS DEVELOPED YetaciTy PROFLE wi, L SHELL CF ON Farce oF GRAVITY Wwe que cangcclouimg He case . Wedel Sole da Wacen shel KORE GTA RCE TAMING RCA oa Bed howe urfuemce %& Grautty foronly « Thus pny genesod amomumtum balanee ((orct ton) +(aKARY,(CV2)| ] va Zao 4 (AKAN: (Cz) | ] + {arn ont eg evo : Rel (amal. a2) | + (arn an, (Cvs) A a — (AKA DA Uz (0 Vz) | q Asuming tarcem presse -flow | Azo So, (arin)! - (annly(t)| =v, | Zeb Ro- and a Umut whew AAm0, & . AT, — ACT) lane ai-70 On ha AH) ge, Tx) = eg Seagate sige Mn = eg + C; al hz OR » z= 0+ Aho Mornamturry cortatbutcars are same ws lnabine. p- L forces ake zero ar Kaw bn undir the 4) it KA OAL CH =O : i afin RAL «6 z - [er tm Mak fe Grae: T2)l + arranllg =0. amd duincdin, se by ax BAL, witha ae W Te waliuate ©), uu use babndauy emdibims , fame)» = (AR)(0) - eg = -Hcary pty vn Be Migs eg ~ Beary The ge - B cary ve Q) . Foy 0. Newtonian fur » Nz -p a da antegrabing 4), we hour = 2d [aed C9 rape [ ae far. . - 3 | ae a = Ws Lg (OR) ira ~ £4 £ tC, 2 ve (s) > ye Te evaluate condamt 5 mnbegnation tte Bc: at h=R; Uz=0 ,h0 oe 40% 0h, 5 ¢ BS Ge CER Rg _ eco “wR ap ER, A Rg ap” Uy = 3 [G&mn- = A £ gr” [zene ak at ~2atinR.| af e a Uz = AE [1-(#) +20%m(e)| homcee row. 2K a. | [radede e | [sdeee oR R ~ a | SE (gy ner Ge) | as ‘oR fe oR, “% 2 da ana’ fale )- du R ar ok trai BL, at (eh Lf efi oce| [Ege 2] R R ag Rk 2p aot pe 4p. pt zg, F __Aegr eo -r Se eat 22 ings -£ mman> | &. ds3] R (Re 2 2p EP cay— 0 - J a a R mala (a-1) Rat 1) gat {EE omc) — oe + £3) n & al > OD TEiss a 7 —. Pu, > ss e mele a 2 - at [Bee-n-Rlatn + atinca)- alee a is a Re Lev 1- (24) gatin(@ig 2 as at =n) - rs z @) = REAR tayfi— CED 4 Batencey_ cae ap ‘me gkt >, 2atnr(a) a1) - ieee n e- a [. “* (a?-1) © II. 25 (mal i nme M ):p- 65, REF. 1 as shou , in this nod is ret auth a uel V. The Aad ancl the pend one Ford the Meady- Atake velocity ———— CYUNDER OF —— FWIDAT PRESSURE INSIDE Rants R "0 { un FleiD AT PRESSURE , Ps YALL TELE YUM AR marin wn gy lind one tw daribé ee dees. SowTion: The oul nadiivn 6 hod = Urner Nadiiss 6% “ee dey 2e = ~onont emai be wm of bo = Ld : - = SS SS 5 a fl k——L—— SELECTION OF CYLINDRICAL SHELL: Selecting ow oglimdsaica toad shalt o titkmers Dk amd. Ungth, ep ee MOMENTUM BALANCE: Rake of momenturny vv BS Taz by tyutamu banspout at” (axaly( ia) Rake o momentum out of . . At Oh by tlaceus banspart) = (anal Ga) Athy ommular surface ok Kao (by pe) = (®EABAY)( Ve] R=0 ses ee (3 anmulor, hurface at Z=L (by fla) = (AFA ANY; )(CV,)] Rel * Grau 6 as U low , alto We kaw sor Moody - Atake , momentum balance 0 ; Rake ° ” souk Ayam y WE [coraty te) 2(aTr anv) ex} - [axurcroal h 20 AtOA, =o + Carr aonre (er) ] +0 as. (anal )CTaz)] +(2mA ORY )(C;) —(aRAL Tx) | A Zo AAda — (AKA DAY) (CV) =e Pinang v, | 5 », | 9 ho ° de ZeL (anal)(%z)] ~ (anbL Mz) | =0 A Atar - Carrtyet)| 8 (arat)(Tax) | ae ; 7 h | Dauiduig tage by (ATRL An)» we-get.., aud. i fi tating leit, Oh—0. : a a lm ANG | ean 7 ATs], aD Aha \ aA . * Fe. nov gromby foie Cmbibublary hr flaw TT ple (Tz) = 0 ae This tb Ley of enementims flirt... Ontipatong Ci, mtg iar : fey fatestay = fea ff Oa. ANg = Co => Tk To waluate Cordant C,", ue ube Ae KR oo AalR ~ ful the Value % Thx & mot kmown at there omditders’ bs : tie Leto ‘Neakon’s Lao 6 wisn me ays tye yp tie : ee afege puteina vn (2), we get Bede. ak he KR Ua V Vex hm (sR) aoa ak Az R > Vizio: - 7 in (BR) + Cr w+ (6) in Ke) : pting van ‘Gy “Ore (6), we get c, - ner ny. we pe Oe u t “@, Vink) pow) pated ae ead Cem 4), we howe ve fat) VE, v ee Gg RO. * mh Win CA) *, VinCR) 9 mh) moh) etc nh fnciae bn (8) ] z: finch + Incr} ae v ob een) ot Unt) : ent) my iwk 2K Re Rw oT [ vemdade i { [x Ado ol KR re © __ — an [wade 2 OK KR ‘ R . A, = ae [ a-tm(%)-dé wk J , | kR R Rye . : Crim AL Od dal qv : - aAVy [eee] -| RR. | foo | oie fh g 2nV (Rr KR KR af Se = [Ema Ce a nde ERe s pay ER a \ lee) : = BAY ( g EE m(xy tL JA T 2 z (\z tk wen a - 2 FEE ice LL (RY Ke] ink z + ' = PAN [ae R ce Re "| 4hvk : = AYR pe Lok ' Zr | ° TK] ~ KRY > ick) ~- AE [28 + TRE | 1 )REE. 1: pe anpel Con The wing yy the. § water Ai Ro't, aad the anttnomabek ccd wiclhvdemsety S94 Yom’ use tube daar SOLUTION: \Groutd (a < Aacke De bf (oe lbh) threagh y wey CC] 4. Bl O-0]0m >i pes) tag) Qn ABKF Now - ABEA aM (BEA = 90° am (BFA= KK = Jo =m thus * ee ill an S mn r. arn a ets A geet r 3 é Integrating (D> oe haw [Hetin). (R= OD fade va Lk an z «hx) Tech A) Boe, =O, i= 0, bo Gj =0- Thus hem C2), b ACh) = ea) fe) vk a + hee CPo— ane | 2b ° deus (Po A —P ae - eA 1) 5 Spteprabing (4) ure Rawr be POE da. . afk v, - _ Co-h): 2eL = dip linabs Co, tue Use boundeuy cditens , ab he Ry Weno + ees aes a (Po-R.) -R™ i. VY Gye Te" > prtryg CS)» wwe Rese (Pog BY ne (Po Reh “| - @ ) scng Newken's (avo Be mdine - (RRR ts ‘U9 Be cualuake G 9 We UE bandaging AS) sates # iv t 2 pag Op se ba oe ' Q: auf ee Rae sdk Fan ZBL S Ly an (PR) *! an (Pe Pit ~~ te 4 4pAL ES 4, } (PoP IR cf ape = D+ 0.010 = 0-0008 ff | 020008 0.0 : Y 20-0004 bE ‘ fom = 10 At we cesLlg OY water = = i Gh = 6-1) 196 > KIO a % Q. R(B-ARA g cf BLL 2 = Ex 3.010% (0000 _ y BLD ik : 8x 6196K10 tx [0 . : ih. -jo bY pes =. COLLTEPL Fila. 1 49- X to NO [-49.x 161° Mais date 6 ate =-G. Qxe x wot LiNebe "2 3347x107 aided ghant Met thin, unl, duc Hint wit ing do Bs 9 danat Use. Je. Qe Rxd-o90x(o-ccot)’ .y.4qrx 16! BX2-087 K 16x10 "2.Mg » PERFORMANCE OFAN ELECTRIC DUST COLLECTOR CPt Adu frocipikator Conscts of py open changed ates bw duttaden pans flaw: pt rok i 67196Ki fhe thes” og ony lbg-s i-s BLL Joe ft i xIoP to vtalloshy a cukerion the amit} length Anjos it ‘tases dnc tage oe wanna thal (8a fon yo” t he gy the a te pusiptat Uno bess Hy tha charge on Che. padfiee e, ln id some a t eustime Sather that the Sokol 0 gen’ [force aching on he the '~.diareckum corny. po +. "betocery ‘PrsreiButton A i Fa the. case , vetwe the well “ard tha to lng Les & lominar.; bo weloccly, ductuibcttti ne ee [1-4 (3) ut fending eT ‘ ' Gee Distance rauctted by the poaticl oAecor toy equal H moticn » Saveé abab™ bul. = balay 30m ho Cemced bi ued wy “ He ve i Ase adumme dt egal ee 4 : Kenda b Newlins ust leew 9 omotuir ° Feava, pitt the value By (a) ow Gy te, har ae ‘ L(288)¢ = ete Lo) | ds ge the dutonce — 1 onc be ony duttand aus : at ang pout (8-2 yh eet ye oY t on . “tt ty ge ee alt on : pate tm C1)5 a i of et’ 5 ahe" , i (Soom f mete | ot CoP) BT «eee enertt Hest’ ' -PoR)B* pt pH eer", HEEL zh ) B oa 4 ‘ _ Cfr-f) e&f ge e bt Yes zl [ e m™ ] —3 oe] Bpxy0 the (B— a) OV %Y, SSR > A ti i Di=Vt) =tB ye ho 02 LEE re. " (dase nal him Ka B, the dedomce (hath § te) trowdlled, _ebt™ [em B= = te ie Bat fr titel ditomen trawrbled bit) Haber, terme uit be doubled i-e. “atte ts 2 em ldo : 2 | eee J dt im [= “erp, die 2 4) i Ls | se oes \ Ba & - (Bee 23 |, ‘ a . afet [e's a: as Fina ee u (Po- Rees 1g Ce ce 2 (E | : QL ~ bm S No eRCEB Bam 30. Bm %t bss —=( oe) * 2K Low [5 (ez) =e ; ra - Serhiecs (22) 2h. [%- pees Bin A ») . nie MepEbeam cej %)]* cPe-P) B% ok ' 2 “{ chek TIS . [te Jos _ (64 Pe fi) B pee R2S Win «| 225° ye dentine lnc on the basis of fut € den tide force Cosmmnclt poibkebema%s);; ily aati rhe with, ckoutnls crimes ‘Ahe Mr, People euror ' we 0 sda gy thab ny Ee aki hei dus to coy Aerermeduien (fu 14) af y Chau ow modi jgeationy % the a wall. Trot ay instead. aus thaf (Ue i Ruse the bsumdony conditions ak 4 | dv," : { Pik = pt a Lance tf B= oo ? ) SOLUTION: ike ceeyricont 6, Slicduuig aa Cwhae § the frupscca rr fu pd foneg oe pont dv, (R-A), a ce pL age, , ete (feaBy te +O, 2pe a B:G-1 , : ‘ab h eR, pre poe 1 fiom CH, a hae pidv, fon R* P a) (Fe Va : dvs ) ) Lies + re heer cee (4) fom “ ds ; (a . ! 2k ‘we hae - ye “aR BLP ape) I Ng) (ree Flow WITH aie AT WALL): REF 1, le a Psixewche, law by Us fucd. ab the ab A=R, bw witch! 1 ---(E) Ge p-s4) 1 % wuatuake constant O; witegration, using bouncy | i | ey value 5) C2. es fi Felt +G ae (Be A) Le vi (pet “Vy, ete ae) ee 2p ay wR 2 OR i @ [) [rnando- | R 0 6% fi ~ ar [meds putty: unt am (32, wat haw jaadeda.'”. R . “A: . APP wo if oR. ‘ a Ate | [-i Japs Adk | mR) (_ RA RA RL S| aap aK ap PREP LVL RRR +4] - 24 4 2 or ae LBR : W(R-AIR* 4! Q: ep pe! ; Thalathe, mo i WHEN Spe es En aa bing P= oo 6) tin he a as lhe au} “Fundl. ae at I f ! 1 (a7. > BE) p- 4oRers dithak a meas clereribed by the Bongharin - atin Huschbea wetcol Guhe odie : wsurs gadionk amd /o. grauttabimal acceletakion.. ” Tht Anadis and ty oy the tube are Reamd. L, Avspectinoly . tb -dasied & oltarry ov delaticn hw tre urine dake’ (locw” \Q amd the combined peeue ancl, qeeutlay -forera orig ow : cd. | a Jb We kmao the momentum iUidributtor foray Newkortory fluid U fy ov.cucular py tube) ¢ - jtamg a nies oa a fie: chke + ; tad (Be eg ARE 3L ‘(dee p- 54) ; Basic, anomemtum, Hunt di “Makin bs alto the sam4. fer wey the care under diccumcm ; Fer Bingham. Moclef , we know : ce ~~ fe th of ef ec ncay | (SE) 0 | MMixlen at) hh , Le, i. Antscde the Low Aegon (A) applies, now 04 Th: OS pst | ; fig et im i cate : Af rs » putting’ aba, H (a) mm (D, wehaue a a ih fh ns (BoB wf 8 due ™ da _ (anh) flo 2 pol ontaguateing we howe . Us ae (haf) Mw St He 2 fll “To euatuate Cy , ue Use bmdatiy AzR» U,=0, ho Ce (a apr | putting volun 4 Cy) mr (2), we hore ey sw Q) ditions ak age ip (BoB) (he CoA g He, 2fel = afl Ho vu, Go- hdr I ze) _ TR +] | ek [' Re) of RS 2 de Uz w ve the dbtocity duidcrdhubcn , only ns BAe - Ateyion outside! the [Lowile. ucken A Ze whl oie Ay SOME Kalish 6 pug My ta Pees oy ? Fi aR [leds] (3) vw i (RRL Cj] 8 [le ae Ate nk He eS a ee % DETERMINATION OF US. - The ualotityy didributcny Gv fe Agho & VS, Ane Ty & Mb. pprttung’ (b) im (LA) , ute haus. i , mee. (eh z A>. i moe 7 co puttin volar We), we hain, 777), mos he ‘f. (H)- (2 | (a= BIR" = I 4 Hoe ete R _ (Por RJR, ‘{F an (h- Sane - #4] R R (Pe-P)R | A A ~~ Spek |; R safle ~ 4 plol : Re / = o-fIR (| AY Bk ak) 4Mal | R R Re ‘ . AL, £ (MORK) 2 2A A) oR RE “(0 NF “a L ['- R + Re ajo L pe -24 Ca) (bm DE (+) | Ah “alee R ; Nag anpfwhole 6 the om ky § Crtamt mo qadiaut Ao, We Cony a fe bey nd daduus|) the ba (ee oe » do Rk Us = (Po— KR {=4) . kas. 4 fee aR eR RAR 7 Qe { i v,rdade = | J mde de=an [ade 6 6 0 6 Onkaguating by [et we fas , ~Q: ae [~#! ~ | (Gea): 2ak [°- faye dn] Husk buns gao aA at Azo, 4 aud ak « k=R, Uyz=0 [40 Uhh, = =0- dh 10 sae (ts) ae ee x [eye } set os) a dn fc [ae an} Rs ae ; } No os (2%), aff hehe bo aut wan [ode Ae putting (18) mah R Q:- EG tet) ya) a. dhs R _ % Po— fy os =-K [pew sl yal )e sda do be Q. S08 ef" nae | a(R- si (30. s ROBY - BR A2) 2 _ Ath- fe) 44 a 3 = a At) & Se (Rho?) putting the vals Te hee (4) vw abate, wr howe Q- a(R-fi)’ (pent). = (ffi) re (RA?) B Hol 5 THe . x (Po—Piy Rt 7 ‘] _ RHR) 8 pel e] Zflal ~ ‘| Us 3 | 8 Hol n(R—A)Rt x Site ApRt | . nee ho’ ‘|- st “| # $ "9 MeL fr oe (IBE RR) n, and Tee (ADR OL ; QL amd She Aes bathimg ty the lat equation uae get Epatincaled Bucking a p,-f. Rt % mt pin 0 AE (8G) | © here Tp mpmentiuny at the wall. / _ 2.1, (FLOW OF BINGHAM FLUID FROMA cincusnn Tusd) . : Aurrtical tabe ¢ (ed with o Bu {a od . anda Plate Us hele oun the Lnuer md itor lhe pitas homoued, the fucd or amaty ona out 6 the tube by SOLUTION : TBE | b BINGHAM FLUID. lo = Latrw | wn AeR \ - a J A at A=ho 2% t hl satm » Tx

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