6 Klas Food and Drinks

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6 клас Food and Drinks

1. People cannot live without...

a) money b) food c) milk
2. Good health is above ...
a) money b) food c) wealth
3. Sugar tastes ...
a) sweet b) bitter c) salty
4. A person eats well, he is a ... eater
a) good b)well c)bad
5. Pancake
а) пиріг b)млинець с)торт
6. Dessert
a) ice-cream b) soup c)meat
7. Plate, spoon, fork, pot
a) food b) utensils c) kitchen
8. long ago people drank chocolate with ...
a) sugar b) milk c)pepper
9. If you boil eggs long you make them ...
a) hard b)soft c)hot
10. People use chopsticks in ...
a) Ukraine b) Russia c)China
11. To eat cheese, milk, butter you need a ...
a) horse b)cow c)dog
12. If you see a list of food and prices, it is a
a) menu b)recipe c)homework
13. Нарізати тоненькими скибочками
a) to slice b)to chop c)to boil
14. Raisins
а) яблука b)родзинки с) груші
a)e b)a c)u
16. Morning 7 о "clock is time for...
a) dinner b)supper c) breakfast
17. Meat, fish and milk help you to ...
a) eat b)grow c)run
18. An apple a day ... the doctor away

a) like b) spend c) keep

10 Моя улюблена страва це борщ.
11 Що ти їси на обід?
12 Я ніколи не пив бананового соку.

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