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C55 Solved Précis 2014 - 2017 werw.cssbooks.net Make the précis of the following text and suggest a suitable heading. (CSS - 2014) Probably the only protection for contemporary man is to discover how to use his intelligence in the service of love and kindness. The training of human intelligence must include the simultaneous development of the empathic capacity. Only in this way can intelligence be made an instrument of social morality and responsibility - and thereby increase the chances of survival. The need to produce human beings with trained morally sensitive intelligence |s essentially a challenge to educators and educational institutions. Traditionally, the realm of social morality was left to religion and the churches as guardians or custodians. But their failure to fulfill this responsibility and their yielding to the seductive lures of the men of wealth and pomp and power are documented by history of the last two thousand years and have now resulted in the irrelevant "God is Dead” theological rhetoric. The more pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclinations to deal with the fundamental problems of social morality. For them simplistic Machiavellianism must remain the guiding principle of their decisions — power Is morality, morality is power. This over-simplification increases the chances of nuclear devastation. We must, therefore, hope that educators and educational institutions have the capacity, the commitment and the time to instil moral sensitivity as an integral part of the complex pattern of functional human intelligence. Some way must be found in the training of human beings to give them the assurance to love, the security to be kind and the integrity required for a functional empathy. PRECIS (ANSWER) Title: Morally Sensitive Intelligence OR Functional Empathy OR Protection of the Contemporary Man OR Human Security and Educators The protection for contemporary man requires the training of human intelligence to enhance its empathic capacity and make jt an instrument of social responsibility. To inculcate morally sensitive intelligence in the people is a preat challenge for the educators and educational institutions keeping in mind that the religion has failed in this respect and state or pragmatic men in power seem indifferent to it. The educators and educational institutions have the capacity, the commitment and the time to instil moral sensitivity as an integral part of the complex pattern of functional human intelligence. it may ensure the human security and functional empathy suggest a suitable title (CSS - 2015) In studying the breakdowns of civilizations, the writer has subscribed to the conclusion — no new discovery! — that war has proved to have been the proximate cause of the breakdown of every civilization which is known for certain to have broken down, in so far as it has been possible to analyse the nature of these breakdowns and to account for their occurrence. Like other evils war has no insidious way of appearing not intolerable until it has secured such a stronghold upon the lives of its addicts that they no longer have the power to escape from its grip when its deadlines have become manifest. In the early stages of civilization’s growth, the cost of wars in suffering and destruction might seem to be exceeded by the benefits occurring from the wining of wealth and power and the cultivation of the “military virtues”; and, in this phase of history, states have often found themselves able to indulge in war with one another with something like impunity even for the defeated party. War does not begin to reveal its malignity till the war making society has begun to increase its economic ability to exploit physical nature and its political ability to organize manpower; but, as soon as this happens, the god of war to which the growing society has long since been dedicated proves himself a Moloch by devouring an ever larger share of the increasing fruits of man’s industry and intelligence in the process of taking an ever larger toll of life and happiness; and, when the society's growth in efficiency reaches a point at which it becomes capable of mobilizing a lethal quantum of its energies and resources for military use then war reveals itself as being a cancer which is bound to prove fatal to its victim unless he can cut it out and cast it from him, since its malignant tissues have now learnt to grow faster than the healthy tissues on which they feed. In the past when this danger- point in the history of the relations between war and civilization has been reached and recognized, serious efforts have sometimes been made to get rid of war in time to save society, and these endeavors have been apt to take one or other of two alternative directions. Salvation cannot, of course, be sought anywhere except in the working of the consciences of individual human beings; but individuals have a choice between trying to achieve their aims through direct action as private citizens and trying to achieve them through indirect action as citizen of states. Personal refusal to lend himself in any way to any war waged by his state for any purpose and in any circumstances is a line of attack against the institution of war that is likely to appeal to an ardent and self-sacrificing nature; by comparison, the alternative peace strategy of seeking to persuade and accustom movements to combine in jointly resisting C55. Solved Précis 2014 - 2017 www.cssbooks.net aggression when it comes and in trying to remove its stimuli beforehand may seem a circuitous and unheroic line of attack on the problem, Yet experience up to date indicates unmistakably, in the present writer's opinion, that the second of these two hard roads is by far the more promising. PRECIS (ANSWER) Peace Strategy for Abolition of Wars The writer finds that war is the cause of collapse of every civilization. Like other evils, the deadly grip of war is difficult to escape. In the early age of civilization, the nations indulged in war with the illusion of impunity though their losses were far greater than their gains like getting wealth, power and military virtues. War appears benevolent to the war makers for the economic benefits and political power but in the long run, it proves cancerous with a greater death toll and diverts energies and resources for mobilizing the war agents. Then it seems the malignant tissues of war grows faster than the healthy tissues. In the past afier realizing the dangerous conflict of war and civilization, the individuals made efforts to save societies from war. Though the human individual consciousness is significant but being the citizens of a state, the individual refusal is not enough to get rid of war. The writer believes that the attempts to persuade the governments for not indulging in war seem more promising in this regard. suggest a suitable title (CSS - 2016) During my vacation last May, | had a hard time choosing a tour. Flights to Japan, Hong Kong and Australia are just too common. What | wanted was somewhere exciting and exotic, a place where | could be spared from the holiday tour crowds. | was so happy when Joan called up, suggesting a trip to Cherokee, a county in the state of Oklahoma. | agreed and went off with the preparation immediately. We took a flight to Cherokee and visited a town called Qualla Boundary Surrounded by magnificent mountain scenery, the town painted a paradise before us. With its Oconaluftee Indian Village reproducing tribal crafts and lifestyles of the 18th century and the outdoor historical pageant Unto These Hills playing six times weekly in the summer nights, Qualla Boundary tries to present a brief image of the Cherokee past to the tourists, Despite the language barrier, we managed to find our way to the souvenir shops with the help of the natives. The shops are filled with rubber tomahawks and colorful traditi onal war bonnets, made of dyed turkey feathers. Tepees, cone-shaped tents made from animal skin, are also pitched near the shops. “Welcome! Want to get anything?” We looked up and saw a middle-aged man smiling at us. We were very surprised by his fluent English. He introduced himself as George and we ended up chatting till lunch time when he invited us for lunch at a nearby coffee shop. "Sometimes, I've to work from morning to sunset during the tour season. Anyway, this is still better off than being a woodcutter ..." Remembrance weighed heavy on George's mind and he went on to tell us that he used to cut firewood for a living but could hardly make ends meet. We learnt fram him that the Cherokees do not depend solely on trade for survival. During the tour off-peak period, the tribe would have to try out other means for. income. One of the successful ways is the " will be opened, attracting huge crowds of people to the various kinds of games like the Super ‘Bingo Weekend". On the Friday afternoons of the Bingo weekends, a large bingo hall Jackpot and the Warrior Game Special. According to George, these forms of entertainment fetch them great returns. Our final stop in Qualla Boimdary was at the museum where arts, ranging from the simple hand- ‘woven oak baskets to wood and stone carvings of wolves, ravens and other symbols of Cherokee cosmology are displayed. CSS Solved Précis 2014 - 2017 wenw:cssbooks.net Back at home, | really missed the place and | would of course look forward to the next trip to another exotic PRECIS (ANSWER) Cherokee: A Case Study of Tourism We visited Qualla Boundary, a town in Cherokee. The mountain scenery surrounding the town was a breathtaking sight, The traditional lifestyle of the Indians, the tribal crafts they made and the historical pageant played six times a week, presented to tourists a rough image of Cherokee in the 18th century. We also visited the souvenir shops which sold rubber tomahawks and war bonnets. There we befriended a local, George, who told us that besides trade, the "Bingo Weekend," where the tourists can enjoy various kinds of games in a large hall, is another source of income for them during off-tour seasons. Finally, we visited the town's museum where different kinds of arts, like hand-woven baskets and carved figurines are displayed. Solved Past Paper Precis: 2016 another Title: “A Memorable Trip to Cherokee” e mp6 hs the > As the writer was looking for new, serene and exciting places to visit “in his holidays last May, he chose to go to Cherokee on John’s suggestion. On his arrival at Qualla Boundary, he was mesmerized by the scenic beauty surrounding the place. The town presented a historical legacy of the Cherokees to the tourists through various crafts and pageants. John and the writer then managed to visit multiple souvenir shop, filled with colorful and traditional handicrafts, with teepees pitched nearby, despite the fact that they spoke a different language. They, then, met a local named George, who reminisced on his wood-cutting days with then and told them about the various means of income for the Cherokees. Finally, they visited the museum, which spoke of the Cherokee cosmology. Once _ t+ home, the writer missed the place and hoped to revisit it. (Words written: 127) Write a précis of the following passage and also suggest a suitable title. (CSS-2017) All the evils in this world are brought about by the persons who are always up and doing, but do not know when they ought to be up nor what they ought to be doing. The devil, | take it, is still the busiest creature in the universe, and can quite imagine him denouncing laziness and becoming angry at the smallest waste of time. In his kingdom, | will wager, nobody is allowed to do nothing, not even for a single afternoon. The world, we all freely admit, is in a muddle but | for one do not think that it is laziness that has brought it to such a pass. It is not the active virtues that it lacks but the passive ones; it is capable of anything but kindness and alittle steady thought. There is still plenty of energy in the world (there never were more fussy people about), but most of it is simply misdirected. If, for example, in July 1914,"when ‘there was some capital idling weather, everybody, emperors, Kings, arch -dukes, statesmen, generals, journalists, had been suddenly smitten with an -intense desire to do nothing, just to hang about in the sunshine and consume tobacco, then we should all have “been much better off than we are now. But no, the doctrine -of the strenuous life still-went unchallenged; there must be no time wasted; something must be done. Again,--suppose our statesmen, instead of rushing off to Versailles with a‘ bundle of ill-digested- notions and great deal of energy to dissipate ‘had all taken a fortnight oft, away from all-correspondence and interviews and what not, and had simply lounged about on some hillside -or other apparently doing nothing for the first time in their energetic lives, then they might have gone to their so-called peace conference and come away again with their reputations still unsoiled and -the affairs of the world in good trim, Even at the present time, if half of the politicians in Europe would relinquish the notion that laziness is crime and go away and do nothing for a little space, we should certainly gain by it. Other examples come crowding into mind. Thus, every now and then, certain religious sects hold conferences; but though there are evils abroad that are mountains high, though the fate of civilization is still doubtful, the members who attend these conferences spend their time condemning the length of ladies skirts and the noisiness of dance bands, They would all be better employed lying flat on their backs somewhere, staring at the sky and recovering their mental health. PRECIS (ANSWER) Laziness - A Blessing in Disguise Most of the evil in the world is because of the energetic and busy people. The confusion and chaos that we see in- world is not due to the lazy people but because of the active people. The world is full of energetic people but their energy is mostly misdirected, Such people only create confusion and mischief in the world. Il the important people like emperors, politicians, statesmen, and generals in the past had been less active; our world would have been a far better place. Laziness is not a crime but a blessing in disguise in many ways. The active and energetic peaple in the past did a great damage to the world. Even at present, it would be a great service to humanity, if half of the politicians and religious leaders abandon their activities and take a long, lazy break. In this way, the world will be saved from their activities; and they will get an opportunity to restore their mental health.

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