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Eastern Mindoro College

Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro

Tel. No.(043)-283-5479;


Name: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________ Score:___________
Course/Major : _______________________________ Instructor:________________________

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write TRUE on the line if you think a statement is correct,
and FALSE on the line if you think the statement is incorrect. NO ERASURES.

_______1. Values education is a process of teaching and learning about the ideals that deems important,
while this learning can take a number of forms , the underlying aims is for student not only to understand the
_______2.The self is the first and most fundamental of values.
_______3. Values enable man to change and to establish self-control and self-direction.
_______4. Morals describes what is right and wrong whereas values explain important behavior and
beliefs of a person or group.
_______5. Values are bipolar with a positive and negative people, pleasant painful easy, difficult,
strong, weak, rich and poor.
_______6.Individual Values reflect on how you show up in your life and your specific needs.
_______7. Relationship Values reflect on how you relate to other people in your life, friend, family,
or colleagues in your organization.
_______8. Relationship Values include: openness, trust, generosity and society.
_______9. Organizational Values reflect on your organization that shows up and operates in the
_______10. Societal Values include future generation environmental awareness ecology and

Directions: Identify what is being described in the following questions and write the answer on the space
provided before the number.

____________________11. These values are experience in religious devotion praise and worship to a
supernatural being to which one owes respect and allegiance.
____________________12. These values are experienced individual conduct and are characterized by
goodness and uprightness.
____________________13. These values are experienced in marveling and appreciating natural
creations in our environment.
____________________14. These values are inherent aspects of human life as biological facet and
these relate to food, drink, health and for survival.
____________________15. These values are experienced as a result of curiosity scientific inquiry and
the use of the human mind resulting in knowledge.
____________________16. It is the bases of judging what attitudes and behavior are correct and
desirable and what are not.
____________________17. Those are ethically and socially binding to all men and in all places.
____________________18. These are inner personal responses or incentive, which prompt person to
certain way.
____________________19. It is the center and moral choice dictated by what physically satisfies
____________________20. It comes through survival in the environment on a day –to-day basis.
____________________21. Process of valuing without pressure after reflecting and considering
consequences or alternatives.
____________________22. Process of valuing to cherish and be happy with the choice and to be
willing to affirm the choice publicly.
____________________23. Process of valuing to actually do something about the choice and to act
repeatedly to affirm the choice publicly.

___________________24. It is the ability with intelligence and dexterity that enables him to be
professional and competent.
___________________25. It is the ability to act with generosity and understanding toward others
that flows from knowledge of self and enhances person to person
___________________26. It is the ability to imitate new ideas and to take data beyond
quantification and logic to the development.
___________________27. It is characteristics of values with a negative and positive pole; pleasant,
painful, easy, difficult, strong, weak , rich, poor.
___________________28. Characteristic of value that has an absolute character since it has on
objectivity independent from human appreciation on subject.
___________________29. It is a values that reflects your feelings about what has beauty in nature
and life.
___________________30. This values reflect possessions we own; the things on which we spend our
___________________31. Value comes from the Latin word __________which means ____________.
___________________32. According to __________ views, the value means primarily to prize, to
esteem, to appraise, to estimate.
___________________33. According to __________, It has been pointed out that man acts to satisfy
his wants, anything which satisfies a human want becomes there by a
___________________34. It is a product of human activity that involves teaching and learning.
___________________35. Theories of morality that suggests that right and wrong are determined
with reference to the consequences of a certain belief and it's application.
___________________36. Theories of morality that suggests that everything, including human beings
is defined by a certain inherent function or purpose.
___________________37. Theories of morality that evolves according to the demands and
requirements or dictates of forces that are also changing together with the
environment through the passage of time.
___________________39. It means knowledge, values, skills, critical thinking, problem solving and
___________________40. Pioneer sociologist __________emphasized the importance of values
( though he used the term 'morals') in controlling disruptive individual

41 - 42 (2) Meaning of Value

43- 47 (6) Characteristics of Values
48 -53 (6) Classification of Value according to Eduard Spranger
54 -58 (5) Importance of Value
59- 61 (3) Some Theories of Morality
62- 66 (4) Types of Values that we have find in an organizational setting
67- 74 (8) Classification of Values
75- 78 (4) Core Values of Deped
79- 80 (2) Two Kinds of Values

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