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June 2020

6 Day Body Part Split

Scott Tousignant

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 1

You should recognize that any exercise program involve some element of risk. You
should consult with your physician or health care professional to see if this program is
something you can do without endangering your health and for diagnosis and treatment
of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications.

While exercise is normally very beneficial, it is important that you undertake this
program knowing that you do not have any health conditions that may be aggravated or
damaged by activities in this program. The authors shall have neither liability nor
responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any damage or injury alleged to be
caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

You should never discontinue taking medications prescribed by your doctor without
specific consultation with your doctor. You should obtain clearance from your doctor
before you undertake any program of exercise as the activities may be too strenuous or
dangerous for some people.

Before making any changes to your personal diet and nutrition habits it is recommended
that you consult with your physician or health care professional. The recipes and
nutrition guidelines within this program are for informational purposes only. While every
attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this plan, neither the
authors nor their affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or
omissions. The nutrition guidelines are not intended for the treatment or prevention of
disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. The nutrition guidelines outlined
herein should not be adopted without consultation with a physician or your health
professional. Use of the plan herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. The
authors are neither responsible, nor liable, for any harm or injury resulting from the plan

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 2

Advanced Muscle Building Tactics

Triple Drop Sets

For some exercises you will notice * Third set perform a triple drop set.

For the first two sets you will perform the exercise for the target rep range and
target rest interval between sets.

Upon completing the 3rd set in the target rep range you will perform 3 more sets
reducing the weight each time. There is no rest between these 3 sets. Grab the
lighter weight and get at’er!

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 3

Warm Up Drills
Workout #2 & 5 Warm Up
Warm-Up Circuit Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Band Over and Back 2 12-15 0

A2 Wall Hip Flexor Mobility 2 - 0

A3 Dynamic Pigeon Stretch 2 - 30

Workout #1, 3, & 4 Warm Up

Warm-Up Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Band Over and Back 2 12-15 0

A2 Band Pull-Aparts 2 12-15 0

A3 Band Facepull 2 12-15 30

To help you recover from your workouts I recommend doing some self massage
as you are winding down at the end of the day. Here a playlist of my favourite
self massage techniques.

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 4

Workout 1: Chest - Abs - Calves
Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Machine Fly 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

B1 Incline Bench Press 3 6-8 2 min

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

C1 Dumbbell Bench Press 3 8-12 2 min

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

D1 Rotating Push Ups 3 Failure 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

E1 Hanging Knee Raises 3 failure 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

F1 Cable Crunch 3 8-12 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

G1 Standing Calve Raises 3 15-20 60

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 5

Workout 2: Back - Abs - Calves
Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Single Arm Supinated 3 8-12 60


Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

B1 Close Neutral Grip Pulldown 3 6-8 90

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

C1 Seated Row 3 8-12 90

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

D1 Facepulls 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

E1 Russian Twist 3 15-20 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

F1 Spidermans 3 8-12 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

G1 Calve Press 3 12-15 60

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 6

Workout 3: Shoulder - Abs - Calves
Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Cable Rear Delt Fly 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

B1 Barbell Overhead Press 3 8-12 90

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

C1 Lateral Raises 3 8-12 60

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

D1 Upright Row - weight plates 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

E1 Reverse Crunch 3 Failure 90

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

F1 45 Degree Side Bend 3 Failure 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

G1 Single Leg Seated Calf Raises 3 8-12 60

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 7

Workout 4: Biceps - Triceps
Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Low Pulley Overhead Triceps 3 12-15 60


Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

B1 Close Grip Bench Press 3 8-10 90

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

C1 Triceps Pressdown 3 8-12 60

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

D1 Spider Curl 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

E1 Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl 3 8-12 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

F1 Hammer Curl 3 8-12 60

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 8

Workout 5: Back - Chest
Supersets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 High Pulley Cable Fly 3 12-15 10

A2 Kneeling High Pulley Cable 3 12-15 90


Supersets Weight Sets Reps Rest

B1 Bench Press 3 8-12 10

B2 Pull Ups 3 Failure 90

Supersets Weight Sets Reps Rest

C1 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 8-12 10

C2 Chest Supported Dumbbell 3 8-12 90


Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

D1 Machine Crunch 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

E1 Torso Rotation 3 12-15 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

F1 Seated Calve Raises 3 8-12 60

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 9

Workout 6: Legs - abs - calves
Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

A1 Inner Thigh 3 15-20 30

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

B1 Outer Thigh 3 15-20 30

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

C1 Leg Press 3 6-8 2 min

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

D1 Reverse Barbell Lunge 3 12-15 2 min

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

E1 Leg Extension 3 8-12 60

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

F1 Leg Curl 3 8-12 60

* After 3rd set perform a triple dropset. Check notes.

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

G1 Ab Wheel Rollout 3 failure 60

Straight Sets Weight Sets Reps Rest

H1 Calve Press 3 12-15 60

* Slow negative with intermittent pauses on last rep.

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 10

Week 1
The first week involves a bit of trial and error while finding an appropriate weight
to lift for each exercise and its designated training tactic.

Select a weight that is approximately 80% of what you would normally lift for the
target rep range. This should leave you with a rep or two in the tank.

Week 2, 3, and 4
Train intuitively these weeks.

If you can give it your all, go for it!

If you are having a low energy day and your strength isn’t up to par, simply go
lighter and slow down the tempo. Control the movement while enhancing your
mind-muscle connection.

The best form of progression is improving the quality of every rep you perform.
Mastering each movement to the best of your ability.

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 11

Program Flexibility and Notes
How To Modify The Plan
To Suit Your Lifestyle
The June workout plan is a moderate volume workout plan.

Leave a rep in the tank for the first 2 sets. Push to failure with good form on the
final set.

There are 6 workouts included in the June workout plan. Here’s the ideal
training schedule…

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Shoulders
Day 4: Arms
Day 5: Chest and Back
Day 6: Legs
Day 7: Off

The ideal training schedule is simply a suggestion. Go with what suits your
lifestyle and schedule the best and take rest days as needed.

Here are your options if you prefer to workout 5 or 4 days per week…

Prefer To Workout 5 Days Per Week

Continue cycling through the workouts in order.

Week 1: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Week 2: Day 6, 1, 2, 3, 4
Week 3: Day 5, 6, 1, 2, 3
Week 4: Day 4, 5, 6, 1, 2
Week 5: Day 3, 4, 5, 6

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Physique Mastery Movement Page 12

Prefer To Workout 4 Days Per Week

Continue cycling through the workouts in order.

Week 1: Day 1, 2, 3, 4
Week 2: Day 5, 6, 1, 2
Week 3: Day 3, 4, 5, 6
Week 4: Day 1, 2, 3, 4
Week 5: Day 5, 6

The structure of this plan is designed for maximum efficiency. Allowing you
to stay mentally engaged and focused throughout the entire workout.

These workouts build you up, rather than beat you down. You’ll walk out of
the gym feeling invigorated, pumped, empowered, and ALIVE!

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Physique Mastery Movement Page 13

So there you have it. The June 2020 Jacked After 40 workout plan to carve
out a ripped and muscular physique.

What next?

Get involved in the Jacked After 40 Club closed Facebook group where
you will receive guidance and support from Scott and the entire support

The July edition of the Jacked After 40 Club workout plan will be released
during the last week of June. Be on the lookout.

Copyright 2019, Scott Tousignant and Page 14

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