Aikido Stretching With A Stick

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Растяжка с помощью палки: различные применения дзё айкидо

By Kim Taylor
Copyright © Kim Taylor 2001. All rights reserved.

(перевод с сокращениями)

Ниже приводится несколько упражнений, разработанных в University of Guelph Aikido Club в

течение ряда лет. Используйте их как руководство, разрабатывайте собственные упражнения.

Динамические растяжки для бедер.

Эти обобщенные упражнения помогают раскрепостить бедренный пояс, что позволяет вам
двигаться правильно.

Схватите палку за концы и поворачивайтесь из стороны в сторону. Use one end of the stick to push
your other arm further into the stretch as you twist.

Begin with the stick overhead, then bend to each side to stretch the arms and the side of the torso.

Start with the stick overhead, then bend forward to touch the floor, stretching the back, and up again to
stretch the front of the torso.

Place the stick behind your back and grip it with your palms facing forward. Twist your hips and let the
stick rock your arm back and around.

Stretches for the shoulders and wrists
Grip the stick with the palms facing backward, raise it over your head and then drop it back behind
yourself. Keep the arms straight to get a good stretch in the shoulders. These exercises help protect your
muscles and joints from the various locks that work through the shoulder.

Place the stick behind your back and reverse your grip so that the palms now face the front, bring the
stick up over your head to the front. This twists the wrists and gives a good stretch to the forearm as well
as the shoulders. For even more stretch in the wrist, lift the arms upward. This puts your forearm into the
nikyo (nikajo) position. The stretch is also very good for tennis elbow.

This is the same stretch but done on the wrist only. Begin with the stick held in the middle, palm down.
Reach across with your other hand and grab the end. Now move that end across your body to twist the

Pass the stick behind with one hand, then reach up behind with the other hand and pull the stick down,
stretching the triceps. This stretch helps prepare for techniques such as shihogiri.

Here is a multipart stretch that develops from the previous exercise. Pass the lower hand around the stick
and move your upper hand to the opposite shoulder. Pull forward to stretch the front part of the shoulder.
This is an excellent stretch to prepare for an ikkyo (ikajo) pin and similar techniques.
In the second part of the exercise lower your arm and pass it in front of your body, then lean to the side
stretching the whole side of your body from elbow to knee.

Swinging stretches
These are dynamic stretches that use the momentum of the jo to stretch the muscles. The first is to do
figure 8 motions gripping the centre of the jo, circle the jo on either side of the body letting the
movements stretch and strengthen the wrists.


By gripping with the thumb closer to one end of the stick you can increase the momentum of the stick
which gives you a stronger stretch.

Finally, you can warm up the fingers themselves by twirling the stick through them from one to another.

There you have a quick series of stick stretches which will ready the torso and arms for whatever practice
you wish to do. Have fun and see how many variations you can come up with.
Physical Training Mar 2000

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