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Nowadays, China is the country with the most traditions in the world and that’s
for its extensive demographic territory. First of all, we have to know table
manners are an important component of Chinese culture, which are usually
expressed through inviting guests, seating, eating, using chopsticks. Another
important fact , is The celebration of the new year in China is for 15 days While
in Perú is only for 1 day. In this country, when a person dies, members of the
person's family usually distribute chocolate coins to funeral attendees as
thanks. Also when there are weddings brides wear red dresses because they
represent success, prosperity and love.

50 years ago, “los pies de lotos”, were ancient practices where they used to
deformgirls' feet by wrapping them with bandages however nowadays it is not
very common to do it. Also in these days, Tai Chi,is the best style of Chinese
martial arts and is widely known for its long history.
The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival. During the Festival,
splendid lanterns shows are displayed . A few years ago it was really original to
china people now not so much. Before The most consumed meats in China
were cat and dog .

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