Professor's Name: FROM: Paul Reed TO: SUBJECT: The Greater Good

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FROM: Paul Reed (preed@parallax.

TO: professor’s name ( (to be inserted by the professor)
SUBJECT: The greater good

Professor’s name (to be inserted by the professor),

I’m writing to you about a very special project that I hope you’re willing to take on.

Have you heard of the World Food Initiative, sometimes called the WFI? The WFI is a global non-profit organization
whose goal is to eliminate hunger in the world. The WFI has been around for almost 20 years now so you may be
familiar with their work. (I’ve included one of their brochures in case you’re not.)

The WFI currently helps more than 10 million individuals each year by providing those individuals with access to
healthy meals. Helping 10 million individuals is a wonderful thing! But, the WFI would like to grow their services over
the next five years so that they can help feed 20 million individuals each year. It’s an ambitious goal but it’s one I
think they can reach with a little help. That’s where we come in.

Like most non-profit organizations, the WFI doesn’t have a large operating budget so they haven’t had a lot of money
to invest in their website. In this day and age, when a lot of business is conducted online, having a robust, usable
website is critical. As part of our philanthropic initiatives, Parallax would like to donate our services to help the WFI
create a new website that allows them to manage their member charities, volunteers and donors. Hopefully, the site
will also provide them with a mechanism to publicize and manage events.

I know you have a lot of experience designing websites. How can I entice you to help us with this project? Let me
know when you’re free to talk. I’m working out of the New York office these days so I am on East Coast time. I think
we should be able to make that work with your schedule.


Paul Reed
Director of Philanthropies
Parallax Global Consulting

World Food Initiative Brochure
FROM: professor’s name ( (to be inserted by the professor)
TO: Paul Reed (
SUBJECT: Re: The greater good

Hi Paul,

Yes, I am very familiar with the World Food Initiative. In fact, I make a habit of donating to the organization every
year. I think they’re a fantastic organization and I would love to help with this project in any way that I can. As luck
would have it, I have an HCI class starting up right now with some interns from iCarnegie Consulting. HCI stands for
“Human Computer Interaction” and it focuses on how to make user interfaces, websites, etc. easier for people to use
by making them more usable. That sounds like exactly what the WFI needs!

You’re probably familiar with the iCarnegie interns and the high-quality work they’ve done for us on a number of
important projects. They’re very talented students who conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism. I think
they would be a great fit for this project, which sounds like it will be both challenging and rewarding for them.

That said, I’m curious about the project requirements. It sounds like the WFI needs an interface that can
accommodate multiple users with different needs and tasks. If that’s the case, then we’ll need to pay very careful
attention to the user experience. We want this website to be as easy to use as possible. That’s going to be a
challenge, given the different audiences we’ll need to accommodate.

Let’s talk as soon as possible. I think there are going to be a lot of details to keep track of with this project and I want
to make sure I have them all properly documented before turning this over to my students. Are you available to
meet Tuesday afternoon (your time)?


Professor’s name (to be inserted by the professor)

Manager, Special Projects
iCarnegie Consulting
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210 6th Avenue Suite 3570
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

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