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Candidates demonstrate and apply understandings of major mathematics concepts,
algorithms, procedures, applications and mathematical practices in varied contexts, and
connections within and among mathematical domains.

The more we show students how math is connected to the world around us, the more

invested they become. Teaching mathematics can only be described as truly effective when it

positively impacts student learning. We know that teaching practices can make a major

difference to student outcomes, as well as what makes a difference in the classroom. The

National Research Council (2001) argues that, “all young Americans must learn to think

mathematically, and they must think mathematically to learn” (p. 16). Meaningful math

education goes beyond memorizing formulas and procedures. Memorization does not foster

understanding. Setting high goals, creating space for exploration, and working with the students

to develop a strong foundation, creates stronger conceptual understandings and mental

connections with the material for the student.

In this lesson on in identifying lines and angles and classifying shapes, fourth grade

students discovered how angles make up the world we live in. Students explored angles in the

classroom, and how angles make up the letters in their names. Van Hiele (1999) argues that

geometry instruction should be planned to help students transition from one level of geometric

thinking to the next. These phases progress from an exploratory phase through building upon

concepts while learning terminology and culminating in an integration phase in which students

summarize what they know through the creation of their own activities. When students are given

the opportunity to choose how they learn and demonstrate their understanding of a concept their

motivation increases. In the lesson presented, the objective was to identify basic geometry ideas

including line segments, rays, lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and midpoint as well as
acute, right, and obtuse angles. This activity built upon previously learned geometry concepts.

Students explored the concept by drawing the first letter of their name, adding abstract lines and

then using a protractor to measure the degree and identify the type of angles in the letter.

Problem-solving is an integral part of all mathematics learning. Teaching through problem

solving means that students learn mathematics through real contexts, problems, situations, and

models. This way, they can move on to increasingly more abstract concepts.

Students were then presented with the challenge of identifying what type of angles were

on the wipe board by using their arms in either an acute, right, or obtuse shape. As students

worked through the problems with partners, they reaped some of the benefits of sharing

computation strategies as discussed by Sherry Parrish (2010) including: clarifying their thinking,

considering and testing other strategies and investigating mathematical relationships. The

process of talking about mathematics is a key factor to understanding mathematics.

Communication is one of the five process standards outlined by NCTM (2000): “Listening to

others’ explanations gives students opportunities to develop their own understandings.

Conversations in which mathematical ideas are explored from multiple perspectives help the

participants sharpen their thinking and make connections” (p. 4). Listening to others’

explanations gives students opportunities to develop their own understandings. Communicating

about math helps students process new learning and build on their thinking. Engage students

during conversations and have them describe why they solved a problem in a certain way.

Lampert (1990) found that the process of developing a strategy and “arguing for its legitimacy”

became more valuable for students’ mathematical learning than finding the answer. “Students’

strategies yield answers to teachers’ questions, but the solution is more than the answer, just as

the problem is more than the question” (p. 40). This process has the added benefit of providing a
formative assessment, as I am able to assess for mathematical understanding as students vocalize

their thinking process.

Van Hiele (1999) asserts that teachers “must provide teaching that is appropriate to the

level of children’s thinking” (p. 311). In my teaching practice, I have found that when I allow

students to freely explore mathematical concepts through the use of manipulatives, encourage

them to discuss with peers and provide multiple entry points to engage with the content, students

are much more enthusiastic and involved in their mathematics learning. It's important that

students feel comfortable and are given the opportunity to learn new math ideas at their own

pace, without feeling rushed. But while the idea that 'given enough time, every student will learn'

is nothing new, it's easier said than done. When I deliver instruction that is at their level of

thinking, and allow for their own pacing, my students become excited about mathematics

because they are able to make connections that lead to new discoveries as they move towards a

true understanding of mathematics.

The key to unlocking your students’ love of math is building their confidence and helping

them see that they can be successful. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

[NCTM] (2000) describes the need for students to “learn mathematics with understanding,

actively building new knowledge from experience and previous knowledge” (p. 2). Motivating

students to be enthusiastically receptive is one of the most important aspects of mathematics

instruction and a critical aspect of any curriculum. Effective teachers focus attention on the less

interested students as well as the motivated ones. Although we cannot force students to be

motivated in our classes, we can provide a learning environment that encourages students to be

curious, persistent, and confident.


Lampert, M. (1990). When the problem is the question and the solution is not the answer:

Mathematical knowing and teaching. American Educational Research Journal, 27 (1),


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Executive summary: Principles and

standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of


National Research Council. (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics.

Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Parrish, S. (2010). Number talks: Helping Children build mental math and computation

strategies. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions.

Van Hiele, P. M. (1999). Developing geometric thinking through activities that begin with play.

Teaching Children Mathematics, 5 (6). 310–316. Retrieved from

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