Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis

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MGT501 Business Environment

Executive Summary

The assessment report has focused on the analysis of internal & external stakeholders of the
SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company. The stakeholder analysis has worked as methodology
and technique for identifying roles of all the stakeholders in the business enterprises. The
assessment report’s main purpose has to analysis nature, degree, influence, & role of every
stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise. It has found that different project
management frameworks & theories are used in the stakeholder analysis of the SolveIT
software business enterprise. It has found that the SolveIT software business enterprise will
be required for working on market requirements & connecting social connectivity platforms
for company growth.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................1


Background Details of SolveIT Software Pty Ltd organization................................................5

Functional Areas of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises.........................................5

Internal & External Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their

Internal Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their Roles......8

External Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their Roles...10

Observe Degree and Nature of main stakeholder’s interests...................................................12

Effects of Main Stakeholder’s Conflicting Interests............................................................12

Influence Level of All the stakeholders in SolveIT software business enterprise...................14

Stakeholder matrix for the SolveIT software business enterprise............................................16




List of Tables
Table 1: Functional Areas of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises...........................5
Table 2: Internal Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their
Table 3: External Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their
Table 4: Observe Degree and Nature of main stakeholder’s interests.....................................12
Table 5: Effects of Main Stakeholder’s Conflicting Interests..................................................13
Table 6: Influence Level of All the stakeholders in SolveIT software business enterprise.....14


For completing this assessment report, the SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company has chosen by
me. The assessment report has focused on the analysis of internal & external stakeholders of
the SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company. The stakeholder analysis works as methodology and
technique for identifying roles of all the stakeholders in the business enterprises. The
assessment report’s main purpose is to analysis nature, degree, influence, & role of every
stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise. The assessment report has divided
in the numbers of portion that are discussing in report.

1st portion is explaining SolveIT software business enterprise’s functional areas and
departments which play vital role in the company to complete business operations in the
effective manner. 2nd portion is identifying roles and name of different stakeholders in the
SolveIT software business enterprise. 3rd portion is explaining the nature, degree, &
influence, of every stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise and it is also
explaining stakeholder’s confliction in company. 4th portion is explaining influence & power
of every stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise. 5th portion is developing
the stakeholder matrix analysis for all the stakeholders of the SolveIT software business

Background Details of SolveIT Software Pty Ltd organization

The SolveIT software Pty Ltd is Software Company and it is provider of advanced scheduling
& planning enterprise software for demand & supply predictive & optimization modeling.
The SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company’s headquarter is situated in the Adelaide, South
Australia. The SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company’s mission is to implant scientific
optimization of products and services for their customers. The SolveIT software Company
has 150 employees & staff members in the different cities i.e. Chişinău, Perth, Brisbane, &
Melbourne. The SolveIT software Company is delivering the different types of major
products such as business optimization software, supply chain ERP software, prediction
software, etc.

Functional Areas of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises

The SolveIT software business enterprises have huge numbers of functional area that are
utilized for performing & handling different kinds of the enterprises operations. All these
functional area plays vital part in the SolveIT software business enterprises to achieve
company’s objectives and aims in appropriate manner. The details of all the functional areas
are providing below in the tabular format:
Table 1: Functional Areas of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises

S. No. Name of Explanation for each Functional Area Functional

Functional Area’s
Area Department
1. Research & R & D functional area of the SolveIT Developing
Development software business enterprises includes the department,
Support support for conducting the fundamental Quality assurance
research so that SolveIT software business Department,
enterprises can easily develop the software Research
applications according to needs of the department
customers & clients. For that purpose, R & D
functional area of the SolveIT software
business enterprises perform different kinds
of the survey in the software development
market & collect the data information
regarding current requirements, demands, &
trends of market. So that business enterprises
can develop their software application
according to needs of market (Pakeman,
Hewison, & Lewis, 2017).
2. Marketing The marketing support functional area of CRM department,
support SolveIT software business enterprises develop Product selling
functional the marketing strategy on the basis of department,

area provided information of R & D functional Supplier
area of the SolveIT software business distribution
enterprises, allocated budget, & customer’s department
needs. The SolveIT software Company design
company’s products & applications according
to aged group persons & requirements of the
people. The marketing support functional area
of SolveIT software business enterprises play
vital part to enhance the customer relationship
with the company that is helpful for the
company growth.
3. Financial The financial support functional area of the Funds
Support SolveIT software business enterprises manage Department,
Functional and handle all the finance related activities in Account
Area the business enterprise. The financial support department
functional area also developed financial System & Safety
statements of the business enterprise on the department
yearly, monthly, & quarterly basis. They also
allocate money for the entire department for
performing the company’s operations.
4. Admin The admin support functional area of the Admin
support SolveIT software business enterprises manage Department
Functional & handle all the paper work of the company.
Area They also focus and maintain the information
flow between lower level management &
higher level management. This admin support
functional area plays vital role in the business
operation, because company are taking
appropriate decision with the help of this
functional area.
5. System & The system & safety engineering support System & Safety
Safety functional area contains engineering & department
Engineering analytical disciplines for ensuring the safety
support aspects in application design, operations,
Functional development, modification, & maintenance of
area platforms & systems (Sehgal, Seviour, Moss,
Mills, Azencott, & Ram, 2015).
6. Human The human resource functional area of the Personnel
Resource SolveIT software business enterprises manage Department,
Functional & handle hiring of employees & staff Staff management
Area members so that SolveIT software Company Department
can enhance work efficiency & efforts of the
company enterprise. This functional area is
also focusing on development and
enhancement of the positive point of view of
the company’s employees & staff members.

Internal & External Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business
Enterprises & Their Roles

Stakeholders are known as the individual person or group of the persons who have directly &
indirectly influenced by the decision, policies & rules of the SolveIT software business
enterprises. The stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprises can be split into
the 2 portions according to the roles & parts of stakeholders in the SolveIT software business
enterprises such as internal stakeholders & external stakeholders. The description of internal
& external stakeholders is showing in table format which is given below:

Internal Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their

Internal stakeholders are known as the individual person or group of the persons who have
directly & indirectly influenced by the decision, policies & rules of the SolveIT software
business enterprises. The description of internal stakeholders is showing in table format
which is given below:
Table 2: Internal Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their Roles

S. No. Name of External Roles of External Stakeholders

1. Staffs Members or Employees The SolveIT software business enterprises
have the huge numbers of departments and
these departments are needed staff members
for managing and handling the business
operations of business enterprise. Staff
members will responsible for giving their all
efforts and energy in their job so-that company
will able for achieving company’s strategic
goals & objectives. They work according to
needs of market.
2. Company Managers The company managers play significant part
for the SolveIT software business enterprises
so that company can become able for
achieving company’s strategic goals &
objectives. The company managers will also
responsible for developing the friendly
environment so-that staff members can
complete their job with all the efforts in the
SolveIT software business enterprises.
3. Board of Directors Board of the directors is known as the group of
the persons are selected by the SolveIT
software business enterprise’s owner. Board of
the directors are responsible for taking the

appropriate decision for the company’s
growth. Board of the directors are also
responsible to solve problems of the business
enterprises (Brunton, Eweje, & Taskin, 2017).

4. Investors The investors are also key internal

stakeholders of SolveIT software business
enterprise and they invest money in the
business enterprise and they also take decision
for the SolveIT software business enterprise
regarding the marketing, communication, &
5. Shareholders The shareholders have all the rights in the
SolveIT software business enterprise for
making decision regarding the financial and
non-financial information of the business
enterprise. The shareholders also collect the
financial benefits in the the SolveIT software
business enterprise on the basis of their
investment (Habas, 2018).

External Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their

External stakeholders are known as the individual person or group of the persons who have
not directly & indirectly influenced by the decision, policies & rules of the SolveIT software
business enterprises. The description of external stakeholders is showing in table format
which is given below:
Table 3: External Stakeholders of SolveIT software Pty Ltd business Enterprises & Their Roles

S. No. Name of Internal Roles of Internal Stakeholders

1. Trade Union The trade union is external type of stakeholder
in the SolveIT software business enterprises.
The trade union is responsible to create
disciple for the staff members of the SolveIT
software business enterprise (Leonard, 2018).
2. Government The government is another type of stakeholder
in the SolveIT software business enterprises.
The central & state government develops
policy, rules, and permits for the business
enterprise. Company’s all tax policy has
developed on the basis of the government
3. Competitors Competitors creates healthy & good
environment for the SolveIT software business

enterprises, because-of they are directly &
indirectly affecting the company’s
performance. The competitors are giving help
to business enterprises for gaining good profit
in month’s end.
4. Customers Customers are playing vital role in the SolveIT
software business enterprise, because they are
purchasing the services & products from the
business enterprise. Company is developing
the application products according to needs of
customers (Morphy, 2008).

Observe Degree and Nature of main stakeholder’s interests

The SolveIT software business enterprises have 2 kinds of the stakeholder i.e. internal
stakeholders & external stakeholders. All these stakeholders are classifying on the basis of
the roles & parts of stakeholders in the SolveIT software business enterprises. All the
stakeholders have own influence & interest’s degree in the SolveIT software business
enterprise and these stakeholders can be affected by the interest & power in the the SolveIT
software business enterprise (Johnson-Cramer, Berman, & Post, 2017). All the stakeholder’s
nature & degree is given in tabular format:

Table 4: Observe Degree and Nature of main stakeholder’s interests

S. No. All the stakeholder’s Stakeholder’s Stakeholder’s Stakeholder’s

Name Interest Power Degree Nature
1. Staffs Members or Low Low Apathetic nature
2. Company Managers Low High Apathetic nature
3. Board of Directors High High Promoters
4. Investors High High Promoters
5. Shareholders High High Promoters
6. Trade Union High Low Latent nature
7. Government High Low Latent nature
8. Competitors Low High Apathetic nature
9. Customers High Low Latent nature

Effects of Main Stakeholder’s Conflicting Interests

The above discussed information is showing that every stakeholder has own influence &
interest’s degree in the SolveIT software business enterprise and these stakeholders can be
affected by the interest & power in the SolveIT software business enterprise. Due to this, it is
creating the complication or issues among all stakeholder members which is providing in
Table 5: Effects of Main Stakeholder’s Conflicting Interests

S. No. Confliction decisions Supported By Opposed By

stakeholders stakeholders
1. To improve SolveIT software Company managers Customers
business enterprise’s profits, & investors
company is increasing the prices of
application software for selling

2. To improve SolveIT software Company managers, Trade union, staff
business enterprise’s capacity, investors, & members
company increase working hours of customers
3. For improving the working Investors & Trade union & staff
efficiency of the company, Customers members (De
company has decided to implement Langen, 2006).
new technique in the SolveIT
software business enterprise.
4. For reducing the company’s Board of director Trade union & staff
costing, company has decided to members
decrease job opportunities

Influence Level of All the stakeholders in SolveIT software business

All the stakeholders have own influence & interest’s degree in the SolveIT software business
enterprise and these stakeholders can be affected by the interest & power in the the SolveIT
software business enterprise. These stakeholders can put negative & positive effects on the
SolveIT software business enterprise’s business operations. The influence Level of all the
stakeholders in SolveIT software business enterprise is given in tabular format:
Table 6: Influence Level of All the stakeholders in SolveIT software business enterprise

S. No. All the Stakeholder’ Description

stakeholder’s s Influence
Name Degree
1. Staffs Members or Low Staff members will responsible for giving
Employees their all efforts and energy in their job so-
that company will able for achieving
company’s strategic goals & objectives
(Kokemuller, 2019).
2. Company High The company managers will also
Managers responsible for developing the friendly
environment so-that staff members can
complete their job with all the efforts in the
SolveIT software business enterprises.
3. Board of Directors High Board of the directors are responsible for
taking the appropriate decision for the
company’s growth. Board of the directors
are also responsible to solve problems of
the business enterprises.
4. Investors High They take decision for the SolveIT software
business enterprise regarding the
marketing, communication, & finance.
5. Shareholders High The shareholders have all the rights in the
SolveIT software business enterprise for
making decision regarding the financial and
non-financial information of the business
6. Trade Union Low The trade union is responsible to create
disciple for the staff members of the
SolveIT software business enterprise.
7. Government Low The central & state government develops
policy, rules, and permits for the business
enterprise. Company’s all tax policy has
developed on the basis of the government
8. Competitors High Competitors creates healthy & good
environment for the SolveIT software

business enterprises, because-of they are
directly & indirectly affecting the
company’s performance.
9. Customers Low Customers are playing vital role in the
SolveIT software business enterprise,
because they are purchasing the services &
products from the business enterprise.

Stakeholder matrix for the SolveIT software business enterprise

Stakeholder matrix is special kind of the tool & technique that is utilizing in the SolveIT
software business enterprise to analyze motive of every stakeholders. The stakeholder
analysis is also providing help to company to define every stakeholder’s action within the
SolveIT software business enterprise. Therefore, I have designed stakeholder matrix analysis
for the SolveIT software business enterprise that is providing below:


Keep Satisfied Manage Closely

 Competitors  Investors
 Company Managers  Board of Director
 Shareholders
Monitor Keep Informed
 Staff members  Customers
Power  Trade Unions
 Government

Low Interest High

 Manage closely rule are followed via stakeholders who have high interest & high
power in the SolveIT software business enterprise.
 Monitor rule are followed via stakeholders who have low interest & low power in the
SolveIT software business enterprise.
 Keep informed rule is followed via stakeholders who have high interest & low power
in the SolveIT software business enterprise.
 Keep satisfied rule is followed via stakeholders who have low interest & high power
in the SolveIT software business enterprise (Morphy, 2019).


In this discussion, I am discussing the comparison of chosen business enterprise with any
peer’s business enterprise. So, I am doing comparison between SolveIT software Pty Ltd &
Myer Company.

The Myer Company is private company which is providing fashion, beauty, electrical, toys
and home wares products to their customers and clients. Whereas, SolveIT software business
enterprise is developing the software application according to their customer & client’s

The SolveIT software enterprise’s business is affected via cultural, competition, and society
difference at national level whereas, Myer Company’s business is affected via partnership,
costing & competition.

Stakeholder differences between SolveIT software business enterprise & Myer


 Customers, trade union & competitors are external stakeholder for the SolveIT
software enterprise’s business, whereas creditors, suppliers, government & customers
are external stakeholder for Myer Company.
 All the stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise are classified on the
basis of the high power & high interest of the all the members, whereas All the
stakeholders of the Myer Company are classified on the basis of the low power of the
all the members

Stakeholder’s power & interest differences between SolveIT software business

enterprise & Myer Company

The stakeholders of Myer Company has low power and they have low effect on the business
operations, whereas all the stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise have
high power & high interest and they have high effect on the business operations of the


I have chosen the SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company for completing this assessment report.
The assessment report has focused on the analysis of internal & external stakeholders of the
SolveIT software Pty Ltd Company. The stakeholder analysis has worked as methodology
and technique for identifying roles of all the stakeholders in the business enterprises. It has
concluded the SolveIT software business enterprise’s functional areas and departments which
play vital role in the company to complete business operations in the effective manner. It has
identified roles and name of different stakeholders in the SolveIT software business
enterprise. It has explained the nature, degree, & influence, of every stakeholders of the
SolveIT software business enterprise and it is also explaining stakeholder’s confliction in
company. It has explained explaining influence & power of every stakeholders of the SolveIT
software business enterprise. It has developed the stakeholder matrix analysis for all the
stakeholders of the SolveIT software business enterprise.


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to internal stakeholders: Walking the walk or just talking the talk?. Business Strategy and the
Environment, 26(1), 31-48.
De Langen, P. W. (2006). Stakeholders, conflicting interests and governance in port clusters.
Research in Transportation Economics, 17, 457-477.
Habas, C. (2018). What Is an Internal Stakeholder?. Retrieved 4 December 2019, from

Johnson-Cramer, M. E., Berman, S. L., & Post, J. E. (2017). Re-examining the concept of
‘stakeholder management’. In Unfolding Stakeholder Thinking 2 (pp. 145-161). UK:
Kokemuller, N. (2019). The Impact of Stakeholders. Retrieved 4 December 2019, from

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Morphy, T. (2008). External Stakeholders | Who are External Stakeholders?. Retrieved 4

December 2019, from

Morphy, T. (2019). Stakeholder matrix - key matrices for stakeholder analysis. Retrieved 4
December 2019, from

Pakeman, R. J., Hewison, R. L., & Lewis, R. J. (2017). Linking functional traits and species
preferences to species’ abundance and occupancy trends through time to identify habitat
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Sehgal, V., Seviour, E. G., Moss, T. J., Mills, G. B., Azencott, R., & Ram, P. T. (2015).
Robust selection algorithm (RSA) for multi-omic biomarker discovery; integration with
functional network analysis to identify miRNA regulated pathways in multiple cancers. PloS
one, 10(10), e0140072.


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