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Unit 2

• Use third person format throughout PPT
(never use I or me or we) no ownership or
possession (minimum content is 1 paragraph)
explain what your presentation is about in
third person 
Background on Behaviorism
According to information provided by the B.F. Skinner
Foundation,behaviorism is described as a developmental theory that
measures observable behaviors produced by a learner’s response to
stimuli. Responses to stimuli can be reinforced with positive or negative
feedback to condition desired behaviors. Punishment is sometimes
used in eliminating or reducing incorrect actions, followed by clarifying
desired actions. Educational effects of behaviorism are key in
developing basic skills and foundations of understanding in all subject
areas and in classroom management.
• Add content over key principles of this theory
• Add content over representations and
assumptions about learning for each theory
• Factors that influence learning for each theory
• The role of memory for each theory
• How instruction should be structured for each
• The learning outcome(s) for each theory
Ivan Pavlov
• Ivan Pavlov believed that something neutral is paired with
something that causes response until the neutral things also
causes the response.
Pavlov believes the classical conditioning is an unconditioned
stimulus biologically and involuntarily elicits an unconditioned
response can be compared to an a person waking up at noon.(Driscoll,2005)
B.F. Skinner
B.F.Skinner a graduate of Harvard University is know for his
development of Operant conditioning and the schedules of
Operant Conditioning- behavior are dependent upon what happens after
response. Listed Below are the Principles of Operant Conditioning:
• Extinction- responses no longer reinforced
• Stimulus generalization-response will occur to similar stimuli
• Stimulus discrimination-responses do not occur to different stimuli
• Timing of reinforcers- the sooner a rinforcer or punisher follows an action,
the greater its effect
• Schedules of reinforcement
(BarChart, Inc.)
Albert Bandura
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
social learning and social cognitive theory and
use research sources. This theorists also
contributed ideas to both behaviorist and
cognitive learning theories.
Background on Cognitive Theory
• Explain this theory and use research sources to
back up your ideas in APA.
Allan Paivio
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
dual coding theory and use research sources.
Robert Gagne
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
categories of learning outcomes and nine
events of instruction and use research sources.
Howard Gardner
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
multiple intelligences theory (MIT Theory)
(there are 8 multiple intelligences) and use
research sources.
Benjamin Bloom
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
Bloom’s Taxonomy and mastery learning and
use research sources.
Background on Constructivism Theory
• Explain this theory and use research sources to
back up your ideas in APA.
Jerome Bruner
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
that teachers should engage their students in
their own learning (process of education) and
use research sources.
Jean Piaget
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
four cognitive stages (sensorimotor,
preoperational, concrete operational, and
formal operational) and use research sources.
John Dewey
• Explain this theorist and his theory regarding
progressive education and pragmatism and use
research sources.
• Summarize the PowerPoint presentation and
use third person format (minimum content is 1
paragraph) here.
• List sources in alpha order and APA format
• List sources in alpha order and APA format
• Use at least 3-5 sources at a min. level (our
goal is around 5-7 sources for IP papers)

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