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50 Quick Report Card Comments for Assessing

Elementary Student Attitude and Effort

When you have to comment on a student's attitude and efforts within the classroom, it can become
difficult to clearly assess their progress. With report card comments, you need to ensure they clearly
point out any problems that need to be addressed, as well as highlighting improvements and
strengths. Below are fifty report card comments that will help you correctly assess your student's
attitude and effort concerning schoolwork.

1. While this student has shown improvement in their attitude towards school assignments, he or she
is not showing constant changes. He or she will need to obtain guidance throughout the remainder of
the school year from both home and school.

2. _____'s grades are a direct reflection on their attitude towards school and schoolwork. There is
room for improvement with their overall attitude and dedication to school.

3. When _____ applies him/herself to their schoolwork, their overall work is improved. However,
this student needs to focus more on getting work done in the time allotted.

4. Even though there have been decent improvements within his or her attitude, _____ needs to be
reminded of their attitude, and is frequently asked to be more respectful.

5. You child is showing great improvements in group activities, and he or she is eager to learn.

6. ____'s attitude is improving and he or she is always happy to participate in class discussions.

7. While _____ attitude is acceptable, he or she needs to put more effort into their daily schoolwork.

8. This grade is a direct reflection of _____'s work ethic. He or she does not complete in-class
assignments, and could do much better in class if he or she further applied themselves to their

9. _____ has a great attitude towards school and schoolwork, and is always helpful to other students.

10. Your child is the classroom leader, and is always willing to help out other classmates when

11. _____ has been having difficulty listening during class, and he or she is often distracted when
working on class assignments.

12. _____ is extremely enthusiastic when it comes to participating in class, and it is always a
pleasure to have him or her take part in discussions.

13. _____ responds well to direction, and quickly applies this correction to their work and social

14. _____ has a good attitude towards work, and always hands in assignments on time. However,
this student is shy when it comes to classroom discussions.

15. This student has plenty of personality, and it always first to raise their hands to answer a

16. _____ is respectful to the other students, and takes turn talking.

17. _____ has a sense of humor that is quite enjoyable in the classroom.

18. _____ is often tired at school and is caught taking naps during quiet times of the day.

19. Your child is extremely pleasant to have around and very friendly to everyone in the class.
20. _____ is a thoughtful student, and respects the opinions of others.

21. _____ has a good work ethic, however, he or she has a problem talking during inappropriate

22. Your child is very confident in their school abilities and also exemplifies excellent manners.

23. This student's disposition is very pleasant, and all of the other students enjoy spending time with
him or her.

24. ____ was shy at first; however, he or she is quickly gaining self-confidence within the

25. Your child is learning how to be a better listener, and takes direction very well.

26. _____ consistently occupies his or her time with constructive activities.

27. _____ was having problems sharing; however, he or she is learning how to share their
belongings as well as listening to others.

28. Your child is very helpful around the classroom and is also extremely dependable.

29. This student has made improvements in his or her _____ skills.

30. _____ is showing consistent improvement with their attitude and effort in the classroom.

31. Your child is eager to learn, and is quick to improve in areas that are lacking.

32. In order to help your child with their work ethic, I suggest spending time with them each night
going over their homework.

33. _____ is very anxious to please his or her teacher and classmates.

34. Your child makes friends very easily and is getting along with nearly every classmate in his or
her room.

35. This student works very well in group settings and is always contributing to the group.

36. _____'s attitude is excellent, and it is a joy to have him or her in the classroom.

37. Your child is showing a mature vocabulary, and is eager to learn new words.

38. This student needs a better stand on responsibility in the classroom.

39. Your child has great organizational skills.

40. This student takes his or her academic studies very seriously, and is excelling within the class.

41. If _____ is going to improve their grade, he or she will need to improve their attitude towards
schoolwork and other classmates.

42. _____ can follow directly extremely well, and is extremely self-sufficient within the classroom.

43. In the beginning of this reporting period, ____ was far behind the class, however, he or she has
improved their efforts in the classroom and is now performing greatly in all subjects.

44. _____ works very hard for his or her grades, and is constantly asking questions on how to
improve their work.

45. Your child is learning how to become a better listener as well as learning how to cooperate with
other student effectively.

46. _____ has shown great potential with their efforts, however, I would like to see them more
focused on completing their school assignments.

47. Your child is an extremely motivated student, and is always applying his or her highest effort
into all of their classroom assignments.

48. _____ has shown improvements with their attitude towards school, however, he or she still needs
to focus more within the classroom.

49. This student excels in classroom work, but has a problem with excessive talking.

50. _____ does not follow directions and is frequently disobeying classroom rules.

50 Quick Report Card Comments For Assessing

Elementary Student Work Habits Skills
Having to access a student's work habits for their report cards can be a difficult task. This is because
most students exhibit different work habits, so you will want to evaluate their habits correctly.
Below are fifty report card comments that will help you assess your student's work habits efficiently.

1. As seen in previous report cards, _____ is having a hard time using their time wisely while they
are in class. I suggest that you speak with your child about study time while in class.

2. Your child is constantly seeking attention from his or her classmates, which has caused many
distractions within the classroom. His or her work is suffering from their eagerness to talk with
his/her neighbors, however, when he or she settles down, their work is much better.

3. _____ is improving in their overall work habits, however, he or she is still needing encouragement
in strengthening their work ethic.

4. Your child is extremely artistic, and he or she enjoys drawing, however, he or she needs to learn
there is a time to draw and a time to study.

5. _____ has been consistently turning in work on time, and it is at his or her current grade level.
Yet, I am convinced that he or she is able to do better within their schoolwork. I suggest working
with your child on concentrating more during their work.

6. Your child is capable of completing the assigned tasks on time, however, he or she is constantly
wasting time daydreaming or doing other activities instead of working on the current assignments.

7. _____ is not consistent when with his or her schoolwork. Even though they are able to turn in
satisfactory work, it seems that he or she becomes restless during study times. I suggest working
with your child on helping to build their concentration skills.

8. _____ is constantly disturbing other students by talking with them during study time. Because of
this they are having difficulty with their schoolwork. He or she is improving with this habit;
however, I suggest that you continue to work with your child with this issue.

9. You child works great in group settings, however, when he or she is on their own their work
begins to suffer. While having the ability to work well with others is important, _____ needs to learn
how to work individually.

10. _____ is having a hard time paying attention in class, and their work habits are consistently

11. While _____ was having a difficult time keeping up with the class at the beginning of this
reporting period, he or she has been steadily improving over the past couple of weeks.

12. Your child has a great work ethic and is always eager to begin school assignments.

13. _____'s work habits are well above their current grade level, and are consistently improving.

14. Your child needs to learn better work ethics concerning home study and home work assignments.

15. _____ is improving; however, they require an incentive to work harder.

16. This student has excellent work habits concerning group activities. He or she is willing to
undergo challenges and is eager to solve problems. They are an inspiration to other student's in the

17. Your child needs to be encouraged at home to work on his or her own.

18. _____ has a decent work ethic; however, he or she needs to work better on creating a sense of
responsibility for their actions.

19. _____ enjoys having responsibilities and consistently follows through with duties given to them.

20. Your child is learning to become a better listener and is taking directions better than in the past.

21. This student is a great worker, and is eager to learn new techniques.

22. Your child has wonderful handwriting and is greatly improving their writing abilities.

23. _____ is constantly handing in careful work that is free of numerous errors.

24. _____ seems to be focusing in class, but he or she is turning in work with careless errors.

25. This student needs to learn better organizational skills, which I believe will help his or her work

26. Overall _____'s work is satisfactory; however, they need to take more time to proofread their
completed assignments.

27. You child is constantly occupying their downtime with constructive activities.

28. _____ is learning independence and enjoys working alone.

29. Your child has to be urged to work harder.

30. While _____ work is improving, he or she is working at a much slower pace than the rest of the

31. This student is easily distracted and is also an easy distraction for other students.

32. _____ enjoys getting their work done quickly, however, with this speed they are experiencing
many careless mistakes. ____ needs to learn that they can slow down with their work. Try to
encourage your child to double-check their work.

33. _____ is constantly enthusiastic about their schoolwork.

34. It takes a long time for _____ to comprehend their work, however once they do, the work is
error-free. I would like to meet with you to discuss ways we can help _____ increase their
comprehension time.

35. ____ is always seeking information.

36. Your child works very hard to get their assignments done accurately and quickly.

37. _____ is very polite to other students and is more than willing to help them with their

38. Your child is very anxious to please the teacher.

39. _____ has been inconsistent with their efforts to increase their abilities in schoolwork.

40. Your child is a very polite student.

41. _____ seems to understand work within the classroom, but is unable to complete homework or
self-study assignments.

42. Your child is a great problem solver.

43. _____'s work habits are getting better; however, I would like to see him or her have more
dedicated work habits at home.

44. _____ is very observant and can take directions very well.

45. _____ is a very dependable student, and is constantly turning in assignments on time.

46. Due to _____'s work habits, he or she has made a very fine report card.

47. Shows eagerness to improve their work habits.

48. _____ is always willing to take direction and directly apply it to their schoolwork.

49. Excels in his or her work habits.

50. _____ has great work ethics in most of their school subjects, however, they need improvement
with the following subjects:

50 Quick Report Card Comments For Assessing

Elementary Student Writing Skills
These quick tips will help you accurately assess your student's writing skills for their report cards.
Remember whenever you are writing these comments; feel free to customize them in order to
accurately explain a particular student. Whenever you have to write a negative comment, always
include a positive ending statement, if applicable, to show the student is improving or progressing in
some ways. Customizing report card comments can be easy if you create notes for each student
throughout the entire reporting period. Within these notes make sure that you include all important
information regarding the student's writing skills.

1. _____ understands how to accurately use punctuation and easily comprehends the rules regarding

2. Has a vocabulary that is substantially larger than most of the other students. Is interested in
learning new words, and thus suggest having the child read and write at home.

3. Is able to compile complex sentences that are clear, precise and correct.

4. ____ is willing to learn new writing skills and quickly applies these skills within their writing.

5. Has the ability to copy sentences correctly and enjoys performing this assignment.

6. Needs to increase his or her placement of words. They are often misplaced throughout their

7. Is not able to write clear and understandable sentences.

8. ____ is not willing to listen to direction concerning their writing skills.

9. Seems to be not interested in writing and is easily distracted from this school task.

10. Enjoys writing stories and can compile unique and interesting sentences.

11. Does not understand how to appropriately use commas.

12. Is not respectful of other students with their writing.

13. This student is having a hard time understanding cursive writing. My suggestion is to help him or
her at home with their cursive writing skills.

14. _____ can remember most of cursive alphabet, but has a hard time with the following letters (put
the letters here), I suggest working with him or her every night with these letters.

15. ____ is behind the rest of the class with his or her writing skills.

16. Is able to clearly write grammar, spelling and punctuation with little to no errors or failing to
follow directions.

17. Shows the ability to instantly use spelling, punctuation and grammar rules that were just learned.
Is able to quickly comprehend new skills and is eager to apply them to their writing.

18. This student requires extra attention concerning the application of previously learned skills and
techniques. He or she is unable to comprehend directions quickly and usually requires further
detailed directions.

19. Does not show enthusiasm sharing his or her writing projects with the rest of the classroom.
Needs to gain confidence within their writing skills.

20. Rarely is involved in group writing assignments, and does not regularly contribute to the group.

21. Is able to write in a complete and easy-to-understand way. Has the ability to write complex
thought patterns.

22. Enjoys writing to help improve their own writing skills. Is able to find his or her own mistakes
within their writing.

23. This student utilizes a wide array of writing forms.

24. _____ is able to create clear and effective writing, which is interesting to read and easy to

25. Has extremely difficult time remembering previously discussed writing skills and is often found
making errors within punctuations, grammar, word usage and overall sentence structure. Needs
improvement in basic writing skills.

26. Does not have the ability to edit written text by themselves; requires the assistance of the teacher
to make the mildest revisions.

27. _____ is not willing to take part in group writing activities.

28. This student has a low self-confidence when it comes to his or her writing skills. He or she needs
to continue practicing their writing skills at home in order to improve them.

29. Has shown great improvement with his or her writing skills and is consistently increasing their
writing comprehension and techniques.

30. _____ frequently displays grammatical errors within their writing.

31. _____ needs to work on their handwriting skills. This student is behind the rest of the class
concerning this technique, thus I suggest setting aside time at home to practice these skills.

32. Has a great understanding in writing non-phonic words. Is able to spell complex words with little
to no errors.

33. This student is unable to write complex words and is frequently misspelling non-phonic words.

34. _____'s overall quality of work is quite poor and has not shown improvements.

35. Performs carelessly with his or her writing assignments.

36. Does not show interest in learning writing skills and is disinterested quickly.

37. _____ take's pride in their writing work, and exhibits confidence with their writing skills.

38. Is not afraid to showcase their writing skills in front of the class.

39. This student is conscious of putting neatness into their daily writing work, and is usually found
going above-and-beyond the minimal requirements.

40. Is able to take directions well and instantly apply them to his or her writing skills.

41. Enjoys performing their writing assignments independently and is enthusiastic about all writing

42. Needs to work on handwriting skills.

43. Understands how to incorporate complex words into their sentences while still keeping the tone
and flow natural.

44. ____ is strongly encouraged to engage in home writing activities to help improve his or her
writing skills and overall quality of work.

45. Requires constant supervision and direct assistance with their writing assignments and is unable
to complete an entire assignment without writing errors.

46. Highly suggest reviewing cursive writing skills at home to help improve their cursive writing

47. Is able to write correct spelling, punctuation and language when writing short, simple sentences.

48. _____ needs improvement placing correct language and punctuation within simple sentences.

49. This student is unable to compose complex sentences that are clear and grammatically correct. I
suggest reviewing writing skills and techniques at home to help improve writing quality and errors.

50. _____ is a great speller!

50 Quick Report Card General Comments For

Assessing Elementary Students
Making general comments on a student's report card is a great way to inform their parents or
guardians of how their child is performing in school. Unlike subject-specific comments, these report
card general comments will be able to give parents of the students a greater understanding of their
child's school work habits.

1. Your child is working well with others and is also excelling in all study areas.

2. _____ is a dedicated worker, and is eager to learn new skills and techniques.

3. This student was struggling in _____ at the beginning of the reporting period, but has improved
their overall performance in this subject area.

4. ____ always uses his or her spare time to complete past assignments.

5. Your child is learning to become a great listener, and takes directions well.

6. _____ has a great personality and is a true asset to this classroom.

7. This student has worked very hard for their high marks on this report card, and is showing
constant improvement.

8. While _____ was having a hard time earlier in this reporting period, he or she has been working
very hard to improve their overall grade level.

9. Your child is gaining self-confidence in the areas of study where they had a difficult time in at the
beginning of this reporting period.

10. _____ is constantly increasing their skills in every subject.

11. Although _____ is having trouble in several subjects, he or she is trying their hardest to improve.

12. _____ has a great attitude towards learning, and is willing to take direction and construction
when needed.

13. _____ is a great asset to this classroom and actively volunteers to help around the room.

14. Your child seems excited every morning and is willing to try their hardest to overcome problems
and issues.

15. _____ is a joy to have in the class, he or she has a great sense of humor and is constantly filling
their spare time reading stories.

16. _____ is a very pleasant student, and is working well with others.

17. Your child understands the importance of sharing and works well when in a group setting.

18. _____ has above-grade-level achievements and has consistently shown improvement throughout
the reporting period.

19. This student is able to respond well with direction and takes constructive criticism very well.

20. Your child is making great strides in their academic standings, and has consistently shown
improvement in weak subject areas.

21. If needed, your child accepts responsibilities and is willing to accept the consequences to their

22. _____ needs to learn how to listen better, and is often a distraction to fellow students. I suggest
clarifying the importance of concentration and respecting others with your child.

23. _____ has been working very hard in this reporting period, and has shown outstanding progress
in the following subject areas:

24. While _____ is excited to learn about all subject areas, he or she is exceptionally enthusiastic to
work on his or her _______

25. Due to your child's exceptional quality of work, he or she may exceed this grade's expectations in
the following subjects:

26. _____ does well in class; however, he or she needs to learn how to work well with others. He or
she is able to perform well alone, however, in group settings _____ does not perform as well.

27. Your child is exceptionally mature when compared to the rest of his or her classmates.

28. _____ is excited to learn new ideas and can grasp this new information quickly.

29. _____ does not seem to enjoy class, and is frequently disrupting students around them. I would
like to meet with you to discuss ways to eliminate this issue.

30. Your child can organize his or her thoughts in a well-laid-out manner.

31. _____ is one of the most creative students in my class, and they are more than willing to try out
new ideas and concepts.

32. _____ needs to improve their overall work habits and concentration skills. I feel that he or she
would excel once they gain a better understanding of concentration.

33. Your child's handwriting needs to be improved to meet standard grade-level.

34. _____ loves learning his or her alphabet and is readily grasping new ideas.

35. _____ is sensitive and cries easily during stressful situations within the classroom.

36. Your child is able to make friends quickly and easily and is often found in the center of most
classroom discussions.

37. _____ needs to apply themselves more to all areas of study in order to meet the minimum
standard requirements for this grade level.

38. _____ needs to increase his or her ability to listen and follow directions carefully. While this
student has been performing well overall, they need to follow directions more carefully.

39. Your child enjoys learning about new things and reading stories.

40. _____ is very respectful of other students in the classroom and waits till it is his or her turn to

41. ______ has the ability to put together large sentences and is also a creative thinker. He or she is
one of the most creative thinkers in the class.

42. ______ is able to point out and discuss various shapes and is currently progressing ahead of the
rest of the class.

43. Your child is a great helper within the classroom, and is more than willing to help out any

44. This student is extremely creative, and has created many interesting forms of artwork.

45. Because _____ is unable to complete an entire task on his or her own, I suggest encouraging
your child to complete homework assignments on his or her own with minimal supervision.

46. While _____ has shown mass improvement within their subject skills, I suggest having your
child continue studying the following subjects in order for him or her to retain what they have
47. As the year progresses, _____ is showing great improvements.

48. ______ is capable of producing better work; all he or she must do is concentrate harder on their

49. I have enjoyed having _____ in my class.

50. _____ is a real asset to my classroom.

100 Great Report Card Comments For K-6 Students

Are you using the same comments on your report card, and starting to feel like it is mundane work?
Here are some great report card comments that you might consider using. When writing comments
on a report card, the most important thing to remember is to be honest about a student's progress.

1. _____ is showing enthusiasm in his work.

2. _____ is using his free time constructively.

3. _____ uses her time wisely.

4. _____ has progressed wonderfully.

5. _____ is showing signs of leadership in the classroom.

6. _____ has great potential in _____.

7. _____ is a good citizen.

8. _____ is working to his full capacity.

9. _____ needs to improve skills in _____.

10. _____ needs to pay more attention.

11. _____ is working diligently on his _____.

12. _____ is learning to be a better listener.

13. _____ participates very well in class.

14. _____ is showing signs of independence.

15. _____ is still struggling with _____.

16. _____ wants responsibilities and follows through.

17. _____ has a better attitude.

18. _____ is a hard worker.

19. _____ has a winning personality.

20. _____ follows directions well.

21. _____ is steadily improving in _____.

22. _____ is following suggests to improve in _____.

23. _____ is eager to improve in ______.

24. _____ is cooperative in class.

25. _____ likes to volunteer in class activities.

26. _____ should be proud of his report card.

27. _____ is great at encouraging other students.

28. _____ works well with classmates.

29. _____ needs to improve her attention span.

30. _____ learns new spelling words quickly.

31. _____ has shown strength in _____.

32. _____ is a conscientious worker.

33. _____ has contributed to many class discussions.

34. _____ is anxious to please.

35. _____ has been disrupting the class lately.

36. _____ needs improvement in reading comprehension.

37. _____ is applying skills to all of his work.

38. _____ gets along well with her classmates.

39. _____ is cooperative.

40. I appreciate _____'s cooperation in class.

41. _____ is showing steady progress in overall academics.

42. _____'s quality of work is improving.

43. _____ is showing a desire to do better in _____.

44. _____'s grade level achievements are well maintained.

45. _____ is working well independently.

46. _____ acts responsibly in class.

47. _____ needs to work on his talking in class.

48. _____ is full of enthusiasm when it comes to _____.

49. _____'s sense of humor is enjoyable.

50. _____ has a stupendous attitude.

51. _____ does not work well with large group discussions.

52. _____ is not participating as I would've hoped.

53. _____ is able to grasp new concepts readily.

54. _____ may exceed _____ grade expectations.

55. _____ needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility.

56. _____ is quite mature in class.

57. _____ tries very hard in everything he does.

58. _____ has strong work habits in all areas.

59. _____ puts ideas in his head onto paper very well.

60. _____ is excelling in _____.

61. _____ demonstrates good reading habits.

62. _____ stays well organized in class.

63. _____ is able to organize her thoughts very well.

64. _____ seems to have extensive knowledge in _____.

65. _____ is struggling to keep up with homework assignments.

66. _____ needs to improve his work habits.

67. _____ is well mannered and respectful to me and other students.

68. _____ has adjusted to _____ very well.

69. _____ is capable of achieving higher than average in _____.

70. _____'s attitude makes it hard for her to get along with other classmates.

71. _____ is consistent in his efforts.

72. _____'s accuracy is failing because of unnecessary speed in written work.

73. _____ has a hard time following directions.

74. _____ consistently fails to finish independent assignments in _____.

75. _____ has the ability to comprehend, but needs to work more quickly.

76. _____ enjoys _____.

77. _____ listens carefully.

78. _____ is reading at a grade ____ level.

79. _____ has mastered _____.

80. _____ is very interested in reading.

81. _____ speaks clearly.

82. _____ is muffling words, making it hard to understand him.

83. _____ has confidence in her work.

84. _____ is able to speak effectively before the class.

85. _____ shares with others in the class.

86. _____ has a good understanding of vocabulary words, and is able to use them correctly.

87. _____ has a good attitude towards school.

88. _____'s work level is below average in _____.

89. _____ is easily distracted.

90. _____ turns in neat work that is done accurately.

91. _____ is not completing assignments in the allotment of time given.

92. _____ is especially good at _____.

93. _____ requires more supervision than expected at this grade level.

94. _____ needs encouragement to do things on her own.

95. _____ often completes assignments early.

96. _____ takes pride in his work.

97. _____ needs to concentrate better.

98. _____ cares about the other students in her class.

99. _____ does not work well without direct supervision

100. _____ is often tired during school hours

100 Useful Words & Phrases When Writing Report

Card Comments For Elementary Students
In writing report card comments for elementary school students, the words and phrases that are used
can have a significant impact on the child, and on the family. The purpose of a report card is not only
to enlighten the parent and student about the student's progress in school. Report cards can also show
parents where room for improvement lies, as long as the report card keeps a positive spin even
during negative situations. In order to be most effective when it comes to writing report card
comments down for these young students, teachers should make use of the most useful and effective
words and phrases in order to better drive their points across.

The best way to write report card comments for elementary school students is to form the comments
in a way that is constructive rather than focusing on negative aspects of each child's academic career.
An effective report card is one that focuses on areas of improvement rather than dwelling on the
negative nature of a child's past performance. Even if a student has received a failing grade in a
particular subject or class, there is no reason to turn that experience into a negative one. This is
especially true when it comes to report cards, which are an innovative way to get the parent involved
with whatever needs the child has.

Using the right modifiers and descriptors when referring to the strengths and weaknesses of
the student will allow you to relate report card comments to the achievement of certain
expectations. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects of a failing grade for example, an
effective instructor will turn poor performance into an opportunity for additional learning and

F grade, failing grade or equivalent: When there are areas for improvement, rather than focusing
on the negative aspect, instructors can positively spin the needs of students by using the right
descriptors and modifiers for each area. There is no reason to be directly negative, and nothing good
or productive will come of being that way.

- Not using or seldom using - Unclear or Unfocused - Very Limited

- Seldom, Seldom meeting - Inaccurate or Weak - None Evident, No Evidence

- Experiencing Difficulty - Inactive - Very limited

- Insufficiently, insufficient - Inadequate - Delayed or Gradual

- Lacking, Lacks in    

D grade, just above a failing grade or equivalent: Rather than looking at a D grade as a negative
grade, instructors can use these phrases to describe making an attempt, beginning to show progress,
or simply needing assistance.

- Using Only - Makes Attempts - Limited or Limited Accuracy

- With Assistance, With Help - Varied or Incomplete - Beginning, Starting to

- Inconsistent, Inconsistently - Unclear or Not Quite Clear - Slow, Slow-Going

- Rare, Rarely   - Little, Minor

C grade, average grade or equivalent: Although a C grade is an average grade, a positive spin can
be placed on it by explaining how the student is showing improvement, is gaining clarity or is
developing or improving in certain aspects of his or her schoolwork.

- Sometimes - Satisfactory - Almost complete - Approaching or Accelerating

- Using More, Nearly Most - With some clarity - Partial

- With limited assistance - Some - Emerging

- With some assistance - Developing or Improving - Accuracy

B grade, above average grade or equivalent: B grades are above average, and the descriptors and
modifiers that are used should reflect that.

- Independently - Effective - Prompt

- Using Most - Often or Regularly - Meeting

- Consistently - Coherent or Clear, Concise - General

- Appropriate - Full - Accurate

- Complete - Quick - Capable, Capability

A grade, near perfect grade or equivalent:

- Systematically - Always - Rapid, Extensive

- Competently, With Competence
- Using All - Consistently and Accurately
- Comprehensive
- Outstanding - Thorough and In Depth
- Precise
- Independently - Surpassing, or Exceeding

Using simple verbs will allow you to describe the strengths of each student in his or her report
card. Recognizing a student's strengths, even when the student is having difficulty in class, is a
great way to allow development of strong, positive characteristics in addition to improving
upon weaker characteristics.

- Applies - Experiments - Participates

- Builds - Explains - Performs

- Compares - Expresses - Produces

- Completes - Extends - Recognizes

- Constructs - Has Learned - Shows

- Continues To - Illustrates - Solves

- Creates - Interprets - Understands

- Demonstrates - Is Able To - Uses

- Describes - Knows - Works Well

- Develops - Organizes  

- Evaluates - Operates  

Teachers should make a point to avoid judgmental or negative phrases that are worded
strongly, in addition to describing weaknesses. Even when a need is present to describe a
particular weakness, there are ways to create a positive spin by turning what a student lacks
into what a student simply needs assistance with. The following phrases are generally
suggested to meet these needs:

- Attempts to, Makes

attempts - Is learning to
- Needs to develop
- Continues to Need Help - Is receiving additional help with
with - Needs to improve, Needs
- Is working at improvement in
- Encouragement with
- Needs more opportunities to - Requires adult support for
- Experiences Difficulty with
- Needs ongoing help with, Needs - Requires more time
- Is being encouraged to ongoing assistance with
- Tries to, Makes attempts to
- Is benefiting from practice - Needs support

Report Card Comments

Some sample generic report card comments are given below. Remember, it is more helpful and
informative for parents if you can provide specific rather than general comments whenever possible.

Here are words that are useful...

able, accurate, active, aggressive, ambitious, anxious, attentive, capable, cheerful, confident,
cooperative, conscientious, courteous, dependable, determined, eager, energy, energetic, friendly,
generous, happy, helpful, imaginative, industrious, initiative, interested, keen, neat, nervous,
observant, orderly, pleasant, polite, prompt, quiet, receptive, reliant, resourceful, studious


 speaks in good sentences

 speaks clearly
 has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly - enjoys dramatization
 enjoys participation in conversation and discussion - expresses ideas clearly
 has a good oral vocabulary
 takes turns talking
 speaks with confidence to the group


 uses punctuation correctly

 is able to place periods and question marks correctly - uses colorful words
 uses (complex, simple) sentences
 is now able to write a complete sentence independently - participates in group story telling
(composition) - can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences)
 puts words in the appropriate order
 is able to read his sentences back
 shows self confidence in writing
 can compose several related sentences


 is building a good spelling vocabulary - uses his individual dictionary to find unfamiliar words -
enjoys learning to spell new words
 is able to learn to spell words easily - sometimes reverses letters in a word
 has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words - is helped by using hand or
body motions to remember spelling


 often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc. - has good (poor) fine-motor skills
 is able to print on the lines
 spaces letters and words correctly
 some printing is excellent but is often untidy in daily assignments - enjoys doing neat careful


 can work with numbers to 10 (?) with understanding - understands the signs +, -, = and uses
them to make number statements - understands and uses basic facts of addition and
subtraction to ____ - reverses some numbers still
 understands place value to _____
 can use manipulatives to add and subtract - can use manipulatives to show place value to
_____ - understands money (pennies, dimes, nickels) - relies heavily on concrete objects
 knows the basic shapes
 can count to ______
 is able to create graphs using simple data - understands several methods of graphing - is
beginning to memorize the number facts ----------------

For listening
 can follow directions
 enjoys listening to poetry
 enjoys listening to stories
 listens carefully
 evaluates what he hears


 (is able to distinguish, has difficulty distinguishing) sounds in words

 now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds - confuses the sounds ___
and ___
 is able to blend short words using the vowel(s) _____ with (without) assistance
 is learning to attack words independently - uses the phonics skills to attack new words


 reading is (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, fluent) - comprehends what he reads
 is interested in books and reading
 can read to follow directions
 can now recognize ____ sight words
 reads for pleasure
 needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary
 is still confusing words which look alike - is beginning to read words in groups (phrases) -
reading is becoming (not yet becoming) automatic - enjoys discussing the stories
 has had difficulty with learning (phonics, sight vocabulary) so in the coming term we will focus
on (sight vocabulary, phonics)

General Remarks

 is friendly and cooperative

 cooperates well
 helps others
 has a sense of humor
 has a good attitude towards school
 is working well in all subjects
 lacks independence, is gaining independence - is too easily distracted
 is becoming more self-reliant
 is an attentive student
 all work is neatly and accurately done - is a polite conscientious pupil
 works too slowly
 does not complete assignments in the allotted time. - seems unable to finish required work
 does colorful and interesting art work - is especially good at ______
 requires too much supervision. Please encourage him to do things on his own.
 should be encouraged to _____
 needs frequent encouragement
 is maturing
 is learning to concentrate
 is learning to listen carefully
 is gaining self-confidence
 is very thoughtful
 takes pride in work well done
 is eager to learn
 makes little effort when not under direct supervision - often seems tired at school
 is not very appreciative of the value of ( time, courtesy, sharing, neatness, accuracy)
 shows initiative; thinks things through for himself ! Here's a sample.

Here are words and phrases that are useful...

able, accurate, active, aggressive, ambitious, anxious, attentive, capable, cheerful, confident,
cooperative, conscientious, courteous, dependable, determined, eager, energy, energetic, friendly,
generous, happy, helpful, imaginative, industrious, initiative, interested, keen, neat, nervous,
observant, orderly, pleasant, polite, prompt, quiet, receptive, reliant, resourceful, studious

Is a good citizen
Is learning to share and listen.
Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
Is learning to occupy his time constructively.
Wants responsibilities and follows through.
Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
Always uses her time wisely.
Has strengthened her skills in ___.
Has great potential and works toward achieving it.
Working to full capability.
Is strong in _____.
Is learning to be a better listener.
Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
Is continuing to grow in independence.
Enthusiastic about participating.
Gaining more self-confidence.
Has a pleasant personality.
Has earned a very fine report card.
Has improved steadily.
Is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
Now accepts responsibility well.
_____'s work habits are improving.
Has been consistently progressing.
Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___.
The following suggestions might improve his ____.
I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
Seems eager to improve.
Has shown strong growth in ____.
Is cooperative and happy.
Volunteers often.
Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
Works well with her neighbors.
_____'s attitude toward school is excellent.
Has the ability to follow directions.
Handwork is beautifully done.
Learns new vocabulary quickly.
Has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
Is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
Is very helpful about clean-up work around the room.
Anxious to please.
Brings fine contributions.
Has a pleasant disposition.
Works well.
Is hard working.
Is pleasant and friendly.
Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
Needs to apply skills to all written work.
Gets along well with other children.
Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
Has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in ___.
Making steady progress academically.
Quality of work is improving.
Responds well.
Is maintaining grade-level achievements.
Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
Seems to be more aware of activities in the classroom.
Takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ___.
Accepts responsibility.
Extremely conscientious.
Bubbles over with enthusiasm.
Has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
Has an excellent attitude.
Work in the areas of ____ has been extremely good.
Is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.
Needs to work democratically with others in groups.
Possible for ___ to exceed grade expectations.
Grasps new ideas readily.
Needs to develop a better sense of responsibility.
Enthusiastic about work in general.
Performs well in everything he undertakes.
Unusually mature.
Seeks information.
Mature vocabulary.
Doing strong work in all areas.
Is a clear thinker.
Excels in writing original stories and poems.
Is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
Reads extensively.
Has good organization of thoughts.
Has a vast background knowledge of ___.
Is a very fine and serious student and excels in ___.
Rate of achievement makes it difficult for ___ to keep up with the class.
Must improve work habits if ___ is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___ grade work.
_____'s academic success leaves much to be desired.
Handwriting needs to be improved.
Cooperative, well mannered.
Is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but ___.
Makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
Cries easily.
Good worker and attentive listener.
Good adjustment.
Good attitude.
Capable of achieving a higher average in areas of ____.
Has difficulty retaining process of addition, etc.
Is inconsistent in his efforts, especially in ___.
Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
Needs to listen to directions.
Never completes assignments in the allotted time.
Fails to finish independent assignments.
Would improve if he developed a greater interest in ___.
Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
Needs to be urged.


 ______ displays an excellent attitude.

 ______'s attitude toward school is excellent.

 ______ has a good attitude toward school.

 ______ assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude.

 ______ shows initiative and thinks things through for himself.

 ______ is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.

 ______ needs to improve classroom attitude.


 ______ is a very pleasant student to work with.

 ______ is a very thoughtful student.

 ______ has a pleasant disposition.

 ______ is pleasant and friendly.

 ______ is cooperative and happy.

 ______ is cooperative and well mannered.

 ______ has a pleasant personality.

 ______ is a pleasure to have around.

 ______ is friendly and cooperative.

 ______ is a sweet and cooperative child.

 ______ is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but _____.

 ______ is self-confident and has excellent manners.

 ______ has a sense of humor we all enjoy.

 ______ has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.

 ______ gets upset easily.

 ______ cries easily.

 ______ often seems tired at school.

 Although _____________'s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not consistent.


 ______ is enthusiastic about participating.

 ______ participates well in class.

 ______ volunteers often.

 ______ is willing to take part in all classroom activities.

 ______ is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.

 ______ makes fine contributions.

 ______ takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ______.

 ______ responds well.

 ______ speaks with confidence to the group.

 ______ takes turns talking.

 ______ enjoys participating in conversation and discussion.

 ______ needs to actively participate in classroom discussion

Report Card Comments & Phrases—Personality & Attitude
 Although there has been some improvement in _______'s attitude toward his schoolwork, it is not consistent. He
will need continual guidance from home and school throughout the rest of the year.
 This report card is a reflection of ________'s attitude in school. He could improve if he decided to work harder and
cooperate more.

 _______'s attitude toward our school rules, the other students, and myself is reflected in this reporting quarter.
She is capable of being a successful student with effort.

 As my past reports have indicated, ______ does not do his schoolwork. He can do better if he makes his mind up
to work harder and complete his assignments.

 Although there has been some improvement with ______'s attitude toward her classmates, she frequently needs
to be reminded to be respectful.

 As we discussed in our last conference, ________'s attitude toward the basic skills is poor. Please continue to do
a nightly review with her, especially focusing on ________.

 Thank you for your interest in our class. I am pleased to report that _______ is showing positive development in
regards to his attitude in our classroom.

 _______ continues to make nice progress this year concerning her attitude in the classroom and on the

 I will continue to need your help and support if _______ is to overcome her attitude and social difficulties. She will
find school a much more pleasant place if she can make a positive effort in this area.

 _________'s attitude has continued to improve. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

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