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African Webquest Name: _______________

Santana- Geography

Complete the following assignment by visiting the African Cultural Center at:

Click on the word “ GEOGRAPHY” to answer the following questions.

1. What is the largest desert in world and lies in northern Africa? Sahara

2. What is the equatorial area (near the equator) mainly covered with? Rain forests.

3. What are the two major mountain ranges located in Africa?

a. Atlas in the north b. Ruwenzri

4. What is the name of Africa’s highest mountain? Kilimanjaro What is it? An extinct volcano

Where is it located? In East Africa

5. What are the four major rivers located in Africa?

a. Nile River b. Zambezi River

c. Congo River d. Orange River

6. How many miles long is the Nile River? 2,600

7. What is the largest lake in Africa? Lake Victoria

What three countries are located by this lake?

a. Kenya b. Uganda c. Tanzania

8. What is the name of the largest island in Africa? Madagascar

Click on the word “ENVIRONMENTS” to answer the following questions.

1. Describe the serious problem in the Sahel.

What is happening? Desertification

What is this causing? Overgrazing and deforestation

2. Click on the word “desertification” in the reading. Define the word.

When desert area grows.
3. What three things have industrial countries made profitable ($$$) for Africans?

a. Cash crops b. Ivory

c. Timber

4. What is expected to happen to Africa’s population over the next 24 years? It will double.

5. What percentage of Africa’s people live in the rural countryside? Two thirds of the people

Click on “Climate” found under the “ENVIRONMENT” tab.

1. What is the definition of climate? An average pattern of weather and temperature over a period of

2. (found in the reading) List three countries where the climate is humid.

a. Cameroon b. Tanzania c. Madagascar

3. What do regions near the equator experience year-round? Dry winters and a low average of rain

4. What two parts of Africa experience “Mediterranean” climate?

a. North Africa b. Tip of South Africa

5. What is “Mediterranean” climate? Dry summers and wet winters

6. What causes these parts of Africa experience “Mediterranean” weather? Their proximity to

Click on the word “Ecosystems” found under the “ENVIRONMENT” tab.

Write two descriptions under each type of ecosystem.

hot, dry summers and cold wet winters
plants and trees have adapted to lack of water

Mountain Regions
the higher, the colder, with peaks often in snow. Trees and
plants grow on lower slopes only. Above the tree line, it is too windy and clod for plants to survive.

Tropical Grassland
hot climate divided into wet and dry season; between tropical rain forests and hot dessert, called African savanna with tall
grasses and low trees and shrubs.

Dry Grassland
hot, dry summers and very cold winters (often used for wheat or cattle).
Hot Desert
hottest, driest places on Earth; heat during a day to often below the freezing temperatures at night. In some deserts, years pass
with no rain. Deserts have sandy soil that supports.

Tropical Rain Forest

hot and wet all year round, ideal for lush, green forests around equator. Rain forests may contain 50,000 different types of trees,
and millions of plants and animals.

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