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Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

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The Pan-African West Congo belt in the Republic of Congo (Congo

Brazzaville): Stratigraphy of the Mayombe and West Congo
Supergroups studied by detrital zircon geochronology
Pascal Affaton a , Feiko Kalsbeek b,∗ , Florent Boudzoumou c , Roland Trompette d ,
Kristine Thrane b , Robert Frei e,f
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, CEREGE, UM34, 13545 Aix en Provence, France
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Université Marien Ngouabi, Département de Géologie, BP 69 Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
35, Rue Pascal, 75013 Paris, France
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Geology Section, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K,
Nordic Center for Earth Evolution (NordCEE), Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The African part of the Neoproterozoic Araçuai-West Congo orogen forms a more than 1400 km long belt,
Received 5 May 2015 running from Gabon in the north to Angola in the south, parallel to the South Atlantic coast. It consists of
Received in revised form the West Congo fold belt in the west and a largely undeformed sedimentary foreland basin in the east. In
27 September 2015
the Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville) these are known as, respectively, the ‘Mayombe fold belt’ and
Accepted 27 October 2015
the ‘Niari basin’. The Mayombe fold belt is largely made up of strongly deformed metasedimentary rocks
Available online 10 November 2015
of the Mayombe Supergroup and its reworked granitoid basement complex. The Niari basin comprises
the sedimentary strata of the West Congo Supergroup, which contain a unit of diamictite and associated
Congo Brazzaville
cap-carbonate, related to the Marinoan (ca. 635 Ma) glaciation. In this paper detrital zircon U–Pb data
Mayombe Supergroup are employed to investigate the relationships between the Mayombe and West Congo Supergroups in
West Congo Supergroup Congo Brazzaville, as well as the relationships with similar stratigraphic units in the Democratic Republic
Geochronology of Congo (DR Congo). Unfortunately, major differences in stratigraphical nomenclature exist between
Detrital zircons Congo Brazzaville and DR Congo which, together with geological differences, complicate comparisons.
The terminology used in this paper follows the Congo Brazzaville tradition.
U–Pb data have been obtained by LA-ICP-MS on 1674 zircon grains from samples of the Mayombe and
West Congo Supergroups (seven and eight samples, respectively). Two of the samples have Palaeopro-
terozoic ages. The other samples are of Neoproterozoic age. Zircons from the latter fall into four main age
groups: Group 1, 500–800 Ma, forming 8% of the total population; Group 2, 900–1200 Ma (29%); Group 3,
1800–2300 Ma (19%); and Group 4, 2500–3100 Ma (31%). Only ca. 13% of the zircons fall outside of these
Most zircons of Group 1 (600–800 Ma) are interpreted to have been derived from late Neoproterozoic
magmatic arc rocks and syn- to post-collisional granites of the Araçuai orogen in Brazil, since rocks
of these ages are rare in the Congo craton to the east. Most of Group 2 zircons have probably been
derived from early Neoproterozoic (1000–900 Ma) rhyolitic and granitic rocks exposed in DR Congo. The
Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean zircons of Groups 3 and 4 may have been derived both from eastern and
western source regions.
None of the stratigraphical units beneath the Marinoan diamictite contain the 500–800 Ma zircons of
Group 1. This is interpreted to indicate deposition of these units during the earlier Neoproterozoic rift
and drift phases in the history of the Araçuai-West Congo orogen, while the strata that do contain Group
1 zircons were deposited during the collisional phases and post-collisional uplift. A significant hiatus is
likely to be present beneath the Marinoan diamictite. Based on these results, a revision of the stratigraphy
of the Mayombe and West Congo Supergroups is recommended.

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 38879075; fax: +45 38142050.

E-mail address: (F. Kalsbeek).
0301-9268/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
186 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

Three granitoid rocks and two metasedimentary samples from the reworked basement complex have also
been investigated, yielding Palaeoproterozoic ages, 2050–2100 Ma for the granites, and Palaeoproterozoic
and Archaean detrital zircon ages for the metasedimentary rocks.
Sm–Nd isotope data have been obtained on a number of (meta-)argilitic and siltstone samples. All samples
yielded Palaeoproterozoic model ages, indicating mixing of sediments of different ages, as also observed
in the zircon age distributions.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Republic of Congo (henceforth ‘DR Congo’) also presents problems.

For historical reasons there has been little coordination between
The Neoproterozoic Araçuai-West Congo orogen is one of the the investigations in the two countries (Trompette, 1994, p. 137).
important pieces in the jig-saw puzzle that makes up western This has led to major differences in stratigraphical terminology
Gondwana. The history of this orogen started ca. 1000 Ma ago which further complicates the correlation of units described within
by the break-up of Rodinia, which resulted in the opening of an the two regions (Section 1.2; Fig. 2). In this paper we report
oceanic basin between the São Francisco and Congo cratons, and geochronological data on zircons from (meta)sedimentary rocks
ended by closure of this basin, some 400 Ma later, during the Pan- from the Niari basin and the Mayombe fold belt in Congo Braz-
African orogenic cycle (for an overview see Pedrosa-Soares et al., zaville, carried out in an attempt to solve some of these problems.
2008). During the Mesozoic the orogen was split into two parts,
one in South America and one in western Africa, by the open-
ing of the South Atlantic Ocean. The South American part of the 1.1. Stratigraphy of the West Congo Supergroup in Congo
orogen in Brazil is known as the Araçuai fold belt and includes Brazzaville: Niari basin and Mayombe fold belt. Structure of the
a suture zone, a magmatic arc, as well as syn- to post-collisional Mayombe Supergroup
granites. This part has been studied in detail (e.g., Alkmim et al.,
2001, 2006; Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2001, 2008; Pedrosa-Soares and In order to describe briefly the stratigraphy of the West Congo
Alkmim, 2011; Paula-Santos et al., 2015; Kuchenbecker et al., 2015). Supergroup of Congo Brazzaville, it is necessary to make a dis-
In contrast, for the African part of the orogen (Fig. 1) many impor- tinction between the development in the Niari basin, and that
tant issues are still unresolved, and recent overviews (Tait et al., in the Mayombe fold belt. In the Niari basin (Fig. 2) the West
2013; Delpomdor and Préat, 2015) emphasize the need for new Congo Supergroup consists of four main assemblages (Dadet, 1969;
geochronological data. Boudzoumou, 1986; Alvarez, 1995), from the base upward, (1)
The African part of the Araçuai-West Congo orogen runs paral- the Bouenzian Formation (thickness not well known, probably
lel to the west coast of central Africa, from Gabon in the north to some 350 m), that overlies the rocks of the Congo craton with
Angola in the south, an area of more than 1400 km in length and a profound unconformity, and consists of sandstones, siltstones,
150–300 km in width. It consists of three main units (Fig. 1), sepa- shales, with carbonate rocks in its upper parts. (2) The Upper
rated by thrust contacts: (1) To the north-east an up to 250 km wide Diamictite Formation, a unit of well preserved diamictites (up to
sedimentary basin, in the Republic of Congo (henceforth ‘Congo 100 m; Boudzoumou, 1986; Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988;
Brazzaville’) referred to as the ‘Niari basin’, which consists of the Trompette, 1994; Mickala et al., 2014), almost certainly related to
largely undeformed strata of the West Congo Supergroup (ter- the ca. 635 Ma Marinoan glaciation (Frimmel et al., 2006; Mickala
minolgy after Dadet, 1969; Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988, et al., 2014), that unconformably overlies the Bouenzian Forma-
and Trompette, 1994). This sedimentary succession unconformably tion. The diamictites are in turn unconformably overlain by an up
overlies the Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the Chaillu to 25 m thick cap-carbonate member (Mickala et al., 2014, 2015,
Massif that belongs to the Congo craton. To the west, the sedi- and references therein), which forms the basis of (3) the thick (ca.
mentary rocks of the West Congo Supergroup become increasingly 1400 m) Schisto–Calcaire Group that consists of various facies of
deformed on entering the West Congo fold belt, in Congo Brazza- limestones, dolostones, siltstones and shales, together with rare
ville termed ‘Mayombe fold belt’ (Hossié and Caby, 1979; Hossié, intercalations of sandstones, cherts and evaporites, and (4) the
1980). Here they are tectonically overlain by, and interfolded with, Mpioka Formation (ca. 700 m) which consists of conglomerates,
units of (2) the Mayombe Supergroup (Hossié, 1980), a succession sandstones, siltstones, shales and carbonates. Overlying the Mpioka
of strongly deformed metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, Formation is the Inkisi Formation which was originally included
which form the core of the West Congo fold belt. (3) Still further into the West Congo Supergroup (Dadet, 1969; Boudzoumou and
west, the Mayombe Supergroup is tectonically overlain by a com- Trompette, 1988) but, since it has been shown to be a much younger
plex of Palaeoproterozoic granitoid and metasedimentary rocks stratigraphic unit (Alvarez et al., 1995), it is no longer included
(Hossié and Caby, 1979; Hossié, 1980; Boudzoumou, 1986; Djama, into this Supergroup. In earlier publications (e.g., Boudzoumou and
1988; Djama et al., 1992), reactivated during Pan-African orogenic Trompette, 1988) the now obsolete term ‘Schisto–Greseux Group’
events. These rocks are interpreted to represent the basement of has been used to describe the combined Mpioka and Inkisi Forma-
the Mayombe Supergroup, and are in Congo Brazzaville referred to tions.
as the ‘Reworked Guéna basement’. The different units described above have been further subdi-
While rocks of the Mayombe Supergroup only occur in the fold vided into formations and members shown on the geological map
belt, units of the West Congo Supergroup occur both in the fold of Dadet (1969) with numbers such as BZ1, BZ2, etc. for parts of the
belt and in the Niari basin. Because of tectonic contacts, the for- Bouenzian Formation. A description of this subdivision is outside
mations of the Supergroup cannot be followed directly from the the scope of this paper, but it has been used below to indicate more
basin into the fold belt, and correlation of some of the stratigraph- precisely from which units samples were investigated.
ical units in the Mayombe fold belt with those in the Niari basin is Within the Mayombe fold belt a unit of metadiamictites, known
not straightforward (Section 1.1; Fig. 2). as the ‘Lower Diamictite Formation’ (Dadet, 1969; Boudzoumou,
Correlation of units of the West Congo and Mayombe Super- 1986; Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988, Fig. 2), is regarded to
groups in Congo Brazzaville with similar rocks in the Democratic represent the lowermost lithostratigraphic unit of the West Congo
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 187

Fig. 1. Main structural units in the African part of the Araçuai-West. Congo orogen after Boudzoumou and Trompette (1988). Stratigraphical terms used here are those
employed in the Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville), and are different from those used in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Angola and Gabon, see the text.
The reworked basement and the Mayombe Supergroup, together with parts of the West Congo Supergroup, form the West Congo fold belt, in Congo Brazzaville known as
the Mayombe fold belt (inset A–B). The areas described in the present study are outlined, and shown in more detail in Figs. 5 and 8. The inset in the upper right-hand corner
illustrates the location of the Araçuai-West Congo orogen in Africa and South America before the opening of the Atlantic Ocean.

Supergroup (Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988). It is interfolded Formation is unconformably overlain by the Bouenzian Formation
with the metasedimentary rocks of the Mayombe Supergroup, in the area between the Mayombe fold belt and the Bouenzian
which themselves overlie the granitoid and other rocks of the outcrops in the eastern part of the basin (Fig. 2).
reworked ‘Guéna basement’ (Djama, 1988; Djama et al., 1992). The Mayombe Supergroup, that underlies the West Congo
The Lower Diamictite Formation is overlain by a succession of Supergroup, has been subdivided, from the base upward, into the
schists and quartzitic sandstones, the Louila Formation, which is Bikossi, Loukoula, Mvouti and Mossouva structural units, which
considered to represent the tectono-metamorphic equivalent of are separated by NE verging thrustplanes (Dadet, 1969; Hossié
the Bouenzian Formation in the Niari basin (Boudzoumou and and Caby, 1979; Hossié, 1980; Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988;
Trompette, 1988). Outcrops of carbonates occur locally in the out- Maurin et al., 1991; Trompette, 1994). The uppermost thrust units
ermost parts of the Mayombe fold belt, mainly in Dolisie area, (the Bikossi and at least parts of the Loukoula) are of Palaeopro-
where occurrences of the Upper Diamictite Formation have also terozoic age (Djama, 1988; Maurin et al., 1991; Djama et al., 1992).
been observed (Mickala et al., 2014). These carbonates probably South-west of the Bikossi unit occur the granitoid gneisses and
correlate with the carbonates of the Schisto–Calcaire Group in the associated rocks of the reworked Palaeoproterozoic Guéna base-
basin. ment complex (see Section 4.5). The latter have been intruded by a
Rocks similar to the lower diamictites have not been observed suite of alkaline granites, dated at ca. 1000 Ma (Djama et al., 1992;
in the Niari basin, and it has been suggested (Lepersonne, Vicat and Pouclet, 2000). The overlying Mvouti and Mossouva units
1951; Cahen, 1978; Trompette, 1994) that the Lower Diamictite are assumed to be of Meso- or Neoproterozoic age.
188 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

Fig. 2. Schematic overview of the stratigraphic units that overlie the crystalline basement in Congo Brazzaville and in DR Congo, illustrating the differences in stratigraphical
terminology. In Congo Brazzaville the succession overlying the basement (reworked Palaeoproterozoic Guéna basement in the fold belt, and the Archaean/Palaeoproterozoic
Congo craton in the Niari basin), is subdivided into the Mayombe and West Congo Supergroups (Dadet, 1969; Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988; Maurin et al., 1991, Alvarez
et al., 1995). In DR Congo the term ‘West Congo Supergroup’ is used for the entire succession overlying the crystalline basement, here represented by the Palaeoproterozoic
‘Kimezian Supergroup’ (Tack et al., 2001; Frimmel et al., 2006; Delpomdor and Préat, 2015). The West Congo Supergroup (sensu DR Congo) is subdivided into the Zadinian,
Mayumbian, and West Congolian Groups, of which the latter is broadly equivalent to the West Congo Supergroup in Congo Brazzaville (shaded area). The Zadianian and
Mayumbian Groups in DR Congo consist of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, and range in age from ca. 1000–900 Ma (Tack et al., 2001). The Mayombe Supergroup in
Congo Brazzaville has been subdivided into four structural units, of which the Bikossi and at least parts of the Louila units are of Palaeoproterozoic age, while the Mvouti and
Mossouva units are assumed to be Meso- or Neoproterozoic. The similarity of the terms ‘Mayumbian Group’ and ‘Mayombe Supergroup’ does not imply any geochronological

1.2. Stratigraphy of the Mayombe and West Congo Supergroups Brazzaville (Cahen, 1978; Trompette, 1994), youngest detrital
of Congo Brazzaville compared to similar units in DR Congo zircons ca. 900 Ma (Frimmel et al., 2006; Straathof, 2011); (2) the
Lower Diamictite Formation, 400 m, for which an U–Pb age of
While in Congo Brazzaville the succession of (meta-) sedi- 694 ± 4 Ma has been obtained on baddelyite from an intercalation
mentary and volcanic rocks that overlie the Palaeoproterozoic of basalts and dolerites (Straathof, 2011); (3) the Haut Shiloango
basement complex has been subdivided into the Mayombe and Subgroup, 1050 m thick and composed mainly of sandstones,
West Congo Supergroups, in DR Congo all the strata overlying shales and calcareous rocks; youngest detrital zircons ca. 600 Ma
the basement (here termed ‘Kimezian Supergroup’) have been col- (Frimmel et al., 2006). A correlation of this Subgroup with the
lectively assigned to the ‘West Congo Supergroup’ (Cahen, 1954; Bouenzian and Louila Formations in Congo Brazzaville has been
Lepersonne, 1971, 1972; Tack et al., 2001; Frimmel et al., 2006; proposed (Cahen, 1978; Cahen et al., 1984; Trompette, 1994).
Straathof, 2011; for an overview see Delpomdor and Préat, 2015). The stratigraphy of the strata overlying the Haut Shiloango
The West Congo Supergroup (sensu DR Congo) has been subdivided Subgroup is the same as in Congo Brazzaville: Upper Diamictite
into three Groups in upward direction the Zadinian, Mayumbian Formation, Schisto–Calcaire Subgroup and Mpioka Subgroup. The
and West Congolian Groups. The Zadinian and Mayumbian Groups West Congolian Group is overlain by the Inkisi Subgroup which is
(Fig. 2) occur within the thrust units of the fold belt and, together, equivalent to the Inkisi Formation in Congo Brazzaville.
occupy a similar tectono-stratigraphic position as the (mainly Unfortunately, the contact between the West Congo Supergroup
metasedimentary) upper parts of the Mayombe Supergroup in and the rocks of the Congo craton cannot be studied in DR Congo,
Congo Brazzaville. Their mutual relationships, however, are not since it is covered by younger deposits. This complicates compari-
clear, and the similarity in the terms ‘Mayombe Supergroup’ (Congo son with the succession in Congo Brazzaville.
Brazzaville) and ‘Mayumbian Group’ (DR Congo) does not imply The use of the term ‘West Congo Supergroup’ as used in DR
any stratigraphic relationship. Because of the presence of metarhy- Congo has also been adopted in Angola and Gabon (e.g. Thiéblemont
olites and granitic rocks, it has been possible to constrain the age et al., 2009) and (rarely) in Congo Brazzaville (Alvarez, 1995). The
of deposition of the Zadinian and Mayumbian Groups in DR Congo overview of Delpomdor and Préat (2015) presents more details on
from zircon U–Pb data to between 1000 and 910 Ma (Tack et al., the geology of the region, together with extensive bibliographic
2001). information.
The West Congolian Group of DR Congo is broadly equivalent For the present study geochronological data have been acquired
to the West Congo Supergroup in Congo Brazzaville (Fig. 2). In DR on zircons from eight samples of the West Congo Supergroup (three
Congo rocks comparable to the lower diamictites of Congo Brazza- from the Bouenzien Formation, one from the Upper Diamictite For-
ville have been described by Lepersonne (1971, 1972). They form mation, one from the Schisto–Calcaire Group, two from the Mpioka
the ‘Lower Diamictite Formation’ and are part of the sedimentary Formation, and one from the Inkisi Formation), and seven samples
basin, not of the West Congo/Mayombe fold belt. The stratigraphy of the Mayombe Supergroup (two from the Bikossi and Loukoula
of the West Congo Supergroup (Fig. 2), from the Mayumbian Group units, one from the Mvouti unit, two from the Mossouva unit, and
up to the Upper (Marinoan) Diamictite Formation is as follows two from the Louila Formation). The results give an impression of
(Tack et al., 2001; Frimmel et al., 2006; Delpomdor and Préat, the age distributions for the zircons in samples from the different
2015): (1) the Sansikwa Subgroup, a 1650 m thick succession of stratigraphical units, which then were used to obtain insights into
conglomerates, sandstones and shales, traditionally correlated the source regions of the precursor sediments and, indirectly, into
with the upper parts of the Mayombe Supergroup in Congo the ages of deposition. With these results an attempt is made to
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 189

Fig. 3. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of analyzed zircons. For each sample 15–20 of such images were acquired, and 8744-6, for example, is no. 6 out of a series
of 17 images. The images (at A-4 size) were used to choose suitable spots for analysis, and thereafter for documentation of the location of the analyzed spots. The circles
show the sizes of the latter. Crossed circles represent unsuccessful analyses. The numbers refer to the number of the individual analyses in the Electronic Appendix.

solve some of the problems in the correlation of the Neoproterozoic 207 Pb/206 Pbages (Appendix, Zirchron vs. Iolite), but the error esti-
stratigraphy in Congo Brazzaville and DR Congo, described above. mates calculated by Zirchron are much larger than those obtained
Further, we present new data on three samples of granitoid rocks from Iolite (Appendix, Zirchron vs. Iolite). In the following diagrams
from the reworked basement complex for comparison with earlier the more conservative Zirchron error estimates have been used in
data from Congo Brazzaville and DR Congo, as well as Sm–Nd iso- order to minimize the possibility of overinterpreting the data. A
tope data for a number of shale, schist and siltstone samples from number of analyses yielded erratic signals for 206 Pb and 238 U (prob-
the Niari basin and the Mayombe fold belt. ably caused by the poor quality of the zircons) and did not provide
a reliable age. These were rejected. No ages were rejected because
2. Analytical procedures of large errors or high degrees of discordance.
Analytical errors (Zirchron) on the 207 Pb/206 Pb ages depend
Zircons for U–Pb geochronology were separated using standard on the age of the zircons. For sample 9116 (Section 4.2.3), for
techniques: crushing and sieving to <300 ␮m, washing on a example, the median error (2) is ±94 Ma for zircons with ages
Holman–Wilfley shaking table, followed by hand picking. Hand- <700 Ma (N = 30), ±85 Ma for zircons of 900–1200 Ma (N = 50),
picked zircon grains were set in 1-inch epoxy mounts, sectioned ±80 Ma for zircons of 1800–2300 Ma (N = 13), and ±56 Ma for zir-
and polished to approximately half their thickness. Back-scatter cons of 2500–3000 Ma. Errors for the 207 Pb/206 Pb ages of zircons
images of the zircons were obtained by Scanning Electron in other samples are of similar magnitude (Appendix, Zirchron vs.
Microscopy (SEM) at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Iolite).
Greenland (GEUS), and analytical spots (diameter 25 ␮m) were All analytical data (both calculated by Zirchron and by Iolite),
selected with the help of the SEM images (Fig. 3). Isotopic analysis inclusive those on the GJ-1 standard, are listed in the electronic
was performed by laser ablation-single collector magnetic sector appendix, which also presents statistical data (Iolite) for GJ-1
field-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) (Appendix, Iolite GJ-1.doc). During this study the Plešovice zir-
at GEUS, using a Thermo-Fisher Element II sector field ICP-MS con was analyzed 113 times, and the resulting mean ages were
coupled to a NewWave NWR213 Nd-YAG laser ablation unit. The 335 ± 3 Ma and 338 ± 2 Ma (2 errors), respectively, from Zirchron
methods applied essentially follow those of Gerdes and Zeh (2006), and Iolite (vs. the accepted age of 337 Ma; Sláma et al., 2008).
Frei et al. (2006), Kalsbeek et al. (2008) and Frei and Gerdes (2009). The chronological data are presented as 207 Pb/206 Pb age prob-
The GJ-1 zircon (609 Ma; Jackson et al., 2004) was used as pri- ability diagrams, prepared with the help of the Age Display
mary standard and, after each group of 50 analyses, the Plešovice programme of Sircombe (2004). In these diagrams analyses that
reference zircon (Sláma et al., 2008) was analyzed as an unknown. are 90–110% concordant are shown with a dark grey colour, while
Samples were analyzed in sequences with six standards analyzed the light grey areas (in part hidden behind the field of concordant
initially, followed by ten unknowns, again three standards, fol- zircons) show all analyses, including the discordant ones. In most
lowed by ten unknowns, etc. Raw data were processed in two cases there is a good agreement between concordant and discord-
manners using (1) the in-house developed ‘Zirchron’ programme ant 207 Pb/206 Pb ages, which indicates that the latter also provide
(unpublished), and (2) using the software package ‘Iolite’ includ- useful information. Histograms illustrating the ages of concordant
ing ‘VisualAge’ (Hellstrom et al., 2008; Paton et al., 2011; Petrus zircons are also shown. The Isoplot programme of Ludvig (2003)
and Kamber, 2012). The two methods yielded closely comparable was used for further data presentation and calculation of ages.
190 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

Unless otherwise stated, the term ‘age’ in this paper refers to the Detrital zircons have been studied from eight samples of the
207 Pb/206 Pb age of the zircons (see Section 3.1); errors are quoted Niari basin. Fig. 5 shows the sample localities, and Fig. 6 illustrates
at the 2 sigma level of confidence. the appearance of the rocks in the field. Samples 9065, 9079 and
Sm–Nd isotope data were acquired at the Department of Geo- 9153 are from the Bouenzian Formation. Sample 9065 (12◦ 41.14 E,
sciences and Natural Resource Management, Geology Section, 3◦ 5.09 S; lower part of BZ2 ) is a relatively coarse grained feldspathic
University of Copenhagen, using the methods described in Kalsbeek sandstone, collected close to the crystalline basement of the Congo
and Frei (2006). craton. Sample 9079 (13◦ 46.03 E, 3◦ 54.20 S; upper part of BZ2 ), a
Geographical co-ordinates given below for the analyzed samples coarse-grained feldspathic sandstone, was collected at the Bouenza
refer to the datum WGS84. The precise stratigraphic position (such river dam, where the river has cut a deep canyon in the Bouenzian
as BZ2 for a member of the Bouenzian Formation) is based on the sandstones, and sample 9153 (12◦ 41.41 E, 3◦ 17.62 S; BZ4 , Fig. 6A),
geological map of Dadet (1969). a relatively fine-grained feldspathic sandstone, was taken from a
little waterfall in the forest.
Sample 8744 (12◦ 39.21 E, 3◦ 25.54 S) is from the Marinoan
3. General observations on the geochronological data Diamictite Formation at Matalila (Fig. 6B and C); it is a coarse-
grained feldspathic sandstone from a conglomeratic sandstone bed
3.1. Discordant data and common Pb correction within the diamictite. Sample 9162 (13◦ 53.10 E, 4◦ 18.79 S; SCII)
was collected from a locality where fine-grained calcareous sand-
In a number of samples, many zircons yielded highly discord- stones and siltstones are interlayered with the limestones of the
ant data. Plotted in conventional concordia diagrams, the analyses Schisto–Calcaire Group (Fig. 6D). The sandstones are flat-lying and
scatter in quasi-linear arrays towards zero, demonstrating massive show ripple marks.
loss of radiogenic Pb from the zircons during weathering of the Samples 9086 and 9074 belong to the Mpioka Formation. Sam-
rocks in sub-recent times. This is illustrated for three samples from ple 9086 (13◦ 42 E, 4◦ 20 S; Po) is a calc-arenite from the lenticular
the Bouenzian Formation (Section 4) in Fig. 4. In the field, weath- and unconformable basal part of the Mpioka Formation, collected in
ering is not obvious in the sandstones, but siltstones and shales are the Pic Albert area (Fig. 5), and represents the so-called ‘Brèche du
commonly totally altered. U-rich zircons have been most affected Niari’ (Fig. 6E). Sample 9074 (12◦ 28.03 E, 3◦ 43.76 S; PIa) is from a
(Fig. 4B), in some cases resulting in unrealistic 206 Pb/238 U ages as higher, unconformable member of the formation, ca. 30 m above
low as 100–400 Ma. It is because of these problems that only the the unconformity with the Schisto–Calcaire Group. The outcrop
207 Pb/206 Pb ages of zircons have been used in the following.
consists of medium-grained cross-bedded feldspathic sandstones
For many of the analyzed zircons, especially for those with high with local ripple marks. At this locality the rocks have been affected
U concentrations and low 206 Pb/238 U ages, a correction had to be by Mayombian deformation and dip ca. 20◦ to the SW (Fig. 6F).
made for the presence of common Pb (using the model Pb com- Finally, sample 9116 (15◦ 12.58 E, 4◦ 18.97 S), was studied from the
position of Stacey and Kramers, 1975, at the time given by the Inkisi Formation. This sample, a rather coarse-grained immature
207 Pb/206 Pb age of the zircon). In reality the composition of the
arkose, was collected in a quarry close to Brazzaville (Fig. 1), far
common Pb is poorly constrained and this affects the accuracy of outside the area covered by Fig. 5, where arkosic sandstones and
the data. For sample 9153 the 204 Pb corrected data systematically conglomerates occur side by side with shale and siltstone interca-
appear to plot at lower 207 Pb/235 U ratios than non-corrected data, lations.
suggesting a degree of over-correction for the presence of 204 Pb.
Because of this it is not always easy to judge the reliability of young 4.2. Results for samples from the Niari basin
ages obtained after large common Pb corrections.
4.2.1. Bouenzian Formation
3.2. Statistical testing the absence of zircons of specific age groups 9065: Zircons from sample 9065 are relatively large, mostly
90–170 ␮m in length; a few grains are up to 290 ␮m long. Besides
For the present study it proved to be important correctly to irregularly rounded grains, more or less euhedral zircons are also
assess the presence or absence of zircons of specific age groups. Not present. Many grains are fractured, and suitable spots for analy-
finding zircons of a specific age class does not necessarily imply that sis are not abundant. In all 144 spots were analyzed, 103 yielded
such zircons are absent. They may accidentally have been missed. acceptable chronological information, but only 41 of these gave
However, the probability of missing zircons of an age group can 90–110% concordant ages. The age distribution curve (Fig. 7A)
be tested with the help of the equation p = (1 − f)k , where p is the shows major peaks at 900–1200 Ma and 2800–3100 Ma, together
probability not to find at least one zircon of an age group that is with a minority of grains of Palaeoproterozoic and Neoarchaean
present as a fraction f, when k grains have been analyzed (Dodson ages. No certain late Neoproterozoic zircons were encountered,
et al., 1988). For example, if a specific age group of zircons makes up although a number of grains have 206 Pb/238 U ages from 800 Ma
5% of the total population, and 100 grains have been analyzed, the down to 100 Ma (Fig. 4A). None of these, however are concordant.
probability not to find one of the 5% group is p = (1 − 0.05)100 = 0.01. 9079: Most zircons from sample 9079 are 80–150 ␮m long;
Thus, there would be a 99% probability to find at least one zircon of a few up to 230 ␮m. Although a number of grains have cracks,
the specified group. it was not difficult to find suitable spots for analysis. In total
152 grains were analyzed; 134 spots yielded acceptable data, and
93 of the results were 90–110% concordant. The age distribution
4. Sampling and results (Fig. 7B) reveals two major peaks, one at 900–1100 Ma and one at
1900–2200 Ma. Additionally, a few Archaean grains are present. The
4.1. Rocks and samples of the Niari basin striking difference between samples 9065 and 9079 in the relative
proportions of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic zircons (Fig. 7A and
The Niari basin (Fig. 5) forms a major asymmetric synformal B) may be related to the large distance (ca. 150 km) between the
structure south-west of the Congo craton. As described earlier sample localities. No late Neoproterozoic zircons were found.
(Section 1.1), it consists, from the bottom to the top, of the 9153: Most zircons from sample 9153 are rather small,
Bouenzian Formation, the Marinoan Diamictite Formation, the 60–120 ␮m long, but grains up to 170 ␮m are also present. Besides
Schisto–Calcaire Group, and the Mpioka Formation. rounded grains more euhedral grains are also present. As for
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 191

Fig. 4. (A,C,D). Concordia diagrams for zircons from sandstones of the Bouenzian Group, illustrating the wide scatter in U–Pb isotope relationships. The scatter towards low
Pb/238 U ages is interpreted to be mainly due to loss of radiogenic Pb from the zircons during recent alteration. (B) Covariation of 206 Pb/238 U ages with U concentrations
of zircons from sample 9065. Zircons corrected for common Pb are shown as red filled circles. For zircons from sample 9153 the corrected analyses plot at lower 207 Pb/235 U
ratios than the uncorrected data, suggesting a degree of over-correction.

Fig. 5. Geological sketch map of part of the Niari basin, based on the map compilation of Dadet (1969), with the localities of the investigated samples. The triangles show
the localities of the Marinoan diamictite and cap-carbonate studied by Mickala et al. (2014); the presence of the Marinoan diamictite at c. 13◦ E, 4◦ 25 S illustrates the view
that the Schisto–Calcaire Group represents an asymmetric synformal structure. The geology of the Mayombe fold belt is shown in Fig. 8.

sample 9065 many of these zircons are not ideal for analysis 663 ± 83 Ma. These ages were, however, obtained after major cor-
because of cracks and other irregularities. Out of 114 analyzed spots rections for common Pb (non-corrected ages 1265 and 1326 Ma),
84 yielded acceptable data, but only 29 of these were 90–110% con- and therefore of questionable value.
cordant. The age distribution shows a major peak at 2500–3000 Ma,
a lesser peak at 900–1100 Ma, and a small number of ages scattered 4.2.2. Upper Diamictite Formation and Schisto–Calcaire Group
between 1800 and 2500 Ma (Fig. 7C). Besides these older zircons, 8744: Zircons from sample 8744 (Fig. 3) are rather large, mostly
two grains were found with near-concordant ages of 665 ± 105 and 90–170 ␮m in length, but grains of 200–270 ␮m are also present.
192 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

In all, 152 spots were analyzed; 137 of these yielded acceptable 4.2.3. Mpioka and Inkisi Formations
data, and 90 gave 90–110% concordant results. The age distribu- 9086, Mpioka Formation. Mineral separation on sample 9086
tion displays a major peak at 2500–3000 Ma, which comprises yielded only a few small zircons, none longer than ca. 100 ␮m. Anal-
more than 50% of the dates, with smaller peaks at 1900–2200 Ma, ysis was carried out on 20 grains, all yielded acceptable ages and 13
900–1100 Ma, and 600–800 Ma (Fig. 7D). The latter data (N = 9) did were 90–110% concordant. The age distribution diagram (Fig. 7G)
not need common Pb corrections, and five of them were 90–110% shows the presence of early and late Neoproterozoic, Mesoprotero-
concordant. From the SEM images it appears that the late Neopro- zoic, Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean zircons.
terozoic (600–800 Ma) zircon grains do not differ in size or shape 9074, Mpioka Formation. Zircons from this sample are rel-
from the older zircons. atively large, mostly 100–170 ␮m in length, but grains up to
9162: Zircons from this sample are small, mainly 60–100 ␮m, 200 ␮m are not uncommon. Out of 176 analyzed spots, 129
with only a few slightly larger than 100 ␮m. In total 134 grains yielded acceptable results, 74 of which were 90–110% concordant.
were analyzed, of which 106 gave useful data and 40 were 90–110% The age distribution diagram (Fig. 7H) has two major peaks, at
concordant. The age distribution (Fig. 7E) has one major peak 500–800 Ma and 900–1200 Ma, with minor peaks at 1800–2200 Ma
at 2600–3000 Ma, with a few Palaeoproterozoic zircons and one and 2500–2800 Ma.
zircon at ca. 1200 Ma. Since the sandstone in question has been 9116, Inkisi Formation: Most zircons from sample 9116 (Fig. 3)
deposited after the Marinoan (ca. 635 Ma) glaciation, the absence are 60–170 ␮m long, with a few grains up to 240 ␮m. Most grains
of late Neoproterozoic zircons is surprising. A concordia diagram are rounded but euhedral and subhedral grains are also present.
for he zircons from sample 9162 (Fig. 7F) illustrates the strong Out of 152 analyzed spots 144 yielded acceptable data, but only 56
disturbance of the U–Pb isotope data during sub-recent alteration. of these were 90–110% concordant. The age distribution (Fig. 7I)

Fig. 6. Rocks of the Niari basin. (A) Sandstones of the Bouenzian Formation; person to the right for scale. Sample 9153 was collected here. (B and C) Marinoan diamictite and
cap-carbonate near the village of Matalila. Sample 8744 is from a conglomratic sandstone bed within this diamictite. (D) Sandstone beds, intercalated with limestones of the
Schisto–Calcaire Group. Sample 9162 comes from here. (E and F) Sandstones and conglomerates of the Mpioka Formation. The rock shown in E is from the lowermost part
of the Formation, and is represented by sample 9086. Sample 9074 was collected from the sandstones depicted in F, higher up in the Formation. The hammer used for scale
is 35 cm long. Localities are shown in Fig. 5.
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 193

Fig. 7. Age distribution diagrams (Sircombe, 2004) for samples from the Niari basin. Analyses that are 90–110% concordant are shown with a dark grey colour, while the
light grey areas (in part hidden behind the field of concordant zircons) show all analyses, including the discordant ones. The histograms illustrate the age distribution of the
concordant zircons. For details and descriptions see the text. For sample 9162 the U–Pb concordia diagram is also shown (F).

shows distinct peaks at 500–800 Ma and 900–1100 Ma together successions, with coarser-grained diamictites and turbidites in the
with a number of older grains with ages up to 3000 Ma. north-east (Lower Diamictite and Louila Formations) and finer-
grained turbidites (Mvouti and Mossouva units) in the south-west.
4.3. Rocks and samples of the Mayombe fold belt The impression was gained that the sediments were deposited
into half-grabens, fed from the north-east, during the extensional
Broadly speaking, the Mayombe fold belt in Congo Brazzaville phases of the Pan-African/Brasiliano Araçuai-West Congo orogenic
consists of the Mayombe Supergroup and portions of its Palaeopro- cycle.
terozoic basement complex. The rocks are well exposed along the Two samples of supracrustal rocks were collected from roadside
new road between Pointe Noire and Dolisie (Figs. 8 and 9). A major outcrops within the Loukoula and Bikossi units (Fig. 8). Sam-
part of the section consists of metasedimentary rocks (quartzites, ple 9180 (12◦ 15.06 E, 4◦ 22.88 S) is a fissile muscovite-bearing
sandstones and schists) but metavolcanic rocks are also present quartzite with layers of micaschist in the Bikossi unit. Sample 9183
(Vellutini et al., 1983; Boudzoumou and Trompette, 1988; Vicat and (12◦ 22.53 E, 4◦ 19.61 S) is from the Loukoula unit. It represents a
Pouclet, 2000). Unfortunately, most of the rocks are deeply weath- rock in the field believed perhaps to be of volcanic orogin. It occurs
ered and a distinction between metasedimentary and metavolcanic as more massive layers within strongly weathered chlorite–sericite
rocks is often impossible. All these rocks are strongly deformed and schists.
constitute piles of thrust sheets verging to the NE, with older rocks Five samples were studied from the Mvouti and Mossouva
stacked upon younger formations. As described above, the May- units and the overlying Louila Formation (Fig. 8). Sample 9174
ombe Supergroup has been subdivided into the Bikossi, Loucoula, (12◦ 29.67 E, 4◦ 13.99 S) is a quartzitic sandstone from the Mvouti
Mvouti and Mossouva units, of which the Bicossi and (at least parts unit, collected from a roadside outcrop close to the contact with
of) the Loucoula units are of Palaeoproterozoic age. the Mossouva unit. Samples 9169 (12◦ 32.95 E, 4◦ 12.69 S) and
In preparation of the present study the road section was briefly 9170 (12◦ 30.02 E, 4◦ 13.86 S) are from the Mossouva unit. Both
reinvestigated, and no support was found for the traditional sub- are quartzitic sandstones from roadside outcrops (Figs. 8 and 9A).
division of the section into the structural units described above. Samples 9165 (12◦ 36.32 E, 4◦ 11.21 S) and 9167 (12◦ 35.12 E,
Rather, the different units appear to represent tectono-sedimentary 4◦ 11.09 S) are from the Louila Formation. Sample 9165 is a fresh,
variations within broadly contemporaneous turbiditic sedimentary fine-grained quartzite from the Moukondo quarry, and sample
194 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

Fig. 8. Geological sketch map of the Mayombe fold belt after Dadet (1969), with sample localities. The units shown with greytones are parts of the Mayombe Supergroup;
the Lower Diamictite and Louila Formations belong to the West Congo Supergroup. Most of the units consist of metasedimentary rocks, schists and quartzites (Boudzoumou
and Trompette, 1988), but crystalline rocks are present in the south-western part of the Bikossi structural unit. The dark grey belts in the Bikossi unit are mafic metavolcanic
rocks, now amphibolites.

9167 is a relatively coarse-grained quartzitic sandstone from a (Fig. 10D) has a major peak at 900–1200 Ma, another significant
roadside outcrop. In the following, the zircon data for the samples peak at 1900–2200 Ma, and a number of grains of Archaean ages,
are described from the Bikossi Unit, north-eastward to the Louila up to 3.5 Ga.
Formation. 9169, Mossouva unit. Most zircons from sample 9169 are small,
60–100 ␮m in length, suggesting that the original sediment was
4.4. Results for samples from the Mayombe fold belt rather fine-grained. In all, 134 grains were analyzed, yielding 128
acceptable ages of which 82 were concordant. The age distribution
4.4.1. Metasedimentary rocks of the Bikossi and Loukoula units (Fig. 10E) shows a major peak at 900–1100 Ma, comprising 59 (49%)
9180, Bikossi unit. Sample 9180 has the largest zircons of all the of the ages. A smaller peak is present for Palaeoproterozoic zircons,
investigated rocks, most commonly 120–190 ␮m, with a number of while Archaean zircons scatter widely in age from 2600 to 3500 Ma.
grains up to 250 ␮m. A total of 152 spots were analyzed; all yielded 9170, Mossouva unit. Zircons from sample 9170 are also rather
acceptable data, and 111 were 90–110% concordant. The age distri- small, mainly 60–110 ␮m, but they range up to 170 ␮m. A total
bution diagram (Fig. 10A) shows a major peak at 2000–2200 Ma, of 152 grains were analyzed, 142 yielded acceptable results, of
representing almost half of the dates, and a wide peak of early which 83 were 90–110% concordant. The age distribution diagram
Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean ages from 2300 to 3000 Ma. These (Fig. 10F) has a major peak at 900–1100 Ma, representing 40% of
data confirm the Palaeoproterozoic age for the Bikossi unit sug- the data, together with a significant number of Archaean zircons
gested by Maurin et al. (1991) and Trompette (1994). and some Palaeoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic grains.
9183, Loukoula unit. Most of the zircons from sample 9183 are 9165, Louila Formation. Zircons from sample 9165 (Fig. 3) are
60–110 ␮m in length. Unfortunately, with a few exceptions, they rather small, mostly 50–100 ␮m in length, suggesting that the pre-
are badly metamict and unsuitable for analysis. Nevertheless, 52 cursor of the quartzite was a relatively fine grained sandstone.
grains were analyzed, many on slightly less metamict grains, 38 of Larger zircons, up to 160 ␮m, are also present. In all, 134 grains
these yielded (barely) acceptable results, but only six (on the few were analyzed, 123 yielded acceptable data, of which 77 were
well preserved grains) were 90–110% concordant (Fig. 10B). The concordant. The age distribution (Fig. 10G) is similar to that of
few better analyses suggest that both Archaean and Palaeoprotero- 9174, with main peaks at 900–1100 and 1900–2200 Ma, minor
zoic zircons are present, which would support a metasedimentary peaks at 1700–1900 and 2200–2500 Ma, and a number of Archaean
rather than a metavolcanic origin. A concordia plot (Fig. 10C) shows ages from 2500 to 3200 Ma. In a concordia diagram (Fig. 10H) the
a wide scatter of discordant and 204 Pb corrected data, down to ca. 900–1100 Ma zircons plot along a discordia with upper and lower
600 Ma, suggesting that the discordant (‘youngest’) zircons have intercepts at 1029 ± 34 and 333 ± 130 Ma (N = 33; MSWD = 1.5).
lost significant proportions of radiogenic Pb, mainly during the Pan- Most of the older zircons appear to have lost significant proportions
African orogeny but probably also during subrecent alteration. The of radiogenic Pb. Since the quartzite in question is exception-
present data, although of poor quality, suggest that this sample ally well preserved, sub-recent Pb-loss is probably at a minimum.
belongs to a Palaeoproterozoic section of the Loukoula unit. More likely, most of the disturbance of the U–Pb systems took
place during weathering and deposition of the precursor sediment
4.4.2. Metasedimentary rocks from the Mvouti and Mossouva of the quartzite and during later metamorphism around 600 Ma
units and the Louila Formation ago.
9174, Mvouti unit. Zircons from sample 9174 are most com- 9167, Louila Formation. Zircons separated from sample 9167 are
monly 60–120 ␮m in length, but grains larger than 200 ␮m are rather large, generally 70–170 ␮m, but grains more than 250 ␮m
also present. Out of 152 analyzed grains 140 yielded acceptable are also present. Out of 96 analyzed grains 94 yielded acceptable
data, 85 of which were concordant. The age distribution diagram data; 58 of these were concordant. The age distribution diagram
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 195

Fig. 9. Rocks of the Mayombe fold belt. (A) Typical outcrop of quartzites and schists of the Mossouva structural unit along the main road from Dolisie to Pointe-Noire. Persons
at the road side for scale. Sample 9169 was collected here. (B) Schist of the Lower Diamictite Formation with large rock fragment. (C) Metasedimentary strata of the Mvouti
unit containing large boulders (olistolites) of meta-igneous rocks. (D) Fresh granodioritic rock, probably from a comparable bolder/olistolite, from which sample 9176 was
taken. (E and F) Granitoid rocks from the reworked Guéna basement. (E) Migmatitic biotite gneiss from the Guéna quarry (Sample 9177). (F) Biotite granite from the Bilinga
quarry (Sample 9179). Hammer is 35 cm long.

(Fig. 10I), is similar to that of 9170 (Fig. 10F). The zircon ages and local clots of feldspar (Fig. 9D). The location of this block, far
display a major peak at 900–1100 Ma, representing almost half of outside the outcrop area of the Guéna basement, is probably related
the data while Archaean zircons, 2700–3100 Ma, form a less promi- to tectonic and sedimentary processes. At several localties fine-
nent peak, and the remaining zircons scatter in age from 1200 to grained metasedimentary rocks are found enclosing metre-sized
2500 Ma. blocks of meta-igneous rocks (Fig. 9C), and it is likely that sample
9176 represents one of such blocks or olistolites.
4.5. Rocks and samples of the Guéna basement
4.5.1. Results for the granitic samples from the Guéna basement
Three samples were studied from the Palaeoproterozoic rocks Zircon grains separated from sample 9177 are relatively large,
of the reworked Guéna basement. Sample 9177 was collected at mostly 100–200 ␮m in length; they have elongation ratios of 2–4,
the Guéna quarry (12◦ 14.75 E, 4◦ 30.74 S). At this locality biotite- and nearly all have rounded terminations.
rich, locally migmatitic gneisses (Fig. 9E) occur side by side with Zircon in sample 9179 occurs as small rounded grains, mostly
more homogeneous granitoid rocks. The sample was taken from 60–100 ␮m long, a few >150 ␮m, and with elongation ratios of
a relatively homogeneous facies of the rock. Sample 9179 is from 1.5–3.0. Euhedral and subhedral grains are rare. Most zircons from
the Bilinga quarry (12◦ 14.23 E, 4◦ 29.32 S). The quarry consists of sample 9176 (Fig. 3) are subhedral, but there is a variation from
massive to foliated biotite granite (Fig. 9F) with local enclaves of euhedral to well rounded grains. They are mostly 80–150 ␮m in
biotite gneiss. Sample 9176 represents a large block of fresh gra- length, but some grains are up to 200 ␮m long. Most of the zircons
nodioritic rock at the roadside within the Loukoula unit (Fig. 8). in these samples were suitable for dating, and only a few analyses
The rock contains enclaves of black schists as well as granitic veins had to be rejected.
196 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

Fig. 10. Age distribution diagrams (Sircombe, 2004) for samples from the Mayombe fold belt. Analyses that are 90–110% concordant are shown with a dark grey colour, while
the light grey areas (in part hidden behind the field of concordant zircons) show all analyses, including the discordant ones. The histograms illustrate the age distribution of
the concordant zircons. See text for discussion. For samples 9165 and 9183 U–Pb concordia diagrams are also shown.

Zircon U–Pb data for these samples are illustrated in the con- Similar Eburnean ages are known from the West Congo fold belt in
cordia diagrams of Fig. 11. In each case the data scatter about a DR Congo (Delhal and Ledent, 1976, 1978; Cahen et al., 1978) and
discordia line with lower intercept between 0 and 600 Ma. Most Angola (Cahen et al., 1979).
probably this is due to a combination of loss of radiogenic Pb dur-
ing Pan-African orogenic events and more recent disturbance of 4.6. Sm–Nd isotope data
the U–Pb isotope systems. Upper intercept ages were calculated
in two manners: (1) using the line of best fit through all the data Sm–Nd isotope data were obtained on 14 samples of shales,
points (excluding obvious outliers, such as Archaean grains), and siltstones and fine-grained schists from the Niari basin and the
(2) by anchoring the discordia at 600 ± 0 Ma. The latter calcula- Mayombe fold belt. In Table 1 the data are arranged in stratigraphi-
tion yields slightly higher ages, which we interpret to represent cal order, from older to younger in upward direction. The data show
the crystallization of the original granitoid rock. Samples 9177 and surprisingly little scatter in terms of TDM model ages, from 2.18 Ga
9179 yield the same ages within the error margins, 2049 ± 29 Ma for sample 9173 from the Louila unit to 1.68 Ga for sample 9156
and 2060 ± 18 Ma, while sample 9176 appears to be somewhat from the Bouenzian Formation. There is no relationship between
older, 2101 ± 18 Ma. The relatively large errors of these age deter- the TDM values and the stratigraphical position of the samples. Sim-
minations is, at least partly, due to the scatter of concordant ages ilar results have been reported for samples from the Sansikwa,
in all three samples. For sample 9176, for example, concordant Lower Diamictite, Mpioka and Inkisi units in DR Congo, which
ages range from 1952 ± 77 Ma (concordance 100%) to 2129 ± 68 Ma yield TDM values around 1.9 Ga. irrespective of stratigraphical posi-
(concordance 98%). This might be due to a complex history of these tion (Frimmel et al., 2006). This is interpreted by these authors as
rocks during Palaeoproterozoic events. All three samples contain evidence for a major Palaeoprotrozoic crust-forming event in the
a few older zircons, not included in the age calculations (six in region. The zircon data (Figs. 7 and 10) described above do not
9176, four in 9177, and five in 9179). These older grains were prob- support this view: the sediments were derived from a variety of
ably inherited from inclusions such as those observed in the Bilinga sources of different ages, not from a predominantly Palaeoprotero-
quarry, where sample 9179 was collected, and in the granodiorite zoic crustal domain. It would appear more likely that the Sm–Nd
represented by sample 9176 (Fig. 9D). isotope relationships are due to mixing of sediments from different
These new data confirm the Eburnean ages (2014 ± 56 Ma; sources. In fact, the mean age of the zircons in most of the samples
2000 ± 80 Ma and 1920 ± 10 Ma) obtained for these rocks by Djama fall in the range of 1.73–2.40 Ga, in good agreement with the Sm–Nd
(1988), Djama et al. (1992) and Maurin et al. (1991), respectively. data.
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 197

Table 1
Sm–Nd isotope data for shales and siltstones from the Niari basin and the Mayombe fold belt in Congo Brazzaville.
Sample no. Location Stratigraphy Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) Sm/144 Nd 143
Nd/144 Nd TDM (Ga) TChur (Ga) eps (0)
◦  ◦ 
9160 3 43.76 S, 12 28.03 E Mp. Fm. 22.74 110.76 0.1242 0.512004 ± 5 1.96 1.33 −12.37

9161 4◦ 18.79 S, 13◦ 53.10 E Sch-Calc. 5.00 25.52 0.1186 0.511833 ± 5 2.12 1.57 −15.69
9159 3◦ 26.39 S, 12◦ 37.63 E Group 6.26 31.54 0.1201 0.511920 ± 6 2.01 1.43 −14.00
9151 3◦ 26.18 S, 12◦ 38.58 E ,, 3.88 18.35 0.1279 0.511977 ± 6 2.09 1.46 −12.90
9152 3◦ 25.82 S, 12◦ 39.36 E ,, 3.04 15.17 0.1213 0.511929 ± 6 2.02 1.43 −13.84

9164 4◦ 09.43 S, 12◦ 40.05 E U.diamictite 5.31 27.89 0.1152 0.512007 ± 6 1.77 1.18 −12.31

9154 3◦ 21.55 S, 12◦ 38.63 E Bouenzian 5.02 24.06 0.1263 0.512012 ± 3 1.99 1.35 −12.21
9155 3◦ 17.81 S, 12◦ 40.22 E Formation 21.87 104.94 0.1261 0.512043 ± 9 1.93 1.28 −11.60
9155B 3◦ 17.81 S, 12◦ 40.22 E ,, 21.81 104.87 0.1259 0.512057 ± 5 1.90 1.25 −11.33
9156 3◦ 17.25 S, 12◦ 40.77 E ,, 4.92 30.82 0.0966 0.511866 ± 7 1.68 1.17 −15.05
9157 3◦ 06.35 S, 12◦ 39.62 E ,, 14.75 76.28 0.1170 0.511920 ± 5 1.95 1.37 −14.00
9157B 3◦ 06.35 S, 12◦ 39.62 E ,, 14.79 75.88 0.1180 0.511880 ± 5 2.03 1.46 −14.78
9158 3◦ 05.09 S, 12◦ 41.14 E ,, 6.32 35.83 0.1067 0.511703 ± 6 2.07 1.58 −18.25
9173 4◦ 11.11 S, 12◦ 36.34 E Louila unit 3.52 17.42 0.1223 0.511847 ± 6 2.18 1.62 −15.42

9171 4◦ 13.86 S, 12◦ 30.02 E Mossouva 4.84 25.13 0.1167 0.511829 ± 5 2.08 1.54 −15.77
9175 4◦ 13.99 S, 12◦ 29.67 E unit 13.73 73.65 0.1128 0.511815 ± 6 2.02 1.49 −16.06

Samples are arranged in stratigraphical order, upward from older to younger. Note that most samples are strongly altered. Mp. Fm: Mpioka Formation. Sch-Calc. Group,
Schisto–Calcaire Group; U. diamictite, Upper diamictite; TDM is the age calculated by the depleted mantle model of DePaolo (1981). For a description of the analytical methods
see Kalsbeek and Frei (2006).

Table 2
Overview of detrital zircon ages for (meta-)sedimentary rocks from Congo Brazzaville.

Sample no. N dated 0.5–0.8 Ga 0.9–1.2 Ga 1.8–2.3 Ga 2.5–3.1 Ga Outside Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
grains (Group 1) (Group 2) (Group 3) (Group 4) groups 0.9–1.2 Ga (%) 1.8–2.3 Ga (%) 2.5–3.1 Ga (%)

9065 103 0 35 7 51 10 38 8 55
9079 134 0 40 80 8 6 31 63 5
9153 84 2? (2%) 12 10 53 7 16 13 71
8744 137 9 (7%) 13 15 87 13 11 13 76
9162 106 0 1 7 93 5 1 7 92
9074 129 51 (40%) 40 13 12 13 62 20 18
9086 20 5 (25%) 5 0 2 8 71 0 29
9116 144 48 (33%) 50 13 14 19 65 17 18

9165 123 0 33 45 22 23 33 45 22
9167 94 0 43 16 24 11 52 19 29
9169 128 0 59 28 20 21 55 26 19
9170 142 0 57 10 41 34 53 9 38
9174 140 0 43 43 28 26 38 38 25

9183 38 0 3? 14 9 12 12? 54 35
9180 152 0 0 70 63 19 0 53 47

HFWC 44 20 0 15 1 2 2 83 6 11
HFWC 58 21 4 (19%) 6 4 4 3 43 29 29
HFWC 196 20 11 (55%) 4 3 2 0 44 33 22

N is the number of dated zircons. Samples 9065–9116 are from the Niari basin; 9165–9180 are from the Mayombe fold belt. Samples HFWC 44–196 are from the West Congo
Supergroup in DR Congo. HFWC 44 is from the upper Sansikwa Subgroup (Fig. 2), HFWC 58 from the Haut Shiloango Subgroup, and HFWC 196 from the lower Inkisi Subgroup.
The latter data were acquired by SHRIMP (Frimmel et al., 2006). For bold numbers (samples 9153 and 9183) see the text.

5. Discussion excluded from the statistics above, the percentages become Group
2, 900–1200 Ma: 28%, Group 3, 1800–2300 Ma: 22%, and Group 4,
5.1. Statistics 2500–3100 Ma: 36%.
Table 2 shows the distributions of zircons of these three age
During the present study zircon age spectra have been obtained groups in the individual samples. It illustrates the wide variation
for 15 samples of sandstones and quartzites from the Niari basin in the age patterns. Interestingly, samples 9074, 9086 and 9116
and the Mayombe fold belt in Congo Brazzaville. A total of 1674 with large proportions of late Neoproterozoic zircons, also have
zircons were dated. Samples 9180 and 9183 from the Bikossi high proportions of zircons in the 900–1200 Ma age group 2.
and Loukoula units lack concordant zircons younger than ca.
2000 Ma, and are probably of Palaeoproterozoic age. The follow- 5.2. Source regions
ing statistical description refers to the remaining 13 samples,
which appear to be of Neoproterozoic origin. For these, accept- In order to assess the source regions of the various groups of
able dates were obtained on 1484 zircon grains (Table 2). Ages zircons, the large-scale setting of the area under investigation,
vary from ca. 500 Ma to ca. 3500 Ma. Four main age groups stand 1000–600 Ma ago, has to be considered. To the north-east is the
out: Group 1, 500–800 Ma, representing 8% of the total zircon vast area of the Congo craton which mainly consists of Archaean
population, Group 2, 900–1200 Ma: 29%, Group 3, 1800–2300 Ma: and Palaeoproterozoic rocks, largely covered by phanerozoic to
19%, and Group 4, 2500–3100 Ma: 31%. Zircons with ages not recent deposits. In the easternmost parts of the Congo craton
included into these four groups form 13% of the total population. Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic belts are present, and late
Young zircons, 500–800 Ma (Group 1), occur in abundance in only Neoproterozoic to Cambrian intrusions also occur (for an overview
three samples (9074, 9086, and 9116). If these young zircons are see De Waele et al., 2008). To the south-west is the Araçuai
198 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

derived from late Neoproterozoic granitic rocks in the Brazilian part

of the Araçuai-West Congo orogen (Pedrosa-Soares et al., 2011),
during or after Pan-African thrusting and uplift in that region. It
follows that sediment transport must have been from the south-
west (in present-day co-ordinates). The few older zircons in this
group (>700 Ma) may, for example, have been derived from the
South Bahia alkaline province (Rosa et al., 2007) or the Rio Negro
Magmatic arc (Tupinambá et al., 2012) in Brazil.
For the sediments of the Inkisi Formation a source within
the Congo craton has been proposed by Boudzoumou (1986) and
Alvarez et al. (1995) on the basis of cross-bedding orientations and
palaeogeographic constraints. Since the abundance of 500–800 Ma
zircons in sample 9116 indicates an origin in the Brasiliano Araçuai
orogen, it is suggested that sedimentary rocks similar to those of the
Mpioka and Inkisi Formations may once have covered parts of the
Congo craton, and from there were redeposited into their present
Group 2: Zircons of Group 2, 900–1200 Ma, form very sig-
nificant proportions of nearly all of the samples, particularly in
samples 9165–9174 from the Mayombe fold belt, suggesting a rel-
atively near-by source. Two such sources are available: (1) the
900–1000 Ma metavolcanic rocks of the Zadinian and Mayumbian
Groups and the granitic intrusive rocks therein that are presently
exposed in DR Congo (Fig. 2), and (2) the ca. 1000 Ma alkaline gran-
ites (Noqui-type granites) that cut the basement complex in the
Mayombe fold belt both in DR Congo and Congo Brazzaville (Djama
et al., 1992; Vicat and Pouclet, 2000; Tack et al., 2001). Granites
and metasedimentary rocks with 900–1200 Ma old zircons are also
present in the Araçuai belt of eastern Brazil (Pedrosa-Soares et al.,
2008; Kuchenbecker et al., 2015) and, despite longer distances,
may have contributed to the zircon populations in the investigated
As shown in Table 2, the highest proportions of 900–1200 Ma
zircons are found in the three samples from the Mpioka and Inkisi
Formations where zircons of Groups 1 and 2 are present in subequal
numbers. It was argued above that sediment transport for these for-
mations was from the south-west. The association of 500–800 and
900–1200 zircons could therefore indicate that the latter zircons
were also derived from that direction, suggesting the presence of
coeval lateral equivalents of Zadinian and Mayumbian (sensu DR
Congo) sources west of the Mayombe Supergroup (Congo Brazza-
ville) at the time of deposition.
The suggestion that the Mayombe Supergroup represents a
half-graben filled from north-eastern sources (Section 4.3) would
require that metavolcanic and sedimentary rocks, similar to those
of the Zadinian and Mayumbian Groups of DR Congo once cov-
ered parts of the Congo craton, and from there were redeposited
into the basin that is now represented by parts of the Mayombe
and West Congo Supergroups in Congo Brazzaville. However, no
Fig. 11. Concordia diagrams for three granitoid samples from the Guéna basement.
independent evidence exists to support the former presence of
For clarity the individual analyses are shown as crosses instead of overlapping
ellipses. The ellipses illustrate typical 2 errors of the data, which are dependent Zadinian and Mayumbian type deposits on the craton, and the lack
on the 207 Pb/235 U and 206 Pb/238 U ratios of the zircons. Analyses marked × were not of 900–1100 Ma zircons in sample 9162 from the Schisto–Calcaire
used in the age calculations. Group argues against this proposal. In the following derivation of
most of Group 2 zircons from the south-west is assumed.
Group 3: Zircons of Group 3 (1800–2300 Ma) are present in
orogen with its early and late Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks highly variable proportions in all the investigated samples. Palaeo-
(Paula-Santos et al., 2015; Kuchenbecker et al., 2015) and late Neo- proterozoic rocks that could have provided zircons of Group 3
proterozoic and Palaeozoic granitic rocks (Pedrosa-Soares et al., are present both in the thrust sheets of the Mayombe fold belt
2011). Although zircons may have been derived from very remote (the reworked Guéna basement) as well as in the Congo and São
sources (e.g. Rainbird et al., 1997), it is plausible that most of the Francisco cratons (De Waele et al., 2008; Alkmim et al., 2001). It is
zircons that form a major proportion of the population in some of therefore not possible in general to judge from where these zircons
the samples (e.g., the 2 Ga zircons in sample 9079) were derived were derived. However, for sample 9079 of the Bouenzian Forma-
from relatively near-by sources. tion, the prominent peak at 2100 Ma (Fig. 7) suggests a near-by
Group 1: Significant proportions of zircons of Group 1, source in the Congo craton, while a similar peak for sample 9180
500–800 Ma, are only present in samples from the Mpioka and of the Bikossi unit (Fig. 10F) would suggest a source in the Guéna
Inkisi Formations. Almost certainly most of these zircons were basement.
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 199

Fig. 12. Overview of the stratigraphic units in the Mayombe and West-Congo Supergroups in Congo Brazzaville and DR Congo (cf. Fig. 2). Neoproterozoic units that contain
late Neoproterozoic zircons (500–800 Ma) are shown with light grey shading, while units that only have zircons from 900–1100 Ma and older are shown in a darker grey
colour. The Mayombe and West Congo Supergroups of Congo Brazzaville are here shown in the way suggested in the text.

Group 4: Archaean zircons (Group 4, 2500–3100 Ma) occur in Araçuai-West Congo orogenic cycle (Pedrosa-Soares and Alkmim,
all samples. They form major peaks in several samples of the Niari 2011) and those deposited during or after the collisional phase of
basin (Fig. 7), but are less prominent in the samples from the May- this cycle.
ombe fold belt. Probable sources for these zircons are the granitoid
rocks of the Congo and Sao Francisco cratons. For the samples of 5.3.1. Bouenzian Formation
the Bouenzian and Schisto–Calcaire Groups, that have large propor- Sample 9065: Zircons from sample 9065 of the Bouenzian For-
tions of Archaean zircons, the nearby Congo craton would appear a mation fall into two distinct age groups, a majority of Archaean
plausible source. The Archaean zircons in the samples of the Mpioka zircons, together with a few Palaeoproterozoic grains, and a
and Inkisi Formations, for which a western source has been advo- younger group forming a peak around 1000 Ma (Fig. 7A). Group 1
cated above, could have been derived from the San Francisco craton. (500–800 Ma) zircons have not been found. If such zircons formed
The same might also be the case for most Archaean zircons in sam- 2% of the total population, with 103 grains dated, there would have
ples from the Mayombe fold belt. been an 88% probability that at least one of them would have been
found (Section 3.2), and it is therefore likely that they are truly
5.3. Ages of deposition absent in this sample.
As argued in Section 5.2, most Group 2 zircons have probably
In many Pan-African orogenic areas early and late Neopro- been derived from the south-west. Because Group 2 zircons are
terozoic sedimentary rocks occur side by side, and detrital zircon present, the lack of Group 1 zircons cannot be due to unfavourable
geochronology has been used to make a distinction where that is transport directions, and deposition of the sediment represented
not possible by other means (Kalsbeek et al., 2013). It was argued by sample 9065 would have taken place before Group 1 zircons
in that paper that sedimentary rocks in which Neoproterozoic zir- were formed at around 600 Ma (see above). It therefore appears
cons are absent in most cases are of early Neoproterozoic origin. that deposition of the sandstone represented by sample 9065 took
Obviously, great care has to be exercised in using detrital zircon place during the rift and drift stages of the Araçuai-West Congo
data in this way. The ages of detrital zircons only define the earliest orogenic cycle.
possible time the sediment was deposited – a sediment in which Sample 9079: The large number of Palaeoproterozoic zircons
the youngest zircons are 900 Ma old can have been deposited at (Fig. 7B) in this sample suggests that in this case sediment trans-
any time later than 900 Ma. This is exemplified by sample 9162 port was mainly from the east or north-east, and the limited scatter
from the Schiso–Calcaire Group (Fig. 7E). Although deposition of in age of Group 3 zircons may indicate a relatively nearby source.
the sandstone in question took place after the Marinoan glaciation Group 2 zircons, probably derived from south-western sources,
(ca. 635 Ma), the youngest zircon is ca. 1250 Ma, and 88% of the form a significant proportion (30%) of the population. Group 1 zir-
zircons are of Archaean age (Fig. 7E). Absence of zircons of a spe- cons have not been found in sample 9079 although 134 ages were
cific age (e.g., 600 Ma) in a sample can be due to two causes: (1) acquired. If present in a proportion of 2%, there would have been a
the sediment may be older than 600 Ma, when 600 Ma zircons did 93% probability that at least one would have been encountered, and
not yet exist, or (2) 600 Ma zircons did exist, but they did not reach it is suggested that such zircons are truly absent. As argued above
the sample area, for example because of intervening seaways or for sample 9065, this indicates deposition during the extensional
unfavourable transport directions. This is apparently the case for phases of the orogenic cycle.
the sandstone represented by sample 9162 referred to above. Sample 9153: Most zircons from sample 9153 are of Archaean
In the case of the present study, the U–Pb baddelyite age of age (Fig. 7C), indicating derivation mainly from north-eastern
694 ± 4 Ma for a dolerite associated with basalts intercalated with sources. A minor component of zircons from Group 2 from the west
the Lower Diamictite Formation (Straathof, 2011) indicates that the is also present. The presence of two zircons with ages of 665 ± 105
overlying units, up to the (Marinoan) Upper Diamictite Formation, and 663 ± 83 Ma, if reliable (see Section 4.2.1), would demonstrate
must have been deposited in the time interval of ca. 700–635 Ma. that deposition of the sediment took place during the late Neopro-
In the following the zircon data are used to differentiate sedimen- terozoic. This would have the important implication that both early
tary strata deposited during the earlier extensional phases of the and late Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks are present within the
200 P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202

Bouenzian Formation, suggesting the presence of an important hia- ca. 2000 Ma (samples 9180 and 9183 from the Bikossi and Loukoula
tus within the Group. However, there is no evidence in the field to units in the fold belt); (2) Those that contain significant proportions
support the existence of such a hiatus, and it appears more likely of 900–1100 Ma zircons, but lack late Neoproterozoic zircon grains
that the large common Pb correction for these zircons has led to with ages of 500–800 Ma, and (3) Those that do contain zircons
incorrect age estimates (Section 4.2.1). As for the samples 9065 of these late Neoproterozoic ages (Fig. 12). Sedimentary rocks of
and 9079 deposition during the extensional phases of the orogenic the first assemblage were probably deposited during the Palaeo-
cycle is indicated. proterozoic (but, as described above, parts of the Loukoula Group
may be younger), those of the second assemblage during the ear-
5.3.2. Upper Diamictite Formation and Schisto–Calcaire group lier Neoproterozoic rift and drift stages of the Araçuai-West Congo
Sample 8744: This sample, collected from the Upper Diamictite orogenic cycle (but later than 694 ± 4 Ma; Straathof, 2011), while
Formation, is dominated by Archaean zircons (Fig. 7D). Together the strata composing the third assemblage were deposited during
with a minority of Palaeoproterozoic zircon grains, this indicates the later stages of collision and uplift.
that most of the original sediment was derived from the north-east, Interestingly, the Haut Shiloango Subgroup of DR Congo appears
i.e. from the Congo craton. Also present are a minor proportion of to belong (at least in part) to the third assemblage, because it con-
early Neoproterozoic zircons and eight late Neoproterozoic grains tains late Neoproterozoic zircons (Frimmel et al., 2006). Correlation
with ages ranging from 649 ± 40 Ma to 769 ± 67 Ma. None of these with the Bouenzian Formation, as suggested by Cahen (1978) and
needed common Pb correction, and five are 90–110% concordant. Cahen et al. (1984) is therefore questionable. The unconformity
The presence of late Neoproterozoic zircons is in agreement with between the Bouenzien and Upper Diamictite Formations could
the assumed age of deposition of the Upper Diamictite Formation at account for the apparent lack of equivalents of the Haut Shiloango
around 635 Ma. In fact, the presence of these zircons provides inde- Subgroup in Congo Brazzaville.
pendent evidence that the Upper Diamictite Formation is indeed of The results described above lead to the following suggestions:
Marinoan age. (1) The Palaeoproterozoic Bikossi unit and parts of the Louk-
Sample 9162: The zircon age distribution of sample 9162, oula unit should not be included into the Mayombe Supergroup,
entirely lacking zircons of Groups 1 and 2 (Fig. 7E), indicates that and (2) The Louila and Lower Diamictite Formations of the May-
sediment transport was nearly exclusively from the north-east. As ombe fold belt as well as the Bouenzian Formation of the basin
a consequence, this sample does not give evidence on the time of should be included into the Mayombe Supergroup, since both are
depositiom other than that is younger than ca. 1250 Ma, the age of related to the earlier stages of the development of the Araçuai-
the youngest zircon encountered. West Congo orogenic cycle. The West Congo Supergroup would
then only consist of units that contain late Neoproterozoic zircons
5.3.3. Mpioka and Inkisi Formations (Fig. 12).
Samples 9074 and 9086, Mpioka Formation: The high propor- Correlations with the stratigraphy in DR Congo remain uncer-
tions of zircons of Groups 1 and 2, together with small amounts tain. Dating of detrital zircons has shown that the Sansikwa
of zircons from Archaean and Proterozoic sources (Figs. 7G and H) Subgroup (underlying the Lower Diamictite Formation) only con-
indicate sediment transport from the south-west. The presence of tains zircons down to ca. 900 Ma in age, while the Haut Shiloango
young (500–800 Ma) zircons, together with the observation that Subgroup in addition contains late Neoproterozoic (500–800 Ma)
the rocks are affected by Pan-African deformation, indicates a late zircon grains (Frimmel et al., 2006; Straathof, 2011). Following the
Neoproterozoic age of deposition. discussion above, only the Haut Shiloango Subgroup should then be
Sample 9116, Inkisi Formation: The high proportion of Group attributed to the West Congo Supergroup (sensu Congo Brazzaville)
1 (500–800 Ma) zircons demonstrates that this formation was while the Sansikwa and Lower Diamictite Formations should not.
deposited later than ca. 600 Ma. Field observations suggest that The Sansikwa Subgroup may be broadly equivalent to (parts of)
deposition of the formation was related to phases of Palaeozoic the Mayombe Supergroup in Congo Brazzaville as suggested ear-
faulting, and thus much later than, and unrelated to Pan-African lier (Cahen, 1978; Trompette, 1994). The Zadinian and Mayumbian
orogenic processes (Alvarez et al., 1995). Groups probably underlie the Mayombe Supergroup of Congo Braz-
zaville (Section 5.3.4).
5.3.4. Mayombe fold belt: Mvouti and Mossouva structural units,
Louila Formation
6. Summary and conclusions
Samples 9165, 9167, 9169, 9170 and 9174: All these five sam-
ples have large proportions of Group 2 (900–1200 Ma) zircons but
The African part of the Araçuai-West Congo orogen in Congo
lack Group 1 (500–800 Ma) zircons. This suggests deposition during
Brazzaville can be divided into three tectonostratigraphic units (1)
the extensional phases of the Araçuai-West Congo orogenic cycle.
To the north-east the Niari basin which mainly consists of rocks of
The youngest zircons in these samples are about 900 Ma, approxi-
the West Congo Supergroup, (2) To the south-west the Mayombe
mately the same age as the metavolcanic rocks in the upper part of
fold belt, within which metasedimentary rocks of the Mayombe
the Mayumbian Group of DR Congo (912 ± 7 Ma; Tack et al., 2001).
Supergroup are prominent, and (3) Farther to the south-west the
Thus, the Mvouti and Mossouva units of the Mayombe fold belt
reworked granitoid rocks of the Guéna basement (Figs. 1, 2, 4, 7).
in Congo Brazzaville must be younger than the Mayumbian Group
During the present study 207 Pb/206 Pb ages were acquired by ICP-
in DR Congo (cf. Fig. 2). This is consistent with the view that sig-
MS for detrital zircons from eight samples of sedimentary rocks
nificant parts of the Mayombe Supergroup of Congo Brazzaville
from the Niari basin, seven samples of metasedimentary rocks from
were formed by erosion of rocks from the Zadinian and Mayumbian
the Mayombe fold belt, and three samples of granitoid rocks of
Group in DR Congo (Section 5.2).
the reworked Guéna basement. In total 2059 zircons were dated.
Results are shown in Figs. 6, 9 and 10. The main conclusions of this
5.4. Stratigraphical considerations
study are:
With the help of the zircon data described in earlier sections it
is possible to subdivide the lithostratigraphical units of the May- (1) Apart from two samples of apparent Palaeoproterozoic age,
ombe and West Congo Supergroups in Congo Brazzaville into three and one that may be Palaeozoic, all investigated (meta-
assemblages: (1) Those that lack concordant zircons younger than )sedimentary samples are of Neoproterozoic age.
P. Affaton et al. / Precambrian Research 272 (2016) 185–202 201

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