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The Filipinos were not allowed to elect leaders of their country


In Rizal’s concept of government is to allow Filipinos to have the same

opportunity with the Spaniards to be appointed in a government office and to hold a
position. Where he stated that “In order for a leader to govern people he must possess
the talent of genius and extraordinary knowledge.”


In relation to maritime industry seafarers was given a right to have Training to

improve their skills that makes them more aware of their working environment in
Compliance to the International Maritime Organization. Seafaring is a male oriented job.
So many woman seafarers lose their rights to take this job because of the shipping
company qualifications.

2. The Philippines were run by colonialism governance


Rizal is opposed to the system of government by the Spain. So Rizal went to

abroad to study more about politics. Then he and his companions establish the
propaganda movement which is to oppose the Spaniards to acquire equality through
words. Rizal Also stated that “A colonized country like Philippines should not be taken
advantage of power but rather possess a more civilized citizens equipped with
knowledge and skills.”


In relation to maritime industry all shipping companies are being governed by

their own country. Most of the officials of that company came from their own country. So
it is hard for the other seafarer to get promoted because of the way they governed their
shipping industry.
3. Frailocracy


Friars are the one who spreads the words of God. But those friars obtained more
power and started to abused Filipinos. This made Rizal to be an anti-friar and the start
of Philippine Revolution. Rizal made the two novel Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo which depicts the wrongdoings of the friars.


In relation to maritime industry some of the officials in the shipping company

abused their power for their own means. There are instances that they will use their
authority to control the workload of their men that leads to accidents. Not all the time
these happen, there is also times that officials use their authority to attain the mission of
their company which is sustainable shipping.

4. Because of the change in world

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