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Federal Aviation


Air Traffic Organization

Fiscal Year 2010 Business Plan

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591
2010 ATO Business Plan
The Air Traffic Organization's (ATO) Fiscal Year 2010 When a system is so safe, how do you know where to
Business Plan has been developed through a structured place your focus to keep it that way? With more
process, targeted both to respond to the Administrator's passengers flying than ever, and fuel prices forcing airlines
latest FAA Flight Plan initiatives and to meet the challenges to look for ways to save money, the test has never been
posed by the turbulent environment in which the ATO will more daunting.
operate over the next five years. ATO is poised to perform
with rigor and to work with our customers and stakeholders To address this challenge, we're moving away from the
to meet their most urgent needs by leveraging our anecdotal approach to safety and instead using data-
strengths through globalization and innovation. Using a analysis to prevent accidents before they happen. Safety
disciplined approach, we have identified the five strategic Management Systems (SMS) are being put in place that
multi-year focus areas we must follow to be successful and allow us to examine the data of what's actually happening
operate effectively. These are the 5 focus areas: in the system. With SMS, we examine that data to isolate
- Engaged Customers. Partners and Stakeholders: - the trends that very well could become the precursors to
Achieve a long-term shared commitment to a sustainable accidents themselves. Three of the agency's largest lines
and responsive air transportation system; of business--Air Traffic, Aviation Safety and Airports--have
these programs under way.
- People-Driven Service Excellence: - Foster a service-
oriented climate in which employees continuously learn, These efforts complement other areas of focus, such as
embrace innovation and share accountability for success; the "Call to Action" we placed to industry regarding runway
safety. We used the data that had been accumulated with
- Safe, Efficient, Responsive Air Transportation System: - our Safety Management System to isolate trends. With
Provide a customer-focused, safe, efficient and affordable that information, we met with chief pilots, put new
air transportation system that is environmentally technology in place, and revamped airport signage to
responsible; increase the levels of safety on the runway.

- New Capabilities through Technology and Tools: - Evolve Even though commercial aviation draws most of the
the National Airspace System infrastructure to provide headlines, we remain diligent in our efforts to work with the
efficiency, resilience and pilots who form the backbone of General Aviation (GA).
NextGen technology; and The FAA continues to work jointly with the Alaska aviation
community through a number of organizations and safety
- World-Class Administrative and Business Operations: programs such as: the Medallion Foundation, Alaska Air
Enhance performance and increase productivity through Carriers Association, Alaska Airman's Association, FAA
effective and responsive Safety Team, and Circle of Safety. In addition to these
business operations. training and education efforts, we're using new technology
in Alaska, such as the satellite-based Capstone navigation
This Business Plan reflects the specific actions and and terrain awareness avionics. We're also installing 221
commitments we are taking in Fiscal Year 2010 to follow additional weather cameras throughout the state. These
those focus areas. Each year, our Business Plan will map weather cameras prove that a picture that is indeed worth a
out the specific activities and commitments for that year thousand words and are a real-time depiction of what's
that lead to a transformed ATO in the future. In 2010 and happening throughout the state. The Alaskan pilot now
beyond, our ATO Plan will build on our success, continue has go/no go information that was previously unavailable.
the strategic transformation we have begun, and accelerate
our performance improvements. We will support the FAA's In addition, we're using ADS-B to solidify the use of satellite
Flight Plan goals of improved safety, greater capacity, surveillance in Alaska. The breadth of the geography there
international leadership, and organizational excellence. makes the use of radar virtually impossible. Satellites
aren't encumbered by terrain. The situational awareness
benefits provided by the improved surveillance, broadcast
services, and improved avionics has proven to be a great
Increased Safety success; preliminary data indicates a projected 47 percent
drop in the fatal accident rate for aircraft equipped with
Our first commitment is to safety. The proof of our ability to ADS-B in Southwest Alaska.
maintain that focus is in the actual safety record itself. In
fiscal years 2007 and 2008, there were no commercial As a result of that success, we are transferring the lessons
passenger fatalities on commercial flights in the U. S. learned in Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico, another location in
Knowing this, the issue facing FAA comes in the form of a which radar coverage is limited. We are increasing our
simple question with an exceedingly complex answer: outreach and training to general aviation pilots to increase

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their skills and awareness. increase from previous years in launches from land-based
and offshore sites. All told, there have been eleven
We're making similar advances to air traffic control safety. launches in FY 2008.
The establishment of "proximity events" last year was a
recognition that our focus should be on the more serious Implemented an agency-wide SMS. This year, the FAA
operational errors and not on those that present little or no published guidance for implementation of SMS throughout
safety risk. Training programs and better automation will the agency. This guidance furthers the practice of
help us meet our goal in FY 2009. managing safety by moving to a more process-oriented
system safety approach. It also required developing and
The section that follows identifies the measures and implementing a plan for functions under the SMS, including
initiatives we have in place to improve safety. Because we the structure of safety oversight relationships with the
always look toward continuous improvement, we have segment of industry for which we hold safety oversight
updated our safety measures and initiatives. For example, responsibility.
we've put in place a new metric to collect and share
information from multiple programs, including the Aviation Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Certifications. As the
Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) program demand for these systems expands, our goal is to protect
and the new Air Traffic Safety Action Program. We're the safety of all. We established the procedures for issuing
spreading safety data as far and wide as we can. There experimental airworthiness certificates of UAS for purposes
can be no secrets in safety, and everyone, including and of research and development, market survey, or crew
especially the passenger, benefits with this approach. training to UAS. We've issued close to 40 experimental
certificates for unmanned systems so far.
We accelerated the expansion of the Air Transport
Oversight System (ATOS) for the airlines. We're blending Fatigue Workshop. FAA is actively engaged in addressing
the oversight data ATOS is providing with our other data issues involving fatigue in flight crewmembers and air
sources to enhance our ability to detect nationwide trends traffic controllers. We have an ongoing project to address
and provide a better perspective on the health and safety fatigue management for crews on flights of greater than 16
of the aviation system. hours duration. We sponsored the highly successful
industry Fatigue Symposium in June, 2008 when we
It is not a coincidence that we are in the safest period in the brought together all the current and best science and
history of aviation. It took a lot of hard work and dedication practice on fatigue and fatigue management in a public
from our employees, the aviation industry and external forum that will serve as the baseline for future FAA and
stakeholders to get us here. The system is the safest it industry actions.
has ever been, and we will continue to work to keep it that
way. Flight Plan Target: Commercial
Air Carrier Fatality Rate
Top INCREASED SAFETY Accomplishments for FY 2008 Cut the rate of fatalities per 100 million persons on board
in half by FY 2025. FY 2010 Target: 8.1
Reduced Commercial Aviation Fatal Accidents. In FY
2007, the FAA rolled out a new way to measure airline Strategic Initiative: RNP Road Map
safety. The new measure, fatalities per 100 million
persons onboard, more accurately reflects risk to the flying Implement the Roadmap for Performance-Based
public. The FAA's target is to reach a 50 percent reduction Navigation (PBN) through the continued development
by 2025 from a 2007 baseline of 8.88 fatalities per 100 and implementation of PBN approach procedures with
million persons on board. At 0.04, we were well below the the goal of achieving improved minima and precision-
FY 2008 performance target of 8.7 fatalities per 100 million like approach capability. Through FY 2013, we will
persons on board. publish at least 300 RNP and RNP-Special Aircraft
and Aircrew Authorization Required (SAAAR)
Continued to Reduce Fatal GA Accidents. The success of approach procedures.
collaborative safety initiatives between the FAA and Strategic Activity: RNP Procedures
industry continues to drive the GA fatal accident rate even Provide guidance, oversight, and coordination of
lower. This year marked a 3-year period that was the effort to develop and implement RNP procedures.
safest ever recorded in the history of GA. The FAA will use Activity Target 1:
these years as the baseline for next year's new GA safety Develop and publish at least 10 RNP instrument
metric and goal. The aim is to reduce GA fatal accidents approach procedures. Due June 30, 2010
over the next 10 years to no more than one accident per Activity Target 2:
100,000 flight hours. Develop and publish at least 40 (additional) RNP
instrument approach procedures. Due September
Maintained Safety Record for Commercial Space 30, 2010
Launches. The commercial space launch industry Activity Target 3:
continued its safety record of safe launches with none
Based on the benefits and priorities for RNP
resulting in a public fatality or injury. This year marked an
11/17/09 Page 2 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
implementation recommended by the Performance Provide updated RSA NAVAID completion plan
-based Aviation Operations Rulemaking and schedule showing year by year targets
Committee and the Roadmap for Performance- through FY 2015. Due June 30, 2010
Based Navigation, guide the development and Activity Target 2:
implementation of at least 50 RNP instrument Provide quarterly RSA sterilization Needs
approach procedures in FY10. Due September 30, Assessment Program (NAP) data report. Due end
2010 of each quarter. Due September 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: Suport AJR with RNP Activity Target 3:
Procedures Complete NAVAID improvements to four runway
Support the development and publication of RNP safety areas through removal or provision of
procedures. frangibility meeting FAA airport design standards.
Activity Target 1: Due September 30, 2010
Within an agreed upon schedule, develop, flight Strategic Initiative: Human Factors
inspect, and publish at least 50 RNP instrument
approach procedures in FY10. Due September 30, Continue research to identify human factors that may
2010 contribute to accidents. Develop and implement
strategies, methods, and technologies that reduce
Strategic Initiative: NTSB Safety safety risk.
Issues Strategic Activity: Cockpit Display of
Address the National Transportation Safety Board's Traffic Information
identified issues. Assess human performance tradeoffs with various
Strategic Activity: National traffic symbols and their combinations proposed for
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) use on a cockpit display of traffic information.
Activity Target 1:
Safety Recommendations
Address the National Transportation Safety Board's Provide draft technical report. Due January 29,
(NTSB) identified safety issues. 2010
Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1:
For Fiscal Year 10, complete Federal Aviation Complete report of initial experiment. Due
Administration action acceptable to the September 30, 2010
Administrator on six (6) National Transportation Strategic Initiative: Aeronautical
Safety Board open items. Due August 30, 2010
Information Management (AIM)
Strategic Initiative: Hazardous Modernization
Materials Safety Modernize Aeronautical Information Management
Improve the safety of transporting hazardous materials (AIM) services to deliver accurate and timely digital
by air. aeronautical information, products and services to
Strategic Activity: Research - Hazardous customers, including improved Notices to Airmen
Materials Safety (NOTAM) and improved information on restricted and
Support the initiative owner by providing regulated airspace.
comprehensive fire safety guidance for high energy Strategic Activity: Notices to Airmen
density lithium batteries in passenger carry-on items, (NOTAM) Modernization
shipped as cargo and in aircraft power systems. Implement strategies to modernize the United States
Activity Target 1: NOTAM system to improve efficiency, timeliness,
Initiate research on high energy density lithium safety and value of NOTAMs to global NOTAM
batteries in passenger carry on items, shipped as customers.
cargo and in aircraft power systems. Due January Activity Target 1:
29, 2010 Maintain NOTAM system to collect, quality control,
and distribute military and civilian US NOTAMs.
Strategic Initiative: Runway Safety Report systems availability monthly. Due
Areas September 30, 2010
Where practical, upgrade Runway Safety Areas to Activity Target 2:
meet standards. Provide candidate NOTAM submission capability
Strategic Activity: Runway Safety Area for public use airports supporting airlines, general
(RSA) NAVAID Improvements aviation, and emergency services. Due September
Complete all practical RSA NAVAID improvements 30, 2010
at certificated airports by end of FY 2015. Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 1: Deploy operational, web based NOTAM

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distribution system. Due September 30, 2010 Strategic Activity: Third-Party RNP
SAAAR Development
Strategic Activity: Aeronautical Provide third party sources the ability to develop
Information Services (AISR) Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Special
Modernization Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required
Provide services to support, pre-flight, in-flight and (SAAAR) instrument approaches including design
post-flight activities for pilots, air traffic control and flight verification/validation and maintenance.
other NAS customers and systems. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Work with third-party vendors who established
Maintain minimum required systems availability to Other Transaction Agreements in FY2009 to
support aeronautical information briefings and complete qualification process for end-to-end
flight planning Due September 30, 2010 procedure development for RNP SAAAR
Activity Target 2: approach procedures. Due September 30, 2010
Develop Concept of Operations jointly with Air Strategic Initiative: RNP/RNAV
Services Australia. Due August 30, 2010
Helicopter Departure Procedures
Strategic Activity: Architecture and AMS Apply appropriate FAA standards and criteria in the
Develop baseline and future AIM architecture helicopter RNP/RNAV departure procedure
consistent with international and FAA standards and development process.
practices. Ensure FAA AMS processes are Strategic Activity: Simultaneous Non
incorporated into AIM system development.
Activity Target 1:
Interfering (SNI) Operations for
Complete final investment decision for AIM RNP/RNAV Helicopter Routes
Modernization - Segment 1. Due September 30, Implement SNI operations to separate flight paths
2010 and landing areas of helicopters and fixed wing
aircraft competing for terminal area airspace.
Activity Target 2:
Provide guidance, oversight, and coordination in
Integrate "TO BE" AIM enterprise architecture into developing and implementing RNP/RNAV helicopter
NAS enterprise architecture. Due August 30, 2010 routes.
Activity Target 3: Activity Target 1:
Ensure 90% of new AIM projects are captured by Assist helicopter industry with development of a
Enterprise Architecture. Due September 30, 2010 prioritized list of potential locations for helicopter
Strategic Activity: Military and ATC route implementation. Due August 31, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Airspace Management
Provide services to support safe and effective use of Finalize Air Traffic Control approval and
military and ATC airspace concurrence for initial helicopter SNI route
Activity Target 1: between New York City and Washington, D.C. Due
Maintain minimum required systems availability to March 31, 2010
support military airspace scheduling. Report Strategic Initiative: ADS-B Plan
SAMS system availability/monthly status Due
September 30, 2010 Develop a plan for ADS-B high altitude performance in
Activity Target 2: specific regions such as the Gulf of Mexico and off the
East coast.
Improve utilization of the Military Airspace Data
Entry (MADE) system by decreasing non-
Strategic Activity: Propose Airspace
compliance by 10% annually. Due July 30, 2010 Project(s)
Activity Target 3: Propose airspace project(s) to capitalize on potential
opportunities for operational benefit through the
Complete initial Central Altitude Reservation implementation of Automatic Dependent
Function (CARF) capability. Due September 30, Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) performance
2010 routes in areas of the National Airspace System
Strategic Initiative: Third-Party (NAS).
Activity Target 1:
Development of RNP Procedures Develop a proposal to conduct an airspace project
Provide third parties the ability to design, flight check, to implement ADS-B performance routes. Due
and implement RNP approach procedures with FAA May 31, 2010
providing safety oversight.
Strategic Initiative: Aviation Safety
Information Analysis and Sharing

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Collect safety data at a national level and consolidate services. Due August 15, 2010
the data under the Aviation Safety Information
Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) program. Strategic Initiative: Improve
Strategic Activity: Air Traffic Safety
Measurement and Analysis of Safety
Action Program/Aviation Safety
Information Analysis Sharing Performance
Conduct analysis and disseminate findings on LoSS
Architecture trends in causal factors and operational environments
Develop and implement an Aviation Safety on a quarterly basis. Conduct analysis and
Information Analysis Sharing (ASIAS) enterprise disseminate findings of Risk Analysis Events (LoSS of
architecture interface between Air Traffic Safety less than 66% required radar separation) on a
Action Program (ATSAP) and Aviation Safety quarterly basis.
Information Analysis Sharing (ASIAS) Initiative. Strategic Activity: Establishing a System
Activity Target 1:
LoSS Index
Coordinate and test an interface for sharing air Establish a System LoSS Index (SLI) based on all
traffic control safety information between Air reported radar Losses of Standard Separation that
Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP) and accurately measures the air traffic system's
Aviation Safety Information Analysis Sharing conformance to Standard Separation by FY 2010.
(ASIAS) by the third quarter of Fiscal Year 10. Activity Target 1:
Due June 30, 2010
Publish an ATO directive providing guidance for
Activity Target 2:
reporting and collecting Losses of Standard
Demonstrate both Air Traffic Safety Action Separation (LoSS) by end of the calendar year.
Program (ATSAP) data query and data recovery Due December 31, 2009
using air traffic control safety information using the Activity Target 2:
Aviation Safety Information Analysis Sharing
Provide Chief Operating Officer (COO) monthly
(ASIAS) portal and systems. Due September 30,
updates on fiscal year System LoSS Index (SLI)
through end of previous month by the second
Strategic Activity: Automated Tools for Friday of each month starting with January 8,
ASIAS 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Support the ASIAS initiative by coordinating Activity Target 3:
integration of internal FAA databases into ASIAS Limit the System LoSS Index (SLI) to 0.72 through
and the integration of voluntarily submitted GA flight FY 2014. FY 2010 Target: 0.72 Due September
data into ASIAS. 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Provide regular 3 month ASDE-X track data
Strategic Activity: Continue the Traffic
updates and establish design for direct feed of Analysis and Review Program
ASDE-X data into ASIAS. Due March 31, 2010 Continue the Traffic Analysis and Review Program
Activity Target 2: by completing the development and deployment of
Terminal Implementation by the end of the calendar
Deliver draft plan and procedures for incorporating year 2009 and NAS-wide implementation by the end
appropriate flight data from GA operations into of fiscal year 2011.
ASIAS. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Strategic Initiative: Aeronautical Provide required software support during the
Deployment Phase of TARP through the
Information Dissemination established change request and Software
Provide pilots with safe access to the NAS by
Development Life Cycle processes. Due
analyzing and disseminating aeronautical and
September 30, 2010
meteorological information to pilots and controllers
Activity Target 3:
through innovative systems.
Strategic Activity: Standards for Weather Assist in developing facility configurations. Due
September 30, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Establish standards for weather products to be data
linked to the cockpit. Assist in modifying host/En-Route Automation
Activity Target 1: Modernization (ERAM) systems in support of
Assess bandwidth demand of graphical icing TARP. Due September 30, 2010
products (Current Icing Product and Forecast Icing Activity Target 5:
Product) and graphical turbulance products Assess progress towards making Traffic Analysis
(Graphical Turbulence Guidance) for potential and Review Program (TARP) facility data
delivery via existing and planned FAA data link available. Due March 31, 2010

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Activity Target 6: Complete Service Acceptance Testing (SAT) at
Provide assistance and local expertise as needed Juneau. Due October 31, 2009
and requested by AJS, to support facility-level post Activity Target 2:
processing as TARP is modified. Due September Complete Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at key
30, 2010 sites. Due April 30, 2010
Activity Target 7: Activity Target 3:
Interim assessment of the progress towards Achieve In-Service Decision (ISD) for Critical
meeting year end objective of having provided the Services. Due September 30, 2010
facility data for TARP and providing assistance to Strategic Activity: Develop National and
support facility-level post processing will be
reviewed internally at the end of the second International Standards
quarter. Due March 31, 2010 Develop national and international standards.

Strategic Activity: Establish a System Activity Target 1:

Losses of Standard Separation Index Issue Final Rule for Automatic Dependent
Establish a system of LoSS Index (SLI) based on all Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). Due April 30,
reported radar Losses of Standard Separation 2010
(LoSS) that accurately measures the air traffic Strategic Activity: Demonstrate
system's conformance to Standard Separation for
application in FY2010.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance -
Activity Target 1: Broadcast (ADS-B) Applications for
AJT shall work with AJS to establish new Air Improved Pilot Situational Awareness
Traffic Incident Reporting data collection time- Demonstrate applications that utilize ADS-B
frames to be published by directive by March 31, capabilities.
2010. Due March 31, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Demonstrate Final Approach Runway Occupancy
AJT shall provide investigative data in accordance Awareness to provide a cockpit display that
with the ATO-published AT incident data collection depicts the runway environment and displays
time frames (see Target 1 above) 90% of the time. traffic from the surface up to approximately 1,000
Due September 30, 2010 feet above ground level on final approach. Due
Activity Target 3: April 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Provide investigative data in accordance with the
ATO published LoSS directive timelines for Demonstrate Airport Surface Situational
reported events at least 90% of the time. Due Awareness to provide a cockpit display to increase
September 30, 2010 awareness of other traffic positions on the airport
movement area, and to determine the position of
Flight Plan Target: General ground vehicles (e.g., snow plows, emergency
vehicles, tugs, follow-me vehicles and airport
Aviation Fatal Accident Rate maintenance vehicles). Due April 30, 2010
Reduce the fatal accident rate per 100,000 flight hours by
10 percent over a 10-year period (2009-2018). FY 2010 Strategic Initiative: UAS Procedures
Target: 1.1 Develop policies, procedures, and approval processes
to enable operation of unmanned aircraft systems
Strategic Initiative: ADS-B I Delivery (UAS).
Continue delivery of dependent surveillance to key Strategic Activity: UAS Survey and Gap
sites. To increase situational awareness, provide text Analysis
and graphical data through programs such as Complete UAS technology survey and gap analysis
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast/Traffic and provide technical report to AVS Unmanned
Information Service-Broadcast, and Flight Information Aircraft Program Office.
Service Broadcast to the cockpit through flight
Activity Target 1:
information services.
Deliver Draft technical report: Development of
Strategic Activity: Deployment of Regulatory-based Causal Factor Framework. Due
Automatic Dependent Surveillance - December 31, 2009
Broadcast (ADS-B)
Continue deployment of Surveillance and Broadcast Strategic Initiative: WAAS
Services (SBS) at key sites in support of the SBS Approaches
national program baseline. Develop and publish Wide Area Augmentation System
Activity Target 1: (WAAS) approaches. In FY 2010 we will publish 500
WAAS approaches.
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Strategic Activity: Aviation System
Standards (AJW-3)
Strategic Initiative: AFSS Contract
Develop and Publish Wide Area Augmentation Manage the Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS)
System (WAAS)/Localizer Performance with Vertical contract to provide quality flight services to the
(LPV) Guidance contiguous United States, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii.
or Localizer Performance (LP) Instrument Approach Strategic Activity: Flight Service
Procedures. Contract Oversight - Quality Assurance
Activity Target 1: Maintain an effective program to monitor
AVN will develop, flight inspect, and publish 500 performance of Contract Service Provider (Lockheed
WAAS LPV/LP procedures, to include 10 Martin) for AFSS Contract to determine achievement
procedures in Alaska. Due September 30, 2010 of Acceptable Performance Level (APL).
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 1:
AJW-3 will formulate two lists of 400 runway ends Evaluate and/or validated CONUS AFSS contract
each which will require new airport obstruction performance data and report results quarterly.
surveys. The first list of 400 runway ends shall be Due September 30, 2010
provided to AJW-4 by 31 March 2010, and the Activity Target 2:
second list of 400 runway ends shall be provided Monitor the service provider's compliance with APL
by 31 July 2010, to meet the LPV/LP production levels as identified in Quality Assurance
goals in FY2011. Due July 31, 2010 Surveillance Plan (QASP) report quarterly. Due
September 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: Navigation Services
(AJW-4) Strategic Activity: Flight Services
Fund and deliver airport surveys to Aviation System Contract Oversight - Monitor Staffing,
Standards (AJW-3). Provide funding to AJW-3 for Training, and Operational Certifications
procedures development, flight inspection, and Continue to execute the Lockheed Martin contract by
charting services. providing oversight of Contract Flight Services to the
Activity Target 1: contiguous United States, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii.
Provide funding to AJW-3 for 500 WAAS LPV/LP
procedures, to include 10 RNAV (GPS) Activity Target 1:
procedures with LPV/LP minimums to runways in Use management controls including metrics, to
Alaska (cross-reference IPF 10S3A). Due January determine CONUS vendor compliance with AFSS
15, 2010 contract service requirements relating to staffing,
Activity Target 2: training controls, and operations certifications.
Deliver 250 airport surveys no later than June 30, Report monthly. Due September 30, 2010
2010, and 250 no later than September 30, 2010,
Strategic Activity: Flight Services
to ensure sufficient numbers of surveys are
available for AJW-3 to meet the LPV/LP Contract Oversight - Customer
productions goals in FY2011. Due September 30, Satisfaction
2010 Collect and evaluate the customer satisfaction
assessments and quarterly surveys of Lockheed
Strategic Initiative: Human Factors Martin's FS-21 Flight Services delivery to maintain
Continue research to identify human factors that may and improve the quality of services provided to FAA
contribute to accidents. Develop and implement Customers.
strategies, methods, and technologies that reduce Activity Target 1:
safety risk. Conduct periodic trend analysis with customer
Strategic Activity: Developing Proactive feedback to develop reports and
Methods for General Aviation Data recommendations for improvements. Due April 30,
Activity Target 2:
Report results of proactive risk and safety data
analyses that might be available or developed for Report quarterly survey results within 60 days of
GA. Recommend disciplined methods of analyzing survey completion. Due September 30, 2010
future GA events, so that investigators may better Strategic Activity: Flight Services
learn from incidents, improve correction of involved
personnel, and generate interventions to prevent Oversight - Monitor Costs
Monitor the cost of providing Flight Services and
future events.
produce analysis of benefits and identify efficiencies
Activity Target 1: and cost effective improvements.
Complete the interview protocol and report Activity Target 1:
summarizing the second proactive risk and safety
Track and report expected savings and cost
data collection. Due May 30, 2010
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avoidances resulting from the AFSS A-76 effort. enabled the operational use of Global Positioning
Due August 15, 2010 System (GPS) and Wide Area Augmentation System
Activity Target 2: (WAAS) for navigation and access to uncontrolled
Ensure CONUS AFSS contract activities remain airports by developing GPS airways and instrument
within the overall 10% established variance and approach/departure procedures. The RNAV/RNP
report on budget performance percentage. Due initiative provides an avenue for En Route and
August 15, 2010 Aviation Safety to work closely to manage an
integrated schedule to operationally enable a
Flight Plan Target: Alaska GPS/RNAV WAAS Route structure in Alaska to
complete implementation by 2011. This will improve
Accident Rate operator efficiency, access and safety, while
By the end of FY2019 reduce the Rate of Fatal and incrementally reducing dependency on ground
Serious Injury Accidents by 10% in 10 years. FY 2010 based navigation facilities, with a goal of future
Target: 1.86 divestment.
Activity Target 1:
Strategic Initiative: WAAS Operation
Manage an integrated schedule to expand a
Achieve full operational capability of WAAS by Global Positioning System (GPS)/RNAV Wide
completing all hardware and software changes needed Area Augmentation System (WAAS) route
to complete the system. structure in Alaska with a goal to complete
Strategic Activity: Development of implementation by September 2011. Due
WAAS September 30, 2010
Reduce accidents in Alaska for general aviation and Activity Target 2:
all Parts 135 operations. Validate requirements and business case for
Activity Target 1: GPS/WAAS route structure development in Alaska
Provide funding for publishing of 10 RNAV (GPS) for those routes targeted for FY2010
LPV/LP procedures to runways in Alaska, in implementation. Due December 31, 2009
accordance with Flight Plan Initiative 10S2K, Activity Target 3:
WAAS Approaches. Due September 30, 2010 Manage the implementation of the GPS/WAAS
Strategic Initiative: Weather Data routes in Alaska validated under Target 2. Due
September 30, 2010
and Images
Continue to optimize weather camera benefits and Strategic Activity: ATO-R Support for
explore alternative technologies. Global Positioning System (GPS) / Area
Strategic Activity: Support of Expanding Navigation (RNAV) Wide Area
the Use of Weather Cameras Augmentation System (WAAS) Routes
AJR will use weather cameras to enhance aviation for ATO
safety in the Alaskan Region. ATO-R support for GPS / RNAV WAAS routes for
Activity Target 1: ATO.
AJR will complete installation and make services Activity Target 1:
available to the public for 23 additional weather Support normal implementation activities of ATO-
camera sites. Due September 30, 2010 E validated GPS/WAAS routes in Alaska to
include facility coordination, 18-step process,
Strategic Initiative: RNP/RNAV document changes to codify the implementation of
WAAS Route Structure separation requirements, etc. Due September 30,
Implement an improved statewide public RNP/RNAV 2010
WAAS-enabled route structure. Activity Target 2:
Strategic Activity: En Route Support for Support ATO-W in completion of airspace actions.
Required Navigation Performance / Area Due September 30, 2010
Navigation (RNP/RNAV) Routes for ATO Strategic Activity: ATO-W Support for
The RNAV/RNP initiative has been in the FAA Flight Required Navigation Performance / Area
Plan since 2004 in support of the congressionally
mandated Alaska Capstone program. The National Navigation (RNP/RNAV) Routes for ATO
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) published a RNP/RNAV/Global Positioning System (GPS) Wide
Safety Study in November 1995 that identified Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Route
deficiencies in the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Structure.
system such as inadequate low-altitude navigation Activity Target 1:
infrastructure and instrument approaches. In Develop, flight check and publish up to 12
conjunction with the Capstone program, Air Traffic GPS/RNAV WAAS routes validated under En
Organization (ATO), Technical Operations Services, Route's Activity Target 2 with a goal to complete
11/17/09 Page 8 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
implementation by September 2010. Due
September 30, 2010 Strategic Activity: Alaska Modernization
Continue preparation for modernizing Alaska Flight
Strategic Activity: Continue to Services in order to identify efficiencies and
Participate in and Support the Current improvements in delivery of services. [NOTE: Target
Global Positioning System (GPS) / Area dates assume AFSM contract award occurs no later
than December 2010].
Navigation (RNAV) Wide Area
Activity Target 1:
Augmentation System (WAAS) Routes Complete Alaska Flight Services Modernization
Work Groups (AFSM) proposal evaluations and acquire Final
Continue to participate in and support the current Investment Decision (FID) approval Due January
GPS/RNAV 31, 2010
WAAS Routes work groups. Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1:
Award AFSM contract. Due February 15, 2010
Support the implementation of published
GPS/RNAV WAAS routes in Strategic Activity: Monitor and Maintain
Alaska. Due September 30, 2010
a High Quality of Service to Our
Strategic Activity: Support Development Customers in Alaska
of Improved Global Positioning System Maintain an aggressive Quality Assurance program
(GPS) / Area Navigation (RNAV) Wide to monitor Flight Service Performance in Alaska
Area Augmentation System (WAAS) addressing the reduction of operational deficiencies
in all areas.
Route Structure in Alaska Activity Target 1:
Support development of improved GPS/RNAV
WAAS route structure in Alaska with a goal to Conduct two on-site assessments in Alaska to
complete implementation by September 2011. validate Flight Services Acceptable Performance
Levels (APL) and make recommendations. Due
Activity Target 1:
August 31, 2010
Support requirements validation and business
case for GPS/RNAV WAAS route structure in Strategic Activity: Conduct Flight
Alaska for those routes impacting terminal Services Safety related outreach in
operations and targeted for FY2010 Alaska and reduction of aviation
implementation. Due December 31, 2009
Activity Target 2:
accidents in Alaska
Education is one of the keys to reducing aviation
Support the implementation of GPS/RNAV WAAS accidents in Alaska.
route structure identified under Target 1. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010 AFSIAG will continue to conduct Flight Services
Strategic Initiative: Flight Services safety related outreach activities each month.
Report accomplishments quarterly. Due
in Alaska September 30, 2010
Provide high quality flight services to our customers in Activity Target 2:
Maintain a baseline of no more than two (2)
Strategic Activity: Maintain Operational Errors (OEs) and six (6) Operational
infrastructure and Sustain Equipment in Deviations (OD) in Alaska annually. Due
Alaska Flight Services September 30, 2010
Maintain infrastructure and sustain Flight Service
equipment used to support the delivery of Flight
Strategic Activity: Continue to provide
Services in Alaska. Flight Services in Alaska
Continue to provide Flight Services in Alaska by
Activity Target 1:
implementing, maintaining, sustaining and
In coordination with AFSIAG, AJW, and WSC, transitioning Flight Service equipment used to
maintain and sustain Alaska AFSS FSS Facilities. support the delivery of Flight Services in Alaska.
Produce four reports describing facility
Activity Target 1:
sustainment activities. Due September 25, 2010
Activity Target 2: Continue sustainment activities of flight service
automation system in Alaska (OASIS) and
Maintain and sustain Alaska Flight Services proceed with activities to implement, transition,
automation system, Operation and Supportability and obtain In-Service Decision for the Alaska
Implementation System (OASIS). Produce four Flight Services Modernization, new operating
reports describing OASIS performance along with system. Decommission and dispose of OASIS
any modifications of operational capabilities. Due equipment. Provide status on a monthly basis.
September 25, 2010
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Due September 25, 2010 towered and non-towered airports. Participation
will include dissemination of runway safety
Strategic Activity: Alaska Flight Services information related to human factors issues (e.g.,
Oversight Performance Monitoring situation detection and recovery, response
Evaluate and/or validate Performance Data and characteristics, mental processes). Complete an
report results. interim goal of at least 20 by March 31, 2010. Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Monitor Service Performance against APL. Strategic Initiative: Runway Status
Report quarterly. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Lights
Continue to evaluate and deploy runway status lights
Continue to evaluate the data collection methods at AMASS and ASDE-X airports.
and frequency of inspections annually. Submit
recommendations for adjustments as needed after
Strategic Activity: Deploy Runway Status
annual review. Due September 30, 2010 Lights
The Runway Status Lights (RWSL) System
Flight Plan Target: Runway integrates a light warning system with approach and
surface surveillance systems to provide a visual
Incursions (Category A and B) signal indicating to pilots and vehicle operators that it
By FY 2010, reduce Category A and B (most serious) is unsafe to enter, cross or begin takeoff on a
runway incursions to a rate of no more than 0.45 per runway. The RWSL system is driven automatically
million operations, and maintain or improve through FY using computer processing of integrated Airport
2013. FY 2010 Target: 0.450 Surface Detection Equipment -- Model X and
terminal surveillance information. The RWSL system
Strategic Initiative: Human Error software detects the presence and motion of aircraft
Risk Reduction and surface vehicles on or near the runways,
Improve training, procedures, evaluation, analysis, illuminates red runway-entrance lights (RELs) if the
testing, and certification to reduce the risk of runway runway is unsafe for entry or crossing, and
incursions resulting from errors by pilots, air traffic illuminates red takeoff-hold lights (THLs) if the
controllers, pedestrians, vehicle operators, tug runway is unsafe for departure. The system
operators, and individuals conducting aircraft taxi extinguishes the lights automatically as appropriate
operations. when the runway is no longer unsafe. The RWSL
Strategic Activity: Runway Incursion program received approval from the JRC for 22
Risk Reduction operational and 3 support sites.
Improve training, procedures, evaluation, analysis,
testing, and certification to reduce the risk of runway The deployment of Runway Status Lights (RWSL)
incursions resulting from errors by pilots, air traffic will provide another layer of safety to help reduce
controllers, and airport authorized pedestrians, runway incursions and provide a direct warning
vehicle operators, tug operators, and mechanics capability to flight crews and airport vehicle
conducting aircraft taxi operations. operators. RWSL Program Segment 1 activities
Activity Target 1: include start construction at key site, complete
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for first article and
Conduct a minimum of 100 Runway Safety Action
deliver first article system to key site.
Team meetings by September 30, 2010. Runway
Safety Action Team reports will be issued and Activity Target 1:
recommendations entered into the Office of Start site construction at key site. Due March 31,
Safety's Runway Safety Action Team 2010
Recommendation Database and tracked on a Activity Target 2:
continual basis for timely implementation and/or Complete Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for first
disposition. Complete an interim goal of 50 article. Due June 30, 2010
Runway Safety Action Teams by June 30, 2010.
Due September 30, 2010 Strategic Initiative: Improved
Activity Target 2: Runway Incursion Analysis
Conduct/participate in at least 40 of the following: Capability
Pilot Seminars that complement the WINGS Design, develop and implement an improved runway
Program, the Federal Aviation Administration's incursion analysis capability.
Pilot Proficiency Awards Program, and Flight
Strategic Activity: Runway Safety
Instructor Refresher Courses, Commercial Flight
Instructor/Designated Pilot Examiner refresher Council Implementation
courses, Airport Safety Meetings and/or Air Traffic Senior-level safety officials from a select group of
Control Safety Awareness Initiatives, etc. at both organizations will be invited to participate and meet
regularly. The Council, under the direction of a
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government (Director of Runway Safety) and The RSC will review output from the RCAT and
industry (Air Line Pilots Association Executive Air adopt a strategy to implement the recommendations
Safety Chairman) co-chair, will set overall policy and and/or call for further study of an issue.
oversee the Root Causal Analysis Team. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: AJS-4 will provide an agenda at least one week
Runway Safety will provide an agenda at least one prior to the RCAT meeting and identify the serious
week prior to the Root Causal Analysis Team events that will be evaluated. The agenda will be
meeting and identify the serious events that will be accompanied by the PD, OE, and V/PD reported
evaluated accompanied by the Pilot Deviations, information associated with the events. AJT will
Loss of Standard Separation (LoSS) Events, and assign an SME to review the information provided
Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviations associated with the by AJS-4, actively participate in the RCAT process
events. Prior to the meeting, the Flight Standards to assist in identifying root causes for the events,
Subject Matter Expert, on detail to the Office of and provide inputs on recommended mitigations.
Safety, will review Enforcement Investigation Due September 30, 2010
Reports and Letters of Investigation identified on Activity Target 2:
the monthly agenda and will be prepared to Assess progress to ensure support provided is
discuss findings. Six (6) will be needed meeting monthly expectations and is projected to
throughout the fiscal year therefore an interim achieve end of year performance goal. Due March
target of three (3) will be needed by March 31, 10, 2010
2010. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Strategic Initiative: Capstone3 -
The Root Causal Analysis Team will review and Runway Safety Technology
evaluate six (6) events (serious and/or significant Accelerate the process of evaluating Electronic Flight
incursions) and report results and Bags, moving map displays and aural alerting cockpit
recommendations to the Runway Safety Council. technology for the purpose of reducing runway
Interim target of three (3) reviews by March 31, incursions.
2010. Due September 30, 2010 Strategic Activity: Capstone 3: Airport
Strategic Activity: Runway Safety Moving Map Displays
Council (RSC) Implementation Plan For pilots, knowing what runway or taxiway they are
The Root Causal Analysis Team (RCAT) examines on is critical information. That knowledge is
data and related information from, but not limited to, especially important at night, in poor weather or
Pilot Deviations, Operational Errors and Vehicle/Pilot when the crew is unfamiliar with the airport layout.
Deviations to determine root causal factors. The The Federal Aviation Administration intends to make
team then identifies intervention strategies to it easier for pilots to have electronic tools in the
eliminate and/or mitigate the root causal factors cockpit that will enhance their situational awareness
leading up to the incident and provide a strategy for and improve runway safety. The Federal Aviation
implementation of the recommendations to the RSC. Administration has aggressively focused on reducing
runway incursions for the last several years. After
The RCAT will examine data from AFS (PD's), ATO thoroughly reviewing safety data, including human
(OE's) and ARP (V/PD's) investigations and attempt factors research on the safety benefits of own ship
to determine root causal factors for the incident. The position versus the potential safety risks, the Federal
data used in these analyses will be a consolidation Aviation Administration is now interested in
of many offices' input and will delve deep into the conducting an operational and safety evaluation for
reasons and/or causes for the incident as well as Electronic Flight Bags with own ship position on an
those circumstances that allowed the incident to airport moving map.
occur. The diverse makeup of the subject matter Activity Target 1:
experts (SMEs) will enhance the capability of the Initiate Runway Safety related data collection from
team to discover those factors that have evaded the equipped aircraft. Due August 30, 2010
discovery to date. Once these root causal factors Activity Target 2:
are identified, the team will examine ways to create Develop a Test and Evaluation Master Plan. Due
controls that will limit, or eliminate, their September 30, 2010
Flight Plan Target: Safety
For those periods of reduced severe Category
incursions, the team will use historical data to Management System
identify priority airports in an effort to mitigate In FY 2010, implement SMS in the Air Traffic
hazards and offer safety recommendations to reduce Organization, Office of Aviation Safety, and Office of
risks. Airports. In FY 2012, implement SMS policy in all
appropriate FAA organizations. FY 2010 Target: 3
11/17/09 Page 11 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
completion of the final report by the end of the
Strategic Initiative: Air Traffic fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Services SMS Strategic Activity: Safety Assurance
Design and implement SMS for the delivery of air
Develop Safety Assurance processes to detect
traffic services.
hazards and verify safety risk mitigations and to
Strategic Activity: Safety Policy assure Safety Management System is effectively
Develop policy requirements in support of implemented across the Air Traffic Organization.
certification of safety professionals, enhancements
Activity Target 1:
to Safety Management System specific training and
Safety Management System Manual updates. Conduct Safety Management System audits on
four Air Traffic Organization service units. Due
Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010
Develop core competencies requirements for Activity Target 2:
safety professionals. Interim report due: June 30,
2010, final competencies requirements due end of Consolidate and analyze safety trends to identify
the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 areas of potential safety risk in the National
Activity Target 2: Airspace System and recommend applicable
safety cases. Produce quarterly reports starting in
Develop training course requirements for June 2010. Due June 30, 2010
certification of safety professionals. Interim report
Activity Target 3:
due: June 30, 2010, final course requirements due
end of the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 Verify mitigation and residual risks associated with
Activity Target 3: high risk hazards. Produce quarterly reports
starting in June 2010. Due June 30, 2010
Update Safety Management System Manual and
revise Safety Management System Training to Strategic Activity: Safety Management
reflect Safety Management System Manual System Promotion
updates. Interim target of having the Manual Communicate and disseminate safety information
updates done by July 31, 2010; and the revised and manage Safety Management System training to
Safety Management System Training by the end of support integration of the Safety Management
the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 System across the Air Traffic Organization.
Strategic Activity: Safety Risk Activity Target 1:
Management Implement the Safety Management System
Monitor the integration of Safety Risk Management Lessons Learned database. Prototype due March
processes into National Airspace System changes to 31, 2010. Final implementation due by the end of
ensure that these changes have been assessed for the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
safety risk and that identified safety risks have been Activity Target 2:
mitigated and/or lowered to an acceptable level prior Track and report training status monthly of the
to inclusion into the National Airspace System. Enterprise Learning Management System Safety
Activity Target 1: Management System courses. Reports due by the
Review and approve Safety Risk Management end of the month, starting with October 2009. Due
documentation associated with National Airspace September 30, 2010
System Change Proposal, procedure and Activity Target 3:
document changes submitted to the Safety Risk Conduct three advanced Safety Risk Management
Management Office during FY 2010. Review all courses and six Safety Risk Management
first and second quarter submissions by April 30, Practitioner courses by the end of the fiscal year.
2010. Review and approve remaining Safety Risk Interim target of three Safety Risk Management
Management documentation submissions by end Practitioner courses by April 30. Due September
of the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 4:
Review and approve Safety Risk Management Develop and disseminate Safety Management
documentation associated with acquisition System promotional materials across the Air
programs submitted to the System Safety Working Traffic Organization. Interim report due March 30,
Group during FY 2010. Review all first and second 2010. Final Report due by the end of the fiscal
quarter submissions by April 30, 2010. Remaining year. Due September 30, 2010
submissions by end of the fiscal year. Due Activity Target 5:
September 30, 2010 Plan and conduct a Safety Summit before the end
Activity Target 3: of the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Develop and issue guidance for an integrated
safety risk analysis for NextGen operational
capabilities. Initial report due June 30, 2010 and
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Strategic Activity: SRM Strategic Activity: Safety Promotion
Ensure Safety Risk Management (SRM) is applied to Conduct Service Area Safety Risk Management
all changes to the NAS initiated by System Conferences.
Operations. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Plan four (4) Safety Risk Management
Validate that the SRM Process Model developed Conferences. Due March 31, 2010
with RNAV/RNP is applicable to another System Activity Target 2:
Operations process, procedure, or order. Due Conduct Safety Risk Management Conferences.
September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: Safety Assurance Strategic Activity: Service Availability
Evaluate System Operations progress towards SMS Validate and compare fielded service availability
Implementation. performance with safety standards
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Develop a means to validate, track and trend By September 30, 2010, expand NAS Service
hazard monitoring by System Operations change Availability program and safety standards to all
agents. Due September 30, 2010 remaining nationally reportable NAS services
Activity Target 2: and/or equipment, including those supporting 35
Establish a process to review, coordinate and OEP airports Due September 30, 2010
trend System Operations related issues reported
Strategic Activity: SMS Implementation
through ATSAP (ATC/ATM), ASAP (Systems), and Review progress toward SMS implementation and
ASAP (airline customers). Due September 30, develop a roadmap to complete remaining SMS
2010 Implementation activities.
Strategic Activity: Safety Promotion Activity Target 1:
Administer a System Operations Safety promotion Conduct progress review of the SMS
and culture awareness program to increase implementation. Due December 31, 2009
employee's knowledge base through continuous Activity Target 2:
training and information sharing activities by
Ensure all SMS implementation activities are
September 30, 2010.
completed. Due March 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Assess System Operations progress toward Strategic Activity: SMS Coordination
development of a positive safety culture through Continue coordinating SMS activities with
Safety Promotion Outreach activities to include established SMS Point of Contacts (POCs) at all
surveys, safety forums, and conferences. Due Service Areas/Facilities.
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Conduct progress review at the Service Areas and
Strategic Activity: Safety Culture Facilities. Due January 31, 2010
Complete a safety culture activity for AJT employees Activity Target 2:
by September 30, 2010.
Activity Target 1: Ensure all SMS implementation activities are
completed. Due March 31, 2010
Identify a safety culture activity. Due March 31,
2010 Strategic Activity: Safety Culture
Activity Target 2: Identify a safety culture activity for all ATO-E
Complete a safety culture activity. Due September employees by September 30, 2010.
30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Develop a plan for the safety culture activity. Due
Strategic Activity: Safety Assurance May 31, 2010
Implement an Internal Evaluation Program (IEP) to Activity Target 2:
satisfy safety assurance requirements.
Activity Target 1: Conduct the safety culture activity. Due August 31,
Develop an Internal Evaluation Program (IEP).
Due March 31, 2010 Strategic Activity: SMS
Activity Target 2: Implement AJP SMS.
Implement an Internal Evaluation Program. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010
Implement policies and procedures to meet SMS
compliance mid-March 2010. Due March 14, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Initiate an AJP safety promotion activity to support
expanding and enhancing the AJP Safety Culture.
11/17/09 Page 13 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Due September 30, 2010 version 1. The program was added to OEP in
March/April 2006.
Activity Target 3:
Conduct internal SMS Compliance audit. Due Implement technology/equipment to achieve or
January 15, 2010 exceed target safety levels by deploying Airport
Surface Detection Equipment Model X (ASDE-X)
Flight Plan Target: Total Runway and retrofitting ASDE-X equipment into ASDE-3
Incursions locations.
By the end of FY 2013, reduce total runway incursions by Activity Target 1:
10 percent from the FY 2008 baseline. FY 2010 Target: Complete factory acceptance testing and deliver
-2% one (1) Airport Surface Detection Equipment,
Model X (ASDE-X) system. Due March 30, 2010
Strategic Initiative: ASDE-X Activity Target 2:
Installation Achieve Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at two
Install Airport Surface Detection Equipment-Model X (2) Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X
(ASDE-X) and retrofit ASDE-X equipment capability (ASDE-X) sites. Due June 30, 2010
into selected Airport Movement Area Safety System Activity Target 3:
(AMASS) installations, such as Los Angeles and Complete factory acceptance testing and deliver
Newark airports. two (2) additional Airport Surface Detection
Strategic Activity: Airport Surface Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) systems. Due
Detection Equipment - Model X (ASDE-X) September 30, 2010
ASDE-X is a surface surveillance system that Activity Target 4:
provides seamless multi-sensor airport surveillance Achieve Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at three
with identification and conflict alerting to air traffic (3) additional Airport Surface Detection Equipment,
controllers. It provides controllers with a visual Model X (ASDE-X) sites. Due September 30, 2010
representation of the traffic situation on the airport Activity Target 5:
movement area and arrival corridors. ASDE-X
includes safety logic, which combined with Achieve Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at two
surveillance information from ASDE-X, determines if (2) Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X
the current and/or projected positions and movement (ASDE-X) sites. Due June 30, 2010
characteristics of tracked aircraft/vehicles present a Activity Target 6:
potential collision situation. Visual and audible alerts Complete factory acceptance testing and deliver
are provided to air traffic controllers. The ASDE-X two (2) additional Airport Surface Detection
system is particularly useful as a traffic control aid Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) systems. Due
during hours of darkness and during other conditions September 30, 2010
of poor visibility. ASDE-X was developed to aid in Activity Target 7:
preventing surface collisions and in reducing critical Achieve Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at three
Category A and B runway incursions. (3) additional Airport Surface Detection Equipment,
Model X (ASDE-X) sites by September 30, 2010.
ASDE-X supports the FAA Flight Plan goals for Due September 30, 2010
increased safety and greater capacity. ASDE-X Activity Target 8:
enhances safety through the improvement of the
surface movement infrastructure. It increases Achieve Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at three
efficiency by improving air traffic controllers' (3) additional Airport Surface Detection Equipment,
situational awareness. ASDE-X provides flight call Model X (ASDE-X) sites. Due September 30, 2010
signs for all transponder-equipped targets. As a Strategic Initiative: National Runway
result, controllers are able to view the ASDE-X
display to determine the correct order of aircraft Safety Plan
within the queue, monitor whether aircraft are Publish a National Runway Safety Plan (NRSP).
following their prescribed taxi routes, and validate
that the proper beacon code is associated with the Strategic Activity: National Runway
radar target for each aircraft. Through the Safety Plan
implementation of data tags, ASDE-X provides the Implementation of the Runway Safety Strategy to
ability to accurately identify each aircraft within a achieve a significant reduction in the severity and
queue preventing unnecessary coordination and frequency of Runway Incursions requires a strategy
communication. This improved capability will reduce encompassing a vision, a mission, and a set of goals
the time spent between clearance deliveries and in and objectives that provide guideposts and
turn lead to less taxi time and delays. ASDE-X is milestones. This document, originally issued in FY
part of the Operational Evolution Partnership (OEP) 2009, laid out a strategy undertaken by the Office of
Runway Safety which ties directly to the Department
11/17/09 Page 14 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
of Transportation and Federal Aviation system installed on high speed taxiways. In April
Administration missions. The Runway Safety office 2008, the Federal Aviation Administration entered a
is now facilitating and monitoring implementation. preliminary
Activity Target 1: agreement to install an additional Runway Status
The Office of Runway Safety will use the National Lights system for evaluation at Boston Logan
Runway Safety Plan as a strategic guide to Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration and
monitor progress and make note of any updates Massachusetts Port Authority will share in the
needed in the plan for the next version, anticipated system installation costs of this Runway Status
in FY 2011. The running list of changes will be Lights installation. We will establish new test beds at
recorded and reported to the Director of Runway Los Angeles International Airport and Boston Logan
Safety on a quarterly basis throughout the fiscal Airport during the 2009/2010 timeframe.
year. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Complete installation of Runway Status
Lights/Runway Intersection Lights test bed at
Strategic Activity: 2% Reduction in Total Boston Logan Airport. Due March 31, 2010
RIs for FY 2010 by AJT Activity Target 2:
To achieve the reduction in year 2, each LOB should
update their plan and schedule to identify how they Complete Runway Status Lights/Runway
plan to achieve their goal for that year. 1-2-2-2-3% Intersection Lights shadow operation at Boston
yearly reductions in total Runway Incursions are Logan Airport. Due May 31, 2010
based on FY 2008 baseline numbers by which to Activity Target 3:
calculate the 2% reduction are: OEs - 165 PDs - 648 Conduct Field Operational Evaluation of Runway
VPDs - 196 = Total - 1009 Status Lights/Runway Intersection Lights function
Activity Target 1: at Boston Logan Airport. Due September 30, 2010
Update ATO-Terminal's Runway Incursion Strategic Initiative: Low Cost
Operational Error (OE) Reduction Plan to include
activities to reduce Runway Incursion OEs by 2% Ground Surveillance (LCGS)
in FY 2010. Due December 31, 2009 Systems
Activity Target 2: Continue to test and plan implementation of low cost
Assess and report progress on implementation of ground surveillance (LCGS) systems.
ATO-Terminal's Runway Incursion Operational Strategic Activity: Low Cost Ground
Error (OE) Reduction Plan to meet the FY 2010 Surveillance Systems
target of reducing total RIs by 2%. Due March 31, The Federal Aviation Administration is considering
2010 the use of low-cost, commercially available radar
Activity Target 3: surveillance systems that would reduce the risk of
Report ATO-Terminal's Runway Incursion runway incursions at certain small and medium-
Operational Error (OE) Reduction Plan results sized airports. We would install these systems at
towards achieving the FY2010 goal of a 2% airports that do not have Airport Surface Detection
reduction in total Runway Incursions (RIs). Due Equipment (either ASDE-3 or ASDE-X). We are
September 30, 2010 currently testing a prototype system at Spokane,
Washington. Controllers and pilots can safely
Strategic Initiative: Runway conduct ground operations through visual and voice
Incursion Reduction Program (RIRP) communication due to lower traffic levels and less
Continue to develop, enhance, and test runway status complex operations at these airports. A low-cost
lights functionality for application at a wider array of system would further reduce the risk of ground
airports. incidents or accidents, especially during periods of
Strategic Activity: Runway Incursion low visibility. The Federal Aviation Administration
recently sent out an industry survey to determine
Reduction Program what systems are currently in the market. Federal
Continue developing, testing, and evaluating runway
Aviation Administration will build additional runway
status lights at Airport Movement Area Safety
safety applications such as Runway Status Lights
System and Airport Surface Detection Equipment-
and Surface Movement Guidance and Control
Model X airports. The Federal Aviation
Systems upon the basic infrastructure provided by
Administration entered a preliminary agreement in
the Low Cost Ground Surveillance.
Activity Target 1:
2008 to install an additional Runway Status Light
system for evaluation on the north and south Procure and install system at site one airport. Due
airfields at Los Angeles International Airport. Los May 31, 2010
Angeles International Airport will fund the cost of the Activity Target 2:
Runway Status Lights installation. It will be the first Procure and install system at site two airport. Due

11/17/09 Page 15 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

September 30, 2010 performance goal to satisfy the annual safety
performance targets for Category A&B (most
Activity Target 3:
serious) Operational Errors of no more than 2.05
Publish an initial pilot system operational per million operations. Due March 31, 2010
evaluation report. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 4:
Core Business Target: Safe Achieve the annual safety performance targets for
Category A&B (most serious) Operational Errors of
Delivery of Terminal Air Traffic no more than 2.05 per million operations. Due
September 30, 2010
Control Services
Ensure the provision of safe terminal air traffic control Core Activity: Terminal Services
services throughout the terminal portion of the National Operations - Central Service Area
Airspace System (NAS) by meeting or exceeding the Terminal Services operational responsibility is
safety outcomes stated in the FY2008-FY2012 Flight divided into three geographical service areas
Plan. The performance targets for ATO-Terminal safety (Eastern, Central and Western) to better manage the
are: By FY 2010, limit Category A and B (most serious) ongoing delivery of terminal ATC services. The
runway incursions to a rate of no more than 0.450 per primary function of each terminal service area is to
million operations, and maintain or improve through FY oversee ATC operations within their geographical
2012 (FY10 Target = 0.450 per million ops); Limit area and to ensure the annual targets for Safety are
Category A and B (most serious) operational errors to a met while supporting other goals for Capacity and
rate of no more than 1.95 per million activities by FY Organizational Excellence.
2012 (FY10 Target = 2.05 per million operations); Activity Target 1:
Decrease by half the fatalities per 100 million persons on Complete assessment for achieving year-end
board commercial aircraft by 2025 and Reduce the performance goal to satisfy the annual safety
accidents in Alaska Part 135 operations from the 2000- performance targets for Category A&B Runway
2002 base rate of 130 accidents per year to no more Incursions of no more than 0.450 incursions per
than 99 accidents per year. million operations. Due March 31, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Provision Activity Target 2:
of Terminal Air Traffic Control Achieve the annual safety performance targets for
Category A&B (most serious) Runway Incursions
Services of no more than 0.450 incursions per million
Provide safe terminal air traffic control services to operations. Due September 30, 2010
meet target levels for Category A&B Runway Activity Target 3:
incursions and Category A&B Operational Errors. Complete assessment for achieving year-end
Core Activity: Terminal Services performance goal to satisfy the annual safety
Operations - Eastern Service Area performance targets for Category A&B (most
Terminal Services operational responsibility is serious) Operational Errors of no more than 2.05
divided into three geographical service areas per million operations. Due March 31, 2010
(Eastern, Central and Western) to better manage the Activity Target 4:
ongoing delivery of terminal ATC services. The
Achieve the annual safety performance targets for
primary function of each terminal service area is to
Category A&B (most serious) Operational Errors of
oversee ATC operations within their geographical
no more than 2.05 per million operations. Due
area and to ensure the annual targets for Safety are
September 30, 2010
met while supporting other goals for Capacity and
Organizational Excellence. Core Activity: Terminal Services
Activity Target 1: Operations - Western Service Area
Complete assessment for achieving year-end Terminal Services operational responsibility is
performance goal to satisfy the annual safety divided into three geographical service areas
performance targets for Category A&B (most (Eastern, Central and Western) to better manage the
serious) Runway Incursions of no more than 0.450 ongoing delivery of terminal ATC services. The
incursions per million operations. Due March 31, primary function of each terminal service area is to
2010 oversee ATC operations within their geographical
Activity Target 2: area and to ensure the annual targets for Safety are
Achieve the annual safety performance targets for met while supporting other goals for Capacity and
Category A&B (most serious) Runway Incursions Organizational Excellence.
of no more than 0.450 incursions per million Activity Target 1:
operations. Due September 30, 2010 Complete assessment for achieving year-end
Activity Target 3: performance goal to satisfy the annual safety
performance targets for Category A&B (most
Complete assessment for achieving year-end
11/17/09 Page 16 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
serious) Runway Incursions of no more than 0.450 Activity Target 1:
incursions per million operations. Due March 31, Achieve the annual safety performance target for
2010 Category A&B Operational Errors of no more than
Activity Target 2: 2.05 per million activities. Due September 30,
Achieve the annual safety performance targets for 2010
Category A&B (most serious) Runway Incursions Activity Target 2:
of no more than 0.450 incursions per million Achieve the annual efficiency performance target
operations. Due September 30, 2010 for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%.
Activity Target 3: Due September 30, 2010
Complete assessment for achieving year-end Activity Target 3:
performance goal to satisfy the annual safety Assess progress towards achieving year-end
performance targets for Category A&B (most performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
serious) Operational Errors of no more than 2.05
per million operations. Due March 31, 2010 Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic
Activity Target 4: Services - Safety and Operations
Achieve the annual safety performance targets for Services
Category A&B (most serious) Operational Errors of En Route and Oceanic Services manages
no more than 2.05 per million operations. Due operations through 21 Air Route Traffic Control
September 30, 2010 Centers (ARTCC) and two Combined En Route /
Approach (CERAP) control facilities, which are
Core Business Target: Safe and allocated among the three Service Areas (Eastern,
Central and Western). En Route and Oceanic
Efficient Delivery of En Route Services oversees air traffic control operations
and Oceanic Air Traffic Control throughout their portion of the National Airspace
System (NAS) to ensure the annual targets for
Services Safety and Efficiency are met while supporting other
Ensure the provision of safe and efficient air traffic goals for Capacity and Organizational Excellence.
control services throughout the En Route portion of the Activity Target 1:
National Airspace System (NAS) by meeting the Achieve the annual safety performance target for
outcomes stated in the FY 2009-2013 Flight Plan. The Category A&B Operational Errors of no more than
performance targets for En Route safety and efficiency 2.05 per million activities. Due September 30,
measures are: 1) Limit Category A and B (most serious) 2010
operational errors to a rate of no more than 1.95 per Activity Target 2:
million activities by FY 2012 and maintain through FY
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target
2013 (FY 2010 Target: 2.05) and 2) maintain a NAS on-
time arrival rate of 88.00 percent at the 35 Operational for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%.
Evolution Partnership (OEP) airports. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Core Business Initiative: Provision Assess progress towards achieving year-end
of En Route and Oceanic Air Traffic performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Control Services Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic
Provide safe and efficient En Route and Oceanic air Services Operations - Eastern Service
traffic control services at target levels for the fiscal Area
year. Annual targets for Category A&B Operational En Route and Oceanic Services manages
Errors and NAS On-Time Arrivals have been operations through 21 Air Route Traffic Control
established. Centers (ARTCC) and two Combined En Route /
Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic Approach (CERAP) control facilities, which are
Services - Program Operations allocated among the three Service Areas (Eastern,
En Route and Oceanic Services manages Central and Western). En Route and Oceanic
operations through 21 Air Route Traffic Control Services oversees air traffic control operations
Centers (ARTCC) and two Combined En Route / throughout their portion of the National Airspace
Approach (CERAP) control facilities, which are System (NAS) to ensure the annual targets for
allocated among the three Service Areas (Eastern, Safety and Efficiency are met while supporting other
Central and Western). En Route and Oceanic goals for Capacity and Organizational Excellence.
Services oversees air traffic control operations Activity Target 1:
throughout their portion of the National Airspace Achieve the annual safety performance target for
System (NAS) to ensure the annual targets for Category A&B Operational Errors of no more than
Safety and Efficiency are met while supporting other 2.05 per million activities. Due September 30,
goals for Capacity and Organizational Excellence. 2010
11/17/09 Page 17 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 3:
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target Assess progress towards achieving year-end
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%. performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3: Core Business Target: Ensure
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Safe Operations in the National
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Airspace System
Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic Maintain and promote the safety and security of the NAS
Services Operations - Central Service through Aeronautical Information Services, Data
Area Management, Safety Risk Management Evaluations, and
En Route and Oceanic Services manages other System Operations programs.
operations through 21 Air Route Traffic Control
Centers (ARTCC) and two Combined En Route /
Core Business Initiative: NAS Data
Approach (CERAP) control facilities, which are Collection and Modeling
allocated among the three Service Areas (Eastern, Activities required to operate and maintain the Airport
Central and Western). En Route and Oceanic Survey and Geographic Information (GIS) System, the
Services oversees air traffic control operations National Flight Data Center and National Airspace
throughout their portion of the National Airspace System Resources (NASR), the Airspace
System (NAS) to ensure the annual targets for Management Laboratory, and AIM International
Safety and Efficiency are met while supporting other Standardization Programs.
goals for Capacity and Organizational Excellence. Core Activity: National Flight Data
Activity Target 1: Center (NFDC) and the National
Achieve the annual safety performance target for Airspace System Resources (NASR).
Category A&B Operational Errors of no more than The NFDC manages the FAA's fixed infrastructure
2.05 per million activities. Due September 30, resources for operation and maintenance of
2010 aeronautical elements. NFDC is the primary
Activity Target 2: organization that enters, quality checks, coordinates,
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target and publishes the FAA daily and 56-day aeronautical
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%. data distributions.
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3: NASR provides for the National Airspace System's
aeronautical data operations, enhancement, and
Assess progress towards achieving year-end
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic Increase safety by transitioning to the use of
Services Operations - Western Service Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM)
Area data.
En Route and Oceanic Services manages Activity Target 1:
operations through 21 Air Route Traffic Control Manage airport data collected from the airport
Centers (ARTCC) and two Combined En Route / Geographic Information System for the publication
Approach (CERAP) control facilities, which are of daily and 56-day aeronautical data. Report
allocated among the three Service Areas (Eastern, quarterly. Due September 30, 2010
Central and Western). En Route and Oceanic Activity Target 2:
Services oversees air traffic control operations Achieve ISO 9001 certification for the NFDC to
throughout their portion of the National Airspace provide for increased effectiveness through
System (NAS) to ensure the annual targets for recognized standards in customer service. Due
Safety and Efficiency are met while supporting other January 30, 2010
goals for Capacity and Organizational Excellence.
Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Airport Survey and
Achieve the annual safety performance target for Geographic Information System (GIS)
Category A&B Operational Errors of no more than The Airport Survey and GIS supports the Airport
2.05 per million activities. Due September 30, division's requirement to provide high quality survey
2010 data for NAS airports. System Operations Services
Activity Target 2: uses this for obstruction evaluation, and Technical
Operations uses it for procedure design.
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%. Increase the performance of the Airport Survey
Due September 30, 2010 Program by applying GIS and digital data to improve

11/17/09 Page 18 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

survey data quality for FAA and external customers. Core Activity: AIM International
Activity Target 1: Standardization
In order to ensure global improvements in aviation
Implement the survey data collection and quality
safety and efficiency, Aeronautical Information
control portion of the Airport GIS project. Due
Management (AIM) standards must be developed
March 30, 2010
and promoted. These AIM standards are promoted
Activity Target 2: by conducting classes and conferences about the
Show that airports receiving Airport Improvement Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM)
Program (AIP) funding submit 30% of airport data and data exchange standards with SWIM and other
change requests electronically (digitally) for FAA modernization activities.
airports that receive Airport Improvement Program
(AIP) funding for airport layout plans. Report status Global interoperability can be increased by
monthly. Due August 30, 2010 establishing and participating in the AIXM
Activity Target 3: Configuration Control Board and the ICAO
Deploy airport mapping service solution. Due Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) to
March 30, 2010 Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) working
Core Activity: Airspace Management Activity Target 1:
Laboratory Conduct classes and conferences on the
The Airspace Management Laboratory manages the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM),
aeronautical information (AI) chain to supply to at least 100 participants. Report classes and
accurate, high integrity, and timely information that conferences scheduled and number of participants
supports safe and efficient air traffic operations trained monthly Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
1. Demonstrating and developing new capabilities to
improve the collection, processing, and distribution Ensure that the FAA participates in at least 75% of
of NAS resources, including advanced capabilities the ICAO Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) to
for evaluating proposed obstructions and protecting Aeronautical Information Management (AIM)
airspace from encroachment; working group meetings. Report monthly Due
September 30, 2010
2. Developing information systems, decision support Core Business Initiative: System
tools and advanced geo-spatial capabilities to
collect, manage, analyze, and evaluate air traffic Operations Safety Risk Management
control operational data, such as in new The Safety Risk Management Group provides
technologies of the Next Generation Air oversight and guidance for the conduct of Safety Risk
Transportation System; Management (SRM) activities within System
Operations. It ensures that all Safety Risk
3. Providing a single source of high quality data on Management Documents (SRMD) and Safety Risk
navigation aids, airspace, communication systems, Management Decision Memorandum (SRMDM)
routes and procedures; initiated by, or affecting, System Operations; are in
accordance with the FAA Safety Management System
4. Providing international over-flight billing. (SMS) Manual, correctly reflect the proposed changes
Activity Target 1: to the National Airspace System (NAS), and accurately
Provide analysis and modeling support to FAA assess the safety risk associated with the proposed
and external customers in response to Freedom of changes to the NAS. It is responsible for tracking of all
Information Act (FOIA) and ad hoc requests to System Operations SRM activities and providing
ensure at least 90% of requests are completed by reports to management on NAS changes requiring
the due date. Report quarterly. Due September Safety Risk Management Documentation (SRMD) or a
30, 2010 Safety Risk Management Decision Memorandum
Activity Target 2: (SRMDM). The Group actively participates in all
forums developing safety strategy for System
Provide international monthly over-flight Operations and the ATO.
calculations to support billing and cost accounting
Core Activity: Web Based SRMD
at 90% completion by due date. Provide detailed Develop and implement a web based capability to
over-flight report within 7 business days of the end track all proposed, current, and completed Safety
of the month. Report quarterly Due September 30, Risk Management Documentation (SRMD) or a
2010 Safety Risk Management Decision Memorandum
(SRMDM); with the capability to produce data and
reports for internal reporting and support System

11/17/09 Page 19 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Operations, ATO Safety, and AOV information Core Activity: Safety Assessment
needs. Complete SRMDs for each operational change that
Activity Target 1: impacts safety and affects the NAS. Conduct hazard
Develop an outline for and then document all tracking where hazards are identified.
proposed data/activity tracking requirements. Due Activity Target 1:
December 31, 2009 Complete SRMD/DMs prior to DCP coordination
Activity Target 2: with other lines of business. Due September 30,
Develop and test a pilot web-based capability to 2010
track required data/activities for NAS changes from Activity Target 2:
request throughout the SRM lifecycle. Due Submit hazard tracking reports within 30 days of
September 30, 2010 target due date. Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Review SRMD Core Business Initiative: Flight
Review of all required Safety Risk Management
Documents (SRMD) or Decision Memoranda (DM) Service Information Office Alaska
for SRM compliance and provide informal and formal Sustain Flight Services and continue preparation for
guidance and feedback to ensure that all modernizing Alaska Flight Service in order to identify
documentation required to support NAS changes efficiencies and improvements in the service delivery.
meets final disposition in a timely manner Provide support to other Service Units and Federal
Activity Target 1: Agencies.
Provide formal organizational comments on Core Activity: Alaskan Facilities
SRMD or SRMDMs within 30 days of formal Sustainment
submission to System Operations Safety The harsh Alaskan climate has caused housing and
Management office for a minimum of 80% of facilities to deteriorate to poor levels of
submitted documents. Due September 30, 2010 accommodation for employees who work there. To
Activity Target 2: increase productivity AJR-B will restore the facilities
to Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Ensure final formal review and SOSM disposition
(OSHA) and American Disabilities Act (ADA)
is completed on SRMD or SRMDMs submitted
System Operations Safety Management office
within 15 days of receipt for a minimum of 80% of Activity Target 1:
documents. Due September 30, 2010 Identify and report sustainment problems, issues
and requirements for Alaska Flight Service
Core Activity: Flight Services facilities to meet applicable codes, regulations,
Operational Policy and Requirements and OSHA and ADA standards. Due September
Assess each safety recommendation for validity and 30, 2010
determine if a new requirement should be Activity Target 2:
established Conduct an annual survey to determine the
Activity Target 1: requirements for future employee housing needs.
Complete review of safety recommendations Due September 30, 2010
within 30 days. Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Flight Services Quality
Core Activity: Validate and approve Assurance in Alaska
Operational Change Proposals Monitor and maintain Flight Service Performance in
Validate and approve when appropriate Operational Alaska
Change Proposals submitted by the contractor and Activity Target 1:
DCPs submitted by Alaska. Address Alaskan Quality Assurance compliance
Activity Target 1: issues and solutions with Alaska Air Traffic
Complete validation and approval or disapproval Managers and Quality Assurance staff on a
within 180 days of receipt of complete package monthly basis. Due September 25, 2010
including SRMD/DM. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Core Business Initiative: Flight In FY 2010, accomplish the number of Pilot
weather briefing evaluations specified in the
Services Operations and Safety current AFSIAG performance metric process and
Complete SRMD/Decision Memos (DM) prior to report quarterly. Due September 15, 2010
coordinating Document Change Proposals (DCP) with Activity Target 3:
other lines of business.
In FY 2009, provide quarterly report of Alaskan
Quality Assurance activities, results and trends to
Air Traffic Managers. Due September 15, 2010

11/17/09 Page 20 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Business Initiative: System Core Activity: Review and process
Operations Litigation Investigations CONUS Aircraft Accident
Group CONUS Flight Services supports Systems Litigation
The System Operations Office of Litigation Office and FSPO by ensuring that the Service
Investigations group represents the Air Traffic Provider (Lockheed Martin) reports and documents
Organization as liaison to U.S. Department of Justice, accidents in accordance with Agency directives.
to the FAA Office of Chief Counsel Enforcement
Activity Target 1:
Division and FAA Office of Chief Counsel Litigation
Division on activities related to 1.) Enforecement Ensure 90% of all accident packages are returned
Actions involving pilot deviations, 2.) Personal Injury, to CONUS AFSS Contractor within 5
property damage, and/or worngful death resulting from administrative days of receipt. Report quarterly.
aircraft accidents or incidents and 3.) Other Litigation Due September 30, 2010
wich require Air Traffic Organization expertise.
Core Activity: Develop Web Based
Core Business Target: Assess
Automated Accident Package Runway Safety Technology
The System Operations Office of Litigation currently Demonstrate a ground-movement safety infrastructure by
uses a workstation based software package to track 2013 that provides direct warning capability to pilots,
and manage case files for aircraft accidents which drivers, and controllers to reduce the severity of Runway
involve the provision of Air Traffic Control (ATC) Incursions. For fiscal year 2010, the Runway Safety
services. The investigation group is transitioning to a Office will complete a field evaluation of an initial flight
server based software package that offers a Web deck warning capability in at least one pilot airport.
based user interface, which will allow multiple
employees in multiple locations to track and manage
Core Business Initiative: Direct
these case files. Warning System Study
Activity Target 1: The Runway Safety Office assesses emergent runway
Beta test the server based software (E-Discovery) safety technologies to provide direct warning capability
Due March 30, 2010 to pilots, drivers, and controllers. The goal is to reduce
Activity Target 2: the number and severity of Runway Incursions by
reducing time to provide alerts, hence enhancing the
Succeed in transfer 50% of air traffic facilities to reaction time for pilots to apply mitigations.
automated accident package generator (E-
Core Activity: Direct Warning System
Discovery). Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Coordinate Legal Continue to conduct an integrated assessment of
Investigations for Accident Litigation emergent runway safety technologies and conduct
The System Operations Office of Litigation will simulation analyses to assess effectiveness,
support all request made by AGC and Department of interoperability and level of readiness for operational
Justice attorneys for information on enforcement transition to a National Airspace System ground
actions or accident litigation where air traffic services movement safety infrastructure.
were provided; including tracking via SOP tracking Activity Target 1:
programs and reviewing all accident packages Identification of operational constraints, limitations,
created by the field. and benefits of a ground based direct alerting
Activity Target 1: system using human in the loop simulation
Reduce the number of overdue accident packages research. Due July 31, 2010
to zero, as tracked by SOP tracking programs. Activity Target 2:
Due September 30, 2010 Conduct field evaluations of an initial flight deck
Core Activity: Facilitate Reporting of direct warning capability. The evaluation is
planned for Philadelphia airport. Test initial
CONUS Air Traffic Incidents algorithms in test avionics with industry
CONUS Flight Services supports ATO-S and the participants. Due August 31, 2010
FSPO by ensuring that aircraft incident reporting is
conducted in accordance with Agency directives. Core Business Target:
Activity Target 1:
Report on incidents and review with proper follow- Implement a Safety Management
up on all covered events. Report outcome System (SMS) for the ATO
quarterly Due September 30, 2010 Manage and oversee full implementation of a Safety
Management System within System Operations to
ensure compliance with FAA Order 1100.61, Air Traffic
Safety Oversight and ATO Order JO 1000.37, Air Traffic

11/17/09 Page 21 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Organization Safety Management System Safety Activity Target 4:
Standards. Administer safety promotion outreach program for
System Operations to ensure increased employee'
Core Business Initiative: Implement knowledge base and progress toward a positive
a Safety Management System (SMS) safety culture. Due September 30, 2010
for the ATO Core Business Target: Quality
Director of System Operations Safety Management -
Provides leadership, direction and guidance to System Assurance
Operations Directorates and staff offices responsible Improve the safety of the National Airspace System with
for complying with FAA Order 1100.161, Air Traffic effective identification of risks and development of
Safety Oversight and ATO Order JO 1000.37, Air mitigations through audits, evaluations and investigations
Traffic Organization Safety Management System. The in compliance with applicable Federal Aviation
System Operations Safety Management (SOSM) Administration orders. Provide report to the Senior Vice
Office provides oversight and guidance for the conduct President for Operations and Vice President for Safety
of Safety Risk Management (SRM) and Safety on a quarterly basis on status of identified risks and
Assurance activities within System Operations. Both recommended mitigations.
functions ensure that all proposed changes to the
National Airspace System (NAS) initiated by, or Core Business Initiative: Perform
affecting, System Operations correctly reflect the, and Assessments of Air Traffic
accurately assess the safety risk associated with the
proposed changes to the NAS and are in adherence to Organization Operations
FAA Order 1100.161, Air Traffic Safety Oversight, FAA The Quality Assurance Directorate identifies National
Order 1000.37, Air Traffic Organization Safety Airspace System risks and concerns through
Management System, and the FAA Safety assessments of Air Traffic Organization operations.
Management System Manual. In support of SMS Core Activity: Safety Assurance Core
implementation, Safety Promotion and Policy must for Assessments of Air Traffic
ensure all employees are aware of the principles of Organization Operations
SMS and that System Operations safety practitioners Safety assessment and analysis of Air Traffic
are trained, educated and experienced in all aspects of Organization operations.
SRM. All functions above can be verified through Activity Target 1:
documentation of safety activity in Safety Risk Conduct on-site assessments of accidents and
Management Documents (SRMD) or a Safety Risk high-profile incidents involving Air Traffic
Management Decision Memorandum (SRMDM). In Organizations operations. Identify recurrent risks
addition, various tracking mechanisms ensure NAS and causal factors, disseminate findings and
changes on all System Operations SRM activities are provide recommendations for corrective actions to
reviewed and accepted by management. appropriate Service Units. Due September 30,
Core Activity: Implement a Safety 2010
Management System (SMS) for the ATO Activity Target 2:
Provide leadership, direction and guidance to Conduct analysis of Significant Safety Events to
System Operations Directorates and staff offices identify risks and causal factor trends in Air Traffic
responsible for complying with FAA Order 1100.161, Organization operations. Disseminate findings
Air Traffic Safety Oversight and ATO Order JO and provide recommendations for corrective
1000.37, Air Traffic Organization Safety actions to appropriate Service Units.
Management System.
Activity Target 1: Minimum of one finding of Significant Safety
Track and validate conduct of safety risk Events analysis per service area per quarter
management for all System Operations initiated beginning the second quarter of FY 2010. Interim
changes to the NAS. Due September 30, 2010 targets March 31, 2010 and June 30, 2010. Due
Activity Target 2: September 30, 2010
Verify, through monitoring, safety reviews,
evaluations, audits and inspections, data tracking Core Business Target:
and analysis, and investigations, that SMS
implementation, process guidelines, and hazards
Operational Services
Continue to support the development of Runway
tracking was conducted to ensure reduced level of Incursion educational materials for distribution to aid in
risk as indicated in associated SRMDs. Due limiting Category A and B (most serious) runway
September 30, 2010 incursions to a rate of no more than 0.450 per million
Activity Target 3: operations, and maintain or improve through FY 2013.
Conduct one trail audit for SMS compliance. Due FY 2010 Target: 0.450. Operational Services will provide
September 30, 2010 new or modified educational materials will be distributed
11/17/09 Page 22 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
to various safety related venues a minimum of once a Core Business Initiative: Safety
quarter throughout fiscal year 2010.
Management System Safety
Core Business Initiative: Assurance
Operational Services Results of independent assessments will be used to
The Office of Operational Services will (1) assist and identify potential risks in the National Airspace
support the operational lines of business (LOBs) in the Systems so that those risks can be properly mitigated.
development and testing of air traffic procedures and Core Activity: Independent Operational
technology, (2) develop and market products to aid in Test & Evaluation
improving the performance of air traffic controllers, (3) Conduct Independent Operational Test & Evaluation
provides Air Traffic expertise to the LOBs in support of assessments of designated system acquisition and
Safety Risk Management panels (4) acts as the liaison modification programs to ensure operational
for the Office of Safety on Air Traffic operational readiness and compliance with Safety Risk
procedures for the Service Units, and (5) acts also as Management in support of In-Service and other
the ATO liaison for AOV, AAI and JIMDAT/CAST. Acquisition Decisions.
Core Activity: Operational Services Activity Target 1:
The Office of Operational Services will develop Working with the Independent Operational Test &
educational materials on Loss of Standard Evaluation Designation Working Group and the
Separation (LoSS) Events and Runway Incursions Independent Operational Test & Evaluation
for distribution via our Oklahoma City contract and Designation Board, prepare the FY 2011
continue Crew Resource Management training. Independent Operational Test & Evaluation
Activity Target 1: Designation Memorandum and deliver to the Vice
Development of Educational materials that reduce President of the Office of Safety. Due June 30,
Loss of Standard Separation (LoSS) Events and 2010
Runway Incursions by providing a Back to the Activity Target 2:
Basics approach that focuses on; clear Using the Independent Operational Test &
communications, situational awareness, visual Evaluation Follow-up Assessment process and the
separation and protection of runway surfaces. Due In-Service Decisions Action Plan Status, measure
September 30, 2010 the number of significant issues or hazards
Activity Target 2: identified subsequent to and within six months of
Development of an Air Traffic Front Line Manager the programs respective In-Service Decisions.
(FLM) Quick Reference Guide (QRG). This Independent Operational Test & Evaluation Follow
reference guide provides FLMs with practical -up Report target due dates are not listed due to
strategies for managing and improving controller the inherent dependency on respective programs
performance as well as addressing specific factors schedule that are not available at this time. Due
that contribute to significant reportable events. September 30, 2010
Phase 1 and 2, development of best practice Activity Target 3:
strategies from EnRoute and Tower FLMs have Using the Independent Operational Test &
been completed already. Phase 3, development of Evaluation Follow-up Assessment process,
best practice strategies from TRACON FLMs will measure the number of significant issues or
be done by January 30, 2010. Briefing for hazards, identified during Independent Operational
SUPCOM by January 30, 2010. A deployment plan Test & Evaluation, which are addressed within six
by February 28, 2010; and the Quick Reference months of the program's respective In-Service
Guide (QRG) complete by the end of April. Due Independent Operational Test & Evaluation Follow
April 30, 2010 -up Report target due dates are not listed due to
the inherent dependency on respective programs
Core Business Target: Safety schedule that are not available at this time. Due
Management System Safety September 30, 2010

Assurance Core Activity: Safety Management

Continue to conduct independent assessments of new System Safety Assurance
and Conduct at least two independent assessments per Conduct Safety Independent Assessments of
year on either new and existing programs, systems selected systems or procedures as directed by the
modifications or operational procedures to ensure Vice President of the Office of Safety or the Director
operational readiness and compliance with Safety Risk of the Office of Safety Management System.
Management. Activity Target 1:
Measure the number of items in the individual
action plans for each assessment, which are
addressed within six months of being reported to

11/17/09 Page 23 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

the respective Program Office. Due September Core Activity: Runway Safety
30, 2010 Reduce the risk of serious runway incursions
through the promotion and raised awareness of
Core Business Target: Data and available risk mitigations, including: runway safety
Analysis Group technology; training; education. Ensure national
runway safety program coordination to ensure
Ensure monthly gathering and distribution of the Office of
Safety risk reduction data and information. effective implementation of these mitigations.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Risk Continued support of field activities to educate and
promote runway risk mitigation initiatives. The
Reduction Information Group Regional Runway Safety Program Managers will
conduct and/or support 10 local and regional
Runway Safety Action Team meetings at various
Core Activity: Risk Reduction facilities in each Region. Throughout FY 2010.
Information Group Due September 30, 2010
Ensure monthly gathering and distribution of Office Activity Target 2:
of Safety risk reduction data and information.
Continued support of Operational Error and
Activity Target 1: Runway Incursion Reduction activities in the Field
Continue monthly development of analytical and support investigations of runway safety
information from data collected to establish and events. Due September 30, 2010
monitor safety performance metrics. Due Activity Target 3:
September 30, 2010
Ensure the coordination of national runway safety
Core Activity: Safety Risk Management program field and FAA Headquarters activities.
Tracking System Data Enhancements Perform Quarterly Performance Reviews meetings
Assist in refining the data used to collect and report with the Regional Runway Safety Program
Safety Risk Management information through the Managers. The review of the fourth quarter of
Safety Risk Management Tracking System. FY09 will be conducted before the end of the
Activity Target 1: calendar year. Due December 31, 2009
Complete a Phase 2 Preliminary Design Review Activity Target 4:
by April 10, 2010. Complete a Phase 2 Ensure the coordination of national runway safety
Operational Testing by the end of the fiscal year. program field and FAA Headquarters activities.
Due September 30, 2010 Perform Quarterly Performance Reviews meetings
with the Regional Runway Safety Program
Core Activity: Centralized Safety Data Managers. The review of the first quarter of FY10
Repository will be conducted before the end of the second
Implement a single Safety Data System that quarter. Due March 31, 2010
combines safety information from existing Activity Target 5:
Ensure the coordination of national runway safety
Activity Target 1:
program field and FAA Headquarters activities.
Complete development and testing by the end of Perform Quarterly Performance Reviews meetings
the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 with the Regional Runway Safety Program
Managers. The review of the second quarter of
Core Business Target: Runway FY10 will be conducted before the end of the third
Safety quarter. Due June 30, 2010
Continue to limit Category A and B (most serious) Activity Target 6:
runway incursions to a rate of no more than 0.450 per Ensure the coordination of national runway safety
million operations, and maintain or improve through FY program field and FAA Headquarters activities.
2013. Perform Quarterly Performance Reviews meetings
with the Regional Runway Safety Program
Core Business Initiative: Runway Managers. The review of the third quarter FY10
Safety will be conducted before the end of the fiscal year.
Manage efforts of the Headquarters' Runway Safety Due September 30, 2010
Program staff and the field offices (in conjunction with Activity Target 7:
the Regional Administrators) to continue improving Review runway incursion events and assess event
and providing educational training and awareness severity. Review events for trending and new
tools to commercial and General Aviation pilots, airport hazard identification. Weekly reports will be
vehicle operators and air traffic controllers. prepared based upon Runway Incursion
Assessment Meetings. Due September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 24 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Activity Target 8: direct mail, advertisements, trade shows, fly-ins,
Conduct promotional and outreach activities to air shows, conferences, Flight Instructor Refresher
raise awareness of runway surface operational Clinics, meetings, briefings, special events, web
risks as well as available mitigations. Conduct sites, news releases, news articles and feature
briefings and promotional activities at two major fly stories, brochures, videos, promotional giveaways
-ins/airshows. Complete one briefing by April 30, and specialty items, i.e. sticky notes or bumper
2010. Complete remaining briefing by the end of stickers. Plan will address the vast array of issues
August. Due August 31, 2010 and requirements that various stakeholders
present with respect to runway safety. Outreach
Activity Target 9:
themes will be structured to convey specific
Conduct an International Runway Safety Summit messages to the various audiences, including but
to raise the awareness of runway safety risk not limited to attention to detail, potential
mitigation efforts worldwide, identify new issues distractions, requesting assistance,
and trends, and coordinate activities. Due miscommunications, familiarity with signs and
December 31, 2009 markings, available new technology, revised ATC
Core Activity: Continuous Improvement procedures and instruction language such as "Line
The essence of improving runway safety is Up and Wait", etc. The task will involve dozens of
education and awareness for pilots, air traffic messages via hundreds of techniques to reach
controllers and airport vehicle drivers. This includes: tens of thousands or more. Communications plan
training; development, production and dissemination to be updated by December 31, 2009. Remaining
of educational materials; workshops; flight instructor activities due by the end of the fiscal year. Due
and flight school outreach; curriculum building; September 30, 2010
collaborative operations planning; and technology.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Target: In-Service
Regional Runway Safety Program Managers Decision Secretariat
(RRSPMs), work with personnel from Air Traffic, Ensure that 100% of applicable programs conform to the
Airports, the FAA Acquisition System Toolset In-Service Decision process.
Team, (FAASTeam), Flight Standards, and
cooperation airports, industry firms and Core Business Initiative: In-Service
associations to design, develop, and update Decision Secretariat
educational curricula. The primary focus is to Ensure the implementation of the Deployment
achieve optimal runway safety practices and Planning Process and In-Service Decision as
procedures with an emphasis on ways to minimize governed by the Federal Aviation Administration
cause-related factors and maximize safety and Acquisition Management System policy.
awareness during surface operations. Curriculum Core Activity: In-Service Decision (ISD)
is designed to target aircraft, vehicle and
pedestrian runway, taxiway and ramp movements. Secretariat
Specific audiences are pilots, controllers, vehicle Ensure the implementation of the Deployment
drivers, airport management, and ramp personnel. Planning Process and In-Service Decision as
Curriculum's continuing development and multi- governed by the FAA Acquisition Management
media format will be based on targeted audiences. System policy.
Educational materials are appropriately structured Activity Target 1:
to convey specific and relevant runway safety Provide guidance, facilitate the Deployment
messages. Specifics include determination of Planning Process, and ensure compliance of the
appropriate information and messaging, the best In-Service Decision process for applicable
media to transmit information, i.e. printed programs, as measured by feedback from
materials, internet, DVDs, email, live briefings, customers. Interim progress report due April 15,
etc., and the assessment of best venues to reach 2010. Due September 30, 2010
targeted audiences. Specific identification of
stakeholders to be determined by December 31, Core Business Target: Analysis
2009. Remaining activities due by the end of the of Surface Safety Data
fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 Under the Runway Safety Analysis program, initiate
Activity Target 2: development of a Runway Safety Hazard Tracking
Structure and implement a communications System to: (1) identify and track runway safety hazards,
strategy to reach the maximum number of pilots (2) Monitor Runway Safety Action Team activity to
(GA, airline, business), controllers (federal and ensure that hazards and Runway Safety Action Team
contract towers), drivers, ramp personnel, airport action items are consistent. The prototype hazard
management, and industry groups on a regular tracking system will be completed by June 30, 2010.
and continuing basis. Communications methods
include Runway Safety Action Team meetings,
11/17/09 Page 25 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Analysis of Core Business Initiative: Improve
Surface Safety Data Global Safety Metrics
Runway incursions and other surface incidents merit Metrics provide baselines for safety performance to
continuous analysis for trends in types of incidents, assess system performance and to examine the
causal and coincident factors and outcome to help effects of changes in procedures or equipment on
manage risk. aviation safety. This work will continue to refine and
Core Activity: Analysis of Surface implement enhanced safety metrics and work with the
Safety Data international aviation community Civil Air Navigation
This task will include: (1) conducting specific Services Organisation to develop global safety metrics
analyses to address operational issues as they arise and analyze global safety trends using these metrics.
(such as specific inquiries and analyses to support Core Activity: Refinement of Safety
risk assessments and other Safety Management Metrics through Civil Air Navigation
tasks), and (2) initiating a contract to develop Services Organisation
statistical tools to evaluate hazard mitigation Metrics provide baselines for safety performance to
effectiveness. assess system performance and to examine the
Activity Target 1: effects of changes in procedures or equipment on
Conduct two mandatory briefings on the results of aviation safety. This work will continue to refine and
runway incursion data analysis. The interim implement enhanced safety metrics and work with
briefing will be conducted by the second quarter. the international aviation community Civil Air
Due March 31, 2010 Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) to
Activity Target 2: develop global safety metrics. The Office of Safety
Conduct two mandatory briefings on the results of will provide support to Federal Aviation
runway incursion data analysis. The final briefing Administration Civil Air Navigation Services
conducted by the end of the fiscal year. Due Organisation activities to develop global safety
September 30, 2010 metrics for runway safety and losses of Instrument
Activity Target 3: Flight Rule (IFR)-IFR in FY 2009, this work is
scheduled to include work within Civil Air Navigation
Develop material for inclusion in the Runway Services Organisation.
Safety Annual Report Due end of the fiscal year.
Activity Target 1:
Due September 30, 2010
Support to Federal Aviation Administration Civil Air
Activity Target 4:
Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO)
A minimum of two reports on the results of activities to refine global safety metrics for runway
Runway Incursion data analysis coinciding with the safety and losses of Instrument Flight Rule IFR-
briefings will be produced. First report by the end IFR. In FY 2010, this work is scheduled to include
of the second quarter. Due March 31, 2010 work within Civil Air Navigation Services
Activity Target 5: Organisation to refine the metrics used to describe
A minimum of two reports on the results of the severity of IFR-IFR losses of separation and
Runway Incursion data analysis coinciding with the runway incursions. Due September 30, 2010
briefings will be produced. Final report produced Activity Target 2:
before the end of the fiscal year. Due September Begin development of a runway safety risk model
30, 2010 for use within Civil Air Navigation Services
Activity Target 6: Organisation (CANSO). Due September 30, 2010
Initiate a contract to develop statistical tools
(including Coordinate Hierarchical Bayesian Core Business Target: Analysis
Modeling) to evaluate the effectiveness of hazard
mitigations. Due September 30, 2010
of Causal and Coincident
Factors in Losses of Standard
Core Business Target:
Expanding Global Awareness of Beginning in FY 2010, the Air Traffic Organization will
Key Safety Metrics maintain a System Loss Index, the average of Measures
of Loss for all reported losses of standard Radio
In FY 2010 the ATO will adopt a safety management
Detection And Ranging (RADAR) separation. The Air
system (SMS) based scheme to analyze all air traffic
Traffic Organization will identify causal and coincident
incidents in which less than 66% of required RADAR
factors for all events involving less that 66% required
separation is maintained, establishing Risk and Reliability
RADAR separation and will use a safety management
factors for each event.
system based risk scheme to focus corrective resources
on the most serious trends. The Air Traffic Organization
will ensure that the System Loss Index improves by at
11/17/09 Page 26 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
least 0.01 of the FY 2010 baseline index through FY Develop a comprehensive plan for training activity
2011. by embedding safety thinking throughout the
training lifecycle. Due April 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Analysis of Activity Target 2:
Causal and Coincident Factors in Develop safety culture guidance document in
Losses of Standard Separation accordance with the Safety Management System
Order 1030.1A. Due June 30, 2010
Selling the Separation Conformance Index as the
replacement to the former Operational Errors A and B Activity Target 3:
categorization. Develop a coordinated approach for
Continued analysis of the causal factors for Losses of communicating safety culture in all safety
Standard Separation is required to support the programs. Due August 30, 2010
development of error mitigation strategies. As new Activity Target 4:
procedures and decision-support tools are Conduct ATO-wide safety culture survey to
implemented, trends in Losses of Standard Separation measure improvements in safety culture by
need to be monitored to detect measurable effects on comparing results with baseline data from 2008
safety. survey of twelve facilities. Due September 30,
Core Activity: Analysis of Causal and 2010
Coincident Factors in Losses of
Standard Separation Core Business Target:
Analyze Federal Aviation Administration reports on International Organization for
Losses of Standard Separation in the Terminal
Radar Approach Control and Air Route Traffic Standardization 9001
Control Center environments. Analyze Aviation In FY 2010, the Air Traffic Organization Office of Safety
Safety Reporting System reports, as needed, to will attain International Organization for Standardization
complement the analyses of Losses of Standard Registration in two Directorates.
Separation (LoSS) data. This task will also include
specific analyses to address operational issues as Core Business Initiative:
needed. International Organization for
Activity Target 1: Standardization 9001 Registration
Conduct a briefing on the results of Losses of The Office of Safety is on the path to International
Standard Separation (LoSS) data analysis. Due Organization for Standardization certification.
May 31, 2010
Activity Target 2: The International Organization for Standardization
Produce a written report on the results of Losses requires that we:
of Standard Separation (LoSS) data analysis. Due - Plan our services and products
August 15, 2010 - Perform our services and produce our products
- Measure the quality of our services and products
Core Business Target: Safety - Improve our services and products based on the
results of those measurements
Culture - International Organization for Standardization
In FY 2010, the Office of Safety's Safety Culture group requires us to integrate six processes into our day-to-
will establish the baseline of how safety culture is day activities. These processes are Document Control,
currently impacting organizational safety throughout Control of Records, Corrective Action, Preventive
100% of the Air Traffic Organization. Action, Action to Correct Non-Conforming Products
Core Business Initiative: Continual and Services, and Internal Audits.
Core Activity: Realize Benefits of
Improvement International Organization for
The role of the Office of Safety, Safety Culture group is
to achieve overall improvements to the safety culture Standardization 9001 Implementation
of the Air Traffic Organization. We intend to enable Begin Implementation of International Organization
improvements to the safety culture within the Air for Standardization 9001 process required for
Traffic Organization by providing safety culture International Organization for Standardization
education, communication tools and resources. Registration. Implement International Organization
Core Activity: Safety Culture Awareness for Standardization 9001 processes to realize
Establish Safety Culture training programs based on improvements in business practices including
survey results that ensure we are aligned with documentation control, control of records,
agency goals and drive continuous improvement. continuous process improvements and stakeholder
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1:

11/17/09 Page 27 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Achieve International Organization for changes, or user/customer requests, etc.). Complete
Standardization Registration in one Directorate by obstacle evaluations and analyze for IFP impact.
the end of the third quarter. Due June 30, 2010 Issue procedural Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs).
Activity Target 2: Complete Army workload (original IFPs,
Achieve International Organization for amendments, and reviews) IAW Army Foreign
Standardization Registration in one additional Terminal Instrument Procedure requirements.
Directorate by the end of the fiscal year. Due
September 30, 2010 The production amounts listed in the following
Activity Targets represent historical averages. FY10
Core Business Target: <STI performance will be assessed based on actual
production requirements for the period.
Candidate> Provide WAAS Activity Target 1:
service at 500 runway ends. Publish 150 new IFPs (non-Flight Plan
WAAS procedures. requirements). Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Complete 2,500 amendments/revisions. Due
Core Business Initiative: Provide September 30, 2010
WAAS Service Activity Target 3:
Ensure WAAS Service Availability Army workload: Complete 80 original; 50
amendments; and
Core Activity: NAS Implementation 415 reviews. Due September 30, 2010
WAAS Procedures Core Activity: Instrument Flight
Activity Target 1: Procedures Automation (IFPA); CIP
Provide WAAS service at 500 additional runway A14.02-01
ends. Due September 30, 2010 Develop a next generation IT tool suite which
creates products using fully integrated solutions for
Core Business Target: <STI visual and instrument flight procedures.
Candidate> Instrument Flight Activity Target 1:
Deploy (ISD/IOC) AIRNAV 2.0 - Airports, NavAids
Procedures and Charting by 3rd Qtr FY10 Due March 31, 2010
production activities Activity Target 2:
Complete 99% of the required Instrument Flight Complete Requirements for IFP-Enroute by 4th Qtr
Procedures and Charting production activities to support FY10 Due September 30, 2010
the safe and efficient movement of aircraft within the Activity Target 3:
NAS. Complete Requirements for IFP-Departure by 4th
Qtr FY10 Due September 30, 2010
The production amounts listed in the Activity Targets
represent historical averages. FY10 performance will be Core Activity: Charting
assessed based on actual production requirements for Complete non-procedural chart changes/revisions.
the period. Complete revisions on Visual Aeronautical Charts.
Complete revisions to Enroute Hi/Low (Controller &
Core Business Initiative: National Planning) aeronautical charts. Complete
Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) maintenance
Aeronautical Navigation Services revisions to include line changes; airport diagram
Implement business process re-engineering initiatives changes; and airport sketch changes. Maintain
as defined within the High Performing Organization Obstacle Repository System. Complete Minimum
(HPO) Plan to achieve efficiency gains and improve Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) maps, Radar Video
quality within the design, development, charting and Maps (RVM), and editions for digital products
maintenance of instrument flight procedures (IFPs); maintenance, Complete reproduction and
plan/direct the construction, maintenance and distribution services.
publication of aeronautical charts/publications and the
collection and verification of aeronautical data. The production amounts listed in the following
Core Activity: Instrument Flight Activity Targets represent historical averages. FY10
Procedures performance will be assessed based on actual
Publish new IFPs. Complete IFP production requirements for the period.
amendments/revisions (e.g., NAVAID facility Activity Target 1:
relocations, NAVAID decommissionings, airport Complete 19,700 non-procedural chart
infrastructure changes, construction of new changes/revisions. Due September 30, 2010
obstacles, criteria changes, magnetic variation
11/17/09 Page 28 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2: original and amended IFPs. Conduct inspections of
Complete 60,530 revisions on 200 Visual IFPs within the periodic interval. Conduct inspections
Aeronautical Charts. Due September 30, 2010 for Dept of Defense under current agreements and
Activity Target 3: directives. Perform aircraft, avionics, and flight
inspection systems modifications/upgrades. Conduct
Complete 134,900 revisions on 1,036 Enroute visual inspections for sectional and terminal area
Hi/Low Charts. Due September 30, 2010 charts. Conduct inspections of helicopter IFPs.
Activity Target 4: Develop policy and publish technical directives,
Complete 38,000 Airport/Facility Directory line revisions, or changes driven by ICAO documents,
changes on 54 books; 800 airport diagrams; and FAA directives, or aircraft manufacturer guidance
1,300 airport sketches. Due September 30, 2010 and conduct training IAW FARs and ICAO guidance.
Activity Target 5:
Complete 15,600 obstacle verifications. Due Note: The production amounts listed in the following
September 30, 2010 Activity Targets represent historical averages. FY10
Activity Target 6: performance will be assessed based on actual
production requirements for the period.
Create/build 18 new MSAW sites, maintain 300
MSAW sites, create 1,370 RVM, complete 3,630
Activity Target 1:
RVM revisions, and maintain 300 digital product
editions. Due September 30, 2010 Conduct 3,753 inspections for NAVAID
Activity Target 7: commissionings, reconfigurations, and
restorations. Due September 30, 2010
Print 2,608,840 product copies and distribute Activity Target 2:
11,265,000 product copies. Due September 30,
2010 Conduct 6,317 NAVAID periodic flight inspections.
Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: <STI Activity Target 3:
Complete NAVAID de-commissioning inspections
Candidate> Periodic flight as requested (TBD). Due September 30, 2010
inspections Activity Target 4:
Complete 99% of periodic flight inspections prior to the Conduct 16 RFI missions. Due September 30,
expiration date. 2010
Activity Target 5:
The production amounts listed in the Activity Targets Conduct 11 post accident inspections. Due
represent historical averages. FY10 performance will be September 30, 2010
assessed based on actual production requirements for Activity Target 6:
the period.
Conduct 2,450 original and amended IFP
Core Business Initiative: Flight inspections . Due September 30, 2010
Inspection Operations Activity Target 7:
Conduct airborne inspection of electronic signals from Conduct 3,579 IFP inspections within periodic
ground-based NAVAIDS supporting aircraft departure, interval. Due September 30, 2010
en route, and arrival procedures. Evaluate flight Activity Target 8:
procedures for accuracy, human factors flyability, and Conduct 2,057 inspections for DoD. Due
obstacle clearance. Perform IFP flight validation based September 30, 2010
upon Global Navigation Satellite System and aircraft Activity Target 9:
flight management systems; assess regional/local Perform aircraft upgrades as required IAW aircraft
augmentation system performance (e.g., WAAS, maintenance. Due September 30, 2010
LAAS, DME/DME). Provide airborne performance and Activity Target 10:
coverage evaluation of surveillance radars, Precision
Runway Monitoring systems, and NextGen Conduct 50 visual inspections for sectional and
technologies like ADS-B and ASDE-X. terminal area charts. Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Flight Inspection Activity Target 11:
Conduct flight inspection of NAVAIDS for Conduct 271 inspections of helicopter IFPs. Due
commissionings, reconfigurations, and restorations. September 30, 2010
Conduct periodic flight inspection of NAVAIDS. Activity Target 12:
Complete NAVAID decommissioning inspections. Publish 37 directives; complete 61 training events;
Conduct missions to investigate radio frequency 100 aircraft check rides; and 40 mission
interference (RFI) impacting NAVAIDs and evaluations. Due September 30, 2010
communications. Conduct inspections to support
post-accident investigations. Conduct inspections of

11/17/09 Page 29 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: Aircraft Related Core Activity: Provide ALSF-2 system
Equipment (ARE); CIP M12.00-00 Provide ALSF-2 system
Aircraft, Avionics, and Flight Inspection Systems
Modifications/Upgrades Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Provide one (1) High Intensity Approach Lighting
Next Generation Automated Flight Inspection System with Sequenced Flashing Lights (ALSF-2).
System (NAFIS) - Continue development of AFIS Due September 30, 2010 Due September 30,
tech refresh and system upgrade. Due September 2010
30, 2010 Core Activity: Provide REIL systems
Activity Target 2: Provide REIL systems
Continue development of the BE-300 navigational
FMS and avionics systems. Due September 30, Activity Target 1:
2010 Provide ten (10) Runway End Identification Lights
(REIL). Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: <STI Core Activity: Provide RVR systems
Candidate> Add 1 procedure for Provide RVR systems
Emergency Medical Services Activity Target 1:
(EMS) operations flying WAAS Procure and deliver five (5) Runway Visual Range
(RVR) systems. Due September 30, 2010
WAAS procedure.
Core Activity: Provide PAPI systems
Provide PAPI systems
Core Business Initiative: Provide
Activity Target 1:
WAAS Service Procure and deliver five (5) Precision Approach
Ensure WAAS Service Availability
Path Indicators (PAPI). Due March 31, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: NAS Implementation
WAAS Procedure Procure and deliver an additional ten (10) for a
total of fifteen (15) Precision Approach Path
Activity Target 1: Indicator. Due September 30, 2010
Provide one (1) WAAS procedure for EMS Core Activity: Attain service for PAPI
operations. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: <STI Attain service for PAPI systems

Candidate> Achieve 90% of Activity Target 1:

Attain service availability for five (5) Precision
Activity Targets to Provide Approach Path Indicators (PAPI). Due September
Navigation Landing Aids to NAS 30, 2010

Users. Core Activity: Attain service for MALSR

Provide Navigation Services systems
Attain service for MALSR systems

Core Business Initiative: Ensure Activity Target 1:

Attain service availability for a total of four (4)
Ground Based and Lighting Medium Intensity Approach Lighting Systems
Systems are available for the NAS (MALSR) locations. Due September 30, 2010
The ground based systems along with required
approach lighting systems directly impact both system
Core Activity: Attain service for ALSF-2
safety and capacity at equipped runways by providing system
precision approach for aircraft in adverse weather Attain service for ALSF-2 system
conditions. Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Provide MALSR systems Attain service availability for one (1) (Establish)
Provide MALSR systems
ALSF-2. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Procure and deliver five (5) Medium Intensity
Approach Lighting Systems (MALSR). Due
September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 30 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Attain service for REIL Crew Resource Management training for controller
systems personnel at twenty Terminal facilities, and one
Attain service for REIL systems remaining EnRoute facility during fiscal year 2010. Our
office will also conduct follow-up Crew Resource
Activity Target 1: Management workshops at twelve facilities where
Attain service availability for a total of ten (10) workshops have previously been conducted. This training
Runway End Identification Lights (REIL). Due is ATC specific and focuses on individuals and teams
September 30, 2010 identifying the risks and threats in the operational
environment, and applying methods to avoid mistakes
Core Activity: Initiate RVR projects at which can lead to runway incursions and airborne events.
additional runway ends
Initiate RVR projects at additional runway ends
Core Business Initiative: Crew
Activity Target 1: Resource Management Training
Initiate five (5) Runway Visual Range (RVR) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Crew
projects at additional runway ends. Due Resource Management (CRM) workshops are ATC-
September 30, 2010 specific, operationally-oriented, and relevant to the
Core Activity: Provide DME systems daily operations and safety culture of each facility. By
Provide DME systems focusing on Teamwork, Individual Performance, and
Threat and Error Management, CRM principles and
Activity Target 1: methods are used to identify and eliminate individual,
Provide twelve (12) (Establish/Commercial team, and system vulnerabilities, and apply
Aviation Safety Team(CAST)) DME Systems for countermeasures to those that remain.
installation. Due June 30, 2010
Operational Services will continue assist the
Core Activity: Attain service for DME operational lines of business by implementing Crew
systems Resource Management through the following methods
Attain service for DME systems - Initial Crew Resource Management workshop
delivery; follow-up with facilities where workshops
Activity Target 1:
were held; develop and deliver refresher Crew
Attain service availability for one (1) (Establish/ Resource Management briefings; develop and deliver
Commercial Aviation Safety Team CAST) DME Crew Resource Management course for front line
System. Due June 30, 2010 managers; and develop a process to measure the
Activity Target 2: effectiveness of Crew Resource Management.
Attain service availability for two (2) additional Core Activity: Crew Resource
(Establish/ Commercial Aviation Safety Team Management Training
CAST) DME locations for a total of three (3). Due The Office of Safety's Operational Services
September 30, 2010 directorate will continue Crew Resource
Core Business Initiative: Achieve Management training to foster a culture of teamwork
designed to help the controller detect, and correct
90% of Activity Targets to Provide controller and pilot mistakes before they result in
Navigation Landing Aids to NAS Loss of Standard Separation (LoSS) Events or
Users Activity Target 1:
Provide Navigation Services
Train controllers at ten Terminal facilities and train
Cadre instructors for one remaining EnRoute
Core Activity: Provide Navigation facility. Interim target of five Terminal facilities by
Services March 31, 2010. The remaining facilities will be
Provide Navigation Services trained by end of the fiscal year. Due September
30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2:
Achieve 90% of activity targets to provide
navigation landing aids to NAS users. Due Train controllers at ten facilities identified by
September 30, 2010 Terminal Headquarters as requiring special
attention. Due May 31, 2010
Core Business Target: Crew Activity Target 3:
Conduct follow-up Crew Resource Management
Resource Management Training workshops at twelve facilities where workshops
In support of the strategic goals of limiting the Category A
have been previously conducted. Due August 31,
and B runway incursions and airborne events, the Office
of Safety Operational Services will conduct initial
11/17/09 Page 31 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Target: Analyze Activity Target 2:
Complete Alaska In-Flight icing analysis capability
Information for FAA test approval. Due August 31, 2010
Develop one corporate analytical tool to analyze
information and feedback within fiscal year Core Business Target:
Core Business Initiative: Quality Aerospace Performance Factor
Operational implementation of the Aerospace
Standards Performance Factor for safety is targeted for FY 2010 to
Develop tools to analyze information. be concurrent with the full implementation of the Federal
Aviation Administration Air Traffic Organization's Safety
Core Activity: Provide corporate Management System.
business processes and technical
quality standards. Core Business Initiative: Safety
Provide corporate business processes and technical Management System Tool -
quality standards. Aerospace Performance Factor
Activity Target 1: The Aerospace Performance Factor is a multiyear
Develop corporate analytical tools Air Traffic graphic presentation of Air Traffic Organization safety
Service Business Model (ATSBM). Due based on multiple safety indicators that have been
September 30, 2010 combined, weighted, and normalized by total system
Activity Target 2: operations. It offers a "Dow Jones Industrial Average"
Develop corporate analytical tools for the Data type of presentation of performance while
Management Team (DMT). Due September 30, incorporating "drill down" capability to analyze
2010 causative factors associated with system wide change.

Core Business Target: Aviation Through both statistical calculation and historic
operational performance, the Aerospace Performance
Weather Factor offers the establishment of a performance band
By 2014, improve the quality of convective weather associated with a Tolerable Level of Safety or an
forecasts that support aviation strategic planning at 4 and Acceptable Level of Risk, whereby trends can be
6 hour lead-time by reducing over and under forecasting observed and managed.
by 5%, while also increasing the critical success index by Core Activity: Aerospace Performance
Factor Progression
Goal of FY 2010 is to develop multi-En Route facility
By 2014, improve the quality of icing forecasts to mitigate
Aerospace Performance Factor, and enhance
the impact of significant icing on aircraft safety by
database source inputs.
increasing the volume efficiency by 5%.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Aviation Develop a multi-En Route facility Aerospace
Weather Performance Factor to assess feasibility of
Conduct research and development prototyping and expanding the methodology throughout the
evaluation of operational improvements in selected National Airspace System. Due June 1, 2010
forecasts. Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Operational Suitability Enhance database source inputs into the
Demonstrate the operational suitability of weather Aerospace Performance Factor(s). Due
forecast products required by NextGen to September 30, 2010
designated users. Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 1: Complete assessment of feasibility of transitioning
Establish Continental United States (CONUS) 0-6 to a "departure, cruise, approach" phase of flight
hr convective weather forecast demonstration. for data display. Due September 30, 2010
Due August 31, 2010
Core Business Target:
Core Activity: Scientific Advances
Demonstrate the scientific advances required for Document and report Tech Ops
advanced weather forecast products required by
Runway Incursions.
By the 5th of every month, document and report Tech
Activity Target 1:
Ops runway incursions.
Develop High Ice Water Content (HIWC) prototype
algorithm and provide case study report. Due
August 31, 2010
11/17/09 Page 32 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Analyze Core Activity: Analyze Risk Assessment
Analyze Risk Assessment
runway incursions
Document and analyze runway incursions Activity Target 1:
Ensure SRM documentation (SRMD or SRMDM)
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure is submitted with all NCPs. Due September 30,
NAS 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Ensure a safe and secure NAS Activity Target 2:
Conduct Internal Safety Assurance Program
Activity Target 1:
(ISAP) audit to assess the establishment of a
Document and report Tech Ops related surface safety culture. Due September 30, 2010
incidents and runway incursions. Due September
30, 2010 Core Business Target: Pursue a
Core Business Target: Comply safe & learning culture.
Pursue a safe and learning culture by distributing safety
with SRM requirements. information.
Ensure 100% timely review and completion of all SRMD.
Core Business Initiative: Promote
Core Business Initiative: Complete communication.
Through communication pursue a safe and learning
required SRM activities. culture.
Complete safety risk management activities.
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure NAS.
Ensure a safe and secure NAS.
Ensure a safe and secure NAS. Activity Target 1:
Actively pursue a safety and learning culture that
Activity Target 1:
promotes communication and dissemination of
Continue to establish SMS policy to enable safety information and proactively manages
Technical Operations to realize benefits of a human performances. Due September 30, 2010
safety organization. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Core Business Target: ATO Non-
Continue to perform assurance activities to learn
and improve using corporate experience and
Punitive Safety Reporting
performance. Due September 30, 2010 System
Develop and track all safety issues (e.g., risk hazard
Core Business Target: Apply database), with a yearly commitment to address or fix the
Safety Risk management (SRM) top five of those issues. The first five will be identified
and reported out at the end of fiscal year 2010.
discipline to the NAS
Core Business Initiative: Voluntary
configuration control process. Safety Reporting - Air Traffic Safety
Implement and track AOV requirement for the ATO to
have a program that provides internal oversight, Action Program (ATSAP)
evaluation, and quality assurance. At a minimum the As part of the Administrator's Call-to-Action on surface
program must include: internal regularly scheduled and safety held during August 2007, it was recommended
no-notice inspections, evaluating recommended safety (and accepted by the Administrator) that the Air Traffic
controls and residual risk, and a process for AOV Organization implement a voluntary reporting system
inclusion, and report status quarterly. of safety related events from controllers and other
employees providing air traffic services.
Core Business Initiative: Analyze Core Activity: Continue Air Traffic
NAS Changes for Levels of Risk Safety Action Program Implementation
Analyze all NAS Changes Proposal (NCPs) to ensure The Office of Safety continues to implement a
there are acceptable levels of risk prior to configuration voluntary reporting system of safety related events
control decision. from controllers and other employees providing air
traffic services.
Activity Target 1:
Implement Air Traffic Safety Action Program for
100% of all currently assigned air traffic control
11/17/09 Page 33 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
specialists by the end of second quarter FY 2010. maintenance of instrument flight procedures (IFPs);
Due March 31, 2010 plan/direct the construction, maintenance and
Activity Target 2: publication of aeronautical charts/publications and the
Complete initial Air Traffic Safety Action Program collection and verification of aeronautical data.
training to all current air traffic control personnel Core Activity: Notice to Airmen
during FY 2010, and continue orientation training (NOTAMs)
for new personnel. Due September 30, 2010 The production amounts listed in the Activity Targets
Activity Target 3: represent historical averages. FY10 performance
Refine communications strategies and will be assessed based on actual production
products/methods used to distribute systemic requirements for the period.
safety issues discovered through the Air Traffic Activity Target 1:
Safety Action Program process to the Federal Issue 31,500 NOTAMs. Due September 30, 2010
Aviation Administration and all air traffic control
personnel. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Target:
Core Business Target: <STI Operational Errors Processes
Modify our processes for evaluations and safety audits to
Candidate> Obstacle reduce operational errors.
Evaluations (OE)
Complete 95% of Obstacle Evaluations (OE) within 15 Core Business Initiative:
working days from receipt. Operational Errors Evaluations and
The production amounts listed in the Activity Targets
represent historical averages. FY10 performance will be
Investigations Processes
Continue incorporating the evaluation and audit
assessed based on actual production requirements for
process with air traffic incident investigations process
the period.
to facilitate identification of mitigations.
Core Business Initiative: National Core Activity: Continual Improvements
Aeronautical Navigation Services in Evaluation and Investigation
Implement business process re-engineering initiatives Processes
as defined within the High Performing Organization Modify our processes for evaluations and
(HPO) Plan to achieve efficiency gains and improve investigations to reduce operational errors.
quality within the design, development, charting and Activity Target 1:
maintenance of instrument flight procedures (IFPs); Conduct specialized assessments at six EnRoute
plan/direct the construction, maintenance and facilities, Large/Combined Terminal Radar
publication of aeronautical charts/publications and the Approach Control (TRACON) facilities, or OEP-35
collection and verification of aeronautical data. Airport Traffic Control Towers. Due September 30,
Core Activity: Obstacle Evaluations 2010
(OE) Activity Target 2:
. Conduct six specialized assessment of technical
operations on the National Airspace System
Activity Target 1:
Technical Evaluation Program. Due September 30,
Complete 55,300 obstacle evaluations. Due 2010
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 3:
Core Business Target: <STI Conduct onsite investigations of serious trends,
incidents and accidents as needed; minimum 12
Candidate> Notice to Airmen per year. Due September 30, 2010
(NOTAMs) for unscheduled Core Business Target: ATO
facility outages Voluntary Safety Reporting
Issue 80% Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs) for unscheduled
facility outages within the first hour of notification and System
issue 100% within two hours of notification. Work towards implementing a voluntary safety reporting
system in the Air Traffic Organization Technical
Core Business Initiative: National Operations Service Unit
Aeronautical Navigation Services
Implement business process re-engineering initiatives Core Business Initiative: Voluntary
as defined within the High Performing Organization Safety Reporting System
(HPO) Plan to achieve efficiency gains and improve
quality within the design, development, charting and
11/17/09 Page 34 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
As part of the Administrator's Call-to-Action on surface safety inspection as completed or incomplete in the
safety held during August 2007, it was recommended supervisor's performance plan documentation.
(and accepted by the Administrator) that the Air Traffic Examining selected inspection reports is a measure of
Organization (ATO) implement a voluntary reporting the compliance with this Occupational Safety and
system of safety related events from employees Health Administration and FAA requirement.
providing air traffic services. Additionally, we will ensure employee safety
Core Activity: Continue the Voluntary performance is measured by accurate documentation
Reporting System Program of injury and illness and hazard reporting in the Safety
Management Information System. Information from
Implementation this Safety Management Information System database
Technical employees of the ATO that actively
is captured and used to validate that injuries are
operate, maintain, and certify the systems and
reported and investigated, and that hazards are
equipment of the National Airspace System (NAS)
reported and abated. It is also our responsibility to
will implement a voluntary reporting system for
follow the Federal Aviation Administration Employee
safety related events.
Safety Management Evaluation criteria which requires
Activity Target 1: management to communicate Employee Safety
Initiate Formal negotiations with PASS and FAA Awareness messages to employees annually. A
(ATO and AOV) regarding establishment of a simple examination of the documentation of this
voluntary reporting system agreement by the end communication demonstrates to employees that
of the second quarter of fiscal year 2010. Due management cares about their workplace safety. All
March 31, 2010 resulting data is reported in the Air Traffic
Activity Target 2: Organization, Federal Aviation Administration and
Draft a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that Department of Transportation Annual Occupational
identifies items of agreement and remaining issues Safety and Health Report to the President of the
towards completion of an MOA by the end of fiscal United States through the Department of Labor.
year 2010 Due September 30, 2010 Core Activity: Employee Safety
Core Business Target: Employee Increase employee performance of safety practices
Safety Performance in the Air Traffic Organization.
Coordinate and leverage the employee safety Activity Target 1:
performance activities within 100% of the Air Traffic Measure and report 100% employee safety
Organization's lines of business by the end of fiscal year training completions in the Electronic Learning
2010. Management System. Interim status reports to be
provided to Director of Safety Programs no later
Core Business Initiative: Air Traffic than the last day of each quarter. Due September
Organization Employee Safety 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
The role of the Office of Safety Employee Safety Assess 20% of the workplace inspection trends in
Performance office is to improve and leverage Workplace Inspection Tool. Status report due to
employee safety performance activities within the Air Director of Safety Programs by June 30, 2010.
Traffic Organization. Our goal is to ensure that all Due September 30, 2010
lines of business provide a baseline level of training to Activity Target 3:
all Air Traffic Organization employees on a regular Assess 90% of the injury and illness and hazard
basis. Employee safety performance is measured Unsatisfactory Conditions Report trends in Safety
through the tracking of safety training completions. Management Information System. Interim status
Then, performance of the practices taught will reports to be provided to Director of Safety
demonstrate that the employees comprehend the Programs no later than the last day of each
practices. This will lead to a safer working quarter. Due September 30, 2010
environment for all employees. We will also improve Activity Target 4:
employee safety performance by conducting safety Assess 100% of management safety
inspections. The Workplace Inspection Tool captures communications sent to employees and report
inspections. This information can then be used to twice annually. First report due no later than April
track the safety performance of management in 30, 2010. Remaining report due by the end of the
providing a workplace free from recognized hazards. fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration and Occupational
Safety and Health Administration policy require the Core Activity: Employee Safety
inspections. Employee Safety Program Management Implement programs to improve employee safety
Evaluations have revealed that Supervisors and culture and to measure workforce actions based on
Managers do have employee safety as a performance employee performance of Occupational Safety
measure. The next step is to document the workplace Health policy, practices, and training.
11/17/09 Page 35 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 1: Core Activity: Fatigue Safety Awareness
Conduct one survey to measure employee safety
performance. This is done by promoting and Increase fatigue risk awareness throughout the Air
capturing evidence of safe work practices in at Traffic Organization.
least 20 supervisors' performance assessments. Activity Target 1:
This is followed up by coordinating with the Air Develop and coordinate Fatigue Risk awareness
Traffic Organization lines of business to make education and training plan for operational
sure that at least two employees and at least two employees and management. Initial Report due
program offices are awarded for exhibiting safe June 30, 2010. Final implementation plan report
work practices. Supervisors' survey is to be due end of the fiscal year. Due September 30,
conducted by April 30, 2010. Air Traffic
Organization line of business survey is to be
Activity Target 2:
completed by the end of the fiscal year. Due
September 30, 2010 Develop and coordinate Fatigue Risk
Activity Target 2: communication plan to provide for all Air Traffic
Organization operational employees and
Begin the application process for the Voluntary management. Initial report due June 30, 2010.
Protection Program. A template will be completed Final implementation plan report due end of the
by the end of the fiscal year. Due September 30, fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Fatigue Risk Data
Core Business Target: Air Traffic Collection
Organization Fatigue Risk Implement programs to increase content of fatigue
risk event information and fatigue safety
Management Program recommendations into current and future Air Traffic
In fiscal year 2010, provide foundational awareness of Organization safety reporting systems.
fatigue risk to two Air Traffic Organization operational Activity Target 1:
service units through informational or educational Incorporate Fatigue Risk reports into current Air
exposures. Traffic Organization safety reporting vehicles.
Initial report due June 30, 2010. Final report due
Core Business Initiative: Air Traffic end of the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Organization Fatigue Risk Activity Target 2:
Management Program Draft new fatigue risk information reporting
The role of the Fatigue Risk Management Program is vehicle(s) proposal, as required. Due August 15,
to identify and prioritize operational risks due to
Core Activity: Fatigue Risk Management
fatigue, assist in developing education and training
efforts regarding fatigue risk, and collaborate closely System
with all Service Units, labor organizations and the Collaborate with all Air Traffic Organization
fatigue science community. This collaboration will stakeholders to develop a draft design of a Fatigue
translate into developing and improving practices and Risk Mitigation System and implementation
policies that positively effect operational performance timetable, and develop Fatigue Risk portion of the
and safety through reducing fatigue risk in the Air 2010 Air Traffic Organization Safety Summit.
Traffic Organization work place. Program goals will be Activity Target 1:
pursued through (1) focused information gathering and Develop initial draft of a Fatigue Risk Management
fatigue research studies to obtain operationally System for Controller and Tech Ops work force.
relevant data, (2) collaborative assessment and Due September 15, 2010
application of that data into improved fatigue safety Activity Target 2:
means and methods within a Fatigue Risk Develop Fatigue Risk Management System
Management System to be executed by Service Units, segment of the 2010 Air Traffic Organization
and (3) provision of fatigue safety information to the Air Safety Summit. Draft agenda due January 31,
Traffic Organization work force through active 2010. Final event plan due end of the second
communications and a properly focused and layered quarter. Due March 31, 2010
education/training program. Fatigue Risk Management
Systems will also be addressed as a focus topic of the Core Business Target: Conduct
2010 Air Traffic Organization Safety Summit. Goal
attainment will be further enabled by active Aircraft Safety Research and
collaboration in the evolution of a robust and pervasive
Safety Culture.
Conduct research and deliver aircraft safety research
products that support FAA strategic goals, AVS mission
needs, identified threats to aviation safety, introduction or
11/17/09 Page 36 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
application of new technologies, maintain in-house core alloy seat structure to determine if this application
competencies and FAA unique safety laboratories. The of new metallic alloys would impact post crash fire
Aircraft Safety Research program focus areas are fire, survivability. Due July 30, 2010
propulsion and fuel, airworthiness assurance, system Activity Target 2:
safety, advanced materials, atmospheric hazards, Develop a flammability test method that measures
software and digital systems, unmanned aircraft and the in-flight fire resistance of composite fuselage
catastrophic failure prevention. 100% of comments materials. Draft report due to sponsor by
received from the research sponsors and the Research September 30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Engineering Development Advisory Committee (REDAC)
will be reviewed and reconciled for incorporation into the Core Activity: Aviation Fuels Laboratory
aircraft safety Research and Development (R&D) plan. Develop a multi-year program plan for alternative
fuel research.
Core Business Initiative: Deliver Activity Target 1:
Aircraft Safety Research Products Initiate jet fuel analysis study on aircraft that have
Conduct research and deliver aircraft-safety research flown polar routes. Start sample collection by
products that support FAA strategic goals, AVS December 31, 2009. Due December 31, 2009
mission needs, identified threats to aviation safety, Activity Target 2:
introduction or application of new technologies, and Develop a multi-year program plan to address
maintain in-house core competencies. alternative fuels research for General Aviation
Core Activity: Aircraft Safety Research aircraft. Draft report due to sponsor by September
and Development Plan 30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Formulate and execute an aircraft safety R&D plan.
Plans are developed, implemented and executed Core Business Target: Alaska
throughout the two year budget cycle resulting in
current and near term milestones being reported and
By the end of FY 2009, reduce accidents in Alaska for
updated in the National Aviation Research Plan general aviation and all Part 135 operations from the
(NARP). 2000-2002 average of 130 accidents per year to no more
Activity Target 1: than 99 accidents per year. This measure will be
Develop FY2011 Aircraft Safety R&D plan in converted from a number to a rate at the beginning of FY
coordination with sponsor (AVS) and REDAC 2010. FY 2010 Target: 1.86
Subcommittee on Aircraft Safety. Due August 31,
2010 Core Business Initiative: Implement
Activity Target 2: Automatic Dependent Surveillance -
Complete execution of FY2010 Aircraft Safety Broadcast (ADS-B) across Alaska.
R&D plan and report milestone accomplishments. Implement ADS-B across Alaska. Based on an Alaska
Due September 30, 2010 Aviation Industry Memorandum of Agreement (MOA),
Core Business Initiative: Conduct efforts will include expansion of ADS-B to remote
areas and weather and communications
Laboratory Based Applied Research improvements.
Provide Laboratory Services for Airport and Aircraft Core Activity: Continue Deployment of
Safety Research to develop technologies and test
methods that prevent accidents caused by fire, fuel
Surveillance and Broadcast Services
tank explosions and fuel compatibility. Conduct (SBS) at Key Alaska Sites
laboratory based research, engineering, and Continue deployment of Surveillance and Broadcast
development that support FAA strategic goals, AVS Services (SBS) at key Alaska sites in support of
and ARP mission needs, identified threats to aviation expanding and accelerating the implementation of
safety, and introduction or application of new safety and air navigation improvement programs in
technologies. Alaska.
Core Activity: Fire Safety Laboratories Activity Target 1:
Conduct full and small scale fire tests to develop Complete Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at
new flammability tests for aircraft materials in Juneau. Due April 30, 2010
applications where regulatory requirements are
currently nonexistent. In addition, conduct Core Business Target: Provide
flammability tests and analyses in support of
Transport Airplane Directorate (TAD) initiative Policy
Weather Products
Provide program management for capital acquisitions
Statement on Flammability Testing of Interior aimed at increasing safety.
Activity Target 1:
Conduct three full scale fire tests with magnesium
11/17/09 Page 37 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Terminal Core Activity: WSDS Work Package 1
Assist AJP to prepare Concept Requirements
Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Definition (CRD) and preliminary Investment
Service Life Extension Program Analysis documents in FY 2010 in support of Initial
(SLEP) Analysis Readiness Decision (IARD) for WSDS for
Work Package 1 (WP1).
Provide program management for capital acquisitions
aimed at increasing safety. These investments for Activity Target 1:
FY2010 include Terminal Doppler Weather System Draft OMB Exhibit 300 Attachment 1 for WSDS
(TDWR) Service Life Extension Program (SLEP). Work Package 1. Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: TDWR Elevation Drive
Enhancement modification. Greater Capacity
Install the TDWR Elevation Drive Enhancement
America's airports are the access point for the Nation to the
modification at two (2) sites.
air transportation network. We must preserve and improve
Activity Target 1: our airports -- both commercial and general aviation -- in
Install the TDWR Elevation Drive Enhancement order to prepare for the future and maintain our leading
modification at one (1) site. Due June 30, 2010 role.
Activity Target 2:
Install the TDWR Elevation Drive Enhancement Over the last several years, we've made significant strides
modification at one (1) additional site. Due to add capacity to the aviation system. Since 2000, 13 new
September 30, 2010 runways have opened and the numbers tell the story. With
just 20 miles of concrete, we've added the potential to
Core Business Initiative: Juneau accommodate 1.6 million more annual operations and
Airport Wind System (JAWS) - decrease delay per operation by about five minutes. With
roughly 5,000 aircraft in the sky at any given time, five
Harden Prototype & Implementation minutes adds up to quite a bit of fuel and a considerable
Provide program management for capital acquisitions amount of time saved. . In November 2008, FAA will
aimed at increasing safety. These investments for commission three new runways at three major airports, all
FY2010 include the Juneau Airport Weather System on the same day, an event that has never happened
(JAWS) -- Hardening and Implementation. before.
Core Activity: Juneau Airport Weather
System (JAWS) -- Hardening and Even with these new runways, the capacity of the system
Implementation. continues to be stretched beyond its limits at certain
Provide program management for capital airports and regions. The associated delays are placing a
acquisitions aimed at increasing safety. These strain on everyone. The FAA must immediately take
investments for FY2010 include the Juneau Airport extraordinary steps to reverse this trend at these key
Weather System (JAWS) -- Hardening and airports in the system.
Activity Target 1: Although FAA and airports have made progress adding
Conduct JAWS Hybrid (JAWS-H) Hardware Field capacity, there are still areas where a sense of urgency
Shakedown Test. Due June 30, 2010 remains. Delays affect everyone. Passengers deal with
Activity Target 2: missed or canceled flights, lost productivity, not to mention
the potential for sitting on the tarmac instead of sitting on a
Perform JAWS-Hybrid Front End-to-End beach while vacationing. Beyond this, airlines incur
Functional Test for Data Stream. Due September increased costs for crews, fuel, and maintenance while
30, 2010 planes sit idling on the airfield surface or circling in holding
Core Business Initiative: Wind patterns. The U.S. economy suffers both direct and
indirect costs from aviation delay as lodging, food service,
Shear Detection Service (WSDS) retail, ground transportation, and other industries are
Provide program management for capital acquisitions impacted. Additionally, the environmental impacts continue
aimed at increasing safety to include NextGen-wide to mount as aircraft burn more fuel or have to return to the
Investment Analysis (IA) decision documentation to deicing pads due to delayed departure times.
address wind shear service needs, concepts and
alternatives. Assist AJP to prepare Concept A few U.S. airports are experiencing significant levels of
Requirements Definition (CRD) and preliminary congestion that produce delays locally as well as
Investment Analysis documents in FY 2010 in support nationally. Many of these delays result from a persistent
of Initial Analysis Readiness Decision (IARD) for mismatch between the demand for and the availability of
WSDS for Work Package 1 (WP1). capacity. Given that infrastructure developments such as
new runways can take up to 10 years to implement, the
FAA must develop processes and systems to speed

11/17/09 Page 38 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

intervention at critical and chronic delay points. Program had two major accomplishments for FY 2008: the
development of a draft National Air Traffic Rule Change
To meet this challenge, we must enhance the partnership and the Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Departures
with the airport operators and airport users to continue to (WTMD) decision support tool. The National Rule change
develop action plans that provide solutions to ensure the allows the use of a dependent parallel instrument landing
best fit on local and regional levels. Each airport, each system aircraft approaches to an airport's closely spaced
local community, each local environment, each geographic parallel runways. The development of the WTMD air traffic
region must play into the solution set, with the specific tool control decision support tool design and functional
sets identified and implemented appropriately. What works requirements were sufficiently mature to enter into
at one location may not work at another for a variety of preparation for the tool's procurement for up to 10 of the 35
reasons. OEP airports.

FAA recognizes the need to identify and prioritize delay Air Traffic Management (ATM). In an effort to reduce
issues, and is implementing a team approach to do this for delays, ATM, working collaboratively with the aviation
the chronic delay airports. FAA is creating congestion community, has made airspace more available during
action teams to help alleviate and manage specific capacity periods of bad weather by use of the Airspace Flow
issues at the airports that create the greatest impact on the Program (AFP). We estimate that since installation in 2006,
system. For the longer-term solutions, FAA prefers an ATM efforts during periods of bad weather have saved
integrated approach to improve capacity by improving airlines over $120 million in fuel and operations costs.
technology, air traffic control procedures and expanding
airport and airfield infrastructure. In circumstances where Future Airport Capacity Team (FACT). FAA is teaming
operational efficiency and airport capacity expansion is not with external stakeholders to identify and address capacity-
feasible or not yet completed, where demand routinely constrained airports and metropolitan areas. This team
exceeds airport capacity, and where local delays has identified critical high activity airports in the NAS and
reverberate through the NAS, a congestion management performed site visits to the following airports: Atlanta,
approach may be the appropriate choice, including Chicago Midway, Fort Lauderdale, John Wayne, Las
schedule reduction. But it is important to recognize that Vegas, Long Beach, Oakland, Phoenix, San Diego and
there is no one-size-fits-all in applying strategic mitigation San Francisco. The team has also developed a toolbox of
or congestion management. potential solutions for each unique location. This toolbox
includes technological, procedural, and infrastructure
Top GREATER CAPACITY Accomplishments for FY 2008 improvements to be considered for implementation at the
identified airports based on additional capacity needs in the
Adjusted Operational Availability. The FAA achieved a future.
sustained adjusted operational availability of 99.8 percent
for the reportable facilities that support the 35 Operational Airport Studies. Eleven projects are in the planning or
Evolution Partnership (OEP) airports. This measure environmental stage at the largest airports including an
cannot obtain a 100 percent Adjusted Operational environmental assessment for a proposed runway
Availability rate because of the requirements to perform extension at Portland, an environmental impact statement
formal facility inspections, periodic maintenance and for a proposed runway extension at Ft. Lauderdale, an
corrective maintenance on the operational equipment environmental impact statement for a proposed airfield
located at the 35 OEP airports. reconfiguration at Philadelphia, and an environmental
impact statement for a new supplemental commercial
Average Daily Airport Capacity. We achieved the target of service airport for Las Vegas. In addition, three
an average daily airport capacity for the 35 OEP airports of communities have planning studies underway to examine
101,868 arrivals and departures per day, and an average how their metropolitan areas will accommodate future
daily airport capacity for the 7 Metro areas of at least demand for aviation. They include Chicago, Atlanta and
33,676 arrivals and departures per day. We are continually San Francisco.
working to maximize available capacity in the NAS to keep
up with demand and better serve the flying public. Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA) at Los Angeles
International Airport. The first publicly-charted arrival
Area Navigation (RNAV) Procedures and Routes. Thus far procedure with the vertical profile optimized to permit CDA
in FY 2008, we implemented 63 RNAV Standard Terminal was implemented at Los Angeles International Airport on
Arrival (STAR) and Standard Instrument Departure (SID) December 20, 2007. Procedures with an Optimized Profile
procedures at 45 airports, with 15 more procedures Descent (OPD) allow use of the CDA technique to provide
scheduled for publication in September, 2008. RNAV is lower noise and emissions and increased fuel efficiency.
saving operators millions of dollars per year by lowering FAA implemented two OPD arrival procedures at Los
fuel consumption due to more efficient routes, while Angeles. Use of the CDA technique provides advantages
simultaneously improving safety, environmental impacts, by reducing ground noise along much of the flight path,
and user access to the NAS. reducing emissions, and saving time and fuel.

Wake Turbulence Program. The Wake Turbulence

11/17/09 Page 39 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Flight Plan Target: Average Daily Strategic Activity: Emerging
metropolitan airspace projects
Airport Capacity (35 OEP Redesign airspace in other key metropolitan areas,
including Charlotte, Dallas, Denver, and Southern
Airports) California.
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the 35 OEP
airports of 103,068 arrivals and departures per day by FY Activity Target 1:
2011 and maintain through FY 2013. FY 2010 Target: Complete airspace redesign scoping, initial
102,648 business cases and other preliminary reports for
four metropolitan areas. Due September 30, 2010
Strategic Initiative: Terminal
Strategic Initiative: RNAV Routes,
Airspace Redesign
Redesign terminal airspace and change procedures to SIDs, and STARs
increase capacity. Implement the roadmap for performance-based
Strategic Activity: New York/New navigation by the continued development and
implementation of Area Navigation (RNAV) routes,
Jersey/Philadelphia Metropolitan Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs), and Standard
Airspace Project. Terminal Arrivals (STARs). In FY 2009 through 2013,
Redesign airspace serving New York and we will publish 50 RNAV SIDs and STARs and 12
Philadelphia metropolitan areas, supporting seven RNAV routes annually.
key airports. Strategic Activity: Develop and
Activity Target 1: Implement RNAV SIDs and STAR
Complete procedures development, safety
analysis and training for Stage 2 of the New
Develop and implement RNAV SID and STAR
York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Metropolitan
procedures. Implement the performance-based
Airspace project. Due September 30, 2010
navigation roadmap by continuing development and
Strategic Activity: Chicago Airspace implementation of Area Navigation (RNAV) routes,
Project standard instrument departures (SIDs) and standard
Redesign airspace serving Chicago metropolitan terminal arrivals (STARs).
area, supporting two key airports, including Activity Target 1:
accommodating the future airfield changes at O'Hare Publish 20 RNAV SID/STAR procedures by
International Airport. 5/31/10. Due May 31, 2010
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 2:
Complete procedures development and safety Publish (an additional) 30 RNAV SID/STAR
analysis for departure portion of Stage 3 of procedures. Due September 30, 2010
Chicago Airspace Project. Due September 30,
2010 Strategic Activity: Develop and
Implement RNAV Routes
Strategic Activity: Houston Area Air Continue to implement RNAV routes (Q routes,
Traffic System Airspace Project Tango routes, and GPS MEAs) in support of
Redesign airspace in Houston metropolitan area, Airspace Management Program and Industry
supporting two key airports. requests.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Implement Phase 3C of Houston Area Air Traffic Implement at least 3 routes. Due June 30, 2010
System Airspace Project. Due September 30,
2010 Activity Target 2:
Implement at least (an additional) 9 routes. Due
Strategic Activity: Western Corridor - September 30, 2010
Southern Nevada Airspace
Redesign airspace in southern Nevada to provide Strategic Activity: Support AJR Develop
short-term operational efficiencies and and Implement RNAV Routes
accommodate the potential future new airport. Continue to implement RNAV routes (Q-routes,
Activity Target 1: Tango routes, and GPS MEAs) in support of
Complete environmental and safety analyses Airspace Management Program and Industry
required for implementation of the Las Vegas requests.
Optimization proposal. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Develop procedures, conduct flight checks, and
prepare publications for at least 12 routes. Due
September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 40 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Activity Target 2: and associated static wake separation standards
Develop procedures, conduct flight checks, and that the international aviation community will adopt.
prepare publications for at least 50 RNAV Arrange adequate resources for the analysis,
SIDs/STARS. Due September 30, 2010 modeling and data collection necessary to develop
the recommendation for the alternative set of
Strategic Initiative: Bad Weather standards. Coordinate recommended alternate set of
standards with air traffic operations of the ATO
Traffic Flow service units. Serves as the FAA spokesperson in
Capitalize on Spring/Summer Plan data, developed in wake separation standard discussions with ICAO.
partnership with the airlines and other segments of
Activity Target 1:
aviation, to improve traffic flow in bad weather.
Strategic Activity: Corridor Integrated Develop requirements for changes in US Air
Traffic control automation systems to support the
Weather System (CIWS) selected alternative set of wake separation
The Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS) standards. Due August 31, 2010
project provides advanced weather product
generation to help air traffic users reduce convective Strategic Activity: WTMA - Wake
weather delays. CIWS provides national, en route, Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals ATO-R
and terminal air traffic flow managers (TFM) and Lead
airline system operation centers (SOC) personnel WTMA: Lead the WTMA development activity and
with accurate, automated, rapidly updated weather provide linkage into the operational procedures
information as well as weather products for development organizations of AJR, T and E. Provide
integrated weather-Air Traffic Management (ATM) range of feasible alternatives that potentially could --
system (Wx-ATM) to support the weather- with technology added -- provide the desired
assimilated decision making envisioned for capability for CSPR airports. Evaluate and provide
NextGen. These weather products include storm feedback on potential WTMA designs.
locations, radar measured storm tops, and two-hour
Activity Target 1:
storm forecasts including storm growth and decay.
Deliver WTMA feasibility prototype system
Activity Target 1:
operating in "Shadow Mode" in an airport
Maintain the CIWS prototype service availability. environment. Due August 31, 2010
Due September 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: Wake Re-Cat (Re-
Strategic Initiative: Traffic Categorization) for Separation Standards
Management Advisor ATO-P support
Increase airport capacity through the use of Traffic AJP will take on the technical coordination needed to
Management Advisor (TMA). meet the goals identified at each Wake Re-Cat work
Strategic Activity: Transition to group
Trajectory Based Flow Management meeting. AJP will assign tasks to personnel within
(TBFM), an enhancement to Traffic FAA and Volpe, through informal matrix
management agreements, various
Management Advisor (TMA) AJP and Volpe contract vehicles, and supporting
Receive formal authority to proceed with TBFM contract organizations.
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1:
Develop requirements for changes in US air traffic
Brief JRC for a Final Investment Decision (JRC- control automation systems to support the
2B). Due January 31, 2010 selected alternative set of wake separation
Activity Target 2: standards. Due September 30, 2010
Award TMA follow-on enhancements contract. Due Activity Target 2:
May 31, 2010 Coordinate initial set of wake categories and
Strategic Initiative: Arrival and associated separation minima, safety arguments
and benefit estimations with at least one
Departure Rates stakeholder. Due June 30, 2010
Conduct research to improve safety and increase
throughput using wake turbulence monitoring, Strategic Activity: WTMA - Wake
operational procedures, and controller tools. Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals - ATO-
Strategic Activity: Wake Re-Cat (Re- P Support
Categorization) for Separation Standards WTMA: AJP will provide the technical and
( ATO-R lead) contractual management necessary to support
Lead in the domestic and international work groups development of concept alternatives for providing
looking at alternative sets of aircraft wake classes the WTMA capability, to perform the benefits and
safety alternatives analysis, and to build a feasibility
11/17/09 Page 41 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
prototype of the most promising WTMA capability Strategic Activity: Integrated Terminal
alternative. AJP will also conduct a preliminary Weather System (ITWS) Service Delivery
hazards analysis of the chosen WTMA concept Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is
alternative. completing deployment at thirty-three host,
Activity Target 1: Operational Evolution Plan (OEP), Terminal Radar
Deliver WTMA feasibility prototype system Approach Control (TRACON) facilities. ITWS is a
operating in "Shadow Mode" in an airport weather processor and display that will evolve
environment. Due August 31, 2010 through the NextGen / Reduce Weather Impact
Strategic Activity: Wake Re-Cat solution set. ITWS further disseminates weather
data supporting the NextGen Network Enabled
(Recategorization) for Separation Weather (NNEW) solution set. ITWS gathers long
Standards ATO-T support range NEXRAD weather products, Terminal Doppler
Recategorization (Re-Cat) : AJT will participate as Weather Radar (TDWR) data, Airport Surveillance
required in the Wake Re-Cat work sessions. In Radar (ASR) "weather channel" information, surface
FY2010, AJT will review and comment on the Safety sensor observations, non-FAA weather products
Risk Management Document (SRMD) for the such as lightning, and National Weather Service
recommended wake separation standard changes (NWS) forecast model products. ITWS provides
and assist in the development of requirements for aviation users with a seamless one-hour terminal
changes in terminal automation systems to support convective weather forecast, current observations,
the selected alternative set of wake separation and hazard alerts using the best available weather
standards. products relative to each user's location. ITWS
Activity Target 1: coordinates weather hazard situation awareness
Assess progress for Reviewing and commenting among many types of users including ATC Tower
on Wake Recategorization Safety Risk controllers and supervisors, TRACON controllers,
Management Document. Due March 31, 2010 ARTCC traffic flow management coordinators, and
Activity Target 2: Center Weather Service Units, the national
ATCSCC, and also serves over one thousand
Review and comment on Wake Recategorization
commercial airline dispatch terminals. ITWS tailored
Safety Risk Management Document. Due July 22,
aviation weather products directly improve approach
/ departure capacity, runway usage, safety of
Strategic Activity: WTMA - Wake terminal operations, efficient decision-making across
Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals - ATO- domains and satisfies operationally essential
T Support weather hazard information needed to conduct safe
WTMA: In FY2010, AJT will assist AJP and AJR in OEP terminal operations. ITWS Program Segment 2
fielding the WTMA feasibility prototype in an airport - Deployment In support of 10C1L, ITWS Program
environment for shadow mode evaluation. AJT will Segment 2 host sites will be readied for new service
assist in the shadow mode evaluation. delivery. Also advance work for ITWS Program
Segment 3 expansion of service at commissioned
Activity Target 1:
host sites to serve new OEP Secondary / Reliever
Assess progress to achieve assessment of WTMA Airports (SRA) will commence as Segment 2 winds
feasibility prototype system operating in "Shadow down. ITWS Segment 2 activity milestones include
Mode" in an airport environment and assistance in Contract Acceptance and Inspection (CAI) and
early investment analysis and acquisition achieving Initial Operational Capability (IOC). ITWS
planning. Due March 31, 2010 Program Segment 3 -- SRA Expansion -- In support
Activity Target 2: of 11C1L, ITWS Program Segment 3 provides
Support assessment of WTMA feasibility prototype expansion of service availability from commissioned
system operating in "Shadow Mode" in an airport host sites to serve new OEP Secondary / Reliever
environment and provide assistance in early Airports (SRA). ITWS Segment 3 Activity milestones
investment analysis and acquisition planning. Due provide new service availability at select OEP SRA
September 30, 2010 ATC Towers in concert with commissioned OEP
primary airport host reconfiguration. SRA service
Strategic Initiative: Automated availability is especially needed when hazardous
Weather Dissemination weather closes OEP primary runways demanding
Identify and implement procedures and technology to safe divert options for inbound aircraft be quickly
improve the dissemination of weather information to grasped across traffic managers, approach
pilots and controllers. controllers and local controllers at secondary towers.
In 2010, the final ITWS Program Segment 2 sites will
be readied for new service delivery. This includes
Contract Acceptance Inspection (CAI) activities at
some sites during which ITWS hosts will be

11/17/09 Page 42 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

delivered, installed and checked-out on site. In operate the ITWS Program Support Facility (PSF) to
support of achieving CAI at each site the ITWS develop system support modifications (SSM) in
Program Office will authorize the shipment of an support of ITWS service delivery. Develop ITWS
ITWS system to each site and insure all site System Support Modifications (SSMs) for release of
preparation, system installation and check-out, site-specific adaptation data, conduct operational
acceptance testing and all other acceptance testing at PSF and officially release to ITWS site
activities have been completed at those sites. Some following CAI to achieve operational status at each
ITWS hosts will also achieve Initial Operational site.
Capability (IOC). In support of achieving IOC at each Activity Target 1:
site the ITWS Program Office will insure that all Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one
ITWS system optimization, training and other field (1) ITWS sites. Due July 31, 2010
familiarization activities have been completed at Activity Target 2:
those sites.
Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one
Activity Target 1: (1) additional ITWS sites. Due September 30,
Achieve Equipment Delivery to one (1) ITWS site. 2010
Due February 28, 2010
Activity Target 2: Strategic Activity: Provide NAS
Achieve Contract Acceptance Inspection (CAI) at Engineering Field Familiarization
one (1) ITWS site. Due July 31, 2010 Support for ITWS (through IOC)
Activity Target 3: Field Familiarization - Provide NAS Engineering
Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one Support to conduct support system optimization and
(1) ITWS site. Due July 31, 2010 field familiarization activities for each ITWS site and
Activity Target 4: conduct ITWS site-specific certification procedures
following CAI to achieve operational status at each
Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one site.
(1) additional ITWS site. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Strategic Activity: Provide Engineering Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one
Services Site Survey/Site Preparation (1) ITWS sites. Due July 31, 2010
Support for ITWS (through CAI) Activity Target 2:
Site Survey/Site Preparation - Provide National Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one
Engineering Services support to conduct site (1) additional ITWS sites. Due September 30,
surveys, finalize engineering drawings, complete site 2010
preparation items and other installation/system hand
Strategic Activity: Provide NAS
-off activities at ITWS sites to help achieve Contract
Acceptance Inspection (CAI). Engineering Operational Software
Activity Target 1: Support for ITWS (through IOC)
Achieve Contract Acceptance Inspection (CAI) at Operational Software - Provide NAS Engineering
one (1) ITWS site. Due July 31, 2010 Support to provide operational software for each
ITWS site to help enable IOC. Develop ITWS
Strategic Activity: Provide NAS System Support Modification (SSM) for release of
Engineering Site Adaptation Support for ITWS operational software to site, conduct
ITWS (through CAI) operational testing at PSF and officially release to
Site Adaptation - Provide NAS Engineering Support each ITWS site.
to prepare ITWS site adaptation data for each Activity Target 1:
service delivery point using ITWS Program Support Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one
Facility tools. Conduct site parameter survey, (1) ITWS sites. Due July 31, 2010
prepare site adaptation data files and ship ITWS site Activity Target 2:
adaptation data files to Raytheon prior to Factory Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at one
Acceptance Test (FAT) in preparation for shipment (1) additional ITWS sites. Due September 30,
to each ITWS site. 2010
Activity Target 1:
Achieve Equipment Delivery to one (1) ITWS site. Strategic Initiative: NextGen
Due February 28, 2010 Expand FAA's NextGen Implementation Plan to
Strategic Activity: Provide NAS incorporate critical path decisions and milestones
necessary to accomplish the Mid-Term commitments.
Engineering Program Support Facility
Services for ITWS (through IOC)
Program Support Facility / System Support
Modification - Provide NAS Engineering Support to

11/17/09 Page 43 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Strategic Activity: NextGen Strategic Activity: Deployment of
Implementation Plan Automatic Dependent Surveillance -
Publish the NexGen Implementation Plan Broadcast (ADS-B)
incorporating as appropriate, the recommendations Continue deployment of Surveillance and Broadcast
from the RTCA NextGen Task Force. Services (SBS) at key sites in support of the SBS
Activity Target 1: national program baseline.
Define Key Messages for incorporation into the Activity Target 1:
Next Generation Implementation Plan. Due Complete Service Acceptance Testing (SAT) at
October 30, 2009 Juneau. Due October 31, 2009
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Publish NextGen Implementation Plan. Due Complete Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at key
January 31, 2010 sites. Due April 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: AJP-D NextGen Activity Target 3:
Modeling & Simulation Office Achieve In-Service Decision (ISD) for Critical
Generate cost and benefits estimates for FAA's Services. Due September 30, 2010
NextGen activities to support publication of the Strategic Activity: Develop National and
NextGen Implementation Plan, communication with
outside stakeholders, and reporting to OMB and
International Standards
Develop national and international standards.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Update FAA NextGen benefits estimates to reflect Issue Final Rule for Automatic Dependent
the latest NextGen Implementation Plan and traffic Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). Due April 30,
forecast. Due December 31, 2009 2010
Activity Target 2:
Strategic Activity: Demonstrate
Update FAA NextGen cost estimates. Due January
31, 2010
Automatic Dependent Surveillance -
Activity Target 3: Broadcast (ADS-B) Applications for
Update FAA NextGen benefits estimates with Improved Pilot Situational Awareness
latest traffic forecast for reporting to Congress. Demonstrate applications that utilize ADS-B
Due April 15, 2010 capabilities.
Activity Target 1:
Strategic Activity: JPDO Multi Agency Establish a concept of operations (CONOPS)
NextGen Enterprise Architecture and document for 3 nautical mile separation. Due April
Concept of Operations 30, 2010
JPDO office will work with multiple agencies to Activity Target 2:
develop NextGen Enterprise Architecture and Define a set of target level of safety (TLS) metrics
Concept of Operations. for assessing 3 nautical mile separation
Activity Target 1: operational performance. Due June 30, 2010
Draft multi-agency NextGen Enterprise
Architecture and Concept of Operations. Due June Strategic Initiative: Link Funding
30, 2010 Requests to Support NextGen
Activity Target 2: Strategically link funding requests with the acquisition
Update multi-agency NextGen Enterprise of research and development products or services that
Architecture and Concept of Operations. Due support FAA's transition to NextGen.
September 30, 2010 Strategic Activity: NextGen Review
Strategic Initiative: Automatic The Review Board validates funding requests which
Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast are linked to NextGen.
(ADS-B) Decision Activity Target 1:
By FY 2010, operationally implement Automatic NextGen Review Board to identify and review
Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) for air FY12 funding requests that enable NextGen. Due
traffic services at selected sites and continue August 30, 2010
development of surface conflict detection in the cockpit Activity Target 2:
and near-term Air-to-Air applications. Develop draft FY11 performance metrics including
cost and schedule. Due September 30, 2010

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Strategic Initiative: NextGen Strategic Activity: Develop NAS Voice
Implementation Plan Switch (NVS)
Develop NAS Voice Switch in support of the Next
Identify NextGen critical decisions and supporting
Generation Air Transportation System.
research, capital and implementation activities
required to fulfill FAA NextGen commitments and meet Activity Target 1:
90 percent of the commitments identified in the Complete Analysis and Documentation to Support
NextGen Implementation Plan. Initial Investment Decision. Due July 31, 2010
Strategic Activity: NextGen Strategic Activity: Develop Ground
Implementation Plan Milestones Based Augmentation System (GBAS)
Provide the management discipline and Develop Ground Based Augmentation System
infrastructure for tracking, monitoring, and reporting (GBAS) in support of the Next Generation Air
milestone completions for NextGen Implementation Transportation System.
Plan programs across Line of Business. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Complete contract award for Research and
Establish FY 10 List of Initiatives including, Development (R&D) prototype of Category III
Research Demos and selected milestones. Due precision approach. Due September 30, 2010
January 31, 2010
Activity Target 2: Strategic Initiative: Third Party
Monitor and report monthly on established RNAV/RNP Procedures
program schedule activities and dates. Due Facilitate and expedite the development and approval
September 30, 2010 of RNAV or RNP procedures developed by both the
public and the private sector.
Strategic Activity: AJP-1 Support for
Strategic Activity: Third Party RNAV/RNP
NextGen Implementation Plan
Milestones Facilitate and expedite the development and
Systems Engineering & Safety (SES) provides approval of RNAV or RNP procedures developed by
annual updates to Enterprise Architecture (EA) both the public and the private sector.
roadmaps which includes identification of critical
Activity Target 1:
NextGen decisions that are incorporated into the
NextGen Implementation Plan. Work with third-party vendors who established
Other Transaction Agreements in FY2009 to
Activity Target 1:
complete qualification process for end-to-end
Complete draft EA roadmaps. Due October 31, procedure development for RNP SAAAR
2009 approach procedures. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
EA roadmap approval. Due February 28, 2010 Strategic Initiative: Integrated
Weather Activities
Strategic Activity: Develop Data Work with interagency groups to achieve an agreed
Communications in support of the Next upon plan for integrated weather activities.
Generation Air Traffic System Strategic Activity: Weather Integration
Acquire and deploy NextGen Systems to meet future Approach
needs. A system-wide approach to assuring better weather
Activity Target 1: information that is tailored for the individual user.
Submit Data Communications Service Provider Activity Target 1:
Screening Information Request (SIR) Create the draft Weather Integration Plan version
documentation to the Office of Chief Council, 2.0. Due August 15, 2010
Procurement Division, for final legal review. Due Activity Target 2:
September 30, 2010
Deliver the Weather Integration Plan version 2.0 to
Strategic Activity: Develop System Wide the NextGen Executive Weather Panel. Due
Information Management (SWIM) September 30, 2010
Develop System Wide Information Management
(SWIM) in support of the Next Generation Air
Strategic Initiative: Converging
Transportation System. Runway Display Aids
Activity Target 1: Evaluate and expand the use of Converging Runway
Complete Analysis and Documentation to support Display Aids at airports with intersecting runways.
Joint Resource Council (JRC) 2B for SWIM
Segment 2. Due August 31, 2010

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Strategic Activity: Enable use of Flight Plan Target: Airport
Converging Runway Display Aids
(CRDA) Functionality Average Daily Capacity (7 Metro
Enable the Converging Runway Display Aids Areas)
(CRDA) capability at locations where benefits may Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the 7 Metro
be derived. Additionally, an annual review process areas of 39,484 arrivals and departures per day by FY
will be defined and implemented to ensure that 2009, and maintain through FY 2013. FY 2010 Target:
adjustments to airport runway configurations and 39,484
changes in airspace design will be periodically
evaluated to determine if CRDA capabilities will Strategic Initiative: Capacity-
generate benefits in the new configurations. Enhancing Policies
Activity Target 1: Work with the aviation community to establish the
Conduct detailed simulation for three (3) complex most feasible policies to enhance capacity and
facilities for implementation of CRDA. Due March manage congestion.
31, 2010 Strategic Activity: Congestion
Activity Target 2:
management solutions in the New York
Conduct a detail analysis for five (5) candidate Area
airports. Due April 30, 2010 Implement congestion management solutions in the
Activity Target 3: New York Area.
Enable CRDA capability at up to five (5) additional Activity Target 1:
candidate locations showing potential benefits. Provide support for orders, regulations or
Due July 30, 2010 legislation rulemaking to address congestion at
Activity Target 4: the New York Metro airports as needed. Due
Define a benefits profile from which facilities can September 30, 2010
use to adapt their airport operations as an analysis
tool that proves benefits for use of CRDA. Due Strategic Initiative: Update Metro
September 30, 2010 Area Impact
Update our projections on which metropolitan areas
Strategic Initiative: Arrival/Departure will have the greatest impact on the total system for
Corridors delays over the period of the Flight Plan.
Develop flexible arrival/departure corridors. Strategic Activity: Update Metro Area
Strategic Activity: Efficient, adaptable Coordinate efforts to reassess which metropolitan
arrival and departure corridors areas will have the most impact on the total aviation
Develop and implement arrival/departure corridors system delays over the life of the Flight Plan. Use
that can be adapted for weather or traffic scenarios. studies such as the Future Airport Capacity Team
Activity Target 1: report (Capacity Needs in the National Airspace
Conduct experiments and analyses for airspace System), Capacity Benchmarks, and the FAA
supporting the north departure gate for New York Forecast to define the targeted areas and airports.
metro area Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
FAA will discuss and review metro areas to
Strategic Initiative: Proximity Event determine any necessary changes to the target
Classification areas and airports. Due June 30, 2010
Evaluate the use of the "proximity event" classification
for wake turbulence separation on final approach.
Strategic Initiative: Metropolitan
Strategic Activity: Proximity Event Airspace Redesign
Initiative Redesign the airspace of the 7 Metro areas including
Work for this initiative was completed in FY 2009. the continued implementation of the New York/New
This initiative should be deleted with the FY 2010- Jersey Airspace Redesign Project.
2013 Flight Plan update. Strategic Activity: Chicago Airspace
Activity Target 1: Project
This initiative will be updated/removed when the Implement phase III of the Chicago Airspace
new Flight Plan is released. Place holder only, as Project.
required for IPF release. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Chicago Airspace Project: realign airspace and
implement new departure routes and new High
and Wide procedures to support new center OMP
runway with triple parallel approaches. Due
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September 30, 2010 Strategic Initiative: Traffic
Strategic Activity: Airspace Management Advisor/Time Based
improvements in NY/NJ/PHL Metering at JFK and LGA
Implement airspace improvements in New York, Implement Traffic Management Advisor/Time Based
New Jersey and Philadelphia areas. Stage II of the Metering at John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia Airports.
NY/NJ/PHL implementation will support Westgate Strategic Activity: Transition to
departure changes, possible area of study is N90. Trajectory Based Flow Management
We also will try to implement a 3rd Westbound PHL
departure. Suggested analyses are expected to be
(TBFM), an enhancement to TMA
Receive formal authority to proceed with TBFM
complete by June 2010.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Complete analyses for Stage II of the NY/NJ/PHL Brief JRC for a Final Investment Decision (JRC-
implementation will support Westgate departure 2B). Due June 30, 2010
changes. Due June 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 2:
Award TMA follow-on enhancements contract. Due
Implement a 3rd Westbound PHL departure. Due May 31, 2010
September 30, 2010
Strategic Initiative: Time-based Flight Plan Target: Annual
Metering Service Volume
Expand use of time-based metering at air traffic control Commission nine new runway/taxiway projects,
centers. increasing the annual service volume of the 35 OEP
Strategic Activity: Continue Time Based airports by at least 1 percent annually, measured as a
five-year moving average, through FY 2013. FY 2010
Metering activities under AJR Target: 1% 2 runways
Receive formal authority to proceed with TBFM
enhancements. Strategic Initiative: FACT
Activity Target 1:
Future Airport Capacity Team (FACT) will continue to
Brief JRC for a Final Investment Decision (JRC- work with aviation stakeholders to develop a strategy
2B) Due January 31, 2010 for implementing solutions from the toolbox developed
Activity Target 2: for each airport projected to have an anticipated
Award TMA follow-on enhancements contract. Due capacity shortfall in 2025.
May 31, 2010 Strategic Activity: Update Future Airport
Strategic Initiative: Flight and Capacity Team (FACT) Report (Located
Surface Time Tracking within the 7 major metro areas)
FACT Team will continue to work with aviation
Track average flight and surface times within the NAS
stakeholders to identify solutions at airports
by including ASDE-X data in the Performance Data
projected to have an anticipated capacity shortfall in
and Analysis Reporting System data set and
integrating that data with the Terminal and En-Route
Activity Target 1:
data already available to provide a consolidated gate
to gate measurement and analysis capability. Prepare draft scope of work for FACT 3. Due June
Strategic Activity: Calculate Metrics 30, 2010
Calculate average flight and surface times within the Activity Target 2:
NAS to provide a consolidated gate-to-gate Coordinate final Airport Action Plans for Airports
measurement and analysis capability. requiring additional capacity in 2025. Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Program the performance data and analysis Strategic Initiative: OEP Runway
reporting system(PDARS) to calculate surface
metrics at five airports. Due March 31, 2010 Commitment
Activity Target 2: Ensure that runway capability commitments are
established in partnership with stakeholders.
Program the performance data and analysis
reporting system(PDARS) to calculate surface Strategic Activity: Commission Runways
metrics at five airports for a total of ten. Due Provide AJR support to ARP, ARC, AVS, AJT, and
September 30, 2010 AJW in order to meet the runway template action
plan (RTAP) schedules, milestones and completion
dates for commissioning new NextGen
runway/extensions. AJR will support any necessary

11/17/09 Page 47 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

airspace changes as needed. Activity Target 1:
Participate at each ASOC Working Group (WG)
Activity Target 1: and Steering Group meeting. Support the review
Ensure that all FY-10 FAA activities outlined in the of meeting notices and minutes, track and status
RTAP schedules are either accomplished on-time assigned action items, and coordinate with
or mitigated sufficiently to remain on-track to meet stakeholders to help resolve issues identified.
the NextGen new/extended runway capability Provide technical input to discussions on airport
commitments established in partnership with geographic information system (aGIS), exhaust
stakeholders. Due September 30, 2010 plumes, consolidated surfaces, one engine
Activity Target 3: inoperative (OEI), end-around taxiway, wind
Ensure that all FY-10 FAA activities outlined in the turbines, and low visibility general aviation.
RTAP schedules are either accomplished on-time Provide quarterly updates on the status of
or mitigated sufficiently to remain on-track to meet assigned action item associated with the above
the NextGen new/extended runway capability projects. Due September 30, 2010
commitments established in partnership with Activity Target 3:
stakeholders. Due September 30, 2010 Assess the progress for completing participation at
Activity Target 4: ASOC Working Group (WG) as requested.
Deliver OEP full operational capabilities for Supporting the review of meeting notices and
Charlotte-Douglas International Runway 17/35. minutes, tracking and statusing assigned action
Due September 30, 2010 items, and coordinating with stakeholders to help
Activity Target 5: resolve issues identified. Providing technical input
Deliver OEP full operational capabilities for to discussions on airport geographic information
Charlotte-Douglas International Runway 17/35. system (aGIS), exhaust plumes, consolidated
Due September 30, 2010 surfaces, one engine inoperative (OEI), end-
around taxiway, wind turbines, and low visibility
Strategic Initiative: Infrastructure general aviation. And providing
quarterly updates on the status of assigned action
Investments Prioritization item associated with the above projects by
Establish priorities for infrastructure investments to
September 30, 2010. Due March 31, 2010
maintain existing capacity in a cost-effective manner.
Strategic Activity: Infrastructure Flight Plan Target: Adjusted
Investment Prioritization
Establish priorities for F&E capital investment Operational Availability
portfolio. Intent of this activity is to provide Sustain adjusted operational availability of 99.7 percent
investment prioritization for the NAS - not just OEP for the reportable facilities that support the 35 OEP
airports. airports through FY 2013. FY 2010 Target: 99.7%
Activity Target 1: Strategic Initiative: NAS System
Complete prioritization process of F&E projects for
F&E budget sumbission as approved by the Air Performance
Traffic Organization Executive Council. Due June Enhance NAS performance for the 35 OEP airports
5, 2010 through advanced engineering and program support.
Strategic Activity: Monitor and Report
Strategic Initiative: Agency Flight OEP Service Availability and Mean Time
Operations Guidance Between Outages (MTBO)
Using the cross-organizational Airport Obstructions Follow policies and procedures for NAS monitoring,
Standards Committee (AOSC), develop recommended control, maintenance, and restoration to optimize
standards and action plans for runway procedures service
such as end-around taxiways, and establish databases availability for the 35 OEP airports.
and data collection tools to improve airport flight Activity Target 1:
operations, while maintaining an optimal balance Help sustain Adjusted Operational Availability at
among safety, capacity, and efficiency considerations. 99.7 percent for reportable facilities that support
Strategic Activity: Airport Obstruction the 35 OEP airports, harvest and corporately
Standards Committee (AOSC) report NAS targeted performance weekly
Using the cross-organizational Airport Obstruction throughout FY10. Due September 30, 2010
Standards Committee (AOSC) develop Activity Target 2:
recommended standards and action plans for Perform 2 Data Forensic Activities using available
runway procedures and other initiatives identified by NAS databases on services or systems that are
AOSC Steering Committee, while maintaining an below the 99.7 Adjusted Operational Availability
optimum balance among safety, capacity and metric. Both due September 30, 2010. Due
efficiency considerations.
11/17/09 Page 48 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
September 30, 2010 enhanced analysis capability to examine the impacts
of both the Airspace Flow Program (ASP) and the
Flight Plan Target: NAS On-Time Ground Delay Program (GDP) while preparing a
planning traffic management initiative. Additionally,
Arrivals CATMT will add another 2-3 airport surface data
Achieve a NAS on-time arrival rate of 88.0 percent at the sources for selected airports into the surface
35 OEP airports and maintain through FY 2013. FY database used for TFM.
2010 Target: 88.00% Activity Target 1:
Prepare and distribute Post Implementation
Strategic Initiative: High Altitude Review for Spring 2009 build. Due November 30,
Airspace Redesign 2009
Implement high altitude airspace redesign to reduce Activity Target 2:
congestion. Prepare and distribute Post Implementation
Strategic Activity: Implement multi- Review for Fall 2009 build. Due May 31, 2010
center Q-routes to create efficient Activity Target 3:
routing structure where needed. Deploy reroute impact assessment functionality
Design and implement Q-routes. onto TFMS. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1: Strategic Activity: CATM Flow Control
Complete design and implement 2010 portion of Management - Strategic Flow
Segment 1 Q-routes. Due September 30, 2010 Management
Strategic Activity: Increase the use of Explore the concept of Strategic Flow Management
for NextGen.
navigational reference system (NRS).
Activity Target 1:
Increase use of the existing sparsely populated NRS
grid points and selectively expand the NRS to Conduct studies, engineering assessments or any
support additional functionality. other design/development activity in support of the
NextGen program related to SFM. Due September
Activity Target 1:
30, 2010
Improve field facility understanding and use of
existing sparse NRS. Work with customers to Strategic Initiative: Ocean Capacity
mitigate FMS loading issues. Develop "smart"
expansion plan of NRS for key applications (e.g.
Implement ocean capacity metrics and targets, using
SUA avoidance). Due September 30, 2010
comprehensive Advanced Technologies and Oceanic
Strategic Activity: Explore mid-term high Procedures (ATOP) data collection and analysis
-altitude airspace concepts capability and oceanic simulation and modeling
Integrate proposed mid-term concepts in high- capability.
altitude airspace into a cohesive set of proposed Strategic Activity: Oceanic Simulation
operational improvements; including realignment, and Modeling Capability
restratification and/or resectorization. Based on Oceanic simulation and modeling
Activity Target 1: capability, verify the improvements to Oceanic and
Complete analysis for high altitude operations for Offshore capacity and efficiency.
transition to mid-term operational concepts. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010 Improve oceanic fuel efficiency per passenger
seat for select city pairs and similar fleet by an
Strategic Initiative: Flight average savings of at least 1% compared to the
Information previous fiscal year's two year rolling average.
Improve on-time performance and operator and Due September 30, 2010
passenger access to information by using Traffic Flow Activity Target 2:
Management (TFM), Traffic Management Advisor Develop fuel burn performance metric for FY 2011
(TMA), and Collaborative Air Traffic Management and beyond. Due September 30, 2010
Technologies (CATMT), such as Airspace Flow Activity Target 3:
Programs (AFPs).
Strategic Activity: Collaborative Air Assess progress towards achieving year-end
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Traffic Management (CATMT)
Enhancements Strategic Initiative: Reduce Oceanic
Complete the CATMT Work Package 1 activities of Separation
the enhanced Flight Schedule Monitor cross impact Reduce oceanic separation in U. S. controlled oceanic
modeling (phase 2) capability. This will allow an airspace.
11/17/09 Page 49 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: Reduce Oceanic Strategic Activity: Throughput Delay
Separation Metric
Reduce Oceanic separation. Continue to develop and validate the models used to
compute coupled throughput and delay metrics.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Based on the Safety Case work accomplished in Interim report on the validation of coupled metrics.
2009, develop a plan for the implementation of Due June 30, 2010
30/30 separation in the New York Flight Activity Target 2:
Information Region. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Final report on the validation of coupled metrics,
including estimates of uncertainty ranges. Due
Based on the Safety Case work accomplished in September 30, 2010
2009, develop a plan for the implementation of
30/30 separation in the Anchorage Flight Strategic Initiative: Delay
Information Region. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Identify airports forecasted to have chronic delays in
Initiate an analysis program to assess the the next six months.
feasibility and requirements of separation in the Strategic Activity: Demand Projection
oceanic environment below the 30/30 standard. Project near-term demand, on a quarterly basis, for
Due September 30, 2010 the OEP 35 airports, and compare year-over-year
Activity Target 4: changes in demand at these airports. Identify those
Conduct operational trials of Automatic Dependent which show unusually large growth.
Surveillance -- Contract (ADS-C) In-Trail Activity Target 1:
Procedures. Due September 30, 2010 Complete an initial demand projection. Due
Activity Target 5: October 31, 2009
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Activity Target 2:
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010 Update the demand projections every three
months after the initial demand projection is
Strategic Initiative: En Route completed. Due September 30, 2010
Use new equipment and technology to reduce en route Strategic Activity: Delay Projection
congestion. Use results of demand projections to determine
which airports are likely to experience a significant
Strategic Activity: Traffic Flow increase in delay as a result of demand growth.
Management Modernization (TFMM) Compare year-over-year changes in delay per
Complete the TFMM activities for the test and operation at impacted airports, and identify those
deployment of the final operating software upgrade airports which will be chronically delayed. This
and to provide for continued development of TFMM analysis is to support identification of airports that
hardware and software enhancements. will be impacted along with recommended ranking to
Activity Target 1: the Congestion Action Teams (CAT), as appropriate,
Perform technology refresh of all TFM remote based on delay factors used. Secondly, as the CATs
sites Due September 30, 2010 are formed, the Performance Analysis and Strategy
office may be asked to participate in discussion
Strategic Activity: Trajectory
about what factors led to their selections of airports
Management Operations to help gain a better appreciation of what the
En route Congestion. Initiate Trajectory mitigations should be. This input could help the CAT
Management Operations Trial. identify a list of causal factors and solutions.
Activity Target 1: Moreover, since the Performance Analysis and
Deliver plan for 4D Oceanic Trajectory Strategy office plays such a critical role with the
Management operations trials by July 2010 Due initial efforts, their input and ideals will be important
July 31, 2010 with future updates and recommended airports.
Activity Target 1:
Strategic Initiative: Develop
Complete an initial delay projection. Due October
Throughput Delay Metrics 31, 2009
In FY 2009, develop a pair of coupled performance Activity Target 2:
measures, throughput and delay, to represent the
Update the delay projections every three months
capacity of the National Airspace System.
after the initial delay projection is completed. Due
September 30, 2010

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Strategic Initiative: Collaborative Strategic Initiative: Environmental
Decision Making Management Systems
Enhance Traffic Management Tools, net-centric Implement Environmental Management Systems to
information sharing vehicles and processes to yield the ensure that FAA operations protect the environment,
most effective NAS decisions through the CDM meet statutory and regulatory environmental
process. requirements, and improve reliability and cost
Strategic Activity: Collaborative Routing effectiveness.
Process Strategic Activity: Environmental
Utilize the Integrated Collaborative Routing (ICR) Management Systems (EMS)
process during weather events. ATO is fully committed to conducting all ATO
Activity Target 1: operations and activities in a manner that is
Continue to enhance, expand, and train protective of the environment. In keeping with this
employees on the ICR process for use during the commitment, ATO management and staff work
severe weather season. Due September 30, continuously to integrate environmental
2010. Due September 30, 2010 considerations into operations, conserve energy and
resources, and to avoid or minimize the use of
Strategic Activity: Share Airport Surface environmentally detrimental materials. This
Data commitment extends to all ATO facilities and
Develop a process to share airport surface data with operations, including those relevant to NextGen
stakeholders. environmental targets, and is implemented and
Activity Target 1: given effect through an ATO-wide Environmental
Develop an airport CDM process model at a target Management System .
airport in the NAS. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Initiate EMS at ATO Service Areas Due August
Flight Plan Target: Noise 31, 2010
Exposure Activity Target 2:
Reduce the number of people exposed to significant Conduct internal EMS audits and management
noise by 4 percent per year through FY 2013, as reviews and report status to AEE. Due August 31,
measured by a three-year moving average, from the 2010
three-year average for calendar years 2000-2002. FY Activity Target 3:
2010 Target: -20% Maintain ATO's EMS to be consistent with AEE
Higher tier EMP's as applicable Due August 31,
Strategic Initiative: Implement CDA 2010
Work with several airports (including Los Angeles, San Activity Target 4:
Diego, Louisville, Charleston, and Atlanta) to
Use the cost and performance baseline developed
implement Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA) for night
in FY09 to analyze and report EMS performance
operations, and initiate research into CDA applicability
Due July 31, 2010
to airports with greater traffic levels, general mixed
fleet, and mixed operations. Strategic Activity: Environmental
Strategic Activity: OPD Procedures Management Systems (EMS) Aviation
Work with several airports to demonstrate Optimized System Standards (AVN)
Profile Descent (OPD) procedures for night/low Support for Environmental Management Systems
capacity operations to advance the development of
environmentally beneficial operational procedures. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Conduct internal EMS audits and management
Conduct industry briefings on the OPD reviews Due August 31, 2010
implementation initiative and benefits analysis. Activity Target 2:
Due December 31, 2009 Maintain AVN ISO 14001 registration to be
Activity Target 2: consistent with FAA targets and objectives Due
Develop, implement, and demonstrate Optimized August 31, 2010
Profile Descent procedures at select airports as Activity Target 3:
identified in environmental/capacity/efficiency Evaluate effectiveness of AVN EMS and establish
analyses completed in FY09. Due June 30, 2010 new targets and objectives as necessary to ensure
Activity Target 3: continuous improvement and support of FAA goals
Conduct benefit analysis, including emissions, and objectives. Due July 31, 2010
noise reduction, fuel savings, and operational
efficiency of selected OPD implementation sites.
Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 51 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: Environmental Strategic Activity: Plan OPD/CDA
Management Systems (EMS) ACT Develop a strategy to implement OPD procedures.
Support for EMS
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Conduct industry briefings on the OPD
Conduct internal EMS audits and management implementation initiative and benefits analysis.
reviews Due August 31, 2010 Due December 31, 2009
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Conduct an External EMS conformance Audit Develop, implement, and demonstrate Optimized
(external audit may comprise either a third party Profile Descent procedures at select airports as
registration audit or an external audit performed by identified in environmental/capacity/efficiency
AEE-400) Due September 30, 2010 analyses completed in FY09. Due June 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Flight Plan Target: Aviation Fuel Conduct benefit analysis, including emissions,
Efficiency noise reduction, fuel savings, and operational
efficiency of selected OPD implementation sites.
Improve aviation fuel efficiency by another 1 percent over
Due September 30, 2010
the FY 2008 level (for a total of 7 percent) through FY
2009, and 1 percent each subsequent year through FY Core Business Target: Increase
2013 to 11 percent, as measured by a three-year moving
average of the fuel burned per revenue mile flown, from En Route and Oceanic Capacity
the three-year average for calendar years 2000-2002.
FY 2010 Target: - 8% to Meet Expected Demand
En Route and Oceanic Services will meet future capacity
Strategic Initiative: Implement CDA demands by ensuring the provision of safe and efficient
air traffic control services throughout the En Route
Work with several airports (including Los Angeles, San
portion of the National Airspace System (NAS) through
Diego, Louisville, Charleston, and Atlanta) to
targeted capacity increases to: 1) Achieve an average
implement Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA) for night
daily airport capacity for the 35 Operational Evolution
operations, and initiate research into CDA applicability
Partnership (OEP) airports of 103,068 arrivals and
to airports with greater traffic levels, general mixed
departures per day by FY 2011 and maintain through FY
fleet, and mixed operations.
2013 (FY 2010 Target: 102,648) and 2) maintain a NAS
Strategic Activity: OPD Procedures on-time arrival rate of 88.00 percent at the 35 OEP
Work with several airports to demonstrate Optimized
Profile Descent (OPD) procedures for night/low
capacity operations to advance the development of Core Business Initiative: Enable
environmentally beneficial operational procedures.
Activity Target 1:
Increases in En Route and Oceanic
Conduct industry briefings on the OPD Capacity
implementation initiative and benefits analysis. Provide the support and technology to enable the safe
Due December 31, 2009 increase in En Route and Oceanic capacity. En Route
Activity Target 2: and Oceanic Services manages operations through 21
Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) and two
Develop, implement, and demonstrate Optimized
Combined En Route / Approach (CERAP) control
Profile Descent procedures at select airports as
facilities, which are allocated among the three Service
identified in environmental/capacity/efficiency
Areas (Eastern, Central and Western).
analyses completed in FY09. Due June 30, 2010
Activity Target 3: Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic
Conduct benefit analysis, including emissions,
Services - Program Operations
Provide the operational support functions necessary
noise reduction, fuel savings, and operational
to enable safe increases in capacity when delivering
efficiency of selected OPD implementation sites.
air traffic control services.
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Strategic Initiative: CDAs at Small Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the
Airports 35 OEP Airports of 102,648 arrivals and
Identify candidate locations to optimize profile departures per day. Due September 30, 2010
descent/CDA at smaller airports. Activity Target 2:
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%.
Due September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 52 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Activity Target 3: Due September 30, 2010
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Activity Target 3:
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010 Assess progress towards achieving year-end
Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Services - Safety and Operations Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic
Services Services Operations Support - Western
Provide the operational support functions necessary Service Area
to enable safe increases in capacity when delivering Provide the operational support functions necessary
air traffic control services. to enable safe increases in capacity when delivering
Activity Target 1: air traffic control services. The Western Service Area
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the is comprised of six Air Route Traffic Control Centers
35 OEP Airports of 102,648 arrivals and (ARTCC) and one Combined En Route / Approach
departures per day. Due September 30, 2010 (CERAP) control facility.
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 1:
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%. 35 OEP Airports of 102,648 arrivals and
Due September 30, 2010 departures per day. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3: Activity Target 2:
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Achieve the annual efficiency performance target
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010 for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%.
Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic
Activity Target 3:
Services Operations Support - Eastern
Assess progress towards achieving year-end
Service Area performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Provide the operational support functions necessary
to enable safe increases in capacity when delivering Core Business Target: Expand
air traffic control services. The Eastern Service Area
is comprised of seven Air Route Traffic Control Oceanic and Offshore Services
Centers (ARTCC) and one Combined En Route / Increase the percentage of oceanic airspace using
Approach (CERAP) control facility. reduced separation standards from the FY 2005
Activity Target 1: baseline. FY 2010 target: 95 percent of oceanic
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the airspace.
35 OEP Airports of 102,648 arrivals and Core Business Initiative: Oceanic
departures per day. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: and Offshore Services Core
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target Business
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%. Provide Oceanic and Offshore Services to Support
Due September 30, 2010 Capacity Requirements.
Activity Target 3: Core Activity: Improve Global
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Interoperability in the Oceanic and
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010 Offshore Domains
Core Activity: En Route and Oceanic Improve global interoperability in the Oceanic and
Offshore domains via collaboration with strategic
Services Operations Support - Central partners and support longer-term Joint Planning &
Service Area Development Office / Next Generation Air Traffic
Provide the operational support functions necessary System (JPDO/NextGen) initiatives.
to enable safe increases in capacity when delivering Activity Target 1:
air traffic control services. The Central Service Area Develop operational and software requirements
is comprised of eight Air Route Traffic Control for operational prototyping of Pre-Departure
Centers (ARTCC). Oceanic Trajectory Management 4D (OTM4D).
Activity Target 1: Due September 30, 2010
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the Activity Target 2:
35 OEP Airports of 102,648 arrivals and
Assess progress towards achieving year-end
departures per day. Due September 30, 2010
performance goal. Due March 31, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Achieve the annual efficiency performance target
for NAS On-Time Arrivals of not less than 88.00%.
11/17/09 Page 53 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Conduct Concept Activity Target 3:
Development, Analysis and Trials for Deliver planned ATOP system upgrade (FY10
Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Build 3). Due August 31, 2010
Contract (ADS-C) In Trail Procedures Core Business Target: Sustain
Conduct concept development, analysis and trials
for ADS-C In Trail Procedures. The FAA is Terminal Equipment Operational
developing a reduced separation standard based on
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) In Trail Availability
Procedures, but using ADS-C surveillance to verify Sustain adjusted operational availability of select terminal
distance between aircraft pairs. This procedure equipment at 99.7 percent for the reportable facilities that
would allow more aircraft to reach fuel efficient support the 35 OEP airports through FY 2012. (FY10
altitudes. Target = 99.7% adjusted equipment availability for
Activity Target 1: selected systems assigned to ATO Terminal Services for
budget formulation).
Initiate operational trials of ADS-C In Trail
Procedures in the Pacific. Due September 30, Core Business Initiative: Provide
Activity Target 2:
support to Sustain Terminal
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Operation of the National Airspace
performance goal. Due March 31, 2010 System (NAS) Terminal
Core Activity: Dynamic Airborne Re- Environment
Route Program (DARP) Sustain the operation of the NAS Terminal
Expand DARP trials. DARP is designed to promote environment by defining, designing, building, deploying
airborne re-routes to flights when wind conditions and sustaining terminal automation and surveillance
have changed since the original route was filed and systems along with modernization and replacement of
cleared. Towers and TRACONs to meet target levels of
Activity Target 1: performance.
Implement DARP rerouting between Oakland and Core Activity: Terminal Services
Tahiti. Due November 30, 2009 Program Operations
Provide the acquisition and support functions
Core Business Initiative: Deliver and necessary to deliver terminal Air Traffic Control
Implement Advanced Technologies (ATC) services. These functions include: 1)
acquiring terminal systems such as surveillance,
and Oceanic Procedures (ATOP) automation, and weather; 2) facilities sustainment,
Develop and implement ATOP software. modernization and replacement; and 3) second-level
support for terminal automation systems.
Core Activity: Develop and Implement Activity Target 1:
Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Complete assessment for achieving year-end
Procedures (ATOP) performance goal to satisfy annual updates for
Implement ATOP Technical Refresh. existing Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
-300 Exhibits as required by Federal Aviation
Activity Target 1: Administration/Department of Transportation
Complete Alaska Center (ZAN) tech refresh. Due submission schedules. Due March 31, 2010
November 30, 2009 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 2: Deliver annual updates for existing Office of
Complete Oceanic Integration and Interoperability Management and Budget (OMB)-300 Exhibits as
Facility (OIIF) tech refresh. Due March 31, 2010 required by Federal Aviation
Core Activity: Implement Planned ATOP Administration/Department of Transportation
submission schedules. Due September 30, 2010
Improvements Activity Target 3:
Provide new Oceanic technology to allow for
technology insertion and avoid obsolescence. Complete assessment for achieving year-end
Activity Target 1: performance goal to satisfy 90% of major system
acquisitions on schedule and within 10% of annual
Deliver planned Advanced Technologies and
budgets. Due March 31, 2010
Oceanic Procedures (ATOP) system upgrade
Activity Target 4:
(FY10 Build 1). Due December 31, 2009
Activity Target 2: Achieve 90% of major system acquisitions on
schedule and within 10% of annual budgets. Due
Deliver planned ATOP system upgrade (FY10
September 30, 2010
Build 2). Due April 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 54 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 5: Manage the Contractor's software development
Complete assessment for achieving year-end activities, provide technical guidance, and resolve
performance goal to satisfy the annual terminal technical issues that may arise and the completion
equipment performance target by ensuring 99.7% of the Design Qualification Testing of software
adjusted equipment availability for systems delivery of build Revision 22 to the William J.
assigned to ATO Terminal Services for budget Hughes Technical Center. Due May 31, 2010
formulation. Due March 31, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 6: Manage the Contractor's software development
Achieve the annual terminal equipment activities, provide technical guidance, and resolve
performance target by ensuring 99.7% adjusted technical issues that may arise and the completion
equipment availability for systems assigned to of the Design Qualification Testing of additional
ATO Terminal Services for budget formulation. software delivery of build Revision 23 to the
Due September 30, 2010 William J. Hughes Technical Center. Due
September 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Increase Core Activity: Standard Terminal
Capacity and Better Operational Automation Replacement System
Performance within Terminal by (STARS) Technical Refresh (TAMR
Implementing Major Strategic Phase 1)
The Standard Terminal Automation Replacement
Capital Investments System (STARS) is a digital radar/flight data
This Initiative highlights the alignment between major processing and display system for use by terminal
program budget submissions and the FAA Flight Plan air traffic controllers to ensure the safe separation of
for Terminal Services OMB Exhibit 300 Programs by military and civilian aircraft throughout the nation's
ensuring that all Capacity focused FAA Major airspace. STARS technology is open, expandable
Investments (Exhibit 300 Programs) are identified in and able to accommodate future growth as well as
the Flight Plan. The FY2010 Budget Submission and new hardware and software. STARS investment
associated FY2008 -- FY2012 Capital Investment Plan replaces the aging air traffic control equipment at 47
identifies these Exhibit 300 Programs as Strategic sites (43 ARTS IIIA sites and 4 ARTS IIE sites) of
Investments. our nation's terminal radar approach control facilities
Core Activity: Standard Terminal (TRACONs) and airport traffic control towers
Automation Replacement System (ATCTs). STARS bridges the performance gap and
(STARS) Terminal Enhancements makes a major contribution to the agency's strategic
(TAMR Phase 1) goals in two specific areas: increased capacity
The Standard Terminal Automation Replacement through the deployment of higher availability
System (STARS) is a digital radar/flight data systems; and improved safety through the
processing and display system for use by terminal deployment of a more secure automation system. In
air traffic controllers to ensure the safe separation of order to support the operational availability of the
military and civilian aircraft throughout the nation's existing operational sites, it is necessary to perform
airspace. STARS technology is open, expandable planned technical refreshment of the automation
and able to accommodate future growth as well as systems to eliminate obsolescence, and support the
new hardware and software. STARS investment adjusted operational availability of 99.7% for the
replaces the aging air traffic control equipment at 47 reportable facilities through FY2011 by initiating
sites (43 Automated Radar Terminal Systems acquisition of Main Display Monitor (MDM)
(ARTS) IIIA sites and 4 ARTS IIE sites) of our replacement and performing Qualification of the Sun
nations terminal radar approach control facilities Operating System Version 10 (OS-10).
(TRACONs) and airport traffic control towers Activity Target 1:
(ATCT). STARS bridges the performance gap and Contract Award for CCP-700. Due February 28,
makes a major contribution to the agency's strategic 2010
goals in two specific areas: increased capacity Activity Target 2:
through the deployment of higher availability Qualify G3 hardware. Due August 30, 2010
systems; and improved safety through the
deployment of a more secure automation system. Core Activity: Terminal Airport
Surveillance Radar - Model 9 (ASR-9) -
In order to support the operational availability,
improved safety, and support the automation Mode S Service Life Extension Program
infrastructure on which to build the NextGen (SLEP), Phase 1B
operational initiatives, provide software ASR-9 systems provide aircraft detection and
enhancements and refinements twice a year. weather information to air traffic controllers at the
Activity Target 1: highest activity airports. The ASR-9 tracks all aircraft
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within its range and provides those tracks, as well as Secondary radars locate only those aircraft that have
six-level weather intensity information. This data is transponders.
provided to terminal automation systems and utilized
by air traffic controllers to safely and efficiently The ASR-11 radar system supports the air traffic
separate aircraft in the terminal environment. The control automation systems in use today, and other
ASR-9 provides data to AMASS and ASDE-X, to aid NAS modernization efforts. ASR-11 capabilities
in the prevention of accidents resulting from runway include digital or analog output, LAN architecture for
incursions. The purpose of the investment is to data distribution, remote certification and control, all
address the most troublesome components within solid-state components, and a 6-level National
the ASR-9 transmitter - the modulator pulse Weather Service calibrated weather capability - an
assembly, trigger amplifier, and post charge improvement upon the limited weather capability in
regulator - to ensure that we maintain the current the ASR-7/8 systems.
level of system availability and reliability. The
Modulator Pulse Assembly (MPA) and related The ASR-11 has completed the planning phase and
components are responsible for up to 50% of the is currently a Mixed Life Cycle project with most
failures associated with the transmitter, and thus this efforts in the Full Acquisition Phase, equating to the
subassembly is considered the greatest single risk to Control Phase for the current cycle; and is
system reliability and availability. Without these continuing into the In-Service Phase, equating to the
modifications to the ASR-9 transmitter, the ASR-9 Evaluate Phase in the Capital Planning and
will continue to experience decreasing reliability and Investment Control (CPIC) review. The ASR-11
availability over time. The cost of technology refresh Program completed all test and evaluation and
has been deemed more cost-effective than acquiring achieved an In-Service Decision for system
full replacement systems, because the current deployment on September 22, 2003. As of
performance is effective in meeting both the safety September 24, 2009 there are 57 systems in full
and capacity needs of the nation's air traffic system operational capability and commissioned into the
at major airports. National Airspace System (NAS). Implementation of
more systems will improve ASR Operational
This investment will begin to lower O&M costs Availability (OA) and reduce O&M costs.
associated with the ASR-9/Mode-S SLEP, Phase 1B Activity Target 1:
beginning in 2009. The ASR-9/Mode-S SLEP, Phase Achieve Initial Operating Capability (IOC) at 1
1B directly supports the Flight Plan Goal to "Sustain ASR-11 site. Due September 30, 2010
the adjusted operational availability of 99.7% for the Activity Target 2:
reportable facilities that support the 35 OEP airports
Start dismantling of 1 legacy ASR-7/8 site. Due
through FY2013", by 1) Completing installation of
May 31, 2010
modifications at 15 sites; and 2) Completing
Activity Target 3:
installation of modifications at an additional 15 sites.
Start dismantling of 2 additional legacy ASR-7/8
Activity Target 1: sites. Due September 30, 2010
Complete installation of ASR-9 Transmitter Core Activity: Airport Surveillance
Modification Kits at 15 sites. Due May 31, 2010 Radar, Model 11 (ASR-11) Technical
Activity Target 2:
Complete installation of ASR-9 Transmitter The ASR-11 Technology Refresh program provides
Modification Kits at 15 additional sites. Due for the replacement and upgrade of known obsolete
September 30, 2010 ASR-11 Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
Core Activity: Airport Surveillance hardware and software to ensure the continued
operation of the radar system through its designated
Radar Model 11 (ASR-11) lifecycle. The program will replace the obsolete
The ASR-11 Program provides a single integrated hardware cards within the signal data processing
digital primary and secondary radar system to card rack with the Advanced Signal Data Processor
replace multiple aging analog terminal radar (ASDP). The ASDP reduces the number of
systems. The ASR-7/8 and associated secondary processing cards from 14 to 3. The program will
radars (Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogators or provide funding to DoD under Interagency
ATCBI-4/5, or Mode-S) are at the end of their Agreement (IAA) to purchase and install 68 ASDP
projected useful life cycle. All ASR-7s and many retrofit kits.
ASR-8s, along with collocated ATCBI-4/5/Mode-S
systems, will be replaced. Air traffic controllers use The benefits of the ASR-11 Technology Refresh
terminal surveillance radar systems to detect and retrofit of the ASDP into the 68 production systems
track aircraft in the area surrounding airports, known will reduce Operations and Maintenance (O&M) cost
as the terminal environment. Primary radars locate by reducing the number of line-replaceable units
all aircraft, with and without onboard transponders. (LRUs) required for the system and associated
11/17/09 Page 56 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
maintenance and repair. It will provide a projected continue to experience decreasing reliability and
cost savings to the O&M budget by allowing for more availability over time. The cost of technology refresh
efficient future signal processing software has been deemed more cost-effective than acquiring
modifications. full replacement systems, because the current
The retrofitting of the ASDP into the ASR-11 system performance is effective in meeting both the safety
allows increased processing speed and memory. and capacity needs of the nation's air traffic system
at major airports. The benefits of this investment will
Taking advantage of this processing capability, the lower O&M costs associated with the ASR-9
ASDP software, as delivered, will include baseline beginning with the first installation in 2012. The ASR
changes that were not possible in the original Signal -9 SLEP, Phase 2 directly supports the Flight Plan
Data Processor due to processing and memory Goal to "Sustain adjusted operational availability of
limitations. Additionally, further changes to the signal 99.7% for the reportable facilities that support the 35
processing software become possible due to the OEP airports through FY2013", by achieving the
inherent scalability of the ASDP. This scalability following: 1) Drafting an Implementation Strategy
allows for increasing the processing capability by and Plan 2) Drafting the Screening Information
supporting the addition of processor cards without Request (SIR).
requiring a major restructuring of the software. With Activity Target 1:
this ease of adding processing capability, additional Assess progress for the preparation of a Business
changes to the signal processing design (from a Case Analysis Report for ASR-9 SLEP/Improve,
software perspective) are straightforward and easily Phase 2. Due March 31, 2010
accomplished. The changes to the signal processing Activity Target 2:
would allow targeting of known shortcomings of the
system that would improve the system performance Prepare Business Case Analysis Report for ASR-9
and target detection capability in the presence of SLEP/Improve, Phase 2. Due September 30, 2010
wind farms and other anomalous propagation. Core Activity: Terminal Automation
Ultimately, the ASR-11 Technology Refresh retrofit Modernization / Replacement (TAMR)
of the ASDP into production systems will reduce
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) cost by allowing
Phase 3
Terminal automation systems are essential for
for more efficient future signal processing software
helping controllers manage the tempo of operations
at our nation's busiest airports. The automation
Activity Target 1: systems rely on information from radar and weather
Achieve In-service Decision. Due June 30, 2010 sensors, along with flight plan information for each
Activity Target 2: aircraft to inform controllers of the aircraft's location
and intended path of flight so they can safely and
Provide funding to DoD under Interagency efficiently maintain aircraft separation at or near
Agreement (IAA) to purchase eight (8) ASR-11 airports.
ASDP Retrofit Kits. Due May 31, 2010
Activity Target 3: The Terminal Automation Modernization and
Install four (4) ASR-11 ASDP Retrofit Kits. Due Replacement program provides a phased approach
September 30, 2010 to modernizing the automation systems at the FAA's
Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON)
Core Activity: Terminal Airport
facilities and their associated Airport Traffic Control
Surveillance Radar - Model 9 (ASR-9) - Towers (ATCT) throughout the NAS.
Service Life Extension Program (SLEP),
Phase 2 TAMR Phase 3 begins planning for the
ASR-9 systems provide aircraft detection and modernization/replacement of automation systems
weather information to air traffic controllers at the at the remaining 106 TRACONS not being
highest activity airports. The ASR-9 tracks all aircraft addressed by the investments in other earlier
within its range and provides those tracks, as well as phases of the program. The FAA will continue to
six-level weather intensity information. These data sustain the automation systems at these sites while
are provided to terminal automation systems and monitoring system performance to identify any
utilized by air traffic controllers to safely and deterioration in service. Planning and business case
efficiently separate aircraft in the terminal development for TAMR Phase 3 will begin in 2009
environment. The ASR-9 provides data to AMASS with future activities pending a JRC decision.
and ASDE-X, to aid in the prevention of accidents Activity Target 1:
resulting from runway incursions. A business case is Complete OMB 300 Submission to OST. Due
currently being made to determine the scope of the June 30, 2010
ASR-9 SLEP, Phase 2. ASR-9 SLEP Phase 2 is Activity Target 2:
pending a positive investment decision. Without
Obtain JRC Final Investment Decision. Due
these modifications to the ASR-9, the ASR-9 will
September 30, 2010
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Core Activity: Electronic Flight Strip
Core Business Initiative: Increase System
Capacity and Better Performance The FAA currently relies on paper flight strips to
within Terminal by Implementing provide air traffic controllers with a physical
representation of the aircraft they are controlling.
Other Strategic Capital Investments The strips are used to coordinate and plan
This Initiative highlights other Strategic Capital operations regarding individual flights, including
Investment Programs in Terminal that do not require arrivals, departures, and surface movement of
an OMB Exhibit 300 and are focused on increasing the aircraft. As flights are processed, the corresponding
capacity and/or efficiency of the National Airspace flight strips are passed from one controller to the
System. next -- each of whom is concerned with a specific
Core Activity: Flight Data Input/Output segment of the overall sequence to be completed.
(FDIO) Replacement This process is inefficient and restrictive since
The FDIO system provides standardized flight plan information hand-written on the flight strips during
data, safety related data, and other information to air the progress of a flight is not easily shared with other
traffic controllers at more than 500 TRACON, ATCT, personnel or facilities.
and ARTCC facilities. The FDIO system prints flight This program will automate the flight strips, providing
data information on paper strips to assist controllers controllers with electronic tools and functions to
in tracking aircraft and anticipating the arrival of better manage air traffic operations, facilitating a
aircraft in the sector under their control. safer and more efficient Air Traffic Control (ATC)
operational environment. This system will facilitate
The FDIO Replacement program replaces the end-of the efficient distribution and management of
--life/obsolete FDIO equipment with fully compatible electronic flight plan operations as well as the
(form/fit/function) commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) sharing of flight plan data and system information.
equipment. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Complete Joint (FAA/DOD) Operational Utility
Complete operational analysis and system support Evaluation at two sites. Due September 30, 2010
analysis to identify end of life/obsolete Activity Target 2:
components. Due April 30, 2010 Complete Operational Utility Evaluation Reports
Activity Target 2: (HF, ATC, Tech Ops and Logistics) to support
Award contract for replacement components. Due Terminal Planning's CONOPS development and
September 30, 2010 Requirements definition. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Core Activity: Integrated Display
Systems (IDS) Technology Refresh and Assess Progress for completing Joint (FAA/DOD)
Operational Unit Evaluation at two sites and also
Sustainment for completing Operational Utility Evaluation
The Integrated Display System (IDS4) is a local and Reports (HF, ATC, Tech Ops and Logistics) to
wide area network information dissemination and support Terminal Planning's CONOPS
display system. IDS4 consolidates information from development and Requirements definition. Due
several operational NAS weather subsystems and March 31, 2010
other operational sources onto a single display, and
distributes the data to air traffic controllers and Core Activity: Terminal Flight Data
airspace managers at TRACON, ATCT, and ARTCC Management System
facilities. The FAA began regional procurements in The NAS currently relies on several flight data
1990 and currently has 2,230 IDS4 workstations management systems in Air Traffic Control Towers
located at approximately 390 FAA facilities (ATCTs) to provide flight object data and traffic
nationwide. Recent obsolescence issues and loss of management tools in the terminal environment.
proprietary software support make it necessary to These systems include, but are not limited to, Airport
replace this system to sustain its functionality. Resource Management Tool (ARMT), Flight Data
Activity Target 1: Input Output (FDIO), Tower Data Link Services
Contract Award. Due May 31, 2010 (TDLS), Integrated Display System (IDS), Electronic
Flight Strip Transfer System (EFSTS), and
Activity Target 2: Advanced Electronic Flight Strip (AEFS). In order to
Delivery and Installation of First Article System to achieve the modernization of the NAS envisioned by
WJHTC. Due September 30, 2010 NextGen, it is necessary to develop an integrated
Terminal Flight Data Management (TFDM) platform
that provides all of the functionality currently
available to controllers as well as emerging
capabilities anticipated in the modernization of the
NAS such as Electronic Flight Strip (EFS) and
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Terminal Data Display System (TDDS). This phase Activity Target 3:
of TFDM intends to integrate the functionality of the Initiate 30 new projects for either realignment,
existing terminal flight data systems and decision modernization and/or sustainment of
support tools in order to reduce operating costs and ATCT/TRACON facilities. Due September 30,
facilitate increased capacity in the terminal 2010
environment through the consolidation of these
systems. Core Activity: ATCT/TRACON
The TFDM program is an integrated approach to An Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) and Terminal
maximize the efficient collection, distribution, and Radar Approach Control (TRACON) are integral
update of the data and improve access to the parts of many airports. It is from these facilities the
information necessary for the safe and efficient air traffic controllers direct aircraft in the terminal
control of air traffic. The system will collect and airspace environment. There are more than 500
portray terminal flight object (flight and flow) data as ATCTs and TRACONs within the Department of
well as provide traffic management tools on an Transportation. The average age of these facilities is
integrated display; and, interface to information and approximately 30 years old, and the oldest facility
decision support tools. has been in service for over 70 years. The primary
Activity Target 1: method of controlling the immediate airport
Support Terminal Planning in engineering environment is visual observation from the control
modeling, requirements definition, and investment tower. The tower is a tall, windowed structure
planning activities. Due March 31, 2010 located on the airport grounds. Tower controllers are
Activity Target 2: responsible for the separation and efficient
movement of aircraft and vehicles operating on the
Support Terminal Planning in completing
taxiways and runways of the airport itself, and
engineering analyses, initial cost/schedule
aircraft in the air near the airport. A TRACON is a
estimates and other documentation necessary to
facility that provides radar separation services within
support Investment Analysis Readiness. Due
30 to 50 miles of an airport but does not always
September 30, 2010
need to be located at the airport. The FAA has a
Core Activity: ATCT/TRACON rigorous program for ATCT/TRACON replacement.
Modernization The FAA must also continually replace facilities to
The FAA has an extensive program for ensure an acceptable level of air traffic control
ATCT/TRACON realignment and sustainment in services. ATO-T's Air Traffic Control Facilities
order to increase the facility condition index. The program contributes to the FAA greater capacity
FAA must continually realign or sustain these goal by replacing ATCTs and TRACONs to meet
facilities to ensure an acceptable level of air traffic current and future operational requirements. This
control services and to accommodate proposed program addresses requirements to accommodate
NextGen enhancements. ATO-T's Air Traffic Control growth and safety concerns (e.g., to ensure that
Facilities program contributes to the FAA greater controllers have an unobstructed view of the
capacity goal by sustaining ATCTs and realigning runways and taxiways).
and modernizing TRACONs to meet current and Activity Target 1:
future operational requirements. This program Assess Progress for initiating four construction
addresses requirements to accommodate growth in awards and continuation with multiple Phase IV
air traffic; provide added space for new equipment. and V activities by the end of the fiscal year. Due
The ATCT/TRACON sustainment and TRACON March 31, 2010
realignment programs upgrade and improve facilities Activity Target 2:
to support the NAS modernization strategy for Initiate four construction awards and continue with
achieving efficient aerospace systems and multiple Phase IV and V activities. Due September
operations. These projects will enable facilities to 30, 2010
meet current operational, environmental, and safety
needs economically instead of replacing the entire Core Activity: Terminal Airport
facility. Surveillance Radar Model 8 (ASR-8)
Activity Target 1: Service Life Extension Program (SLEP)
Conduct 16 Facility Life Cycle and/or Condition The Airport Surveillance Radar, Model-8 (ASR-8)
Assessments to determine sustainment needs. was procured in the mid-1970s and fielded between
Due September 30, 2010 1975 and 1980 to provide primary surveillance radar
Activity Target 2: data to air traffic controllers at low and medium
Assess Progress for Initiating 30 new projects for activity airports. Forty-two ASR-8 systems (39
either realignment, modernization and/or operational systems, 3 support systems) will remain
sustainment of ATCT/TRACON facilities by the in use in the National Airspace System (NAS) after
end of the fiscal year. Due March 31, 2010 the Airport Surveillance Radar, Model-11 (ASR-11)
11/17/09 Page 59 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
program implementation is complete. The NAS WTMD program will field new equipment in Air
Architecture Surveillance Roadmap retains the ASR- Traffic Control Towers. WTMD equipment applies
8 systems through the year 2025. The NAS NASA research using MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Architecture also identifies Automatic Dependent (MIT/LL) software algorithms to process both surface
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) as the primary wind observations and forecast winds aloft, to
means of surveillance for the future. The approved determine when favorable crosswinds exist in
ADS-B backup strategy assumes, primary radar relation to the CSPR. WTMD alerts Air Traffic
services will remain in all terminal areas covered by Control (ATC) supervisors when these favorable
primary radar today and will serve to mitigate single- meteorological conditions might allow reduced
aircraft avionics failures in the event of loss of ADS- departure spacing. The ATC supervisors use
B positioning source. The ASR-8 systems are well WTMD inputs and other operational decision aids,
past their intended life span and need modifications when to decide when to reduce departure spacing.
to contain operating costs and ensure the systems WTMD also provides alarms when such favorable
are able to operate within the NAS and meet the crosswind conditions cease to exist. Reduced
demands of projected traffic profiles through 2025. spacing on departure yields significant
The ASR-8 was developed using technology that is improvements in use of available capacity at airports
now obsolete. Many parts are no longer available with CSPR. Ten of thirty-five Operational Evolution
and the ASR-8 analog data output can not interface Plan (OEP) airports and five of fifteen OEP
directly with newer digital technology. Currently 11 Metropolitan Growth Areas will be served by WTMD.
ASR-8 operational systems are converted to digital Benefits range between two and eleven more
format to feed existing automation systems. In the departures per hour, weather permitting, through the
Automation Roadmap all automation systems will use of WTMD techniques. The ten targeted OEP
require digital radar input as a result of the migration airports with CSPR include Houston, St. Louis,
from ARTS-IIE to ARTS-IIIE or STARS. The Boston, Detroit, Newark, Memphis, Miami,
Surveillance Roadmap includes a decision point for Philadelphia, Seattle, and San Francisco.
implementation of Internet Protocol (IP) addressing Activity Target 1:
at radar facilities which will also require digital radar Assess progress towards meeting the year-end
data. The Surveillance Roadmap also retains the commitment for providing analysis support to
Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) after the enable decision to either terminate, modify, or
requirement to provide digital radar input to the continue the program. Due March 31, 2010
automation systems; this will require digitization of Activity Target 2:
the SSR as well. To support the agency effort to
establish consolidated Terminal Radar Approach Provide analysis support to enable decision-
Control (TRACON) facilities approximately half of the making to either terminate, modify, or continue the
remaining ASR-8 systems will require a digital target program. Due September 30, 2010
output as well as a 6-level weather output. Providing
a digital weather output will also support the agency
Core Business Target: Increase
to meet the recent NTSB recommendation for Terminal Capacity to Meet
standardized 4-level weather reporting. The FAA
also provides ASR-8 data to support the DoD Expected Demand
mission. Currently the DoD Air Defense Sector Terminal Services will meet future capacity demands by
receives radar data from 8 of the 39 operational ASR ensuring the provision of safe and efficient terminal air
-8 systems. In FY2010 Complete documents and traffic control services throughout the terminal portion of
reviews required for a Final Investment Decision the National Airspace System (NAS) through targeted
(FID). capacity increases to 1) Achieve an average daily airport
Activity Target 1: capacity for the 35 OEP airports of 104,338 arrivals and
departures per day by FY 2011 and maintain through FY
Assess progress for completing a Business Case
2012 (FY10 Target = 102,220 arrivals and departures per
Analysis Report by the end of the fiscal year. Due
day); and 2) Achieve an average daily airport capacity for
March 31, 2010
the seven major metropolitan areas of 39,484 arrivals
Activity Target 2: and departures per day by FY 2009, and maintain
Complete the Business Case Analysis Report. Due through FY 2012 (FY10 Target = 39,484 arrivals and
September 30, 2010 departures per day); and 3) Achieve a NAS on-time
Core Activity: Wake Turbulence arrival rate of 88.76 percent at the 35 OEP airports by FY
2011 and maintain through FY 2012 (FY10 Target =
Mitigation for Departures (WTMD) 89.31 percent).
The Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Departure
(WTMD) Program includes two tasks. First, a Core Business Initiative: Provide
national rule change is needed to allow increased
departures from closely spaced parallel runways
Terminal Services Support to
(CSPR) when WTMD is being utilized. Second, this Enable Increases in Airport Capacity
11/17/09 Page 60 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Provide the oversight, management and support 35 OEP Airports of 102,220. Due September 30,
necessary to enable safe increases in capacity and 2010
efficiency through changes in airspace, improved Activity Target 3:
procedures, and insertion of new technology into the Complete assessment for achieving year-end
operation. performance goal to satisfy an average daily
Core Activity: Terminal Services Safety airport capacity for the Seven Metropolitan Areas
and Operations Support of 39,484. Due March 31, 2010 Due March 31,
Provide the operational support functions necessary 2010
to enable increases in airport capacity when Activity Target 4:
delivering terminal air traffic control services Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the
including Contract Tower and Contract Weather Seven Metropolitan Areas of 39,484. Due
Observer Program Management, Safety September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010
Engineering, Airspace & Procedures Analysis and Activity Target 5:
Development, Quality Assurance and Operations
Analysis. Complete assessment for achieving year-end
Activity Target 1: performance goal to satisfy a NAS on-time arrival
rate of 89.31 percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due
Complete assessment for achieving year-end
March 31, 2010
performance goal to satisfy an average daily
Activity Target 6:
airport capacity for the 35 OEP Airports of
102,220. Due March 31, 2010 Achieve a NAS on-time arrival rate of 89.31
Activity Target 2: percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due September
30, 2010
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the
35 OEP Airports of 102,220. Due September 30, Core Activity: Terminal Services
2010 Operations - Central Service Area
Activity Target 3: Provide the operational oversight and management
Complete assessment for achieving year-end of terminal air traffic control operations in the Central
performance goal to satisfy an average daily Terminal Service Area to ensure that initiatives to
airport capacity for the Seven Metropolitan Areas redesign airspace and change procedures are
of 39,484. Due March 31, 2010 increasing the overall capacity and/or efficiency of
Activity Target 4: the terminal domain.
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the Activity Target 1:
Seven Metropolitan Areas of 39,484. Due Complete assessment for achieving year-end
September 30, 2010 performance goal to satisfy an average daily
Activity Target 5: airport capacity for the 35 OEP Airports of
102,220. Due March 31, 2010
Complete assessment for achieving year-end Activity Target 2:
performance goal to satisfy a NAS on-time arrival
rate of 89.31 percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the
March 31, 2010 35 OEP Airports of 102,220. Due September 30,
Activity Target 6: 2010
Activity Target 3:
Achieve a NAS on-time arrival rate of 89.31
percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due September Complete assessment for achieving year-end
30, 2010 performance goal to satisfy an average daily
airport capacity for the Seven Metropolitan Areas
Core Activity: Terminal Services of 39,484. Due March 31, 2010
Operations - Eastern Service Area Activity Target 4:
Provide the operational oversight and management Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the
of terminal air traffic control operations in the Seven Metropolitan Areas of 39,484. Due
Eastern Terminal Service Area to ensure that September 30, 2010
initiatives to redesign airspace and change Activity Target 5:
procedures are increasing the overall capacity
and/or efficiency of the terminal domain. Complete assessment for achieving year-end
Activity Target 1: performance goal to satisfy a NAS on-time arrival
rate of 89.31 percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due
Complete assessment for achieving year-end
March 31, 2010
performance goal to satisfy an average daily
Activity Target 6:
airport capacity for the 35 OEP Airports of
102,220. Due March 31, 2010 Achieve a NAS on-time arrival rate of 89.31
Activity Target 2: percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due September
30, 2010
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the

11/17/09 Page 61 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: Terminal Services conducted to determine the feasibility of reducing the
Operations - Western Service Area separation for dependent operations from 4300 feet
Provide the operational oversight and management to 3000 feet. This will provide more flexibility to
of terminal air traffic control operations in the those facilities that has closely spaced parallels.
Western Terminal Service Area to ensure that Activity Target 1:
initiatives to redesign airspace and change Assess Progress for Completing Feasibility
procedures are increasing the overall capacity Analysis by end of fiscal year. Due March 31,
and/or efficiency of the terminal domain. 2010
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 2:
Complete assessment for achieving year-end Complete Feasibility Analysis. Due September 30,
performance goal to satisfy an average daily 2010
airport capacity for the 35 OEP Airports of
102,220. Due March 31, 2010
Core Activity: Obstruction Clearance
Activity Target 2: Requirements
Conduct a study to access the viability of reducing
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the the separation minima from obstructions. To ensure
35 OEP Airports of 102,220. Due September 30, terminal facilities can maximize airspace design for
2010 arrivals and departures it is important to understand
Activity Target 3: the separation minima as defined per technology
Complete assessment for achieving year-end element with the advent of NextGen technologies.
performance goal to satisfy an average daily Any reduction of separation minima for obstruction
airport capacity for the Seven Metropolitan Areas that is based upon new radar capabilities or
of 39,484. Due March 31, 2010 NextGen technologies for terminal approach controls
Activity Target 4: will be accessed.
Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the Activity Target 1:
Seven Metropolitan Areas of 39,484. Due Assess Progress for Completing Study assessing
September 30, 2010 the level of safety for various separation minima
Activity Target 5: for differing surveillance sources by the end of the
Complete assessment for achieving year-end fiscal year. Due March 31, 2010
performance goal to satisfy a NAS on-time arrival Activity Target 2:
rate of 89.31 percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due Complete Study assessing the level of safety for
March 31, 2010 various separation minima for differing surveillance
Activity Target 6: sources. Due September 30, 2010
Achieve a NAS on-time arrival rate of 89.31 Core Activity: Parallel Instrument
percent at the 35 OEP airports. Due September Approaches Without Primary
30, 2010
Core Activity: Widely Spaced Parallels Conduct a risk assessment of being able to conduct
without Final Monitors. simultaneous parallel instrument approaches at
Conduct an analysis to determine the safety of airports with the primary surveillance radar systems
providing simultaneous parallel approaches without not located on the airport. This initiative will identify
the use of monitors and or no-transgression zone. additional airports that maybe able to provide
Each facility that has widely space parallels parallel instrument approaches without the use of
approaches will be analyzed to determine if benefits parallel surveillance radar.
can be derived from removing the requirements to Activity Target 1:
staff finally monitor position. The analysis will also Assess Progress for Completing Risk Assessment
determine minimum runway separation for such a by the end of August 2010. Due March 31, 2010
procedure. Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1: Complete Risk Assessment. Due August 31, 2010
Assess progress for completing Safety Analysis.
Due December 31, 2009
Activity Target 2:
Core Business Target: Improve
Complete Safety Analysis. Due March 31, 2010 Terminal Services Productivity
Increase terminal direct employee productivity by
Core Activity: Closely Spaced Parallel achieving the Terminal Services Productivity target of
Operations 9,295 operations per direct employee by September
Determine the ability to conduct independent 2012 (FY10 Target = Achieve the ATO Terminal Services
operations on closely spaced parallel runways Productivity target of 9,061operations per direct
separated by 3000 feet. An analysis will be employee). This target is consistent with those identified

11/17/09 Page 62 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

in the Controller Workforce Plan, which was first provided and operation of power systems in the NAS.
to Congress in December 2004.
Core Activity: Sustain power systems.
Core Business Initiative: Provide AJW-22 is responsible for ensuring that there is a
Support to Enable Increases in constant power supply to the essential systems in
the NAS. They support this activity through the
Terminal Services Productivity installation of multiple systems.
Provide the planning and systems engineering support Activity Target 1:
necessary to enable safe increases in direct employee
Complete 60 engine repair/replacement projects in
productivity using improved procedures and
the corporate work plan. Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Terminal Services
Activity Target 2:
Provide the planning support functions necessary to "Complete 6 UPS REPLACE + POWER
support the transition to NextGen and increase DISTRIBUTE repair/replacement projects in the
productivity when delivering terminal Air Traffic corporate work plan." Due September 30, 2010
Control (ATC) services including systems Activity Target 3:
engineering, facility planning, strategic planning and "Complete 15 lightning protect ground bonding
performance reporting, and workforce planning. repair/replacement projects in the corporate work
Activity Target 1: plan." Due September 30, 2010
Complete assessment for achieving year-end Activity Target 4:
performance goal to satisfy the ATO Terminal "Complete 35 DC Bus system repair/replacement
Services Productivity target of 9,061 operations projects in the corporate work plan." Due
per direct employee. Due March 31, 2010 September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 5:
Achieve the ATO Terminal Services Productivity "Complete 44 GNAS & 5 ACEPS (Note: strings at
target of 9,061 operations per direct employee. each site: 3, 2, 3, 3, and 4) sites Battery
Due September 30, 2010 Replacement projects in the corporate work plan."
Activity Target 3: Due September 30, 2010
Complete assessment for achieving ear-end Activity Target 6:
performance goal to satisfy 90% of the NextGen "Complete 6 power cable replacement projects in
Integrated Work Plan (IWP)/NAS Enterprise the corporate work plan." Due September 30, 2010
Architecture (EA) Decision Milestones as planned. Activity Target 7:
Due March 31, 2010 "Complete upgrade/replacement of 2 ARTCC
Activity Target 4: power systems." Due September 30, 2010
Achieve 90% of the NextGen Integrated Work Plan Activity Target 8:
(IWP)/NAS Enterprise Architecture (EA) Decision "Complete 2 CPDS systems to support terminal
Milestones as planned. Due September 30, 2010 upgrades/replacements" Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 9:
Core Business Target: <STI
Sustain operational availability at 99.70 percent for
CANDIDATE> Sustain adjusted reportable power system facilities that support the
operational availability at 99.70% 35 OEP airports. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 10:
for reportable power system Proactively improve the power equipment
facilities that support the 35 OEP replacement process through new test procedures
and performance based data analysis. Achieve a
airports minimum ratio of 85%. Due September 30, 2010
Sustain NAS power systems to allow for continuous Activity Target 11:
operations. Sustain adjusted operational availability at Replace the NAS power equipment supporting
99.70% for reportable power system facilities that OEP ATC operations that are technologically
support the 35 OEP airports. obsolete and unsupportable. Complete 90% of JAI
Core Business Initiative: Provide Planned FY10 OEP Projects. Due September 30,
power systems engineering, Activity Target 12:
implementation, and operations Inventory 5% of the NAS power equipment
expertise supporting OEP ATC operations that are
AJW-22 provides numerous program management technologically obsolete and unsupportable
activities in support of the procurement, installation, (BASED ON RANKING TABLES DATASET). Due
11/17/09 Page 63 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Collaborative Pre-
Departure Oceanic Trajectory
Core Business Target: Identify Management 4D (OTM4D)
and Prioritize En Route Conduct technical development activities for
Collaborative Pre-Departure Oceanic Trajectory
Approved Airspace Changes and Management 4D (OTM4D). The FAA is developing a
Implement Technical Initiatives concept to improve the probability that an aircraft
oceanic entry altitude and En Route preferred profile
Based on Outcomes and Costs will be available by suggesting minor adjustments to
Analyze actual versus projected benefits of En Route track altitude and time requests for oceanic entry.
airspace changes and airspace utilization efforts to Activity Target 1:
increase future capacity by creating a prioritized list by
Provide operational support for operational trials in
March 31, 2010.
Polar and/or Pacific airspace. Due September 30,
Core Business Initiative: Deliver on 2010
Activity Target 2:
Airspace Modernization Programs
Identify and prioritize En Route airspace changes and Complete assessment for Atlantic and Caribbean
airspace utilization efforts that increase future airspace. Due September 30, 2010
capacity. Activity Target 3:
Core Activity: Houston Area Air Traffic Assess progress towards achieving year-end
System (HAATS) performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Coordinate Houston Area Air Traffic System Core Activity: Oceanic Trajectory
(HAATS) activities.
Management 4D (OTM4D) In-Flight
Activity Target 1:
Complete Phase 3C. Due June 30, 2010 Conduct technical development for Oceanic
Trajectory Management 4D (OTM4-D) In-Flight
Core Business Target: Support Evaluator. The FAA is developing a program to
optimize aircraft profiles against known traffic for
the Next Generation Air Traffic airborne flights.
Control System (NextGen) Activity Target 1:
Provide for a future air transportation system by Finalize the technology software and hardware
achieving the percentage of Air Traffic Organization, En requirements for prototype development. Due
Route and Oceanic Services research milestones September 30, 2010
planned in support of NextGen. FY 2010 target: 100 Activity Target 2:
percent. Assess progress towards achieving year-end
Core Business Initiative: Conduct performance goal. Due March 31, 2010

Technical Development Activities in Core Activity: Draft En Route and

Support of NextGen Oceanic Integrated Concept of
Conduct proof of concepts, demonstrations and flight Operations
trials in support of NextGen. Develop a draft En Route and Oceanic Integrated
Concept of Operations for NextGen Mid-Term and
Core Activity: Draft Five-year En Route
and Oceanic Research and Activity Target 1:
Development Plan Prepare the initial draft of the En Route and
Develop a draft Five-Year En Route and Oceanic Oceanic Integrated Concept of Operations for
Research and Development Plan. The Plan will NextGen Mid-Term and beyond. Due May 31,
cover research and development activities between 2010
FY2010 and FY2015 and will include activities for Activity Target 2:
NextGen Mid-term and beyond.
Prepare the final draft of the En Route and
Activity Target 1:
Oceanic Integrated Concept of Operations for
Prepare the initial draft of the En Route and NextGen Mid-Term and beyond. Due September
Oceanic Research and Development Plan 30, 2010
(FY2010 -- 2015). Due May 31, 2010
Activity Target 2: Core Business Target: Enhance
Prepare the final draft of the En Route and
Oceanic Research and Development Plan
National Airspace System
(FY2010 -- 2015). Due September 30, 2010 Efficiency
11/17/09 Page 64 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
The overall outcome ATO customers most want is Activity Target 5:
predictability of flight operations, with emphasis on on- Complete ASDI audit process for vendors. Due
time arrivals and flexibility for routing and altitudes. As June 30, 2010
ATO can provide desired routes and altitudes, we help
customers reduce both costs and delays. System Core Activity: Departure Spacing
Operations works to minimize the impact of weather, Program (DSP)
congestion, and security restrictions on aircraft All activities to maintain systems, including but not
operations in the National Airspace System. limited to technical refresh of existing hardware and
software of the DSP, Adaptation Controlled
Core Business Initiative: Traffic Environment System Chart Update, development of
Flow Management (TFM) Operations requisite information security documentation as well
The activities performed to balance air traffic demand as system documentation, PTR fixes, and updates to
with system capacity in order to maximize airspace the information contained within the system.
use. Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Collaborative Decision Complete deployment of DSP tech refresh. Due
Making Operations June 30, 2010
Activities performed to coordinate with system Activity Target 2:
stakeholders to maximize system efficiency. The Distribute 56-day Chart update of NAS database
goal of these activities is to balance air traffic elements to DSP locations. Due September 30,
demand with system capacity on an ongoing, daily 2010
basis to maximize airspace use. The Command
Center conducts a yearly end of season review with Core Activity: Center Weather Service
aviation stakeholders and daily strategic planning Unit (CWSU) Support
telcons to assess the daily operation of the NAS. Provide funding for an Inter-Agency agreement with
Activity Target 1: the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide
Assess the previous severe weather season by meteorological consultation, nowcasting, and advice
conducting an end of season review with aviation regarding weather events that may have potential
stakeholders. Due November 15, 2009 impacts on air traffic operations to FAA operations
Activity Target 2: personnel at 21 Air Route Traffic Control Centers
(ARTCCs) 16 hours per day/7 days per week.
Conduct annual review of Playbook/CDR use to
Activity Target 1:
identify and prepare changes needed to support
the upcoming severe weather season. Due Complete annual site evaluations of current
February 28, 2010 CWSU services. Due October 15, 2009
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: TFM System Sustainment Based on site evaluations, provide
Upgrades to sustain the Traffic Flow Management
recommendations for improvements. Due
System (TFMS) that cover all activities to maintain
December 31, 2009
systems, including but not limited to: technical
Activity Target 3:
refresh of existing hardware and software of the
TFMS, 56 Day Chart Updates, development of Update/establish performance baseline standards
requisite information security documentation as well for CWSU operations. Work with the NWS to
as system documentation, PTR fixes, and updates to develop metrics that track performance
the information contained within the system. information. Due March 1, 2010
Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative: Airspace
Distribute 56 Day Chart updates of NAS database
elements (e.g., navigational fixes, routes, sector Management Program
changes) to TFMS sites every 56 days. Due Develop and maintain national standards for airspace
September 30, 2010 redesign. Manage AMP programs.
Activity Target 2: Core Activity: Airspace Management
Complete TFMS Security documentation. Due Program Planning
June 30, 2010 Revise, update and maintain national standards for
Activity Target 3: airspace redesign. Manage AMP programs.
Activity Target 1:
Complete installation of TFMS equipment at new
facilities, as necessary. Due September 30, 2010 Conduct regular national program reviews. Due
Activity Target 4: September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Provide TFMS roadshow support, as necessary.
Due September 30, 2010 Update the Airspace Management Handbook. Due
September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 65 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Business Initiative: Activity Target 1:
Complete actions to publish TFR and other
Aeronautical Information Integration security NOTAM information via the Internet within
Achieve situational awareness and trajectory-based one hour of finalizing the details. Due September
operations for increased airspace capacity through 30, 2010
expanded capabilities of aeronautical information. Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Common Status and
Quarterly review TFR and NOTAM data to identify
Structure Data trends and work flow requirements. Brief senior
Deliver an integrated source of aeronautical AJR-2 management of findings. Normally this will
information that supports tactical and strategic be accomplished within 45 days of the conclusion
situational awareness. Provide a comprehensive of the quarter and briefed within 60. Due
pilot briefing and flight planning service, September 30, 2010
incorporating NAS status and NAS constraint
information that improves planning of NAS Core Activity: Coordination of NSSE,
operations. Deliver forecasting and benchmarking SFRA and FRZ Operations
operational performance tools to improve air traffic Air Traffic Security Coordinators (ATSCs) will
management. operate from four locations and respond to aviation
Activity Target 1: security related incidents, including NSSE
Develop data/exchange model draft operational issues, violations of the National Capital
recommendations for proposed information Region's (NCR) Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA)
exchange of scenario data. Due May 30, 2010 and Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ), as well as suspect
Activity Target 2: No-Fly passengers, Special Interest Flights (SIF),
stolen aircraft, etc.
Develop detailed Concept of Operations Joint
Activity Target 1:
Requirements for leading scenarios integrated into
NAS Enterprise Architecture. Due August 30, 2010 Quarterly review and publish an updated DEN
user customer guide; if no update is needed, notify
Core Business Target: Mitigate the customers that the previous version remains
current. Due September 30, 2010
Security Impacts on the NAS Activity Target 2:
Protect the US from Air Security threats and mitigate the Collaborate with AJR-22 to establish a formal
affect of Air Security measures on NAS users. quality assurance program and accomplish at least
one full Quality Assurance evaluation by the end of
Core Business Initiative: System the fiscal year at each location. Due September
Operations Security Tactical 30, 2010
Operations Core Business Initiative: System
The Tactical Operations Security will operationally
coordinate with and support DHS, DoD, and other Operations Security Special
critical aviation security stakeholders on real-time Operations
security related activities and incidents involving the The Special Operations Security (AJR-21) group will
NAS through the Domestic Events Network (DEN), collaborate with the Department of Defense (DoD) and
onsite collaboration at the National Capital Region Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide air
Coordination Center (NCRCC) and DoD locations, and traffic operations related support to national defense
other mechanisms. Air Traffic Security Coordinators and homeland security missions through the use of
(ATSCs) will operate from four locations to respond to liaisons officers embedded in the military's air defense
aviation security related incidents, including violations sector and major commands, including DHS' Air
of the National Capital Region's (NCR) Special Flight Marine Operations Center (AMOC). This group will
Rules Area (SFRA) and Flight Restricted Area (FRZ), collaborate with DHS and other security stakeholders
as well as suspect No-Fly passengers, Special Interest to protect National Special Security Events (NSSE)
Flights (SIF), stolen aircraft, etc. Through close and other special events such as the United Nations
collaboration with stakeholders, security measures will General Assembly, Presidential Inauguration, State of
be enhanced and information will be efficiently shared the Union Address, and the Super Bowl from aviation
while mitigating impacts on the safety and efficiency of related threats through the use of Temporary Flight
the NAS. Restrictions (TFRs), operational coordination with air
Core Activity: Collaborate with Security traffic control (ATC) facilities, and other air traffic
Partners operational measures. The group assists the United
Collaborate with security partners to develop States Secret Service (USSS) to guard the President
security related TFRs and NOTAMs and to ensure of the United States (POTUS), Vice President of the
timely distribution of the information to reduce the United States (VPOTUS), Heads of State and other
impact the measures have on NAS operations. dignitaries as needed from aviation related security

11/17/09 Page 66 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

threats through the use of temporary flight restrictions Activity Target 1:
(TFRs), operational coordination with ATC facilities, Conduct a quarterly review using DoD's classified
and other air traffic operational measures. This group operations reports and identify actions to be taken
also provides air traffic related support to local, state by FAA to mitigate the impact of classsified
and federal law enforcement partners and classified operations in the NAS while still meeting national
support to federal partners for national defense and security objectives. The review will normally be
homeland security missions. conducted within 45 days of the close of the
Core Activity: National Special Security quarter and actions such as meeting with DoD,
Events DHS and internal FAA representatives will
National Special Security Events: Cooperate with the normally occur within 60 days of the review
DHS and other security stakeholders to protect completion. The result and actions taken will be
National Special Security Events (NSSE) and briefed to appropriate FAA executives. Due
Special Events such as the United Nations General September 30, 2010
Assembly, Presidential Inauguration, State of the Core Activity: System Operations
Union Address, and the Super Bowl from aviation
related threats through the use of Temporary Flight
Collaboration with Local, State, and
Restrictions (TFRs), operational coordination with Air Federal Law Enforcement Partners
Traffic Control (ATC), and other air traffic operational Cooperate with Department of Homeland Security
measures. (DHS) and other law enforcement partners at the
Activity Target 1: local, state and federal levels to provide air traffic
related support for law enforcement missions.
Identify and implement protective airspace
security measures (including the publication of the Activity Target 1:
preliminary advisory notice) for all NSSEs and Conduct a quarterly review using law enforcement
special events. Normally preliminary advisory flight activity reports and identify actions to be
notices will be accomplished two weeks prior to taken by FAA to mitigate the impact of law
the event. Conduct a quarterly review of events to enforcement flight activities on the NAS while still
ensure 90% of the notices are published two meeting national security objectives. The review
weeks prior to the event. Due September 30, 2010 will normally be conducted within 45 days of the
close of the quarter and actions such as meeting
Core Activity: System Operations with law enforcement and internal FAA
Collaboration with Homeland Security representatives will normally occur within 60 days
Cooperate with Department of Defense (DoD) and of the review completion. The result and actions
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide taken will be briefed to appropriate FAA
air traffic operations related support to national executives. Due September 30, 2010
defense and homeland security missions through the
use of liaisons officers embedded in the military's air Core Business Initiative: System
defense sector and major commands, including Operations Security Strategic
DHS' Air Marine Operations Center (AMOC).
Activity Target 1:
The Strategic Operations Security (AJR-22) group will
Conduct a quarterly review using DoD's intercept collaborate with DoD and DHS on over 50 national,
operations reports and identify actions to be taken regional, and local exercises each year to enhance the
by FAA to mitigate the impact of intercept operational readiness of key national defense and
operations in the NAS while still meeting national homeland security capabilities while mitigating the
security objectives. The review will normally be impact of DoD and DHS operations and related
conducted within 45 days of the close of the measures on the safety and efficiency of the National
quarter and actions such as meeting with DoD, Airspace System (NAS). As the lead for ATO and FAA,
DHS and internal FAA representatives will this group will coordinate with Department of State
normally occur within 60 days of the review (DOS) and other stakeholders on special air traffic
completion. The result and actions taken will be related handling (e.g., secure routing) of flights by
briefed to appropriate FAA executives. Due select States (e.g., countries of special security
September 30, 2010 interest to the U.S.) designated as Special Interest
Core Activity: Classified System Flights (SIF) in order to mitigate potential security
Operations Collaboration with Federal threats. The group will provide air traffic operations
related support of and coordination on (e.g., special
Partners ATC handling) of flights operating in the U.S. under the
Cooperate with Department of Defense (DoD), Open Skies treaty, which enables 35 party states to
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other conduct reconnaissance flights over party states to
Federal partners to provide classified air traffic collect data on military forces and activities. This
related support to federal partners for national group will take action to mitigate the impact of Open
defense and homeland security missions. Skies flights on the safety and efficiency the NAS.
11/17/09 Page 67 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Also, this group will provide national level standards, Core Activity: Develop Quality
procedures, procurement, and logistical support for Assurance Program
ATO's conduct of classified voice and data Develop and manage the AJR-2 Quality Assurance
communications (referred to as COMSEC) both Program.
internally and with other government agencies. Activity Target 1:
Through active oversight of security related programs,
Complete one full facility quality assurance
procedures and analyses including updates for FAA
evaluation on one of the four field Tactical
Order 7610.4 Special Operations and responses to
Operations facilities (DEN, CONR, CRCC,
congressional letters, this group will ensure
compliance with security related mandates within the NORAD). Brief AJR-2 management of results and
FAA and provides guidance to other aviation security issues to be resolved within 30 days of
partners. Strategic Operations will also seek methods evaluations. Due September 30, 2010
to enable faster identification of potential airborne Activity Target 2:
threats in US territorial airspace such as the ADAPT Complete a draft AJR Quality Assurance Order.
initiative. This group's objective is to mitigate the Due December 31, 2009
impact of these measures on the safety and efficiency Activity Target 3:
of the NAS through effective planning and Complete a final version of the AJR Quality
implementation. Assurance Order. Due April 30, 2010
Core Activity: Emergency Planning Activity Target 4:
Activities Develop framework for a standardized training
Coordinate and manage the ATO's emergency program for FAA DEN facilities. Due September
planning activities. 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Conduct monthly ATO emergency planning Core Business Target: Create a
meetings and publish meeting minutes within 10
business days. Due September 30, 2010
disaster support infrastructure.
Provide and test at least one support plan in the case of
Activity Target 2:
an emergency by September 30, 2010.
Draft project plan for the implementation of an
ATO Crisis Response/Emergency Operations Core Business Initiative: Provide
Directive by March 2010. The project plan will
include approach to be used, coordination
disaster support.
Provide support assistance to NAS systems in case of
requirements, required participants, and
emergency or disaster.
milestones. Brief status of Directive to ATO
executives by September 2010. Due September Core Activity: Ensure readiness for
30, 2010 national disasters and emergency
Activity Target 3: response.
Publish an integrated Exercise calendar monthly. Ensure readiness for national disasters and
Due September 30, 2010 emergency response.
Activity Target 4: Activity Target 1:
Draft an ATO Crisis Response / Emergency Complete annual BCP activation test. Due June 9,
Operations order that responds to Agency 2010
Directives, the National Response Framework, and
Title 49 obligations. Due December 30, 2009 Core Business Target: Secure
Core Activity: Support National Strategy Customer Feedback.
Support customers and those maintaining the NAS by
for Aviation Security responding and reacting to customer feedback.
Support and represent DOT/FAA in development of
plans that support National Strategy for Aviation
Core Business Initiative: Customer
Activity Target 1: Support
Support completion of remaining NSAS items. Provide customer support by securing feedback.
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Core Activity: Customer Support and
Finalize ATO MANPADS plan. Due July 31, 2010 Feedback.
Customer Support and Feedback.

Activity Target 1:
Participate in 2 Technical Exchange or Workshops
that support Field ISM activities. Due September

11/17/09 Page 68 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

30, 2010 Communication Switching System (ICSS),
Remote Monitoring Maintenance System (RMMS),
Activity Target 2: Recovery Communication (RCOM), RCOM
Each Team provide, collect and report 2 customer Antenna, Operational Support Telephone System
service surveys. Due September 30, 2010 (OSTS), Harmonic Cancellation System (HCS)
Activity Target 3: Due September 30, 2010
Attend 50% of AJW-13 monthly line of business
telecons. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Target: Analyze
Core Business Target: Manage the Equipment Delay Program.
By the 5th of every month, provide analysis and report on
NAS Performance. the ATO equipment delay program.
Manage NAS performance by working with Second Level
and the Service Areas to provide briefings to ATO Core Business Initiative: Reduce
executives within 24 hours of a significant issue. equipment related delays within the
Core Business Initiative: Report on NAS.
Reduce equipment related delays within the NAS.
NAS Status.
As necessary report on NAS status and be able to
explain and/or resolve significant issues. Core Activity: Facilitate management of
Core Activity: Facilitate management of NAS performance.
Facilitate management of NAS performance.
NAS performance.
Manage NAS performance. Activity Target 1:
Provide for program management and analysis of
Activity Target 1:
the ATO equipment delay program. Due
Provide daily briefings on NAS status to ATO September 30, 2010
executives, work with 2nd level and Service Areas
to resolve/explain significant events within the
fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: Complete
Security Certification and
Core Business Initiative: Protect
NAS facilities. Authorization Packages (SCAPs)
Complete 100% of the SCAPs for TechNet within the
Protect the integrity and performance of NAS facilities
fiscal year.
from obstruction.
Core Activity: Facilitate management of Core Business Initiative: Complete
NAS performance. security certifications on NAS
Facilitate management of NAS performance.
Activity Target 1: Ensure all ATO systems requiring a SCAP or annual
Refine simulation tools for obstruction evaluation assessments are complete by certification date.
and provide training. Due September 30, 2010 Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure
Core Business Target: Manage NAS.
Ensure a safe and secure NAS.
NAS Maintenance Contracts. Activity Target 1:
Manage maintenance contracts within 95% of their
requirements. Complete SCAPs for TECHNET. Due September
30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Manage
Core Business Target: Provide
Ensure contract tasks are completed. Spectrum Engineering Services
Spectrum Engineering Services obtains, assigns,
Core Activity: Facilitate management of certifies, and protects radio frequencies for the FAA's
communication, navigation, and surveillance programs.
NAS performance.
Facilitate management of NAS performance. Core Business Initiative: Achieve
Activity Target 1: 95% of Activity Targets to provide
Manage maintenance contracts to within 95% of Spectrum Services for NAS users.
their requirements for: Automated Surface To secure, manage, and protect the necessary radio
Observing System ( ASOS), Integrated frequency spectrum resources to support the safe and
11/17/09 Page 69 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
efficient operation of the National Airspace System. Core Activity: Low visibility operational
improvements through lower RVR
Core Activity: Resolve Radio Frequency minima
Interference (RFI) Utilize existing Category I equipped runways in
Resolve Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) conditions that exceed normal Category I minimums
through the use of Runway Visual Range systems
Activity Target 1:
and appropriate equipage and training in the cockpit.
Resolve 82% of RFI cases within 9 days. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010
Complete validation of RVR enhancements at test
Activity Target 2:
airport site. Due September 30, 2010
Provide 3 -- 5 RFI training sessions for FAA Activity Target 2:
technicians. Due September 30, 2010
Conduct data collection to support improvements
Core Activity: Manage radio frequency in Low Visibility Operations. Due September 30,
spectrum efficiently to satisfy NAS 2010
requirements Activity Target 3:
Manage radio frequency spectrum efficiently to Conduct data reduction and analysis. Due
satisfy NAS requirements September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Provide 100% of new frequency assignment
Core Business Initiative: Establish
requirements by the commissioning date. Due research and analysis program to
September 30, 2010 enable surface navigation capability
Activity Target 2:
in support of improved airport
Develop land mobile, microwave, and radar
models for the Automated Frequency Management operations.
(AFM) engineering tool. Due September 30, 2010 Providing situational awareness on the airport surface.
Activity Target 3:
Complete each ESV request in support of RNAV /
Core Activity: R&D for surface
RNP requirements within 90 days. Due September navigation supporting NextGen mid-
30, 2010 and far-term OIs
Activity Target 4: Pathway to NextGen is defined for surface
Conduct Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) navigation and virtual tower.
analysis for Military Electronic Attack, Counter Activity Target 1:
Improvised Explosive Devices, etc. Due Support establishment of Test Bed to demonstrate
September 30, 2010 use of GNSS provided navigation services to
enable surface navigation capability. Due
Core Business Target: <STI September 30, 2010
Candidate> Ensure the provision Core Business Target: Ensure
of safe and efficient Navigation WAAS Service Availability
Services of legacy systems Provide WAAS service.

throughout the NAS by meeting

the outcomes stated in the FAA Core Business Initiative: WAAS
NAS Enterprise Architecture. WAAS Follow-On Release 2
Navigation technology to improve efficiency of operations
or maintenance. Core Activity: Technology Refresh
WAAS Performance
Core Business Initiative: Maintain
capacity at airports during Activity Target 1:
Complete Radio Frequency Uplink (RFU) / Signal
instrument meteorological Generator Subsystem Type 1 (SGST) Integration.
conditions (IMC). Due September 30, 2010
Increase capability for takeoffs and departures during
periods of low visibility.

11/17/09 Page 70 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: GEO Satellite Leases Core Business Target: <STI
WAAS Performance
Candidate> Achieve 90% of
Activity Target 1:
Maintain leases for two (2) WAAS geostationary Activity Targets to provide
satellites. Due June 30, 2010 Navigation Landing Aids for NAS
Core Business Initiative: Complete users.
Three (3) Supplemental Type Provide Navigation Services
Certification (STCs) approved for
Commercial Transport Aircraft Core Business Initiative: NAS
WAAS Equipage System Performance
Ensure Navigation Services supports the NAS
Core Activity: NAS Implementation performance for operational equipment
WAAS equipage Core Activity: Provide Approach
Activity Target 1: Lighting Capability
Complete three (3) STCs approved for Provide Approach Lighting Capability
Commercial Transport Aircraft. Due September
Activity Target 1:
30, 2010
Install MALSRs at two (2) locations. Due
Core Business Initiative: Monitor September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Number of WAAS Outages
WAAS Outages Install RLMS at five (5) sites using stimulus funds.
Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: WAAS O&M Core Business Initiative: Ensure
WAAS Outages
Ground Based and Lighting
Activity Target 1: Services are available for the NAS
Provide support for second level engineering, The ground based systems along with required
contractor depot logistics, terrestrial approach lighting systems directly impact both system
communications infrastructure lease costs, safety and capacity at equipped runways by providing
maintenance labor costs and training expenses. precision approach for aircraft in adverse weather
Due September 30, 2010 conditions.
Core Business Target: Develop Core Activity: Procure Establish/CAST
DME systems
Ground Based Augmentation Procure Establish/CAST DME systems
System (GBAS) Activity Target 1:
Business Case Analysis Report Procure twelve (12) (Establish/CAST) DME
Systems. Due June 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: NextGen Core Activity: Attain service for Sustain
and OEP Portfolio DME locations
Attain service for Sustain DME locations
Navigation Services is to work with Federal and other
Government and airspace users to provide increased Activity Target 1:
capacity in the United States airspace system. Attain service availability for six (6) (Sustain) DME
Core Activity: Develop Ground Based locations. Due September 30, 2010
Augmentation System (GBAS)
Develop Ground Based Augmentation System Core Activity: Establish/Sustain ILS
(GBAS) in support of the Next Generation Air Procure Establish/Sustain ILS
Transportation System. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Procure five (5) (Establish/Sustain) ILS Systems.
Develop draft benefits and cost analysis report. Due June 30, 2010
Due July 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 71 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: Attain service for Core Activity: Optimize NextGen
Establish/Sustain ILS Navigation Lighting Systems in the NAS
Attain service for Establish/Sustain ILS NextGen LED Acquisition

Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:

Attain service availability for (Establish/Sustain) Award MALSR LED Contract Due July 31, 2010
five (5) ILS locations. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Procure VOR/DME Award LED Precision Approach Path Indicator
Electronics and VOR/DME Antenna Kits (PAPI) contract. Due September 30, 2010
Procure VOR/DME Electronics and VOR/DME
Antenna Kits. Core Business Initiative: Achieve
Activity Target 1: 90% of Activity Targets to Provide
Procure five (5) VOR/DME Electronics. Due June
30, 2010
Navigation Landing Aids to NAS
Activity Target 2: Users
Increased capacity for takeoffs and departures during
Procure six (6) VOR Doppler Antenna Kits. Due
periods of low visibility.
June 30, 2010
Core Activity: Provide Navigation
Core Activity: Attain service for VOR Services
facilities Provide Navigation Services
Attain service for VOR facilities
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Achieve 90% of activity targets to provide
Attain service availability for one (1) (Dopplerize) navigation landing aids to NAS users. Due
VOR Facilities Due September 30, 2010 September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Provide Congressional
Category I/II/III ILS
Core Business Target: <STI
Congressional Category I/II/III ILS Implementation Candidate> Increase percentage
Activity Target 1: of ACEPS facilities with fielded
Provide one (1) Full & two (2) Partial ILSs. Due
September 30, 2010
fuel storage system upgrades by
Core Activity: Attain service for
Provide upgrades to fuel storage systems.
Category I/II/III ILS
Attain service for Category I/II/III ILS

Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Provide
Attain service availability for: one (1) Full & two (2) program management support in
Partial ILSs. Due September 30, 2010 order to ensure necessary
Core Business Initiative: Ensure modifications are made to candidate
NextGen DME/DME Capabilities are fuel storage systems.
AJW-22, in collaboration with AJW-23, is providing
available for the NAS safety upgrades to candidate fuel storage systems.
The NextGen DME/DME will provide increased
availability/accuracy on airport runways and aid in Core Activity: Fuel Storage Tank
reducing congestion. upgrades
Core Activity: NextGen DME Fuel Storage Tank upgrades
NextGen DME Acquisition Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Sustain infrastructure; Sustain/improve NAS
Award DME/DME Contract Due September 30, facilities, power system and improve safety.
2010 Increase percentage of ACEPS facilities with
fielded fuel storage system upgrades by 8% by
Core Business Initiative: Optimize September 2010. Due September 30, 2010
NextGen Navigation Lighting Activity Target 2:
Sustain infrastructure: Sustain/improve NAS
Systems in the NAS facilities, power system and improve safety.
Replace incandescent lamps with Light Emitting
Complete fall protection safety modifications on 50
Diodes (LED)
11/17/09 Page 72 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
fuel storage tank documented known candidate AJW-24's role to examine the potential for
inventory by September 30, 2010. Due September improvements as well as decommission any facilities
30, 2010 that are no longer necessary.AJW-24 is responsible
for providing physical security at NAS facilities. This
Core Business Target: <STI includes construction of security related structures and
upgrades to already standing structures.
Candidate> Identify candidates Core Activity: Sustain Unstaffed
for mold remediation and Infrastructure in the NAS.
complete remediation of 95% of Sustain Unstaffed Infrastructure in the NAS.

identified facilities within four (4) Activity Target 1:

Accomplish 250 unstaffed infrastructure
fiscal quarters. sustainment projects. Prioritize these projects top
Address Environmental and Mold related EOSH issues down by impact by September 30, 2010. Due
within NAS facilities. September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Business Initiative: Ensure Perform seismic evaluations of 10 Major FAA
compliance with environmental facilities and review Geotechnical Investigation
requirements for NAS facilities. reports by September 30, 2010. Due September
AJW-23 is responsible for ensuring that NAS facilities 30, 2010
comply with Local, State and Federal environmental Activity Target 3:
law and that workers are able to perform their duties in Conduct 20 accessibility surveys of major FAA
a healthy work atmosphere. facilities and three (3) Architectural Barriers Act
Core Activity: Continue to identify and Accessibility Standard training sessions by
remediate contaminated sites September 30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 4:
throughout the Agency.
Continue to identify and remediate contaminated Consolidate 10 facilities and pass redundant
sites throughout the Agency. facilities to Disposition program by September 30,
Activity Target 1: 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Remove 5% of the total sites listed in the 2009 Core Activity: Facility Security and Risk
Environmental Site Cleanup Report (ESCR) by Management
September 30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010 Facility Security and Risk Management
Core Activity: Complete mold
Activity Target 1:
remediation projects. Complete security upgrades at 30 facilities in
Complete mold remediation projects.
support of accreditation by September 30, 2010.
Activity Target 1: Due September 30, 2010
Identify candidates for mold remediation and Activity Target 2:
complete remediation of 95% of identified facilities Complete 12 C&As documentation (3 full SCAPs
within four (4) fiscal quarters. Due September 30, and 9 annual reviews) on ATC facilities systems by
2010 September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Core Business Target: Provide "Design and install SSDI equipment at 20 FAA
lifecycle management of the Facilities by September 30, 2010." Due September
30, 2010
functional and physical integrity Activity Target 4:
of NAS unstaffed facilities Complete 3 Brick and Mortar projects (e.g. guard
Provide lifecycle management of the functional and houses, parking lots, access roads,
physical integrity of NAS unstaffed facilities. reconfigurations and fencing) by September 30,
2010 Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Provide Core Activity: Eliminate redundant
lifecycle management of the of the unstaffed NAS facilities
functional and physical integrity of Decommissioning: eliminate redundant unstaffed
NAS facilities
NAS unstaffed facilities. Activity Target 1:
AJW-24 is responsible for ensuring that unstaffed
infrastructure in the NAS is sustained in the Deconstruct 300 NAS facilities, perform
operational environment of the NAS. Additionally, it is Environmental, Site restoration and closeout, and
11/17/09 Page 73 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
release to ARC. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Perform the necessary procedures to recompete
Core Activity: Implement an energy the NISC program vehicle and ensure the
conservation program continuity of contractor operations during transition
Decrease energy consumption in order to make NAS from NISC-II Bridge to NISC-III throughout the
facilities more environmentally conscientious course of Fiscal Year 2010. Due September 30,
Activity Target 1: 2010
Produce trials of emerging technologies and
develop business cases for 5 applications. Deploy Core Business Target: <STI
3,000 energy efficient light sources. Replace old
air conditioning units with modern high seer units
Candidate> Obtain 99%
(100 units) by September 30, 2010. Due sustainment of operations rate
September 30, 2010
for WebCM Version 4.0
Core Business Target: Provide Develop standardized lifecycle policies and processes in
order to successfully integrate systems into the NAS.
management and technical Obtain 99% sustainment of operations rate for WebCM
oversight for FAA support
contracts (NISC and TSSC) Core Business Initiative: Develop
Provide Navigation Services. standardized lifecycle policies and
processes in order to successfully
Core Business Initiative: Provide integrate systems into the NAS.
Develop standardized lifecycle policies and processes
management and technical in order to successfully integrate systems into the
oversight for FAA support contracts NAS.
(NISC and TSSC) Core Activity: Manage strategic,
Both the TSSC and NISC program vehicles provide enterprise, and related CM and
invaluable contractor support services to the FAA. It is engineering initiatives, tasks and
the job of AJW-28 to ensure that these contractor activities for the FAA.
support services are available continuously and Sustainment and maintenance of WebCM software
receive the proper oversight. Configuration Management (CM) training. Support
Core Activity: Manage Technical for Integrating Standards and Configuration
Support Services Contract (TSSC) Management. CAEG training.
Manage the TSSC program vehicle to make support Activity Target 1:
services available and easy for customers to use as Obtain 99 % sustainment of operations rate for
required to support the Flight Plan. WebCM V4.0 through 4th qtr FY 2011. Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Maintain the TSSC program vehicle in accordance Activity Target 2:
with Federal Acquisitions law throughout the Implement at least one maintenance build for
course of Fiscal Year 2010. Due September 30, WebCm V4.0 Due September 30, 2010
2010 Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 2:
Implement FAA agency-wide CM training program
Continue to manage TSSC with a 90 % customer by 4th quarter FY 2010. Due September 30, 2010
satisfaction rate and increase TSSC program Activity Target 4:
vehicle utilization by 95% over the FY 2009
baseline utilization rate. Due September 30, 2010 Complete CM Automation business plan by 4th
quarter FY 2010 Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Manage the NISC Activity Target 5:
program vehicle Complete one (1) Power Systems physical
Manage the NISC program vehicle to make support configuration audit (PCA). Due September 30,
services available and easy for customers to use as 2010
required to support the Flight Plan and the Activity Target 6:
implementation of NextGen.
Investigate and implement, as feasible, a distance
Activity Target 1:
learning initiative for CAEG software for the
Maintain the NISC-II Bridge program vehicle in engineering staff and drafters by 4th quarter FY
accordance with Federal Acquisitions law until 2010. Due September 30, 2010
transition to NISC-III program vehicle during Fiscal
Year 2010. Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 74 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 7:
Core Activity: Increase NES
Implement a Disaster Recovery Solution for CAEG involvement in ATO programs during
Program. Due September 30, 2010
the planning and R&D phases of AMS.
Core Business Target: Increase NES involvement in ATO programs during
the planning and R&D phases of AMS.
Implement and integrate Activity Target 1:
facilities, systems, and Ensure that all programs have developed pre-
deployment check lists and have completed all
equipment into the operational documentation prior to Solution Implementation
environment of the NAS. phase of the program. Due September 30, 2010
Implement and integrate facilities, systems, and Core Business Target:
equipment into the operational environment of the NAS.
Administer joint program
Core Business Initiative: Implement
between agencies.
and integrate facilities, systems, Develop at least one joint program between FAA and
and equipment into the operational another agency outside of the DOT by September 30,
environment of the NAS.
AJW-29 provides engineering support services to Core Business Initiative: Develop
other organizations within the FAA. Through
accomplishing this task, they better incorporate interagency programs.
procedures and design elements into NAS facilities Develop interagency program to promote data sharing.
and systems.
Core Activity: Improve ATC Facilities Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure
CWP processes and project schedule. NAS.
Safe and efficient Implementation of facilities and Ensure a safe and secure NAS.
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1:
Develop and administer a joint program with DOD
Provide linkage between ATCF and NextGen and DHS on GPS data sharing. Due September
Facilities for budget formulation, budget execution 30, 2010
and facility engineering as part of the larger
NextGen deployment by September 30, 2010. Core Business Target: Complete
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Change Proposals.
Complete at least 1 change proposal within the fiscal
Provide linkage between ATCF and ATC
Communications for budget formulation and
budget execution of the DataComm Program as
part of the larger NextGen deployment by
Core Business Initiative: Complete
September 30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010 and publish change proposals.
Activity Target 3: Complete and publish change proposals and notices
Provide linkage between ATCF and Navigation related to the NAS.
Services for budget formulation and budget Core Activity: Publish policies,
execution of the ATCF Decommissioning Program handbooks and directives.
as part of the larger decommissioning effort Publish policies, handbooks and directives.
associated with NAV Systems: VOR, VASI, NDB,
DF, and MM by September 30, 2010. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010 Complete 1 Case file/National Change Proposal
(NCP) and 1 Notice (NOT) within fiscal year. Due
Core Activity: Facilitate Procedures to September 30, 2010
improve Worker Safety in the NAS
Facilitate Procedures to improve Worker Safety in Core Business Target: Complete
the NAS
Activity Target 1:
document improvements.
Publish, distribute, maintain, and improve at least 90%
Facilitate inclusion of Lock Out/ Tag Out of orders, directives, handbooks and notices that effect
procedures for new construction and include with the NAS within the fiscal year.
Facility Reference Data Files to the System
Support Centers at the JAI time by September 30,
2010. Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 75 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Publish Core Activity: Through systems
document improvements. engineering analysis, fix and enhance
Publish and distribute scheduled document NAS and non-NAS hardware, software
improvements. and documentation.
Core Activity: Publish policies, Through systems engineering analysis, fix and
handbooks and directives. enhance NAS and non-NAS hardware, software and
Publish policies, handbooks and directives. documentation.
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Complete 160 systems improvements within fiscal
Complete 40 document improvements within fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
year. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Perform
Core Business Target: Complete system improvements.
quality control review in OCCs. Enhance the NAS by completing system
Complete 100% quality control reviews in each OCC. improvements.
Core Activity: Through systems
engineering analysis, fix and enhance
Core Business Initiative: Perform NAS and non-NAS hardware, software
quality control reviews. and documentation.
Perform quality control review of AFAAR programs. Through systems engineering analysis, fix and
enhance NAS and non-NAS hardware, software and
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure documentation.
NAS. Activity Target 1:
Ensure a safe and secure NAS. Complete 160 systems improvements within fiscal
year. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Complete quality control review of AFAAR Core Business Initiative: Produce
programs in each OCC. Due September 30, 2010 system docs, engineering studies
Core Business Target: Field and software builds.
Enhance the NAS by completing 95% of system
Support Technical Assistance. improvements.
Through the deployment of field support complete 100% Core Activity: Through systems
request for assistance.
engineering analysis, fix and enhance
Core Business Initiative: Complete NAS and non-NAS hardware, software
requests for assistance. and documentation.
Through systems engineering analysis, fix and
Complete request for assistance as requests are
enhance NAS and non-NAS hardware, software and
Core Activity: Provide technical
Activity Target 1:
assistance through field support. Complete 1 System Doc Release (SDR); 11
Provide technical assistance through field support.
Engineering Studies (ES) and 2 Software Builds
Activity Target 1: (SWB) within fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Complete 5000 request of assistance within the
fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: Improve
NAS related documents.
Core Business Target: Complete Publish, distribute, maintain, and improve at least 90%
system improvements. of orders, directives, handbooks and notices that effect
the NAS within the fiscal year.
Complete 100% system improvement by September 30,
2010. Core Business Initiative: Publish
Core Business Initiative: Enhance document improvements.
Publish and distribute scheduled document
the NAS. improvements.
Enhance the NAS by completing needed system

11/17/09 Page 76 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: Publish policies, Ensure current orders and SOPs are current.
handbooks and directives.
Publish policies, handbooks and directives. Core Activity: Publish policies,
handbooks and directives.
Activity Target 1: Publish policies, handbooks and directives.
Complete 35 document improvements within fiscal
year. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Maintain currency of 8020.16 (AFAAR section),
Core Business Target: Maintain JO 1920.5 (FIR) and NOCC SOP. Due September
30, 2010
and Manage Multiple Systems.
Provide field support to maintain at least 4 systems within Core Business Target: Manage
the NAS by September 30, 2010.
system acquisitions.
Core Business Initiative: Provide At least twice per quarter, host meetings supporting new
support personnel to maintain system acquisitions.
multiple systems. Core Business Initiative: Provide
Maintain MPSEN, ODS, EM and RMLS.
support for system acquisitions.
Enhance the NAS by providing support for new system
Core Activity: Provide technical acquisitions.
assistance through field support. Core Activity: Technical support for
Provide technical assistance through field support.
new system acquisition and technical
Activity Target 1: refresh efforts.
Provide effective systems administration to include Technical support for new system acquisition and
maintaining MPSEN, ODS, EM and RMLS . Due technical refresh efforts.
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Hold 2 meetings per quarter with program office.
Core Business Target: Maintain Due September 30, 2010
viable maintenance alerts. Core Business Target: NAS
Ensure SRM requirements for maintenance alerts are
100% compliant. Maintenance Policy
Develop NEXTGEN policy.
Core Business Initiative: Maintain
and manage maintenance alerts.
Maintain and manage maintenance alerts and the Core Business Initiative: Document
maintenance moratorium program. Development.
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure Develop NAS Policy.
Ensure a safe and secure NAS. Core Activity: NAS Policy
NAS Policy
Activity Target 1:
Maintain a viable ATO maintenance alert and Activity Target 1:
maintenance moratorium program. Due Develop NAS maintenance policy for NEXTGEN.
September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010

Core Business Target: Manage Core Business Target: Facilitate

and maintain NAS related Post Accident Response
Manage and assist in post accident response 100% of
documents. the time for accidents involving Tech Ops equipment.
Publish, distribute, maintain, and improve at least 90%
of orders, directives, handbooks and notices that effect Core Business Initiative: Provide
the NAS within the fiscal year.
post accident response.
Core Business Initiative: Manage Provide post accident response for accidents involving
Tech Ops equipment.
and maintain current orders and
standard operating procedures.

11/17/09 Page 77 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: Provide technical Core Activity: Provide technical
assistance through field support assistance through field support.
Provide technical assistance through field support Provide technical assistance through field support.

Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:

Facilitate post accident response 100% of the time Complete 6500 request for assistance within the
for accidents involving Tech Ops equipment. Due fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: Plan and
Core Business Target: Provide develop Maitenance CONOPS
restoration support as needed. Documents
Provide 100% technical assistance for restorations.
Publish Maintenance CONOPS documents.

Core Business Initiative: Complete Core Business Initiative: Document

Complete restorations as requests are submitted.
Plan and develop Maintenance Concept of Operations
(CONOPs) documents.
Core Activity: Provide technical
Core Activity: Publish policies,
assistance for restoration.
Provide technical assistance for restoration. handbooks and directives.
Publish policies, handbooks and directives.
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1:
Complete 200 restoration/on-site support request
within the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010 Publish Maitenance CONOPS documents Due
September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: Provide Core Business Target: Request
restoration/on-site support as for assistance.
needed. Through the deployment of field support complete 100%
Provide 100% technical assistance for restorations. request for assistance.

Core Business Initiative: Complete

Core Business Initiative: Provide on requests for assistance.
-site support. Complete requests for assistance by deploying field
Provide on-site support as requested. support.
Core Activity: Provide technical
Core Activity: Provide technical assistance through field support.
assistance for restoration. Provide technical assistance through field support.
Provide technical assistance for restoration.
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Complete 120 Requests of Assistance within fiscal
Complete 300 restoration/on-site support requests year. Due September 30, 2010
within the fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target:
Core Business Target: Provide Restoration support.
technical assistance as needed. Provide 100% technical assistance for restorations.
Through the deployment of field support complete 100%
request for assistance.
Core Business Initiative: Complete
Core Business Initiative: Provide restorations.
technical support or assistance. Provide on-site support as requested.
As requests are made, provide assistance by
deploying field support. Core Activity: Provide technical
assistance for restoration.
Provide technical assistance for restoration.

Activity Target 1:
11/17/09 Page 78 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Complete 6 restorations within fiscal year. Due Core Activity: NextGen Network
September 30, 2010 Enabled Weather (NNEW)/Reduce
Core Business Target: Facilitate Weather Impact (RWI) Investment
Strategic Event Coordination NextGen Network Enabled Weather (NNEW), one of
process five NextGen Transformational Programs, enables
Facilitate, manage and enhance the Strategic Event universal access to weather information to enable
Coordination process collaborative and dynamic NAS decision making.
NNEW is a key FAA contribution to an interagency
Core Business Initiative: Facilitate, effort to provide quick, easy, and cost effective
access to weather information across all NAS users.
manage and enhance process. Activity Target 1:
Through field support, facilitate and manage all
Preliminary OMB-Exhibit 300 for NNEW/RWI
aspects of the Strategic Event Coordination process.
Segment One first draft Due April 30, 2010
Core Activity: Provide technical Activity Target 2:
assistance through field support. Preliminary OMB-Exhibit 300 for NNEW/RWI
Provide technical assistance through field support.
Segment One. Due August 31, 2010
Activity Target 1: Core Activity: Weather Integration
Facilitate, manage and enhance the agency-wide Demonstrate the ability to integrate weather
Strategic Event Coordination process. Due information from multiple US Government agencies
September 30, 2010 through the use of an electronic catalog of aviation
weather data.
Core Business Target: Activity Target 1:
Administer Emergency Publish a Document establishing Initial Operating
Capability (IOC) Final Versions of Weather
Operations Plan. Specific Services Design Standards and Weather
Administer at least one emergency operations plan within Product Data Format Standards. Due September
the fiscal year. 10, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Business Initiative: Improve Demonstrate and evaluate dissemination/Four-
emergency operations Dimensional (4-D) Weather Data Cube
Administer policies, training and planning to enhance capabilities. Due September 28, 2010
emergency operations.
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure Core Business Target: <STI
NAS. Candidate> Provide ATC
Ensure a safe and secure NAS.
Communications Services
Activity Target 1: Achieve 90% of the planned activity target dates set for
Administer a Tech Ops wide emergency ATC- Communications Activities.
operations program pertaining to policy, training,
incident response, continuity of operations, Core Business Initiative: Acquire
contingency planning and other requirements. Due Alaskan Satellite
September 30, 2010
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Core Business Target: Aviation (ASTI)
Weather Acquire ASTI in accordance with the FAA Acquisition
By 2014, enable operational delivery of six data sets Management System (AMS).
through network-enabled mechanisms. Core Activity: Acquire Alaskan Satellite
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Core Business Initiative: Aviation (ASTI)
Weather NextGen Alaskan Satellite Telecommunications Infrastructure
Conduct coordination with service units and external
agencies to ensure weather information development Activity Target 1:
efforts are consistent with the NextGen Concept of Award contract for Tech Refresh. Contract award
Operations. is contingent upon JRC approval. Due April 30,

11/17/09 Page 79 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Activity Target 2: March 31, 2010
Achieve JRC Investment Decision. Due February Activity Target 2:
28, 2010
Deploy additional 50 voice recorders to ATC
Core Business Initiative: Operate Facilities, bringing the cumulative total to 100 of
100. Due September 30, 2010
and maintain FAA
Telecommunications Infrastructure Core Business Initiative: Deploy
(FTI) Terminal Voice Switch Replacement
Provide communications infrastructure and services (TVSR)
for air traffic control within NAS and the Department of Deploy replacement terminal voice switching systems.
Defense (DOD) .
Core Activity: FAA Telecommunications Core Activity: Terminal Voice Switch
Infrastructure - FTI deployment Replacement (TVSR) III
Complete FTI deployment of sites and services. Deploy TVSR
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Complete the transition of 10 systems off the Deliver 5 Terminal Voice Switch systems to ATC
defined 2GHz Spectrum. Due March 31, 2010 Facilities. Due June 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Complete the transition off the defined 2 GHz Deliver 5 Terminal Voice Switch systems to ATC
Spectrum. Due September 30, 2010 Facilities. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Complete the backbone build out at the Co-
Core Business Initiative: Expand
location facilities. Due February 28, 2010 Communications Facilities
Activity Target 4: Enhancement (CFE)
Complete the Sprint ATM replacement. Due Expand Air-to-Ground Voice Communications.
September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Telecommunications Core Activity: Communications
Services Group (TSG) Facilities Enhancement Expansion
Program, Policy Management, Business and (CFE)
Financial Management, Network Operations, Attain service availability for communication
Engineering and Customer Service, and Product enhancement facilities projects.
Support. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Expand communications coverage at 4 locations
Continue the acquisition and implementation for bringing the cumulative total to 4 of 8 CFE
FAVES. Due September 30, 2010 locations. Due March 31, 2010. Due March 31,
Activity Target 2: 2010
Continue management services for NETWORX Activity Target 2:
transition. Due September 30, 2010 Expand communications coverage at 4 additional
Activity Target 3: locations bringing the cumulative total to 8 CFE
Manage administration telecommunications for locations. Due September 30, 2010. Due
FAA (Working Capital Fund and admin tel.) Due September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Deploy
Core Business Initiative: Deploy Next Generation of
Voice Recorder Replacement Communications: Very High
Program (VRRP) Frequency (VHF) Air-to-Ground
Deploy Voice Recorder Replacement Program (A/G)- Segment 1 (nexCom1)
(VRRP). Deploy Multimode Digital Radios to ATC Facilities.
Core Activity: Voice Recorder
Replacement Program Core Activity: Very High Frequency
Deliver units. (VHF) Air-to-Ground (A/G) Radios
Activity Target 1: Deploy Multimode Digital Radios - Segment 1
Deploy 50 voice recorders to ATC Facilities, Activity Target 1:
bringing the cumulative total to 50 of 100. Due
11/17/09 Page 80 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Deploy 600 new Multimode Digital Radios into Test Plan developed for Future RCE interfaces
operation bringing the cumulative total to 600 of into the RCE test bed. Due March 31, 2010
1600. Due March 31, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 2: Complete draft Purchase Description PD for new
Deploy an additional 1000 new Multimode Digital RCE. Due September 30, 2010
Radios into operation bringing the cumulative total
to 1600. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Deploy
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Core Business Initiative: Deploy
Next Generation of Deploy receiver multicouplers.
Communications: Very High
Frequency (VHF) Air-to-Ground Core Activity: Radio Frequency
(A/G)- Segment 2 (nexCom2) Interference Elimination
Deliver receiver multicouplers
Deploy Multimode Digital Radios in high-density
terminal areas and flight service operations. Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Very High Frequency Deliver 50 Receiver Multicouplers for sustainment
(VHF) Air-to-Ground (A/G) Radios - requirements bringing the cumulative total to 50 of
Segment 2 110. Due March 31, 2010
Deploy Multimode Digital Radios - Segment 2 Activity Target 2:
Deliver 60 Receiver Multicouplers for sustainment
Activity Target 1: requirements bringing the cumulative total to 110
Complete and release VHF and UHF Radios of 110. Due September 30, 2010
Screening Information Request (SIR). Due March
30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Install
Activity Target 2: Fiber Optic Cable Loop at Airport
Complete system level specifications for VHF and Install Fiber Optic Cable Loop at Airport.
UHF Radios. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Deploy Core Activity: Airport Cable Loop
Install fiber optic cable loop
Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Radios
Deploy Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Air-to-Ground Activity Target 1:
communications for the Department of Defense Award Channel Bank Contract. Due April 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Communications
Complete Channel Bank Factory Acceptance
Facilities Enhancement: UHF Testing. Due September 30, 2010
Communications Facilities Enhancement - UHF Core Business Initiative: Implement
Replacement - Segment 1 Voice Switching and Control System
Activity Target 1:
Deploy 400 of 1300 replacement UHF Radios. (VSCS)
Due June 30, 2010 Technical refresh hardware and software.
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Voice Switching and
Deploy 900 replacement UHF Radios at ATC
Facilities bringing the cumulative total to 1300. Control System (VSCS)
Due September 30, 2010 Design, develop, and test VSCS technical refresh
hardware and software.
Core Business Initiative: Deploy Activity Target 1:
Radio Control Equipment (RCE) Complete MTSR (Maintenance Test Set
Replacement) test program and deliver MTSR to
Units depot. Due September 30, 2010
Replace radio signaling and tone control equipment. Activity Target 2:
Complete 75% of Ground to Ground PLM to C++
Core Activity: Radio Communications software conversion. Due September 30, 2010
Deliver radio communication equipment (RCE). Core Business Initiative: Develop
Activity Target 1: Data Communications in support of
11/17/09 Page 81 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
the Next Generation Air Traffic Core Activity: 4D Flight Management
System System
Complete initial analysis report of the performance
Acquire and deploy NextGen Systems to meet future
capabilities for GE Flight Management System
Core Activity: Acquire data
Activity Target 1:
communication system Identify performance capabilities for analysis. Due
Acquire data communication system
March 30, 2010
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 2:
Award Government Industry Agreement for Complete initial analysis report. Due September
avionics standards validation, prototyping, and 30, 2010
demonstration. Due November 30. Due Core Activity: Florida Test Bed
November 30, 2009 Provide infrastructure to support NextGen
Core Business Initiative: Develop demonstration activities.
Activity Target 1:
NAS Voice Switch Establish physical presence in Florida. Due May
30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Develop NAS Voice
Conduct initial demonstration at site. Due
Switch (NVS) September 30, 2010
Develop NVS in support of the Next Generation Air
Transportation System. Core Activity: Surface Conformance
Activity Target 1: Complete first Surface Conformance Human-in-the-
Complete Business Case Analysis development Loop simulation.
and finalize report. Due April 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Initial Simulation Plan. Due December 31, 2009
Core Business Initiative: Develop
Activity Target 2:
System Wide Information
Human-in-the-Loop Simulation. Due May 30, 2010
Management (SWIM)
Develop System Wide Information Management Core Activity: Traffic Alert & Collision
(SWIM) in support of the Next Generation Air
Avoidance System (TCAS)
Transportation System Complete deployment of 10 TCAS Resolution
Core Activity: Develop System Wide Advisory Monitoring Systems (TRAMS).
Information Management (SWIM) Activity Target 1:
Develop System Wide Information Management Complete deployment of 5 TRAMS. Due February
(SWIM) in support of the Next Generation Air 28, 2010
Transportation System Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1:
Complete deployment of 10 TRAMS. Due July 30,
Design of ITWS capability. Due June 30, 2010 2010

Core Business Target: NextGen Core Activity: Unmanned Aircraft

Systems (UAS)
Demonstrations Finalize UAS Demonstration Plan by August 2010 in
Serve as the agency NextGen demonstrations focal order to prepare for future exploration of NextGen
point, assuring 90 percent of each demonstration plan 4D Trajectory Concepts.
comments and recommendations from service units and Activity Target 1:
external agencies are responded to and or resolved Develop Interim Plan. Due March 30, 2010
within 60 days of receipt to ensure each NextGen
demonstration is consistent with the NextGen Concept of Activity Target 2:
Operations. Finalize Plan. Due August 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: NextGen Core Activity: Staffed Tower
Demonstrations Conduct the Staffed NextGen Tower Demonstration.
Conduct research activities and demonstrations to test
emerging technologies in order to meet NextGen Activity Target 1:
Concept of Operations goals and objectives. Complete Integrated Test Plan. Due May 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 82 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Activity Target 2: preventive maintenance on time. Due September
Complete the demonstration. Due September 30, 30, 2010
2010 Core Activity: Install Equipment
Core Activity: Staffed Tower (Human-in- Modifications.
the-Loop) Install nationally issued equipment modifications.
Conduct Human-in-the-Loop Simulations for staffed Activity Target 1:
NextGen Tower.
Install a minimum of 95% of nationally issued
Activity Target 1: modifications on time. Due September 30, 2010
Conduct the Human-in-the-loop simulation. Due
March 31, 2010 Core Activity: Complete Service
Core Business Target: Complete Complete service certifications on FAA owned NAS
interagency agreement between Activity Target 1:
FAA and Air Force GPS Wing Complete a minimum of 98% of service
GPS civil requirements. certifications within identified schedules. Due
September 30, 2010

Core Business Initiative: Implement Core Activity: Coordinate scheduled

maintenance activities
DOT/DOD MOA for Civilian Unique Coordinate scheduled maintenance activities to
Requirements sustain NAS reportable facilities adjusted operational
Prepare interagency agreements to fund civilian availability
unique capabilities for GPS-III per DOT/DOD MOA Activity Target 1:
and NSPD-39. Sustain adjusted operational availability of 99.0%
Core Activity: Implement DOT/DOD at NAS reportable facilities. Due September 30,
MOA for Civilian Unique Requirements 2010
Prepare interagency agreements to fund civil unique
capabilities for GPS- III per DOT/DOD MOA and
Core Activity: Sustain System
NSPD-39. Reliability
Monitor and control restoration activities at NAS
Activity Target 1:
reportable facilities to sustain system reliability
Provide funding to U.S. Air Force GPS Wing to
Activity Target 1:
implement Civil Signal Monitoring of the new L1C
signal program oversight and technical support. Maintain system reliability at 99.850% at NAS
Due 120 days upon receipt of funds. Due reportable facilities. Due September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: System
Core Business Target: <STI Integrity
Complete activities to maintain operational integrity of
Candidate> Sustain adjusted NAS related equipment, facilities and infrastructure
operational availability of 99% Core Activity: Close NASTEP Findings
Close NASTEP issues by due date.
for NAS reportable facilities in
Activity Target 1:
the Central Service Area Close 99% of critical issues by the documented
Manage reportable NAS facilities and accomplish
due date. Due September 30, 2010
necessary activities to sustain Adjustable Operational
Activity Target 2:
Availability at 99%.
Close 95% of all other issues (not critical) by the
Core Business Initiative: Maintain documented due date. Due September 30, 2010
NAS system reliability. Core Activity: Continuity of Service
Complete scheduled activities to ensure optimal Sustain Cat 2 and Cat 3 service IAW ICAO
system reliability. Standards.
Core Activity: Complete Preventative Activity Target 1:
Maintenance. Baseline the percentage of facilities that reached
Complete preventative maintenance activities. the three outage warning and did not have
additional outages requiring service downgrade.
Activity Target 1: Due September 30, 2010
Complete a minimum of 95% of all scheduled
11/17/09 Page 83 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Target: Facilitate Core Activity: Install Equipment
timely enhancements to the NAS Install nationally issued equipment modifications.
in the Central Service Area Activity Target 1:
Facilitate timely enhancements to the NAS facilities and Install a minimum of 95% of nationally issued
service delivery within the Central Service Area modifications on time. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Manage Core Activity: Complete Service
Project Implementation Certifications
Manage Project Implementation Complete service certifications on FAA owned NAS
Core Activity: JAI Program Management Activity Target 1:
JAI Program Management Complete a minimum of 98% of service
certifications within identified schedules. Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Clear 75% of current FY agreed upon non-as built
JAI Exceptions within 120 days of the District
Core Activity: Coordinate scheduled
Manager signature date. Due September 30, 2010 maintenance activities
Activity Target 2: Coordinate scheduled maintenance activities to
sustain NAS reportable facilities adjusted operational
Clear 70% of current FY as built JAI Exceptions availability
within 180 days of the District Manager signature
Activity Target 1:
date. Due September 30, 2010
Sustain adjusted operational availability of 99.0%
Core Activity: Project Implementation at NAS reportable facilities. Due September 30,
Project Implementation 2010
Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative: System
Complete 90% of Non-Reimbursable CWP Integrity
projects on time as agreed to in the Project Scope Complete activities to maintain operational integrity of
Agreement. Due September 30, 2010 NAS related equipment, facilities and infrastructure
Core Business Target: <STI Core Activity: Close NASTEP Findings
Close NASTEP issues by due date.
Candidate> Sustain adjusted
Activity Target 1:
operational availability of 99% Close 99% of critical issues by the documented
for NAS reportable facilities in due date. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
the Western Service Area Close 95% of all other issues (not critical) by the
Manage reportable NAS facilities and accomplish documented due date. Due September 30, 2010
necessary activities to sustain Adjustable Operational
Availability at 99%. Core Activity: Continuity of Service
Sustain Cat 2 and Cat 3 service IAW ICAO
Core Business Initiative: Maintain Standards.
NAS system reliability. Activity Target 1:
Complete scheduled activities to ensure optimal Baseline the percentage of facilities that reached
system reliability. the three outage warning and did not have
Core Activity: Complete Preventative additional outages requiring service downgrade.
Due September 30, 2010
Complete preventative maintenance activities. Core Business Target: Facilitate
Activity Target 1: timely enhancements to the NAS
Complete a minimum of 95% of all scheduled
preventive maintenance on time. Due September in the Western Service Area
30, 2010 Facilitate timely enhancements to the NAS facilities and
service delivery within the Western Service Area

Core Business Initiative: Manage

Project Implementation
11/17/09 Page 84 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Manage Project Implementation September 30, 2010

Core Activity: JAI Program Management Core Activity: Coordinate scheduled

JAI Program Management maintenance activities
Coordinate scheduled maintenance activities to
Activity Target 1: sustain NAS reportable facilities adjusted operational
Clear 75% of current FY agreed upon non-as built availability
JAI Exceptions within 120 days of the District Activity Target 1:
Manager signature date. Due September 30, 2010
Sustain adjusted operational availability of 99.0%
Activity Target 2:
at NAS reportable facilities. Due September 30,
Clear 70% of current FY as built JAI Exceptions 2010
within 180 days of the District Manager signature
date. Due September 30, 2010 Core Activity: Sustain System
Core Activity: Project Implementation Monitor and control restoration activities at NAS
Project Implementation reportable facilities to sustain system reliability
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Complete 90% of Non-Reimbursable CWP Maintain system reliability at 99% at NAS
projects on time as agreed to in the Project Scope reportable facilities. Due September 30, 2010
Agreement. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: System
Core Business Target: <STI Integrity
Complete activities to maintain operational integrity of
Candidate> Sustain adjusted NAS related equipment, facilities and infrastructure
operational availability of 99% Core Activity: Close NASTEP Findings
Close NASTEP issues by due date.
for NAS reportable facilities in
Activity Target 1:
the Eastern Service Area Close 99% of critical issues by the documented
Manage reportable NAS facilities and accomplish
due date. Due September 30, 2010
necessary activities to sustain Adjustable Operational
Activity Target 2:
Availability at 99%.
Close 95% of all other issues (not critical) by the
Core Business Initiative: Maintain documented due date. Due September 30, 2010
NAS system reliability. Core Activity: Continuity of Service
Complete scheduled activities to ensure optimal Sustain Cat 2 and Cat 3 service IAW ICAO
system reliability. Standards.
Core Activity: Complete Preventative Activity Target 1:
Maintenance. Baseline the percentage of facilities that reached
Complete preventative maintenance activities. the three outage warning and did not have
additional outages requiring service downgrade.
Activity Target 1: Due September 30, 2010
Complete a minimum of 95% of all scheduled
preventive maintenance on time. Due September Core Business Target: Facilitate
30, 2010
timely enhancements to the NAS
Core Activity: Install Equipment
in the Eastern Service Area
Facilitate timely enhancements to the NAS facilities and
Install nationally issued equipment modifications.
service delivery within the Eastern Service Area
Activity Target 1:
Install a minimum of 95% of nationally issued Core Business Initiative: Manage
modifications on time. Due September 30, 2010 Project Implementation
Core Activity: Complete Service Manage Project Implementation
Complete service certifications on FAA owned NAS
Core Activity: JAI Program Management
JAI Program Management
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Complete a minimum of 98% of service Clear 75% of current FY agreed upon non-as built
certifications within identified schedules. Due JAI Exceptions within 120 days of the District
11/17/09 Page 85 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Manager signature date. Due September 30, 2010 Achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) at the
last replacement site. Due May 31, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Clear 70% of current FY as built JAI Exceptions Core Activity: Beacons
within 180 days of the District Manager signature Beacon-only site. Facility establishment siting,
date. Due September 30, 2010 facility infrastructure and system installation of new
En Route beacons.
Core Activity: Project Implementation Activity Target 1:
Project Implementation Start radar tower construction at Yakutat, AK
Activity Target 1: establishment site. Due August 31, 2010
Complete 90% of Non-Reimbursable CWP Core Activity: Avoid Parts
projects on time as agreed to in the Project Scope Obsolescence and Improve Reliability
Agreement. Due September 30, 2010 of Beacon Buildings
Long Range Radar (LRR) improvements and
Core Business Target: Operate infrastructure upgrades. Limited refurbishment of
21 ARTCCs and Two CERAPs. infrastructure at En Route LRR facilities with beacon
Sustain adjusted operational availability of select En capability. Upgrade facility lighting, grounding,
Route equipment at 99.7 percent for the reportable bonding, and shielding. Implement heating,
facilities that support the 35 Operational Evolution ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), power,
Partnership (OEP) airports. display console and antenna drive modifications as
Core Business Initiative: Operate 21 Activity Target 1:
Air Route Traffic Control Centers Complete nine (9) site upgrades. Due September
(ARTCC) and 2 Combined 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Centers/Radar Approach Controls Assess progress towards achieving year-end
(CERAP) performance goal. Due March 31, 2010
Support the safe, efficient and expeditious flow of air
traffic, and issue safety alerts and advisories. Core Activity: Replace Obsolete, Non-
Core Activity: ARTCC Modernization supportable Equipment - Voice
Reduce operational risk and out-year capital Switching and Control System (VSCS)
liabilities by modernizing and sustaining physical VSCS technology refresh. Maintain service
plant infrastructure. availability of En Route voice switch by selectively
Activity Target 1: replacing obsolete and difficult to maintain software.
Conduct five (5) condition assessment surveys to Activity Target 1:
identify areas of poor physical plant conditions. Complete PL/M to C++ Ground-to-Ground
Due September 30, 2010 software conversion. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Initiate and award three (3) major construction Assess progress towards achieving year-end
projects to correct poor physical plant conditions. performance goal. Due March 31, 2010
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3: Core Business Target: Manage
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Airspace Use
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010 Maintain service availability to achieve an average daily
airport capacity for the 35 OEP Airports of 102,648
Core Business Initiative: Maintain arrivals and departures per day.
Service Availability at Facilities Core Business Initiative: Deliver Air
Maintain service availability at facilities.
Traffic Service in accordance with
Core Activity: Avoid Parts the En Route Operations Plan
Obsolescence and Improve Reliability Maintain current En Route software systems to
of Secondary Surveillance support other system changes.
Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator (ATCBI) Core Activity: Provide New En Route
replacement. Replaces existing obsolete En Route Technology to Allow for Technology
ATCBI-4/5 beacons to maintain service continuity Insertion and Avoid Obsolescence
and decrease maintenance costs. Continue replacement of Host with En Route
Activity Target 1: Automation Modernization (ERAM).

11/17/09 Page 86 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative: Deliver on
Achieve ERAM initial operating capability (IOC) at
16 of 20 Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Acquisition Commitments and
sites. Due September 30, 2010 Protect Baselines
Activity Target 2: Provide executive discipline and infrastructure to
Assess progress towards achieving year-end monitor critical programs, protect priority program
performance goal. Due March 31, 2010 baselines and deliver products on schedule.
Core Activity: Monitor Critical Program
Core Activity: Implement En Route Baselines - Cost
Communications Gateway (ECG) - Build Provide executive discipline and infrastructure to
0 monitor critical program baselines.
Implement ECG - Build 0 to replace Peripheral Activity Target 1:
Adapter Module Replacement Item (PAMRI) Maintain 90 percent of En Route and Oceanic
Activity Target 1: critical program costs that are within 10 percent of
Monitor the performance of the ECG system and the total baseline. Due September 30, 2010
produce quarterly Sustainment Technology Activity Target 2:
Evolution Plan (STEP) and Operational Analysis Conduct bi-annual program reviews. Due
(OA) Reports to identify and mitigate performance September 30, 2010
and obsolescence issues. Due December 31, Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 2: Assess progress towards achieving year-end
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
Monitor the performance of the ECG system and
produce quarterly STEP and OA Reports to Core Activity: Monitor Critical Program
identify and mitigate performance and Baselines - Schedule
obsolescence issues. Due March 31, 2010 Provide executive discipline and infrastructure to
Activity Target 3: monitor critical programs and deliver products on
Monitor the performance of the ECG system and schedule.
produce quarterly STEP and OA Reports to Activity Target 1:
identify and mitigate performance and Achieve 90 percent of designated En Route and
obsolescence issues. Due June 30, 2010 Oceanic acquisition milestones. Due September
Activity Target 4: 30, 2010
Monitor the performance of the ECG system and Activity Target 2:
produce quarterly STEP and OA Reports to Conduct bi-annual program reviews. Due
identify and mitigate performance and September 30, 2010
obsolescence issues. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 3:
Core Business Target: Deliver Assess progress towards achieving year-end
performance goals. Due March 31, 2010
on En Route and Oceanic Core Activity: Annual Office of
Services Acquisition Management and Budget (OMB)-300
Commitments and Protect Exhibits
Deliver annual OMB-300 Exhibits.
Maintain 90 percent of En Route and Oceanic critical Activity Target 1:
program costs that are within 10 percent of the total Deliver annual updates for existing OMB-300
baseline. Achieve 90 percent of designated acquisition Exhibits as required by Federal Aviation
milestones. The alignment between major program Administration/Department of Transportation
budget submissions and the FAA Flight Plan for En submission schedules. Due September 30, 2010
Route Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Exhibit Activity Target 2:
300 Programs is maintained by ensuring all En Route led Assess progress towards achieving year-end
FAA Major Investments (Exhibit 300 programs) are performance goal. Due March 31, 2010
identified in the Flight Plan. The FY 2010 Budget
Submission and associated FY 2009 -- FY 2013 Capital Core Business Target:
Investment Plan identify these Exhibit 300 programs as
Strategic Investments. Achieving acquisition Operational Concept
commitments and protecting baselines support the
strategic goals of the FAA Flight Plan.
Serve as the agency NextGen Operational Concept focal
point, assuring 90 percent of each Operational concept

11/17/09 Page 87 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

comments and recommendations from service units and Core Activity: Develop Research
external agencies are responded to and or resolved Management Plan on Conflict
within 60 days of receipt to ensure each NextGen
Operational concept is consistent with the NextGen Advisories
Develop Research Management Plan on Conflict
Concept of Operations.
Core Business Initiative: Activity Target 1:
Operational Concept Development Develop Research Management Plan on Conflict
Develop NAS level and Second Level Operational Advisories. Draft Initial Research Management
Concepts in support of NextGen, conduct research to Plan for FY10 Activities by June 30, 2010. Due
assess the operational feasibility of the operational June 30, 2010
concepts, and develop concept level requirements for Activity Target 2:
use in investment decisions and for implementation. Complete Research Management Plan. Due
Core Activity: Deliver NextGen September 30, 2010
Operational Concepts and Activity Target 3:
Requirements for National Airspace Literature Survey and Engineering Analysis of
Basic Technologies. Due September 30, 2010
Deliver NextGen Operational Concepts and Core Activity: Conduct Research on
Requirements. Trajectory Based Operations (TBO)-
Activity Target 1: Separation Management for High
Deliver Set of Detailed Operational Scenarios for Altitude Airspace
the Midterm. Due June 30, 2010 Conduct research on TBO-Separation Management
Activity Target 2: for High Altitude Airspace.
Version 2.0 of NextGen Midterm Concept of Activity Target 1:
Operations for the NAS. Due September 30, 2010 High Altitude Generic Part Task Simulation. Due
Activity Target 3: September 30, 2010
Deliver Data Communications Segment 2 Activity Target 2:
Requirements. Due September 30, 2010 Generic Airspace Design Analysis. Due May 30,
Core Activity: Traffic Flow Management 2010
Advisor (Three-Dimensional Path Core Business Target: Sustain
Arrival Management 3D PAM)
Begin the technical transfer of information for adjusted operational availability
development of a capability to efficiently and
predictably deliver aircraft from the top of descent to
of 99% for NAS reportable
a metering fix. Provisions shall be made to extend facilities.
capability into Terminal Radar Approach Control Complete any and all activities necessary to sustain
(TRACON). adjusted operational availability of NAS reportable
Activity Target 1: facilities at 99 percent.
Begin the technical transfer of information. Due
May 31, 2010 Core Business Initiative: System
Core Activity: Determine Surveillance Integrity
Complete activities to maintain operational integrity of
Requirements for Terminal Airspace NAS related equipment, facilities and infrastructure.
Redesign (Big Airspace) Core Activity: Automated Technical
Determine Requirements for Terminal Airspace
Redesign (Big Airspace) Integrated Arrival and
Performance Records
Automated Technical Performance Records.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Preliminary Operational Safety Assessment. Due Develop requirements documentation for
July 31, 2010 Automated TPR's. Due May 1, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Big Airspace Automation Feasibility Study. Due Core Business Target: Quality
August 31, 2010 Assurance Initiatives
Develop Quality Assurance Initiative within fiscal year.

11/17/09 Page 88 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Business Initiative: Facilitate Activity Target 2:
NAS Performance Enhance Web NASPAS & convert database
Develop Reliable Trending Data. system to RMLS data structure. Due September
30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Core Activity: Reliability Centered
Maintenance Activity. Revalidate FSEP field requirements needed for
Reliability Centered Maintenance Activity. MMS/RMLS. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Activity Target 1: Develop & implement CHG 1 for 6032.1
Conceptualize the Maintenance Program Analysis Modification Program. Due September 30, 2010
(MPA) process. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 5:
Activity Target 2: Develop & implement CHG 1 for 6010.7 JAI. Due
Conduct one MPA. Due September 30, 2010 September 30, 2010
Activity Target 6:
Activity Target 3:
Harvest LAST/LONG/Altitude information from 2
Draft RCM Logic Tree for Technical Operation.
corporately maintained databases into FSEP. Due
Due September 30, 2010
July 31, 2010
Core Business Target: Remote Core Business Target: Resolve
Maintenance Monitoring Training operational issues
Provide 4-Remote Maintenance Monitoring (RMM)
Workshops by September 30, 2010. Resolve 80% of operational issues by 9/30/10 identified
from operations forum telcons, technical exchange
Core Business Initiative: Manage meetings, and contract maintenance activities.
the NAS Core Business Initiative: Manage
Incorporate RMM as preferred method of the NAS
maintenance. Resolve operational issues as identified.
Core Activity: Facilitate management of
NAS performance Core Activity: Facilitate management of
Facilitate management of NAS performance NAS performance
Activity Target 1: Facilitate management of NAS performance
Provide Remote Maintenance Monitoring (RMM) Activity Target 1:
workshops to various levels of Technical Enter issues from Tech Exchanges and/or
Operations or support LOBs. 1) SOC, 2) TSOG, Operations forum Telecons within 15 days. Due
3)2nd Level Engineering, 4) Academy Instructors. September 30, 2010
Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Core Business Target: Enhance Resolve 80% of operational issues by 9/30/10
identified from operations forum telcons, technical
NAS Performance exchange meetings, and contract maintenance
Facilitate NAS performance by reporting performance. activities. Due September 30, 2010

Core Business Target: Manage

Core Business Initiative: Facilitate
NAS performance
the NOCC (National Operations
Faciliate management of performance Control Center).
Manage and maintain the daily operations of the NOCC.
Core Activity: Support, populate,
harvest and/or report NAS database and
Core Business Initiative: Manage
NAS metrics
Support, populate, harvest and/or report NAS the NAS.
database and NAS metrics. Manage the daily operations of the NOCC by
Activity Target 1: overseeing, reporting and making decisions pertaining
to NAS systems and equipment.
Implement the use of FEQ/FMO for maintenance
tracking. Due September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 89 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Activity: Facilitate management of Core Activity: Through systems
NAS performance. engineering analysis, fix and enhance
Facilitate management of NAS performance. NAS and non-NAS hardware, software
Activity Target 1: and documentation.
Through systems engineering analysis, fix and
Maintain and enhance daily National Operations
enhance NAS and non-NAS hardware, software and
Control Center (NOCC) operations support of
overseeing, reporting, and national decisions
pertaining to NAS systems and equipment. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010 Continue Implementation of National Technical
Operation Control Center (TOCC) Technical
Core Business Target: Maintain Refresh Due September 30, 2010
TechNet. Core Business Target: Review
Maintain TechNet web portal with daily updates on NAS
systems and equipment. Trends for Operational Analysis
Review trends for operational analysis (OA) for 12 facility
Core Business Initiative: Maintain types, three per quarter.
TechNet. Core Business Initiative: Manage
Ensure TechNet provides up-to-date operational and
performance data regarding the NAS. the NAS.
Core Activity: Facilitate management of Review Trends for Operational Analysis.
NAS performance.
Facilitate management of NAS performance. Core Activity: Facilitate management of
NAS performance
Activity Target 1: Manage and maintain operation of NAS systems &
Maintain visibility of TechNet as a central portal for equipment.
NAS operational and performance data. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010 Document findings of operational analysis (OA) for
12 facility types, three per quarter and 1 OEP
Core Business Target: Secure airport per quarter with recommendations for
the NAS increasing performance. Due September 30, 2010
Develop at least one method that identifies, reduces or
mitigates operational and human risk factors in the NAS.
Core Business Target: Provide
Weather Program Services
Core Business Initiative: Secure the Maintain current weather data collection, processing
NAS distribution capabilities, system capabilities and
Continue to conduct human factors research for Tech interfaces. Conduct coordination with service units and
Ops activities. external agencies to ensure weather information
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure development efforts area consistent with the NextGen
Concept of Operations. Automated Surface Weather
NAS. Observation Network (ASWON) development and
Ensure a safe and secure NAS. support. NEXRAD Product Improvement (NPI) updates.
Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative: Weather
Create one document addressing the migration of
Control Centers into NextGen environment. Due Data Collection, Processing and
September 30, 2010 Distribution Capabilities
Maintain current weather data collection, processing
Core Business Target: Improve and distribution capabilities.
NAS Performance Core Activity: Maintain Current Weather
Improve NAS performance by implementing at least one System Capabilities and Interfaces
software upgrade at the National Technical Operation Maintain and sustain Weather and Radar Processor
Control Center. (WARP) service.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Enhance Complete Critical Design review (CDR) for WARP
the NAS tech Refresh Segment 1. Due July 31, 2010
Through NAS performance upgrade, implement TOCC
Technical Refresh.

11/17/09 Page 90 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Core Business Initiative: Automated RWI Solution sets, and specifically the 4-D Weather
Data Cube and Weather Processor Work Packages
Surface Weather Observation 1/2/3, and improved forecasts by the National Center
Network (ASWON) for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) which in turn,
Automated Surface Weather Observation Network are used universally by FAA Traffic Flow
(ASWON) includes eight separate programs: 1) the Management Decision Support Tools. DUAL POL
Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS), 2) provides for improved flash flood warnings, severe
Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), 3) thunderstorm warnings, biological target
ASOS Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) identification, and various types of winter storm
project, 4) Automated Weather Sensors Systems warnings. Aviation applications include new
(AWSS), 5) Stand Alone Weather Sensors (SAWS), 6) warnings of hail and icing conditions, turbulence
AWOS Data Acquisition System (ADAS), 7) F-420 warnings, and bird strike warnings.
Wind System, and 8) Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator Activity Target 1:
(DASI). ASWON provides automated surface weather Complete NEXRAD Dual Polarization NWS
observations to meet the needs of pilots, operators, Contract System Test Readiness Review (STRR).
and air traffic personnel. Only ASOS P3I remains Due June 30, 2010
active with other ASWON programs in service. ASOS Activity Target 2:
P3I consists of five efforts: 1) ASOS Processor Complete NEXRAD Dual Polarization NWS
Rehost, 2) Dewpoint Sensor Replacement, 3) Ice-Free Contract Operational Test Readiness Review
Wind Sensor, 4) Enhanced Precipitation Identification (OTRR). Due September 30, 2010
(EPI) sensor, and 5) Ceilometer Replacement. The
ASOS P3I program is managed by the NWS under Core Business Target: Delay
Interagency Agreement. Development and test of the
EPI sensor is complete, but the EPI sensor production Mitigation
is delayed because the sensor did not meet all NWS Provide ARC data associated with targeted congested
performance specifications. Ceilometer Replacement airports.
development has begun.
Core Activity: Ceilometer Replacement Core Business Initiative: Delay
Support Mitigation
FAA support to the National Weather service in the The process entails updates of targeted congested
development of sixty (60) Ceilometer Replacements. airports. Each RA will introduce additions to the
Activity Target 1: targeted airport list to the CAT members. Moreover,
FAA support the National Weather Service in the affected LOBs will support their RAs in any current or
deployment of thirty (30) Ceilometer ongoing activities of the CAT.
Replacements. Due June 30, 2010 Core Activity: Mitigate Delays
Activity Target 2: The process entails updates of targeted congested
airports. Each RA will introduce additions to the
FAA support the National Weather Service in the
targeted airport list to the CAT members. Moreover,
deployment of thirty (30) additional Ceilometer
affected LOBs will support their RAs in any current
Replacements for a total of sixty (60) for the year.
or ongoing activities of the CAT.
Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Weather Review the list of impacted airports in
Radar Program - NEXRAD collaboration
NEXRAD weather product improvements are critical with the CAT (Reference - Delay Mitigation Flight
for replacing aging infrastructure components, and Plan Goal). Due September 30, 2010
introducing required new capabilities to multiple FAA Activity Target 2:
system interdependent weather systems. Coordinate on factors that led to the selection of
Core Activity: Next Generation Weather recommended list of impacted airports. Due
Radar (NEXRAD) Legacy, Icing & Hail September 30, 2010
Algorithms Core Business Target: Study
The NEXRAD Product Improvement (NPI) updates
NEXRAD technology providing two upgrades which and identify trends in SkyWatch
include Super Resolution Products, an on-going
infrastructure upgrade; and Dual Polarization (DUAL data
POL), a targeted technology upgrade boosting Improve by 50% the overall quality of SkyWatch data by
NEXRAD data quality for better precipitation data September 30, 2010. Establish baseline by January 31,
products used by ITWS, CIWS, and WARP. 2010.
NEXRAD is a supporting activity enabling NextGen
Operational Improvements under the NNEW and
11/17/09 Page 91 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Identify Core Activity: Mitigation of Security
NAS Security Issues Related Threats/Procedures on the NAS
Initiate appropriate action to mitigate the impact of
Improve air domain awareness and NAS security by
security related threats or procedures have on the
studying and identifying trends in SkyWatch data.
The FAA SkyWatch Program is a repository for NAS Activity Target 1:
security events and incidents from multiple geographic Analyze global positioning satellite (GPS) test
locations. The recent development of analytic activity within the NAS for security impacts. Take
capabilities enables analysis of SkyWatch entries, immediate action if needed such as publishing
sorts NAS incidents and event data, and manipulates it NOTAMs, briefing FAA executives, and
for data trend analysis. maintaining an archive of actions taken to mitigate
In FY10, AJR-2 will audit and validate this analysis to impact on the NAS. Provide monthly brief to
verify its accuracy. internal FAA management. Due September 30,
Core Activity: Study and Identify Trends 2010
Activity Target 2:
in SkyWatch Data
Examine a representative example (10%) of Track military spill-out activity within the NAS. Take
SkyWatch entries to baseline compliance with immediate action if needed. Conduct quarterly
standards for formatting, completeness, and content. reviews of military spill-out reports for trends and
Develop an action plan to improve SkyWatch entry impact on the NAS. Publish report and brief
quality using findings from the baseline. Reexamine agency representatives within 45 days of the
quality on a quarterly basis. Demonstrate 50% quarter's conclusion and meet as needed with the
improvement in overall quality by the end of the DoD representatives. Due September 30, 2010
fiscal year. Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 1: Assess semi-annually security related procedures
Complete baseline review of SkyWatch data using in 7610.4 -- Special Operations and other FAA
a 10% representative data sample. Due directives and publications for accuracy and initiate
September 30, 2010 changes as needed. Provide management a
Activity Target 2: monthly report on the status of any changes
Summarize baseline and improvement required. Due September 30, 2010
recommendations in an action plan. Due March
31, 2010
Core Business Target: Create a
Activity Target 3: disaster support infrastructure
Complete quarterly analysis of SkyWatch data Provide and test at least one support plan in the case of
quality using 10%representative sample. Due an emergency by September 30, 2010.
April 30, 2010 and July 31, 2010 Due July 31,
2010 Core Business Initiative: ATO
Activity Target 4: Emergency Planner Readiness
Complete final analysis of SkyWatch data quality Coordinate and manage the ATO's emergency
as compared to start-of-year baseline. planning activities.
Demonstrate a 50% improvement. Due September Core Activity: Assure ATO''s
30, 2010 Emergency Planners are Ready
Core Activity: Gather Laser Data Coordinate and manage the ATO''s emergency
Identify a uniform way of gathering laser data. Once planning activities.
gathered, the data will help determine impact on the Activity Target 1:
NAS. Conduct monthly ATO emergency planning
Activity Target 1: meetings and publish meeting minutes within 10
Identify an automated capability that will compile business days. Due September 30, 2010
yearly laser event data by day and hour. Report Activity Target 2:
due March 31, 2010 Due March 31, 2010 Publish an integrated Excercise calendar monthly.
Activity Target 2: Due September 30, 2010
Review laser event data collection protocols to Core Activity: ATO Crisis
identify any gaps in laser event reporting or data Response/Emergency Operations
collection. Report due July 31, 2010. Due July 31,
2010 Policy
Establish and maintain a CR/EO program and policy
Activity Target 3:
in support of agency directives, the National
Publish FY 2010 laser event baseline data. Report Response Framework, and Title 49 Obligations.
by September 30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
11/17/09 Page 92 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Draft an ATO Crisis Response/Emergency Activity Target 1:
Operations order that responds to Agency Sustain Adjusted Opertional Availability at 99.7
Directives, the National Response Framework, percent for reportable facilities that support the 35
and Title 49 obligations. Due December 30, 2009 OEP airports. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Draft program plan for the development of an ATO International Leadership
Crisis Response/Emergency Operations Directive
by March 2010. The plan will include approach to As the number of international passengers and aviation
be used, coordination requirements, required activities across the globe increase every year, it becomes
participants, and milestones. Brief status of even more important for the United States to continue to be
Directive to ATO executives by September 2010. the gold standard for aviation safety. To make this happen,
Due September 30, 2010 the FAA actively builds partnerships and shares knowledge
to create a safe, seamless, and efficient global aviation
Core Business Target: Provide system. Our premise is simple: national boundary lines
should not be impediments to safety. That's why we've
ATC Communications Services. worked with over 130 countries and regional organizations
Achieve 90% of the planned activity target dates set for to provide technical assistance and training. We've
ATC Comm. Activities. continued to work closely with the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) to promote our critical safety
Core Business Initiative: Acquire and capacity initiatives with the larger international
Alaskan Satellite audience, with a clear focus to ensure global harmonization
of NextGen's performance-based systems and procedures.
Telecommunications Infrastructure We also promote the important work that ICAO does
(ASTI) through its Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program
Acquire ASTI in accordance with the FAA Acquisition (USOAP). Adherence to international standards is
Management System (AMS). everyone's responsibility, and everyone's gain.
Core Activity: Alaskan Satellite
Telecommunications Infrastructure With NextGen technologies and procedures, FAA works to
improve aviation system efficiency and establish seamless
operations beyond our borders while reducing aviation's
Acquire ASTI in accordance with the FAA
environmental footprint. We continue harmonizing
Acquisition Management System (AMS).
standards and procedures with our neighbors in Mexico
Activity Target 1:
and Canada. We are comparing our aviation system with
Complete Final Investment Analysis for ASTI Tech those of Japan and the European Union to identify future
Refresh. Due September 30, 2010. Due equipment and procedural needs. We also are expanding
September 30, 2010 our cooperative efforts with China to collaborate on future
Activity Target 2: NextGen air traffic initiatives.
Complete Contract Award for ASTI Tech Refresh.
Due September 30, 2010. Due September 30, Environmental issues continue to be a large part of our
2010 efforts. The FAA is a key player in ICAO's Group on
International Aviation and Climate Change as it develops
Core Business Target: NAS an international strategy to address aviation greenhouse
gas emissions. We continue our work with European and
System Performance industry partners through the Atlantic Interoperability
Ehance NAS performance for the 35 OEP airports
Initiative to Reduce Emissions (AIRE). To address
through advanced engineering and program support.
environmental issues in the Pacific region, we established
the Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions
Core Business Initiative: Adjusted (ASPIRE) partnership. We expect that initiatives like AIRE
Operational Availability and ASPIRE will serve as a framework for similar
Follow policies and procedures for NAS monitoring, cooperative efforts in other parts of the world.
control, maintenance and restoration to optimize
service availability for the 35 OEP airports. Sustain The FAA's international priorities support the future needs
adjusted operational availability at 99.7 percent for the of the global aviation system by addressing fundamental
reportable facilities that support the 35 OEP airports international aviation challenges today. Through
through 2012 partnerships, innovation, and collaborative efforts, we work
Core Activity: Monitor, control, maintain with the rest of the world to ensure the safety of air travel,
and restore OEP airport facilities increase the efficiency of the global aviation system, and
Follow policies and procedures for NAS monitoring, contribute to the well-being of the environment.
control, maintenance and restoration to optimize
service availability for the 35 OEP airports. Top INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP Accomplishments for
FY 2008
11/17/09 Page 93 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
aviation agency. The program benefited reconstruction
Aviation Safety Leadership. The hard work and dedication programs by securing funds to ship radars to Afghanistan
of the multi-agency U. S. government team, led by the and for a technical assistance project to the Iraqi Civil
FAA, resulted in a successful audit of the NAS by the ICAO Aviation Authority.
Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) office.
The audit covered multiple areas of safety oversight Flight Plan Target: CAST Safety
including air navigation services, air traffic oversight, Enhancements
search and rescue, airports, shipment of dangerous goods, Work with the Chinese aviation authorities and industry
accident investigation and environment. The audit results to adopt 27 proven Commercial Aviation Safety Team
were issued by ICAO in August 2008. The U. S. score of (CAST) safety enhancements by FY 2011. This supports
91 far exceeds the global average of 58. China's efforts to reduce commercial fatal accidents to a
rate of 0.030 fatal accidents per 100,000 departures by
Bilateral Agreements. At the 2008 Singapore Air Show, the FY 2012. FY 2010 Target: 4 CAST Safety
U. S.-Korea Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) Enhancements
Executive Agreement and Implementation Procedures for
Airworthiness (IPA) were signed. This safety agreement Strategic Initiative: Government
demonstrates the strong relationship the FAA maintains Industry Partnerships
with the Korean Civil Aviation Safety Authority and our Create government-industry partnerships to help
combined efforts toward international aviation safety. The transfer aeronautical products, services, and
IPA allows for the U. S. acceptance of Korean aviation technologies to key developing regions.
equipment that meets U. S. specifications. A revision to
update the U. S./Canada BASA IPA was also signed in
Strategic Activity: International Tasks for
June 2008. During the Transatlantic Issues Conference in Technology Services
June 2008, the U. S. and the European Commission Continue to develop new international tasks for
signed a safety agreement that broadens and deepens technology services to be demonstrated.
cooperation between the FAA and its European Activity Target 1:
counterpart, the European Aviation Safety Agency. The Develop one new international task for technology
agreement, once ratified by both parties, will provide for services to be tested in FY2010. Due July 31,
reciprocal acceptance of safety findings in aircraft design, 2010
airworthiness and repair station facilities.
Flight Plan Target: NextGen
Environmental Leadership. Our second international
partnership to promote good environmental stewardship,
By FY 2013, expand the use of NextGen performance-
the Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions
based systems and concepts to five priority countries.
(ASPIRE), was launched in February 2008. Under
FY 2010 Target: 1 country
ASPIRE, the FAA is partnering with Airservices Australia
and Airways New Zealand to share and promote wind- Strategic Initiative: Export
based and oceanic technologies that reduce fuel burn and
carbon dioxide emissions while accommodating air traffic Technologies
growth in the Asia-Pacific region. The ASPIRE partnership Work with the international civil aviation community to
is a significant representation of the international effort to adopt enabling systems, such as the Global
lessen aviation's environmental footprint. Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and ADS-B, to
improve safety of flight operations.
NextGen Technologies. In February 2008, the FAA Air Strategic Activity: Global Navigation
Traffic Organization and the Air Traffic Management Systems Support
Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration of China signed Promote strategic U.S. navigation technologies,
an agreement to cooperate on harmonizing our respective including the Global Positioning System (GPS) and
air traffic system modernization programs. The agreement its wide and local area augmentations systems, with
created the NextGen Air Traffic Management Steering key civil aviation authorities and global aviation
Group and serves as a formal building block for the community.
foundation that allows the two countries to work together to Activity Target 1:
harmonize their broader NextGen strategies Manage bilateral and regional cooperative GPS-
based projects to encourage adoption and
External Funding. The 2008 Flight Plan target for External increased use of GPS and augmentation-related
Funding was set at $15 million. Due to hard work and technologies with key global partners. Due
continual outreach, FAA's international team secured funds September 30, 2010
to surpass the target, including U. S. Department of State
funding for an International Visitor Leadership Program
project for Singapore, U. S. Trade and Development
Agency funds for developmental projects in India, and two
orientation visits for Brazil's air traffic organization and civil
11/17/09 Page 94 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: Global Surveillance continually assess and implement the strategy.
Systems Support
Promote strategic U.S. surveillance technologies, Strategic Activity: NextGen International
including Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Activity
Broadcast (ADS-B), with key civil aviation authorities Manage the planning and execution of key NextGen
and global aviation community. international activities with key regional aviation
Activity Target 1: authorities, organizations, USG stakeholders and
Manage bilateral and regional cooperative ADS-B industry members.
projects to encourage adoption and increased use Activity Target 1:
by key global partners. Due September 30, 2010 Coordinate with the NextGen and Ops Planning
Service Unit to support established and maturing
Strategic Initiative: Enhance cooperative projects and initiatives with the
Capacity countries of Japan, China, Canada, and Mexico.
Develop and implement capacity enhancing Due September 30, 2010
applications such as Performance Based Navigation Activity Target 2:
(PBN), embracing current operational capabilities to Manage ATO support for European Commission
the maximum extent possible. Industry Consultation Body (ICB) meetings,
Strategic Activity: Technical Cooperation EUROCONTROL Coordination Committee and
with China - ATMB Strategic Executive Meetings (SEM), and NextGen
ATO will support cooperative activities with the Civil and SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU)
Aviation of China (CAAC) and its Air Traffic harmonization efforts. Due September 30, 2010
Management Bureau (ATMB) under the Joint Air Activity Target 3:
Traffic Steering Group (JATSG) Update the Joint Planning Environment to reflect
Activity Target 1: global harmonization initiatives. Due September
Conduct the 7th Joint Air Traffic Steering Group 30, 2010
(JATSG/7) meeting with the China Air Traffic
Management Bureau (ATMB). Due April 30, 2010 Strategic Initiative: Optimize
Activity Target 2: Efficiencies
Finalize the JATSG 2010 Work Plan. Due May 31, Work with the international community to support
2010 partnerships, such as AIRE and ASPIRE, that adopt
Activity Target 3: technologies, systems, procedures and concepts to
improve global interoperability and system
Manage ATO support to the US/China Aviation
harmonization, and support a reduction of aviation's
Cooperation Program (ACP). Due September 30,
environmental footprint.
Strategic Activity: AIRE Procedures and
Strategic Activity: RNAV/RNP Test Demonstrations
Applications Evaluate tools and procedures under the Atlantic
Promote global implementation of U.S. RNAV/RNP Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions
concepts and applications. (AIRE) Program in order to minimize aviation's
Activity Target 1: environmental footprint.
Demonstrate RNAV/RNP applications via Activity Target 1:
educational seminars or concept demonstrations Conduct the third annual Industry Day for the
in at least two countries. Due September 30, 2010 Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce
Emissions program to status partners and
Strategic Activity: RNP Standardization stakeholders. Due July 30, 2010
Support ICAO and the global aviation community
Activity Target 2:
with performance-based navigation (PBN)
implementation. Conduct flight trial for enhanced operational
Activity Target 1: procedures using Optimized Profile Descent. Due
September 30, 2010
Support ICAO PBN Study Group meetings, ICAO
regional forums, and bilateral forums with position Activity Target 3:
papers and expertise as necessary. Due Continue to collect metrics and evaluate
September 30, 2010 throughout FY10 to determine the amount of jet
fuel and emissions being reduced by the AIRE
Strategic Initiative: Next Gen Global partnership demonstrations. Due September 30,
Harmonization IPT 2010
Manage the international strategy in support of the
NextGen Global Harmonization Working Group and
work with civil aviation and interagency partners to
11/17/09 Page 95 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: AJE - En Route & procedures, standards, and policies. Provide direct
Oceanic Services technical support and strategic guidance to carry out
Ensure harmonization of service improvements day-to-day requirements by operational facilities that
through collaboration with international and industry interface with foreign air navigation service providers.
service providers by active participation and Core Activity: ATO International
leadership in regional International Civil Aviation Corporate Development
Organization and inter-organizational workgroups Coordinate ATO international activities and initiatives
and decision making process. that support the continued development of ATO best
Activity Target 1: business practices and processes.
Assess progress towards achievement of year- Activity Target 1:
end performance goal. Due March 31, 2010 Coordinate ATO activities in support of ongoing
Activity Target 2: and future employee exchange programs with
Coordinate with international partners at selected foreign Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)
international meetings. Due September 30, 2010 to assist the ATO with its development of best
business practices. Due September 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: CANSO
Manage ATO participation in the Civil Air Navigation Core Activity: ATO International
Services Organization (CANSO), including but not Support
limited to the Chief Executive Officers conferences, Support ATO strategic global, regional, and bilateral
the Executive Committee meetings, and select meetings, events and activities in an effort to
working groups. harmonize U.S. and international technologies and
Activity Target 1: systems.
Identify strategic ATO support activities for Activity Target 1:
FY2010. Due December 30, 2009 ICAO Headquarters - Coordinate ATO support for
Activity Target 2: ICAO Global efforts, including but not limited to
oversight of USOAP action plan commitments, the
Manage ATO support of and participation in
annual filing of differences to ICAO standards in
CANSO Working Groups, senior level meetings,
accordance with FAA Order JO7000.6, and ATO
and regional projects. Due September 30, 2010
participation in panels and other groups, and lead
Strategic Activity: ASPIRE Procedures ATO coordination with the API International Policy
and Test Demonstrations Office. Due September 30, 2010
Expand the environmental approach to oceanic air Activity Target 2:
traffic management through the multi-State Asia and Americas - Coordinate ATO support for strategic
South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions activities, including but not limited to ICAO
(ASPIRE) partnership. Caribbean and South America Regional Meetings,
Activity Target 1: North American Aviation Trilateral (NAAT) efforts,
Publish the 2nd annual ASPIRE Progress Report. and specific bilateral and multilateral projects, and
Due September 30, 2010 lead ATO coordination with the API Western
Activity Target 2: Hemisphere Office. Due September 30, 2010
Develop a plan with the Civil Aviation Burea, Activity Target 3:
Japan (JCAB) to promote ASPIRE initiatives in the Asia Pacific - Coordinate ATO support for strategic
North Pacific ocean region, possibly including the activities, including but not limited to ICAO Asia
development of a strategic plan or flight Pacific Regional Meetings, Asia Pacific Directors
demonstrations. Due September 30, 2010 General Meeting, Informal air traffic coordination
groups, and specific bilateral and multilateral
Core Business Target: Strategy projects. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 4:
and Performance International
Europe/Africa/Middle East and Global - Coordinate
Activities ATO support for strategic activities, including but
Implement and directly relate 100% of Strategy 2014 not limited to ICAO European Regional Meetings,
objectives to Air Traffic Organization (ATO) activities. Cross Polar Air Traffic Working Group activities,
and Iraq/Afghanistan infrastructure rebuilding
Core Business Initiative: Strategy efforts. Due September 30, 2010
and Performance Planning - Core Business Target: Traffic
Provide leadership and a focal point for ATO's Management
international activities through its strong international
knowledge base and ability to build coalitions and
Planning/Coordination with
global consensus with planned ATO systems,
11/17/09 Page 96 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
International Air Traffic Flow Core Business Initiative: Strengthen
Management Organizations ATM Operational and Security
Enhance the efficiency of global air traffic management Capabilities with International
by coordinating with appropriate international Partners
organizations. Collaborate with partners to strengthen ATM
Core Business Initiative: Traffic operational and security capabilities within the NAS.
Core Activity: Work with ICAO and
Management Planning with
Regional Forums
International Organizations Work through appropriate ICAO and regional forums
Enhance the efficiency of global air traffic to develop and implement strategies to enhance
management by coordinating with appropriate cooperation among Civil Aviation Authorities,
international organizations. ANSPs, military, and/or other defense/security
Core Activity: Traffic Management entities to strengthen ATM operational and security
Planning with International capabilities.
Organizations Activity Target 1:
Enhance the efficiency of global air traffic Participate in development of air traffic
management by coordinating with appropriate management (ATM) security terminology and
international organizations. procedures with the NATO/EUROCONTROL ATM
Activity Target 1: Security Coordination Group. Brief internal FAA
Establish planning telcons with the Japanese Air representatives on the results and issues of
Traffic Flow Management organization. Due trimester meetings within 30 days of meetings.
September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Update international geographical data in the Participate in the next Civil/Military Air Traffic
Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) from Management Conference (CMAC) to discuss
Columbia by 12/31/2009 and from Mexico by common issues and solutions to air traffic
07/31/2010. Due July 31, 2010 management (ATM) problems affecting significant
Activity Target 3: areas of ATM security particularly the increased
significance and demand for airspace by civil and
Coordinate Hurricane Hunter operational military users and associated issues related to
procedures with international air traffic flow operations, airspace infrastructure, future systems,
management organizations. Due April 30, 2010 regional cooperation and global utilization. Brief
Activity Target 4: internal FAA management on accomplishments
Develop Air Traffic Flow Management training and issues within 30 days of meetings. Due
programs for use by international air traffic flow September 30, 2010
management organizations in the South American Activity Target 3:
Region. Due April 30, 2010 Participate in the ICAO Global Civil Military
Conference, in Montreal, October 19 - 21, 2009.
Core Business Target: Brief internal FAA management on
Collaborate with International accomplishments and issues within 30 days of
meetings. Due December 1, 2009
Partners on Air Domain Security
As the lead for ATO and FAA, System Operations Core Activity: Regional Acceptance of
Security will coordinate with Department of State (DOS) US ATM Security Processes
and other stakeholders on special air traffic related Promote regional acceptance of U.S. ATM security
handling (e.g., secure routing) of flights by select States processes through expanded outreach efforts,
(e.g., countries of special security interest to the U.S.) proliferation of U.S. expertise and exchange of
designated as Special Interest Flights (SIF) in order to information, support of targeted training and
mitigate potential security threats. The group will provide educational events, and pursuit of strategic bilateral
air traffic operations related support of and coordination arrangements to improve operational communication
on (e.g., special ATC handling) of flights operating in the and expansion of flight data exchange.
U.S. under the Open Skies treaty, which enables 34 Activity Target 1:
party States to conduct security related activities. Also, Interface with International Air Traffic System
this group will provide national level standards, Operations Security counterparts in organizations
procedures, procurement, and logistical support for and facilities with similar ATM security
ATO's conduct of classified voice and data responsibilities for tours of facilities, discussions
communications (referred to as COMSEC) both internally regarding air security issues, and development of
and with other government agencies. trusted relationships that could lead to
11/17/09 Page 97 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
establishment of ATM security interface with the Strategic Initiative: Organizational
United States Domestic Events Network (DEN).
Brief internal FAA management on Excellence Action Plans
accomplishments and issues within 30 days of Develop and implement Corporate and LOB/SO
meetings. Due September 30, 2010 Organizational Excellence Action Plans that address
Activity Target 2: employee feedback and engagement, and improve
organizational effectiveness, accountability and
Develop reporting procedures in accordance with performance.
ICAO Annex 9 for sick passengers with possible
communicable diseases on international flights.
Strategic Activity: ATO Organizational
Quarterly (and, if appropriate, within 30 days of Excellence Plan
any meetings), brief internal FAA management on Monitor and assess implementation of FAA
accomplishments and issues. Due September 30, Corporate and LOB/SO Organizational Excellence
2010 (OE) Action Plans to address employee feedback
and engagement, and improve organizational
Core Activity: Strengthen Air Domain effectiveness, accountability and performance.
Worldwide Crisis Management Activity Target 1:
Participate in worldwide crisis management venues LOB/SOs will report to their workforce on the
to ensure ATM security issues are properly implementation status and accomplishments of
addressed for crisis activities such as disaster relief, their OE Action Plans. Due December 30, 2009
reconstitution following terror attacks, and Activity Target 2:
containment of pandemic diseases.
LOB/SOs will monitor the implementation of their
Activity Target 1:
OE Action Plans and use identified methods to
Participate in ICAO Regional Aviation Medicine continue soliciting feedback from their employees
Team meetings addressing issues regarding on organizational/workforce issues to improve
Cooperative Arrangements for Preventing the planned or ongoing actions. Due March 30, 2010
Spread of Communicable Diseases Through Air Activity Target 3:
Travel (CAPSCA). Brief internal FAA management
on accomplishments and issues within 30 days of LOB/SOs will implement any necessary changes
meetings. Due September 30, 2010 in their OE Action Plans based on employee
feedback and/or changes in organizational
Core Business Initiative: Provide direction or requirements, and communicate those
Technical Expertise on Air Domain changes to employees and continue
implementation. Due June 30, 2010
Security to International Partners Activity Target 4:
Provide technical expertise on Air Domain security LOB/SOs will document their accomplishments
policies and procedures to other Civil Aviation and lessons learned in implementing their OE
Authorities. Action Plans and communicate results to their
Core Activity: Air Domain Security employees. Due September 30, 2010
Plans for 2010 Olympics
Provide technical assistance to adjacent FIRs to Strategic Initiative: Legislative
ensure safety and seamless operations between our Proposal for Reauthorization
common border. Work with the Administration, Congress, and
Activity Target 1: stakeholders to develop and implement FAA
Support ATM security planning with Canadian reauthorization legislation.
authorities for the Vancouver Olympics. Brief Strategic Activity: FAA Reauthorization
internal FAA management on accomplishments (AJF)
and issues within 30 days of meetings. Due Support the ongoing activity to establish new
February 28, 2010 Reauthorization levels for FAA Capital F&E.
Activity Target 1:
Organizational Excellence Provide supporting documentation for capital
funding requirements to justify Reauthorization
levels as necessary through the fiscal year until
Flight Plan Target: Leadership legislation is approved. Due September 30, 2010

and Accountability Strategic Initiative: Leadership

(Objective) Make the organization more effective with Development
stronger leadership, a results-oriented, high performance Each LOB/SO will track and report quarterly on their
workforce, and a culture of accountability. compliance with corporate leadership development
policies and initiatives.

11/17/09 Page 98 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Strategic Activity: ATO Leadership Strategic Activity: ATO actions in
Development Compliance support of DOT FY goal that 3% of all
Each FAA organization will track and report quarterly new hires are individuals with targeted
in pbviews on their compliance with leadership disabilities
development policies and initiatives in the areas of ATO will track and report quarterly on actions taken
mandatory probationary manager training, to support the Secretary of Transportation's fiscal
probationary manager certification, Continuing year goal that 3 percent of all new hires are
Management Education, and steps taken to improve individuals with targeted (severe) disabilities.
compliance rates.
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1:
ATO will provide to ACR a standard quarterly
Report quarterly on steps taken to improve or report outlining actions taken to increase their
sustain timely completion of probationary training workforce percentage of individuals with targeted
and certification. Due September 30, 2010 disabilities. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Report quarterly on steps taken to meet Flight Plan Target: Cost Control
Continuing Management Education requirements Organizations throughout the agency will continue to
for incumbent managers. Due September 30, 2010 implement cost efficiency initiatives such as:
10-15 percent savings for strategic sourcing for selected
Strategic Initiative: Harassment, products and services;
Reprisal, and Retaliation Free By the end of FY 2009, reduce leased space for
Workplace Automated Flight Service Stations from approximately
510,000 square feet to approximately 150,000 square
Each FAA organization will track and report quarterly
on LOB/SO actions to foster a workplace free of
Annual reduction of $15 million in Information
harassment, reprisal, and retaliation.
Technology operating costs;
Strategic Activity: ATO Harassment- and By FY 2010, reduce overhead costs 5-10 percent
Retaliation-Free Workplace Training through automation of invoice processing. FY 2010
Each FAA organization will track and report quarterly Target: 90% of targeted savings Note: For FY10, IT
in pbviews on their compliance with this initiative in savings base is $25 million.
terms of the numbers of people trained.
Activity Target 1: Strategic Initiative: Cost Data Tools
Develop a training schedule for ATO distribution to and Training
the Office of Human Resources (AHR), the Office Ensure that financial policies and procedures are
of Civil Rights (ACR), and ATO Service Units. Due updated and that management and staff are well
February 28, 2010 trained in the use of FAA cost data, as derived from
Activity Target 2: FAA's acquisition, cost accounting, accounting, payroll
Ensure that ATO management workforce attends and personnel systems, to make management
Model Workplace and Diversity Workshops, which decisions.
includes Accountability Board training. Due August Strategic Activity: ATO CAS COST
Activity Target 3: Establish additional cost efficiency measures using
Report quarterly the number of employees CAS/LDR data.
attending Accountability Board training for FAA Activity Target 1:
Managers. This includes in-person training Submit to CFO a proposal of an additional ATO
sessions provided by the Accountability Board or efficiency measure using CAS/LDR data that will
by Accountability Board Human Resources points result in cost containment, cost avoidance, or
of contacts; and other Accountability Board efficiency improvements. Due March 31, 2010
Training such as Interactive Video Activity Target 2:
teleconferencing (IVT's) and Brown Bag Lunches. Provide to CFO an implementation plan for
Due September 30, 2010 approved ATO efficiency measure. Due July 31,
Strategic Initiative: New Hires with 2010
Activity Target 3:
Targeted Disabilities Complete all actions in for implementing new ATO
Each FAA organization will track and report quarterly
efficiency measure in FY 2011. Due September
on actions taken in support of the Secretary of
30, 2010
Transportation's fiscal year goal that 3 percent of all
new hires are individuals with targeted (severe)

11/17/09 Page 99 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan

Strategic Initiative: Cost Control Strategic Activity: ATO Efficiency
Program Measure: System Planning and
Implement line of business-specific cost efficiency as Resource Management Budget
well as agency-wide initiatives to reduce costs or Sustain FY 2010 System Planning and Resource
improve productivity. Management budget at 2% or less of total RE&D
Strategic Activity: ATO-G Service Area budget.
Restructuring Activity Target 1:
ATO will continue to restructuring of Service Center Report quarterly to ABA on results of System
and Technical Operations in order to realized Planning and Resource Management budget. Due
savings from reduced federal and contractor FTEs. January 31, 2010
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 2:
ATO will provide a revised Service Area Report quarterly to ABA on results of System
Restructuring savings target and updated plan to Planning and Resource Management budget. Due
ABA. Due November 1, 2009 April 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 3:
ATO will complete and report on a Service Center Report quarterly to ABA on results of System
and Engineering Service Center Contract head Planning and Resource Management budget. Due
count quarterly. Due September 30, 2010 July 31, 2010
Activity Target 3: Activity Target 4:
ATO will complete a federal employee head count Report 4th quarter FY 2009 to ABA on results of
and report to ABA monthly. Due September 30, System Planning and Resource Management
2010 Budget. Due October 31, 2009
Activity Target 4: Activity Target 5:
ATO will complete and report on an IT contractor Provide updated FY 2011 template for review and
head count annually. Due September 30, 2010 approval in time to be included in the FY 2011
Activity Target 5: Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 6:
AJF will brief the FAA CFO on the current state of
the Service Area Restructuring Initiative. Due Combined efficiency measures must account for
November 1, 2009 75% of operating resources. any additional
measures needed to meet the 75% requirement
Strategic Activity: ATO-W must be approved by the end of the calendar year.
Discontinuance of NavAids Due December 31, 2009
ATO-W will eliminate or reduce FAA obsolete
technology by either removing from service or Strategic Activity: ATO Efficiency
transferring from federal operation 100 NavAids by Measure: RE&D Management Workforce
September 2009. Maintain an RE&D management workforce
Activity Target 1: comprising no more than 10% of the overall RE&D
Discontinue service of 50 NavAids. Due June 30, workforce.
2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Report quarterly to ABA on the percentage of the
Discontinue service of an additional 50 NavAids. management workforce comprising the overall
Due September 30, 2010 RE&D workforce. Due January 31, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Strategic Initiative: Productivity and Report quarterly to ABA on the percentage of the
Financial Metrics management workforce comprising the overall
Each FAA organization will develop, track, and report RE&D workforce. Due April 30, 2010
quarterly on a comprehensive measure of its operating Activity Target 3:
efficiency or financial performance. These measures Report quarterly to ABA on the percentage of the
will include: Cost per flight controlled, Research, management workforce comprising the overall
Engineering, and Development (RE&D) Management RE&D workforce. Due July 31, 2010
Staff Efficiency Measure, Grant Administration Activity Target 4:
Efficiency Measure, Direct labor costs of certification of
Report 4th quarter to ABA on the percentage of
foreign and domestic repair stations, Direct labor costs
the management workforce comprising the overall
of surveillance of foreign and domestic repair stations.
RE&D workforce. Due October 31, 2009
Activity Target 5:
Provide updated FY 2011 template for review and
approval in time to be included in the FY 2011
11/17/09 Page 100 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010 ABA. Due July 31, 2010
Activity Target 6: Activity Target 6:
Combined efficiency measures must account for Provide updated FY 2011 template for review and
75% of operating resources. Any additional approval in time to be included in the FY 2011
measures needed to meet the 75% requirement Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010
must be approved by the end of the calendar year.
Due December 31, 2009 Strategic Initiative: Asset
Strategic Activity: ATO Efficiency Management
Improve management of FAA's real property assets by
Measure: Cost per Controlled Flight optimizing maintenance costs and disposing of excess
Measure the cost per controlled flight and report assets.
quarterly to ABA. The estimated target for FY 2010
will be determined in October 2009 based on
Strategic Activity: Annual Real Property
updated FY 2009 cost and flight data. Inventory
Activity Target 1: Support Real Property Asset Management Inventory
by utilizing efficient methodologies to determine
Report quarterly to ABA on the cost per controlled
existence and condition of real property.
flight. Due February 28, 2010
Methodology will utilize reliable data, replacement
Activity Target 2:
and repair request data, statistical sampling and
Report quarterly to ABA on the cost per controlled limited physical testing.
flight Due May 31, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 3: Complete 80 percent of the annual real property
Report quarterly to ABA on the cost per controlled inventory target. Due September 30, 2010
flight Due August 31, 2010
Activity Target 4: Flight Plan Target: Critical
Report FY09 4th quarter results to ABA on cost
per controlled flight. Due November 30, 2009
Acquisitions on Budget
In FY 2009, 90 percent of Major System Investments are
Activity Target 5: within 10 percent variance of current baseline total
Provide updated FY 2011 template for review and budget estimate at completion (BAC). FY 2010 Target:
approval in time to be included in the FY 2011 90%
Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 6: Strategic Initiative: Program
Combined efficiency measures must account for Management Processes
75% of operating resources. Any additional Implement and improve program management
mueasures needed to meet the 75% requirement processes to remain within acquisition cost and
must be approved by the end of the calendar year. schedule baselines.
Due December 31, 2009 Strategic Activity: For FY2010 90% of
Strategic Activity: ATO Efficiency Acquisition programs are within 10% of
Measure: ATO Overhead Rate CIP total funding amount
Track and report ATO overhead obligations, to For FY2010 90% of Acquisition programs are within
include service area, service unit and HQ overhead, 10% of CIP total funding amount: Track and report
as a percent of total ATO labor obligations and on Critical Acquisition Programs: Provide the
report quarterly to ABA. FY 2010 target: 18.1%. management discipline and infrastructure for
monitoring critical programs and delivering products
Activity Target 1:
on schedule and on budget
On or before October 1, 2009 establish FY 2010
Activity Target 1:
target. Due October 1, 2009
Activity Target 2: Establish FY10 list of critical acquisition programs
for 90%goal by October 1, 2009. Due October 1,
Continue to report 4th quarter measure results to 2009
ABA. Due October 31, 2009 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 3:
Complete coordinated 5 year Capital Investment
Continue to report 1st quarter measure results to Plan to establish Cost targets and submit with the
ABA. Due January 31, 2010 FY2011 Budget. Due February 28, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Continue to report 2nd quarter measure results to Strategic Initiative: Use Investment
ABA. Due April 30, 2010 Criteria to Manage Programs
Activity Target 5: Develop, document, and use investment criteria to
Continue to report 3rd quarter measure results to manage major capital programs.
11/17/09 Page 101 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: Capital Planning and Flight Plan Target: Information
Investment Control
Ensure that Capital Planning activities are conducted Security Program
in a sound, business-like way, and in accordance Achieve zero cyber security events that disable or
with cyclical (e.g. budget, strategic, and acquisition) significantly degrade FAA services. FY 2010 Target: 0
planning requirements
Activity Target 1: Strategic Initiative: Cyber-Security
Publish a Business Case Analysis Guidebook Plan
outlining the Business Case Analysis process Protect FAA's information infrastructure using
using best practices and agency examples. Due advanced cyber defense strategies.
September 30, 2010 Strategic Activity: Achieve Zero Cyber
Security Events that Disable or
Flight Plan Target: Critical Significantly Degrade FAA Systems.
Acquisitions on Schedule Implement an efficient and effective cyber security
In FY 2009, 90 percent of Major System Investments program in accordance with the Federal Information
selected annual milestones are achieved. FY 2010 Security Management Act of 2002.
Target 90% Activity Target 1:
Strategic Initiative: Program Recertify 12 ATO administrative information
systems by each system's anniversary date. Due
Management Processes September 30, 2010
Implement and improve program management Activity Target 2:
processes to remain within acquisition cost and
Perform Annual assessments on 16 ATO
schedule baselines.
administrative information systems. Due
Strategic Activity: Program Mgmnt September 30, 2010
Provide the management discipline and Strategic Activity: ISS Compliance
infrastructure for tracking, monitoring, and reporting Program.
program milestone completions for critical ATO will implement an efficient and effective cyber
acquisition programs. These processes will be used security program.
to manage all programs that are reporting against Activity Target 1:
the 90% Acquisition goal Identify key personnel with significant ISS roles
Activity Target 1: and responsibilities by 10/31/09 and ensure ISS
Establish FY10 list of critical programs and their Awareness training is taken and documented for
selected milestones by October 1, 2010 Due FISMA compliance by May 31, 2010. Due May 31,
October 1, 2009 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Monitor, identify, and report monthly on Participate in the ISS Compliance Program Plan
established program schedule activities and dates activities and implement compliance review
by September 2010. Due September 30, 2010 checklists. Due March 31, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Strategic Initiative: Use Investment Coordinate and implement agency IT/ISS orders.
Criteria to Manage Programs Due September 30, 2010
Develop, document, and use investment criteria to Activity Target 4:
manage major capital programs. Sensitvity levels for each system must be identified
Strategic Activity: Capital Planning and and documented based on Federal requirements
Investment Control (CPIC) and guidelines contained in OMB Circular A-130,
Ensure that Capital Planning activities are conducted FIPS 199. Due September 30, 2010
in a sound, business-like way, and in accordance Activity Target 5:
with cyclical (e.g., budget, strategic, and acquisition) Contingency and Disaster Recovery Plan (C/DRP)
planning requirements. must be developed, tested, and maintained for all
Activity Target 1: FAA information systems. Due September 30,
Publish a Business Case Analysis Guidebook 2010
outlining the Business Case Analysis process Activity Target 6:
using best practices and agency examples. Due Report cyber incident information to the CSMC on
September 30, 2010 an on-going basis. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 7:
All information systems owned or operated by the
11/17/09 Page 102 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
FAA or on the behalf of the FAA must be C&A'd by documented for FISMA compliance. Due June 30,
the system's C&A anniversary date. Due 2010
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 5:
Strategic Initiative: Enterprise Report privacy breaches to the CSMC as they
occur. Due September 30, 2010
Architecture Conformance Activity Target 6:
Enable enterprise-wide conformance to information with Records Officer to schedule all electronic
technology enterprise architecture. records in accordance with the EGOV Act Section
Strategic Activity: Support for 207. Due September 30, 2010 Due September 30,
Integrating Standards and Configuration 2010
Management. Strategic Activity: Build Enabling
ATO-W will continue to co-lead a cross-LOB team in
developing CM processes and procedures for non- Privacy Infrastructure.
Encryption activity.
NAS Information Technology.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Co-lead with AIO a cross-agency team to draft CM Ensure FIPS 200 requirements have been
processes and procedures for non-NAS IT. Due integrated into the Enterprise Architecture. Due
September 30, 2010 September 30, 2010
Strategic Activity: ATO-F Support for Activity Target 2:
Integrating Standards in Software Encrypt all PII systems. Due September 30, 2010
Leverage Federal Segment Architecture
Strategic Activity: Privacy Information
Methodology (FSAM) to complete EA reference Governance.
models. Implement Converged Physical Security & Privacy
Activity Target 1: Information Governance.
Activity Target 1:
Complete EA reference models. Due September
30, 2010 Establish and Maintain physical security standards
commensurate with privacy information risks. Due
Strategic Initiative: Unauthorized September 30, 2010
Disclosure Activity Target 2:
Protect FAA-sensitive and individual privacy Ensure planned policy and guidance documents
information from unauthorized disclosure. are implemented for the FAA HSPD-12 program.
Strategic Activity: Stabilize Information Due September 30, 2010
Assurance/Privacy Operations.
Protect FAA-sensitive and individual privacy
Flight Plan Target: Customer
information from unauthorized disclosure. Satisfaction
Activity Target 1: Maintain the annual average of FAA surveys on the
Complete PTAs and PIAs as required by the C&A American Customer Satisfaction Index at or above the
anniversary date. All systems are required to average Federal Regulatory Agency score. FY 2010
submit PTAs, and where applicable, PIAs, Target: Government Regulatory Average
annually in conjunction with their SCAP/Annual
Security Assessment submissions. Due Strategic Initiative: Customer
September 30, 2010 Requirements Review
Activity Target 2: Review customer requirements annually and measure
Participate in the Privacy Compliance activities customer satisfaction more broadly for FAA services.
and implement compliance review checklists as Strategic Activity: ATO ACSI Survey of
requested by the FAA's Privacy Officer. Due June Customer Satisfaction with ATO
30, 2010 Services
Activity Target 3: ACSI Survey conducted by AJC to gauge the
Coordinate and implement agency privacy satisfaction of customers with ATO services.
guidance. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 4: Survey ATO customers' opinions of the products
Identify key personnel with significant privacy and services provided by the Air Traffic
responsibilities (e.g. anyone that must ensure that Organization and provide final survey results to
privacy documents are completed in accordance ATO management. Due September 30, 2010
with FISMA requirements) by November 30, 2009,
and ensure privacy training is taken and
11/17/09 Page 103 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: ATO ACSI Survey of Update and submit FY10 and FY11 hiring
Customer Satisfaction Action Plan projections for mission-critical occupations. Due
Action Plan based on ACSI Survey conducted by February 28, 2010
AJG to gauge the satisfaction of customers with
ATO services. Flight Plan Target: Reduce
Activity Target 1: Workplace Injuries
Develop action plan based on FY2009 survey Reduce the total workplace injury and illness case rate to
results to resolve customer issues that negatively no more than 2.44 per 100 employees by the end of FY
impact satisfaction with ATO services and present 2011, and maintain through FY 2013. FY 2010 Target:
to AJC management. Due November 30, 2009 2.52 per 100 employees
Strategic Initiative: Standardize FAA Strategic Initiative: Reduce
Websites Workplace Injuries
Standardize FAA websites making them more useful Reduce workplace injuries through employee safety
for exchanging information and conducting business. program evaluations and OSHA Voluntary Protection
Strategic Activity: Standardize ATO Program measures.
Websites Strategic Activity: ATO-W Employee
Ensure all ATO websites comply with the Agency's Safety
web and branding standards and policies. ATO is committed to supporting initiatives, programs
Activity Target 1: and policies that improve agency-wide performance
Update the ATO web strategies and action plans in employee safety and health in the workplace
in writing to the FAA Web Manager and brief FAA environment.
Web Council on the ATO plans on or before Activity Target 1:
January 30, 2010. Due January 30, 2010 EOSH Services will produce a strategic
Activity Target 2: communications package for ATO managers to
Submit ATO web progress reports to the FAA Web utilize in order to inform employees on how to
Managers on or before March 31, 2010. Due report mishaps in SMIS, awareness of OSH
March 31, 2010 policies, and specific safe work practices based on
Activity Target 3: hazards that exist in the workplace. Due July 27,
Submit ATO web progress reports to the FAA Web Activity Target 2:
Managers on or before June 30, 2010. Due June
30, 2010 ATO will conduct EOSH program management
Activity Target 4: evaluations in each service area using such
measures as safety mishap investigation and
Certify to the Administrator on or before recordkeeping, safety training, and safety
September 30, 2010 that 95 percent or more of inspections. Due July 27, 2010
ATO web pages comply with FAA web standards, Activity Target 3:
policies and requirements including those outlined
in the FY-2010 Web Strategy and Action Plan. Due Conduct and document workplace inspections and
September 30, 2010 abate identified hazards in ATO facilities in each
service area. Due August 15, 2010
Flight Plan Target: OPM Hiring Activity Target 4:
ATO will require all Air Traffic Managers and
Standard Supervisors to complete training awareness on the
By FY 2010, 80 percent of FAA external hires will be Safety Management Information System (SMIS)
filled within OPM's 45-day standard for government-wide for injury and illness reporting. Due August 15,
hiring. FY 2010 Target 80% 2010
Strategic Initiative: External
Flight Plan Target: Clean Audit
Recruiting Obtain an unqualified opinion on the agency's financial
In external recruitment efforts, implement corporate statements (Clean Audit with no material weaknesses)
strategies that expand the applicant pool to ensure each fiscal year. FY 2010 Target: Clean Audit with no
equal opportunity to all applicants and result in material weaknesses
attracting high quality candidates to the FAA.
Strategic Activity: ATO Mission-Critical Strategic Initiative: Capitalization of
Hiring Assets
Identify mission-critical external hires. Improve timeliness and accuracy of financial
transactions by capitalizing assets in a timely manner.
Activity Target 1:

11/17/09 Page 104 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Strategic Activity: Support on Strategic Activity: Cost Reimbursable
Capitalization of Assets Contract Close-outs
Improve timeliness and accuracy of financial Close a percentage of Cost Reimbursable contracts
transactions by capitalizing assets in a timely that become eligible for close-out. The number of
manner. eligible contracts is defined as all Cost Reimbursable
Activity Target 1: contracts that ended performance in the preceding
Provide data and analysis to support the accrual fiscal year.
of FAA assets placed in service but not yet posted Activity Target 1:
in Delphi on a quarterly basis with an accuracy Close 88% of the number of Cost Reimbursable
rate of 10% of actual activity when compared by contracts that become eligible for close-out and
the look back analysis 60 days after the end of the report quarterly by January 30, 2010, April 30,
fiscal year. Due November 30, 2009 2010, July 30, 2010, September 30, 2010. Due
Activity Target 2: September 30, 2010
85% of assets will be capitalized within 65 days of Strategic Initiative: IT Audit Findings
date placed in service. Due September 30, 2010
Closeout prior year information technology Audit
Strategic Activity: Support Capitalization Findings not later than the second quarter of each
of Assets fiscal year, and receive no significant deficiencies
Support timely and accurate capitalization of assets. related to new IT Notices of Findings and
Recommendations (NFR).
Activity Target 1:
Strategic Activity: IT Audit Findings.
One third of the total value of capitalized personal Correct High and Medium Vulnerabilities and receive
property from Delphi will be reviewed and no Significant Deficiencies related to new IT NFRs.
validated in FY 2010. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2:
Conduct internal audit/sampling of contractors that
80% of the assets identified in the monthly FSEP have left the agency to determine the timeliness of
decommission report will be reviewed for the close-out of their system access. Due December
status of capital assets and the activity report to 31, 2009
AFM on a monthly basis. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Strategic Activity: Support on Implement corrective actions if required to ensure
Capitalization of Assets system access is turned off for those contractors
Support timely and accurate capitalization of assets. leaving agency. Due February 28, 2010

Activity Target 1: Flight Plan Target: ATC

Provide data and support on a monthly basis to
ARC and ABA to prepare the 90 day forecast of
Positions Workforce Plan
Maintain the air traffic controller workforce at, or up to 2
asset deployment by the 5th day of each month.
percent above, the projected annual totals in the Air
Due September 30, 2010
Traffic Controller Workforce Plan. FY 2010 Target: at or
Activity Target 2:
up to 2% above annual target
At the end of the year, 80% of assets are
capitalized within 60 business days of the date Strategic Initiative: ATC Workforce
placed in service. Due September 30, 2010 Plan
Strategic Initiative: Cost Implement the hiring, training, staffing analysis, and
management recommendations of the Air Traffic
Reimbursable Contracts Controller Workforce Plan to support FAA's safety
Improve the overall management of cost-reimbursable mission and meet external stakeholder requirements.
contracts through oversight controls and the Defense Update and report annually on agency progress.
Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit process. Strategic Activity: ATO-T Hire and Train
Strategic Activity: DCAA Audits of Cost Terminal Air Traffic Controllers
Reimbursable Contracts Terminal Services Execution of the ATC Workforce
Determine number of cost reimbursable contracts Hiring Plan - Establish Facility Hiring Plan
$100 million or more in estimated value, then requirements and Select potential candidates for
request DCAA audits on those over $100 million. placement into Terminal Facilities.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Order audits on cost reimbursable contracts over Establish a final facility specific hiring plan. Due
$100 million and report on audit status quarterly, October 1, 2009
in January 2010, April 2010, July 2010 and
September 2010. Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 105 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2:
Flight Plan Target: Continuity of
Select the required number of potential candidates
to meet Terminal's hiring goal. Due August 1, 2010 Operations
Exceed Federal Emergency Management Agency
Strategic Activity: ATO-E Support for Air continuity readiness levels by 5 percent. FY 2010
Traffic Controller (ATC) Hiring Target: exceed FEMA targets by 5%
En Route Services Execution of the ATC Workforce
Hiring Plan - Establish Facility Hiring Plan Strategic Initiative: Web-Based
requirements and select potential candidates for Emergency Operations Tools
placement into En Route Facilities. Develop web-based emergency operation information-
Activity Target 1: sharing tools that create a common operational picture
Establish a final facility specific hiring plan. Due and support effective decision making.
October 1, 2009
Activity Target 2: The 9/11 attacks, recent natural disasters (e.g.,
Select the required number of potential candidates Hurricane Katrina in 2005), and security events in
to meet En Route's hiring goal. Due August 1, National Airspace System (NAS) have provided
2010 lessons-learned that continue to drive the FAA's efforts
to further strengthen its crisis management
Strategic Activity: ATO-F ATC Workforce capabilities. Core areas of focus include:
Update the Air Traffic Control Workforce Report to - The need to develop and implement improved
Congress. automation tools, which support enhanced real-time
Activity Target 1: operational coordination; real-time, integrated use of
Update to the Air Traffic Control Workforce Plan sensor and flight data, as well as other pertinent data
written and ready for FAA Administrator review. sources; and establishment of a common operational
Due March 31, 2010 picture useful for crisis management.
Activity Target 2:
Update attrition forecasts monthly. Monitor hiring,
- The need to develop and implement improved
losses, overtime, Time On Position, Trainee
automation tools, which leverage web portal and
Ratios, etc by facility. Due September 30, 2010
enterprise caliber database technologies, to enable
Strategic Activity: ATC Controller improved sharing and analysis of data needed to
Training maintain situational awareness and support effective,
Track the number of new hire training completions rapid decision-making.
per quarter from developmental to certified Strategic Activity: Develop Emergency
professional controller (CPC), for a total of 1000 new Operation Information Sharing
hire completions by September 30, 2010. Assist in the design and integration of the capability
Activity Target 1: to have real time reporting of NAS equipment status.
Achieve at least 200 new hire training completions Activity Target 1:
each in 1st and 2nd Quarters of FY 2010 (at least Assist in the design and integration of real time
67 per month). Due March 30, 2010 reporting of NAS equipment status in collaboration
Activity Target 2: with ASH and AJR-2. Due September 30, 2010
Achieve at least 300 new hire training completions Strategic Activity: ATO CR/EO Status
each in 3rd and 4th Quarters of FY 2010 (at least
100 per month). Due September 30, 2010 Develop a plan to establish a unified ATO CR/EO
Strategic Activity: Air Traffic Controllers Status Reporting capability, including the status of
Workforce Plan Coordination - Hiring employees, NAS services, equipment and other
Coordinate and report on the initiative efforts to infrastructure.
maintain the ATC Workforce Plan Annual Hiring Activity Target 1:
within 2% of the Air Traffic Controller Workforce In collaboration with ASH, develop a plan to
Hiring Plan Targets. establish a unified ATO CR/EO Status Reporting
Activity Target 1: capability, including the status of employees, NAS
Report progress on meeting ATC Actual on Board services, equipment and other infrastructure. Due
(AOB) monthly targets as indicated in the Federal November 30, 2009
Personnel Payroll System (FPPS). Due Strategic Initiative: Improve
September 30, 2010
Operational and Corporate Crisis
Response Structures
11/17/09 Page 106 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Improve the use and functionality of operational and
corporate crises response structures such as
Core Business Target:
specialized hurricane coordination cells and continuity Communications
of operations programs. Ensure that ATO employees, customers, and
Strategic Activity: Improved integration stakeholders are provided timely, accurate, clear, and
with NRF related interagency response consistent information about ATO initiatives according to
mechanisms. established schedules.
ATO will, in cooperation with FEMA and other Core Business Initiative: AJG
partners, further strengthen air navigation services
(e.g., ATM and airspace management) related Internal Communications
provisions in the National Response Framework Provide information to ATO employees through
(NRF) related interagency response mechanisms electronic and print media. Products include, but are
such as the Hurricane Contingency Plan not limited to, a Web-based newsletter, a daily FAA
(CONPLAN) generated annually by FEMA, as well operations report, biweekly management publication,
as the NRF itself. and a wide variety of specialty publications to increase
Activity Target 1: employee understanding and support of ATO
programs and activities.
Develop a plan to enhance crisis management
interoperability and integration for systems such Core Activity: ATO News
as surveillance tools needed to support Increase visits to ATO News.
interagency COP. Due February 1, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Core Business Target: Future Establish an annual baseline target. Due
September 30, 2010
Schedules and Seasonal Core Activity: Narrow Casting
Projections Complete Deep Dive research and evaluation.
Deliver future schedule demand forecasts to assure
consistent NAS modeling for investment analysis and Activity Target 1:
workload planning by providing 2 future schedules per Establish plan to build a prototype. Due
quarter by September 30, 2010. September 30, 2010

Core Business Initiative: Forecast Core Business Initiative: External

and Operations Analysis Communications
Generate quarterly seasonally-adjusted network traffic The External program is a major point of information
forecasts (future schedules) to support NAS Modeling for the FAA/ATO public Audiences (industry, military
for investment analysis and workload planning by ATO partners, travelers, trade association etc.) on topics of
service units. Utilize future schedules to produce major interest. These topics include FAA/ATO Safety
consistent projections for the service delivery points. initiatives, modernization efforts and system operation
Core Activity: Traffic Forecast and performance. Through various communications
Make schedules and projections available for ATO efforts the External Program provides relevant
planning on a quarterly basis. For each set of information to these audiences and solicit input from
Future Schedules listed in the targets below, AJG them to improve where possible FAA/ATO's provision
will update the seasonal projections for the service of services. All efforts and activities reflect the Agency
delivery points consistent with the future schedules. mission and policy as well as the programmatic goals
and objectives of the FAA and ATO.
Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Weekly Newsletter
Produce 2 Future Schedules based on FY2009 Publish a weekly newsletter to inform public
Q4 operations. Due October 30, 2009 audiences of the major FAA/ATO safety and
Activity Target 2: modernization initiatives.
Produce 2 Future Schedules based on FY2010 Q1 Activity Target 1:
operations. Due February 28, 2010 Expand distribution by 10% during the fiscal year.
Activity Target 3: Due September 30, 2010
Produce 2 Future Schedules based on FY2010 Q2
operations. Due April 30, 2010 Core Activity: Public Outreach Events
Conduct public outreach activities to inform public
Activity Target 4:
audiences of the major FAA/ATO safety and
Produce 2 Future Schedules based on FY2010 Q3 modernization initiatives and air traffic operations.
operations. Due July 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Conduct at least 3 public outreach events on
selected dates throughout the fiscal year by
9/30/10. Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 107 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: ATO Core Activity: Terminal Services
Controlled Correspondence Finance
Provide the financial support functions necessary to
Serve as the ATO liaison and focal point to the FAA
deliver safe, efficient and cost effective terminal Air
Administrator, ATO Chief Operating Officer (COO),
Traffic Control (ATC) services including Fund
ATO Executive Council and FAA's Office of
Account Management, Investment Analysis Support,
Government and Industry Affairs for internal and
Cost Management Initiatives Support, Cost &
external controlled correspondence. This includes
Performance Auditing and Terminal Services
inquiries from Congress, private industry, and the
Financial Systems & Reporting.
Executive Branch, regarding ATO programs and
policies. Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Controlled Complete assessment for achieving year-end
performance goal to satisfy the ATO Terminal
Services facility labor cost per operation target of
Respond to Congressional letters within timeframe
$20.49. Due March 31, 2010
established by the Administrator (AOA).
Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1:
Respond to 85 percent of Executive and Achieve the ATO Terminal Services facility labor
Congressional inquiries within the timeframes cost per operation target of $20.49. Due
established by the Administrator (AOA). Due September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010 Core Activity: Terminal Services
Core Business Target: Achieve Mission Support
Provide management direction and guidance
Terminal Services Staffing concerning interfaces and tactical requirements for
terminal services. Present and defend the
Ratios and Unit Costs Department of Transportation/FAA positions with
Achieve the Terminal Services direct/indirect staffing respect to terminal air traffic issues in formal and
ratio of 8.19 by September 2012 (FY10 Target = Achieve informal meetings with key officials. Provide direction
the Terminal Services direct/indirect staffing ratio of 8.50) for executing the terminal portion of the Controller
and the Terminal Services facility labor cost per Workforce Plan including staffing, hiring, terminal
operation of $22.42 by September 2012 (FY10 Target = traffic analysis and training as it relates to all
Achieve the Terminal Services facility labor cost per terminal facilities. Provide guidance and oversight
operation target of $20.49) by ensuring the efficient and for new hire technical training.
effective provision of terminal services by providing core Activity Target 1:
business support functions for Administration, Finance,
Complete assessment for achieving year-end
and Mission Support.
performance goal to satisfy the ATO-Terminal
Core Business Initiative: Provide direct/indirect staffing ratio of 8.50. Due March 31,
Support to Enable Achievement of Activity Target 2:
Terminal Services Unit Cost and Achieve the ATO-Terminal direct/indirect staffing
Staffing Ratio Targets ratio of 8.50. Due September 30, 2010
Provide the Administration, Finance, and Mission Core Activity: Install simulation
Support functions necessary to enable safe, efficient
and cost-effective delivery of terminal Air Traffic equipment to support Tower Air Traffic
Control (ATC) services at annual target levels. Controller training
Core Activity: Terminal Services The Tower Simulation System (TSS) will provide
realistic training for Tower Air Traffic Controllers in a
non-operational environment. The TSS is a self
Provide the administrative support functions
contained system and requires only commercial
necessary to deliver safe, efficient and cost effective
power outlets to operate. Once delivered and
Terminal Air Traffic Control (ATC) services including
installed, the expected benefits of the TSS are: (1)
Business Support and Employee Support.
An increase in the capacity to train tower air traffic
Activity Target 1:
controller students and (2) Enhancement in
Complete assessment for achieving year-end simulation training effectiveness through the creation
performance goal to satisfy the Terminal Services of multiple scenarios.
direct/indirect staffing ratio of 8.50. Due March 31, Activity Target 1:
Assess the Progress for Managing satellite
Activity Target 2:
database development at three (3) Tower
Achieve the Terminal Services direct/indirect Simulation hub sites. Due March 31, 2010
staffing ratio of 8.50. Due September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 108 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2: 2010
Manage satellite database development at three Activity Target 2:
(3) Tower Simulation hub sites. Due September
Maintain 24/7 participation in interagency Air
30, 2010
Domain tactical operations through AJR-2 ATSCs,
Core Business Target: System using tools such as the DEN. Intervene on 100%
of Air Domain related security incidents, which
Operations - Core Business would substantially affect NAS operations, to
Ensure and deliver daily System Operations coordination contribute to response efforts and to mitigate
and planning activities associated with airspace. safety and efficiency impacts. Due September 30,
Core Business Initiative: ATO Activity Target 3:
System Operations Service Unit - Enable ATO operational interfaces with NRF
related, interagency response mechanisms (e.g.,
Core Business - Capacity the NRCC and JFOs stood up in crisis areas) used
Provides 100% leadership, direction, and guidance to
for real world and exercise events. Due September
System Operations, and other Air Traffic Organization
30, 2010
(ATO) Vice Presidents by leading the organization and
coordinating efforts to ensure efficient use of the Core Activity: Director of Airspace and
National Airspace System (NAS), develop ATO Aeronautical Information Management
policies, manage airspace issues, and provide traffic The Director of is responsible for managing airspace
flow management for the NAS. and regulatory policy formulation and analysis of day
Core Activity: Vice President for System -to-day operational programs related to aeronautical
Operations information services; airspace design, modeling,
The Air Traffic System Operations Service Unit simulation, and capacity; environmental matters
provides overall national guidance for air traffic applying to ATC operations in the NAS; and air
procedures and airspace issues, traffic flow traffic rules for the operation of aircraft in the NAS.
management for the National Airspace System
(NAS), requirements for weather observation and Activity Target 1:
reporting standards, and the serves as the focal Provide 100% support by managing daily
point for daily Air Traffic Organization interface with operations of Airspace and Aeronautical
Department of Defense and Department of Information Management Due September 30,
Homeland Security regarding air transportation 2010
security issues.
Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Director of Litigations
Exclusive point of contact for the Air Traffic
Establish Organization to provide 100% support Organization by the Office of the Chief Counsel and
for direct day-to-day activities associated with all the United States Department of Justice for litigation
System Operations Due October 30, 2009 involving personal injury and/or wrongful death
Core Activity: Director of System resulting from aircraft accidents or incidents, or air
Operations Security traffic incidents, where allegations or negligence are
Leads ATO's national defense, homeland security, made, in whole or part, involving employees of the
law enforcement, and national response related Air Traffic Organization. The office provides logistical
efforts. Specifically ensures that ATO effectively support as well as subject matter consultants and
partners with DHS, DoD and other key agencies in experts.
the Government's shared effort to protect the U.S. Activity Target 1:
and its interests from security and other major Provide 100% support by managing daily
threats (e.g., biothreats such as pandemic influenza operations for System Operations Litigation Due
and natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina). September 30, 2010
Also advocates the safety and efficiency needs of Core Activity: Director of System
the NAS and its customers by mitigating the impact
of the aforementioned threats and associated Operations Planning and Procedures
response measures. Conducts these missions Provides leadership, direction, and guidance for the
through policy development, strategic plans, Planning, Procedures and Engineering Services
operational plans, operational procedures, Group.
operational programs, and tactical operations Business Services - Provides leadership, direction
activities. and guidance for ensuring System Operations
Services plans and measures are properly reflected
Activity Target 1:
in DOT/FAA/ATO planning processes
Provide 100% support by managing ATO's daily Procedures - Provides leadership, direction,
operational security activities. Due September 30, guidance, and single focal point for assessing,
11/17/09 Page 109 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
developing, coordinating, and maintaining Air Traffic Core Activity: Director of System
Procedures for the Air Traffic Organization. Operations Air Traffic Control System
Engineering Services - Ensures plans and
procedures are aligned with the NAS Enterprise Command Center (ATCSCC)
Collaborates with domestic and foreign air traffic
Architecture, advocates and coordinates proposed
service providers and aviation representatives on a
changes to the EA, serves in the role as Chief
tactical and strategic basis to evaluate system
System Engineer for System Operations, and
capacity and demand, and implements appropriate
coordinates EA decision points for which ATO-R is
responses to ensure a safe orderly and expeditious
-Provide management of the SMP process, flow of air traffic.
Business Plan and Flight Plan for all of System Activity Target 1:
Operations Provide 100% support by managing daily
Activity Target 1: operations of System Operations ATCSCC. Due
September 30, 2010
Provide 100% support by managing daily
operations for System Operations Planning and Core Activity: Director, System
Procedures Due September 30, 2010 Operations Safety Management
Core Activity: Director of Administration The System Operations Safety Management
(SOSM) will develop, guide, and oversee safety
management activities within System Operations.
Provides leadership, direction, and guidance to staff
The SOSM Office staff is committed to facilitating
specialists involved in a wide range of administrative
collaborative and comprehensive review,
and support services.
determination, mitigation, and documentation of risks
Activity Target 1: and hazards created through NAS changes.
Manage and support 100% of System Operations Activity Target 1:
Administration. Due September 30, 2010
Provide safety management support to the system
Core Activity: Director of Flight operations organization. Due September 30, 2010
The Director of Flight Services leads the agency's
Core Business Initiative: System
effort to provide aeronautical information and Operations Administration
customized preflight and inflight service to domestic Employee Services
and international general aviation communities Employee Services is responsible for the
including military operations and federal local law administration of all internal personnel actions
enforcement throughout the United States and including, but not limited to, employee benefits, exit
Puerto Rico. clearances, medical and security clearances, bids,
Activity Target 1: payroll issues, promotions, transfers, retirements, and
Provide 100% support by managing daily Flight any other actions that are needed. They are the Line
Services for System Operations. Due September of Business (LOB) Point of Contact (POC) for all
30, 2010 training issues. They oversee the Performance
Core Activity: System Operations Management System (PMS) and Labor Distribution
Reporting (LDR) system. The PMS includes the
Director of Finance administration of the Superior Contribution Increase
The Director of Finance performs budget (SCI) program, and the Short Term Incentive (STI)
formulations, execution and reconciliation for the programs within the organization. Managers and
service unit. Formulations functions include the employees use this to ensure that LDR data for the
development and submission of budgets to organization is accurate and complete. They also
Congress to obtain funds for the service unit. actively promote and gather needed training
Execution functions include allocation and the requirements and ensure that mandatory training is
certification of procurement requests. Reconciliation responded to in a timely manner. They work with the
is the tracking and account of obligated funds. Types National Training Office to ensure employees are
of Funds managed by the directorate include Facility given the same opportunity to attend needed training
and Equipment (F&E), Operation (Ops), and as the other LOBs.
Research Engineering and Development (RE&D).
Core Activity: Accountability Board
Activity Target 1: Ensure System Operations management's
Manage organization budgets and certify commitment for FAA Accountability Board goals by
expenditure of funds to prevent anti-deficiency facilitating targeted Accountability Board training for
spending. Due September 30, 2010 managers and supervisors.
Activity Target 1:
30% of System Operations employees (including
managers) will attend Accountability Board
11/17/09 Page 110 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Process Briefing developed by the FAA Office of Reduce unit cost of En Route operations by managing
Accountability Board, AHA-1 Due September 30, indirect labor costs at Service Delivery Points (SDP)
2010 within plus / minus 5 percent variance of the established
cost target. FY 2010 Target: To be set by October 31,
Core Activity: Group Surveys 2009.
Conduct survey to assess quality of Business
Services Group (AJR-61) and Employee Services Core Business Initiative: Effectively
Group (AJR-62)products/deliverables. Ensure a
representative of each of the System Operations Manage Service Delivery Point
Directors (and each of the their tactical operations (SDP) Indirect Labor Costs
staff) complete the surveys. The Director of Effectively manage SDP indirect labor costs.
Administration will conduct the survey in November
2009 and put an action plan in place to address the Core Activity: Effectively Manage SDP
top five opportunities for improvement for the group. Indirect Labor Costs
Activity Target 1: Effectively manage SDP indirect labor costs.
Develop and conduct survey Due November 1,
2009 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Achieve a plus / minus 5 percent variance of
Develop action plan with input from AJR directors established targets. Due September 30, 2010
to address top 5 improvement opportunities. Due Activity Target 2:
January 15, 2010 Assess progress towards achieving year-end
Activity Target 3: performance goal. Due March 31, 2010
Carry out action plan items identified. Due
September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: Technical
Core Business Initiative: Resource Operations - Comptroller and
Assessment Planning
Review System Operations resources/functions to The Comptroller and Planning Office strives to ensure
determine whether we have the right fiscal responsibility within Technical Operations Services.
skill/grade/function mix to provide System Operations
services in the most effective and efficient manner. Core Business Initiative: Initiate
Core Activity: Develop System budget performance integration.
Operations Services Workforce Initiate budget performance integration.
Review System Operations resources/functions to Core Activity: Initiate budget
determine whether we have the right performance integration.
skill/grade/function mix to provide System Initiate budget performance integration.
Operations services in the most effective and
efficient manner. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Finalized FY 2011 performance plan. Due
September 30, 2010
Complete resource assessment of Traffic Flow
Activity Target 2:
and ATCSCC, Security, Administration, and
Comptroller directorates. Due November 30, 2009 Provide performance plan to budget personnel for
Activity Target 2: FY2011budget formulation. Due January 15, 2010
Complete resource assessments of Safety Core Business Initiative: Conduct
Management, Flight Services, Airspace and AIM,
Programs, Planning and Procedures. Due January
quarterly reviews
31, 2010 Conduct quarterly reviews
Activity Target 3:
Core Activity: Financial Planning
Develop recommendations for Vice President to Conduct quarterly reviews.
adjust resources based on results of assessment
Due March 31, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Conduct financial and performances review with
Core Business Target: Achieve each Directorate for 1st quarter. Due March 1,
the En Route and Oceanic 2010
Activity Target 2:
Services Target for Unit Cost of Conduct quarterly review with ATO Finance for 1st
Indirect Labor quarter. Due March 1, 2010
11/17/09 Page 111 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 3: Core Activity: Manage On The Job
Conduct financial review with each Directorate for Training (OJT) Time Budgeted for
2nd quarter Due May 1, 2010 Developmental Certification
Activity Target 4: Meet or come in under the established time
Conduct quarterly review with ATO Finance for budgeted for Stage II, III and IV certification of
2nd quarter. Due May 1, 2010 Developmentals.
Activity Target 5: Activity Target 1:
Conduct financial planning review with each 90 percent of new controllers meet or come in
Directorate for 3rd quarter. Due August 1, 2010 under their budgeted time for certification. Due
Activity Target 6: September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Conduct quarterly review with ATO Finance for 3rd
quarter. Due August 1, 2010 Assess progress towards achieving year-end
performance goal. Due March 31, 2010
Core Business Target: Improve
Core Business Target: Air Traffic
En Route and Oceanic Services
Organization Office of Safety
Budget Planning
Make the NAS more cost effective by reducing the Finance and Planning
variance between the initial budget and the allowances The Planning and Finance Team within the Air Traffic
issued in the fourth quarter (as a result of third quarter Organization Office of Safety will ensure the activity
review). FY 2010 Target: plus / minus 5.0 percent. dollars in the Business Plan and the Build-Up/Build-Down
tables are in balance as we begin the fiscal year.
Core Business Initiative: Improve
Budget Planning Core Business Initiative: AJS
Reduce the variance between the initial budget and Finance
the allowances issued in the fourth quarter (as a result Provides guidance, expertise, and analysis of financial
of third quarter review). operations and performance planning including
Core Activity: Reduce Variance between operations financial plan and analysis, capital financial
plans and analysis, strategic planning, performance
Initial Budget and Allowances Issued in
metrics, and transfer pricing.
the Fourth Quarter Core Activity: Office of Safety Core
Reduce variance between initial budget and
allowances issued in the fourth quarter of FY 2010. Finance
Provides guidance, expertise and analysis of
Activity Target 1:
financial operations and strategic and performance
Limit variance between initial budget and planning of both Operational and Facilities and
allowances issued in the fourth quarter of FY 2010 Equipment funding. Assist in all phases of the
by plus / minus 5.0 percent. Due September 30, budget cycle; coordinate with Planning in the
2010 alignment of fiscal year budgets with the Federal
Activity Target 2: Aviation Administration Flight Plan, Strategic
Assess progress towards achieving year-end Mapping Process and Federal Aviation
performance goal. Due March 31, 2010 Administration Business Plans. Utilize various
Federal Aviation Administration financial
Core Business Target: Acquire management tools to enter, track and reconcile all
and Develop Necessary Skills for financial transactions to ensure timely obligation of
New En Route Controllers Activity Target 1:
Acquire and develop necessary skills by achieving the Prepare and provide financial quarterly reviews
target for months to certification of Developmentals to and end of year closeout to Vice President for
Certified Professional Controllers (CPC). FY 2010 Office of Safety and Senior Vice President Air
Target: 36 months. Traffic Organization Finance on funding and
Core Business Initiative: Reduce On obligation status. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2:
the Job Training (OJT) Time for Provide monthly Balanced Scorecard update to Air
Certification Traffic Organization-Finance throughout FY 2010.
Reduce OJT for certification of Developmentals. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Provide description of general finance work such
as entering, monitoring and reconciling transaction
11/17/09 Page 112 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
using Federal Aviation Administration financial least quarterly. Due September 30, 2010
systems (Delphi, REGIS, Advance Reporting
System and the Budget Execution Tool)
throughout FY 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target:
Activity Target 4: Information Technology
Achieve minimum of 95% obligation of funds by Services for the ATO
end of FY 2010. Due September 30, 2010 Provide safe, secure, and optimal information technology
Activity Target 5: services for the Air Traffic Organization (ATO).
Maintain, track and reconcile Business Plan
Initiatives in Air Traffic Organization Financial tool Core Business Initiative: ATO
to track obligations and expenditures of funds Information Technology programs
throughout the execution phase of the annual
operating budget. Enter Business Plan tracking are guided by strategies, decision
information in the Financial tool no later than criteria, and historical metrics
December 31, 2009. Due September 30, 2010 ATO Information Technology programs, processes
and services are guided by strategies, decision
Core Business Initiative: AJS criteria, and historical metrics.
Planning Core Activity: Develop new strategies
Provides guidance, expertise, and analysis on for optimizing information technology
performance planning including operations financial
plans, strategic management process planning and
Strategies guide the programs, processes and
performance metrics such as building and monitoring
services of the ATO Information Technology office.
the Vice President and other Safety Executives Short
They may also provide criteria and metrics to guide
Term Incentive progress. Also working in coordination
management decision making. The needed
with the Office of Safety Finance team to ensure
strategies are reviewed each year and tailored to
operations financial plan and analysis and capital
meet managerial priorities.
financial plans and analysis are in sync with Office of
Safety Plans Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Strategic Planning within IT Strategies Schedule: Develop FY 2010
Information Technology Strategies publication
the Office of Safety schedule for such plans as IT Strategic Roadmaps
Provides guidance, expertise, and analysis on
and Modernization Plans, ATO non-NAS EA and
performance planning including operations financial
reference models, Web 2.0 Strategy, Mobile
plans, strategic management process planning and
Computing Strategy (includes Blackberrys),
performance metrics such as building and
Windows Operating System evaluation strategy,
monitoring the Vice President and other Safety
etc. Due January 31, 2010
Executives Short Term Incentive progress. Also
Activity Target 2:
working in coordination with the Office of Safety
Finance team to ensure operations financial plan IT Strategies Products: Develop scheduled FY
and analysis, capital financial plans and analysis are 2010 Information Technology Strategies Due
in sync with Office of Safety Plans. September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1: Core Activity: Improve information
Prepare highlights from the Flight Plan Books for technology processes and tools for
the Vice President and accountable directors in
prepping for the monthly Flight Plan meetings.
delivering services
Information technology improvements may be
Interim highlights will be sent monthly. Due
implemented with a variety of specialized best
September 30, 2010
practice models and tools which guide process
Activity Target 2:
improvement efforts.
Coordinate building the Office of Safety Executives Activity Target 1:
Short Term Incentive Plans, and provide at least IT Process Schedule: Develop FY 2010
quarterly updates to the Office of Safety information technology process improvement
Executives on progress of their Short Term schedule for Software Development Life Cycle,
Incentive, notifying them immediately if Technical Reference Model, Enterprise
notice/aware of any Short Term Incentive elements Architecture, Strategic Planning, and Data
going Yellow or Red. Due September 30, 2010 Management processes and tools. Due January
Activity Target 3: 31, 2010
Perform monthly statusing on business plan Activity Target 2:
targets, rolling up activities and initiatives to IT Process Improvements: Develop scheduled FY
produce reports for the Vice President. These 2010 information technology process
reports will be presented to the Vice President at
11/17/09 Page 113 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
improvements. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 4:
EDC PM: All Enterprise Data Center (EDC)
Core Activity: Improve IT Operations projects are managed in accordance with AJF-A1's
Measures documented Project Management (PM) Process.
Continue collecting the existing customer Due September 30, 2010
satisfaction measure and prototype new metrics to
effectively monitor AJF-A operations of non-NAS Core Business Initiative: Business
information technology infrastructure and user Gain Maximization from the existing
support processes.
Activity Target 1: IT Infrastructure
Promote use of the installed IT infrastructure to deliver
IT OPS Satisfaction: Achieve greater than 90%
intended FAA business and cost outcomes.
satisfaction on customer satisfaction surveys for
Consolidate operations into infrastructure target
first six months of FY2010. Due March 31, 2010
locations. Optimize to achieve the intended use of
Activity Target 2: existing assets that meet business needs at lower
IT OPS Satisfaction: Achieve greater than 90% costs.
satisfaction on customer satisfaction surveys for Core Activity: Improve Consolidated
FY2010. Due September 30, 2010 Hosting of ATO Applications
Activity Target 3: The Enterprise Data Center (EDC) infrastructure
IT OPS Metrics Approach: Develop a metrics investment is intended to achieve economies of
approach for non-NAS information technology scale in hosting a large number of ATO applications
including metrics and dashboard requirements. by eliminating the costs of previous multiple ATO
Due January 31, 2010 data centers. To achieve this benefit, AJF-A1 will
Activity Target 4: facilitate the migration of ATO applications into the
IT OPS Metrics Ready: Develop data repository, EDCs. Annual schedules list applications to be
metric collection process, dashboards, and reports moved into the EDCs.
ready to begin data collection. Due March 31, Activity Target 1:
2010 EDC Application Schedule: Obtain concurrence
Activity Target 5: from application custodians on the FY2010
IT OPS Metrics Collection: Collect the first two schedule for migration into the EDC and the
months of data. Due June 30, 2010 required resources. Publish the FY2010
Activity Target 6: application migration schedule. Due January 30,
IT OPS Metrics Follow on: Develop approach to Activity Target 2:
further improving IT Operations measures in
FY2011 using lessons learned. Due September EDC Application Migration: Complete the
30, 2010 scheduled FY2010 application migrations into the
ATO Enterprise Data Centers (EDCs). Due
Core Business Initiative: Optimize September 30, 2010
the IT Infrastructure Core Business Initiative: Refresh
Invest in IT Infrastructure projects which optimize its
scope and capacity to meet FAA's business needs. and maintain the Installed IT non-
Core Activity: Improve Enterprise Data NAS Infrastructure
Center capability and capacity Provide services and investments to cost effectively
Develop two linked Enterprise Data Centers (EDCs) maintain existing infrastructure, operating applications,
operations that improve security, availability, disaster and information access.
recovery, and continuity of operations services. Core Activity: Refresh the Information
Activity Target 1: Technology Operations Infrastructure to
Interim EDC: Implement interim Enterprise Data Sustain Maintainability
Center (EDC) improvements until transition to new Best practices for Information Technology
EDCs occurs. Due September 30, 2010 Operations requires a hardware and software
Activity Target 2: refreshment cycle to reduce maintenance team size
EDC CM: Implement Change Management (CM) by reducing the number and complexity of
for tracking Enterprise Data Center (EDC) maintenance calls. Annual life cycle management
changes. Due September 30, 2010 (LCM) targets are computed based on historical
refreshments to achieve these targets:
Activity Target 3:
EDC DR: Enhance Enterprise Data Center (EDC) 90% of desktops refreshed every 4 years
disaster recovery (DR) planning. Due September 90% of laptops refreshed every 3 years
30, 2010 90% of servers & switches refreshed every 5 years
11/17/09 Page 114 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
70% of printers refreshed every 5 years organization.

Activity Target 1: Core Activity: AJG PC&B Decision

ATO OPS LCM: Achieve the life cycle
management (LCM) targets to sustain ATO
Manage AJG PC&B data analysis and assessments
Operations (OPS) maintainability during the first
to allow commonality of reporting and expedite the
six months of the year. Due March 31, 2010
funding process
Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1:
ATO OPS LCM: Achieve the life cycle Decrease the number of data entry nodes from 9
management (LCM) targets to sustain ATO to 1 single point of contact. Due January 30, 2010
Operations (OPS) maintainability during the year. Activity Target 2:
Due September 30, 2010
Provide quarterly consolidated AJG PC&B reports.
Core Business Target: Small Due September 30, 2010
Business Goals and Corporate Core Business Target:
Citizenship Leadership Effectiveness
Meet the FY 2010 small business procurement goals Increase facility-level participation in Air Traffic
established by the Congress, the Office of the Secretary Leadership Development programs in at least (5) air
of Transportation (DOT), and the FAA, to promote Small traffic facilities by the end of FY 2010.
Business development and good Corporate Citizenship.
Target for FY10 - Award at least 25% of the total direct Core Business Initiative: Employee
procurement dollars to Small Businesses. Training and Development
Core Business Initiative: DOT Small Provide Facilities and other ATO employees with
training opportunities to progress and succeed into
Business Goals management positions.
Support the Department of Transportation (DOT) FY Core Activity: Build Facility-Level
2010 Small Business Goals.
Leadership Capability
Core Activity: FAA Small Business Continue implementation and evaluation of the pilot
Goals and Corporate Citizenship - AJA offering of the Air Traffic Leadership Development
SMP A2.11 Program (ATLDP-1) for Certified Professional
Award contracts in accordance with Congress, the Controllers (CPCs) aspiring to the Frontline Manager
Office of the Secretary of Transportation, and the (FLM) role. Design and pilot the Air Traffic
FAA's set goals, and provide outreach and training Leadership Development Program (ATLDP-2) for
to small businesses with special emphasis on small, Frontline Managers (FLMs) aspiring to the
disadvantaged and women-owned businesses and Operations Manager (OM) role.
service-disabled veteran-owned businesses. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Deploy ATLDP with the second group of facilities.
Deliver and participate in two outreach events or Conduct workshops and start in-facility activities.
programs by July 30, 2010, with a total of 4 by the Due February 28, 2010
end of FY 2010. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 2: Design ATLDP-2 for FLMs aspiring to OM roles.
Award at least 25% of the total direct procurement Due May 30, 2010
dollars to Small Businesses. Due September 30, Core Activity: Leadership Response
Core Business Target: AJG Fully deploy the ATO Leadership Response Center

PC&B Financial Management Activity Target 1:

Improve Personnel, Compensation, and Benefits (PC&B) Complete the test and evaluation of operations
data integrity for the ATO Strategy and Performance processes and procedures. Due October 30, 2009
organization (AJG) to increase the effectiveness of Activity Target 2:
established processes and decision-making. Complete the evaluation of the pilot projects and
develop. Due December 31, 2009
Core Business Initiative: PC&B Activity Target 3:
Analysis and Assessment Implement the communication plan, and quarterly
Provide management oversight to monitor and assess process and outcome evaluation. Due March 31,
financial and strategic planning accountability with 2010
ATO Strategy and Performance Business

11/17/09 Page 115 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: New Employee Activity Target 2:
Orientation Standardize 30% of position classification series
Establish a consistent ATO On-board program for ATO-wide. Due September 30, 2010
newly-hired ATO managers and employees that Activity Target 3:
communicate important information and Develop and implement a comprehensive tracking
expectations. system to track personnel actions across the ATO.
Activity Target 1: Due June 30, 2010
Establish a reliable delivery and support network
for the non-controller version of on-boarding Core Business Target: Promote
program. Due March 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Constructive Workplace
Establish consistency and appropriate Relationships
commonalities between air traffic controller and Ensure 60 percent of ATO management workforce
non-controller versions of the program. Due June attends at least one training session of Conflict
30, 2010 Management, Respecting Differences, EEO or
Activity Target 3: Accountability Board.
Deliver sessions to new employees with an Core Business Initiative: Reduce
average participant rating of at least 3.5 (5-pt
scale) on helpfulness of the orientation session to Conflicts Within the ATO Workforce
perform job duties. Due September 30, 2010 Promote constructive workplace relationships by
providing support to ATO management in preventing,
Core Business Target: resolving, and reducing conflicts within the ATO
Professional Training and Core Activity: Training Schedule and
Development Targeted Training
Develop, procure, deliver, and manage acquisition, Develop a training schedule for ATO distribution and
business management, and professional skills training to ensure ATO management workforce attends
increase skills and certification of professionals in the targeted training sessions.
areas of business management and other specialized Activity Target 1:
professions, and meet Acquisition Workforce Plan Develop a training schedule for ATO distribution.
requirements and schedules. Due February 28, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Business Initiative:
Ensure 60 percent of ATO management workforce
Professional Training and attends at least one targeted training session. Due
Certification August 31, 2010
Implement effective training programs that meet
requirements identified for certifications and Core Business Target: ATO
professional competencies.
Core Activity: Implement Training
Contracts and Quality
Programs Assurance Services
Implement training programs to meet requirements Implement process improvements and best practices to
outlined in the Acquisition Workforce Plan. optimize and ensure ATO contracts are on-schedule and
Activity Target 1: on-budget for major investment programs in FY 2010.
Implement the FY2010 funded training plan for the Core Business Initiative: Process
acquisition and business communities, and
support staff Due September 30, 2010 Improvements for Contracting
Activity Target 2: Services
Achieve and average of at least 3.5 (on a 5-point Improve processes for contracting services to ensure
scale) on evaluation measures related to the value acquisitions are on-schedule and on-budget in FY
of information learned. Due September 30, 2010 2010.
Core Activity: Contracts and Quality
Core Activity: Manage Personnel
Assurance Services - AJA SMP A1.61
Activities Optimize process improvements for contracting and
Improve consistency and management of personnel quality assurance services to ensure on-schedule
activities across the air traffic organization. and on-budget goals are met for major investment
Activity Target 1: programs in FY 2010.
Standardize 10% of position classification series Activity Target 1:
ATO-wide. Due December 31, 2009
11/17/09 Page 116 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Identify at least two process improvements or best existing building.
practices to improve time or cost of contracting for
major investment programs. Due July 31, 2010
Core Business Initiative: ATCSCC
Core Business Target: Strategic Relocation to Vint Hill Campus in
Planning Warrenton, Virginia
Meet all FAA deadlines to develop, report, evaluate, and Relocate to new facility to realize significant cost
align ATO business plans to FAA agency-wide plan. avoidance over 21 years once occupied.
Core Business Initiative: Business Core Activity: Begin Construction of
New ATCSCC Facility
Planning ATCSCC Modernization supports this goal by
Lead the integration of the ATO Business Plan with the reducing expenses through constructing a facility on
FAA Flight Plan by facilitating the identification of goals FAA owned property instead of leasing office space.
and performance measures by ATO service units. Under ATCSCC Modernization, the FAA will achieve
Core Activity: ATO Business Plan cost avoidance benefits projected at $121.4M (risk
Document the activities within ATO to support FAA adjusted then-year) from FY2011-2031
strategies and core business. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Begin installation and testing of equipment in June
Prepare a draft of the FY 2011 ATO Business 2010. No cost will be avoided until the facility is
Plan. Due July 31, 2010 commissioned. Due June 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Publish the FY 2011 ATO Business Plan based on Complete facility construction in July 2010. No cost
updates to the Flight Plan. Due September 30, will be avoided until the facility is commissioned.
2010 Due July 30, 2010
Core Activity: Flight Plan Update and Core Business Target:
Review Process
Represent the ATO in the Flight Plan Update and Laboratory Services
Review Process. Provide best-in-class laboratories for research,
Activity Target 1: engineering, development, test, evaluation, and
Coordinate inputs and complete the Flight Plan maintenance of air navigation, air traffic management,
process with all Service Units. Due April 17, 2010 and future air transportation system-related activities
Activity Target 2: ensuring the NextGen laboratory (NIEC) is 100%
operational by FY2010.
Complete the review process. Due September 1,
2010 Core Business Initiative: Laboratory
Core Activity: Submit Capital Services
Investment Plan to Congress Provide world class laboratories for research,
The CIP shows how we would spend future engineering, development, test, evaluation, and
authorizations and links them to FAA strategic and maintenance for air navigation, air traffic management,
performance goals. The CIP and future air transportation system related activities.
provides full visibility into the scope and planned Core Activity: NAS Laboratories
schedule for capital expenditures. Provide National Airspace System Laboratories for
Activity Target 1: air navigation and air traffic management programs.
Develop FAA wide coordination draft of the Five Provide aircraft support for Automatic Dependent
Year Capital Investment Plan. Due November 30, Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Flight Test in the
2009 Gulf of Mexico. Strategic Link (10S1W)
Activity Target 2: Provide laboratory support for Safety Management
System (SMS)evaluations in the Tower/TRACON
Deliver draft Five Year Capital Investment Plan to Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (Airway
OMB. Due January 29, 2010 Facilities Tower Integration Laboratory (AFTIL)
Activity Target 3: Strategic Link (10S59)
Deliver Five Year Capital Investment Plan to Activity Target 1:
Congress. Due March 31, 2010 Aircraft support for ADS-B Flight Test in the Gulf
of Mexico.
Core Business Target: ATCSCC Validation of completion from program sponsor.
Relocation to New Facility Due January 30, 2010
Construct a new ATCSCC facility in 2011 on the FAA's
owned property to overcome the constraints of the
11/17/09 Page 117 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2: agreement/program directive schedules. Strategic
Laboratory support for SMS evaluations in the Links include ADS-B (10S2A), WAAS (10S3A),
Tower/TRACON Modeling and Simulation Runway Status Lights (10S4J), and ASDE-X ADS-B
Laboratory (AFTIL). Validation of completion from (10S105).
safety study sponsor. Due August 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
NextGen Data Communications Segment 1 Test
Core Activity: NextGen Laboratory and Evaluation Master Plan. Due June 30, 2010
Support Activity Target 2:
Provide laboratory support for future air Test and Evaluation Program Status Quarterly
transportation system programs. Complete all T&E Program Status Reports. Due September 30,
required Exhibit 300 documentation for the 2010
acquisition of a new aircraft. Complete the system
consolidation of the NextGen Integration and Core Activity: Air Transportation
Evaluation Capability. Evaluations, Analyses, Data and
Activity Target 1: Services
New Aircraft: Provide technically and operationally sound
All preliminary required Exhibit 300 documentation evaluations, analyses, data & services from air
(Attachment I) for the acquisition of a new aircraft transportation system, local airport, airspace, and
developed and approved. Due December 31, user perspectives. Characterize performance of
2009 proposed NextGen changes.
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 1:
NextGen Integration and Evaluation Capability Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
(NIEC) Rotorcraft Localizer Performance with Vertical
NIEC Initial Capability by March 2010 and NIEC Guidance approaches (LPV) Flight Evaluation
Fully Operational by June 2010. Due June 30, Report. Due April 30, 2010
2010 Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: ISO 9001 - 2008 Navigation Signal Analysis of Existing and
Maintain world class status by maintaining ISO 9001 Proposed Instrument Landing System (ILS) and
-2008 Registration through surveillance audits. Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range
Activity Target 1: (VOR)Locations. Navigation Signal Analysis
ISO 9001-2008 Audit Report Report. Due September 30, 2010
Audit Reports Due June 30, 2010 Core Activity: Separation Standards
Provide analytical studies and related safety
Core Business Target: Test and monitoring services in support of separation
Evaluation reductions in U.S. Sovereign Airspace, international
Provide best in class Test and Evaluation (T&E) services airspace where FAA has delegated authority to
by receiving ISO Certification by May 2010. provide air traffic services, and international airspace
where the U.S. and its citizens have a safety-related
Core Business Initiative: Test and interest.(10C5I-Reduce Oceanic Separation)
Activity Target 1:
Safety Assessment supporting the implementation
Provide best in class T&E services to ensure that
of 30 Nautical Mile (NM) Lateral and 30 NM
current NAS and future air transportation systems are
Longitudinal separation standard in Western
efficiently and comprehensively verified using best
Atlantic Route System (WATRS)+ Airspace.
practices and quality standards. Provide technically
Safety Assessment Report due 10/09. Due
and operationally sound verification and validation
October 31, 2009
techniques; such as; evaluations, analyses, data &
Activity Target 2:
services from comprehensive air transportation
system, local airport, airspace, and user perspectives. Conduct Biannual Review of the Performance of
Characterize performance of current system and Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) in
effects of proposed NextGen changes on pilots, North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico) Cast
controllers, aircraft, and related system components. Against International Civil Aviation Organization
Core Activity: NAS Test and Evaluation (ICAO)-Recommended Requirements. FAA--
Provide test & evaluation services to ensure current Hosted Meetings and Assembly of Performance
automation, communications, surveillance, and Data due 11/09, 5/10. Due May 30, 2010
navigation programs and future air transportation Activity Target 3:
systems are efficiently and comprehensively verified, Periodic Examination of Performance Measures
validated, and integrated as indicated by approved Supporting 30 NM Lateral and 30 NM Longitudinal
corporate work plan/project scope Separation Minima in ZOA, ZAN and ZNY FIR's
11/17/09 Page 118 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
with emphasis on Satellite Datalink Service The purpose of these updates is to monitor
Provision -- Preparation for Wider Implementation. discuss progress on their Short Term Incentive
Quarterly Program Status Report due 12/09, 3/10, during the fiscal year. Due April 30, 2010
6/10, 9/10. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 5:
Activity Target 4: Provide quarterly updates to the AJF Senior Vice
ICAO Separation Standards related meetings President and other Executives in AJF to review
review of progress the status of Short Term Incentive (STI) activities.
ICAO Separation Standards Reports/Technical The purpose of these updates is to monitor
Working Papers due 12/09, 3/10, 6/10, 9/10. Due discuss progress on their Short Term Incentive
September 30, 2010 during the fiscal year. Due July 31, 2010

Core Business Target: Financial Core Business Target: Improve

Leadership and Strategic System Operations Efficiency
Planning and Productivity
This effort involves the leadership oversight, and System Operations invests wisely in facilities and
strategic planning efforts for the AJF organization and equipment that improve ATO operations, System
covers Financial Performance Metrics, Civil Air Operations will work to increase the operating efficiency
Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) global of the NAS. That should contribute to reduced operating
benchmarking, and performance analysis costs for customers by reducing delays and fuel
consumption by ensuring the efficient and effective
Core Business Initiative: Strategic provision of core System Operations mission services
Business Planning (Traffic Management, Security, Fight Services, Airspace
Provides guidance, expertise, and analysis on core & Aeronautical Information Management) and providing
and strategic activities and performance core business support functions for Planning,
measurement, including reporting on Senior Vice Administration, Finance, Litigation, and Programs
President and other Finance Executives Short Term mission support.
Incentive (STI) progress. Also working in coordination
with the AJF Comptroller to ensure operations funding
Core Business Initiative: Flight
plan (Ops $), Facilities and Equipment (F&E) financial Services Business Operations
plans are tied in with AJF Business Plan. Maintain and reassess the resources required to
Core Activity: Strategic Business conduct Continuing Government Activities using the
Planning Lockheed Martin AFSS contract. Analyze benefits and
Financial leadership and oversight for ATO identify efficiencies and cost effective improvements
organization and AJF Service Unit to track for the services we offer our customers.
performance on core and strategic activities on a Core Activity: Manage Flight Services
monthly and quarterly basis. Budget
Activity Target 1: Examine and report expected savings and cost
Provide monthly reports to update the AJF Senior avoidances resulting from the AFSS A-76 and
Vice President on the status of AJF core and realignment of overall Flight Services organization.
strategic activities. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Monitor spending and identify and report
Provide quarterly updates to the AJF Senior Vice variances against budgets not to exceed 3%. Due
President and other Executives in AJF to review August 31, 2010
the status of Short Term Incentive (STI) activities. Core Activity: Direct User Access
The purpose of these updates is to monitor
Terminal Services (DUATS)
discuss progress on their Short Term Incentive DUATS gives the aviation community access to
during the fiscal year. Due October 31, 2009 weather and aeronautical information and flight
Activity Target 3: planning tool via computer. The DUATS program will
Provide quarterly updatesto the AJF Senior Vice be sustained until all agree that the Service Provider
President and other Executives in AJF to review is supplying equal or better service via their Flight
the status of Short Term Incentive (STI) activities. Services solution.
The purpose of these updates is to monitor Activity Target 1:
discuss progress on their Short Term Incentive Sustain and monitor DUAT service. Produce four
during the fiscal year. Due January 31, 2010 reports describing operational performance along
Activity Target 4: with any contractual modifications of operational
Provide quarterly updatesto the AJF Senior Vice capabilities. Due September 30, 2010
President and other Executives in AJF to review
the status of Short Term Incentive (STI) activities.
11/17/09 Page 119 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Flight Core Business Initiative: AJG
Services Project Management Reconciliation Process Assessment
Conduct competitive acquisition of Alaska Flight Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of AJG
Service Modernization (AFSM) automation system in reconciliation processes for better management
order to provide operational efficiencies and improve decision-making.
delivery of flight services. Core Activity: Reconciliation Process
Core Activity: Flight Services Alaska Survey
Audit Identify areas to improve the effectiveness and
Conduct an audit of each Alaskan Flight Services efficiency of AJG reconciliation processes for better
facility to identify and prioritize what is required to decision-making
maintain and sustain the facilities. In coordination Activity Target 1:
with Technical Operations and Western Service Provide financial training opportunities to AJG
Center, develop a plan to maintain and sustain personnel to understand best practices and
Alaskan Flight Services facilities. improve established reconciliation processes. Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Conduct an audit assessment at four Alaska Flight Activity Target 2:
Services facilities and produce a report for each Develop a survey to measure the effectiveness of
facility identifying what is required to maintain and reconciliation data used by AJG management for
sustain. Reports due December 31, 2009; March decision-making, and determine additional
31, 2010; June 30, 2010; September 24, 2010. services which can be provided. Due September
Due September 30, 2010 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Flight Core Business Target: Increase
Services Strategic Planning
Oversee the development of Flight Services strategic corporate efficiency.
vision for the future that includes requirement Increase corporate efficiency by conducting and
documents and needs of Flight Services and General completing safety audits and developing and
Aviation that can be incorporated in NextGen. implementing new business processes and an
Core Activity: NextGen Requirements automated tool.
for Flight Services/General Aviation Core Business Initiative: Provide
Integration Technical Quality Standards.
Continue development of Strategic Plan that include Provide technical quality standards in support of the
needs and requirements of Flight Services/General safety management plan & the SOS Directorate.
Aviation that can be incorporated into the NextGen
architecture. Core Activity: Provide corporate
Activity Target 1: business processes and technical
Develop Concept of Use for Enhanced Search quality standards.
and Rescue Validation and Verification exercise. Provide corporate business processes and technical
Due August 31, 2010 quality standards.
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 1:
Conduct user forms and outreach programs with Support the Technical Operations Safety
industry to ensure a common focus for the future. Management Program by conducting 9 audits
Due August 31, 2010 annually. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3: Activity Target 2:
Identify and complete activities to exercise option Implement Business Process Engineering Action
period 1 of the CONUS AFSS contract Due July Plan. Due September 30, 2010
31, 2010 Activity Target 3:
Develop and implement one automated tool to
Core Business Target: AJG increase corporate efficiency. Due September 30,
Reconciliation Process
Improvement Core Business Target: Provide
Improve reconciliation processes for the ATO Strategy Spectrum Engineering Services
and Performance organization (AJG) for better decision- Spectrum Engineering Services obtains, assigns,
making. certifies, and protects radio frequencies for the FAA's
communication, navigation, and surveillance programs.

11/17/09 Page 120 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Achieve internal and external due dates. Due September
30, 2010
95% of Activity Targets to provide Activity Target 2:
Spectrum Services for NAS users. Monitor, Track, and Report obligations and
To secure, manage, and protect the necessary radio expenditures for Technical Operations and report
frequency spectrum resources to support the safe and status quarterly. Due September 30, 2010
efficient operation of the National Airspace System. Activity Target 3:
Core Activity: Develop Civil Aviation Monitor and track issues and provide feedback
Spectrum Standards. quarterly. Due September 30, 2010
Develop Civil Aviation Spectrum Standards.
Core Activity: Perform Finance related
Activity Target 1: Administrative Functions
Prepare US civil aviation positions for the 2011 Perform Finance related Administrative Functions for
World Radio Communication Conference (WRC). Technical Operations Service Unit
Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Protect Civil Aviation Provide guidance, facilitate development, monitor
status, QC final product and report status of all
Spectrum items/issues pertaining to financial inquiries of the
Protect Civil Aviation Spectrum
Technical Operations Service unit quarterly. Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Establish EMC protection (criteria, allocations, etc) Core Business Initiative: Integrate
for all new NAS systems Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Budget and Planning through BPI
Complete 100% of requested Spectrum (Budget Planning Integration)
Certifications Due September 30, 2010 Perform integrate Budget and Planning through BPI
(Budget Planning Integration).
Core Business Target: Provide Core Activity: Budget Planning
Financial Oversight Integration
Provide Technical Operations financial oversight as Work with Directorates to Integrate Budget and
needed. Planning.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Provide Formulate and submit FY2011 Plans by
Budget Formulation & Execution November 2010. Due September 30, 2010
Provide Budget Formulation oversight for all Tech Ops Core Activity: Integrated Tech Ops
Directorates Business Plan
Core Activity: Provide Capital Budget Develop an integrated Tech Ops Business Plan
Formulation & Execution
Provide Capital Budget Formulation oversight for all Activity Target 1:
Tech Ops Directorates. Develop a business plan that erases functional
Activity Target 1: lines and reflects an integrated approach to
support of the ATO Strategy and the Flight Plan by
Facilitate budget formulation activities to meet
April 2010. Due April 30, 2010
internal and external due dates. Due September
Activity Target 2:
30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Develop STI candidates by August 2010. Due
August 31, 2010
Monitor, track, and report obligations and
expenditures for Technical Operations Services Core Activity: Development of BPI
quarterly. Due September 30, 2010 Work with Directorates to Integrate Budget and
Activity Target 3: Planning. Formulate and submit FY2011 Plans by
Monitor and track issues and provide status November 2010.
quarterly Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Formulate and submit FY2011 Plans by
Core Activity: Provide Operations and November 2010. Due August 30, 2010
Activity 5 Budget Execution
Provide Operations and Activity 5 Budget Execution Core Business Initiative:
oversight for Technical Operations Service Unit Communications Tools
Activity Target 1: Develop Communication Tools
Facilitate budget formulation activities to meet

11/17/09 Page 121 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Planning Guide on
Website Core Business Target: Incoming
Develop, update, and publish Planning Guide on correspondence
Website. Respond timely to incoming correspondence
Activity Target 1:
Develop the Business Planning policy, process
and templates for Tech Ops community by Core Business Initiative:
January 2010. Due January 31, 2010 Communications
Activity Target 2: Ensure a response in a timely manner for
Describe the procedures for developing and/or correspondence.
supporting Initiative Profile Forms by January Core Activity: Correspondence
2010. Due January 31, 2010 Respond to correspondence inquiries
Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 1:
Develop CCB type templates, procedures,
performance review format and other SPIRE Assign and respond to correspondence inquiries
related documents for the Tech Ops community by by next business day. Due September 30, 2010
January 2010. Due January 31, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Core Business Target: Process
Update STI user's guide for STI profiles and FPSS actions timely
reporting by January 2010. Due January 31, 2010 Process FPSS actions timely
Activity Target 5:
Update the Budget and Planning Integration user's
guide and template for Budget Year 2013 by
Core Business Initiative: Human
January 2010. Due January 31, 2010 Resource
Process FPPS actions in a timely manner.
Core Business Target: Respond
to external directives Core Activity: FPPS Actions
Process FPPS actions
Respond timely to external directives
Activity Target 1:
Upon receipt, process FPPS actions within 2
Core Business Initiative: Directives business days. Due September 30, 2010
Respond timely to external directives Core Business Target: Tech Ops
Core Activity: Directives Management
Publishing of monthly newsletter and other media and
Provide responses to directives received from timely, meaningful website.
external organizations for TECH OPS HQ review.
Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative:
Prepare responses to directives received from
external organizations for TECH OPS HQ review.
Ensure timely distribution of newsletter and timely
Due September 30, 2010
updates of web
Core Business Target: Customer Core Activity: Communications
Publish Technical Operations Newsletters and web
inquiries pages.
Respond timely to customer inquiries Activity Target 1:
Ensure Technical Operations Newsletters and
web pages reach a wide audience and have timely
Core Business Initiative: information. Due September 30, 2010
Administrative Support
Ensure response to customer inquiries in timely Core Business Target: Increase
Core Activity: Customer Service
Productivity in Administrative
Respond to customer inquiries. and Business Operations
For fiscal year 2010, the Director of Administration Office
Activity Target 1: is committed to enhancing performance and increase
Respond to customer inquiries by next business productivity through effective and responsive business
day. Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 122 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
operations. Monitor and ensure the training requirement for all
executives and managers to take a minimum of
the 40 hours (i.e., Model Work Environment, Equal
Core Business Initiative: Ensure Employment Opportunity Law, Prevention of
World-Class Administrative and Sexual Harassment, Accountability Overview,
Conflict Management) by end of the FY 2010 has
Business Operations been met. Interim progress on participation will be
Air Traffic Organization's Office of Safety reported to the Office of Safety's Vice President at
Administrative Office is committed to ensuring World- the end of the second quarter. Due September 30,
Class Administrative and Business Operations. The 2010
Administrative Office is continuing efforts to: a)
Improve the efficiency and quality of our key Core Business Target: Increase
processes, including reworking them as needed, to
optimize the Cycle Time; and b) Delivering superior ATO En Route and Oceanic
services and systems to our Users. Services Employee Productivity
Core Activity: Core AJS Administration Achieve average sick leave usage for all employees of
The Director of Administration position serves as the no more than 12 days per year.
primary liaison to the Office of Safety Vice President
and other organizations within the U.S. Department Core Business Initiative: ATO En
of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration
and outside entities (e.g., Congress, the General Route and Oceanic Services
Accounting Office, private industry, and the general Personnel Productivity
public). Provides leadership, direction and guidance Manage sick leave usage of all personnel to improve
to staff specialists involved with providing a wide productivity.
range of administrative and support services to the Core Activity: Effectively Manage Sick
Vice President.
Leave Usage
Activity Target 1: Increase AJE productivity by managing sick leave
Provide a monthly status on the movement of usage in accordance with the yearly target for all
personnel actions, including all incoming employees.
personnel requests from management, awards, Activity Target 1:
permanent change of station processing, etc. Due
Achieve an average sick leave usage rate per
September 30, 2010
employee of 12 days or less a year. Due
Activity Target 2: September 30, 2010
Update and provide organizational charts as the Activity Target 2:
organization evolves. Due September 30, 2010
Assess progress towards achieving year-end
Core Business Target: performance goal. Due March 31, 2010

Mandatory Executive and Core Business Target: ATO

Manager Training Organization Change Process
Ensure the executives and managers meet the training Establish administrative and business standards, and
requirements of 40 hours rolling on annual basis from the processes, including organizational policy development,
provided list to choose. structure, roles, and decision rights using an established
baseline, training, and an assessment of the
Core Business Initiative: Executive effectiveness of current processes.
and Management Training Core Business Initiative: Business
Requirement Operations Improvement
The Director of Administration function is responsible Enhance performance and increase productivity
for identifying, organizing, and recording the necessary through effective and responsive business operations.
training and development needed to enhance
managerial competence and provide a foundation for Core Activity: Organizational Change
managerial selection, training, and performance Process
management. Implement an organization change process for the
Core Activity: Mandatory Executive and ATO. Provide policy and process education and
measure the effectiveness of current process flow.
Manager Training
Provide notices on the mandatory annual training Activity Target 1:
classes as they become available to the Executives Develop and provide training to at least 4 ATO
and Managers. organizations on the organization change process.
Activity Target 1: Due June 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 123 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2: selection and execution of BPI projects in support
Establish a baseline and develop measures to of Strategy 2013, Goal 5. Due February 28, 2010
assess the baseline for future process Activity Target 2:
improvements. Due June 30, 2010 Establish an ATO inventory of core and key
Activity Target 3: support processes for candidate line of business
projects to include inputs and outputs. Due June
Identify areas for possible improvements to the
30, 2010
organization change process flow. Due September
Activity Target 3:
30, 2010
Develop or recruit BPI staff core competencies
Core Business Target: Manage based upon accepted BPI methodologies and
industry best practices. Due September 30, 2010
Cultural and Behavioral Change
Develop, implement and assess strategies for a results- Core Business Target: Resource
oriented and performance-based ATO organization by
the end of FY 2010. Management
Allocate and manage resources to accomplish
Core Business Initiative: Cultural organizational objectives.
Develop, implement, and assess strategies to increase Core Business Initiative: Ensure
employee engagement and improve employee- cost effective business solutions
management relationships.
and services are implemented
Core Activity: Organizational Cultural
Transformation Process and/or validated
Perform staffing, budget, and planning integration in
Lead efforts to improve ATO employee engagement.
support of efficient management and fiscally
Activity Target 1: responsible business operations.
Develop an employee engagement process. Due Core Activity: Maintain an effective
November 30, 2009 Internal Controls program as defined by
Activity Target 2: OMB Circular A-123
Administer the employee engagement survey Due Assess compliance with laws/policies and evaluate
March 31, 2010 susceptibility to abuse.
Activity Target 3: Activity Target 1:
Baseline employee engagement data. Due June 1, Achieve a no inherent risk assessment through
2010 FMFIA annual reporting. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 4: Activity Target 2:
Initiate appropriate employee engagement Perform travel card assessments and notifications;
activities to improve FAA's ranking in the Best quarterly minimum. Due September 30, 2010
Places to Work in the Federal Government Survey Activity Target 3:
Due September 30, 2010 Review purchase card activity and compliance;
quarterly minimum. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: Lead ATO
Core Activity: Assess financial
Business Process Improvement performance against forecasted staffing
(BPI) plans
Analyze, improve and implement standardized ATO Manage staffing plans and authorizations.
business processes by the end of FY 2010.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Review Directorate & Svc Area employment plans
monthly. Due September 30, 2010
Performance Management Activity Target 2:
Expedite provision of key products and services by
ATO Headquarters organizations. Certify FPPS requests within 2 business days. Due
September 30, 2010
Core Activity: ATO Business Process
Activity Target 3:
Lead efforts to improve ATO business processes, Validate staffing authorizations, requests, plans, &
focusing on those performed by Headquarters budget; quarterly. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Develop a standardized template for analysis,
11/17/09 Page 124 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Conduct comparative Core Activity: Integrated Facility Plans
financial analyses and Processes
Perform Financial Modeling & Forecasting Establish comprehensive, integrated facility plans
and processes by updating the Facility Management
Activity Target 1: Plan to include identified costs, benefits, and return
Perform financial modeling & forecasting for on investment and generating a 5 year energy
various pay & staffing models; as required. Due strategy and plan.
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Energy Strategy and Plan. Draft 5-Year Energy
Conduct trend analysis, such as attrition, Strategy Plan Due March 30, 2010
demographic, retirement eligibility, job category Activity Target 2:
annually. Due September 30, 2010 Facility Management Plan Update. Due September
Activity Target 3: 30, 2010
Develop financial cost benefit models as required.
Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Target: Federal
Core Activity: Manage Reimbursable Laboratory
Agreements program Support all Technical Center customers by providing
Oversee Reimbursable Agreements program capabilities and services to provide integrated strategies
and solutions that achieve national and international
Activity Target 1: goals.
Assess agreements for policy adherence and
funding accuracy. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Federal
Activity Target 2: Laboratory
Concur/Nonconcur with Reimbursable Agreements Ensure ability to perform FAA William J. Hughes
within 3 days of submission. Due September 30, Technical Center mission in the future.
2010 Core Activity: Strategic Leadership
Activity Target 3: Build stronger leadership by developing strategic
thinking, planning, and execution skills.
Identify Reimbursable Inactive Obligations
quarterly. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Strategic Training Course for managers. Due
Core Business Target: Center December 31, 2009
Activity Target 2:
Operations (WJHTC) Updated Strategic Plan, Draft Strategic Plan due
In 2010, provide best-in-class facility maintenance,
6/10, Final Strategic Plan due 9/10. Due
engineer and support services by completing re-
September 30, 2010
registration of the Environment Management System
(EMS) under ISO 14000 and completing the update of Core Activity: FAA Technology Transfer
the Facility Management Plan. Program
Core Business Initiative: Center Provide congress with fiscal year achievements for
the FAA Technology Transfer Program Office.
Operations (WJHTC) Activity Target 1:
Provide facility maintenance, engineering and support Draft Congressional Report. Due November 30,
services for all properties located at the Technical 2009
Center including land, buildings, and infrastructure. Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Maintain World Class
Final Congressional Report. Due December 31,
Center Operations 2009
Maintain world class center operations by
maintaining the Environment Mgmt System (EMS) to Core Business Target: Research
ensure operations protect the environment and meet
regulatory requirements by re-registering the EMS Partnerships
under ISO 14000. Increase coordination of the programs, laboratories and
Activity Target 1: facilities external partners to help meet the requirements
of FAA's internal and external customers. In FY2010,
ISO 14000: Internal Audit Report. Due March 30,
facilitate and track 90% of Interagency Research
Agreements between FAA and National Aeronautics and
Activity Target 2:
Space Administration (NASA).
ISO 14000: Re-Registration Complete. Due April
30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 125 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Research Core Business Initiative: Staff and
Partnerships support services to ATO Directors
In partnership with internal FAA/ATO offices, of Operation
academia, NASA, JPDO, MITRE, and international Provide staff and support services to ATO-E, ATO-R,
organizations, ensure FAAs continued world ATO-T and ATO-W Directors of Operation
leadership in aviation Research and Technology
Development. Coordinates aviation research
Core Activity: Business Process
investment priorities with other agencies, and Improvement
international organizations to identify research gaps, Improve the efficiency of administrative and human
reduce duplication of efforts, leverage available resource management service delivery through
resources, and maintain US leadership. Collaborates continued standardization of processes.
with research organizations, industry, and academia to Activity Target 1:
evaluate advanced concepts and proposed solutions Identify a minimum of 2 administrative process
through joint research and development projects improvement candidates Due March 31, 2010
supporting NextGen, NAS Enterprise Architecture and Activity Target 2:
other FAA goals. Implement 1 administrative business process
Core Activity: Research Collaboration at improvement Due September 30, 2010
Foster research opportunities in meeting FAA goals, Core Business Target: Business
including those for air transportation, and facilitate
transfer of NASA technology into the FAA.
Deliver financial, procurement, and logistical support
Activity Target 1: services to ATO Service Areas, ATO Service Center and
Provide coordination of the programs, laboratories other FAA organizations.
and facilities of the NASA Centers to help meet
the requirements of FAA's internal and external Core Business Initiative: Staff and
customers through the operation of Field Team support services to ATO Directors
offices at NASA Langley Research Center and at
NASA Ames Research Center. Facilitate of Operation
Interagency Agreements between FAA and NASA Provide staff and support services to ATO-E, ATO-R,
and Track total dollar value and number of ATO-T and ATO-W Directors of Operation
agreements. Due August 31, 2010 Core Activity: Financial Management
Core Business Target: OWCP Deliver financial management services to meet
Paythrough Directors of Operation service unit requirements
Paythrough payment. Reimburse the Department of Activity Target 1:
Labor for the FY2008 OWCP payouts with the money Brief Directors of Operation on status of budget
obtained through Congress. allocations and expenditures Due December 31,
Core Business Initiative: OWCP Activity Target 2:
Paythrough Brief Directors of Operation on status of budget
Paythrough payment. Reimburse the Department of allocations and expenditures Due March 31, 2010
Labor for the FY2008 OWCP payouts with the money Activity Target 3:
obtained through Congress. Brief Directors of Operation on status of budget
Core Activity: OWCP Paythrough allocations and expenditures Due June 30, 2010
Paythrough payment. Reimburse the Department of Activity Target 4:
Labor for the FY2008 OWCP payouts with the
Brief Directors of Operation on status of budget
money obtained through Congress.
allocations and expenditures Due September 30,
Activity Target 1: 2010
Reimburse the Department of Labor for the Activity Target 5:
FY2008 OWCP payouts with the money obtained
through Congress. Due July 31, 2010 Complete annual audit of Service Area compliance
with personal property responsibilities Due
Core Business Target: September 30, 2010

Administrative Services Core Activity: Business Process

Improve standardization of administrative support Improvement
services across service center locations. Improve the efficiency of financial and logistics
management service delivery through continued
standardization of processes
11/17/09 Page 126 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Identify a minimum of 2 financial and logistics Identify a minimum of 2 project management
business process improvement candidates Due business process improvement candidates Due
March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Implement 1 financial business process Implement 1 project management business
improvement Due September 30, 2010 process improvement Due September 30, 2010

Core Business Target: Planning Core Activity: Asset Retirement

New F&E projects must now include the
and Requirements identification and disposition responsibilities of
Enhance integrated planning, requirements, and program assets to be taken out of service or replaces as a
implementation management support to service units and result of a new project.
other FAA organizations. Activity Target 1:
Complete 100% of the Regional Capitalization
Core Business Initiative: Provide Team (RCT) meetings and complete the required
staff and support services to ATO RCT checklist Due September 30, 2010
Directors of Operation Activity Target 2:
Provide staff and support services to ATO-E, ATO-R, Ensure 100% of the proper paperwork is submitted
ATO-T and ATO-W Directors of Operation in a timely manner for retired or transferred assets
Core Activity: Corporate Workplan in accordance with the reutilization/disposal plan
Administration established by the SU Due September 30, 2010
Improve management, project planning, scheduling
and accomplishment of F&E Projects
Core Business Target:
Activity Target 1: Operations Support
Percentage of project accomplishment reports Perform oversight and support for National Airspace
provided by the scheduled due dates Due System (NAS) procedures and changes which affect
December 31, 2009 operations and special activities within the NAS for
Activity Target 2: service units and other FAA organizations.
Percentage of project accomplishment report Core Business Initiative: Staff and
provided by the scheduled due dates Due March
31, 2010 support services to ATO Directors
Activity Target 3: of Operation
Percentage of project accomplishment report Provide staff and support services to ATO-E, ATO-R,
provided by the scheduled due dates Due June 30, ATO-T and ATO-W Directors of Operation
2010 Core Activity: National Airspace System
Activity Target 4: (NAS) Procedures
Percentage of project accomplishment report Perform oversight and support for NAS procedures
provided by the scheduled due dates Due and changes which affect operations and special
September 30, 2010 activities within the NAS
Activity Target 5: Activity Target 1:
Perform Quarterly Program Review meetings with Number of flight procedures published by FAA and
Directors of Operations Due December 31, 2009 distributed to the public (charted) Due March 31,
Activity Target 6: 2010
Activity Target 2:
Perform Quarterly Program Review meetings with
Directors of Operations Due March 31, 2010 Number of flight procedures published by FAA and
Activity Target 7: distributed to the public (charted) Due September
30, 2010
Perform Quarterly Program Review meetings with Activity Target 3:
Directors of Operations Due June 30, 2010
Activity Target 8: Number of Air Traffic procedures published by
FAA and not distributed to the public (non-charted)
Perform Quarterly Program Review meetings with Due March 31, 2010
Directors of Operations Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Core Activity: Business Process Number of Air Traffic procedures published by
Improvement FAA and not distributed to the public (non-charted)
Improve the efficiency of project management, Due September 30, 2010
planning, scheduling, and reporting through
continued standardization of processes.
11/17/09 Page 127 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Business Process Provide and maintain adequate resources and personnel
Improvement to allow ATO to conduct secure voice and data
Improve the efficiency of operations support service communications when and where needed to support
delivery through continued standardization of ATO's mission of safe and efficient National Airspace
processes and procedures System (NAS) operations.
Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative:
Identify a minimum of 1 service business process
improvement candidate Due March 31, 2010
Communication Security (COMSEC)
Provide program management to insure the adequacy
Activity Target 2:
and reliability of all ATO COMSEC accounts in
Implement 1 service business process providing secure voice and data communications
improvement candidate Due September 30, 2010 facilitated by the correct application of Communication
Security (COMSEC) products and procedures.
Core Business Target: Safety
Assurance In order to maintain the safe and efficient operation of
Perform inspections, evaluations, safety risk the NAS, and as a matter of national security, the
management, accident and incident information services, protection of classified and sensitive information is
and safety initiatives to ATO service units and other FAA necessary. The COMSEC program provides ATO the
organizations. ability to communicate classified and sensitive
information in real time and in a secure environment.
Core Business Initiative: Staff and AJR-2 program management and oversight of ATO
support services to ATO Directors secure voice and data transmissions will support the
ATO's missions and assure that there are no security
of Operation incidents.
Provide staff and support services to ATO-E, ATO-R, Core Activity: Manage COMSEC
ATO-T and ATO-W Directors of Operation
Core Activity: Accident and Incident Manage the ATO's COMSEC program as identified
Packages in FAAO 1600.8. Establish an ATO COMSEC
Perform event notification, review, and validation program management mechanism to enhance
within allocated time parameters. COMSEC standards and enforce compliance with
Activity Target 1: FAA, Department of Airforce, and national level
Percentage of Director notifications within allotted guidance in order to protect national security
time parameters. Due March 31, 2010 information.
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 1:
Percentage of Director notifications within allotted Staff a draft ATO COMSEC order for ATO Chief
time parameters Due September 30, 2010 Operationg Office Officer's signature Due August
Activity Target 3: 30, 2010
Percentage of event packages completed timely Activity Target 2:
Due March 31, 2010 Issue guidance to ATO COMSEC program
Activity Target 4: managers. Due September 30, 2010
Percentage of event packages completed timely Activity Target 3:
Due September 30, 2010 Complete all review and reports as required for the
communications security program IAW FAA Order
Core Activity: Business Process 1600.8, including semi-annual inventory of all
Improvement COMSEC equipment. Due September 30, 2010
Improve the effliciency services through contininued Activity Target 4:
Issue guidance to INFOSEC program mangers.
Activity Target 1:
Due September 30, 2010
Identify a minimum of 2 service business process
improvement candidates Due March 31, 2010 Core Business Initiative: National
Activity Target 2: Aviation Security Policy
Implement 1 service business process Manage the implementation of National Aviation
improvement candidate Due March 30, 2010 Security Policy.
Core Business Target: Core Activity: Manage International
Flight Information Manual (IFIM)
Communication Security webpage for US Prohibitions,
(COMSEC) Restrictions, and Notices.
Manage content for International Flight Information
11/17/09 Page 128 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Manual (IFIM) webpage for US Prohibitions, Develop a post academy test using CDRL011, for
Restrictions, and Notices. ATC students to evaluate the effectiveness of
Activity Target 1: academy training. Due March 31, 2010
Complete a weekly review of all web links and Activity Target 2:
FDC NOTAMS, post new/remove old information, Record and periodically analyze post academy test
and answer questions sent to 9-ATOR-HQ-IFOS assessment scores from ATC academy students.
group email address. Provide a monthly briefing to (Periodical analysis will be performed minimally
internal FAA representatives on actions taken. once per quarter beginning April 2010.) Due
Due September 30, 2010 September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Support National Strategy Activity Target 3:
for Aviation Security Develop a Pre-OJT test using CDRL011, for ATC
Support and represent DOT/FAA in development of students to evaluate the effectiveness of field
plans that support National Strategy for Aviation training. Due September 30, 2010
Security. Core Activity: Improving Organizational
Activity Target 1: Competency
Participate in NSAS meetings and brief FAA Identify activities to improve organization
executives (as appropriate) on at least a quarterly competencies for ATC and ATSS students.
basis. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: System Establish the average time to completion in each
ATC developmental stage. (Periodical analysis will
Operations Security Strategic be performed minimally once per quarter.) Due
Operations - Core Business December 31, 2009
Continue to support the FAA activities around the Activity Target 2:
ADAPT program. Establish a baseline by determining the average
Core Activity: ADAPT percentage of ATC students on board versus the
Support ADAPT number of CPC's. (Periodical analysis will be
performed minimally once per quarter.) Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Continue support for the existing ADAPT program Activity Target 3:
in support of FAA activities. Due September 30,
Establish a baseline of the number of ATSS
certifications. (Periodical analysis will be
Core Activity: Security Integrated performed minimally once per quarter.) Due
Toolset December 31, 2009
SITS Activity Target 4:
Identify and analyze the average time to CPC for
Activity Target 1: ATC students from the first day of academy
Conduct studies, engineering assessments, or any training to last position certification. (Periodical
other design/development activity in support of the analysis will be performed minimally once per
NextGen security program, SITS. Due September quarter.) Due September 30, 2010
30, 2010 Activity Target 5:
Core Business Target: Establish a baseline of the average time to
certification for ATSS students, from the first day of
Competency academy training to first equipment certification.
AJL will develop requirements for 100% of approved and (Periodical analysis will be performed minimally
validated technical training requirements. Due once per quarter.) Due September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 6:
Core Business Initiative: Improving Establish a baseline to begin reporting on the
average percentage of ATC students who fail in
Competency each of the developmental stages. (Periodical
Develop and improve methods of providing technical analysis will be performed minimally once per
training to ensure individual and organizational quarter.) Due December 31, 2009
competency. Activity Target 7:
Core Activity: Improving Individual
Analyze the average number of ATC students on
Competency course to make CPC within the required time
Identify activities to improve testing and evaluation period. (Periodical analysis will be performed
methods for ATC and ATSS students. minimally once per quarter.) Due September 30,
Activity Target 1: 2010
11/17/09 Page 129 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
dedicated to provide leadership in the area of
Core Business Target: Cost requirements development for new and/or improved
Implement cost initiatives to reduce overall training costs capabilities within the NAS. These requirements must
by 5%. Due September 30, 2010 align with current NAS Architecture while enabling a
pathway into the future. Successful implementation of
Core Business Initiative: Cost the Next Generation NAS depends on the ATO's ability
Efficiency to apply industry/government best practices for
Implement cost efficiency initiatives to reduce overall requirements and interface management.
training cost and improve productivity. Core Activity: Revise NAS-SR-1000
Core Activity: Improving Cost Reporting (NAS level Requirements document) to
and Containment support NextGen Operational
Identify activities to improve the identification and Improvements
containment of cost within AJL. NAS Requirements and Interface Management will
Activity Target 1: lead a NAS-SR-1000 revision to align NAS level
Identify and analyze the unit cost per hour for requirements with the Enterprise Architecture
each ATC student for training. (Periodical Framework in support of NextGen. The document
analysis will be performed minimally once per must be restructured and revised as appropriate to
quarter.) Due November 30, 2009 meet the requirements development needs of the
Activity Target 2: ATO going forward into the NextGen NAS.
Identify and analyze the unit cost per hour for each Activity Target 1:
ATSS student for training. (Periodical analysis will Stakeholders vet draft within respective
be performed minimally once per quarter.) Due organization. Due June 30, 2010
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 3: Final Draft presented to NAS authorizing board for
Establish a baseline and analyze the actual signature. Due September 30, 2010
teaching time of ATC instructors at the academy
and in the field, broken out by type to include Core Business Target: Market
classroom and lab time. (Periodical analysis will be Business Services
performed minimally once per quarter.) Due March Market Business Services to meet Service Units' needs
31, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Establish a baseline and analyze the actual Core Business Initiative: Market
teaching time of ATSS instructors at the academy.
(Periodical analysis will be performed minimally
Financial Services
Market Finance Services to meet Service Units' needs.
once per quarter.) Due March 31, 2010
This initiative will address "I'm treated as a valued
Core Business Target: Systems customer" question on the ATO-F customer survey for
managers and supervisors.
Engineering and Safety: NAS Core Activity: Customer Satisfaction
Requirements and Interface Survey
Deploy ATO Finance Annual Customer Satisfaction
Management Survey to managers and supervisors
By FY2010, produce a revised NAS Enterprise Activity Target 1:
Architecture requirements document by interviewing at Implement Customer Satisfaction Survey,
least 25 requirements subject matter experts (SME's) distributing to managers and supervisors. Due
throughout the ATO, 2 academic references, and at least June 30, 2010
5 external requirements management practitioners; in Activity Target 2:
order to establish updated enterprise level requirements
that will reduce the number of technical problems as well Close survey and provide analysis to the "I am
as costs and schedule overruns during NextGen treated as a valued customer" question on the
implementation. survey for the ATO Finance management team.
Due August 31, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Systems Activity Target 3:
Engineering and Safety: NAS Provide survey totals, annual comparisons,
comment analysis, action plans and other
Requirements and Interface analyses as required to the ATO Finance
Management management team Due August 31, 2010
The Systems Engineering and Safety NAS
Requirements and Interface Management Group is

11/17/09 Page 130 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Periodic Surveys Core Business Initiative: System
Deploy periodic single-question surveys on ATO
Finance website to reach a broader audience and Engineering Support Services
gather information periodically throughout the year. Provide system engineering services in support of
planning, acquisitions and development of the Next
Activity Target 1:
Generation Air Transportation capabilities and
Develop list of potential questions for infrastructure.
management review Due November 30, 2009
Core Activity: Systems Engineering
Activity Target 2:
Support Services - NAS Enterprise
Post at least 10 questions throughout the year
and analyze responses. Due September 30, 2010 Architecture
Provide system engineering and technical support to
Core Business Target: NAS develop enterprise-level NAS Enterprise Architecture
mid-term (2018) and end state (2025) views to
Enterprise Architecture provide the framework to guide acquisition decisions
By September 2010, complete eight enterprise views for programs leading to the NextGen end-state.
describing the evolution of the NAS Enterprise Activity Target 1:
Architecture to support the successful evolution of the Deliver final end-state views to NAS Chief
NAS and NextGen implementation including strategic Architect. Due October 31, 2009
activities. Activity Target 2:
Core Business Initiative: NAS Deliver draft interim views to NAS Chief Architect.
Due January 31, 2010
Enterprise Architecture Activity Target 3:
The National System (NAS) Architecture lays out the
strategic activities (service delivery and infrastructure) Deliver final interim views to NAS Chief Architect.
to improve NAS operations and move towards the Due September 30, 2010
Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Core Activity: Systems Engineering
vision. These executive views show the evolution of
major FAA investments/programs in today's NAS
Support Services for Next Generation
(services and infrastructures) to meet the future Air Transportation.
demand. Provide systems engineering services -- develop
Core Activity: NAS Enterprise requirements, functional architecture, and alternative
analysis -- in support of the development of NextGen
Architecture (EA) Products communications infrastructure.
Develop the EA products necessary to describe the
Activity Target 1:
evolution of the National Airspace mission over time
and include the results in the Air Traffic Organization Ensure support laboratory is in full scale use,
(ATO) National Airspace System (NAS) Enterprise including the use of CPDLC applications. Due
Architecture repository to ensure effective use of the January 30, 2010
NAS EA across the agency. Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1: Complete functional architecture (segment 1 with
Develop and build out of EA DODAF "views" to segment 2 extensibility). Due July 30, 2010
support NextGen Implementation and enterprise Activity Target 3:
level architecture decisions. Due June 30, 2010 Support validation of RTCA SC-214 Work Package
Activity Target 2: 1 standards - phase 1. Due August 30, 2010
Work to align EA and Infrastructure Roadmaps
with JPDO artifacts, Operational Improvements & Core Business Target: ATO
capabilities. Due September 30, 2010 Finance Hiring Plan
Activity Target 3: Develop and execute an ATO Finance hiring plan that
Conduct outreach activities to enhance identifies levels.
communications, awareness, and knowledge of
the NAS EA. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Develop
and Execute Hiring Plan
Core Business Target: System Develop and execute an ATO Finance hiring plan that
Engineering & Safety: Support identifies levels.
Core Activity: Federal employee
Services strength
Complete for FY2010 NAS Enterprise Architecture Build AJF core Federal employee strength.
(NASEA) product views to support system engineering
processes and customer products to guide acquisition Activity Target 1:
decision making for NextGen end-state.
11/17/09 Page 131 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Develop a hiring plan for all directorates. Due instance of System Architect by September 30,
January 31, 2010 2010 to reflect any ATO system changes. Due
Activity Target 2: September 30, 2010
Implement approved hiring plan according to
schedule. Due September 30, 2010 Core Business Target: Support
Activity Target 3: Performance Management
Maintain hiring plan implementation database, Support the performance management of the ATO
reporting metrics monthly. Due September 30, through metrics reporting
Core Business Initiative: Sound
Core Business Target: ATO-1 Performance Metrics
and CORP Support the performance management of the ATO
ATO-1 and CORP through metrics reporting for ATO operational service
Core Activity: Monthly and Quarterly
Core Business Initiative: ATO-1 and Reports
CORP Produce monthly and quarterly reports throughout
ATO-1 and CORP the year in support of performance management.
Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: ATO-1 and CORP Monthly financial performance metrics reports
ATO-1 and CORP updated on the AJF website on the 5th business
day of each month. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 2:
ATO-1 and CORP Due September 30, 2010 Complete assessment of stakeholder reporting
needs and requirements to ensure AJF reports are
Core Business Target: Review of value to recipients. Due December 31, 2009

and Update the Financial Core Business Target: Support

Segment of Non-NAS Enterprise Global Leadership
Architecture Support global leadership of the ATO through CANSO
In collaboration with ABA, AIO, and AJF-A3, review and
update the agency's Non-NAS Enterprise Architecture for
AJF business and financial systems.
Core Business Initiative: Advance
ATOs Global Leadership
Core Business Initiative: Maintain Support global leadership of the ATO through CANSO
the Financial Segment of non-NAS completing the annual global benchmarking report for
distribution worldwide to Air Navigation Service
Enterprise Architecture Providers.
Review the Financial Segment of the non-NAS Core Activity: Provide Analytical
Enterprise Architecture and update for any system
changes that have occurred since the last review. Support to CANSO
Provide analytical support to CANSO throughout the
Core Activity: ATO Enterprise year in preparation for producing the Annual
Architecture Benchmarking Report
In collaboration with ABA and AIO, review, revise Activity Target 1:
and update the AJF financial segment of the non-
Final report produced in December 2009. Due
NAS Enterprise Architecture for financial systems.
December 31, 2009
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 2:
Revalidate semiannually the AJF financial
systems and tools included in the financial Create summary briefing for ATO Executive
segment of the non-NAS Enterprise Architecture. Council of Annual Benchmarking Report. Due
Update the AIO instance of System Architect by January 30, 2010
March 31, 2010 to reflect any ATO system
changes. Due March 31, 2010
Core Business Target: Business
Activity Target 2: Process Reengineering Efforts
Revalidate semiannually the AJF financial systems Lead business process reengineering or other
and tools included in the financial segment of the improvement efforts with impact to financial systems or
non-NAS Enterprise Architecture. Update the AIO processes in the ATO to support the goal of ensuring
effective AJF processes and tools.
11/17/09 Page 132 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Improve Core Activity: Timely Personnel
ATO Process and System Efficiency Issue Personnel Certification in a timely manner
Lead business process reengineering or other after required technical training.
improvement efforts with impact to financial systems or
Activity Target 1:
processes across the ATO
80% of current FY required personnel certification
Core Activity: New BPR Projects will be issued within 180 days of the completion of
Improve financial related business processes across
technical training. Due September 30, 2010
the ATO.
Activity Target 1: Core Business Target: AJP
Have 4 active business process reengineering or
other improvement projects each quarter. Due Contracts Management Services
December 31, 2009 AJP Contract Management Services has the
Activity Target 2: responsibility of providing resource vehicles and services
to ensure that NextGen and Operations Planning (AJP)
Have 4 active business process reengineering or
and its customers have the resource support needed to
other improvement projects each quarter. Due
meet their Flight Plan Goals and initiatives in support of
March 31, 2010
the Next Generation Air Transportation System.
Activity Target 3: Implement process improvements and best practices to
Have 4 active business process reengineering or optimize and ensure AJP contracts are on-schedule and
other improvement projects each quarter. Due on-budget in FY2010.
June 30, 2010
Activity Target 4: Core Business Initiative: NextGen
Have 4 active business process reengineering or and Operations Planning (AJP):
other improvement projects each quarter. Due Contracts Management Services
September 30, 2010 AJP Contracts Management Services are dedicated to
providing NextGen and Operations Planning (AJP) and
Core Business Target: other FAA organizations, with several technical and
Implement and facilitate FAA research support services contracts essential to the
completion of their mission goals and flight plan
organization excellence goals responsibilities. AJP Contracts Management Services
within the Central Service Area. has the responsibility of providing resource vehicles
and services to ensure that NextGen and Operations
Implement and facilitate FAA organization excellence
goals within the Central Service Areas. Planning (AJP) and its customers have the resource
support needed to meet their Flight Plan Goals and
Core Business Initiative: Support initiatives in support of the Next Generation Air
Transportation System.
FAA Wide Employee Development Core Activity: Systems Enginnering &
Programs Architecture- SETA
Identify and develop qualified candidates that reflect AJP Contracts Management Services support will
the desired diversity and culture of the organization. ensure the availability of a variety of technical
Core Activity: Conduct Front Line support and research contract vehicles to support
Manager's Operational Workshop AJP and other FAA organizations in support of FAA
Front Line Manager's Operational Workshop Flight Plan goals and the Next Generation Air
Transportation System.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Conduct a minimum of one class. Due September Develop and implement a quarterly reporting
30, 2010 tracking system to provide management with
Core Activity: Support Tech Ops quarterly status reports that track support services
contract financial status. Due June 30, 2010
Succession Planning (TOSPP) Activity Target 2:
Identify qualified candidates that reflect the desired
diversity and culture of the organization. Ensure that activities and issues impacting the
Activity Target 1: development and award of the Systems
Engineering Contract (SE2020) are on track and
Select a minimum of three Front Line Manager
contract is awarded by the end of FY2010. Due
participants for the FY2010 TOSPP Program. Due
September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 133 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Systems Engieeting and September 30, 2010
Architeicture - MITRE/CAASD
Need to formulate Product Based Work Plan and Core Activity: Encourage Participation
2014 Long Range plan. in the Agency's Mentoring Program
Activity Target 1: Encourage Participation in the Agency's Mentoring
Complete Product Based Work Plan Due Program
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Provide mentors annually in support of the
Complete 2014 Lang Range Plan Due September HR/TWO/PWC Mentoring Program. Due
30, 2010 September 30, 2010

Core Business Target: Distribute Core Business Target:

ISS Publications Implement and facilitate FAA
Distribute at least 90% of scheduled ISS publications organization excellence goals
within the Eastern Service Area.
Core Business Initiative: Distribute Implement and facilitate FAA organization excellence
goals within the Eastern Service Area.
Distribute information security systems (ISS) Core Business Initiative: Support
Core Activity: Publish policies, FAA Wide Employee Development
handbooks and directives. Programs
Publish policies, handbooks and directives. Identify and develop qualified candidates that reflect
the desired diversity and culture of the organization.
Activity Target 1: Core Activity: Conduct Front Line
Distribute 90% scheduled ISS implementation and Manager's Operational Workshop
guidance documents within the fiscal year Due Front Line Manager's Operational Workshop
September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Target: Conduct a minimum of one class. Due September
Implement and facilitate FAA 30, 2010

organization excellence goals Core Activity: Support Tech Ops

Succession Planning (TOSPP)
within the Western Service Area. Identify qualified candidates that reflect the desired
Implement and facilitate FAA organization excellence diversity and culture of the organization.
goals within the Western Service Area. Activity Target 1:
Select a minimum of three Front Line Manager
Core Business Initiative: Support participants for the FY2010 TOSPP Program. Due
FAA Wide Employee Development September 30, 2010
Programs Core Activity: Timely Personnel
Identify and develop qualified candidates that reflect Certification
the desired diversity and culture of the organization. Issue Personnel Certification in a timely manner
Core Activity: Conduct Front Line after required technical training.
Manager's Operational Workshop Activity Target 1:
Front Line Manager's Operational Workshop 80% of current FY required personnel certification
will be issued within 180 days of the completion of
Activity Target 1:
technical training. Due September 30, 2010
Conduct a minimum of one class. Due September
30, 2010 Core Activity: Encourage Participation
Core Activity: Support Tech Ops in the Agency's Mentoring Program
Encourage Participation in the Agency's Mentoring
Succession Planning (TOSPP) Program
Identify qualified candidates that reflect the desired
Activity Target 1:
diversity and culture of the organization.
Provide mentors annually in support of the Human
Activity Target 1:
Resources Mentoring Program. Due September
Select a minimum of three Front Line Manager 30, 2010
participants for the FY2010 TOSPP Program. Due
11/17/09 Page 134 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Evaluate and define requirements for a billing
Core Business Target: Business process within existing policy and guidance. Due
Analysis June 30, 2010
Analyze business operations in order to provide a Activity Target 2:
foundation and infrastructure for the Business Implement a billing process based on the
Development Office. Identify operational costs and previously development requirements for review by
develop standard processes and documentation. the Director of Business Development and the
Senior Vice President of Finance. Due September
Core Business Initiative: Baseline 30, 2010
Activities Activity Target 3:
Document operations in order to identify the cost of Evaluate the Business Plan for relevance and
doing business. implementation, and provide revision to the
Core Activity: Baseline Business Director of Business Development and Senior Vice
Development President of Finance for review. Due June 30,
Baseline Business Development activities. 2010
Activity Target 4:
Activity Target 1:
Develop recommendations for policy changes and
Baseline the cost of the Business Development
appropriations language to expedite
Office for use in future cost comparisons for
implementation of opportunities for review by the
review by the Director of Business Development
and the Senior Vice President of Finance Due Tactical Board. Due March 31, 2010
September 30, 2010 Core Activity: Operations Measurement
Activity Target 2: Identify and establish goals for the Business
Baseline the cost of new opportunities in a pricing Development organization.
model for review by the Director of Business Activity Target 1:
Development. Due March 31, 2010 Document cycle times for Business Development
opportunities and provide to the Director of
Core Business Initiative: Processes Business Development for review. Due March 31,
and Infrastructure 2010
Standardize business processes for evaluation and
implementation of opportunities, integrating existing Core Business Target: Customer
policies and procedures where necessary. Relations
Core Activity: Implement Infrastructure Identify potential business relationships and promote
Implement infrastructure to include methods and FAA products and services globally.
models for cost recovery.
Activity Target 1: Core Business Initiative: Promote
Develop standard terms for inclusion in Business Development
agreements for use in national and international Promote FAA core competencies worldwide by
business opportunities. Provide to the Tactical establishing business relationships with air navigation
Board and Executive Council for review. Due July service providers and other potential customers, and
31, 2010 identifying potential Business Development
opportunities through those relationship channels.
Core Business Target: Account The Business Development organization will integrate
Management across the ATO Lines of Business (LOBs) to provide a
Manage day-to-day operations and develop focal point for coordinating the delivery of products and
measurement tools to ensure efficient and effective services. Having a single focal point will allow
business activities. seamless service to the customer, which is referred to
as "Portfolio Management."
Core Business Initiative: Manage Core Activity: Identify Partners
Business Activities Create and further develop relationships with air
Coordinate activities to ensure seamless operation of navigation service providers and industry.
the Business Development Group. Integrate and Activity Target 1:
maximize marketable ATO opportunities to provide Air Identify aviation-related networking events,
Traffic products and services. establish a calendar of those events for use by
Core Activity: Business Management staff for review by the Director of Business
Utilize business management techniques to operate Development. Due November 30, 2009
efficiently and effectively. Activity Target 2:
Activity Target 1: Update aviation-related networking events

11/17/09 Page 135 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
calendar every 90 days for review by the Director Core Business Initiative: Staffing
of Business Development. Due September 30,
2010 and Recruiting
Ensure adequate AJF-4 staffing to support group
Core Activity: Identify Opportunities
Identify potential opportunities through various Core Activity: Analytical Strength
channels (business relationships, networking events, Build AJF-4 core Federal employee analytical
personal introductions, etc.). strength.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Identify potential opportunities for review by the Hire 3 analysts for AJF-4. Due July 31, 2010
Tactical Board every 90 days. Due September 30,
Core Business Target: Improve
Core Business Target: Staffing Efficiency
Ranges Improve efficiency of ATO projects, services, and
Staffing Ranges: Workforce Alignment, including the processes.
update of Staffing Ranges for FAA Facilities.
Core Business Initiative: Improve
Core Business Initiative: Staffing Efficiency
Ranges Improve efficiency of ATO projects, services, and
Staffing Ranges: Workforce Alignment, including the processes.
update of Staffing Ranges for FAA Facilities. Core Activity: Improve Efficiency
Core Activity: Develop and Update OES will work with all ATO organizations to identify
Staffing Ranges possible new initiatives to improve the efficiency of
Develop and update Staffing Ranges: Develop and ATO projects, services, and processes.
update Staffing Ranges for FAA Facilities. Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 1: Identify minimum of three new ATO initiatives to
Staffing Ranges for FAA Facilities updated and improve cost effectiveness and operational
ready for approval. Due March 31, 2010 efficiency and propose them to the EC. Due
September 30, 2010
Core Business Target: TOWER Activity Target 2:
For Scheduling Tool project, select vendor. Due
Standards November 30, 2009
TOWER Standards: Workforce alignment, including
Activity Target 3:
development of daily staffing standard models for FAA
Tower Facilities Award the follow on Office of Enterprise Solutions
(OES) Support Contract. Due June 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: TOWER
Standards Core Business Target: Financial
TOWER Standards: Workforce alignment, including Analysis and Process Re-
development of daily staffing standard models for FAA
Tower Facilities engineering-TRACON Standards
Core Activity: Standards for FAA Tower Develop TRACON Standards for FAA Facilities.
Standards for FAA Tower facilities: Revise Tower Core Business Initiative: TRACON
Activity Target 1: Standards
Tower standards updated with daily on position Complete the update of the daily TRACON staffing
staffing models (OPSM) and ready for Senior VP standards to be used in the 2010 Controller Workforce
Finance approval. Due December 31, 2009 Plan.
Core Activity: Standards for FAA
Core Business Target: AJF-4 TRACON facilities
Workforce alignment, including development of
Staffing standards for FAA TRACON facilities
Ensure adequate AJF-4 staffing to support group
Activity Target 1:
TRACON standards updated with daily on position
staffing models (OPSM) and ready for Senior VP
Finance approval. Due March 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 136 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Transactions in the ATO Courses to a minimum of
Core Business Target: Inspire 750 persons. Due September 30, 2010
High Performance Through
Core Business Target: Provide
Developing Leadership at All
State-of-the-Art Administrative
Implement new processes and procedures that allow and Business Processes
ATO personnel to conduct their work both efficiently and Provide State-of-the-Art Administrative & Business
effectively. Processes by developing Cost Analysis Reports and Key
Metrics on expense items such as Travel, Wireless
Core Business Initiative: Devices, Purchase Card Usage. Issue FY11 Service
Institutionalize Financial Unit Allowances for 1-year appropriations prior to start of
year. Conduct 3 Performance Reviews of projects with 1-
Management Processes and year funding obligations of at least $5M. Develop
Procedures Dashboard requirements for Staffing/Hiring reports.
Develop and implement financial management
processes, procedures, and training to ensure the
Core Business Initiative: Improve
ATO workforce is performing at an optimal level. Operations Budget Management
Core Activity: Standardize Funds and Control
Certification Across the ATO Establish practices and reporting procedures to
Institute processes and procedures to ensure funds improve operations budget management and control.
certification is conducted consistently across the Core Activity: Manage 1-Year
ATO. Appropriations During Fiscal Year to
Activity Target 1:
Ensure Prudent Financial Management
Draft Funds Certification policy to include roles Establish practices to improve management of
and responsibilities, training requirements, and appropriations.
system access and utilization requirements. Due Activity Target 1:
September 30, 2010
Issue FY11 service unit allowances for 1-year
Activity Target 2:
appropriations prior to start of year. Due
Identify ATO Fund Certifiers and develop a gap September 30, 2010
analysis and action plan based on the Funds
Certification training policy requirements. Due Core Activity: Improve Cost
September 30, 2010 Management Within the ATO
Establish cost management practices and reporting.
Core Activity: Develop Training and
Financial Management Path Activity Target 1:
Ensure training for financial management path is up- Develop cost analysis reports on ATO expenses,
to-date and provides the competencies necessary and establish performance metrics including:
for the intended audience. travel, wireless devices, purchase card usage, and
Activity Target 1: administrative supplies. Due September 30, 2010
Develop Fund Certification Semi-Annual
Refresher Training: Beta Version Due September
Core Activity: Establish Operating
30, 2010
Activity Target 2: Budgets Project Performance Review
Update existing financial management courses
Protocol for Projects Funded by
including: Fund Certification Training Course, Operating Budgets Office
Using the Purchase Card in the FAA, and Establish auditing and accounting practices and
Managing Financial Transactions in the ATO. Due reporting.
December 31, 2009 Activity Target 1:
Conduct three project performance reviews of
Core Activity: Deliver Training for projects with 1-year funding obligations of at least
Financial Management Path $5M. Due September 30, 2010
Ensure personnel in financial management path
receive current training on skills used in their work. Core Activity: Deploy Integrated
Activity Target 1: Business Processes and Software
Deliver Fund Certification Training Courses to a Applications to Meet Our Needs
minimum of 150 persons, deliver Using the Enhance staffing and hiring reporting.
Purchase Card in the FAA Courses to a minimum
of 750 persons, and deliver Managing Financial Activity Target 1:

11/17/09 Page 137 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Develop Staffing/Hiring Dashboard requirements. Core Activity: Complete F&E ARRA
Due March 30, 2010 Projects
Core Business Initiative: Complete planned installation and construction
activities on ARRA F&E projects, within cost and on
Institutionalize Financial schedule.
Management Processes and Activity Target 1:
Procedures Complete installation and construction activities
Establish practices and procedures to improve the for a minimum of 90% of planned FY2010 projects
management and efficiency of ATO financial as baselined on October 1, 2009. Due September
operations. 30, 2010
Core Activity: Establish Standard Activity Target 2:
Operating Procedures for the ATO A minimum of 90% of planned ARRA FY2010
Develop and implement Standard Operating projects will be completed within 10% of planned
Procedures to improve efficiencies and ensure cost as baselined on October 1, 2009. Due
consistency of processes across the ATO. September 30, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Activity Target 1:
Review/revise 4 Standard Operating Procedures. Achieve 99% of designated ARRA obligation
Due September 30, 2010 milestones for FY2010 as reflected in the
baselined plan on October 1, 2009. Due
Core Business Initiative: Improve September 30, 2010
Business Processes Related to Real Core Business Target: Benefits
Realize savings of the annual real property lease and Analysis
purchase costs through improved business processes. Provide benefits analysis standards and guidance as well
as robust tools to ensure agency decisions are based on
Core Activity: Improve ATO
sound data analysis.
Management of Real Property-CIP
M08.06-00 Core Business Initiative: Improve
Provide guidance to improve the management of Benefit Analysis Models
real property. Continuously improve benefits analysis tools, data,
Activity Target 1: and techniques to support agency decision making
Produce an internal ROI for the ATO Real Estate process.
Office of 100 percent. Due September 30, 2010 Core Activity: Benefit Analysis Tools
Activity Target 2: Update
Perform a minimum of 4 space utilization surveys Provide tools, data and techniques to improve the
of ATO space. Due September 30, 2010 ability to perform and evaluate benefit analysis.
Activity Target 3: Activity Target 1:
Write guidance that helps ATO to select To improve collaboration within AJF-3 and access
new/replacement ATCT locations that are both to tools, move the operations research analysts
cost-effective and technically acceptable. Due and lab to FOB 10A. Due March 31, 2010
September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
Develop a plan for strengthening AJF-3's
Core Business Target: American simulation and optimization tools. Due February
Recovery and Reinvestment Act 28, 2010
(ARRA) Implementation Core Business Target: Improve
ARRA Implementation - Achieve 34.93% Facilities and
Equipment ARRA (American Recovery and CFO Review Process
Reinvestment Act) Disbursement Rate. Provide financial and business case evaluation of FAA
CFO Packages.
Core Business Initiative:
Management of F&E ARRA Funds Core Business Initiative: AJF CFO
Appropriately and effectively obligate F&E ARRA Package Review
funds to reach substantial program completion within In support of the AEB effort to strengthen and build
established timelines. efficiencies into the CFO review process, work with the
CFO, contracting, and legal organizations to rebuild
the process.

11/17/09 Page 138 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Acquisition Package Analysis Group
Review Process The System Operations Office of Litigation FOIA and
In support of the AEB effort to strengthen and build analysis group is responsible for 1) responding to ATO
efficiencies into the CFO review process, work with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests 2)
the CFO, contracting, and legal organizations to Maintaining 9/11 and ATO investigatory archives, and
rebuild the process.. 3) Maintenance of the National Accident/Litigation
Activity Target 1: Database. It coordinates with air traffic facilities for
As applicable, integrate CFO review and access to air traffic witnesses; collection of evidence,
investment analysis activities. Map Independent including transcription of ATC tapes necessary for
Government Cost Estimates (IGCE) to Investment hearings, radar plots, etc.; and any expert consultation
Analysis Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCE); involving the ATO, while keeping the costs and
reconcile and document any differences. Due disruption associated with enforcement actions,
March 31, 2010 litigation activities, and Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) requests and replies to a minimum.
Core Business Target: Advance Core Activity: Revise FAA 8020.16 A/C
Cost Estimating Discipline Accident & Incident Notification,
Provide cost estimating standards and guidance as well Investigation and Reporting
as robust tools to ensure agency decisions are based on The System Operations Office of Litigation will
sound data analysis. update FAA Order 8020.16 Air Traffic Organization
Aircraft Accident and Incident Notification,
Core Business Initiative: Improve Investigation, and Reporting' This order prescribes
Cost Estimating Capability FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO) procedures and
Continuously improve cost estimating analysis tools, responsibilities for aircraft accident and incident
data, and techniques to support agency decision notification, investigation, and reporting. It provides
making process. direction and guidance to ATO service units, service
Core Activity: Advance Cost Estimating areas, service centers, offices, and facilities when
Discipline they are called upon to perform accident
Continue to advance the cost estimating discipline investigations.
and process to include addressing human capital Activity Target 1:
planning issues to ensure core capability to perform The final version of FAA Order 8020.16B will be
cost estimating is enhanced. available. Due June 30, 2010
Activity Target 1: Core Activity: Freedom of Information
Provide FAA-specific Rough Order of Magnitude
(ROM) Software factors for use in developing
Baseline the response time on FOIA''s.
agency Software Cost Estimates. Due September
30, 2010 Activity Target 1:
Improve on-time FOIAS by 10% Due September
Core Business Target: System 30, 2010
Operations Business Core Business Initiative: System
Management Operations Litigation Data Services
System Operations make confident business decisions to The System Operations Office of Litigation Data
improve leadership perspective of business management Services area is responsible for data management
by implementing a server based software package with a activities including: data mining, archives, policy and
web based user interface. We achieve breakthrough Standard Operating Practices (SOPS) for data in the
performance by developing procedures for aircraft ATO as it relates to the Freedom of Information Act
accident and incident notification, investigation, and (FOIA), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), and
reporting; documenting emergency guidance, general legal and administrative electronic discovery
establishing employee orientation packages; and rules and practices. It works in conjunction with AGC
providing strategic input into the FAA's Flight Plan. Our and the CIO's office to develop standardized data
breakthrough for overall success is a baseline response management policy and operational procedures to
time to Freedom of Information Acts; challenge each support data discovery for litigation activities.
employee to promote sharepoint V3 KSN tool; and
Core Activity: Develop Enforcement
integrate SMS in our daily operations and/or programs.
Action Tracking Software Capability
Core Business Initiative: Core Develop and implement a server based software
package with a web based user interface, to track
Business Initiative: System and manage all requests made by AGC and
Operations Litigation FIOA & Department of Justice attorneys for information to
11/17/09 Page 139 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
support pilot enforcement actions. Core Business Initiative: GAO High
Activity Target 1: Risk List
Create method to track pilot deviations. Due Our goal is to implement improved processes within
March 30, 2010 AJP that will make us efficient and effectively run our
Activity Target 2: organization, and, in the process of doing that, also
Increase electronic filing of cases by 50%. Due eliminate all the factors causing the FAA's
September 30, 2010 Modernization Program to be assigned to the GAO
High-Risk List (HRL). Our goal is to continue the gains
Core Business Target: Systems made to get off the GAO HRL and remain off the HRL.
Core Activity: FAA/GAO NAS Enterprise
Engineering and Safety: Architecture Activity Target(s)
Concepts & Requirements Mitigation
Meet all targets set in the FAA/GAO plan to get off
Definition and stay off the High Risk List (HRL).
In FY2010, complete 5 CRD (Concepts & Requirements
Activity Target 1:
Definition) Initiative reviews by their established due
dates designated by the FAA Investment Decision Analyze AMS policy changes to determine if
Authority (IDA). Each CRD Initiative Review requires the modification are required to the NASEA framework
creation of 9 to 11 sets of analytical documents by in order to maintain consistency. Due September
various FAA offices in which the CRD Group serves as 30, 2010
as the focal point to ensure timely completion and Activity Target 2:
assessment of the reviews. Refine information products for incorporating
Information Systems Security in EA. Due
Core Business Initiative: Concepts September 30, 2010
Requirements Definition Activity Target 3:
Supports the design and maintenance of the NAS Coordinate technical standards for NAS and non-
Enterprise Architecture through performance quality NAS hardware and software where there are
assurance function and ensures that deliverables meet common requirements. Due June 30, 2010
Acquisition Management Systems (AMS)
requirements. Core Activity: FAA/GAO Verification and
Core Activity: NAS Investment Analysis Validation (V&V) Activity Target(s)
and Readiness Decision Meet all targets set in the FAA/GAO plan to get off
The Concepts and Requirements Definition phase of and stay off the High Risk List (HRL). Continue to
Investment Analysis provides essential information institutionalize quality Test and Evaluation (T&E)
to decision makers to assure them that proposed standards by achieving ISO 9001-2008 Registration
investment initiatives have completed the required for the William J. Hughes Technical Center''s T&E
level and depths of analyses to warrant further Services and lead FAA Verification and Validation
consideration for potential investment. (V&V) improvements for NextGen by implementing
lifecycle V&V philosophy elements into the
Activity Target 1:
Acquisition Management System (AMS) as
Make outreach contacts with program managers approved by the Acquisition Executive Board (AEB).
scheduled to complete Investment Analysis
Activity Target 1:
Readiness Decision (IARD). Due February 28,
2010 Hold V&V Stakeholders Meeting to finalize V&V
Activity Target 2: guidance for Acquisition Management System
(AMS). Due December 30, 2009
Make recommendations based on system Activity Target 2:
engineering and economic measures for one
Investment Analysis Readiness Decision to Lifecycle V&V Modification to the FAA Acquisition
support the business case analysis process. Due Management System (AMS) Draft AMS Changes.
June 30, 2010 Due February 28, 2010

Core Business Target: GAO High Core Business Target: People

Administer, assess and analyze at least one customer
Risk List satisfaction survey. Due September 30, 2010.
Meet 100% of all AJP FY10 targets set in the
FAA/Government Accountability Office (GAO) High Risk Core Business Initiative: Survey
Develop and use customer satisfaction surveys to
improve key processes and deliver superior services.

11/17/09 Page 140 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Delivery of Surveys Core Business Target: Quality
Design, distribute, and analyze survey results from
customers and stakeholders to gain their perception V&V Practices: Verfication and
and ideas for improvement of the national training
program. Validation
In FY2010, establish quality policy and guidance for all
Activity Target 1:
four phases of the AMS.
Design, distribute, and analyze survey data (level
3) to ATC managers whose employees have used Core Business Initiative:
the training system with the current fiscal year.
(Periodical analysis will be performed minimally Institutionalize Quality Verification &
once per quarter.) Due June 30, 2010 Validation (V&V) and Test &
Activity Target 2:
Evaluation (T&E) Standards
Design, distribute, and analyze survey data (level Implement quality V&V and T&E processes and
3) to ATSS managers whose employees have continuously improve them. Ensure organizational
used the training system with the current fiscal compliance to the quality processes at the Technical
year. (Periodical analysis will be performed Center.
minimally once per quarter.) Due June 30, 2010 Core Activity: Institutionalize quality
Activity Target 3:
V&V and T&E standards throughout the
Analyze survey results from ATC students at the Technical Center
academy and in the field. Use analysis to design Institutionalize quality V&V and T&E standards
improvement methods to enhance academy throughout the Technical Center.
training. (Periodical analysis will be performed
Activity Target 1:
minimally once per quarter.) Due March 31, 2010
Achieve ISO-9001-2008 Certification for
Activity Target 4:
designated T&E programs (associated deliverable:
Analyze survey results from ATSS students at the ISO Pre-Assessment Report, ISO Corrective
academy and in the field. Use analysis to design Action Review, and ISO Certification Report). Due
improvement methods to enhance academy April 30, 2010
training. (Periodical analysis will be performed Activity Target 2:
minimally once per quarter.) Due September 30,
2010 Update T&E Handbook. Due August 15, 2010
Activity Target 5: Activity Target 3:
Develop and distribute an informal survey for AJL Conduct study to provide T&E process and test
staff, Labor Organizations and SUPCOM to capability improvement recommendations and
analyze perceptions of the AJL training program. input needed to address challenges and issues
(Periodically analyze at a minimum, once per facing the implementation and deployment of the
quarter.) Due March 31, 2010 NextGen air transportation system. Due
September 15, 2010
Core Business Target: NAS
Core Activity: Provide Quality Input to
Program Performance AMS V&V Policy and Guidance
Provide forum for ATO Finance to communicate with Continue to work with Agency to provide quality
program managers, on NAS program management input to AMS V&V policy and guidance.
performance. Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: F&E Hold 5th V&V Summit. Due November 30, 2009
Requirements Development Group Activity Target 2:
F&E Requirements development Group Deliver enhanced V&V Policy and Guidance to the
Acquisition System Advisory Group (ASAG). Due
Core Activity: 2010 Management March 30, 2010
Deliver 2010 Summit on NAS Program Core Business Target: AJG
Management, that includes assessment of 2009
commitments by February 2010.
Strategic and Business Planning
Align 100% of business planning activities to ATO,
Activity Target 1: Strategy and Performance (AJG), and FAA agency-wide
Status issues from 2010 Program Management planning strategies.
Summit before commencement of 2010 Summit.
Due February 28, 2010

11/17/09 Page 141 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Business Core Activity: ATO AB Case Quarterly
Planning Reports
Analyze and generate quarterly reports on the
Lead the integration of the AJG Business Plan with
completion of Accountability Board (AB) cases for
ATO and FAA agency-wide planning strategies by
ATO management distribution.
facilitating the identification of goals and performance
measures by AJG organizations. Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: AJG Business Plans Complete 80% of tracked ATO Accountability
Develop, submit, and report on business plan Board cases by their resolution dates. Due
documents for the Strategy and Performance September 30, 2010
Business Unit (AJG), in accordance with ATO and Activity Target 2:
FAA agency-wide timelines. Document the activities Provide quarterly reports to ATO Service Units.
within AJG to support FAA strategies and core Due September 30, 2010
business targets.
Activity Target 1: Core Business Target: AJV
Prepare a draft of the FY 2011 ATO AJG Business
Plan. Due July 31, 2010
Business Planning
Improve process and development of business plan
Activity Target 2: components.
Monitor and report, monthly, on the progress of
AJG business plan targets and activities. Due Core Business Initiative: Staff and
September 30, 2010 support services to ATO Directors
Core Business Target: ATO of Operation
Provide staff and support services to ATO-E, ATO-R,
Intern, Co-Op and Summer Hire ATO-T and ATO-W Directors of Operation
Programs Core Activity: Business Planning
Increase participation in Intern, Co-Operative Education .Develop, formulate and improve ATO-V business
(Co-op), and Summer Hire programs within the Air Traffic plan.
Organization (ATO) by promoting their benefits and value Activity Target 1:
added. Create internal ATO-V process and procedure for
business plan development Due December 31,
Core Business Initiative: Promote 2009
Effective Intern, Co-Op and Summer Activity Target 2:
Hire Programs Publish an internal AT0-V calendar for future
Promote the benefits of effective Intern, Co-operative planning cycles Due January 15, 2010
Education (Co-Op) and summer Hires programs within
the Air Traffic Organization (ATO). Core Business Target: Build and
Core Activity: ATO Intern, Co-Op, and Retain a Diverse, Highly Skilled,
Summer Hire Programs
Increase participation in Intern, Co-Operative Motivated and Productive
Education (Co-Op), and summer Hires programs Workforce.
within the Air Traffic Organization. Develop and implement a Recruitment and Outreach
Activity Target 1: Program to attract a diverse applicant pool for ATO
Ensure ATO employs 150 interns, co-ops, and mission-critical occupations in FY2010.
summer hires. Due August 31, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Outreach
Core Business Target: ATO Initiatives
Accountability Board (AB) Cases Promote a workplace that is diverse, and creates,
Complete tracked ATO Accountability Board (AB) cases nurtures, and utilizes diversity of thought, viewpoints,
by their resolution dates. and experience.
Core Activity: Recruitment and
Core Business Initiative: ATO Outreach Plan
Accountability Board Case Reports Build a diverse, highly skilled, workforce.
Distribute quarterly reports on the completion of AB Activity Target 1:
cases to ATO Management.
Identify mission critical occupations, and the
competencies needed, within the ATO. Due
November 30, 2009

11/17/09 Page 142 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 2: Core Business Initiative: Corporate
Develop an outreach and recruitment plan, using Improvements
hiring projections, demographics to attract a broad Enhance NAS Efficiency and Effectiveness.
audience of applicants for mission-critical
occupations. Due January 29, 2010
Activity Target 3:
Core Activity: 2 Dimensional Bar
Coding (2DBC)and automated Technical
Implement actions outlined in the Aviation
Outreach Plan for Air Traffic Controllers, and the Performance Records (TPRs).
Recruitment and Outreach Plan. Due September 2 Dimensional Bar Coding (2DBC)and automated
30, 2010 Technical Performance Records (TPRs).
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Target: NAS Develop a Business Case for 2DBC. Due
December 31, 2009
Maintenance Supply support Activity Target 2:
Increase NAS Maintenance Supply Support funding
Efficiency Secure corporate funding for 2DBC marking effort
in the field. Due July 31, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Corporate Activity Target 3:
Fiscal Efficiency Develop 2DBC field marking plan and schedule
Manage/Oversight NAS Maintenance Supply Support and successfully mark an OEP locationPrepare
funding. Due August 31, 2010
Activity Target 4:
Core Activity: Manage/Oversee Purges
Manage/Oversee Purges. Prepare final requirements document for
automated TPRs Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Reduce FY-10 total purge against NAS Core Business Target: Complete
Maintenance Supply Support (store credit) by annual assessments in support
15%. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 2: of aviation security
Develop and institute an awareness plan to Complete 100% of scheduled ATO system annual
emphasize all requisitions must be accompanied assessments.
by an RMLS maintenance Log I.D. Due September
30, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Secure the
Core Business Target: Operate Authorize 100% of scheduled ATO system
and maintain the daily operation certifications by September 30, 2010.
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure
of the NSG Group NAS
Ensure all deadlines as set by NSG are met within 48 Ensure a safe and secure NAS
hours of the deadline.
Activity Target 1:
Core Business Initiative: Complete 100% of scheduled ATO system annual
Management of the NSG Group assessments. Due September 30, 2010
Manage the daily operations of the NSG Group,
ensuring deadlines are met as requested. Core Business Target: Enhance
Core Activity: Manage the NSG Group Systems Security
Manage the NSG Group Provide ISS Research & Development engineering
support to enhance information systems security of the
Activity Target 1: NAS.
Obligate within +.25% of allocations; ensure
performance measurements goals are reported by Core Business Initiative: Secure the
the 5th of the month Due September 30, 2010 NAS
Core Business Target: Corporate To enhance the NAS

Effectiveness Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure

NAS Asset Traceability NAS
Ensure a safe and secure NAS

Activity Target 1:
11/17/09 Page 143 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Develop and test 2 NAS Enterprise Solutions for Core Activity: Provide technical
ISS security. Due September 30, 2010 assistance for restoration.
Provide technical assistance as restoration/on-site
Core Business Target: Support support requests come in.
national aviation security needs Activity Target 1:
Provide SIG support for ISS issues within the
through recertifications. fiscal year. Due September 30, 2010
Authorize 100% of scheduled ATO 3 year systems
recertification's by the target system's C&A anniversary Core Business Target: ATO
Finance Communications
Core Business Initiative: Secure the Develop and implement core communications strategies
NAS externally and internally for the purposes of education,
Ensure all ATO systems requiring a SCAP or annual training, outreach and marketing of ATO Finance
assessment are complete by certification date. products, services, policies, guidance and
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure accomplishments.
NAS. Core Business Initiative: Develop
Promote a safe and secure NAS by enhancing
information security systems and identifying safety
and Deploy ATO Finance
risk management processes. Communications
Activity Target 1: Develop and implement core communications
Authorize 100% of scheduled ATO 3 year strategies externally and internally for the purpose of
systems recertifications by the target system's education, training, outreach and marketing of ATO
C&A anniversary date. Due September 30, 2010 Finance products, services, policies, guidance and
Core Business Target: Support Core Activity: Develop an ATO Finance
national aviation security needs Communications Strategy
Develop an ATO Finance core communications
through certifications. strategy focusing on both external and internal
Authorize 100% of scheduled ATO system certifications audiences for the purpose of education, training,
by September 30, 2010. outreach and marketing of ATO Finance products,
services, policies, guidance and accomplishments
Core Business Initiative: Secure the Activity Target 1:
NAS. Develop a Core Communications Strategy for
Ensure all ATO systems requiring a SCAP or annual FY2010. Due November 30, 2009
assessment are complete by certification date. Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Ensure a safe and secure Highlight priorities for core communications and
NAS outline schedule. Due December 31, 2009
Promote a safe and secure NAS by enhancing Core Activity: Implement ATO Finance
information security systems and identifying safety Communications Strategy
risk management processes Implement ATO Finance core communications
Activity Target 1: strategy focusing on both external and internal
Authorize 100% of scheduled ATO system audiences for the purpose of education, training,
certifications. Due September 30, 2010 outreach and marketing of ATO Finance products,
services, policies, guidance and accomplishments.
Core Business Target: Security Activity Target 1:
Information Group (SIG) Support Develop specific communications venues for core
Provide SIG support for ISS issues. communications priorities. Draft due December
31, 2009. Due December 31, 2009
Activity Target 2:
Core Business Initiative: Outline detailed milestones for implementation.
Restoration and Field Support Due December 31, 2009
Activity Target 3:
Technical Assistance.
As issues come into the SIG, provide support as Implement Core Communications Plan for FY
needed. 2010. Due September 30, 2010

11/17/09 Page 144 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Target: AJF Core Business Target: AJF
Strategic Goal 1: Institute a Strategic Goal 2: Ensure
Robust 5-year Capital Plan effective and efficient ATO
Develop a Capital Investment Plan per congressional
requirements and have available for publication by May financial processes and tools
30, 2010 in support of the goal to institute a robust 5-year Reduce reimbursable agreement processing time to 100
capital plan and minimize risk associated with ATO days or less and document 100% of priority ATO
investments. financial processes and tools in support of the goal to
ensure effective and efficient ATO financial processes
Core Business Initiative: Create a and tools and to increase the satisfaction of users of ATO
Robust Capital Plan financial processes and tools FAA wide.
Submit a 5-year Capital Plan to support the FY12
budget by developing criteria to determine riskiest
Core Business Initiative: Document,
areas of the Capital Portfolio, Create new Capital evaluate and improve ATO financial
Investment Team and determine roles, membership processes and tools
and employ the reconstituted CIT to validate With the support of AJF directors, AJF 9 will lead
objectives, requirements and value of the riskiest efforts to ensure
elements in the Capital Portfolio. Refine FY12 Capital effective and efficient ATO financial processes and
Budget based on results of reviews and validate a tools by developing a Current Inventory of Mainstream
portfolio of capital investments that are balanced to Processes, Prioritization of Current Mainstream
support the following objectives: Processes for Assessment, 3-year Project Plan with
high-level Milestones and Documentation of "As-Is"
1) Sustain adequate investment in aging state for high-priority Processes/Tools. Ongoing
infrastructure, ensuring efforts across AJF in support of this strategic goal
current services are maintained; include the following:
2) Support the strategic goals of NextGen;
3) Base investment decisions on the best value to the · Optimize Reimbursables standard operating
public; and procedures
4) Achieve buy-in and consensus among major · Improve the Corporate Work Plan
stakeholders in · Modernize Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Financial
the plan Management
Core Activity: Analytical Work Systems
Perform analytical work that will provide context for · Improve ATO Financial Management and
the new capital plan and frame a risk-based Accounting Systems
approach to managing it. · Standardize and Integrate Data and Toolsets in
Activity Target 1: support of the
Develop criteria to determine the riskiest areas of AJF Strategic Goal to ensure ATO financial
the capital portfolio, and apply the criteria to processes and tools
develop a list of areas for comprehensive review. are effective and efficient.
Due November 1, 2009 Core Activity: Inventory, Prioritize and
Core Activity: Oversight Processes Document
Reconstitute oversight processes, with a focus on Inventory, prioritize and document as-is ATO
risk management financial processes and tools
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Determine role and membership of the new Develop inventory of processes and tools. Due
Capital Investment Team. Due November 1, 2009 March 31, 2010
Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Comprehensive Reviews
Conduct comprehensive reviews of the riskiest Develop 3-year project plan with high-level project
programs, projects, and/or portfolios. milestones. Refine metrics and strategies Due:
March Due March 31, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 3:
Employ the reconstituted CIT to validate
objectives, requirements, and value of the riskiest Prioritize processes and accompanying tools for
elements of the capital portfolio. Due February 28, assessment. Due June 30, 2010 Due June 30,
2010 2010
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 4:
Use the results of the reviews to refine the FY12 Document priority as-is processes and tools. Due
capital budget request. Due June 30, 2010 September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010
11/17/09 Page 145 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: Optimize Activity Target 4:
Reimbursables Upgrade the Corporate Work Plan (CWP) from
Optimize Reimbursables standard operating Primavera 5 to Primavera 6.2 This will be fully
procedures, leveraging to AJF core competencies. implemented at the end of FY10. Due September
30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Reimbursables Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) Core Business Initiative: ATO
Streamline reimbursable process and procedures to Financial Management Systems
improve ATO management of reimbursable
agreements. Modernization
Activity Target 1: AJF-5 will improve budget planning and execution for
all ATO managed appropriations including Operations
Finalize standardized labor rates and associated
(OPS), Facilities and Equipment (F&E), and Research,
implementation strategy for integrating with the
Engineering, and Development (R,E&D). In
FAA financial systems and processes. Due
collaboration with stakeholder organizations, we will
January 31, 2010 Due January 31, 2010
collect, validate, and prioritize financial systems
Activity Target 2:
requirements to improve, procure, and/or develop new
Publish annual reimbursable report. Due January financial management systems to meet approved
31, 2010 Due January 31, 2010 budget planning, formulation, allocation, funds control,
Activity Target 3: execution, and reporting for ATO.
Establish baseline processing times and report Core Activity: ATO Financial
monthly. Due January 31, 2010 Due January 31, Management Systems Requirements
2010 Deliver budget planning, formulation, execution and
Activity Target 4: reporting systems for the Operations (OPS),
Finalize and begin implementation of to-be Facilities and Equipment (F&E), and Research,
process (guidance, tool, training). ) Due Engineering, and Development (R,E&D)
September 30, 2010 Due September 30, 2010 appropriations to meet near-term and future ATO
Activity Target 5: financial management requirements for system
users and stakeholder organizations.
Automate accounting processes within RA Toolset
(closeout, Rollover, Carryforward). Due September Activity Target 1:
30, 2010. Due September 30, 2010 In collaboration with AJF-1, AJF-2, and AFO,
identify and evaluate AJF system shortfalls in view
Core Business Initiative: Corporate of collected ATO budget requirements and
Work Plan expected future DOT accounting system capability
(e.g. 12i). Due December 31, 2009
Improve requirements planning and execution of F&E
Projects by developing a disciplined governance Activity Target 2:
process that includes Control Board, policies and In collaboration with AJF-1, AJF-2, and AFO,
procedures, and a plan to improve prioritization and identify and evaluate alternative system solutions
provide training. to the gaps identified under target 1 and develop a
Core Activity: Corporate Work Plan-CIP joint recommendation on the preferred system
M08.14-00 solution for senior management review and
Develop disciplined governance process that approval. Due March 31, 2010
includes Control Board, policies and procedures, Activity Target 3:
and a plan to improve prioritization and provide Based on approval obtained under target 2,
training. develop an acquisition strategy, SIR, ICGE, and
Activity Target 1: plan of action and milestones (POA&M) to design
Develop and deliver CWP training to 45 and implement the proposed solution. Brief
engineering personnel. Due September 30, 2010 management, obtain necessary approvals and
Due September 30, 2010 funding, and begin the acquisition process. Due
Activity Target 2: June 30, 2010
Prioritize CWP business process reengineering Core Activity: ATO Financial
recommendations and begin development of Management Systems Consolidation
implementation plan. Due June 30, 2010 Due June Plan
30, 2010 Evaluate AJF financial systems and tools for
Activity Target 3: common functionality to determine if consolidation of
Establish Corporate Work Plan Metrics. Due systems is feasible and economically viable.
December 31, 2009 Due December 31, 2009 Activity Target 1:
Review AJF systems capabilities against user

11/17/09 Page 146 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
requirements and develop a plan to consolidate Activity Target 1:
similar functions and "sunset" redundant or Determine ATO's requirements for the next DOT
unneeded capabilities. The plan is to include a accounting system (Oracle 12i) to be fielded in
timeline and cost estimate for completion. Due FY2012 or later. Due October 31, 2009 Due
May 31, 2010 October 31, 2009
Activity Target 2: Activity Target 2:
Transition systems currently hosted on VMware in Review current business rules in the Cost
FOB-10B (BET & SPIRE) to the EDC in OKC. Due Accounting System and develop recommendations
June 30, 2010 for strengthening justification for agency overflight
and user fees. Due July 31, 2010 Due July 31,
Core Activity: Baseline User
Satisfaction with Current Systems Activity Target 3:
Performance Brief senior management on the recommended
Survey system users to establish a customer
improvements for the Cost Accounting System
satisfaction baseline regarding functionality, ease-of-
developed under target 2 and obtain approval to
use, and support for AJF systems and tools.
proceed. Due September 30, 2010 Due
Activity Target 1: September 30, 2010
Develop and conduct system specific user
satisfaction surveys for AJF-5 managed systems Core Activity: ATO Financial Reporting
and tools. Due July 31, 2010 Work Breakdown Structure and Labor Distribution
Reporting Structure for ATO Financial Reporting.
Core Business Initiative: Activity Target 1:
Standardize and Integrate Data and Specify what agency level changes are needed, if
any, to existing WBS and LDR structure and
Toolsets develop a plan of action and timeline to revise
Evaluate the feasibility and potential benefits of agency orders and implement the changes. Due
expanding the use of ATO "cuff" systems to the FAA December 31, 2009 Due December 31, 2009
enterprise "core" system level. Activity Target 2:
Core Activity: Identify Standard Core
Identify underutilized system functions and
Systems reporting capabilities from "core" systems (e.g.
Assess the viability and cost of standardizing ATO PRISM, DELPHI, & ARS) and provide training to
systems (e.g. REGIS, CWP) to function as "core" the user community. Due September 30, 2010 Due
systems for the agency. September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 3:
In collaboration with AFO/ABA, review AJF
Complete design and implementation of Phase 2
financial applications, systems, and tools to
F&E Reporting. Provide Training to User
determine what capabilities should be
Community. Due June 30, 2010 Due June 30,
recommended for agency-wide implementation as
"core" systems and brief AJF and AFO/ABA
management. Due April 30, 2010 Due April 30, Core Business Initiative: Data
Activity Target 2:
Standardize and Integrate Data and Toolsets.
Develop a plan of action and milestones for each
system identified under target 1 for enterprise-wide
Core Activity: Improving CAS
implementation. Due July 31, 2010 Due July 31, Explore options for improving the Cost Accounting
2010 System (CAS).
Core Business Initiative: Future Activity Target 1:
ATO Systems Requirements Identify feasible CAS upgrades within existing
infrastructure and develop business case with cost
Determine strategy and plan of action for ATO
and schedule estimates. Due December 31, 2009
financial management and accounting systems
Activity Target 2:
consistent with ABA and DOT guidance.
Core Activity: ATO Stakeholder Conduct a detailed review of the current business
rules in CAS to determine if the cost allocation
process should be revised. Ensure that any
Collect, document, and prioritize ATO stakeholder
changes maintain consistency with reporting for
requirements for accounting, financial management,
prior periods. Due December 31, 2009
and reporting for incorporation into the DOT, FAA,
and ATO future systems requirements including Activity Target 3:
Oracle 12i. Conduct training sessions for AJF-3 on how to

11/17/09 Page 147 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
access and use CAS data to baseline operating Activity Target 3:
costs for legacy systems. Due January 31, 2010 Implement approved CWP system changes and
Activity Target 4: collaborate with AJF-2 to provide training to the
Conduct LDR outreach training to achieve user community. Due June 30, 2010
consistency to project charging. Due September
30, 2010 Core Activity: Alternatives for AJF
Activity Target 5: Systems and Tools Support
Identify alternatives for future technical and
Provide the Quarterly CAS Cost Efficiency Report
development support for AJF financial systems and
to AFO consisting of the Cost per IFR Flight Ratio
tools and reduce the total cost of the systems
with management discussion and analysis
comparison with prior quarter; the LDR compliance
Activity Target 1:
ratio, and the Staff Support Ratio, a new CAS
based metric. The reports are due Feb 28 for Complete transition of technical support for AJF
1stQTR, May 31 for 2nd QTR and August 31 for projects currently under Volpe/CSC to a new
3rd QTR. Due August 31, 2010 support contractor by January 31, 2010. Due
January 31, 2010
Core Activity: Help Desk Support Activity Target 2:
Improve Help Desk support.
Review alternatives and develop a transition plan
Activity Target 1: for long-term technical support for other AJF
Review current help desk process to identify areas systems currently supported under other contracts
for improvement to better support system users (e.g. SETA II, NISC). Due June 30, 2010
and obtain management approval to proceed. Due Activity Target 3:
June 30, 2010 Eliminate failure risk to AJF managed systems due
Activity Target 2: to the departure of key personnel providing
Implement approved recommendations identified technical support. Ensure that adequate system
under target 1 and communicate changes to user documentation exists for continuity of operation in
community. Due September 30, 2010 the event any key personnel become unavailable.
Due September 30, 2010
Core Activity: Contract Accruals
Expand use of contract accruals to improve Core Activity: Review and
accuracy of monthly cost reporting. Consolidation of Data Warehouses
Activity Target 1: In collaboration with AJF-A3, assess the continuing
Evaluate contracts for major OPS and F&E need for all legacy ATO data warehouses and
programs to capture a greater percentage of develop recommendations for consolidation or
accrued contract costs in the monthly report. Due elimination of unneeded capability.
December 31, 2009 Activity Target 1:
Activity Target 2: Lead a review of the data warehouses used by
ATO to determine if all are needed. Develop
Develop a standardized, repeatable, and verifiable
recommendations for consolidation and
reporting process for contract accruals and
elimination of unneeded warehouses. Due June
evaluate the feasibility of transferring the monthly
30, 2010
reporting responsibility to ATO COTRs and provide
training. Due June 30, 2010 Core Business Target: AJF
Core Activity: Improve Corporate Work Strategic Goal 3: Establish
Plan (CWP)
Improve Corporate Work Plan (CWP) World Class Information
Activity Target 1: Technology Capability for the Air
Assist AJF-9, with evaluation of CWP modules to Traffic Organization
identify opportunities for modules consolidation or Establish World Class IT Capability for ATO by
other system technology changes to improve developing a multi-year Strategy and Road Map for
CWP operation. Due December 31, 2009 achieving long term goals; achieving recognition of AJF-
Activity Target 2: A as the single office responsible for managing all
Develop system change requests for aspects of non-NAS IT; completing an inventory of all IT
recommendations developed under target 1 and systems (current and under development) within ATO;
obtain approval from the Configuration developing IT staffing Plans, developing ATO policy and
Management Board to proceed. Due March 31, governance for all non-NAS IT capability and developing
2010 performance measurement plans for ATO IT.
Where appropriate, possible and feasible, activities

11/17/09 Page 148 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
under this goal will be coordinated with other AJF and appropriate. Due July 31, 2010
ATO organizational units/directors, with the FAA Office of
Activity Target 6:
the CIO, and with other FAA Lines of Business to effect
synergy and collaboration to achieve shared goals and Develop and implement an organizational and
objectives. functional performance measurement plan for ATO
IT. Due September 30, 2010
Core Business Initiative: Centralize
ATO IT management functions Core Business Target: Improve
This AJF goal will be accomplished by centralizing Investment Analysis Guidance
management of ATO IT functions under the Office of In support of our customers and AEB objectives, produce
the ATO CIO to include: IT Governance; IT user-friendly, up-to-date guidance materials.
Performance Measurement; IT Application Delivery
and Management; IT Infrastructure Delivery, Core Business Initiative: Develop
Operation, and Management; IT Talent Management;
Information Security and Business Continuity; and
User-Friendly Business Case
Vendor Management. Metrics will be established and Guidance
best practice benchmarks will be used to determine a Using appropriate media, update and improve
baseline maturity level. business case guidance.
Core Activity: Planning, Inventory and Core Activity: Business Case Guide
Performance Measurement Using appropriate media, update and improve
Complete multi-year strategy and road map, business case guidance.
establish AJF-A as single manager of non-NAS Activity Target 1:
systems, inventory ATO IT systems, develop staffing Create a Business Case Analysis Guide that
plan, implement governance and performance includes processes, best practices, and agency
measurement plan. examples. Due September 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Complete development of a multi-year strategy Core Business Target:
and road map for achieving the long-term goal. Strengthen Core Skills Within
This will establish a baseline level of maturity for
the existing IT functions; major milestones, AJF-3
initiatives, and outcomes; identification of major Ensure adequate staffing and skill mix to support the full
services provided; and identification of major risks range of AJF-3 responsibilities.
and obstacles to achieving this strategic goal. Due
January 31, 2010 Core Business Initiative: Staffing
Activity Target 2: and Recruiting
Achieve recognition of AJF-A as the single office Ensure adequate staffing and skill mix to support the
responsible for managing all aspects of non-NAS full range of AJF-3 responsibilities.
information technology in the ATO (formally Core Activity: Analytical and Leadership
establish the Office of the CIO). Due March 31, Strength
2010 Continue to strengthen the ability of our organization
Activity Target 3: to provide leadership in planning, business process
Conduct and complete an inventory of all IT reengineering and performance metrics reporting
systems, applications, and capability currently Activity Target 1:
operating or under development within the ATO. Hire 10 analysts for AJF-3. Due July 31, 2010
Where appropriate, this activity will be coordinated
with the FAA Office of the CIO, and with other FAA
Lines of Business. Due June 30, 2010 Core Business Target: Cost
Activity Target 4: Control - Chart and Map
Develop and document an IT staffing plan,
including initial identification of 'missing' skill areas products
and resource estimates to address these areas. Implement the High Performing Organization (HPO)
Due June 30, 2010 initiative to reduce waste associated with FAA's internal,
Activity Target 5: annual requirement for aeronautical chart and map
products. Reduce the ATO's consumption of
Develop and implement ATO policy and aeronautical charts by 50% in FY 2010, for a total cost
governance for the submission, review, validation avoidance of $1.0M.
and budget request for all non-NAS IT capability.
This activity will be coordinated with the AJF
directors/organizational units, ATO Lines of
Business, and the FAA Office of the CIO as
11/17/09 Page 149 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Initiative: HPO - Targeted Disabilities Goals
Instrument Flight Procedures and AJG will provide support of the Secretary of
Charting Transportation's fiscal year goal that 3 percent of all
new hires are individuals with targeted (severe)
High Performing Organization (HPO) related to the
Instrument Flight Procedures and Charting activities.
Core Activity: ATO actions in support of
Core Activity: Aeronautical Navigation
DOT FY goal that 3% of all new hires are
The ATO is implementing an OMB-approved High individuals with targeted disabilities
Performing Organization within Technical ATO will take actions that are intended to result in
Operations, Aviation System Standards the
organization. hiring of people with targeted disabilities.
Activity Target 1: Activity Target 1:
Reduce the ATO's consumption of aeronautical ATO will sponsor a hiring fair for people with
charts by 50% in FY 2010, for a total cost targeted disabilities. Due September 30, 2010
avoidance of $1.0M. Due September 30, 2010 Activity Target 2:
ATO will sponsor a national ATN training for
Core Business Target: Achieve managers and supervisors on the People with
Disabilities Program. Due September 30, 2010
the En Route and Oceanic Activity Target 3:
Services Target for Total Labor ATO will report quarterly to ACR on actions taken
Obligations to hire qualified people with targeted disabilities.
Be better stewards of public funds by managing total Air Due September 30, 2010
Traffic Organization, En Route and Oceanic Services
labor obligations. FY 2010 Target: not to exceed $TBD
Core Business Target:
per one forecasted Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) flight in International Organization for
the National Airspace System (NAS), as measured
monthly and year to date. FY 2010 Target will be set by Standardization 9001
October 31, 2009. In FY 2010, the Air Traffic Organization Office of Safety
will begin to attain International Organization for
Core Business Initiative: Effectively Standardization Registration.
Manage Total Service Unit Labor Core Business Initiative:
Obligations to Prevent Fraud, Waste International Organization for
and Abuse Standardization 9001 Employee
Effectively manage total Service Unit labor obligations.
Core Activity: Effectively Manage Total The Office of Safety is on the path to International
Organization for Standardization certification. The
Service Unit Labor Obligations International Organization for Standardization requires
Conduct vulnerability assessments in En Route
that we: - Plan our services and products - Perform our
organizational units.
services and produce our products - Measure the
Activity Target 1: quality of our services and products - Improve our
Conduct ten organizational assessments. Due services and products based on the results of those
September 30, 2010 measurements - International Organization for
Activity Target 2: Standardization requires us to integrate six processes
Assess progress towards achieving year-end into our day-to-day activities. These processes are
performance goal. Due March 31, 2010 Document Control, Control of Records, Corrective
Action, Preventive Action, Action to Correct Non-
Core Business Target: New Conforming Products and Services, and Internal
Hires with Targeted Disabilities Core Activity: Realize Benefits of
AJG will track and report quarterly on actions taken in
support of the Secretary of Transportation's fiscal year International Organization for
goal that 3 percent of all new hires are individuals with Standardization 9001 through Employee
targeted (severe) disabilities. Training
Begin implementation of International Organization
Core Business Initiative: Support for Standardization 9001 process required for
the Agency's New Hires with International Organization for Standardization
11/17/09 Page 150 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Activity Target 1: provide review and comment to proposed ICAO AT
Establish training criteria for all Office of Safety directives changes from a procedures perspective;
employees to achieve International Organization review proposed FAA directives procedures actions
for Standardization 9001. Due September 30, for differences with ICAO pubs; baseline differences
2010 between ICAO/FAA AT documents; work with the
operational elements to collect differences lists;
Core Business Target: Process colate, and format differences and send to
publications group for AIP publication.
and Procedures Activity Target 1:
Improve cross ATO processes and procedures and ATC
international harmonization efforts. Establish PDG ICAO tasks. Due March 30, 2010

Core Business Initiative: System Core Business Target: Allocate

Operations Procedures PC&B
Development Group Develop a method to add PC&B across all Activities in
The Procedures Development Group (PDG) is the Business Plan.
responsible for the stewardship of air traffic control
procedures. It provides the guidelines and standard Core Business Initiative: Allocate
operating practices (SOPs) for Document Change PC&B
Proposals(DCPs), Notices, General Notices Develop a method to Allocate PC&B to all activities in
(GENOTs), interpretations, waivers, or other requests the Business Plan.
that would establish or change an air traffic control Core Activity: Allocate PC&B
procedure, policy, or guidance contained in a directive Develop a method to allocate PC&B to Activities in
or publication. The stewardship of these processes the Business Plan.
ensures the timely development, tracking,
Activity Target 1:
coordination, publication, and distribution of quality
procedures and associated documents supporting the Allocate PC&B to activities in the Business Plan.
delivery of air traffic services. The PDG operates Due September 30, 2010
collaboratively with change initiators which generate
the change requests, and across operating elements
Core Business Target: Positive
(Terminal, Enroute, Flight Service, Traffic communication for safety
Management, Operations Security, DOD, etc) which
are responsible for their execution. initiatives
Core Activity: Joint Procedures Ensure that at least three articles, news stories or videos
on separate issues appear in major publications,
Automation And Management System websites or public forums that positively highlight ATO
(JPAMS) safety initiatives and when appropriate, incorporate the
Implement working capability Joint Procedures ATO safety messages..
Automation and Management System (JPAMS), a
web based system that automates many of the AJR- Core Business Initiative: News
53 business processes, including: the air traffic Coverage of ATO Activities
procedures publication reference library, tracking Ensure that at least three articles, news stories or
and coordination of document change requests, and videos on separate issues appear in major
resulting distribution of air traffic procedure publications, websites or public forums that positively
documents. The automation of these processes will highlight ATO safety initiatives and when appropriate,
decrease the processing time and improve tracking incorporate the ATO safety messages.
and accuracy of change requests, and enable
stakeholders to research the etymology of words
Core Activity: Messaging Alignment and
and paragraphs in these documents. Quality Control
Activity Target 1: Establish a formal structure to embed
communication professionals within the major
Establish internal PDG working capability of
functional areas of ATO.
JPAMS. Due April 30, 2010
Activity Target 1:
Core Activity: Integrate ICAO into Air Complete and approve a business case outlining
Traffic Procedures Action Process the structure, process, benefits, and
Integrate ICAO into the procedures development implementation plan within the Fiscal Year. Due
group (PDG) by establishing tasks within the PDG to September 30, 2010
administer ICAO document review functions for air
traffic procedure changes requests, and a plan to
work with operational elements to identify and file
differences for publication in the AIP. PDG will
11/17/09 Page 151 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Business Target: Positive Activity Target 2:
Complete 100% of the documents required for
outreach for efficiency and IARD. These documents include Shortfall Analysis
capacity enhancements document, Functional Analysis document,
Preliminary Requirements document, and
Ensure that at least three articles, news stories or videos
on separate issues appear in major publications, Alternatives Descriptions document. Due
websites or public forums that positively highlight ATO September 30, 2010
technology or procedural advances that increase
capacity and/or efficiency and when appropriate,
Core Business Target:
incorporate the FAA's capacity and efficiency messages. Strengthen Core Skills Within
Core Business Initiative: News AJF-9
Coverage of ATO Activities Ensure adequate staffing and skill mix to support the full
Ensure that major efficiency and capacity range of AJF-9 responsibilities.
enhancements accomplished by the ATO are
Core Business Initiative: Staffing
Core Activity: Messaging Alignment and and Recruiting
Quality Control Ensure adequate staffing and skill mix to support the
Establish a formal structure to embed full range of AJF-9 responsibilities.
communication professionals within the major Core Activity: Analytical and Leadership
functional areas of ATO. Strength
Activity Target 1: Continue to strengthen the ability of our organization
Facilitate publication of at least three separate, to provide leadership in planning, business process
positive articles, news stories or videos on reengineering and performance metrics reporting
efficiency and capacity enhancements during the Activity Target 1:
Fiscal Year. Due September 30, 2010 Hire 5 analysts for AJF-9. Due September 30,
Core Business Target:
Consolidate Flight Services from Core Business Target: FAA
four platforms to one Acquisition Workforce Plan
Ensure FAA has the staffing and skill mix to successfully
Reduce the amount of time it takes to complete phase 1 manage NextGen and other major acquisitions by
of the Flight Services Modernization Investment Analysis achieving an Actual on Board count for acquisition
Lifecycle by 12.5%. Achieve phase 1 by September 30, positions at or above 95% of FY10 projected
2010 requirements (as published in 2009 Acquisition
Core Business Initiative: Flight Workforce Plan) by September 30, 2010. Expand and
update FAA's Acquisition Workforce Plan to include pre-
Services Modernization Investment Concept & Requirements Definition research and
Analysis System Lifecycle development, and acquisition workforce requirements for
Completion of the 3 phases of the Investment Analysis ATO service centers, ARC, and AVS; publish by 30 June
System Lifecycle is essential to the Flight Services 2010.
platform transition. This platform transition will lead to
future cost savings, increase efficiency, and have the Core Business Initiative: Implement
potential to save lives with the implementation of and Update FAA's Acquisition
enhanced services. Workforce Plan
Core Activity: Complete phase 1 of Ensure FAA has the staffing and skill mix to
Flight Services Modernization successfully manage major acquisitions through
Achieve the necessary activities needed to enter implementing, expanding, and updating FAA's
phase 1 of the Flight Services platform transition, Acquisition Workforce Plan. The Plan identifies, by
which include the Concept and Requirements organization, current and projected staffing
Definition (CRD) and the Initial Acquisition requirements in core acquisition disciplines and
Readiness Decision (IARD) for a modernized associated strategies to address workforce staffing
automation system. and competency requirements. Core disciplines
Activity Target 1: include engineering and research, program
Attain Service Unit approval for CRD by March 31, management, business/financial management,
2010. This action will aid in the transition from contracting, COTR, test and evaluation, and integrated
four Flight Services Platforms to one. Due March lifecycle logistics.
31, 2010
11/17/09 Page 152 of 153 Fiscal Year 2010 ATO Business Plan
Core Activity: Implement 2009
Acquisition Workforce Plan
Implement strategies identified in 2009 Acquisition
Workforce Plan.
Activity Target 1:
Meet 90% of the activity targets identified in the
FY10 project plan to implement the acquisition
workforce plan strategies. Due September 30,
Core Activity: Expand and Update
Acquisition Workforce Plan
Expand and update FAA's Acquisition Workforce
Plan to include pre-Concept & Requirements
Definition research and development, and
acquisition workforce requirements for ATO service
centers, ARC, and AVS; publish by 30 June 2010.
Activity Target 1:
Publish annual update to plan by June 30, 2010.
Due June 30, 2010

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