Activity Virtual 2 ... Dialogos

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Karen yiset Caicedo Bustos ficha 1834864

English virtual activity 2 

Complete the dialogues (PDF file) with the words in the box, organizing them in the
table (WORD file). 

Dialogue 1 

A: Nice phone, Roy. 

B: Thanks. It’s (1) new. 

A: My (2) brother has the same phone. His is white, too. 

B: Yeah, black phones are OK, but I think white phones are awesome. 

A: Me too. 

Dialogue 2 

A: Is (4) that your tablet, Wendy? 

B: Yes, it is. 

A: It’s really (5) nice. Is it new? 

B: No, not really. It’s (6) old.

A: I (7) want a tablet, too. 

Dialogue 3 

A: ¡Hey, (8) look at that laptop! 

B: (9) where? 

A: Over there. Look, it’s very (10) cheap. 

B: No, it isn’t. Look at the zeros. 

A: Oh, yes. It is (11) expensive. Silly me! 
Dialogue 4 

A: Excuse me ma’am. ¿Can you (12) open your bag, please? 

B: Sure. Let me see. I (13) have my laptop and my (14) cellphone. 

A: ¿What’s (15) this?

B: That ́s my (16) umbrella. 

A: Oh, it’s very (17) small. 

B: I also have my (18) keys. 

A: ¿Are (19) these your sunglasses? 

B: Yes, they (20) are. 

A: OK, that’s fine. You can put them back now. Have a nice flight. 

B: Thanks. 

Dialogue 5 

A: He’y, Steve. (21) take this to Mr. Dupont for me please. 

B: Of course. Mr. Blake. Umm...Who’s Mr. Dupont again? 

A: The new (22) French teacher. Umm... is he (23) chubby? 
A: No, he’s (24) tall and (25) slim. 

B: ¿He has (26) short dark hair, right? 

A: No, he has short (27) gray hair. 

B: I think I know Mr. Dupont. ¿He is (29) Young, right? 

A: Well, not that young. He’s middle-aged. 

B: OK. I’ll (30) find him. 

A: Thanks Steve. 

Dialogue 6 

A: ¿Do you (31) like soccer? 

B: No, I don´t I (33) think it’s boring. 

A: I really like soccer. I (34) watch the soccer final every year. 

B: ¿Do you (35) play soccer a lot? 

A: No, I don’t play at all. I just watch it on T.V. 

B: I see. 

Dialogue 7 

A: ¿Do you like sports, Fred? 

B: Well, I like cycling very (36) much. 

A: Really? I like cycling, too. Let’s go cycling together. I (37) go every evening after work. 

B: I don’t. I don’t have time. I go on the (38) weekends. 

A: Oh, I see. 

Dialogue 8 

A: Let’s play ping-pong (39) today. 

B: Oh, no, not again. 

A: Come on, it’s fun! 

B: No, it isn’t. I (40)_ hate it. Hey, let’s watch tennis on TV today. 

A: TV’s boring! 

B: Yeah, you’re right. 

A: I have an idea! Let’s go to the park and play tennis. 

B: OK, it’s a change from ping-pong 

Dialogue 9 

A: ¿Excuse me, can I ask you some questions for a survey? 

B: Sure. 

A: Thanks. How old are you? 

B: I’m (42) 26. 

A: ¿OK, do you have a lot of spare time? 

B: No, I don’t. I’m a college student, and I (43) study a lot. 

A: ¿What do you do in your spare time? 

B: Umm... I like sports and I hang out with my friends. 

A: Anything else? 

B: Umm...I don’t like video games, but I (45) read magazines a lot. 

A: OK. What about your favorite spare time activity? 

B: I (46) love the gym. I go there every day. 

A: On the weekend, too? 

B: No, just on weekdays. 

A: I see. And (47) who do you go there with? 

B: My (48) Friends from college. They love going to the gym, too. 

A. Great. That’s all, thank you. 

Dialogue 10 

A: ¿Excuseme, can I ask you some questions for a survey? 

B: Sure. What’s it about? 

A: (49) housework.

B: OK. 

A: ¿Do you live alone? 

B: No, I’m (50) married. 

A: OK. Who usually does the dishes in your house? 

B: I (51) always do the dishes. 

A: ¿After every meal? 

B: Yes, breakfast, (52) lunch and dinner. You see, I don’t (53) work.

A: ¿And do you vacuum, too? 

B: Yes, I do. Mark hates vacuuming but he does other jobs. 

A: Like what? 

B: Well, he washes the car every week, usually on (54) sundays. 

A: I see. Anything else? Does he do the laundry? 

B: No, I do that. It’s my favorite job around the house. 

A: What about the (55) grocery shopping? 

B: Well, Mark and I always go grocery shopping together on (56) Thursday evenings. 

A: I see. Thanks for your time. 

B: No problem. 

Dialogue 11 

A: Hey Richard. 

B: What’s up Ken? What are you doing there? 

A: I’m trying to c(57) change my MP3 player. 

B: Need any help? 

A: Yes, please. This is the right charger, right? 

B: Yeah, but I think you (58) need to turn it on to charge it. 

A: Really? 

B: Yes, look. There you go. 

A: Thanks a lot. 

B: Don’t mention it. 

Dialogue 12 

A: Hi, Natalie. 

B: Hi there, Jenny. 

A: ¿Are you working on your English (59) assignment ? 

B: No, I’m not. I’m downloading some songs. 

A: Anything good? 

B: Yeah, I think so. Jenny, I want to put them on my tablet, but I don’t know how. Can you (60)
help me? 

A: I’m afraid I don’t know about tablets. My brother does, though. Maybe I can ask him. 

B: No, it’s OK. Thanks anyway. 



B: Hi, Simon. How is it


A: Not too bad. (61) where are

B: I’m in

A: Lucky guy. What’s it like


B: Nice and (62) sunny , as usual. What about

New York? 


B: Is it raining

A: Yeah, every day for a week,


B: Well at least it isn’t

A: That’s true.

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