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Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration

activities in aviation biofuels
David Chiaramonti ⇑, Matteo Prussi, Marco Buffi, Daniela Tacconi
RE-CORD and CREAR, University of Florence, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s

 Routes to aviation biofuels are examined, focusing on drop-in biofuels, capable of high blend levels with fossil kerosene.
 Industrial demonstration activities are reported.
 Used cooking oil is considered as alternative sustainable biomass feedstock for paraffinic fuel production.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Alternative fuels are expected to play a major role in EU in the coming years due European Directives on
Received 5 November 2013 the promotion of renewable energies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in transports. However,
Received in revised form 12 July 2014 while in road transports a variety of possible renewable fuels (mainly biofuels, but also electricity) can be
Accepted 15 August 2014
considered, in aviation only high quality paraffinic biofuels can be adopted. This means that biomass
Available online xxxx
must be converted through advanced processes into pure hydrocarbon fuels, fully compatible with the
existing systems. The aviation sector is responsible for the 2% of the world anthropogenic CO2 emissions
and the 10% of the fuel consumption: airlines’ costs for fuel reach 30% of operating costs. In addition, the
aviation traffic is expected to double within 15 years from 2012, while fuel consumption and CO2 emis-
Bioenergy sions should double in 25 years. Thus, more than 2 billion people and 40 Mt of good/cargo will have to be
Vegetable oil moved every year. In this context, the EU Flightpath set a target of 2 Mt per year for aviation alternative
fuel by 2020 (i.e. 4% of annual fuel consumption). New processes towards bio-hydrocarbons are being
developed, demonstrated and soon industrialized.
The present work explores the possible routes from biomass feedstock to sustainable paraffinic fuels,
either through bio or thermo-chemical processes, as well as discusses those more mature, focusing on
industrial demonstration initiatives. In fact, while the number of possible options towards paraffinic bio-
fuel production is very large, and covers both thermochemical and biochemical routes, as well as hybrid
one, only two pathways are today ready for testing a significant large scale: these are FT and Hydrotreat-
ing. Major industrial activities and testing experiences are thus reported in the present work.
In this context, the ITAKA group is developing a full value-chain in Europe to produce sustainable drop-
in Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (SPK) – called HEFA – in an economically, socially and environmentally
sound manner, at large scale enough to allow testing its use in existing logistic systems and in normal
flight operations in Europe. The generated knowledge will aim to identify and address barriers to inno-
vation. Within ITAKA, possible pre-processing of used (waste) cooking oil (UCO) to make it compatible
with current downstream hydroprocessing techniques are being investigated: this can includes esterifi-
cation of waste oils, as well as catalytic thermal processing, which will be carried out in a pilot unit avail-
able at RE-CORD/CREAR. First samples of feedstock oils were collected and characterized, for further
investigation towards their conversion into biokerosene through hydrotreatment.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

⇑ Corresponding author. Address: RE-CORD/CREAR, c/o Dept of Industrial Engi-

The aviation sector is expected to become a considerable mar-
neering, University of Florence, Viale Morgagni 40/44, 50134 Florence, Italy. Tel.:
+39 055 4796436; fax: +39 055 4796324. ket for advanced biofuel in the coming years [1]. There are several
E-mail address: (D. Chiaramonti). reasons for that [1,2]:
0306-2619/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Chiaramonti D et al. Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration activities in aviation biofuels.
Appl Energy (2014),
2 D. Chiaramonti et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx


APU Auxiliary Power Unit HRJ Hydrotreated Renewable Jetfuel

BTL Biomass to Liquid HVO Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil
CTL Coal to Liquid IEA International Energy Agency
EC European Commission MGTs Micro Gas Turbines
EU European Union PO Pyrolysis Oil
FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (biodiesel) RED Renewable Energy Directive (EC/28/2009)
FP7 7th Framework Programme RME Rape Methyl Ester
FT Fischer–Tropsch fuels SPK Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene
GHG Greenhouse gas emissions UCO Used Cooking Oil
GTL Gas to Liquid VO Vegetable Oil
HEFA Hydrotreated Ester and Fatty Acids

 Aviation generates approximately 2% of the world CO2 emis- for the production of biomass-derived diesel-like fuels of higher
sions, and covers 10% of total fuel consumption. quality (compared to FAME/biodiesel). This type of biofuels are
 More than 2 billion people and 40 Mt of good/cargo will have to currently dominating the scene, with almost 2.2 Million tonnes
be moved every year. per year of production. However, even if a truly advanced process
 Airlines operational costs are significantly dependent on fuel is applied, the feedstock still remains conventional (lipids), and it is
costs, which corresponds to roughly 30% of the total. therefore essential to ensure that sustainably grown crops (as
 Aviation traffic should double within 15 years from 2012, while Camelina) or waste oils (as used cooking oils, or other oily resi-
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions should double in 25 years. dues) are used as feedstocks. More in general, HVOs requires that
 While some road transports could be shifted to other alternative sustainable means/solutions are in place in order to be considered
fuels than biofuels, as green electricity, this will not be the case as a real sustainable alternative biomass-based fuel.
for airplanes where kerosene will always be required, either of The target set by the EU Flightpath for the aviation sector
fossil or renewable origin. focuses on all production routes, but in particular considers syn-
 Airlines will also have to implement concrete actions in view of thetic or biologically-derived paraffinic fuels from biomasses. The
GHG emission reduction. A target has been set in the EU: 2 Mt biofuels for aviation must be fully compatible and blendable with
aviation alternative fuel by 2020 (corresponding to 4% of annual standard fossil fuels (as Jet-A fuel). These fuels must also be tested
fuel consumption). and certified before commercial use, and emissions verified. In
 Sustainability will be a key factor to gain public acceptance of addition, not only production and use must be developed and
any alternative fuels: thus, advanced biofuels, i.e. those biofuels checked, but also the entire transportation and distribution chain.
produced with innovative GHG-efficient technologies from sus- The FP7 EU project ITAKA project is focused on the analysis and
tainably cultivated crops or agricultural residues/wastes, will the test of solutions towards biofuels in aviation. This paper intro-
represent the preferred option. duces the issue of aviation biofuels, the production routes cur-
rently under investigation or already industrialized, and those
New processes towards bio-hydrocarbons must therefore be still at research level, the expected costs, and the efforts currently
developed, demonstrated and industrialized in a very short period being carried out by the ITAKA European Consortium – composed
to meet these ambitious goals. It is estimated that by 2020 nine by research centers and large companies – in the field of produc-
refineries able to deliver these 2 Mt will have to be developed, with tion and testing of sustainable aviation biofuel.
an estimated total investment cost of approximately 3 billion €.
So far, innovation and industrialization of advanced biofuel pro- 2. Defining the European regulatory framework
duction technologies has been driven by road transports: today a
great attention is given to aviation applications, were large amount Aviation, as well as the other means of transport, needs to face
of hydrocarbon biofuels fully compatible with existing fuel infra- various challenges posed both by climate change as well as key
structure, distribution and utilization systems will be requested. financial factors. The increasing cost of conventional jet fuel and
A common definition of drop-in fuel used in the aviation sector the likely cost of meeting emission reduction targets, as well as
is a fuel [3] ‘‘which [. . .] meet the specifications of crude oil derived jet an increasingly societal expectation, are driving the sector investi-
fuel and result in the same overall performance. As such the use of an gation on different pathways of fuel production [4]. The public and
alternative fuel would represent no change or challenge in the ground political pressure on the sector to decrease GHG emission was con-
and supply infrastructure, airframe or engines.’’ tinuously rising during last years, particularly in Europe after the
The main technical approaches to 2nd generation biofuel pro- extension of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
duction are represented by the biochemical route and the thermo- to the air transport sector since January 2013 [5] that will add
chemical pathway, even if hybrid (bio/thermochemical) and/or another component to the overall cost of jet fuel [6]. Also for this
purely chemical solutions were also developed. Typical examples reason the aviation industry has committed itself to reduce net
of new generation fuels are lignocellulosic ethanol (and higher CO2 emissions of 50% by 2050 compared with 2005 levels, and to
alcohols), Fischer–Tropsch (FT) fuels, green diesel/fuels from pyro- achieve carbon–neutral growth by 2020 [7], a really ambitious
lysis oil, synthetic natural gas, etc., as described later in the present goal.
work. These biofuels have in common the use of lignocellulosic Nevertheless, the large scale deployment of sustainable biofuels
(either dedicated or residual) or unconventional (e.g. algae) feed- in air transport has been slow down by inadequate policies and
stocks, rather than conventional food-competing sugar or oily regulations. The Renewable Energy Directive (Directive 2009/28/
crops. EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources)
A special case is represented by hydrotreated vegetable oils, set up the objective of 10% of renewable energy consumption in
which have been commercially developed by various companies transport in 2020, promoting the use of biofuels (through the

Please cite this article in press as: Chiaramonti D et al. Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration activities in aviation biofuels.
Appl Energy (2014),
D. Chiaramonti et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

double counting mechanism), but in rail and road sector only. The Dynamic Fuels are exploring at industrial case the hydrotreatment
strong effort towards the production of sustainable biofuels process of vegetable oils for aviation biofuel production.
endorse the terrestrial transport sector, following a limited access Sugars and alcohols can also be a way to paraffinic fuels. The
for air transport to renewable sources [8]. However there are some sugar-based approach proposed by Amyris uses microorganisms
important recent developments in the regulatory field: converting the sugars into terpenes (and then kerosene, diesel-like
fuels, and chemicals), while the one proposed by Virent is based on
 From January 2013 it is mandatory that also biojet fuels meet catalyst chemistry to produce alkanes and a range of hydrocarbons
the RED sustainable requirements in order to be eligible for and chemicals. The direct conversion of sugars to hydrocarbon
exemption from EU ETS. fuels developed by Amyris ferments the sugars to farnesene, which
 The potential introduction of the Indirect Land Use Change as is then converted in a range of products as emollients, surfactants,
new parameter (ILUC factors) to evaluate the sustainability of industrial lubricants and biofuels, including aviation ones. Another
a biofuel, together with the usual direct emissions, creates possible way is to grow lipids-accumulating microorganisms on
new challenges to the whole biofuel sector [9]. sugars, and then to extract and process the lipids as previously
described. The technology developed by the company Solazyme
The European Parliament, in response to the EC proposal for [20], based on proprietary heterotrophic microalgae modified to
amendment of the Renewable Energy Directive, on 11 September accumulate more than 80% oil, is a good example of industrial
2013 proposed a cap to first generation biofuels with potential development in this direction. Alcohols, especially higher alcohols,
negative impact on indirect land use change: this class should can also be feedstock to biofuels production through dehydration,
account for no more than 6% of the 10% target (in energy) for oligomerization and hydroprocessing.
renewable energy use in transport by 2020 under the EU Renew- As regards lignocellulosic biomass, two possible process routes
able Energy Directive [10]. The proposal also would ensure that can be implemented, the biochemical pathway and the thermo-
advanced biofuels with low ILUC effects account for 2.5%, counted chemical one. The biochemical path starts with biomass pretreat-
fourfold when derived from algae, bacteria and carbon captures. ment, which aims at opening the biomass structure to allow the
Used cooking oils and animal fats are double counted but outside enzyme to penetrate the feedstock and hydrolyse the sugar poly-
the percentage of 2.5% of advanced biofuels [11]. This proposal is mers cellulose and hemicellulose. The severity of the pretreatment
under discussion vis a vis the European Council, which is elaborat- step (in terms of temperature and pressure) however can generate
ing its own position on the subject. fermentation inhibitors: therefore, being the cellulose and hemi-
Currently aviation is still exempt from quotas of renewable cellulose two very different polymers in terms of degradation
fuels that have been imposed on other transport sectors. However, behavior, several companies (as Biochemtex, in its PROESA ligno-
the ongoing discussion on the policy framework should drive the cellulosic ethanol technology) developed a two step pretreatment
sector – even if no mandatory targets are set – to focus on highly approach, which first separates and liquefies the hemicellulose
GHG-efficient fuels deriving by feedstock that do not harm current (C5) sugars and then process the cellulose (C6) at higher severity.
land use patterns, such as lignocellulosic fuels, or algae and waste When monomeric sugars are available, fermentation occur by ded-
fuels. In other terms, not only GHG emission reduction is impor- icated yeasts into ethanol and other products, and then lignin is
tant, but also the direct and indirect land use becomes a major ele- separated from the stream. Being lignin a phenolic and aromatic
ment in sustainability assessment of a biofuel supply chain. Finally, rich feedstock, it can be the base for further processing into a range
depending on the outcome of the RED revision (not yet know), dif- of products, either chemicals or fuels, including aviation kerosene.
ferent impacts on feedstock costs will occur: aviation biofuel users Sugars could also be used to produce aviation biofuels through the
will have to carefully take into consideration to achieve economic previously described process routes: however, it has to be taken
balance. into account that the beer is a mix of C6 and C5 sugars, and that
conventional microorganisms could process only C6 ones. Thus,
additional R&D work is necessary on this route.
3. Production of sustainable aviation biofuels The process makes available lignin as co-product: this repre-
sents an aromatic/phenolic rich feedstock, that can be processed
3.1. Possible production routes into a bio-reformate and then to a variety of added value products.
Paraffinic biofuels from biofuels are a possibility that will be
Conventional biofuels cannot be blended even at very few per- explored in future R&D&D projects.
centages to fossil kerosene, as fuel standards are very strict for air- The thermochemical pathway is instead based on high temper-
craft engines [12–17]. This applies also to distilled fractions of ature oxygen gasification followed by the well known Fischer Trop-
conventional biofuels. The conversion of biomass into hydrocarbon sch (FT) process (developed in early 1900 in Germany) [21]. FT-
biofuels can be carried out according to various different path- Liquids are already commercially distributed by several oil compa-
ways: a summary of the most interesting routes – currently under nies (as premium fuel) on roads: these synthetic fuels are made
investigation and demonstration by companies and research insti- from gas or coal (GTL or CTL). The only player today commercially
tutions worldwide – is given in the following Fig. 1. operating in the CTL field is SASOL [22], a large South African pet-
The first route is based on vegetable oils and fats, thus on feed- rochemical company. These FT liquids derived from fossil fuels can
stock such as oil seeds or algae rich in lipids, or residues as used be blended up to 50% in aviation kerosene (Jet-A1) as they do not
cooking oil or animal tallow, or even co-products as crude tall oil contain aromatics needed for lubricity and seal swelling, the only
from the paper making industry. Esterification is not a viable exception being the SASOL Fully Synthetic Jet Fuel. The same route
option towards the production of aviation fuel: the so called ‘‘bio- can be used from biomass rather than from coal or gas: however,
diesel’’, is a mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) to be used even if the route looks similar (and it is named BtL) [23,24] several
as low (5–7%) blend component in road transport. On the contrary, different problems exist and R&D is still needed before achieving
hydrotreating of lipids can be applied to produce aviation fuels, as industrial application, such as the production of syngas with suffi-
it is already done by several companies (e.g. Neste Oil, Petrobras, cient quality, overcoming the variability in biomass feedstock com-
ENI/UOP, etc.) for higher quality (compared to FAME) biomass position and its impact on reactor operation and downstream
derived diesel. In addition, today Neste Oil, UOP/Altair, and processes [25].

Please cite this article in press as: Chiaramonti D et al. Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration activities in aviation biofuels.
Appl Energy (2014),
4 D. Chiaramonti et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Main possible pathways to biofuels – possible aviation biofuels boxes in bold (elaborated from [3,18,19]).

The possibility to ferment syngas from thermochemical conver- allow to assess the full value chain. Evidence on biojet fuel costs
sion has also to be mentioned, as it is currently under development remains scarce, but recent studies, modeling processes and input
by companies as Swedish Biofuels and LanzaTech. In this process, for the HEFA chain, indicate that it should be possible to produce
after the gasification step the gas is fermented to alcohols or other bio-kerosene at less than US$1.50 per liter [6]. The economic evi-
added value products, including paraffinic fuels. dence on the cost structure show relevant differences between
Pyrolysis of biomass is another option to derive a liquid inter- FT-BTL and HRJ production, the main two classes of alternative
mediate energy carrier from a solid lignocellulosic feedstock. This jet fuel technologies already approved for use by ASTM. The first
highly oxygenated acidic fuel is not suitable for transport applica- type of biojet fuel requires large scale oxygen-blown biomass gas-
tion and needs extensive upgrading before being processed into a ification technology, so the capital costs represent the major com-
transport fuel, for instance through emulsification [26,27]. Pyroly- ponent of the cost structure, with high level of fixed costs: the total
sis of vegetable oil followed by further stabilization and upgrading cost should range from $0.60 to $4.1 per liter. As regards HRJ, feed-
through catalytic hydrotreating is instead a feasible alternative to stock cost represents a very important component, accounting for
produce bioderived jet fuels: even more interesting, the high-den- almost 60% of the gate price, as well as the size of the facility, for a
sity upgraded pyrolysis-derived biojet fuel is rich in aromatics and total cost ranging from $1 to 1.16$ per liter [28]. If jet cuts have to
cycloparaffins, and shows excellent cold flow properties, thus a be maximized in the production chain versus other hydrocarbon
perfect blending component with FT synthetic paraffinic kerosene (diesel, gasoline, naphtha), then costs would become even slightly
and hydroprocessed esters and fatty acid [18]. Hydrothermal lique- higher ($US0.06 per liter) due to additional hydrogen requirements
faction of biomass, which is still a thermochemical process but car- and reduced revenues.
ried out under pressure and in near-critical water environment,
could instead offer better perspectives but still need significant
R&D. 3.3. Use of biofuels in stationary and aviation gas turbines
The majority of these routes have not yet achieved an industrial
commercial status, and they still require pilot/demo activities (at Looking back to past works carried out on biofuel in gas
different level, depending on each specific case). turbines engine or parts, n-butanol and dibutylether have been
However today the conversion of lipids into paraffinic fuels suggested as possible alternatives for the aviation. However, the
through hydrogenation is the only technically and industrially flash point of these fuels, 35 °C and 25 °C respectively, are too
technically ready route, which is already being commercialized. low compared to the DEF STAN 91–91 (Jet A-1) minimum of 38°
[29,30]. RME has also been tested in blends with Jet-A fuel [31],
but numerous issues must be addressed in order to adapt MGTs
3.2. Aviation biofuel production cost to biofuels: in fact, while natural gas, kerosene, diesel oil or even
clean biogas can be directly used in micro gas turbines, biofuels
The estimation of the current biojet production cost still present from thermo-chemical transformations biomass or raw liquid bio-
a considerable degree of uncertainty [7]. Currently, aviation biofu- fuels as vegetable oils (VOs) need greater modifications to standard
els are not yet produced on a commercial scale: thus, available fig- technologies before being used. For example, viscosity largely
ures are largely derived from modeling exercises or pilot affects the properties of the spray during injection, generally
experiences, rather than real market transaction. In this respect, increasing mean droplet size diameter and decreasing spray cone
ITAKA will represent a unique experience on the field that will angle [32], leading to affect spray penetration. Moreover, these

Please cite this article in press as: Chiaramonti D et al. Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration activities in aviation biofuels.
Appl Energy (2014),
D. Chiaramonti et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

fuels do not present the minimum cold flow properties for being flight operations in Europe. The generated knowledge will aim to
considered as possible aviation biofuels, unless further processed identify and deal with the main barriers to spread of innovation.
into HEFA. ITAKA is linking supply and demand by establishing a relation-
Commercial microgas turbines, often used as APU, have already ship under guaranteed conditions between feedstock grower, bio-
been tested with biomass derived fuels [33], mainly using low fuel producer, distributor and final user, thus addressing the full
heating value producer gases or biogas from anaerobic digestion value chain. Therefore, ITAKA is focusing on challenges existing
[34], [35]. Only few experiences are available for bioliquids in in two main areas of Research and Technology Development &
MGTs mainly related to biodiesel [36] or biomass pyrolysis oil Demonstration (RTD&D):
[37]; tests with pure VO (also named ‘‘straight’’ vegetable oil,
SVO) are really of minor importance in literature [38], while some  Development of commercial scale production, and study on
research work was reported only in dedicated workshops [39,40]. implications from large-scale use.
Schmellekamp and Dielmann [39] investigated a fully commer-  Research on sustainability, economical competitiveness and
cial gas turbine but did not addressed 100% SVO feeding, while technology level, as well as on new approaches aimed at
Wendig [40] studied the use of SVO from rape, flax and waste oil extending the list of possible feedstock.
in a prototype small scale 75 kWel gas turbine.
Focusing on gas turbines for aviation applications, several fights The bio fuel sustainability is being assessed against the EU RED
and engine demonstrations with alternative fuels have been car- Standard. In fact, the key point for the aviation industry is to
ried out over the last years. A technical overview on the engine achieve a continuous production of environmentally, socially and
demonstrations was given by Blakey et al. [41], which findings economically sustainable fuel, and to certify this providing
are summarized in the following Table 1. evidence. This component of the value chain is not of minor impor-
In June 2011 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines launched the first ever tance than pure technical issues, and cover also the possible barri-
commercial biofuel flights. More than a year later, 16 airlines rep- ers in downstream logistics.
resenting every region of the world followed, most offering only ITAKA is investigating all these elements through a comprehen-
single flights, but some offering dozens or hundreds over fixed per- sive R&D plan that will implement specific actions. ITAKA has been
iod of time [42] (Table 2). built aiming to engage key stakeholders participating in different
EU initiatives in the field, to make a first significant step in the
establishment of such a European network.

4. Feeding suitable feedstocks to the hydrotreatment process

4.2. Feedstocks for HEFA production
4.1. The ITAKA EU FP7 project
As regards the feedstock, Camelina cultivation is currently
The overall objective of ITAKA in the field of Research and Inno- implemented at sufficiently large scale so to achieve a considerable
vation is to develop a full value-chain in Europe to produce sus- production of crude VO, that will then be converted into paraffinic
tainable drop-in Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (SPK) – called biofuels (HEFA). Camelina is a very promising crop that is expected
HEFA (Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids) – in an economi- to offers a high level of sustainability, that can be grown in EU and
cally, socially and environmentally manner, at large scale enough elsewhere in marginal land where conventional agriculture is not
to allow testing its use in existing logistic systems and in normal sufficiently productive to be carried out by farmers.

Table 1
Summary of tests on alternative fuels in aviation gas turbine.

Test programme Fuel tested Vehicle Data measured

AAFEX JP-8, GtL, CtL, blends CFM56-2C1 PM, gaseous emissions
Engine S-8 (GtL) T63 Turboshaft, research combustor PM
research facility
Engine S-8 (GtL) and aromatic T63 PM, gaseous emissions
environment solvents
research facility
Hunter army S-8 T700,T701C PM BC/EC
B52 S-8 TF33 P-103, B-52 PM
Fully synthetic CTL, Jet A1 JT9D, pressure atomizer, 4 burner sector, fully annular Engine endurance, PM, spray characteristics, gaseous
Trent combustor, annular turboshaft combustor emissions, ignition performance, lean blowout
Airbus/rolls royce/ Jet A-1, GTL A380, Trent 900 Engine performance
RR corporation JP-8, S-8 Full annular AE3007 combustor PM, gaseous emissions, combustor wall temperature,
Lean blowout, 22 Ignition, pattern factor
Virgin atlantic Jet A-1/FAME 747-400. CF 6-80C Engine operation
Air New Zealand Jet A-1/SPK from Jatropha 747-400, RB211524G2-T Engine relight and overall performance
Continental airlines Jet A-1/SPK from Jatropha 737-800, CFM56-7B Engine emissions, engine performance
and Algae
Japan airlines Jet A-1/SPK from Jatropha, 747-300, JT9D Engine performance
Camelina and Algae
P&W Canada Jet A-1, 50% and 100% HVO PW615 Engine performance and emissions in support of JAL
(diesel range), by volume flight
KLM/Air France Jet A-1/SPK from Camelina 747-400, CF6-80C2 Engine performance, with passengers
Evaluation of semi S-8, IPK, GtL(3) – Non combustion performance, materials compatibility
synthetic fuels

Please cite this article in press as: Chiaramonti D et al. Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration activities in aviation biofuels.
Appl Energy (2014),
6 D. Chiaramonti et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Commercial biofuel flights as of May 2012.

Airline Provider Blend Feedstock Number/destination

1 Lufthansa Neste oil 50–50 Jatropha, Camelina, 1187, four daily between Hamburg and Frankfurt
animal fats
2 Lufthansa cont. Neste oil 50–50 Jatropha, Camelina, 1, from Frankfurt to Washington DC, first commercial
animal fats transatlantic flight
3 KLM royal Dutch 50–50 UCO (Used Cooking Oil) 200 flights from Amsterdam to Paris (Four daily)
4 Alaska airline SkyNRG 20–80 UCO 11 daily flights from Seattle
5 Horizon air SkyNRG 20–80 UCO 64,six daily from Portland and Seattle during three weeks
6 LAN Chile/Air BP SkyNRG n/a UCO 1, from Santiago to Conception
7 Finnair SkyNRG 50–50 UCO 1, Amsterdam to Helsinki
8 Finnair Cont. SkyNRG 50–50 UCO 4, Amsterdam to Helsinki
9 Qantas airlines SkyNRG 50–50 UCO 1, Sydney to Adelaide
10 Air France SkyNRG 50–50 UCO 1, Toulouse to Paris
11 Thompson airways SkyNRG 50–50 UCO 1, Birmingham to Palma
12 Thai airways SkyNRG N/A UCO 1, Bangkok to Chiang Mai
13 Etihad airways SkyNRG N/A UCO 1, Seattle to Abu Dhabi
14 United airlines Solazyme 40–60 Algae 1, Houston to Chicago
15 Porter airlines Honeywell UOP 50–50 Camelina, Brassica 1, Toronto to Ottawa
16 Iberia airlines ASA Airport and Auxiliary 25–75 Camelina 1, Madrid to Barcelona
17 Interjet ASA 27–73 Jatropha 1, Mexico City to Tuxtla Gutierrez
18 Aeromexico ASA 30–70 Jatropha 1, Mexico City to Madrid
19 Aeromex cont. ASA 25–75 Camelina 52, Mexico City to San Jose, Costa Rica, with one flight per

Another feedstock that is being investigated is the so called UCO technique depends on the type of downstream processes: this pro-
(Used Cooking Oil). Compared to other more traditional oily feed- cess is normally adopted in the biodiesel sector, where in most of
stock, UCO shows a high variability in quality and composition the cases transesterification to biodiesel does not tolerate high
depending on the collection area, the collection method, and the level of fatty acids, and could also be of interest for HEFA
period of the year (when different vegetable oils are consumed). production.
Contaminations in the oil represents a serious technical challenge Other possible means for UCO upgrading could be represented
to be dealt with before catalytic hydrotreatment process. An exam- by thermochemical processing. RE-CORD is developing an ad-hoc
ple of the significant variability of UCO quality is reported in thermo-chemical treatment system aimed at upgrading and
Table 3. The two samples are taken from two different batches col- improving the oil characteristics in a significant way, in view of
lected by the same industry in the same period of the year, and further hydrotreatment. This work is still at the initial stage, and
compared to the existing standard for straight vegetable oil in a small scale catalytic pilot reactor is being built: it will be used
engines (DIN 51605). It has to be remarked that this norm DIN to test process conditions and different catalysts. Preliminary
51605 is not related to aviation biofuels, and that it is here used results will be available by end of 2014. The final goal or RE-CORD
as a first step for controlling the feedstock quality before applying R&D activities is to increase the quality of the feedstock so to make
more specific and strict standards (ASTM) necessary for the avia- it acceptable for HEFA production.
tion sector.
The upgrade of crude UCO to a suitable feedstock is an activity 5. Conclusions
that still requires R&D work, and new approaches can be
considered. Aviation needs high quality fully hydrocarbon sustainable bio-
This variability could be reduced by proper pre-treatments. fuels: the production of these drop-in fuels is the only available
Once collected, UCO is usually filtered and de-watered: water in mean to meet the target set by EU for 2020. This situation, com-
UCO can create problems in the downstream processes, and is bined with highly innovative emerging technologies, offers a great
source of damages to plant equipment, enhancing the corrosion. opportunity for developing and scaling-up advanced biofuels tech-
The water content of UCO is normally reduced by means of paper nologies and processes in an area different from traditional road
filters, a cost-effective solution with high removal efficiency. The transports.
use a paper filtration contextually reduce the amount of suspended A number of technological options exist today, most of which
solids. currently being investigated by various research groups in the
The total contamination (2 measure of the solids content) has to world and with the direct involvement of stakeholders, as engine
be significantly reduced, since solids in aeronautical engines are
cause of injector and blade corrosion and erosion, increasing the
maintenance engines costs and risks. The final biojet fuels has Table 3
therefore to meet strict specifications. Characteristics of pure vegetable reference oils (DIN 51605) and of two different
batches of UCO (sample 1 and sample 2).
Due to vegetable oil cooking processes, and contamination from
the food, UCOs usually show high free acidity (between 1% and 5%). Standard Sample 1 Sample 2
A common possible mean to improve the UCO quality, reducing Density kg/m3 900–930 @20 °C 938 916
acidity without losses in its energy content, is the esterification Water content % Max 0.075 0.043 0.94
process [43]. This process, widely used in the biodiesel sector, LHV MJ/kg Min 36.000 37,890 38,730
Total contamination mg/kg Max 24 n.d. 628
rebuild the triglycerides by using glycerine in a dedicated reactor,
Kinematic viscosity mm2/s Max 36 @40 °C 24.0 34.5
sometimes in presence of a catalysts. However, the interest in this

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Please cite this article in press as: Chiaramonti D et al. Sustainable bio kerosene: Process routes and industrial demonstration activities in aviation biofuels.
Appl Energy (2014),

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