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Nama : Firda Maligana
Nim : 201772015
Prodi : Teknik Industri


1. Tugas Rancangan Faktorial.

Studi pengukuran kekuatan fisik( dalam pound ) dilakukan dengan eksperimen

faktorial ; 2 faktor, yaitu faktor test dan faktor subjek. Data hasil eksperimen
dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini. Analisis data ini( gunakan α = 0.05 ) dan
berikan kesimpulan

1 2 3
100 90 125
110 110 130
115 105 140
125 130 140

1. Analisis menggunakan SPSS.16

UNIANOVA hasil BY pretest postest


/DESIGN=pretest postest.

Univariate Analysis of Variance


Output Created 30-Apr-2020 23:37:36


Input Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working
Missing Value Definition of
Handling Missing
User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all
variables in the model.
Syntax UNIANOVA hasil BY pretest postest
/DESIGN=pretest postest.

Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.032

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.010


Between-Subjects Factors

pretest 1 6

2 6

postest 1 4

2 4

3 4

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:hasil

Type III Sum of

Source Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 1610.417 3 536.806 3.714 .061
Intercept 168033.333 1 168033.333 1.163E3 .000

Pretest 56.250 1 56.250 .389 .550

Postest 935.417 2 467.708 3.236 .093

Error 1156.250 8 144.531

Total 170800.000 12

Corrected Total 2766.667 11

a. R Squared = ,582 (Adjusted R Squared = ,425)

2. Analisis menggunakan MINITAB

————— 30/04/2020 23:39:50 ————————————————————

Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help.

General Linear Model: hasil versus pretest; postest

Factor Type Levels Values

pretest fixed 2 1; 2
postest fixed 3 1; 2; 3

Analysis of Variance for hasil, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

pretest 1 675,0 56,3 56,3 0,39 0,550
postest 2 935,4 935,4 467,7 3,24 0,093
Error 8 1156,3 1156,3 144,5
Total 11 2766,7

S = 12,0221 R-Sq = 58,21% R-Sq(adj) = 42,54%

Unusual Observations for hasil

Obs hasil Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid

9 105,000 128,750 6,011 -23,750 -2,28 R

R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.

3. Analisis mengunakan Microsoft Axcel

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance
3 6 2 1
Pretest 3 315 105 325
3 350 116,6667 133,3333
Postest 3 360 120 325
3 395 131,6667 58,33333

Subjek 5 451 90,2 2567,7

5 437 87,4 2483,8
5 538 107,6 3461,3

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 33563,6 4 8390,9 137,6686 2,08E-07 3,837853
Columns 1197,733 2 598,8667 9,82554 0,007007 4,45897
Error 487,6 8 60,95

Total 35248,93 14

Dari penyelesaian diatas dapat disimpulkan :

1. Tests of between – subjects effects dependent variable: hasil memiliki source

corrected model, type III sum of squares 1610.417, df 3, mean square
536.806, F 3.714, sig 0.061. source intercept, type III sum of squares
168033.333, df 1, mean square 168033.333, F 1.163E3, sig 0.000. source
pretest, type III sum of squares 56.250, df 1, mean square 56.250, F 0.389,
sig 0.550. source posttest, type III sum of squares 935.417, df 2, mean square
467.708, F 3.236, sig 0.093.source error, type III sum of squares 1156.250,
df 8, mean square 144.531. source total, type III sum of squares 170800.000,
df 12. Source corrected total, type III sum of squares 2766.667, df 11.
2. Pada analysis of variance for hasil, using adjuated ss for tests.pada source
protest pertama DF 1, seq SS 675,0, Adj SS 56,3, Adj MS 56,2 F 0,39 P,
0,550. Selanjutnya pada source portest kedua DF 2, Seq SS 935,4, Adj SS
935,4, Adj MS 467,7, F 3,24, P 0,093. Selanjutnya pada source Error DF 8,
Seq SS 1156,3, Adj SS 1156,3, Adj MS 144,5. Jadi totalnya yaitu 11 2766,7
dengan s = 12, 0221 R-Sq = 58, 21 R-Sq(adj) = 42,54. Unusual observations
for hasil yaitu Obs 9, Hasil 105,000, Fit 128,750, SE Fit 6,011, Residual -
23,750, St Resid -2,28
3. Pada table summary terdapat protest pertama dengan count 3,sum 6, average
2, cariance 1, count 3, sum 315, average 105, cariance 325. Selanjutnya pada
protest kedua count 3,sum 350, average 116,6667, cariance 133,3333, count
3,sum 360, average 120, cariance 325, count 3,sum 395, average 131,6667,
cariance 58,33333. selanjutnya ada subjek dengan count 5, sum 451, average
90,2, cariance 2567,7, count 5,sum 437, average 87,4, cariance 2483,8,
count 5,sum 538, average 107,6, cariance 3461,3. Anova memiliki source of
variation rows, ss 33563,6, df 4, ms 8390,9, F 137,6686, P-value 2,08E-07,
Fcrit 3,837853. source of variation columms, SS 1197,733, df 2, MS
598,8667, F 0,007007, F crit 4,45897. source of variation error, SS 487,6, df
8, MS 60,95. source of variation total, SS 35248,93, df 14.

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