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Question Answer Scheme Markah Markah

no. penuh
1 (a) Heat energy is transferred from the hot coffee to the metal 1
Spoon and also from the metal spoon to the hot coffee.
(b) increase/higher 1
(c) Zero/0 1 4
(d) Thermal equilibrium 1

2 (a) Thermal equilibrium 1

(b) (i) 20 -6 = 14 cm 1
(ii) = (16-6)(20-6) x 100 1
= 71.43 °C 1
(iii) Less than 100 °C 1 12
(c) (i) small 1
(ii) Normal body temperature is 37 °C 1
(iii) small 1
(iv) Increase sensitivity 1
(v) Small 1
(vi) More accurate/increase sensitivity 1
(vii) Q 1

3 (a) Heat energy required to increase temperature of 1 kg 1

substance by 1 °C
(b) (i) Low specific heat capacity material/good heat conductor 1
(ii) Close food by using frying pan lid 1
(c) (i) Q = mcθ 1
1600 = 0.5 x 4200 θ 1 6
Θ = 0.76 °C
(ii) Heat loss to the surrounding 1

4 (a) 218 °C 1

(b) Same/unchanged 1

(c) Q =pt
Q = (0.1x103) ((3.6-1.0)x60) 1
= 15 600 J 1
(d) Q = mL
15 600 J = (0.05 kg) L 1 7
L = 312 000 Jkg-1 1

5 (a) Force per unit area 1

(b) - the force exerted by the molecule hitting the wall and the 1
molecule bounces off the wall of the container
- its direction is changed, creating a change of momentum 1
- the rate of change of momentum of the gas molecule is the 1
cause of the force on the wall which creates gas pressure.
(c) -4 +273 = 269 K 6
32 + 273= 305 K
𝑃= 𝑥 305
269 1
3.08 atm 1

6 (a) Measure gas pressure/trapped air pressure 1

(b)(i) Diagram 5.1<Diagram 5.2 1
(ii) Diagram 5.1>Diagram 5.2 1
(iii) Diagram 5.1=Diagram 5.2 1
(c) As the pressure increase, the volume decrease 1 8
(d) Boyle’s law 1
Increase 1
the temperature increase, volume of trapped air increase 1
1 -The thermometer is placed in freezing ice and mark the upper 1
column of mercury as L0//Diagram
-The thermometer is placed in boiling water and mark the upper 1
column of mercury as L100/Diagram 4
-Divide the distance between L0 and L100 in 100 divisions 1
- 1°C = I division 1
2 - The thermometer is put under the tongue/inside the mouth/under 1
armpit. 1 4
- the heat is transferred from the body to the thermometer. 1
- alcohol liquid expand until it reaches a state of thermal equilibrium 1
- the temperature of the thermometer is the same as the body.
3 - more volume or quantity of water 1
- need more heat 1 4
- Q = mcθ, Q = mL 1
- Heat directly proportional to mass and time 1
4 - sand and sea water receive same amount of heat. 1
- specific heat capacity of sand is low 1 4
- specific heat capacity of sea water is high- sand become hot faster 1
than sea water// temperature of sand higher than temperature of sea 1
water//sand hotter than sea water//sea water cooler than sand.
5 - alcohol has lower boiling point. 1
- alcohol evaporates easily and readily 1 4
- alcohol has lower latent heat vaporization 1
- alcohol absorbs heat from hand at a faster rate 1
6 - the molecules are in continuous random motion 1
- molecules will collide with the wall of the container and bounce 1 4
- there is a change in momentum and a force is exerted on the wall. 1
- force per unit area will produce pressure 1
7 - A the air bubble rises to the surface of the lake, the depth of water 1
decreases 4
- the pressure at the surface decreases 1
- pressure is directly proportional to depth 1
- when pressure decreases the volume increases. 1
1 (a) Form of energy// the energy transferred from hot object to 1
cold object.
(b) 1. both have same final temperature. 1
2. time taken for plastic spoon to become hot is longer. 1
3. rate of change of temperature for plastic spoon is lower. 1
4. the higher the specific heat capacity, the longer the time 1
taken for the spoon to become hot//vice versa
5. the higher the specific heat capacity, the lower the rate of 1
change of temperature//vice versa
(c) - the temperature of coffee is higher than surrounding 1
- heat from coffee transfers to surrounding 1
- heat transfers until achieve thermal equilibrium 1
- rate of heat transfer is equal / /temperature re equal/net rate 1
of heat transfer is zero.
(d) Modifications Reason
Cork//hallow plastic Good insulator/poor heat 2
conductor/less heat transfer trough
vacuum Heat from hot water cannot lost
through conduction and 2
Made of glass Trap heat in the flask/reduce the 2
rate of heat loss
Shinny Trap heat in the flask/reduce the
surface/silvered rate of heat loss. 2
Plastic Insulator/reduce heat loss/reflect
material//metal heat from surrounding 2
2 (a) (i) Heat needed to increase of 1 kg substance by 1°C. 1
(ii) - Amount of heat supplied is same 1
- specific heat capacity of aluminium dust is higher 1
- final temperature of aluminium dust is lowered
- change of temperature of aluminium dust is lowered 1
- change of temperature increases, the specific heat capacity 1
(b) - good heat conductor has a smaller specific heat capacity 1
- hence the body of the cooking pot can be heated up very 1
fast/ easy to hot
- poor heat conductor has a larger specific heat capacity. 1
- hence the handle may absorb a greater amount of heat 1
without high increase in temperature. 20
(c) Modifications Reason
Add more ice Large mass of ice can absorb more 2
heat from the drinks
Container made of High specific heat capacity
heat insulator 2
Container Cool down at slower rate
substance: high 2
specific heat
Use lid To reduce heat absorbed from the
surrounding 2
Low density Lighter 2
White container Reflect heat 2

3 (a) (i) Heat energy required to increase the temperature of 1 kg 1

substance by 1°C
(ii) -liquid x and liquid y have same initial temperature. Hence , 1
both of the metal ball have same temperature.
- liquid x has lower specific heat capacity than liquid y 1
- the increase of temperature of liquid x is faster than liquid 1
- Hence, the final temperature of liquid x is higher than 1
liquid y.

(b) (i) Heat energy supplied for liquid x

Q = mcθ 1
= (0.3) (2100) (40-25)
= 9450 J 1

Heat energy supplied for liquid x

Q = mcθ 1
= (0.3) (4200) 30-25)
= 6300 J
(ii) Heat loss to the surrounding 1
Characteristic Explanation
Steel pot Does not easily rust 2
Has release valve Able to release high gas
pressure inside the pot
Has sealer ring Avoid leakage of pressure 2
inside the pot
Multi layer Withstand high pressure 2
The most suitable is Q because pot made from steel, has 2
release valve, sealer ring and multi layer pot.

4 (a) Force per unit area 1

(b) - the ocean is deep so the pressure is high at seabed 1
- the nature of the fish is to stay in the high pressure 1
- when brought towards the surface, the pressure decreases, 1
volume of the fish increases.
- the gas in the body will expand so the internal organ of the 1
fish will burst.
(c) (i) T1=27 + 273 = 300 K
T2 = 155 + 273 = 428 K
150 𝑃2 1
300 428
P2 = 214 MPa 1
(ii) Q = mcθ
2000 1 20
(14)(155 − 27)
= 1.116 Jkg-1 °C-1 1
(ii) Always store the gas cylinder in an upright position// put the 1
gas cylinder away from other combustible and flammable
Modifications Reason
Sponge Insulator /prevent conduction of heat 2
Many cooling Giving out latent heat of vaporization
fins to the surrounding 2
Big expansion Latent heat absorbed as the liquid
valve evaporates 2
Big freezer Can save a lot of food/ accommodate
compartment more food 2
Choose R. Sponge, many cooling fin, big expansion valve,
big freezer compartment. 2

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