B Inggris Ade

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PAGE : 133

1. who is dayang sumbi ? describe her .

2. who is tumang ? why did dayang sumbi marry him ?
3. was tumang a human being or a dog ?
4. what did sangkuriang know about tumang ?
5. one day he killed tumang . did he kill him because he was a bad son to
his father ? why did he kill tumang ?
6. if you were dayang sumbi , would you tell sangkuriang the truth or
would you keep the from him ? explain your answer ?
7. what happened to sangkuriang after he killed tumang ?
8. when he saw dayang sumbi , he proposed to marry her . Was he a bad
son to his mother ? why did he want to marry her ?
9. why did dayang sumbi ask him to build a lake and a boat in one night ?
10. why could not sangkuriang finish the boat ?
11. how did the boat get upside down ?
12. what have we learnt from the story?
A. you must not kill your parents.
B. you must not marry your mother.
C. you should not hide the truth.
D. you should accept the truth that you will get old.


1.Dayang sumbi is a princees that isolate herself in the forest,she is

pretty,have long hair and loves to weave fabric
2.Tumang is Dayang sumbi's husband,Dayang sumbi marry tumang
because on one day her weaving tool fall down the hill,then she panic's
and says "anyone that could fetch my weaving toll,if it's a woman she
will be my sister and if it's a man he will be my husband",then suddenly
Tumang run down the hill and fetch Dayang sumbi's weaving toll
3.Both,because Tumang is a human incarnation dog
4.Sangkuriang only know that Tumang is his dog not his father
5.Sangkuriang killed Tumang because Tumang has failed to helped him
catch a animal,and because he didn't know Tumang is his father,he killed
6. I will not tell him the truth,because if i was Dayang sumbi,of course i
wouldn't tell my own son that he killed his father
7.Sangkuriang run away from home
8.Because Sangkuriang doesn't know that the woman she was about to
marry is his mother,and her mother still look so young so he just fall in
love with Dayang sumbi
9.Because when Dayang sumbi found out that the man she was about to
marry is his son,she try to cancel the wedding but it didn't work,then she
look for a way out by asking him to build a lake and a boat in one night
because she thinks it will be impossible for Sangkuriang and when he
failed he can't marry Dayang sumbi
10.Because Dayang sumbi try to make it look like it was already dawn
11.When sangkuriang realize he was failed he was angy and kicked the
boat until it go far to the north and land upside down
12.C. you should not hide the truth.

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