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W. J.

Meurer Letters to the editor

each 100 mg/dl increase in glucose was spective randomized trials of glucose- For 100 acute stroke patients (65 men,
171 (95% confidence interval 11–27), lowering strategies. 7227107 years) in who swallowing
with NIHSS, age and smoking included William J. Meurer status had been evaluated by the mod-
in accordance with the methods of the ified water swallowing test and the food
final binary logistic regression models Departments of Emergency Medicine and test, we performed TOFU in addition
reported in our paper. Not surprisingly, Neurology University of Michigan, to videofluoroscopic swallowing study
this was very similar to our published Ann Arbor, USA (VFSS). Dysphagia was defined as
estimate of the association between glu- abnormal swallowing on VFSS. In
cose and in-hospital mortality – with a Correspondence: William J. Meurer TOFU, a patient was requested to
Taubman Center B1354 SPC 5303
tighter confidence interval that no 1500 E. Medical Center Drive
swallow saliva in the 301 head-up posi-
longer includes one. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5303 USA. tion. Tongue surface was visible as
Of course, these findings may repre- E-mail: a bright narrow line on an M-mode
sent a type II error and/or a manifesta- Twitter: willmeurer image (Fig. 1) (1–5). We measured the
tion of either the design limitations we downward (Vd) and upward movement
DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2011.00586.x
noted in our manuscript or those listed velocities (Vu) of tongue in the swallow-
by Drs Poppe and Hill. Disagreement ing phase, and the distance from the
between these data and prior studies Reference caudally depressed to the cranially ele-
may also reflect a deeper problem. It vated positions (D). We assessed differ-
1 Scott PA, Frederiksen SM, Kalbfleisch JD et al.
may be that all retrospective observa- Safety of intravenous thrombolytic use in four
ences in various TOFU findings between
tions of the association between initial emergency departments without acute stroke the 24 patients with dysphagia and 76
glucose and outcome may over simplify teams. Acad Emerg Med 2010; 17:1062–71. patients without, and configured a ROC
a complex pathology that defies simple curve for Vu.
interpretations. After all, initial glucose Vd and Vu were slower in the patients
A new ultrasound method for
is a snapshot of a time-varying signal with dysphagia than in those without (Vd,
evaluating dysphagia in
that reflects a variety of pathologies and 380172142 vs. 479872075 mm/s,
acute stroke patients
comorbidities, and can result in physio- P 5 0007; Vu, 570471624 vs. 85437
logical responses that may differ from Dysphagia after stroke was a common 2474 mm/s, Po0001), and D was shorter
patient to patient. and serious complication, and conven- (11637319 vs. 13497355 mm, P 5
Based on all available clinical tional methodologies of swallowing 0027). With a cut-off value of Vu of
and laboratory data, it is likely that evaluation had several limitations. 6355 mm/s, the sensitivity for the de-
glucose metabolism interacts with acute Here, we examined tongue movement tection of dysphagia was 833% and the
brain injury, but the nature of the during the swallowing process in order specificity was 882%.
interaction requires further explora- to evaluate dysphagia with our unique A notable finding was that a cut-off
tion. Even the way that we examine the ultrasound examination, the Tongue value of Vu of 6355 mm/s could
available clinical observational data and and Oral Function test with Ultrasound accurately predict dysphagia. The
our prior assumptions may influence (TOFU). TOFU is not only an easy way at the
interpretation. For example, should glu-
cose be modeled as a continuous vari- Oral floor side
able or should it be dichotomized as in
many prior studies? The statistician
in me says that dichotomization is Palatal side
throwing away data. The clinician in caudally-depressed position
me has a difficult time conceptualizing
the adverse effects of one milligram
per deciliter rise in blood glucose.
Should we assume a linear response, or Vd Vu
should we model a U-shaped or an other D
type of relationship? Ultimately, we 20mm
share Drs Poppe and Hill’s inclination 0.5sec cranially-elevated position
that hyperglycemia is adverse in brain
injury; however, we also recognize the Fig. 1 A representative sagittal B-mode and M-mode ultrasound image of the swallowing process
importance of keeping an open mind as observed in a stroke patient without dysphagia. The viewing point of the tongue, marked by black star,
was recognizable by its horizontal trace during the preparatory phase on an M-mode image. It was
data continue to emerge and theories recognizable by the downward movement (Vd, white arrow), and then the upward movement (Vu,
are either confirmed or become more black arrow) in the swallowing phase. The distance from the caudally depressed to the cranially-
complicated. We strongly support pro- elevated position was measured (D, gray double-headed arrow).

& 2011 The Authors.

International Journal of Stroke & 2011 World Stroke Organization Vol 6, June 2011, 278–280 279
Letters to the editor S. N. McLennan et al.

bedside, but also a quantitative Role of vasodilation in tive decline would provide definitive in-
and objective method. It seems to be cognitive impairment formation about the relationship between
useful for assessing tongue movement these variables, and may provide a basis
disorders in dysphagia, and may Reduced vasodilation is associated with for treatments targeting vasodilation in
contribute to determining appropriate cognitive impairment in elderly persons order to prevent neurodegeneration.
nutrition. with cardiovascular disease (CVD)
(1–4), possibly contributing to vascular Skye N. McLennan1,
dementia. Atherosclerosis and cognitive Ada K. Lam2,
decline both commence in early life. Jane L. Mathias1,
Therefore, deteriorating vasodilation Simon A. Koblar2,
The study mentioned in this letter was may affect cognition before CVD is Monica A. Hamilton-Bruce3,
supported in part by a Research Grant clinically detectable. We investigated and Jim Jannes3
for Cardiovascular Diseases (21A-4) vasodilation and cognition in 51 people
and a Research Funding of National (age 5 5037115) who had a brain 1
School of Psychology,
Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center MRI for any reason and were free of The University of Adelaide,
(22-4-1) from the Ministry of Health, other neurological disorders. This Adelaide, SA,
Labour and Welfare, Japan. group had a relatively low cardiovascu- Australia
Stroke Research Programme,
lar burden: 50% were at risk for CVD The University of Adelaide,
Yasuhiro Tomii, Hideki Matsuoka, (e.g. hypercholesterolemia); 10% had Adelaide, SA,
Takako Torii, Toshiyuki Uehara, CVD and 6% showed more than a Australia
Kazunori Toyoda, and Kazuo mild level of white matter (WM) da- Stroke Research Programme,
Minematsu The Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
mage (Fazekas score 42). Five sub-tests
Woodville West, SA,
from the Neuropsychological Assess- Australia
Department of Cerebrovascular Medicine, Na- ment Battery (Screening Module) and
tional Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center,
Suita, Japan
the Stroop task from the Delis Kaplin Correspondence: Skye N. McLennan,
Executive Function System assessed School of Psychology,
cognition. Scores for each test varied The University of Adelaide,
Correspondence: Yasuhiro Tomii, Department
considerably, ranging from impaired Adelaide, SA, 5005,
of Neurology, Graduate School of Medical
Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of (415 SD below norms) to superior E-mail:
Medicine, 465 Kajii-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto (415 SD above norms). Vasodilation
602-8566, Japan.
was measured using applanation tono- DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2011.00601.x
metry and pulse wave analysis (5).
DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2011.00603.x Norms do not exist for these techniques;
consequently it was not possible to
identify ‘abnormal’ cases. The correla- References
tions between the cognition tests and
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Dysphagia 1999; 14:85–92. advanced CVD (i.e. lengthening, stif- with atherosclerotic vascular disease. Arter-
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fening and tortuosity). Once these
from ultrasound images. Clin Linguist Phon 4 Moser DJ, Miller IN, Hoth K, Correeia M,
structural changes occur, inadequate Arndt S, Haynes WG. Vascular smooth mus-
2005; 19:455–501.
4 Shawker TH, Sonies BC, Stone M et al. Real vasodilation may leave WM vulnerable cle function is associated with initiation and
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movement during swallowing. J Clin Ultra- low perfusion pressure, which may ulti- sclerotic vascular disease. J Int Neuropsychol
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mately lead to cognitive decline.
5 Peng CL, Jost-Brinkmann PG, Miethke RR 5 Hayward CS, Kraidly M, Webb CM, Collins P.
This is an important area for study. Assessment of endothelial function using
et al. Ultrasonographic measurement of ton-
gue movement during swallowing. J Ultra- Longitudinal research that tracks changes peripheral waveform analysis: a clinical ap-
sound Med 2000; 19:15–20. in vasodilation, WM damage and cogni- plication. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 40:521–8.

& 2011 The Authors.

280 International Journal of Stroke & 2011 World Stroke Organization Vol 6, June 2011, 278–280

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