Exercise Number 8

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Exercise 8

Q.I- Choose the correct answer:

1. Fathers transfer their X-linked Genes to:

a. Daughters only
b. Sons only
c. Daughters & Sons
d. None of them

2. Linked-Genes:
a. Are only on the sex chromosomes
b. Are on the different chromosome
c. Separate dependently
d. Separate independently

3. __________ is an example of a Monosomy Syndrome.

a. Klinefelter Syndrome.
b. Turner Syndrome.
c. Cry of the cat Syndrome
d. Down Syndrome

4. Chromosome X- inactivation :
a. Occurs in female mammals
b. Occurs in male mammals
c. Occurs in both female and male
d. Doesn’t occur

Q.3. Match with the correct letter: 7.5

A. __ Primase
1 3 B. ____ Helicase
2 4
C. ___ DNA Polymerase (III)

D.____ new DNA

A. ____ Vas Deferens

5 B. ____ Testis

8 C. ____ Penis
D.__ __ Scrotum

11 A. ___ Parietal lobe

B. __ __ Occipital lobe

C. _ ___ Temporal lobe

D.__ __ Frontal lobe


A. _ ___ Dendrites

1 B. __ __ Axon

C. ____ Cell Body

Q.4. Choose (A) for True phrases, and (B) for False phrases :

1. Atomic number is the number of protons ( )

2. Isotopes behave identically in chemical reactions ( )

3. Hydrogen bonds are strong bonds ( )

4. Olive oil is a lipid consisting of monomers called nucleotides ( )

5. Mitochondria are predominant in muscles ( )

6. Passive transport needs energy ( )

7. Enzymes should NOT exist during metabolism ( )

8. Cellular respiration is the production of ATP ( )

9. Human cells divide by Binary fission ( )

10. Chromosomal Alterations are caused only by a change in chromosomes structure

( )
Q.5 Fill the blanks with the correct answer from the box:

Neurotransmitter Hormones Adrenal medulla Paracrine signal

1. __B__ are secreted by glands and reach target cells by blood.

2. __D__ act on neighboring cells

3. __C__ produce Epinephrine and norepinephrine during stress

4. __A__ are secreted by neurons and released into the synapse.

Q.6. Choose the correct answer for the following:

1. The dissolving agent in a solution is :

a. Buffer
b. Acid
c. Solvent
d. Solute

2. Which of the following is the monomer of proteins?

a. Amino Acid
b. Lipids
c. Glycogen
d. RNA

3. The function of DNA is :

a. Building material and source of energy
b. Storing genetic information
c. Transport
d. The main part of animal cell membrane

4. Which of the following organelle is involved in the process of breaking

down ?
a. Ribosome
b. Mitochondrion
c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
d. Lysosome

5. Osmosis is specific for :

a. Charged molecules
b. Hydrophobic molecules
c. Water
d. Large molecules

6. Catabolic reaction is defined as :

a. Breaking down molecules consuming energy
b. Breaking down molecules releasing energy
c. Building molecules consuming energy
d. Building molecules releasing energy

7. Which of the following statement about enzyme is False ?

a. Lowers the activation energy barrier
b. Is specific for a substrate
c. Speed up chemical reactions
d. Is destroyed during reaction

8. During cellular respiration what is the product of the Glycolysis stage ?

a. CO2
b. H2O
c. Pyruvate
d. Glucose

9. Alcohol fermentation occurs in :

a. Human
b. Bacteria
c. Animal
d. Plant

10. The aim of Meiosis division is :

a. Growing
b. Repair
c. Asexual reproduction
d. Production of gametes

11. What is the genotypic ratio for the following cross : Pp x pp

a. 9:3:3:1
b. 3:1
c. 1
d. 2:2

12. Cry of the cat syndrome is caused due to :

a. Deletion in chromosome 5
b. Monosomy X
c. Inversion in chromosome 11
d. Translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22

13. Which of the following is a Trisomy disorder?

a. Turner Syndrome
b. Diabetes
c. Down Syndrome
d. Cancer

14. Which of the following is involved in the translation process ?

a. Ribosome
b. Nucleus
c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
d. Chloroplast

15.How many amino acids would be encoded by the following mRNA

sequence ?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 19
d. 21

16.Spermatogenesis occurs in:

a. Ovaries
b. Testis
c. Uterus
d. Urinary Bladder

17. The result of gametogenesis is :

a. 1 egg and 4 sperms
b. 1 sperm and 4 eggs
c. 1 egg and 1 sperm
d. 4 sperms and 4 eggs

18.The peripheral nervous system consist of :

a. Brain
b. Spinal cord
c. Brain and spinal cord
d. Nerves

19. Which of the following is a relay station for information traveling between
the peripheral nervous system and the cerebrum ?
a. Hypothalamus
b. Brain stem
c. Cerebellum
d. Cerebral cortex

Q.6. Label The following diagram: 3

Q.7. Write down the definition of the following terms

A. Metabolism:………………………………………………………………….
B. Mitosis:……………………………………………………………………….

DNA replication:…………………………………………………………………..

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