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To ask for permission

To ask for permission is an expression to ask

someone to do something, with making polite
a. Can + S + V1+Obj e. Would you mind + If + I + V2 (Past tense)

“Can I help you?” “Would you mind if I left this class?”

b. Could + S + V1+obj f. Would you mind + Ving (Gerund)+Obj

“Could I borrow your money, please?” “Would you mind lending your money ?”

c. May + S + V1+obj? g. Is it okay if …?

“May I ask you something?” "Is it okay if I wait here?”

d. Do you mind + If + S + V1 + Obj

“Do you mind if I go to there?”

To ask for Permission Responses

 Can you give me your money?  No, not at all

 Could you help me, please?  Absolutely, yes!
 May I take this book?  Alright
 Do you mind if I take this book?  Of course
 Do you mind lending your money?  I don’t think if you can
 Would you mind if I left this class?  I am sorry but, I can do it by myself
 Would you mind leaving my class?
Giving Permission Refusing Permission
1. Yes, certainly (formal) (Ya, tentu) 1. Unfortunately, you can’t do that. (Sayangnya, kamu tidak boleh)

2. Yes, please. (Ya, silahkan) 2. Sorry, I think it’s impossible for you. (Maaf, saya rasa tidak bisa)

3. Yes, of course. (Ya, tentu saja) 3. I have to say no for this case. (Saya harus tidak mengijinkan kali ini)
4. Yes, you may do that. (Ya, kamu boleh melakukan) 4. You cannot do that. (Kamu tidak diperbolehkan)

5. Of course you can. (Tentu saja boleh) 5. You could not do that. (Anda tidak diperbolehkan)
6. No problem. (Tidak masalah/silahkan)
6. I am afraid not. (Maaf, tidak bisa)
7. Please feel free. (Silahkan)
7. No, you may not. (Tidak, Anda tidak diperbolehkan)
8. Sure (Tentu)
8. Sorry, you are not permitted. (Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan)
9. Go ahead (Silahkan)

10. No, I don’t mind (Saya tidak keberatan/silahkan)


James : John, sorry I forgot to bring my pen. May I borrow your pen? (John, maaf saya lupa
membawa pena. Bolehkan aku meminjam penamu)

John : Sure. I brought three pens. Here you are. (Baiklah. Aku bawa tiga pena. Ini..)

James : Thanks John. Is it OK if I borrow your ruler too? (Terima kasih John. Apakah boleh
pinjam penggarisnya juga?)

John : Yes, of course. just use it. (Iya tentunya, pakai saja)

James : Thank you so much. (Terima kasih banyak)

John : No problem. (Tidak masalah)

Let’s Review!
To Invite someone to do something
The definition of Inivitation :

a written or spoken request to someone,

inviting them to go somewhere or to do
Kinds of Invitation :
Structure of Invitation :
Birthday Invitation
Invitee : Siapa yang diundang
Wedding Invitation
Occasion : Undangan ini dibuat untuk apa
Farewell Invitation
Day or Date : Hari atau tanggal
Time : Waktu yang ditetapkan

Place : Tempat acara dilangsungkan

Inviter : Siapa yang mengundang

There are some ways to
Inviting Someone Accepting An Invitation Declining an Invitation

- Let’s - Sure. Why not? - I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can

- Shall we....? - Yes, certainly I will come - I’d like to, but….

- Can you come to..? - Absolutely, count me in - Than you for asking me, but…

- Would you like to come? - I would, very much - Unfortunately, I can’t….

- I’d very much like yo to come. - Yes, I’d like nothing better
To Give Instructions
To give instructions is an expression to ask someone
to do something, and a statement that describes
how to do something or an order/command.
To Give instructions Responses

Open the book Ok

Watch the film Sure

Sweep the floor Of course

Draw a line Alright

There are some ways to use the expression of instructions :

Don’t + Verb Verb + Obj + Please

“Don’t touch me!” “Close the door, please!”

“Don’t cry” “Open your book, please!”


1. Mention the definition of

a. to give invitation

b. to give instruction, and

c. to ask for permission

2. Mention the example of give instruction!

3. Mention the expression to give invitation!

4. Mention the expression to ask for permission!

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