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Monday, April 2010

Faith- a Spiritual weapon in the midst of Warfare

“And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about100yrs old), and the
deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith,
giving glory to God. And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was able to perform.” Rom 4:19-21

 The principle of faith is the new yardstick for determining whether one pleases God or not. Rom 3:28,Heb 11:6
 The faith of a believer is tested in the presence of storms of oppression, thunders of fear, flames of desolation,
oceans of depression, floods of disappointment, all of which represent the constant attacks that proceed from the gates of
hell. Ephes 6:16, 2 Chorin 4:8-14, Deut 8:2-5
 Beloved, your worst enemy during this period of trial will be fear, unbelief and doubt, all of which will be
expressed in anxiety/worry-that which has the potential to cause even a believer to undermine the power of God. At this
point, the thoughts of defeat makes one weak in prayer, impermeable to the word of God, and on the worst note doubt
the existence of the Holy God. Math 17:17-21, 2 Kings 6:24-33, 2 Kings 7
 Do your present circumstances cause you to doubt the power of God? Begin to have this understanding that God
is able to deliver even in the midst of the lion’s den, the fiery furnace, the roaring storm and even in belly of the beast.
Daniel 6:20, Daniel 3:17, Math 14:26-33,Jonah 2:10
 Do not be only convinced that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above what we can ask and think of,
but also begin to give Him glory even in the midst of that crisis. This will strengthen your faith and even hasten your
deliverance. Rom 4:20, Josh 6,Ephes 3:20
 Oh! If Peter had known this secret, he wouldn’t have fainted in heart on encountering the boisterous wind even as
he walked with the Lord on the sea Math 14:26-33
 If the 10 spies had known this secret, they wouldn’t have brought an exaggerated report from that promise land
which God had sworn to give to them as an inheritance. Num 13:27-33
 Begin to change your mind if you are about to give up on God because He is not ready to give up on you. He only
wants you to be still/calm and know that He is king over those storms and that He is in control (how else do you want God
to work in you to bear the fruit of patience, trust, longsuffering, faith and even an eternal glory?). Has He not promised to
be with you even to the end of the age? Math 28: 19-20, Dan 4:3, Dan 4:34-35, 1 Peter 1:6-7, 2Chor 4:17
 It doesn’t matter the infirmities in your mortal bodies or the genetic predispositions to certain infirmities. Even
Naaman, the Syrian commander was given a new skin as that of a new-born baby, dry bones came back to life, and the
oceans split into two for the passage of the children of God. How bad is your situation? 2 kings 5, Exod 14:21-22,Rom 8:11
 I also beseech you that you have this understanding also, that even if God does not deliver you; there is hope for
your resurrection in the last days to an eternal inheritance. It is this knowledge that led Paul to conclude that the present
tribulations and afflictions that we face cannot be compared with the eternal glory that will be revealed in us. Rom 8:18
 Act contrary to hope by having faith in God and He will surely come to your aid, even though it may tarry. Let faith
influence not only the words of your mouth, but also the intentions of your heart, the places where your feet drives you to
and even the works of your hands. Thus let your faith be justified by your actions and you will definitely invoke that
ultimate visitation from God even in those times of great need. Rom 4:17-18, James 2:21
Beloved, if you were touched, why don’t you make a copy for someone else?

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