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Age of Wonders Tournament Rules

1) All players begin the tournament with 6HP.

a) When a player’s Leader is killed, that player loses HP equal to his race’s
assigned HP value, and the round ends (unless exempted by Rule 9).

b) The first player to lose all HP shall be eliminated from the tournament
and shamefully declared the Squire.

c) The last player to lose all HP shall be declared the Lord.

d) The remaining player shall be declared the Champion and granted

privilege as outlined in Rule 11.

2) Prior to beginning each round, all players must choose, in writing, a single
primary race, as well as backup races (see Sub-rule 2a) in no particular
order, to be revealed simultaneously.

a) The amount of backup races to be chosen by each player shall be

equal to the amount of opposing players.

b) Players who choose the same race must roll a die, and the highest roll
must play as their primary choice. The player who loses the roll may
choose to play as either of their backup choices (excluding any race
already chosen as a primary race by another player).

c) Should three or more players choose the same primary race, and
should two or more players subsequently choose the same backup
race, the die roll process as stated in Rule 2b will be repeated.

3) Players may not propose alliances with one another, unless exempt by Rule

a) Players with less remaining HP may however work in open

cooperation against a player with higher remaining HP, but in-game
alliance proposals are still forbidden.

4) An attacking player may choose either tactical or auto combat against a

defending player.
a) If a player attacks in tactical combat but cannot reach/catch opponents,
/that player must withdraw even if it means loss of units/surrendering.

5) Tactical combat shall never be permitted against AI.

a) Two or more players engaged in tactical combat, in which AI are

included, shall not be considered in violation of this rule.

6) Diplomatic messages shall not be sent to another player in a deliberate

attempt to create an advantage via a pop-up message.

a) In the event a player is accused of breaking this rule, a vote will be

held between all players to determine whether a violation has
occurred. The consequence shall be as outlined in Rule 9.

7) The ability ‘Dominate’ shall not be used on the same unit an unreasonable
amount of times, as determined by any other observing player.

a) In the event a player is accused of breaking this rule, a vote will be

held between all players to determine whether a violation has
occurred. The consequence shall be as outlined in Rule 9.

8) The player who is hosting the LAN connection shall be held responsible to
save the game upon all major occurrences, as defined in the following sub-

a) Major occurrences shall include:

- The death of any Leader, including AI
- Any battle between players
- Any reasonably significant battle known to be within the view
of the host
- Any declaration by another player that a save is necessary

b) In the event a player is accused of being a poor host, a vote will be

held between all players to determine whether a violation has
occurred. The consequence shall be as outlined in Rule 9.

9) In the event a player has been determined guilty of breaking a rule, all other
players may choose to declare a formal alliance against the guilty player, for
the remainder of the round in which the violation occurred
a) If a formal alliance is declared, the round does not end until the guilty
player is defeated, or all allied players are defeated.

b) If a formal alliance is declared, allied players do not lose HP if their

Leader is killed unless all other allied players are also defeated.

10) When a player kills another player’s Leader to end the round, the winning
player shall be awarded the honour of writing the round’s synopsis.

a) Should the round end as a result of a player dying by AI, the player
with the highest score shall be allowed to write the round’s synopsis.

11) The Champion shall be awarded the prestigious Tournament Trophy, and
shall retain the title of Champion until either defeated, or relinquished as
outlined in sub-rule below.

a) A Champion may only decline a Tournament challenge for one

weekend. If a second challenge is declined, the title of Champion is
stripped and the trophy relinquished.
First Age of Wonders LAN Tournament


Rules: AoW+ 1.43, LAN-MP Ruleset


Champion: **Last Player Standing**

Lord: **Second Last Player Standing**

Squire: **First Player Eliminated**

Assigned Race HP Values **As agreed upon by all participating players, 2 is default, range is 1-4 based

on possible map imbalances**









Dark Elves




**Altered rules description below, if any**

Round One

Chosen Races: Dice Roll Results

Cody: -> Lizardmen Drake 20

Elves Nathan 19


Drake: -> Orcs



Nathan: Orcs


-> Undead

Player Roster:


In-game name:

Three Favourite Races:

Three Favourite Scenarios:

Three Favourite Spells:

Three Favourite Spheres:

Preferred Sphere Choice:

Three Favourite Heroes:

Three Favourite Abilities:

Three favourite Units:

Three Favourite Items:

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