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Critical Risks in the Pre-Launch Phase

 We think there’s no specific regulation that would hinder our business for it’s just only small and
we’re only starting.
 We may say that we lack cooking devices and utensils to cook or make our product. As to
Unpredictable shipping costs, these may be included as our business progresses; if we already
have come to gauge the scope of our customers. Above all, we think that our product is not
impossible to make despite the little shortcomings I have stated above.
 Due to inadequacy of funds we ought to ask funding from our parents for we are still students
and if it may require much more money, we may opt to ask for solicitation and sponsorship from
other agencies or the government offices.

Critical Risks in the Post-Launch Phase

 On the basis of less customer interest than expected, this may affect our business in a way that
there are many indirect competitors around us as to sweets or delicacies. Other students might
choose sweet products in the canteen near our college and not resort to try our product.
 We think that there wouldn’t be much grave competitor actions and retaliation on our part, for
we are just a budding business and we still won’t pose a threat to them for the mean time. We
think that other student’s competitors won’t find ways to disrupt or sabotage our business for
they will understand how hard it is to put it up in the first place.
 We have stated above that our operating expenses and financing might be shortened as we go
along our business so we must find certain source of capital from trusted people.
 As to changes in environment, healthy food trends nowadays may be advantageous for our
business for it doesn’t have any preservatives of artificial condiments added. However, our
goods may not cater all specially those having or is at risk of diabetes at a young age. They can’t
avail our products or these may be bad for them.

The plans to counter the risks are the following:

 Advertising strategies is one. These may include social media use and giving flyers randomly at
people we might encounter along the road or in the school’s vicinity.
 Having high quality products and balancing the costs (making its more cost efficient) would
make our products acknowledged by the public and be bought more.
 We will also be open to changes or will take suggestions carefully from our customers. Whatever
concern they may post in our page in Facebook or message us will be greatly studied and will
innovate ways to address it.

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