(New & Improved) TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)


Determine the number of Calories required to lose/gain weight
Gender *
Age *
Unit System *
Metric (cm, kg)
Height *
Weight *
Goal *
Weight Gain
Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Goal Weight *
Calorie Surplus *
10% Suggested

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Formula (optional)Note: Choose Lean Mass Formula only if you have a fairly accurate estimation of your
current body fat. Choosing this formula will give you access to a new metric called "Maximum Fat
Metabolism" in the results section.
Total Body Weight Formula

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Activity Factor

A Sedentary lifestyle is self-explanatory. This is where you sit all day, and have zero activity (e.g. bank
teller, desk job).
Choose Lightly Active if you walk a bit, such as gardening, climbing the stairs few times a day, taking out
the trash, walking the dog, etc.
Choose Moderately Active if you are spending a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g.
waitress, mailman) or play any intermittent type activity like a sport.
Choose Very Active if you spend good part of the day doing some fairly heavy physical activity (e.g. bike
messenger, carpenter).
Extremely Active is reserved for someone who's involved in intense physical activity. This person can be
a professional athlete, boxer or a soldier.

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Note: If you find yourself struggling between two activity factors, always choose the lower one to be on the
safer side.
Sedentary - Desk job

Exercise Factor

None - Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
Light - Feels like you can maintain for hours. Easy to breathe and carry a conversation (e.g. Body weight
exercises, simple isolation workouts, aerobics, steady state cardio, etc).
Moderate - On the verge of becoming uncomfortable. Shortness of breath, can hold short conversations
(e.g. Weight Training using moderate weights).
Difficult - Very difficult to maintain exercise intensity. Can brealy breathe and speak a sentence (e.g.
Weight Training using fairly heavy weights along with HIIT sessions).
Intense - Watch our for my sweat, you might drown! Feels almost impossible to keep going (e.g. Intense
training twice a day (close to 3 hours or more).
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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Note: If you find yourself struggling between two exercise factors, always choose the lower one to be on the
safer side.
Moderate - Occasional gossip


Your BMI scoreBMI stands for “body mass index,” and it’s a measurement of the relationship between your
height and weight. BMI isn’t always a perfect measure of your health, but it provides a good snapshot of
whether or not you should lose weight. If your BMI Category is “obese”, then chances are good that you should
lose weight. But if you lift weights regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle, feel free to ignore this.
20.1 BMI Category: Normal (healthy weight)

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Your BMR isYour Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at
rest, also known as your metabolism.
1157 Calories

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Your TDEE isYour TDEE is the amount of calories you need to consume a day in-order to maintain your
current weight while performing your daily and exercise activities.
1561 Calories

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Surplus CaloriesThis is the amount of calories that is added to your TDEE to arrive at your Daily Calories.
156 Calories

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Daily CaloriesYour Daily Calories is the amount of calories you need to consume a day in-order to Build
If you're just starting out, slowly increase your calories each week (150 calories/week) until you’ve reached
1717 Calories.
1717 Calories
Days to reach your goal
296 days
Target date (dd/mm/yyyy)

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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

Maximum Genetic Muscular PotentialMaximum Genetic Muscular Potential is an estimate of the

maximum amount of muscle you can gain without steroids. This is based on the findings made by Martin
Berkhan. You can read more about it in his article here.
55 kg at 5% Body Fat

Determine your daily macronutrient requirements
Select a Preset
(Carb % / Protein % / Fat %)
High Carb - 50C/30P/20F
Note: To use a custom Macro setting, please visit our new and improved Macro Calculator.
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28/6/2020 [New & Improved] TDEE Calculator (Insanely Accurate)

50 % ➭ 215 grams


30 % ➭ 129 grams


20 % ➭ 38 grams


For your daily calories (1717 Calories)

" The past cannot be changed.

The future is yet in our power.
Let's do this. "
Generated on: Sun Jun 28 2020
Please consult with a medical doctor before making any significant dietary changes.

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