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The Foods and Beverages Merchants in Jabodetabek

Lost Their Income Until Rp 200 billion

Bad weather that hit several regions in Indonesia is large enough to impact the food and
beverage industry in this country. For only the Jabodetabek area, the floods predicted
suppress the turnover to 25 percent.
Chairman of the Food and Beverage Association of Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman
explained, a decrease of revenue is due to the difficulty of the distribution of products from
the factory to the market because of the flooding block. Thus, it spreads on the decline in
As an overall result, Adhi estimated the food and beverage industry in Jabodetabek lost the
income until Rp 200 billion per day. “In the normal situation, the income in each day for this
region reached USD 800 billion,” he said on Tuesday (01/21/2014).
It is not only the distribution to the consumer, food and beverage manufacturers must also
bear the losses due to the distribution of raw materials from the another region which also
For example, the transportation of fresh fruit and meat from Central Java, currently takes up
to four days. Though, it usually takes only a half day. “Whereas within five days, the fresh
raw materials will rot in about 50 percent” he said.
It hasn’t counted yet the losses because the factory could not be operated due to workers who
could not get in because of flooding, or because there is no electricity supply due to outages
by PLN in some areas.
Despite the losses is in sight, according to Adhi, manufacturers of foods and beverages will
not raise their selling prices. Because this problem is only temporary.
The Foods and Beverages Merchants in Jabodetabek
Lost Their Income Until Rp 200 billion
Bad weather that hit several regions in Indonesia is large enough to impact the food and
beverage industry in this country. For only the Jabodetabek area, the floods predicted
suppress the turnover to 25 percent.
Chairman of the Food and Beverage Association of Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman
explained, a decrease of revenue is due to the difficulty of the distribution of products from
the factory to the market because of the flooding block. Thus, it spreads on the decline in
As an overall result, Adhi estimated the food and beverage industry in Jabodetabek lost the
income until Rp 200 billion per day. “In the normal situation, the income in each day for this
region reached USD 800 billion,” he said on Tuesday (01/21/2014).
It is not only the distribution to the consumer, food and beverage manufacturers must also
bear the losses due to the distribution of raw materials from the another region which also
For example, the transportation of fresh fruit and meat from Central Java, currently takes up
to four days. Though, it usually takes only a half day. “Whereas within five days, the fresh
raw materials will rot in about 50 percent” he said.
It hasn’t counted yet the losses because the factory could not be operated due to workers who
could not get in because of flooding, or because there is no electricity supply due to outages
by PLN in some areas.
Despite the losses is in sight, according to Adhi, manufacturers of foods and beverages will
not raise their selling prices. Because this problem is only temporary.
Pedagang Makanan dan Minuman di Jabodetabek Kehilangan Penghasilan
Hingga Rp 200 miliar

Cuaca buruk yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia cukup besar hingga
berdampak pada industri makanan dan minuman di negara ini. Untuk hanya
wilayah Jabodetabek, banjir diprediksi menekan omset hingga 25 persen.
Ketua Asosiasi Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman
menjelaskan, penurunan pendapatan ini disebabkan sulitnya distribusi produk
dari pabrik ke pasar karena blok banjir. Jadi, itu menyebar pada penurunan
Sebagai hasil keseluruhan, Adhi memperkirakan industri makanan dan
minuman di Jabodetabek kehilangan pendapatan hingga Rp 200 miliar per hari.
"Dalam situasi normal, pendapatan setiap hari untuk wilayah ini mencapai USD
800 miliar," katanya, Selasa (21/1/2014).
Bukan hanya distribusi ke konsumen, produsen makanan dan minuman juga
harus menanggung kerugian karena distribusi bahan baku dari daerah lain yang
juga goyah.
Misalnya, pengangkutan buah dan daging segar dari Jawa Tengah, saat ini
memakan waktu hingga empat hari. Padahal, biasanya hanya butuh setengah
hari. "Padahal dalam lima hari, bahan baku segar akan membusuk sekitar 50
persen," katanya.
Belum dihitung kerugiannya karena pabrik tidak dapat dioperasikan karena
pekerja yang tidak bisa masuk karena banjir, atau karena tidak ada pasokan
listrik karena pemadaman oleh PLN di beberapa daerah.
Meskipun kerugian sudah di depan mata, menurut Adhi, produsen makanan dan
minuman tidak akan menaikkan harga jual mereka. Karena masalah ini hanya

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