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Case study 2

She’s a Smart Enough Broad

1. Is there a problem(s) here?

There is not such a big issue but still small things or some misunderstanding
bring a lot of problems sometime. Yes, there are definitely some problems
between the staffs which keep on creating some kind of conflicts between
them. These problems not only make the relationship worse but also
degrades the working environment and overall operation of the company.

2. What is (are) the problem(s)?

The problems here are not created intentionally by any person. It is all about
the human psychology. The story clearly states that Dorothy is more than
twice James age. She is an old woman now who is about to start her retire
life whereas James is a young and energetic person. As we know that,
children and elderly people are moody in nature. When a person is close to
his/her sixties, he/she starts to show the childish behavior. They don’t even
listen to anyone.
Thus, here is the problem. Not knowing in dealing with the elderly person
has been the main issue in this study.

3. What should be done?

Dorothy should be given more priority. James must start working out on
giving respect and being more polite. Even Dorothy is rude, James must
learn to be calm. Being in higher position doesn’t make one senior than the
one with more experienced and familiar with the same working
environment. James might have more higher education while Dorothy might
not. Now, he has to treat her with love, care and respect. Maintaining good
relationship and counselling could be the best solution.

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