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Cainta Catholic College

Diocesan College of the Diocese of Antipolo

Senior High School Department

Name: _____________________________ Gr. & Sec.: ______________________ Date: ______________

Directions: Please read each statement carefully and give the best answer being asked.

_____________1. These are the important aspects/factors that need to be considered in the problem
_____________2. This part presents the questions that the study will be answered.
_____________3. This is the blueprint or the illustrated procedures of the study
_____________4. An overview of the whole study
_____________5. This is the part of thesis where the strong foundations/backbone of the study will be
_____________6. A presentation of the people/organization that will benefit from the study
_____________7. Number of research designs can be used in Qualitative Research
_____________8. This is the part of research where the important words have to be defined properly
_____________9. This is a research design that aims to explain the concept of culture and traditions
_____________10. This is a research design that has an in depth analysis of human experience
_____________11. This is the part of the thesis where the step by step procedures of the study will be
_____________12. A variable that influence or affect
_____________13. A variable that can be changed due to influences
_____________14. This consists of books, magazines, journals, website and the like
_____________15. This consists of dissertations and thesis

5 Qualitative Research Designs

16. ________________________
17. ________________________
18. ________________________
19. ________________________
20. ________________________

Directions: Read and analyze the statement carefully and identify whether the statement is True or False.
If true write only T and F if false. Not following of the directions means wrong.

____ 21. Qualitative Research since it is subjective does not require of analysis
____ 22. Case Study is a design that particularly deals with the basic knowledge of the problem.
____ 23. The researchers can set the broadness of limitations.
____ 24. Qualitative Study can be measured/conducted through numbers
____ 25. Data is not confidential in Qualitative Study
____ 26. Qualitative Research needs more variables
____ 27. 1 respondent is enough for case study
____ 28. SOP presents the important theory that will guide the researchers
____ 29. Theoretical framework gives a comprehensive guide to the researchers
____ 30. Conceptual Framework should help the researchers present the procedures of the study

Directions: Read and analyze the statement carefully and identify whether the statement is ethical or
unethical. Write YES if ethical and NO if unethical.
_____ 31. Discuss the specific duties and data expected from the respondent
_____ 32. Introduce one-self properly by showing credentials
_____ 33. Respect the right to privacy of the individual
_____ 34. Ensure data confidentiality
_____ 35. Avoid bribing or threatening the respondent in exchange for information;
_____ 36. Respect the opinion of the respondent and never argue with the respondent on answers to
questions posed
_____ 37. Record objectively and accurately the responses given (avoid misinterpretation by checking
with respondent the information that needs clarification)
_____ 38. Acknowledge all data sources in the final report
_____ 39. Provide the respondent a copy of the report if this was a commitment at the start of the
_____ 40. Properly disseminate information on the results of the study. It will help if validation meetings
with the respondents are held before the report is finalized.

Identify the variables of the given title below and write on the space provided

Psychological Impact of President Duterte’s vulgar words on Filipino Youth

41. _____________________ 42. ______________________ 43. ______________________

Effect of Class Suspensions on Student’s Knowledge Retention

44. _____________________ 45. ______________________ 46. ______________________

Broken Families in Cainta Catholic College

47. _____________________ 48. ______________________ 49. ______________________

Perception of Students in Cainta Catholic College on Teenage Pregnancy

50. _____________________ 51. ______________________ 52. ______________________

Importance of Guidance and Counseling on the formative years of students

53. _____________________ 54. ______________________ 55. ______________________

Based on the given Statement of the Problem (SOP), identify the proper research design for the study

Statement of the Problem Research Design

How do Cainteños value their SUMBINGTIK Festival? 56-57.
How does Sampaguita Vendor survive a day? 58-59.
What is the impact of TOKHANG on the 60-61.
rehabilitation of drug users in Cainta?
How does working student in Cainta Catholic College 62-63.
manage his/her academics?
What is the impact of broken families on the 64-65.
Behavior of the Students in Cainta Catholic College?

Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn.

-Benjamin Franklin

Prepared by:

Allan S. Salazar, LPT


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