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Recent Advances in
Tropical Cyclogenesis
Michael T. Montgomery
Department of Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California, USA

1. Introduction
The genesis of tropical cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons has been regarded
by some as one of the most important unsolved problems in dynamical
meteorology (Emanuel, 2005) and climate (Gore, 2006). From a scientific
point of view, the problem is certainly a fascinating one. This article begins
with a brief synopsis of the problem of tropical cyclogenesis and then presents
an overview of some recent work on the tropical cyclogenesis problem by the
author and his colleagues. The research reviewed here points to a unified view
of the genesis and intensification process. It provides also a basis for some
new tools to aid in forecasting tropical-cyclone formation.

1.1 Terminology Defined

Before embarking on this review, it is appropriate to discuss some relevant
terminology. The glossary on the Hurricane Research Division’s website
uses “tropical cyclone as the generic term for a nonfrontal synoptic-scale
low-pressure system over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized
convection (i.e. thunderstorm activity) and a definite cyclonic surface wind
circulation (Holland, 1993).” Notably, this definition does not invoke any
wind threshold. The same glossary defines a tropical depression as a tropical
cyclone with maximum sustained surface winds of less than 17 m s-1 (34 kt,
39 mph) and, in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Basins, a “tropical storm” as
a tropical cyclone with surface winds between 17 ms-1 and 33 ms-1.
In contrast, a universally accepted definition of tropical cyclogenesis does
not exist. For example, Ritchie and Holland (1999) define genesis as: “…
the series of physical processes by which a warmcore, tropical-cyclone-scale
28  Michael T. Montgomery

vortex with maximum amplitude near the surface forms”. In recent paper,
Nolan et al. (2007) use a wind speed threshold of 20 ms-1 to define the time of
genesis. The formation of a tropical cyclone (TC), a phenomenon, commonly
referred to as tropical cyclogenesis (hereafter, TC genesis), is a process by
which some pre-existing, synoptic-scale or mesoscale weather feature in
the tropics evolves so as to take on the characteristics of a tropical cyclone.
The specific characteristics adopted by operational forecasting centres are as
follows: a quasi-circular, closed circulation at or near the surface with the
strongest circulating winds within or near the top of the atmospheric boundary
layer and the presence of sustained deep moist convection near the centre of
the circulation.
For the purpose of this chapter, tropical cyclogenesis will be defined as
the formation of a tropical depression as described above and, like Ritchie and
Holland op. cit., but unlike Nolan, we impose no formal threshold on wind
speed. We will refer to “intensification” as the amplification of the surface wind
speed beyond the stage of tropical depression. Another issue, recognized long
ago by Ooyama (1982), is the usage of the words “formation” and “genesis”.
For the purposes of this chapter we will use these terms interchangeably.
Moreover, it will be argued later that, from the point of view of understanding
the formation and intensification process, a precise definition of cyclogenesis,
understood as the attainment of specific wind thresholds, is unnecessary.

1.2 Necessary Conditions for Tropical Cyclogenesis

Many disturbances travel across the tropical ocean basins during their
respective tropical cyclone seasons, and yet relatively few become TCs. Since
the pioneering work by Gray (1968), it has been known that a number of
environmental conditions are favourable for genesis. For a cyclone to form
six preconditions must be met:
1. Warm ocean waters (of at least 26.5°C) throughout a sufficient depth
(unknown how deep, but at least on the order of 50 m). (Warm waters are
necessary to fuel the heat engine of the tropical cyclone.)
2. An atmosphere which cools fast enough with height (is “unstable”
enough) such that it encourages thunderstorm activity. (It is the
thunderstorm activity that allows the heat stored in the ocean waters to
be liberated for the tropical cyclone development.)
3. Relatively moist layers near the mid-troposphere (5 km). (Dry mid
levels are not conducive for allowing the continuing development of
widespread thunderstorm activity.)
4. A minimum distance of around 500 km from the equator. (Some of the
earth’s spin is generally needed to provide a background rotation that can
subsequently be concentrated and amplified through the partial material
conservation of absolute angular momentum. Systems can form closer
to the equator, or even on the equator given a disturbance with sufficient
local vertical rotation, but these are relatively rare events.)
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  29

5. A pre-existing disturbance near the surface with sufficient spin (vorticity)

and inflow (convergence). (Tropical cyclones are generally not observed
to form spontaneously. To develop, they require a weakly organized
system with sufficient spin and low level inflow.)
6. Little change in the horizontal wind with height (low vertical wind shear,
i.e. typically less than 40 km/h from surface to tropopause). (Large values
of wind shear tend to disrupt the organization of the thunderstorms that
are important to the inner part of a cyclone.)
Having these conditions met is necessary albeit insufficient since many
disturbances that appear to have favourable conditions do not develop.

1.3 The Forecasting Problem

Over the past few decades there have been significant strides in improving
tropical cyclone forecasting. Two formidable challenges that remain for TC
forecasters are predicting TC intensity changes and forecasting TC genesis.
The problem of forecasting TC genesis remains difficult for a number of
reasons: (1) The structure and three-dimensional flow fields associated with
pre-genesis systems are poorly understood, in part due to the relative lack of
reconnaissance aircraft data and research campaigns compared to mature TCs;
(2) TC genesis is often not well handled by operational forecast numerical
models; and (3) there are competing theories for the fundamental processes
involved, that culminate in the transformation of a cluster of thunderstorms
into an organized tropical cyclone (Tory and Frank, 2010).

1.4 “Top down” Versus “Bottom up” Views

There are two main viewpoints that have arisen to the forefront of the TC
genesis discussion in the last two decades. The first includes two distinct
variations, and they will be grouped together as “top-down”. Variation 1, or
“Top-down merger” (Ritchie and Holland, 1997, 1993) features two mid-level
vortices originating from the stratiform region of neighbouring mesoscale
convective systems that interact, creating an area of enhanced cyclonic
vorticity that appears to grow downwards. The downward growth of the
merged circulation is a function of the local Rossby radius of deformation for
asymmetric disturbances, NH/flocal, where N is the Brunt-Vaissalla frequency,
H is an equivalent depth for internal gravity waves forced by deep convection
and flocal = (f + ζ ) ( f + 2vtan r ) is the effective Coriolis parameter for the
local environment assuming weak departures of axisymmetric flow (Shapiro
and Montgomery, 1993; Hoskins et al., 1985). According to this model, if the
merged circulation extends to the surface it will promote the spin-up of an
organized system that can result in the initiation of a tropical cyclone.
Variation 2, or the “Top-down showerhead” theory of tropical
cyclogenesis, was developed by Bister and Emanuel (1997) in their analysis of
the data collected in the eastern Pacific basin during the TEXMEX experiment
30  Michael T. Montgomery

conducted in the summer of 1991, based in Mexico. Unlike the model of Ritchie
and Holland op. cit., this model requires only a single mesoscale convective
vortex. This study emphasized the importance of thermodynamical processes
within a so-called “mesoscale convective vortex embryo”. The study proposed
that the development of a cool, moist environment resulting from stratiform
rain serves as the incubation region for the formation of a low-level, warm-
core cyclonic vortex. The study suggested that sustained precipitation in the
stratiform cloud deck together with the evaporation of rain drops below would
gradually cool and saturate the layer below cloud base while transporting
cyclonic vorticity downwards to the surface. The idea is that there will be
an accompanying increase in near-surface winds that would increase surface
moisture fluxes leading ultimately to convective destabilization. A subsequent
bout of deep convection was hypothesized to induce low-level convergence
and vorticity stretching, thereby increasing the low-level tangential winds and
“igniting” an amplification process fuelled by the increased surface moisture
fluxes (the WISHE mechanism, see Chapter 21).
Some questions about the dynamics of the pre-ignition process have
been raised by Tory and Montgomery (2006) who noted, in particular, the
inconsistency with vorticity substance impermeability between isobaric
surfaces (Haynes and McIntrye, 1987). An equivalent way to understand
this inconsistency is through the use of absolute angular momentum M
(see Chapter 21). The downward advection of M by the downdraught is
accompanied by horizontal divergence, which moves M surfaces outwards.
The net effect of this process is one in which the M is materially conserved.
Since the absolute circulation is proportional to M, the absolute circulation
similarly will not change. Thus the hypothesized mechanism cannot increase
the absolute circulation of the lower troposphere and cannot by itself lead to
a net spin up of the low-level circulation. As we saw in Chapter 21, concerns
arise also about the assumed air-sea interaction feedback known as WISHE.
Notwithstanding these issues, the thermodynamical aspects of the genesis
process are still important and interesting and have been investigated further
in Raymond et al. (2011), Smith and Montgomery (2012), Montgomery and
Smith (2012) and Wang (2012). The new thermodynamic findings in the
context of the new cyclogenesis model are discussed later in Section 4 of this
The “top down” viewpoints have in recent years been challenged by a
“Bottom-up” view of TC genesis. Although some of the basic elements of this
viewpoint are not new, there are new and important elements of the theory to
be discussed below. These ideas have been advanced primarily by the author
and his colleagues. A new element of the theory recognizes the presence
of deep cumulus convection in the form of “vortical hot towers” (VHTs)
that act to concentrate and spin-up relatively large areas of near-surface
vorticity (Hendricks et al., 2004; Montgomery et al., 2006). Another new
element invokes the existence of a lower-tropospheric “sweet spot” within
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  31

a favourable region of cyclonically recirculating flow in a layer spanning the

surface to lower/middle troposphere. The latter region is referred to by the
author and his colleagues as a “Pouch”, the name given to a protected area of
vorticity and high moisture in a lower-tropospheric critical layer that moves
along with a parent easterly wave (Dunkerton et al., 2009; Montgomery et al.,
2012). When an approximately aligned pouch exists in the middle and lower
troposphere, and thermodynamic and kinematic conditions are favourable as
outlined in the six necessary conditions above, cumulus convective activity
within and near the pouch will cause the circulation to strengthen through
horizontal convergence on the system scale circulation as vortex tubes are
stretched vertically locally, drawn inwards and amalgamated near the sweet
The two foregoing viewpoints are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and
work remains to be done to determine what pieces of the theories best fit the
observations of TC genesis.
Bottom-up TC genesis was one of the foci of two recent field experiments
called Tropical Cyclone Structure 2008 (TCS08; Elsberry and Harr, 2008) and
PRE-Depression Investigation of Cloud systems in the Tropics (PREDICT;
Montgomery et al., 2012). The PREDICT experiment was designed to
study exclusively pre-depression systems and test the so-called “marsupial
hypotheses” discussed further below. The overarching goal of PREDICT was
to obtain a better understanding of the processes involved in TC genesis. The
exclusive focus on TC genesis sets the PREDICT project apart from other TC
field campaigns, such as NOAA’s Intensity Forecasting Experiment (IFEX)
or NASA’s Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) experiment
both of which have multiple goals, and provides a unique opportunity for the
extensive study of pre-depression cases. Both TCS08 and PREDICT build on
the TEXMEX experiment and NASA’s Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes
Experiment (TCSP; Halverson et al., 2007) conducted in 2005 by adding many
more new genesis cases to study with consecutive sampling over many days.

2. The Crux of the Problem: The Formation of

Tropical Depressions
The development of tropical depressions is inextricably linked to synoptic-
scale disturbances that come in a variety of forms. The most prominent
synoptic-scale disturbances in the Atlantic basin are African easterly waves.
Typically, they have periods of 3-5 days and wavelengths of 2000-3000 km
(e.g. Reed et al., 1977).
The parent easterly waves over Africa and the far eastern Atlantic are
relatively well studied, as in the classic GATE campaign in 1974 and more
recently in NASA AMMA (2006). Sometimes a vigorous, diabatically-
activated wave emerging from Africa generates a tropical depression
immediately, but in most instances these waves continue their westward
32  Michael T. Montgomery

Fig. 1. First-detection locations of developing (triangles) and non-developing (squares)

tropical depressions from 1975 to 2005 (1995-2005 in red), adapted from Bracken and
Bosart (2000). The blue circle denotes the approximate PREDICT domain.

course harmlessly over the open ocean, or blend with new waves excited in
the mid-Atlantic ITCZ. In a minority of waves, the vorticity anomalies they
contain become seedlings for depression formation in the central and western
Atlantic and farther west.
Figure 1 shows the detection locations of developing and non-developing
tropical depressions from 1975 to 2005 based on the work of Bracken and
Bosart (2000). It is apparent that there are relatively few Atlantic tropical
depressions that fail to become tropical cyclones. It is well known also that
most (approximately 80%) tropical waves do not become tropical depressions.
This fact is supported by numerous studies (e.g., Frank, 1970; DMW09, their
footnote 3). The key questions would appear to be:
• Which tropical waves (or other disturbances) will evolve into a tropical
• What is different about developing waves?
• Can this difference be identified, and on what time scale?
• Why do so few disturbances develop?

2.1 The Multi-scale Nature of the Problem

The multi-scale nature of tropical cyclogenesis within tropical waves is
well-known and substantial progress in further understanding the genesis
sequence has been made in the past few years. The processes are illustrated
schematically in Fig. 2 (after Gray, 1998). There, two length scales are
illustrated, with a cluster of deep, moist convection confined to the trough
of the synoptic-scale wave. Within these clusters are individual mesoscale
convective systems (MCSs).
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  33

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic of synoptic-scale flow through an easterly waves (dashed)

with an embedded cluster of convection in the wave trough. In (b) the cluster is
shown to contain mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and extreme convection
(EC, black oval) within one of the MCSs. From Gray (1998).

As discussed by Dunkerton et al. (2009, hereafter DMW09), “…critically

important processes and their multi-scale interactions thought to be involved
in cyclogenesis have been a challenge to model and observe. Nature in
some cases provides little advance warning of these storms and prediction
of genesis beyond 48 h is generally too uncertain to be useful. Funding and
technological resources are needed to remedy these deficiencies, to the extent
they can be remedied, but it is unlikely that fundamental progress will be
made without a quantum leap in theoretical understanding as well as the
available observations on the synoptic scale need to be analyzed in a manner
that is consistent with the Lagrangian1 nature of tropical cyclogenesis. In
the earliest stage of genesis, the fluid motion is mostly horizontal and quasi-
conservative, punctuated by intermittent deep convection, a strongly diabatic
and turbulent process. In order to fully appreciate the transport of vorticity
and moist entropy by the flow, their interaction with one another, the impacts
of deep convective transport and protection of the proto-vortex from hostile
influences requires, among other things, an understanding of material surfaces
or “Lagrangian boundaries” in the horizontal plane. This viewpoint, although
used subconsciously by forecasters, is invisible to researchers working with
standard meteorological products in an Eulerian or Earth-relative framework.”

2.2 A Lagrangian Flow Perspective

This new Lagrangian perspective has been applied largely to tropical cyclone
formation in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific basins. Some inroads have been
forged also into understanding the Lagrangian flow dynamics for developing

In a broad sense, Lagrangian refers to the practice of following an air parcel or a flow
feature. Here we are following a tropical wave disturbance. For the present purposes
we are invoking a wave-relative viewpoint following the trough axis of the wave.
34  Michael T. Montgomery

and non-developing westward-propagating disturbances in the western

Pacific region during the TCS08 experiment. For example, the papers by
Montgomery et al. (2010b) and Raymond and Lopez-Carillo (2011) analyze
a well-observed formation case from a westward-propagating disturbance
during the TCS08 experiment. Because of the strong similarities between
this particular case and easterly wave formation events in the Atlantic basin,
most of this chapter will focus on the formation of tropical depressions in the
Atlantic basin. The formation of tropical depressions in other storm basins,
originating from synoptic-scale precursors other than easterly-like waves, is
a topic of active research and scientific progress using the new Lagrangian
perspective will be communicated in due course.
The so-called “marsupial paradigm” offers a new understanding into how
locally-favourable recirculation regions are generated within synoptic-scale
precursor disturbances in the lower troposphere, and has gone a substantial
way to providing answers to the foregoing questions. On the one hand,
these circulation regions help protect seedling vortices from the detrimental
effects of vertical and horizontal shearing deformation and from the lateral
entrainment of dry air. On the other hand, they favour sustained column
moistening and low-level vorticity enhancement by vortex-tube stretching in
association with deep cumulus convection.

3. The Marsupial Paradigm for Tropical

Easterly Waves
DMW09 proposed a new model for tropical cyclogenesis that recognizes
the intrinsic multi-scale nature of the problem from synoptic, sub-synoptic,
mesoscale and cloud scales. Using three independent datasets—ECMWF5
Reanalysis data, TRMM6 3B42 3-hourly precipitation and the best track
data from the National Hurricane Center (NHC)— the Kelvin cat’s eye
within the critical layer of a tropical easterly wave, or the wave “pouch”, was
hypothesized to be important to tropical storm formation because:
1. Wave breaking or roll-up of cyclonic vorticity and lower-tropospheric
moisture near the critical surface in the lower troposphere provides a
favourable environment for the aggregation of vorticity seedlings for
tropical-cyclone formation;
2. The cat’s eye is a region of approximately closed circulation, where air
is repeatedly moistened by deep moist convection and protected to some
degree from dry air intrusion; and
3. The parent wave is maintained and possibly enhanced by diabatically-
amplified mesoscale vortices within the wave.
This genesis sequence and the overarching framework for describing how
such hybrid wave-vortex structures become tropical depressions is likened
to the development of a marsupial infant in its mother’s pouch wherein the
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  35

juvenile proto-vortex is carried along by the mother parent wave until it is

strengthened into a self-sustaining entity. A survey of 55 named storms in the
Atlantic and eastern Pacific sectors during August–September 1998–2001 was
shown to support this so-called “marsupial paradigm”. Tropical cyclogenesis
tended to occur near the intersection of the trough axis and the critical surface
of the wave, the nominal centre of the cat’s eye. The marsupial paradigm
provides a useful road map for exploration of synoptic-mesoscale linkages
essential to tropical cyclogenesis.
An idealized schematic of a tropical easterly wave in the “old” (traditional)
and “new” (wave-pouch) flow viewpoints is sketched in Fig. 3. A deep pouch
extending from the surface to the approximate 600 hPa level can protect the
enhanced vortical structures generated by convection from the hostile tropical
environment. Examples of such hostile environments are the dry air masses
associated with the Saharan air layer or environments with strong vertical or
horizontal wind shear. The sketch is drawn for the situation in which there is
weak convergence into the pouch region in the lower troposphere. For such a
circumstance, the pouch has an opening that allows the influx of environmental
air and vorticity (Dunkerton et al., 2009; Riemer and Montgomery, 2011).
Figure 3 shows idealized schematic of a tropical easterly wave in the
“old” and “new” flow geometry viewpoints. The thick red line indicates the
easterly jet maximum of the eastern- and mid-Atlantic basin. The dashed black
curves represent the easterly wave’s streamlines in the ground-based frame
of reference, which is usually open and has an inverted-V pattern. The solid
black curves delineate the wave pouch as viewed in the frame of reference
moving at the same zonal speed with the easterly wave. The preferred region of
persistent convection is indicated by pink shading. The thick purple and black
curves represent the local critical latitude and the trough axis, respectively.
The critical latitude on a particular pressure surface is defined by the locus of
points satisfying U = c_x, where c_x denotes the wave’s zonal phase speed and
U denotes the local zonal wind. The intersection of these two curves pinpoints

Fig. 3. Idealized schematic of a tropical easterly wave in the “old” and “new” flow
geometry viewpoints.
36  Michael T. Montgomery

the pouch centre (or “sweet spot”), which Montgomery et al. (2010) and Wang
et al. (2010) have shown to be the preferred location for vorticity aggregation
and tropical cyclogenesis within easterly wave disturbances. Relative inflow
represented by a thick black arrow. (Figure taken from Wang et al., 2010.)
The marsupial model subsumes many of the prior ideas regarding tropical
cyclone formation summarized in Section 1.4.

3.1 Fundamental Coherent Structures within the Pouch

Vortical hot towers (or VHTs) have been identified as fundamental coherent
structures in both the tropical cyclone genesis process (Hendricks et al., 2004;
Montgomery et al., 2006; Braun et al., 2010; Fang and Zhang, 2010) and
the tropical-cyclone intensification process (Nguyen et al., 2008; Shin and
Smith, 2008; Montgomery et al., 2009; Fang and Zhang, 2011). A widely
accepted definition for these vortical convective structures does not yet exist,
but the definition by DMW09 highlights the essential physical characteristics,
namely, “deep moist convective clouds that rotate as an entity and/or contain
updrafts that rotate in helical fashion (as in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard
convection). These locally buoyant vortical plume structures amplify pre-
existing cyclonic vorticity by at least an order of magnitude larger than that
of the aggregate vortex.” Even for background rotation rates as low as that
of an undisturbed tropical atmosphere away from the equator, cloud model
simulations demonstrate this tendency to amplify planetary vorticity by
vortex-tube stretching on time scales of an hour (Saunders and Montgomery,
2004; Weismeir and Smith, 2011; Kilroy and Smith, 2012). These cloud
model simulations indicate also that the induced horizontal circulation by a
single updraught is typically no more than a few metres per second with a
horizontal scale of around 10 km, and would be barely detectable by normal
measurement methods in the presence of an ambient wind field. All of these
results together suggest that non-shallow tropical convection away from the
equator is vortical to some degree and can amplify the vertical vorticity by
between one and two orders of magnitude. It is not hard to imagine, then,
that the stretching of vertical vortex tubes by a developing cumulus cloud is
a fundamental process. Based on this accumulating evidence, we believe that
a precise quantitative definition of a VHT in terms of the degree of vorticity
amplification and possibly updraught strength is not required and for this
reason a precise definition will not be pursued here.

3.2 Observational Evidence for Vortical

Convection in Pre-Storms
The discovery of VHTs in three-dimensional numerical model simulations
of tropical cyclogenesis and tropical-cyclone intensification has motivated
efforts to document such structures in observations. Two early studies were
those of Reasor et al. (2006), who used airborne Doppler radar data to show
that VHTs were present in the genesis phase of Hurricane Dolly (1996), and
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  37

Sippel et al. (2006), who found evidence for VHTs during the development
of Tropical Storm Alison (2001). It was not until very recently that Houze et
al. (2009) presented the first detailed observational evidence of VHTs in a
depression that was intensifying and which subsequently became Hurricane
Ophelia (2005). The specific updraught that they documented was 10 km
wide and had vertical velocities reaching 10-25 ms-1 in the upper portion of
the updraught, the radar echo of which reached to a height of 17 km. The
peak vertical velocity within this updraught exceeded 30 ms-1. This updraught
was contiguous with an extensive stratiform region on the order of 200 km
in extent. Maximum values of vertical relative vorticity averaged over the
convective region during different fly-bys of the convective region were on
the order of 5-10 × 10-4 s-1 (see Houze et al., 2009, their Fig. 20).
Bell and Montgomery (2010) analyzed airborne Doppler radar observations
from the recent TCS08 field campaign in the western North Pacific and
found the presence of deep, buoyant and vortical convective features within
a vertically-sheared, westward-moving pre-depression disturbance that later
developed into Typhoon Hagupit. Raymond and Lopez-Carrillo (2011)
carried out a similar analysis of data from the same field experiment, in their
case for different stages during the formation and development of Typhoon
Nuri and provided further observational evidence for the existence of VHT-
like structures.

3.3 A Mesoscale View of Tropical Cyclogenesis

within an Easterly Wave
Having discussed the fundamental coherent structures of the surface spin up
process, we now move back up in scale to gain a new perspective into how the
large scale and small work together on the mesoscale. Figure 4 summarizes
the evolution of relative vertical vorticity and column (-integrated) relative
humidity (saturation fraction (SF)) during the simulated transition of a tropical
disturbance into a tropical storm. The basic formation sequence is simulated
using the WRF model and is “a revisit with new eyes” of the classical Tuleya
and Kurihara (1982) modelling study using the environmental characteristics
of the western Atlantic tropical region during the GATE experiment (see
Montgomery et al., 2010a for details). Figure 4a shows the maximum relative
vorticity along each latitude near and within the wave’s cyclonic critical layer
and shows cyclonic vorticity with values larger 10 × 10-5 s-1. Figure 4b shows
the maximum column relative humidity (in %) from the surface to 500 hPa of
the wave during its transition to a tropical storm.
Figure 4 shows that a concentrated and intense mesoscale vortex appears
around 96 h (day 4) near the original critical latitude of the parent wave
(18N). After this time, the vorticity intensifies primarily in a highly localized
spatial region near the critical latitude of the parent wave disturbance, and
the emergent vortex starts a slow northwestward drift away from the original
critical latitude. The chaotic swarming of vorticity maxima about the critical
38  Michael T. Montgomery

Fig. 4. Time-latitude plots of maximum vertical relative vorticity and saturation

fraction for the high resolution simulation presented in Montgomery et al. (2010a):
(a) depicts the time evolution of the maximum relative vorticity along each latitude.
Vorticity values are depicted by the vertically shaded bar on the right. The x-axis
indicates the latitude of the vorticity maximum and the y-axis is time in h (from day 0
to day 5); and (b) depicts the time evolution of the maximum saturation fraction (SF)
in % from the sea surface to 500 hPa. SF values are depicted by the vertically shaded
bar on the right.

latitude (prior to 96 h) followed by the highly focused vorticity concentration is

a striking feature. Figure 4b shows a similar diagram of the analyzed saturation
fraction. The emergent vortex, which develops into a tropical storm, forms in
a region with high saturation fraction very near the intersection of the critical
latitude of the parent wave and wave trough axis. Before storm formation the
horizontal scale of the region of high saturation fraction is comparable to that
of the region of large cyclonic vorticity. After consolidation to a single master
vortex, there is a broader “funnel” of saturation fraction. This “attractor-like”
property of predicted development near the sweet spot of the parent wave has
been verified by the PREDICT observations described further below.

3.4 A Multiscale View of Tropical Cyclogenesis

The paper by DMW09 (p5596) offers a multiscale perspective of tropical
cyclogenesis associated with tropical easterly waves: “the critical layers
guarantee some measure of protection from intrusion. However, actual
flow fields are transient and contain mesoscale fine structure, making the
Lagrangian kinematics rather messy. A group of smaller vortices, for example,
will entrain the surrounding air more readily than a single larger vortex.
As for how these smaller vortices are created in the first place, there are
essentially two possibilities: (i) upscale aggregation of mesoscale convective
vortices associated with mesoscale convective systems and/or VHTs, and (ii)
eddy shedding that works its way to smaller scales via a forward enstrophy
cascade, such as might be associated with wave breaking at the critical layer.
Tropical cyclogenesis evidently represents a kind of process in which the
inverse energy and forward enstrophy cascades (originating respectively
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  39

from cloud system and synoptic scales) collide in “spectral” space at some
intermediate scale to form a diabatic vortex larger in horizontal scale than the
vortices associated with individual cloud systems but substantially smaller in
scale than the mother pouch created by the synoptic wave. This geophysical
fluid dynamics aspect is perhaps the most fascinating and daunting of tropical
cyclogenesis; one that has not yet been fully explored (owing to imitations
of horizontal resolution in observations or models), but to be advanced as a
framework for understanding the multi-scale nature of the problem.”
Figure 5 presents an idealized schematic of this multi-scale view of
the problem. Plotted on the abscissa is the natural logarithm of horizontal
wavenumber with various motion systems indicated and whose horizontal
wavenumber increases from left to right. Plotted on the ordinate is the natural
logarithm of kinetic energy of the various motion systems. The arrows denote
the direction of the two cascades. The downscale cascade from the synoptic to
sub-synoptic (meso-α) scale resembles broadly the forward enstrophy cascade
of quasi-two-dimensional turbulence theory in which strong jets and eddies
irreversibly deform weaker eddies into filaments on progressively smaller
scales (McWilliams, 2006).
For the case of easterly waves, the forward enstrophy cascade in Fig. 5
is intended to include “eddy shedding events” from the mean easterly jet that
create a sub-synoptic scale nonlinear critical layer, i.e., cat’s eye, or pouch.
The pouch circulation resides at meso-α. The upscale cascade from the cloud

Fig. 5. A spectral view of the tropical cyclogenesis problem. The figure depicts a
downscale cascade of enstrophy from the synoptic scale to the meso-α scale and an
upscale cascade of energy from the cloud scale (meso-γ) to the meso-β scale. The
tropical cyclone resides at the meso-β scale.
40  Michael T. Montgomery

(meso-γ) scale to the larger (meso-β) scale of a tropical depression vortex is

associated with the aggregation of the vortical convective elements in a region
of high saturation fraction as described in the foregoing section. The latter
cascade resembles also the inverse energy cascade of quasi-two-dimensional
turbulence in which small vortical features merge to form progressively
larger features, such as large eddies, Rossby waves and zonal jets (e.g.,
McWilliams, 2006; Vallis, 2007). An important difference between the simple
two-dimensional inverse cascade model and the moist inverse cascade model
sketched in Fig. 5 lies with the strong vortex-tube stretching and low-level
spin up that is associated with vortical convection and the corresponding
secondary circulation of individual elements that helps aggregate and
concentrate the convectively-amplified vorticity. For such an inverse cascade
to be maintained, energy input at small scales is necessary.

4. Highlights from the PREDICT Experiment

In the late summer of 2010, a trio of field campaigns was conducted by
NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and
the National Science Foundation (NSF) to investigate tropical cyclogenesis in
the Caribbean and West Atlantic and the subsequent intensification of named
storms in these regions. While two of the campaigns included intensification
in their portfolio of objectives, the Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-
Systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) campaign was designed exclusively to
study genesis (see Montgomery et al., 2012 for details). Priority was given
to developing storms prior to their classification as tropical depressions even
when mature storms were present nearby. The primary measurement platform
of PREDICT was the NSF–National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) Gulfstream V (GV), equipped with dropsondes and onboard sensors
for meteorological variables and ice microphysics (see Table I of Montgomery
et al., op. cit. for details). The range and speed of the GV, and the high altitude
(~12–13 km) from which it could release dropsondes, were exploited to
sample storm formation from Central America to the mid-Atlantic (roughly
40 west longitude) operating out of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

4.1 Practical Outcomes

Some of the main lessons learned, about the meso-α scale circulation during
the PREDICT experiment, are as follows:
• The GV’s ability to fly quickly to the target region at high altitude and
safely navigate over or around deep convection proved that this sampling
method, incorporated in the PREDICT proposal strategy, is highly
effective for investigating tropical cyclogenesis in remote oceanic areas.
• Tropical cyclogenesis may be more predictable than previously thought.
PREDICT demonstrated that genesis regions could be targeted more than
two days in advance, and in some cases 4-day projections were useful.
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  41

This is not to say that genesis itself was predictable on longer time scales,
but our ability to anticipate the existence and approximate location of a
pouch (and associated sweet spot) exceeded prior expectations of many
of the PIs of the experiment. Recall that the sweet spot is the intersection
of the wave trough axis and the wave critical line. This translates to an
enhanced ability to anticipate the path along which genesis may occur,
even though the exact timing of genesis remains uncertain due to the
chaotic influence resulting from moist convection.
• A practical outcome is the realization of a trackable feature in forecast
models that can be treated much the same way as a tropical cyclone centre,
long before an identifiable organized storm exists! The predictability of
the track of the sweet spot manifests qualitatively similar predictability as
the track of a tropical cyclone. In particular, this suggests that ensembles
of global and regional models should be effective in estimating a most
likely path along which genesis can occur as well as providing the
uncertainty in this path. Predictive skill using the pouch products exists
to 72 hours and beyond, extending the 48-hour range currently employed
by NHC.
• The developing cases from PREDICT show convection congealing
around the sweet spot as genesis approaches (cf. Section 3.3).
Karl, a well-surveyed case during PREDICT, serves as an illustrative
example of the foregoing skill using the Montgomery Group pouch products
(Fig. 6). The GV sampled pre-Karl (PGI44) for five consecutive days from
10 to 14 September. During the PREDICT midday coordination sessions on
13 September, the pouch products based on ECMWF forecasts from 0000
UTC 13 September were available for planning the following day’s flight.

Fig. 6. 85-GHz montage (images courtesy of NRL-Monterey) for the active convection
periods on each day from 10 to 17 (excluding 16 Sep) during the genesis of Karl
(PG144). Note the small eye on the Yucatan coast on 15 Sep. (Figure taken from
Montgomery et al., 2012).
42  Michael T. Montgomery

ECMWF 36-h forecasts depicted a trough located along 82W at the flight time
of 1200 UTC 14 September. In an Earth-relative frame, the circulation centre
as depicted by 700-hPa streamlines was at about 17.3N and situated on the
southern edge of a large region of positive values of the OW parameter (Fig.
7, left). The circulation in the co-moving frame (Fig. 7, right) is better defined
than in the Earth-relative frame. The 700-hPa Earth-relative flow depicts a
tropical wave with an inverted-V pattern and only weak westerly flow south
of the vortex. The circulation centre in the co-moving frame of reference is
located between two areas of high OW (Fig. 7, left) that appear to be wrapping
around the pouch centre. A large lawnmower pattern was constructed that
sampled both Earth-relative and co-moving circulations and a region beyond
the central convection.

Fig. 7. ECMWF 36-h forecast of 700-hPa Earth-relative streamlines and OW (shading;

units: 10–9 s–2) centered on wave pouch PGi44/Al92 (pre-Karl) valid at 1200 UTC 14
Sep 2010. (Right) streamlines in the co-moving frame of reference (phase speed of
6.2 ms–1 westward), GOES visible imagery at 1225 UTC, and flight pattern of GV
aircraft (yellow track). In the right figure, the black curve represents the trough axis
and the purple curve the local critical latitude defined by U = c_x, where c_x denotes
the wave’s zonal phase speed. The red dot represents the actual genesis location, and
the blue dot is the ECMWF 700-hPa predicted sweet spot, defined by the intersection
of the trough axis (black curve) and critical latitude (purple curve), at 2100 UTC 14
Sep 2010. (Figure taken from Montgomery et al., 2012).

4.2 New Thermodynamic Insights

The data collected during the TCS08 and PREDICT experiments provided
unprecedented observations over consecutive days of developing and non-
developing tropical disturbances that had been given some chance of
development by professional forecasters.
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  43

4.2.1 Pouch-averaged and Regional Variations of θe

Perhaps the two most important thermodynamic observations in the PREDICT
field campaign are that developing disturbances were found (i) to have a lower
saturation deficit in mid-troposphere than non-developers, and (ii) to become
increasingly moist in the days approaching genesis (Smith and Montgomery,
2012). Figure 8 shows an example from the disturbances pre-Karl and ex-
Gaston. The thermodynamics of the well-observed Nuri genesis case during
the TCS08 experiment are analyzed in Montgomery and Smith (2012) and the
findings are consistent with that found in the PREDICT experiment discussed
further below.
These observations, noted by Smith and Montgomery (2012) and
Montgomery and Smith (2012), were evaluated in more detail by Wang (2012)
who examined the radial dependence relative to pouch centre, and noted
that the inner pouch region is moist relative to the outer pouch region, and
becomes moister sooner, approaching genesis (see Fig. 9). These favourable
characteristics of the inner pouch region are thought to be due to the fact that
the inner-pouch region has near solid-body rotation flow and is not subject
to adverse horizontal straining that is present on outskirts of the pouch. The
Okubo-Weiss parameter in Fig. 7a nicely illustrates this property for the
genesis of Hurricane Karl. The minimum adverse shearing in the inner-pouch
region provides a favoured region for persistent convection and convective

Fig. 8. Comparison of pouch-mean soundings of virtual potential temperature (θv)

(red) and pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (θe) (blue) as a function of height
derived from the NSF GV and NASA DC8 dropsondes in (a) the pouch of PGI38
(ex-Gaston) that failed to redevelop and (b) the pouch of PGI44 (pre-Karl) that did
develop. Numbers on curves refer to the day of the flight mission in Sep 2010. The
thick curves mark the first and last days of the GV flights. Curves for the NASA DC8
flights are denoted with the prefix D. (Figure taken from Montgomery et al., 2012.)
44  Michael T. Montgomery

Fig. 9. Vertical profiles of θe for Karl, Matthew, and Gaston. Solid lines represent the
averages over the inner pouch region, and dashed lines represent the averages over
the outer pouch region. Different colours represent different days. (Figure taken from
Wang, 2012.)

4.2.2 Classical and New Views on the Role of Dry Air on the Convective
Scale within Pre-storm Disturbances
One of the outstanding questions that arose during the PREDICT experiment
was why the ex-Gaston disturbance failed to re-develop. The dropwindsonde
observations presented in Smith and Montgomery (2012) and Montgomery
et al. (2012) indicate that from a thermodynamics-only perspective the
most prominent difference between this non-developing system and the two
developing systems (pre-Karl and pre-Matthew) was the much larger reduction
of individual and pouch-averaged θe between the surface and a height of 3 km,
typically 25 K in the non-developing system, compared with only 17 K in the
developing systems (see Fig. 8).
Conventional wisdom would suggest that, for this reason, the convective
downdrafts would be stronger in the non-developing system and would
thereby act to suppress the development. Traditional reasoning argues that
ensuing convection within a relatively dry, elevated layer of air would lead to
comparatively strong downdrafts (e.g. Emanuel, 1994). From the perspective
of convective dynamics, stronger downdrafts (implied by the lower relative
humidity at heights between about 2 and 8 km in ex-Gaston inferred from the
θe profiles in Figs 8(a) and 8(c) of Smith and Montgomery, op. cit.) would
tend to import low θe into the boundary layer and frustrate the enhancement of
boundary-layer θe by sea-to-air moisture fluxes. This enhancement is necessary
to fuel subsequent deep convective activity. However, the thermodynamic
data collected within Gaston’s pouch showed a general day-to-day increase
in the lower tropospheric θe (see Fig. 8a), associated in large part with an
increase in the underlying sea-surface temperature as the disturbance moved
from the western Atlantic into the Caribbean Sea. Thus it would appear that
the traditional argument cannot be invoked to explain the non-re-development
of Gaston.
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  45

Recent idealized high-resolution cloud model experiments conducted by

Kilroy and Smith (2012) and James and Markowski (2009) have presented
evidence that convective downdrafts are not strengthened by mid-level dry
air, in non-supercell environments with CAPE less than about 3000 J/kg.
These studies suggest that the principal effects of the dry air are to reduce
the convective updraft strength and water loading, while the convective
downdraft strengths are not changed appreciably. The dilution of the updraft
with dry air would reduce cloud buoyancy, making the updraft less effective
in amplifying vertical vorticity throughout a significant depth. These findings
led Smith and Montgomery (2012) to propose an alternative hypothesis in
which the drier air weakens the convective updrafts and thereby weakens the
convective amplification of vertical vorticity in a layer spanning low to mid-
levels necessary for tropical cyclogenesis.

4.3 A Proposed Explanation of the Non-redevelopment of

ex-Gaston during PREDICT
A link between the dynamics and thermodynamics of the non-developing
Gaston case was suggested by the shallowing of Gaston’s pouch over the 5-day
observation period. A plausible explanation of Gaston’s failure to redevelop
may be offered based on our work and colleagues from the PREDICT
experiment by combining the new insights discussed in the foregoing
subsection with recent work studying the Lagrangian flow trajectories inside
and surrounding ex-Gaston’s pouch.
As to the source of the dry air in ex-Gaston during the PREDICT
campaign, there is evidence of a dry air mass surrounding the northern
hemisphere of ex-Gaston in satellite-derived products (Montgomery et al.,
2012, e.g., their Figure 5). A Lagrangian trajectory analysis indicates that the
dry air documented in the dropsonde observations of Smith and Montgomery
op. cit. is the result of a complex process of intrusion from outside of the
pouch region (Rutherford and Montgomery, 2012; their Sec. 5.1.2 and their
Figures 6–9, their Figure 6 is copied as Figure 10). The intrusion of dry air
is associated in part with a deep-layer of vertical wind shear acting on the
pouch after 2 September (Davis and Ahijevych, 2011; their Figure 11). The
Lagrangian coherent structures and trajectory analyses demonstrate that
the intrusion of dry air was occurring laterally within the 700 hPa and 500
hPa layer during the period from 1 to 5 September. Figure 10 illustrates the
complex intrusion process suggested by the ECMWF global model analyses
at the 700 hPa level. During this time the vertical structure of the pouch was
significantly degraded and 5 September marks the point where the intrusion
of dry air and escape of moisture through ventilation could not be overcome
by convective moistening from below. By 5 September the pouch had already
lost most of its vertical structure, as there was no upper level circulation
remaining (Evans et al., 2011).
46  Michael T. Montgomery

Fig. 10. The stable (red) and unstable (blue) manifolds of hyperbolic stagnation points
and streamlines (white) of the co-moving frame are overlaid on the relative humidity
fields (%) for Gaston from 1 September to 6 September at 700 hPa. Green dots indicate
particles that will be within 3 degrees of the pouch centre in 48 h. (Figure taken from
Rutherford and Montgomery, 2012.)

On the basis of the new view regarding dry air in convective dynamics
discussed above, the combination of dry air intruding into a vertically sheared
pouch sets the stage for weakened convective updrafts and a reduced ability
to amplify vertical vorticity in the mid- and lower-troposphere on the system-
scale circulation.
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  47

Recently a complimentary analysis of this case has appeared by

Gjorgjievska and Raymond (2014). They suggest that the onset of the decay
of ex-Gaston was caused by the observed decrease in the vertical mass flux
with height at middle levels on 2 September, resulting in divergence at these
levels and spindown of the mid-level vortex. These authors suggest that
the spindown of the mid-level vortex was instrumental in the subsequent
breakdown of the pouch and the intrusion of dry air into the core. However,
why the convective mass flux profile took the form that it did is still a matter
of scientific debate. These authors also suggest that the passage of the tropical
storm Gaston into a region possessing a pronounced trade inversion (between
2 and 3 km height) on the periphery of the pouch was the critical factor in
determining the vertical mass flux profile and the subsequent sequence of
events. However, fluid dynamical considerations would suggest that wave
breaking of the incipient pouch would carry the favourable properties
into an environment, which may be unfavourable. Based on the foregoing
findings (which are not necessarily mutually exclusive with the findings from
Rutherford and Montgomery (2012)), we believe further research is needed to
determine why Gaston failed to re-develop.

5. A Unified View of Tropical Cyclogenesis

and Intensification
On the basis of the theoretical and observational evidence summarized in the
foregoing sections, we believe that a unified view of tropical cyclogenesis and
intensification is emerging. In this unified view, the separate stages proposed
in previous significant studies and reviews (e.g. Frank, 1987; Emanuel,
1989; McBride, 1995; Karyampudi and Pierce, 2002; Tory and Frank, 2010)
appear unnecessary. The idea that tropical cyclones in the current climate
are a manifestation of a finite amplitude instability or that they are the result
of some “trigger” mechanism is challenged by a new way of thinking about
the basic processes of vortex spin up by vortical convection in a favourable
tropical environment.
The basis for this unified view is that deep convection developing in the
presence of vertical vorticity amplifies the vorticity locally by vortex tube
stretching, irrespective of the strength of the updraught and the depth of
convection (Wissmeier and Smith, 2010; Kilroy and Smith, 2012), and that
the vortical remnants outlive the convection that produced them in the first
place. The vertical remnants tend to aggregate in a quasi two-dimensional
manner with a corresponding upscale energy cascade and some of these
remnants will be intensified further by subsequent convective episodes.
The amplification and aggregation of vorticity represents an increase in the
relative circulation within a fixed circuit encompassing the convective area.
As the circulation progressively increases in strength, there is some increase
in the surface moisture fluxes. However, it is not necessary that the moisture
48  Michael T. Montgomery

fluxes continue to increase with surface wind speed. The boundary layer
pseudo-equivalent potential temperature, θe, will continue to rise as long
as the air adjacent to the surface remains unsaturated relative to saturation
at the sea-surface temperature and the positive entropy flux from the ocean
surface overcomes downward import of low θe from above the boundary layer
(Montgomery et al., 2009; Montgomery and Smith, 2014). The upshot is that
the boundary layer θe will continue to increase towards the saturation value,
providing air parcels acquire the needed boost in θe necessary for them to
ascend the warmed troposphere created by prior convective events.
This unified view is consistent with the insights articulated long ago by
Ooyama (1982), who wrote: “It is unrealistic to assume that the formation of
an incipient vortex is triggered by a special mechanism or mechanisms, or
that genesis is a discontinuous change in the normal course of atmospheric
processes”. “… It is far more natural to assume that genesis is a series of
events, arising by chance from quantitative fluctuations of the normal
disturbances, with the probability of further evolution gradually increasing
as it [the process] proceeds. According to this view, the climatological and
synoptic conditions do not directly determine the process of genesis, but may
certainly affect the probability of its happening. With a better understanding
of the mesoscale dynamics of organized convection, the range of statistical
uncertainty can be narrowed down. Nevertheless, the probabilistic nature of
tropical cyclogenesis is not simply due to lack of adequate data, but is rooted
in the scale-dependent dynamics of the atmosphere.”
The recent review of paradigms for tropical-cyclone intensification by
Montgomery and Smith (2014) summarized in Chapter 21 is thought to
be relevant also to understanding aspects of the emerging unified view of
genesis and intensification. Although the genesis process summarized in
the foregoing discussion is intrinsically non-axisymmetric, it is nonetheless
insightful to adopt an axisymmetric viewpoint of this process as discussed in
Smith et al. (2009) and Persing et al. (2013). A schematic for understanding
the amplification of the azimuthally-averaged tangential wind field within the
marsupial pouch is shown in Fig. 11. The idea is that the aggregate effects of
diabatic heating associated with the vortical convective elements leads to a
system-scale inflow in the lower troposphere. This diabatically-driven inflow
can be represented approximately using axisymmetric balance dynamics in
which the aggregate of diabatic heating, boundary layer friction and related
eddy fluxes of heat and momentum force a meridional overturning circulation
(Bui et al., 2009). This inflow converges azimuthal-mean absolute angular
momentum, a quantity that is approximately conserved above the shallow
frictional boundary layer, so that its convergence leads to a spin up of the
azimuthal-mean tangential winds. As these winds increase in strength, so does
the azimuthal-mean radial inflow within the boundary layer (see e.g. Smith
et al., 2009). As described above, this inflow converges moist air that has
been enriched by surface fluxes from the ocean surface to “fuel” the deep
Recent Advances in Tropical Cyclogenesis  49

Fig. 11. Axisymmetric conceptual model of the dynamical elements of the unified
view of tropical cyclogenesis and intensification as discussed in Section 5. This figure
aims to convey the idea that, in an azimuthally-averaged sense, deep convection
in the inner-core region induces convergence in the lower troposphere. Above the
frictional boundary layer, the inflowing air materially conserves its absolute angular
momentum (M) and spins faster. Strong convergence of moist air in the boundary layer
provides moisture to “fuel” the deep convection. Although the air-parcels converging
in the boundary layer lose a fraction of their M, they undergo much larger inward
displacements and acquire a higher tangential wind speed than those converging
above the boundary layer. (Figure taken from Montgomery and Smith, 2014).

The above description presumes that the boundary layer of the system-
scale circulation has become well established. However, during the genesis
phase when there is weak system-scale rotation, the boundary layer inflow
associated with this rotation is much weaker than the inflow forced by the
aggregate diabatic heating (e.g., Montgomery et al., 2006). As long as there
is convergence above the boundary layer the system-scale rotation will
amplify because of the convergence of absolute angular momentum. The
corresponding boundary layer inflow will increase progressively. Although the
air-parcels converging in the boundary layer lose a fraction of their absolute
angular momentum, they undergo much larger inward displacements. A point
is reached during the evolution at which the highest tangential wind speeds
are found to occur in the boundary layer (Smith et al., 2009). Beyond this
point, the boundary layer plays also a dynamical role in the spin up process
because the amplification of the inner-core tangential winds occurs within
this layer. In summary, the foregoing discussion indicates that the boundary
layer exerts a progressive control on the vortex evolution as the system-scale
rotation amplifies.

The author expresses his gratitude to M. Rajasekha for assembling the first
draft of this chapter and to his scientific colleagues and friends, Roger Smith,
Tim Dunkerton, Chris Davis, Zhuo Wang, Blake Rutherford and the rest of
50  Michael T. Montgomery

the PREDICT team for their scientific collaboration and contributions to the
work summarized above.

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