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American International University-

Bangladesh (AIUB) Faculty of Engineering


Course Name : Digital Signal Processing Lab

Semester : Fall 2019-20 Sec : E
Faculty : Tahia Fahrin Karim Marks: 20

Student Name: Kushik kumar saha Student ID: 18-37200-1


Assessment for:
P.05.3.P5 Create relevant resources for complex engineering problems using modern engineering tools.

Marking Rubrics (to be filled by Faculty)

Proficient [5- Good Acceptable [2] Unacceptable Secured
4] [3] [1] Marks
Algorithm of the Algorithm of the Algorithm of the Algorithm of the issue
issue/problem to be issue/problem to be issue/problem to be /problem to be
considered critically is stated considered critically is considered critically is considered critically is stated
clearly and described without clarification or
stated, described, and stated, but description leaves
Algorithm/Logic comprehensively, delivering description.
clarified so that some terms undefined,
relevant information
understanding is not ambiguities unexplored,
necessary for full
seriously impeded by boundaries undetermined,
Syntax of the programming Syntax of the programming Syntax of the programming Syntax of the programming
Coding/ Syntax language is most efficient language is correct and no language is 60% correct. language is erroneous.
and shortest. error is found.
Detail analysis of the Justified analysis is Relevant analysis is Analysis is irrelevant to the
problem solution is presented. described. problem solution.
Analysis presented. Correct
explanation is expected with
proper reference.
The whole report is The report is thorough, Information lacks depth. Vague, unclear.
Organization of Insufficient or irrelevant
exceptionally well-organized relevant and accurate Accurate but inadequate or
the Report and very easy to understand. information to some extent. repetitive at times. information.
Total Marks
(Out of 20 ):
Title : Process and Analysis of Voice Signal by MATLAB.

Objectives :

1. To become familier with sampling frequency,sampling resolution & sampling theory.

2. To know the outline of the FIR digital filter &design of FIR filter.

3. To design three different filters LPF, HPF and BPF to pass this signal with noise and remove
the noise.

FIR Digital Filter:

FIR digital filter is finite impulse response filter. There are several advantages of FIR filter.

(1) The impulse respond is finite. It makes the digital signal in output finite when the signal in
input is finite.

(2) Compared with IIR filter, it is easier to maximize.

(3) Linear-phase. It results the transfer function to even symmetry or odd symmetry and it is

(4) It must be stable because all of poles are inside the unit circle after z transform.

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