Lesson Plan in Grade 9: I. Learning Objectives

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Lesson Plan in Grade 9

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, the Grade 9 students should be able to:
1. Define what a play is
2. Share a personal opinion about the ideas listened to
3. Supply the blanks with the appropriate word

II. Subject Matter

Title: While the Auto Waits
Genre: Play
Values integration: Love, Appreciation

III. Materials
Reference: Grade 9 English Learning Package
Equipment: projector set, PowerPoint presentation, netbook/laptop, video

IV. Presentation
A. Prayer
B. Reading of Learning Objectives
C. Motivation
a. Motive questions
1. Have you ever been tempted to pretend that you were someone else?
2. Do you think people will respect you more if they think you are rich?
3. Can you judgepeople by their appearance?
D. Activity
Guess the right words from the jumbled words that will lead you to arrive at the
definition of a one-act play.
ONE-ACT PLAY is a play
with only one ____________. An act
is a part of a ______ defined by
________ such as rising action.
________________ and

F. Evaluation/ Assessment
4. ______________ 5. _______________ 6._________________

1. The most exciting and important part of a play
2. A dramatic performance
3. People involved in the story
4. Words the character say to each other
5. Place where the story happened
6. Platform on which the actors perform

V. Assignment
Directions: Answer the following question below.
In literature, you learn about a person’s character traits through different way including the following:

1. the way the character speaks and acts, his and her achievements and failures manner of dressing, and
values upheld;

2. what other characters say about him or her;

3. the way he or she is described by an author; and

4. the way he or she is described by a narrator.

Which of these ways are used in the play,

“While the Auto Waits”?


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