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Yearbook 104

2012 New In Chess - The Netherlands

Colo hon
Editor: Genna Sosonko
Managing Editor: Peter Boel
Supervisor: Rene Olthof
Translation : Ken Neat
Proofreading : Piet Verhagen
Data processing: Cora van der Zanden, Joop de Groot,
Anton Schermer

Cover photo: NEW IN CHESS

CIP-code Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag

New In Chess Yearbook

periodical analysis of current opening practice
ed. by Genna Sosonko.
ISSN 0168-7697
4 times a year
Yearbook 104 (2012)
ISBN: 978-90-5691-394-6 geb./hardcover
ISBN: 978-90-5691-393-9 ing./softcover
SISO 621 .25 UDC 794.1.05(058)
Trefw.: schaken; openingen


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or by any means, electronic, mechanical ,
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lnterchess BV, Rochdalestraat 4A, 1814 TH Alkmaar.

P.O. Box 1093, 1810 KB Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Phone: 00-31-(0)72- 5.127.137
Fax: 00-31-(0)72 - 5.158.234
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Contributing authors
Aagaard • I. Aima i • Antic • Bangiev • Benjamin • Bologan • Burg • abrera Pino
Caruana • De Dovitii • ingom • Finkel • Flear • Fogara i • Gelfand • Golubev
Griva • M.Gurevich • Hazai • Howell • Hou Yifan • lkonnikov • Kaufman • A.Kuzmin
Lemo arro • Lukac • Martynov • tirlis • Odeev • Olthof • Palli er • Plie ter • Rob on
Rojas Keirn • aka lau ka • cherbakov • I.Sokolov • Stohl • Sui ki • Tay • Tiviakov • Tuncer
Vachier-Lagrave • Van de Oudeweetering • Van der Tak • Vegh • Vilela • Wang heng

I II I C II I -, -, P I \ ' I H ' ' (; ll I I> I T 0 0 I' I ' I ' (, :'1: I \\ -,

Edited by Genna Sosonko

0 hts
Boris Gelfand
Even Anand admitted that Boris Gelfand had won the
opening battle in their World Championship match. The
Israeli GM did a great job neutralizing the Champ's plans
in the Chebanenko Slav. Then, in Game 7, the Indian was
finally overcome by a switch to the suffocating 6.c5. Istvan
Almasi describes the ins and outs of Gelfand's choices in
two in-depth Surveys on pages 131 and 141 , which include
Gelfand 's own analyses.

Teimour Radjabov
A real top player sets new opening trends. Since 2007
Teimour Radjabov's treatment has Jed to a revival of the
risky Jaenisch Variation of the Ruy Lopez . The Azeri has a
plus score with this ancient line against 2700+ opposition. In
his Survey on page 91 , Sergey Tiviakov investigates the topical
5, against which he himself has had some trouble
beating several young Dutch rivals recently.

Grzegorz Gajewski
Also in 2007, Grzegorz Gajewski rocked the chess world
with his gambit 1O... d5 in the Ruy Lopez, analysed by Alexey
Kuzm in in Yearbook 88. Antidotes for White were found , but
this year the young Pole came up with an even better,
accelerated version of the Gajewski Gambit. Is this the
ultimate weapon for Black against the Spanish? Renowned
repertoire builder Larry Kaufman thinks it is! See his Survey
on page 105.

Luis Rojas Keim

What is more beautiful than gaining the grandmaster
title with a prepared sideline? Luis Rojas Keirn
managed this last December. With the little-known
1O... lt!a5 against the Yugoslav Attack in the Dragon
the Chilean defeated Lorenzo de Ia Riva in Barcelona,
fulfilling his third norm. In his Survey on page 63, Rojas
demonstrates that this knight move to the edge is a
worthy alternative to the common moves.
Fabiano Caruana
The ltalo-American star just keeps rising. He confirmed his
top-1 0 status with a convincing win in the Reykjavik Open this
year. In Alex Finkel 's Survey on page 183 Caruana comments
on his crucial win over Cheparinov, in the second game of the
sixth day. The Bulgarian's 7..ib5 in the Exchange GrUnfeld
should not trouble Black in Finkel's view. Caruana coped
brilliantly with the surprise and won a game that can serve
as a model for all Grunfeld players.

Anish Giri

The young Dutchman is one of the proponents of the bizarre

9.~f21? in the Alapin Slav, an original way to avoid the
well-known bishop sacrifice and get through the desired
e2-e4 anyway. Giri's preparation can be amazing, which
showed in his games against Vallejo Pons and Hector. The
highly interesting developments in this new line are investigated
on page 125 in a Survey by Junior Tay and Lee Wang Sheng.

Jan Nepomniachtchi

On page 230, Alexey Kuzmin presents a variation that

combines the English Opening, the Caro-Kann and the
Grunfeld Indian ! ian Nepomniachtchi is an expert in this
line that has also been adapted by Leko and Anand . The
Russian former Junior World Champion had no problems
with black in games with Potkin and Vachier-Lagrave. This
is confirmed by the Frenchman's analysis of their exciting
game at Tata Steel 2011 .

Jacob Aagaard

Together with Nikolaos Ntirlis, the Scottish-Dan ish

grandmaster wrote a book last year that makes the
Tarrasch Defence accessible for chess players of all
levels. In the two authors' Survey on page 151, we are
advised what Black should do against Rubinstein's
feared move 6.g3. And we also get to see what
happens when a grandmaster-author forgets his own
analysis in tournament play!
Your Variations
Trends & Opinions

Opening Variation NIC-Key Author Page

English Opening Anti-Anti-Grunfeld 2.e4 e5 EO 62.4 Stohl 11

Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk Variation 6...~b 7 RL 12.10 Van de Oudeweetering 13
French Defence Early Divergences 2.f4 FR 1.1 Bangiev 14
Sicilian Defence PaulsenjKan Variation 2... e6, 4...a6 Sl42.8 Vi lela 16
Pirc Defence PU 3...lLlbd7/3 ...e5 The Lion PU 5.2 Schroder 18
Sicilian Defence Rossolimo Variation 3. ~b5 Sl 31.6 Martynov 18
Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 6.~e3 Sl19.16 Bennett/ Maack 19
Ruy Lopez Marshall Variation 8... d5 RL 17.6 Van derTak 21
Sicilian Defence Dragon Variation 9.0-0-0 Sl 17.4 Boel 22
Caro-Kann Defence Classical Variation 4... ~f5 CK 12.3 Olthof 24
Italian Game Evans Gambit 5... ~e7 IG 5.10 Van derTak 25
Grunfeld Indian Defence Russian System 5.'ifb3 Gl10.2 Odeev 26

Benjamin's Open ing Takes Benjamin 28

Kuzmin's Harvest A. Kuzmin 33


Opening Variation NIC-Key Author Page

Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 6 .~g5 Sl 9.7 Vi lela 41

Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 6 . ~e3 Sl14.8 Cabrera Pino 49
Sicilian Defence Dragon Variation 9.g4 Sl17.3 Olthof 54
Sicilian Defence Dragon Variation 9. ~c4 Sl18.3 Rojas Keim 63
Sicilian Defence Rossolimo Variation 3... lLld4 Sl31.1 lkonnikov 71
French Defence Chatard-Aiekhine Attack 6.h4 FR 6.2 Eingom 76
Caro-Kann Defence Classical Variation 4... ~f5 CK 12.3 Tuncer 82
Ruy Lopez Jaenisch Variation 5.. .tt:lf6 RL 6.6 nviakov 91
Ruy Lopez Delayed Cozio Variation 4... lLlge7 RL 9.1 Van de Oudeweetering 97
Ruy Lopez The Accelerated Gajewski 9... d5 RL 17.2 Kaufman 105
Various Openings Sokolsky Opening 1.b4 vo 10.1-5 De Dovitiis 113
Slav Defence Early Divergences 4.'ifc2 SL 1.4 Palliser 119
Slav Defence Alapin Variation 7.f3 ~b4 SL 4.3 Wang Sheng,tTay 125
Slav Defence Chebanenko Variation 5.e3 SL8.1 I. Almasi 131
Slav Defence Chebanenko Variation 5.e3 SL8.1 I. Almasi 141

Surveys (continued)

Opening Variation NIC-Key Author Page

Tarrasch Defence Rubinstein Variation 6.g3 TD 4.10-14 Aagaard/Ntirlis 151

Catalan Opening Open Variation 6... dc4 CA 5.5 Scherbakov 161
Nimzo-lndian Defence Rubinstein Variation 8 ... ~d7 Nl 5.12 Lukacs;Hazai 169
Queen's Indian Defence Ql 4 . ~d2 ~d2 Line Q11.2 Antic 176
Griinfeld Indian Defence Exchange Variation 7 . ~b5 Gl4.1 Finkel 183
Griinfeld Indian Defence Flohr's 4.ltJf3 ~g7 5.'ii'a4 Gl 7.4 Vegh 189
King's Indian Defence Ranchetto Variation 3.g3 Kl 71.6 Lemos Sarro 198
Benoni Defence Benko Gambit 4.~g5 Bl18.4 Grivas 201
Benoni Defence Benko Gambit 5.b6 Bl 23.14 Fogarasi 208
Dutch Defence Early Sidelines 4.h4 HD 5.14 Pliester 214
English Opening Rubinstein-Botvinnik System 6.~g5 EO 8.9+10 Sulskis/ Sakalauskas 220
English Opening Symmetrical Variation 3 ... g6 EO 34.3 A. Kuzmin 230


Preview The Powerful Catalan Bologan 237

Book Reviews Rear 241

- Tim Taylor: slay the Sicilian!
- Dejan Antic & Branimir Maksimovic: The Modem French
- Igor Lysyj & Roman Ovetchkin: The Berlin Defence
- Arkadij Naiditsch & friends: Chess Evolution (series)

New in Chess Code System 8

New In Chess Code stem
WMe stands sightly better con leve ventaja de las blancas ;!; Weill steht etwas besser les blancs sont legerement mieux
Black stands sightly better con leve ventaja de las negras 'f Schwarz steht etwas besser les noirs sont legerement mieux
Wh~e stands better con ventaja blanca ± WeB steht besser les blancs sont mieux
Black stands better con ventaja negra + Schwarz steht besser les noirs sont mieux
Wh~e has a decisive advantage con gran ventaja de las blancas +- We{l hat entscheidenden Vortei les blancs ont una vantage decisW
Black has a decisive advantage con gran ventaja de las negras -+ Schwarz hat entschei:lenden Vori!l les noirs ont un avantage decisW
balanced position y Ia posici6n esta nivelada ausgegichene Position position equiilree
unclear position una posici6n ilcierta 00 unklare Position position embrouilee
compensation for the material compensaci6n por el material ~ Kompensation hir das Material compensation pour 1e materiel
strong (sufficient) fuerte (suficiente) > star!< (ausreichend) fort (suffisant)
weak (ilsufficient) debi (ilsuficiente) < schwach (unzureichend) fable (ilsuffisant)
better is mejor es ~ besser ist preferable
weaker is mas debies !5: schwacher ist moils preferable
good move una buena jugada guter Zug bon coup
excelent move una excelente jugada !! ausgezeichneter Zug coup excellent
bad move una mala jugada ? schlechter Zug coup fable
blunder un grave enror ?? grober Fehler grave erreur
ilteresti1g move una ilteresante jugada !? ilteressanter Zug coup ilteressant
dubious move una dudosa jugada ?! zweWellafter Zug coup de valeur douteuse
only move jugada unica 0 einziger Zug seul coup
w~ the idea con idea /),. rna der Absicht avec Fidee
attack ataque Angriff attaque
ilitiative iliciativa f Initiative ilitiative
lead i1 development ventaja de desarrolo tf Entwicklungsvorsprung avantage de developpement
counterplay contra juego ,:;: Gegenspiel contre-jeu
kilgside flanco de rey (I KlinigsOOgel aile roi
queenside flanco de dam a 11 DamenOOgel aile dame
space espacio !SJ Raum espace
diagonal ,
lCJ Zentrum
pa~ of bishops
pawn structure
pareja de alfiles
pare de fous
Ia estructura de peones 00 Bauemstruktur structure de pions
mate mate X Man mat
novelty novedad N Neuerung nouveaute
endgame mal de juego EN Endspiel til de partie
zugzwang zugzwang z Zugzwang zugzwang
tine tiempo T Ze~ temps
see ver siehe voir
ed~orial comment nota de Ia redacci6n RR Anmerl<ung der Redaktion remarque de Ia redaction
Yearbook Lbro Anuario VB Jahrbuch Livre-annuaire
national championship campeonato ch nationale Meisterschaft championnat
zonal tournament tomeo zonal zt Zonentumier toumoi zonal
ilterzonal tournament tomeo ilterzonal izt lnterzonentumier toumoi ilterzonal
candidates tournament tomeo de candidatos ct Kandidatentumier toumoi des candidats
team tournament tomeo de equipos tt Mannschaftstumier toumoi d'equipe
olympiad olinpiada ol Olympia de olympiade
match encuentro m Wenkampf match
correspondence partida de correspondencia cr Fern partie partie par correspondence
junior juveni jr Junior junior



Benjamin's Opening Takes
Kuzmin's Harvest

No Prejudices
is a platform for discussion
of developments in chess
opening theory in general
and particularly Anti-Anti Grunfeld Afterword Vitiugov,Nikita
in variations Volokitin,Andrey
by Igor Stohl Germany Bundesliga 2011/12 (11)
discussed in previous
EO 62.4 (A 10) YB 93, 94,95 1.c4 g6 2.e4 e5!?
Yearbook issues. The startin g position of the who le
ln late 2009-early 20 I 0 l wrote a article.
Contributions to these longer artic le about the Anti-Anti 3.d4
pages should be sent to: Grtinfeld Variation the gist of Part I in Yearbook 93 dealt withal-
Editors Yearbook which was to present a viable ternatives to the immediate central
method for Griinfeld fan to meet thru t most notably ~g7
P.O. Box 1093
l.c4. It was publi hed in three 4.d4.
NL 1810 KB Alkmaar part in Yearbook 93-95. One of 3 ... tt::lf6
The Netherlands . the main highlights of Part 3, pub- This leads us to Part 3 of the Survey.
Or by e -mail to: lished in YB 95 , was the game AJtemative to this continuation
editors Aronian-Kam ky from Jermuk were the topic of Part 2 in Yearbook
2009. In it the Armenian tar came 94, here we wi ll mention j u t 4.de5
up with a surprisi ng novelty a tt::le4 5. d4?! from d1e game Ree-
early a move 5. Slightly more Ribli, Wijk aan Zee 1973, when the
than a year later Black reacted in ideal reaction i 5 ... ~b4! =l=. The sig-
kind, presenting a new idea of hi s nificance of thi note will become
own on the same move, albeit in clear oon enough.
another branch of the line! A more 4 ... ed4
recent top-level game from the 4 ... ~b4 was Aronian ' nov-
German Bunde liga eems to indi- elty, but it found a fol lowing only
cate this concept is fully feas ible. recently.

Nlklta Vitlugov has just played 44.l:tc7?- the fatal mi stake

5 .~d2 i the main line. There are White' 4th move. While thi i Toma hev ky- utov ky, Euro-
no ignificant development here, certai nl y true, Black till retain pean Club Cup, Plovdiv 20 I 0.
the only recent game de erving ample counterchance . 11.0-0 l:!.e8
mention went 5... ~d2 6."W'd2 "W'e7 6...~b4 7.ttJbd2
(~ 6 ...ed4 7.e5 'ii'e7) 7.de5 ttJe4 7.<j;dl f5 8.ef6 tLl f6 9. ~h6
8.'ii'e3 ._.b4 9.ttJbd2 tLld2 and here ttJc6oo/:f. i hardly a eri ou threat
White, in tead of going for the for Black: 7.tLlc3 ttJc3 8.bc3 ttJc6=
endgame from Poluliakhov- and with hi split pawn White
Sutov ky, Ko zalin 1999, opted can't eriou ly a pire to an edge.
for IO.ttJd2! ? 0-0 11.0-0-0 'ii'e7 7 ... ttJg5
1 2.~d3 ttJc6 13.l:!.he I l:!.e8 (~ The text-move i more ambitiou
13 ... d6 14.ed6 'ft'd6 15. e4 and complex than 7...ttJd2 8 .~d2
e5i/<=!) 14.tLle4 tLle5 15 .~c2d6 ttJc6 9.'ft'f4 ~d2 IO.'ii'd2 'ffe7
16.f4 ttJd7 17.ttJ f6 'ft'f6 18.'ft'e8 11.0-0-0 b6 1 2.~d3 ~b7 1 3.~e4
<j;g7 19.'ft'e7 f4 20.<j;b I 'ft'f6 0-0-0. However, even here Black
2 l .c5 ._e7 22.l:!.e7 ttJc5 23.l:!.c7± ha reasonable counterplay:
Girard-Ca tellano, cr 2008. 14.l:!.hel 'ii'c5 15 .~d5 ttJb416.<j;bl ontrary to the previou note
However, after 5 ... ed4 (5 ... tLle4!? ttJd5 ( 16... d6! ?=) 17.cd5 d6 18.e6 Black wi ll have a afe quare for
i recommended in Yearbook 95 a fe6 19.ttJg5?! (~ 19.l:!.e6 l:!.de8 hi bi hop on f8.
ufficient for equality) 6.a3! Black 20.ttJg5=) 19 ...~d5 20.l:!.c l b5 12.~c6?!
played the pa ive and incon is- 2 1.ttJf7 l:!.hf8 22.tLld8 l:!.d8 23.f4 The fir t critical moment. With the
tent 6 .. .~e7?! (6... ~c3 7.bc3 0-0 ~b7:f. uba-Kamsky, Romanian text-move White can't fi ght for an
8.e5 l:!.e8 9 . ~e2 i the aforemen- Team ham pion hip, Brasov 20 I I. advantage, Volokitin point out
tioned game Aronian-Kam ky) 8.~e2 the more enterpri ing 1 2. ~d5 !.
7.ttJd4 d6 .f3 0-0 9 . ~e3 a6 White' ta k i to fini h hi devel- Hi analy i continue 12... d6
IO.'ft'd2 c5 ll.tLlde2 ttJc6 12.tLlf4 opment without exce ive c nee - 13.tLle4 l:!.e5'g3! ttJd4
l:!.e8 1 3 .~e2 ~f8 14.0-0 ~e6 ion . After 8.ttJg5 'ft'g5 9.f4 (9.a3'd3 c6! 1 6 .~f7 ! Wf7 17.'W'd4
15.l:!. fd I ttJa5 16.ttJe6 l:!.e6 ttJc6 I O.'ft'd5 ~d2 ll.~d2 ._.e5 'ft'e7 18.ttJg3, but it eem Bla k
17.l:!.abl l:!.c8 18.b4 cb4 19.l:!.b4 12.'ii'e5 ttJe5 1 3 .~c3 0-0 14.c5 hould be able to hold hi own af-
tLld7 20.tLld5± l vanchuk-Svid ler, b6! ?oo and the pair of bi hop ju t ter 18...~c5 ( 18...<j;g8!?) 19.'t!t'c
A tana Wch blitz 20 12. about compensate for the mi ing 'it'h4 20 .~e3 ~e3 2 1.fe3 <j;g =.
5.e5 ttJe4!? pawn) 9 ... ttJc6 IO.'ft'e4 ( 10. e3 12... dc6 13.tLlf3
The M egaba e indicate the au- -.e7 ll .a3 ~c5 l:l 12 ...d6t) ow the e5-pawn wi ll be vulnera-
thor hipofthi move hould be a- I 0... e7 ll.a3 ~d2 1 2.~d2 d6tt ble. However, Black with hi bi h-
cribed to uto ky, who played it Black i at least equal - he will ea - op ha little to fear after 13.f4
in October 20 I 0 again t i ly fi ni h hi development, while ~e6 14.b3 ~f5=ff .
Toma hev ky. In Yearbook 95 we White till ha to coordinate hi 13... ~g4"b3 aS 15.~g5
dealt olely with 5... ~b4 6 .~d2 . force . 'W'c8 16. ~f6 ~e717.~e7?1
6.'ii'd4 8.a3 ttJc6 9."W'd5 ttJ f3 I O.gf3 ~e7 Thi wap i natural, but it hand
ll.tLle4 d6<=!/:r.. the initiative to Black. lntere ting
8... ttJc6 9.1Ve3 ttJf3 10.~f3 0-0! were attempt to retain the f6-out-
Thi natural move i new. Black post a a ource of counterplay :
wants to attack the e5-pawn in 17 . h3a4 18 .'t!t'c3 ~f319 . f3 \fe6
uch a manner that he can retain 20. 3<=! , or 17. c3 ~f6 18.ef6
hi dark- quared bi hop. f5 19.ttJd2!? l:!.e6 20.f3 ._.c5
~ IO ... 'ii'e7 ll. ~c6dc6 1 2. 0-00-0 2 l .l:!. f2 ~ f5 22.g4l:!.e2 23.l:!.fl oo .
13.a3 ~c5 14.'it'g3 ~f5 ( 14 ... ~d4 17...l:!.e7 18.l:!.fe1 a4 19.'W'c3
15.ttJ f3i) 15.tLlb3 l:!. fe8 16.l:!.e I f6 ~f3 20."iff3 't!t'e6 21.'ft'c3
17 .~f4 ~d6 allow White to keep Bl ack i better in the major-piece
hi central outpo t with 18.ttJd4! endgame, a he will occupy the
<j;h8 19.tLlf3 fe5 20.~e5 <j;g8 open d-fi le, whi le White mu t
In Yearbook 95 I di mi ed thi · 2 1.l:!.e3 ~c5 22.~d4 it"d6 23.~c5 guard the e5-pawn. 2 1.'it'e4 l:!.d8:f.;
position, j u t briefly tating that 'ft'c5 24.ttJe5 (~ 24.l:!.e8!? l:!.e8 2 1. e2 't!i'f5!? 22.'ft'e4 't!t'e4
White i a full tempo up (tLl f3) in 25.1Vc7t l:l 25 ... l:!.e2 26.'ii'b8 <j;g7 (22 ...l:!.ae8 23.'ft'f5 gf5 24. f4 f6
compari on with Ribli-Ree, al- 27. b7±)24 ... d4 25.l:!.ae l 'ft'b2 25.l:!.ad I <j;f7 26.Wf2<=! eem ten-
ready mentioned in the note to 26.h4 l:!.e6 27. h5 l:!.ae8oo able) 23.l:!.e4l:!.d8 ; 2 1. f6! ? l:!.ae8

22.'fi'e6 l:te6 23.f4 f6 24.l:te4 fe5 36 ... 'i.Ye5 !+ maintains the status- does not play chess much, and nei-
25.l:tae l l:td6! ?=F till force White quo, a the h7-pawn is taboo. ther is he following the late t de-
to fi ght for a draw. 37.l:te8 'i.Yf3 38.'i.Yf3 ef3 39.<itth3 velopment in opening theory.
21 ...l:td7 22.l:tad1 l:tad8 23.l:td7 <ittf6! 40.g4 l:tb3 41.g5 <ittfS Whereas I live in Am terdam, he
'ft'd7 24.e6!? 42.l:te7 c6 43.l:th7 bS live in the easternmo t part of the
A bid for actjve counterplay. Pa - Netherlands (En chede). A couple
ive defence doe n t olve White' of week after thi game had been
problem in the long run, viz. played we met on a joint family
24.Wfl 'ft'd2 25.'ft'd2l:td2 26.l:te2 holiday. It was there that he asked
l:td4 27.b3 <ittf8 28.We I <itte7 (~ me about in thi game.
... <itte6, ...g5) 29.l:td2 c5i.
24 ... fe6 25.'ft'e3 'ft'f7 26.g3 fS Van de Oudeweetering,Raoul
27.<ittg2 Schoori,Rob
Yitiugov didn ' t dare play the radi- Netherlands tt·2 2011/12 (9)
cal 27. e6! ? 'fi'e6 28.l:te6 l:td2 1.e4 es V o f3 l0c6 3.i.b5 a6
(28 ...<ittf7 29.l:te2 l:td4 30.b3 ab3 4.i.a4 l0f6 5.0-0 bS 6.~b3 ~b7
31.ab3l:td3 32.l:te3=) 29.l:te7 l:tb2 7.c3
30.a3 l:tb3 3l .l:tc7 l:ta3 32.l:tb7 44.l:tc7? It eem that nowaday 7.d3 i the
l:k3 33.l:ta7 l:tc4 3 4.f4~ with rea- Yolokitin ' analysis in Chess In - preferred move, opting for more
onable drawing chances. formant 114proves thatWhite still cia ic Ruy Lopez positions and
27 ... <ittf7 28.h4 cS 29. h6 <ittg8 could have aved the game with thus avoiding the complex theoret-
30. e3 l:td4 the accurate44.l:tf7!. Hi s main line ical lines of the Arkhangel k.
run s 44 ... We4 (44 ... We5 45 . h5!~

7 ... l0e4 8.d4 ed4 9.l:te1 dS
~ 45 ... gh5 ? 46.g6 l:tbl 47.Wh2 1O.lOgS 'i.Yf6
llfl 48.l:tf3+-) 45.l:te7 (45. h5 ?
gh5 46.g6 l:tbl 47.Wh2 l:tfl!+ )
.l ~ 45 ... Wd4 46.cb5! cbS (46 ... l:tb5
~ if 47.l:te6 c4 48.l:tg6 Wc5 49.l:tf6 c3 ..t ~
~ .i ~ 50.l:tf3 Wd4 5t.l:tf4 <ittd3 52.l:tf3 .l ~
Wd2 53.l:tf4 c2 54.l:tc4 l:tb3
'iY ~ 55.Wg2 l:tc3 56.l:tc3 Wc3 57.g6
.l .l
~~ ~~ c I 'if 58.g7= i another Fanta tic ~ ~
n motif) 47.l:td7! Wc4 (47 ... Wc3
48.h5! gh5 49.l:tf7!=) 48.l:td6l:tbl
~~ ~~~
31.'ft'e2? 49.Wh2! b4 50.l:tg6 and White's
Thi i a more eriou inaccuracy. counterplay come just in time. ~tLJ~~: ~
After 3l .b3! ab3 32.ab3 l:td3 44 ... bc4 45.l:tc6 l:tbS! 46.l:ta6
33. e6 'i.Ye6 34.l:te6 l:tb3 35.l:te8 We4
(35.l:te7! ?) 35 ... ~n 36.l:th8 <ittg7 Paving the way for hi pas ed pawn.
37.l:t 8~ White should hold the 47.h5
endgame. The imple line 47.l:tg6 c3 48.l:te6
31 ...e5!? 32.b3 <ittd3 49.l:td6 <ittc4 50.l:tdl c2
ow after 32. e5 e5 33.l:te5 51.l:tc I Wd3 52.g6 l:tb I 53.l:tc2
llc4 34.l:te8 wn 35.l:tc8 b5! <ittc2 clearly how White' pawn
36.l:tc7 we6 37.b3 (37.l:th7 l:tb4t) are way too slow.
Yolokitin indicate the generous 47 ... gh5 48.g6 c3 o-1
37 ... l:tc2! (37 ... ab3?! 38.ab3 llc3
39.g4 is far le convincing)
38. ba4 b4 39.l:th7 c4 and thi i al-
ready winning for Black. Fratricide in the Arkhangelsk
32 ...ab3 33.ab3 e4 34.l:ta1
Black wa gradually increasing the by Arthur van de Oudeweetering
pres ure, but 34.'i.Ye3 seem more RL 1!2.10 (C78) YB 102
34 ... l:td3 35.lla8 36.l:th8 The white player in the following
<ittg7?!T game is my younger brother. He Raoul van de Oudeweeterlng

Here my brother told me that after 1-0 Schnegg-Krivec, ibenik 20 12 Nakamura,Hika ru
the game Schoorl had explained to (Mitropa Cup, Au tria-Slovenia). Seirawan,Ya sser
him that I 'always ' played 11 ... f2 12.<J:lh1 0-0-0 StLouis ch·USA 2012 (11)
I 0... d7 but that he him elf pre- f514.c4N 1.e4 e6 2.f4 d5 3.e5 c5
ferred the text-move. Thus it i not For 1 4.~c6 see Yearbook 102. tt:lc6 5.c3 tt:lge7
clear to me whether Schoorl wa 14... bc4 15.~c4 tt:le5 The manoeuvre tt:la3-c2 with the
aware of my urvey on thi line in After 1 6 .~d3 Black can pl ay the aim to trengthen the d4-square is an
Yearbook I 02, or was just refer- clever 16 ... <;i;>b8! when White till important element in thi. sy tern .
ring to my game again t Van ha difficultie to complete hi 6
A endel ft. queen ide development. For in- Planning to attack d4; Black 's
11 .~d5 tance: tt:ld3 ~d6 problem i that the square i n't oc-
A recent game hawed a new at- and Bl ack i threatening to play cupied yet, which means that hi s
tempt for White: I l .tt:ld2 f2 19.. . h3, or to further trengthen manoeuvre agai n t it are not very
12.<;i;>h I 0-0-0 de4 hi s attack by exchanging one rook effecti ve.
14. f7 e3 (thi s wa the game con- on the d-fi le.
tinuation. 14 ...~d6 completing de- 16... f2
velopment and threatening ... h4
eem appropriate: 1 5. ~g5 d3 and
now the po ition i tremendou ly
complicated, for instance 16 . ~d 8
( 16.l:e4 tt:le5! f5! !)
16 .. .tt:ld8! ? 17. g4 (
"ft'h4) 17 .. .<f!ilb e3 and the
far advanced connected pa ed
pawns. eem to outweigh the mate-
rial deficit . ln general a lot of Fan-
ta tic analy i can be done here!)
15.'t!i'g4? (thi check render.
White' po iti on lo t. He could ow White' idea become clear;
have proceeded trongly with 17.~f1? quare d4 is under control and the
1 5 .~e3! de3 1 6. ~e6 <;i;>b8 White could go for a draw by repe- d2-d4 push i hi long-term goal.
tt:ld8 I . d8 <J:la7 19.'it'g5! . Thi s tition by f5 al- However Black eems to be well
move, protecting g2 and threaten- though Black can make an attempt prepared for thi . The trength of
ing to take on e3 with check, give at a better re ult with 18. .. f6. the sy tern that d2-d4 can only be
White the better chance , for in- 17... tt:lf3 0-1 played after the manoeuvre ~d3
stance: 19 ... 'it'b2 20.~d5 ~d5 Perhap a bit earl y, my brother re- followed by ..tf5 or even g2-g4.
2 1. "ffd5 ~d6 22. "if d4 Wb8 signed. You will under land that White's pawn tructure i quite
23.'i!t'e3 l:f8 24.a4 f2 25.ab5 when I told him about my recently fl exible and he can permi t him el f
"ife3 26.l:e3 ab5) 15 ... Wb8 published urvey, and al so showed a little more preparation, even a
l6."ft'g3( 16.'it"e2 e5! 17.'it"f2ef2 him that the entire line from hi small delay. True, Black can pre-
18.l:fl tt:lf7 19 ...tf7 dc3-+ ) game wa already on my laptop, he vent the pu h radically by blocking
16 ...'it"f6? (returning the favour. wa tlabberga ted. L ater he mu t wi th 7... d4 blockieren, but then he
16 ... tt:le5! i winning: ~d6 have felt lightly betrayed by hi ha to take into account that thi s
18.cd4 ~e5 19.de5 ~g2 20.'it"g2 older brother. pawn will be a target later on.
'it'e1 2 l.'it'g I 'it'h4 22.'it'g2 l:d3 7 ...h5
23 .~c2 l:hd8 24 .~d 3 J:td3. A fter Preventing g2-g4 and thereby
thi s mi ed chance the game re- maintaining the pre sure on d4.
main complicated, and eventually The Battle for d4 7... d4 give White control of e4
Black lost track) 17.cd4 ~b4 and d4 become a target: 8. ~d3
1 8.~e3 ~e l 19.l:e l l:c8 by Alexander Bangiev b6 (there were other plausible
( 19 ... tt:ld4) l:h8 2 l.d5 FR 1.1 (COO) move like 8... ~e7 , 8... h5. But the
tt:la5 22.d6 cd6 23. ~g5 b2? text-move i strange t. Black
(23 ... 'ifg6) 24. d6+- Wa8 Here i my analy i from the game trengthen hi control of d4 and
25 .~d5 'iff2 26."ifa6 Wb8 27. aS akamura-Seirawan from the lat- indirectly prevent White's ca -
~d5 28."ifb5 ~b7 29.l:e8 l:e8 e t U. . Champion hip. I find 2.f4 tling) 9. e2! (9.0-0? dc3 b.
30.'it"e8 ..tc8 3 l .'it"e5 Wa8 32.'it"e4 agai n t the French very intere ting. IO...c4) 9 fe7!

ll. .. c4 12.b3; ll. .. cd4 12.lbcd4.

Opening the attac k aga inst the
queen' pawn .
12 ...~c5
12 ... h3 13 ...te3 hg2 14 .llf2.
13 ...te3! ..te7
Withou t th is bishop Bl ac k wi ll be
vulnerable on the dark squares:
1 3... ~e3 14.lbe3;!; 'iWb6 15.'iWe2
h3 16.g3 .
A new move. Bl ack wants to play ow the pawn on h4 become a
IO ... lbd5 and meet the pl anned target ! White want to attack along
..ie4 with .. .t7-f5. But the move the dark quares, di vertin g Black's
also has drawbacks: Black remains attention from d5 .
lagging in development and the 14... b6
pawn on d4 i weakened. However Bring ing the ..tc8 into play, but
White cannot make use of these Hlkaru Nakamura weakening the squares b7 and c6
positive fa ctors a he ha not occu- and consequently d5.
pied hi pl ay ing space and hi s (13 ... cd4 14 ...tc6 bc6 15.lbfd4) 15. e2
piece cannot move freely. 14.b3;!;. Preventing 15 ... ..ta6 and preparing
A) I O...te4 s...td3 16.llfd l .
This i a typical idea for such po i- 15 ...lbb8
lion ; White wants to play d2-d3 , This look. tra nge. But there are
to be able to castle king ide. How- no other way to prepare ... ..ta6:
ever, I I .d3 i fore tailed by l5 ... a5 16.lbcd4 ..ta6 17.lbb5 !.
IO ...lbd5 : l l.g3 ..td7 l2.c4 lbdb4 16.llfd1
13.d3 lbc2 14.'iWc2 f5 15 .ef6 gf6 White has distributed hi p.iece h4 f5 17 ...tg2 0-0-0 18.lbf3 optima ll y: ~e2 contro ls the light
..td6 19 ...td2 lldg8 20.0-0-0 h6 quares, and ..te3 the dark o ne .
2 l .llde I '1t>b8oo in Stripunsky- He threaten to attack d5 with
akamura, St Loui s ch-USA c3-c4.
2010. 16... ..ta617. e1
So White should con ider the other The ~a6 cannot target any White
po ibilities; pieces - so much for his light-
B) LO.cd4 The threat i 9. ~ f5 followed by quare initi ative.
In reply to the lbf5 retreat this is a d2-d4. Blac k has to prepare for thi s 17...lbd7
logical and rad ical continuation . and decide if he want. to take bac k Head ing fo r c5 and e4.
White aim to conquer the weak by 9 ... ef5 or 9 ... gf5 . 18.b4
pawn on d4; but the opening of the 8 ... g6
centre a l o favour Black, who ha Black want to take bac k with the
better possibilitie to develop g- paw n, which seems to be the
g 'if * :i
there. IO ...lbd5 !? 6 ll...lbf4; ri ght dec i ion . After, for instance, .l ,.A .l
C) I O.'iWf2!? 8 ... h4, recapturing with the t!:.e6 A .l .l
Thi s may be the best reply to weakens the paw n on d5, which i
9 ... lbfe7 . It hou ld enable White to inconsequent in view of the threat-
.l ~ .l
ca tie king ide and with it an at- ened thru t d2-d4 a blockading ~ ~ .l
tack on the f7-point. Please note move which i a ' positional attack' ~ ~ttJ ~
that by the occupation of e5 the against the pawn on d5: 9 ...tf5 ~ ttJ ~
f7-square becomes a potential (9.0-0 h3) 9 ...e f5 IO.d4.
target fo r White, for instance: 8 ... lbh4 9.0-0 c4 IO.~e2 ~c5 ~ l:t. 'i¥ <it>
I O... lbd5 11.0-0! ? ( ll.g3 i al o J 1.'1t>h I lb f5 12.d4 cd3 13 ...td3 .
OK; Il.'iWg3) ll. ..lbf4 1 2. ~e4 (6 9.0-0 ~e7 Fore tailing the manoeuvre
13.lbg5) 12 ...~e7 ( 12 ... lbg6 9 ...lbh4 I h4 h4 l l.b3. ...lbc5-e4. But the tex t al o has a
13.lbg5 lbce5 14.lbf7) 13.cd4 c4 1 o.~ts 9 ts 11.d4 h4 trategic aim: White wa nt to oc-
cupy the quares b5 , c6 and o ment. ow the 'flld7 i unprotected Bruzon Batista,Lazaro
block the weak square a7 and c7 and so the pawn on d5 is pinned. Timman,Jan
for an attac k along the dark W ijk aan Zee B 2012 (8)
quare . The threat i a2-a4 fol - Threatening\c4 !. 1.e4 c5 e6 3.d4 cd4
lowed by b4-b5 and a4-a5. This 23 ... ~d3 24.c4\d4 a6 5.~d3 tt:\f6 6.'flle2
pl an weaken c3, o White shou ld Black is helples : ~e7 and tt:\g6 e5!?
take an attac k on that pawn into have to control the dark squares A move which i found only three
acco unt. and the ~d3 cannot take c4. time in the main databa es. I think
18... tt:lf8 24 .. .'it;>g7 thi i urpri ing, given that there
Correctl y ignoring the weakne 24 ...~c4 ?\c4; 24 .. .dc4? is undoubtedl y po itionallogic be-
on c3 a , due to the in ufficient co-\c4. hind it. It block the advance of the
ordination between hi pieces, he 25.cd5 ed5 white e-pawn while forcing the
ha no good way to regroup. 25... d5\e7 tt:\e7\f3 + - . knight to abandon it central po i-
18 ... llc8 19.a4 'fllc7 20. ~d4 ~b7 tion; meanwhile the bi hop on d3
2 I. 'fll f2 a5 Square e6 i free; White consider is denied a bright future, at least for
19.a4 the opening of the long diago nal the moment. The draw back i , of
Threatening b4-b5 , followed by by e5-e6. cour e, the weakening of the
c3-c4 . 26 . ~d4 ~h7 27.'flle3 ~c2 quare d5, but thi prej udice ha
19... ~c4?! 28.lldc I ~e4 29.a5+-. since long been di carded in mod-
Defending d5, but the bi hop can 26 ... ~c4?1 em chess.
be attac ked here. Moreover, Bl ac k 26 ...~e4\c3 'flle6.
lo e control of the quare c6. 27.'fllc3 ew.
19 ... tt:\g6 20.b5 ~b7 2 1.c4 c7. A) In two of the aforementi oned\cd4 game White played\ b3. Both
Threatening b4-b5 and tt:\c6. encounter continued in an identi -
20 ... d7?! cal way fo r fo ur more move :
20... c7 was perhaps the better 7 ...d6 8.0-0 ~e7 9.c4 0-0\c3
option; the idea is to meet 2 1.b5 tt:\c6 ll . ~e3 and now the game
with the manoeuvre ... tt:\d7-c5-e4: di verged:
2 1.b5 tt:\d7! .
1.~ g ...
.l Ai.l.l
~.t.l ~' .l ~
.l 27 .. .'ti'e6\d2
!'!, !'!,\d4 'fllc8 29.e6 ~h 7 .
!'!, .l l'!, .l 28 ... llhc8? tt.J tt.J ~~
.t tt.J !'!, 28... ~h7\d4. !'!,!'!, !'!,!'!,!'!,
!'!, ~tt.J !'!, 29. d4 'flld7 30.e6 1-0
J:r J:r
A I) I l ... tt:\g4 ( 1 2 . ~d2
Against Prejudice ~g5 !?) 12 ... tt:\e3 13.fe3 ~e6
Threatening tt:\c6 and ~f2 . con- 14.lladl ~d 5 15.ed5 tt:lb4 1 6 . ~bl
quering the pawn on h4. by Jose Vile/a
a5 17.c5 g6 18. b5 dc5 19.d6
21 ... tt:lg6 Sl 42.8 (842) YB 102 ~g5 20. c5 tt:\c6 (20 ... a4!
Defending h4 but weakening d5 . 2\d2 a5 22. a5 lla5 23.e4\c6 The 201 2 Tata tee) Che s Fe ti val (\c4 llc5 6. 24.b3 ab3 25 .ab3
Fixing hi clear gai n of pace and in Wij k aan Zee wa rich in excite- b5 !+; 23.llfe l !?) 23... ~e3
e tabli hing the dark- quare initia- ment and al o in creati ve idea in 24. '<Ph I ~d4 and Black i OK)
tive again t a7, ~e7 and h4. the opening . The following game 2 1. ~e4 a4\d2 'flla5'a5 ?
22 ... ~f8?1 i one example. The line played i (23.'Wa3 !) 23...~e3 24 . ~ h I tt:\a5
The manoeuvre ... ~e8-f8-g7 i in- relevant for the theory of the 25 . ~d5 ~d2 26.lld2 ~g7 27 .llc2
tended to connect the rooks, but Paulsen-Kan Variation of the Si- llad8 28.llc7 lld6 29. ~ f7 ~ h 6
thi i done at an unfavourable mo- cili an Defence. 30. ~g I llb6 3 1.ll f3 llb2 32.llh3


'iPgS 33.l:h7 l:d8 ?! (33...lDc6!, 22 ...Wh8 23.cd5 'iYd6 24.h3

bringing the knight back into the 24.J:tc5 was more energetic, not al-
game, seem better than the text) lowing Black to make use of the
34.h4 ..ti>f4 35.l:g7 l:dd2 36.l:g6 outpost on c4. 24 ... l:c5? 25.bc5
e4 37.i..e6 lDc6 38.l:f7 WeS 'iYcS would then lo eat once after
39.l:f5 Wd4 40.l:d5 'ifi>e3 41.l:tg3 26.'iWf6 ..ti>g8 27.d6.
<tt.;f4 42.l:g4 We3 43.l:g3 (after 24 ...J:tc4 25.a4
43.l:d2 l:d2 44.h5 Black would 25J:tel with the idea of exchang-
till have to play accurately to ing rook on c4 fo llowed by l:e3
draw) 43 ... Wf4 44.l:g4 ~e3 eems stronger.
4S .l:g3 Draw by perpetual check; 25 ... l:bc8 26.ab5 ab5
V:z-V:z, Pulkkinen- yysti , Finland After26 .. .l:c l 27.l:c l l:c l 28.1'Vc l
2002; abS 29. cS the wi.n i imple.
A2) ll.. .lDb4 12 .~bl lDg4 27.Ila1 J:l.d4 28.l:tdc1 l:dc4
13.i..d2a5 14.lDb5 lDc615 .h3 lDf6 29.l:c4?!
16.i..e3 ~e6 17.l:dl b8 18.~c2 Again 29.l:e l eem be t, intend-
(18.lDd2;!;) 18... lDb4 1 9.~bl l:c8 ing the arne l:e3. Now Black get
20.lDd2 a4 2 1 .~g5 h6 22.i..h4 l:a6 Lazaro Bruzon Batista counterplay.
23.i..d3 (23.a3 lDc6 24 ...id3=) 29 ... bc4 30.l:a7 ..ti>g8 31 .b5
23 ... lDh5! 24. h5 ~h4 25. h4 The other way to develop the
ttJd3 26. b3 lDf4 27 .lDfl d5 !? knight, 9 ... lDc6, is left for further
(27 ... i..d7 is probably stronger) investigations.
28.ed5 g5 29.'i:Yh6 i..dS 30.'i:Yg5 10.c4
l:g6 3 1.'i:Yg6 fg6 32.cd5 ab3 White applies a ' light-square trat-
33.d6? (33.ab3! l:cS 34.d6 l:bS egy' . Thi move ecures the con-
35.d7 l:dS 36.l:d5 lDdS 37 .l:d I trol of dS and e4.
~d6 38.lDe3 'i:Yd7 39.l:d5 White 1o.....ie711.lDc3 o-o 12.i..f6 i..f6
ha compensation for the queen; It seem to this annotator that
the po ition can be as es ed a ap- 12... lDf6 hould be preferred. If
proximately balanced) 33 ... b2!-+ White plays it sharp with 13.g4
34.l:ab I l:c I ! 35.lDg3 (35.d7 then, in the long run the white
d8) 35 .. . e8 36.l:bc I be I king would not be a afe as in the 31 ...c3??
37.l:c I bS 38.l:c8 Wg7 39.l:c7 game. A blunder. Re ilient was 3 l ... e4
Wh6 40.d7 dS 0-l , Bryan 13...ie4 l:b8 14.0-0 lDc5 15.l:fd1 (now 32 ... c3 i threatened) .There
Smith-Alberto Dav id, Rome 20 II ; d7 16.b4! lDe4 17. e4 is no forced win in ight, and al-
B) 7.lD f3 lDc6 8.0-0 i..cS 9.a3 though White remains better there
h6 IO.b4 ~a7 ll.c4 d6 12.i..e3 i till a great fight ahead.
~g4 13 ...ia7 l:a7 14.lDbd2 aS .i B~ 32.l:a4! 1-o
IS .l:ab I ab4 16.ab4 l:a4 17 .cS i ~ Mate i unavoidable .
0-0 18.cd6 'i:Yd6:f 19.lDc4 'f'Je7
20.~e3 i..f3 2 1. f3 l:b4 22.lDe3
i .l .t Epilogue
ttJd4 23.'i:Yh3 bS 24.lD f5 lD fS
25. f5J:I.b l 26.l:bl b4 27. h3l:tb8 ~~ ·~
This game was played in round 8
of Group B. In the IOth round of
28.i..c4 lDe8 29.i..d5 lDd6 l2J Group A, Fabiano Caruana played
30.~h5 lDbS 3 l.Wh2 lDc3 agai n t Topalov in the following
~ ~~~
32.l:b3 'i:Yf6 33 ...ti>g l l:b6 34.'i!fg4 way: l.lDf3 cS 2.e4 e6 3.d4 cd4
1'Vd8 35.1'Vf3 l:[ f6 36.1'Vd3 'f!ib6 ~ l:r 4.lDd4 a6 5.~d3 lD f6 6.0-0 eS .
37.l:b2 c5 38.l:d2 g6 3 9. ~b 3 This ha been played a lot more
..ti>g7 40.'ifi> f l l: f4 ?! (40 ... h5 -+) White' advantage, with the excel- than 6.'iYe2 eS , but a lot les than
4 l .~d5 ? (4 1.g3 l:[ f6+ ) 4 l ... lDd I! lent outpost on dS , is now beyond od1er line considered more nor-
0-1 Gin burg- Kekelidze, Los An- any doubt. mal. Topalov played the aggres-
geles 2011 . 17... c6 18.lDd5 l:[fc8 19.l:ac1 ive 7.i..g5 and Caruana managed
7 ... d6 b5? 20.lDf6 gf6 21 . h4 d5 to win in a sharp truggle. Will the
7 ... d5 de erves testing in the fu- 22. h6! Paulsen-Kan ystems featuring an
ture. With the double threat of 23.cd5 early ...e6-e5 become a frequent
8.i..g5 ~f5 9.ef5 lDbd7 and 23J:tc3 (or 23.l:d3). gue t in hi gh-level ches ?
An Early Exchange Sac B) 12 .....ie5! 13.0-0-0 21 ... l:tad8 22.l:lh1
Bl) 13... 'i!Vf6 14.~g5 'ilie6
by Gerhard Schroder 15...ie7 l:le8 16.f4 and now:
PU 5.2 (807) Y8 102 BI I ) 16 ...~h8 17.'i!Vf2! l:le7
18.'ilig3 'it;>f8 19.l:ld6 'i!Vd6 20.tDd6
I'd like to share with you a highly lD b6 2 1...ie2 ~g4 22.~g4 hg4
dramatic game I played in the 23.e5 f6 24.tLl f5 l:lc7 25.tLle4+-;
B-group of the Pardubice Open. I B 12) 16 ... ~f6 17...id6 tLlb6
got the opportunity to acri.fice an 18.lDh6 'it;>h8 19.f5 ' d7 20 ...ie2
exchange on h5 as early a move ..ig7 2 1...ih5+- ;
II . A imilar opening idea with Bl3) 16.....ig7 17.tDg7 'it;>g7
h4-h5 wa played by Cheparinov 18.~d6 "it'g6 19.f5 f6 (19 ... h6
recently (however agai n t a low- 20.~f4 "it'f6 2 1 .~e2-+) 20.~e2 tLle5
rated opponent, simi lar to mine). 21.~5 4 22.~f4 l:ld8 23 ...ib4 22 ... l:tfe8?
So frankly I cannot tell if it i rele- l:ld I 24. I 'it;>g8 25.~c3+-; 22 ... l:td3!! 23.cd3 l:td8 24. ~c2 f4
vant to opening theory or not, as it 82) 13...tLl f6 14...id4 lDd5! ? 25 . ~c5 "ifd3 26. c;t,?c I f#' d2 27.~b I
wa an over-the-board inspiration 15.tLlh6 Wg7 16.ed5 ..id4 17 .~d4 ~d3 28.Wal "ifg6 29."it'h4 l:td2
to sac the exchange on h5. After ~f6 18."it'f6 Wf6 19.dc6 bc6 30.tLlb I l:td3 3 1 . ~a7 e4gg;
i.e. ll.g4 (?) instead, Black could 20.l:ld6±; 22 ...e4 23. ~e2 ..id4 24 ...ih5 "ifd6
play I l. ..tDg3 and take over the 83) 13 ... tLlb6 14.f4 ..if6 25 ...i f4±.
initiative. That wa the main dif- 15.lDd60 and now: 23.g4! e4
ference in compari on with the B31) 15 ... ..ic3 16 .~c3 ..ig4 23 ... l:td3 24.cd3 f4 25 ...ia7 't'id3
Rauzer Attack in similar Dragon 17.l:ld2 lDd5 ( 17 ... 'i!Vh4 18.b3 26. c2±.
positions. l:lad8 1 9 .~b2 tLld5 20.ed5 l:ld6 24.gf5 "iff5 25 ...ie2+- ..id4??
2 1...ic5±) 18. a3 h4 19.l:lf2 25 ...l:te7 26.'fig2 g6 27.'Wh3l:te5
Schroder,Gerhard tDe3 20. e3 b5 21.e5 e7 28.l:tgt "ife6 29."ifg3 f6 30 ...ih6
List,Andre 22.lDe4 f6 23.ef6 e6 24 ...id3 l:td7 31.'t!fh3 l:tc7 32.a4l:tf5 33.ab5
Pardubice 2012 (6) a2 25.f5 "it'a l 26 5~d2 Wh8 cbS 34 ...ib5! (34 ...ic I+-) 34 ...l:tb5
1.e4 d6 2.d4 lDf6 3.tDc3 tLlbd7 27.f#'h6 dl 28 .~c3 el 35 ...ig7 l:tb2 (35 ... l:tg7 36.f#'c8 ~t7
4 .~e3 c6 5.f3 e5 6.tLlge2 g6 29.Wb3 l:lf7 30.tLlg5 ~e8 3 1JHI 37. c4+-; or 36 .. .'~f8 37.l:tg7
7. d2 ~g7 8.h4 0-0 9.h5!? ed4 "it'g8 32.tLl f7 f#'f7 33 .~c3;!;; Wg7 38.'t'id7+-) 36.c;fo?b2 l:tb7
1O.lDd4 lDh5 11.l:lh5!? gh5 8 32) 15.....ig4 16.lDb7 d2 37.Wc l l:tg7 (37 ...'t\YM 38.'it;>dl 0 )
12.tDf5 17.l:ld2 ..ic3 18.bc3 l:lab8 19.tDa5 38.'~c8+-.
l:t fc8 20.~a6 l:le8 21.lDc6 l:te4 26 ...id4 l:td4 27.'fi'g1 1-0
22.tLlb8 l:te3=.
13.0-0-0 lDe5 14.f4?
14 ...ig5! "it'e6 15 .~e3 f6 16.J:ld6
e8 17.tLlg7 Wg7 t8 ...ih6 ~g8 Why Not 9.tDd5 ?
( 1 8... ~ f7 19.f4 tLlg4 20 ...ic4+-)
19. d4 ~e620 ...if8c;pf82J.f4+- . by Pavel Martynov
14.....if5 15.fe5 deS 16.ef5 ~f5? Sl 31 .6 (830)
16... e4! 1 7.~d4 f#'f5 18...ig7 ~g7
19. d4 Wg620. e4f#'e421.tLle4 The following game was played in
l:lae8 22 ...id3 f5 23.lDd2 ~g5 the final round of the St Petersburg
24.b3 'it;>g4 25 .l:th I l:te3 26.tDf3 f4 championship. Shimanov came fLr t
(26... Wg3 27.l:th5t) 27 ...ih7 ~g3 in the tournament - 1 came Ia t. So I
12... f6? ! 28.tLlh4 ~ f2<=t. really wanted to win this game!
A) 12... ~c3 13.f#'c3 tLle5 17.~d3 e6 18."&'e2
14.tLlh6 'it;>g7 15.f4 c;fo?h6(15 ... ~h4 18.a4!?;!;. Martynov,Pavel
1 6. c;fo?d2 'it;>h617.fe5 ~g7 18.ed6f6 18...b5! 19."it'h5 f5 20.~ b1! Shimanov,Aiexander
19.e5 ~e6 20. ~e2 ~h2 21.ef6 "it'g6 St Petersburg ch-city 2012 (11)
l:lf6 22.l:lfl ~d6 (here or on the 20 .. .e4 21.~e2l:tad8 22.l:th I±. 1.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 e6 3.tLlc3 lDc6
next move 22 ... l:lf8 lose to 21 .~ h2?! 4 ...ib5 tLlge7 5.0-0 "ifc7
23 .~h6! ) 23. ~d3 ..ia2 24.l:lf6 2 1."it'h4! e4 (2 1...~g4? 22."it'g4 I think thi s is a bad idea. The main
'i!Vf6 25. ~d4+-) 16.fe5 Wg6 fg4 23.l:th I +-) 22 ...ie2 ..ic3 continuation i 5... a6 6...ic6 tLlc6
17.ed6 h4 t8 .'it;>d2 ..ie6 19...id3; 23.bc3 "iff6 24.~f4± . 7.d4 cd4 8.lDd4.

6.tle1 ! The cri tical po ition.

Of cour e 6.d4?! gives Black 13.c3!?
beautiful play after 6 ... cd4 7.t0d4 A) 13.l0b3?! (the knight should
t0d4 8. d4 t0c6. remain in the centre) 13 ... 't'ib4!
6... a6 7 ...ic6 l0c6 8.d4 cd4 ( 13 ... c7 14 ...igS h6 IS .tle3;
without any superstition the com-
puter recommends 13 ... 'fi'c2, but
& i. ~ i. .i that's not a human move) 14.'fi'e2
.t.'if.t. .t..l.l bS IS...igS f6 ( IS... ~g4 16 ...ie7
.t. .. .t. 'fi'e2 17 ..l:te2 ..ie7 18.tlae l Wd8
19.lle7 ..ie6 20.tl7e6 fe6 2 l.de6
'>Pe7 22.l0d4 and White has an ad-
vantage) 16. hS g6 17 .~f3 fgS
18 ..l:te4 g4 19. e3 ~e4 20.~e4
..ig7 2 l .l0d4 (2 1.lOaS ..ifS 22. e3
'>Pf7 23.t0c6 l:the8) 2 1... 0-0
22.t0e6 ..ie6 23. e6 tl f7 24. d6
i.d4+ ; Pavel Martynov
9.l0d5!? B) 13 ..l:te4! ? (it's very difficult to
Why not? 9.t0d4 is the mai n line in find this move over the board! 23.i.d6! ~d6
the theory books. ow 9 ... ..id6 is ow Black must play very care- 23 ... tlg6 24.l0a8 We8 2S ...icS+-.
best. Black trie to di courage fully to ward off the danger) 24.l0e8 '>Pd7 25.l0f6 <j;>dB 26.d6
lLldS . The position after 1O.'>Ph I 13 ... h6 ( 13 ... g6 14.f!ih4 ..ifS A nice fina l position!
( IO.lOdS edS ll.edS tOeS! 12.f4 IS .l:te l ; 13 ... i.d7 14...ie3 '\WaS 1-0
0-0 13.feS ..ieSoo) IO... t0d4 IS .b4 g6 16 .~h4 ~dS 17 ...igS
ll. ~d4 ..ieS 1 2.~d3 0-0 13 ...ie3 ..ifS 18.l:te2 ..ie6 19 ...if6 l:tg8 Conclusion : I suppose that the ac-
with the idea 14 ...id4 is a little 20.tlae l) 14.b4 ! ( 14 ...id2 g6 rifice is really interesting and
better for White. So I thought that IS .~e2 ..ifS; 14 ...ie3 g6 I S .~e2 White ha a lot of attacking po i-
9.t0d5 might be really dangerous 'fi'c7 16.tle l fS 17.t0e6 ..ie6 bilities.
for Bl ack. I ..l:te6 0-0-0 19. d2 tlh7 20.c4:
9...ed5 10.ed5 t0e711 .l0d4 14 ...if4g61S . e2fS 16.l0e6 ..ie6
ll .~d4?! is inferior, becau e it 17 .l:te6 0-0-0 18.c4 c7 19.tle l
wi ll be hard to bring the f3-knig ht Wb8) 14... b4 ( 14 ... ~c7 IS...ib2 The Strategic Sacrifice
into play. g6 16. e2 l:th7 17.lle l) IS...igS
11... d612. h5! c5! cS 16 ...ie7 i.e7 17.tldl by Peter Bennett and Kjartan Maack
12 ... h6 13 ...if4 ( 13 ...igS? hgS (17 .l:tae l 0-0) 17 ... ..id7 18.1!i'e2 Sl19.16 (890)
14. h8 cS; l3 ...id2 g6 1 4.~e2 0-0 I 9.tle7 l:!. fe8 20.t0fS '>Pf8
i.g7 IS...iaS d7) 13 ... ..id7 2 l.l:!.e8 l:!.e8 22.l0e3 with a play- 1.e4 c5 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4
( 1 3...~cS 14.l0b3) l4 ..l:te3! able po itjon. 4.l0d4 l0f6 5. c3 a6 6 ...ie3 e6
( 14 ..l:tadl g6 (14 ... 0-0-0 I S.~f7 13 .....id714.b4? 7.f3 b5 8.~d2 b4 9.l0a4 t0 bd7
i.e8 16.i+'e6 'fi'd7 17.tld3) White wants to open the c-fi le to 1 O•..ic4 ~c7 11 ...ib3 ..ib7 12.c3
IS . h4 0-0-0 16 ..l:te7 ..ie7 prevent Black from queen ide bc3 13.l0c3 ticS 14.0-0 ~ b8
17.f/ie7 ..ig4 1 8.~c7 '>Pc7 19.f3 ca. tling. But Bl ack ha enough 15.tlac1 ..ie7
i.c8) 14 ... ~cS IS.tld I. defensive poss ibilities.
14 ...if4! 0-0-0 (14 ... h6 IS.tlad l)
I S.~f7oo with a lot of opportuni - ~& ~ i:
ties for both side . i. 6\i..t..l.t.
14 ... ~c3 .t. ........
14 ... ~c4 IS ...if4.
15...ie3 d3 16.:tac1 l:tc8
The last chance.
17... g6 18.tlc8 ..icB 19.l0c7
Wd7 20. f3 f5 21 ...if4 g5
22.~c3 l:tg8?
A blunder! 22 ... ..ig7! wrap it up.
Thi characteri tically Sicilian po- 4) Although Ftacnik mention 24 ... ~f8? !
ition i actuall y taken from a sur- the position in hi treati e on the The onl y reasonable al tern ati ve is
pri singly rare line. A s it happened, Sicilian Defenc Grandmaster 24. .. d6 ( ee below). White' at-
I reached it agai nst one opponent Repertoire 6: The Sicilian De- tack now proves deci ive. The
in the 20 11112 Briti h Correspon- fence, he does not consider the sac- game continued:
dence Che s Championshjp whjch rifi ce at all. 25.d6 ~d6 26.lL!d4 c7 27.g3
ha ju t concluded. The problem Another strange coincidence is ~b4 28.~b3 "fi'c3 29. e6 c7
for White in modern CC is that that I happened to be playing both 30.~g2 ~c8 31 .J:tc1 "fi'g3
Black can secure so many techni - the protagoni st in the following 32.hg3 ~e6 ~e7
cal draw in the main lines. Thus it encounter (but with di fferent ope- 34.J:tc7 ~d6 35.J:ta7 a5 36.J:ta6
wa the u ual search for sound but nings) at the same time that l was ~e7 37.lL!g7 J:tf8 38.g4 lL!d7
theoreti ca lly under-explored lines 'borrowing the.i r line in my 39.lL!f5 ~ d8 40.f4 J:tf6 41 .J:ta8
which had brought me to th.i posi- Sicilian game. <J;c7 42.l:th8 h6 43J:th7 ~d8
tion in the fir t place. 44.J:th6 J:th6 45.lL!h6 ~e7
ow, for the first time, I rea lly Eldridge,Mark 46.ttlf5 ~f6 47.lL!g3 ~g7
started to study the po ition in Evans,Gordon 48.c;t>f3 1-0
depth and to look at the key for- crch·GBR 201 1/12
ward line . I oon reali zed, with a From the diagrammed po ttlon In the fo ll owi ng encou nter, the ex-
growing sens of concern, that in above, thj s game continued .. . peri enced Gl aser had the adva n-
thi apparently innocuous posi- 16.lL!e6! tage of knowing about the game
tion, Wrute al ready ha a key stra- The acrifi ce was played in 5 of the Eldri dge-Evans, but he till could
tegic dilemma which ha to be 7 game , ugge ting - ri ghtl y, in not fi nd any improvement on Ev-
so.lved immedi ately. Thi fact our view- that thi s .i s White's most ans' defence in the earl y tages.
alone should arou e far greater in- acti ve continuation. In the two
tere t among exponents of the Si- games where White ha decl ined Bennett,Peter
cilian Defence than it has o far. to take up the challenge, he has Glaser,Karel
0 ten ibly, White has a pace ad- cored only 25%. 16 ..1:tc2 0-0 Scotland v Czech Republic, Corre·
vantage and i comfortabl y placed. 17 ..1:t fc l was pl ayed in Staggat- spondence match 20 12, Board 8
The problem is that Black i about Jung, (2008, 0- 1 in 45). 16.a3 0-0 From the diagrammed po iti on
to castle; and once he doe so, he 17.llfdl was tri ed in Kubasky- after 24. e3 in Eldri dge-Evans,
can begin to use the latent power Pannekoek (20 II , Y2-Y2 in 39). th is game continued ...
inherent in a position where hi s 16...fe6 17.~e6 J:tc7?! 24... d6! 25.a3 g6 26."fi'a7 ~c6
piece are well -placed and he has a lfthe acrifi ce can be ucce fully 27.lL!c3 ~d7 28.J:te1 Wf 8
central pawn maj ority. defended, thi s is one move which 29. d4 ~d8 ~b6
Several hour of analysi con- need to be ca lled into question. 31 .lL!c5 c;t>g7 32 .~d7 "t!fd7
vinced me that the only move 17 ... J:tc6 1 8 .~d4 tt:le5 was the con- 33.J:te6 ~c5 34.bc5 l::tf8 35.J:te5
whk h would ustain White' ini - tinuation in Daurelle-Pannekoek
tiati ve was the strategic sacrifi ce (20 I I , 0- 1 in 73). 17...J:td8 18. e2
on e6, to prevent Black from ca - ~c8 1 9.~b3 was played in Silin-
tling and inhibit the development Ruggieri (20 II Y2-Y2 in 39).
of hi s kin g' rook. 18.b4 lL!e5 d5 20.l:tc7
The databa es were of little help at c7 21.ed5 d8 22.J:td1 lL!c4
the time; bu t in our later research 23. c1 tt:le3 24. e3
for tbi arti cle we uncovered ome
very curi ou fact :
I ) According to the databases
only 7 games have gone forward
from thi s position;
2) All these games are by corre-
pondence. No-one of note has 35 ...~g8!
even tried the line over-the-board; For an altern ati ve, ee the next
3) Only 2 of the 7 games have game.
ended in a draw. White has won 3 36.h4 J:te8 37.J:te8 lL!e8 38.d6
decisively, Black 2. Thi s is a very Wf7 39. c4 'ite6 40."fi'f4 '+Wf6
exciting statistic, even with o few 4Ullfd2 lL!g7 42.c6 lL!e6 43.f4
re ults to go on; h5 44.f5 gf5 45.c7 tt:lc7

Black return s the piece sacrifice, in article make one thing clear:
the hope of getting a technical .17 .. .~c7 is a bad line for Black,
draw in the queen and pawn end- which White ha convincingly de-
in g. feated 3-0 again t orne very
46.dc7 ~c6 47. ~f4 ~c5 strong oppo ition.
48. ~ h2 'it>e6 49.~h6 Wd7 But thi s is all we can claim. The
50. h7 ~c8 51 .~h5 ~c7 sacrifice itself i neither deci ively
52.Cft>h3 ~c5 53.'i'.ff3 Wd7 winning, nor refuted ; which make.
54. b3a555.h5 1-0 it all the more surpri ing that the
line hasn 't been tried more often.
White' h-pawn will now prevail. What this article also calls into
Ln the British Championship game question is the tatus of the theo-
to which I referred at the beginning retical advice which ha accumu-
of this article, progress was rather lated around earl ier moves.
slower, such that it was being From Black's point of view, the
played in parallel with Bennett- preference for I O... tt:le5, a op-
Gia er between moves 22 and 40, posed to IO ... ~c7, eems to be
at about the same time. Since nei- purely a matter of fa hion . Until Lubomir Ftacnik
ther of my opponent could ee omeone ha refuted the lines
what the other wa doing, it is in- played by Pannekoek referred to Since then a whole flood of game
tere ting that two strong players above, both before and after the have een the light. E pecially cor-
with black, independently cho e sacrifice, 10... c7 seem per- respondence player have thrown
exactly the same moves ri ght up to tectly sound to u . them selve into thi s move. So an
move 34. This ugge ted to me that Similarly, Ftacnik' advice in hi update eem appropriate.
both were correct in their choice of book to White to play 15 .~a4,
line. rather than 15 .~ac I doe not take
Black actually has everal options any account of the ub tantial stra- & &~
at move 35, though none ave the tegic po sibilitie which 15 .~ ac I i i
line. ln the next game, again t I an ~e7! offers the fir t i i..t ~
Pheby, at onetime a world' top 60 player.
CC player with a grading of 2621 , What i even stranger is that a line
i ..ti'iV
Black made a different choice: that i eminently suitable for OTB ~J:I
play is, at pre ent, only being ex- .Yi.~ ~~
Bennett,Peter plored by corre pondence players.
~~ ttJ "fil~
Pheby,lan Have we collectively lo tour cre-
cr ch·GBR 2011/12 ative urge? Are both databa e and
1:[ ~ ~
From the diagrammed po Ilion theoretical texts being u·eated with
after 35J:le5 in Bennett-Giaser, far too much re pect ? In thi s line, it The main line is 19 ... ~g6 20. ~e3
thi game continued ... seems that they are! .l:[ae8 tt:le4 22.g4 tt:lg3
35 .. J:U7?! 36.d6 ~b5 37.h4 23. hg3 ~d3 (though not a lot
c;f;g8 38.l:te6 tt:lh5 39.a4 ~c6 seems to be wrong with black de-
40 .<~ h2 tt:lg7 41. ~e5 tt:lf5 viations like 20 ... tt:ld5 and
42. e4 "iVd7 43.~e8 ~f8 Always Active Counterplay 22 ... ~g4). White remain s a pawn
44.~a8 ~as 45.'ii'a8 'it>g7 up, but it is virtually impossible for
46. a6 ~f7 47.~d3 ~e8 by A. C. van der Tak him to make real progress. One
48.~e4 ~d8 49.h5 Wf7 50.~c4 RL 17.6 (C89) YB 82 way or another, Black always re-
~g7 51.~f4 c;f;f6?! tain active counterplay. A well-
The game is lo t anyway, but thi s In my FORUM contribution in Year- known picture in the M arshall !
move allows White to force an ex- book 82, in the Marshall Attack See the games below.
change of queen , effectively de- after 15. ~e4 g5 l6 .~fl ~h5
troying Black' only defen ive ~ f5 18.f3 tt:l f6, following Rattinger,Friedrich
re ource. the game Anand-Aronian, Wijk Almiron,Luis
52.g4 e8 53. e4 54.fe4 1-0 aan Zee 2007, I put up the new c r W ch-26 final 2010
move 19. g2!? for discussion. 1.e4 e5 tt:lc6 3 .~ b5 a6
So what conclusions can we draw? I concluded thi s article with ' Defi - 4.~a4 tt:lf6 5.0-0 ~e7 6. ~e1 b5
The three games featured in thi nitely to be continued .. .'. 7.~b3 0-0 8.c3 d5 9.ed5 tt:ld5

1 tOes 11 .l:teS c6 12.d4 23.hg3 ~d3 31.c4 f6 32.'ifd3 ~b6 33. ~e3
~d6 13.l:te1 'i¥h4 14.g3 h3 23 ... ~ b I?! 24. e2 l:te3 2S . e3 ~e6 34.cbS cbS 3S.ba4 ba4
1S.l:te4 gS 16.'it'f1 hS\d2 h6 26. e l ~c2 27. ~c2 'ifc2 36.Wg2 l:td8= Rubinas-
~fS 18.f3 tt:lf6 19.'it'g2 'it'g6 28. e4 d I 29.Wg2 Wg7 J.Marci nkiewicz, cr 20 II .
20.l:te3 (Anand-Aronian , Wijk aan Zee 26.'ifgS l:te8
2007 - YB/82- 12) 30. b3!± t::. 26 ... aS 27.Wg2 ~d 6 28 .~dl a4
30 .. .~g3? 3 J.l:tb I+-. 29.Wf2 fS 30.gfS ~fS 3 1. ~d 2
24.~d2 l:te3 2S.~e3 l:te8 gS 32.~gS l:te8 33. b3 aJ
26.l::te1 cS 27. ~f2 34.l:lc I;!; Nimtz-K.Stein, cr 2008.
27 .deS Svidler-Aronian, Morelia/ 27.~e3
Linare 2007 - YB/86- 124; 27.'ifg6 hg6 28 .~gS ~d6 29.l:lc l
27.'f.ff2!? - YB/102- 121. Wg7 30 .~c2 ~c4 3 1 . ~e4 ~dS
27 ...l:te1 28 . ~e1 c4 29.~d1 h6 32.~dS cdS= Keuter-Petraiti , cr
29 ... hS 30.ghS 'ifhS 3 1 .~e2 'Wg6 20 10.
32. ~d3 d3= D.Kraft-P.Nil son, 27... gS 28. ~gS h6!?
cr 20 II. 28 ... 'it>g7 29.Wg2 ~d 6 30.l:ld I f6
30.a4 fS 31.gfS ~fS 32.abS (30 ... l:te2 3 l.Wfl ± Borzenko-
abS~ 33.b4 hS 34. ~ d2 ~d7 Ter.Taylor, cr 2006 - YB/82-1 3)
20 ...l:tae8 3S.~e1 V2-V2 3 1 .~c I;!; Saric-Melkumian,
20 .. .tt:ldS! ? 2U:te l l:tae8 22. f2 Sarajevo 20 I I - YB/1 02- 120.
( g4 23 .~c2 hS 24. ~d2 29.~h6 'it>h7 30.~d2
~c7 2S .fg4 hg4 26.l:te2 l:te6 Grigoryev,Valery JO. ~gS Wg6 3 1.<;1o>g2 ~c7 32.f4 f6
27.l:tae l l:tfe8 28. ~d 3 aS 29.Whl Fagerstrom,Bjorn 33 .~h4 ~ f4 34.l:ld I ~e2 3S .~c2
a4 Y2-Y2 Kubicki- Boreika, cr 2009. cr RCCA-Gold 2011 Wf7 36.l:le l ~d2 37.l:lbl ~h6=.
Both ide have positioned their 1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3.~bS a6 30 ... l:le2 31.l:ld1 fS 32.~f4
piece on the optimum quare . 4.~a4 tt:lf6 S.0-0 ~e7 6.l:te1 bS 32.~c I ~b I 33.l:lfl ~d 3=; 32.gS
The mo t likely result is a draw, a 7.~b3 0-0 8.c3 dS 9.edS tt:ldS f4=.
it i difficult to uggest a reall y 1 tOeS 11.l:teS c6 12.d4 32 ... ~f4 33J1d3 fg4 34.fg4
useful way for either side to im - ~d6 13.l:te1 'ifh4 14.g3 'ifh3 l:rb2= 3S.l:lf3 ~d2 36.<it>f2
prove their position ' - Brunello in 1S.l:te4 gS 16.'iff1 'ifhS 36.Wfl <it>g6=; 36Jl f7 Wg6
hi Attacking I he Spanish, Quality ~fS 18.f3 tt:lf6 19.~g2 'ifg6 37.l:rc7 WgS=.
Chess 2009) 22 ... tt:lf4! 23.gf4 gf4 20.l:le3 l:lae8 21 .tt:le4 tt:le4 22.g4 36 ... ~c3 37.We3 l:tg2 38.l:lf7
24.Whl l:te l 2S. e l Wh8 26. g l tt:lg3 23.hg3 ~d3 24.'ifd2 l:le3 Wg6 39.l:rc7 w gs 40.l:tc6 l:lg3
'WhS 27. f2 l:tg8 2S.'ife3 41. ~f2 l:rh3 42.dS ~f4 43. ~g2
(28.~d I? ~h3?! (28... g6! 43.d6 l:rd3=.
29.~e2 ~e7 ~h4 3 43 ...l:ld3 44 ..l:!.a6 Wg4 4S. 1
~hS 32.'f.ffl ~g3 33.~g l f6 ~f3 46.l:lc6 %-% l:tg4!-+ Brunello) Perhap to be continued? I am not
29. ~e2 ~e7-+ 30.~d3 ~h4 ure.
3 1 .~e2 'figS 32.~eS ~eS 33.deS
~ f2 0- 1 Shomoev-Gri chuk,
Sochi n 2008) 28... ~e4 29.fe4 f3
30 . ~gS! l:tgS 'h-Y2 M. oble- De Jong's Brilliant Novelty
Godat, cr 20 I0. by Peter Boe/
2 cS+=t 22.l:te8 l:te8 23. ~d 2 Sl17.4 (876) YB 36, 42, 48, 89
g4 24.l:te l l:te l 2S. ~e l gf3
26. f3 ~e4gg ter, cr 2S ... ~g3 At the Dutch Open in Dieren,
20 10. 2S ... h6 26.Wf2 (265.t>g2 a5 27.a4 Dutch LM Migchiel de Jong pl ayed
21 22.g4 tt:lg3 (27.a3l:lb8 28. f2 l:le8 29. ~e3 a4 the intere ting IO.'f.fe I in the
22 ... ~g4!? 23.fe4 ~c8 24.eS 30.~a2 hSgg Griii -Duliba, cr 9.0-0-0 Dragon and wa urpri ed
(24 .~c2 fS 2S .eS ~e7 26.l:th3 2009) 27 ... ~c2 28.~c2 c2 by his young opponent, Bharat
Wh8 27.a4 hS+=t Laube-R.Mayer, 29. d2 b3 30.abS bS 3 1. e l Aijun from India, with the sharp
cr 2007) 24 ... ~e7 2S. ~c2 fS cS 32.dcS 'h-Y2 Jacot-Leone, cr 14 ... b8!?. ltledto animprovised
26.ef6 f6 27.l:teS h6 Y2-'h 2009) 26 ... aS 27 . ~d2 a4 28 .~d I queen sacrifice and some brilliant
Voicule cu-N.Antonov, cr 201 I. ~c4 29. b3 ~dS 30. e2 ~c7 tactic .

De Jong,Migchiel
Dieren 2012 (3)
1.e4 c5 2.ll:Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4
4.ll:Jd4 tl:Jf6 g6 6 .~e3
~g7 7.f3 0-0 8. d2 tl:Jc6 9.0-0-0
The move invented by Semen
Dvoiri , who also played in Dieren
everal times. See the urvey by
Van der Tak in Yearbook 36.
1o... e5 11 .tl:Jc6 bc6 12.ed5 tl:Jd5
12...cd5 1 3 .~g5 ~e6 14 .~c4 c7
1 5 .~f6 dc4 1 6 .~g7 <J;g7 wa in-
vestigated by Tibor Karol yi in
Yearbook 89.
13.~c4 ~e6 b8
Many moves have been played Mlgchlel de Jong treats Bharat Arjun to an Improvised queen sacrifice
here for in tance L4 ...l::rb8,
14... ~c8!? and even t11e exchange 15.~c5 l::rd8 16. a5 Hitting upon b2. De Jong found a
acrifice 14 ... e7/15 ...~7 . ln the 16 . ~h4 h6 17.g4 'f!ic7 (here we great solution over the board.
late l980s 14 ...h6 was popular, then have the tempo los ; 17... tl:J f4!? is 18.'f!id8!?
it wa uper eded by 14 ...'tli'c7 also known from the 14... c7 A devastating novelty! Youngster
1 5 .~c5 l::r fd8. ln tlli mai n line line) 18.g5 h5 J9.'f!if2 with nice A rj un i in for a rough ride.
White mo tly attacks on the king- pl ay for White was seen in the tern ln Vogt-Ballmann, Wintertllur
side witll g2-g4 and ~h4 or g2-g4 game for J4 .. .'f!ib8, Dvoiri s-Basin, 1996, there fo llowed l 8.~b3 ~ 6
and h2-h4, while! turned Simferopol 1988. The text i a di- 19.h4 'f!ic7 20. e l .l:e8 2 1.fe4
out to be le incisive after Bori rect attempt to take profi t fro m ~ f7 22.l::rd4 f4 23.<J;bl ~g5
Alterman' l6 .. .~h6 ! (see Mikhail Black's 14th move, which in De 24.hg5 g5 25. f2 l::re4 26. ~a7
Golubev' Survey in Yearbook 48). Jong' opini on ' looked in feri or'. .l:ae8 27 .l::re4 .l:e4 and Black won
The interesting exchange sacrifi ce 16... f5!? after a tough fi ght.
15... l::r fb8 ha also been tried: The harpe t approach! Arj un 's 18 .. .'tli'd8 ~h6 20. ~b1
1 6.~d6 b6 17 . ~b8 l::rb8 led to a predece or Mikhail Antipov and d7 21.fe4! fe4
draw in Van Riemsdijk-Ricardi , Martin Ballmann have played 2 1... 'f!ie6 1oses at once to 22.l::rd5! .
Bueno Aires 1989. J6... ~h6 fir st, but to create coun- l::rd8?!
Perhaps we hould regard 14... b8 terchances tlle bishop will have to Wi th 22 .. .<;t;>h8! Black could have
a a more aggressive move tllan go back to g7. White's king i not prevented the fo llowing bri lliant
14... 'ffc7. Black's immedi ate idea yet worse on b l ince witll tlle on blow. White then ha to try some-
i to play ...f7-f5 and ... e5-e4, with a5 there i no kni ght check on c3 . thing like 23 .l::rhe I (much worse is
attack on b2. However, in the few 16.. . c7!? foiJ owed by ... l::rd7 and 23 .tl:Jc6? tl:Jc3 24.bc3 'flic6 25 .~d4
game played with the text move .. .l::rad8 was . ucce fully played by ~g7) 23 ...l::rb8 when after
Black often had to re ort to ... ~c7 Taufik Halay against Wang in 24 ... l::re8 tlle trick are gone and
again after White sta1ted his Oropesa del M ar 2000. White will have to prove some-
kingside attack with g2-g4. e4 thing.


1. i

'iY i. .,. i tLJ
~ i -'

t::, t::, t::, !::, !::,
~l! ;:[

23. ~e71! e7
Moving the rook to e to 24.ttJc6
g ...
and 25. ~d5 . .l.l ~.i..l.l
24.ttJc6 ifcS 2S.l:tdS! ~.l .l~ .l
The pretty point. Black cannot
capture twice in view of the famil y
ttJ £::,
check on e7.
2S ...l:tdS 26.~dS ~g7 27.~e4
~e3 28.l:td1 hS 29.a3 gS
JO.l:tdS 'i!fc4 31 .l:td7 ~f8
32.~dS 'i!fe2 33 .~a2 h4
Perhap 33 ... ~c5 wa more tena-
ciou . 63.c.Pa1 1S...l:tfe8
34.l:tf7 ~e8 ot clever wa 63.tiJf4 ?? b3 15 ... ef5 16.l:te 7 d8 17 .l:te2 ttJe4
64. ~a I b2 ! wi th a talernate 18.-ie l ( 1 8. ~f4!? tiJdf6) 18 ... l:te
draw. But tronge t was 63. h4! 19.g3 and White may be li ghtly
when Black has to give his queen better, G.Papp-Doric, Sibenik
due to the threat of 63 ... 'ife I 20 12 (Mitropa Cup). There have
64.ttJf5 ~h7 65.ttJe7 ~h6 66.ttJg8 at o been game between grand-
~h5 67 . ~g6 mate. ma ter with 15 ... ~ b4. in which
63 ...'i!fb3 64.l:th4 ~g7 6S.l:tb4 Black tayed afloat.
'i!fd1 66.ttJf4 c.Ph6 67.ttJd3 1-0 16.l:te6
Using a crowbar to demoli h
Black's king ide fortre i a com-
mon motif in thi line. Can Bl ack
urvi ve?
The Gentle Touch? 16 .. .fe6 17.ttJg7
3S.l:tg7 The alternative knight acrilice
Winning wa 35.ttJe5 c2 by Rene 0/thof
lead directl y to a draw: 17.ttJ h6
3 6.~e6!! (De Jong had only CK 12.3 (819) gh6 18 ..ih6 ~ f8 19. g6 ~h
looked at 36 .~c6 c6 37.ttJc6 20. ~ f8 l:tf8 2 1.ttJg5 l:tae8 22. h6
~ f7 and wa n' t ure of hi win- Over the years I have written both ~g8 23.'ifg6 ~h8 and a draw by
ning chance there) 36... d2 Surveys (Yearbook 78 and 83) perpetual check i unavoidable for
37.~d7 ~d8 3 ..ic6! (weaving a and item for our FOR M (92 and both ides.
mating net) 38 ... 'i!fc2 39.l:td7 ~c8 94) about Bl ack cast ling king ide 17...~g7 18..ih6! ~h8
40 ..ib7 ~b8 41.ttJc6. in the Classical Caro-Kann . This 18 ... ~ h619 . g6 mate!
3S ... a6 36.c4! as 37.l:te7 ~f8 et-up comes in many varietie , 19.ttJgs ttJf8 20.ttJf7
38.l:tf7 ~ea 39.ttJeS! .id4 but they all have in common that Black re igned. 20 ... ~g8 2 1. g3
On 39 ....if4 White win with the ortie ttJg3-f5 i a dangerous ~ f7 22. g7 is mate!
40. ~c6 ~d8 41.l:td7 ~e8 weapon against it. Recentl y I
(41. .. ~c8 42 . ~b7 ~b8 43.ttJc6 i carne across a fre h branch on thi What ha happened here? Did
again mate) 42.l:td2. tree. Bl ack's defen ive scheme get
40 ..ic6 ~dB 41.l:td7 ~ea busted? It certainly look that way,
42.l:td4 Anwesh,Upadhyaya but no, I don ' t think o.
Winning a piece and the game, but Navalgund,Niranjan
42.l:tb7! would have been mate in Mumbai 2011 (6)
4 after both king moves. 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.ttJd2 de4
42... 8 43.l:te4 c2 44 . ~dS 4.ttJe4 .its s.ttJgJ .ig6 6.h4 h6
d1 4S.ttJd7 c.Pg7 46.l:te7 ~h6 7.ttJf3 ttJd7 S.hS .ih7 9 ..id3
47.ttJf8 g4 48.l:te6 'it>g7 49.ttJg6 ~d3 10. d3 e6 11 ..id2 ttJgf6
a4 SO.l:tb6 g1 S1.l:ta6 d1 12.0-0-0 .ie7 13.~b1 0-0
S2.l:tb6 'i!fg1 S3.l:td6 e3 14.l:the1
S4.cS! 'ifcS SS.ttJ h4 'iff2 S6.l:tg6 Rather rare. See for the other
~h8 S7.l:tg8 ~h7 S8.l:tg4 d2 po ibilitie the Survey by Ufuk
S9 ..ie4 ~h8 60.ttJg6 c.Pg7 Tuncer on page 82.
61 ..ib1 'i!fd1 62.h3 ~h6 14... b6 1S.tiJfS!?

In tead of the cooperative A Worthwhile Exchange Sac?

17 ... <3;g7? Black ha the smart
zwi chenzug 17 ... ~a3!! - remi - by A. C van der Tak
niscent of the game Berbatov- IG 5.10 (C51) YB 100
Juhasz, Vaujany 20 I I, pre en ted
in Yearbook I00 on page 40. In hi beautiful new book Posi-
Black clear the way for addi- tional Chess Sacrifices (Quality
tional back-up along the eventh Chess 20 12), one of the games
rank: 18.1!Ya3 'J;;g7 19.'iVe3 crutinized by Mihai Suba i
( 19.llle5? llle5 20.de5 llle4-+; Kasparov-Anand, Riga 1995:
19.g4'i!Yb5; 19.'i!Yd3 <Ji;h8 20.1!Yg6 1.e4 e5 2.lllf3 lllc6 3.~c4 ~c5
.:te7 2J.'i!Yh6 llh7+) 19 ... <3;g8 4.b4 ~b4 5.c3 ~e7 6.d4 llla5
20. h6 J:te7:f: and if anyone 7. ~e2 ed4 8. d4 lllf6 9.e5 lllc6
Black i better. 10. h4 llld5 11.~g3
We can conclude that the use of a
battering ram is appea ling but it
doe n' t quite work for White. So g• g Mihal Suba
we mu t look for alternative op- .t.ii.t. .t. i.t.i
tions. ~ Ln the various database , like Suba,
J have not been able to find game
~~ with 11 ... 0-0 but in my file I
.i • found a cutting from Schach
.t..t. ~.t. i.t. Maga·d 11 64, August 2006, where
'if i .t. ~ .t. the couple Vasik Rajlich/Iweta
Radziewicz how two test games
tZJ ~ between the computers Shredder
and Rybka in which 11 ...0-0 wa
Here Anand played II ... g6, tried . As a mall addition to
whereupon Suba writes: 'Objec- Anka' Survey I give one of these
tively thi i good but for pra tical test games here:
purpo es it i a bit risky. Curiously,
nobody has tried 11. .. 0-0!, offer- SHREDDER 9
The obviou choice would be ing an exchange sacrifice to RYBKA Beta-Version
l6.lllh6 gh6 17 .llle5 llle5 (forced) dampen White initiative.' Then Testgame 2006
18.de5. he illustrates this view with a few 1.e4 e5 2.lllf3 lllc6 3.~c4 ~c5
ow l8 ... lllh5 ? is too risky in view variations. 4.b4 ~b4 5.c3 ~e7 6.d4 llla5
of L9.~h f2 (or 19 ... lllg7 lndeed, throughout the year 7.~e2 ed4 8. d4 lllf6 9.e5 lllc6
20.~h6 'i!Yf2 2l.~g4! ~ f6 hardly anyone has looked at the 10. h4 llld5 11 .~g3 0-0!?
(2 l ...~f8 22.J:tfl ~c5 23.~f4+-) move I 1... 0-0. Apparently the lo 12.i.h6
22.J:te4 J:tad8 23.J:th 1+-) 20. h5 of the exchange was considered 12.i.c4 lllb6 L3 . ~h6 g6 14.i.f8
f5 21.~h6 ~g6 22. e3 and too serious, e.g. by Anka in hi s ~ f8 15.lllbd2 d5 16.~b5 llle7
with material equality restored, Survey in Yearbook 100. Excep- 17.h4 lllf5 L8. ~g5 f6 19.ef6'i!Yd6
White is surely feeling more com- tions are Tibor Karolyi and ick 20.f7 'J;;f7 2 I .h5 i.e7 22.'iVg4 ~f6
fortab le. Aplin in their book Kasparov's 23.hg6 hg6 24.llh7 lllg7 25 .~e8
Therefore we bank on 18 ... lllh7 Fighting Chess 1993-1998 (Bat - c;!;>e8 26.'~'g6= Suba.
19 . ~h6 <Ji;h8 (l9 ...~f8!?) 20.1!Yf3 ford 2006): 'After 12 .~h6 g6 12 ...g6 13.~f8 i.f8 14.0-0
lllg5 2 I.'i!Yf4 llg8 22.J:td7 'i!Yb4, 1 3.~f8 ~ f8 1 4. ~c4 Black has 14.~c4 lllb6 1 5.~b3 a5 16.a4 d6
hoping to trade queens while hit- enough compensation', and 17.0-0 5 18.llle5 de5 19.'ife5
ting eJ at the ame time. Thi po i- Yelena Dembo in ChessBase Mag- ..tf5gg 20.J:te I llld7 2 I.'i!Ye2 'i!Yf6
Lion i unclear. azine 142, June 20 II : ·stack ha 22.g4?! 5 23.~ 'i!Yf7 24.gf5 f5
Again , forci ng your way through compen ation, but whether it is 25.llld2 J:td8~= another testgame
doe n't yield there ult we want. I enough is not clear.' And Ka parov Shredder-Rybka from 2006, eventu-
sugge t the gentle touch: 16.llle7! him elf in Informant 63, where af- ally won by Black as well.
J:te7 17.llle5 or L7 . a3, when in ter 1 2. ~h6 g6 he does not take on 14... i.h6 15.llld4
both ca e White retains a sma ll f8 with white, but indicates I5.l:tdl ~ f4 ( 15 ... lllf4 Suba)
edge. 13.h4! ?-+! 16. h3 ( 16. h4?! h4 17.lllh4
tt:lb6+) 16 ... d6 J7 .~h4 h4 M y surpri e and j oy knew no the Grtin feld Defence. After con- .lit.e6 ( 18... tt:lb6oo J-L bound - after all, th i variation ceding the centre to the opponent
Co ta) L9.ed6 .lit.d6 f3 (;!; was introduced by my brother with his next move, Bl ack ga ins
Pin ki) 20 ....lit.e7=f Rybka 3. .Khanzhar Odeev back in 199 1! good opportuniti es for creating ac-
15!? 16.l::re1 tt:le5 But the idea and the analy e of the tive counterpl ay. The move 5. b3
g5 18.tLlh6 h6 vari ati on occurred much earlier. wa introduced by Ragozin in
d6~fi: ~f5 21 .tt:lg5 tt:le2 Youth ful memories immediately 1932 in a game again t Roma-
22.J:re2 'ith5 23.13 h6 came flooding back: tudy and novsky' , write B otvinnik and
~e4 25.J:re4 tt:ld3 26.14 'ijfc5 trai ning e sion for USSR Junior E trin in their J979 monograph on
27. 1 ~b5 28.c4 ~b2 29.J:rd1 Championship and quali fy ing the Grtin feld Defence.
tt:lc5 30.J:re2 ~f6 3U We3 a6 tournaments for the World Cham - 5 ... dc4 6. ~c4 0-0 7.e4 ~e6 !
32.~f3 <1Pg7 33.g3 h5 34.<1Pg1 pionship , with lessons lasting The Ia t time thi occurred in an
J:rb8 35.~f1 bS 36.l:lee1 h4 I 0- 12 hour a day plus 4 hours of over-the-board tournament wa · in
37.J:re3 tt:le6 38. ~d3 c5 39.~d5 physical preparation. I u ed to ub- 1988. The basic idea of Black '
tt:ld4 40.g4 bc4 41.J:rf1 c3 42.g5 cribe to 15 magazine from vari- move is simple - to provoke an
~d8 43.~e4 c2 44.J:tee1 J:rb2 ous countries one of which I earl y d4-d5 by White attack hi s
45. ' e3 c8 46.J:rc1 ~g4 received as a collaborati ng author centre w ith ... c6 and then ... e6, and
47. 2 J:ra2 48.J:rg1 f5 - that was New in Chess. !made an achieve a harmoniou arrange-
49.J:rgf1 J:rb250. e7 ~h3 0-1 opening card index in which ment of the pieces.
The conclu ion in Schach much attention was devoted to the- 8. b5
Magazin 64 wa : ' ... vielleicht oretical reviews of tournament . A novelty.
verdi ent da. Qualitiit opfer mehr Khanzhar was analysi ng all the
al gemeinhin time, ince he used to play about
I 00 games simultaneously by cor-
re pondence.
if R~
Particular allention wa pa id to
theoreti cal positi ons from the Si -
.a ... .t
How Novelties are Born cilian Defence - the Najdorf and
Dragon Variati ons -, to the
by Ahmed Odeev Grtin fe ld Defence and to the Volga
Gl10.2 (097) Gambi t.
T he result was the emergence of
For more than 30 year I have been new variation in the aj dor f after
trainer of the Turkmeni tan corre- l .e4 c5 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.llJd4
pondence team, and I constantly tt:l f6 a6 6.~g5 e6 7.f4 tt:lc6! On encountering a surprise in the
pl ay through tournament games, (Yearbooks 93, 94, 98, 99 and I 00) fi rst round, M orozevich deviate
and !love watching li ve game . and after 6.f4 e5 tt:lbd7 8.a4 from the cri tica l path . T he main
A nd oon 24thJul y l wa watching - 8 ... d5! 1 (Yearbook 17), and in positions of thi variation ari e af-
M orozevich-Giri from Round J the Grtin fe ld Defence after l .d4 ter 8.d5 ~c8 9.~ f4 c6 I O.l::rd I b5
of the 45th Biel f e tival. It was a tt:l f6 2.c4 g6 d5 4.cd5 tt:ld5 II . b3 ~a5 a6 and 8.d5
Grtin feld Defence, Ru ian Sy - 5.e4 tt:lc3 6. bc3 ~g7 f3 c5 ~c8 9..lit.e2 c6 10.0-0 cd5 ll.ed5
tern : l.d4 tt:l f6 2.c4 g6 d5 8.J:rbl 0-0 9.~e2 cd4 I O.cd4 a5 e6 12.de6 ~e6. f3 ~g7 5.~b3 dc4 6. c4 0-0 I I. ~d2 ~a2 12.0-0 - 12 ... ~d7! ' When preparing for a tournament,
7 .e4- and now 7 .. ..lit.e6!!! (Yearbook 2 1) and an interesting a di fficult questi on alway arise :
idea in the Russian Sy tem - how to determj ne the range of vari -

if R~
7 ... ~e6!.
Now the game:
ation that an opponent will play in
a game? You have to take into ac-
count the vari ations that the oppo-
.a ... .t Morozevich,Aiexander
Giri,An ish
nent usuall y plays, the vari ation
that he play rarely and tho e
Biel 2012 (1) which may even have occurred
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 d5 only once. But thi s is not yet uffi- ~g7 5. b3 cient, ince it is hard to count on
'Thj y tem, defined by the earl y ucces in a game i f in the opening
development of the wbite queen on you don' t prepare something new
b3, i one of the most intere ting in and unex pected fo r your opponent.

Therefore, when studying your op- 2 l ... .l:tb6 22 ..1:td6 ~ f3 23 ..1:tb6 ab6 (33 ... '.tf6 34.~f4) 34.'ifh8 '.th8
ponent's style, his ta tes, his pro- 24.~ f3= Giri. AI o nothing wa 35 .lLJf7- Giri .
nouncements and hi attitude to given by 2 l.. ..l:tb2 22 ..1:td2 .l:tfb8 33 ... .1:tb1 34 . ~ h2 lLJeS 35.fe5
the forthcomi ng battle, you have to 23 ..1:tad I .l:td2 24.'ifd2ltb725.~a6 'ifd1 36.'iff2 'ifh1 37.'.tg3 l:lf1
determine with the greate t proba- ~ f3 26. ~b7 ~d I 27.~d7 ~e2 38.'ifc5 .l:td1 39.'ife3
bility what new opening , posi- 28.'i¥d2=. 39.~f2 .l:tf l 40.'ife3 .l:te I 41. f4
tiona.l set-up and variation he i 22.h3 .l:tfl = Giri.
intending to employ' - Bole- 22 ..1:td6?! ~ f3 23.~f3 lLJe5 24 ..1:td8 39 ... 'iff1 40. ~h2 .l:te1 41 .'i!Yd2
lavsky and Bondarevsky. lt:)f3 25.'i!Yf3 'i!Yf3 26.gf3 .l:td8 41.~d4? 'i!Yh I 42 .~g3 .l:te2-+
It would be interesting to know : would have led to a rook endgame Giri .
what had Giri prepared in the main w ith the better chance for Black. 41 ... 'ifg1 42.<;i.Jg3 l:te3 43.<;i.lf4
variations? 22 ... ~d5 23.a4 I f 43.Wg4, then 43 ... .1:te4 44.<;i.J f3
8... ~d7 9. cS 'At this point I might be a bit .!:te l 45.Wg3 .l:tdl 46. e2 g5=.
Whynot9. g5rightaway?-Giri. wor e'- Giri . 43 ... g5 44.Wg4
White cou ld have played 9.'i!Yb3, 23 ... a5?! 44.'.tg5! .l:th3 (44 .. ..1:tg3?! 45.Wh5
tran posing into positions th at 'I have to make a move '. 23 ... l:!.b3 .l:tg6 46 ..1:ta4) 45.Wg4 .l:th6:f Giri .
ari e after the well-known moves 24 ..1:tac I .l:ta3 25 .~b5 - Giri. 44 ... Wh6 45 ..1:ta4?
l .d4 lLJf6 2.c4 g6 3.lLJc3 d5 4.'i!Yb3 23 .. .~f3 24. ~f3 'i!Ye5 25.~e5 A blunder in an equal po ition.
dc4 5.'ifc4 ~e6 6. b5 ~d7 lLJe5 26. ~e2 g5 deserve consider- Correct was 45 ..1:ta8! .l:te4 46.Wg3
(Bole lav ky 's move) 7.'ifb3 ~g7 ation, with equality in the end- lte5 47 ..1:th8 Wg7 48 ..1:td8 'ife3.
8.lLJf3 0-0 9.e4 with good play. game. 45 ... l:le5 46.h4
9... b6 1 O.'ifgS cS 11.dc5 ~c6 24 ..1:tab1 ~b3 25 ..1:td6 ~a4
Black wou ld have been better after 26 ..1:ta1 'ife7
Giri 's suggestion .l l ... lLJc6! 26 ... .1:tb6! ? 27 ..1:tb6 lLJb6 28.'iitc5
12.~e2 h6 13.'i!Ye3 (if 13 .~h4, lLJd5 29 ..1:ta4 lLJc3 30. c4 lLJa4
then 13 ... g5!) l 3 ... lLJb4 14. d2 3 1. a4 'i!Yc3 32. ~b5 .l:td6 with
~e6 15 .0-0bc5 16.a3 lLJc6 17.l:tdl sli ghtly the better chance for
'ili'd2 18 ..1:td2 lLJa5 with a trong Black.
initiative on the queenside. Or if 27 ..1:ta6 ~bS 28.~b5 l:lbS
12.~c4, then 12... b5! , when 29 ..1:ta7 .l:tdb8 30.lLJe5
13 .~b5 ? fai ls to 13 ... lLJe4!, while Nothing wa given by 30.tii'f4
after l3 .~b3 b4 14.lLJe2 lLJe4 .l:t8b7 31.l:tla5 .l:tbl 32. ~h2 lLJ f6
Black ha the better game. 33 ..1:tb7 .l:tb7 34. e5 c7 35 ..1:tc5
12. h4 bcS 13 .~e2 e5 36.lLJe5 lLJe4 37 ..l:tc8 lLJ f2
13.~h6 ('there isn' t a real threat'- 38 .'1Pg3 lLJd I , with equality. 46 ... f6?
Giri) 13 ...~h6 ( 1 3 ... b6) 14. h6 30 ... l:t8b7 31 ..1:tb7 .l:tb7 32 ..1:ta5 Black throws away his advantage.
~e4 ( 14 .. .lLJe4? 15.lLJe4 ~e4 'ifd6? There was an immediate win by
16.lLJg5 mating). We think that af- A blunder! Correct was 32 ... .1:tb I 46 .. .f5! 47. ~ f3 'iffl 48.Wg3 f4
ter 1 3. ~h6?!, 13... lLJbd7 1 4.~g7 33.'1Ph2 ~d6 34.f4 with equal pl ay 49.Wg4 'ifb5!.
~g7 15 ..1:tc I e6 I6.lLJd2 l:tb8 17.b3 - Giri. 47.<Jo>f3 'ifh2
lLJe5 gives Black a better game. 47...'iffl 4 .<Jo>g3l:te2 49.hg5 <Jo>g6
13 ... e6 14.~g5 h6 15. ~h6 50 . ~d3 f5 51 .'i!Yf3 ~d I 52.l:td4
15.e5 wa bad becau e of 15 ... hg5 with equal play.
16.lLJg5 lLJh5 17 .~h5 ~h6-+ . .i 48.hg5 fgS 49.l:te4?
15 ... lLJe4 A final and decisive mi take. Cor-
1 5...~h6 1 6.~h6 ~b6 17 .e5 ~2 rect was 49 ..1:tg4! l:f5 50.We2 with
18.0-0± Giri . equa l play.
16. f4 lLJc3 17.~g7 ~g7 49 ... l:tf5 50.<Jo>e3 ~g3
18.bc3 f6 19. e3 and White re igned.
The exchange of queen would
have given B lack lightly the This was how thi s dramatic and far
better endgame: 19. f6 ~ f6 from faultles game concluded.
20.0-0 lLJd7 2 1.lLJd2 lLJb6 22.c4 After al o losing in the nex t round
lLJa4 23.lLJb3 .l:tad8. 33.f4? to Bacrot, Alexander Morozevich
19... lLJd7 20.0-0 .!:tabS 21 ..1:tfd1 33.'i!Yh6+ ! ( 0 my God, o my God, w ithdrew from the tournament due
.l:tfd8 this is embarra ing') 33 ... '.tg8 to illne .
Ben·amin's Takes

Money in the Benk?

We look to the top-rated player 18. l:ta3 l:t b4 19.ttJa2 l:td4 20. c2
for guidance in the opening, which f5, Bo iocic-Yan We ly, Aix-les-
wo rks pretty well if we want to Bain 20 12) I O .~g5 ~a6 ll .b3
keep up with the late t develop- ltJb6 1 2 .~a6 ttJa6 13.l:tac I 'ft'd7
ment in the lav or the atalan or 14.'ife2 ttJc7 15.l:tfd I a6 16.a4
the ajdorf. I thought it might be l:tab8 17.ttJd2 f5
intere ting to take a look at an ope-
ning that doe n' t appear ooftenin
the top tournaments and get an
idea how the bi g boy play them
for either ide. I noticed the Benko
Gambit pop up recentl y in a few
by Joel Benjamin major tournament and reali zed
that in all the commentary I've
done on the Internet he s lub, I
can o nl y recall seeing the opening
a couple of time . That and the fact
that our name are o close on the
rating li t made the choice for me.
For the main material 1 earched (thi s won' t be the Ia t time yo u ee
for games in 201 2 where at lea t thi idea) 18.f3 fe4 19.fe4 e6
one of the player was rated 2675 Gelfa nd-Andre ikin, A tana Wch
or higher. On the Blac k ide I blitz 20 12. Blac k won handil y in
fo und champion in the veteran both ca e .
Victor Bologan and the new Ru - 4 ...a6 5.f3 g6
sian Champion Dmi try Andre ikin. Black has a fu ndamental cho ice
Nyzhnyk,lllya The harp line wi th 5 ... e6 ha been
Bologan,Victor under a cloud since aka mura '
Turkey t1 201 2 (1 2) impon ant di covery in 2008: 6.e4
1.d4 ltJf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 ed5 7.e5 e7 8.'ft'e2 ltJg8 9.ttJc3
In a couple of game thi year ~b7 IO.ttJh3 c4 ll.ttJ f4 c5
Bl ack demonstrated an effecti ve 12.ttJfd5! ~d 5 1 3.~e3 'ifb4
plan against 4.'ft'c2 bc4 5.e4 d6 14.a3! a5 1 5 .~d 2 ~e6 16.ttJd5
6.~c4 g6 7.ttJc3 (7 .b3? ttJe4! wa d8 17. c4 l:ta7 18.l:tc I with a
an aw kward mo ment fo r I an big advantage, aka mura-
Soko lov again t Ivanchuk in the Yachier-Lagrave, Cap d' Agde
20 I0 Olympiad) 7 .. .~g7 8.ttJ f3 rapid 2008. yzhnyk al o won a
0-0 9.0-0 ttJfd7 (9 ... ~a6 IO . ~a6 game in this line last year. Blac k
ttJa6 II . e2 ttJc7 12. d2 a6 ha a a fer option in 5 ... ab5 6.e4
13.a4 ttJd7 14.ttJc4 ttJe5 15.ttJe5 'it'a5 7.~d2 b4 8.ltJa3 and now e i-
~e5 16.f4 ~g7 17 .<~hl l:tb8 ther the afe 8 ... d6 orthe enterpri -
Benjamin's Opening Takes

ing 8 .. .e6. Bologan ' choice keep may suit for a blitz game, though I
a more traditional Benko tructure. doubt Carl en would be a confi -
6.e4 .ig7 dent at a low time contro l.
Black often tri es to save a tempo 7 ...0-0 8.tLle2 e6 9.d6
on the routine 6 ...d6 in order to at- I'm not convinced Whjte's under-
tack the centre faster with ... e7-e6. developed position can back up
However you have to be prepared thi advance. But White's support
if White call your blu ff with 7.e5, of the centre is a step slower after
a Vladimir Kramnik did (though the natural 9.tLlc3. Blac k has an
not many other player have) unlikely looking bu t interesting
7...tLlg8 8.f4 d6 9.tLlf3 tLld7 option: 9 ....ib7 IO ..ic4 ed5
IO.tLlc3 de5 I J.fe5 tLle5 12. ba6 I I .tLld5 tLld5 12 ..id5 ab5!?
and now instead of 12 ...llt'a5?! Bl ack maintain his options of
13.tLle5 ~e5 14 ..ib5 'it.?f8 15.'\lff3 how to capture on b6; perhap the
with a promising initiative (Kram- rook will take if White should go
nik-Ponomari ov, Nice blindfold fo r a2-a4. lvanchuk opted to cap-
20 I0) Black should play 12 ....ia6, ture immediately I O... tLlb6 and an-
e.g. 13.tLle5 .ie5 14 ..ia6 l:!a6 wer ll .a4 with ll ... .ig4!?. It i'e2 llt'd6 l6.tLle4 llt'd5 alway a dilemma fo r Bl ack
1 7 . ~a6 ~e4 18. e2 ffh4 with whether to play .. .a6-a5 or not.
sufficient compensati on for the Here Black mitigates hjs lack of
exchange. pace by wapping a piece that i
7.tLla3 sometimes tarved fo r squares.
From this ga me 7.tLla3 look a bit 12.a5 .if3 13 ..if3 tLlc4 14. a4
optimi tic to me and White should (White could try to ave th i tempo
probably settle for the traightfor- 13.tLlb5 a5 14.tLlc3 .id5 15. d5 with 14 ..ie2; then 14 ...tLla5
ward 7.tLlc3 . Two high-l.evel ex- .ic3 is good fo r Black, but 13..ib7 15. a4 tLl b7 16 ..ia6 exchange
amples: 7 .. .0-0 8.tLlh3 d6 9.tLlf4 l:!a3 looks okay as well. White' cramping a-pawn but
tLlbd7 IO .~e2 ab5 II .tLlb5 tLle8 9 ... tLle8 1 O.tLlc3 ab5 11 .tLlab5 leave the knight very pa ive on
12.0-0 .ia6 with typical Benko tLlc6 12.~e3 .ia6 13. d2 b7. One crazy po sibili ty is
compensation (Grischuk-Caruana, 1 3 .~c5 g5 is awkward fo r White. 16. .. b6 17. c6! c6 l8.dc6
European Club Cup, Plovdi v 13 .. .f5 14.~c5 fe4 15.tLle4 l:!f5 tLld8 19.c7 tLle6 20.tLlb5 c4 2 1..ie3
20 10) and 7 ...0-0 8.a4 e6 9.tLlh3 tLlg4 22 ..ib7 l:!a I 23.l:!a I tLlc7
.ib7 IO.de6 fe6 ll..ie3 d5 12 ..ic5 24 .tLlc7 tLle3 25.fe3 .ib2 26Jia4
l:!e8 (Mamedyarov-Carl sen, Mos- c3 27 .l:!c4 l:! b8 28 ..ic6 l:! b3 and
cow Wch blitz 2007). The latter Wh ite seems to keep winning
chance) 14 ... tLle5 15 ..ie2 tLle8
16 ..ig5 tLlc7 17.f4 tLld7 18.e5 f6
19.ef6 ( 19.ed6 ed6 20 ..ih4 l:! b8
2 1..ig4 g5 22 ..id7 gh4 23 ..ie6
'it.?h8 24.f5 h3 is di ffic ult to evalu-
ate) 19 ....if6 20.~ f6 tLlf6 and the
pl ayer unfortunately agreed to a
draw in Radjabov-Iva nchuk, Wij k
aan Zee 20 12.
Blac k has a strong initi ative. 11 .tLld2
Against ll .l:!b I Andreikin found a
Radjabov,Teimour creati ve and entirely different plan:
Andreikin,Dmitry ll.. .tLlb6 12.h3 tLla8 13..if4 tLlh5
Astana W ch blitz 201 2 (24} 14 ..ih2 .ih6 15.l:!e l tLlf4 16 ..ifl
1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 tLlc7 17 .10th I e5 l8.de6 fe6 19.tLle2
a6 S.b6 tLle2 20 ..ie2 e5 2 1..ic4 .ie6
Thi ee ms to be Radjabov's favor- 22 ..ie6 tLle6 23.'itd5 llt'e7
ite. 24.l:!edl l:! b6 25 .tLld2 .id2
5 ... g6 6.tLlc3 .ig7 7.e4 d6 8.tLlf3 (Melkumian-Andreikin , Pl ovdi v
Dmitry Andrelkin tLlbd7 9 ..ie2 0-0 10.0-0 l:!b8 Ech 20 12) and Bl ack had a com-
fortable po ition , though he
mi sed a textbook win on move 67:
18.l!Jde4 c4 19.i.g4 ~ h8
20.l!Jg5 wa perhap more accu-
~ g.
.. ~.t..t.t.
rate, a Bl ack can now di rupt ~ .t.
White's plan with 20 ... cb3
~ ~
21. b3 l:c4.
20 ... i.a6 21.l!Jb5 ~ ..
Wh.ite ha a clear advantage. ltJ ltj~
~~ ~~~
Andreikin,Dmitry 1:1 jL~J:l
Moscow 2012 (2)
1.d4 l!Jf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 13.l:e2
a6 5.ba6 g6 6.l!Jc3 i.a6 7.l!Jf3 Thi is a maneuver you ee occa-
Gelfand tried a more aggres ive ionally but l don ' t think it accom-
ow 67 .. .<;.f;>c3 (in tead of approach again t Carl en in the pli he much. I think White must
67...~d3?) 68.g4 l:d4! i an ele- Amber rapid 20 II : 7.e4 i.fl directly combat Black' plan of in-
mentary win . Beyond the cope of 8 .~fl d6 9.g3 i.g7 IO.<t >g2 t!J bd7 vading with a knight; omething
our di cu. sion, but we have to ll.f4!? 0-0 12.l!J f3 l!Je8 13.l:e l like 13.'it'e2 'it'a5 14. g5 offer
know endgame , too. l!Jc7 14.i.d2 l!Jb6 15.'it'e2 'it'd? more hope for a good po ition.
Finally, ll .b7 help Black execute 16.b3 f5 and Black was already 13 ... 'it'a5 14.l:c2 l!Jge5 15.l!Je5
Andreikin ' plan in the text game: better. l!Je5 16.'it'e2 'it'a6 17.'iWa6 l:a6
ll ... i.b7 12. h3 l!Je8 13.i.g5 l!Jc7 7 ... i.g7 8.e4 18.i.d2 l:b8 19.l:d1 ttJd3 20.b3
14.'it'd2 f5 with good play for Thi i the line if you go by l!Jb4 21.l:b2 l:a3 22.i.e1 f5
Black, Bruzon Bati ta-Leon ECO (which of cour e ju t repre- 23.ef5 gf5 24.l:e2 Wf7 25.h3
Hoyo , Quito 20 12. ents a moment in time when the l:b7 26.g4 i.c3 27.i.c3 l!Ja2
11 ... l!Jb6 12.a4 ttJfd7 code was created), but I ee little Black went on to win the endgame.
Andreikin adopt a thematic faith in this move nowaday and the
though often ri ky plan to under- result don 't look very impre ive. Wang Hao
mine White's centre wi th .. .f7-f5. till , Magnus Carl en ha found Bologan,Victor
13.'it'c2 i.b7 14.h3 a5 15.l:d1 him elf on both ide of this move. Biel 2012 (5)
l:c816.b3 f5 17.i.b2 8 ...i.f1 9.~f1 d6 10.g3 1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5
White can al o ca tie by hand with a6 5.ba6 g6 6.l!Jc3 i.a6 7.g3
h2-h3 and ~ fi -g l-h2. It take one d6 8.l!Jf3 .tg7 9 ..tg2 0-0
more move, but the g4-square i 1 O.l:b1 i.c8
denied to a black knight.
10 ... 0-0 11 .<itg2 ttJbd712.l:e1
Again t Andrei kin in Astana 2012,
Carlsen him elf opted for 12.'it'e2
and direct play in the centre:
12 ... a5 13.e5! ? de514.l!Je5 l!Je5
15. e5 l:a7 16.l:d l l:d8 (White
can hardly hold the weak d-pawn
after his early central thrust)
17. e2 l:tad7 18. f3 c4 19.i.e3
17... fe4 l!Jd5 20. l!Jd5 l:d5 21.l:d5 d5
Thi fall in with White' plan a bit 22. d5 lld5 23.1: I i.b2 24.l:c4
to much. ritical eems to be i.a3. The a-pawn m.ight confer
17 ... i.d4 with computer-generated winning chance to White in the
tactics in the offing: 18.l!Jf3 fe4 bi hop ending, but not with rook
19.l!Jd4 cd4 20.l:d4 e3!? (B lack on the board, and the game wa
has everal playable alternative eventuall y drawn.
here) 2 l .fe3 e5 22.de6 'it'g5 23.e4! 12... l!Jg4
e3 24.~h I d4 25.l:d I 'it'e3 ot on ly avoidi ng implification
26.ed7 l!Jd7 27.'it'd2 'itd2 28.l:d2 but heading for the tender
l!Jf6 with a probable draw. d3- quare. Victor Bologan

Benjamin's Opening Takes

Black's bi shop maneuver certa inly 17.e5! ..ta2 18.l:ta1 ..tds 13.l:te l ~c7 14.e4 tt:\g4 15.a4 ..ta6
looks strange but it is trategically\d5 :ta1\e7 e7 16.h3 tt:\geS 17 .tt:\eS tt:\eS 18 ...tfl
moti vated. 21. a1 d5 22.e6 fe6 23 ...ih3 ..tfl 19.l:tfl b7 20. b3 and after
1Ul)d2 ..tf5 12.e4 Whi te tand clearly better. the ubiquitous 20 ... f5 Bl ack once
On 12.l:ta I tt:\a6 the knight come again obtained good play,
chargi ng in. Le Quang Liem Abramovic-Vuckovic, V rnjacka
12 ...-tca 13.0-0 ..ta6 14.l:te1 Bologan,Victor Banja 2010.
Astana W ch blitz 2012 (28) 13...'\Wa7

~ R. 1.d4 tt:\f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5

a6 5.ba6 g6\c3 ..ta6 7.g3
Thi i apparently a novelty. There
are a few game with 13 .. .'Wa6
l.l..i.l. d6 8 ...tg2 ..tg7\f3 tt:\bd7 14.e4 e6.
I. ,., 10.l:tb1 14.e4 ..ta6 15.J:tfd1 tt:\g4
Thi has been a hot idea for a few 16...te1 J:tfb8 17.b3 tt:\ge5
l. ts years. The timing is crucial be-\e5 tt:\e5 19.h3
lS cau e I 0.0-0 tt:\b6 I l.l:tb I allows
ttJ lS ll.....tc4! .
10 ... 0-0 11 .0-0 aS
lSlS ttJ lSJi..lS White will have to work a little if
~~~~ ~ he want a queenside fianchetto.
Black ha conceded four tempi , The main alternative 12.ftc2
but they are not nece sari ly moves looks quite logical ; White pre-
that White want . He would prefer serves the option of a fianchetto
to play e2-e4 on ly after deterring and prepare to upport dS with
all po sible incursion on the l:t fl -dl. Fabiano Caruana, one of
d3- quare. the mo t Benko-friendl y 2700+
14... tt:\fd7?! players, tried 12 ... tt:\b6 aga in t the It is easy to make subtle error in
Bologan has a concrete idea, but oon-to-be Ukrainian Champion : blitz, but White needed to play
how long can Black go back- 13.l::td l tt:\ fd7 14...td2 tt:\c415 ...te.l 19.a4 to maintai n an okay position.
ward ? Better i 14 ... tt:\bd7 or per- l:tfb8 16."ii'c I tt:\deS\e5 tt:\eS The point 19 ... c4 20.b4 gives
hap first 14 .....td3 IS.l:ta I tt:\bd7 18.h3 ..tc8 19.b3 c4, Korobov- White's queenside freedom to
16.-tfl (\f3 c4\d4 tt:\dS ) Caruana, A erotlot 2012. White move forward.
16... -tfl l7.l:t fl aS, followed by eventually won, though Bl ack 19... c4!
~a6 and the u ua l assault on the looked okay for a good while. Benko pl ayer have to under-
d3- quare. 12.....tb7!? stand the do ' . and don' ts of thi s\f3! Bologan aga in takes a step back- advance. Don ' t play it if a white
Black' choi ce of kni ght looks ward to provoke e2-e4 and open up kni ght can jump to c6 via d4, or if
good after I S...tfl tt:\eS. the light quar . 12 ... :tfb8 is White can pu h b3-b4 ... unle s
15.....tc4 16...tf4 tLlb6 played far more often, part ly be- you can sink your knight into d3.
Black ha gone through a lot to try cause it i so obvious as well as 20.b4?! tt:\d3 21 .a3 .tea
to grab a pawn and Wang Hao uses non-committal. AI o interesting i Black had more than enough for
all tho e free move to develop an 12\g4 13. c2 tt:\geS 14.b3 tt:\ f3 the pawn and went on to win .
initi ative. LS ...tf3 "ii'a3 16.-tcl ~b4 17 ...td2
tt:\eS 18 ...tg2 c4 with acceptable Sandipan,Chanda
compensation for the pawn, Andreikin,Dmitry
Erdogdu-Caruana, Aix -les-Bains Moscow 2012 (4)
Ech 20 II. ote the imilarity to 1.d4 tt:\f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5
the afore-mentioned Korobov- a6 5.ba6 g6\c3 ..ta6\f3
Caruana, despite the fact that d6 8.g3 tt:\bd7 9 ...ig2 ..tg7
Fabiano manoeuvred his kni ght 1O.l:tb1 0-0 11 .0-0 tt:\e8!?
differently in the two games. Yet another approach empha izing
13.ftc2 the underminin g of the centre over\e l l:tfb8\c2 tt:\e8 I S.b4 queenside pres ure.
a616.bc5dc517.l:tb3 tt:\d6wa 12. c2 tt:\c7 13.l:td1 tt:\b6
about equaJ in Bartei- Bo logan Several player have tried
Eretria 20 I I . 13... ..tc3!? with the idea of win-
ning back a pawn, whether it be the 0-0 8 ..i..g2 d6 9.0-0 tLlbd7 26.tLld2 d3 27 .b4 tLld4
e-, d-, or a- pawn. I think White ha 1O.tLlc3 tLlb6 28.l:tc3 e2 29.bcS deS
orne attracti ve po ibil ities, for
instance 14. c3 .i..e2 15 ..i..h6 tLl f6
16.l:te I tLlcd5 17 ...Wd2 ~b5
18..i..f8 ..Wf8 19.a3. Bl ack ha com-
pen ation for the exchange, but
White ha a more plea ant po ition
wi th no weakne e and a poten-
tially u eful pa ed pawn on the
14.e4 .i..c8 1S.b3 fS

Thi fine e date back to the hey- 30.l:tcS tLlcS 31. cS eS 32.de6
day of the Benko mae tro Lev tLle6 33. d6 1-o
Albun, who ought to avoid the
maneuver d l -c2 and l:t fl -d I.
11 .l:te1 ~a6 12.tLld2 ~ b7
13.tLlf1 tLlfd7 14.tLle3 l:ta6
1S. d2 a8 16.b3 .i..d4
17.tLlc2 .i..g7 18.tLle3 ~d4
Unfo rced repetition were un for-
There i that move again. I' m ur- tunately prevalent in the Russian
pri ed how often Black i able to Superfi nal. White may have feared
execute thi move effecti vely. At I 9 ..i..b2 tLlf6, but 20.tLlb5 offer
lea t here Wh.i te i able to how orne con olidation, e.g. 20 ....i..b2
orne drawbacks to thi s thru. t wi th (20 ....i..e3 2 1...We3 tLlbd5 22 ..i..d5
a pawn sacri fice. tLld5 23. h6±) 2 1. b2 and
16.eS!? deS 17.tLlgS e4 18..i..e3 White benefit fro m the twin
.i..d4 threat of tLlc7 and tLld6.
Bl ack al o look okay after 19....i..g7 20.tLle3 'h-'h
18... .i..c3!? 19. c3 tLlcd5. Gi ving
up the fi anchettoed bi hop for a Speaki ng of Lev A lbun, the tire-
Lev Alburt
knight i a common motif in the le upporter of the Benko Gam-
Benko, though thi is not exactl y a bit recently played hi fi rst
typical ca e. tournament in year . He did pl ay a T here i a lot to learn from high-
19. d2 ~e3 20.fe3 d6 Benko, and though it wasn' t uc- level game , and a li ttle digging
21.l:tbc1 l:td8 ce ful, it brought back fond mem- can be very fruitful. I found the
ow 22.tLlce4 fe4 23.tLle4 would orie to ee him at it again . Benko to offer lot of dynamic
produce a me y but balanced po- po ibilitie and a variety of plan .
ition. Kaidanov,Gregory While all but a few player will
Alburt,Lev only hazard the Benko Gambit in
Finally we ee a Grtinfeld maven Rockville 2012 {5) blitz, blind fo ld, or rapid play, it
try his hand at the Benko. In an in- 1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS look a ound as j ust about any-
tere ting twi t, he makes the lead- a6 S.ba6 g6 6.tLlc3 .i..g7 7.e4 thing el e to me (they are all happy
ing ' Volgan' face hi favourite 0-0 8.tLlf3 d6 9 ..i..e2 .i..a6 10.0-0 to give thei r c4-pawn in the Cata-
opening. ..Wb6 11.h3 tLlbd7 12.l:te1 tLle8 lan, but not o much thi one). So
13..i..a6 l:ta6 14.l:te2 tLlc7 readers, i f your favourite opening
Andreikin,Dmitry 1S ..i..f4 ..Wb4 16.l:tc1 l:tb8 17.a3 i. n ' t being played much or heavil y
Svidler,Peter c4 18. d2 l:tab6 19.l:tc2 analysed at the top level , be pa-
Moscow ch·RUS 201 2 {5) .i..c3 20.l:tc3 a2 21.l:tc2 f6 tient and dig around a bit and you
1.tLlf3 tLlf6 2.d4 g6 3.c4 .i..g7 22. c1 l:tb3 23 . ~ h2 tLlbS might manage to fi nd enlighten-
4.g3 cs S.dS bS 6.cbS a6 7.ba6 24.l:te3 l:te3 2S.~e3 b3 ment and encouragement.
Kuzmin's Harvest

Openings Episodes

It i trange, but the opening bat-

tles of the 201 2 Tal Memoria l have
mainly tuck in my memory not
for their vivid idea , but their
hard-to-explain ' breakdown ' .
Moreover, these were in the game
of tho e pl ayer fo r whom defect
in the ir preparation could be lea t
expected. We ll , it i not often that
an opening review begins with thi
by Alexey Kuzmin phrase ab ut the winner of a
uper-tournament :
The opening preparation of
Mag nu. Carl sen looked unexpect-
edl y weak...

Spots on the Sun Magnus Carlsen

The y te m with ca tling and A novelty!

6 ...d5 again t 4.'i!i'c2 in the
Nimzo-lndi an Defence i regu-
larly played by Kramnik . And the
7.e3 b6 8.cd5 variation occurred in
a rapid game between the a me op-
ponent at the Botvinnik Me mo-
rial in Mo cow Ia t year. That
game continued 8 ...tDd5 9.'fi'c2
.b6 IO.~a6 tDa6 ll .e4 and White
eized control of the centre. atu-
rall y, the capture with the pawn on
the e ighth move could have been
fully expected ...
The further development of event
Nl20.3- E32 in the game wa log ical and quite
Carlsen,Magnus predictable. Black exchanged
Kramnik,Vladimir bishops and advanced hi pawn to
Moscow 2012 (1) c5. Mag nu developed his kni ght
1.d4 tDf6 2.c4 e6 3.tDc3 ~b4 on e2 and with b2-b3 he prevented
4.'fi'c2 0-0 5.a3 ~c3 6.'~c3 d5 the e izure of pace by ... c5-c4.
7.e3 b6 8.cd5 ed5 9.~d3N Kramnik removed the tension in
the centre and with tt:lc5 attacked Nl23.15- E35± tt:ldc5
the pawn, which had to be Morozevich,Aiexander We wi ll not ca ll thi , the only
defended. Carlsen,Magnus move, a novelty, merely because it
9 ...~a6 10.~a6 tt:la6 11 . d3 Moscow 2012 (2) had not previou ly occurred!
'itc8 12. e2 c5 13.b3 cd4 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 ~b4 Pribor ky-Gordon, Liverpool
14. d4 tt:lc5 15.1i'd1 a6! 4. c2 d5 5.cd5 ed5 6. ~g5 h6 2008, went 12... a2? 1 3. ~d l !
The outcome of thi very natural 7.~h4 c5 8.dc5 g5 9.~g3 tt:le4 and in thi s po ition, which is al-
play wa a position in whi ch White 10.e3 a511.l:tc1 mo t hopele for Bl ack, the play-
had to olve a problem involving ot the mo t popular move, but by ers agreed a draw!
ca tling! no mean a new one. 13.a3
What the leader of the world rating In hi 1993 match with hort, After thi the game ru he like a
li t, M agnus Carl en, analy ed at Kaspar ov pl ayed I l .~e5 and bobsleigh down a chute.
home i quite incomprehensible! I l .tt:le2. 13 ... ~c3 14. c3 c3 15. c3
c3 16.l:tc3 tt:le4 17 ..1:tc7 g3
19.~b5 ~f8
g. g 18.hg3 .l:tb8
20. ~d2 '0Pg7 21 ..1:thc1±

~ ~
.t ~ ' ~
~~ ~ ttJ ~ ~
tO~~~ ~~ ~~~
~ ~ \t> l:[ n w..tttJl:[
In the game after f4? ! d4 11 ... tt:ld7?
( 16 ... .1:t fe8 17.b4 tba4 18. e2 Of the four continuation th at have
d4 !?t was al so attracti ve) occurred (apart from the move in
Kramnik began a direct attack . the game, the e are I I ... a2, It i clear that everyone ha the
A lthough M agnus managed to ll ... ~ f5 and II ... c6) Carl sen ' right ' to make a mi take or even to
hold the po ition, it would appear choo e the wor t. blunder. Thi al o happen , albeit
th at Vladimir did not ex pl oi t all rarely, with elite pl ayer . It is an-
hi re ources. other thing that i inexplicable:
In the di agram position Houdini why, in a topica l variation regu-
recommend , a the le er ev il, larl y employed by M agnus, did he
16.0-0 tt:lb3 17. b3 e2 1 8 . ~ b2 eek a reply to the well-kn own
and if 18 ... c4 19. d l with continuati on ll ..l:tc I at the board ?
counterpl ay ufficient for equal - It onl y remain. to add that the or-
ity. But it ha to be agreed : to em- wegian aved both game .
ploy a novel ty and after half a Incidentall y, the e two examples
dozen natural moves begin openly erve a an additional illu trati on
fi ghting for a draw i not at all to Joel Benj amin ' very intere tin g
' manl y! and deep arti cle 'The ew Way to
Prepare' , devoted to an analy i of
That was the fir t day. In the arl en' approach to work on the
second round Carlsen had Black opening (Yearbook I 03).
against Morozevich ...
In the same vari ation of the I f with uch preparati on M agnus
imzo- Indian Defence M agnus Alexander Morozevlch took ole fir t place, the que ti on
cho e a more fi ghting continua- ari se : do we perh ap overestimate
ti on -4 ... d5 . In reply Morozevi ch the importance of the op ning in
exchanged pawn and pl ayed After the game M agnu called his general?
6 . ~g5. Thi had been played II th move a ' blu nder', expl aining Or i Carl sen already moving in a
again t Carl en at lea t three that after he wa intending tell ar orbit, beyond the bound of
rime before. to capture on a2 ... general law and rule !?
Kuzmin's Harvest

The fo llowing example urpri ed had already occurred, al o look Art critic con idered it to be f no
me no le than the two preceding quite good. Only, after 13.coPe2 particular intere l. Recent ly Dutch
one . Here lhe main performer wa Black hould not capture on d4, cienti t tudied the anva u ing
the o.2 rat d player in the but play 13... ~c8! l4.ttle5 ttld5!. a new X -ray machine. Under the
world ... Again it i not clear: what had the ti Ill i fe, the depiction oft wo wre -
ronian champ prepared in reply tier by the arne rna ter wa
SL3.1 - D15 to the simple l l...e6 12.e3 ~b4 ob erved on the canva .
Aronian,Levon 13 .<ito>e2 ttlc6? And it al o tran pired that the ' un-
McShane,luke I f one reject the almo t unbeliev- known ani t' was Vincent van
Moscow 2012 (3) able ver ion that, beginning with Gogh ...
1.d4 d5 V t.Jf3 ttlf6 3.c4 c6 6.a4, Le on wa playing ' by
4.tilc3 a6 5.~g5 dc4 6.a4 h6 ight ', it i hard to understand how SO 3.2- C47
7.~h4 b5 8.ab5 cbS 9.ttlb5 ab5 in general thi p ition could have Kramn ik,VIad imir
10.tla8 ~b711 .tla1 occurred in hi game. Aronian,Levon
12 .~g3 e6 13.e3 ~b4 14.~e2 Moscow 2012 (4)
1.e4 e5 2. f3 ttlc6 3. c3 f 6
~ ~ · .a g 4.d4 ed4 5.ttld4
.t .l.l.l Kramnik played thi s ancient varia-
~ .l tion in hi unofficial match wi th
Aronian (Zurich 20 12). Then
Levon replied 5 ... ~c5 and lost in a
~ harp fi ght.
ttJ 5 ...~b4 6. c6 bc6 7.~d3 0-0
8 8888 8.0-0 d5 9.ed5 cd5 10.h3 tle8
11 .'it'f3N
t:t ~~ t:t
An amazi ng po ilion!
It i amazing not in it elf, but for Thi i all very trange! I f you be-
the fact that A ron ian went in for it. lieve the rna media, almo t the
The e tra exchange i of cour e a entire national Armenian team
eriou advantage, but Black only help Levon ronian in hi prepa-
need to give a check on b4 and it ration , and yet at the board he ha
will almo t be mate! to defend wilh hi king on e2!
11 ... g5N 14... ttlc6 15.ttle1 ttla5 16 .~e5
part from the novelty in the 0-0 17.h4 g418.ttlc2 ~e7
game, ll ... e5 12.e3 ~b4, which Bl ack has uffic ient compen ati on
and the ea ier game.
However, I am ure that Aronian ' When I looked at lhe game from
opening hie up wa merely a vex- the Zurich match, I lhought lhat
ing and i olated epi ode. It wa the appearan e of lhi forgotten
imply lhat the 20 12 Tal M emoria l variation of lhe Scotch Game was
was not hi tournament... merely an i olated epi ode, a trib-
ute to the relaxed format of the
The third 2 00 player Vladimir match. ow it ha become clear
Kramnik, wa , a u ual, excel- that it wa no accident. The anti -
lently prepared in the opening. quarian y tern ha undergone an
inve tigation ' under the new
X-ray ' of Vladimir Kram nik.
Under a New X-ray 11 ... c6 12. ~f4 ~d7 13.a3 ~c3
14.bc3 e4 15.tlfe1 'it't6
For nearly forty year lhe pri ate 16. ~e4 de4 17. e3!
Kroller-Miiller Mu eum near the Surpri ingly, the defect of
Dutch ci ty of Arnhem kept a pic- White' pawn tructure en ure hi
ture by an unknown arti t ' till life bi hop far greater activity. The fur-
Levon Aronlan with meadow flower and ro e '. ther cour e of the game howed
idea at that time: l.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 g6 White' mltlatlve clearly out-
3.tLlc3 .tg7 4.e4 d6. But the de- weighs the mi ing pawn.
fence of the Indian Brahmin be- 20 ...r.t.;> h7 21.cd5 cd5 22. b3
came the 'King's Indian only llb6 23.a4 a6 24 ..ta3
much later - in the 1920s, thanks to Black has seriou problem .
the erudite grandmaster and jour- The novelty 13..tg2! made a
nali st SavieUy Tartakower.. . strong impre sion. King 's Indian
But who first called Kramnik's fa- player decided that it wa not
vourite variation with 9.b2-b4 the worth engaging even in a long-dis-
'Bayonet Attack' I do not know. tance discussion with the former
World Champion, and they began
K14.6- E97 looking for alternatives on the pre-
Kramnik,VIadim ir viou move. ln the Russ ian Cham-
Grischuk,Aiexander pion hip Demchenko and Yev eev
Moscow 2012 (2) preferred to relieve the pawn ten-
1.tLlf3 tLlf6 2.c4 g6 3.tLlc3 .tg7 ion in the centre - 12... fe4
Vladimir Kramnik 4.e4 d6 5.d4 0·0 6 ..te2 e5 J3.tLlce4 tLlf5 , while in the Chinese
7.0·0 tLlc6 8.d5 tLle7 9.b4 tLlhS Club Champion hip Ding tried the
that Black ha considerable 1O.g3 f5 11 .tLlg5 tLlf6 12..tf3 c6 altogether original 12...llb8!?.
problems. For a long time Kramnik' main
17....te6 18.llad1 ~f5 19.lld4 f6 weapon in the Bayonet Attack wa
20.llb1 .tds 21.c4 .tf7 22.llb7± the variation IO.llel f5 I l .tLlgS
tLlf6 12.~f3 . but later Black wa
able to find sound method of de-
fence. ow Vladimir ha reverted
to the old move 10.g3, not in com-
bination with the usual 12.f3, but
with 12. · , a rare move in this
ver ion. What this i : preparation
for a couple of game , or a new
page in the variation, time will tell ...

13 ..tg2!N The opening battles in Caruana s

It would appear that some defect games are always rich in idea .
ha been found in the Kramnik- This tournament wa no excep-
White's control of all the most im- Giri game (Hoogeveen, 2011). tion .
portant lines makes any question Vladimir played 13 ..ta3 cd5
about hi advantage far more per- 14.ed5 e4 l5 ..te2, and Black
uasive. could have gained strong coun- Honoured Benelux Trainer
terplay by choo ing 15 ... h6
16.tLle6 .te6 17.de6 f4!. For a long time now Vladimir
Defence of an Indian Brahmin 13 ... h6 14.tLle6 .te6 15.de6 Chuchelov ha been not a Mu co-
tbe4 16.tLle4 fe4 17 .b5 .l:U6 vite, but a Belgian grandma ter. Of
For nearly 50 years the Scotsman 18 ..te4 lle6 19. 't!Ya4 d5 20.lld1 course, he also did training work
John Cochrane lived in India . earlier, but in this capacity 1 fir t
John was a man of many inter- noticed him along ide Loek van
est , but his main affection re- Wely. Now Vladimir works regu-
mained che s. He met at the board larly with the new ri ing tar An ish
with La Bourdonnais, Staunton Giri , and quite recently he also
and Saint Amant. But Cochrane's took up the po t of trainer of the
con tant opponent in the Calcutta Dutch team. But Chuchelov'
Chess Club wa the Brahmin training fame has already made it
Mahescandra Bannerjee - the be t mark beyond the bound of the
Indian player. Mahescandra liked Benelux countries. To the Tal Me-
to begin the game with the morial he brought the Italian tar
fianchetto of hi bi hop, a trange Fabiano Caruana!
Kuzmin's Harvest

It is hardly possi ble to estimate ex- 7 ... c5!N

actly the extent of the trainer's 7 ....tf5?! has previously occurred,
contribution, but all Vladimir after which 8.e3;!; is correct.
Chuchelov' proteges are excel- 8.dc5 d4 9.t!Jb5 t!Jc6!? 10.t!Jc7
lently equipped in the opening! .itS 11.t!Ja8 e5! 12 ..td2 e4
Black has brilliant compen ation.
SO 4.4 - C45 13.e3 h6 14.t!Jh3 .ih3 15.gh3
Caruana,Fabiano t!Je5!
Moscow 2012 (8)
1.e4 e5 t!Jc6 3.d4 ed4
4.ltld4 t!Jf6 5.t!Jc6 bc6 6.e5
'i'e7 7.1i'e2 tlJdS 8.c4 .ta6'ld2 g6 1 O.t!Jf3 .tg7 11 ..ig5
f6 12.ef6 1We2 13..te2 t!Jf6
14.0-0-0 0-0-0
Vladimir Chuchelov

that the que lion i whether or not

he can equ?lize. Now the be t was
23 ... t!Je3 24.fe3 .l:%.e8. In the game
Kramnik played the inaccurate White' pos ition has already be-
23 ....1:%.f8?! come extremely dangerou .
and after 24.t!Jg5! .l:%.e8 2S •.ib6
<j;d7 26 ..1:%.e8 <j;eS 27 ..ie3 White' It is rare tournament where
adva ntage became obvious. Teimour Radjabov does not pro-
duce any opening noveltie .
Gl7.7 - 092
15..ie3!N Caruana,Fabiano ' Light Your Fire!'
An important improvement. In a Moscow 2012 (5)
game with Hungaski (Moscow 1.d4 t!Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.t!Jc3 d5 In May, in the new Crystal Hall in
2006), Sve hni kov fir t included 4.t!Jf3 .tg7 s..tf4 o-o 6 ..1:%.c1 Baku, the 20 12 Eurovi ion Song
15.J:lhe l J:lde8 and onl y then re- .te6!? Contest was held for the first time
treated his bi hop with 16 ..ie3 . Not a new move, but a rare and in Azerbaijan. Although the 'home
But it is not clear how useful a very sharp one. The point of it i entry' Sabina Babayeva wa unable
move J:lhe l i ... that if 7 .'«Vb3 there foll ows 7 ...c5 ! to repeat the previou year' duet
15... J:lde8 16..id3 d6 17.c5! with great compli cation . One of succes of her co mpatri ot~ Eldar
~d3 18.J:ld3 t!Jd5 19.cd6 cd6 the possible variations occurred in Gasi mov and Nigara Jamal
20 ..ta7 <j;c7 21 ..te3 : as 22.a3 Ding Liren-Le Quang, Manila EIJ/Nikki' , who won the contest,
%%.a4 23.J:le1 2010: 8. b7 '«Vb6 9.1i'b6 ab6 the pirit of her performance was
I O.e3 dc4 ll .dc5 bc5 with chances full y in keeping with the fe tival
fo r both sides. motto Light your fire! '. And two
7.t!Jg5 week later, at the Tal Memorial,
the leader of Azerbaijan ches ,
Teimour Radjabov, 'li t his fire'.
True, he wa unable to mai ntai n
hi powerful 2/2 tart, but in the
end Teimour held on to third place.

Gl 4.14 - 085
Moscow 2012 (7)
There is no doubt that Black has 1.d4 t!Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.t!Jc3 d5
compen ation. But it i also clear 4.cd5 t!JdS 5.e4 t!Jc3 6.bc3
..ig7 7.tb f3 c5 8.J:[b1 0-0 9 ...ie2 The fact that akamura doe
cd4 10.cd4 aS 1U Wd2 d2 omething new in the opening
12...id2 J:[d8 13.d5 ll:la6 does not surpri e anyone. But the
The fact that White ha no claim at fact that thi occur in the ri gorou s
all to an advantage after 14.-tgS or Queen' Gambit i a urpri e!
14 ..ta6 wa convincingly demon-
trated back in the late 1990s by
grandmaster Semen Dvoiri . Bishop b4 as Master Key
Who of u ha not accidentally
lammed the door of a hotel room
behind us?!
It i true that it i not a great disas-
ter: you a k the hotel porter, and he
produce the ' ma ter key' for the
corridor, olving your problem. It
Hlkaru Nakamura
is wor e when this happen in your
town apartment. Ln thi s ca e the
idea of a magic ' ma ter key' ac- to pl ay 9 ... c5. T hen I O.ll:lc3 wi ll
quires the character of an almost tran pose into typical po iti on of
unreali zable dream. the Queen' Gambit Accepted.
14...f5?! It is the ame in opening prepara- 9 ....tb4!N
A ri ky decision. Caruana provokes tion: who ha. not wanted to have An attempt by one and the same
the creation of a powerful, far-ad- uch a ma ter key move, sol ving move to relieve the problem in all
vanced centre, hoping to mount an one' problems imultaneou ly in vari ations.
attack on it. But Black's hope are all variations!? 1O...id2 .td6 11 .ll:lc3 c5 12.e4
not rea.lized and the attack on the cd413.ll:ld4 ~b8 14.g3 0-0
centre proves i.neffective. OG 5.7- D22
15.e5 h6 16..tc4 'it;>h8 17.0-0 Caruana,Fabiano
g5 18.J:[fd 1± Nakamura,Hikaru
Moscow 2012 (2)
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 3.ll:lf3 a6 4.a4
ll:lf6 5.e3 e6 6 ..tc4 b6 7.0-0
.tb7 8 . ~e2
After Morozevich's wins over
fvanchuk (Biel 2009) and
M ched lishvili ( ovi Sad 2009) the
move 8... .tb4! in repl y to 8.ll:lc3
became the key to the ol ving of
Bl ack's opening problems. And it would appear that
8 ...ll:lbd7 9.J:[d1 akam ura has succeeded in thi .
The master-key ' move ....tb4 ha
B ~ ~ .t g al o opened this door!
In the game after _t j. .. j.j.j. 15.f3 ll:le5 16...ib3 ..ic5 17..te3
18...f4?! 19..ta6 ba6 20.-taS! ~c7
White's advantage as umed deci- .t..t. .~. .. ow it wa White who had to play
ive proportions, and the fact that accurate ly to maintain the ba.lance.
Caruana wa able to extrica te him- akamura renovated hi opening
el fwa the sen ation of the round . repertoire specially for the Tal M e-
In thi game the novelty 14.J:[cl morial. We are accustomed to ee-
wa a great ucce s. But the mai n ing Hikaru in a pirate shirt on the
line of Radjabov' preparation, high seas of the Dutch or K ing s
beginning with the quiet move fndi an, but it turned out that in the
14•..e6 or 14•.•Wf8, remained Caruana deliberately delays the severe robe of a Queen's Gambit
off- tage. Therefore: 'we awa it the development of hi queen ' attorney he feels al ·o more than
development of events...' knight, inviting the opponent first confident !


27 Opening Variations

Si ilian Defence
Najdorf Variation Sl9.7 (899)

A New Main Line

Sacrificing Two Pieces
by Jose Vilela

1. e4 cS On 16...11i'c6 Another Alternative

2. tt:lf3 d6 The fir t thing that mu t be aid 16 ... ttJ b6 eem le logical than
3. d4 cd4 i that, in spite of 16 ... 'ii'c6 being the main line 16 .. .ttJc5, a the
4. ttJd4 tt:lf6 ri k.ier than the knight moves, knight i more olidl y e tab-
5. ttJc3 a6 practice ha not produced an out- li hed on c5, where it control
6 . ~gS e6 right refutation of thi move. quare on thee-fil e (e4 and e6)
7. f4 ~e7 be ide creating the option of an
8. 'iWf3 'iWc7 exchange of the knight fo r the
9. 0-0-0 ttJ bd7 bi hop on d3.
10. ~d3 bS
11. l:the1 ~b7
12. 'ifg3 b4
13. ltJdS edS
14. edS '1Pd8

After 17 . ~f6 both 17 ... ttJ f6 and

the harp counterattacking
17 ... ~ f6 have been tried. The lat-
ter move lead to a double-edged The knight on b6 al o clo e the
po ition after 1 8. ~e4 a4 {the di agonal c7-a5 fo r the black
cautious 18 ......c8 produced a queen. everthele s, it inten-
quick white victory after I 9. ~a8 tion i to control quares c4 and
'ii'a8 20.l:td6 l:te8 2 1.l:td7 !; see d5 again t po ible u e by the
In Yearbook 69, A.C. van der Ramaswamy-Fellou i, Gibraltar white piece .
Tak mentioned the attempt 2007) 1 9 .~a8 'iWa2; the game In Yearbook 83 (pp. 28-30)
15.ttJc6 to reinforce the white at- Zhao-Solomon improve for Swedi h grandma ter Emanuel
tack in thi ttJd5 acrifice line for White over the original Luther- Berg annotated hi s game wi th
the fir t time. It was introduced Dvoiri Oberwart 2003, o it i Kaare Kri ten en in which
te n year ago in Kotronia - now Black' tum in thi s line. 16 ... ttJb6 wa played ( 1 7 .~h4
Le iege, Montreal 2002, in Au- For 17 ... ttJf6 18.'ii'g7 the reader ~ f8), and with a well-prepared
gu t. Since then thi s move ha can take a look at Luther- Parimarjan Neg i ( 1 7 . ~h4 l:tg8,
clearly uper eded all the other Shneider and Zj ukin-Sergei in Coru C, Wijk aan Zee 2 7).
alternative 15.ttJf5 , 15 .'iWe3, Karjakin (the latter player being Both the e games are till highly
15.l:te7, clearly e tabli hing it- from E tonia, not Sergey relevant for the line and vividl y
elf a the main line. from Ukraine). In both illustrate the danger Black mu t
So our tarting point will be the case White's initiative and two face in it.
po ition after 15.ltJc6 ~c6 pawns are very good compensa- After Berg- Negi there have been
· 16.dc6. tion for the piece. everal more tries with 17 ... l:tg8,

which the reader can find in the a previously expl ained), a clear
note to File -S. ikolov, Sofia mai n line has already been estab-
2008, in the Game Section. li hed after 16 ... t2Jc5 1 7 .~h4
.l:[g8 (some games with le ser
The Main Option alternati ve like 17 ... g6?,
Finally we come to the main 17 ... d3?, 17 ... t2Je6 and
move: 16... c5. 17 ... ~ f8 area l o shown, in order
to give a comp lete a picture of
the 15 .tDc6 vari ation as po si bl e)
1 8 . ~h7 (some correspondence
pl ayer have played the less forc -
ing 1 8.~ f5 , ee Roci u -Hanse n;
there have also been o rne other
rare tri e like 18 ..1:[e2 (Bokar-
Dearnley), 1 8 . ~e3 (Moranda-
Butkiew icz) and 18 .~c4 (Zoll- Vaslllos Kotronlas
Cunha)) 18 ....1:[h8 19 .~g7 .l:[h7
20 . ~ f6 .l:[h4 2 1. ~ f7 l:th8 . There have also been several
(correspondence) games which
The Main Game of our Survey is have followed in the foot teps of
a recent high-level encounter Kotronia -Shneider, Kori nthos
from the Rus ian Team Champi- Open 2004 where Black in-
onship, played in the last and de- tended to keep his two-piece ma-
ci ive round between Wang Hao terial plus, at lea t for the
and Le inier Do minguez, on moment, with the defensive
board 2 of the match ShSM-64 ....l:[e8. In the long run White will
(Mo cow) v . Saint Peter burg alway b able to recover one
Ches Federation. After my piece, as f5-f6 i un toppable, but
initial earch of over-the-board some interesting games have
databases, I thought that been played in this way; see
Dominguez' 23 .. .: a7 wa new. The ituation is extremely harp: Hervet-Bokar Peli-Guevara and
But then the Yearbook editor Bl ack i two minor pieces up, those included in the comments.
prov ided me with orne corre- while White ha four pawn
pondence che material, which (three of them pa ed) and a very Conclusion
howed that it had already ap- in ecure black king position by 15.t2Jc6 has become the main
peared everal time in that type way of compensation . White's continu ation in thi s acri ficial
of play. ev ident fo llow-up i to double line. Thu far, White has not
The game continued along sharp rooks on thee-fi le, when Bl ack been able to how an advantage
lines, and after reaching a very usually end up giving back the aga in t 16 .. .t2Jc5, o I would ay
intere ting endgame with the bishop on e7 in order to re lieve the ball is in White' court. There
queen. on the board, and Black . orne of the pre sure. may also still be room for inve -
one knight ahead in exchange for See Hebels-Chopin , Leone-Ca - tigation in the ramifications of
three passed pawn and an inse- tro Salguero, and the games in- 16... c6 and 16 ...t2Jb6.
cure black king, the pl ayers erted in these two encounter , Lately there have been more te. t
agreed a draw. Objective ly for the complementation of the of the line under crutiny in cor-
speak ing, thi s may be the logical mai n encounter Wang Hao- re pondence chess than in over-
outcome of the game, but it Dom inguez. The conclusion on the-board play. Perhap thi s i a
would have been intere ting to all the e game i that Black de- trend that will per ist, o in order
see the play continuing from the fend safely with 23 .. J:ta7 and to follow the thread of thi varia-
final po ition . the opportune deploy ment of the tion in the future it will probably
It i important to state that, given bi shop on e7. Thu far, neither be nece sary to keep track of
the ava ilable material analysed ide has been able to prove an developments in both fields of
(mainly corre pondence games, advantage. chess.

Survey Sf 9. 7

No Complete Refutation defensive move!) 26. ~d7 (26.l:td7? penetrates with the queen into the
16 ... 'ifc6 it'c6-+) 26...We7! (the rook has no opponenfs camp and captures the g7- and
retreat square along the d-file) 27.l:tf6 gf6 f7-pawns] 17... 16'g7 l:tgS
Ramaswamy,Aarthie (there is also a draw beginning with 19.1!f17 "tlfeS [Previous annotators had
Fellousi,Abdelaziz 27 ... 1!fd3) 28.~g4 b3 29.ife1 WfB different opinions on this move. While
Gibraltar 2007 (7) 30.VJia5 b2 31 .~f5 1fb3 32.Wf2 with Gofshtein considers 19... 'i!feB as the best
1.e4 c5 2.ll:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:ld4 equality, Luther-Dvoiris, Oberwart 2003 - defence in 'ChessBase Magazine' 96,
lil16 5.ll:lc3 a6 6 .~g5 e6 7.f4 ~e7 YB/69·23) 23... c4 24.l:td3 Hernandez and Ibarra in 'Chess Informant'
8.'iff3 1!fc7 9.0-0-0 ll:lbd7 10.~d3 b5 B9 think 19... ifc7 is better. Both are
1U i he1 ~b7 12.1!fg3 b4 13.ll:ld5 playable] 20.1!fb3!? [20. c4 is also
ed5 14.ed5 l#;>dS 15.ll:lc6 ~c6 good. Gofshtein mentions the variation
16.dc6 ifc6 17.~16 ~16 18.~e4 20 ...l:tg2 21 .l:te7 <j;e7 22.l:te1 <j;fB
23.l:teB l:teB 24.b3 aS 25.1!fc7 l:te1
26.Wb2 l:tgg1= But in this line a
prophylactic move like 25.Wb2 should be
advantageous for White] 20 ... l:tg2
21 .~15? 1 [A dubious move. White
relinquishes the control over the b5- square,
which sometimes allows Black to activate
his queen by ..."tifbS. The immediate
21.'l!fb41 gives White a strong initiative:
24 ...l:te8! [In case of 24 ... WcB 25 . ~d5 21...1!fc6 22.'it'a5 w eB 23.1!ff5 with
VJibS 26.Wg1 White's king reaches safety, excellent compensation for the material]
giving White the advantage) 25.l:td1 21...l:tg7 [21...l:tb81?]'b4 ..-c6
~d4? [Most resilient is 25... Wc71 when 23.l:te6
18.. .'~c8? 19 . ~a8 20.l:td6 there is still a fight ahead] 26 . ~d5 1
l:teS 21 .l:td7! l#;>d7 22. d3+- <j;c7 1!fb5 [Not 26 ...ifd5 because of 27.l:td4'c4 l#;>b6 24.1!fb4 <j;a7 25.1!fc5 'it'bS 2B.Wg1 l:te7 29.1!fg7] 27 . ~c6 !
<j;b7 26.W"d5 <j;b6 27.1fd6 [Either lhe W"c6 28.l:td4 l:te7 29.l:tb4 [The fog
rook is lost or the black king is mated] 1-0 has disappeared and it is clear that White
is winning] 29 .. .15 30. b3 l:te4
31.l:tb7 l:t14 32.Wg1 'it'c5 33.<j;h1
Zhao Zong Yuan 1!fd4 34.1!fg8 We7 35.l:td7 Wd7
Solomon,Stephen 36.l:td4 1-0
Australia 2004
1.e4 c5 2. 13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:ld4
lil16 5. c3 a6 6. ~g5 e6 7.14 ~e7
8.1!f13 VJic7 9.0-0-0 ll:lbd7 10 .~d3 Luther,Thomas
b5 11.l:the1 ~b7 12.VJig3 b4 Shneider,Aiexander 23 ...Wc7? [As Gofshtein points out
13.ll:ld5 ed5 14.ed5 WdS 15.ll:lc6 Istanbul Ech 2003 (11) 23...1!fb5! was the strongest, with the idea
~c6 16.dc6 c6 17 . ~16 ~16 1.e4 c5 2.ll:l13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 24.l:ted6 WeB! and Black takes over the
18 .~e4 1!fa4 19 .~a8 W"a2 20.l:td6 lLl16 5.ll:lc3 a6 6.~g5 e6 7 .14 bd7 initiative. After 25.1!fb5 abS Black is OK in
[The most principled move. But 20.1!fb3 has a.'it'13 c7 9.o-o-o b5 10 . ~d3 ~b7 the endgame] 24.l:te3 [White decides to
also been lried. After 20 ...1!fa1 21 .Wd2 11 .l:the1 ~e7 12. g3 b4 13. d5 continue the attack. 24.l:tf6 was interesting:
1!fb2 22.l:te3 ll:lcS 23.W"d5 1!fd4 24.We2 ed5 14.ed5 [It is well known that the 24... ~f6 (24 ... a5 25.1!fe4 ~f6 26. c6
W"d5 25.~d5 l:tfB the resulting endgame is other possible move, 14.e5, gives Black the Wc6 27.~e4 Wd7 2B .~aB) 25 .~e4 aS
complicated and, in the opinion of this opportunity to repel the attack] 14... Wd8 26 .~c6 ab4 27.~aB. The question would
author, dynamically balanced. Nevertheless 15.ll:lc6!? [This spectacular novelty, be if White's advantage is enough after
Black ended up losing in 49 moves, introduced by Kotronias, allows White to 27... l:tg4) 24 ...'i!fb6? [A mistake which
Siwiec-Oparin, Moscow 2010) 20 ...VJib2 fight for the initiative. White opens the leads to a lost position. 24 ...WdB, moving
21 .<j;d1 1!fb1 22.We2 1!fc2 [Zhao position even more, therefore increasing the out from the danger on the c-file, seems to
points out that 22 ...l:teB 23.Wf1 l:te1 activity of his pieces. As practice has shown be the best try] 25.l:te7! l:te7 26. b6
(23...ifc2 24.l:ted1+-) 24.W"e1 1!fc2 other moves, such as'e3, 15.l:te7 or Wb6 27.l:td6 w c7 28.l:t16 [Three
25.1fb4 leads to White's advantage) 15. fS, don't give White anything real] pawns for an exchange is more than
23. 1! [23.Wf3?1 l:teB 24.l:teB w eB 15...~c6 16.dc6 1!fc6 17. ~16 [A enough compensation] 28 ... a5 29. ~d3
25.~c6 (25.1!fe11?) 25 ...WfBI (nice natural continuation of the attack. White a4 30.l:th6 a3 [Black is desperately

looking for counterplay] 31.ba3 J:la3 Another Alternative The Main Option
32.f5 J:la2 33.f6 J:ld7 34.~15 [This 16 .. .tbb6 16 ... tb c5 17.Ah4: 8
forces Black to remove the rook from the
seventh rank, as after 34...J:lf7, 35. ~e6 is Wang Hao
possible] 34 ...J:ld6 35.J:lh7 <Jo>b6 36.17 Filev,Georgi Dominguez Perez,leinier
J:la8 37.J:lg7 [Threatening, after 38.J:lg8 Nikolov,Sasho Sochi It 2012 (7)
or 38.J:lg6, to exchange the rooks] Sofia 2008 (6) 1.e4 c5 2.tb13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tbd4
37 ... J:lh8 38.J:lg6 <Jo>c7 39.h4 J:ldd8 1.e4 c5 2.tb13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tbd4 tb16 5.tbc3 a6 6 . ~g5 e6 7.f4 ~e7
40.h5 [I am curious about White's last tb16 5.tbc3 a6 6. ~g5 e6 7.14 tbbd7 8.'*t"13 "*t"c7 9.0-0-0 tLlbd7 10. ~d3
move and Black's loss. While 40.J:lg4 kept 8.'i!f13 "ii'c7 9.0-0-0 ~e7 10. ~d3 b5 b5 11 .J:lhe1 ~b7 12.'*t"g3 b4
the advantage, the point of 40.h5 is hard to 11.J:lhe1 ~ b7 12.'i!fg3 b4 13.tbd5 13.tbd5 ed5 14.ed5 <Jo>d8 15.tbc6
see. Perhaps zeitnot was the issue here] ed5 14.ed5 <Jo>d8 15.tbc6 ~c6 ~c6 16.dc6 tbc5 17.~h4 J:lg8 (The
1-0 16.dc6 tbb6 17. ~h4 main way to defend g7] 18 . ~h7 J:lh8
19."*t"g7 J:lh7 20.'1Wf6 J:lh4 [20 ... ~f6?
21.~f6 WeB 22.J:le8+-] 21 .'ilff7 J:lh8
Zjukin,Sergey 22.J:le5 [Threatening 23.J:lc5] 22 ... tba4
Karjakin,Sergei 23.J:le3 (White prepares to double the
Estonia ch-EST 2003 rooks on the e-file. It is not possible to play
1.e4 c5 V bt3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tbd4 23.J:lde1 at once because the rook on e5 is
tb16 5.tbc3 a6 6 . ~g5 e6 7.14 tLlbd7 hanging] 23 ... J:la7 24.J:lde1 'i!fc6
8.'i!f13 'i!fc7 9.0-0-0 b5 10 . ~d3 ~ b7 25.J:le7 J:le7 26.J:le7 tbb6 27."ii'16
11 .J:lhe1 ~e7 12.'i!fg3 b4 13.tbd5 (Strong at first sight because of the double
ed5 14.ed5 <Jo>d8 15.tbc6 ~c6 threat of discovered check and capture of
16.dc6 'i!fc6 11 . ~16 tb16 18."i!t'g7 the rook, but easy to parry as the rook on
.Ilea 19."ii'f7 J:la7 e7 will be unprotected when the queen
captures the rook. 27.h4 WeB and now the
17...J:lg8 (17... ~f8 Berg-K.Kristensen, only reference is a correspondence game,
Denmark tt 2006/07- YB/83-28] 18 .~ h7 and it is of no use as the opponents agreed
[In Todorovic-S.Nikolov, Skopje 2012, the a draw after 28.'iWf6 Pietrocola-Cardonna,
move 18.J:ld2 was played (a similar idea to cr Email 2008] 27 ...tbd5 28.'it'h8 <Jo>e7
that in Berg vs. Negi, Wijk aan Zee Ill
2007 - YB/83-29, the difference being the
specific rook that goes to the second rank)
18.. .d5 (after 18...J:la7 19.J:lde2 "i!t'c6?
20.J:le7! J:le7 21. ~f6 White had a winning
position in Koutroukis-Dimitrova, Sofia
2009) and now White produced the tepid
19.J:lde2 when Black was OK after
20. ~15 [A blitz game Navara-Shirov, 19... tbc8. The real test was 19 .~h7 ! J:lh8
Prague 2005, continued 20.J:le7!? J:lae7 20.J:lde2! which looks critical for Black:
21 . 'ilff6~ and after 21...<Jo>c7 22.'i!fd4 'it'b6 20... J:lh7 (20 ... 'i!fc6 21.J:le7 J:lh7 22.J:lf7
23.'i!fb6 <Jo>b6 24.<Jo>d2 <Jo>c5 25.15 White tbd7 23.J:lee7 with a fierce attack;
had enough compensation for the exchange. 20 .. .tbe4 21 .~e7 <Jo>e7 (21..."i!t'e7 22 .~e4
Another question would be if, objectively, de4 23.J:le4 'i!ff6 24.J:le7 with a winning (Another interesting position. White has
White has chances to win. In the end position for White, in case of 24... 'i!t' e7 three passed pawns for the knight and
Navara ended up losing, but of course, that 25.J:le7 <Jo>e7 26.'i!fe3 and 27.'iifb6 next) Black's king remains exposed. But if White
had to do only with the clock] 20 ...J:lc7 22 .~e4 de4 23.'iifg7! with a powerful is not careful his king could also come
21 .J:le6 tbd7 22.J:ldd6 'i!fg2? attack) 21. ~f6 1 +- ~f6 (21...gf6 22.'iifg8) under enemy fire by the strong combination
(22 ... 'Wd6 23.J:ld6 ~d6oo] 23.J:le7? 22.J:le8X] 18... J:lh8 19 . ~15 J:la7 of queen plus knight] 29.'*t"g7 WeB
[Simplest was 23.J:ld1 !+-. A quick glance 20.J:ld4? (20.1t'g7 J:lh4+; 20.J:le5!?] 30.'iWg8 <Jo>e7 31.'ilt'g7 <Jo>e8 32.'it'g8
at the resulting position should be enough 20 ... d5 21 . ~d7 tbbd7 22.cd7 'i!fc5 <Jo>d7 33.1t'g7 <Jo>d8 34.'.,d4 [If White
to convince oneself about the helplessness 23.J:led1 J:ld7 24.15 J:lc7 25.J:l1d2 continues the checks with 34."*t"g8 the king
of Black's situation] 23 ...'fi'f1 24.J:ld1 <Jo>c8-+ 26.'tfd3 'li'b5 27.'it'b5 ab5 goes to the queenside 34 ... <Jo>c7 and at
'iW14 25.<Jo>b1 J:le7 26.'fi'18 J:le8 28.J:le2 J:lc4 29. ~16 ~16 30.J:ld5 some point Black will cover the checks with
27.1Vf6 J:le7 28.'i!f18 .Ilea 29."ii'16 J:lh2 31.J:lb5 ~g5 32.<Jo>d1 J:lh1 one of his pieces. Even then, there is no
J:le7 33. J:le1 J:ld4 0-1 guarantee of an advantage for Black]

Survey Sl 9. 7

34...We7 [The opponents decided to exert Leone,Federico lLla4 25.l:le3 [25.l:le6 lLlc5 26.l:le5 lLla4
caution and agreed a draw. There is still life Castro Salguero,Robert is a way to agree to a draw without words,
in the position, although objectively a draw cr Email 2008 which has already been used, like for
is the most likely result] %-% 1.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 instance in Fier·Mekhitarian, Campinas
tLlf6 5.tLlc3 a6 6 ..ig5 e6 7 .f4 lLlbd7 2010] 25 ...l:la7 26.l:lde1 l:le8 [Black
8.'ilff3 'ilfc7 9.0-0-0 b5 10..id3 .ib7 insists in defending all his material
Hebels,Aibert 11.l:lhe1 .ie7 12.-.g3 b4 13.lLld5 advantage, but the advance of White's f.
Chopin,Philippe ed5 14.ed5 Wd8 15.tLlc6 .ic6 pawn forces the devolution of the bishop]
cr Email 2006 16.dc6 tLlcS 17..ih4 l:lg8 18..ih7 27.f5 'i!fc6 28.f6
1.e4 c5 V i:Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 l:lh8 19.'ii'g7 l:lh7 20."iWf6 l:lh4
'llf6 5.tLlc3 a6 6 •.ig5 e6 7.14 lLlbd7 21. 'iif7 l:lh8 22.l:le5 lLla4 23.l:le3
8."ii'f3 'iic7 9.0-0-0 b5 10..id3 .ib7 l:la7 24.l:lde1 'iic6 25.l:le7 l:le7 ~ .i
1Ulhe1 .ie7 12.1Wg3 b4 13.tLld5 26.1We7 'itc8 27.h4 'iid5 [27 ... lLlc5 .i A'if
ed5 14.ed5 Wd8 15.tLlc6 .ic6 2B.l:ld1 l:lgB 29.'i!fd6 'tWd6 30.l:ld6 w c7 .l ~.l ~
16.dc6 tLlcS 17..ih4 l:lg8 18..ih7 (30 ... l:lg2? 31 .l:lc6+- ) 31 .l:ld5 (31 .l:ld2
l:lh8 19.'iig7 l:lh7 20.'ii'f6 l:lh4 l:lg4) 31 ...lLle6 32.f5 tLlf4 33.l:lc5 Wd6
21 .'iif7 l:lh8 22.l:le5 lLla4 23.l:le3 34.l:la5 l:lg2 35.l:la6 and the chances in ,...l
l:la7 24.l:lde1 .-c6 25.l:le7 l:le7 this endgame were level, Tritt-Perez tt
26.1t'e7 'itc8 Fernandez, cr Email 200B] 28.l:ld1 /::;; ~ /::;; /::;; ~
[2B.'We2 lLlc5 29.Wb1 'itc7 30.'We7 lLld7
~ ll

31 .g4 'Wd4 32.h5 'Wf4 33.l:le4 'Wf1
34.l:le1 1t'f3 Black was better and
eventually won the game, Vestergard· 28 .•• 'Wg2? [A bad mistake. In the

Rotariu, cr Email 200B. Defending the a2- selection of correspondence games you can
pawn naturally with 2B.Wb1? gives Black see that Black has more than one feasible
the advantage after 2B ...'Wd4!] 28 •.• 1Wa2 move in this position] 29.fe7 Wd7
,...l ~ 29.l:ld6 'iib2 30.w d1 tLlc3 31 .w d2 30.l:lg3 'it'a8 31 .l:lg6 tLJcS 32.l:ld 1
lLlb1 32.We1 'Wc1 33.l:ld1 'Wf4 lLlb7 [32 ... 'it'bB 33.l:ldd6 'iid6 34.l:ld6
~ ~~ ~ ~ 34.'iie6 Wb8 [A draw was agreed as Wd6 35.'it'eB l:le7 36.-.bB+- 1 33.'iie6

~ n perpetual check cannot be prevented] %-% w c7 34.l:lg4! [The rook joins the attack
with decisive effect] 34... a5 35.l:lc4 1-0

27.h3 [In my view this is weaker than Kotronias,Vasilios

27.h4 (see Leone-Castro Salguero, cr Email Shneider,Alexander Hervet,Gilles
200B), as it is important to create threats Korinthos 2004 (8) Bokar,Jason
with the passed pawns] 27.•. /.llcs 1.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 cr Email 2005
28.w b1 aS 29.f5 [29.b3?! (the tLlf6 5.lLlc3 a6 6 ..ig5 e6 7 .f4 lLlbd7 1.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4
weaknesses created around White's king 8.'iif3 'Wc7 9.0-0-0 b5 10..id3 .ib7 tLlf6 5.tLlc3 a6 6 ..ig5 e6 7.14 lLlbd7
may become dangerous) 29 ... d5 30.'Wa7 11.l:lhe1 .ie7 12.-.g3 b4 13.tLld5 8.'iif3 'Wc7 9.0-0-0 b5 10..id3 .ib7
lLle4 31 .'ilfa5 l:leB 32.'iib4 lLlc3 33.'iWc3 ed5 14.ed5 Wd8 15.tLlc6 .ic6 11 .l:lhe1 .ie7 12.'iig3 b4 13.tLld5
'ilfc3 34.l:leB Wd7 (an original position, in 16.dc6 lLlcS 17 ..ih4 l:lg8 [This is the ed5 14.ed5 Wd8 15.tLlc6 .ic6
which White has a rook and five pawns for first over-the-board master game where this 16.dc6 lLlcS 17 ..ih4 l:lg8 1B..ih7
the queen. White should be able to hold the move was played] 18..ih7 l:lh8 19.'Wg7 l:lh8 19...g7 l:lh7 20.'iif6 l:lh4
draw) 35.l:lgB d4 36.l:lg5 We6 37.g3 )i,. )i, l:lh7 20.'ti¥f6 l:lh4 21 .'iif7 l:lh8 21 .'iif7 l:lh8 22.l:le5 tLJa4 23.l:le3
Schinke·O.Hansen, cr Email 200B] 22.l:le5 lLla4 23.l:le6 [23.'We6?! was l:la7 24.l:lde1 l:le8 25.f5 'ti¥c6 26.f6
29 ...1Wd7 [29 ... 'iWg2 30.'iWd6 is about tried in the European Youth Championships lLlcS 27.Wb1 l:lc7 28.%11e2 'it'bS
equal, as Black's king becomes quite 2009. White's threat is 24.l:led5) 29.b3 w eB 30.'it'd5 lLld7 31 .'iib5
vulnerable] 30.b3 1We7 [30 ... a4!?] 23 ... l:la7?? (and Black manages to abS 32.l:le7 l:ldB [32 .. .1:118 33.l:leB Wb7
31.l:le7 l:lh5 32.16 l:lf5 33.17 lLld7 completely overlook the threat. 23...lLlb6! 34.l:lfB lLlfB 35.g4 is better tor White]
34.g4 l:lf1 35.Wb2 'itd8 36.l:le8 was essential) 24.l:led5 'tWc8 25.c7? 33.%12e6 tLle5 34.h4 tLlg6 35.l:le8
w c7 37.g5 l:lf7 38.h4 l:lg7 39.l:la8 (25.l:ld6!+-) 25... l:lc7 26.l:ld6 w eB? lLlh4 36.l:ld8 w d8 37.l:ld6 w ea
'itb6 40.l:ld8 w c6 41.l:la8 lLlb6 (26 ....id6 27.l:ld6 l:ld7oo) 27.'i!fg6 WfB 38.l:ld5 [After 38.g4 l:lc5 the game should
42.l:la5 l:lh7 43.g6 l:lh4 44.l:lg5 2B.l:lf6! .if6 29.'iif6 w eB (29 ... w gB end in a draw too] 38 ... l:ld7 39.l:lb5
l:lh8 45.g7 l:lg8 46.a3 ba3 47.w a3 30.l:ldB+-) 30.l:le1 Wd7 31 .l:le7 WdB l:ld4 40.g3 lLlf3 41 .l:lf5 l:ld1 42.Wb2
tLldS 48.c4 tt:Jc7 49.b4 lLle6 50.l:lg6 32.l:lh7 1·0 Stankovic·De Schampheleire, lLld2 [Threatening mate with 43... l:lb1 ]
Wd7 51.c5 Y2-l--2 Fermo Ech U1B 2009] 23 •..tLlc5 24.l:le5 43.c3 bc3 44.w c2 [44.Wc3 tLle4

45.~b4 .tld4 46.Wa5 Wf7 is also drawish] "tlt'c1 39. 2 'tWf4 40.We1 'it'd4 agreed a draw, Pezzica-Secchi, cr Email
44 ... .tla1 45.a4 tt:lb3 4S.Wb3 [After 41 . 1 tt:lg4 42.We1 [42.'ii'e8? "itf4 2009. A complex fight is still ahead in the
46 ...c2 47 .~c2 .tla4 the too far advanced f- 43.~g1 'it'c1 44 ..tle1 "tlfe1X] 42 ..."ii'a1 final position; 20.~e6 fe6 21 .'ii'e6 .tleB
pawn allows Black to get a comfortable 43.Wd2 W'c3 44.Wd1 W'a1 [Perhaps 22."ii'17 ..-c6 23.'i!fg7 tt:le4! 24.ti'h7 ~h4
draw, e.g. 4S.Wd2 .tlg4 49..1:113 Wf7 etc. Black could go for more with 44 .. :;wc6, 25.'ii'h4 'if.1c7 26."ith7 'if.1b6 gave Black an
For more on this type of endgame the although after 45."itf4 tt:le5 46."itb4 .tle7 advantageous position in Zielinski-Goins, cr
reader is advised to take a look at Nunn's 47.W'd4 White will keep compensation for 2004] 20 .•. .tle8 21.f5 tt:lf8 22.g4 "tlt'cS
'Chess Endings' Volume 2] \1!-11! the piece] 45.Wd2 "itc3 4S.Wd1 11!-% 23.g5 1Pc7 [23... tt:l6d7 24.16!-]
24.'it'b3 [24.'i!fd4 tt:l6d7 25."t!fg7 a4
26.Wb1 (26 ...-17? b3!) 26....tla5 (26...b3
Peli,Giora Rocius,Marijonas 27.cb3 ab3 2B.ab3 makes Black's king
Guevara,Francisco Javier Hansen,Oie Nerregaard uncomfortable on the open c-file) 27.16 b3
cr Email 2008 cr Email 2008 2B.cb3 ab3 29 ..tlc1 ba2 30.~a1 .ticS
1.e4 c5 dS 3.d4 cd4 1.e4 c5 dS 3.d4 cd4 (30 31."itl7!) 31 ..tlc5 tt:lc5 32 ..tle7
tt:lfS aS S . ~g5 eS 7.f4 tt:lbd7 tt:lfS aS S. ~g5 eS 7.f4 tt:lbd7 (32.W'f7 tt:lg6! produces an unclear
8.'it'f3 'ii'c7 9.0-0-0 b5 10 .~d3 iJ..e7 8.W'f3 'ifc7 9.0-0-0 b5 10.iLd3 iLb7 situation, with mutual chances) 32 ... .tle7
11 ..tlhe1 ~b7 12.'ii'g3 b4 11.l:he1 iLe7 12.W'g3 b4\d5 33.fe 7 and a draw was agreed as now there
ed5 14.ed5 Wd8 ~cS ed5 14.ed5 Wd8 iLcS is a perpetual check after 33 ... tt:lb3 34.\Pa2
1S.dcS tt:lc5 17. ~h4 .tlg8 18.iLh7 1S.dcS tt:lc5 17.iJ..h4 .tl g818 . ~f5 a5 'i!t'a4 35.<~b1 'i!t'e4 etc. Hefka-Mielke, cr
.tlh8 19.'i!fg7 .tlh7 20.'i!ffS .tlh4 19.W'e3 [Threatening 20.'i!fc5] 19 Email 2009] 24 ... a4 25.'i!t'b4 [25.W'I7
21 . f7 .tlh8 22 ..tle5 tt:la4 23.l:e3 b3!<=] 25 2S.'t!i'd4 a3 27. ~g2
.tla7 24 ..tlde1 .tieS 25.f5 'i!fcS 2S.fS .tla4 28.'i!t'd5 'ii'd5 29. ~d5 l:h4
.tlc7 27 ..1:11e2 30.fS [30 .~17? ~g5 -+] 30 ...ab2
31 .'if.1b1 tt:leS [31...gf6? 32 .~17±]
32. ~eS ~d8 33.iLf7 [Draw agreed as
after 33 ... .tle1 34..tle1 gf6 the endgame is
equal] %- Y2

cr Email 2008
1.e4 c5 V i.Jf3 dS 3.d4 cd4\d4
20 . ~h3 [20.iLf6 gf6D (20...iLf6? 21. ~e6 tt:lfS aS S . ~ g5 eS 7.f4 tt:lbd7
.tieS (21...fe6 22.W'e6+-) 22 ..tld6! W'd6 8.'i!t'f3 'i!t'c7 9.0·0-0 b5 10.~d3 iLb7
23.W'b6 w e7 (23... "itc7 24..tld1+-) 11 ..tlhe1 ~e7 12.'ti'g3 b4
27 .•. tt:lbS [An interesting idea of giving 24.W'b7! WdB (24 ... WfB 25.W'f7X) 25.c7 ed5 14.ed5 'if.1d8 ~cs
back the knight was applied in Leone- (25.'ii'aB is also winning) 25 ...W'c7 1S.dcS tt:lc517. ~h4 .tlg8 18..tle2
Unalmis, cr Email 2006: 27 ... 'i!fb5 28.'i!fg7 26..tld1+-) 21.Wb1 (21 .g3 .ticS 22.iLe4
tt:lc3 29.bc3 bc3 (now both kings are in f5 23.iLd5 .tlg6 24.-;tbt .tlf6 25.c4 bc3
danger. The immediate threat is mate in two 26.'t!i'c3 (this seems a good moment to
with 30 ...'ii'b2 followed by 31 ...'i!t'b1X) think about Black's king safety, bringing it to
30.fe7 .tlce7 31 .'i!fc3 (31 ..tle7? 'i!fb2 the kingside with ...WeB-fS, as the
32.Wd1 'i!t'b1X) 31 ... .tle3 32 ..tle3 'i!fg5! arrangement of Black's pieces is adequate
33.Wd2 'i!fg2 34.Wd1 'i!t'g1 35 ..tle1 .tle1 to provide royal protection in that sector)
36.'i!t'e11i'd4 37.'i!t'd2 't!r'g1 3S.'t!r'e1 'tWd4 26 ...a4 27.a3 W'bB 2B.h3 't!i'b5 29.iLe6 fe6
39.1i'd2 'tWg1 40.'t!i'e1 ~-~ White cannot 30..tld6 ~d6 31."itf6 Wc7 32."ife6 .tldB
escape from the checks] 28 ..tle7 .tlce7 33. 17 Wc6 34.Wa1 (34.l:c1 'if.1b6)
29.fe7 [29 ..tle7 tt:lc8 30 ..tlb7 .tlet led to 34 ... "itd5 35. a7 c4 36.'ii'h7 ~a3!
an immediate draw in Bernal Varela- 3Hi'g6 (37.ba3? 'ii'c3-+) 37...~d6
Pietrobono, cr Email 200S. After 31 .Wd2 3B.'i!t'f5 ~c5 39.W'e4 'ii'e4 40..tle4 'if.1b5
Black can force a perpetual with 31 ... .tle2 41 .f5 .tld2 42.f6 ~d4 43.17 ~b2 44.'if.1b1 [1B ....tla7 19. ~f5 g6 20 .~d7
32.We2 'tWe4] 29 ... Wd7 30.'t!i'f5 Wc7 ~g7 and Black finally won the endgame in tt:lcd7 21 .cd7 'i!Yc4 (21...'i!fd7 22 ..tlde1 oo)
31.b3 tt:\d7 32.'ifa5 'it'bS 33.'ifh5 59 moves, Kasperek-Filipchenko, cr Email 22..tlde1 g5! 23.fg5 (23 ..tle7 gh4 24.Wh4
't!i'g1 34.Wd2 'it'd4 35.Wc1 1i'f4 2010) 21 ...:ca 22 .~ h7 .tieS (22 ... l:g2!?) .tlc7 25 ..tleS lt.>d7 26..t!Be7 (if 26 ..1:11e7
3S.Wd1 tt:lfS 37.'i!t'f7 "itg5 38. We1 23 .~e4 f5 24.iLd5 and the opponents lt.>c6 27.'ii'f6 .tle7 2B.We7 'i!ff4 it is Black

Survey Sl 9. 7

who can think of an advantage) 26...<;/;?d8 2S ... fS?? [Given the number of 34 ... w d7 3S.l:a7 1De7 36.l:b4 ~es
27.l:c7 rj;c? 2Uff6 l:g2 29.'i'e7 ~c6 correspondence games included in the 37.h3 dS 38.a4 .id6 39.l:b3 l:e8
30.'i'e8=; 23.~gS h6 (23 ... l:d7) 24.b3 Game Section of this Survey, I cannot help 40.q,e1 l:e4 41 .l:f3 f6 42.l:e3 l:b4
'i'c6 2S.l:e7 hgS 26.1:17 l:c7 27.'ti'd3 making lhe observation that this mistake is 43.aS d4! 44.l:d3 ~eS! [The rook on
li:ld7oo) 23...1Dd5 24.g6 l:g6 2S.~e7 IDe? typical of over-the-board play (as is the a7 is trapped] 4S.e3 l:bS 46.l:e7 ~e7
26.W'f3 l:d7 27.l:e7 l:e7 28.W'a8 'fi'c8 case with this game), in correspondence 47.b4 ~a7 48.w e2 de3 49.l:e3
29.W'cB q,cB 30.l:e7 l:g2 and peace was chess it is almost impossible to find such a ~b7 so. ~ b3 l:dS S1.w e4 l:d2
signed as the endgame is level, Stephan· blunder. The right move was 2S ... <;/;?d8 and S2.g4 l:d4 53.<-t>bs ~ba S4.w es
O.Hansen, cr Email 2008] 19.l:d3 q,ea then 26.W'h7 'i!t"c6 27.W'f7 l:b7 2B.'i!t"g8 l:e4 SS.bS l:eS S6. ~e4 ~d6
20.l:de3 [20.q,b1 dS 21 .'i'f3 aS 22.c4 'i!t"e8 29.'i'dS 'li'd7 30.'li'g8 q,c7 31 .W'c4 57.l:b3 hS SB.ghS l:hS S9.l:d3 l:eS
bc3 (22 ...dc4? 23.l:d7! IDd7 24.cd7 q,b8 Wb8 32.'i!fa6 dSoo] 26.W'd4! +- [The 60.'it.>b4 J:ds 61 .w e4 l:d3 62.w d3
25.l:e7+ - ) 23.l:c3 a4 24.l:e5 l:a7 threat of penetration on h8 is lethal] .ib4 63.a6 Wb6 64. w e4 g6 0-1
2S.l:c2 l:d8 (2S ...q,b8!? A 26... q,a8) 26 ...'i'e6 27.'i!fh8 q,d7 28.'li'b8
26.'i!Vd3 ~b4 27.a3 ~f8 28.g4 h6 29.h3 ~ dB 29.'i'b4 ~ b6 30.l:e2 1-0
: as 30.l:f5 l:e8 31 .~f6 gf6 32.l:dS lH1
Krabbe-Zeihser, cr Email 2011 ] 20 ... ~d8
21 .~f6 ~f6 22.l:e8 l:e8 23.l:e8 Zoii,Detlef Lesser Alternatives
.idS 24.'i'g4 q,ba 2s. We2 [2S.'i'g7 Cunha,Eduardo 16 ... tllc5 17.~h4
rj;a? 26.l:f8 'i'c6 27.l:17oo] 2S ...g6 cr Email 2008
26.fS dS 27.fg6 hg6 28.g3 aS 1.e4 eS 2.1Df3 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.1Dd4 Cunha,Eduardo
29.'i'f2 [29.'i!Vb5 q,a7+] 29...q,ea 1Df6 S.IDe3 a6 6.~gS e6 7.f4 ~e7 Saldano Dayer,Horacio
30.WeS a4 31. W'bS [31 .'ti'b4? W'c6+ ; 8.W'f3 We7 9.0-0-0 IDbd7 10. ~d3 Praca Seca 2009 (1)
31 .W'dS b3+=%] 31 ...a3 32.b3 W'a7 bS 11 .l:he1 ~b7 12.'li'g3 b4 1.e4 cS 2.1Df3 d6 3.d4 IDf6 4.1De3
33.'iWdS 'tifg1 34.q,d2 'h· Y2 13.1DdS edS 14.edS q,da 15.1De6 ed4 S.IDd4 a6 6 ..igS e6 7.f4 ~e7
~e6 16.de6 IDeS 17.~ h4 l:g8 8.W'f3 'i'e7 9.0-0-0 IDbd7 10.~ d3
18.~e4 1Dfe4 19.W'g4 l:a7 [19... ~h4 bS 11.l:he1 ~ b7 12.'i'g3 b4
Moranda,Wojciech 20.W'h4 q,c8 21.'ti'h7 1Df6 22.W'fS 13.1DdS edS 14.edS Wd8 1S.IDe6
Butkiewicz,Lukasz q,b8oo] ~e6 16.de6 1DeS 17. ~h4
Koszalin 2005 (7)
1.e4 eS 2.1Df3 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.1Dd4
li:lf6 S.IDe3 a6 6. ~gs e6 7.f4 ~e7
8.'i!t"f3 W'e7 9.0-0-0 IDbd7 10. ~d3
bS 11 .l:he1 ~ b7 12.W'g3 b4
13.1DdS edS 14.edS Wd8 1S.IDe6
~e6 16.de6 IDeS 17 ..ih4 l:gB
18.We3 IDd3 19.l:d3 l:e8 20. eS
l:b8 [It was not necessary to defend the
pawn on b4. Better seems to relieve the
pressure at once on the open file with
20 ... ~f8. After 21 .W'b4 l:e1 22.W'e1 'li'c6
Black has chances of converting his
material advantage] 21 .W'e4 .ita 20.~dS [20.~17 ~h4 21 .l:e4 (21.W'h4 17 ...g6? [This weakening is clearly not to
22.~f6 gf6 23.l:e8 q,ea 24.l:e3 gSI+ ; 2 1.~g8 ~e1 22.l:e1 W'c6+) be recommended] 18.l:e7! [18.1S has also
.ie7 25.'i'e4 21 ... W'f7 22.'i'h4 g5 23.l:d6 q,c7 24.'i'h6 been played, but it is less energetic than
l:g6 25.l:g6 hg6 26.l:b4 when the the text; for instance, after 1B... w eB
situation is complicated, but it seems that 19.'i'e3 .id8 20.W'd4 W'c6 21. ~f6 l:g8
Black is at feast out of danger after 22 .~c4 l:a7 23.'iVd6 'Wd6 24.l:d6 gfS
26 ... 'li'e7] 20 ... 1Df6 2U i'f3 IDdS 2S ..id8 l:d8 26.l:d8 Wd8 27.l:eS 1De4
22. ~f2! [22.W'd5 ~h4] 22 ..•1Df4 28.l:fS 1Dd6 29.l:dS We7 30 .~d3 White
23. ~e5 1De6 24..ie3!? [24 ..ia7 'i'a7 reached a won endgame in Mista-Guliyev,
2S.'i!ffS (2S.'i'17? ~g5 -+) 2S... 'i'c7oo] Warsaw 2007] 18...'i!t"e7 [18... <-t>e?
24 ... w ea [24 ... l:a8? 2S.'i'17+ - J 19.l:e1 q,19 (19...1De6 20.'iWgS+ - )
2S. ~a7 'i'a7 26.'it'dS 'fie7 27.Wb1 20 . ~f6+- l 19.l:e1 e6 20.fS gfS
'it.>fB 28.l:e4 aS 29.l:f1 ~f6 30.l:fS 21.~f6 'fif6 22.'i!fd6 w eB [22... <&>c8
We7 31.'i'aS W'e6 32.'ilfa7 1it'd7 23.'i'd7 Wb8 24.'i1Vb7X] 23.e7 l:e8
33.l:aS l:e8 34. d7 [34.l:b4!?] [23 ... 'i1Vh6 24.wb1 ! (24.wd1 f8 25.l:e6

fe6 26.'ife6 'ife7 27.c8l:r J:rc8 28.W'c8 26.'ti'b7 [Here Black could already resign] 51 . ~e2 ti:ld3 52.l:rc8 ti:lf4 53.c:.>d1
W'dB 29 . ~e6 W'e7 30 . ~c8 'WdB 31.'We6 26 ...l:rc5 27.'Wa6 ~g7 28.-.d6 ti:ld5 54.l:rd8 ti:le3 55.We2 d1 'ti'
'ti'e7 32.'ti'a6 gave White somewhat better l:rhcB 29.c3 l:rc4 30.'ifd3 Wh8 56.l:rd1 ti:ld1 57.c:.>d1 ~ h3 0-1
prospects in Papadopoulos-Fakhiridou, 31.W'f5 <Jo>g7 32.Wc2 l:r8c7 33.'ti'd3
Athens 2007, but 24 . ~b1 is stronger) J:rc8 34.b3 l:r4c6 35.a4 l:rc5 36.b4
24... 'ti'l8 25.l:re6 (25.'ti'c61~e7 26.~15 is l:r5c6 37. ~b3 l:re6 38.a5 J:ra8 Thorhallsson,Throstur
perhaps a little more difficult to calculate to 39.<Jo>a4 J:rc8 40.a6 f5 41 .b5 1-0 Gislason,Gudmundur
the end, but seems to be more decisive) Bolungarvik ch-ISL 2009 {7)
25... fe6 26Jii'e6 ~e7 27.c8lt' l:rc8 1.e4 c5 2.ti:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ti:ld4
28.W'c8 ~17 29.W'I5 ~g7 30.~g4 ~h6 Padmini,Rout ti:lf6 5.ti:lc3 a6 6 . ~g5 e6 7.14 'Wc7
31 . ~f4 ~g7 32.1t'g3 <Ji> h6 33.'WI4 ~g7 Nakhbayeva,Guliskhan a.'ti'f3 ti:lbd7 9.o-o-o bS 1o. ~d3
34.W'd4 <Jo>h6 35.a3 l:rf8 36. ~ b4 Wt6 Tashkent Ach 2007 {5) ~b7 11 .l:rhe1 ~e7 12.'ti'g3 b4
37. b7 c:.>g5 38. h7 1-0 Zwirs-Vereggen , 1.e4 c5 2.ti:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ti:ld4 13.ti:ld5 ed5 14.ed5 WdB
Bussum 2010] 24. ~a6 'ife7 25.'t!Yc6 ti:lf6 5.ti:lc3 a6 6. ~g5 e6 7.f4 ~e7 ~c6 16.dc6 ti:lc5 17. ~ h4 ~fa
[25.W'e5 'ifg5! 26.~b1 c:.>e7] 25 ... 'ifd7 8 ...f3 W'c7 9.0-0-0 ti:lbd7 10 .~d3 18.~c4 J:ra7
26.'irc5! l:rc7 [26... 'irc7? 27 .~b5+- J b5 11 .l:rhe1 ~ b7 12.'ifg3 b4
27.W'e5 13.ti:ld5 ed5 14.ed5 ~dB 15.ti:lc6

. .
~c6 16.dc6 ti:lc5 17 . ~ h4 ti:le6 ~ .i. .i
18.f5 .i 'if ~~~
~ ~ ~
.i ~ g
~ .i. ~~~ ~~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ .... 'iV
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

19.~d5 [Another try is 19.'ti'l3 'it'a5

20.l:re2 ~e7 2 1.~16 ~IS (21...gf6
[With the double threat of 28.W'h8 and'd5~) 22.l:rd6 ~c7 23.1t'd5 l:rd8?
28. ~b5] 27 •.• <Ji> e7 28.'ifh8 1t'c6 (23...l:rc8!) 24.l:rd8 ~dB 25. ~17?
29. ~d3 'ird6 30.Wb1 it'h2 31 .~f5 18... g5 [The only defence] 19.fe6 (25.l:re8!+ -) 25 ... <Jo>b6 26.~18 ~c7 27.l:re8
W'h4 32.'ife5 l:rc6 33:.-e4 We4 [ 19.~g5 ti:lg5 20.'ifg5 l:rg8oo] 19...gh4 ~ 28.'ti'l7 ti:ld7'e6 ~d6 30.g3 c5
34. ~e4 1-0 20 . ~f3 [20.'it'h4 deserves serious 31 .lt'e4 Wc7 32.c3 ti:IIS 0-1 Wendei-Sieber,
consideration] 20... l:rc8 21.~a6 'ti'c6 Germany II 2007/08]'a5 [19... a5 was
22. ~c8 'ti'f3 23.gf3 ~ca 24.ef7 seen in the stem game Kotronias-Lesiege,
Vocaturo,Daniele c:.>d7 25.l:rd4 d5 26.c4 bc3 27.l:ra4 Montreal 2002 - YB/69-23] 20.~b1 'it'b6
Oparin,Grigoriy cb2 28. ~ b2 ~c5 [To prevent 29.l:ra7] 21.15 Wb8 22.~c4 [A nice prophylactic
Pardubice 2009 {3) 29.l:ra6 l:rf8 ! 30.l:rc1 [30.l:rf6? alternative is 22.~13- Black's king is prevented
1.e4 c5 V !Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ti:ld4 ~d4 - + ] 30 ...~d4 31. ~c2 l:[f7 from moving to the queenside due to the fine
ti:lf6 5.ti:lc3 a6 6. ~g5 e6 7.f4 ~e7 32. ~d3 ~f2 33.l:rf1 [33.<Jo>e2 ~d4 point 22 ...<Jo>c7 23.l:rd6! ~d6 24 .~d6!! ~
a:.-f3 ~c7 9.0-0-0 ti:lbd7 10.~d3 34. ~d3 ~12=] 33 ... ~c5 34.l:rc1 ~e7 25.~g3X] 22...~c7 23 .~f7 ~c6
b5 11 .l:rhe1 ~ b7'g3 b4 35.l:ra7 Wd6 36. J:ra6 ~e5 37.l:re1 24.~c4 ti:lfd7?! [24 ...a5 is better than the
13.ti:ld5 ed5 14.ed5 c:.>da 15.ti:lc6 5 38.l:ra7 ~b4 39.l:rf7 ~e1 text] 25.~d5 ~b6 26.W'f4 aS 27.~12
~c6 16.dc6 ti:lc5 17 .~h4 ti:ld3? [A 40. ~e2 ~c3 41.h3 ~e6 42.l:rc7 d4 lt'c7? [27 ... l:rc7!oo] 28.l:rd4 [Wrth the
bad move] 18.l:rd3 ~fa 19 .~f6 gf6 43.Wd3 h5 44.l:rc6 5 45.a4 threat of 29.l:rb4; 28.c3! bc3 29.b4]
20. h4 ~e7 [20 ...~g7 21.l:rg3+-J [45.l:rc5!] 45 .•.ti:ld7 46. ~e2 tt:le5'd8 29.~e6 ti:lbB 30.l:red1 <Jo>c6
21 .l:rde3 l:rcB 22.l:re7 'it'e7 23.l:re7 47.l:rc8 [47.l:rc5] 47... 4 48.l:rf8 31 .l:rc4 ~ea 32.c3 bc3 33.l:rc51 [Alter
w e7 24.-.e1 c:.>fa 25:it'b4 J:rc6 ~ g3 -+ 49.14 d3! 50.c:.>e3 d2 33...dc5 34.'ti'a4 Black's queen is lost] 1-0

icilian Defence
Najdorf Variation Sl 14.8 (890)

New Dynamics in the 10... a5 Line

by Alexis Cabrera Pino

1. e4 c5 Black to move his queen with

2. lbf3 d6 J l."it'e l will play into White'
3. d4 cd4 hand.
4. l!Jd 4 l!Jf6 11 ..• c8
5. lbc3 a6 By the way, the over-ambiti ous
6. ..te 3 e5 advance of the pawn only help
7. lbb3 ..ie6 White: ll. .. a4? 12.l!Jc5 a3 13.b3
8. f3 ~e7 ..ic8 14 ...ic4, with clear uperi-
9. "it'd2 0-0 ority.
10. 0-0-0 aS 12.a4 l!Jc6 13.g4 l!Jb4
11. "it'e 1 Both ide focu their attention
on the central break .. .d6-d5.

Ante Brklc

i an edge for White, a he can

neutralize Black' activity.

Once again the Sicilian player'

endle s que t for dynami m is 14.<;t>bl
rewarded . The debate on the This move order is important;
Poli h Sy tern' ( o called in cer- otherwise Black ha the po ibil-
tain mall che communitie ity of carrying out the fa t
becau e of the ince ant contri- counterblow ... b7-b5, as shown
bution of it mo t faithful follow- in the game Solov iov-Ani imov,
er ) i renewed below. St Petersburg 2007.
14...d5 lS.gS l!Je8 Neverthele , a our Main Game
Playing into White's Hands L5 .. .d4? 16.gf6 ~ f6 17.l!Jd4 ed4 how , the path i not o clear
The trategic idea of thi s y tern 18 ...id4 ~a2 195wPc l ..tg5 and Black can re ume the debate
for Black are clearly hown in 20 ...ie3 ..if6 2 1.l:tg I, and Black with a new counterplay idea:
the previou articles in Yearbook doesn' t have enough compen a- 19•.. d7!?N
84 (Emi l Anka) and 99 (U fuk tion. The difference between the
Tuncer). 16.ed5 ..if5 17..l:d 2 l!Jc718.l!Jal tex t-move and the previou ly
Although at thi point White can .l:d8 19.'ifd l played .. .l!Je8-d6 manoeuvre lie
develop hi game in everal Up to here everything i well in the intention to occupy the
way , J think that to encourage known and the theory ' verdict open files before the pawn acri -

fice ... b7-b5 , thu offering new Conclusion on the position and maybe either
opportunitie for Black. In the In the analyses we will ee that find a formula to prove Black
Game Section I will try to pre - the black initiative ha not been wrong or take warni ng and
ent orne of the mai n idea in the neutralized yet. I hope the dear witch to a new approach again t
development ofthi new sy tern. reader will be inspired to reflect the black system.

Main Game knight being out of play) 21...tLleB (once 21 •.. b5 [Now the pawn sacrifice is weaker,
10 ... a5 the lines are open, Black goes back to his with the queen's rook out of place. 21 ... tLleB
main plan by bringing on forces to add to 22 .~b5 'jjc? 23.~eB l:eB 24.dB! ~dB
Cabrera,Aiexis the pressure) 22.-..e2 (22.tLlb3? !:deB! (I 25.tLlb5+- ] 22.ab5 [22.~b5 tLlbS 23.ab5
Asis Garagatagli,Hipolit consider it important for White to block the l:c3! (23 ... a4!?) 24.bc3 tLldS 25.'* c4 ~e6
Salou 2012 (5) critical square e4, which is why Black must 2B.l:hd1 'it'dB~] 22 ...tLle8 23 .~b6? !
1.e4 cs V o f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 take measures here) 23.'ii'e2 a4 24.tLlc1 [23. ~ tLldB 24.b6. Irs difficult to assess
tLlf6 5.tLlc3 a6 6. ~e3 e5 7.tLlb3 ~e7 tLldB 25 .~a2 l:c3 2B.bc3 tLlbS 27.<J.>a1 the position. The white knight on a1
8.f3 ~e6 9.'ir'd2 0-0 10.0-0-0 aS tLlc3 2B.'it'f2 l:bB with a mating attack; balances Black's material disadvantage]
11 .t!i'e1 twca 12.a4 tLlc6 13.g4 tLlb4 22.t!i'f1!? tLldB 23 .~e2 (23.14 ef4 24 .~f4 23...~g5 24Jtdd1 [24.~dB ~d2
14.<it>b1 d5 15.g5 tOea 16.ed5 ~f5 (24.'tit'f4 ~gs 25.'it'g5 tLlc4t) 24 ... a4t) 25.'it'd2 tLldB 2B. ~e2 'it'dB~] 24...tLld6
17.l:d2 tLlc7 18.tLla1 l:d8 19.t!i'd1 23... a4-) 22 ... a4! (22 ...tLldB?! 23.tLlb3 25.b3? [With the intention of maintaining
'ifd7!?N 'f!lc7 (23... l:dcB 24.tLlc5 -..eB 25 .~b3 the blockade, but paying a high price by
and White's problems are solved) 24.tLlc5. burying the white knight on a1. 25.~dB
As mentioned above, once White 'f!ldB (25... ~dB 2B.~b3±) 2B.~b3 gB
establishes central control his chances will 27.tLle4 ~e4 2B.fe4 a4 29 .~a4 ..Was 30.b3
increased considerably. He should consider l:c3oo] 25 •.• a4 26.tLla4 tLlc4 [2B ...l:eB!?
returning the material, with the intention of 27.~c5 l:cS! 2B.tLlc5 -..a7 29.tLlaB e4!
simplifying and slowing down Black's 30.tLlb4 'i!t'a3!! and Black turns the sacrifice
initiative) 23.dB! (23.l:hd1 tLldB 24. ~c5 into an attack along the dark squares:
!:deB 25 .~dB ~dB 2B.tLle4 ~e4 27.fe4 31 .tLlaB ~16- +] 27.bc4 : aa 28.tLlc3
-..c7 2B .~d3 a3-; 23.tLle4 tLldB 24 .~c5
(24 .~f2? ~e4 25.fe4 ~gS 2B.l:dd1 !:deB
27 .~a2 a3+) 24... ~e4 (24 ... tLle4 25.fe4
~cs 2B.ef5 -..fs 27.dB±) 25 .~dB ~c2
2B.tLlc2 ~dB'!' and the black position is
20 . ~c4 [The direct threat to the central better, with pressure on the weakened
pawn requires all our attention. 20.h4 white king) 23 ... tLldB 24.~c5 'ike?
tLlbdS'i'] 20... : ac8?! [During the further 25.'i!i'e5 tLlc4! 2B.l:dB (2B.t!i'c7? tLld2
course of the game, the position of this 27.<it>c1 ~cS 2B.-..c5 tLlb3!! 29.tLlb3
rook didn't seem to make sense. It would ab3-+) 2B ... 'ili'dB 27.'i!i'e7 ~c2 (with this
be better placed on bB to support the tactical stroke Black reaches equality)
future advance of the b-pawn. 20... b5! (the 2B.tLlc2 tLld2 29. <it>c1 tLlb3 30.Wb1
critical point of the debate) 21 .ab5 tLld2=] 21 .'iie2
(apparently the best capture. The other two 28...l:a3 [This 'human' move is not the best
alternatives only offer Black better Wcrf to develop the initiative... With 2B... l:dc8!
chances: 21.~b5 tLlbS 22.ab5 !:deB-; Black can try to set up his artillery on the
the threats of sacrificing the rook, rook file: 29.Wb2 ~dB!! 30.~e3 (30.~d8
destroying the white position, as well as -..a7) 30 ...e4t 31.~d4 ef3 32.-..f1 ~16!
the advance of the black a-pawn, make 33.~16 'ii'a7- +] 29.Wb2 l:da8 30.~c5
White's defence very precarious after [The black aHack falters, and WMe's material
21.tLlb5 tLlcdS 22.~d5 tLldS 23.l:d5 'it'dS advantage prevails] 30 ...l:c3 31. 'it»c3
24.'it'd5 l:dS 25.tLlc7 l:adB 2B.tLld5 l:dS tLla2 32.<it>b2 ~f6 33.tLlb3 e4
27.<it>c1 ~d7 2B.b3 ~cB. White's material 34.l:d4! [34.~d4?? 'i!t'a7! 35.~16 gf6
advantage is compensated for by the 36.l:hg1 WhB 37.tLla5 'f!laS 38.'i!t'e3 ef3oo]
strength of the bishop pair and the white 34...-..c7 35.'iie3 ef3 36.d6 1-0

Survey S/ 14.8

Stopping ... d6-d5 Anand,Viswanathan 1i'd2=F 24. J:[e1 J:[eB 2S.h4 g6

14. 5 Vallejo Pons,Francisco 26.'it'e3 'it'h2 27.J:[d1 'i!ih4 28.b3
Monaco blind 2004 (3) 1i'h2 29.'it'd4 'i'f4 30.lLldS tLldS
1.e4 eS d6 3.d4 ed4 4.lLld4 31.edS 'it'd4 32.J:[d4 ~fS
lnarkiev,Ernesto tt:lf6 a6 6 .~e3 eS 7.lLlb3 ~e7
Brkic,Ante B.f3 ~e6 9.'i!fd2 Q-0 10.o-o-o aS
Budva Ech 2009 (2) 11 .We1 W eB 12.a4 tLle6 13.g4 lLlb4
1.e4 eS Vt~f3 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.lLld4 14.gS ~hS!? 1S.~b1 'it'e7?! [Too
~f6 a6 6 . ~e3 eS 7.lLlb3 ~e7 slow. Black's play should be directed straight
8.f3 ~e6 9.'i!fd2 0-0 10.0-0-0 aS towards a central counterattack with ... d6-d5
11.'iWe1 W eB 12.a4 ~e6 13.g4 lLlb4 or ...17-fS; 15.. .15! 16.gf6 t016 17.J:[g1 ~hB=
14.gS [The immediate determination of the would have kept the balance] 16.'iff2 tLlf4
central structure is not better than the [16 ...15!?] 17.tLlbS 'i!fbB 18.~f4 ef4
prophylactic 14 .~b1 . Even though Black 19.l03d4± [Whtle ends Black's pretensions
cannot carry out his central counterthrust by seizing control in the centre] 19..•~d7
... d6-d5, he has other means to get a 20.J:[g1 [20.h4!?] 20...g6 21 .~e4 'i!ieB
counterattack] 14... tLleB 1S.f4?! 22 .~b3 eS 23.'i!id2 'i!ieS 24.h4
[15.\t>b1 !?] 1S.. .fS! 16.h4 [16.gf6 ~f6 J:[aeB 2S.hS ~g7 26. h2 ~gS 33 .'~ b2 J:[dB 34.e4
17.f5 ~b3 18.cb3 d5!? (18... tt:le4 19 .~c4 27.lLld6!+- ~f6 28.hg6 fg6
\t>hB d5 21.We2 dc4 22.bc4 29.lLl6fS! ~hB [29 ...~f5 30.lLlf5 ~h8
'W'f5+) 19.ed5 'it'fS=F l'l·l'l Quesada Perez- 31.'i!ih7 ~h7 32.J:[h1 ~h4 33.J:[h4X] Soloviov,Sergey
Abreu Delgado, Yucatan 2004] 16.. .fe4 Anisimov,Pavel
17.feS deS 1B . ~ b1 St Petersburg ch-city 2007 (5)
1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.lLld4
lLlf6 a6 6.~e3 eS 7.lLlb3 ~e6
B.'it'd2 ~e7 9.f3 0-0 10.0-0..0 aS
1Hi'e1 'i!ieB 12.a4 lLle6 13.g4 lLlb4
14.gS tLleB1S. ~ b1 bS!

.. B ~
30.'i!ih7!! ~ h7 31.J:[h1 1-0
[M/04-3-66 Nunn) £::.
18... ~d6 [Again the pawn sacrifice, Jlt::.
opening lines, allows Black to develop a
strong attack: 18... b5! 19. ~b5 tt:lc7 Lopez Martinez,Josep M
(19 ...lLld6?! 20.J:[d6 ~d6 21.'ife2=F) Edouard,Romain
20.'i'e2 lObS 21 .'ifb5 tt:lc2! 22 .~c2 J:[bS Andorra 2009 (5)
23.'i!fe5 ~b3-+] 19.tLleS ..tg4 1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.tLld4 16 ...Q.bS (16.ab5 a4 17.lLlc1 a3t]
20.~dS lLldS? [20 ...lLlf5 21.lLle7 tt:le7 tt:lf6 a6 6 . ~e3 eS 7.lLlb3 ~e6 16... tLle7 17. ~d3 (17.'it'e2? ~b5
22.J:[d2 b6 23.lLlb3 tt:led5 24 .~g2 ~13+] B.f3 ~e7 9.'i!id2 o-o 1o.o-o-o as 18.lLlb5 (1B.'i!ib5 ~c4-+) 18... ~c4
21.J:[dS lLlfS 22. J:[g1 tt:le3 23. 'i!fe3 11.'i!ie1 'i!ie8 12.a4 lLla613.g4 lLlb4 19.'i!fl2 ~b3 20.cb3 'i!fe6+] 17... tt:lea6
l:lf3 24.'i!fe4 ~es 2S .~e4?! [25.'i!fc4 14.gS lOeB 1S .~b1 tt:le7!? 16.f4 [17...J:[bB! (18.'i!id2 tt:lc2 19 .~c2
~e6 26.Wc5 Wc5 27.J:[c5 J:[af8 tt:lea6 [16 ... ef4!? 17. ~f4 b5! 18.ab5 a4 ~b3+) 18... d5 19.ed5 tt:lcd5 20.lLld5 ~d5
28. ~5;!;] 2S .. .\t>h8 26.J:[g4 J:[e3 19.lLld4 a3 20.b3 d5 21 .b6 tt:lca6 22.ed5 21.We2 J:[aB 'i!ic6 23.a5 J:[fb8,
27.'i!fg2 ~d4 2B . ~ b3 'iifB? (28 ... J:[e1 ~d5 23.lLld5 lLld5 24.~c4 ~b4 25.~d2 with a strong attack] 18.lLldS ~dS
29.~a2 J:[g1 30.'ifg1 ~g1 31.J:[g1=] ~d2 26.1i'd2 lLlb6!1r?] [Definitely 19.edS lLld3 20.J:[d3 lLlb4 21 .J:[d2
29. ~a2 J:[f3 30.J:[g3 J:[f2 31 .'i!fe4 not the best way to counter the threat of 'it'dH 'i!ia4 23.e3 tt:la6
J:[eB 32.hS-+ J:[f 4 33.'i!fd3 J:[f1 34.e3 17... tt:lc2. 17.~a6 ba6 (17 ... ef4 18..if4 ba6 24.h4 'i!fd7 2S.'i'e2 J:[fe8 26.hS
.ie3 3S.be3 e4 36.'i!fe4 J:[eB 19.lLld4 J:[b8oo) 18.15 ~b3 19.cb3 d5 ~gs 27 . ~gS 'it'fS 2B.'i!ie4 'i!igS
37.'i!fe2 J:[ee1 3B. ~ b2 +- J:[a1 20.J:[d5! tLldS 21.lLld5±] 17...ef4 1B.~f4 29.f4 'it'f4 30.'it'f4 ef4 J:[abB
39 . ~a2 J:[f2 40.J:[d2 J:[ff1 41.J:[gd3 tOeS 19.~d6 ~d6 20.J:[d6 J:[dB 32.J:[f1 J:[e4 33.J:[f4 J:[f4 34.tLlf4 tOeS
1-0 21 .'ifg3 'i!ie7 22.J:[dB 'it'dB 23.~bS 3S . ~e2 gS tt:le4 37.J:[d1 fS

38.tLld4 14 39.l:le1 l:le8 40.b4 ab4 sacrificed pawns) 21 .tLlc1 tLld6 22 .~d3 8.13 ~e6 9.._d2 0-0 10.0-0-0 a5
41.cb4 g4 42.b5 l:lc8 43.'ito>d3 tLlc5 tLld3 23.tLld3 tLlc4 and in the following 11 .-.e1 1t'c8 12.a4 tLlc6 13.g4 tLlb4
44.'ito>e2 l:le8 45. 1 l:le1 46.We1 game White failed to keep the balance by 14.'ito>b1 -.c7?! [As already said in the
47.b6 13 48.tLle6 tLlb7 49. 2 returning material and soon found himself in comments to the game Anand-Vallejo, this
6 50.'ito>g3 5 51.h6 We4 52.'ito>f2 a desperate position: 24.1:ldd1 ?! is too slow] 15.h4 [ 15.~b5!? d5 16.g5
5 53.'ito>g3 'ito>g6 54.tLld4 'ito>g5 (24.tLle5!oo) 24 ... a3 25.tLle4 ~e4 26.fe4 tLleS 17.ed5 ~f5 18.1:ld2 tLld6 19.1t'e2
55.tLlc2 tLlc5 56.tLle3 tLle4 57.'ito>h2 ab2 27.tLlb2 tLla3 28.'ito>c1 1t'c3 and the l:lfc8 20.1:lhd1 1t'd8 21 .h4 ~f8 22.tLlc5
g3 58.'ito>h3 g2 59.'ito>h2 tLlc5 60.tLlc4 black attack was irresistible, Nedev· tlJb5 23.1t'b5 ~c5 24 .~c5 ~d 7 25.-.b6
4 ~1 Gajewski, Heraklion Ech·tt 2007] 18... 1:ld8 -.ea 26.~b4+ - Aroshidze-Udeshi,
19.tLla1 [19.d6?? l:ld6- + ] 19...tLle8?! BalagOer 2009] 15...1:l1d8 16.1ff2 tLld7
[19... 1t'd71 - Main Game] 20. ~ b5 tLld6 17.tLld5 ~d5 18.ed5 l:ldc8 19.c3
2H i'e2 'li'c7 [21...tLlb5 22.1t'b5 l:la6 tLla6 20.g5 ~d8 21.14± [White controls
The Right Move Order 23.l:lhd1 (after White has reorganized his the entire board] 21 .•. e4 22. ~h3 l:lcb8
14.~b1 d5 15.g5 tLl e8 position Black is left a pawn down and 23.tLld4 tLldc5 24.tLlb5 -.e7 25.15
without compensation) 23... 1:lad6 tLld3 26.16 1t'e5 2H W15 tLlac5
Mamedov,Nidjat 28. ~d4 'i!i'15 29. ~15 tLla4 30 .~e4
Georgiadis,loannis tLldb2 31 .1:lde1 l:la6 32.1:lh2 ~ b6
Kavala 2009 (2) 33.1:lb2 ~d4 34.tLld4 tLlb2 35.Wb2
1.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 b5 36.tLlc6 l:lba8 37. ~15 8
tLlf6 5. 3 a6 6.13 e5 7.tLlb3 ~e6 38. ~ h7 b4 39.h5 bc3 40.'it;>c3 l:lb6
8 .~e3 ~e7 9.1t'd2 0-0 10.0-0-0 a5 1-0
11 .1t'e1 'i!i'c8 12.a4 tLlc6 13.g4 tLlb4
14.g5 tLJe8 15.'ito>b1 d5 [15 ...b5!]
16.ed5 ~15 17.1:ld2 tLlc7 [The attempt Kristjansson,Arne
to weaken the light squares in White's camp Hansen,Tomas Guldberg
with the jump ... tLlc4 gets frustrated because cr Email Ech tt 2005
of Black's resulting weaknesses on the dark 1.e4 c5 2.tLl13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4
squares: 17... tLld6? 18.~c5! ~g5 (18 ...1:le8 tLlf6 5.tLlc3 a6 6 .~e3 e5 7.tLlb3 ~e6
19.h4 1t'c7 20.W'f2±) 19.~d6 ~d2 20.tLld2· 24.h4? (after finding the most difficult 8.".-d2 ~e7 9.13 0-0 10.0-o-0 a5
~c2 (20 ...tLlc2 21 .1t'g3±) 21.'ito>a1 ~4 moves, White fails to find a direct way to 11.'it'e1 -.c8 12.a4 tLlc6 13.g4 tLlb4
22.1t'g3 tLlc2 23.'it;>b1± and the presence of take over: 24 .~b6! ~d7 (24... 1:l8d7 14. ~ b1 'i!i'c7 15.h4 l:lac8

queens on the board favours White with his 25. ~a5 tLla6 26.h4+-) 25 .~d8! (maybe
two pieces] 18.1t'd1 (18.~c4 this was the move Topalov hadn't seen in
his calculations. lfs clear that capturing a
second pawn is impossible: 25. aS??
l:lb6! 26.'i!t'b6 ~cS+) 25... ~b5 26.~e7
Ai ~ i_ l:ld7 27 .~b4 ab4 28.tLlb5+- and the
white advantage is overwhelming)
24...~d7oo Topalov-Dominguez Perez,
~ LS ~ A LS Sofia 2009] 22.1:lhd1 l:lac8 23.h4 b6
LS ~ A 24. ~12 16 25.g16 ~16 26.tLle4±
ttJ ttJ ~LS 'tWb 7 27.c3 tLlb5 28.'tWb5 tLla6
29.tLlc2 l:lb8 30.c4 'ito>h8 31.h5 ~d7
LSLS ~ I 32 ...-b3 ~e7 33.h6 gh6 34.~ g3 1-0
<;t> 'iV 16.h5?! [16.g5 tLlh5 (1 6... tLld7 17.1:lh2 f5
18 . ~h3 ;!;) 17.1:lh2 f5 18 .~h3 g6 19.14!
18... b5! Once again the bishop capture is tLlf4 20.~f4 ef4 21 .tLld4±] 16... d5!
the most natural move, but it increases 17.g5 d4 18.g16 ~16 19 . ~d2 l:l1d8!
Black's chances of a counterattack - this Alternatives for Black 20. ~ b5 dc3 21 .~c3 l:ld1 22.-.dl
example is no exception: 19.ab5 (19.~b5? 14.~b1 ~g5 'F 23."ite2 h6 24.l:ld1 ~14
tLlb5 20.ab5 a4 21.tLla1 a3 22.d6 ab2 25 ...-g2 'ito>h7 26.1:lg1 l:lg8 27.'ite2
23.Wb2 W'c41 24.de7 l:la2 25.'ito>b1 l:la1 Zubov,Aiexander b6 28.l:ld1 l:ld8 29.1:lg1 ~g5
26.'ito>a1 W'c3 27.'ito>b1 ~c2 28.l:lc2 1t'c2 Nedilko,Vasily 30.1:ld1 l:lc8 31."ii 'g2 16 32.tLlc1
29.Wa1 'tWa2X) 19... tLle81 20.'ii'e2 a4 Odessa 2007 (2) -.11 33. ~ b4 ab4 34.1:ld6 1t'e7
(suddenly Black is ready to take the 1.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 35.1:lb6 ~c1 36 . ~c1 ~f7 37.b3
initiative and demand payment for his two tLJ16 5.tLlc3 a6 6.~e3 e5 7.tLlb3 ~e7 l:ld8 38.1t'g4 -.c5 Y2-l-2

Survey S/ 14.8

Saric,lvan lt:lb4 20.a5± and Black has insufficient lnarkiev,Ernesto

Brkic,Ante compensation for the sacrificed material) Ter Sahakyan,Samvel
Opatija ch-CRO 2012 (7) 19. ~b5 'ilt'b7 20.'..d2 l:lfc8 Ptovdiv Ech 2012 (3)
1.e4 cS V t:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4\d4 lt:ld5 22.ed5 ~d7 23.'ilt'd3 ~b5 1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4
lt:lt6 a6 6. ~e3 eS ~e7 24.ab5 'ilt'a7 25.c3 'ilt'a2 26.q;>c2 l:la3 0-1 lt:lf6 a6 6 .~e3 eS ~e7
8J3 ~e6 9:ilt'd2 0-0 10.0-0-0 aS Ragger-Van Oosterom, Pardubice 2007) 8.f3 ~e6 9.'ilt'd2 0-0 10.0-0-0 aS
11.1i'e1 'ilt'c812.a4 lt:lc6 13.g4 lt:lb4 11.'ilt'e1 'ilt'c8 12.a4 lt:lc6 13...t>b1
14.Wb1 lt:le8 [With this alternative Black lt:lb4 14.g4 l:ld8?!
refrains from the central break, with the
direct intention of playing ...b7-b5 and, opening lines] 1S.h4?! [It is
necessary to defend the c2-pawn, reducing
the force of ... b7-b5; 15.'ilt'f2! lt:lc7
(15... b5!? (16.~5 lt:lc7 17.~d3
'ilt'b7<=') 16...d5 17.ed5 ~d5
(18.l:ld21?) 18... ~b3 (18 ...~e6±)
19.cb3 (after the exchanges White's
queenside structure remains blocked, but in
return he is granted control of the light
squares, and this assures him an 1S... bS! [ 16.~ lt:lca6
advantage) 19.. .'i ie6 (19... lt:ld6 20 . ~c5 lt:lc5 18.~ ~dB 19..ic5 'it'c5 1S ..ib6 [15.g5 lt:le8 t6 ..ib6 lt:lc7 17.h4
l:ld8 21..~.b4 ab4 'ilt'e6 23 .~g2 ±) lt:ld3 21.l:ld3;t] 16. · s lt:lc7 17.l:lh2 d5 18.ed5 lt:lbd5 l:ld5=] 1S... l:lf8
20. ~c4 'ilt'g6 21 .lt:le4 lt:\16 22.'ilt'g2 l:lad8 lt:lbS 18.abS [ ~ 19.cb3 16 .~aS [16.g5 lt:lh5 17.h4 lt:lf4oo]
23. ~d2 lt:le4 24.fe4 l:ld4 25 . ~ ~b4 'tli'e6--+] 18... a4 'ilt'b7 [And Black 16... ~b3?1 [16! 17.<J»c2 ~b3
26.l:ld4 ed4 27.l:lf1 ± Ka~akin-Dominguez has achieved excellent play for the material] 18.<iPb3 l:la5 19..i.b5 l:la8 20.'ilt'e2;t]
Perez, Dos Hermanas 2005 - YB/84-30. 20.b6 a3 21.b3 dSI 22.edS lt:ldS 17 . ~ b4 ~a4 l:la4 19. ~b5
The active positions of White's pieces and ~dS 24.l:lhd2 .ib4 2S. 2 l:la7 20.W'e3 'ilt'a8 21 .c3 lt:le8
the superiority of his bishop guarantee the ~d2 26. 'it'd2 ~f3 -+ 27.'ilt'd7 W'e4 22. ~c4 ± lt:lf6 23.o;\>c2 l:lc8 24 .~ bS
advantage) 16 .~b6 (White shoulp 28.l:ld3 ~g4 29.'ilt'dS ~f3 30.'ilt'e4 lt:le8 2S.'ilt'b6 .i.d8 26. 'ilt'g1 ~as
constantly see to it that Black will not able .ie4 31 .l:ld7 fS ~c6 33.l:lc7 27.~aS l:laS 28.'ilt'b6 l:la2 29.l:ld3
to carry out any one of his aforementioned l:lfc8 34.b4 f4 35 ~cs l:lc7 36.bc7 lt:lc7 30 .~c4 l:la4 31 .'ilt'b3 l:lf8
breaks and tree his position) (a e4 37.bS a2 38.o;\>a1 · 7 39.b6 l:le8 32.l:ld6 bS 33. ~f7 <J»h8 34.l:lhd1
hard blow is threatened on c2) 17.~a5 b6 e3 41 .lt:ld6 f3 42 .~e3 l:le3 l:la1 3S.l:la1 'ilt'a1 36.'ilt'a3 'ilt'a3
18 .~b4 (simpler was 18 .~a6 lt:la6 19 .~b6 l:le8 f2 0-1 37.ba3 g6 38.l:ld7 lt:la6 39.gS 1-0

Looking for material from previous Yearbooks?

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ln thi s menu you can fi nd games, contributor and other information from all our Yearbook .
Surveys are indexed by openi ng, by author and by Yearbook .

icilian Defence
Dragon Variation Sl 17.3 (876)

The Third Option

by Rene Olthof (special contributions by Ray Robson and Mikhail Golubev)

1. e4 c5 Vere ov after his match again t

2. l0f3 d6 Panov, Moscow 1938, i refuted
3. d4 cd4 by lO.g5! l0h5 ll.ed5!. Trading
4. l0d4 l0f6 the white bishop on c4 for a
5. l0c3 g6 knight or a bishop i equall y un-
6. .ie3 ~g7 attractive so Black has to come
7. f3 l0c6 up with alternative plans.
8. 'it'd2 0-0 So onko examined the specta-
9. g4 ~e6 cu lar 9 ... ~g4 in Yearbook 30
10. l0e6 fe6 (1993) and in 2002 Cetera dealt
11. 0-0-0 with 9 .. .h5 in Yearbook 63.

g 'iV g~ Black's Strongest Reply

9 .. .~e6 is generally considered
.t..t. .t. .t..l to be Blacks trongest reply.

~··~· Initially it wa met by I 0.0-0-0, Ray Robson

but as shown in Yearbook 28
and 34, this on ly tran poses to
acceptable lines from the 9.0-0-0
l0d4 I O.~d4 .ie6 complex.
Evgeny Sveshnikov (not univer-
sally known for his expertise on
the white ide of the Open Sicil-
After removing his king from the ian) appear to have been the first
centre with 8 .. .0-0 Black i ready to realize (in his game against
for the central thru t 9 ... d5. Van der Wiel at the 1980
White can choo e to top this ef- Chigorin Memorial) that de pite
fectively with 9 ..ic4, but later the weakne on the f-file White
thi bi hop will be exchanged off must take on e6, if he want to get Kudrin 's 12 ... 'it'c8 was Robson '
against Black queen' knight, anywhere in the opening phase. choice in this year s US Champi-
which cost him two preciou Together with the welcome sup- on hip. Our Main Game lose it
tempi. White's econd choice is port by the great Anatoly Karpov theoretical relevance at move 16
9.0-0-0, ignoring the direct in the 1982 London Phillip & where 16.. J:tad8 i the critical
threat but completing develop- Drew Tournament thi cleared continuation. As Rob on ex-
ment and piling up the pres ure the way for a sharp increase in plained in New In Chess Maga-
on the d-file. popularity of 9.g4 which ha zine 2012/4, he had comp letely
Ia ted till this very day. forgotten that in reply to hi
The Best of Both Worlds queen check on move 20 White
The third option 9.g4 aims to ob- Kudrin's Move needn't take on f4 and instead
tain the best of both worlds. The After I O.l0e6 fe6 ll .0-0-0 tOeS could get a comfortable plus with
break 9 ... d5 , recommended by l2.~e2B iacki atacro road . 2 1.Wb l. There were some highJ y

Survey S/1 7.3

entertaining complication ub- World Champion Hou Yifan

equently, incl uding an under- fai led to break down the brick
promotion to a knight, but in the wall erected by the Vietname e
end Nakamura reeled in the point IM Nguyen Due Hoa .
thank to two killing rooks on the
eventh rank. Being a queen up No Knight on e5
wa of no avail to Black. After 11 .0-0-0 it i by no mean
Rob on had played 12 ...'ii'c8 be- obligatory to put the knight on
fore, at the Aeroflot Open in Feb- eS. Luke McShane cho e there-
ruary 2012. Barto z Socko went strained ll ... l:tc8, keeping all hi
for 13.i.h6 and for a while fo l- options open. 12.i.c4 'it'd7
lowed in the footstep of the tern The drawback of this line i that it 13.i.b3 ttJaS leads to a po ition
game Campora-Kudrin, Bern encourage White to tran fer hi which u ed to arise after I l .i.c4
1988. White wa better during knight from c3 to d4 via J3.ttJbS!, (fonnerly the mo t common
mo t of the game and in the end eyeing the newly created weak- move) II... d7 12.i.b3 ttJaS
he won the ending of three con- ne on e6, whi le at the same time 13 .0-0-0 l:tc8. igel hort
nected pa ed pawn v a knight. keepi ng the black queen away reached an advantageous po i-
Wegener-Polzin shows a typical from aS. The regu lar attacking tion , but lo t the thread at move
way to keep the h-file clo ed. The cheme with .. .ttJc4 didn ' t work 22, where 22.l:thS would have
ensuing complication in the out well in Ducarmon-Olthof and yielded great winning chance .
middJegame are breathtaking, Vallejo Pon -Carls on. Wojciech Moranda put hi king'
causing the player to completely Again t the standard kingside knight on c7. I vanchuk had orne
lo e their ense of direction . attack 13.h4 aS 14.hS Black is difficulty in converting his light
13.'0Pb I cannot be the refutation in want of a convincing defen- advantage when he failed to
of thi line. A oon a White ive cheme, too. It's even un- harra Black 's king with 3l.g6
pu hed hi pawn to f4, Black clear what Black' be t reply is - or 32.g6.
generated dangerou counter- the books recommend the ex- There are few games with the
play in both KJein-Riemer rna change acrifice 14 .. .l:tc3 ( uri- active ll...dS (Klein- Vroom-
and Hracek-Jone . Gerber), but I'm doubtful de- bout), which dra tically change
pite the black win. the character of the position.
Remaining Flexible
12 ...l:tc8 tops the tran fer of the Little Experience Conclusion
bi hop to c4 but keeps the black There i little experience with 9 ...i.e6 far from guarantee ea y
queen flexible . 12... aS. Recently Women' equality for Bla k again t 9.g4.

Kudrin's Move 11 .ed5 tt:ld5- + J 1o...te6 11 .0-o-o (14... tiJc4 15.~c4 1i'c4 16.hg6 hg6)
12 .. .'~c8 [11. ~c4) 11 ... tiJe512 .~e2 W"c8 15. d5 d2 (15...ed5 16.'Wd5 J:lf7
(16...<Ji> h8? 17.hg6 f6 18.J:lh7 tiJh7
Nakamura,Hikaru g .. 19.W"h5+-) 17 .~13;!;) <J;>f7
Robson,Ray 17.tiJc8 J:lac8 18.J:ld2 <Ji>e7 19.hg6 hg6
St Louis ch·USA 2012 (3)
.1. .t .l 20 .~g5 ~16!? 21.J:lh7 J:lf7 22 .~16 <J;>f6
... , ~ ,
1.e4 c5 V !:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 23.g5 <Ji>e7 24.J:lf7 <,1;>17 25.J:ld6 tt:le59!!)
tt:lf6 g6 6...b 3 ~g7 7.f3 tt:lc6 ~ 14...tiJc4 15 . ~c4 'it'c4 16.e5 tt:lb6?
8.W'd2 0-0 9.g4 ~e6 [9...d5? ~ ~ [16 ... J:lad8oo] 17.h5 de5 18.hg6 hg6
(recommended by Gavriil Veresov) 10.g5! 19.11t"h2 J:lf4 [19... ef4 20.~d4 +-l
tiJhS 11 .ed5! tt:ld4 12 .~d4 ~d4
ttJ 20. ~f4 [20.<Ji> b1? d5!=) 20...'Wf4
13.W"d4±) 10. e6 [10.0·0·0 tt:ld4 ~ ~ ~ 'fi Ji ~ 21 .<Ji> b1 ! [21 .'ilff4? ef4=) 21 ...'ilfh2
{10... tt:le5 11 .tt:le6!? fe6 - game) 11. ~d4 ~l:X l:X 22.J:lh2 J:lf8 23. e4 [23.b3 J:lf4 24.tiJe2
WaS; 10.h4 d5! Van der Wiei·Miles, Utrecht J:lg4 25.J:ld8 <J;>f7 26.J:lb8±; 23.g5+-
1986; 1O .~e2 J:lc8 Balashov-Enklaar, Wijk 13.h4 [13.~6) 13... tt:lfd7 [13... c4 Velickovic) 23 ...J:lf4 [24. c5
aan Zee 1973 - YB/21-16; ~d5 14 .~c4 W"c4 15 .~h6;!;) 14.f4 [14.h5 tiJI3 J:lg4 25.tiJb7± ) 24... J:lg4 25. e6 ~f6

26.b3 tDc8 27.c4 [27.l:[d8 <oW 28.tDc5 Petrosian,Davit Gevorgi 42.l:tc3 l:tc3 43.'1\>c3 l:ta4 44.l:tb6+-]
tDd6 29.l:th7 ~g7; 27.l:tf2 b6 (27 ... tDd6? Kanter,Eduard 41 .l:tb6! d5 42.l:te6 d4 43.l%d6
28.l:td6+-) 28.c4 <oW 29.tDc7 e4] Moscow 2012 (6) 'wtb7 44.e5 l%7c6 45.l:td5 l:tc7
27.•. tDd6 28.c5 tDb5 29.l:td7 1.e4 c5 2.tDf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tDd4 46.e6 1-0
tDt6 5.tDc3 g6 6.~e3 fJ..g7 7.f3 0-0
8. 1rd2 tDc6 9.g4 ~e6 1O.tDe6 fe6
11.0-0-0 tDe5 12 .~e2 'ifc8 13.h4 Socko,Bartosz
tDc4 14. ~c4 'li'c4 Robson,Ray
Moscow 2012 (7)
1.e4 c5 2.tDf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tDd4
tDf6 5.tDc3 g6 6.~e3 fJ..g7 7.f3 tDc6
8.'it'd2 0-0 9.g4 ~e6 fe6
11.0-0-0 tDe5 12.~e2 -.c813. ~ h6

29... [29 ... e4 30.l:tb7 l:tgt 31.'ifolc2 l:tat

32.l:tb5 l:ta2 33.~1 l:th2 34.c6 e3 35.c7
l:tht 36.'ifolc2 e2 37.c8'it' ~7 38.tDf8 <J;g7
(38 .. .<J;>h6?? 39. e8 l:tgt 40.'li'f7+-)
39.tDe6 (39.'ife8?? et'if 40.'ifg6 ~hB 15.h5 (15 .~d4 e5 16.fJ..e3 b5 17.'it'd3t;
41 .l%h5 l:th5 42.'it'h5 ~7-+) 39.. .<~h7 15. ~h6 b5 16. ~g7 ~g7 17.h5 b4 18.hg6
40.l:te5 (40.l%b8 l:tct! (40 ...e1'if?? 41.ti'g8 hg6 (1 8... bc3? 19.'li'h6 'wtg8 20.g5!+-)
~h6 42.'i+'h8 ~ 43.l:th8X) 41.~1 et'if 19.e5! (19.tDbt 'ifa2 20.'ifh6 '1\>17 21 .g5
42.'ifolc2 'it'e2=) 40... ~e5 41.ti'f8 (41 .tDg5 l:th8 22.'i+'h8 l:th8 23.l:th8 tDh5 24.l:th7
'i;g7 42.tDI3 et'if (42 ... et tD!?) 43.tDe1 '1\>e8'i") 19...de5 (19 ... bc3 20.'it'h6 'wtl7 13... fJ..h6 (13... tDc4 14 .~c4 'it'c4 15 .~g7
l%e1 44.ti'd7 ~ 45."ira7 l:te4=) 41...~16 21 .el6+- cb2 (21...'1\>e8 22.fe7) 22.'1\>bt '1\>g7 16.h4 b5 17.'1\>bt (17.e5; 17.h5
42.'i+'f7 ~ 43.tDI8 ettD 44.1.W2 tD13 '1\>16 23.g5 '1\>f7 24.l:th4) 20.'i+'h6 'wtl7 (Kurten·Berza, cr 2009) 17...b4 18.hg6
45.~e2 tDh4=] 30.l:tb7 l:tg1 31. ~c2 2t.tDe4 l:tg8 22.'wtb1 l:tac8 23.l:th2±] hg6oo) 17... l:tac8 18.h5 '1\>fl?! (18 ... b4
tDa3 32.'1\>b2 tDb1 33.tDd8 8 15•.. b5 [15 ... tDd7 16.hg6 hg6 17.l:th3 19.hg6 (19.tDe2) 19... hg6 (19 ... bc3?
34.tDc6 e4 35.'1\>c2 tDa3 36.'1\>d2 tDe5 (17... ~c3 18.'ifc3 'ifc3 19.bc3 e5; 20.-.h6 '1\>g8 21 .b3 'li'c5 22.l:td3+- -.a3
tDb1 37.'iPe3 l%e1? (37 ... tDc3! 38.l:ta7 17.. .b5; 17... l%ac8) 18.14 (18.'it'g2!?) 23.l:tc3) 20.e5 de5 21 .-.h6 <oW 22.tDe4
(38.l:th7? l:tg3 39.'1tf2 l%13 40.'i;g1 tDd5) 18... tDg4 19.'it'g2 tDe3 20.'ifg6 (20.l:te3 l:tg8±) 19.e5! de5 20.tDe4 tDe4 21.hg6
38 ... l:tdt 39.'iPI2 l:td3!? 40.l:th7 e3 41.'1\>g2 l%14 2U!t'g6 l%16 22.'i+'g2 l:tal8 23.l%g3 hg6 22.l:th7 (22.1e4!±) 22 ... '1\>g8 23.l:th8
e2 42.l:the7 fJ..e7 43.l:te7 '1tf8 44.'1tl2 l:th3 l%817 24.b3?! Wc5! 25.l:tht W'l2!+) '1\>fl (~- ~ Emelin-Soloviov, St Petersburg
(44 ... l:td1 45.l:te2 tDe2 46.'wte2=) 45.'wte1 20 ... tDd1 ~- ~ Kulaots-Cvitan, Zadar 2011] ch-city 2005) 24.l:tl8 '1\>18 25.1e4 'li'e4]
tDa2 46.l:te2 tDct 47.l:tf2 'wte8=] 38.c.t;>f2 16.'wtb1 b4 17.tDe2 e5 (17 ... l%ac8 14.'li'h6 'li'c5 15.h4 '1th8 16.'ifd2
l:tc1 39.l:th7 l%c2 40.'iPg3? (40.'wte3 18.hg6 hg6 19.lL.14 '1\>17 20.l:th3±] l:tac8 (16 ... l:tf7 17.<J;>bt l:taf8 18.h5 gh5
tDc3 41.tDe5! tDdt 42.'1\>14 l%12 43.'wtg4 18.b3!? 1Vc6 (18... 'it'b5 19.hg6 hg6 19.g5 tDid7 20.l%h5 tDg6 21.l:tdh1 tDf4
tDe3 44.~+-] 40.•. l:tc3? [40 ... tDc3 20.c4 bc3 21 .tDc3±] 19.h6 (19.hg6 hg6 22.g6 tDh5 23.gf7 l:tf7 Hamalainen-Kosmo,
41 .l:the7 (41.tDe7?? fJ..e5-+; 41 .l:ta7 tDd5) 20.'it'b4] 19..• fJ..h8 20.g5?! (20.'i+'b4± Finland H 2007/08] 17.l:thf1 N (17.'1\>bt b5
41...~e7 42.l:te7 '1tf8 43.l:ta7 tDe2 Black's compensation is rather doubtful] 18.tDb5 tDI3 19.fJ..I3 'ifb5 20.g5 tDd7
(43 ... tDa2) 44.~ l:tc3 45.tDe5 l:tg3 20 ...tDh5 21.l:thf1 aS 22. 'li'd5 d5 21 .~g4 (21 .~e2 'ife5 Campora-Kudrin,
46.<~>h4 g5 47.~h5 tDI4 48.'1\>h6 e3 49.l:ta4 23.l%d5 tDt4 24.tDt4 ef4 25. ~d4 Bern 1988 - YB/21-19) 21...'it'e5 22.h5
e2 50.l:te4 l:tgt 51 .tDI3 l%11 52.<,t;>g5 l%13 fJ..d4 26.l:td4 7 27.c3 bc3 Se.Pavlov-Bargan, Paracin 2010] 17... d5
53.c6 tDd5 54.l:te2=] 41.'wtg4+- e3 28.'wtc2 l%tc8 29.l:tfd1 '1te6 30.l:td5 18.ed5 ed5 19.g5 tDh5 20.'it'd5
42.tDe7 e2 43.tDd5! [43.l:tb8 'wtd7 a4 31.b4 a3 32. ~ b3 l:ta7?! (32 ...c2! [20.tDd5 e6 21 .tDc3 tDg3 22.l:tfe1 tDe2
44.tDg6 '1tc6 45.l:te8+-J 43 ... l:tg3 33.l:tc1 l:tab8 34.b5 (34.l:ta5 l:tc5) 23.'ife2 tDf3 24.l:tf1 tDh4 25.tDe4'?!]
44. 4 ~g5 [44 ...~e5 45.'1\>e5 et'i¥ 34 ... '1td7 35.l:tc2 l:tc2 36.'wtc2 e6 37.l:td3 20.••tDf4 21.'it'c5 (21.'ili'e4!? tDe2
46.'1\>d6] 45. 5 e1 'it' 46.'wtd6 ~f4 l:tb5 38.l:ta3 l%g5 39.l:ta7 ~c6 40.l:th7 22.'ife2 tDc4 23.l:td3±] 21 ... l:tc5
[46... l:t13 47.l:tb8 ~d8 48.tDc7] 47.tDt4 l:tg2=] 33.l%c1! l:tac7 34.l:tc2± '1\>d7 22.l:td2 '1tg7 23.fLd1 h6 24.l:te1
l%d3 [47 ... ti'd2 48.tDd5] 48.tDd3 'i!fg3 35.l:ta5 l:tc4 36.l:ta3 l:t8c7 37.l:ta4 hg5 25.hg5 l:tf5 26.l%e4 tDh3
49.tDe5 1-0 [37.l:ta8!+-] 37 ... e6 38.l%a5 '1\>c8 27.l%a4 a6 28.l:th2 (28.l:tdd4t]
Robson 39.l:tb5 l:t4c6 [39 ... l%d4 40.l:tc3 l:tdt 28 •.. tDg5 29.f4 b5 30.l:ta6 l%f4
M/12·4-42 41 .l:tb6!] 40.a4 l:tc4 (40 ... l:ta7 41 .e5 d5 31.l:ta5 l:tf1 ?! (31...l:tfc4 32.a3 tDe4
Survey S/ 17.3

33.<t:Je4 l:le4oo; 31 ... ~c4 32.l:lb5 l:lb5 29 ... l:lc4? [29 ... l:le8 deS 31 .1:116 el6 8.Wd2 0-0 9.g4 i.e6 10 . ~e6 fe6
33.~b5 ~b2 34 .~b2 l:lb4=] 32.l:lbS 32.'it'd7! (32.i.h7?! <;f;>f8 33.~b6 l:ld6! 11 .0-0-o ~es 12.i.e2 'ifca 13 . ~b1
l:lbS 33.~bS ~gf3 34.l:le2 gS (33... l:ld8 34.~d7 <;t;>e8 35.'ifa4 l:ld7 [13.i.d4 t0c6 14.i.e3 lH~ Emelianov·
[34 ... ~16 3S.a4!] 3S.a4! ~c6 36.l:le6 (35 ... <;t;>d7? 36.i.e4 l:lc8 37.l:ld1 ~d6 lsaev, cr ch·RUS 2007] 13 ... t0c4
~ b4 37.c3 ~d3 38 . ~c2 ~cS? 38.i.c6 l:lc6 39.'ifa7 l:lc7 40.'ifa6 l:lc6 14.i.c4 'lit'c4
39.l:le7 6 40. l:le3 g4 41.~d4 41.'ifb7 l:lc7 42.-.b4 l:lc6 43.'it'b7 l:lc7
[41.aS+-] 41 ... l:lf2 42. ~b1 ~d2 44.'ilt'b6 l:lc6 45.'ifa7 l:lc7 46.'ifa3 l:lc6
[42 ... 1:111 43 .~13 l:ld1 44.<;f;>c2 l:lh1 47.h7 'ifh4 48."*'a7 l:lc7 49."ii'b6 l:lc6
4S.~d2 l:la1 46.~c4 ~a4 47.b3 ~c5 50.'it'b7 l:lc7 S1.'ife4!+- <;f;>e7 52.l:lh1
48.b4±] 43 . ~a2 ~c4 44. l:le2 g3 ~e4 53.l:lh4 l:lc8 54.h8"i!t' l:lh8 S5.l:lh8)
4S. l:lt2 gf2 46 ..b 2 ~d2 47.<;f;>a3 36.1Wc6 -.g4 37.i.g6 <;f;>e7 38.-.cS <;f;>e8
tHW 48.i.f1 ~f1 49.<;f;>b4 ~d7 39."ifc8 <;f;>e7 40.'ifc5=) 34.~d7 l:ld7
[49...~d3 SO.~bS ~e7] SO. ~ bS [SO.a5 35.1fd7 'ifh6 36.i.e4 (36.i.d3 'ifd2+)
~es S1.a6 <;f;>d6 S2.a7 ~b6 S3.~bs ~c7 36... l:ld8 37.1t'e6 'ifd2 38.i.f3 "i!fd4
54.~a6 ~e3 5S.~e6 ~c6 56.b4 ~ec4 39.'ilt'b3 e4 40.i.e2 <;t;>g7+) 32 ... l:lec8
S7.bS ~d7 58 .~14 ~d6 S9.<;f;>b7 ~c5=] (32 ... l:lcc8 33.~d6 ~d6 34.'it'h7 ~18
so ... <;f;>e7 S1 .~c6 ~d8 S2. ~bS ~d2 35.i.g6 l:lc7 36.'ifc7 'ifg6 37.-.d6 <;f;>g8
53.b4 ~e4 S4.aS <;f;>c8 SS. ~d6 ~d6 38.'ifb4 ab2;t) 33.~b6 l:l6c7 34.-.e6 l:ld8
56 .~d6 +- ~f6 S7. ~c6 ~g4 S8.bS 35.~d5 e4 36 .~16 (36.i.e4 l:la7 37.~16 1S ...Wd3 [15.~2 t0d7] 1S...l:lac8
~es 59. ~dS ~d3 60. <;f;>d6 ~ b7 <;f;>h8 38 .~ h7 "i!fl4 39.'ifl6 'ifl6 40.~16=) 16.t0bS [16.eSI?] 16...t0d7 17.f4
61 .c4 ~ b2 62.a6 <;t;>a7 63.cS ~a4 36 ... <;f;>h8 37.'it'e4 ~ h6 38."ii'b4 'it'eS!oo; [17.'ifc4 l:lc4 18.l:lh11 i.b2 19.t0d6 l:lb4
64 . ~dS ~c3 6S.<;f;>c6 ~e2 66.<;f;>d7 29 ...d5? 30.ed5 ed5 31 .1:115+-; 20.a3 i.a3 21 .<;f;>a2 ed6 22.<;f;>a3 l:lbS=F;
~c3 67.b6 <;f;>a6 68.c6 ~d5 69.b7 31.'ilt'e7+-] 30.-.e7? [30.i.c4! 'ifeS 17.~7 tOeSI=F] 17... a6 18.t0a3 "i!fb4!
~ b6 70.<;f;>c7 ~dS 71.<;f;>d6 1-0 31.c3 bc3 (31 ... ab2? 32.'i!fe7 ~e4 33."i!t'l8 19.e5 ~cs 20.'ifc4 'ifc4 21 . ~c4
<;t;>~S 34.1:117 <;t;>e8 35.1:118 <;t;>d7 t0a4 22.t0b6? [22.~ deS 23.feS i.eS
'ifbS 37.1:1117 <;f;>c6 38.l:lc8+-) 32.'ifa3 24.c3 i.c3 2S.bc3 ~c3 26.<;t;>b2 ~1
Wegener,Oiaf l:lb8 33.i.b3 (33.b3 ~e4 34.<;f;>c2 ~eg5 27.l:ld1=F; 22.l:ld4 b5 23.~d2 deS 24.fe5
Polzin,Rainer 35.'ifa7 d5 36.i.d3 'ifd6±) 33... cb2 25.l:le4 i.g7 26.l:lb4=F] 22 ... t0b6
Germany Bundesliga 2011/12 (15) . 34.'ifb2 Wb2 35.~b2 ~gS±J 23.i.b6 l:lf4-+ 24.i.e3 l:le4 2S.ed6
1.e4 cS 2 . ~f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .~d4 30... l:lcc8? [30 ... l:le4!! 31.'it'l6 (31.1:116 l:le3 26.de7 i.f6 27.l:ld7 l:le8 28.l:lb7
~f6 S .~c3 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 7.f3 0-0 Wes 32.c3 ab2 33."i!ff8 <;t;>f8 34.1:117 <;t;>e8 l:le7 29.l:lb8 <;f;>g7 30.h4 · 4 0-1
8 ."i!fd2 ~c6 9.g4 i.e6 10. ~e6 fe6 35.i.e4 'ife4 36.~b2oo) 31 ...1:114 32.W14
11.0-0-0 ~eS 12.i.e2 "i!t'c8 13.i.h6 1+'14 33.1:114 l:lb8 34.g5 ~e5] 31.'ife6
i.h6 14 .'~!f h6 -.cs 1S.h4 l:lac8 l:lce8 [31...-.eS 32.'ifl6 'iff6 33.1:116 Hracek,Zbynek
[1S ... d5; 15... b5] 16.hS ~f7 17.'ifd2 gS tOeS+-] 32.'iff6 [32.'ifb3!+-] 32 ...'iff6 Jones,Gawa in
18.<;f;>b1 a6 19.h6 'ifes 20. l:ldf1 bS 33.l:lf6 tOeS 34.ba3 ba3 3S.l:lf8 l:lt8 Porto Carras Ech-tt 2011 (6)
21 .i.d3 b4 22 . ~a4 [22. ~e2] 22 ...aS 36.l:lf8 [36.l:IIS l:IIS 37.gf5 <;1;>17 38.i.e2 1.e4 cS 2 .~f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t0d4
[22 ... 'ifa5 23.b3] 23 . ~b6 l:lcS 24.f4 <;t;>f6 39.c3 <;f;>gS 40.<;f;>c2 <;f;>h6 41.<;f;>b3 <;f;>gS ti)f6 S.t0c3 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 7.f3 ~c6
gf4 2S.l:lf4 'ifgS 26.'iff2 l:lc6? 42.~a3 hS 43.<;t;>b4 h4 44.a4 h3 45.i.f1 h2 8.'ifd2 0-0 9.g4 i.e6 1 0 .~e6 fe6
[26 ... ~e51 27.l:lh5 'it'f4 (27 ... 'it'g6!?) 46.i.g2 <;t;>l4 47.a5 <;t;>g3 48.i.h1 <;t;>f2 49.a6 11 .0-0-0 tOeS 12.i.e2 W'c8 13.<;f;>b1
28."iff4 ~h5 29....g5 ~g6 30.'it'd2; <;t;>g1 SO.f6 <;f;>h1 S1.17 ~17 S2.a7 <;t;>g1 ~fd71?
26 ... l:lc7] 27.~c4? [27. ~d7! ~d7 53.a8'if h1'if 54."~g8 <;t;>h2 55.'ifh7 <;t;>g2
28.l:lhS+- ] 27...a4 28.l:lf1 oo a3 S6.'ifl7 'lit'b1 =] 36... 8 37.i.e2
29.'it'a7! 38.c3 <;t;>g6 39.<;f;>c2 <;f;>h6 40.<;f;>b3
o;t;>gs 41 .<;f;>a3 ~g4 42.i.g4 <;t;>g4
43.~ b4 hS 44.a4 h4 4S.aS h3 46.a6
h2 47.a7 h1 W 48.a8'if 'ifb1!
49.<;f;>c4 'lit'f1 SO.<;f;>dS 'ifd3 S1.<;f;>e6
'ifc3 S2. ~d6 4 53.'it'dS ¥.!-V2

Klein ,David
Riemersma ,Liafbern
Amsterdam 2011 (6)
1.e4 cS 2 . ~f3 d6 3.d4 ~f6 4. ~c3 14.l:lhf1 [Golubev: 14.14 ~c4 1S.i.c4
cd4 S.t0d4 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 7 .f3 t0c6 ..Wc4 16.e5 Black faces some problems.

Here I played a move which gives White a 13... a6?! [13 ...lDc4?! 14..ic4 J:lc4
choice: 16... gSi. This was not analysed by 1S.'IWd3! (1S.tiJd4 'ii'd7 - Vallejo Pons-
my opponent with Rybka in his Carlsson) 1S ... J:lc8 16.'1Wb3 'ti'd7 17.tDa7
preparation, as he told me later! The game (17.tiJd4 d5 18.eS tDeS 19.14± Hamalainen-
ended after 17.ed6 ed6 18.fSoo ~ - ~ Gamback, Helsinki 2001 ; 17.Wb1) 17...J:la8
M.Pavlov-Golubev, Odessa 2009. Here 18.lDb5 J:laS 19.tiJd4 dS 20.e5 tt:\e8 21.14±
Black is already OK as he has 18... efS Ducarmon-Rihouay, Belgium 11 2011/12;
19.gfS l:lfS 20.lDdS 'iPh8! with the idea of 13...lDfd7 14.lDd4 (14.14 lDc4 1S..ic4 J:lc4
21 .-igS?! lDb6!) 14... tDc4 1S..ic4 16.eS (Navara-Leon Hoyos, Khanty-Mansiysk
1t'c4 16.tDe2 lDeS 17.b3 'ii'c8 ol 2010) 16...g5!?-=t; 14.lDa7 lDc4 1S..ic4
18.lDd4 lDc6 [18 ... as 19.h4 a4 20.hS J:lc4) 14...lDcs 1S.b4! 'ii'b6 16.bc5 dc5
J:lf7 21 .hg6 hg6) 19.f4 eS [19 ... lDd4 17.lDb3 lDf3 18..if3 J:lf3 19.'ii'd7 J:lc7
20 ..id4 .id4 21.1i'd4 1fc6 22.1S;!;) 20.'We8 J:lf8 21.'ti'a4+-J 14.lDd4 itd7 14.lDd4 [14.lDa3 bS! Sveshnikov-Van der
20.tDc6 'it'c6 2U!t'dS 'it'dS 22.edS 1S.h4 [1S.<Ji>b1 d5 (1S ... tDc4 16..ic4 J:lc4 Wiel, Sochi 1980 - YB/21-17 - one of the
.ih6 23.gS .ig7 24.c4 [24.feS .ieS 17.h4 - game; 1S...bS 16.h4 tDc4 17..ic4 rare games in which Sveshnikov didn't play
2S.J:lf8 J:lf8 26 ..ia7 .ih2 27.J:le1 .ies bc4 18.c3 eS 19.ta2 'ifb7) 16.gS lDhS 17.14 2.c3; 14.lDa7 J:la8 (14 ... lDc4 1S..ic4 J:lc4
28.c4) 24 •..J:lfS 2S.feS J:leS [2S ....ieS tDc4 (17... tDc6 18.eS lDd4'd4± (Van der Wiel) 16.b3! b6 17..ib6 'i!t'b7
26.J:lfS gfS 27.l:lf1 f4 28 ..id2 J:lf8 29.'1Pc2 Nestorovic-Milenkovic, Serbia 2010) 18..ic4 18.bc4 'ilt'b6 19.lDbS lDd7~) 1S.<Ji> b1 b6
'iPg7 30 .~d3 <Ji>g6 31 .h4 <Ji>fS=) 26.l:lf3 dc4 19.e5 'it'dS (Ponomariov-Radjabov, (1S ...bS?I 16.gS lDhS 17.lDbS lDt3
J:lf8 27.l:lf8 8 28.l:lf1 <Ji> gB Khanty-Mansiysk ol 2010; 19...c3!?;:t) 18.'it'b4± Vallejo Pons-Azarov, Dresden ol
29.J:lf3 e6 30.de6 l:le6 31. Wc2 J:leS 20.'it'b4! Jones) 1S...lDc4 [1S...b5 16.h5 2008) 16.lDbS tDf3 17..if3 18.eS
32 . ~d3 a6 33 ..if4 l:lfS 34.<Ji>e4 tDc4 17~c4 bc4 18.hg6 hg6;!;; 1S...dS 16.gS lDdS (18 ...lDg4 19..ig4 'i!t'c4 20.'ii'd4
.ieS 3S.h4 <Ji> g7 36.-ieS J:leS (16.h5!?) 16...lDhS 17.14 tDc4 18..ic4 J:lc4 'ti'a2 21.<j;c1 .ieS 22.'it'b4i) 19.-idS edS
37.~d4 J:le2 38.<Jo>dS J:la2 39.Wd6 19.e5) 16..ic4 J:lc4 17.~b1 [17.h5) 20.'ifdS 'tifdS 21.J:ldS .ieS 22.J:lbS)
as 40.w cs [40.<Ji>c7 l:lb2! (40... a4? 17... J:lfc8 [17 ... eS 18.lDe2 (18.lDb3!?) 14... tDc4 [14... 'it'a4 1S.Wb1 lDc4
41.b4 J:lc2 42.bS J:lc4 43.Wb7+-) 41 .cS 18...1t'e6 19.hS± A.Fedorov-Kanter, St 16..ic4 itc4 (OIIe-Lammens, Enschede
l:lb1=J 40 •.. J:la3 41 .J:ld3 <Ji>f8 42.<Ji> d4 Petersburg 2010] 18.c3 [18.J:lc1 b5 19.hS eS 2008) 17.b3! 'it'c3 18.'it'c3 J:lc3 19..id2
[42 .~bS '1Pe7 43.cS a4!) 42 ... b6 20.lDb3 "iic7 21.hg6 hg6 22..ih6 lDe4 20.fe4 .id4 21..ic3 .ic3 22.J:lhf1
43. J:le3 <j;f7 44.J:lf3 <Ji> e7 4S.J:le3 (Stojanovic-A.Kovacevic, Montenegro II 2011) .if6 23.c4 J:lc8 24.a4i) 1S..ic4 J:lc4
\7-\7 22....ihs 23.gS lDhS 24.'ii'd5 e6 2S.'ti'e6 16.<Ji> b1 [16.Wd3!? l:lfc8 17.l:ld2 es
'it'f7 26.'tWd6±J 18... bS [18 19.lDc2 18.lDe2;!; Waitzkin-Moskow, New York
"i!Ve6 20.hS ghS?I 21 .gS! lDd7 22.J:lhS+- 1992] 16... J:lfc8 [16... bS 17.h4 b4 18.hS
Tukhaev-Moranda, Herceg Novi jr 2006] J:lfc8 19.hg6 hg6 20.J:lc1 aS] 17.c3
19.hS b4 [19...aS (Black is a full tempo [17.J:lc1 Dolmatov-Aiterman, Beer-Sheva
Remaining Flexible down on the line with the immediate 1991 - YB/21 -16) 17... bS 18.J:lc1 [18.h4
12 ... l:lc8 13...'ifd7) 20.hg6 hg6 21..ih6± .ih80; aS 19.hS b4 20.cb4 eS (20...ab4 21 .hg6 hg6
19...eS) 20.cb4 aS? [20 21.lDb3 it'bS 22.b3± Cilento-Poli, cr ch-ITA 1993;
Ducarmon,Quinten 22.hg6 hg6 23..ih6 .ih8 24..ig5±) 21.baS 20... J:lb4 21.J:lc1) 21.lDb3 (Gongora Ryes-
Olthof,Rene [21.hg6 hg6 22.bS+-I 21'a4 22.J:lc1 De Blasio, cr 2002) 21 ... J:lb4 (21 ... J:lc2
Maastricht 2011 (1) [22.hg6 hg6 23.b3 l:lb4 24..ih6+-) 22.'i!fc2 J:lc2 23.<Ji>c2 ab4 24.h6±) 22.hg6
1.e4 cS 2.lDf3 d6 3.d4 lDf6 4.lDc3 22...lDd7 23.J:lc4 J:lc4 24.lDb3 hg6 23.J:lc1 (23.gS!?) 23... J:lc1 (23 ...J:lcb8?!
cd4 S.lDd4 g6 6..ie3 .ig7 7.f3 tDc6 [24.lDe6+-) 24 ...lDeS 2S.hg6 tDc6 24.gS! tDe8 2S.'itdS e6'aS l:la4
8.'it'd2 0-0 9.g4 .ie6 10.tDe6 fe6 26.gh7 <Ji> hB 27..ih6 .if6 28.'it'f4 27.'it'd2±) 24.J:lc1 'ii'bS 2S.'Wc3 a4
11 .0-0-0 tDeS 12•.ie2 J:lc8 13.lDbSI [28.'it'gS+-; 28.gS lDb4 29.'it'b4 J:lb4 26 ..id2 ab3 27.1t'b4 'ti'd3 28.<Ji>a1 'ti'f3
30.gf6 Wh7 31.17 J:lb8 32.18'if J:lf8 33..it8 29.l:le1 ba2 30.1t'c4 Wh7 31 .'iff7 'i!t'g4
~ 34..ie7+-J 28... tDb4 29.'i!ff6 1-0 32.ft'e7 ft't3 33 ..ic3+-J 18... as 19.h4
b4 [19 ... eS 20.lDe2 (20.lDc2 e6 (20... ft'b7
21 .hS b4 22.cb4± A. Kovacevic-Havas, Pula
Vallejo Pons,Francisco 2011) 21.hS dS 22.hg6 hg6 23.J:lhd1)
Carlsson,Pontus 20... ft'b7 21 .hS b4 22.hg6 hg6 23.cb4
Gibraltar 2010 (2) ab4± Zwanzger-Gaponenko, Germany
1.e4 cS 2.lDf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lDd4 Bundesliga W 2006/07; 19... 'it'b7 (Gawain
lDf6 S.lDc3 g6 6•.ie3 .ig7 7.f3 0-0 Jones) 20.gS lDe4 21.fe4 e4 22.Wa1 b4J
8.1t'd2 lDc6 9.g4 .ie6 10.lDe6 fe6 20.cb4 J:lb4 21.a3 l:lbc4 22.J:lc4
11.0-0-0 tDeS 12 ..ie2 J:lc8 13.lDbS! J:lc4 23. aS J:lc5 24.1i'b4 ~f7
1t'd7 2S.J:ld1 c8 26.lDe6! ft'e6 27.-ics
Survey S/17.3

deS 28.'ilt'bS (28.'ilt'c5 'ilt'b3 29.lld4+-) 24.bc3 'ilt'a1 2S. ~d2 "i!fc3 26 . ~e2 19.bc3+-; 14 ... ll17 15.hg6 hg6 16. ~b1
28 ... c4 29.eS (29.lld8!+- ) 29 ... ~e8 'ilt'c2 27.~d2 'ilt'c4 28 . ~e1 b5 ~ld7 17. ~d4 llf3 18.'ilt'g5 ll17 19.1t'h4
30.f4 c3 31 .'ilt'dS! ~c7 32.'ilt'e6 ~e6 29.1t'e2 'ilt'b3 30. 2 b4 31. W'bS aS ~18 20.g5+- Kaidanov-Chow, Chicago
33.a4 ~dS 34.aS hS 3S.gS cb2 32. "ilt'hS 8 33. ~h6 ~g7 34.~g7 1995) 1S ....c3 "*a2 16.W'a3 [16.hg6
36.a6 ~ b6 37.lld8 1-0 ~g7 35.W'g5 8 36.llh8 'it>f7 hg6 17.-.b4±; 17.1t'c7±) 16 ...'ilt'a3
37.llh7 1-0 17.ba3 b6 18.hg6 hg6 19. ~d4?!
{19.llh3! llc8 20.g5 ~h5 21.14 ~c4
Arakhamia-Grant,Ketevan 22.~g4±) 19... ~ h7! 20.lldf1 ~d3!
Ward,Christopher Haimovich,Tal 21 .cd3 ~d4 22 .~d2
Bem 1992 (7) Stisis,Yaacov
1.e4 cS 2. ~13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 . ~d4 Israel It 2002 (8)
tD16 s . ~c3 g6 6 ..b 3 ~g7 7.f3 0-0 1.e4 c5 2.~13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.~ d4
8."ifd2 ~c6 9.0-0-0 ~e6 10. ~e6 ~16 S .~c3 g6 6. ~e3 ~g7 7.f3 0-0
fe6 11.h4 ~e5 12.~e2 llc8 13.g4 8.'ilt'd2 ~c6 9.g4 ~e6 10. ~e6 1e6 14.hS (14 .~b1 ~c4 15.~c4 llc4 11.0-0-0 ~es 12. ~e2 llc8 13.h4
16.tDe2 'ilt'd2 17.lld2 ~d7 18.llh3 ~e5 (13.q;,b1!? ~c4 (13 ... W'a5 - Hou Yifan·
19.b3 llcc8 A. Kogan-Th.Reich, Nuremburg Nguyen Due Hoa) 14 .~c4 llc4 15.e5 llc3?
2007) 14...~c4 1S. ~c4 llc4 (15...~d7 16.ed6 ~e5 (16... ~c3 17.de7
-..e7 18.1t'd7 'ilt'd7 19.lld7 llb4 20.b3
llf3 21. ~h6 lld4 22.llg7 ~18 23.llc7
~e8 24.llc3 llc3 25.~g7+-) 17.de7
'ilt'e7 18.-..e2 llc6; 15 ... ~e8! 16.14;!;)
16.ef6! (16.W'c3 ~d5 17.'ilt'b3± Unk- 22 ... e5!oo 23.llc1 ~cS 24.a4 ~gS
Pannek, Germany tt 1995/96) 16... lle3 2S.ll h11 ~g7 26.llb1 ~e6 27.ll h1
17."it'e3 ll16 18.1t'a7 ll13 19.'ilt'b7+-l aS 28.llh3 llc8 29.llhh1 [29.llbh1
13 ... 'ilt'aS 14.hS bS 1S.hg6 [~ 15.a3 ~b4 30.'it>d1 llc3] 29... ~b4! 30.'it>e3?
b4 (15 ... ~c4 16 .~c4 bc4!? (16 ... llc4 [30.llb4 ab4 31 .llb1 ~d4 32.~d1 b3
17.hg6 hg6 - game) 17.hg6 hg6 18 .~d4) 33.~3 ~13 34 .~e3 d4+)
16.~a2 ! W'a4 17.~b4±) 15 ... hg6 30 ...llc2- + 31.ll b4 ~14 32.lle1
[15 ...b4!? 16.gh7 ~h7 17 .~b1 'ilt'a2!!!1 ab4 0-1
(Travenec-Gazik, Slovakia tt 1995) 18.'ilt'b4
16.hg6 ll1c8 {16...hg6 17.~h6 llfc8 llb8 19.'ilt'a3 llb2 20.'ilt'a2 lla2] 16.a3
(17 .. .1:117 18.~g7 llg7 19. ~b1 g5 20.'ilt'd3 ~c4 17. ~c4 llc4 18 .~ h6 ll1c8
llc8 21. ~e2+- Okkes-Wantola, Nederland 19. ~g7 q;,g7 20.e5! [20.1t'h6 ~ t:.
tt 2010/11) 18. ~g7 ~g7 19."..h6 ~17 21 ... llc3=] 20 ...deS 21.W'h6 (21.g5!? Little Experience
20.lld3! g5! 21 .14 llc3 22.llc3 llc3 23.fg5 ~h5 22.1t'd7 ~18 23 ...-e6 llc3 24.bc3 12 ... t!fa5
llf3 24.gf6 llf6oo] 17.gS! (17.e5 llc3 "i!fa3 25.'it>b1 'i!t'c3 26."~Wa2 llc4
18.ef6 llc2 19.'ilt'c2 llc2 20.~c2 ~16 27.lld3;!;) 21 ...'it>f7 22. e4 llc2 Hou Yifan
21 .gh7 ~h8 22. ~b1;!;) 17... llc3? 23.q;,b1 ~e4 (24.1t'h7 'it>f6 25.fe4 llb2 Nguyen Due Hoa
(17 ... tDe8?! 18.llh7! ~c3 (18 ... llc3? 26.'it>b2 '*'c3=) Y2 -Y2 Bangkok 2012 (4)
19 .~b1! 1t'a4 20.llg7 ~g7 21 .bc3+-) 1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lDd4
19.bc3 'ilt'c3 (19 .. ."ii'a3? 20.'<ti•b1 lla4 ~f6 S .~c3 g6 6.~e3 ~g7 7.f3 ~ c6
2U:Ih8 ~g7 22 .~d4 e5 23 .~e5 deS 8.1t'd2 0-0 9.g4 ~e6 10. ~e6 fe6
24.llg8 ~g8 25.'ilt'd5) 20.1t'c3 llc3 Nuri,Kambez 11 .0-0-0 ~e5 12. ~e2 'i!t'aS
21. ~a7± ; 17...~d7!N 18.gh7 (18.llh7 Gerber,Richard
~c3 19.bc3 W'a3! 20 .~b1 lla4 21 .llh8 Thun 2008 (3)
~g7 22.llh7 ~g8 23.W'h2 -..c3! 1.e4 cS 2. ~13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
24.l:ld4=) 18...~h8 19.lldf1 ~b6 20. ~b6 ~16 S. ~c3 g6 6. ~e3 ~g7 7.f3 ~c6
ab6!oo] 18.g16 (18.bc3 'ilt'a2 19.'ilt'd3 8 ....d2 0-0 9.g4 ~e6 10 .~e6 1e6
tDd7 20.gh7 'it>h8 21.~d4 ~e5 22."it'b5 11.0-0-0 ~eS 12. ~e2 llc8 13.h4
tDI3 23.~g7 'it>g7 24.lld3 ~e5 25.lldh3 'ilt'a5 14.h5 llc3!? {14... ~1g4? 15.fg4
-.a1 26.'i!t"b1 1t'b1 27 .~b1 llh8) ~13 16 .~13 llc3 (not surprisingly this
18... ~f6 (18 ... llc2 19.1t'c2 llc2 20.'it>c2 sacrificial attack doesn't work) 17.e5!
~16 21.gh7 ~17 22 . h8~ +-) 19.gh7 (17.hg6 'i!t'a2 18.gh7 'it>h8 19.".-c3 ~c3
'it>h8 20.lldg1 !+- -..a2 21.llg8! 20.bc3±) 17...~e5 (17 ...ll13 18.bc3 '*'a2
l:lg8 22.hg81t' ~g8 23. g2 19.-.d4 ~e5 20.1t'a7) 18. ~d5!! ed5
13 .<~• b1 [13.i.h6 i.h6 14..-h6 l:tac8 Zapata-Miles, Brussels 1986 - YB/S-38]
1S.1fe3 Wcs 16.1t'cs l:tcS 1H JbS ll:lf3 12 ...W d7 13.i.b3 [RR 13.h4 tOeS
18.ll:ld6 ll:lg4 (18 ... ed6 19.i.f3 l:teS 14.i.e2 (Black is a tempo up but has used
20.l:td6 ll:le4 21 .i.e4 l:te4=) 19.ll:lb7 l:tc7 this tempo to play .. .'"'' d7, which disallows
U. Bischoff-Reschke, Frankfurt ch-city 2007 him to put the queen on aS now!)
(19 ...l:teS 20.i.f3 l:tf3 21 .l:td7=) 20.l:td8=; 14...'it'c6? (14 ...ll:lc4 1S.i.c4 l:tc4 16.hS
13.gS!?] 13•.. l:tac8 [13 ... l:tfc8?1 14.ll:lbS l:tfc8 and Black exploits the extra tempo -
1t'd2 1S.i.d2 ll:lc4 16.i.c1 l:tcS 17.ll:ld4 nviakov) 1S.hS ghS (closing the h-file but
~17 18.gS ll:ld7 19.14 eS 20.feS i.eS opening the lethal g-file) 16.ghS ll:lfd7
21 .l:tdf1 ~g8 22.ll:le6± Gutenev-M.Panov, 17.i.h6 1-0 Leder-Matti, cr 19S9!]
Satka 2012] 14.ll:lb5 1t'd2 15.l:td2 13... 5 [RR 13...ll:leS?! 14.'it'e2! c.Ph8
[1S.i.d2 ll:lfd7 (1S ... a6 16.ll:ld4 ~17;!; ) 1S.h4 l:tc3? 16.bc3 aS 17.hS+- l:tcS 18.h6
16.ll:ld4 ~17 17.i.c1 ll:lc6? (17 ... ll:lc5!) 12.h4 (12.gS ll:lhS 13.14 ll:lf3! 14.'ifg2 1-0 A.Sokolov-Bromberger, Bad Wiessee
18.ll:le6! ~e6 19.i.c4 (Monsieux- ll:lf4 1S.'tlfg4 ll:leS (1S ...i.c3 16.i.f4) 2011] 14.h4 ll:lc4 (Food for thought is
Vocaturo, Belfort jr 200S) 19... ~eS 20.14 16.'i!i'h4 ll:lhS 17.i.e2~] 12•.. ll:lf3 provided by the game Lorentzen-Lilleoren,
l:tf4 21 .l:tdS c.Pe4 (21...c.Pf6 22.gS c.PI7 13.'tlfg2 ll:le5 (13 ... ll:ld7] 14.i.e2 l:tcB Email 2007: 14... b3 1S.ab3 'tlfc6 16.i.h6
23.l:tfS) 22.l:te1 ~13 23.l:td3 ~g4 15.h5 l:tf7?1 [1S ...gS 16.h6 i.hS 17.i.gS i.h6 (16... bs 17.i.g7 c.Pg7 18.hS b4
24.i.e6] 15 .••ll:lc4 [1S ...a6 16.ll:ld4 c.PI7 l:tc3 18.bc3 Was 19.i.f6 .-a3 20.~b1 19.hg6 hg6 20.ll:la4 c.PI7 21 .l:th2 'tlfbS
17.l:tdd1 ll:lc4 18.i.c1 eS Sulskis-Kanter, l:tf6 21 .l:th3 l:tf4;!;; 1S ... l:tc3 16.bc3 Was 22.l:tdh1 gS 23.~b1 l:tc7 24.'it'd4 l:tgS
Plovdiv Ech 2012] 16.i.c4 l:tc4 17.b3 17. hg6 ll:lg6~] 16.hg6 hg6 17.1t'h3 [<!: 2S.l:te1 l:tgc8 26.l:tc1 l:tg8 27.l:te1 12-12
l:tb4 18.ll:ld4 [18.c4 !? ll:ld7 19.14 ll:lf6 17.gS! ll:lfd7 18.'it'h3 lOIS 19.i.d4± ] Kolcak-Windhausen, cr 2010) 17.'it'h6 WcS
20.eS] 18..•ll:ld7 19.a3 i.d4 20.i.d4 17... l:tc31 18.bc3 .-as 19.i.d4 ll:le4 12-12. There is also 14 ... ll:le8 (spotted at
l:tb5 [20 ... l:td4?1 21 .l:td4 ll:leS (21...l:tf3 20.i.c4 (<!: 20. ~b1] 20 .•.ll:lg5 21.'iih4 when the first
22.l:td3 (!':: 22.l:tc4 tOeS 23.eS b6) i.f6 (21...l:tf4! 22.l:tdf1 'ifa3 23.<~<d1 question is whether Black survives after
22 ... l:tf2 23.l:tc3 ll:lcs 24.eS± ) 22.l:tb4 b6 ll:lef3 24.1t'g3 l:tl7 2S.l:tf3 i.d4 26.l:tl7 1S.hS] 15.W'd3 [This move was awarded
23.a4 l:tf3 24.gS;t] 21.l:tf1 l:ta5 c.PI7 27.l:tf1 c.Pg7+] 22.'ii'h6 [<!: 22.i.b3] an exclamation mark in my 1999 book,
22 . ~b2 l:ta6 23.h4 e5 24.i.e3 ll:lf6 22 ...ll:lgf3 [22 ... dS 23.i.eS i.eS 24.'ii'g6 which pemaps is not a correct assessment.
25.l:tdf2 l:tc6 26.l:tg1 c.Pf7 27.c4 ~18 2S.l:tdf1 dc4 26.'it'gS i.f4 27.'it'f4 Not only 1S.i.c4!? l:tc4 is the alternative
~e6 28.l:th2 a6 29.a4 l:tccB l:tf4 28.l:tf4 c.Pg7+; 22 ...i.g7 23.W h4 for White, assessed over-optimistically for
30.l:tg3 l:tg8 31.i.g5 ll:ld7 32.h5 l:tf4!+] 23.i.e5 'it'e5? [23 ...ll:leS! Black in 199S by nviakov who obtained this
(32.aS!?] 32 .. .h6! 33.i.e3 [33.i.h6? gS] 24.i.e6 i.gS (Black must have overlooked position in analysis via a different move
33 ... g5 34.a5 ll:lf8 35.l:td2 Wd7 this defensive resource) 2S.'tlfgS ll:ld3 order - see move 13. But also 1S.'it'e2
36 . ~c2 ll:le6 37 .~d1 l:tgfB 38.We2 26.cd3 W'gS 27.Wc2 ~g7 28.i.l7 ~17+] when after 1S... ll:lb2 16 . ~b2 White's queen
l:tf7 39.i.b6 l:tcf8 40. 2 l:tcB 24.'ifg6 8 25.i.e6+- W g5 will not come under attack: if 16...l:tc3 he
41. ~e3 l:tcf8 42.l:th3 l:tf6 43.b4 26.'it'g5 i.g5 27 . ~b2 l:tf4 28.l:tdf1 can simply play 17.i.d4t]
l:tcB 44.l:tc2 l:tf7 45.l:tg3 l:tf6 c.Pg7 29.i.d5 ll:lh2 30.l:tf4 i.f4
46.l:tc3 ll:lf4 47 . ~d2 ll:le6 48.l:tg1 31 .i.b7 32.l:tg1 c.Pg5 33.a4 eS
ll:ld4 49.l:tf1 l:tcfB 50.i.d4 ed4 34.l:td1 ll:lg4 35.l:td6 e4 36.l:td5
51 .l:tb3 e5 52 . ~e2 l:tc8 53.l:tc1 i.e5 37 .i.e a 1-0
~e6 54.l:tc2 l:tf7 55.l:tc1 l:tfc7
56. ~d3 l:tf7 57. ~e2 l:tfc7 58.~d3
l:tf7 59 . ~e2 l:tfc7 Y.!-Y.!
Short, Nigel
London 201 0 (2)
1.e4 c5 2.ll:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:ld4
No Knight on eS ll:lf6 5.ll:lc3 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 7.13 0-0
11.0-0-0 8.'it'd2 ll:lc6 9.g4 i.e6 10.ll:le6 fe6
11.0-o-o [11 .i.c4 'tlfd7 12.i.b3 ll:laS 15... W c6N [Black could have tried
Miroshnichenko,Evgeny 13.0-0-0 l:tacS - game] 11 ... l:tc81? 1S ... ll:lb2!? 16.~b2 and now probably
Gazmaga,Stefan (11 ...1t'aS?! 12.i.c4!; 11...W'c8?! 12.h4 16... ll:ldS 17.edS l:tc3 18.'tlfc3 i.c3
Pardubice 1996 (8) tOeS 13.hS!--+ Jones] 12.i.c4 [RR 19.Wc3 l:tf3 20.de6 'tlfc6 21. ~d2 aS ('The
1.e4 c5 2.ll:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:ld4 12.ll:lbS a6 13.ll:ld4 ll:ld4 14.i.d4 Wc7 two players were dismissive of this line,
ll:lf6 5.ll:lc3 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 7.13 0-0 1S.i.d3 ll:ld7 16.i.g7 ~g7 17.14;!; Worek- feeling that White's rook and two bishops
8 .'~i'd2 ll:lc6 9.g4 i.e6 10.ll:le6 fe6 Gaponenko, Germany Bundesliga W were more than adequate compensation for
11.0-0-0 ll:le5 2010/11 ; 12.gS ll:lhS 13.i.h3 'tlfd7 the queen' - John Saunders, bulletin);

Survey S/17.3

15...b5?! 16.~d4T was Zo.Varga-Kiiipfer, 23... d5 (23 ... tl:\5c4 24.l:lh1 I with the point 1B.cb3± Lorentzen-Lovholt, cr ch-NOR
Anensteig B 1993] tl:ld7 24...l:lt1 25.l:lf1 tl:lf1 26.l:lh7 w ga 27.l:lg7!! 2007] 14..•tl:lb5 [14 ... W'd2 15.l:ld2 tl:la5;!; ~g7 Wf7 29.'it'h5 We6 30. ~f5X) 16...ie2 tl:lbS 17 .~b5 a6 18. ~e2 b5;t;
24.l:lh7 q,gB 2s.~ds tl:ld5 26.l:lg7 w g7 14... 'it'a4!? 'ii'c4!!!!? 16.'li'd3 'it'a2
27.'it'e5 and so on] 22 ... tl:lg4! ;::t 23.~g1 17.'ifa3 ( ..ib2 18.Wd2 l:laB!!!!?)
[Not 23.l:lh5? tl:lce3] 23 ... tl:lce3! [Now 17... ~a3 (17 .. .'i t'c4 l:laB 19. ~d3
Black manages to exchange queens, which ~a2 20.'i!t'b3 'ii'b3 21 .cb3;t) 1B.ba3 e5
is a huge accomplishment] 24. W'a6 ba6 ef4 20 ...id2 l:laB 21 ...if4!!!!?]
25. ~e3 tl:le3 26.l:ld3 ~d4 27.l:ld4 15.'i!t'a5 tl:la5 16 . ~ b5 a6 17 . ~e2
l:lc5 28.l:ld3? [Correct was 2B.l:lh5 and l:lac8 18.WbH b5 19.g5 tl:lc4
While holds according to engines. After the 20.~c1 l:lc6 21. ~g4 ~17 22.h4 b4
text White gets a very unpleasant position] 23.h5 l:lb8 24.l:ld3 aS [24 ... l:lbcB
28! t 29.l:lg3 tl:lf4 30.Wd2 25.hg6 hg6 26.l:lh?;t] 25.hg6 hg6
l:le5!? [An obvious a~ernative was 26.l:lh7 [26.b3 tl:la3 27...ia3 ba3 2B.l:lh7
30... Wg7] 31.l:le1 ?! [After 31.We3! Black l:lb4! 29.l:le3 d5 30 .~13 (30.c3 l:le4
could have tried 31 ... tl:lg6 (31...Wg7 32.l:lh4 31 .l:le4 de4 32.c4 a4=F) 30 ... d4 31 .l:ld3 e5
17 ...'ifa6?! [Preferable was 17... ~d4 tl:lg6 wins a tempo, but gives White the 32.15=; 26.15 gf5 27.ef5 ef5 2B ...if5;!;]
1 8.~d4 aS 19.a3 l:lf7 which is somewhat possibility of 33.l:lh5 l:lf4 34.~d5 e6 26 ... ~ g8 27.l:lh2 [27 ...ie61? Wh7
better for White: 20.l:lh3!?; 20.h5 g5 Rybka, 35.l:lh6! ed5 36.l:lg6 Wg6 37.WI4 l:le4 2B.l:lh3 ..ih6 29.f5! (29.l:lh6 Wg7 30.f5; 20.g5 tl:\de5] 18.f4!? [There 38.Wf3 with chances to hold) 32.l:lh5 l:lf4 t] (30.b3 tl:la3 31 ...ia3 ba3 32.15 gfS
were alternatives: 18. ~e2! ? (livechess. 31...Wg7 32. 3 Wg6 33.c3 l:lg5 33.ef5oo) 30... tl:le5 31. ~ f4 l:lc5 32 .~e5 or 18.h5 tl:lde5 19.W'e2 34.l:lg5 Wg5 35.l:lg1 Wh6 [Black is l:le5 33.l:lg6 Wh7 34 .~d5 l:lfB=)
tl:lf3 20.hg6 hg6 21.c3] 18... e5 [18 ... d5!? objectively winning] 36.e5 deS 37.We4 29 ... tl:le5 30.16 ef6 31.gt6 gS 32 ...it5 w gB
was possible because after 19.e5?! tl:lc5 tl:lg6 38 .~c4 aS 39.Wd5 l:lf2 40.b4 33.l:lh6;t] 27 ... Wf7 28.f5 [2B.b3 tl:la3
Black wins a pawn or exchange by force, ab4 41 .cb4 h4 42.a4 h3 43.a5 h2 29 . ~a3 ba3 30.l:lh7 - 26.b3] 28 ..•ef5
which somehow compensates the fate of 44.l:lh1 w gs 45.b5 Wg4 46.b6 ab6 29.ef5 gf5 [29... tl:le5 30.fg6 w eB
his semi-dead bishop: 20.'ifc3 (20.W'e2? 47.a6 Wg3 48.a7 l:lf8 49.Wc6 tl:\f4 (30... Wg6 31 ...ih5 Wf5;t) 31 .l:lg3 tl:lg4
tl:lb3- + ) 20 ... tl:la5! 21.~b4 b3 22.ab3 50.l:la1 e4 51. · 6 tl:lh3 52. ~b7 32.l:lg4 d5=] 30. ~f5
and now 22 ...'ifa1 or 22 ... tl:ld3] 19.fe5! tl:lg1 0-1
[More precise than ef4 Golubev
which is not so clear] 19••.tl:le5 20. e2
~h8 [White is better, also after 20 ... d5
21.ed5 tl:lg4 22 .~g5!? tl:\12 23.d6 tl:ld1
24.W'e6 ~hB 25.d7 - bulletin] 21.h5 gh5 lvanchuk,Vasily
Warsaw Ech rapid 2010 (6)
E ~ 1.e4 c5 d6 3.d4 cd4
.i. .l

tl:lf6 g6 6. ~e3 ~g7 7.f3 0-0
8. ~d2 tl:lc6 9.g4 ~e6 fe6
11 .0-0-0 tl:le8 12.f4 'ii'a5 13 . ~c4
~ i tl:lc7
~ ttJ ~ ~ 30 ... a4? [30 ... tl:le5!;t] 31 ...id7
.i ~ [31 .g61+- ] 31 ... l:lc5 32. ~a4 [32.g61
Wg6 33.l:lf3+- ; 32.l:lf3! w g6 33.~e6
~~~ 'fi tl:le5 34 ...if5 Wf7 35.g6 w eB 36.l:lfh3+-]
<;t>l:l 1:[
32...Wg6 33. ~b3?1 [33.l:lb3± ]
33 ..• l:lf8 [33 ...d5] 34.l:ld1 d5 35.l:le2
22.g5? [The correct move was 22.l:lh5!± e5 36 .~c4 dc4 [36...l:lc4 37.l:ld5 l:lf1
tl:le3 (a~ernatively: 22 ... tl:\f3 23.g5 tl:le3 38.l:ld6 Wf5±] 37.l:ld6! Wh7 38.l:le1
24.g6 d5 25.l:lh7 ~gB 26. e3 tl:ld4 [38.l:lb61±] 38 ...l:la8 39.g6 Wg8
27.~d5 e6 2B.l:lg7 Wg7 29.~d4± Rybka. 40.l:led1 l:lf8?! [40 ... l:lccB± ] and now 23.~h2!! (not 41.l:lb6l+ - l:le8 42.l:lb4 l:lc6
23.W'e3? l:lt1 ! 24.l:lh1 (24.l:lh7 Wh7 43 .~e3 e4 44.c3 l:lec8 45.l:lg1 l:ld6
25.'ifh3 ~h6 26.g5 tl:ld31-+) 24...'itd3!! 46.l:lg4 l:ld1 47.Wc2 l:le1 48.Wd2
(Short) 25.'it'd2 l:lh1 1 26.l:lh1 ~e4-+ ) [14.h4 d5!?; 14 .~b3 ~c3 l:lh1 49.l:le4 l:ld8 50.We2 l:lh2
which is bad for Black as analysis shows: 15.'ifc3 'ii'c3 16.bc3 tl:la5 17.l:lhf1 tl:lb3 51 .Wf3 ~f8 52.l:lb7 ~d6 53.l:le6

l:lh3 54.'it;>g4 l:lg3 55.'it;>h4 l:lg2 [26 .~g6 t!Je3 (26 ... t!JI4?1 27.W'e4+- ) (~ 17.l:lg2) 17... t!Jh5 18.~g7 'iPg7 19. ~1S
56. ~d4 ~f8 57.l:lh7?! l:lg6 58.l:lg6 27.l:ll8 ~18 28.l:lc1±] 26 ... ~f8 1i'c4 20 .~c8 l:lc8+ Zo. Varga-Komljenovic,
'it;>h7 59.l:lc6 l:lb8 60.l:lb6 l:la8 27 .~d5?! (27 .~g6 t!Je3 28.l:lc1±] Andorra 1991 ; 1S.g5 t!Jd7 16 .~g7 c;ftg?
61.a3 1-0 27 ... l:ld5 28. l:lf1 [28.c3!?; 28.h4] 17.14 eS 18.de6 le6 19.0-0-0 dSoo)
28... b5?? (28 ...l:ld7] 29.'iff3 [29.'1We41 1S ... tLlhS 16.~g7 c;ftg? 17.0-0-0 'tfc5 18.14
l:ld7 30.W'g6 l:lg7 31 .'1We6+-] 29... l:ld8 l:lh8 19.1S giSoo; 14... t!Jd7] 15.de6 fe6
Klein,David 30. "iff6± 'it'd6? 31. 'iff7 Q;>h8 32.l:lf3
Vroombout,Enrico 1-0
Amsterdam 2011 (4)
1.e4 cs V bt3 d6 3 .d4 cd4 4.t!Jd4
t!Jf6 5.t!Jc3 g6 6. ~e3 ~g7 7 .f3 0-0
8.tfd2 t!Jc6 9.g4 ~e6 10.t!Je6 fe6
11 .0-0-0 d5 No Queenside Castling
9. 4 tO d4 1 o .~d4

Moscow 2012 (8)
1 .e4 c5 2 .t!Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .tL\d4
t!Jf6 5.t!Jc3 g6 6 . ~e3 ~g7 7.f3 t!Jc6 16.0-0-0! (16.hS dS! (16 ... es; 16... &'c6
a :i!td2 o-o 9.g4 t!Jd4 10 .~d4 ~e6 17.0-0-0 'tff3 18.hg6 hg6 (18 ... t!Je4 19.gh7
(10 ... "ifas 11 .h4 (11. ~c4 'it'b4!?) 11...~e6 (19.l:lh7? ~d4 20.'it'd4 1i'14 21 .<i;>b1
- 10... ~e6 11 .h4 'tfaS] 11 .t!Jd5 (11.h4 t!Jd2- +) 19 ... <i;>h8 20 .~g7 'iPg7 2UWh6 (Piechota-Ciejka, Sopot ch-POL 1946) 'iPhS 22.~e2 'iWg3 Karpov) 19.~g2
12.hS-+ ; 11 .gS!?; 11 .0-0-0 'IWaS - 9.0-0-0 (Karpov-Mestel, London 1982) 19... 'tfg3
t!Jd4 10.~d4 ~e6 11 .g4 tiaS] 11... ~d5 20.~b7;t ) 17.hg6 (17.0.0-0 t!Je4! 18.1e4
12.ed5 (12.gS!? t!Je4 (12 ... d4 13.gl6 ~16 (11 ... t!JdS 12 .~g7 (12.edS? ~d4 13.1:Yd4 ~d4:f) 17 ... hg6 18.l:lf2?! (18.c3? t!Je41
14 .~c4 "i¥b6 1S .~e6 'it;>h8oo) 13.t!Je4 WaS) 12 ... '0Pg7 13.edS ~d7 14.h4± 19.fe4 ~d4 -+ 20.cd4 tfg3 21 .l:lf2 de4;
(13.fe4 d4 14 .~h3 tfb6 1S .~e6 Wh!l) Karpov] 12.ed5 'tfc7 [12 ... l:lc8 13.h4 eS 18.0-0-0 t!Jg4 19.~g7 t!Jh2 20 .~18 tL\11
13... de4 14.tfd8 (14.1e4 tfc7 1S .~h3 (13 ... 'tfc7 - game) 14.de6 fe6 1S.hS;t 21.l:ll1 l:lf8 22 .'it;>b1~ ; 18.l:lh3 tfc2
l:lad8 16."\i'g2 Wh8) 14 ... l:lad8 1S.l:ld8 Bresciani-Bancod, Bratto 1996; 12 ... eS 19.1i'c2 l:lc2 20.~d3~) 18 ... 'ifg3
l:ld8 16.1e4 ~d4 17.~d4 l:ld4 18.~g2 es 13.de6 fe6 14.0-0-0; 12 ... 'tfd7!?] 13.h4 (18 ... eS!+) 19.0-0-0 t!Jd7 20.~g7 'it;>g7=
19.c3 l:ld6 20.l:ld1 l:ld1 21 .Wd1± Pereira- l:lac8 (13 ... eS 14.de6 fe6 1S.O-O-O t!JeS Liwak-Praszak, Poland tt 2001] 16 ...e5N
Teixeira, Lisbon ch-city 2006] 12 ...t!Jd5 16.hS l:lc8 17 .~g7 t!Jg? 18.hg6 hg6 (16 ... t!JdS 17 .~g7 'i!r'g7 011-Kir.Georgiev,
13.t!Jd5 ed5 14.f4 (14.'it'dS '*'dS 19 .~d3± Ciocaltea-S.Erdelyi, Bucharest Biel izt 1993, is 'likely to be acceptable for
1S.l:ldS l:ll3 16.~c5 (16. ~c4? e6! 17.l:ld3 19S3] 14.l:lh2 (14.0-0-0 t!JdS (14 ... t!Je4 Black' - Golubev] 17 .~e3 tff7 18.'0Pb1
t!JeS! 18. ~e6 Wh8-+ Haugen) 16...l:l14 1S.fe4 ~d4= Karpov; 14 ... eS 1S.de6 fe6) d5 [18 ... t!Jg4 19.1g4 'tff1 20.hS 'ifl3
17.l:ld7 b6 18. ~g2 bc5 19 .~c6 l:lb8 1S .~g7 c;t;>g? 16.c3 e6 (16 ...t!Jc3 17.W'c3 21 .hg6 hg6 22 .~h6 ~h6 23.l:lh6 rJ;;g?
20.b3; 14.h4 e6 1S. ~e2 (1S.hS!?) 1S ...d4 'ifc3 18.bc3 l:lc3 19.Wd2oo) 17.hS~] 24.l:lhhli] 19.h5 e4? ! (19 ... d4 20.hg6
16 .~gs 'ifdS 17.Q;>b1 aS 18.a3 bS 19.hS 14 ... e5 (14 ... bS 1S.hS 'ifb?oo Hladkulik- hg6 21. ~h6±] 20.hg6? ! [20.h6!! ~h8
b4 (19 ... t!Jb4!? 20.ab4 ab4 21.'i¥b4 &'gs Praszak, cr 198S; 14 ...hS!? ('yet to be 21 .gS t!Jd? (21 ... t!Jh5 22 .~h3+ -;
22.hg6 hg6 23.'ifd6oo) 20.hg6 hg6 21.~h6 refuted' - Ward) is called 'dubious' by 21 ... t!Jg4 22.fg4 '1Wf1 23."i¥d5 'iff?
l:la7 (21 ... ba3? 22 .~g7 'it;>g? 23.'it'h6 'iPI7 Golubev. Why? 1S.ghS (1S.~h3 hg4 16.fg4 24.&'e4+-) 22.l:lf2! el3 23.l:lf3 1i'f3
(23 ... 'iPI6? 24.'ifl41+-) 24.'it'h7 WeB t!Je4 (16 ... 'ifc4!+) 17. d3 (17.'tfe3 eS! 24 .~g2 15 25 .~d5 l:lf7 26 .~17 'it'f7
(24...c;ftl6 2S.f4!+-) 2S."ifg6 Wd8 18.~a7 'ifas 19.<i;>l1 W'bs 20.'0Pg1 27.'it'd7+- ] 20 ... hg6 21 . ~e2 "ife6
26.l:lhS±) 22.~g7 l:lg?oo Van Kempen- 1i'b2+) 17 ... tiaS 18.'it;>f1 (18.c3 t!JcS [21 ... ef3 22 .~13 t!Je4 23.~e4 de4
Haugen, cr ol-13 1998] 14 ... e6 [14 ... d4] 19.~c5 l:lc5 20.l:ld1 'ifa2+) 18 ... ~d4 24.l:lhh1±; 24.l:ldh1? 'ifl1 Milos] 22 . ~d4
15.c;ftb1 'tfc7 16.'tfe2 l:lae8 17. ~g2 19.'tfd4 'it'bS 20.c;ftg1 l:tc4 (Kadyrov- l:lc7 23.l:ldh1 l:lff7 24.a3 [~
d4 18 .~c1 (~ 18. ~d2] 18...t!Jb4! V.Maiorov, St Petersburg 2006) 21 .~11 l:ld4 24.'i!r'g5!+-] 24... b6 25.fe4 "ife4
19.l:lhe1 e5 20.f5 l:lc8 21.~e4 "ii'f7 22 .~bS+ ; 1S.O-O-O hg4 16. ~d3 (16.fg4 26.g5 t!JhS 27. ~g7 c;ftg 7 28 . ~ h5
22.b3 t!Jd5 23 . ~ b2 l:lc5 (23 ... t!Je3; t!Jg4 17. ~g7 t!Jh2 18. ~18 tL\11 19.l:lf1 gh5 29.l:lh5 'tfc4 30.'it'd1 'it'e4
23... t!Jc3 24 .~c3 l:lc3] 24.fg6 hg6 c;ftiS 20 . 'tff2~) 16 ...g3 (16 ... t!Jd5 17 .~g7 31 .g6 l:lfe7 32.l:l5h4 'it'e5 33.l:lh7
25.l:lf1 'tfc7? [2S ... t!JI4;t] 26. l:lf8 c;t;>g? 18.hS (18.fg4 'tfcS) 18...g3) 17.l:lh3 rJ;;gB 34.l:l7h5 'it'e4 35."*'d2 1-0

Sicilian Defence
Dragon Variation Sl 18.3 (B77)

The Surprising 10... t2Ja5

in the Yugoslav Attack
by Luis Rojas Keim

1. e4 c5 Then I thought of the incisive and

2. ttJf3 d6 little-used variation (in compari-
3. d4 cd4 son with IO... J:tc8, I O... ttJd4 and
4. ttJd4 ttJf6 I 0 ... 1i'a5) IO ... tLla5.
5. tLlc3 g6 During the game I wa able to
6. ~e3 ~g7 neutralize Lazaro's attack, and
7. f3 tLlc6 al o to take the initiative to win
8. d2 0-0 the point, the tournament and my
9. i.c4 i.d7 3rd GM norm. The game is fea-
10. ~b3 tLlaS tured as the Main Game in the
Game Section.
X 'if K. In recent year , especially thanks
to the inve Ligation of the Chi-
.t..l .t.t..l.t.l nese grandma ter Bu Xiangzhi,
.t. ,., LO ... tLla5 has emerged as an in-
tere ting choice for Black. The Bu Xlangzhl
most popular reply is 11.0-0-0
(Variation A) , but in this article tLlc6 8.'it'd2 0-0 9. ~c4 i.d7
we will also study the most im- IO .~ b3 tLla5.
portant alternative : ll.h4 (Vari- The fundamental advantage of
ation B); ll .~h6 (Variation C); playing the 'Normal Dragon ' is
ll.g4 (Variation D). that it avoid the Maroczy System,
La t December, during the com- However, we will first look at the a line that i considered very olid
memoration of their foundation pros and cons of the mo t fre- for White. However, White i not
80 year ago, the chess club quent moves to arrive at this po- required to play 10.i.b3, heal o
Mollet organized a strong grand- ition. ha<; the strong moves I0.0-0-0 and
ma ter tournament in Barcelona. lO.h4 at his disposal, both of
To obtain the GM norm it wa Different Move Orders which are very popu lar. If Black
nece sary to score 6Y2 points. To guide the reader, and before plays 10... tLla5 anyway, trying to
When the last round came the delving more deeply into the de- tran pose, White could withdraw
leader were 1M Lazaro Lorenzo tails of the variation I O... tLla5, it his bishop to e2.
de Ia Riva and I, each with SY2 is important to mention that the If the game starts as an Acceler-
point . By a twi t of fate, tarting position can be reached ated Dragon, the most probable
Lorenzo and I were to face each from the Accelerated Dragon; po ition that will be reached (if
other in the Ia t round, and we l .e4 c5 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3.d4 cd4 White play the Yugoslav At-
both had to win ... 4.tLld4 g6 5. tLlc3 ~g7 6. ~e3 tack) i the one tudied in thi
During my preparation, the ques- tLlf6 7. ~c4 0-0 8.i.b3 d6 9.f3 article, becau e usually White
tion in my mind wa 'What can I i.d7 I O.'it'd2 ttJa5, as well as plays 8. ~b3 . Other move , like
play with black again t the Yugo- from the 'Normal Dragon'; 1.e4 8.f3 1i'b6 9.i.b3 tLlg4 (9 .. .ttJe4 i
slav Attack in order to urpri e c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. tLld4 also pos ible) IO.tLla4? (1 O.fg4
my rival in a decisive game?' tLlf6 5.tLlc3 g6 6. i.e3 i.g7 7.f3 i.d4 ll. ~d4 'it'd4'd4 tLld4

13.tLld5 tLlc6 14.0-0-0 b5 Main Responses To 10..•tt:Ja5 now White's attack was very
15.l:thf l q;g7 16.g5 d6 17 .l:td2 We wi ll analy e White's four ea y in Wahl -Kunze, Munich
l:tb8, with equality, was Se. pri ncipal re pon e again t the 199l/92) 17.h5 l:tac8 18.i.h6
Mikhailov-D.Chuprov, Tagan- move JO.. .tDa5, in order of im- i.h8 (it i very important to keep
rog 201 I) 10... tLle311.tLlb6 tLld1 portance and choo ing from the dark- quared bi hop)
12.tLlc6 dc6 13.tLla8 ttJb2 among Black' plan the one l9.tDg3 e6 20.hg6 fg6 2J.g5
14.q;e2 i.d7 15.tLlc7 l:tc8 that don ' t transpo e to other vari- tDh5 22.tLlh5 gh5, and the po i-
16.tLla6 ba6 17.~d2 c5 0-1 B. ation . tion i very complicated, for ex-
Sekar-Joh. Gomez, New Delhi ample if 23.l:th5 then 23... c5,
20 I 2; or 8.'ii'd2 tLlg4 (8 ... tl:le4 i Variation A) 11.0-0-0 with a clear advantage for Black.
also good) bc6 10.i.d4 In hj excellent book Opening In hi excellent manual
i.b611.'ife2 d612.f3 c513.i.c5 for White according to Anand, Desmontando La Siciliana 2,
deS 14.fg4 d4 15.h3 i.gS Vol. 11 , Khalifman only consid- grandma ter Jesus de Ia Villa
16.l:td 1 i.h4 17.~fl 'ii'eS give ers this alternative for White. recommends on page 198, the
Black good chances, Mayer- 11.0-0-0 tLlb3 12.cb3 very intere ting line: ' 15.a3! b4
Shabalov, ew York 2000. 12.ab3 ha rarely been played 16.tLla2 e5 17.tLle2 b5 18.a4
because Black's pawn torm is with a mall advantage for
Main Ideas of 10...lLla5 very trrughtforward. White.' In my opinion, after
The move lO ...tLla5 ha the fol- 12 •. .'ii'a5 18 ...'ii'b7, the posi tion is compli-
lowing principal idea : Thebe tplaceforBiack' queen . cated, for example 19.g5 (if
- to remove the bishop from b3 13.<1Pb1 l:tfc8 19.'it'd6 i.g4! 20.fe4 tLle4)
(or at lea t to have it under con- J9 ... tLle4! 20.fe4 e4 21. ~al
trol) and thu reduce White' at- i.e6 22.tLlc I d5 'it'h4.
tacking chance ; 15... · 6 16. h6 b4 17.tLlce2
- to weaken White' pawn struc- 'ii'eS!
ture on the queen ide after he ha
ca tied there (doubled pawns on
the b-file). Black can prepare a
pawn offen ive on the queen ide
with ... b7-b5-b4, followed by
... a7-a5-a4.
ln the variation that emerge af-
ter l.e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4
4.tLld4 tLl f6 5.tLlc3 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 14.g4
7.f3 0-0 8.'ii'd2 tLlc6 9.i.c4 i.d7 In a recent game Zambrana-
lO.i.b3 'ii'a5 (in tead of Villalba, Luque 2012 White
lO ... tLla5) 1l.O-O-O l:t fc812. ~bl played the immediate l4.h4.
tl:le5 13.h4 tLlc4 14.i.c4 l:tc4 14 ... b5 In both Annaberdiev-Bu
Whjte ha at hj djspo al the un- Black canal o choo e to prepare Xiangzhi, Khanty-Man iy k
comfortable move 15.tDb3 ex- this advance with 14 ... l:tab8 Olympiad 20 I 0 and the Main
pelling the black queen and 15.h4 b5 16.h5 b4 17.tLlce2l:tc7 Game Lorenzo de Ia Riva-Rojas
forcing her to retreat. In the vari- I8.hg6 fg6 19.g5 tLlh5 20.l:tcl Keirn, Mollet 2011, White wa
ation IO... tLla5 the move tLlb3 l:tbc8 2J.l:tc7 l:tc7, with a bal- blown away from this po ition.
will never be po sible and there- anced po 1t1on, Mmylev-Bu
fore Black will be able to move )Uangzhi, Khanty-Man iy k Variation B) 11.h4
hi queen to a5, attackjng the 2007. ll.h4 tLlb3! There are other re-
queen ide and helping in the de- IS.i.h6 plie , but the idea of thi s move i
fense of hi king ide. White took the pawn on b5 in the to reach imilar po ition a
The move ... e7-e5 expel the game B.Socko-Bu Xiangzhi, tho e analysed in the previou
white knight from it excellent Beijing 2008. variation. ll ... h5 i playable
po ilion on d4, gaining in 15.h4 (analysed by Khalifman) (Gabrielan-Bu Xiangzhi , Mo -
trength becau e the d5- quare i 15 ... b4 16.tLlce2 l:tc7!? cow 2012), but u ually tran -
le weak here. (l6 ... 'ii'e5 i inferior because po e to other line which are

Survey S/18.3

out ide the cope of thi article· 12. h6 ~b6 ll. .. .l:l.c8 12.h4 h5 l3.gh5 ttlh5
if Black plays pa sively he will The alternative i 12 ... e5 14.0-0-0 ttlb3 15.ab3 'ii'a5
come under a terri ble attack. l3.lLlde2 b5 t4.ttld5 , Ganguly- 16...ttbl ti'a6 17.ttld5 .l:l.fe8
12.cb3 'ifaSlJ.0-0-0 bS14.~bl Zhao Zong Yuan, Sydney 2008 18.l:l.hg l e5? ( 18 ... e6! l9.ttlc3
b4 1S.ttlce2 .l:l.fc8 16.hS ttlhS and Karjakin-B.Savchenko .l:l.c5 hold the po ition) 19.ttlf5!!
17.g4 ttlf6 18.ttlg3 ttlg4!? Inter- Mocowtt20t0. ~f5 20.ef5 ~h7 2l.~g2 1-0.
e ting, but too ri ky. 19.fg4 i.g4 13.0-0-0 ttlb3 14.cb3 aS! An interesting plan wa played
20.l:l.dfl e5 21.l:l.f4 hS The typical counterplay on the in the game Hirnei e-Cabrera,
22.ttldfS gfS 23.ttlhS ln thi queen ide. Budape t 2008, where Black
complicated po ition Black did lS ...ttbl a4 16.ba4 ~a4 17.l:l.d 2 made the two important move
not find the right move in Berg- .l:l.fc8 18.~e3 ~d7 19. .1:1.el ~aS ( ll.. .ttlb3 and 12 ... e5). With the
Zhao Zong Yuan, Khanty- 20.a3 hS and the po ition is elimination of the bi hop and the
Man iy k Olympiad 20 10. After balanced ataf-Bu Xiangzhi , retreat of the white knight, the
23 ... i.f3 24.l:l.hh4 ~dl! Black i Reykjavik 2004. white attack lo e trength.
OK. Cabrera then made a very inter-
Variation D) 11.g4 e ling pawn acrifice in the cen-
Variation C) 11. ~ h6 One of the fir t important game tre ( 13 .. .d5! ?), achieving a
Black' plan again t thi vanatJOn in which the variation I O... ttla5 dangerou tmuattve on both
i to immediately wap the bi hop was played was Ekstrom-Rog- side of the board.
on h6 and to attack the knight on er , in the year 1985. Black de-
d4 with 12.. . b6. The alternative layed the two key move ... lLlb3 Conclusion
i l2 ...e5, with the arne idea: to and ... e7-e5. For thi rea on the For tho e who play the Dragon
expel the knight on d4, taking ad- white attack wa quick and deci- (Normal and Accelerated) it i
vantage of the queen ' di tance ive. Thi is how the game went: very important to have a strong
and the fact that it i not pre sing ll .g4 weapon again t the Yugo lav
on the d6 weakne . Attack becau e tati tically that
ll.~h6 i.h6 In the game Zhou i the mo t used and mo t dan-
Jianchao-Gundavaa Ho Chi gerou line. In thi article we
Minh City 2012, Black played have analy ed a little-practiced
ll ... ttlb3 but thi eem prema- variation compared with
ture after 12.ab3 ~h6 13. h6 e5 IO ... .I:I.c8, IO ... ti'a5 and
14.ttlde2 b5 15.'it'd2 ~b6 tO ... ttld4, which in recent year
16.l:l.d I b4, and now with ha e tablished it elf a a erious
17.ttla2! Whit will have a clear alternative to fight for the initia-
advantage due to hi trong pre - tive. The material in the Game
ure on the d6-pawn. Section i clear evidence.

Variation A 20.J:ld3 aS 21 .hg6 fg6 22...Q.f2 h5 23.J:le1

11.0-0-0 ~17 24.J:le4 g5 25.J:lc4 J:lg8 (25 ... a4?!
Lorenzo de Ia Riva-Rojas Keirn, Barcelona
2010) 26.J:lc6 g4 27.14 h4 28.J:lb6 g3+
Lorenzo de Ia Riva,Lazaro (RR 28... J:lb6 29...Q.b6 J:lh8 30.J:ld1 h3
Rojas Keim,Luis 31 .gh3 gh3 32 ...Q.a5 h2 33.J:lh1 J:lg8
Mollet del Valles 2011 (9) 34 ...Q.b6 J:lg2-+) 29...Q.g1 l:tb6 30...Q.b6
1.e4 cS V t:lf3 liJc6 3.d4 cd4 4.liJd4 J:lh8 31 ...Q.a5 h3 32.gh3 J:lh3 33.'if;>c1 g2
g6 S.liJc3 ..Q.g7 6 •..Q.e3 lt:lf6 [6 ... d6 34...Q.b6 J:lh1-+] 7...Q.c4 0-0 8...Q.b3 d6
7.'it'd2 liJI6 8.13 0·0 9...Q.c4 ..Q.d7 10.0·0·0 9.13 ..Q.d7 1O.'ifd2 liJaS 11 .0-0-0
J:lb8 11 .liJd5 bS 12.liJc6 ..Q.c6 13.liJI6 ..Q.f6 liJb3 12.cb3 'ifaS 13.g4 J:lfc8
14...Q.d5 'ifc7 15.h4 ..Q.d5 16.ed5 'ifc4 14.'if;>b1 bS 15•..Q.h6 ..Q.h6 16.'ili'h6 b4
17.~b1 b4 18.h5 J:lbS 19.'ifd3 'ifd3 'ifes

18.h4N [ Annaberdiev-Bu 21 ... lt:le4f! 22.tfe3 gfS? [22 ... .i.IS!
Xiangzhi, Khanly-Mansiysk ol 201 0] B ~ B. l%a2! 24.'it>a2 \!t'e6 2S.b3 (2S .~b1
18... ~g4! [18 19.hS a4 (<!: ~~ .t.~~.i.~ lt:lc3! 26.bc3 'ifb3 27.'it>c1 bc3-+)
20.liJIS ~IS 21.'tWgS ~g6 22.'it'eS deS
23.hg6 hg6=) 20.hg6 lg6 21 .lt:l14 rJm
~ ~ .. 2S ... l%c2 26.'it>b1 l%e2-+] 23.gf5 lt:lg3
[23 ...'it>h8 24.fe4 ttcaB 'iff6
22.liJIS!! giS 23.gS+- ] 19.fg4 'ife4 26.ti'd4oo] 24.l%g3 'it>h8 25.'ifg5 l%a5
[19 20.lfl4 'i!fl4 21 .li:ll4 lt:lf2oo] 26. 'ifd2?? [26.l%g4 b3 27.a3 .i.IS
20. ~a1 lt:lg4 2U i'g5? [2U!fd21 eS 28.liJIS 1t'IS 29.ti'IS l%1S=i=] 26... ~f5
(21 l%c2 27. ~a1 [ \!t'IS 28.~a 1 b3 29.a3
'it'hl (23.. ."fi'g21?; 23 ... 'tlfc6?! 24.liJIS!! giS l%dS 30.'tWe1 l%d1'd1 l%c2-+]
2S.-.g5 - the difference with the line at 27 ... l%a2 28.'it>a2 it'd5 0-1
Black's 21st move) l%d2 2S.l%d2 IS l%d8 27.~b1 oo] 21 ... lt:lf2 [21 ... h6 12.•. \!t'as [Another possibilily is 12...'i!fb8
22.'ii'd2! eS 23.hS ( l%c2 but I think that the queen is better on aS for Zambrana,Osvaldo
-.c61 25.'ii'b4 lt:lf2 lt:lh1 27.l%h1 the reason given in the introduction. 13 .~b1 Villalba,Marcelo
dS-+) 23...ed4 24.hg6 fg6 lt:le3 (13..i.h6 .i.h6 14.\!t'h6 bS 1S.h4 b4 Luque 2012 (1)
26.l%he1 lfd4 27.lfd4 lt:lc2 28.'it>b1 lt:ld4 li:ldS 17.edS 'ii'b7 18.hS \!t'dS 19.hg6 l%ac8 1.e4 cS g6 3.d4 cd4
29.l%d4+] 'ti"eS li:ld1 20.~b1 .i.IS 21.~a1 ~g6 22.g4 IS 23.liJIS .i.g7 lt:lc6 6 •.i.e3 li:lf6 7 •.i.c4
[RR 23... lt:lh1 ~18 l%c8 l%1S 24.l%dS l%dS 2S.f4 e6 (Zontakh- 0-0 8 . ~b3 d6 9.f3 lt:laS'd2
26.'ifh6 'it>gB 27.'i!fd2+ ] 24.l%d1 l%c7 Velimirovic, Arandjelovac 1993) 26.". ,h3±) .i.d7 11 .0-0-0 lt:lb3 12.cb3 'i!faS
25.h5 [RR 'i!t'IS l%e7 13...bS 14.h4 b4! (the first 13.'it>b1 l%fc8
27.'ii'e7 aS 2B.'ifd6 l%e8-+] 25 ...l%ac8 difference, the knight blocks the attack of the
26.hg6 fg6 27.1t'g1 [ c;t>!B!-+; black pawns) 1S... l%c8 16.hS l%c7 17.g4 (the
27.l%h1 'ii'16 ~hB 29."ii'l6 el6 idea is to put the queen on h2, but maybe B •
30 .~b1 l%e7 31 .a3 aS-+] 27 ...'t!t"f4 17.hg6 fg6 18.~h6 ~hB e6 ~~ .t.~~.i.i
28. ~ b1 'i!fe4 29. ~a1 't!t"t4 30. ~ b1
eS 0-1
(19... \!t'b? 20.~16 ef6 21.\!t'h6 ~a4
22.ba4±) 20.\!t'f4 \!fiB 21 .lt:lc2± is better)
17... \!t'b? 18.hg6 fg6 19.~6 ~hB
20.~gS?! lt:le4! 21.fe4 'ii'e4 22.~a1 ~g4
~ "'
23...-h2 hS 24.l%he1 -.ds .i.d1
Annaberdiev,Meilis \!t'gS 27.l%d1 l%c8 28.\!t'c2 (Gopai-
Bu Xiangzhi Kuzubov, Zurich 2009) 28... ~h7!-+]
Khanty·Mansiysk ol 2010 (7) 13. ~b1 l%fc8 14.g4 bS 1S..i.h6 .i.h6
1.e4 cS lt:lc6 g6 4.d4 16.'ifh6 b4 17. e2 'ifeS [Another
cd4 ~g7 6. ~e3 li:lf6 7. ~c4 way is 17... l%ab8 18.h4 l%b6 19.l%c1 l%c1 14.h4 [14 ..i.h6 .i.h6 1S.'ifh6 bS; 14..i.gS
0-0 8 ..i.b3 d6 9.f3 .i.d7 10.'i!fd2 'i!fes 21 .'ife3 lt:ldS 22.'i!fd2 li:lf4 l%c5! 1S.h4 (1S..i.f6 .i.f6 ttdS!?
lt:laS 11.0-0-0 lt:lb3 12.cb3 [12.ab3 aS 23.l%e1 ~bS 24.l%d1= Sarenac-lvanisevic, 17.edS 'ii'dS~ Kostromin-Hamdouchi,
13.~b1 (13 .~h6 a4 (13 ....i.h6!? 14.\!t'h6 Kragujevac ch-SRB 2009] Rogaska Slatina II 2011 ) 1S... bS
a4 1S.ba4 eS .i.a4 ~c6) [1B.tfe3] 18•.. a5 19.tthg1 a4 (1S... l%ac8) 16.a3 ( 16.~16 .i.f6
14 .~g7 'it>g7 1S.ba4 .i.a4 16.eS lt:leB 'tlfd2 'it>g7 19.l%d2 'it>f6=) 16... b4
17.h4 .i.d7 1B.hS l%a1 'i!faS 'ifdB l%ac8 1 9 .~16 ~16
20.hg6 'ii'd2 21 .l%d2 hg6 Martius-Mandel, .i.g7 21 .hS] 14.•. b5 15.h5 b4
Nuremberg ch-BRD 19S9; 13.h4) 13...a4 [ lt:lhS 17.g4 lt:lf6
14.ba4 (14.b4 a3 1S.b3 'ii'c7+ Neumeier· l%c7 19.'ii'h2 e6 (19... l%ac8 20.gS
Veszpremi, Oberwart 2010) 14... ~a4 1S.h4 lt:leB 21 .14 eS gfS 23.'tlfh7 c;t>IB
'tlfas (1S... ~d7 16.hS li:lhS 17.g4 lt:lf6 24.efS ef4 2S .~f4- ) 20.gS lt:leB 21.14
18.~h6 ~e6 19..i.g7 'i!faS (19...~g7? l%ac8 22.1S efS 23.efS .i.d4 24."t!fh7 'it>fB fe6 21 .eS+- ) 20.'it>c1 ..-a1 2S .~d4 .i.IS 'i!ffS 27 .~a1 ~e7 ~g7 22 ....h6 ~hB 23.gS li:lhS 2B.l%he1 ~d7 29.~e3 \!t't3 30.l%b1 'it>c6 fe6 2S.l%hS ghS 26.g6+-) 16.hS 31 .tfh4 l%b8 32.'ifd4 (Demidowicz·
li:lhS 17.g4 lt:lg3 1B.l%h2 (18.l%h3 ~d4 M.Socko, Lublin 11 2009) 32 ...l%e7±]
19 .~d4 (19.'ifd4 .i.bS 20 .~c1 lt:le2 16... e5 [! 17.g4 lt:lf6 18..i.h6
21 .lt:le2 .i.e2 22.l%dh1 .i.f1 !!) 19... .i.bS 20.ba4 ?! [20.14 lt:lg4 21 .feS li:lh6 ~h6 19.1t'h6 'ilt'eS! (the same idea that Bu
20 .~c1 'tta1 lt:le2) 18... l%fc8 22.ed6oo; .i.IS 21 .liJIS lt:leB Xiangzhi used against Annaberdiev) 20.liJIS
19 .~c1 .i.bS .i.c3 21 .lt:laS .i.d2 22.ba4 l%a4 23.l%g3 l%a7 24.tth3 \!t'hB=i= ] gfS 21 .gS (21 .efS lt:leB) 21 22.Wfh7
22 ..i.d2 li:lf1 -+;] 20... l%a4 21 .lt:lgf5? [21 .b3+] c;t>IB 23.g6 fg6 24.\!t'g6 'ifg7 2S.'ifhS li:lf6

Survey Sf 18.3

26.1t'h4 lt>e8 27.J:ldg1 W18-+) 17.ltJe2 IPf7 21.1i'h7 ltJf6 22.1i'h2 J:lb6 23.ltJge2;!;) 47.aS? [47.ab5! J:lb5 48.a7 J:la5
dS 18.hg6 fg6 19.~gS [19.ed5 is also 19...ttJhS 20.J:lc1 J:lbc8 21. J:lc7 J:lc7 49.J:la1+-] 47 ..•~c8 48.a7 ~ b7
possible: 19... ~15 20.1Pa1 J:lc2 21 .1t'e1 22.ltJc2 J:lb7 23. J:lc1 WeS 24 . ~d4 49.\t>d3 J:lb3 SO.\Pd2 J:la3 S1.~b6
ttJd5 22.ltJg3 ttJe3 23.1We3 e4 24.ltJI5 -.h2 [24 ...-.b5 25.~g7 \Pg7 26.ltJe3;!;) b4 S2.J:lc7 ~e4 S3.J:lc8 g4 S4.J:lc4
'WI5 25.1e4 '*e6g?) 19... ~a4 20.ba4 2S~g7 \Pg7 26 ...d4 [26.ltJb4! J:lb4 J:la2 SS.\Pe3 ~dS S6.J:lg4 b3
d4= 21.J:lc1 .-a4 22. J:lc8 J:lc8 27.J:lc7 ~b5 28.'ifb4 W'e2 29.a4+-) S7.J:lb4 b2 S8.\t>d4 \t>e6 [58 ... J:la4-+]
23.J:lc1 J:lc1 24.ltJc1 ltJd7 2S ..-d3 26...'ifes [~ 27.-.e3 Khalilman] S9.\t>c3 fS 60.1Pc2 <iPd7 61 .\Pb1
ttJb6 26.b3 'ifas 27. ~d2 ~f8 27...deS 28.ltJe3 ~bS 29.ltJc4 J:ld7 J:la1 62.1Pb2 J:lh1 63.J:ld4 ~c6
28.'ifc2 'ifbs 29 ...-d3 .-as 30.a4 30.\Pc2 ltJf4 31.ltJf4 ef4 32. J:la1 J:lc7 64.J:lf4 e6 6S. J:lc4 J:lh8 66.a6 J:la8
31.'ifc2 cS 32.ttJd3 '*c2 33.\t>d3 J:ld7 34.\Pc2 J:lc7 3S.\Pd3 67.\Pc3 eS 68.'it>b4 J:lh8 69.J:lc2 f4
33.1t>c2 lt>e6 34.ttJb4 ~ b4 3S .~ b4 h6!? 36.gh6 \Ph6 37.\Pd4 IPgS 70.J:ld2 e4 71 . ~cS dS [71...J:lh6
gS 36 . ~d2 h6 37.g4 ttJc8 38.b4 38.\PeS J:lcS 39.\t>d4 J:lc8 40.\PeS 72 .~d4 ~as 73.J:lg2 J:le6 74.J:lg7 J:le7
ltJb6 39.\Pb3 a6 40.bS abS 41.abS ~c4 41.J:lg1 \Ph6 42.J:lc1?? [42.bc4 75.J:lg4 e3 (75 .. .13 76 .~e3=) 76.J:ll4 e2
lt>d7 42. ~b4 ltJc8?! 43.\Pc4 ltJd6 J:lc4 43.J:lg2 g5 44.riPI5 J:lc5 45.e5 a5 77. ~c3 e1 -. 78. ~e1 J:le1 :f) 72.J:lg2
44.\t>cs lt>c7 4S.b6 lt>d7 46.\t>dS d3 46.J:lh2 <iPg7 47.J:le2=] 42 .•• · 6 0-1 ~a8 73. J:lg7 \Pe6 74.J:le7 \t>fS
47.~aS ltJb7 48.~d2 ltJd6 49.~e3 7S.J:lf7 1Pg4 76 .~d4 J:lc8 77. J:lb7
tt\bS SO.It>eS \Pc6 S1 .b7 \Pb7 J:lc4 78.\PaS e3 79.J:lb8 J:ld4
S2.\PdS ttJc7 S3.\Pc4 \Pc6 S4.\Pd3 Socko,Bartosz 80.J:la8 e2 81. J:lg8 3 82. J:lg1 J:ld1
tt\e6 SS.It>c4 lt>d6 S6.~f2 ltJg7 Bu Xiangzhi 83.a8W' J:lg1 84.1i'dS \Pf2 8S.W'd4
S7. ~cS lt>e6 [~ 57 ...\t>c6] S8. ~f8 ltJe8 Beijing blitz 2008 (4) 1Pg2 86.W'e4 f3 87.-.g4 2
S9.~ h6 60. ~f8 s 61 .\Pd3 1.e4 cS 2.ltJf3 ltJc6 3.d4 cd4 4.ltJd4 88.W'd4 1 89.1t'd3 J:lgS 1-0
tt\c7 62.\Pe3 ltJe6 63 .~e7 1-0 g6 S.ttJc3 ~g7 6.~e3 ltJf6 7.~ c4
0-0 8.~b3 d6 9.f3 ~d7 10. d2
ttJaS 11.0-0-0 ltJb3 12.cb3 'ifaS Wahls,Matthias
Motylev,Aiexander 13.\Pb1 J:lfc8 14.g4 bS 1S.ltJcbS Kunze,Markus
Bu Xiangzhi 'ifd2 16. ~d2 [16.J:ld2 e5 17. d6 ed4 Munich 1991 /92 (1)
Khanty·Mansiysk 2007 (2) 18. ~d4 J:lc6 19 .~e3 ~e6 20.J:lhd1 h5 1.e4 cS 2.ltJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ltJd4
1.e4 cS 2.ltJf3 ttJc6 3.d4 cd4 4.ltJd4 21 .g5 ttJd7:f] 16•.. a6 17.ttJa3?! ltJf6 S.ltJc3 g6 6 .~e3 ~g7 7.f3 0-0
g6 S.ttJc3 ~g7 6. ~e3 ttJf6 7.~c4 [17.ltJc3! ltJg4 18.ltJd5 J:le8 19.1g4 ~d4 8.'ttd2 ttJc6 9.~c4 ~d7 10.0-0-0
0-0 8.~b3 d6 9.f3 ~d710. 1t'd2 ltJaS 20.h3) 17... ltJg4 18.fg4 ~d4 19 .~gS ttJaS 11. ~b3 ltJb3 12.cb3 'ifaS
11.0-0-0 ltJb3 12.cb3 'tWaS 13.\Pb1 ~cS 20.h3 f6 21.~f4 ~a3 [21...g5 13.\t>b1 J:lfc8 14.g4 bS 1S.h4 b4
J:lfcB 14.g4 J:lab8 [A 'very strange' move. 22 . ~g3 h5 23.gh5 \Pf7 24.ltJc4 J:lh8 25.h4 16.ttJce2
14...h5 15.g5 8 16.a3!? Khalilman] g4+] 22.ba3 gS 23.~d2 ~bS
1S.h4 bS 16.hS b4 17.ttJce2 24. ~aS J:lcS 2S.J:lhe1 J:lac8 26.J:ld2
hS 27.<.t b2 hg4 28.hg4 ~d7

.t i i .t i • 29.~b4 J:lbS 30.J:lg2 lt>g7 31. J:lh1
J:leS 32.J:le1 J:lh8 33. ~c3 J:lcS
34 .~d4 J:lcc8 3S.a4 J:lh4 36. J:leg1

37.aS ~bS 38.J:ld2 J:lh3 39.a4
~d7 40.J:lc2 ~e6 41. J:lc8 ~c8
'iY 42.J:lc1 ~g4 43.b4 ~e6 [43... ~d7
i ttJ~ ~ 44.b5 ab5 45.a6 ba4 46.a7 J:lh8 47 .~b6
~ Yl~ J:la8 48.J:lc7 ~b5 49.J:lb7 ~c6 -+)
~~ 'ifttJ 44.bS J:lb3 4S.It>c2 abS 46.a6 J:lb4

w n n 16... W'eS [16 ... J:lc7!? 17.h5 J:lac8

(17... J:lb8 - Motylev·Bu Xiangzhi) 18.~h6
17... J:lc7 [17 ...'ife5!?] 18.hg6 [18.ltJc2 ~h8 19.ltJg3 e6 20.hg6 lg6 21 .g5 ltJh5
J:lc6 19.a3 J:lc2!? 20..-c2 (20.\t>c2 Wc7 22.ltJh5 gh5 23.a4 (23.J:lh5?? W'c5-+)
21 .\Pb1 ba3oo) 20...ba3 21.~d4 ab2 23 ...-.c5 24.J:lh5 ~a4 25.ba4 ~d4
22 .~b2 ;!; Gopai·Bu Xiangzhi, Beijing rapid 26.W'd4 W'c2 27.\Pa2 W'a4 28.\Pb1
2008; 18.J:lc1 J:lbc8 19.hg6 hg6 20.J:lc7 'ttc2=) 17. ~f4 [17.h5! ltJe4 18.fe4 -.e4
J:lc7;t; 18.h6!?] 18.. .fg6 [18 ...hg6] 19.gS 19.\Pa1 ~g4 20.ltJg3 W'd5 21 .J:ldf1 e6
[19.ltJg3! ltJeB (19 ...J:lb6 20.ltJc2; 22.J:lh4 15 23.hg6 hg6 24.ltJge2±)
19... J:lbc8? 20.g5! ltJeB 21 ...h2+-; 17...W'cS [17 ... ltJe4!? 18.1i'e3 (18.fe4
19... -.e5? 20.g5! -.g3 21.~14+-) 20.-.h2 -.e4 19.<iPa1 e5 20 .~h6 ~g4 21.~g7

Wg7 22.l:tde1 ed4 23.t(}d4 'ifd5 24.l:thg1 example 26.l:th4 'ii'g3-+] 19.fg4 ~g4
h5+) 18...'it'a5 19.'it'e4 e5 20.'it'b7 ~e8 20.l:tdf1 'ifes 21 .l:tf4 hS 22.t(}dfS
21 .l:tc1 l:tcb8 22.t(}c6 ~c6 23.'i!t'c6 ef4 gfS 23.t(}hS [23.((}15 ~15 24.ef5 ~h6
24.((}14 ~b2 25.l:tc4 ~g7 26.t(}d5 l:te8~] 25.'it'g2 'ifg7 26.1t'g7 «1i'g7 27.~d4~ /::,.
1B.~ h6 ~ hB 19.hS aS 20.t(}fS l:teB 28.l:tfh4] 23...~hS? [23...~13! 24.l:thh4!
(20 .. :iVe5 21.t(}ed4;!;) 21 . ~e3 'it'c6 ~e4 (24 ... ~d1 25.l:tf5 l:tc2 26.l:te5 l:td2
2Vo ed4 "*'b7 [22 ...'i!t'a6 23.hg6 fg6 27.t(}g7 de5 28.~d2 «1i'g7=) 25.l:te4 fe4
24.t(}h6 Wf8 25.g5 t(}h5 26.l:th5 gh5 26.t(}g7 'it'g7 27.'ifd1 ! 'i!ff6 28.l:th6 'ii'e5
27.'it'h2+-J 23.hg6 fg6 24.gS? 29.l:th5=] 24.l:thS e6 2S.efS l:tcS?
[24.t(}h6+-J [25... ef5 26.l:thf5 'ife6 27.l:tf7 Wg6
28. ~a1 'it'f7 (28 ...l:tf8 29.l:tg71 ~g7
30.'it'd4 l:tf6 31.a4+-) 29.l:tf7 <M1

.i •.t 29.a4 (29.b3!? l:tc3] 29 ...'iff2 30.b3 30.'i!t'd5±] 26 .~d4 +- l:tdS 27.~es
if j. l:tbcS 31.'it'b2 l:tc3 32.l:tdS 'it'g2 l:td2 2B.l:tg4 f6 29 .~f6 ~ 30.~g7
j. .. j. 33.l:taS [33.l:te8!?) 33 .. .'i i'f1 34 .~a2 l:tgB 31 .l:th7 1·0
B 3S.l:taa7 l:tc2 36.l:tf7 ~eB
Cfj /3,
37.l:tae7 ~dB 3B.l:td7 ~eB 39.l:tde7
Cfj /3, ~dB 40.l:td7 ~eB ~-~
~ Variation C
Berg,Emanuel 11.~h6
J:t J:t Zhao Zong Yuan
Khanty·Mansiysk ol 2010 (9) Karjakin,Sergey
24 ... t(}hS? [24 ... t(}g4!1oo] 2S.t(}h6 ~fB 1.e4 cS 2.t(}f3 t(}c6 3.d4 cd4 4.t(}d4 Savchenko,Boris
26.l:thS ghS 27.'i!t'h2+ - e6 [27 ... e5 g6 S.t(}c3 ~g7 6. ~e3 t(}f6 7 . ~c4 Moscow 2010 (1)
28.'it'h5] 2B.'i!t'f4 ~e7 29.t(}e6 1-0 0-0 B. ~ b3 d6 9.f3 ~d7 10.'i!t'd2 1.e4 cS 2.t(}f3 t(}c6 3.d4 cd4 4.t(}d4
((}aS 11.h4 t(}b3! 12.cb3 [12.ab3 h5 g6 S.t(}c3 ~g7 6. ~e3 t(}f6 7 . ~c4
13.0-0·0 'ilia5 14 .~h6 'ifa1 15.t(}b1 ~h6 0-0 B.~b3 d6 9.f3 ~d7 10.W'd2
16.'ii'h6 l:tfc8 17.g4 l:tc5 18.((}15 ~15 ((}aS 11. ~ h6

19.gf5 l:tac8 20.l:th2 'ifa2 21 .'ife3 l:tb5
Variation B Saric-Sebenik, Zadar 2011 ; 12.t(}b3]
11.h4 12 •..'i faS 13.0-0-0 bS 14 . ~b1 b4 if
1S.t(}ce2 l:tfcB 16.hS t(}hS 17.g4 j.j. _tj.j._!j.
Gabrielian,Artur t(}f6 1B.t(}g3 j. .. j. ~
Bu Xiangzhi
Moscow 2012 (9)
1.e4 cS 2.t(}f3 t(}c6 3.d4 cd4 4.t(}d4
g6 S.t(}c3 ~g7 6.~e3 t(}f6 7.~c4
0-0 B.~b3 d6 9.13 ~d7 10.'ifd2
((}aS 11.h4 hS [11...l:tb8? 12.h5 t(}b3
13.ab3 a5 14 .~h6 ~c6 15 .~g7 Wg7
16.hg6 1·0 Guerrero Sanmarti-Fernandez
Diaz, Barcelona 2012] 12. ~ h6 l:tcB 11... ~h6 [11...t(}b3 12.ab3 ~h6 13.'ii'h6
13.0-0-0 t(}c41? [13 ... t(}b3] 14.~c4 e5 14.t(}de2 b5 15.'ifd2 1t'b6 16.l:td1 b4
l:tc4 1S .~ g7 Wg7 16.t(}de2 (16.g4; 17.t(}d5?! (17.t(}a2! a5 18.'Wd6 Wd6
16.~ b1 ; 16.l:the1 ; 16.l:tdg1 ; 16.t(}d5] 19.l:td6 ~e6 ;!; ) 17... t(}d5 18.'ii'd5 ~c6
16.. .'ifas 17.«1i'b1 l:tfcB 1B.a3N 19.1t'd6 l:tad8 20.1t'e5 l:td1 21. ~d1 l:td8
(18.t(}d5; 18.'i!t'e3; 18.l:the1] 1B•.. ~e6 1B... t(}g41? [18 ... l:tc7?! 19.g5 t(}e8 22 .~e1 ~b5 23.c3? (23.c4 bc3 24.bc3
19.l:the1 bS 20.t(}d4 b4 21.t(}a2 20.'it'h2 l:tac8 21 .'ii'h7 ~18 22.14 ~g4 ~e2 25 . ~e2 'iWb3 26.~12 l:td2 27 .~g3
(21 .t(}cb5 a6 22.t(}e6 (22.b3 ab5 23.bc4 23.15!1, giving up the exchange, leaves Black h5 28.'iWe8=) 23...'ifa6 24.t(}c1 -.a1
'it'a3oo) 22 ...fe6 23.t(}d4 e5 24.ab4 l:tb4 in dire straits; 18... e5 19.t(}c2± ; 18... l:tab8 25.~12 'iWb2 26 .~g3 a6 27.'ifc7 l:td2
25.t(}e6 «1;117 26.t(}g5 ~g8oo ] 21 .•.'it'c7 19.g5 t(}e8 20.'ii'h2 e6 21 .'it'h7 ~18 22.14 28.c4 ~d7 (28... l:tg2 29.~h3 'iff2
22.t(}b4 aS 23.t(}dS ~dS 24.edS l:tb6! (another typical counterattack in this 30.'it'b8 ~g7 31 .'it'e5 16 32.'it'c7 ~d7
t(}dS [24 ... l:tc5] 2S.t(}bS 'ifb6 26.'ifdS variation) 23.t(}ge2 (the only move. 23.15? 33:ii'd7 ~h6 34:ii'd3 l:tg5- +) 29.t(}e2
l:t4cS 27.'ifa2 [27.W'd4 e5 28.'ifd6 l:ta6+ ) 23... l:ta6 24.t(}c1 e5! 25.fe5 'ife5, (29.l:tg1 +) 29 ... l:te2 30. d7 l:tg2 31.~h3
'Wb5 29.l:td2] 27 ...l:tbS 2B.l:te7 dS w~h a very difficu~ position for White, for ~g7 32.'it'e7 h6 33.14 it'e2 0-1 Zhou

Survey S/18.3

Jianchao-Gundavaa, Ho Chi Minh City 2012; S3.l:td4 ~h1 S4.gh4 6 SS.IPc3 8 . ~c4 tl:lc6 9.W'd2 ~d7 10. ~b3
11...l:tc8 12.h4 .i.h6 13.-.h6 e5 l:tc6 S6.b7 l:tb6 S7.l:td6 1-0 tl:laS 11 .g4 l:tb8 12.h4 bS 13.hS
b5 15.h5 tl:lb3 16.ab3 b4 tl:ld5 l13 .~h6 tl:lb3 ~h6 1S.W'h6 b4
18.hg6 tl:l16 19.g7 l:teS 20.g4 't!fb6 21 .c3 tl:ld5 17.edS es 18.de6 ~e6
{21 .'..16 l:te6 22 ...h4 h6) 21...d5 22.g5 de4 Nataf,lgor-Aiexandre 'tlt'c7 20.hS l:tle8 21 .0·0-0;!;
23.fe4 'i!fe3 24.gf6 't!fe4 25.l:th4 ~g4 Bu Xiangzhi Zherebukh·Annaberdiev, Konya tt-2 2011 I
26.040 l:te6 (26... l:tc6!?) 't!fl4 Reykjavik 2004 (9) 13 ..• tl:lc414.~c4 bc4
28.l:td2 't!fh6 29.l:th6 l:ta6 30.l:tdh2? 1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4
l:td8!+ 31.l:td2? (3 1.~ 1 bc3 32.bc3 l:td1 tl:lf6 g6 6.~e3 ~g7 7.f3 tl:lc6
33.'~b2 l:tda1 34.c4 l:t 1a2 35.1Pc3 l:th2 a . ~c4 0-0 9.Wd2 ~d7 1o .~ b3 tl:las
36.l:th2 l:t16+ ) 31 ... l:ta1 32.1Pc2 ~d1 11. ~ h6 ~h6 12.'Wh6 Wb6 13.0-0-0
33.l:td1 l:tdd1 e4 35.l:th3 l:tl1 liJb3 14.cb3 aS 1S. ~b1 a4 16.ba4
36.l:te3 l:tl6 37.l:te4 bc3 38.bc3 IPQ7 · 4 17.l:td2 l:tfc8 18.'tlt'e3 ~d7
39.tlJI4 l:th1 40.c4 l:th4?? 41 .tl:le6 l:te6 19.l:te1 W'aS 20.a3 hS [20...b5!?
~-~ Lombardy-Reshevsky, New 'tbrk m-1 21.liJc2 (21.e5 b4 22.ab4 'it'a1 23.'~'c2
1956] 12.'tlt'h6 eS bS l:tc3 24.bc3 'tlt'a4 25.<;\?d3 'tlt'a6 26.1Pc2
[1 3... tl:lb3 14.ab3]1 4.tLldS l:tc8 [14... tl:lb3 liJd5-+) 21 ... ~e6 22.e5 tl:leS de5
15.tlJ16 ..16 16.ab3 d5?1 (16... b4! 17...d2 24.W'e5 tl:ld6 l:ta7 l:te7
a5 18.l:td1 ~e6 19..-d6 l:tld8 20.'tlt'b6 27.'it'd6 ~15+ ] 21 .tl:lb3 'it'eS [21 ... 'it'a61?
l:td1 21.'0Pd1 W'g5 22.l:tg1 a4 23.ba4 l:ta4; tl:ld5 23.ed5 b5 24.l:td4 ~15
16... a5!?; 16...~e6!?) de4 25.1Pa2 l:tc2-+] 22.tLldS tLldS 23.edS 1S .~ h6 [ tl:ld5 {1S ... eS!?) 16.edS
We7 19.l:ta6 15 20.tLlgS 'tlt'g7 2U!t'g7 Wh2 24.'tlt'gS h4 2S.IPa2 'tlt'g3 e5 17.de6 le6 18.hg6 hg6 19.'it'h2 'tWaS
q;>g7 22.o-o ~c8 23.l:tc6 h6 24.l:tc7 1Pg8 26.W'g3 hg3 27.l:te7 l:td8 20.1Pt2 W'es (20 ... l:tl7! 21 .-.h7 'i1.?18;!; Ganguly-Zhao Zong Yuan, Sydney 8 29.l:te3 l:te8 30.l:te8 l:te8 22 .~h6 WeSco) 21. Wh7 'i1.?17 22.l:th6
2008] ~e6 16.h4 tl:lb3 31 .tl:le2 l:te3 32.b3 gS g4 'ii.?e7? (22 ...1Pe8 23.Wg6 l:tf7 24.l:thS
17.ab3 dS 18.edS tLldS 19.hS [19.l:td1 34.l:tf2 l:td3 gf3 36.gf3 1Pe7 W'l6;!;) 23.l:tg6+- Chrzaszcz-Gonzalez
W'a5 20.b4 W'b4 21.c3 'tlt'd6 22.h5 l:tc7 37.l:te2 l:tdS l:teS 39.1Pb2 Diaz, Krakow 2011/12] 1S......aS!?
23.tlJg3;!;J 19... W'e7 20.tLldS ~dS ~e6 40.l:teS deS 41 .1Pc2 42.b4 I1S...l:tb2? 16 . ~g7 1Pg7 17.hg6 lg6
21 .tl:lc3 ~c6 22.0-0-0 l:tfd8 23.hg6 s 43. ~d2 4 44.~e2 ~c4 18.W'h6 ~g8 19.g5? (19.0-0-0! l:tb7 20.e5
fg6 24.W'e3 b4 2S. aS 26.1Pb1 4S. • as 21 .el6 l:tf7 22.1Pd2+-) 19... W'as
a4 27.l:td8 'tlt'd8 28.ba4 ~a4 29.b3 20.0-Q-0 'it'c3 21 .gl6 J:[f7 22.l:tdg1 l:ta2??
~bS 30.f4 [30.Wh6 l:tc7 31.'i!fh4 Wh4 (22... 'ii.?h8 23.fe7 l:tb8; 22 ... el6?!
32.l:th4 l:te7 33.tlJg3;!;J 30...'..e7 23.l:tg6 q;>h8 24.l:thg1 J:tb8 25.l:tg7 • b2
31 .tl:lgS W'cS 32.'tlt'cs l:tcS 26.1Pd2 'it'd4 27. ~e2 ~IS 28.l:tf7 W'g1
l:tc8 34.feS ~g7 3S.tLlgS hS 36.l:th4 29.l:tl8 l:t18 30. 18 Wg8 31 ....16 'i!fg7
l:te8 37.l:tb4 l:teS 32.'iWIS;!;) 23.l:tg6?? (23.'i!fg6! hg6 24.l:tg6
~18 2S.l:th8X) 23 ...1Ph8 0-1 Edvardsen-
Andreassen, Tromso 2008; 1S... ~h6
16.'i!fh6 'tWaS! (1 6......b6 17.l:td1 ! {17.hg6
lg6 {17......d4? (M.Arnold·M.Bauer,
Nuremberg 2010) 18.g71+-)
l:tf7oo) 17...WaS 18.hg6 lg6 19.g5 tl:lh5
20.l:thS ghS 21 .g6! hg6 22.'tlt'g6 ~h8
so ...IPd4?? [50... ~d6 51 .a6 ba6 52.ba6 23 .... h6 'ii.?g8 24.l:td2 l:t16 2S.l:tg2 ~g4
~a6 =] S1.a6 ba6 S2.b6 1-0 26.'t!fd2± ; 16... e5? 17.gS! ( ~c6
18.g5 tl:lh5 19. g3 l:tb7 20.0·0·0 16
21 .tl:lh5 gh5 (Krejci·Chirila, Antalya jr 2009)
22.g6! l:tg7 23.gh7 'i1.?h8 24.l:thS±)
Variation D 17...ed4 (17 ... tl:lh5 18.l:th5 ghS l:tfS l:tf1 40. ~b2 11 .g4 'tlt'a5 20 .~e2 'tlt'd5 21.edS ed4
~a6 1:2:. 40 ... ~e8] 41.l:tb6 ~c8 22 ....d6+-) 18.gl6 W'l6 19.tLldS 'it'g7
42.l:tc6 [42.b4±] 42 •.• l:tf8 [:2:. 42...~15 Eidinger,Helmut ~h8 21 .hg6 W'h6 22.l:th6 ~g7
43.tlJI5 l:tl5 44.b4] 43.b4 ~h6 44.g3 Cebalo,Miso 23.l:th7 ~16 24.g7 l:tle8 2S.g8'i!f l:tg8
~b7 4S.l:td6 l:tg8 ~c8 Basel 2012 (1) l:tg8 27.0-0-0+- ; 16... l:tb2 17.hg6
47.bS l:te8 ~ts 49.b6 ~gS 1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 lg6 18.0-0-Q - 15... l:tb2; 16... e6 17.0-0-0 l:tc8 S1 .tl:le3 ~e4 S2.c4 h4 tl:lf6 g6 6 .~e3 ~g7 7.f3 0-0 '*'e7±) 17.0-0-0 g5D 18. IS ~IS 19.'it'gS

'ot>h8 20.h6 l:tg8 21 .'Wf5;!;;] 16.i.g7 'ot>g7 18.'it'e3 i.b2 19.l:tb1 i.e5-+] 13...d5 : ace 22.lLlc5 'it'fS~] 16 ...lLle4 17.fe4
17.hg6 fg6 18.0-0-0 l:tf7 19.'ot>b1 14.ed5 b5 15.g5 b4 f5 18.gf6 'Wf6 19.0-0-o Wa6
b4 20.b3 cb3 [20 ...a5!?] 21.cb3 a5 20.'ot>b1 i.g4 21 .l:the1 i.f3 22.'ot>a1
22.e5 deS 23.lLlc2 'Wb7 24.g5 i.f5 l:tac8 23.l:tc1 i.e4 24.l:tc8 l:tc8
25.gf6 ef6 26.'ot>b2 h5oo 27JWd5 x 'if x• 25.'tlt'b4 i.d5 26.lLlc3 i.f7 27.l:td1
Y2·Y2 a\ .t. i.t.i e4 [27 ...i.t8 28.'l!fa4 'i!Va4 29.ba4 a6=F]

28.'tlt'b5 [28.lLle4=; 28.'We7 i.b3 29.l:td7
Wt1 30.l:td1 {30.lLlb1 i.b2) 30 ...'l!fa6
~ a\ {30 ... i.d1? 31 .'l!fe6) 31 .l:td7=] 28 ... 'l!fb5
Cabrera Trujillo,Jorge 29.lLlb5 h5 30 .<~>b1 a6 [~
Budapest 2008 (5) 31 .lLld6] 31 ...i.e5 32.l:td2 i.e6
1.e4 c5 2.lLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lLld4 33.'ot>c2 h4 34.l:tf2 h3 35.b4?! i.a2
lLlf6 5.lLlc3 g6 6.i.e3 i.g7 7.f3 0-0 36.i.c5 [36.'ot>d2+] 36...i.e6!-+
8.'Wd2 lLlc6 9.i.c4 i.d7 10.i.b3 37.lLle4 i.f5 38.l:te2 i.h2 39.'ot>b3
lLla5 11.g4 lLlb3 12.cb3 e5 [39.l:th2 i.e4 40.'ot>d2 i.g2-+] 39 ...i.f4
13.lLlde2 [13.lLldb5 d5 14.ed5 i.bS 16.lLle4 [16.gf6 bc3 17.lLlc3 i.f6 18.0·0 40.lLld6 h2 41.l:te1 l:tf8 42.'ot>a3
15.lLlb5 e4 16.g5 lLldS 17.fe4 lLle3 i.h4 19.d6 i.c6 20.l:tac1 'i!rd7 21 .lLle4 i.d7 0-1

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Sicilian Defence
Rossolimo Variation Sl 31 .1 (830)

Avoiding the Standard Rossolimo

by Viacheslav lkonnikov

1. e4 c5 of hi king in the centre. Black chances to equalize when he fir t

2. tf.Jf3 tt.Jc6 ha to choo e between two way develop with ... b7-b5 , ... i.b7
3. ~b5 ttJd4 of developing hi piece here. and only then play the bishop to
4. tt.Jd4 cd4 Becau e the next move will be g7 and fini shes development
c2-c3, and taking on c3 ( ... dc3) with ... tf.Je7 and ... 0-0 ( ee the
will only develop the white game Turikov-Danner).
I .t'if•.t~.l
piece , his only option is to

'' ''''' defend the pawn on d4. Thi is

po sible with either ... g7-g6 and
...i.g7 or ...e7-e6 and ... i.c5:
Positions with d2-d3
6.d3 i.g7 7.f4 tt.J f6 8. tt.Jd2 0-0.

The Fianchetto
A I) 5 ... g6 i a quite solid way
to defend the position . Black'
general plan is to play ... g7-g6,
... i.g7 , ... a7-a6, ... b7-b5 , ... i.b7,
Thi i a rare line to avoid the ba- .. .e7-e6, and ... tf.Je7. For hi part,
ic variation of the Ro solimo. White also ha two way to play:
The main idea i to get a different to open the centre with 6.c3, or
type of po ition, for example: to 6.d3 , with the continuation f2-f4
avoid the exchange of the knight and ttJd2-f3 to tart organi zing
on c6 with ~c6, which cau es an attack on the kingside. The critical po Lion of thi varia-
Black everal pecific problems. tion. Now White prefer to play
No better evidence than the pa t Positions with c2-c3 on the kingside with tt.J f3 and
World Champion hip match be- 6.c3 a6 7 .i.a4 i.g7 8.cd4 i.d4. 'ife l -h4. Black al o ha to make
tween Anand and Gelfand! a few change : the knight now
On the other hand, Black can better tays on f6, becau e the
now have different kind of pro- continuation ... e7-e6 can be dan-
blems connected with the pawn gerous for Black, as White will
outpost on d4. play f4-f5. The idea for Black
ln the diagram position White's here is to prevent thi push. [n
three main continuations are: practice Black has tried to play
A) 5.0-0, B) 5.c3 and C) 5.c4. ...d7-d5, which look quite OK,
preventing White from develop-
Variation A ing his attack.
5.0-0 is the mo t olid and mo t
popular line. ln practice around Bishop Goes to c5
90 percent of players choose this White hopes that Black will not A2) 5 ...e6 is Black's second
move. White avoid all tactical be able to castle kingside oon. way to defend the d4-pawn , i.e.
or other complication con- But as we will how in the ill us- with ... i.c5. White ha the arne
nected with the unstable po ition trative games, Black ha good plan : one i playing in the centre

with c2-c3, the econd i playing The rarer line are characterized
on the king ide with d2-d3. by move with the c-pawn.

Positions with c2-c3 Variation B

6.c3 a6 7.i.a4 b5. Attacking the centre: 5.c3 liJf6 .

Georg Danner

An important po ition. Now Without castling White immedi- port by ... b7-b5, ..ib7 to regain
8..Q.b3, a we will ee in the ately attacks the centre pawn on control of the d5-square for the
game , cause Black no prob- d4. Black now has no time to de- knight, or econd: by developing
lems. But the trongest move, fend the weak pawn on d4, but a on the king ide with ... g7-g6,
8.i.c2, give White an extra re- ha been hown in practice, after ... ..ig7, ... e7-e6, ... ltJe7. ln thi
ource with 9.b4 and .Q.b2, to 5 ... tDf6 6.e5 liJd5 the posi tion ca e Black has to pl ay ... f7-f5
exert more pressure on Black's transpose to a kind of c3-Sicil- himself to top the possible at-
centre. ian with a temporary pawn sacri- tacking push f4-f5.
fice on d4, which can be
Positions with d2·d3 recaptured with total equality. Conclusion
One typical move order is 6.d3 3 ... ltJd4 is still a rare guest in
a6 7.i.a4 b5 8 ...ib3 .Q.b7 9.f4 Variation C high-level che s.
liJf6 1O.liJd2. Controlling d5 : S.c4 a6 6 ...ta4.

K .i.'if • .t~K
~ ~~~~~

A lot of continuation deserve

Now, in the game Fontichenko- This is a solid method, with the further exploration here, but
Yakovenko, Lugansk 2007, plan to attack on the kingside: what we ee i that Black has
Black played I O... i.c5, which c2-c4, d2-d3 f2-f4, liJd2-f3, normal counterchances like in
later allowed White to organize 'ite l -h4. Pawn c4 take the im- Clo ed Sicilian line (w ith d2-d3
a trong attack with the ma- portant d5-square from the and f2-f4) and, more impor-
noeuvre 'ii'el-h4. It is safer for knight. Inca e Black trie to play tantly, that he is able to maintain
Black to place the bishop on e7, ... tDf6 (the knight is better placed equality in the lines with the cen-
to control h4 and defend the on e7 in these positions) then tral attack c2-c3. In any case thi
pawn on d4 with ... 'itb6. In tbi e4-e5 will follow. However, i a quite afe method to teer
case Black has good chances of Black has two ways to try and clear of specific Rosso limo posi-
counterplay. equali ze. Fir t: with quick up- tions.

Survey Sl 31 . 1

Variation A Tukhaev,Adam 27011t'g3 l:lc6 (27.oo'it'a4 28.l:le6+-)

500-0 Matiushin,Gennady 28.l:le6 l:le6 29.l:le6 'iWd1 30.q;,h2 'iWhS
Alushta tt 2009 (8) 31 o..ic5 'it'l5;!;] 26.Wg3 l:lc2 (26oo.'iWc7
Sax,Gyula 1oe4 cS 2o ~f3 tt:lc6 3o..ib5 ~d4 27 ...ia3 l:lc2 28.l:le7 l:le7 29.l:le7 'iWb6
ljubicic,Filip 4.~d4 cd4 soo-o g6 6od3 30.We1 q;,gs 31 ol:lg7 q;,g7 32.We7 q;,gs
Split 201 o (8) 33.1i'l8 q;,h7 34 ...id6+-J 27.l:lc2 Wb3
1oe4 cS 2.lDf3 ~c6 3o..ib5 ~d4 28ol:ld2 ..id7 29 ...id6 ..ic6?1
4olf.."ld4 cd4 So0-0 g6 [29 ... Wa4 30.l:lde2 Wc6 31.15 .its
32ol:le7+-] 30ol:lde2 1-0

Xie,George Wendi
Istanbul Wch-jr 2005 (2)
1oe4 cS 2 o~f3 ~c6 3o..ib5 e6 4o0-0
~d4 So ~d4 cd4 6.c3

6ooo..ig7 7ott:ld2 (7.14 ~16 8.¥13 (

S.. o0-0 9...ic4 (9.e5 ~es 10 ...ic4 d6
11 .tt:ld2 ~c7=) 9...d5!? 10 ...id5 ~d5
6oc3 ..ig7 [6oo.dc3?! 7.t0c3 ..ig7 8od4±] 11 .ed5 'ii'd7 12.l:le1 :es 13oc4 dc3
7ocd4 ..id4 8o~c3 a6 9o · 4 e6 [9 ... b5 14 .~c3 b6 15 ...id2 ..ib7 16ol:le2 e6
10o.i.b3 ..ib7 11.~e2 ..ig7 12o~g3 h5!? 17.l:lae1 l:led8 18.15 gl5?1 (18 ... --idS
(12oo.d5 13.l:le1 de4 14o~e4 ~h6oo) 19ott:ld5 'Wd5 20.Wd5 l:ld5 21.1e6 ..ib2=F;
13.l:le1 d5 (13o..h4 14.'it'l3 ~16 15. ~11 h3 18.o.el5 19ol:le7 'it'cS=F) 19o't!fg3 q;,hs
16.g3 Q.Ooo) 14.'it'l3 e6 15oe5 (15.ed5 ~16 20.de6 le6 21 .l:le6? (21 o..il41 l:lg8
16.d3 .idS=) 15ooo'it'b6 16.'it'l4 ..ih6 22 ...ie5=) 21...l:lg8 22.--igS ..id4 23oq;,h1
(16 ... h4!? 17 .~11 h3 18og4 ~e7 19.d4 lOc6 l:lg5-+ Bernadsky-Matiushin, Alushta tt
20...ie3 a5;:t) 17.'it'h4 'it'd8 18.'it'd8 ~ 2009 (9)] 7... ~f6 8.f4 0-0 9. 0 4 (9.e5 6oooa6 (6 ...--icS 7.b4 ..ib6 8...ib2 'iWh4
19od4 :ca 20.~e2 (20 ...ih6 ~h6 21 .l:lac1 tt:ld5 10.~13 d6;:t] 9 .. od5 [9 ... d6 10.15 9.c4!? (9 ...id3!? dc3 (9 ...~16 10.cd4±)
Wdl=) 20...~7= Zarnicki-Ricardi, Pinamar (10.We1 ..id7 11 o..ib3 ~g4 12 0~13 10odc3 tt:ll6 11 .We2 ..ic7 12.g3 Wh3
2002] 1 Ood3 lf.."le7 (10 ... b5 11..i.b3 ..ib7 J:lcS;:t) 10oo.d5oo] 10oe5 tt:ld7 (10o. o~g4 13.c4 ~g4 14.13;!;) 9o.o'it'e4 10.c5 (10od3
12o..ie3 (12.q;,h1!?) 120.. --ig? (12.oo..ie3 11 ott:ll3 Wb6 12o'it'e2 ~h6oo] 11o..ib3 W15 11. ~d2!? Wd3 12 ...ia4 11t'g6
13.1e3 ~e7 14o'it'g4 0.0 15.l:l13t) 13.'iWd2 ~cs 12o'iWf3 tt:lb3 13.~ b3 f6 14oef6 13 .~13!1!1) 10o.o..ic7 11 .l:le1 11t'd5?!
(13od4!? lf.."le7 (13o.. b4 ..ie4 15.13 ..if6 15...id2 ..ig7 16ol:lae1 l:lf7 (11 .. o'iWI5 12.g3 tt:le7 13...id4 0-0;!;)
..ic6 16.d5!1!1) 14.d5 0.0 15.l:lc1oo) 17.q;,h1 tt:l16 13...ie2 (13 ...ic4 'iWgS 14 ...ih6 0.0 15.l:lae1 d5 16...ig7 14 .~b5 ..ib8 15.g3 0-0 16 ...id4;!;) 13...0-0
'Otg7 17.'it'l4 b4 (17 ... d4!? 18.~e2 tt:lc6 14 ...il3 'ifg5 ..ib8 16...id4 d5
19oe5 a5;:t) 18.~e2 (18.~41) 18o.. a5 17. ~d6 tt:ld7 (17.o ...id6 18.cd6 W14
19.~g3 a4 20o..id1 ..ia6 21...ie2 'it'b8?! 19.--ieS Wb4 20.l:lb1 'it'a3 21.Wc2!!!!)
(21 ... de4 22.de4 'iW~) 22.'it'g5= Turikov- 18.'ifb3 ..id6 19.cd6 Wd8 (19o.oWI4
Danner, Rijeka Wch sr 2011] 11. 0 6 bS 20.'it'c3 g6 21 ...ie3±) 20.l:lac1± lzoria-
12...ib3 tt:lc6 13.'it'd2 'it'b6 14oq;,h1 Bonin, New York 2006] 7. 0 4 bS
(14ott:le2!? ..il6 15 .<~h1 ..ib7 16.~] 8o..ic2!? ..icS [8 ...dc3 9odc3 (
14ooo..ib7 15ol:lac1 fS?I [15.o.'it'a5;!;] ..ib7 10.d4 tt:l16 11.a3;!;) 9.....ib7
16olf.."ld5! (16.el5 gl5 l:lg8 18.~d4 (9o..11t'c7!?) 10...il4 d6 11.Wd3 ~16
/f..)d4 19.13 /f..)b3 20.ab3 l:lc8;!;] 16oooed5 12 .~d2 ..ie7 13.a4 ..ic6 14...ig5?! (14.ab5
17.ed5 o-o-o [17 .. ott:le7? 18.l:lle1 ..il6 ..ib5 (14o.. ab5 15.l:la8 Was 16 ...id6 ~e4
(18o....ic5 19.l:lc5 'it'cS 20.d6 'ii'd6 17 ...ie7 ~d2 18.Wd2 q;,e7 19.Wg5±)
21 .'it'c3+-) 19o..ie3 'it'd8 20.d6+-l 17o.o..if5? [17.o.a5! 18.a4 e6 19.'t!fl2 15...ia4 l:lb8±) 14.ooe5? (14o.. h6
18o..if4 l:lde8 19oa4 ..ieS 20.--ies 'iWb6;:t] 18.Wf2 'Wb6 19.--iaS Wa6 15...ih4 Wb6) 15.ab5 ab5 16...il6 l:la1
l:leS 21.d4 l:le4 22odc6 dc6 23od5 20o · 4 l:lc8 [20 ... l:le8 21.--icS e5 22.1e5 17.l:la1 ..il6 18 ...ib3 0-0 190~11 ..igS
l:lf8? (23 .. ol:ld8 24.ab5 'iWbS 25.'iWc2±] ..ie5 23 ...id4±] 21 ...ie7 Wb6 22.h3 20.--idS 'it'b6 21 .l:ld1 l:ld8 22 ...ic6 Wc6
24.'iWd1 Wb8 25odc6 ..ic6 26o'iWf3 h6 23.l:le2 q;,h7 (23 ... a5!?] 24ol:lfe1 aS 23.'t!fd5;t Melia-Guseva, Istanbul Wch-jr
..ib7 1-0 25.a4 l:lc6 (25.o...id3 26.cd3 'it'b3 2005] 9ob4 ..ib6 (9 ... ..ie7 10.cd4 ..ib4
11.a4 ~b7 12.lQc3!] 10.~b2 'it'f6 17.fe3 ii'b6 18.'it'e2 J:c8 19.l:tf2 fS [19... ~16 20.~h6 'ii'e5 21. ~g5 ~h7
[10... lQf6 11.cd4 ~b7 12.d3 0-0 13.lQd2! ) 20.J:af1 (20.ef5 gl5 21 .d4 ~e4oo] 22 .~14 1t'f6 23.'ti'g3! ] 20.eS gf6
11 .a4! lQe7 (11...~b7 12.ab5 ab5 20 ...q;,d8?! (20 ... a5 21 .a3 a4 22 .~a2 g5 21.ef6 ~ h8 22 .~h6 J:g8 23. ~g7
13.J:a8 ~as 14.lQa3 ~c6 15.c4 bc4 16.b5 23.lQh5 g4-+) 21 .efS gfS 22.d4 ~c7 J:g7 24.fg7 q;,g7 2S.'ii'g4 1-0
~b7 17.lQc4 ~c5 18.'fi'a1+- J 12.abS 23.dS?! (23.a4! q;,ba 24.ab5 ab5 25.l:a1
0-0 13.'ti'f3 'lieS 14.cd4 ~d4 h3 26.tQ h3 ~g2 oo) 23 ... eS 24.l:td1
(14 ... 'Wb5 15.lQc3 'figS 16.e5 l:bB 'fi'd6 2S.lQ h3 q;,bs 26.'li'd2 J:cgs
17.lQe4±) 1S . ~d4 'fi'd416.'fi'c3 'fi'b6 27. ~c2? (27.e4 fe4 28.lQg5 'it'g6
17.'it'cS 'fi'd8 (17... c5 18.bc5 ~b7 29.J:e1+=t) 27 ... 'i1Yd5 28.'li'dS lQdS Variation B
19.b6 l:lc8 20.d4 e5 21.lQd2 ed4 29.l:e2? [29.l:te1 tQe7+) 29 ... ~e3 5.c3
22.lQb3+ - l 18.lQc3 (18. d6!+-J 0-1
18 ...d6 19.'li'e3 ~b7 20.ba6 ~a6 Scharrer, Patrick
21 .bS ~b7 22.J:a8 aS 23.'it'b6 Danner,Georg
lQg6 (23... d5 24:*'c7 lQg6 25.ed5±) Fomichenko,Eduard Vienna 2011 (4)
24.f4 l:td8 25.fS efS 26.J:fS lQe5 Yakovenko,lvan 1.e4 cS 2 . ~f3 ~c6 3 .~ bS ~d4
27.J:f1 J:d7 28. ~ b3 h6 29. ~dS Lugansk 2007 (14) cd4 S.c3
~dS 30.lQdS 'fi'a2 31 .d4 lQd3 1.e4 cS 2 . ~t3 ~c6 3. ~bS ~d4
32.'Wc6 'li'a4 33.'li'c3 'WbS 34.l:d1 4. ~d4 cd4 S.0-0 a6 6 . ~ a4 bS
lQb2 3S.l: b1 J:b7 36.'* 'c8 q;,h7 7 . ~ b3 e6 8.f4 ~ b7 9.d3 ~ .t~ ~ .t~E
37.'it'fS ~g8 [37 ... g6 38.'fi'c8 q;,g7
(38 ... l:b8 39.'li'c7 l:tb7 40.'fi'd6+ - ) ~~ ·~·~·
39.lQc7+- ) 38.l:c1 l:b8 39.l:c8 l:tc8
40.'li'c8 q;,h7 41 .lQe7 1-0

Santiago,Yago de Moura
Americana ch-BRA 2009 (2)
1.e4 cS 2.lQf3 lQc6 3 . ~bS lQd4 s ... ~t6 (5 ... 'ii'b6 6.'it'e2 (6.'fi'a4 ~16
4 .lQd4 cd4 S.0-0 e6 6.c3 a6 7. ~a4 (6... 'ii'g6! ? 7.0-0 'ife4 8.d3 'ifl5 9.cd4 a6
bS 8 . ~ b3 e6 11 .l:te1 ~d6 ~b8
9 ... ~f6 [9 ...d51? 10.15!? e5 11. ~d2 13.'ii'c2 li:le7 14 .~a4 0-0oo) 7.e5 ~d5oo)
(11.ed51 ~16 12.~g5 ~e7 13 .~16 ~16 6.. .e6 (6... ~16 ! ? 7.~c4 e6 8.0-0 ~e7
14 .~d2 ~d5 15.~d5 'li'd5 16.~e4 !) 9.e5 ~d5 1o .~d5 ed5 11.'i¥g4 0-0
11... ~16 (11...de4 12.~e4 ~e4 13.de4 12.'ti'd4 'ife6 13.d3 d6g?) 7.a4 a6 8 .~d3
~16 14. ~g5 ~e7 15.a4 0-0=) 12.ed5 ~d5 ~c5 9.b4 ~e7 10 . ~a3 li:ll6 11 .0-0 d5
13 .~e4 'ltd? (13... ~e7 14.'1Wh5t) 14.a4 12.e5 li:ld7 13.a5 'i¥c7 14.cd4 ~b4
b4 15.16 g6 16:~13 (16.a5! ~c6 17.1t'e1 15 .~c2 ~e7 16.14 ( 16 .~a3 li:lb8
h5 18. ~d2±) 16... h5 17.'ifg3 'ifc7 17.'ifh5! ) 16... li:lb8 17 .~b2 (17.15 el5
18. ~g5;t Basagic-Miladinovic, Ohrid Ech (17... ~c6 18.'ii'g4-) ~e6
2001] 10 .~d2 ~cS [10 ... ~e7!? 11.~13 ~15 20.~15 g6 21.~g4 !)
'Wb6 12.h3 h6 13.~d2 a5+=t Zhevna- 17... ~ c6 18. ~c3 ~d7 19.15 li:la7?
Bekarev, Anapa 2011] 11 .~f3 (11.e5!? (19 ... el5 ~e6 0-0
~d5 12 .~e4 ~e7 13.15 'fi'c7 14.ii'g4-+] 22.'ifg4!) 20.fe6?! (20.'li'g4 g6 21.fg6 lg6
S ... ~ cS (8... ~b7 9.d3 ~c5 10.cd4 11...0-0 12. ~d2 'ifc7 (12 ... a513.a4 b4 22 .~b4 ± ) 20 ... ~e6 21. ~e3 ! Skulener-
(10.'fi'g4 g6oo) 10... ~d4 11 .lQa3 lQe7 14.'We1 d5oo] 13.ii'e1 d6 (13 ...h6!? Gohil, Germany Bundesliga B 2004/05]
12 .~c2 ~b6 13 . ~e3 0-0 14.q;,h1 15 14.'ifh4 d5 15.e5 ~e4 ! ?oo] 14. 'fi' h4 aS 6.eS (6.'ife2 'ifb6oo] 6 7.0-0 e6
15 .~b6 'it'b6 16.'fi'e2 J:acB 17.J:ac1 a5t 1S.a4 b4 16 . ~gs (16.15!? el5 17.el5 8.cd4 [8.'1Wg4!? dc3 9.dc3 'ifc7 10.l:e1
Jakovljev-Dujkovic, Petrovac tt 2004] l:taeB 18. ~g5! ] 16 ... h6 17. ~ h3 h5 11.'li'e2! ] 8 .. .'i t'b6 9. 'li'a4 a6
9.cd4 ~d4 10. ~ c3 ~b7 11.lQe2 ~ h7?! (17 ... d5 18.15! ~d6 (18 ... ~e7 1o . ~e2 'fla7 11 .li:lc3 bS 12. 'fi'b3
(11.d3 lQe7 12 . ~e3 b6 13. d2 0·0=] 19.1e6 le6 20.~h6 gh6 21.~14 ~e4 ~ b7 13.~f3?! ( ~d5 14.'ife3
11 ... ~b6 12.lQg3 hS [12 ... 'li'h4!? 22.'fi'g4 ~g5 23.h4-+) 19. ~h6 ~h2 ~e7 15.b3 0-0 16 .~b2! ] 13 ... -.d4
13.d4 lQI6 14.l:e1 0-0+=t) 13.d3 h4 20.q;,h1 g3 21. ~g5 'ti'h4 22 .~h4 ~d6 14 . ~dS ~dS 1S .~dS 'ifdS 16.'ifdS
14.lQhS (14.lQe2 h3 15.g3 'fi'l6oo] 23.fe6 le6 24 .~g5!] 18.fS dS 19.f6 edS 17.d4 d6 18 .~f4 (18.a4! b4
14 ... g6 1S. ~f4 lQe7 16 .~e3 ~e3 (19.fe6 le6 20.~14 ±] 19 .. .'*'d8? 19.J:e1 ~d7 20 . ~d2 a5 21 .J:ac1=]
Survey Sf 31. 1

Variation C ~d5 tt:\16 11.~14;!;] 6.0-0 a6

5.c4 7. ~a4 bS 8.cb5 ab5 9. ~b3 e6
1O.d3 ~ b7 11.~f4 [11.14 tt:\16
Tatai,Stefano ~e7 13./013 0-0o::t] 11 ... tt:le7 [11
Danner,Georg 12.~e5 'ifb6 .ic5 14.l:tc1;!;]
Rogaska Slatina sen 2012 (8) d5? [12... tt:lc6 13.a4 ~e7
1.e4 c5 tt:lc6 3 .~b5 tt:ld4 14.ab5 'ifbS 15.l:ta8 ~as 0-0=; cd4 5.c4 12... tt:lg6 13. ~g3 .ib4 14.l:tc1 0-0
'ifb6=] 13.J:tc1 'ifb6 14.'ilt'h5 de4
15. ~c7 ~e4 17.de4
i: .t~ ~ .t~g l:tc8 18 .~e5 [1 8.a4! ba4 (18...g6

18.. .l:tc8 19.b3? [19.a4;!;] 19...~d7 ~~ ~~··· 19.ab5+-) 19 .~c4 +-l

19.J:tfd1 [19.a4] 20.~c7

[19 ... de5 20 .~e5 16 21. ~14 ~d7:f] l:td7 21. ~g3 g6 22 .'~We2 ~g7 23.a4
20.J:tfc1 ~e7 21.ed6 ~d6 22. ~d6 tt:la5? [23 ... d3! 24.l:td3 tt:ld4 25.-.d1 0-0
~d6 23.f3 g5 24. ~f2 J:the8 25.l:tc8 26.ab5 'it'b5=] 24.ab5 'i!Vb6 25 . ~a4
J:tc8 26.l:te1 a5 27.We3 a4 28. ~d2 0-0 26.b4 tt:lb7 27.l:tc6 'ifd8
ab3 29.ab3 l:ta8 30.l:te2 b4 31 . ~d3 28.'it'd3 e5 29 .~b3 [29.b6 'ilt'e7
h5 32.~c2 J:ta2 33.Wd3 J:ta1 30.l:tdc1+-] 29.. .'~e7 30.l:tb1 l:tb8
34.l:tb2 h4 35.g4 h3 36.We3 J:tc1 31 .~d5 tt:ldS 32.'lWc4 .ita [32 ... tt:lc6!?
37. J:tc3 38.Wg3 J:td3 39.l:tb1 f6 33.bc6 l:ta7 34.b5 1i'c7±] 33.l:tc5 ~g7
40.l:tb2 l:td4 41.Wh3 l:td3 42.Wg3 5 .. .'~a5 [5 ... g6 6.d3 ~g7 7.0·0 e6 8.14 34.l:tc8 l:tc8 35. 1i'c8 J:tc7 36. ~h4
d4 43.l:tb1 ~d5 44.l:tb2 J:tc3 tOe? 15!? (9 ... 0·0 10.e5 d5oo) 10.e5 l:tc8 37 . ~e7 ~f8 38 .~d8 l:td8
45. J:te3 46.l:tb1 l:td3 47.l:tb2 0·0 11 ./013 d6 12.~a4 h6 (12... tt:lc6 39.b6 .id6 40.b7 8 41 .l:tc1 ~e7
J:tc3 48.~e2 We5 49. J:ta2 l:te3 13.l:te1 deS 14 .~c6 bc6;!;) 42.l:tc8 f5 43 . ~f1 fe4 44. ~e4 ~d7
50. ~d2 l:tf3 51.l:ta8 l:tb3 52.l:te8 13.'li'e1 deS ~h7 15.1%12 ~16 45 .~c6 ~e7 46 .~e2 h6 47. ~d3
~f4 53.l:tf8 Wg4 54.l:tf6 l:tb2 16.~d1?! (16.b4 g5 17.~b3;!;) 16... tt:lc6 l:tf8 48.f3 g5 49.b5 e4 50. ~e4 .ih2
55 .~d3 l:t h2 56.Wd4 b3 57.l:tb6 b2 bc6 18. ~13 'ifd6o::t Munoz- 51. ~d4 l:td8 52. ~e4 l:tf8 53.b6 ~f4
58.We3 Wg3 59.l:tb8 g4 60.l:tb3 Cabrera, San Jose ch·CRC 2011 ; 5... a6 54.l:tc7 ~d6 55 . ~d7 l:tb8 56.~c8
J:tf2 61.~e4 ~g2 62.l:tb8 g3 0-1 6.~a4 b51? 7.cb5 ~b7 8.0-0 ~e4 9.d3 ~g3 57.l:th7 ~c5 58.l:th6 1-0

French Defence
Chatard-Aiekhine Attack FR 6.2 (C13)

Classical System with an Extra

by Viacheslav Eingorn

1. e4 e6 A) 8 ...g6. Now 9.dc5! ? ap-

2. d4 d5 pear the most promising contin-
3. tt::lc3 tt::lf6 uation for White, as he trie to
4. .tgs i..e7 open line in the centre, while in
5. e5 tt::lfd7 the ca e of cd4 I O..td4
6. h4 h6 tt::lc6 Black should be OK
B) 8 .. .'~f8. Unlike in the previ-
ou line, Black loses hi s ca tling
right here, but pre erve hi
firm position and retain possi-
bilitie of counterplay;
C) 8 .. .i..f8 and 8 ... l:tg8 al o
deserve attention, although both
the e move look a little bit over-
optimi tic. Evgeny Glelzerov

The Quasi-Classical Line French : with 8.f4, or fir t 8.'iltd2

Concept 7.i..e7 'fle7. and then 9.f4. After thi Black
Black dec)jnes the gambit and ha two standard way to create
uggests his opponent accept the counterplay:
Classical ystem with the extra A) 8 ... a6. Black po tpones
moves h2-h4 and ... h7-h6. Lf castling for the time being and
White withdraw the bishop strives for activity on the
from g5 then Black plays 7 .. .c5, queen ide ( ... c7-c5, ... b7-b5,
avoiding some inconvenience etc.). In thi ca e the presence of
of the line 6 ... c5 7.i..e7. Some- moves h2-h4 and ... h7-h6 seem
time White continue 7.'it'h5 in to be playing into White' hands,
the diagram position in order to although the situation remain
provoke one more pawn move unclear (Berg-A.Kovacevic);
(7 ... g6 8.i..e7) but after 7 ... a6 B) 8 ... 0-0, followed by ...c7-c5
and 8 ... c5 thi queen sortie may Here the move 8.'ii'g4 is the most and ...f7-f6 . Here the following
turn out to be an irrelevant loss of popular choice for White in plan appear strongest for Black:
time. tournament practice, which in a after the undermining of the
sense look like thinking inertia. pawn centre the fleeting weak-
The Bishop Retreat Any attempt at a blitzkrieg on the ne s of squares g4 and g3 in
The moves 7 .i.£4 or 7 ..td2 are kings ide may lead to problem in White's position (a con equence
ai o po ible but 7 .i..e3 eems the centre, o in hi fight for the of the move h2-h4) may tell
the logical continuation. After opening advantage White i ad- (Stetsko). White, for his part ha
7 ... c5 8.'ii'g4 Black can secure vised to proceed similarly as in a chance to u. e another scenario
hi g7-pawn in different ways: the main line of the Classical by playing - see the

Survey FR 6.2

note to the game Aba ov- but more due to general consid- po itional factor in case of7 .i.e7
Bajarani. eration than to pecific analy i . e7. Of cour e, White hould
The visible weakening of keep looking for the initiative
Conclusion Black's king ide pawn structure here and there, but on the whole
The theory book do not pay is compensated for by counter- the variation 6 ... h6 seem sound
much attention to the line 6 ... h6 play in the centre (after 7.i.e3 enough, while stilJ leaving room
and usually don ' t approve of it, c5) or becomes a controversial for further serious investigation .

Provocation [20 ... lZ:Ja4 21 .l:lhd3 lZ:Jc3 22.bc3 "i!fc5] lZ:Jc5 [10 ... ~c5 11.~c5 lZ:JcS 12.lLlb5]
7.~h5 21 .l:ld1 b4 22.ab4 'ilt'b4 23.l:!.hd3 11 .0-0-0 a6? ! [11 ...1!fa5!? 12.h5
"it'b6? [23 ...lZ:lc5 24.l:!.d4 "ilt'b6oo] (12.<j;lb1 a6 13.'i!fg3 -.c7; 12.lLld4!?)
Gabuzyan,Hovhannes 24.lZ:le4+- 8 25.lZ:Jd6 l:!.b8 12... g5 13 .~b1 (13.lLld4 lZ:Je5 14.Wg3~)
Gleizerov,Evgeny 26.l:lb3 "ii'c7 27.l:ldd3 ~c6 28.l:lb8 13... a6 14.'i'g3 ~d7 (14 ... Wc7!?) 15.lLld4
Jermuk 2011 (2) 'i!fb8 29.l:lb3 't!fc 7 30.~d3 lZ:Jc5 b5; 15...0-0-0 16.14;t] 12 . ~c5 f ~c5
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lZ:Jc3 lLlf6 4 .~g5 31 ."ii'f6 l:lh7 32.l:!.c3 'i!i'b6 33.lLlc8 13.lLle4 ~e7? ! [13... b6 14.lLlc5
~e7 5.e5 lLlfd7 6.h4 h6 7 . ~ h5 "ii'c7 34.l:!.c5 'itc8 35. ~g6 l:lg7 (14.lZ:JI6 ~!Boo) 14 ... 'ii'c5 15.'t!t'l4 (15.l:!.d2
36. ~tnlf b7 37. ~ 9 s 1-o ._b4 16.'ikg3 (16.'t!t'b4 lZ:lb4 17.c3 lZ:Jc6)
16... b5) 15...'i'l2 (15 ...lZ:Jb4 16.c3)
16 .<j;lb1 ~; 16.h5 g5 17.'ik16 l:lg8 18.'ii'h6
g4] 14."i!ff4 b5 [14 ... 'ika5!? 15.ltJI6 <j;>IB;
15....tt6 16.'ik16±] 15.lLld6 ~d6
The Bishop Retreat 16.ed6 l:!.a7? [<!:: 16.. .16 17 .~d3 ~17
7 . ..Q.e3 18.l:lde1 <j;lg? 19.'i'g3 't!feB] 17.lLld4
<j;ld7 18 . ~ b5 ab5 19.1!ff7 1-0
Gausdal Wch·jr 1986 (9) Kogan,Artur
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lLlc3 lZ:Jf6 4 . ~g5 Gleizerov,Evgeny
~e7 5.e5 lLlfd7 6.h4 h6 7 . ~e3 Alghero 2011 (5)
7 •.. a6 [7 ...c5!? 8. ~e7 (B.lLlb5?! g6 9 .~e7 [7 .~14 c5 8.'t!t'g4 (8.dc5 lZ:Jc6 9.'i'g4 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lLlc3 lLlf6 4 . ~g5
'i'a5) B...<j;le7; 7... g6 a .~e7 ~e7 9.'ite2 lLlde5 10.'iWg7 lZ:Jg6) 8... g6 9.lZ:Jf3 lZ:Jc6 ~e7 5.e5 lLlfd7 6.h4 h6 7 . ~e3 c5
(9.'i'g4 a6 10.14 c5 11.ltJI3 lZ:Jc6oo) 9... a6 1O.dc5 a6 11.0·0·0 lZ:Jc5oo; 7.~d2 c5 8.'i'g4 g6 9.lLlf3 cd4! 10 .~d4 lZ:Jc6
10.14 (10.h5 g5 11.lLl13 c5 12.dc5 lLlc6 8.1!fg4 g6 9.dc5 ~c5 10.lLlf3 a6oo] 7 ... c5 11 .0-0-0 [11. ~d3 a6 (11 ... lLld4 12.'i'd4
13.o-O-O ~c5) 10...c5 11 .lLlf3 lZ:Jc6; 8."ifg4 g6 'i'b6) 12 .~g6 lLld4 (12 ... l:lg8 13. ~17 ~17
7...lZ:Jc6?! 8.0-0-0 lZ:lb6 9.~e3 (9.l:!.h3!?; 14.'ith5 l:!.g6 15.0-0-0oo) 13.~17 ~17
9.~e7 lZ:Je7 10. ~d3;t) 9... ~d7 10.lZ:Jge2 14."ii'h5 ~g7 15.lLld4 lLl18oo; 15...lZ:Jc5]
g6 11.'ii'g4 lLlc4 12.lLll4 lZ:Je3 13.fe3oo ~.t.~ ~ i:
Berg-Hoi, Denmark 2002/03] 8.0-0-0 ~~ ~.t. ~
[8.~d3 c5 9.lLld5?1 (<!:: 9.dc5) 9... ~g5 ~ i~
(9 ... ed5! 10.e6 lZ:JeS'I' Stetsko) 10.hg5
ed5?! (10 ...cd4) 11.e6 '1Jle7? (11 ... lZ:Je5
~~ LS
12.de5 ~e6) 12.'iPI1 lZ:JeS 13.ef7 lZ:Jt7 LS WiLS
14.l:!.e1 ~e6 15.'i'g6+- Keschitz-Gubics, ttJ ~
Budapest 1987] 8 ... g6 [8 ...c5!? 9.dc5
(9.lZ:lf3 g6; 9.lLld5 ed5 10.e6 g6 11.~e7
<j;le7 12.1fd5 le6) 9... lZ:Jc6 10.14 lZ:JcS] : w~ttJJ:r
9.~e7 '1Jle7 10."it'g4 [10.'ite2] 10...c5
11.dc5 lZ:Jc6 [11...'1Jlc5 12.14oo] 12.f4 9.lLlf3 [9.dc5!? lZ:Je5 (9 ...lLlc6 10.lLlf3 -
h5 13.'i'g5 lZ:Jc5 14.lLlf3 b5 15.a3 game) 10.'i!i'g3 lLlbc6 (10 ... lZ:Jec6 11 .lLlb5
~b7 [15 ... l:!.b8; 15 ... 'itg5 16.hg5 ~b7] es 12.0-0-o ~e6 13.~c4f) 11.~14 ~16 11...lLld4 [11...a6! 12. ~d3 lLld4 13.'iWd4
16.l:!.h3 l:lc8 17.lLld4 lLld4 18.l:!.d4 (11 ... 16!? 12. ~e5 lLle513.f4 ltJ17 14.'t!t'g6 lZ:JcS (13 ...'i!fc7!?; 13... 'ikb6) 14.lLle2 b5
'i!fc7 19.<j;lb1 "i!fb6 20 .~e2?! lLld7 ~c5) 12.lLlb5 <j;>IBoo] 9 ...lZ:lc6 10.dc5! 15.<j;lb1 ~b7f Georgiadis-Uiibin, Vienna

2011 ] 12.l:td4 a6 [12 ... ~c5 !? 13.l:td2 18.hg5 hg5 19.l:tg5 .ig5 20.'\lfg5 'i!Yc5"i'"] 'iWh4 30.d7 ~g7 31."ifgS 'WgS
'ifa51; 13.l!lb5!?oo] 13 . ~ d3 'itc7 18.l!lb3 'ifb6 [18 ...g5! 19.'ifd2 'ifb6 32.fgS l!leS 33.l:tc7 l!lg4
[13... ~c5?1 14.~g6 ! W'e7 15.l!ld5 ed5 20.hg5 hg5 21.14 a6] 19.l:tf3 l:th7 l:thS 3S.l:tb7 l:tgS 36.l!le3 6
16. ~17 'iff7 17.e6 'ifl6 18.l:td5; 20. ~ b1 l!laS 21 .l!laS "ifas 22.hS gS 37.l:ta7 aS 38.l!lc4 l:tdS 39 .~e3
13... l:tg81? 14.l:te1 l!lb8 (14... ~c5 15.l!ld5 23.1!i'd4 'ifc7 24.l:te1 'itcs 2S.'i!Yd3 l:t8d7 40.l:td7 l:td7 41.l!laS l:tc7
~d4 16.1t'd4 ed5 17.e6oo) 15 .~11 l!lc6 l:tg7 26.g4 ~d8 27.l:td1 l:tc7 42.c4 cj,)eS 43.b4 cj,)d6 44.cj,)d4 eS
16.l:tdd1 ~d7 17.1t'l4 g5"i'" Stukopin- 28.'ilt'd2 ~c8 29.l:td3 1t'c6? [29 ...l:tg8 4S. ~c3 fS 46.bS f4 47.b6 l:tf7
Bagirov, Moscow 2012] 14.l:te1 [14 .~g6! ? 30.l!ld5 ed5 31 .l:td5 'ilt'c6] 30 ..ig2+ - 48.b7 Wc7 49.l!lc6 l:tf8 SO.b8'if
l!le5 15.l!le5 'it'e5 16.~h5 ~d7 17.l:tl4 l:tg8 31 . ~dS ... b6 32 ..ib3 l:td8 l:tb8 S1.l!leS l:te8 0-1
().()-0 18.l:tf7] 14... l:tg8 [14 ... l!lc5? 33. ~a2 l:tc3 34.'i t'c3 ~c6 3S.l:td8
15.~g6 lg6 16.1t'g6 ~dB 17.l!ld5; ~d8 36 ..ia4 ~e7 37.~c6 bc6
14 ... l!lf8!?] 1S.'Wf4 ~cS? [15 ... g5 16.hg5 38."ifd3 'Wc7 39."ifa6 ~b8 40.ti'e2
hg5 17.'\lfg3; 15... l:th8] 16.l:tdS! edS ~cs 41.l:td3 ~ca 42.13 .ib6
17.l!ldS+- 'it'b8 18.'Wh6 ~f8'e4 ~ b7 44.b4 a6 4S.c;9b3 ~a7 The Quasi-Classical line
19.W'e3 tfa7 20.'\lfgS 1fcs 21.e6 46J:!d6 cj,)b7 47.c4 1-0 7.~e7 'i!Ye7
fe6 22. ~g6 l:tg6 23.'\i'g6 ~d8
24.-.e6 ~h6 2S . ~ b1 tiffS 26.l!leS Vandevoort,Pascal
l!leS 27.'iieS 1-0 Bogoljubow,Efim Hovhanisian,Mher
Maroczy,Geza Roux 2009 (8)
Bled 1931 (21) 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.l!lc3 l!lf6 4.-igS
Dubinin,Peter 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.l!lc3 l!lf6 4.~gS ~e7 S.eS l!lfd7 6.h4 h6 7 .~e7 1t'e7
Rabinovich,llya ~e7 S.eS l!lfd7 6.h4 h6 7.~e3 cs 8JWg4 [8.l!lf3 a6 (8... 0-0!? 9.g4 c5 10.g5
Leningrad ch-URS 1934 8.'i fg4 8 9.14!? cd410 ..id4 l!lc6 h5; 9.'ilt'e2 c5 10.dc5 l!lc6) 9.1t'd2 (9.l!le2
1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.l!lc3 l!lf6 4.~gs 'Wb4) 9... c5 10.l!le2 cd4 11.1Zled4 l!lc6
~e7 s .es l!lfd7 6.h4 h6 7 .~e3 cs 12.1Zlc6 bc6= Zakharchenko-Bashkirov, St
8.'it'g4 ~f8 [8 ...~18 9.dc5!? (9.14 cd4 Petersburg 2002] 8 ... 0-0
10.~d4 l!lc6oo) 9...a6 (9... l!le5 10.'ilt'g3;
9... l!lc6 10.l!lb5 l!lde5 11.'ili'g3 a6
12.l!ld6 ~d6 13.cd6t) 10.l!ll3 l!lc6
11 .l!la4i ; B... l:tgB!?] 9.l!lf3 [9.dc5 l!le5
10.'ilt'g3 l!lec6 11 .l!lb5 l!ld7] 9 ...l!lc6
10.0-0-0 cd411.~d4

11.l!lf3 [11 .l!lge2 l!lc5 (11 ... l!ld4)

12.l:th3 (Panov-Kotov, Moscow 1935)
12 ...h5 13.'i!YI3 b5J 11...'\lfas [11 ... h5!?
12.1t'g3 l!ld4 13.l!ld4 a6 14.0-0-0 (14.15 9.1Zlf3 [9.l:th3? c5 10.l:tg3 16] 9 ...cS
l!le5) 14 ...'ilfc7] 12.l:th3?! [12.0-0-0 l!lc5 1 O.dcS 1Zlc6 11.0-0-0 [11.'i!ig3 IileS
13.cj,)b1 (13 ..if2 l!le4) 13... h5 14.'i!Yh3 12.0-0-0 15 (12 ...a6t) 13.el6 1!i'f6 14 ..id3
(14.1t'g3 l!ld4 15.l!ld4 g6) 14 ... l!la4 .id7 15.l:the1 .ieB 16.a3 ~h5 17 .~b 1
15.l!la4 'i!Ya4oo] 12... hS 13.1t'g3 g6 ~13 18.gf3 1Zld4"i'" Sandu-Gieizerov,
[13...l!lc5!? 14.0·0·0 l!le4 15.l!le4 de4 Bucharest 2008] 11 ...1ZldeS [11...1fc5!?;
11 .. .'.-aS [11 ...a6!?; 11 ... l!ld4!? 12.l:td4 16..ic3 'i!t'a2] 14.0-0-0 l!lcS 1S.l!lgS 11 ... 1Zlc5 12.l:th3 a6 13.l:tg3 16] 12.1ZleS
~c5 13.l:t14 ~f2 14.l!ld1 ~b6! [15. ~g1 l!le4 16.l!le4 de4 17.l!ld2 1t'a2J ILleS 13.'.We2 l!lc6 14. g4~ fi'cS
{14 ...1t'b6? 15.~b1 ±) 15. ~d3 ~c7] 1S...a6 [15... l!ld4 16.l:td4 ~d7] 16.1t'f2 [14 ... 16 15.~h3oo] 1S . gS '*'b4 16. ~b1
12.l:th3 l!lcS? [12 ... a6oo 13.l:tg3 g6; [ 16. ~g1 b5 17.cj,)b1;!;] 16....id7 'iWf4 17.l:td3 [17.'iWh5!?] 17... d4?!
13... l:tg8] 13.l:tg3 g6 [13 ... l:tg8 14. ~e3; 17 .~e2?! [17..ie3! l:tcB 18. ~b1 ] [17 ... 1Zle5 18.l:tg3 h5] 18.1Zle4 [18.l:tf3!?
13... l:th7 14 . ~e3] 14.'ilt'f4 ~e8 17...l:tc8 18.g4? [18 ..ie3 l!la4+ ; 'iWe5 19.1Zle4] 18... eS 19..ih3 [19.gh6
[ 1 4...~g7 15.l!ld5+- ; 14 ... l!ld4 15.l:td4 18. ~b1 l!ld4] 18 ... hg4 19 .~g4 ... h6 20.l:tg1 ] 19...... h4?! 20. ~g2
~g7 16.l!lh2; 14 ...~g8 15.~e3] l!la4-+ 20.l!ldS 'ilt'dS 21 .~c3 1t'a2 [20.l:tg3i ] 20 ...'i!ig4 21 ..if3 'Wf4
1S.l!ld2? [ 15 . ~c5 .ic5 (15 ...'ilt'c5 22.l:td7 ~e8 23.l:td6 l!lc3 24.l:tc3 22.gh6 g6 23.1Zlg3?! [23.l:tb3;
16.l!lb5) 16.l!lb5-+] 15... ~d7 [15 ...g5] .id6 2S.ed6 l:td8 26.l!le4 'iWa1 23.1Zlc5i] 23.. .~e6 24.l:tdd1? d3
16.a3 l:tc8 17.-icS "WcS [17 ... g5 27.~d2 'i!Yh1 28.l!lf6 cj,)f8 29.1t'cs 2S.l:td3 ~c4+ 26.-idS .id3 27.'i!id3
Survey FR 6.2

'J;>h8 28. ~e6 be6 29. 'iVe3 llae8 16.lOeS?! [~ 1S.'J;>b1] 16 ... ~e8 + 29.'fie7 l0d7 30.l0ed4 'fieS [30...'li'l8
30.a3 llfe8 31 .lle1 ~d4 32.'iff3 fS 17.'ifd3 tOeS 18.feS l0g4 19.l0d1 31.lOeS] 31 .'i!i'g3? [31.lOcS= ~b7
33.lld1 e4 34.1!fe2 'iVeS 3S. 'iWe4 lle8 20.llh3 l0f2 21 .l0f2 llf2 (31 ... lla8 32.h5±) 32.l01e5 ~c6 33.l0c6
J:led8 36.J::tg1 "it'dS 37.'ifa6 llb8 22 ..ie2 llg2 23.'t!i'd1 "fif2 0- 1 lOIS 34.l0e7 <J;>f7] 31 ... ~ b7 32.l0e6
38."it'a7 'i!fd4 39."it'g7 'iWg7 40.hg7 .if3 33.'llrf3 .-es 34.CDf4 bS
~h7 0·1 3S.l0g6 'it'd6 36.'i!i'e3 ti:lf8 37.l0e7
Mammadov,Zaur 'ot.>h8'lfS f6 39.g4 lld8 40.hS
Bagirov,Rufat ti:le6 41 .li'lh4 ~h4 42. e6 "fif6
Baku ch·AZE 2011 (7) 43.1t'e4 'ot.>g8 44.<J;>e2 8 4S. 1
Sukandar,lrine 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.CDe3 l0f6 4.-igS "it'a1 46.<J;>g2 a2 47.'i!fb4 'ot.>g8
Ni Hua ~e7 S.eS lOfd7 6.h4 h6 7 ..ie7 't!i'e7 48. e7 'it'dS 49.<J;>g1 'it'd6 SO.'i!fe4
Ho Ch i Minh City 2012 (2) 8.lObS lObS 9.'ifg4 [9.a4 aS 10.a5 ab5 ~f8 S1.'t!i'f3 <J;>e7 S2.'i!i'b7 lld7
1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.l0e3 l0f6 4. ~gS 11 .abS lla1 12.'ifa1 c6 13.1Wa8 'fib4 S3.'i!fe4 'i!i'e6 S4.'i!i'f4 'ti'f6 ss:ike4
~e7 S.eS lOfd7 6.h4 h6 7.~e7 'fie7 14.c3 1Wa4= ; 9.c3 aS 10.l0a3 c5 11 .l0c2 8 S6.'iWa8 <J;>e7 S7 ...-e4 'ot.>d6
8.'ii'g4 0-0 9.0-0-0 [~ 9.14 c5 10.l013 (11 .14 cd4 12.cd4 CDcS) 11 ... l0c6 12.CDI3 S8."i!t' b4 'ot.>e6 S9.'tife4 'ot.>b6 60.'tife3
l0c6 11 .0·0·0] 9 ... es 10.f4 tOeS (12.14!? ~d7 13.l013oo) 12... cd4 (12 ... 0·0 'tWd4 61 ...-es lld6 62.'llfe2 aS
[10 ... cd4!? 11.l0b5 tOeS 12.l013 l0c5 13 ..id3oo l0d7 14.'Wd2 cd4 15.cd4 IS 63. 1 a4 64."ike8 'i!fdS 6S.'f/b8
13..id3 (13.l01d4 l0e4 14.'ifl3 IS 15.eiS 1S.eiS lOIS) 13.cd4 16 (1 3....id7) 14.eiS 'ot.>aS 66.<~g1 lle6 67."ike7 ~ b4
WIS) 13... l0d3 (13 ....id7!?) 14.lld3 l0b4 'tWIS 15.'ifd2 0-D= Agrinsky·Gusev, 68.'tiff4 <J;>es 69 ...-f8 ..-ds 70.'ifg7
15.J:Id4 l0a2 1S.<J;>b1 l0b4 17.lOdS tOeS Moscow 1998] 9 ... 0-0 [9 ...'iWb4!? 10.c3 'ot.>b6 71 .'fib2 lle1 72.'ot.>g2 'f/d5
18.J:Id3 IS Diaz·Kiinger, Havana 198S] 'ifb2 11 .lld1 (11.'ifd1 lOaS) 11...0·0 73.13 ..-es 74 ..if1 a3 7S. ~f6 'ot.>a7
12.llh3 (12.lld2 'it'b1 13.lld1 'it'b2) 76.'f/f7 lle7 77.'lllb3 b4 78..id3
12 ...15 13.'ifgS l0a6oo] 10.0-0-0 a6 'ot.>b6 79.'i!i'g8 'ifd6 80."it'e4 'ot.>a7
11.l0e3 eS 81 .g5 lle7 82."it'bS hgS 83.'ifa5
'ot.>b8 84 ...-bS ll b7 8S.'i!i'e8 'ot.>e7
86.h6 llb8 87.'iff7 'iWd7 88.'li'e4
g ~ 'iWe6 89."ikf7 'ot.>b6 90.h7 g4 91 .'ifg8
~ i ... 'iff3 92 .<~g1 '*"93 93.'ot.>h1 'it'eS
... .. i ... 94.'i!i'g6 'oPeS 95. g4 "it'd5 96. ~e4
..-es 97 ..id3 'ifd4 98."\lt"g3 lle8
i.t. ~ 99. W' h3 lle8 100."i!t'g3 d5
~ 101.'ot.>g1 a2 102."i'Ve7 'ot.>d4
t2J 103.'fig7 'i!i'e5 104.'ifg4 <J;>e3
~~~ 105."ike4 Wb2 106.'it'b4 'ot.>e1
11.l0f3 [11.dc5 IS 12.eiS?! (12.l013oo le5 107.'iWa3 'ot.>d1 108 ..ie2 'it'e2
13.1e5 lOdeS 14.l0e5 l0e5 15.'ifg3) ~l:t 109.'ifd6 'Wd2 0-1
12... lOIS 13.'ifg6 (13.'tiff3 'fic5 14.g4
e5=F) 13 ... 'ifc5 14 ..id3? 'ife3 15.<J;>b1 12.deS [12.llh3 tOeS 13.llg3 15 14.eiS
CDe7-+ Klauser-Gieizerov, Biel 2009] lliS 15.dc5 e5] 12 ... -wes [12 ...l0Sd7!? Prins,Lodewijk
11 ... a6 [11 ... 1S 12 ..id3!f c4 (12 ...15?1 13.14 l0c6 14.'ifl3 (14.l013) 14 ... l0c5 Carvajai,Juan
13.'tifg6 cd4 14.CDb5) 13.~gS (13.~e2 15.g4 b5 1S.g5 d4 17.CDe4 l0e4 18.W'e4 Tel Aviv ol1964 (2)
J:lb8 14.h5 b5 15.CDh4f) 13 ...15 14.'iWh5 b5 ~b7] 13.ll h3 fS [13 ...<J;>h8!? 14.llg3 1.d4 l0f6 2.ti'le3 e6 3 . ~g5 d5 4.e4
15.g4; 11...cd4 12.CDd4 (12.CDb5 CDc5) llg8] 14.ef6 llf6 1S.llg3 [15J:tf3!? .ie7 5.e5 l0fd7 6.h4 h6 7. ~e7 e7
12 ... CDd4 13.lld4 aSoo; 11...c4!? 12.'ifh5 l0Sd7; 15 ... e5? 1S.'ifh5] 1S ... 'iff8 8."tlr'd2
ISoo 13.g4 le5 14.CDe5 1:1.14] 12.deS 16.'ifd4 l06d7 17.llf3 [17.l013 l0c6oo]
[1 2.llh3 cd4 13.l0d4 (13.CDe2 CDc5 17...l0e6 18.'Wd2 tOeS 19.W'e3?!
14.CDid4 CDe4 15.1:1.13 ~d7f) 13 ...CDd4 [19.ll1S W'IS 20.l013oo] 19 ... d4 20.lld4
14.lld4 IS; 12 ..id3 c4] 12 ...f6 l0d4 21.'ifd4 b6?! [21 ... 1:1.13 22.CDI3
[1 2... CDc5!?; 12 ...15? 13.'ifgS CDc5 .id7=F 23.b4 l0a4 24.l0a4 ~a4 25.~c4
14.CDg5+-] 13.ef6 [13 ..id3 l0c5; 'ifl5] 22.b4 l0d7 23 .~d3 [23 ..ic4 <J;>h8
13 ... 1e5oo; 13.CDa4!? l0c5 14.l0c5 c5 24 .~es l0e5 25.ll1S 't!i'l6 2S ..id5 ~15
15.'J;>b1 15 1S.'t!i'g3 .id7oo] 13 ... l0f6 27.l0ge2 lld8] 23 ... llf3 24.l0f3 W'f6
14.'t!i'g6?! [14.'ifg3 l0h5 (14 ..."it'c5 2S ."~e4 [25.'ifdS! ~h8 (25 ...W'c3?
15..id3 l0h5 1S.'t!i'gS lOIS 17.'ifg3=) 26.'ife6 ~18 27 .~gS) 2S.'ifc7=; 2S.l0e4]
15.'t!i'f2oo] 14 ... 't!i'eS=F 1S.lle1?! llb8 26 ....e6 'f/f4 27.'J;>d1 l0f6
[15.~b1 tOe? 1S.'t!i'g3 l0h5] 15...~d7 [27 ...l018; 27 ... 'iff7] 28.l0e2! = 'i!i'b4

8 ... a6 [8 ...0-0 9.tllce2?! cS 10.c3 16 11.el6 20.%1.g1] 19. 2?! [19.%1.g1 tllf8 20.tlle2] 13~d3 [13.'i!Ve3!?] 13.. · 7 [13...b4!?
tll16 12.tlll3 tt:le4 13.'ilfe3 tllc6 14.dc5 19...tllf8 [19... tt:lb8?! 20.1i'g6 'ii'17 21..h7 aS] 14. 2 d4 4
'ilfcS 15.1Vc5 tllc5]!? c5 10.c3 ~ 22.15±; 19...a5!? 20.a3 (20.b5 tllcS) [15...00 16.'ii'd3 tLlb4 1H!fe2 tLla2
tt:lc6 [10... 16 11.tlll4±] [11.a3!?] 20... ab4 21.ab4 tllbB 22.b5 (22.'iYg6 'ii'f7 18.<l;b1 tLlb4 19.15t;!? 16.<oftb1
11 ... b5 [11 ... cd41? 12.cd4 ... b4 13:.-b4 23.-..h7 ~ 24.15 tllc6 25.%1.14 tt:le5 tLlcd3 17.cd3 ~ 18.gl3 (18.tllf3 0-0)
tllb4] 12.tllf3 ~ b7 13.~d3;!; tllb6?! 26.%1.hl1 tt:lc4) 23.tlla4 ~hB] 18...%1.d8~] 16.tlld4 o-o 17.'ilt'12 %1.fd8
14.tllh5 [14.dc5 tlld7 15.b4 (15.tllh5 20. 4 ~d7 %1.ab8 22.%1.g1 18.%1.he1 [1B.~e2] 18...1fc7 [18 ... %1.d7
tllde5) 15 ... tt:lde5 16.tlle5 tlle5] 14.. .'ilt'f8 [22.a4±] 22....ib5 23.f5 [23.~5! ab5 19.15] 19.~b1 ~d5 20.%1.e3 [20.15 'ii'aS
[14 ... 0-0? 15.%1.h3+-; 14... cd4 15.cd4 it'l8 24.15 el5 25.'ii'15 <l;hB 26.%1.dg4D] 23 ...ef5 21.a3 (21.b3 -..a3 22.c3 %1.ac8) 21...b4 22.16
16.b3] 15.0-0 [15.dc5!? tlld7 16.b4 tllde5 24.'iVf5 ~d3 25.~d3?! [25.cd3 ~hBoo] ba3 23....g3 g5 24.hg5 ab2 25.gh6 ~
17.tlle5 tlle5 18.~e2] 15 ... tt:lc4 25... tlle6 26.• f6?1 [26.tlld5 l:l.dS 27.%1.d5 26.~ %1.ab8 27.~1 ~] 20... Wa5
16.We2 [16 .~c4 dc4 17.dc5 'ilfcS %1.18 28.1i'e4 %1.14 29.'ilfe1] 26...1ff6 [20 ... %1.ac8] 21.tllb3 22.cb3?!
18..-14 %1.g8] 16 ... 0-0-Q?! 17.a4± cd4 27.ef6 %1.d6 28.tlld5 tlld4 29.~d4 [22.ab3] 22...tlld3 23.%1.ed3 %1.d3 24.lld3
18.ab5 ab5 19.cd4 g5 20.g4 %1.d7 30.c4 :aea 31 .<l;c3 %1.f7 %1.d8 25.b4 't/c7 26.'tic5 'tib8 27.%1.c3
[20.tllf6+-] 20 ... gh4 [~ 20.. :ilrb4] [31...~8!?'f] 32.%1.g6 Wh7 33.h5 %1.e6 [27.%1.d6 1fa8 28.llc6 aS] 27...h5?
21.b3 :a9 a hS -.. 9 a 34.a4 gf6 35.b5 ab5 36.ab5 :ata [27...Wb7 28.Wc6 We?] 28.a3 'ilfa8
24.g5 tll b6 25. ~ b5 tllb4 26. 'ilfd2 37.w b4 l:l.f7= 38.b6? :ata 39.~b5 29.1i'c6 .-a7 30.%1.c5 %1.d7 [30... g6]
'i!Vf8 27.%1.fc1 ~b8 28. %1.c5 f6 29.ef6 %1.17? [39 ... %1.e5] 40.c5 :ata 41 .%1.g4? f5 31 . [31.15.... el5 32.e6 %1.e7 33.%1.15 %1.e6
'ilfd6 30.'ii'b4 'iYf4 31.~e2 h3 42.%1.a4 :aes :aca 34.Wc8 ~7 35.llh5 llh6 36.%1.h6 gh6
32.• b6 'ii'g4 33 .~f1 1-0 %1.d5 45.~c4 %1.cd8 46.tllb4 %1.d4 37.1i'l5] 31 ...g6 32.'i!Vc8 ~g7 33.g3
47.<l;b5 f4 48.%1.a7 f3 49.%1.b7 ~g8 %1.e7? [33... %1.d2 34.'i!i'eB 'ii'b7] 34.-..dS 12 51. 7 ~ 52.tllf5 We6 '*'d7 35.'i!Vd7 %1.d7 36.llc6 %1.a7
Van den Doei,Erik 53.tlle3 %1.d3 54.tllf1 %1.d1 55.tllh2 37.w b3 g5 38.hg5 w g6 39.~ 5
Hovhanisian,Mher %1.h1 56.%1.a7 l:l.h2 57.%1.a1 %1.g2 58.%1.f1 40.~d4 w g4 41.llc3 %1.d7 42.<l;c5 h4
Delft 2012 (3) %1.f8 59.b7 %1.g1 60.%1.12 %1.12 61 .~c6 43.gh4 4 44.w b6 1-0
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.tllc3 tllf6 4.~g5 %1.b2 62.~c7 %1.c1 63.c6 5
~e7 5.e5 tllfd7 6.h4 h6 7. ~e7 'iVe7 64. 8 0-1
8.f4 a6 9.1t'g4 [9.g4 c5 10.tllf3 tt:lc6 Abasov,Nijat
11.1t'd2 b5oo; 11...16 12.el6 tlll6 13.0-0-0t] Bajarani,Uivi
9 ... 0-0 10.0-0-0 Baku ch-AZE 2011 (11)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.tllc3 tllf6 4.~g5
The Main Line ~e7 5.e5 tllfd7 6.h4 h6 7 ..ie7 '*'e7
f2-f4 & 'i!fd2 8.f4 0-0 9.tllf3 c5

Plovdiv tt 2010 (6) .t.i
.,..t .. ~,, x•
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.tllc3 tllf6 4 ..ig5
~e7 5.e5 tllfd7 6.h4 h6 7. ~e7 'ilfe7 '
.t..t. ~ .t.
8.'ilt'd2 a6 9.f4 c5 10.dc5 [10.tlll3
tllc6 11.0-0-0; 11.%1.h3 b5 12.tlle2?! tllb6 ~ ~ ~
13.b3 c4 Nikolov-Stojanovic, Paracin 201 OJ t;_j t;_j
1 o ... tt:lc5 11.tllf3 tt:lc6 12.0-0-0
~ ~ ~ ~
10.. .f5?1 [10 ... c5 11 .dc5 (11.%1.h3?! cd4; [12.tlld4 0-0 13.g4 16] 12 ... b5
11.tllf3 tt:lc6) 12.tllge2 tL:lcSoo] :t1 'i'Vw ~ J:I
11 .-..hS [11.ef6 tllf6 12.'ilff3 cS 13.dc5;
11 .'iVf3!? cS 12.tllge2 tLlc6 (12...b5 1o:.-d2 [10.liJb5!? tt:lc6 (10 ... cd4
13.g4f] 11 ...c5 12.tllf3 [12.tllge2 cd4 11 .tllc7 tlle5 12.tlla8 tlll3 13.gl3!?
13.tlld4 tLlc6 14.g4] [12 ... 'i!Vf7 (13.'ii'13 'i!Vb4 14.w f2 ~d7 15.'i!Vb3 'i!Vd2
13.'ilff7 ~ 14.%1.g1 (14.h5) 14...h5 15.tllg5 16.<l;g1 d3=) 13 ... e5 (13... ~d7 14.a3 llc8
<l;e7 16.~e2t ; 12 13.g4 ~d7 14.gl5 15.1i'd4 tllc6 16.'i!Ve3 %1.a8 17.0-0-0;
%1.15 15..-g6 c4 16.tlle2] 13.g4 fg4 13 ... tllc6 14.-..d2 e5) 14.fe5 tllc6 15.14
14..-g4i cd4 [14 ...'ii'f7 15 .~ cd4 ~15 16.'i!Vd2 %1.a8oo) 11 .c3 cd4 12.cd4
16.tlld4 tLlcS 17.%1.hl1] 15.tlld4 tlld4 tllb6 13.tlld6 (13.g4 ~d7; 13.'ii'd2 .id7)
16.%1.d4 tllc5 17.b4 [17.%1.g1] 17... tlld7 13... %1.b8 14.'i!fd2 (14.g4 .id7 15.g5 h5)
18. ~d3 %1.d8 [18 .. .'i!t'f7 19.~g6 'ii'e7 14... ~d7 15.b4 a6=] 10 ...f6!?

Survey FR 6.2

11.()-().{)?! [11 .ef6 tLlf6 (11...'ii'f6 12.g3 16.tLld4 lld8 17.tLlb3 'ii'b6 18.'i!fe2 ll.d1 Hedman,Erik
I!Jc6 13.().{).0 tLld4 14.tLld4 'ii'd4 15.'ii'd4 19.q.,d1 a5oo) 13.g3 tLlc5 14.0-().() tLle4 Gleizerov,Evgeny
cd4 16.lld4;t) 12.().{).0 (12.tLle5 cd4; 12.dc5 15.'i!fe1 (15.tLle4 de4 16.tLld4 ll.d8 17.c3 Norrkoping 2012 (7)
li:lh5) 12...tLlh5 (12 ... tLlc6) 13.tLle2 (13.tLle5 tLld4 18.cd4 b6) 15... tLlc3 16.'*'c3 'ii'c3 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.tLlc3 tLlf6 4 •.i.g5
'l!i'f6) 13... tLlc6 14.g3 cd4 15.llg1] 11 ...cd4 17.bc3 e5 18.tLle5 tLleS 19.fe5 .i.g4 20.ll.d2 .i.e7 5.e5 tLlfd7 6.h4 h6 7 ..i.e7 'ii'e7
12.1i:ld4?1 [12.tLlb5 tLlc6 13.lle1] 12.•.fe5 .i.l3 21 ..i.g2 ll.ae8=] 12•.i.d3?1 [12.0-().() 8. W'd2 0-0 9.f4 c5 1 O.tLlf3 tLlc6
13.fe5 tLlc6 [13... tLle5!? 14.lle1 1ff6] a6 (12 ...15!?) 13.g4 (13.15 el5 14.tLld5 '*'e6l
14.lle1 tLld4 15.'ii'd4 c5 16.'ii'g4 13...b5 14.'il'e3 (14.g5 h5; 14.h5 ~b7
[16.'Wd1!? ll15 17.g4 lle5 18.g5] 16... llf5 15.ll.h2 tLle4o:t) 14... .i.b7oo] 12..•f61
17.~d3?1 [17.'ii'g3] 17...tLle5 18.lle5 13.0-0-0 [13.ef6 'ii'l6 14.g3 tLld3 15.'i!rd3
l:le5 19.'ii'g6 ~d7 20.1t'h7 [20.lll1 ll15] (15.cd3 e5) 15... tLlb4 16.'i!re2 'i!rg6] fe5
20... <M7 2U!rg6 7 22.1t'g7 q.,d6 14.fe5 .i.d7=F 15.t2Je2 .i.e8 16.tLlf4
23.lld1 [23.1fh6 1ff2] 23 ..•1t'e3 tLld3 [16 ... tLle4 17.'i!re3 '*'c5 18.1t'c5
24.q.,b1 a6 [24 ... lld8] 25.g4 lld8 tLlc5 19.g3 ~h5] 17.cd3 1t't7 [17 ... tt:le5
[25 ...'ilfl4 26.a3 'ii'f8 27.'ilfg6 'i!fhB] 26.g5 18.tLle5 'fic7 19.1t'c3 'flc3 20.bc3 ll14
hg5 27.h5 'ilff3 28.h6 'i!ff8 29.tLle4 21 .ll.df1g?J 18.g3 'i!rfS 19.h5 [19:ti'e3!?]
l:!e4 30. 'i!ft8 l:U8 31.~e4 llh8+ 32.c4 19...'i!fg4?! [19... ll.c8 20.Wb1 'ilfg4]
llh6 33.cd5 e5 34.llg1 llh4 35.~c2 20.tLlh2! W'g3? [20 ...1i'15] 21.tLle6 ll.f2
g4 36 .~b3 llh2 37.q.,c1 ll.f2 38.~d1 22.lldg1 W'g1 23.ll.g1 ll.d2 24.ll.g7
llt4 39.~b3 aS 40.q.,d2 a4 41.~d1 Wh8 25.q.,d2 ~h5 26.llb7 tLleS 11.0-0-0 [11 .g4 16 12.el6 i¥16 13.tLle2
""ds 42.q.,e3 ll.e4 43.q.,d2 ~ts 27.tLlf4 .i.e8 28.lle7± tLlg6 29.lle8 'ii'g6!? (13... tLld4 14.tLlld4 cd4 15.g5t
44.llt1 llf4 45.llg1 b5 46.~e2 ll.d4 ll.e8 30.tLlg6 <J;>g7 31 .tLlf4 Wt6 Recktenwald·Kraechan, Ludweiler 1994)
47. 3 lle4 48.q.,d2 llb4 49.q.,c3 32.tLld5 w es 33.tLlg4 w d4 34.tLlde3 14.ll.g1 (14.g5 "ti'e4 15.ll.h3 (15. ~ g2
~ 50.llg2 ~e6 51 .llg1 lle4 [34.tLl14] 34... h5 35.tLlf5 q.,c5 36.d4 tLld4) 15... tLlb6 16.gh6 (16.b3 e5)
52.""d3 ll.d4 53. 3 llb4 54.llc1 c,\>b4 37.tLlge3 ll.h8 38.tLlh4 aS 16... tLlc4) 14 ... cd4 15.0·0·0 e5 16.g5
w b6 55.llh1 ~ 56.llh6 <;Pes 39.w d3 a4 40.tLlc2 q.,as 41 .tLle3 d3oo] 11 .•. f6 [11 ...a6 12.g4 b5 13.h5
57.llh5 llb3 58.<;Pe4 ll.b2 59.ll.e5 Wb4 42.tLld5 q.,as 43.tLlt4 [43.tLle7] (13.g5 h5) 13... ~ b7!? (13 ... 16) 14.g5
Wb6 60..i.g4 a3 61.<;Pd3 .i.c4 43 ..•ll.b8 44.q.,c3 llc8 45.q.,d2 ll.b8 tLld4 (14 ...cd4 15.tLld5 ed5 16.gh6-)
62.Wc3 ll.b3 63.Wc2 a2 64.ll.e1 46.tLld3 llgB 47.tLle5 Wb4 48.c,\>e3 15.tLld4 (15.gh6 tLll3 16."ti'g2 15) 15...cd4
llb1 0-1 ll.g1 49.tLlhf3 llh1 50.tLld3 Wb5 16."ti'd4 (16.tLle2 d3) 16... hg5 17.ll.g1
51.d5 h4 52.tLlfe5 h3 53.d6 q.,b6 '*'c5] 12.et6 tLlf6 13 ..i.b5 [13.ll.e1
54.tLlc4? [54.tLlf7 Wc6 55.tLlde5 Wb7 tLlhS 14.tLld5 "ti'dB 15.tLlc3 tLlg3=
Souleidis,Georgios 56.d7 ll.d1 57.tLld3] 54 •.. q.,b7 55.tLlc5?! Stetsko; 13.wb1 tLlhS 14.tLle2 cd4
Gleizerov,Evgeny Wc6 56.d7 <J;>c7 15.ll.g1 d3] 13 ... ~d7 [13 .. .tLl h5!?
Stockholm 2010/11 (5) 14.tLle2 (14 ..i.c6 bc6 15.tLle5 cd4
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.tLlc3 tLlf6 4 ..i.g5 16.tLle2 'iff6) 14... 'it'c7 15.g3 cd4oo]
~e7 5.e5 tLlfd7 6.h4 h6 7 ..i.e7 1t'e7 14..i.c6 [14.dc5!? 'it'cS 15.g3;!; .i.e8
8.'ilfd2 0-0 9.f4 c5 10.tLlt3 tLlc6 (15 ... tLle4 16.tLle4 'i¥b5 17.tLlc3 'ii'c5
11.dc5 18.g4) 16..i.c6 bc6 17.ll.de1] 14 ... bc6
15.dc5 'ii'cs 16.tLle5 ~ eB 17.g4
[17.ll.de1 ] 17 ... tLld7 [17 ...h5 18.gh5
(18.g5 tLld7oo) 18... tLlh5 19.tLle2 ll.b8]
18.tLla4 [18.ll.de1 !?] 18... 'it'd6
19.'ii'e3 ll.bB [19 ... tLle5!? 20.fe5 'ii'b4
21 .tLlc5 .i.g6] 20.tLld7 [20.g5 h5]
20 ... ~ d7 21. tLlc5 ll.b5 22.tLld3
[22.tLld7 'ii'd7 23.llhe1 co] 22 •.. c5
57.tLlb6? [57.q.,f2 h2 sa.q.,g2 llc1 23.c4?! [23.g5] 23 ... lla5o:t 24. c,\>b1?
59.<;Ph2 llc4 60.tLld3 llc2 (60 ...<J;ld8) [24.g5 h5 25.a3 .i.a4 26.ll.d2 d4 27.tLle5
61 .q.,g1 Wd7 62.q.,l1] 57... lld1 58.q.,e2 ll.a6 28.'it'e2; 28.'it'l2] 24 .•. 'it'a6+
h2 59.c,\>d1 h1 1t' 60.Wc2 'ii'h2 25.a3 ll.b8 26.'il'e5 [26.tLlc5 'ii'b6]
61.Wc3 W'es 62.w c4 'ii'e2 63.w c3 26 ...ll.b7 27.cd5 ll.a3 28.tLlc5 ll.a1
11 ... tLlc5 [11 ...16!? 12.ef6 1t'16 (12 ... tLl16 W'e3 64.q.,c4 "ti'c1 65.Wd5 'i!rd2 29.q.,c2 'i!t'c4 30."ti'c3 llb2 31 .q.,b2
13.0.Q-O 'i!fc5 14.g3 tLle4 15.tLle4 de4 66.Wc4 Wb6 67.tLla4 Wc6 0-1 "ti'a2X 0-1

C aro-Kann Defence
Classical Variation CK 12.3 (819)

Attacking the Classical Caro-Kann

with g2-g4- Part I
by Ufuk Tuncer

1. e4 c6 cause an amazingly large number

2. d4 d5 of correspondence games with
3. tbc3 de4 the e sharp lines are drawn,
4. tbe4 ~f5 sometime by perpetual check. A
5. tbg3 ~g6 possible explanation for thi di -
6. h4 h6 crepancy is that without com-
7. ttJf3 ttJd7 puter assistance it is easier to
8. h5 ~h7 attack than to defend. Let' have a
9. ~d3 ~d3 clo er look at thi mystery!
10. 'ii"d3 e6
11. i.d2 ttJgf6 Flexibility
12. 0-0-0 i.e7 13.'it;>b1 0-0 c5
lt::Jf6 16.g4
A 'if ~ B After Black' 13 ... 0-0 White

'' ' .. -,,*-''

quickly got hi knight out of the

. ' fj,
way and pu hed g2-g4. Black
mu t accept the pawn, a other-
wise White has an attack for
Gata Kamsky

White seem to have no ' real' ad-

vantage if Black defend cor-
16... lt::Jg417.'.,e2 'ilt'b6! rectly. What did Kam ky have in
In the pectacular encounter mind here?
Kamsky-Seirawan , US Champi-
on hips 2012 Black played An Extra Pair of Knights
J7 ... Wh8?! l8. l:l.hgl ttJf6 19.dc5 After
ln thi two-part Survey I want to c7 20.tbe5;!; 13.'0tb1 0-0 c 5
examine a whole raft of attacking White can also play
lines again t the Cia icaJ 15.g4
Caro-Kann (4 ...~5) where immediately and the extra pair of
Black ca tle. kingside (the mod- knights on e4 and d7 are cau ing
em trend!). Naturally in this ca e additional confusion .
the pawn acrifice g2-g4 come 15... lt::Jg416. e2 'ilt'b6
to mind, intending to open the My search for an improvement
g-fi le against Black's king. The led me to the di scovery of
resulting harp variation , en- 17.ttJh4! ?, a move that ha not
riched with fre h alterations and been tried in practice yet I de-
nuance almost every other week, vote a whole section to it, but the
have become very popular lately result is 'only' a perpetual :(.
and claim many victims, espe- and collapsed under the mount- 17... lt::Jde518.de5 f5! =
cially in over-the-board play. I ing pre ure with 20 ... ~c5? When preparing for my game
this only the re ult of bluff and 2l. ~h6! gh6 22.l:l.d7!!+-. against GM Ruck in the Au trian
'incorrect' attacks? Pos ibly, be- 18.l:l.hg1 f5 cd4= Bunde liga I had noticed the

Survey CK 12.3

game C .Balogh-Ragger, Au - Practice has hown that it i trian Bunde liga: 15 .tUf6 tUf6,
tria 2011/12, in which White had extremely difficult for White to and now 16.lUd4 (or already
celebrated a convincing victory. squeeze anything out of thi end- 15.lUd4!) would have been more
I found better move for both game. principled than the equal end-
side , but my analy i how that 17... e4 game that aro e in the game after
Black can equalize with preci e Taking the pawn with 17 ... tUg4 16.1'Vb5 1'Vd7= .
play. Anyway Ruck later is unhealthy after 18 ..1:[hg I h5 A relatively new idea i
avoided my preparation by play- 19.tUe5±. White is practically a 14 ... 'i!t'b6!?, a in Vorobiov-
ing 13. ~bl c5 instead. tempo up, ince the queen i al- Kharitonov, 20 I I.
ready on e2. 15.g4!?
A Typical Endgame 18. e4
13.'iPb1 0-0 lt:Je4 18 . ~e3!? lUg4 i also intere l- ~·-" g
15.'it'e4 lt:Jf6 16.'i¥e2 ing, but I prefer to keep the
Here the queen protect f2 and bi hop. .. .a..t..t.
clear the d-file. lf White trie to 18... lt:Je419. ~e3 = . . . .t.
reach the position from Kam ky- The move g2-g4 is also u eful in ~
Seirawan by mean of 16.1'Vd3 the endgame, securing a pace ~ttJ ~
c5 17 .g4 then Black can avoid advantage on the king ide.
thi with the imple
16 ... 1'Vd5!?=. Black Delays Castling ~
16 .. .'~!rd517. g4!? 13 .c~ b1 cs
An important difference: after
:i ... 14 .. .lUe4 15. e4 the b7-pawn i 15 ... lt:Jb6 16..1:[heH
under attack. Even if Black delays ca tling, the
.i.i.t. Another sharp idea i 14. e2 thematic g2-g4 advance eem to
.t. ,.,. .t. 0-0 15 .d5 !? (introduced by be the only way to pice it up and
'if ~ Jobava again t Bareev in 2003 create orne problem .
~ ~ and covered in Yearbook 69)
15 ... tUd5 16.lUe4, and I think
ttJ that after the novelty 16 ... lU7f6! In Part II of this Survey in
~ Black has nothjng to worry Yearbook 105 we will
about. inve tigate the variou way
14 ... l:l.c8 for White to tart the atta k
There are many games with 14 .. .cd4! ? is what Ruck played immediately, without the e4 18.1'Ve4 lUe4=. again t me thi year in the Au - preliminary move l3 .c~>b I.

Flexibility 18.'.,e2 hg5 19..1:rhg1 <i)h6 20.<i)g5;!; .... J 17... f5 18..1:rde1 'it'd5 19.c4 was actually
13. 'iP b1 17 .1t'e2 1 ~ [Forced if White wants to win. played (Chandler·Lobron, Arnhem/Amster·
The queen protects 12, attacks e6 (in case dam 1983) 19.... d7!?oo]
Analysis of 16.g4 of the typical .. .17-15) and the threat is
2012 18..1:rhg1 . In the stem game of this
1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.<i)c3 de4 4.<i)e4 variation there followed immediately
.Q.f5 S.<i)g3 .Q.g6 6.h4 h6 7.<i)f3 <i)d7 17..1:rhg1 and here GM Chandler who was
8.h5 ~ h7 9 .~d3 ~d3 10.'. ,d3 e6 leading the white pieces assumed that
11 . ~d2 <i)gf6 12.0-0-0 ~e713 .<.fo>b1 17...<i)f2 would be too adventurous
0-0 14.<i)e4 cS 15.<i)f6 <i)f6 16.g4 because of 18...e2 <i)d1 19.~h6-+ . Later
[We start our tour of inspection with it was discovered that a forced sequence
Kamsky's spectacular win against Seirawan of moves leads to absolute equality:
at the recent US championships] 19.. .<;Ph7 20 . ~g7 .l:rgB 21 .h6 <i)c3 22.bc3
16...<i)g40 [16 ...cd4? just accelerates the cd4 23.<i)d4 (23.cd4 W'b6 24.<.fo>a1 =)
attack: 17.g5 <i)g4!? (17... hg5 18 . ~g5- ) 23... ~c5 24.'t!i'd3 f5 25.'it'g3 'it'eBD=.

17 ...'i!t'b61 [Seirawan missed this best 24.l:Lh6 l!Jh7 25.l:Lgh1 l:LgS 26.l:Lh7 'i!t'h7 22.cb6 f4123.ba7 l:Lf5 24 ..ic1 l:LhS 25.l:Ld7
move which defends e6 and initiates 27.l:Lh7 li?h7 28.'it'h5 <J;g? 29.'ilfc5i . l:La7 26..if4 .if4 27.l:Lgg7 w hS 28.l:Lh7=]
counterplay against b2. Instead he moved Possible is 17...cd4 18.l:Lhg1 d3 (18 .. .15 20... c;fth8? [20...141 21.l:Lg6 l:LfS 22.1t'g4
his king out of the g·file by 17...Wh8? but 19..ic3 .if6 20.'ilfe6i) 19.cd3 15 20.'i!fe6 l:LgS 23.'iff4 1t'c6 24 ..ie3oo] 21.l:Lg6!i
that was just asking for trouble because it is c;fth8 21.d4 (21 ..ic3 .if6=) 2t....if6 22.l:Lc1 l:Lf7 22.l:Ldg1 l:Ld8 23 ..it4! 'ifb4
too passive while the kingside pawns ttJI2 23..ib4 l:LeS 24.'it'f5 l!Je4 25.l:Lge1 ;!; [23 ...l:Ld4 24..ic1 l:Le4 25.'it'f3;!;] 24.'it'e3
remain vulnerable just the same) 18.l:Lhg1 and here peace was concluded a bit early in 'ife4 2S.'iWg3 [25..ih6 'ilfe3 26..ie3 f4
l!Jf6 19.dc5 (too hot-tempered is 19..ih6? Daubenfeld-Rufenacht, cr ICCF 2011] 27..ic1i] 2S ...'ife2? [25 ....ig51 26 ..ig5
gh6 20.'i!t'e3 ttJh7+; 20... l:Lg8) 19...'i!t'c7 18.l:Lhg1 tS 19.ttJeS cd4 [19 ...l!Je5 hgS 27.1t'g5 l:Lfd7 28.'ii'c1 1t'e2 29.l:Lg7
20.l!Je5 .icS?? (under pressure Seirawan 20.de5- 'with huge pressure on the g-file' - l:Ld1 30.l:Lg8 l:LgS 31 .l:Ld1 f4D 32.a4i]
commits the decisive error, allowing a Cs.Balogh. Actually h is not so easy: 20...14 26 ..ih6! 'ii'hS?? [26 ... l:Ld1 27.l:Ld1
brilliant execution. Necessary was 21.J:Lg6;!; l:Lf5 22.'it'g4 l:LgS 23.1t'f4 1t'd1 28..ic1 'i!t'dS 29.h6 .itS 30.b3±)
20 ...l:Lad8! 21.b4 aS 22.a3 ab4 23.ab4i (6 Rufenacht-Mesquita, cr ICCF 2009] 20.l!Jg4 27•.ic1 ?± [27.1311 14 28.'i!t'g2+-l
24..if4) 23... l:Ld2 24.l:Ld2 ttJdS 25.l:Ld5! [Whhe paid a heavy price for the exchange 27 ...t4 28...g2 'i!feS?? [28 ...l:Ld1
ed5 26.l:Ld1 .if6 27.l:Ld5± with a healthy after 20.l!Jd7?1'i!t'a6 (Paikidze-Girya, Chennai 29.l:Lg7 l:Lg1 30.l:Lg8 <j;>h? 31 .'ii'g1 .ifS
extra pawn for White, but not 20... 'i!t'c5? 2011 ) 2t.'ii'a6 ba6 22.l!Jf8 q;>f8 23..ie1 32.l:Lg5 'ifh3 33.'iWd1 .ih6 34.l:Lg4±)
21 ..ic3± 6 'i!t'l3-g2, l!Jd7) .icSgg] 20.. .fg4 [The slight whtte inttiative is
gradually fading away: my efforts to find a
conservable edge here have not been
rewarded wtth success. It looks like the mutual
pawn weaknesses outweigh each other]

29...h3+- <j;>g8 30.l:Le6 'ii'c7

21..ih61 gh6 22.l:Ld7!!+- 'i!t'd7 (22 ...l!Jd7 31.l:Lh6 l:Lt6 32.l:Lh8 33.l:Lg7
23...d2 Wh7 24.l!Jg4) 23.l!Jd7 t!Jd7 1·0
24.'ilfd2 Wh7 25.b41? (25.1!t'd7) 25... l:Lad8
26.bc5 Hl Kamsky-Seirawan, St Louis
ell-USA 2012; 17.. .'.'d5?! is creatively 21.'i!t'g4!?N [21 .l:Lg4 d3 (2t....if61?)
answered by 18.l:Lhg11N (18.l!Je5 t!Jf6 22.'iWd3 .if6 23.c3 'i!t'f2= V.Schneider-
(G.Ginsburg-Fridman, Zurich 2003) 19.l:Lhg1 Melia, Rijeka Ech 201 0; 21 ..ih6 gh6 An Extra Pair of Knights
c;fth8 20.dc5 'ii'e4=) 18...'ii'h5 (18 .. .15 19.c4 (21....if6 22 ..ic1i) 22.'i!t'g4 .ig5 23.14 d3 13.~b1
(19.ltJe5;!;) 19.....c6 (19 .. ."it'e4 20.'i!t'e4 fe4 24.cd3 l:Lf5 25.l:Lde1 c;fth? 26.fg5 hg5
21 .l:Lg4±) 20.d5 'i!t'eS 21.'i!t'e6 'ii'f7 27.'it'c4 l:Ld8=] 21 ....it6 22 ..ih6 d3 Analysis of 15.g4
22..if4i) 19.l:Lh1-+, an idea of IM Pein ('The 23.c3 .ic3 24.l:Ld2 l:Lf7 2S ..ie3 2012
Week in Chess'). Indeed Black is sitting on a 'it'bS 26.a4 'ifb3 27.1t'd1 1t'd1 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.l!Jc3 de4 4.l!Je4
powder keg, but he can offer obstinate 28.l:Ldd1 .it6 29.l:Ld3 c;fth7= .itS S.l!Jg3 .ig6 6.h4 h6 7.l!Jt3 l!Jd7
resistance. Lefs see: 19...'ilff5 (19...'i!t'g6? 8.hS .ih7 9•.id3 .id3 10.'it'd3 e6
20.l:Ldg1 h5 (20...cd4 2t.l!Je1 6 22.13) 11 •.id2 t!Jgt612.0-0-0 .ie713.1i?b1
2t.l!Je5 'i!t'f5 22.1411+- (6 l:Lg4, 'ilfh2) Fluvia Poyatos,Joan 0-0 14.l!Je4 cS 1S.g4 l!Jg4 16.'i!t'e2
22...16 23.l:Lh51 'i!t'h5 24.l!Jg4 W'h7 25.'i!t'e6 Alonso Roseii,Aivar [Although in general an additional piece on
l:Lf7 26.d5 q;,m 27.15 l:LeS 28..ie3+- 6 Spain tt 2011 (1) both sides favours the attacking side, here
29.d6) 20.l!Jh4 .ih4 21 .l:Lh4 l!Jf60 (21...h5? 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.l!Jc3 de4 4.l!Je4 the intrinsic drawback is that after the
giving up control over g5 does not work at all: .itS S.l!Jg3 .ig6 6.h4 h6 7.l!Jt3 ttJd7 typical ... 17-15 the l!Je4 will be under attack)
22.131 tt)f6 23.l:Lg1 l:Lid8 (23 .. .'.h7 24.'it'e5 8.hS .ih7 9..id3 .id3 10.'i!fd3 e6 16...'ii'b6 [Premature is 16.. .15 17.l!Jc5
'it'l5 (24 ...c;fth8 25.l:Lg5+- ) 25.'it'g3 'ilfh7 11 •.id2 t!Jgf6 12.Q-O-O .ie713.c;ftb1 tOeS 18.dc5;!; (e6<) 18...'i!t'c8 as in
26.'it'f4 c;fth8 (26...'i!ff5 27.'iWh6+-) o-o 14.l!Je4 cs 1S.t!Jf6 t!Jt6 16.g4 Cheparinov-Le Quang, Moscow 2010. Now
27.dc5±) 24.l:Lg51 'ii'h7 25.'i!fe5! ttJd7 l!Jg4 17.l:Lhg1 ts 18.'ife2 'it'b6 instead of 19..ic3 l:Lf7 20.l:Lhg1 'i!t'cS= I
(25... q;>f8 26.l:Lhh5 t!Jh5 27.l:Lh5±) 26.'i!t'h2 19.ttJeS tOeS [19 ...cd4?1 20.l!Jg4 fg4=] believe that 19.l!Je11N .if6 (19 ....ic5?
g6 27.l:Lhh5±) 22.l:Lg1 c;fth8 23..ih6 gh6 20.deS! [20.'ii'e5 .if6 21.dc5 .ie5 20.l!Jd3±) 20.l:Lg1 'i!fcS 21 .'ii'e6 WhS

Survey CK 12.3 )d3 '~WeB 23.'li'dS l:tdB 24.'Wf3;t gave 23.hg6 fg6 24.14) 22.ll:ld2! A 23.14 would l:tf71 [24... 'i't'a6 2S.l:tg7! ~g7 26.~g7 l:tf2
better chances to the first player because of have been even more precise (but less 27.~b2 l:tf1 28 .~c1- l 25. ~c1 'i'if2
the undeveloped l:taB and Black's kingside human)] 19.ef6 tt:lf6 20.l:tdg1 tt:le4 [2S ...'i't'd4!?=] 26. ~b2 ~ b2 27.cj;b2
weaknesses. Playable is 16...cd4 [20 ...Wh8N appears to be playable too, but l:td8 [27 ... 'iffS 28...-e2 (A 29.h6)
(17.l:thg1 d3! 1B:ilfd3 IS<=t) 17...ll:ldf6 the text move does the trick and 28...Wf6 29.Wb1 l:tafB 30.l:tg6 W'f3=]
1B.ll:lf6 ll:lf6 19 .~h6 gh6 when after the simplifications usually help the defending 28.h6 [28.W'e6 'it'd4 29.cj;b1 l:td6=;
plain 20.ll:lfS!? ( 'li'b6 21 .l:thg1 side] 21 .'jfe4 ~f6D 22.b3! [22.c3? 28.l:tg6 'it'd4 29.Wd4 l:td4 30.l:te6
'.PhS ~18 23.l:td3 l:te8 24.'it'f3= (maybe I am too harsh on this move, but my (30.h6= - 28.h6) 30 ... l:tdS=] 28 ...'ii'd4
Cornette-Magem Badals, France 2010) following improvement grinds the white attack 29.Wd4 l:td4 30.l:tg6 e5 31 .l:te1
20... efS 21.l:td8 ~dB 22.l:tg1 ;t White can to a halt) 22... Wf?!N (this is what makes the l:te7 32.l:tg7 [1-l!-1-l! Blitsko-Rufenacht,
claim a slight advantage due to the weak difference: 22... Wf7 is not possible after ICCF 2011 ] 32 ... l:tg7 33.hg7 c;f;>g7
pawns in the opponenfs camp] 17.tOeS 22.b3! - because in the latter case the 34.l:te5 6=
[Theory and statistics highly favour this bishop can access c3 - as I will presently
move so far. But it is difficult to back up this demonstrate! 22 ...'ifd6? 23.~h6;t 'ifdS
reputation analytically. My new attempt 24.'ii'g6 (24.'ife2;t) 24...'ii'IS (24 ...l:tf7 Caruana,Fabiano
17.ll:lh4!? can be seen in the next section. 2S .~e3 'iffS 26.'iffS efS 27.~c5;t) 2S.'ii'IS Rapport,Richard
Of equal value is 17.l:tdg1 which also efS 26.~g7 ~g7 27.h6 l:tf7 28.l:thS l:teB Chur tt 2010 (8)
scored quite well in OTB practice: 17.. .fS (Cs.Balogh-Ragger, Austria It 2011 /12) 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 de4
18.ll:lh2 ll:lgf6 leaves the ll:lh2 on the scrap 29.a4!?;t) 23.'~ifh7 l:th8 24.Wc2 1!i'd6 ~f5 5.ll:lg3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.ll:lf3 tt:ld7
heap. Less logical seems 18... ll:lh2 19.ll:lcS 2S .~e3 l:tad8!<=t] 22 ...c41N [After the text 8.h5 ~h7 9. ~d3 ~d3 10.Wd3 e6
ti)cS 20.dc5 'ifc6! (20 ...'ifc7?? 21 .'ii'e6 move Black equalizes with precise play. 11. ~d2 tt:lgf612.0·0·0 ~e713. W b1
'.PhS 22.l:tg71+ - Parligras-EI Debs, Unsuccessful was 22 ...'ifd6? 23.~h6 'ifd4 0-0 c5 15.g4 tt:lg4 16.We2
Gibraltar 2012) which was 'proved' in (nor can other queen moves prevent ~g7, f5?! [16... Wb6!];t ll:lc5
21.l:th2 14=. 19.ll:lcS ll:lcS 20.dc5 ~cS followed by hS-h6) 24.'ifd4 ~d4 2S.~g7 18.dc5 '*'d5? [18... W'e8 ~cS
2 1.~h6 ~d4 (21 ... l:tf7!? 22.ll:lf3 ti)e4oo) ~g7 26.h6 l:tf7 27.l:th5 l:tcB 28.l:teS l:tcc7 20.ll:ld3 ~d4 21 .13 tt:\16 22 .~b4 l:tf7
22.c3! (22.l:tg7?! WhB'i') 23.Wa1 (28... l:tc6 29.l:tg6 WfB 30.hg7 l:tg7 23.c3;t; 18... ~c5? 19.~h6 'jfb6 20. ~g5
ll:lc3 2H!i'c2 (Piorun-Stoma, Warsaw 31.l:tge6 l:te6 32.l:te6) 29.l:tg7 l:tg7 30.hg7 ~a3 (20 ...~12 21.h6 gh6 22 .~h6 l:tfd8
2011 ) and with the rigorous l:tf7 31 .l:te6 Wg7 32.l:te2+- with a 23 .~gS +-) 21 .b3+-; 18 .. .'.Wc8
technically winning rook ending in ~16 20.ll:ld3 eS 21.13 e4 22.fe4 l:te8
Pruijssers-Abeln, Netherlands It 2009/10. 23.l:thet;t] 19 . ~ h6! ± 'ii'e4D [19... 'ifc6
g~ 20.~e3 +-] 20 .~e3 ~f6 21 .ll:ld2!?
However 22 ...l:tf7!?N 23.~h6 W'b4 24.'ii'b4

'' ~ ' ~
cb4= looks also playable. Just as promised I
want to show why 22... Wf7? is not possible
here: 23.l:th3!!± l:tad8 (23 ... We7 24.~c3
~c3 (24 ...l:tf7? 2S .~f6 gf6 26.l:td3+-)
[21 .h6!! tt:lh6 22.ll:ld2 "itb4 23.ll:lc4 bS
(23 ... tt:lf7 24.a3 'ii'bS 2S.l:tdg1 l:tfe8
(2S... ll:leS?? 26 .~gS! c4 27 .~16 l:tf6
28. eS+-) 26.a4!!+- ) 24.l:th6 gh6
.i. 2S.l:tc3 l:tf7 26.l:tcg3 l:tg8 27.14 b4 2S.l:tg1 Wf7 We7 27.c3+-]
~ 28.W'es (A 29.'ii'c7) 28 ...l:td8 29.l:tg7±) 21 ... W'b4
~~ 'fll ~ ttJ 24 .~c3 eS 2S.l:thg3 'ifc6 26.W'g6 cj;e7

<;t> n:a 27.14! l:tdS 28.l:te1 1fe6 29.1!fe4 cj;dB

30.l:tg6! l:te8 31 .feS±]

24... ll:la2!!N Black achieves a perpetual:

2S.'.Pa2 l:tac8 26.'ii'e2 l:tc4 27. ~g70 Wa6
28.~b1 ~g7 29.Wes l:tc1 30.Wc1 l:tcB
31. ~b1 'jfd3 32.~a2 'ii'c4=. Incorrect is
17.l:thg1? !Sf as the rook should support
the h-pawn] 17... tt:lde5 [17 ... tt:lgeS??
18.deS tt:leS+- is just as bad as
18.deS ti)eS] 18.de5 f5 [18 ... tt:leS??
19.l:thg1 l:tfd8 20. ~h6 'ifa6 and here
21.We1 !!+- (21.l:td8 l:tdB 22.'jfe1 g6 22 ... a5?? [22 .. .'l te4 23.h6 tt:le3 24.hg7
(22 23.11i'c3+- Negi-Del Rio Angelis, tt:ld1 2S.gf8"it l:tf8 26.'ifd1 ;t]
Montcada 2009) 23.'ife3 Wc4 24."Wf4 d4 23 .~d41 + - [23.h6+ -] 23 ...e5 24.h6
2S.c3D "Wd3 26.Wc1D 1!fd6 tt:ld3 23. ~h6 [23.W'c4 l:tacB 24. e4 '*"d4 l:tae8 25.hg7 ~g7 26 . ~c3 'it'e4
28.Wc2 ll:lf4 l:tb8 30 .~14 l:tb7 2S.'it'd40 ~d4= A 26 .~h6 l:tf2 27 .~g7 27. f1 a4 28.ll:la5 "itt3 29.l:td3 Wt2
31 .hg6±) 21 ... g6 (21 ...l:td1 22.'it'd1 g6 ~g7 28.h6 l:tcc2=] 23 •.. cb3 24.ab3 30.'it'h3 l:td8 31 .l:td8 l:td8!

J:[dS 33.c6??= [33.1i'h7!! 'iti>f8 34.c6+- 11 ..id2 lllgf6 12.0-0-0 .ie713.'iti>b1 23.-igS J:[fc8 (23 ... J:[fe8 24.'it'e3 A 25."ili'h3)
A 35 ..ib4] 33...llle3 34.1i'h7 'iti>f7 o-o 14.llle4 c5 15.g4 lllg4 16."ife2 24.13! cd4 25."ili'h2+-) 20.W'e4 f5 21.lll18
35.'Wh5 36.c7 (36.'iti>a1 lllc2 Wb6 17.lllh4!?N [In this section I am lll18 22.'ifg2+-; 18...Wc6 19.lll16 .il6
37.'iti>b1 llle3=] 36 ...1i'c2 37.'iti>a1 a3! going to examine a novelty of mine. For (1 9... lll16 20..lih6+-) 20..lih6 '~PhS
38.".h4 ~ [38 ... 'iti>g6 39.'Wh5 (39.J:[g1 17.llle5 and 17.J:[dg1 see the previous 21.lllg6! fg6 22.hg6+-) 19.'We4 f5
lllg4 40.J:[g4 (40.'Wd8 e4! 41.-ig? section. More often than not the knight will (1 9... 'iti>h8 20.lllg6! fg6 21.hg6 ..c6
(41.'We8 'iti>g5 42.'Wd8 'iti>g6=) 41...'1Pg7 jump to g6] (21...Wg8 22..lih6 ..c6 (22 ... gh6 2H[h6 (A
42.1i'g5 'iti>f8=) 40...1g4 41 .'ifg4 'iti>f6=; 24.'it'h1) 23 ...-.cG 24.'i!fg4 A 25.J:[h8)
39."ifh7 'iti>f6=) 39 ... 'iti>f6=] 39.'ifh5 23.'ifg4 (A 24.-ig?) 23 ... J:[f5 24 .... h3+-)
[39.llld8 'iti>e8 40.'Wh5 'iti>d7 41.llle6;!;] 22.'it'e3!+- A 23. J:[h6! or 22.l:th6 gl16
39 ..•'1Pf6 40."it'h4 'it;>f7? ;!; (40 ... 'iti>g6!=] 23.g7) 20 ..ih6!! J:[f7 21.'it'l3 .if6 (21...lll16
41.llld8 'iti>e8 42. 'it'h5 'iti>d7 43.llle6 22 ..ic1+- A h6, lllgG; 21....ih4 22.l:th4
ab2 44 ..ib2 J:[d1 45.J:[d1 'it'd1 lll16 23.dc5 'i!VcG (23......c5 24.-ig?)
46."ifd1 llld1 47.lllg7 f4 48.lllf5 f3 24."ifg3+-) 22..if4 (A 23.116) 22......c6
49..ic1 'iti>c7 50.'iti>b1 ?= [50.lllg3;!;] 23.1i'g3 lll18 24.116+-;
50 ... lllc3?± [50 .. .12! 51 .lllg3 lllc3 B) To the same result leads 17... llld16?
52.'1Pc2 llle2 53.lllf1 lllc1 54.'iti>c1 'iti>cG 18.13! llle40 19.fe4 f5 (19 ... llll6 20.l:tdg1
55.'iti>d2 'iti>b5 56.'iti>c3 'iti>a4 57.'iti>b2 e4=] 'iti>h? (20 ... 'iti>h8 21.'ifg2 l:tg8 22.lllg6 fg6
51.'iti>c2 llle2 52 ..ib2 'iti>c6 53.'1Pd3 23.hg6+-) 21._.g2 l:tg8 22.lllg6! .idS
'iti>b5? (53 ... e4 54.'iti>e3±] 54.llle3 23.e5 'Wc6 (23 ... llld5 24.lllf8 Wh8
[54.llld6! 'iti>c6 55.llle4+-l 54 ...llld4 17.. .f5D [The text move gives Black equal 25.-ihG+-) 24.'it'f1+-) 20.lllg6 .if6
chances provided that he finds a long 21.e5 .ig5 22..ig5 hg5 23.W'd2 'Wd8
sequence of only moves, although 24.d5 ed5 25.h6 gh6 26.lllf8 d4 27.llle6
weakening g6 may make him feel a bit 'it'e7 28.lllg5 'it'g5 29.'it'g2+- . Convincing
uneasy! If Black does not find the correct enough?
reply my move 17.lllh4 will almost certainly C) 17... cd4?! is puzzling but insufficient for
succeed: equality. I cannot resist coming up with
A) after 17 ... lllg16? 18.J:[dg1 the fireworks some tactics here too: 18.'ifg4 f5 19.'ifg2
immediately set in: 18... llle4 (18 ... 'iti>h8? .ia3 (19 .. .1e4 20 ..ih6 l:tf7 21 .lllg6 .if6
19.lllg6!! fg6 20.hg6 llle4 21.W'e4+- - 22 ..id2 e3 (22 ... d3 23.c3 A 24.h6) 23.fe3
18... llle4 1Ufe4 'iti>h8 20.lllg6 fg6 de3 24 ..ic1 lllf8 25.h6 lllh7 (25 ... lllg6
21 .hg6; 18 ...'iti>h7? 19.lllg6!! 26. g6 l:taf8 27.l:tdg1 A 28.-.h?!)
26.l:tdg1 J:[e8

55.lllg4? [55.llld11! lllc6 56.lllc3 'iti>b4

57.llle4+-] 55 ... 'iti>b4?? [55 ... lllc6! 56.a3
(56.'iti>d2 '1Pa4;!;) 56... 'iti>a4;!;] 56.We3?
(56.lll12!! lllc6 (56 ... 'iti>a4 57..id4+-)
57.llle4 Wb5 58.'1Pe3 lllb4 (58 ...'iti>c4
59.llld2+-) 59.a3 lllc2 60.'1Pd2 llld4
61..id4 ed4 62.Wc2+- ] 56...'iti>a4;!;
57.lllf2 lllc2 58.'iti>d2 lllb4 59.a3
lllc6 60.llle4 Wb3 61 .-ic1 llld4
62.'1Pd3 f2 63.lllf2 lllc2 64.lllg4 Y2-Y2

19 ... llle4 (accepting the knight opens the

h·file for the other rook and a bishop 27.lllh8!! l:tfe7 (27...Wh8 28.'ifg6)
sacrifice on h6 is inevitable: 19.. .1g6 20.hg6 28."ifg6 A 29.hg7) 20.b3 fe4 21 .-ihG J:[f7
My New Attempt 'iti>g8 21.-ihG 'Wc6 (21...llle4 22.'We4+- - 22.l:thg1 d3 23.c30 e5 (23 ... -ifS
13.'1P b1 18... llle4 19.W'e4 'iti>h8 20.lllg6 fg6 21.hg6 24..ie3±) 24..ie3 W'c6 25.c4 .ic5
'iti>g8 22.-ihG; 21...W'a6 22.lll16 lll16 26.lllg6±] 18.lllg6 (18..ic3 fe4=]
Analysis of 1V t:lh4 23.W'e3+- ; 21...gh6 22.W'e3+-; 21...cd4 18...l:tf7 19.dc5 (19.f3 cd4 20.llle7 l:te7
2012 22.-ig? 'iti>g7 23.J:[h7 'iti>g8 24.J:[e7 W'c6 21 .fg4 fe4 22.'We4 eS (22 ... lllf6 23.'We1gg)
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.lllc3 de4 4.llle4 25.W'd2! (A 26.W'h6) 25... J:[ae8 26.J:[h7! 23.g5 hg5 24 ..ig5 J:[f7 25.h6 'it'c6D
.if5 5.lllg3 .ig6 6.h4 h6 7.lllf3 llld7 lllh7 27.W'h6! J:[e? 28.gh7 'iti>h8 (25 ... g6?? 26.'ird5!+-) 26.'ife2 g6oo;
8.h5 .ih7 9 ..id3 .id3 10 ."~fd3 e6 29.lll16+-) 22.lll16 lllf6 (22 ... -ifG 23.W'h5) 19..ic3 W'a6oo] 19... lllc5 (19 ... .ic5 (the

Survey CK 12.3

dark-squared bishops are valuable assets or whatever) are also possible but they do 18. ~e3 b5 (18 ... ti:ld7=) 19.g4 ti:ld7 20.14
that neither side should easily part with) not offer more than equality. Black can ti:le5 21.fe5 c5 (21 ... Wh8 22 ..1:thg1!?;t;
20.1Dc5 ti:lc5 21 .a3 (6 22.13 ti:la4 23 .~b4) always trade queens (fib6). A plausible 22.fid2 f6 Smeets-Kamsky, Wijk aan Zee
21...ti:le4 22.13 ti:ld2 23.l:td2 ti:lf6 24 ..1:thd1 finish could be:] 29 ...1t'd6 30.'i!fb3 .l:tb8 2009) 22.'i!t'b5 cd4=; 22 ...1!r'f3!?=; 22 ... .1:tb8
lllh5 25 ..1:td6 fie? 26.f4 ti:lf6 27 ..1:te6~] 31.1t'c4 Wh7 [6 32 ... ~b2/32 ... ti:lc3] 23.'ifa5 fie4 24 .~c1 cd4 25.fia7 .l:tfc8
20.ti:lc3 [20.13 ti:le4 21.ti:le7 .l:te7 32.'it;>a1 ti:le3 33.1t'd3 fid3 34.cd3 26.'ife7 .l:tc2 (26...'ifc2?? 27.\t>a1 +-
22.fe4~; 20.ti:le7 .l:te7 21 .ti:lc3 (21 .13 ti:le4 ti:lc2 35.Wb1 ti:la3= [Draw by perpetual Kobalia-Jobava, Budva Ech pff 2009)
- 20.13) 21 ...fia6 6 22.ti:lb5? tiJI2] check] 27.Wa1 d3f] 16... 'i!fd5
20...~f6 21.f3 .l:td7! [The following trick
does not work with the other rook;
21...l:td8? 22.fg4 ti:le4 23 .~e1 !± and .l:td8
hangs with a check] 22. ~c1! [22.fg4?? is
not such a good idea because of either A Typical Endgame
22 ....1:td2+ or 22 ... ti:le4!!+] 22 ..•~c3! 13.~b1
[22 ... .1:td1? would lose two minor pieces for
a rook: 23.ti:ld1 ti:la4 24.fg4 ~b2 !? 25 .~b2 Analysis of 14...lbe4
'Wb2 26.ti:lb2 tiJc3 27.Wa1 ti:le2 28.gf5 2012
ef5 29.l:th2±] 23.l:td7 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ti:lc3 de4 4.ti:le4
~f5 5.ti:lg3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.ti:lf3 ti:ld7
8.h5 ~ h7 9 . ~d3 ~d3 10.fid3 e6
11 .~d2 ti:lgf612.0-0-0 ~e7 13.Wb1
0-0 14.ti:le4 [The move 14..1:the1 = is 17.g4!? [I like this thematic move. II sets
more effective without Wb1 - 13..1:the1 0-0 up a sort of trap (taking the pawn is not
14.Wb1 . After 14.fie2 Black gets a good advisable) and it helps in establishing a
game with 14... 'iVb6!? (14 ... c5 - 13.Wb1 stable pawn chain 13-g4-h5. 17 .~e3 avoids
c5 14.fie2 0-0) 15.ti:le5 .l:tfd8 16 .~c1 trading queens: 17... ti:lg4! (delaying g2-g4
(16.ti:lg6 ~d6=) 16...a5 17.14 a4 18.a3 c5 mechanically. 17... 'i!fe4?! would be a
19.ti:ld7 .l:td7 20.dc5 ~cS 21 .l:td7 ti:ld7= boomerang after 18..1:th4; 17... .1:tfd8
Tulfer-Mignon, cr ICCF 2011] 14... ti:le4 18.ti:le5!? (18 ..1:thg1 ti:lg4= Dautov)
15.'iVe4 ti:lf6 18... .1:tac8 (18 ... c5 19.g4 .... ; 18... ~d6
19.c4;!;) 19.c4 (19.g4 ti:ld7) 19...fie4
23 ... ti:lf6! [The point is that Black must be 20.\t>a1 ti:ld7 21 .13 'i!fh7 22.g4;t; 17...~d6
ready to give up the exchange here 18.g4!? (a prepared novelty) 18... ti:lg4
because after 23... ti:ld7 24.fg4;!; there is 19..1:tdg1;!; Bok-Solleveld, Netherlands It
the double threat of 25.fid3 and 25.gf5 ef5 2011 /12) 18.~c1 (18.~f4 .l:tad8) 18... .1:tfd8
26..1:tf1 , winning the f5-pawn. This is a 19.c4 'iVf5 20.wa1 .l:td7 21.ti:lh4 ~h4
critical moment and a good practical chance 22 ..1:th4 ti:lf6 23.g4 (23 .~e3 e5! 24.g4
for Black to go wrong] 24 ..1:te7!? [Active 'i!fe6) 23... fie4 24 .~e3 'i!fg2!!N (here the
moves are more in the spirit of the chosen queen stops 12-13 and White cannot
variation than 24 ..1:td2 which among other reinforce his kingside attack. 24 ...c5 25.13
things allows a perpetual after 24... ~d2 'Wc6 26.g5 cd4 27.l:thd4 .l:td4 28 .~d4;!;
(24 ... tiJa4 25.b3 ~d2 26 .~d2= - ti:lh5 29.gh6 .l:td8 (Bok-Ducarmon,
24... ~d2) 25.~d2 ti:la4 (25 ... .1:te8!?oo) Maastricht 2012) 30.hg7±) 25.g5! (25 ..1:tdh1
26.b3 .l:td8 27.fie1 fid4 28.ba4 fid2 [In this line Black usually trades queens by cSf) 25 ... hg5 26 ..1:thh1 g4!=. The most
29.'i!t'e6 Wh7 30.fif5 fib4=] 24 ...ti:ld5D means of ... fid5-e4. The ensuing ending is common move here is 17.ti:le5 (6 13, g4)
25.1Wc40 ~f6 [25 ....1:td8 26.ti:lf40 ti:le7 widely considered to be slightly better for 17...'i!fe4! (17... 'i!fd4 18.ti:lg6 fg6 19.'i!fe6
27. 'i!t'c3~ and g7 is poorly defended] White] 16.fie2 [In cases where White Wh8 20.fie7;!; Volokitin) 18.'tfe4 (18. ~e3
26.l:te6o fie6 27.1t'c5 .l:tc8 plays g2-g4 this is certainly the best square ti:ld5=) 18... ti:le4 (going straight for the
28.fib5!? .l:td8 [The situation after for the queen, covering 12. With 16.fid3 ending. I want to touch this topic only
28... .1:tc6 might look precarious at first sight White is speculating on 16... c5 with a superficially here because this is supposed
because of the imminent threats ... ti:lc3 and transposition to 14.ti:le4 c5 15.ti:lf6 ti:lf6 (- to be an opening survey. The gentle reader
... .l:tb6 but 29.~d2! (6 30.l:te1) 29 ... l:tb6 Kamsky-Seirawan, section 1) but the can find other instances of this ending in
30.Wc5 with the idea 31 .fif8 and mate problem is that Black can just play the '13.ti:le4' section in Part II. White's hope
turns the tables. Admittedly even this is not 16... fid5 17.ti:le5 (17 ..1:tde1 ('!' M. Chandler for an advantage lies in the fixed pawn
entirely clear: 30 ... .1:tb2 31.Wc1 ti:le7 1983) does not contribute much to playing structure on the kingside. Also he should
32 .~c3~] 29.'¥ib7 [Other moves (a4, c4 g2-g4 after a normal 17... .1:tad8=) 17... .1:tad8 definitely try to exchange the enemy bishop

for his knight) 19 .~e1 (1 9 .~e3l:tfd8 20.g4 18. \i'e4 [I do not see real w1nmng 33.'it;>d3 ll:\d1 34.g5 gf6 35.gf6 <;1;>17
c5 21.13 cd4 22 .~d4 (22.l:td4 l:td4 23 .~d4 chances in the gambit continuation 18.~e3 36.ll:\g2 llJb2 37.<.Pe4;!;] 32.t7 <;f;>t7
llJd2!:f Fier-Krush, Gibraltar 2012) ll:\g4 19.llJd2 (according to Da Costa Junior 33.ll:\eSD 6 34.f4 ll:\f4 3S.l:!t3?!
22 ... ~c5 23.~c5 ll:\cS 24.c3 (Zelcic- White has enough compensation, but thafs [35.l:!ge3 a4 36.a3 l:!e7 37.g5 'if;>fS 38.gh6
Dautov, Plovdiv Ech-tt 2003) 24...'if;>f8!= about it, all the more because White has to gh6 39.llJc4 l:!e3 40.ll:\e3 <;1;>16 41 .b4 ab3
Dautov) 19...l:tfd8 20.13 ll:\f6 21 .~12 (21 .c3 part with his bishop. 19.l:thg1 llJe3 20.fe3 42.<;t;>b3t] 3S ...'it;>gS?;!; [35 ... l:!e5! 36.l:!f4
(c. 22.<;t;>c2) 21...c5=) 21...l:tac8 (c. ...b5, l:tad8'f) 19... \i'IS 20.l:thg1 ll:\e3 21 .fe3 <t>g5=] 36.l:!e4 [36.l:!fe3! l:!e6 37.ll:\f7
... ~d6, ...cS; 21...ll:\d7 22.ll:\d3 aS l:!ad8 (21... ~g5) 22.l:!df1!1f?] 18... llJe4 'if;>f6 38.l:!e6 llJe6 39.llJd6 l:tb8 40.a4 ba4
(22 ... b5!?=) 23.c3 a4 24.g4 l:ta5 25.'it;>c2 19. ~e3;!; [We have finally arrived at a 41 .ll:\c4;!;] 36... l:!f8 37.l:!f1 (37.l:!g3!
ll:\b6 26.ll:\c5 l:!b5 27.b3 ab3 28.ab3 l:taB position from Alexander Khalifman's book llJd3 38.ll:\f3 c.Pf6 39.g5 hg5 40.l:!g5]
29.l:!a1 l:tba5 30.l:!a5 l:!a5 31 .'it;>b2 ~cS 'Opening According to Anand 1.e4' (Vol.3, 37... a4? [37... l:!f6! 38.a4 ba4oo]
(after the (forced) exchange White can 2004) where the author assures us that 38.ll:\f3! ± <t>g4 39.ll:\d4! <.PhS
count on some advantage. I adopt some of White has a slight advantage. The 40.l:!ef4 l:!f4 41 .l:!f4 gS 42.l:tf1 g4
Nikola Ostojic's suggestions for improve- circumstances are somewhat curious in so 43.ll:\bS? (43.c.Pd2!±]
ment) 32.dc5 llJd5 33.b4!? (33.~d4;!; ; far as Khalifman recommends to play
33.l:te1;!;; 33.l:!d1? l:ta2! 34.'it;>a2 llJc3 11 .~f4 and so the last move was ~f4-e3
35.<;f;>a3 ll:\d1 36 .~d4 e5 (36 ... f6? 37.<iti>b4 in the book. Even so the standard plan
e5 38 .~g1±) 37.~e5 llJe3 38.Q;lb4 lHz here includes strongly centralizing moves
Vallejo Pons-V.Belov, Rijeka Ech 2010) like ll:\e5, f2-f3, c2-c3, <.Pc2, and l:the 1.
33 ... l:!a8 34.'it;>b3;!;) 22.c4 (a slower method The knights should not be exchanged too
consists in the standard set-up 22.g4!? early]
followed by l:the1 , c3, <;f;>c2) 22 ...ll:\d7!
(22 ...b5?! 23.l:tc1;!;; 22 ... <;t;>f8 23.g4 ll:\d7N
(23 ... a6) 24.'it;>c2 (Volokitin-Jojua, Turkey
tt-2 2011) 24... b5! 25.b3 bc4 26.bc4 c5 Alsina Leai,Daniel
27.llJd7 l:!d7 28.d5 l:!d6!+>) 23.<.Pc2 b5 Naroditsky,Daniel
24.b3 bc4 25.bc4 c5 26.llJd7 l:td7 27.d5 Forni di Sopra 2012 (7)
l:!d6! 28. ~g3 (28.de6 l:te6 29.l:the1 l:ta6!) 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.llJc3 de4 4.llJe4 43...g3?? [43 ... l:te8!oo] 44.ll:\d6!
28... l:ta6 29.d6 ~dB 30.d7 l:!cc6 31 .a3 ~fS S.llJg3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.llJf3 llJd7 [44.llJd4? <;f;>g4 45.l:tf6;!;] 44 ... l:!c6
l:ta3 32.l:!a1 l:ta1 33.l:!a1 'if;>fB 34.l:ta7 S.hS ~ h7 9 .~d3 ~d3 10.'ti'd3 e6 (44 ... l:!c7 45.ll:\f5 g2 46.l:!g1 <;f;>g4 47.ll:\e3
<.Pe7= Voloknin] 17.•. 'it'e4 [17 ... ll:\g4? 11. ~d2 ll:\gf6 12.0·0·0 ~e713 . <.P b1 w g3 4B.l:tg2 ..W±J 4S.ttJtso +- <.Pg4
(taking the pawn can definitely not be 0·0 14.llJe4 ll:\e4 1S.'iWe4 ll:\f6 46.ll:\e3 [46.llJd4? l:!cS!.lf?] 46 ...WgS
recommended. White develops a lasting 16.'iWe2 'i!t'dS 17.ll:\eS= 47.<it;>d2 hS [47 ...l:!b6 48.ll:\c4 l:!b8
initiative) 18.l:thg1 'it'h5 19.llJe5 ll:\f6 20.13 49.l:!f3+-] 48.'it;>e2 (4B.l:tf5 <it;>g6
l:tad8 (20... 'it;>h7?? 21 .'i!fg2+-, 'i!fh5<; 49.l:tf8+-J 48 ...a3 [48... l:!b6 49.l:!f5 <;f;>g6
20... l:tfd8 21 .l:th1 'it'f5 22.l:tdg1 h5 50.ll:\c4 l:!e6 51 .l:!e5 l:[f6 52.l:!d5+-]
23. ~h6 llJeB 24.14 l:!d4 25.l:th5 l:td2 49.ba3 l:ta6 SO.l:!tS cj;>g6 S1.l:!f4 l:ta3
26.l:tf5 l:te2 27.l:tf7 ~f8 28.l:!b7 l:th2 S2.l:tc4 <.PgS S3.'if;>f3 h4 S4.l:!cS 'iti>g6
29 .~g5±) 21 .'i!fg2 g6 22.l:!h1 'i!ff5 SS.Wg4 l:!a2 S6.'it;>h4 l:te2 S7.l:!gS
23 .~h6 l:tfe8 24.llJg4± (Da Costa Junior. <.Pt7 S8.l:!g3 We6 59.<.Pg4 l:!t2 1-0
White wins at least the exchange!) 24...~f8
(24 ...a6 25.~e3± ; 24 ... ll:\g4 25.fg4 'ti'f6
26.~e3 c5 (26 ...'ii'g7 27.l:!h3+-) 27.g5
'ilfg7 28.l:!h4+-) 25.llJf6 'iWf6 26.~g5±]
Black Delays Castling
17...\i'e4 18.'iWe4 llJe4 19. ~e1
l:tfd8 20.f3 llJf6 21.~t2 [21. ~h4 l:!acB Analysis of 13 ...c5
22.c3 c5 23.dc5 l:!d1 24.l:!d1 l:!cS 25.f4=] 2012
21 ... l:!ac8 22.g4 bS 23.c3 [23.~h4 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ll:\c3 de4 4.llJe4
l:!d5 24.l:!he1=] 23 ... ll:\dS 24.llJd3 ~d6 ~fS S.ll:\g3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.llJf3 llJd7
2S.'it;>c2 aS 26.l:!de1 l:te8 27.l:!hg1 S.hS ~ h7 9.~d3 ~d3 10.'iWd3 e6
f6 28 .~g3 ~g3?! [28...~f8 29.~12 11. ~d2 llJ gf612.0·0·0 ~e713. 'it;> b1
'if;>f7 30.l:!e4 a4=] 29.l:!g3 eS! [29 ...<t>f7 c5 (Black delays castling - he is probably
30.l:tg2 a4 31.l:tge2;!;] 30.deS cS afraid of g2-g4-g5 - and creates
31.ef6 c4 [31 ... l:!e1 32.ll:\e1 ll:\e3 counterplay in the centre immediately]

Survey CK 12.3

14.tce4 [Consistent. As we shall see 19... hg5!?N (19... c4 20.'i!t'c4 hg5 a stable pawn chain f3-g4-h5) 17.l:the1
Black is deprived of the standard exchange (Stefansson-Granda Zuniga, Khanty- 'iWb6. Sooner or later, White will have to
manoeuvre 14...lLle4 15.'i!t'e4 tLlf6? Mansiysk ol 2010) 21..~.g5 l:tfc8 22. W'b3 defend the now weak h5-pawn, for
because the white queen is now aiming at 'ifb3 23.ab3 ~g5 tl:lf6=) 20.h6 example: 1B. ~e3 l:tdB 19.W'c4 'i!t'b4
the b7-pawn. Here I have to mention a ~f6 (Black has defended successfully and 20.W'b4 ~b4= ) 15... l:tcB 16 .~c3 0·0
popular alternative which was introduced by reached an ideal arrangement of his forces. (16!! tl:lc3 fe6
Baadur Jobava: 14.W'e2 0·0 15.d5. But the game is still within the drawing 19. g6 w fB 20.'ii'e6+-; 16... a6
margin. 20 ... g6 21.cj;>a1 (21.c4 ~16! 22.b3'i"!? fe6 ~f6 19 .~f6 gf6
- 20...~f6 21 .b3 g6 22.c4) 21...Wh8oo) 20.W'g6 IPfB 21 . l:t h4~) 17.lLlb5 'it'b6
21 .b3 (21.lLle5 g6 22.c4 ~es 23. e5 f6 1B .~d4 tl:lc5 ( 1B... ~c5? 19 .~c5 tl:lc5
24.'it'e2 tl:le7 25.~g5 eS! (25 ...fg5?? 20.lLlf6 gf6 21 .'ii'g3 w h7 22.lLld6±)
26.W'e5 w f7o 27.'ii'g7 w eB 28.h7+- ) ~c5 20 .~f6 gf6 21. W'g3 IPhB
26. ~c1 W'e6 27.f4 e4'i') 21 ...g6 22.c4 (21 ... 1Ph7? 22.l:td7 'ii'b5 23.Wg6;t)
tl:lc3 23. ~c3 ~c3 24.l:td7 l:tadB 25.lLle5 22.lLld6 ~d6 23.l:td6 'ifc5=. Please note
~e5 26.'i!t'e5 f6 27.l:tg7 IPhB 2B.'iVe4 that 14 ... tl:le4?1 15.'i!fe4 creates some
W'c6 29.'i'c6 bc6 30.wc2 e5=i= ] problems for Black, because he cannot
play 15 ... tl:lf6? 16.'ifb7 and after 15... 0·0
16.dc5 Wc7 (16 ... tl:lc5 17.Wg4; 16... ~c5
17 .~h6 ! gh6 1B.'tlt'g4 Wh7, h6<;
(1B...WhB? 19.'ifa4 tl:lb6 20.'tli'f4+-)
In rTrf opinion, however, Black should be able 19.'tli'c4 l:tcB 20.'tlt'd3± L> 21 .'tlt'd7)
to beat off the attack, ~ only by the skin of his 17 .~f4 ;!; or 17 .~c3 ;!; White is simply
teeth: 15...lLld5 (the stem game went better] 15.g41N [Our thematic push gives
15... ed5? 16..ih6 gh6 l:te8? (?. Black something to chew on even though
17...Wh8N 18.l:the1 lLlgB 19.l:td5;!;) 1B.lLlh6 he has not castled yet. Other moves are
d (Jobava-Bareev, Rethymnon tt 2003 - harmless: 15.dc5 0-0!N (15... tl:Jc5
YB/69-112) 19.'i!t'd2!! lLlg8 b6 (16.tLlf6 ~f6 17. dB l:tdB 1B. ~e3 l:tc8=
21.'ii'd5+-) 16.lLle4 tLl7f6! (technically a Dgebuadze-L.Ravi, Liverpool 2007)
novelty, this is the safest move order. Black 16... l:tc5 17.'it'b3 'tlt'b6 1B. ~e3 Wb3
just trades pieces, the onus is on WMe to 14...l:tc8 [Black delays castling as long as 19.cb3 l:tfS (19... l:th5? 20.l:th5 tLlhS
prove his oompensation. Attention deserves possible in order not to run into g4-g5 - for 21 .l:tc1 ! ~dB 22.l:tcB;t) 20 .~a7 0-0
16...'i!t'b6!? 17.g4 l:tae8! (17 ...c4;!; - 16...c4; 14...0-0, see 13.1Pb1 0·0 c5. 21. ~e3oo) more or less with equality, for
17... tl:J716=- 18.c4 f5oot=f; 16...c4 Interesting is 14... 'i!t'b61? cd4 example: 16.lLlf6 tl:lf6 17.'ife2 Wc7 1B.g4
17.g4 W'b6 (17 ... tl:l7f6;!; - 16...tLl7f6) 1B.g5 16.tLld7 lLld7 17.'ifg3!?N (17 . ~c1 tl:lf6 Wc5 19 .~e3 Wc4 20.Wc4 l:tc4 21.g5 hgS
l:tfc8 (18...hg5 19.h6 g6 20....c41N (20.lLlfg5 1B.W'd4 W'd4 19.l:td4= Vorobiov- 22 .~g5 l:tdB=] 15... tl:lb6 [15 ...cd4
lLl7f6 (Van Kerl<hof-Seirawan, Netherlands tt Kharitonov, Moscow 2011) 17...WfB 18 .~f4 16.lLld4;!;; 15... tl:Jg4? 16.d5!-+] 16.l:the1
2010111 - YB/96-14) 21.'ilt'c4 tl:le4 l:tcB 19 .~d6 'ifc6=. I expect further tl:le4 17.'tlt'e4 'tlt'd5 18.We2 0·0;!;) 20... l:tac8 21 ...-d3 tl:l7f6 22.lLlfg5 developments in the lines in the ... 'it'b6 19.dc5 'iWcS 20 .~e3 'ifaS 21 . ~d4
'i'o6 23.l:the1 ±) 19.Wa1 ! (19.gh6;!; c3) direction. GM Ruck chose 14.. .cd4!? in our tl:Jc4 22.lLld2;t
19... c3 l:tc3 21...~.c3 lLlc3 22.bc3 game. Now Black must tread carefully:
'ii'o6 23.'ife3 hg5~;!;) 17.g4 'i!t'b6 (eyeing e6. 15.tLlf6 tLlf6 (not
(17 ... tl:Je4 18.'i!t'e4 ...b6 19.g5'i" - 17......b6 15...~f6? 16.lLld4 0-0!!N (L> ~b4 . E E~
18.g5 tl:Je4 19....e4) 1B.g5 tl:le4 19.'ii'e4 ~h6) 17 ... a5 (17 ... tl:lb6 1B.'ii'g3) 1B .~a5 i.t. 1. i i
(1B .~h6 a4) 1B... l:ta5 19.'li'd7 l:tgS i i
20.'iWb7 l:th5! 21 .l:thf1 ;!;) is an important
position because it can also be reached via
'i¥ ~ tl:le4 14. e4 lLlf6 15. d3 c5 .-. ~ ~
16.Wb1 cd4. 16.lLld4 (this is more critical
than 16.'it'b5 ti'd7 17.'i!t'd7 lLld7 1B.lLld4=
in my game with Ruck, Austria tt 2011 /12,
but I was happy with a draw then)
16... l:tcB (16... 0·0? 17 .~h6! gh6 1B.'t!t'g3
Wh7;t; 16... W'd5 17.c4 W'd6 [In a possible ending White will have the
1B .~c3 0·0 19.g4 'iff4 20.13 l:tacB 21 .b3 better bishop because of the fixed pawn
a6 22.W'd2 'ifd2 23 .~d2 ;!; with a typical structure g7·h6. White has a slight
ending where White has managed to build advantage]

Tuncer,Ufuk l:lh4 37.c;t.>d1 l:lh2 38.g3;!; hS cS 14. ~e4 cd4 1S."i1Vd4 (15.~d4 ! ?]
Ruck,Robert 39. ~e2 h4 40.gh4 l:lh4 41.~es 1S ... "i1Vb6= 16...ic3 (16.~16 ..if6
Austria tt 2011/12 (2) c;t.>c7 (41.....ie5 42.l:le5 l:lg4 43.c;t.>l1 ;!;] 17."i1Vb6 ~b6 18.b3=] 16 ... "i1Vd4 17.l:ld4
1.e4 c6 2 .d4 dS 3 .~c3 de4 4. ~e4 42 .~c4 c;t.>c6 43 .~e3 l:lh1 44.c;t.>d3 ~dS (17 ... l:lc8 18.l:lhd1 ~c5 19. ~g3
.its s .~g3 ..ig6 6.h4 h6 7. ~f3 ~d 7 l:lh4 4S.c3 c;t.>d7 46.l:lbS c;t.>c6 b6=] 18 ...id2 l:lc8 (18 ...b5!? 19.g4 l:lc8=]
8 .hS ..ih 7 9 •..id3 ..id3 10. "i1Vd3 e6 47 . ~c4 l:lh3 48.c;t.>e4 .idS 49. ~es 19.c4 (19.l:ld1 ~c5 20.c4 ~16 21. ~g3=]
11 ...id2 ~gf612.o-o-o ..ie713.c;t.>b1 c;t.>b7?1 (49 ... c;t.>c7 50.c4l:lc3 51 .c;t.>d4l:lh3 19 ...~Sf6 20.b3 ~cs [20 ... ~e4
cS 14. ~e4 cd4 1 S. ~f6 [15.~d4!?] 52.c5 bc5 53.l:lc5 c;t.>b7 54.l:lb5 c;t.>cB 21. l:le4 0·0 22. ~e5 l:lldB 23 . ~d7 l:ld7
1S ...~f616 ."iiVbS "i1Vd717."i1Vd7 ~d7 55.~c4;!;] SO.f3 [50.c4! c;t.>cB 51.14±] 24.c;t.>c2=] 21. ~c3 ~cd7 (21...0·0
18 .~d4= 0-0-0 19.-ias b6 20 . ..ic3 so... l:lh4 S1.~g4 (51.14! g5 52 .~g6 22 ...ie3 l:lldB 23.l:ld8 l:ldB 24 .~e5oo]
c;t.>b7 21 .l:lhe1 ~f6 22 .~t3 l:lh6 53.15 l:lh1 54.l:ld5±] S1 ... l:lh1 22 ...it4?! (22. ~b5 0·0 23 ...il4 ..icS
S2.l:ldS ..ic7 [52 ...c;t.>c8 53.c4±] S3.c4 24.l:ld2oo] 22 ... -icS 23.l:ld2?'F
[53 .~e3! l:lh4 54 . ~g4±] S3 ... l:l b1 [23.~b5! ..id4 24 .~d6 c;t.>IB 25.~c8 ..if2
S4.l:ld3 c;t.>c6 SS. ~e3 g6 S6 . ~c2 26.b4!1!1] 23 ... ..ib4 24. l:lc2?+ (24 .~ b5 !
[56.14 ..id6 57 . ~g2 ..ie7 58.l:lg3 c;t.>cS ..id2 25 .~d6 c;t.>IB 26...id2 l:lbB'F]
59.l:lg6 l:lb3 60.l:le6 ..id6 61.~e3;!;] 24.....ic3 2S. l:lc3 ~dSI
S6 ... ..id6 S7. ~d4 c;t.>b7 SS.c;t.>dS ..icS
[58 .....ih2 59.c5 bc5 60.~e6 c;t.>b6
61. ~c5;!;] S9. ~bS [59.~c6 ..ia3 60.~e5
g5 61.c;t.>e6 c;t.>cB 62 .~g4±] S9... l:le1
60. ~d6 [60.14 ..ie3 61 .c;t.>e4 ..ic5
62.c;t.>f3;!;] 60 ... c;t.>c7 (60 ... ..id6 61 .c;t.>d6 g5
62.c;t.>d5 c;t.>c7;!;] 61 . ~e4 ..ia3 62.c;t.>e6
c;t.>c6 63.c;t.>t7 l:lg1 64 . ~t6 gS
22...~hS (22 .....id6 23 ...il6 gl6 24.l:ld2 6S. ~g4 ..id6 66.c;t.>f6 ..it4 67.~eS ;!;
..ic7=] 23. ~es tS (23 ... l:lhf8 24.l:ld8 l:ldB ..ieS 68.c;t.>eS g4 69.fg4 l:lg4 70.l:ld6
25.g4 ~14 26 .~17 l:liB 27.~e5 ..ih4 c;t.>cs 71 .l:ldS c;t.>c6 72.l:ld6 c;t.>cs
2B,..id4 ~ h3 29.~d3 ..il6 30 ...ie3oo] 73.l:ldS Y2-Y2
24.~d3 l:ld6T 2S ...ieS l:ldd8
26 ...ic3 l:ld6 27.-ies l:ldd8 28 ...ic3 26.cdS l:lc3 27.de6 te6 28.l:le1
(28 ...ih2 l:lheB 29.l:le6 ..il6=] Akhmetov,Artiom (28 ...id2 l:ld3 29.l:lc1 0·0 30 ...ie3 ~16
28... l:lh e 8?1 (28 ... l:ld6=] 29. l:le6 ..if6? Kotsur,Pavel 31 ...ia7+] 28... 0-0-+ 29...id6 l:le8
[29 ...-iiB 30.l:le8 l:leB 31 .l:lh1 g6 Astana ch·KAZ 2012 (4) 30. ~es [30. d2 b6 31.~e4 l:ld3- +]
32 ...id4t] 30.l:le8 l:le8 31.l:lh 11 ..ic3 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3. ~c3 de4 4. ~e4 30 ...~f6 31.g4 ~dS 32 ...ia3 (32.c;t.>b2
[31 ... g6? 32 ...il6 ~16 33.l:lh6±] 32.l:lhS .its s . ~g3 ..ig6 6.h4 h6 7. ~t3 ~d7 l:lecB 33.l:le2 l:lc1 - +] 32 ... bS 33.l:lg1
..if6 33.l:ltS;!; aS 34.a4 (34.c;t.>c1 l:ldB S.hS ..ih7 9 ...id3 ..id3 10."i1Vd3 e6 b4 34 ...ib2 l:lc7 3S ...id4 l:ld8
35.a4;!;] 34 ... c;t.>c6 3S.c;t.>c1 l:le4 36.b3 11 ...id2 ~gf612 . 0-0-0 ..ie713.c;t.>b1 36.c;t.>b2 ~c3 0-1

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Ru ez Jaenisch Variation RL 6.6 (C63)

A Great Comeback for the Jaenisch

by Sergey Tiviakov

1. e4 eS tt:lf6 9.f4 ..Wf4 I O. tt:le5 c6 ll.d4

2. tt:lf3 tt:lc6 'ifh4 12.g3 it'h3 1 3. ~c4 ~e6
3. ~bS fS till remain critical, and it i up
4. tt:lc3 fe4 to White to show a clear way to
5. tt:le4 tt:lf6 an advantage here.
6. tt:lf6 'it'f6 The other line with 5 .. .tt:lf6
7. 'it'e2 ~e7 (in light of the problems in
8. ~c6 bc6 the current line White cou ld
witch to 6.'ife2 in the future, af-
ter which the critical line i 6 ... d5
...K gf6 8.d4 ~g7 9.de5 0-0)
6 .. .it'f6 7.'*e2 ~e7 8 .~c6 bc6
will be carefu lly studied in the
present Survey. Please note that
nothing has changed in the eval-
uation of the old line with Telmour Radjabov
8 ... dc6. After 0-0 I0.0-0
~d6 I l .d4 c5 1 2 .~e3 ~e5 Variation A
13.de5 ..We5 14.'ifc4 ~e6 9.d4.'c5 ..Wc5 16 .~c5 Black ha
Until a few year ago the to uffer being a pawn down but
Jaenisch Variation of the Ruy with oppo ite-colou red bishops
Lopez wa considered dubiou in the endgame. The que tion is
and it wa rarely seen in top-level whether he will be able to hold
tournament . Everythi ng chan- the draw. A recent example is
ged in 2007, when thi variation Tiviakov-Pruijs er , Dutch Team
was incorporated into the reper- Championship 201 1/1 2, where
toire of Teimour Radjabov, and Black was able to exploit a mis-
with remarkable ucce . Out of take by White and make a draw.
17 games, played mostly against The idea behind Black' plan in
2700 opponents, he lost only one this Survey is simple: by acrific-
and won two. Thanks to him we ing the pawn, Black hope to get Now Black cannot take on d4
are witnessing a revival of thi enough compensation using hi since after 9 ... ed4? IO. ~g5 'ife6
variation now. bishop pair; even in the endgame II.'ife6 de6 12. ~e7 We7
After l .e4 e5 tt:lc6 3 . ~b5 it will be extremely difficult for White has a huge end-
f5 , has alway been con- White to convert his material game advantage. Black ha to
idered to be one of the be t reac- advantage into omething more play 9 .. .0-0 or 9 ... 'ir'g6. The en-
tion . After 4 ... fe4 Black tangible. suing position are harp and
ha two main an wers: 5 ... d5 and In our tarting po ition, White complex , and difficult to analy e
5 ... tt:lf6 . The line with 5 ...d5 ha three option at hi s di sposal : with a computer becau e of the de4 ..Wg5 8.'ife2 9.d4, 9.'it'e5 and . material unbalance. And with

only a few game played, there i Here all po ible moves by the played with it than with other
lots of pace for inve tigation ~e7 give Black reasonable move .
and improvement. Play may counterplay for the pawn. If
continue: Black tries to defend the
AI) 9 ... 0-0 10.0-0 (both c6-pawn with l3 ...~d7 , he mu t
I O .~g5 'ii'e6 ll.~e7 'ii'e7 be ready to deal with hi king be-
12.de5 .l:[b8 13.c3 d5 and ing stuck in the centre after
ll.'ii'e5 ~b4 12.c3 'ii'g4 13. ~e3 14 ..1:[e I (two other move also
~d6 14.'ii'g5 'it'e6 15.0-0 .l:[b8 deserve attention - 14.lLlf3 and
give Black compen ation for the l4 .~f4). The reader can find
pawn. IO.de5 'it'g6 11.0-0 d6 everal game played by the
tran po es to the po ition stud- computer engine in the Game
ied after 9 ... 'it'g6) lO ...d6 (or Section.
IO ...e4 ll.'ii'e4 d5 12.'ii'e5, with
a small advantage for White) Variation B Here Black can choose between
ll. ~g5 'i!fe6 12. ~e7 'i!fe7 After 9.'ii'e5 and the sub equent 9 ...~e6 and 9 ... 0-0.
l3.de5 d5 is playable for Black, exchange on f6 Black at once ha Cl) 9 ... 'ii'e6 ha been popular
although I think White is slightly an excellently placed bi hop. recently, but I would not expect
better here. this to continue in the future,
A2) 9 ... 'ifg6 10.0-0 (IO.de5 since after IO.lLlc4! Black has to
0-0 11.0-0 d6 tran po e ) IO ... d6 suffer trying to equalize. See the
ll.'ii'c4 (after ll.de5 0-0 12.0-0 game Tiviakov-Bok, Gronin-
~h3 Black ha excellent com- gen 20 I I and Dominguez-
pen ation for the pawn, as in Fre inet, San Sebastian 20 12;
Berg-Nezad, Gibraltar 2009) both exten ively analy ed. And
ll...d5 ( ll... ~d7 12.de5 d5 de- although Black still ha good
serves further practical te t ) chances to make a draw, it is not
12.'ii'c3 (12.'ii'b3 i intere ting) advisable to play 9 ...~e6 when
12 .. .ed4 13.lLld4 lead to a criti- there is a good alternative. Please
cal position which need further note that the previously played
analy i . And with the white knight tuck IO. lLlf3 ~e2 ll. ~e2 is not a
on f3 it is rather difficult to hope good for White as I O. lLlc4 ~e2
for an advantage, ince it can be ll. ~e2, because on f3 the knight
attacked by ... ~g4 ; for example, can be attacked by the bi hop
9 ... d6 (there i nothing wrong from g4 and after the pawns are
with 9 .. .0-0 10.0-0 d6'f6 doubled on the f-file, Black has
~f6 as in D.Frolyanov-Zvia- nothing to worry about. See
gintsev, Taganrog 2011. 9 .. .'ii'f7 Karjakin-Radjabov, Medias
deserves seriou attention a 2011.
well) I O.'it'f6 ~f6 ll.d3 ( l l.d4 C2) 9 ... 0-0 is a good and natu-
~g4 12. ~e3 ~f3 13.gf3 is OK ral move. After 10.0-0 (I O.d4 is
for Black) 11 ...0-0 ( ll ...~f5 is too risky since after both IO.. .c5
weaker) 12 ..1:[b I ~g4 13 .~e3 and IO ...~a6 Black develop a
As for now I can only write that .l:[ab8 14.q;,d2 ~f3 (or 14 ... c5 strong initiative) IO...~e6 White
13 ... c5, a played in a rapid game 15.b3 a5 with compensation in is forced to play I t. : e I, and
Shirov-Khalifman, Tallinn 2012, Deviatkin-Azarov, StPeter burg now, after I l... ~c5! (I l... ~h4 i
is not good enough here, ince 2011) 15.gf3 ~b2, and a draw clearly worse for Black, but
the bishop pair cannot fully com- was soon agreed in Adams- ll ... ~b7 i interesting, although
pen ate for two acrificed pawns Nyback, Porto Carra 2011. after 12.~g4 White may have
after 14.lLlb5 0-0 15 .lLlc7 .l:[b8 the better chances), White must
16.lLld5. In my opinion, 13 .. .0-0 Variation C withdraw the knight to f3
14.'ii'c6 'ir'c6 15.lLlc6 gives 9.lLle5 is con idered to be the (12. lLld3 'ii'e2 13 ..1:[e2 ~a6 i
Black more chances to equalize. main reply, with more games equal). Following the exchange

Survey RL 6.6

IV !Jf3 'ife2 13.l:l.e2, and now game Efimenko-Naiditsch, In pite of the problem in the
13 ... d6, White cannot prevent Mukachevo 20 II . variations Band C , White hould
the ortie of the black bi hop to try to look for an advantage in
g4 and the sub equent exchange The Final Conclusion the line with 9.d4 (a Shirov
on f3. And we already know that The variation with 8...bc6 is very played in 20 12). We wi ll urely
when White' pawns are dou- good for Black at the moment. see more games with thi s move
bled on the f-fi le, Black has After both 9.'i!fe5 and 9.ttJe5 in the future in this interesting
nothing to worry about. See the Black has a clear way to equality. and sharp variation.

The Old Line l:tf8 65 .~d6 l:tf6 66 .~c7

l:tf7 Neuenahr ch-BRD 1984; 10.de5 'tt'g6
8 ... dc6 67. ~f4 l:tf8 68.~e3 l:te8 69 .~f2 11 .0-0 d6 - 9...'tt'g6) 10... d6 (10...e4
~c4 70.l:te3 l:te3 71 . ~e3 l7-l7 11 .'tt'e4 d5 12....e5;) 11. ~g5 (11 .de5
Tiviakov,Sergey 'tt'g6 - 9...'tt'g6) 11 ... 'tt'e6 12 .~e7 'tt'e7
Pruijssers,Roeland 13.de5 d5; ] 10.0-0 (10.de5 0·0 (10.. .'.,g2
Netherlands It 2011/12 (5) 11 .l:tg1 ..h3 12.l:tg3 'tt'h5 13.l:tg7 l:tl8
1.e4 e5 V o f3 tiJc6 3. ~ b5 f5 4.tiJc3 Variation A 14.l:tg3 d5 15.ed6 cd6 16. ~g5 rtl7
fe4 5.liJe4 tiJf6 6.tiJf6 'tt'f6 7.'tt'e2 9.d4 17.o-o-o±) 11.0-0 d6! - 1o.o-o d6 11 .de5
~e7 8 .~c6 dc6 (8 ...bc6] 9.tiJe5 o-o 0-0] 10... d6 11.'tt'c4 (11 .de5 0·0 12.ed6
10.o-o ~d6 11 .d4 c5 12 .~e3 ~e5 Shirov,Aiexey ~h3gg 13.tiJe1 ~d6 14.'tt'e3 ~g4
13.de5 'tt'e5 14.'trc4 ~e6 15.'tt'c5 Khalifman,Aiexander 15.tiJd3 rtae8 16....g5 ~e2 17.'tt'g6 hg6
-.c516. ~cs ; Tallinn rapid 2012 (3) 18.g3 ~11 19.1j;f1 c5~ E.Berg-Nezad,
1.e4 e5 2.tiJf3 tiJc6 3 .~b5 f5 4.tiJc3 Gibraltar 2009] 11 •.. d5 (1 1...~d7 12.de5
te4 5.liJe4 tiJf6 6.tiJf6 'tt'f6 7.'tt'e2 d5gg Gutenev-Tsvetkov, Satka 2012]
~e7 8. ~c6 bc6 9.d41? 12.ikc3 (12.'*kb3!?] 12...ed413. d4

A .i. AA
• ~

~~~ ~~~
16... rtfe8 17 .~e3 a5 18.l:tfd1 l:tad8
19.l:td8 l:td8 20.1Pf1 l:td6 21 .b3 a4
I:[ ~ I:[~
22.l:tc1 ~f5 23 . ~e2 l:tg6 24. 3
rtc6 25.c4 l:td6 26. 4 ~d7 27.h4 9 ...'tt'g6 (9... ed4?! 10 .~g5 'tt'e6 11 .'tt'e6 13... c5?1 (13...o-o 14.'tt'c6 '*kc6 15. c6
ab3 28.ab3 l:td3 29.l:tb1 b5 30.~e4 de6 12 .~e7 ~e7 13.tiJd4± Yanovsky- ~16 ; ; 15... ~c5 16.~e3 ~d6i;
l:td6 31.g3 ~c6 32. ~e5 l:td3 Tseshkovsky, Voskresensk 1992; 9...0·0 15... ~d6i ; 13... ~d7 !? 14.l:te1 ! { 14 .~14
33 . ~d4 h5 34.c5 ~f7 35.b4 l:ta3 10.o-o ( 10.~g5 'tt'e6 (10...'tt'g6 11. ~e7 o-o 15.rtae1 ~d6 16 .~d6 '*d6 17. 13 c5
36.l:tb2 g6 37.l:tb1 l:tf3 38 .~e3 l:tf5 l:te8 12.0-0 l:te7 13.tiJe5±) 11 .'tt'e5 18.l:te5 rtae8 19.l:tle1 l:te5 (19 ... l:te6
39 .~d4 l:td5 40 . ~c3 ~d7 41 .l:ta1 ( 11. ~e7 ike7 12.de5 (12.tiJe5 d6 13.tiJc6 20.b3 rtle8 21.l:te6 l:te6 22. e5 d4
c6 42 .~d4 <j;e7 43.l:ta8 l:tt5 ike2 14.<j;e2 ~a6 ~ ; 12.ike5 'trb4) 23.'it'g3 rte8 24.14 g6 25 .~12 l:tl8 26.tiJd7
44.~e3 l:tt8 45.l:ta7 <j;e6 46 .~f4 12... l:tb8 13.c3 d6 (13...d5gg) 14.Q-O ~g4 'tt'd7 27.'tt'l3 l:te8 28.g3 ~18 29.l:te8
rtf7 47. ~d4 5 48.l:ta8 ~e6 15.'tt'c4 ~e6 16.'tt'c6 d5 17.tiJd4 l:tb6 'it'e8 30.'it'e2 '*kc6 31 .'tt'e5 ~17 32.h4 h5
49.l:te8 l:td7 50 . ~d6 l:ta7 51 .~ b8 18.'tt'a4 ~d7 19.-.a7 'tt'e5 20.l:tae1 ± 33.c3 'trb6 34.c4 'tt'c6 35.a3 'tt'd6 36.~13
l:td7 52.<j;e3 ~ 53. ~t4 rta7 Ado~an·Cortlever, Amsterdam 1970) 'tt'e5 37.1e5 ~e6 38.~e4 a5 39.'01n4 e7
54. ~d4 l:td7 55 . ~d6 l:ta7 56.l:tf8 11...'.-e5 (11... ~b4 12.c3 '*g4 13.~e3 40.~e4 ~e8 41.~14 ~17 42 .~13 ~18
l:tf7 57.l:ta8 ~d5 58.l:ta3 IPJ5 59.t3 ~d6 14.'trg5 'tt'e6 15.0-0 l:tb8 16.~c1 43 . ~e2 ~e7 44.~13 ~ 45 .~e4 c6
l:tf6 60 .~e5 l:te6 61 .l:ta8 rte7 l:tb5 17.'tt'e3 'tt'g6gg) 12.de5 l:t13 13 .~e7 46.~14 ~e6 47.~e4 ~d7 48.'01n4 ~e7
62 . ~d6 rtf7 63.l:ta3 l:tf6 64. ~e5 l:t15 14.Q-O l:te5; T.Grzesik-Ehrke, Bad 49. ~e4 ~e6 50.a4 ~d7 51 .'01n3 ~e7

S2.<~14 'it>d8 53.'it>e4 'it>e8 54.¢>14 'it>e7 28.~g7 Wg8 29.'iPI2 ..h2 30.We1 Wg1 h6 4S.l:lc6 ¢>17 46.c5 l:lc1 47.We2 l:lc3
SS.¢>13 'it>d7 56.¢>14 'it>e8 S7.'it>l3 'iPI8 31.Wd2 1t'l2 32.'it>c1 1t'l1 33.Wd2 ..g2 48.l:ld6 l:lc5 49.l:ld4 'it>e6 SO.f4 l:lc6
58.'it>e2 ¢>17 S9.'it>l3 'it>g7 60.'iPI4 'it>g8 34.Wc1 a4 35.~d4 1t'l1 36.Wd2 1t'g2 S1 .'it>l2 l:la6 S2.l:le4 ¢>17 53.l:lb4 'it>e6
61 .¢>13 'iPI7 62.'iPI4 'it>g7 63.'it>e4 ¢>17 37.Wc1 1t'l1 38.Wd2 1t'g2 39.'it>c1 }7-}7 54.¢>13 l:la3 55.'it>g2 l:la6 56.l:lb7 l:la2
64.'iPI4 'it>e7 65.¢>13 ¢>17 66.'iPI4 }7-}7 Phil Wazir Saba-Ripped, 3m + Os, rated 2007) S7.'it>h3 l:la1 58.l:lb6 ¢>17 S9.l:lbS l:la7
Harris-Humanchesser, 3m + Os, rated 2007) 1S.t0h4 1t'f6 16.1t'h3 1t'h4 17.1t'e3 60.gS hS 61.1S gfS 62.'it>h4 l:la3 63.l:liS
2M JeS ~IS 21.14 (21.b3 l:le8 22.14 Wb6 (17...13 ..16 18.1t'hS g6 19.1t'h6 0-0-0 'it>g7 64.l:lbS l:la2 65.'it>h5= (}7-}7 , 194)
23.Wd2 c4 24.'it>h1 cb3 2S.ab3 ~e4 26.c4 20.~14 1t'h4 21 .1t'h4 ~h4 22.l:lae1 ~16 Big MC-KALATOGES, 3m + Os, rated 2007]
'it'd6 (26...1t'b7 27.h4 c5 28.cdS 'it'dS 23.l:le6 ~b2 24.l:lc6 l:ld7 2S.l:le1 l%18 14.tLlb5 o-o 1S.tLlc7 l:lb8 16.tLldS
29...12 l%18 30.'it>h2 1t'es 31.feS l%12 26.g3 l%16 27.l:le8 Wb7 28.l:ll6 ~16 ~d6
32.l:le4 l:la2 33.e6 ¢>18 34.l:ll4 'it>e7 29.l:le6 ~d4 30.¢>11 l%17 31 .'it>e2 Wc8
3S.l:l17 'it>e6 36.l:lg7 l:la3 37.l:lh7 l:lb3
38.l:la7 'it>IS 39.g3 c4 40.'it>g2 'it>e4
32 .~e3 Wd7 33.l:la6 ~b6 34.~b6 ab6
35.l:la8 'it>c6 36.14 wcs 37.Wd3 c6 38.a4

41 .l:le7 'it>d3 42.¢>13 c3 43.l:ld7 'it>c2
44.'it>e3 'it>c1 4S.l:lc7 c2 46.¢>14 l:lb4
47.'it>e3 l:lb1 48.l:lc2 'it>c2 49.g4 l:lb4
50.WI3 'it>d3 S1 .hS }7-}7 Kelka-Giock17,
l:le7 39.c3 l:lb7 40.l:la6 l%17 41.aS baS
42.l:laS Wb6 43.l:la1 Wc5 44.l:laS Wb6
4S.l:la8 'it>c5 46.l:laS }7-}7 Pizza
Margherita-Murx, #098304
' i ttJ
.t. ''
advanced chess 2007) 27.Wg1 1t'b6 2007) 17 ... W16 18. ~d2 0-0 19. ~c3 W17
28...e3 ~c2 29.cdS ~b3 30...b6 ab6 20.l:lae1 ~d6 21 .b4 Wg6 22.Wd2 Wg4 'if
31 .l:lc1 ~dS 32.l:lc7 l:ld8 33.l:lc2 bS 23.a3 Wc4 24.l:ld1 l:liS 2S...e3 l%17 !::,!::,!::, !::,!::,!::,
34.l:lb2 l:lb8 3S.l:lb4 g6 36.g3 l:lb7 37.¢>11
Wl8 38.'it>e2 We7 39.'iPe3 'it>d6 40.'it>d4
26.l:lle1 l:le7 27.Wd3 'it'd3 28.l:ld3 l:le1
29.~e1 l:le8 30.'iPI1 l:le6 31. ~c3 a6
n ~ l:l <;t>
~e6 41.tLld3 ~c4 42.h4 ~d3 43.Wd3 32.~d4 l:le4 33.g3 'iPI7 34.13 l:le6 35.l:lc3
Wc5 44.l:le4 l:la7 4S.g4 l:la3 46.'it>e2 ~e7 36.h4 g6 37.WI2 h6 38.l:ld3 ~18 17.1t'd3 [17.1t'g3!?] 17...~fS 18.1t'g3;t
'it>d6 47.l:ld4 Wc6 48.l:le4 l:la4 49.l:le6 39.l:le3 ~e7 40.l:lc3 hS 4 1.~e3 ~d6 ~c2 19.Wg6 ~g6 20.b3 l:lbd8
Wc5 SO.l:leS 'it>b6 S1.l:le6 'it>aS S2.<iPf3 42.14 ~e7 43.Wf3 'it>e8 44.~d4 l:le4 21 .~e3 ~h2 22.'it>h2 l:ldS 23.l:lac1
l:la3 53.'it>e4 l:lg3 54.l:le7 l:lg4 SS.l:la7 4S.l:ld3 'iPI7 46.<iPI2 c5 47. ~c5 ~c5 l:lc8 24.l:lc3 l:ld3 2S.l:lfc1 l:lc3
'it>b6 56.l:lh7 b4 S7.hS b3 58.hg6 b2 48.bc5 c6 49.l:lb3 l:lc4 50.l:lb6 l:lc5 26.l:lc3 aS 27.~cs ~17 28.g4 hS
S9.l:lh1 l:lg6 60.'it>d4 l:lg4 61.'it>c4 'it>c6 S1 .l:la6 'it>e6 S2.We3 l:lc2 S3.a4 l:lc3 29.ghS ~hS 30.a3 ~e8 31 .b4 ab4
62.'it>b3 l:lh4 63.l:le1 l:lh2 64.l:lb1 l:lh3 54.Wd4 l:lc4 SS.Wd3 Wd6 S6.l:la8 Wc5 32.ab4 ~bS 33.'it>g3 l:ld8 34 .~e3
6S.Wb2 l%13 66.l:ld1 l%14 67.'it>c2 l%18 S7.'it>e3 l:le4 58.¢>12 l:le6 S9.aS WbS l:ld7 3S. 4 'it>f7 36.l:lcS l:lb7
68.Wb2 Wc5 69.Wb3 l:le8 70.l:lc1 WbS 60.a6 'it>b6 61.WI3 c5 62.l:ld8 d4 63.l:lc8 37.l:lf5 'it>e6 38.l:leS 'it>f7 39.~cs
71 .Wa3 l%18 72.l:lc2 l:le8 73.l:lc3 l:le4 l:le7 64.l:lg8 w a6 6S.l:lg6 WbS 66.1S l:ld7 ~c6 40.l:lfS 'it>e6 41 .l:lgS 'it>f7
74.Wb3 l:le1 7S.'it>c2 'it>b4 76.Wd2 l:ld1 67.'it>e2 d3 68.Wd1 c4 69.16 l:la7 70.l:lg7 42.'it>e3 g6 43.l:lg1 l:lb8 44.'it>d4
n.we2 l:lds 78.l:lc8 l:lcS 79.l:lb8 wc4 l:la1 71.Wd2 l:la2 72.'it>e3 l:le2 73.¢>13 ~bS 4S.l:la1 'it>e6 46.l:le1 Wt6
80.¢>13 l:lc7 81.l:lb1 Wd4 82.l:ld1 Wc5 l:le6 74.17 d2 7S.l:lgS Wa4 76.l:ldS l%16 47.~e7 'it>t7 48.~d6 l:lc8 49.l:la1
83.l:lc1 Wd6 84.l:lg1 l:lc8 8S.l:lb1 WdS 77.We2 c3 78.l:ld7 Wb3 79.g4 hg4 80.hS l:lc2 50.'it>e3 l:lc3 S1.'it>e4 'it>e6
86.We3 l:lc3 87.Wf4 l:ld3 88.l:lb8 l:lh3 g3 81.181:( l%18 82.l:ld3 g2 83.l:lg3 l%11 S2 .~cS l:lc4 S3.'it>e3 'it>dS 54.l:ld1
89.l:lbS Wd6 90.l:lb6 <iPdS 91 .l:lbS Wd6 84.We3 d1 W 8S.We4 'it'hS 86.l:lg4 'it'IS <;Pes ss.l:ld8 l:lc3 S6.Wd2 l:lb3
92.l:lb6 WdS 93.l:lbS }7- }7 cs01 -Starko, 3m 87.We3 g1W 88.l:lg1 • es 89.Wd3 l:l13X S7.~d4 58.~c3 l:la3 59.<iPc2
+ Os, rated 2007) 21...d4 22.'it'd2 l:le8 0-1 Wazir Saba-Ripped, 3m + Os, rated ~a4 60.'it>d2 l:la2 61 .'it>e1 l:lc2
23.b3 Wa6 24.g4 ~e6 2S.c4 • d6 26.tLld3 2007) 14 ... WI7 (14 ...W16? 1S.tLlc6?! 62.l:ld4 5 63.~d2 l:lb2 64.13 gS?
~d7 27.l:le8 ~e8 28.1t'e2 ~d7 29.WI2 ( 1S .~gS ! 'it'gS 16.tLlc6 ~c6 17.'ilfc6 'iPI7 [A strange move, giving up the pawn] 1-0
.. h6 30.Wg3 gS 31 .1gS 1t'gs 32...e4 hS 18.14!+-) 1s ... Wc6 16.Wg7 0-0-0 17.l:le7
33...dS 'it'dS 34.cdS ~g4 35.¢>14 ~d1 l:lhg8 (~ 17 ...d4±) 18 ...h7 l:lh8 19...g7
36.tLlc5 ~c2 37.tLle6 d3 38.We3 ¢>17 d4 20.~gS l:lhg8 21.1t'l6 1-0 Copar-
39.tLlc7 We7 40.tLlbS a6 41.tLlc3 Wd6 Auzins, cr MN/044 1997) 1S .~I4 l:lhe8
42.b4 h4 43.Wd2 'it>eS 44.a4 ~b3 4S.Wd3 16.t013 'it>g8 17 .~c7 l:lac8 18. ~es ~g4 Variation B
h3 46.We3 ~c2 47.bS abS ~IS 19.tLld4 c5 20.tLlbS l:lc6 21 .1t'g3 a6 9. 't!fe5
49.tLlbS ~c8 50.d6 <iPf6 S1 .tLlc7 WeS 22.tLlc7 l:ld8 23.13 ~IS 24.l:lad1 d4 2S.c4
S2.a6 'it>d6 53.a7 1-o Patest-Takker, 3m + Wg3 26 .~g3 l:ld7 27.tLlds ~d8 28.b3 Adams,Michael
Os, rated 2006; 14.t013 ~h3 (14... 0-o 'iPI7 29.t014 l:le7 30.tLld3 l:le1 31. ~e1 Nyback,Tomi
1S.tLleS • e8 16. ~e3 aS 17.a3 ~d6 18.14 ~c7 32 .~g3 ~d3 33.l:ld3 ~g3 34.hg3 aS Porto Carras Ech-tt 2011 (8)
~es 19.1eS Wg6 20.~d4 ~IS 21. ~c5 35.'iPI2 l:la6 36.l:ld2 a4 37.l:le2 ab3 1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3. ~b5 f5 4.tLlc3
~e4 22.g3 l%11 23.l:l11 h6 24 .~d4 Wg4 38.ab3 l:lb6 39.l:leS l:lb3 40.l:lc5 l:lb2 fe4 5.tLle4 tiJf6 6.tLlf6 'it'f6 7. We2
2S.e6 'it'h3 26.l:ll2 l%18 27.l:ll8 Wl8 41.'iPI1 l:lc2 42.g4 'iPI6 43.l:lc7 g6 44.g3 ~e7 8. ~c6 bc6 9.We5 d6 [9... 0-0

Survey RL 6. 6

10.Q-O d6N (10... tt'g6 11 .tt'e7 l:lf3 12.d3± (15... l:ld8 16.b3± Dembo) 16.cd3 o-o-o 34.Wd1 l:la2 (34 ...c5 35.lllt4 l:la2 36. h5
S.Zhigalko-Zeberski, Warsaw 2008) 11 .trf6 17.l:ll3 l:ld5 18.b3 (18.d4 l:ld4 19.l:lg3 g6 w g6 37.l:le6 w ts 38.l:la6+-) 35 .~d4
.if6 12.d3 l:le8 13.l:le1 l:le1 14.llle1 ~e6 20.l:la3 c;i.?b7 21 .d3 l:lhd8 22.~e3 l:ld3 'iPg6 36.lll14+-J 33 ... w g8 34.l:le8 l:lf8
15.c;t>l1 c5 16. 13 c4 17.lllg5 ~15 18.llle4 23.l:la7 c;i.?b8=) 18...l:lhd8 (18...l:le5 35.l:lf8 8 36.Wd1 [36.llli4+-J
cd3 19. 16 gf6 20.cd3 ~d3 21. c;Ye1 ~e4 19.l:le3 l:le3 20.de3± Dembo) 19 .~b2 36 •..c5 37. ~e3 l:la2 38.l:lf1 (38.lllf4
22.13 ~dS= D.Frolyanov-Zviagintsev, Tagan- l:ld3 20.l:ld3 l:ld3 2 1.~c3 ± Dembo) c6 39.l:lg2+-J 38 •..w e8 39.l:lf2 l:la1
rog 2011 ; 9... trf7 10.0-0 (10.'it'c7; 1o.d3) 1S ... l:lf8 16.b3 l:lf5 17. ~a3 0-0-0 18.l:lf1 40.w e2 aS 41 .l:lt6 ~b2 42.~c5
10... d6 11 .tt'g3 0-0 12.d4 l:lb8 13.b3 l:lbS l:lh5 19.h3 l:ld5 20.c;i.?d2 c5 21 .l:lae1 c;i.?d7 ~c3 43.l:la6 d4 l:le1
14.~d2 tr hS~ Palermo-Aijala, Finland 22.c;i.?d1 l:lde5 23.l:le5 l:le5 24 .~c1 ~d5 45.w d3 l:ld1 46.w c4 l:ld2 47.h4
1975]'f6 ~f6 11 .d3 [11 .d4 l:lb8 25.l:lf2 l:le6 26.l:lf7 l:le7 27.l:le7 c;Ye7 w d7 48. e6 l:lg2 ~d4
( 1 1...~g4 12 .~e3 ~13 13 . gf3~) 12.b3 28.g3 ~g2 29.h4 ~13 30.c;i.?e1 c;i.?e6 50. ~d4 l:lg3 51.l:lh6 a4 52.l:lh7
.its 13.c3 0-0 14 . ~e3 ~e4 1S.l:lg1 cS= 31. ~14 c6 32 .~b8 a6 33.~a7 c;i.?d5 w c6 53.l:lc7 1-0
Timofeev-I.Popov, Ulan Ude 2009] 11 ... o-o 34.c;i.?d2 <;Yes ~-~ Dominguez Perez-
(11...~1S? ! 12.Q-O c;i.?d7 13.l:lb1 l:lhb8 Fressinet, San Sebastian 2012] 11. c;i.?e2
14.b3 aS 1S.a4 c5 16.~d2± A. Rodriguez- o-o 12.d3 [12.b3 d5 ( 12...~a6 13.d3 ~16 Karjakin,Sergey
Antunes, Holguin 1989] 12.l:lb1 ~g4 14.l:lb1 l:lae8 1S.Wd1 d5 16.llld2±) Radjabov,Teimour
13. ~e3 l:lab8 14.'iPd2 13. e3 ~a6 14.c4 (14.d3 ~16 15.l:lb1 Medias 2011 (7)
l:lae8 16.Wf1 ~c3 17. ~3 l:lf6 18. ~c5 1.e4 e5 2. f3 tt:lc6 3. ~b5 f5 4.lllc3
d4=) 14... d4 15.lllc2 l:lae8 16.Wf1 ~c8 fe4 5.llle4 tt:lf6 6.lllf6 'ilt't6 7.'ilre2
17.~b2 c5~] 12... ~f6 13.l:lb1 (13. e3 ~e7 8 . ~c6 bc6 tre6
d5 14.l:le1 ±] 13... d5 14. e3 ~d7 'ilt'e2N (10... d6 11.'ilt'e6!?N (11 .d3 l:lb8
15.f3 l:lae8 16. ~ (16.Wd1 ~h4 17.c3 12.tre6 ~e6 13.b3 ~16 14.l:lb1 ~d5
l:lf7 18.g3 ~e7;t ] 16... l:lt7 (16... d4 1s.o-o o-o 16.l:le1 ~13 17.gf3 ~es 18.14
17. 11±; 16...~d4 17.c3± ] 17.~d2 ~14 19 .~14 l:lf4 20.l:le7 l:lf7 21 .l:lbe1
~h4 18.g3 ~e7 19.c3 [19.l:lbe1 ~c5 l:lbl8= S.Franklin-Lyell, Budapest 2010)
20.c3 l:lef8 21 .14 g5 22.d4 gl4 23.dc5 fe3 1 1...~e6 12.o-o (12.d3 o-o 13.o-o ~16
24.we3 l:lf2 25.~c1 ;t ; 19.lllg2 ~g4 ! 20.14 14.l:le1 ~d5 15.c4 ~17 16.l:lb1 ~g6
(20.lll14 l:ll4!!+) 20 ... ~c5 21 . e3 g5=] 17.l:ld1 a5 18 .~e3 c5 19.b3 a4 20.h3 h6
19... l:lef8 20.f4 g5 21 .l:lhg1 w h8 21 .b4 cb4 22.l:lb4 l:lfb8 23.l:lb8 l:lb8
22. g2 ~fs 23.w e2 [23.~e3 ~d3 24 .~d4 a3 25 .~16 gf6 26.WI1 l:lb1
14... ~t3 (14 ... c5 1S.b3 aS~ 16.lllg1 24.l:lbd1 ~e4=] 23 ...~g4 24.w e1 27.we2 l:ld1 28.w d1 ~d3 29. d2 15
l:tbe8 17.h4 l:leS ~e2 19.c;i.?e2 [24.WI2 ~IS=] 24... ~f5 25.~e3 ~d3 30.14 hS 31.We1 w f7 32.Wf2 cS 33.We3
l:te6 20.hS (~ 20.~d2 ;t) 20... ~c3 21.l:lbl1 26.l:ld1 ~e4 (26 ...~c2 ! ? 27.l:ld2 ~b1 ~c2 34.g3 w e7 35.we2 w e6 36.we3
dS 22.c;i.?d1 a4 23.~c5 l:lfe8 24 .~e3 d4 28.a3 gf4 a6 30. e6 l:le8;t] d5-+ 37.we2 d4 38.<j.>f2 ~d3 39.w f3
25.~d2 ab3 26.ab3 l:la8= Deviatkin-Azarov, 27.fg5 ~f3 [27 ... a6~ ; 27...wg8!?~J 'iPd6 40.Wf2 ~c6 41 .w l3 ~c2 0-1
St Petersburg 2011] 15.gf3 ~ b2 28.l:ld3 [28.l:ld4!?;t] 28 ... l:le8 29.Wd2 Peetoom-Fagerbekk, cr ICCF 2007)
16 .~a7 l:la8 17.l:lb2 l:la7 18.c;i.?e2 ~e4 (29 ... ~g5 30.~g5 l:le2 31 .Wc1 ~g2 12... ~d5 13. d4 ~16 14. e2 l:lb8
l:te819.c;i.?d2 l:lf8 ~-~ 32 .~e3;t ; 32.l:ld2 l:lff2 33.l:le2 l:le2=] 1S. c3± B.Lengyel-Lyell, Budapest 2011 ;
30.l:ld4 l:lb8 (30 ...~g5 31 .~g5 l:lf2 10.. .'~t'f7 11 .0-0 0-0 12.d3 d6 13.'i!t'e4 ~d7
32.we1 l:lg2 33.l:lg2 ~g2 34.Wf2± ] 14 .~g5 l:lae8 15.'i!t'h4 h6 16.~e7 l:le7
31 .w c1 !?;t [31 .b3;t] 31 ..•~a3?? 17.l:lle1 l:le1 18.llle1 l:le8 19.Wf1 tre6'h5 g6 (Amanov-Khader, Alushta 2009)
Variation C

~ ~
.i •
21 .tra5;t] 11 .w e2 c5 12.l:le1 ~ b7
13. 1 ~f3 14.gf3 l:lf8

Groningen 2011 (7)
~ £::.
1.e4 e5 tt:lc6 3. ~ b5 f5 l:t .i.
fe4 5. e4 tt:lf6 tt'f6 7.'ilt'e2 .i. £::. ~ £::.
~e7 8 . ~c6 bc6 9.llle5 'ilt'e6
£::. £::. CiJ£::. We2 (10 ... dS 11 .'i t'e6 ~e6
12.llle5 ~16 13.14 (13.lllc6 c;i.?d7 14.llla5 w 1::[
l:lhe8 15 . ~d1 c5~ Dembo) 13... ~e5
14.1e5 d4 (14 ... l:ll8 15.d4 c5 16.c3± 32.l:le4+- l:lb2 [32... ~b2 33.'iPc2 de4
Dembo) 15.d3 (15.b3!? Dembo; 1S.O-O!? d3 34.l:lb1 + - l 33. ~d4 (33.l:le8 c;Yg7

15.1ti?g2 [1S.d3N J:lf7 (1S ... J:liS 16.1ti?g2 - Efimenko,Zahar Ech 2007; 1S.~e3 ~g4 16.c4 c5 17.dc5
game) 16.~gS h6 17 .~e7 J:le7 18.J:le4;!;: Naiditsch,Arkady dc5 18.J:ld2 ~13 19.gf3 J:l13 20.J:lad1 J:lal8
dS 19.J:la41ti?d7 20.J:le1 J:lf7 21 .1ti?g2 1ti?d6 Mukachevo m 2010 (5) Solak-Simacek, Plovdiv Ech 2012) 1S... ~g4
22.c3 c6 23.J:lg4 J:lg8 24.h4 g6 2S.'Ot>g3 1.e4 e5 2.1tj f3 tt:lc6 3.~5 15 16.J:le3 ~13 (16 ...c5 17.dc5 (17.d5 c4
J:ll6 26.J:ll4 J:ll4 27.1ti?14 J:lf8 28.'0t>g4 aS fe4 tt:Jf6 1t'f6 7.1t'e2 ~c8 19.J:le7 ~7 20.~e3 ~d5
29.14 a4 30.a3 d4 31 .J:le4 J:lb8 32.cd4 J:lb2 ~e7 8.~c6 bc6 o-o 10.()-() 21 .tt:lb5 (Chan Wei Xuan-Lyell, Beijing 2008)
33.dc5 <oPeS 34.1S giS 35.lti?IS lti?bS [10.d4?! eSt; 10... ~6t] 10.. .'it'e6! 21...~e3 22.1e3 J:lab8 23.a4 J:lf7 24.J:lf7
36.'0t>g6 J:lf2 37.1ti?h6 J:la2 38.J:lb4 lti?aS [10... Wh8; 10...d5; 10...c5; 10...~d6]1 1 .J:le1 Wf7 2S.lLlc7 ~c6 26.lLlbS ~ 27.ab5
39.J:lc4 lH7 Simon Padros-Ljubarov, J:lbS 28.J:la7 'Oi;>f611!?) 17... ~c5
Barbera del Valles 2011 ; 1S.d4!? cd4 J:lab8 19.b3 J:lbe8 20.J:le8 J:le8 21.~e3
16. ~gS J:lf7 17.J:le4 dS 18.J:leS J:ld8 ~d7 22.J:ld1 Wf7 23.lLlc2 ~b6 24.~
19.J:lae1 J:ld7 20.b4 h6 21. ~e7 J:lle7 ab6 ~e6 (Khanin-Lykov, Novo-
22.J:le7 (22.J:le6!) 22... J:le7 23.J:le7 lti?e7 kuznetsk 2010) 26.c4!;!;:) 17.J:l13 J:l13 18.gf3
24.We2 ltt?e6 2S.Iti?d3 lti?eS 26.bS gS= c5 19.dc5 ~cS 20.b4 ~b6 21 .a4 c6
27.a4 hS 28.aS h4! 29.14 lti?l4 30.1ti?d4 g4 22 .~e3 dS 23.1ti?11 Wf7 24.1ti?e2 lti?e6
31 .1ti?dS lti?l3 32.Wc6 lti?f2 33.1ti?c7 g3 2S.aS ~d8 26.a6 ~16 27.Wd3lti?IS 28.J:laS
34.hg3 hg3 3S.b6 ab6 36.ab6 g2 37.b7 ~e7 29.J:la2 We6 30.J:le2 lti?IS 31.c4! ~b4
g1 1t' 38.b81t' 1t'g3 39.1ti?b7 1t'b8 40.1ti?b8 32.cd5 cdS 33.J:lb2 ~e7 34.J:lb7 ~16
ltt?e3] 15•••J:l15 16.d3 d5 17.14 J:lf7 35.J:la7 J:lc8 36.~d2 J:lc4 (36 ... J:lc6)
[17 ... Wd7 18.J:leS J:lal8 19.J:l1S J:liS 37.J:lb7 J:la4 38.a7+- J:la3 39.Wc2 J:la2
20. ~d2 g6= Radjabov] 18.J:le5 o-o-o 40.1ti?b3 J:la1 41. ~e3 d4 42.~c1 J:la6
19.J:lb1 [19 .~d2 ~16 20.J:le6 ~b2 11...~c5 [11...~b7 (12.1t'g4!? 43.~d2 1-o Ermolaev-Amann, cr 2008]
21 .J:lb1 ~d4 22.c3 ~16 23.J:la6 d4 24.c4 1t'g4 13.lLJg4;!;:) 12... 1t'e2 13.J:le2 ~16 14...~g4 15.~e3 ~b6 [1S ...~
~e7 2S.J:la7 Wd7= Radjabov] 19•.• c6 14.d4 J:lab8 1S.J:lb1 ~6 16.J:le1 J:lle8 16.c3N (16.a3 ~S 17.b4 ~b6 18.~
20 .~d2 ~d6 21.J:le6 lti?d7 22.J:lbe1 17.J:le8 J:le8 18.~e3 ~e2 19.b3 ~13 (18.c4!;!;: Da Costa Junior) 18...ab6 19.J:le7
J:ld18 23.J:l1e2 20.gf3 ~e7 21 .J:ld1 J:ll8 22.dS c5 23.1ti?g2;t ~13 20.gf3 J:lf7 21.J:lf7 lti?f7= Leko-
Shomoev-Zviagintsev, Moscow 2010; Radjabov, Monaco blind 2007 - YB/88-122)
11...~h4?! 1t'e2 13.J:le2 ~16 16...~S 17.J:lae1 (17.b4 ~ 18.~ cb6
14.d3;t d6 1S.h3 c5 16.J:lb1 aS?! 19.J:le3 (19.J:le7 ~13 20.gf3 J:l13 21.J:lae1
(16...~7;!;: Karjakin/Borovikov) 17.a4 ~d7 J:ld3 22.J:lc7 J:lc3 23.J:lee7 J:lh3 24.J:lg7
18.b3 J:lab8 J:lle8 20.J:le8 J:le8 lti?h8 2S.Wg2 J:lhS 26.J:la7 J:la7 (26...J:lg5
21 .1ti?f1 dS (21...~c3! ~b4 t:. 27.Wh3 J:la7 28.J:la7 J:lbS 29.a3 c5= Da
23.c3 d5 24.cb4 de4 2S.baS ed3 26. ~e3 Costa Junior) 27.J:la7 J:lb5 28.a3 c5= Da
J:la8 27.J:lc1 ~e6;!;: Karjakin/Borovikov) Costa Junior) 19...~13 20.gf3 (20.J:l13 J:l13
22.~2± ~2 23.J:lb2 Wf7 24.J:lb1 <oi;>f6 21 .gf3 aS= Da Costa Junior) 20...a5= Da
2S.J:le1 J:le1 (2S ... J:lb8± Karjakin/Borovikov) Costa Junior) 17...~13 18.gf3 J:l13 19.b4
26.We1+- Karjakin-Zviagintsev, Sochi n ~ 20.~b6 cb6 17·17 S. Oliveira-M.Santos,
2008] [ 1t'e2 13.J:le2 Campinas 2009] 16.~b6 cb6 17.J:le3
~6=] 12... 1t'e2 13.J:le2 d6 14.d3 ~13 18.gf3 J:lf6 19.J:lae1 J:la18
23 •.• J:lf6 [23...~14? 24 .~14 J:l14 2S.J:le7] [14.d4 ~ 1S.c3 (1S.J:le7 ~g4 16.~e3 20.J:le6 J:lf3 21 .J:ld6 J:lf2 22.J:lc6 h5
24.J:lf6 J:lf6 25 ••b 3 J:le6 26.Wt3 d4 ~13 17.gf3 J:l13 18.c4 lti?f8 19.J:le4 J:liS 23.J:lc7 J:l8f4 24.J:le4 J:l11 25.Wg2
27 .~d2 J:le2 28.1ti?e2 ltt?e6 29.Wt3 20.b4 c5 21.bc5 dc5 22.d5 c6 23.d6 J:le8 J:l1f2 26.1ti?g1 J:l11 1-'.!-1-'.!
5 30.h3 24.J:lh4 hS= Kharlov-Vuilleumier, Dresden [YB/98-97)

R ez Delayed Cozio Variation RL 9.1 (C70)

The Delayed Cozio Hits Ho~e­

Part I
by Arthur van de O udeweetering (special contribution by Hou Yifan)

1. e4 e5 enough only in official blitz and

2. tLlf3 tt:lc6 rapid games. His choice for the
3. ~b5 a6 line may have been influenced by
4. ~a4 tt:lge7 his second Alex Wohl, while in
mo t games he started off with
3 ... tt:lge7, the genuine Cozio Vari-
ation. Many other grandmasters,
including everaJ trong Dutch
players, have adopted the varia-
tion as well. Svidler explain its
popularity a follow : The idea i
that there i n' t yet much theory
and in the majority of case you
get lively positions, which is
somethjng Black welcome '. In-
deed, the theory is stiJI taking Benjamin Bok
During the Ia t four years or o hape, and there appear to be a lot
this variation eem to have ma- of unforced possibilities for both Yearbook . Another normal move
terialized virtually out of the ides. All in all, I think it i a very is 5.0-0, which is likely to tran -
blue. Before, you would most logicaJ try to improve on 3 ... tt:lge7, po e to line after 5.c3, the
probably not have known that as, of course, has been done with subject of thi Survey.
uch a line exi ted, although of other third black moves. The in-
cour e it had been seen before. clusion of 3 ... a6 4.h4- aJthough Many Transpositions
Steinitz, for in tance, played it it allows the Exchange Variation - When studying the variation
everal times from a early a may well bring new possibilities with 5.c3 you have to be well
1882, while the creative mind of in anaJogou line . aware of the many transpositions
Yacov Murey did orne prepara- from imilarbranche oftheRuy
tory work for the modern lines A Principled Choice Lopez (3 ... g6, 3 .. .tt:lge7), as well
already in the early 1990s. Already in the initial position of as of the differences between
our variation, White has to make various move orders. At times
Lively Positions a principled choice. He may opt you will find position in which
ow the variation has uddenly for, ju t like 4.tLlc3 White has gained a tempo on
not onJy entered tournament prac- again t 3 ... tt:lge7, which Ivan i.a4-b3-c2, having played
tice on a regular basis, but the re- Sokolov considers the most un- i.a4-c2 in one move and reach-
sults are fine and some of the plea ant move for Black in the ing the position via a different
players are among the best of the normaJ Cozio. Other options are move order. The mo t notable
world: Aronian, Grischuk, 5.d4, 5.~b3 or 5.c4. Naturally, example of thi i the game
SvidJer, Vachier-Lagrave, to name with the surging popularity of Zhigalko-Sokolov, where the
but a few. Of the e players the variation all the e possibili- Ruy Lopez expert knowingly
Aronjan has played this line the ties have been tried recently and goes for our main tabiya, but
most frequently, but curiously they will be dealt with in the next with a tempo less.

vantage (which wa indeed tried is the interesting 14.'ii'cl !? pre-
ucce sfu ll y by Joshua Friedel). paring ~h6 , protecting b2 and
In this way White avoids a bad anticipating .. .c7-c5 (Uiibin-
version of a Chigorin position, Harika). Bok' central strategy
where Black ha an i olated of 13 .. .'it'd7 followed by ... .:tae8
pawn on d6 but active piece .. i al o feasible and leads to more
The similarity of the re ulting complex play.
middlegame positions to the Ruy Finally, White can play 13.d5 ,
Lopez Chigorin is something gaining pace and again avoid-
you will often encounter in the ing Chigorin-like tructures, but
Delayed Cozio. As Sokolov both the centralizing 13 ... 'ii'd7
This tabiya position normally points out, Black is very active; (Gomez-E teban-Turov) and the
arises after 5.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 his dark-squared bishop is al- immediately undermining 13 ... c6
7.cd4 b5 8 ..ib3 .ig7 9.lLlc3 0-0 ready on the long diagonal. The (Gershkowich-Gofshtein) look
10.0-0 lLla5 ll..ic2 d6 12.h3. only di advantage for Black OK for Black. By the way, the
Did Sokolov - in the Ia t round compared to the Chigorin i that po ition after 13.d5 ha al o
of the European Champion hip, he lacks immediate pre sure been reached with White to
Plovdiv 20 12 - a sess the po i- against pawn e4 along thee-file, move, when he ha aved a
tion a good enough for Black, because of the knight on e7. Af- tempo on ~a4- b3 -c2 : l.e4 e5
even with White to move? Any- ter other moves than 15.d5 Black 2. lLlf3 tbc6 3. ~b5 g6 4.c3 a6
way, u uaJiy it is Black's tum eems to be fine. 5 ..ia4 .ig7 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 lLlge7
here. He ha a dynamic position 8.d5 b5 9 .~c2 tba5 IO.lLlc3 d6
and ha everal way to build up Variation 8 11.0-0 0-0 12.h3 .ib7, Corrale
the pres ure again t White's sup- 12 .. ..ib7 i more common than Jimenez-Narciso Dublan,
po edly ideal centre. He will at 12 ... b4. Barbera del Valles 2008 ; or l .e4
orne point play the undermining e5 2.lLlf3 tbc6 3 ..ib5 a6 4 .~a4
... c7-c5, and in some positions lLlge7 5.0-0 g6 6.c3 .ig7 7.d4
.. .f7-f5 will also come into the ed4 8.cd4 0-0 9.d5 lLla5 IO.lLlc3
picture. d6 ll.h3 b5 12 ..ic2 .ib7 Anka-
Moze , Gyula Open 1996. Still
Variation A after 13 ..:tb I Black eemed to be
The fir t po ibility, and the just fine.
choice of the early adherent
Komeev and Arkhipov, is Variation C
12 .. .b4. The immediate 12 ... c5 has
gained immense popularity -
coring amazingly well - from
After 13 ..:te I, by far the mo t 20 I0 onwards after some pio-
popular i the direct 13 .. .c5 (thi neering by Wohl and Aronian in
po ition may al o arise after 2008/2009. White 's best try
12 .. .c5 13 ..:tel .ib7). After eems 13 .~g5 h6 14 .~h4 g5
14 ..ig5 h6 15 ..ih4 g5 15 ..ig3 lLlc4, but Black seemed
(Botta-Borisek) or 15 ... cd4 to be doing OK in Polgar-Banu z
(Dgebuadze-Fressinet), Black is ( 16.b3) and in Wieczorek-
comfortable. Banusz ( 16 ..l:tb I).
The immediate 13 ..ig5 h6 The simplifying 13.dc5 dc5
14 ..ih4 does not cause Black e- 14.'ii'd8 .:td8 15 .~e3 looks logi -
After 13.lLle2 .ib7 14.lLlg3 c5 riou problem ; ee Klein-Bok, cal, but Black may even refrain
Sokolov (in The Ruy Lopez Re- a well as Vogt-Bori ek. from the passive but ufficient
visited, which I gue s al o con- An alternative for White is the 15 ... lLlb7 and play 15 ... .ie6. Af-
tributed to the popularity of the natural developing move ter 16 .~c5 lLlec6 Black ha suffi-
Delayed Cozio) now give 15.d5 13 ..if4 , after which 13 ... lLlc4 i a cient activity for the pawn (Van
as the best way to play for an ad- logical retort. Here the latest try Kampen-Ernst).

Survey RL 9. 1

The Road To the Tabiya game (against Karjakin and side Sokolov' 12 ... ~b7 . No
l.e4 eS 2. f3 ttJc6 3.~b5 a6 Polgar). proble ms for Black here.
4..b 4 ttJge7 S.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 IO.ttJbd2 was Balogh's former lO... ttJaS
choice (against Almasi). IO.. .d6 (keeping the knight on c6
8.~b3 for the time being) ll .h3 will
8 . ~c2 i an important alterna- probably lead to a change of
tive, after which 8 ... ~g7 would move order after ll ... ttJa5, but
allow either 9.d5 ttJa5 , transpo - Black has to reckon with ll .ttJd5
ing to 7 ... ~g7 , as mentioned (Bok-Ernst).
above, or just 9.0-0 0-0 IO.ttJc3 ll.~c2
(or IO.h3! ? d6 ll. ~e3 ttJa5 Intere ting might be I l .~g5,
12.ttJbd2 Van den Doel- opting for quick deve lopment.
Arnaudov), tran po ing to our l l ...d612.h3
main line with an extra tempo (a Thus, we have reached our
in A.Zhigalko-Sokolov). This tabiya.
7.cd4 leaves 8 .. .d5 !? a the principled! ?, refraining from build- reply, which leads to completely Conclusion
ing a trong centre, is a perhap different structures; see In thi s complicated trategic
urpri ing but solid alternative. Solodovnichenko-Johannessen. variation of the Delayed Cozio,
See Timofeev-Svidler. Thi is relatively unexplored Black eems to be more than fine
7... b5 territory. after both 12 ... ~b7 and 12 .. .c5 .
Murey s 7 .. .~g7 enable 8.d5 8...~g7 9.0-0 In the future, attention will prob-
and doe leave White everal 9.d5 !? i les obviou , a 9 ... ttJa5 ably be focussed on the immedi -
good continuation . i attacking the bi hop (for in- ate retreat of the bi hop to c2
If8 .d5 b5 9. ~c2 (Sokolov advo- lance N.Kosint eva-Sokolov), e.g. on move 8. On the one hand,
cate 9.dc6) 9 ...ttJa5 then but 9.a4 is a new try by Hou thi will ometimes allow (pro-
IO . ~d2! ? from Balogh- Yifan, which brought her uc- voke!?) the advance .. .d7-d5
Nikolaidi s, exchanging the dark- ce . Up till now this move has from Black, while on the other
quared bishops, is simple and not found many follower . In- hand it will try to gain a tempo on
promising. Apart from that, stead of the reply 9 ... b4 in the existing lines. Much of the tra-
10.0-0 0-0 ll.ttJc3 (ll. ~d2!? game, 9 ... ~b7 seems a viable tegic battles in thi s new-born
Zherebukh-Zv iagint ev) leaves alternative. variation still lie ahead!
White effectively a tempo up on 9... 0-0 lO.ttJc3
for in ranee l.e4 e5 2.ttJf3 ttJc6 IO.d5 ttJa5 ll. ~d2!? is an inter- Part D of the Delayed Cozio
3. ~b5 ttJge7 4.0-0 g6 5.c3 a6 esting try; ee the game will focus on other 5th white
6. ~a4 ~g7 7.d4 ed4 8.cd4 b5 Erenburg-Gofshtein. Or I l. ~c2 moves: the popular S.ttJc3, the
9.~b3 0-0 I O.d5 ttJa5 I l . ~c2, d6 12.ttJc3 and here Black ha classic S.d4, as well as S.c4
which wa een in two Aronian tried a couple of other moves be- and the urprising S.~b3.

Variation A 16.J:ta2 liJb6 17.~14 ~b5 1B.J:te1 c6 Gonzalez,Jaime

12 ... b4 19.liJb6 cb6 20.'t ifd2;!; Sebag·Murey, Korneev,Oieg
France 2008] 13... ~b7 14.liJg3 cS Castellar 1996
Friedei,Joshua 15.d5! liJcB 16.J:tb1 liJa7 [16 ... liJc4] 1.e4 eS 2.liJf3 liJc6 3. ~ b5 ge7
Breckenridge,Steven James 17. ~g5 'tli'b6 18.liJh2 h6?1 19 .~c1 4.0-0 g6 S.c3 a6 6. ~a4 ~g7 7.d4
Orange 2011 (5) liJbS 20.liJg4 11o>h7 [20...~c8 21 .liJh6 bS 8.~b3 ed4 9.cd4 o-o 1O.liJc3 d6
1.e4 eS V L\13 lL\c6 3. ~b5 a6 4 .~a4 11o>h7 22.liJ17 J:tl7 23.e5 deS 24.'tli'h5 \PgB 11 .h3 liJa5 12. ~c2 b413.liJe2 ~b7
liJge7 S.c3 g6 6.o-o ~g7 7.d4 ed4 25. ~g6+- ] 21.liJh5!+- J:[hB [21... ~c8 14. g3 cS 15.J:te1 [1 5.a3 cd4 16. d4
8.cd4 bS 9. ~b3 d6 10.h3 0-0 22.lL\g7 ~g4 23.'tli'd2 g5 24.14! 11o>g7 ec6 17.liJc6 c6 18 .~b3 ba3 19.J:ta3
11.liJc3 liJaS 12. ~c2 b4 13.liJe2 25.fg5] 22.'tli'f3 'tli'c7 23.~h6 [23.'WI6] d4 20.~c4 d5 21 .ed5 17·17 Stefansson·
[1 3.liJa4 ~d7 14.a3 ba3 15.J:ta3 liJc4 23 ... gh5 24.liJf6 ~16 25.e5 1-0 Korneev, Linares 1996]15 ... cd4 16. d4

tLlec6'f 17.tLlf3 tLlc4 18Jlb1 l:lc8 23.tLld1 ~e4 ~-~ Jansa-Korneev, Andorra Ulibin,Mikhail
19 .~gs Was 20 .~ b3 tLl6eS 21.tLleS 1998] 14...h6 1S.~h4 cd4 [15... g5 Harika,Dronavalli 22. ~c1 as 23. ~c4 l:lc4 24.b3 16 .~g3 tLlc4 17.l:lb1 : ca 1S.Wd3 tLlg6 Moscow 2012 (7)
l:lc7 2S. ~ b2 Wt4 26.~g7 'ito>g7 19.e5 ~13 20.e6 15 21.-.13 cd4 22.tLld5 1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3.~ bS a6 4. ~a4
27.-.d4 "ireS tLle7 23.tLle7 "*e7+ 24 .~15?? l:lcS o-1 tLlge7 S.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 bS
Botta-Borisek, Sibenik 2012] 16.tLld4 l:lc8 s .~ b3 ~g7 9.tLlc3 o-o 10.o-o d6
17.l:lb1 : es 18.~ b3 b3 19.ab3 11.h3 [11 .tLld5 d5 12 .~d5 ~b7
"*d7 20 ...d2 dS 21.tLlf3 d4+ 13.~g5 "ird7 14...d2 tLldS 15 . ~b7 tLlb7

~ ·~ '
j_ 22.l:lbd1 l:lcd8 23.-.d3 gS 24.~g3 16.l:lac1 l:lteS 17.l:lfe1 tLldS 18.d5 cS
.l We6 2S.tLlb1? (:2: 25.tLla2] 19.dc6 tLlc6 20.~14 l:lad8= Bok-S.Ernst,
2S ...tLlc6-+ 26.tLlbd2 tLlb4 27.Wb1 Eindhoven ch-NED 2010] 11...tLlaS
~ '@'
d3 28.eS tLlc2 29.l:le4 • ts 30.l:lg4 12. ~c2 ~b7 13.~f4 c4 (13... -.d7
~ 'if ~ f6 31.ef6 ~f6 32.tLlh4 -.ds 33.f3 14.-.e2 : ae8 15.a3 h6 16.l:lad1 'ito>h7
~ Ci:J ~ tLle3 34.tLle4 ~g7 3S . ~f2 tLlg4 17.l:lfe1 15 18.e5 d5 19 .~d2 tLlc4
36.hg4 gh4 37. ~h4 Wd4 38.tLlt2 20.~b3 tLlc3 2 1. ~c3 ~d5= Thipsay·Bok,
~ ~~
Wb2 39.-.b2 ~ b2 40.~d8 l:ld8 Amsterdam 2011 ] 14.-.c1 cS 1S.dcS
1::[ 1::[ ~ 41.tLld3 ~f6 42.'ito>f2 aS 43.'ito>e3 a4 deS 16.l:ld1 (:2: 16... Wb6]
44.ba4 ba4 4S.l:lb1 a3 46.tLlb4 ~dS 17. ~b3 tLlb6 18. ~d6 c4 19. ~c2
28 ...d2?! [28.l:lbd1 l:lc2 29...b6 ~c6 47. dS l:ldS 48.l:lb8 l:ld8 0-1 tLlbc8 20. ~b4 aS 21. ~cs Wc6 (:2:
30.l:lc1 l:lc1 31.l:lc1 ~e4 32.tLle4 "*e4 21 ...b4i ] 22. ~d4 d6 23. ~g7 'ito>g7
33.-.d6=] 28 ... l:lfc8 29.l:le2 ~a6 24. d4 [24.e5!+-] 24 .. .'it'cS 2S.-.e3
30.f4? "*c3- + 31.'ito>h2 ~e2 Klein,Felix l:lac8 26.eS e8 27. cbS 'ito>h8
32.We2 Wc2 33.-.e1 -.a2 34.l:la1 Bok,Benjamin 28.Wh6 tLlg7 29. d6 l:lb8 30.WgS
"*b2 3S.: as l:lc2 36.tLlfS gfS Maastricht 2011 (1) (30.~e4 +-] 30... f6 31.'it'g3? feS
37.Wg3 'ito>h8 0-1 1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3.~ bS a6 4. · 4 32. bS ~c6 33.a4 tLlefS 34.~fS
tLlge7 s.o-o g6 6.c3 ~g7 7.d4 ed4 fS 3S.tLlfS gfS 36.l:le1 ?! l:lg8
8.cd4 bS 9 .~b3 o-o 1O.tLlc3 tLlaS 37.WeS "ireS 38.l:leS ~g2 39.'ito>h2
11 .~c2 d6 12.h3 ~ b7 13. ~gs h6 ~e4 40.l:lg1 l:lbd8 41 . c3 l:ld2
14. ~h4 42.l:lg8 ltg8 43.tLle4 fe4 44.l:le4
Variation B l:lf2 4S.'ito>g3 l:lb2 46.l:lc4 'ito>g7
12 ... .kl. b7 47. 4 'ito>g6 48.l:lc6 'ito>g7 49.l:lc7
'ito>g6 SO.l:lc6 'ito>g7 S1.l:lc7 J.'.!-1-'.!
Germany Bundesliga 2010/ 11 (12) Gomez Esteban,Juan Mario
1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3. ~bS a6 4.~a4 Turov,Maxim
tLlge7 S.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 bS Benasque 2011 (8)
8. ~b3 ~g7 9.o-o o-o 10.tLlc3 d6 1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 c6 3. ~bS a6 4. ~a4
11.h3 ~b712 . l:le1 tLlaS13. ~c2 tLlge7 s.o-o g6 6.c3 ~g7 7.d4 ed4
8.cd4 bS 9 .~ b3 o-o 10.tLlc3 d6
11.h3 tLlaS 12 . ~c2 ~ b7 13.dS

14... -.d7 (14... tLlc4!? 15.b3 tLla3 16.~d3

c5 17.-.c1 b4 18 .~e7 We7 19. d5 ~d5
20.ed5 cd4 21 .Wd2 Wb?'f Vogt-Borisek,
Rogaska Slatina 2011] 1S.l:lc1 (15.e5?
tLlt5 16.~15 Wts 17.ed6 cd6 18. ~e7 : tea
19 .~d6 tLlc4 20.~e5 ~13 21 .Wt3 W13
22.gl3 ~e5 23.de5 l:le5+ Baklan-
Benjamin, Moscow 2001 ] 1S... gS
16 .~g3 tLlc4 17.b3 tLla3 18. ~d3 b4
19.tLlb1 tLlbS 20.eS? tLlfS+ 21. ~fS
13... cs 14. ~gs (14.dc5 deS 15.-.e2 • ts 22.tLlbd2 l:lad8 23.'tWc2 Wc2
tLlac6 16 .~g5 -.c7 17.l:lad1 : tea 24.l:lc2 fS 2S.l:le1 l:lfe8 26.~ h2 f4
(17... tLld4'f) 18.e5 tLld4 19.tLld4 cd4 27.g3? deS 28.deS l:ld3 29.'ito>g2 13 .....d7 (13...c6 14.dc6 tLlec6!? 15.~g5
20.l:ld4 tLlc6 21 .l:le4 tLla5!? 22.14 b4 tLld4 30.l:lc7 tLlf3 0-1 ~16! 16.~16 "*16 17.a4 c4 18.tLld5

Survey RL 9. 1

'i'b2 19.l:lb1 'ilt'g7 20.'ilt'c1 ti)6e5 21.ti)d4 26.l:lc1 +- ti)e3 27.fe3 ~e5 28. ~g4
(~ 21 . eS) 2 1...~d5 22.ed5 lt)d3 23 . ~d3 ~g4 29.'ilt'g4 l:ld8 30.l:lc6 ~g7
'i'd4 24.l:ld1 'ilt'cS 25.'ilt'h6 l:lae8+ \Hz 31. -.hs f6 32.l:ld1 'ilt'b4 33.l:lcc1
Gershkowich-Golshtein, Haifa 2008) 'ilt'e4 34.-.f3 l:ld1 35.l:ld1 'ilt'c2
14.l:[b1 c4 15.ti)d4 c5 16.dc6 ti)c6 36.e4 'ilt'a2 37.l:ld7 ~g6 38.h4 [~
17. c6 ~c6 18.ti)d5 l:lac8 19.b3 38.'ilt'l5 ~hS 39.'ilt'g4 ~g6 40.h4)
~dS 20.ed5 ti)b6 21. ~e3?! [2 1 .~e4=] 38 ...'ilt'a1 39.l:ld1 ~d4 40. ~h1 • c3
21...ti)d5 22 .~d2?! [22.'ilt'd5 l:lc2=i= ] 41.h5 ~ 42.'ilt'f5 ~c5 43.-.h7
22... l:lfe8+ 23.~d3 ti)c3 24. ~c3 ~e6 44.'ilt'd7 1-0
~c3 25.a4 d5 26.ab5 ab5 27.'ilt'f3
: es 28.l:lbd1 d4 29.'ilt'f6 • ds 30.h4
:leeS 31.l:lb1 ~d2 32.'ilt'b6 ~g7 Van Kampen,Robin
33.llfd1 ~c3 34.~f1 l:l8e6 35. • a7 Ernst,Sipke 28.ti)e3? [2B.l:la7!±) 28...b3 29 . ~e4
'i'e4 36.g3 l:lf6 37.'ilt'a2 • g4 Groningen 2010 (7) 'ilt'c7 30.l:ldc1 [30.el6 l%16 31 ....e2 c3=)
38.~ h2 g5 39.hg5 l:lg5 40. ~g1 l:le5 1.e4 e5 2.ti)f3 ti)c6 3 . ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 30 ... l:ld4 31.'ilt'g3? f5 32 .~f3 f4
41 .'i'c2 • hs 42.'ilt'd3 l:lh6 43 .~g2 ti)ge7 5.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 b5 33 ...h4 h6 34.ti)g4? ti)f5 0-1
'i'h2 44. 1 l:lf6 45.l:lbc1 l:le3 8.~b3 ~g7 9.0-0 d6 10.ti)c3 ti)a5
46.llc3 • g3 47. • d4 '*'f2X 0-1 11. ~c2 0-0 12.h3 c5 13.dc5 deS
14.'ilt'd8 l:ld8 15. ~e3 ~e6 [1S... ti)b7 Hammer,Jon Ludvig
16.e5 ~15= Smeets·Karjakin, Nice blind Stefanova,Antoaneta
2010) 16 .~c5 ti)ec6!1!1 17.l:lac1 ti)c4 G ibraltar 2009 (9)
18.ti)g5 ti)b2 19.ti)e6 fe6 20.ti)e2 1.e4 e5 2. f3 ti)c6 3. ~bS lt)ge7
Variation C ~ 21 .~ b3 ti)d3 22.l:lc2 ti)c5 4.c3 a6 5.~a4 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4
12 ... c5 23.l:lc5 l:ld6 24.ti)f4 l:le8 25.l:lfc1 ~g7 8.d5 b5
d4 26.e5 l:ld7 27.l:ld1 l:lee7
Polgar,Judit 28.ti)e6 l:le6 29.l:lc6 ~e7 30. ~e6
Banusz,Tamas ti)e6 31.l:ld7 ~d7 32.l:ld6 ~e7
Warsaw 2011 (12) 33.l:la6 ~e5 34.l:la5 ti)d4 35.l:la7
1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 3.~b5 a6 4. ~a4 ~e6 36.l:lh7 ti)e2 37. 1 ti)c3
<tlge7 5.(H) g6 6.c3 ~g7 7.d4 ed4 38.l:la7 ~f4 39.l:la3 b4 40.l:lb3 ~d6
8.cd4 b5 9. ~b3 (H) 1O.ti)c3 ti)aS 41.l:lb2 ~d5 42.l:ld2 ~c5 43.g3
11.~c2 d6 12.h3 c5 13.~g5 h6 ti)e4 44.l:lc2 ~d5 45. ~e2 ~c5
14.~h4 g5 15.~g3 ti)c4 16.b3!? 46. 3 ~d4 47.l:le2 ti)c3 48.l:ld2
[16.l:lb1 ti)c6 17.ti)e2 g4 1B.hg4 ~g4'l' ~c4 49.h4 ~d4 50.g4 ti)b1 51.l:ld1
WleCZorek·Banusz, Krakow 2011 ) 16... 3 ti)c3 52.l:ld2 ti)b1 53.l:ld1 !1.!-!1.!
17.~d3 ti)c6 [ 1 7...~b7] 18.ti)d5 ti)d4
19.ti)d4 ~d4 20.'ilt'h5 ~g7 [20 .. ~e6)
21.l:lad1 c4 22.~e2;t c3? 9.dc6 ba4 10.'ilt'a4 c6 11 . ~g5 f6
12. ~f4 [ 12 .~d2 0-0 13.0·0 l:lbB 14 .~c3
The Road To the Tabiya 'ilt'eB 1S.ti)bd2 ~hB 16.l:lle1 d6 17.a3
4 ... tt:J e7 a7= Butunoi·Golshtein, Latschach 2007)
12 ... l:lb8 13.ti)c3 l:lb2 14.ti)d5 e5
Timofeev,Artyom 15.0-0 0-0 16.ti)f6 ~f6 17. ~e5 ~e5
Svidler,Peter 18. e5 l:lb5 19.f4! [I.Sokolov]
Moscow ch·RUS 2011 (5) 19...~b7 20.l:lad1 d6 21 .-.c4 d5
1.e4 e5 2.ti)f3 ti)c6 3. ~ b5 a6 4.~a4 22.edS l:ldS 23.ti)g4 'ilt'd7 24. e3
lt)ge7 5.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.ti)d4!? • bs 25 .... c7 l:ld1 26.l:ld1 l:le8?
~g7 8.~e3 (H) 9.(H) b5 [9 ...d6; 27.ti)g4? [27.l:ld7 'ilt'b1 2B.ti)l1 +-)
9... ti)e5] 1o. ~c2 ti)e5 11 .a4 l:lb8 27...'ilt'b2 28.ti)e3 'ilt'a3 29.'ilt'c4 8
12.ab5 ab5 13.ti)d2 d6 14.h3 c5 30.ti)c2 'ilt'as 31 .l:ld7 [31.l:ld6 '*'15!]
15.ti)4f3 ti)5c6 16 . ~f4 l:lb7 17....e2 31 ...'ilt'b6 32. 1 l:le7 33.l:le7 'itl?e7
23.ti)c3! ~c3 24. ~d6 [24.l:ld6 -.ea c4 18.l:lfd1 l:ld7 [1 B...dS) 19.ti)f1 d5 34.a3 aS!= 3S.'ilt'd4 'ilt'b1 36. e1
25.l:lh6 ~g7 26.~d6 ti)c2 27.l:lh7 16 20. ~g5 • c7 21.'ilt'e3 b4 22. ~f4 ~g2 37.'itl?g2 'ilt'e1 38.'ilt'g7 ~e6
2B.l:lg7 ~g7 29 .~18 'ilt'IB 30.l:lc1 ±) [22 .~h6) 22 ...'ilt'd8 23 . ~h6?! d4 39....g8 ~d6 40.'ilt'h7 • e2 41. ~g3
24... ti)c2? [24 ......16 25 .~a3 l:leB 24.cd4 ti)d4 25. ~g7 lt)f3 26.'ilt'f3 W'd3 42.'itl?g4 'ilt'fS 43. ~g3 'ilt'd3
26.l:ld6 l:le6 27.14!±) 25.~f8 'ilt'f8 'itl?g7 27.e5 f6? 44 .~g4 ..fS 4S. ~g3 'ilt'd3 !1.!-!1.!
Van Kampen,Robin liJeS 14. d4 c5 1S.dc6 0-0 16. dS 7c6 12.b3 (12.a3 0-0 13.0-0 IS 14.b4 le4
Conquest,Stuart 17.14 d4 18.1t'd4 d7 19. e3 'itl6= 1S. e4 cb4 16.ab4 c4 17. egS 't!fb6
Amsterdam 2011 (6) Sethuraman-Ghosh, Chennai 20121 18.J:le1 liJIS 19. e6 ~e6 20.de6±
1.e4 es V o f3 li:lc6 3 . ~bS a6 4.~a4 12 ... d6 13. bd2 aS 14. f1 c6 Shamkovich-Murey, New 'lbrk 19891 12... c4
ge7 S.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 bS 1S. e3 0-0 16.'i!t'd4 cdS 17.edS 13.bc4 bc4 14. f1 0-0 1S .~e3 ±
8. ~c2 ~g7 9.dS li:lb4 1 O. ~ b3 aS c4 18. c4 bc4 19.0-0 ~ b7 ~g4 16.~b6 ~c3 17. 1d2 't!fc8
11.a3 a6 12. c3 li:lcS 13. ~e3 20.J:lfe1 J:lca 21.J:lab1 ~dS 22. gS 18.0-0 J:lb8 19. c1 ~f3 20. f3
(13.~c2 ~a6 14.0-0 0-0 1S.J:le1 d6 h6 ~e6 ~fS 2S.1t'f6 b7 21 .1t'e3 ~g7 22 . ~a7 J:la8
16. d4 b4= Colovic-Netzer, Belfort 2012] J:lc7 26. hS ghS 27. ~fS liJfS 23.J:lfc1 (23. ~d4 ±] 23 ...J:le8 24.~a4
13... b3 14._.b3 ~a6 1S . ~d4 0-0 28.'itfS J:lcS 29.'llff4 J:lgS 30.g3 (24.J:ld1!] 24... dS 2S.• d2 li:lf6?
16.~g7 <J;;g7 b4 18.ab4 <J;;g7 31.1t'c4 aS 32.J:lb7 'itf6 26 ..~e8 J:la7 27 ..fif7! 28.eS+-
ab4 19...b4 J:le8 20. c3 c6 33.J:le3 J:lfS 34 •..-e2 J:lc8 3S.c4 deS 29.J:lc4 't!fb8 30.1t'c2 1-0
21 .0-0-0 cdS 22.edS liJfS 23.J:lhe1 '*'a1 36.9:;g2 ..-d4 37.J:lbS J:lccS
[23.g4 ~e2] 23 ... J:le1 24.J:le1 J:lb8 38.J:lcS J:lcS 39.J:le4 J:leS 40.J:leS
2s ...-t4 ..-b6 26 ...-d2 <J;;ga 27.g4 deS 41 ...-hS a4 42.cS ..-cs 43.'ifg4 Munguntuui,Batkhuyag
d6 28. eS ..-as 29 ...-c2 J:lca <J;;h7 44.'ifa4 ..-ds 4S.<J;;g1± ts? Zhu Chen
UlaanbaatarW2010 (11 )
1.e4 eS 2. f3 li:lc6 3. ~ bS li:lge7
4.0-0 g6 S.c3 a6 6. ~a4 .fig7 7.d4
ed4 8.cd4 bS 9. ~c2 0-0 1O.dS
[10.h3 d6 11. ~e3 li:laS 12. bd2 c5 13.dc5
deS 14.eS;t Van den Doei-Arnaudov,
Spijkenisse 20111 10... aS
( 11. ~d2! ? c5 ( 1 1... ~b2 12..fias .fia1
13.llJc3g?; 11 ... c4 12..fic3 b2 13.'t!fe1
c4 14 ..fig7 <J;;g7 1S.Wc3 16
12.d6 ( 12 .~c3) c4
14..figS b2 1S.• c1 16 16 .~e3 c4
17 .~c5± Zherebukh-Zviagintsev, Aix·les-
30.J:le3 ..-a1 [30 .. .16!? 31 .li:ld7 ..-de 46.Wb3! +- '*e4 47 .• f7 9:;h8 Bains Ech 2011] 11 ...d6 12.J:le1 [12.h31
32 ...a4 ~bS 33.1t'l4 _.d7 34 ...16 li:le8 48 ...-g6 hS 49.Whs <J;;g7 so 12 ... b4 [12 ... c413.~d3 c614 ..fic4 bc4
3S.'i!t'e6 _.e6 36.de6'f] 3H Wb1 ..-a4? <J;;f7 S1 .• e3 ..-b1 S2.<J;;g2 ..-a2 1S..figS;t Rasulov-Turov, Nakhchivan 20111
(31 32. d7 ..-bs 33. 16 <J;;g7 S3 •• es .-as S4.<J;;g1 '*'3 SS .• f4 ~g4 cS 1S.dc6
34. e4 _.dSoo] 32. c6! Wg4 • ds s6.g4 1-o ec6 16. c6 c6 17.1t'dS J:lc8
33. e7 8 li:lc4? 18 . ~a4 ~e6 19•..-d3 eS 20.liJeS
[34 ...~c8 ± ] 3S.'ife4+- li:le3 36.'i!t'e7 .fieS 21 . ~b3 aS 22.J:lb1 't!ff6 23.h3
<J;;g7 37.1t'eS f6 38.1t'e7 9:;h6 J:lfd8 24. ~e3 a4 2S. ~e6 ..-e6
39.We3 gS 1-0 Balogh,Csaba 26 .• bS?! 'ita2 27.'t!fb4 't!fb3
Almasi,Zoltan (27... J:lb8!+] 28. '*b3 ab3 29. ~b6
Hungary II 2010 (5) J:ld7 30.J:le3 J:lb7 31 •.fiaS J:lc2
1.e4 eS li:lc6 3. ~bS a6 4. ~a4 32 ..fic3 .fic3 33.J:lc3 J:lc3 34.bc3
Balogh,Csaba li:lge7 S.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 bS <J;;g7 3S.<J;;f1 6 36.<J;;e2 <J;;es
Nikolaidis,loannis 8.~c2 ~g7 9.dS aS 10. bd2 d6 37.<J;;e3 gS 38. J:lb2 hS 39.c4 h4
Greece tt 2011 (3) 11.J:lb1 cS 40.g3?
1.e4 eS li:lc6 3.~ bS li:lge7
4.c3 a6 s .~a4 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4
bS 8 .~c2 ~g7 9.dS li:laS 1o .~d2
c4 (10...c5 11.~c3 16 12.b3 0·0 13.0-0
d6 li:lb7 1S.h3 gS 16.J:le1 ±
Vaibhav-Dzhumaev, New Delhi 2012]
11. ~c3 ~c3 (11...0-0 12 .~g7 <J;;g7
13.a4 ~7 14. c3 (14. bd2!?) 14... 16
1S.O-Oc6 16.abS cbS?! 17.b3 li:leS
leS 19.'ifd2;t Bok-Maze, Biel 2011 ;
11... b2 12 .'~c1 ~c3 li:lc4
14 .~d3!1 12.bc3!? ( d6 13.b3

Survey RL 9. 1

40 ...15? [40 ...g4!!-+] 41.e15 5 l:laS 44.d6 c4 45.dc7 t0d2 19 . ~14 c6 \7-\7 Maximov-Kryvoruchko,
42.Wd4 l:lb6 43.\PdS 6 44.g4 46.c8'ilt' tt:le4 47. 1? [47. ~=] Alushta 2011] 14... ~15 15.l:lc1 c6
9;e7 45.\Pd4 Qo>e6 46.l:le2 IP16 47 ...~c5 48. c7 l:la1 49.Qo>e2 l:la2 16.l:lc5 f6 17.-.c1 b4 18. eS
47.l:lb2 l:lb8 48.w d5 w e7 49.l:le2 50.Qo>d1 tt:lc3 51 .w e1 ~e3 0-1 t0d7 [18 ... tt:lg4 19. dl3±] 19. df3
9;d7 50.l:lb2 l:lb4 51.13 [51 .Wd4 w c6 eS [19...~es c5 21 .dc5 'ilt'd4
52.\Pc3 \PeS 53.l:lb3=] 51 ...l:lb8 22.~h6!] 'tfd4 21.l:ld1 ~es
52.Wd4 Qo>c6 53.Qo>c3 dSI? 54.14 Solodovnichenko,Yury 22.l:ld4 ~d4 23.1:115 g15 24 ...14?
[54.Wd4 dc4 55.Qo>c4 Wd6; 55 ...1:118] Johannessen,Leif Erlend [24. ~e7 +-l 24 ...l:lae8? [24 ... l:lle8± ]
54 ... g14 55.g5 dc4 56.Qo>c4 13 Fagernes 2012 (7) 25.g3! cS 26 .• 15?1 [26.~h61 Qo>h8
57.Qo>d3 1:118 58.l:lf2 b2 59.w c2 w dS 1.e4 eS 2. 13 t0c6 3. ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 (26... d3 27.'ifiS eS 28. ~dS+ -)
60.c.t.>b2 w e4 61.c.t.>c3 c.t.>e3 62.1:111 ~ge7 5.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 bS 27.~18 1:118 28.'. -IS+-] 26 ...l:le5 [;,:
llc8 63.Qo>b4 f2 0-1 8.~c2 dS 26...~g7±] 27.'i!rg4 hS [27 ...l:le1
28.Wg2 Qo>h8 29.'tfh4 16 30.~d2 l:le2
31. ~b4 l:lle8 32 .~d1 l:lb2 33.-.hS l:leS
Zhigalko,Andrey 34.-.17 1:112 35.Wh3 l:lgS 36.'i!rl8 l:lg8
Sokolov,lvan 37.-.d6+-l 28.'it'h5 c4 29 ...Wg4 l:le1
Plovdiv Ech 2012 (11) 30.Qo>g2 15 31.-.d4 l:le4 32.'ilt'd6
1.e4 eS V t:Jf3 tt:lc6 3.~b5 a6 4. · 4 cb3 33.-.g6 1-0
~ge7 5.c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 b5
8.~c2 ~g7 9.o-o o-o 10. c3 d6
11 .h3 5 12. ~14 ~b7 13.l:le1 Kosintseva,Nadezhda
[13.d5 14.'it'c1 b4 15.t0d1 c6 16.dc6 Sokolov,lvan
~c6 17.~h6 l04e5 deS 19 .~g7 Sarajevo 2010 (5)
9;g7'i' 20..i.a4 t0d4 21.-.cS 'ifg5 1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3. ~b5 g6 4.d4
~e4 16 24.l:lae1 'ilt'l4 2S.l:le3 hS ed4 5.c3 a6 6. ~c4 ~g7 7.cd4 bS
26. h2 l:lac8 27.'ilt'b4 1:117 28.'ilt'a3 ~dS 9.ed5 [9.0-Q ~g7 10.edS dS (10... b4) 8. ~b3 ge7 9.d5 tt:laS 10. ~c2 0-0
29.~d1 l:lc1 30.~a4 'ilt'g5 31.g3 1:111 11.~gS 'ilt'd6 12.l:le1 ~e6 13. c3 tt:lc3 11.0-0 d6 12. c3 [12. d4 c5 13.dc6
32. 11 'ilt'l5 0-1 Grover-I.Sokolov, Reykjavik 14.bc3 0·0 ~dS 16. e4 ~e4 ac6 14. c6 tt:lc6 1S. c3 ~b7 16 . ~e3
2011] 13... l:lc8 14. ~d3 b4 15. 4 17.~e4 l:lab8 18.a4 (18.'it'l3±) 18... d8 l:lc8 17.l:lb1 eS 18. ~b3 l:le8= Flores
'i'd7 16.a3 ba3 17.l:la3± c6 19.ab5 abS 20.~h4 b4! Nijboer-Arnaudov, Rios-Chirila, Washington 2011]
18.~c4 Wh8 19.'ilt'd2 tOgS 20.d5 Dieren 2011 ; 9.e5 ~g7 0-0 11 .h3
ce7?1 [20 ... t0a7±] 21. c3+- l:lb8 16 12.el6 1:116 13.0-0 ..W18 14.l:le1 h6
22 · 6 · 6 23.l:la6 l:lb4 24.e5 deS 1S.l:le3 lOIS 16.l:ld3 t0d6 17. eS b4
25.~e5 f6 26.~g3 fS 27.~h2 18.1:113 tt:lc2 19.'ilt'c2 ~IS 20.-.wcS t017
l:lfb8 28.l:la2 t0d6 ~h6 21 .-.c7 tOeS 22.de5 1:117 23.'ilt'c6 'tlfd8
30.14 t0c4 31 .-.e2 -.d6 24.l:lls 1:11s 2s:.-gs ..-18 26. 13 -.17
27.'tlfd6 l:le8 28 .~h6 l:le6 29 ...-d8 l:le8
30.'it'd6 l:le6 31 .1i'd8 \2-17 Ka~akin­
Aronian, Monaco apid 2011] 9
1o. ~b3 ~g7 11.0-o bdS 12.l:le1
o-o 13. ~gs ..-d6

•. . ....
j_ X <itt 12...~b7 [12... c4 13.l:le1 cS 14.dc6
c6 1S.l:lb1 h6 16. d5 ~e6 17.b3
'*f .t. 4eS= Ka~akin-Aronian , Moscow 2009;
12...c6 13.dc6 ~e6 14.t0d4 ~c4 1S.l:le1
~ ec6 16 .~e3 'tWIG 17. c6 c6=
8 Rodriguez Lopez-Berczes, Budapest 2011 ; [32.t0c2+-; 32. e6+-l ~ ttJ 12... b4 13. e2 c5?! 14.dc6?! ec6=
32 ... '*'cs 33. 'tlff2 ..Wf2 34. 2 l:lb2
35.l:le2 l:l8b3?! [;,: 3S ...l:la2 36.l:la2
88 888 Banas-Nestorovic, Hungary 2011] 13.l:lb1
b4 14. a4 c6 15.dc6 ~c6 16 .~e3
l:lb3!] 36. e4 [36.l:leb2! b2 ntt:J 'ifn ~ l:lb8 17.~d4 ..Wd7 18.b3 ~ h6
37.We2±] 36 ... l:le2 37.l:le2 ~18 19.~d3 ~ bS 20.1t'e2 ac6 21 . ~a1
38.l:lc2 tt:le3 39.l:ld2 15 40. d4 l:la3 14. bd2 [ tt:lc3 1S.bc3 dS eS!? 22.~e5 deS 23. eS 1t'e6 l:lb3 42. d4 l:la3 16. d2 t016 17.'ifl3 ~g4 18.'it'l4 14 24. g4 ~g7 25 .~b5 l:lbS 26.13

lt:lfS 27.-.c4 ~d4 'it'c4 21.~e3 cd4 d5oo] 18.l:te1 l:teS g5 40.hg5 'it;>g7 41.l:tc1 +- l 37... 'it'e7
29.bc4 : as 30.l:tb4 lt:le7 31 .cS 19.~d2!? [19.'it'd3 c5 20.l:tac1 ~c6oo] 38.h4 ~f6 39.'ife3 'it>g7 40.-.b6
lt:lc6 32.l:tc4 l:td8 33.f4 ~e3 19.••cs [19 ...b3 20.~b1 lt:lc4 21.~c3 ±; • ds 41 .-.b4 lt:lc6 42.'ifc5 ~g4?!
34.g3?! l:td4 3S.l:td4 [ l:ta2 19...~e4 d5 21 .13! (21 .l:te4 l:te4 [42 43.'it'a7 c;t;>h6 44.c;t;>g2 ~g4
36.l:td4 ~d4 l:td2+ ] 3S .•• ~d4 22.~d5 l:td4 23 . ~17 <J;lh8gg) 21...b3 22.1e4 45.l:tc1 ~13 46.c;t;>l1+-] 43.l:tc1 lt:le7 l:ta2 37.'it>g2 as 38.c;t;>t3 ba2 23.~a5 16 de4 'it'b2 44.'it'c7 'it'c7 45.l:tc7 c;t;>tS 46.b4 ~e5
~cS lt:ld4 40.'it>g4 ~a7 • b7 27.-.e2± ] 20.l:tc1! 47.l:ta7 ~c3 48.l:ta6 lt:ldS 49.edS
41 .lt:ld3 l:th2 42.l:ta1? [42.15+ ] [20...~e4 ! b3! 22.l:te4 l:te4 ~b4? [49 ...~13 50.b5 ~d5 51.l:ta7] ba2 24.~a5 • b2 25 .~c3 'it'b7
42 .•.hS 43.'it>gS lt:lf3 0-1
26.'it'l3 l:tb8 'it>h8 28 ...14 .c7 50.l:tf6
Hou Yifan

Hou Yifan
Zhu Chen
29.l:ta1 l:tb1
[! b3 22 . ~b1 .b6
30.'it>h2±] 21.dcS?! <J;l17
24 .~a5 'it'a5 25.-.b3+-] 21 ... dcS
M/ 10-7-80

Ulaanbaatar W 2010 (8) l:tf8? [22 ...b3! 23. ~b1 (23.~b3 Erenburg,Sergey
1.e4 eS lt:lc6 3 .~ bS lt:lge7 lt:lb3 24.'it'b3 ~c6 25.~c3 l:tab8 26.'it'c4 Gofshtein,Zvulon (Leonid)
4.c3 [ Sebag·Zhu Chen, ~c3 27.bc3;!;) 23 ...l:ted8 l:td7 Ashdod 2004 (7)
Ulaanbaatar 2010 (6)] 4 ••• a6 [4...d5] 25.e5 l:t17 26 .~a5 c4 27.l:te2 'it'c5 1.e4 eS lt:lc6 3. ~ bS lt:lge7
S .~a4 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.cd4 bS 8. ~b3 28.'it'e1 l:te8 29. ~c3 ±] 23 . ~e3 l:tacS 4.o-o g6 S.c3 a6 6. ~a4 ~g7 7.d4
~g7 9.a4!? b4 [9 ... l:tb8 10.ab5 ab5 ed4 8.cd4 o-o 9.dS bS 1 o. ~b3 lt:laS
11 .0-0 0-0 d6 13.h3t] 10.o-o
lt:laS 11.~c2 d6 o-o lt:lec6 [ 14 .~b3 ~g4!?
15 .~e3 d5! 16.e5 16 17.l:te1 ~13 18.gl3
c6oo] 14.h3 [14 . ~g5 -.e8
( lt:ld4 -.e5-+) 16.h3 c5] 14... lt:lb3 1S. ~b3
lt:laS 16.~a2 [16.~g5 'it'd? 17.~d5 c6
18.~a2 l:te8 19.l:te1 c5oo] 16•••~ b7


24~f7! WhS [24 ... : 17 c;t;>t?
26.'it'd7 c;t;>g8 (26...c;t;>IS 27.'it'c8! ~c8
28.~c5) 27:tlte6 c;t;>h8 28.l:tc5 'it'a8 29.l:ta5
11.~d2 [11.d6 cd6 12.'ilfd6 lt:lb7 13.'ilfl4
(13.'it'g3 lt:lc5 14.'ilfh4 d5 lt:lb3

: ea 30.'it'l7+-l 2s.J:tcS? [25.~e6!+ -; 16.ab3 b4 de4 18.'it'e4 ~e6:f
25.'it'g4 'it'b6 26. ~ h5 27.l:tc5 l:tc5 Neiksans-Howell, Porto Carras Ech-tt 2011 )
28.~c5 'it'c5 29.~g6] 2S •.•: cs 14.l:td1 d5 15 .~d5 lt:ld5 16.ed5 [26.'it'd6!? l:tc6 (26...l:tlc8 ~15 lt:ld3+ Shomoev-Zviagintsev,
27.~e6) 27.'it'l8 ~18 28.~7+-] Moscow 201 1] 11 [ 11... ~b2 1?
26 •••'it'b8! [26 ... : 17 27.'it'd8 ~18 28.~c5 1 2 .~a5 ~a 1 13.d6 c6] 12.'it'b3 d6
'it'a8 29.'it'a5+-] 'it'f8 28.~c5 13. ~c3 cS 14.dc6 [14 .~g7 'it>g7 15.h3
'ireS 29.'it'd8 ~f8! [29..."it'l8 30.'it'c7 I.Sokolov] 14... ~e6 1S.'ilfa3 lt:lc6
17.••'it'b8?! [17 ...'it'd7 18.l:te1 (18.'it'd3 ~16 31 .l:tc1+- l 30.l:td1 'it>g7 31 ~dS [1 5... ~c3 lt:lc6] 16. ~g7 'it>g7
l:tae8 d5 20.ed5 ~d5 21.~d5 ~c8 [31...~e7 32.'ilfg8 c;t;>h6 33."it'e6 'it'c2 17.'it'c3 tOeS deS 19.'ifeS
• d5 22.~e3 c5 23.-.a6 cd4t) 18... l:tae8! 34.l:tl1 ~c5 35.'ilfl6+-] 32.'ife8 ~e7? ! 'ilff6 20. 'ilff6 'it>f6 l:tfd8
(18 ... l:tle8?1 19.~d2 c5 20.l:tc1 l:tac8 33 .• f7? [33.~g81?] 33...'it>h6 34.'ilff4 22.l:tad1 b4 ~dS 24.edS
21. ~b1 ;!;) 19.~d2 c5 20 .~b1 (20.l:tc1 ~gs 35.-.g3 -.c2 36.'it'f3 'ireS l:tac8 2S.l:td2 l:tcS 26.l:tfd1 [26.d6;!;]
l:te4 21 .l:te4 ~e4 ~15) 37.g3?! [37.h41~e7 38.~g8 'it'h5 39.-.14 26 •..'it>e7 27.f4 'it>d6 28.c;t;>t2 Y:!-Y:!

Ru ez Anti-Marshall Variation RL 17.2 (CBS)

The Accelerated Gajewski Gambit

by Larry Kaufman

1. e4 e5 FORUM by Kuzmin in Yearbook rect gambit. Black generally get

2. tLlf3 tLlc6 I02) in a related line, which to- the bi hop pair in an open po i-
3. ~b5 a6 gether can form the heart of a tion a well a a lead in develop-
4. ~a4 tLlf6 gambit-style defence to the ment for the pawn , which hould
5. 0-0 i.e7 Spani h without having to play be enough. In any event, Solo-
6. l:le1 b5 the heavily analysed Mar hall dovnichenko declined the pawn
7. ~b3 0-0 Gambit. The common element i and played 9. ~c2 , after which it
the move ... d7-d5 . i far from obvious how Black
To play the new gambit, fir t you benefit from hi gambit.
mu t ca tie on move 7, ' threaten- Gajew ki ' an wer wa 9 ... d5! ,
ing' to play the Mar hall. In reaching exactly the arne po i-
high-level play, 8.h3 wa the tion a in hi original gambit, but
main move (avoiding the Mar- with the white pawn on h2
shall) until Kamsky ' novelty in tead of h3 .
this year (see page I07) pretty
much killed it as a eriou try for
advantage, as we will analy e
here. Since 8.a4 b4 i not gener-
ally con idered very promi ing
Reader of the Yearbook will be for White, many grandmaster
familiar with the Gajew ki Gam- who reach thi s po ition are re-
bit in the Spanish, which ari e verting to allowing the Mar hall
after l .e4 e5 2.tLlf3 ttJc6 3. ~b5 with 8.c3. In my opinion, White
a6 4.~a4 tLlf6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:lel can retain at least a mall edge in
bS 7. ~b3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 tLJa5 a couple of Mar hall line , so the
IO. ~c2 d5! ?. It wa anaJy ed in Mar hall, while sound enough,
Yearbook 88 and again in Joel doe not refute 8.c3. Thi clearly benefit Black. It
Benjamin ' column in Yearb ok turn out, a we will ee, that in
99. Although it cored well ini- A Blunder? mo t line it turn a dubiou
tially, wa played by Carlsen, Instead of 8 ... d5 , Gajew ki, de- gambit into a correct one, and
and wa poken well of by fending again t Solodovni- even in the one ca e where it
Benjamin, the current theoretical chenko, played 8 ... tLla5 !?, makes no immediate difference,
verdict i that it i omewhat du- eemingly blundering the Black's chance improve appre-
biou , and it ha largely vani shed e-pawn. Thi pawn-offer ha ciably.
from high-level play. been played many time before, A couple of points need to be
Then uddenly thi year, but almo t alway by unrated or made about the hi tory and credit
Grzegorz Gajewski truck back very low-rated (around 1500 for the line. Fir t, Gajew ki wa
with a new, improved ver ion of Elo) players, who were almo t not the first to play the new gam-
the gambit. Thi article covers certainly ju t blundering the bit; that honor belong to Oleg
both thi new gambit and a nov- pawn. However computer anal- Shakhnazarov, a 2165-rated
elty by Kam ky (discus ed in the y i how that it i a fully cor- player from the US who defeated

White Accepts After 8.c3 tt:la5 9.~c2 d5! ?
Let's tart by aoal y ing the White has two tries for advan-
acceptance of the fir t ga mbit tage 10.d4 and 10.ed5 . If instead
8.c3 tt:la5 !? tt:l b3. then 10...de4 ll.d4
(1 l. ~e4? tt:le4 12.l:te4 f6 13. tt:lf3
~f5 14.l:te l ..id3, with a cru h-
ing bind) ll ...ed3 1 2. ~d3
(12. d3 d3 l:te8= )
12 ... ~d6 f3 ~b7=. Or if
IO. d3 de4 I I .de4 d I 12 ..l:[d I
(Burg- He ndri k ) l2 ... ..ib7 bd2 J:[fd8 !=.
So let' exa mine I O. d4 which i
a very strong move in the origi-

i.. .
nal Gajewski line.
Grzegorz Gaj ewski
Lf White recapture with the .tif
a much lower-rated opponent pawn, after 10.ab3 ~b7 l l .d3
(Yuan Wang) in San Francisco in d5 , he can try to keep hi booty ' .t.t.i.l
20 I0. However, White played by l 2.ed5 ( 12.f3 .l:[e8 is already
poorly and lo t in 21 moves, so
the game was probably not no-
ticed by grandma ters then. It
should al o be mentioned that
betterforB iack) 12 ... d51 3.f3 ,
but after 13 .. ..1:He8 14. d4 J:tad8
Black' active bi shop pair and
significantly uperior develop-
~ ~
GM Alexey Bezgodov (the au- ment offer more than enough for ~~Ji.. ~~~
thor of an amazing booklet on the pawn . So I 0 .~3 i better, ~ tt:J~ 'iY~ ~
l .e4 c5 2.a3 !?) played the 8 ... tt:la5 when after IO ... ..ib7 I l.d3 d5
gambit idea twice in the late l2.ed5 (or ~d6 13.ed5 Here Black rep lie IO... ed4
1990 , but again t 8.h3, not l:te8 .idS , with full ( IO... .ig4 i al o pl ayabl e, fo r
agai n t 8.c3. The motivation for compen ation) 12 ... 'ifd5 13. d5 example I l.ed5 ed4 12.cd4 lLlc4
the gambit i obvious after 8.h3, lLld5 the queen trade at least I ~b4= or ll .h3 ..ih5
ince White cannot decline with- avoid any direct attack. Still , the l2.ed5 ed4 l 3.cd4 tt:lc4
out lo iog the bishop pair for bi hop pai r tend to be worth tt:lb6= but ll .tt:lbd2 ed4 12.e5
nothing. But it turn out that the more without queen than with , tt:ld7 13.cd4 c5 14. h3 ..ih5
gambit i probably more correct and even here Black retains 15 ...if5 or ll. .. de4 12. tt:le4 ed4
again t 8.c3 though even again t enough developme nt advantage 13. d3 g6 1 4. ~h 6 J:te8
8. h3 it i quite pl ayable. See the to neutra li ze White' light ma- i a bit better for White due to the
analy is in the two Bezgodov teri al plu of pawn v . bi hop offs ide knight on a5) ll .e5
game in this Survey. I would pair. 1 think that anyone who ( ll.ed5 ~b7 l2.cd4 tt:ld5=)
even go so far a to recommend it, would play the Mar hall (or ll.. .tt:le4 12.cd4 ( f6!
except for the fact that Kam ky 's almo t any other real ga mbit) 13.ef6 ..if6 14.f3 ~e5 15.g3 c5
novelty looks like an even better would be happy to play thi line 16. tt:lb3 tt:lb3 17.ab3 ..ig3 !, when
way to meet 8. h3. Anyway, a ide a Black. Black will reach an eq ual end-
from all the e coo ideration , game or get perpetual check in
Gajew ki clearly deserve the White Declines all lines) 12 ... ~g4! (thi move,
credit for the new gambit, ince it [f you accept the above conclu- taking advantage of the ab ence
i reall y a refinement of his origi- ion then it fo llows that the of h2-h3, improves on the Ga-
nal line, and he was the fir t to Accelerated Gajew ki Gambit is jewski ga me) 13 ...ie4 ( 13. tt:lc3
play the new line at high level. uperior to the original one. ow tt:lc3 14.bc3 tt:lc4=) 13 ... de4
Unfortunately due to the Shakh- we mu t con ider exactly how 14.l:te4 .ih5! f6. Black's
nazarov game, it might not be eli- the exclu ion of h2-h3 benefits better development, bishop pair,
gible for Yearbook Novelty of the Black in the line where White pin , and pre sure on the centre
Year in 201 2! dec Unes the gambit. are ea ily worth the paw n.

Survey RL 17.2

o it eem th at White ha noth- pair or a pawn for the bi hop pair. the b7-bishop bite on granite
ing better than to play to win a Probably White i objecti ely and would rather be on c8 to
pawn with I O.ed5 e4 I l . ~e4 bener but Bl ack hould have le- come to e6. The way to j u ti fy
(ll .tlJg5 i a maj or line with cent practi cal chance . the bi hop' po ition on b7 i
h2-h3 incl uded, but n there, due If Black opt for 12... ~b7, we 9... d5, but thi gambi t had a
to ll. .. ~g4) ll. .. tlJe4 12J:te4. ca n expect 13.d4 l:e8 14. bd2! slightly dodgy reputati n after
( 1 4. ~ f4 tbc4 15 .b3 tlJb6= or I O.ed5 tlJd5 II . e5 d4 when
14.l:te l d5=). Black cored 2 Bl ack get the bi h p pair but not
out of 4 from her in the analo- mu h el e for the pawn. Of
gous po ition wi th the white cour e I 1. .. e5 12.l:e5 i orne-
pawn on h3. ow both captur time played, but it turn out that
are rea onable. Let' chao e onl y the rare move 12... d6!
14... d5, when 15.b3! i be t give good play for the pawn.
(never pl ayed in the po ition ow, after 13. l:l.el l:ae8!
with the pawn on h3). Then per- 14. d2, Bl ack pl ayed the poor
hap 15... c5 1 6 .~a3! b4 1 7. ~b2 move 14... g6 . 40 year ago in
d7 18.l:e l cd4 19.cd4 l:ad8 Kava lek-Harandi . Kam ky im-
20. c2 ~d 5 2 I c6 proved greatly on th i against
Black can rega in one f hi. two 22. h3 h6 23. d b7. White i Ga himo with 14 ...c5! Ia t Jan-
pawns either with 12 ... ~b7 urely better with hi extra uar y, after which I am unable to
planning ... ~d 5, or with pa ed (but i alated) pawn for fi nd even a trace fan ad anlage
12... l:e , planning ... d5, the bi hop pair, but Bl ack' for White. Here are , orne line :
whi h are of about equ al merit. bl ockade and the li ghtl y bad
!though White cored 62 per white bi h p hould give Bl ack
cent in 45 grandma ter-level at lea t near-equality.
game in the analogou po iti on I hould mention that the engine .t
wi th h2-h3 incl uded, clearly the
move h2-h is help ful for White,
and in any case Bl ack almo t al-
way replied ... ~b7, which may
(K modo and Houdini both
con ider the e gambit line to
favour Wh ite omewhat. En-
gine ha e impr ed dramati-
not be the best. A fter 12 .. .l:e8, ca ll y in recent year in their
both 13. d4 and 13.d3 are eri u abili ty to j udge compen ation
tries for ad antage, o we mu t for materi al, but are still in ferior
analyse both . to grandma ter in that kill , I
fter 13.d4 d5 14.tlJbd2 think . Grandma ter Roman ) 15. f3 d7 16. e4 c4!
( 14.'t!t'e2 d7! 15. e5 ~d5 , of- Dzindzicha hvili helped w ith 17.dc4 tbf6 I . d l c6 19.cb5
fering a repetition or 15... f5!? the analysi of the gambit line ab5 20.tlJ f6 ~f6 2 l .f3 c7
if you mu t wi n) 14 ... ~e6 15.b and concl uded that although 22 .~d2 (22.Wh I ~f3!) 22 ... l:d8
f6 1 6. ~b2 ~ f7 1 7. h 3 b7 1 .c4 Bl ack i n t fully equal, hi com- 23.l:e2 ~b2 24.l:b I ~d4 25. ~h I
(if 18.l:te l d7 19.tbe4 l:ad8 pensati on hould be nough to h 7. Black' compen ation for
Black ha uperi r development draw in hi gh-level pl ay. the pawn i quite obviou here;
and the bi hop pair for the pawn; B) 15. e4 c6 16.c4 b6
nearl y enough) 18... d7 Kamsky's Novelty 17.cb5 ( 17.f3 ~h4 18.l:e3 l:d8,
19. I bc4 20. b 4 T here i not much po int in talk- and aga in the compen ation i
ha ub tantial compen ation. ing about an alternative to the apparent) 17... ab5 I .'t!t' f3 c4
The alternati e i 13.d3 d5 M ar hall if White can profitably 19.d 4 tbc4! 20 .~c4 bc4 2 1. ~ f4
14. e2! d8 15.tlJbd2! a oid both line with .h3. The l:td8. With idea li ke .. .f7-f5
( 1 5. ~ f4 ~b7 16.l:e3 g5!=) rath r subtle idea behind 8.h3 is and/or ... l:td3, a nasty pin, and
15... c5 16.l:e3! c6 17.h3 ~ f5 . th at after 8... ~b7 (the only rna e the bi hop pair, Bl ack clearly ha
when Bl ack ha m devel p- to try to puni h White for avoid- full compen ation f r the pawn;
m nt and pre ur on d to com- ing the M ar hall) 9.d (not C) 15.a4 c4! (Ku zmi n ana-
pen ate for hi 'half-paw n 9. 3?! d5!=, with a much im- ly ed 15... c7 to equa lity or
deficit as 1 like to call the bi hop pro ed M ar hall) 9 ... d6 I O.a3, com pen ation, but I wa n ' t full y

convinced) 16.dc4 lbf4 17.4Jf3 l2.lbe4 lba5 13 ...Q.f4 lbb3 14.ab3 There i no doubt that the Accel-
lbg2! l8 ...Wd6 4Je l 19 ...Wb6 4Jf3 ef4 15.d4l:e8 16 ...Wd3 (Topalov- erated Gajew kj Gambit i upe-
20.Wg2 lbh4 2 1.Wh2 with per- Svidler) 16...h6! 17.l:adl ..Q.b4 rior to the original one, and in my
petual check; 18.c3 ..Wd5!=. view it is a rea onable alternative
D) The Kam ky game went to the Mar hall Gambit. One
15.c3, when hj 15 ... ..Q.d8 uf- One Final Note down ide compared to the Mar-
ficed for equality, but I prefer If White avoid the above gam- hall i that Black often end up
15 ... ..Wg6 16.4Jf3 ..Q.d6 17 ...Q.d2 bit with 8.a4 b4 9.c3 (9.d3 i with a-, b-, and d-pawn (v .
lb f4 18 ...Q.f4 ~f4. With pre ure better, while if 9.d4 d6 I O.de5 I abed) in the Mar hall which
on the king and on d3 and the recommend the uncommon eem to make White' extra
bi hop pair for the pawn, I prefer IO.. .lbe5=) then agajn we play pawn le valuable than when it
Black' chance . 9 ... d5! a in the Mar hall. After i a, b, and c v . a, b, c, and d a
IO.ed5 4Jd5 ll .lbe5 4Je5 12.l:e5 in the Gajew ki. Black' main
Declining Kamsky's Gambit ..Q.b7 13.d4 ..Q.f6 Black get full problem i finding a good role
If White decline the pawn by compen ation for the pawn, for the aS-knight.
ll.a4 lbd4! l2.4Jbd2!, more than in the Mar hall A for the Kam ky Gambit, it ap-
proper. pears to be totally correct and of
tv • Conclusion
huge theoretical importance.
Perhap we will ee an increa e
1..1. 1..t..t..t. The twin repertoire ba ed on in the popularity of 8.a4 and of
.t. Gajew kj novelty again t 8.c3 6.d3, a White now ha to worry
.t. and Kam ky' again t 8.h3 , both about both the Mar hall and the
~ with the idea of a quick ... d7-d5, Accelerated Gajewski if he play
i a very dynamic one that give 8.c3 and the Kam ky Gambit (as
~ ~ ttJ ~ rea onable if not full com pen a- well a Bezgodov' 8... aS!.) if
~~tjj ~~ tion for the pawn, almo t alway he play 8.h3. Already in the Tal
1::[ . 'iWl::t in the form of the bi hop pair on Memorial the e two alternative
an open board plu orne other were preferred by White, along
Black hould play 12 ... 4Jb3 factor , whjJe avoiding the mas- with 6 ...Q.c6, and, e p cially, the
13.lbb3 f6 14.lLla5 1i'c8 l5 .lbb7 ive theory of the Mar hall. Fur- cotch rather than the pani h.
'itb7 l6.4Jh4 l:fe8 l7.4Jf5 ..Q.f8 thermore, Black is not o clearly White never once allowed Black
18.h4 (Bologan-Krujakin) L8 ... g6 limjted to a draw a in orne to play the line cover d in thi
with equality. Or if ll.lbbd2 lbf4 Marshall line . article.

The Accelerated Gajewski 16..ib2 .if7 17.h3 tt:lb7 18.c4 1t'd7 1 o...ed4 {10....ig4!;!;] 11 .e5
8.c3 ti:J a5 19.1t'c1 bc4 20.bc4 1t'a4 ~) 13... 1t'dS {11 .edS .ib7 12.cd4 dS tt:lc3
14 ....e2 1t'd8 cS 16.J:te3 tt:lc6 14.bc3 tt:lc4=] 11 ... tt:le412.cd4 {12. d4
Solodovnichenko, Yury 17.h3 .itS 1t'd7 19.d4 cd4 16 13.e6 {13.ef6 .if6 14.13 .ieS 1S.g3 cS
Gajewski,Grzegorz tt:ld4 21 .tt:ld4 .ig6~] tt:lb3 17.ab3 .ig3oo Black should
Maastricht 2012 (7) get at least perpetual check or a pleasant
1.e4 e5 tt:lc6 3 ..ib5 a6 endgame) 13... c5 .ie6
4 ..ia4 tt:lf6 5.0-0 .ie7 6.J:te1 b5 • e7 16.13 tt:ld6 17 ....dS .idS 18.J:te7
7 ..ib3 0-0 8.c3 tt:la5 9 ..ic2 d5 tt:lc6= Black's development offsets White's
10.d4?1 (10.edSI e4 11 ..ie4 tt:le4 bishop pair] 12 ...f5?! [12 ....ig4! 13..ie4
12.J:te4 J:te8 (12 ....ib7 13.d4 J:te8 { c3 14.bc3 tt:lc4=) 13... de4! •ds 1S.b3 cS 16..ia3 b4 14.J:te4 .ihS 16= Black has full
17..ib2 • d7 {17 ... bc3 18 ..ic3 tt:lc6 compensation] 13.ef6 .if6
19.dcS .icS 20.1t'e2 tt:le7~) 18.J:te1 cd4 c3 15.bc3 .ig4 16.1t'd3 [16 ..ia31
19.cd4 J:tad8 20.1t'c2 .idS 21 .J:tac1 c6 J:te8 17.h3 J:te1 18.1t'e1 .it3 19.W'e6
22.h3 h6 23.1t'd3 Wb7 W bS~) \PhS 20.gl3 Wg8 21 .J:te1 ;!;] 16 ... g6
13.d3 {13.d4 1t'dS .ie6 1S.b3 16 17..ih6 (17 ..ia3 .itS 18.W'd1 .ic2

Survey RL 17.2

19.'i'c2 J:le8=] 17... j,.f3 18.'itf3 j,.g7= 10. ~c2 d5 11.b4 liJc4 dc4 13.e5 16.liJb3 f6 17.liJd3 .J:le1 18.liJe1 .J:le8
19.'\lfh3 'Wf6 20.J:le2 [20.13 ~h6 liJd5) 10.ab3 ~b7 11.f3 d6 {11...d5 12.ed5 19.liJd3 ~c8 Black's superior development
21.'i'h6 tt::lc4=] 20... · 6 21 . h6 J:lae8 liJd5 13.d4 c5 14.c4 liJb4 15.d5 j,.d6 16.f4 and bishop pair offset White's extra pawn]
22.'i'd2 tt::\c4 23.'ird3 tt::\d6 24.g3? 'i'c7 J:lae8 18. ~d2 f6 19.liJf3 10... ~ b7 11 .d3 dS 12.13? [12.ed5
'i'f3+ 25. 'irf3 J:lf3 26.J:le8 tt::le8 ~f4 20.liJe4; RR 11 ... c5! 12.d4 cd4 13.cd4 '*'d5=. This shows why White should
27. · 3 c6 28. J:lc1 tt::\d6 29. ~d1 J:ld3 d5 14.ed5 liJd5~ Kaufman) 12.liJd3 c5 recapture on b3 with the queen]
30-.ie2 J:ld2 31.~g4 liJfS?! 32.a4 13.liJf4 'i'c7 14.d4t ] 9 ... d5 1 O.d3 de4 12•.. ~d6? [12 ... .J:le8! 13.ed5 liJd5 14.d4
33.ab5 abS 34 .~f5 gfS 35.Wg2 [10 ... ~g411."i!i'e2 de412.de4 c513.liJbd2 ~d6. With attacking chances and the
36. Wd6 37.We3 J:la2 38.h3 ~h5] 11 .de4 [d5 en f5 are nice squares bishop pair for the pawn, Black is for
[38.J:lb1=] 38...c5 39.dc5 <;t;>cS 40.g4 for White, d3 and f4 for Black] 11 ... 'i' d1 choice] 13.ed5? [13.liJI7! .J:lf7 14.e5t]
fg4 41.hg4 J:la4 42.J:lh1 Wc4 43.J:lh7 [11...'ird6 12."i!i'e2 ~g4 13.h3 ~13 1Hi'f3 13... liJd5 14.c4?! liJb4 15.d4 .J:le8
'tt>c3 44.J:ld7 [44.g5=] 44...d4 J:lfd8 15.liJd2 c5 16.liJf1 "i!i'e6 17.liJe3 [15 ... 'irh4!f ] 16.liJc3? [16.cb5 'i'h4=]
45.'tt>e4?? J:lc4-+ 46.g5 b4 47.g6 J:la7 18.b3] 12.J:ld1 ~g4 13.liJbd2 16•..16 [16... c5!+] liJd3-+
b3 48.g7 b2 49.J:lb7 d3 50.We3 J:lc8 J:lfd8 14.J:le1 ~d6 15.h3 ~d7 18 ..J:le8 "i!i'e8 19.c5 ~14 20. ~f4 liJf4
51 .g8'tlt' J:lg8 52.J:lc7 Wb3 53.J:lb7 16.liJf1 h6 17.liJe3 cS 18 .~d2 2U i'd2 dS 22.J:le1 'irf7 23.liJd5
2 54.J:lc7 1Pd1 55.J:lb7 d2 56.J:lb2 [1B.liJd5 liJd5 19.ed5 J:leB 20.liJd2 (20.g4 ~dS 24.b4 J:le8 25.h3 .J:le1 26. "i!i'e1
J:le8 57.1Pd3 J:ld8 58.1Pe4 1 liJc4 21.Wg2 liJb6) 20... f5 21 .f3 g6] 'ilfe6 27."i!i'd2 ~c4 28.<;f;>h2 gS
59.J:ld2 <;t;>d2 60.14 J:le8 61.1Pd4 w e2 18.•.c4 29.'i'c3 'iriS 30.b3 ~dS 31 .'ira1
62.15 63.f6 4 0- 1 'ire6 32.'Wa5 '*'c8 33.'Wa2 ~b7
34.'ire2 'ird7 35.h4 gh4 36.'ire3
~dS 37."i!i'f4 'irg7 38.'irf5 g3
Wang, Yuan 39.'1t;>h1 e1 40.Wh2 'ire6 41 . 14
Shakhnazarov,Oieg 'irf7 42.'Wg4 Wh8 43.'*'c8 '*'98
San Francisco 2010 (2) 44.'ira6 c6 45.'*'b7 'iig3 46.Wh1
1.e4 eS 2.liJf3 liJc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4 .~a4 h3 47.gh3 'i'f3 48.1Ph2 'it'f2X 0-1
tt::\16 5.0-0 bS 6.j,.b3 ~e7 7.J:le1 0-0
8.c3 tt::laS 9 . ~c2 dS 10. eS?! de4=
11.~e4?! [11 .d4 ed3=] 11 ...liJe4
12.J:le4 16 13.liJf3 cS [13 ... j,.fS'f]
14.d4 J:le8 15. ~f4? [15.J:le1 cd4=] Bezgodov 's Move
15...~15? [15 ... g5!'f] 16.J:le3? 8 .h3 tt:J a5
[16.J:le1!] 16 ... tt::lc4= 17.J:le2 "i!i'd7 19.J:lad1 [19.liJd5!? liJd5 20.ed5 J:leB 21 .b3
18.b3? liJb6:f f5 22.b4 tt::\b7 23.a4 e4 (23... a5? 24.ab5 ab4 Kalod,Radek
25.cb4 J:la1 26.J:la1 ~ 27.j,.f5) Bezgodov,Aiexey
~e5 25.liJc6 ~16=] 19...liJb7 20.~c1 Pardubice 1996 (7)
[20.liJf5 ~5 21.ef5 J:le8 22.liJh2 e4 23.~e3 1.e4 eS liJc6 3.j,.b5 a6 4. ~a4
~c5=] 20...~c7 21.b3 [21 .tt::\d5 tt::\d5 liJf6 5.0-0 j,.e7 6 ..J:le1 bS 7. ~ b3 0-0
22.ed5 16 23~e3 liJd6 24.liJd2 ~c8 25~g6 8.h3 liJa5!?
~7] 21 ... tt::lc5? [21...~e6! 22.J:ld8 (22.bc4
J:ld1 23.J:ld1 tt::\d6!) 22... J:ld8 23.bc4 bc4
(23... liJd6 24.~3!=] 22.bc4 .i .i.'if .i .
tt::lce4? [22 .. ~e6 23.liJd5 j,.d6] 23.~e4
ttJe4 24. 5+- tt::lc3 25. 3 · 5
26~d2 b4 27.liJd5 4 28.J:lc1 f6
29.a3 1-0
Burg ~
19.liJbd2? tt::\d5-+ 20. ~e3 liJc3 ttJ ~
21. 'irf1 j,.d3 0-1
~~~~ ~~
Bene,Aiina ~ tt:J.i'i!V tl ~
Burg,Twan St Petersburg 2008 {8)
Hendriks,Koos 1.e4 eS 2.liJf3 liJc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4. ~a4 9.liJe5 liJb3 1O.ab3 ~ b7 11 .d3 dS
Den Bosch 2011 liJf6 5.0-0 bS 6.~b3 ~e7 7.J:le1 0-0 12.ed5 tt::\dS?! [12 ... 'i'd5! 13. 13
1.e4 eS 2.liJf3 liJc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4.j,.a4 8.c3 liJaS 9.liJe5 b3 10.ab3?! (13."i!i'l3 ~d6 14.d4 .J:laeB~) 13... .J:lfe8
liJf6 5.0-0 bS 6. ~b3 ~e7 7. J:le1 0-0 [10. 'irb3! ~b7 11 .d3 d5 12.ed5 "t!i'd5 14.j,.f4 'i'd7~. Pemaps Black's compen-
8.c3 liJaS 9.~c2 [9.liJe5! liJb3 (9... ~b7 13.'ird5 liJd5 14.d4 ~d6 15.liJd2 J:lfe8 sation is not quite worth the pawn, but it's a

close call] 13. ~c3? [13.d4!;!;J 13..•~f6? lt;>g6 68.'ittg2 l%c3 69. 2 l%a3 ~d1 73. ~c4 i.e2 74 . ~ b6 ~d1
[ 13...~b4 1 =J 14. dS? [14.'iif3!±J 70.gS 'ittg7 71 .g4 ~96 72.l%eS l%a4 7S . ~c4 i.e2 76. ~e3 i.f3 n. ~fS
14...1t'dS= 1S.'i!Yf3? 'iieS - + 16JleS 73. 3 l%b4 74. ~e3 l%g4 7S.It;>d3 gfS 78. s ~e2 79.g4 c;t;>g7 80.c;t;>gs
~f3 17.l%cS ~b7 18.l%c7 ~dS l%b4 76.'ittc3 1-0 i.d1 81 .fS ~e2 82. 4 ~d1 83.hS
19.c4 l%fe8 20.~e3 ~b2 21.l%a2 ~e2;>g3 i.d1 8S.'itth4 i.c2
~es 22.l%a7 l%a7 23. ~a7 ~b7 86.1t;>gS i.d1 87.h6 lt;>h7 88.1t;>hS
24.d4 ~d6 2S.l%a1 ~b4 26.dS bc4 ~g4 89 . ~g4 'itth6 90. 4 'ittg7
27.bc4 aS 28. ~e3 fS 29.l%d1 Kamsky 's Novelty 91 .'ittgS Y.!-~
30.g3 l%c8 31.l%c1 a4 32.l%b1 l%c4 8.h3 ~ b7
Kavalek,Lubomir Gashimov,Vugar
Harandi,Khosro Kamsky,Gata
Kovalev,Andrey Skopje ol 1972 (1 ) W ijk aan Zee 2012 (2)
Bezgodov,Aiexey 1.e4 eS 2 . ~f3 ~c6 3. ~ bS a6 4. ~a4 1.e4 eS 2 .~f3 c6 3.i.bS a6 4.i.a4
Minsk 1998 (5) ~f6 S.0-0 i.e7 6. ~b3 0-0 7.l%e1 b5 ~f6 S.0-0 i.e7 6.l%e1 bS 7 .~b3 0-0
1.e4 eS 2.~f3 ~c6 3.~bS a6 4 · 4 8.h3 i.b7 9.d3 dS 1O.edS ~dS 8.h3 ~b7 9.d3 dS 10.edS ~dS
~f6 S.()...{) ~e7 6.l%e1 bS 7 · ()...{) 11. ~es ~es 12.l%es 1t'd6! 13.l%e1 11. ~es eS 12.l%eS 1t'd6 13.l%e1
8.h3 S!? 9. ~es b3 10.ab3 ~b7 l%ae8! 14. ~d2 l%ae8 14. d2 cS!
11 .d3 dS 12.edS ~dS [12 ...1t'd5!
13.~13 (13.'ii13 ~d6 14.d4 (14.1t'd5 ~5=)
14 ...l%ae8~) 13... l%1e8 14 .~f4 1t'd7~J
13.~c3? [13.d4;!;J 13...~f6? [13... b4!=J
14.~d2 cs 1S.1t'f3 1t'd6 16. g4
~c3 17~c3 [17.bc3± J 17...fS?
18.t-oe3 f419.~ds ~ds 20.1t'g4 l%a7
21 .f3 l%af7 22.~es 1t'h6 23.h4 ~b7
24.1t'gS 1fb6 2S.hS c4 26.d4 cb3
27.cb3 h6 28.t+'g6 1fd8 29.l%ac1
~c8 30.l%e2 aS 31.l%cS i.fS 32.1fc6
~d3 33.l%f2 'iih4 34.~d6 l%d8
3S.l%eS lt;>h7 36 .~cs 'iig3 37.l%d2
[37.d5+-J 37...i.fS? 38.'iibS+- l%dS 14... 'it'g6? [14 ...c51=J 1S.'ifg4 1S.c3?! [15.1t'l3 'i+'d7 16. e4 c4! 17.dc4
39.'i!fe2 l%fd7 40.~e7? lt;>h8? [15.'i+'f3! ± J 1S... ~b4?! [15 ... 'it'g4 ~f6 18.1t'd1 't!fc6 19.cb5 ab5 20.~16 i-16
41 .l%dS? l%dS 42.'iif2 ~e6 43.'iig3 16.hg4;!;J 16.l%e8 l%e8 17.~e4 fS 21 .13 't!fc7 22 .~d2 (22.1t;>h1 ~13 !=)
fg3 44.i.h4 l%hS 4S~g3 l%bS 18.1t'g6 hg6 19. ~d2 i.d2 20. d2± 22... l%d8 23.l%e2 ~2 24.l%b1 ~d4
46.l%e2 ~b3;t 47.l%e7 c;t;>g8 48~e1 l%e2?! 21 .1t;>f1 l%e7 22.l%e1 8 25.1t;>h1 ~7 and Black has great
a4 49.~c3 l%gS SO.c;t;>t2 hS S1 .l%a7 23.l%e7 'itte7 24.i.dS i-dS 2S.c4 compensation for the pawn; 15.~e4 'it'c6
l%dS S2.l%b7 h4 S3.1t;>g1 gS 54.1t;>h2 i.b7 26.b4 lt;>d6 27. ~ b3 bc4 16.c4 ~b6 17.cb5 (17.13 ~h4 18.l%e3
l%fS SS.l%e7 g4? 56.fg4 l%f2 S7.l%eS 28.dc4 i.e4 29. ~c1 ?! cS 30.f3 l%d8~) 17... ab5 18.1t'l3 c4 19.dc4 ~c4! N
l%f1 58.l%hS l%c1 S9.l%h4 i.b7?! 31.a3 cb4 32.ab4 aS 33.baS 20.i.c4 bc4 21 .i.f4 l%d8. The bishops and
· 6 34.f4? [34 .~d3 ! + - l 34... ~c4 the diagonal pressure are enough for the
3S. lt;>cS 36. ~e2 lt;>bS 37.~d4 pawn] 1S...i.d8 [15 ... 'ili'g6! 16.~13 i.d6
c;t;>as 38 . ~c6 lt;>bS 39.~es ~cs 17.i.d2 ~f4 18.i.f4 i.f4~ Black is for
40. ~g6 lt;>d6 41 .g3 i.e6 42. ~eS choice here] 16 . ~e4 'ili'g6 17.i.d2 ~f6
i-dS 43.1t;>e3 i.g2 44.h4 i.dS [17 ...c4 also equalizes] 18 ~c2 c4
4S. ~d4 i.a2 46.~c4 lt;>e6 47. e3 19.Wf3 c;t;>h8 20.Wg3 cd3 21.1fg6
~b1 48.1t;>cS i.e4 49. ~c4 ~g2 hg6 22. ~f6 l%e1 [22 ...~16 23.i.d3
SO.~d6 i.f1 S1. ~e8 c;t;>t7 S2 . ~c7 l%d8=] 23.l%e1 dc2 24.~d7 l%g8
lt;>e7 S3.1t;>dS ~e2 S4.1t;>eS g6 2S.l%c1 l%e8 26.l%c2 [26.~c5 ~d5
SS .~dS S6.1t;>d6 i.t3 S7.~b6 27.l%c2 i.a2=] 26 ... ~c8 27. cS ~fS
~e2 S8. ~d7 ~d1 S9. ~es 6 28.l%c1 l%e2 29 .~e3 l%b2 30. ~a6
60. ~c6 c;t;>t7 61. ~d4 6;>d7 l%a2= 31 . ~b4 l%b2 32.i.d4 ~e6
~a4 63.1t;>d6 c;t;>t7 64.~f3 6 33.l%e1 ~c7 34. 6 ~f4 3S.~cS
S9...a3 60.ba3+ - l%c3 61 .l%h3 l%c4 6S. ~es ~bS 66.1t;>c7 ~e2 67.1t;>d6 i.c4 36.~d7 l%e2 37.l%e2 ~e2 38.f3
62.l%b3 l%d4 63.l%b4 l%d2 64.a4 i.f1 68.~d7 c;t;>t7 69.1t;>eS i.e2 f6 39. 2 ~c4 40.~e3 ~d6 41.i.cS
lt;>g7 6S.aS l%a2 66.l%bS l%a3 67.g3 70. ~f6 i.d3 71. ~d7 ~e2 72. b6 Y.!-Y.!

Survey RL 17.2

Svidler,Peter 8.h3 ~ b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 <i:)d5 16. ~a2?! <i:)b4?! [16... ~d8 ! 17.<i:)e4
Muzychuk,Anna 11 .l£Je5 ttJe5 12.14e5 '*'d6 13.14e1 '*'c6'f] 17.~b1
Gibraltar 2012 (3) c5?! 14.<i:)d2?! 14ae8 [This transposes
1.e4 e5 2.<i:)f3 <i:)c6 3. · a6 4 · back to the new main line] 15.a4
<'tlf6 5.0-0 · 7 6J%e1 b5 7 ·
8.h3 · 7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 <i:)d5 i.
11. 5 <i:)e5 12.14e5 d6 13.14e1 ~
.aaea 14. 2 c5 ~c6 16.c4
ttlb6 17.cb5 ab5 18.~f3 c4 19.dc4
bc4 [19...l0c4 20~o4 bo4 21 ~f4 l4d8=] ~ ~~
20.~c2 f5 21 .ttJca ~f3 [21 ...'it'd7 ~
22.'l!kd1'*'c6 23.13 14d8~] 22.gf3 ~f3 ~~Cfj ~~
23~t4 [23~e3;!;J 23.. · 24.14e8 : ea
25~f5 ~c3 26.bc3 l£Jd5 27 ~d7 14e2 ~ ..t~'ii l:t
28 · <i:)f4 29~c4 ~d5 30~e2
2 3 1.<~h2 l£Jc3 32.a4 lOe4 33.a5 [It looks like Black should have a winning
<'tlf2 34.a6 <i:)e4 35.a7 <i:)f6 36.a8 attack here but neither I nor the computers
37.14a8 38.«Pg3 g5 39. 15 ... ~d8? 16.<i:)e4± '*'c6 17.ab5 could find one] 17...cd3 18.cd3 <i:)d3
40.14a5 h5 41. 3 h4 42. ab5 18.c4± ttJc7?! 19 .~f4 q,ha 19.ttJe4 ~e4 20.l:le4 <i:)c1 21 ...c1
43. 3 q,g6 44.14b5 g4 l-2-l-2 20.cb5 ttJb5 21. ~a4 14e6?? l4c8 [21... ~f6 ! 22.ab5 ab5 23.1t'e1 l4e4
22. '*'b3 ~a6 23.<i:)d6+ - l4g6 24.g3 24 .~e4 g6. Black has whatever chances
l4d6 25 . ~ b5 ~b5 26. ~d6 c4 remain, but a draw is very likely] 22 .~c2
Van Kampen,Robin 27.dc4 ~c4 28.14ac1 '*'d6 29.14c4 ~f6 23.ab5 ab5 24J!I'd1 '*'d1
Hebden,Mark ~b6 30.14f4 g5 31 .14fe4 '*fb8 25 . ~d1 ~b2 26.14b1 14c1 (White, a
Amsterdam 2012 (9) 32 ...c3 f6 33.14e7 1-0 WGM, made the IM norm in this event]
1.e4 e5 2.<i:)f3 <i:)c6 3 .~b5 a6 4 . ~a4 Y2-Y2
10f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.14e1 b5 7 . ~ b3 0-0
8.h3 ~b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 <i:)d5 Svetushkin,Dmitry
11.<i:)e5 <i:)e5 12.14e5 ._d6 13.14e1 Fressinet,Laurent Nadig,Kruttika
c5?! [13 ... 14ae81 14.<i:)d2 c5 is the more France tt 2012 (5) Hegde,Naveen
accurate move order] 14.<i:)d2?! 1.e4 e5 <i:)c6 3 .~ b5 a6 4.~a4 Mumbai 2008 (9)
[14.-.13;!;] 14...14ae8 15.<i:)e4 .-cs <i:)f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.14e1 b5 7. ~b3 0-0 1.e4 e5 2.<i:)f3 ttJc6 3 .~b5 a6 4. ~a4
16.a4 <i:)b6 17.ab5 ab5 18.iff3 c4 8.h3 ~b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 <i:)d5 <i:)f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.14e1 b5 7 .~b3 0-0
11.l£Je5 <i:)e5 12.14e5 '*'d6 13.14e1 8.h3 ~ b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 l£Jd5
14ae8 14.ttJd2 c5 15.a4 <i:)f6?! 11 .ttJe5 <i:)e5 12.14e5 'l!kd6 13.14e1
16.ab5 ab5 17.c4 b4 e4 .-c7 c5?! 14.<i:)d2?! 14ae8 15.a4 c4
19. ~c2 [19 .~a4 !;!;] 19... <i:)e4 20.de4 16.dc4 ttJf4
~f6= 2H i+'h5 l4e6 [2:. 21... ~d4 :f]
22.14b1? b3 23. ~d3 l4d8'f 24. f3
_.d7 25 .~f1 l4de8 26 ...b3 ~e4
27.14d1 ~d4 28.14a1 'it'c7 29 . ~e3 i.
l4b8 30.'it'a3 ~e3 31 .fe3 h6 i
32 ...c3 l4g6 33.14d2 'it'g3 34.14f2
14e8 35.14a7 f6 36.'it'a3?? [36 ...d2
l4e5'f] 36 ... 14e5-+ 37.14c7 14h5 ~ ~
19.14a7?? [19. ~a2 f5 20.dc4 bc4= 38. ~d3 '*fh3 39. 1 '*'e3 0-1 ..t
21 .<i:)d2 ~c5!=] 19...cb3 [If 20.14b7 ._b7
~ ~ Cfj ~ ~
21.<i:)f6 ~f6 22.'*'b7 l4e1 23.q,h2 bc2
wins for Black] 0-1 Padmini,Rout l:l ~'iill ~
Philadelphia 2012 (6) 17.<i:)e4? [17.<i:)f3 ttJg2 18.'l!kd6 <i:)e1 !
Sredojevic,lvan 1.e4 e5 2.<i:)f3 <i:)c6 3. ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 19.'i!l'b6 c!L)f3= 20.'it;>g2 (20.'it;>h1? ~as
Spasojevic,Miodrag <i:)f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.14e1 b5 7. ~ b3 0-0 21 ...a6 ~c5 22 .~f4 l4e6+) 20 ...<i:)h4
Belgrade 2006 (6) 8.h3 ~ b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 <i:)dS 21 .'it;>h2 (21 .'it;>g3 <i:)f5 22.'it;lg4 l4b8:f)
1.e4 e5 2.<i:)f3 <i:)c6 3 .~b5 a6 4.~a4 11 .ttJe5 e5 12.14e5 '*'d6 13.14e1 21...<i:)f3=] 17...<i:)h3?? [17 .....d1
<i:)f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.14e1 b5 7. ~b3 0-0 14ae8 14.<i:)d2 c5 15.a4 c4 18.14d1 <i:)e2 19.'it;>f1 <i:)cH] 18.gh3

11 1
W'd1 19.J:d1 bc4 20.~c4 ~e4 ch-BEL 2007] 18.. .15 19.~f8 fe4 7.~b3 0-0 B.h3 ~b7 9.d3 d5
21.c3± ~15? 22. ~a6 + - ~ h3 20.de4 ~e4 21 .l:te4 ~f2 22. 2 1O.ed5 ti:Jd5 11.ti:Jbd2 ti:Jf4
23 .~b5 l:lb8 24 .'~h2? (24 . ~11+ - ] l:lf8 23.'iPg1 Y:!-Y:! ti:Ja5 13. ~14 ti:Jb3 14.ab3 ef4 15.d4
24... ~g4 25.l:ld4 15? 26. ~14 +­ l:le8 16.'iWd3
l:lb6 27.l:le1 ~c5 28.l:ld2 l:lb7
29.b4 l:le7 30.l:le5 l:le5 31. ~e5
~e7 32.l:ld7 l:le8 33.l:la7 8
34. ~e8 <;PeS 35 .~g7 ~d6 36.Wg2 Declining Kamsky 's Gambit
h5 37.13 1-0 . 10.ed5 tt:\dS

Astana Wch rapid 2012 {7)
Inferior Lines for Black 1.e4 e5 2.ti:Jf3 ti:Jc6 3. ~b5 86 4. ~a4
13.J:le1 tD16 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:te1 b5 7. ~b3 0-0
8.h3 ~b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 ti:Jd5
Padmini,Rout 11.a4 ti:Jd4 12.ti:Jbd2 ti:Jb3 13.ti:Jb3
Hegde,Naveen f6 14.ti:J85 ti"c8 15.ti:Jb7 [15 .~d2 l:tf7 16.. .15?! [16... h6 17.l:tad1 ~ 18.c3
Mumbai 2008 {5) 16.'tife2 c5=] 15...'iWb7 l:t1e8 ti"d5!=] 17.ti:Jc5 ~c5 18.l:te8 ti"e8
1.e4 e5 2.<~~13 ti:Jc6 3 .~b5 a6 4.~a4 11.tD15 ~18 18.h4 19.dc5 Wg6? [ 19... ~e4 ;!;] 20.l:le1
tD16 5.0·0 ~e7 6.l:le1 b5 7. ~b3 0·0 l:l18 21.l:te7 ~e4 22.W'd1± c6 23.b4
8.h3 ~b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 ti:Jd5 ~d5 24.c3 h6 25.Wh2 l:lf7 26.l:tf7
11.ti:Je5 ti:Je5 12.l:le5 "it'd6 13.l:le1 'Wf7 27.ti:Je5 'it'e7 28.Wd4 "ii'g5
c5?1 14.c4 (14.ti"l3! l:lab8 ti:Jf6 29.ti:Jf3 ~13 30.gf3 W'h4 31.b3?
16."it'l5;!;] 14... ti:Jb4 15.ti:Jc3? (15.a3 [31 .Wg2±] 31...Wh7 32.c4 'iPg8
ti:Jc6 16.ti:Jc3 ti:Jd4 17.~e3 ti:Jb3 18.'iWb3 33.'iPg2 'ii'g5 34. 1 ti"h5 35.'i!id8
l:l fd8~] 15... l:l8d8'!' 16.ti:Jd5 ti:Jd5 Wh7 36.'ite2 '*'17 37.1fd4 V/ie7?
17.cd5 ~16 18.'iWc2 ~d5 19. ~d5 [37 ...1fe8=] 38. 1 g5 39.'ii'd6± 'i!fe8
'itd5 20. ~e3 l:lc8 21 .'iWb3 c4? 40.Wg2 'iPg7 41 .ti"c7 'iPg6 42.Wd6
22.dc4 bc4 23.'iWc2 l:lb8 24.l:lab1= Wg7 43.h4 'i!fc8? 44.ti"e7 'itg6
l:l1c8 25.l:le2 'iWb5 26.~14 l:tb6 45.h5 Wh5 46.'ii'f7 'iPh4'g6
27.l:tbe1 h6 28. ~e5 l:te6 29. ~16 'ii'h8 48.ti"c6? [48.1ff5! WhS 49.'ii'f7
l:tf6 30.l:te4 l:tg6 31.l:t1e3 ti"d5 Wh4 SO.'it'd7 WhS 51 .cb5 abS
32.l:te8 l:te8 33.l:te8 Wh7 34.g3 18... l:tad8 [18...g6 19.ti:Jh6 ~h6 20.~h6 52.'ii'c6+-] 48 ... g4 49.'ii'd6 Wg5
ti"d7 35.l:te4 "it'h3 36.l:lc4 15 l:tad8=] 19.8b5 ab5 20.ti"g4 c5?! 50.c6 'ii'e8 51.'ii'd5 gf3 52.'it'f3
37.l:tc6 l:lg5 38.l:ta6 l:lh5 39.ti"c6 [20... Wh8 21 .h5 'ifc6 22.c3 ti:Je7=] ti"e7 53 ...d5 Wg4 54.Wh2 'ifc7
'iWg4 40.ti"d5 ti"e2 41.l:te6 ti"b2 21 .~d2 ;!; 'ith8 22.h5 'iWd7 23.1t'f3 55.'it'd7 e5 56.'ii'd5 'ifc7 57.'~' g2
42.l:te1 ti"c2 43.l:td1 "it'e2 44.84 ti:Jf4 24.ti:Jg3 ti:Je6 25.h6 [25 .~e3;!;] Wh4 58.'i!ff3 'iPg5 59.Wg2 h5
l:tg5 45.'ii'd3 ti"e5 46.ti"d4 ti"a5 25 ... ti:Jd4 26.hg7 ~g7 27.'ifd1 15 60.'ifd5 Wg4 61.c5 h4 62.ti"f3 <.Pg5
47.'iWd7 14= [Perhaps Black lost on time, 28. ~e3 l:t18 29.ti:Jh5 ti:Je6 30.l:t86 63.<.Ph3 'iPf6 64.'iWd5 'itg5 65."it'g8
or the remaining moves are missing] 1-0 l:tg8 31.~d2?! b4= 32.g3 ti:Jd4 6 66.'ilt'd5 'itg5 67.'ilt'e6 'ii'g7
33.c3? 1t'b7 34.cd4 'W86'!' 35.'it'13 68.f3 fi'a1 69.'it'e7 <.Pg6 70."it'e8
e4 36.de4? fe4 37.l:te4 ~d4 -+ 'itg7 71 .We7 'itg6 72.'it'e8 Wg7
Zinchenko,Yaroslav 38. ~e3 l:ldf8? 39. ~d4 cd4 73.'ith4 'iWf6 74.Wh3 'ilt'a1'd7
Airapetian, Yury 40.'it'd1? d3 41.l:tb4 'li'a5 42.l:ta4 6 76.'ii'd6 'iPg5 n.'iWe7 'iPg6
Alushta 2005 {3) 'ifc5 43.l:tf4 l:td8 44.b4 '*'e5 78.'ife6 'itg5'g8 'iPh5 80.'it'g2
1.e4 e5 2.ti:J13 ti:Jc6 3.~b5 86 4. ~a4 45.ti:Jf6 d2 46.'ith2 l:lg6 47.ti:Jg4 'iff6 81.Wg8 'ii'c6 82 .'~1f h7 'itg5
ti:Jf6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:te1 b5 7.~ b3 0-0 l:tg4 48.l:tg4 'Wh5 0-1 83.'ii'h4 'iPg6 84.'it'f4 'ii'e8'd6
8.h3 ~b7 9.d3 d5 10.ed5 ti:Jd5 'iPg5 86.'ii'd2 Wf6 87.Wd4 'itg5
11.ti:Je5 ti:Je5 12.l:te5 ti"d6 13.l:te1 88.14 Wh5'e5 "it'd7 90.'ife2
~h4? 14.ti:Jd2± "t!t"b6 15.ti:Je4 Topalov,Veselin 'iPg6 91.'ii'g2 7 92.Wh4 'it'd8
[15."it'l3!±] 15... l:tae8 16.~d5? Svidler,Peter'g5 'it'd3'h5 'iPg7 95.'it'g5
[16.'iWI3!±] 16...~d5 17 ~e3 "it'g6= Astana Wch rapid 2012 {9) Wf7 96.'it'h5 w g7 97.ti"e8 tt'b3
18 .~c5 [18.ti"g4 ~e4 19.de4 l:te4 1.e4 e5 2. tD13 ti:Jc6 3. ~ b5 a6 98.'it'e7 'itg8 99.c6 'ii'c4 100.'i!i'e8
20.ti"g6 ¥.1·¥.1 Decoster·Akhayan, Namur 4. ~84 ti:Jf6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:te1 b5 Wg7101 .'iPg5 1-0

Various 0 s
Sokolsky Opening VO 10.1-5 (AOO)

Mr Bulcourf's Polish Symphony in

by Alejo de Dovitiis

1. b4 there. On the opposite ide there

are many pos ible plans; for ex-
ample, to occupy the center with
X".i. 'if'* .i.'l .i pawns; to counter on the queen-

'''''''' side with ... a7-a5 or ...c7-c6; or

to develop a King s lndjan Attack
are the mo t commonly used.
There are several re ponses for

Unusual Moves
With l ... e6, l ... ttJf6 and other
moves Black trie to obtain a
Many year ago, about the mid- playable game without too many
dle of the 1980 , I knew the Ar- theoretical complications.
gentinean FM Carlos Bulcourf. A I ) I .... e6: Thi move pre- Carlos Bulcourf

He i a physician, but he work , pares a counterattack in the cen-

love and breathes chess. With tre with ... d7-d5 and ... c7-c5 oppo ite wing (White on
the white pieces Bulcourf has a (and a queenside fianchetto is queenside and Black on the king-
' lethal weapon': the Sokolsky al o po sib le). It leads to play in side). See the game Bu lcourf-
Opening ( l.b4). His good score the centre and on the queen ide. Ha e.
of almo t 60~ confim1s the See the game Bulcourf-Darcyl. A3) l... c6: Black intend to
above. A2) J ... ttJf6. di srupt White ' queenside pawn
Another Argentinean ches tructure with moves such a
player, Alberto Rodriguez has ... a7-a5 , ... c7-c6, ... 'iYb6 and o
al o played this interesting line a on. White s plan is also flexible :
lot. In the Ia t 40 years he ha the d-pawn may move one or two
played more than 200 games squares, depending on Black's
with l.b4. plan. See the game Bulcou rf-
The main goal of thi opening Labollita.
Survey i to show Mr Bulcourf's
tyle in handling thi singular New York and London Schemes
opening: the Sokol ky Opening After I ... d5 Black can choose
(al o known as the Polish Ope- between many different y -
ning) 'a Ia Bulcourf'. terns. The following two
A move aimed to qujckJy de- schemes are the main one , both
Purposes and Plans velop the kingside. Black can illustrating well-known meth-
What i the purpo e of thi open- play with ... e7-e5 with a position ods to fight against a rarely- een
ing? First of all White begins a similar to an English Opening (if opening.
' project' on the queenside: to ad- White plays c2-c4). In some B l) London System: l...d5 ,
vance hi pawns and gain space cases there occur attacks on 2 ... ttJf6, 3... c6 and 4 ... ..Q.f5.

a different game becau e the White will play c2-c4, to weaken
econd player can either play hi opponent' pawn formation .
...e7-e5 or build a et-up on the In my opinion this is the most
light quare with pawns on c6 ambitious variation for Black.
d5 and e6 (to cover the ab ence See the game Bulcourf-Rodri-
of hi light- quared bishop). See guez.
the game Bulcourf-Ro ito. C2) With 2.a3 White intends to
maintain hi pawn tructure on
The Main Line the queenside. This will lead to a
l ... e5 is the most critical line, be- battle against Black' central
cause Black wants to settle his pawns. The moves c2-c4 or
Black build a olid pawn chain pawns in the centre of the board. sometime f2-f4 will be crucial.
on the light square in the centre. Black needs to strengthen his
He can play either in the centre centre (either with the move
or on the queenside, depending
EIJI\i.'if * i.IJI\:i .. . f7-f6 or with a king ide
on White's plan (mainly b4-b5 i i i fianchetto) because tl1e power of
and c2-c4, to break on the his centre pawn is that it gives
queen ide). See the game Bul- him more space, which could
courf-Giardelli. lead to a king ide attack. See the
B2) The ew York Sy tern: games Bulcourf-Panno and Bul-
l...d5, 2 ... tDf6 3 ...c6 and courf-Tern pone.
4 ....ig4.
With this unexpected opening
In this position White has two you may urpri e many oppo-
possibilitie : nents . 1 recommend it to players
C I) After 2 ..ib2, Black's next who do not want to battle on the-
move determine what type of oretical territory.
game it will be. If you ' re playing with black, ev-
2 ... j.b4 i the move with which erything depends on your chess
Black wants a comfortable style: if you want a harp game
game, without pressure on his you can try I ... e5 or some rarely-
centre, and aim for quick piece een line with l ... c6. Those who
development. White has the want to play a afe game, better
With imilar purpo e as the c2-c4 break in the centre and the try 1.. .d5 and then choose be-
London System: to play on the b-file to play on the queenside. tween the London or the New
light square in the centre. See Mr. Bulcourf likes to exchange York chemes.
the game Bulcourf-E candell. hi dark-squared bi hop for the I my elf would recommend
But there i another possibility tDf6, but I don't like thi too l ...e5, but every chess player will
for Black. He can capture the much. See Bulcourf-Lopresti. have hi own idea . There i a lot
tLlf3 with a quick ... .ig4 before With 2 ... f6 Black can establi h a of new ground to cover here and
playing ... tD f6 . This plan leads to strong centre. Sooner or later not ju t for Mr Bulcourf!

Unusual Moves these in the following games] 2 .~ b2 liJf6 11 .liJe5 (11 .0-0) 11 ... liJe5 12.~e5 ~d6
1.b4 (2...~b4?? (be careful!) 3. ~g7+ -] 3.b5 13.~d6 "ii'd6 14.0-0 0-0 15 .~f3 l:!a8t
[3.a3] 3 ..• c5 [3 ...b6 4.e3 ~b7 5.liJf3 d5 Black has good prospects, Bulcourf-
Bulcourf,Carlos 6.c4 ~d6 7.cd5 ed5 8 .~e2 0-0 9.0-0 .Ue8 Foguelman, Buenos Aires 1978; 3... d5 4.e3
Darcyi,Tomas 10.a4 a6 11 .liJa3 ab5 12.ab5 liJbd7 ~e7 5.c4 c5 6.liJI3 0-0 7.~e2 liJbd7 8.0-0
Villa Martelli 2006 (4) 13.liJc2;!; Bulcourf-Aguila, Buenos Aires b6 9.d4 i.b7 10.liJbd2 l:!c8 11 .l:!c1 l:!e8
1.b4 e6 [A solid move. Others are: 2005; 3... a6 4.a4 ab5 5.ab5 l:!a1 6 .~a1 d5 12.liJe5 cd4 13.ed4 liJe5 14.de5 liJe4=
1...liJf6; 1...f5; 1...b6; 1... c6. I will show 7.e3 c5 8.c4 b6 9.liJf3 ~ b7 10.~e2 liJbd7 Bulcourf-Justo, Buenos Aires 1991] 4.c4

Survey VO 10.1-5

d5 [A reasonable measure: the centre is 11 .liJd2 h5 12..1:lc1 l1Jc5 13.liJb3;!; [31 ....1:lea6 32..1:ld7] 32 ..1:lc71 .l:lc7
always a useful place for pawns] 5.liJf3 Bulcourf-Campos, Buenos Aires 1992] 33 ..1:ld6 .l:lc3 34..1:ld7 <J;>g8 35.h4
~bd7 [5 ... dc4 6.e3] 6.e3 ~d6 7 .~e2 .l:la3 36..1:la7 [Black's king and rook are
b6 a.a4 ~b7 9.0-0 .l:lc8 10.d4 [10.d3 badly placed] 36 ...h6 37.'.t;>g2 .l:la2
o-o 11.liJbd2 Is also fine] 1O•.• Wc7?1 [I 38 ..1:la5! [To hS] 38 ...<J;>g7 [~ 38 ... hS]
prefer to castle first and then to think where 39.h5! gh5 40..1:lf5+- a3 41 ..1:la5
to place the black queen. Maybe e7 will be '.t;>h7 42.e4 <J;>g7 43. 3 '.t;>h7 44.e5
a good place. 10...0·0] 11 .cd5 ed5 <J;>g7 45.'.t;>e3 '.t;>h7 46.f4 h4 [46 ... .1:lg2
12.a5?! [A risky move: b5 may become 47.<J;lf3] 47.gh4 .l:lh2 48.r;t;>e4 1-0
weak] 12 ...0-0 [12...ba5 13.dc5 White
obtains the d4-square for his knight and
.ib2 has a beautiful long diagonal] Bulcourf,Carlos
13. ~ bd2 l1Je4 14.g3 [To capture on e4] Labollita,Martin
14... liJdf615.liJe4 liJe416. ~d3 c4? Buenos Aires 2003 (2)
[16....1:lfe8] 17.ab6 1i'b6 [17 ... ab6] 1.b4 c6 [1 ...a5 2.bS liJf6 (2...eS 3.c4 liJf6
18 .~e4 de4 19.l1Je5 1i'b5 [19 ... ~e5 3.c4 [Bulcourf has played 3. ~f6 several 4.liJc3 d6 5.e3 ~e7 6.liJf3 0-0 7 .~e2
20.de5 c3 21 .~a3 .l:lfd8 Black is at least times: 3... ef6 4.a3 f5 (4 ...d5 5.e3 c6 6.d4 liJbd7 8.d4 ed4 (8... .1:le8) 9.ed4 b6?! 10.0-0
OK] 20 .~c3 .l:lcd8 [20 .. .16] 21. We2 liJd7 7.c4?! (7.liJd2!?) 7... dc4 8 .~c4 liJb6 .i.b7 11 .d5 l1Jc5 12.liJd4 1i'd7 13.1i'c2±
9.~d3 aS! 10.bS c5 11 .liJe2 cd4 12.liJd4 Bulcourf·Tanner, Buenos Aires 1992) 3.~b2
fS 13.0-0 ~g7=1' Bulcourf-Sunye Neto, d6 4 .~f6 ef6 S.c4 g6 6.liJc3 ~g7 7.e3 0-0
Buenos Aires 1998) S.g3 ~g7 6.d4 o-o 8.g3 15 9.~g2 liJd7 10.d4 liJf6 11 .l1Jge2
7.e3 .l:le8 8.liJe2 a5 9.b5 c5 10.~g2 d6 .l:le8 12.1t'd3;!; Bulcourf·Emma, Buenos
11 .0-0 liJd7 12.ltJbc3;!;, .i.g2 is very Aires 1988; 1... b6 2.liJf3 (2 .~b2 ~b7 3.c4
strong, Bulcourf-Casafus, Buenos Aires e6 4.e3 liJf6 S.a3 ~e7 6.liJf3 o-o 7 .~e2
199S] 3..• ~g7 4.e3 a5 5.a3 0-0 [I cS 8.bS dS 9.'iii'c2 liJbd7 10.0-0 .l:lcS 11 .d3
prefer: S...ab4 6.ab4 .l:la1 7. ~a1 and right Wc7 12.liJbd2 ~d6= Alb.Rodriguez-De
now 7... 0-0] 6.l1Jf3 d6 7.l1Jc3 e5 8.d3 Dovitiis, Argentina tt 1997) 2... .i.b7 3.e3 e6
[II seems an English scheme, but ~f1 will 4..i.b2 liJf6 ~e7 6.c4 o-o 7. ~e2 c5
be moved to e2] 8...liJbd7 9.~e2 .l:le8 8.0-0 d5 9.d4 liJbd7 1O.liJbd2 with the
10.0-0 e4 11 .de4 liJe412.1i'c2 liJc3 same position as in Bulcourf-Langier, cr
13. ~c3 .i.c3 14.'it'c3 Wf6= 15.'it'f6 19n, reached with 1...e6]
21 ..•~b8?? [Defending a pawn ... Black liJf616.liJd4 ~d7 17. ~f3 liJe4
will lose a bishop!; 21... ~e5 22.de5
(22..1:la5?? 1i'b3-+) 22 ....1:ld3 23..1:lfb1 :i .. ..t'if ~ .i. .. .i
"i'd5 24.1i'b2 with some counterplay] .li
22 ..1:lfb1 1i'd5 23 ..1:la5 [~b7 will be i
~~ 1~

Hase,Juan Carlos
Buenos Aires 1978 (14)
1.b4 liJf6 [1 .. .15 2. ~b2 liJf6 3 .~f6 ef6
4.a3 a5 (4...d5 5.e3 a5 6.b5 a4 7.c4 ~e6
8.cd5 1i'd5? 9.liJc3 1i'b3 (Black's queen 2.c4 [2 .~b2 1i'b6 (this does not work)
prefers the jungle to a quiet place. By the 18 .~e4 [A typical Bulcourf move - he 3.a3 aS 4.c4! (without hesitation!) 4...ab4
way, if 9... 1i'd7 10.liJa4±) 10.'it'c1 ~e7 loves knights more than bishops. 18..1:lfd1] 5.c5! (Black cannot capture on c5)
(10 ... liJd7 11 .liJf3 ~c5? 12.d4! ~d6 18.•..1:le4 19.c5 dc5?! [19 ...ab4 20.ab4 S...'it'c5?? 6.ab4 Wb4 7..1:la8 'ili'b2
13.liJd2+-) 11 .liJf3 ~d7 12.liJd4 Wf7 .l:la1 21..1:la1 dc5=] 20.bc5 f5 21 ..1:lab1 8..1:lb8+-] 2... e6 [An unusual but
13."i'c2± Bulcourf-Darlinger, Acasusso ~c8 22 ..1:lfd1 .l:le5 [22 ...14 23.liJbSI] interesting move. 2...Wb6 3.a3 a5 4.c5
1991) 5.b5 f4!? 6.liJh3 ~d6 7.liJc3 We7 23.c6 bc6 24 ..1:lbc1! ~d7 25.l1Jc6 Wc7 5..i.b2; 2... d5 3.e3 liJf6 4 .~b2 e6
8.g3 fg3 9.hg3 c6 with an unclear position, ~c6 26 ..1:lc6 .l:le7 27.g3± [A hard 5.b5 a6!? 6.bc6?! (maybe 6.a4 is better)
Bulcourf-Bianchi, San Martin 1987] 2 .~b2 position to defend with black because his 6... liJc6 7.liJf3 ~d6 8..i.f6 (8.liJc3)
g6 [2...e6 3.b5 d6 4.e3 liJbd7 5.c4 We7 rooks are passive] 27...9;;t? 28 ..1:ld5 8... Wf6 9.l1Jc3 ~b4 10..1:lc1 dc4 11.~c4
6.liJf3 e5 7.d3 g6 (this is a King's Indian .l:la7 29..1:lcc5 a4 30 ..1:ld4! [30 ..1:laS c6 0-0 with a comfortable game for Black,
Attack) 8.~e2 ~g7 9.0-0 o-o 1O.liJc3 .l:le8 31 ..1:la7 .l:la7;!;] 30 ... .1:le6 31 ..1:lcc4 .l:ld6 Bulcourf-Gibson, Villa Ballester 2008]

3.i.b2 l!:lf6 (3...i.b4? 4.i.g7] 4.b5 cbS i.g6 11 .cd5 e5 12.l!:lb3 i.d6 Black has creative way to play this position. 7.h3]
s.cb5 i.e7 6.e3 d6 7.l!:lf3 0-0 insufficient compensation for the pawn, 7 ...a6 8.i.d7 'ii'd7 9.l!:lc3 e6
8.i.e2 es 9.0-0 :tea 1 o.a4 i.ts Bulcourf-Nasjleti, Buenos Aires 1992] 4.c4 10.'ii'b3 i.d6 11 .l!:la4 'it'b5 12.J:tb1
11 .l!:lc3 h6 12.d3 l!:lbd7 13.e4?! (I e6 5.i.b2 i.e7 (5 ...l!:lbd7 6.a3 i.e? i.t5 (12 ... i.t3] 13.l!:ld4 'it'd3 14.J:tc1
do not like this move. 13.l!:ld2 l!:lcS 14.l!:lb3 7.cd5 ed5 8.i.e2 0-0 9.().0 c5 10.b5?! 'it'b3 15.ab3! i.d3 16.l!:lc5 i.b5
l!:lb3 15... b3 d5'f] 13... i.g6 14.l!:lh4 (10.bc5) 10..."t!fc7 11 .d3 i.d6 12.l!:lbd2 17.l!:lb5 ab5 18.w e2 b6 19.l!:ld3
i.h7 15.g3 l!:lcS 16.l!:lf5 (16.i.l3 d5 l!:le5'f Bulcourf-Rebottaro, Villa Ballester w d7 20.J:ta1 J:thc8 21 .i.d4 w c7
17.ed5 l!:ld3; 16.d4 ed4 17...d4 l!:lb3 and 1992; 5...i.b4 6.'it'a4 l!:lc6 7.l!:ld4 is

.' ' '''

in both cases White is in trouble; 16.l!:lg2!? annoying, although Black has 7...J:tb8oo]
6 17.14] 16... i.f5 17.ef5 "t!fd7 18.g4 6.cd5 ed5 7.i.e2 0-0 8.a3 c6 9.i.f6 :i
d5! 19.f3?! d4 20.l!:le4 l!:ld5+ (I do not agree with this move, but it is very
21 .i.c1 l!:le4 22.de4?
22... c3 23.1fd3 J:tac8 24.Wh1
[22.fe4] common in Bulcourf's games] 9 ...i.f6
1O.d4 (After trading his dark-squared ' .t. i ~
l!:le2 25.1!i'e2 d3 26."tlfe1 J:tc2-+ bishop he puts many pawns on that colour]
27.i.d2 :teeS 28.J:tc1 J:ta2 29.g5 10... b5!? [Combating the enemy plan] ~ ~
[Too late for counterplay] 29 ...i.g5 11 .l!:lbd2?! (11.a4] 11 ... a5! 12.0-0 ~ 0J~
30.i.g5 hg5 31 .J:tf2 J:tcc2 32.J:tcc2 (12.ba5] 12.•. ab4 13.ab4 l!:la6
~~~ ~ ~
J:tc2 33.1t'e3 d2 34.Wg2 [34 ...d11!i' 14.l!:lb3 [14 ..-b3 W'd6, b4 will be lost]
35 ...g5 J:tf2 36.1i>f2 _.1 d2] 0-1 14•.•l!:lb4 15."t!fd2 i.e7 16.J:ta8 'ilfa8 ~ :cr
17.J:ta1 'it'b7 18.l!:lc5 i.cs 19.dc5
l!:la6- + 20.l!:ld4 i.d7 21."tlfc2 J:ta8 22.i.e5! l!:le8! (22 ... i.e5 23.l!:le5 :tiS
22.i.d3 g6 23.J:tb1 l!:lc7 [Black is 24.l!:lf7! J:ta1 25.J:ta1 l!:le4 26.13+-]
rearranging his position step by step] 23.f4 f6 24.i.c3 i.e7 25.g4 l!:ld6
The London System 24.h4 l!:le6 25.l!:lf3 1!i'a7 26.l!:le5 26.l!:lf2 Wb7= 27.Wd3 J:ta1 28.J:ta1
1 ... d5 i.e8 27.l!:lg4 'it'cS 28."t!fb2 d4 [The h5 29.gh5?! (29.h3 hg4 30.hg4 J:th8
rest is a matter of technique] 29.J:tc1 31.l:th1 J:tht 32.l!:lh1 l!:le4'f] 29 ...J:th8
Bulcourf,Carlos 'ii'd6 30.l!:lf6 <;t;g7 31 .l!:le4 't!fa3 30.J:tg1 l!:lf5 31 .e4 de4 32.l!:le4 J:th5
Giardelli,Sergio Carlos 32.1fd2 J:td8 33.J:td1 h5 34.l!:lg5 33.l!:lg3 :th3 34.w c2 iota 35.J:tg2
Buenos Aires 1992 (4) l!:lg5 35.hg5 't!fe7 36.e4 't!fd6 37.f4 li>c6 36.J:te2 (36.l!:lf5 ef5 37.d3]
1.b4 d5 2.l!:lf3 c5 38.e5 't!fe6 39."i!ra5 :tea 40.i.b5 36 ..•<;t;d5 37.l!:lf1 i.d6 38.l!:le3 Wc6
'ii'b3! 41 .i.e2 't!fe3 42. 1 'it'f4 39.l!:lf5 ef5 40.J:tg2 J:th71 41 .h4 i.f4
43.i.f3 'it'e5 44.W'd2 i.c6 45.J:te1 42.h5 i.g5 43.J:lh2 J:th8 44.Wd3
~.t.'ti' • .t.~:i "i!rt5 46.1i>g1 i.t3 47.J:tf1 't!fes J:td8 [44 ... J:te8] 45.<;i<e2 J:te8 46. 3

''' '''' 48. J:tf3 c4 49 ...a2 J:tc7 [Now there is

no way to prevent ...c3] 50.'t!fa1 c3
51.J:td3 'ifg5 52.'it'a4 c2 0-1
J:te4 47. J:th3 <;i<d5 48. 2 f4 49.J:td3
<;i<e6 (49 ...<;i<c6] 50.l:td8 Wf5 51 .
J:te1 52.J:td5 <;t;e6 53.J:tb5 J:tf1
54.w g2 J:tb1 55.l:tb6 Wd5 56. 3
J:tb3 57.J:tb5 w c6 58.J:tf5 J:tb1
59.<;i<e4 J:te1 60. 3 J:lh1 61.b5
Wb7T (A lucky game for White] 1-0
The New York System
1 ... d5
2 .•. i.f5 [Black starts to build the London Bulcourf,Carlos Rosito,Jorge
System with opposite colours. 2..."tlfd6!? (a Escandeii,Juan Carlos Buenos Aires 2002 (7)
dubious move) 3.c4! (no fear!) 3... dc4 4.e3 Villa Martelli 1999 (7) 1.b4 d5 2.l!:lf3 i.g4 3.c4 (3.e3 e5 (a
"tlfb4 5.l!:la3 (5.l!:le5 l!:lf6 (5 ...i.e6 6.l!:la3 1.b4 d5 2.c4!? (2.l!:ll3 is preferable in sharp continuation. 3... l!:ld7 4.c4 e6 5.i.b2
l!:ld7 7.J:tb1 g?) 6.i.c4 e6 7.l!:lc3 c6 8.a4 my opinion. We will see this move in the l!:lgf6 6.b5 l!:lcS!? 7.cd5 't!fd5 8.i.f6 gf6
"i!ra5 9.14 l!:lbd7 10.l!:ld7 i.d7 11 .Q.O next game] 2 ... c6 (2 ... dc4 3.e3 i.e6 9.l!:lc3 l!:ld3 10.i.d3 'it'd3 11 .'t!fe2 'it'e2
i.e7'f Bulcourf-J.l.Rodriguez, Ballester 4.'it'c2] 3.e3 l!:lf6 4.i.b2 i.g4 (Here it 12.we2 i.b4 13.J:thc1 O·O·O'f Bulcourf-
1991) 5...i.f5 6.l!:lc4 'ifcS 7.i.a3 "i!rd5 is: the New York System] 5.l!:lf3 l!:lbd7 Scarella, Buenos Aires 1992) 4.c4 e4 5.h3
8.l!:lce5t White has a strong initiative and a [5 ... e6] 6.cd5!? [6.a3 e6 7.cd5 ed5 8.h3 i.h5 6.g4 i.g6 (6 ... el3 7.gh5 i.b4 8.'it'b3)
great lead in development, Bulcourf-langier, i-13 9.gf3 (9..-13) 9... g6 10.l!:lc3 i.g7 7.l!:ld4 dc4 8.i.g2 l!:ld7 9.l!:lc3 h5 10.gh5
Buenos Aires 2002] 3.e3 l!:lf6 [3 ...c6 11 .d4 (11 .i.g2) 11 ...0·0 12.i.g2 (12.i.e2) i.h5 11 .'it'a4 c6 12.l!:le4 l!:lgf6 13.l!:lg3
4.i.b2 e6 5.c4 l!:lf6 6.b5 l!:lbd7?! (6 ...i.e7) 12...l!:lb6!'f Bulcourf-Rai. Garcia, Buenos l!:lb6 14.'it'a5 l!:ltd5oo Bulcourf-Valerga,
7.l!:ld4 i.b1 8.bc6 i.e4 9.cd7 l!:ld7 10.13 Aires 1995] 6 ...cd5 7.i.b5 [A very Ballester 1994] 3 ...i.f3 4.gf3 (4.ef3 d4

Survey VO 10. 1-5

(4 ... dc4 s. ~c4 'l!!i'd4 6.'t!fc2) S.cs is also\13 lt:lc6 (4...dS S.e3 0-0 6. ~e2 il.e7 'tiff? 7. ~b5 ~d7\f3 0-0-0'l' Lida
playable] 4...e6 5. ~b2 lt:\f6 6.b5 [6.cdS 7.0·0 c5 D.\c6) s .~b2 dS 6.e3 0·0 Garcia-De Dovitiis, Buenos Aires 2005]
edS 7.e3 lt:lbd7 8.a3 g6!? 9 .~h3 ~g7 7.c4 l:te8 8.cdS lt:\d5 9.~e2 ~d6 10.0·0 3... d5 [3 ...c5 4.e3 d5 (4 ... cb4 5.ab4 ~b4
10.0·0 0-0 11 .f4 l:te8 12. ~d4 c6 ~f5 11 .lt:lc3 lt:lc3 12.~c3= Bulcourf·Lida 6.'ii'g4 'ii'e7\c3 ~c3 B.~c3. lt:lc6
aS 14.l:tb1= Bulcouri-Siipak, Villa Martelli Garcia, Buenos Aires 1980; 4.e3 0·0\13 9.W'h5 'tiff? 1O.W'f7 Q.o>f7 11. ~c4!1!?) 5.bc5
1999] 6... ~d6 [6 ... g6 is very reasonable d5 6.c3 ~e7 7.d4 lt:lbd7 8 .~g3 lt:le4 ~c5 6.d4 'ii'b6 7.l:ta2 ed4 8.ed4 't!i'e6
when the g-file is open for White, to fight 9 .~d3 lt:ldf6 10.0-0 c5 ~f5 9. ~e2 il.d6 lt:le7 11 .lt:lg13 0·0
along the long diagonal and to neutralize lt:le4 13.13 lt:lg3 14.hg3 ~d3 12.0·0 b6 13.l:te1 WI? 14.c4 ~a6=
the power of white rook) 7.e3 lt:lbd7 15.'ilfd3 c4 16.'t!fc2 ~d6t Bulcourf· Bulcourf-Asensio, Buenos Aires 1996) 4.e3
8.d4 dc4 9. ~c4 lt:\d5 10.'t!i'b3 lt:\7b6 Hoffman, Buenos Aires 1997) ~e6 5.c4 dc4 6.'1!!i'c2 lt:\d71 [The
11 .lt:\d2 [11. ~e2] 11 .. ."ti'h4 12.Q.o>e2 [4...0-0 5.e3 c6 6.l:tb1 ~e7 ?.lt:\13 dS simplest and best move. 6... b5 7.a4 gives
0·0 13.l:tag1 l:tfe8 14.l:tg4 h5 8. ~e2 lt:lbd7 and Black is OK, Bulcourf· much activity to the white pieces on the
15.l:l.hg1 g6 lt:lc4 17. c4 Biagi, Buenos Aires 1995] 5 .~f6 't!i'f6 queenside) 7. ~c4 ~c4 8.Wc4 lt:\b6
i.e7 [To prevent the possibility of 'l!!i'dS 't!t'd8 [6... ~d2? 7.\Pd2 't!i'd4 9.Wc2 [9.'t!fe6 'ite7] 9... 'ii'd7\f3
and lt:\16)\g3 [18.l:t4g2] 18... lt:\b6 8.Q.o>e1] 7.e3 [ 7 ...0·0 8.l:tb1 0-0-0 11.0·0 'itd3! 12.l:tc1 Wc2 [19.'1!!i'c7 'tWbS; 19.'t!i'd3 't!i'dSJ ~d6 lt:\e7 c6 13.l:tc2\c3 lt:lc615.l:tac1?
19... lt:\c4 20 . ~c3 a6! 11. ~d3!? lt:\g6 12.h4 ~e7 [This move gives an excellent opportunity to
[Suddenly White wants to attack Black's the opponent.

.t. ~

castle) 13 ... h6 14.h5 lt:lh4? [14\h8
looks sad, but is a better move]
~h416. 't!t'g4! ~e717 .'ii'f5

fj ttJ
.. ~ 1l
~ ~ ~
fj 'i;;~ ~

21 .a4 [WMe suffers on the queenside

because many of his pieces are on the 15 ... ~ b4! [It was necessary
opposite wing] 21 ...ab5 22.ab5 l:ta2 to accept the exchange of two pieces for a
23.q;d3 lt:lb6 24.l:t4g2 l:tea8 25.l:tc1 rook and two pawns. 16.ab4 lt:\b4\e2
l:l.8a3+\f4 [Going home as soon as he 17...l:te8 [17 ... 16\g3 dS 19.'t!fh7 Q.o>f7 lt:lc2 18.l:tc2+) 16 ... ~d6 17.d4 e4
can) 26...~b4 l:te2! 28.Q.o>e2 20 .~g6 \PeG 21. ~f5 Q.o>d6 22 .~c8 'ii'c8\d2 l:the8\b3 Q.o>b8
i.c3 29.l:tgg1 lt:ld5 30. 1 l:ta2 31 .h4] ~f6 [18 ...'it>f8 19.'ii'h7 lt:ld5 21 . ~d2 ~f8 -+ [White has
h5 32.l:tg5 · 5 33.l:tc5 lt:le7 34.Q.o>g1 IS\f5] 19."it'h7 8 20. f5 [A nothing for the pawn] 2V i:lc5 a6
i.b6 35.l:tc1 lt:\t5 36.f4 Q.o>g7 37. 1 terrific attack: 20...g5 21.hg6 fg6 ~c5 24. d5 ~a3! 25.l:ta1
f6 38.l:tg1 lt:lh4-+ 39.l:tg3 lt:lf5 ~g7 23.'t!fg8] 1·0 [] 25 ...l:td5 26.l:ta3 l:tb5 27.f3
40.l:th3 lt:ld6 41.l:tb1 lt:\e4 42.l:td1 l:tf2 f5 28. 2 ef3 29.Q.o>f3 l:te4 30.g3?
43.Q.o>g1 l:tb2 44.d5 lt:lf2 0-1 l:td4 31.l:tc6 l:td2 32.l:te6 g5 33.g4
Bulcourf,Carlos fg4 34 ...Vg4 l:th2 35.e4 h5 36.Q.o>g3
Rodriguez,Andres l:tbb2 37.l:ta5 l:thg2 38.Q.o>f3 h4
Villa Ballester 1998 (8) 39.l:te8 Q.o>a7 40.e5 h3 41 .l:th8 h2
1.b4 e5 2. ~b2 f6 [To build a powerful 42.e6 l:tbf2 43.Q.o>e4 l:te2 0-1
The Main Line centre. 2...d6 3.c4 lt:lf6 4.e3 ~e7
1 ... e5 ~g4 6.~e2 0·0 7.d3 lt:lbd7 8.0·0 aS 9.a3
c6 't!fc7 11.h3 ~h5\h4;!; De Bulcourf,Carlos
Bulcourf,Carlos Dovitiis-Aiegria, Mar del Plata 1997] 3.a3 Panno,Oscar
Lopresti,Roberto [3.e4 lt:lc6 (3... ~b4 4 .~c4 lt:le7 5.'t!i'hS Buenos Aires 1993 (3)
Villa Martelli 2006 (6) lt:lg6 6.14 ef4 't!fe7 'l!!i'e5 1.b4 e5 2.a3 d5 [2 ... c5 16; 3... cb4
1.b4 e5 2 .~ b2 ~ b4 [Accepting the 9.'iff3 lt:lc6 10.0·0·0 ~c3 11.~c3 'it'c5 4.ab4 il.b4 lt:\16 6 .~b8 l:tb8 7.l:ta7
challenge. This move gives Black free piece 12. ~b3 lt:\a5 13.d4 lt:\b3 14.ab3 W'g5 il.a5 8.e3 'it'b6 9.l:ta5 'ita5 b5
play but White captures a central pawn] 15.Q.o>b2!1!? Alb.Rodriguez-Gamarra. Argen- 11. ~e2 0·0\d4 b4'l' Bulcourf-De
3.i.e5 lt:lf6 4. c3!? [An original move. tina II 1993) 4.a3 d5 5.edS 'it'd5\c3 Dovitiis, Buenos Aires 1994] [3.e3

tt:lf6 4.c4 dc4 5.~c4 ~d6 (6.~b2 22.0-0 l:te8 23.l:tfd1 l:td1 tt:ld3 18 .~d3 ed3 l:tc8
tt:lbd7 0-0 8.d3 'ife7 tt:lb6 24.l:td1 tt:lg4 25.l:tb1! l:te7 20 . ~e5 l:tc2 21 .l:tb2 ~e5 22.de5
Black reaches at least equality, Bulcourf- g6 f5 28.h3 tt:lf6 ~e4 23.l:tf2 'ifc7 24.l:tbc2 dc2
Bibiloni, Buenos Aires 1993) 6... 0-0 tt:ld5 tt:ld4 31.ed4 b6
tt:lbd7 8.d3 'ife7 9.e4 a5 tO.b5 h6 1t .0-0 32.cb6 tt:lb6 ~e6!
tt:lc5= Bulcourf-Zarnicki, Buenos Aires [A good way to get a draw] 34 ...l:tc7
1991] 3 .. .f6 4.e3 ~e6 5.c4 c6 [5 ... dc4 l:ta7 36.l:tb6 ~d5 37.l:tb3
is an alternative] 6.cd5 cd5 7.f4 ef4 Wd4 38. ~f2 ~c4 39.l:tf3 l:ta5 40.h4
8.ef4 ~d6 9 .~b5 tt:lc6 10Ji'h5 ~f7 h5 41 .l:tg3 l:ta6 42.l:tf3 l:ta5 1h·Y2
11.'it'g4 812 .~d3 'it'

:i ~ .. K Tempone,Marcelo
.li .i. .li Buenos Aires 1992 (4)
'it' .. .t .l 1.b4 e5 2.a3 g6 [The fianchetto battle.
2... d5 3 .~b2 e4 4.e3 tt:lf6 5.c4 ~e6 6.cd5
i (after 6. ~f6 W'f6 dc4 'it'g6 I 25.'it'd6! 'it'd6 26.ed6 l:td8 27.l:td2
~ ~'Jill prefer Black, Bulcourf-Quiroga, Buenos ~g7 28. 2 ~f7 29 .~e1 ~e6
~ .t Aires 1992) 6... ~d5 looks good lor 30.d7 l:td7 31 .l:td7 ~d7 32 .~d2
White] 3.c4 ~g7 tt:le7 5.e3
~ ~{jj ~~ ~c6 33 . ~c3 ~d5 34. ~ b2 ~c5

~{jj n [5.h4 d6 6.e3 tt:ld7 (7.h5) 7... tt:lf6

8.d4 ed4 d5+" Bulcourf-Redondo,
35 . ~c1 ~b5 36. ~ b3 ~c5 37. ~c3
b5 38 . ~ b2 a5 39 . ~c1 ~c6 [39 ... b4]
San Fernando 1993] 5... 0-0 c6 40. ~b2 Wd5 41 . ~c1 ~c5 42 . ~ b2
[Both kings are in danger] 13..Jle8 7.~e2 d5 8.d4 e4 f5 10.14 b4 43.ab4 ab4 44 .~ b3 ~b5 tt:lh6 15.'ii'd7 ~f4 ~e6 11 .0-0 tt:ld7 12.cd5 [12 .~b2] 45 . ~c 1 ~f3 46 .~c2 ~c4 47 .~b2
~d5 17.'it'd5 l:td8 18.'*'c5 W'c5 12... tt:ld5 ~d5 14.g3 ~ h8 ~e4 48. ~d2 ~ b3 49 . ~c1 ! [White
19.bc5 ~e3 20.de3 l:td3=F 21 .~d4 15.h4 c5!? 16.bc5 tt:lc5 17.l:tb1 has built a wall on the dark squares] ¥.! -Y2

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Slav Defence
Early Divergences SL 1.4 (011)

Play the Main Line!

by Richard Palliser (special contribution by David Howell)

1. d4 d5 on the line back in Yearbook 83

2. c4 c6 (2007) , but ince then
3. tt:lf3 tt:lf6 ha rather fallen out of the lime-
4. c2 dc4 light. In our quest to appreciate
5. t:i'c4 ..if5 why, we'll focu on three main
6. g3 e6 variation .
7. ..ig2 tt:l bd7
8. 0-0 ..ie7 The 15... e5! Counterstrike
9. tt:lc3 0-0 After 12 ... ..ih4 l3.gh4 tt:ldf6
10. l:le1 tt:le4 White has nothing better than
11 . b3 t:i'b6 J4.f3 tt:lc3 IS.bc3, whereupon
12. tt:lh4 IS .. .eS! is a strong recent innova-

Pal Benko

change sacrifice helped propel

him to victory in Wojtaszek-
On the whole, neither ide want
to hurry tore olve the tension on
the b-file between the oppo ing
queen in this variation and it
Pal Benko s move was doe n't eem that it's worth a
never supposed to be too trou- Following 16. b6 ab6 17.de5 pawn to break that rule. The criti-
bling for Black, but then the tt:ld7 18.f4 ..ie6 Black' queen- cal te t in my opinion, come
Polish grandma ter Miroslaw ide pre ure upplie an ea y from 16.e4 ..ie6, which ha
Grabarcyzk introduced the fol- game and fu ll compen ation for scarcely been explored in
low-up 12 ... ..ih4 13.gh4! against the mi ing pawn. After 19.a3 practice.
no less an opponent than Yasily l:la4 I had no problems equaliz-
lvanchuk in 2001. Ivanchuk was ing again t the trong Spani h
quick to adopt the idea him elf IM Jo e Cuenca Jimenez in thi
and by the middle of the season' 4NCL (British league),
noughties the variation had be- nor is 19 .a4 anything to worry
come quite topical, being given a about.
further boost by Levon Thus White should probably
Aronian ' victory with it over leave his a-pawn hanging,
Vi hy Anand at the 2007 edition although even after 19.e4 bS I
of Morelia/Linare . Viache lav quite like Black's counterplay,
Jkonnikov supplied a fine Survey and a ubsequent strong ex-

After 17.'it a4 tlJh5 ! B Iack re- l:re4 18 .~b4 l:rd4 19.~c3 l:d6 olid 12 ... J:rad8 13.'ii'e2 ed4
mind White that hi king ide 20.l:red I l:rdl 21.l:rd I tlJc5. At 14.tlJd4 ~g6 is likely the be t try,
contain a gap and the young fir t sight one might have thought but even here White ha chances
Ukrainian star wa quick to ex- White to be a touch better with the to emerge with a pull.
ploit that factor in Stabolew ki- d-file and bishop against knight, At elite level ll...tlJd5! ha
Zherebukh, but White may do but practice has shown that Black emerged as the choice, after
better with Burrnakin 's 17.'ii'b2!?. has ju t as many chances to try which Black has excellent
and win a long manoeuvring chances to equali ze, as we' ll see
Anand's Defence truggle as White. Tellingly, one in Markowski-Wojtaszek.
After the exchange on h4, Vi shy leading expert on the white side,
Anand was happy to repeat Igor Khenkin, would appear to
l3 ... tlJef6 again thi s future ec- have given up trying to win the
ond in Wojta zek-Anand, de- endgame, a we' ll ee in
pite hi aforementioned earlier Khenkin-Dreev.
lo with it against Aronian.
Black ha decent chances to hold The Kaufman Approach
in thi variation but it 's hard to Going 4.'ifc2 or 4. b3 isn ' t a
e cape the view that White i bad way for White to avoid all
likely to emerge from the ope- the theory of the main lines of the
ning tage with a pleasant edge. Slav, but what i he to do with
both the 15 ... e5 counter trike
Leko's Defence and Leko's Defence in such good Finally, in Miron-Volkov we' ll
Slav aficionado for whatever shape? Step forward the idea of take at a look at the Russian
rea on not convinced by the 9.e3 0-0 lO. l:rdl !?. Grandmaster' recent penchant
15 .. .e5 counter trike hould fol- for 1 I .. .J:rad8 before David
low in the foot tep of the Hun- Howell how why IO ... tlJe4!?
garian no. l , not of the World al o eems to ob truct White s
Champion, in my view. With quest for the advantage.
12 ... 'ii'b3 13.ab3 Black does
break the ' rule', but 13 ... ~b4 is a Conclusion
fairly effective follow-up. After 4.'ii'c2 and 4.'ii'b3 Black
hould tick with the old mai n
line 4 ... dc4 5.'ii'c4 ..tf5. On the
current ev idence, White i trug-
gling to prove anything, whether
he goe l:e l and tlJh4 or e2-e3
Khenkin moved on to thi varia- and J:rd I. Of course, there' the
tion received orne support mall practical matter of winni ng
from Larry Kaufman in hi s re- chances for Black, but while I
cent The Kaufman Repertoire for cannot recommend the fai rly
Black and White. The obviou trendy 5 ...~g4 (6. tlJc3 tlJbd7
try for Black i 10 ... 'ifc7 ll.tlJc3 7.e4 ~ f3 8.gf3 e5 9 ~e3, fol-
e5, but he is unable to make any lowed by queenside castling, is
Thi made it debut at elite level use of hi slight development quite dangerous, as Kaufman
back in AJexeev-Leko, Dortmund lead here and after an exchange how ), there's always 4.'ifc2 g6
2007 (covered by Ikonnikov), on e5 may well be pu hed back and after 4.'ii'b3 Gata Kamsky s
and is extremely olid for Black. in the centre. The notes to 4 ... a5!?. Nick Pert became only
Modem practice ha tended to Mamedyarov-Eiianov how that the econd person in the world to
follow the long Line l4.tlJf5 ef5 it's not so ea y for Black to pl ay this again t me, but who
15 .~e4 fe4 16 .~d2 l:rfe8 equali ze after 12.h3!. The uper- will be the third ...

Survey SL 1.4

Benko 's Move tLlb6 23.e4t] 21. ~d2 l:td8? [2Ll:ta4 2t .l:tb6 l:ta7 22 .~h3 tLlf6 23.~11 tLld7
9. ti:J c3 0 - 0 1 O.l:le1 22.l:tat (22.~e3 b5 23.~ct l:tc4 24 .~d2 24.l:tb4 ~It 25 .~ft IS=i= Fessler-O'Hare, cr
l:ta4=) 22... l:tfa8 23.~c1 l:tc4 24. ~d2 2008) 18... 1t.b3 19.l:tbt ~c4 20.l:tb6 l:ta7
Cuenca Jimenez,Jose Fr. l:tca4=] 22.l:ted1! ~f5 [22 ...l:ta8? 2t .a4 tLldS=i= Landa-Gasanov, Sochi tt
Palliser,Richard 23.l:tb4 l:ta3? 24.15 ~dS 25.~d5 cd5 2010] 14... tLlc3 [14 ... W'd4?? 15.e3 '*'e5
England tt 2011/12 (7) 26.l:tc4 dc4 27.~ct .!:tat 28.e6+-] 16.fe4 tLlg4 17.h3 W'g3 18.'ili'd1 !+-
1..!Df3 d5 2.d4 .!Df6 3.c4 c6 4.W'b3 23.l:tb4! l:tb4 24.ab4;!; tLlf8 Burmakin-Vernay, Rochefort 2009] 15.bc3
dc4 5 ....c4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7 .~g2 [24 ... tLle5?? 25.fe5 ~c2 26.l:tat!+-] e5! 16. b6 ab6 17.de5 tLld7 18.e4
l0bd7 8.tLlc3 ~e7 9.0-0 0-0 10.l:te1 25. ~ tLlg6 26 . ~e1 tLlh4 27. ~h1 1t.e6 19.f4 b5!? [t9 ... tLlc5 20.~e3 ~a2
t0e4 11 .'ii'b3 '*'b6 12.tLlh4 ~ h4 ~ h3! 28.l:ta1 [28. ~12 tLlg6 29 .~e3 21.1t.l3 l:ta4 22.l:te2 l:tfaB 23.~g2i]
13.gh4 tLldf6 14... b6 [14.13 tLlc3 tLle7!=] 20.1t.e3 g6 [20 ... l:ta3!? 21 .c4!? b4
t5.bc3 eS t6.'*'b6 ab6- game] 14... ab6 (21 ... ~c4? 22.l:tadt tLlbB 23.~c5)
15.f3 tLlc3 16.bc3 e5! [t6 ... ~c2!? 22.l:tabt c5 23.l:tbct g6~] 21 .h5?
t7. ~14 (t7.~g5 l:ta3 tB.l:tect ~g6 t9.e4 [2t .a3! l:ta4 22.l:tf1 !oo l:te8!? (22 ... l:tc4?
~laB 20.l:tc2 b5 21 .~c1 ?! l:t3a4 22.l:tb2 23.15; 22 ... l:tfa8 23.l:tad1 ~g4 24.l:td6
.!Dd7 23. ~ft tLlb6 24.~12?1 151+ Bakre· tLlfB! 25.~c1 tLle6+=') 23.l:tad1 l:ta3 24.15
Yee, Olongapo Ach 20t0) t7 ... l:ta4 gf5 25.ef5 ~d5 26.~d5 cd5 27.l:td5 l:te5
tB. ~ect ~g6 t9.e4 l:tfaB 20.l:lc2 b5! 28.l:td7 l:te3=] 21 ... l:ta3! =i= 22.hg6 hg6
21. ~d6 tLld5 22.~12 tLlb6 23.~ft= 23.f5!? [23.l:tect l:tfaB 24 .~12 (24.l:tc2
Z.Mamedjarova-Sebag, Novi Sad Ech-tt W b4!) 24 ... l:ta2 25.l:ta2 l:ta2 26 .~g3 l:ta3'F]
2009] 17.deS tLld7 18.f4 23 •.. gf5 24. ~h6? [24.ef5 ~15 25 .~d4
~ 25 ... c5 26 .~12 l:tc3 27 .~b7 l:tbB
28.1t.g2 l:tb6=i=] 24 .. .f4!? [24 ... l:tfa8 25.el5
g~ (25.l:te3 l:ta2 26.l:tg3 ~h7 27.l:ta2 l:ta2
~~~ 28 ...g5!? [28 ... 161 29 .~e3! (29.ef6 ~g2! 28.1t.f4 tLlc5+ 29.l:th3 ~g7 30 .~h6 ~g6)
30.~g2 tLlg2 31.~12 l:td2 32 .~g2 l:te2 25 ... ~15 26.l:te3 l:ta2 27.l:tft l:ta1+]
33 . ~ l:tc2=) 29... ~g2 30.~b6 l:teB 25 . ~f8 8 26.l:tf1 l:tc3=i' 27.l:tf4
8 .t 31. ~g2 tLlg2 32.1Pf2 tLlf4 33.ef6 gf6 34.e3 [27.a3! tLle5 28.l:tf4=i= ] 27... lt:le5 +
8 8 tLld5 35. ~d4;!;] 29 . ~e3! [29.fg5 ~g2 28.l:tf2 l:ta3 29.l:td2 <J;e7 30.h4?
8 30.~g2 (30.g6!? ~ht 3t .~g5 .!:tea 32.gh7 [30.l:tb2! tLld3 31.l:td2 b4 32.h4+=t]

8 8 ~8 ~h7 33.~h4 l:te5=) 30 ... tLlg2 31. ~dt 30 ... b4 31 .l:tb1 c5 32.l:tc1 b6 33.h5
tLle3 32 .~ct tLlc4 33.~14 ~g7 34.l:ta7 l:ta2- + 34.l:tdd1 b3 35.h6 6
1::! .,t II <;t> l:td7=] 29 ... 1t.g2 30.1t.b6 [30.15!? [35 ... b2 36.l:tbt c4 37.h7 tLlg6 38.e5
31. ~g5 l:teB 32 .~h4 l:te5 33.1t.f6 l:teB ~15-+] 36.l:td6 b5? 37.l:tf1 <J;e7?
18... ~e6! +=t [t8 ... tLlc5 t9.e4 ~e6 34 .~d4 c5! 35.bc5 bc5 36.1t.c5 f6i ] [37 ... <J;g6 38. ~h3 tLlc4 39.l:tc6 l:ta7
20 .~e3 ~a2 21. ~13 l:ta4 22.l:te2 l:tfaB 30 ... l:te8 31. ~f2 ~ h1 32.l:th1 gf4 40 .~e6 le6 41.l:te6 <J;h7+] 38.l:tb6! .:
23.<.tg2;;;; t8 ...l:ta4 t9.e4 ~g4 20 .~e3 33.l:tg1 ?! [33.l:tat tLlg6 34.l:ta7 l:te7 b4 39.l:tb7 ~d6? [39 ... ~d7! 40.h7
(20.h31? ~e6 21. ~e3 l:tfaB ~ 22.l:te2 l:ta2 35.1t.c5 l:td7 36.1t.d4!i; 36 .~13? tLle5 .!:taB]
23.l:tea2 l:ta2 24.l:tbt t) 20 ... l:tfa8 2t .l:tebt 37 .~14 16 38 .~15 ~17 39.l:ta8 tLlg6=]
bS 22.l:tb2;!; tLlfB 23.~12 (23.15!? tLld7 33 ... tLlg6 [34.1t.d4 ~18 35 .~13 .!:taB+=']
24.h3 ~h5 25.e6 fe6 26.fe6 tLlfB 27.e7 Y2-Y2
g6 28.l:td2 l:teB 29.~c5 tLle7 30.l:td?t)
23... ~e6 24.15 l:ta2 25.l:taa2 l:ta2 26.l:ta2
~a2 27. ~b6 tLld7 28 .~c7 ~18 29 .~e3 Wojtaszek,Radoslaw
ltteB 30.h5;!; Damljanovic-Granda Zuniga, Zherebukh,Yaroslav
La Massana 2008] 19.a3 [t9.e4 Warsaw rapid 2009 (8)
Wojtaszek-Zherebukh, Warsaw rapid 2009; 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tLlf3 tLlf6 4.'tWc2
t9.a4 l:ta5 20.l:tdt l:tfaB 2t .e4 g61 22.h5 dc4 5 ....c4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7 .~g2
~a4 23.l:ta4 l:ta4= 24. ~e3?! l:ta3! 25.h6 tLlbd7 8.0-0 ~e7 9.tLlc3 0-0 10.l:te1
lt;>IB 26.~d2 l:ta2 27. ~et ~e8 28. ~13?! tLle4 1 Hi'b3 'ifb6 12.tLlh4 1t.h4
gSit 29.fg5 tLle5 30.~h5 ~b3 3t .l:tb1?? 13.gh4 tLldf6 14.f3 [14.tLle4 ~e4
~c2 32.l:tb6 .!:tat 33.~12 tLld3-+ t5.W'b6 ab6 t6.13 ~d5 17.a3 ~c4 ! = 40.l:td1 ?? [40.l:tb8!+- b2 41.h7 tLlg6
Ramirez-G.Shahade, Fremont 20t2] (t7 ... tLld7 18.e4 ~b3 19.l:te3 1t.c4 20.l:tc3 42.e5! ~e5 43.l:tg8 .!:tat 44.l:tg6]
19... l:ta4~ 20.l:tb1 [20.e4 tLlc5 ~a6 21 .1t.e3;!; Solozhenkin-J.Akesson , 40 ...~c6 41 .l:tb8 b2 42.h7 tLlg6?
(20 ... b5!?) 2t.f5 ~c4 22 .~e3 ~d3=] Sweden tt 2003104 - YB/83-t46) t8.b3?! [42 ... l:tat 43.h8'tW l:td1 44 .~h2 tLlg4
20 ... l:tc4! [20 ... b5? 21.l:tb4 l:tfaB 22.l:ld1 (t8.e4 tLlh5 19.b3?1 ~b3 20.l:tb1 ~c4 45 .~g3 btW' 46.e5 l:td5 47.W'e8

'if;c?! - +] 43.e5 cj;c7 44.l:tb7? 23 . ~e3 cd4 24.cd4 ed4 25.J:td4 Bryzgalin·lliushin, Sochi tt 201 0) 19... ti:lld7
[44. ~e4 J:ta1 45.J:td8!] 44 •.. 'it;c8 J:tac8'f 26. ~f1 W'e7 27.a4!? [27.'ii'f2 20.~11! (20.a4 ba4 21 .ba4 ti:lc4! 22.~g3
45.J:tb5? J:ta1 46.J:tc5 <it;b8 47.J:tb5 J:tc3 28.J:tad1 J:ta3 29.J:t1d2 J:tcS'f] e5 23.d5 ti:lc5+% Laznicka·Volkov, Plovdiv
Wc7 [48.J:tc5 Wb6 49.J:tc6 Wa7 50.l:tc7 27 ... 'l!Yh4 28.e5! W'e7 29.a5 ~f5! Ech 2008) 20 .. .15?! (20 ... e5 21.de5 b4!?
Wb8 51 .l:tb7 WeB-+] 0- 1 30.J:td6 J:tfe8 31 .ab6 ab6 32.f4? (21 ... ti:le5 22 .~e2;!;) 22.ti:ld1 ti:le5 23.l:te3
[32.J:tb6 J:tc2 33.W'b5 'l!Ye5 3H!fe5 J:te5 ~h5 24 .~e2 ti:lg6 25 .~b4 IS!?+Z) 21 .a4!
35.J:ta3'f/+] 32 ...J:tc2 33.W'b5 J:tec8+ le4 22.fe4 ba4 (22... e5 23.de5 ti:le5
Stabolewski,Andreas 34.l:ta4? l:th2! 35.J:tc4? [35.'it;h2? 24 .~e5 J:te5 25.ab5;1;) 23.ba4 e5 24.de5!
Zherebukh,Yaroslav 'l!Yh4 36.Wg1 W'g3 37.Wh1 1!t"e3- +] ti:le5 25 .~e5 J:tes 26.J:teb1 ti:lc8 27.J:tb7
Dresden 201 0 (8) 35 •.•J:tc4 36.tfc4 'it"h4 37.~g2 ti:ld6 28.J:tb4;!; Yaksin·Volkov, Samara 2011]
1.ti:lf3 ti:lf6 2.c4 c6 3.d4 d5 4."itb3 J:tg2! 38.Wg2 W'g3 39. 1 W'e3 0- 1 19.d51? [19.de5 ti:le5 20.14 ti:led7 21 .a4
dc4 5."i!fc4 ~f5 6.ti:lc3 e6 7.g3 ba4 22.ba4 'i:lb6 23.15 ~h5 24.J:tab1! tt:la4
'i:lbd7 8.~g2 ~e7 9.0-0 0-0 10.J:te1 25.ti:la4 J:ta4 26.J:tb7;!; lkonnikov·Amonatov,
ti:le4 11 ."i!fb3 "itb6 12.ti:lh4 ~ h4 Wojtaszek,Radoslaw Vlissingen 2008] 19..•b4! [19 ... cd5 20.ed5
13.gh4 ti:ldf6 14.f3 ti:lc3 15.bc3 e5 Anand,Viswanathan e4 21 .l:ted1 'i:lb6 22.l:td4!;!;] 20.dc6!
[15 ... 'fi'b3? 16.ab3 e5? 17.de5 ti:ld7 Germany Bundesliga 2007/08 (6) [20.ti:la4? cd5 21 .ed5 e4! 22.l:ted1 b5
18.~a3 c5 19.14+- 1 16.e4 ~e6 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ti:lf3 ti:lf6 4.W'c2 23.ti:lc5 ti:lb6'f] 20 ...bc3 21.cd7 ti:ld7
17.'ii'a4 [17.'it"b2!? J:tld8 (17 ... ti:lh5? dc4 5.W'c4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7 .~g2 22.l:te2 ti:lf6 23 .~ b4 [23.13!? ti:lh5
18."itb6 ab6 19.de5±) 18.J:td1 (18.-.b6 ti:lbd7 8.0-0 ~e7 9.ti:lc3 0-0 10.l:te1 24.l:tc2 J:tad8 25 .~b4 ti:ll4 26.~11 15
ab6 19.de5 ti:ld7 20.14 g6 21. ~e3 J:ta3g?) ti:le4 11.'it"b3 'ii'b6 12.ti:lh4 ~ h4 27 .~c4 (27.el5 ~15 28.J:tc3 ~d3 29.~d3
18... l:td7 (18 ... 1J"c7!? 19 .~e3 b6 20.a4 13.gh4 ti:lef6 ti:ld3g?) 27...Wh8 28.el5 ~15 29.J:tc3
ti:lh5+Z) 19.'i!t'f2! J:tad8 20.~e3 'i!t'a5 l:td2+Z] 23 ...ti:lh5! [23 ...c2 24.l:tc2 ~e4
21.J:tdc1 ~c4 22.'i!fg3 J:te7oo 23.Wh1 25.~e4 ti:le4 26.l:td1;!;] 24. ~c3 ti:lf4
Wh8oo Burmakin·Hole, Gausdal 2005) 25.J:te3 ti:lg2 26.Wg2 f6;!; 27.a4
17... ti:lh5! +% J:tac8 28.f3 ~f7 29.b4 J:tc4 30. 2
Y2- Y2

.i .i •

'if .t.
~ ~
.t. .

Sibenik tt 2009 (8)
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. f3 ti:lf6 4.'l!Yb3
dc4 5.'l!Yc4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7. ~g2 ~e7
~ ~ 8.0-0 0-0 ti:lbd7 1O.J:te1 tt:le4
~ ~~ 14.W'b6 [14.e4 ~g6 15.'l!Yb6 (15.~e3 11 .W'b3 'l!Yb6 12.ti:lh4 'l!Yb3 13.ab3
ti:lg4! 16.'i!fb6 ab6 17. ~14 e5+%) 15...ab6] ~b4
: ~ ~ ~ 14... ab6 15.e4 ~g6 16 . ~f4 J:tfe8
17.~d6 [17.J:tad1 b5 (17 ... e5 18.de5 ti:le5
18 . ~e3 [18.14? ti:ll4 19 .~14 el4 20.J:tl1 19. ~e5! J:te5 20.14 J:tee8 21 .'if;f2;!; Anand)
(20.J:tab1 fie? 21 .d5 b5 22.'i!fd4 J:tlda· 18.~d6 ti:lb6 (18 ... e5 19.d5 (19.a31
23.'it"c5 W'e5! 24.flc6 ~g4+) 20 ... 'i!t'b2! Aronian) 19... h5 20.~11 16 (20 ... ti:ll4!?)
21.d5 ~g4 22.'i!fd4 (22.W'b4 'l!Yd2 21.b3 ti:ll4 22.a4 ba4 23.ba4 ~17
23.W'd4 W'd4 24.cd4 13! 25 .~13 ~13 24.l:tb1oo Aronian-Anand, Morelia/Linares
26.J:tl3 cd5 27.ed5 J:tld8+) 22 .. .13+ 2007- YB/83·147) 19.b3 ti:lld7 20.J:td2 16
Hernandez Carmenates·Borges Mateos, 21. ~h3 151 22.13 ti:ll6 23.J:tg2 ti:lbd7
Madrid 2007] 18...'i!fd8! [18 ...'l!Yc7?! 24.l:tg5 Wf7 25.Wf2 h6 26.l:tg2 ~h7
19.J:tad1 ed4 20.cd4 ti:ll4 21.~11 ti:lg6 27.J:teg1 J:tg8= Nguyen·M.Gurevich, Beijing
22.h5 ti:ll4? (22 ... ti:lh4! 23 .~e2 ~h3+Z rapid 2008; 17 .~c7!? e5 18.J:tad1 b5
24.~g5 ti:lg2) 23.h6 J:tld8 24.W'b4! ti:lg6 19.de5 ti:le5 20.14! ti:lc4 21.b3 b4
25.'l!Yd2± Gutierrez Valero·Moreno Martin, (21...'i:la3!? 22.15 ~h5 23.l:td2 b4 24.ti:la4 14.ti:lf5 [14.l:ta4!? ~c3 15.bc3 ti:lc3
Granada 2009] 19. ~g5 [19.de5 "i!fh4 ti:lb5 25.~g3;!;) 22.bc4! bc3 23.15 ~h5 16.ti:ll5 (16.J:tc4 'i:lb5 17.ti:ll5 el5 18.d5
20.W'c2 ti:ll4 21 .W'I2 'l!Yf2 22 .~12 J:tld8'f] 24.l:tc1 J:ta2 25.J:tc3 J:te2 26.J:te3 J:tet cd5 19.~d5 (Rotshtein·Sundararajan,
19.•.'i!fc7 20.W'b4 b6 21.J:ted1 27.J:te1 ti:ld7 28.l:tbU Krasenkow· Groningen 2008) 19... ti:ld6! 20.J:tc7 ti:lf6
[21 .J:tad1!? c5 22.W'b2 ~c4!?'f ; 22 ... 16 Volokitin, Poland It 2008] 17... b5 18.b3 21.~b7 ti:lb7 22.l:tb7 J:tfb8 23.l:tb8 l:tb8=)
23.~e3 'l!YI7 24.d5oo] 21 .•. c5 [21 ...16!? e5 [18 ... 'i:lb6 19.13 (19.a4 ba4 20. ~c7 16... el5 17.J:ta5 g61? 18 .~b2 ti:le4
22 .~e3 J:tld8 23.~11 'l!YI7'f] 22.'l!Yb2 h6 ti:lbd7 21 .ba4 J:tac8 22. ~d6 e5= (18 ...b6!? 19.J:taa1 ti:ld5 20.J:tec1 ti:lb8oo)

Survey SL 1.4

19.g4! J:lfe8 20.gfS a6 21.13 tt:ld6 22.fg6 Yordanov, Plovdiv 2012; 12... tt:le4! [34 ... tt:leB ~bS 36.~bS tt:ld6
hg6 23.e4;!; Nyback-KOiaots, Jyvaskyla (13.deS tt:lb6 14.1t'e2 tt:lc3 1S.bc3 tt:la4+Z) 37.~d3 ~c3 38.14±] 35.g4 Wd7
2008; 14.g4 tt:lc3 1S.gfS tt:la2 16.J:ld1 tt:lc1 13... tt:leS 14.deS tt:lc5 1S .~f4 (1S.b4!? tt:le8 37.h5 ~d6
t7.J:lac1 tL\16 18.fe6 fe6 (Vovk- tt:le6 16.~b2 ..-es 17.J:ld7 J:lfe8! 6
Zherebukh, Lviv 2009) 19... tLldS!? 20.e3 1B.J:lb7? tLldB+) 1S...~e6 16.1t'e2 J:lfd8=)
J:lf6=] 14...ef5 15 . ~e4 fe4 16 . ~d2 13. ~e3 ed4 (13 ...J:ladB 14.h3 ~13 1S. ~f3
J:lfe8 J:le4 18 . ~b4 J:ld4 ed4 16 .~d4 tt:leS 17...-e2 tL\13 18.W13;!;
19 .~c3 J:ld6 20.J:led1 J:ld1 21.J:ld1 Kaufman) 14. ~d4 ~13 1S.~f3 tt:les
~c5 [1'2·17 Khenkin-Khairullin, Sochi tt 16.We2 tL\13 17.Wf3 J:ladB 18.J:lac1 Was
2010; (Grabarczyk-Barkhagen, 19.a3;!; Navara-Bruzon Batista, Havana
Stockholm 2001 - YB/83-14S) 22.13! tt:le6 2011] 12...~g6?! [12 ... J:lfe8 13.deS tt:leS
23.J:ld7 tt:lc5 24.J:lc7 aS 2S.b4 ab4 26 .~b4 ..-es 1S.e4 ~e6 16.We2 ~b4
~a6 27.J:lb7;!; lkonnikov, YB/83] 22.b4 17.~14! (17.14 1J'as 18. ~e3 J:lad8!
4 23 .~d4 J:ld8 24.J:ld3 [24.e3 tt:lb2 19.'*'12 lld1 20.J:ld1 ~c3 21.bc3 '*'a4!
2S.J:la1 tt:ld3 26.J:la7 tt:lb4 27.J:lb7 tL\dS 22.J:ld4 ~c4 23.Wd2 cS 24.J:ld8 J:ld8
Alexeev-Leko, Dortmund 2007] 24 ... f6 2S.'i!Vd8 '*'e8= Mamedyarov-Aronian,
2S.'iti>g2 [2S.f4 'iti>f7 26.'iti>f2 tt:lb6 27. ~13 Moscow 2010 (4)) 17... '*'aS 1B .~d2! J:lad8 38.g5! +- hg5!? [39 .~gS!
~= 28.e4? aS! 29.'iti>e3 ab4 30.~cs 19.a3 ~c3 20.~c3 '*'a4 21 .J:ld8 J:ld8 ~d7! tt:lg7 41.h6 tLlhS 42.h7 tL\14
J:ld3 31 .'iti>d3 b3 32.'iti>c3 b6 33.~g1 cS 22.'*'e3;!; Rakhmanov-Dobre, Plovdiv Ech 43.'it;>g3! tt:lg6 44 .~17 tt:lh8 4S.~hS+-]
34.'iti>b3 tt:ld6=i= Khenkin-D.Mastrovasilis, 2012; 12...J:ladB 13.We2 (13.g4!? ~e6 39 ... tt:lg7 40.h6 tt:lh5 41.h7 tt:lf4
Serbia tt 2008] 25... 7 26.'iti>f3 14.1t'e2 h6 1S.e4 ed4 16. d4 ~d6 42.w g3 tt:lg6 43.w g4 ~e8 44 ..ig5
[26 27.e4 tt:lc4 28 .~e2 J:le8 29.13 17.'i!fc2 J:lfe8 tt:lb6 19.a4 aS tLlhB 45 .~f6 tt:lg6 [4S ...~g6 46. ~hB
'iti>e6 30.b3 tt:leS 31 .J:ld2 b6 32.14 tt:ld7 20 .~e3 ~c4 21 .b3 ~a6 22.J:lac1 tt:lbd7oo ~h7 47.wgs ~e3 48. ~16+-] 46. 5
33 .~c3 J:lc8 34.'iti>e3 c5!? 3S.bS ~e7 Wang Hao-Bruzon Batista, Khanty-Mansiysk ~e3 47.h8W tt:lh8 48. ~e5 w e7
36.'iti>d3 tL\18 37.1S tt:ld7 38.'iti>c4 g6 39.g4 ol 2010) 13...ed4! (13 ... tt:le4? ~e4 49.~f61 [49 ...Wf8 SO. ~hB ~d7 S1.~e6]
J:lgB 40 .~dS?? (40.J:la2) 40 ... tt:leS!-+! ~g2 J:ld7 17 .~g2± 1-0
Gajewski-Volkov, Khanty-Mansiysk 2007] Yakovenko-Volkov, Taganrog 2011 ; 13... ~b4
Y2-Y2 14.e4! ~c3 1S.efS ~d4 ed4
17.l:ld4 Was 18.g4 l:lfeB 19 .~e3;!; Shetty- Markowski,Tomasz
T.L.Petrosian, Bhubaneswar 2011; 13... h6 Wojtaszek,Radoslaw
14.e4 ~h7 tt:leS 16.~14! tt:lfd7 Warsaw ch-POL 2011 (4)
The Kaufman Approach 17.deS tt:leS 18. ~e3 bS 19.14 tt:lc4 20.~ 12 tt:lf6 2.c4 c6 3.d4 d5 4.'*b3
9.e3 0-0 1 OJ1d1 ~b4 21.eS;!; Rakhmanov-Magem Badals, dc4 5. c4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7. ~g2 ~e7
Catalunya tt 2012) ~g6 1S.e4 8.0-0 bd7 9.e3 0-0 10.l:ld1 1t'c7
Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar ~c5 (1S ... J:lfe8!? 16.~14 (16.14?! ~eSt) 11 .tt:lc3 tt:ld5
Elianov,Pavel 16... tt:leS= Van DelfVRis) 16.~14 tt:leS
Moscow 2010 (6) tL\13 (17!? 6 tL\16!
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 4.1t'c2 19.'iti>h2 ~hS=) 18.~13 '*'e7 19.eS tt:ld7
dc4 5.1t'c4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7.~g2 20.h4 h6 21 .tt:la4 .ib6= Matlakov-Delchev,
~bd7 8.0-0 ~e7 9.e3 0-0 10.J:ld1 Spain tt 2010] 13.de5 tt:le5
eS [10 ... 1t'c711 .tt:lc3 eS] 11 .tt:lc3 1t'c7 We5 15.e4;!; 1t'e6 16.1t'e6 fe6
17. ~e3 J:lfd8 18.J:ld8 ~dB 19.J:ld1
~a5 [19... ~b6 20 .~b6 ab6 21.14 bS
22.a3;t Van DelfVRis; 19. .. ~c7!? 20.14
~as 21.eS tLldS 22.tLldS cdS 23.J:lct;t
Krasenkow] 20.f3 e5 ~f7 b6 [ ~b4 ~dS!=i=] 23 ... c51 [23...~a2?
24.~11 c5 2S.J:la1 ~17 ~b4 12.'i!fe2 [ tt:lc3! (12... tt:l7b6±] 24. ~f1 J:lc8 25.h4 ~e6 13.Wb3 tt:lc3 14.'*'c3 tt:ldS 1S.'it'b3 tL\16
26.b3?! [26.a3 ~b3 27.J:ld6;t] 16.13 eS 17.deS 'i!feS 18.e4;t Matlakov-
26 ... ~c3? [26 ... 'iti>f7!= Krasenkow] Yakovenko, Taganrog 2011) 13.bc3 (13. c3
27.J:ld6! ~d7 [27 ... 'iti>f7? 28.J:le6! 'iti>e6 eS 14.e4 ~g4= 1S.f3 ed4 16.J:ld4 ~e6)
29 .~h3+-] 28. ~g5 J:lc6 29 .~c4 'iti>f8 14.e4 ~g4 1S.~f3 {1S.I3 ~e6
12.h31 [12.e4!? ~g4 (12... ~e6 13...-e2 30.J:lc6 ~c6 31 . c7 h6 32 ..ic1± 16.'i!fe2 Was 17. ~d2 tt:lb6 J:lad8
~g4 14 .~e3 ed4 1S .~d4;!; Bukal- 'iti>e7 33 . ~g2 ~d4 34.a4 a5?1 19 .~e1 'i!fa4 20 ..if2 ~c4 21 .'i!fd2 ~a6=i=

Grigorian-T.Petrosian, Erevan ch-ARM 2012; 26 ••. ~h3 27.'it'c4 <j,;>h8 28.'iWe2 11...l:tc8!? 12.lLle1 (12.lLlbd2 lLld2 13.lLld2
15.lLll3 l:tad8 16.h3 ~e6 17.'fi'e2 16= 'it'aSt 29.f5 Wc3 ~c2!? 14.l:te1 ~g6 15.e4 cSo:t Khuzman)
Vitiugov-Wang Vue, St Petersburg tt rapid) 12...1t'a5 (12 ...'i!Vb6!? 13.lLld3 c5
15... lLlb6 16.'ilfe2 ~e6 17.lLld3 ll:lc4= (Krasenkow) 14.13 lLld6 15.e4 ~g6 16.dc5
Mamedyarov-Ka~akin , Beijing rapid 2011 ; lLlcS 17.lLlc5 l:tc5!? 18. ~e3 lLlc4!o:t)
12 .~d2 lLlc3 13.~c3 ~e4 14.1!t'e2 h6 13.lLld3 c5 14.13 lLld6? 15.e4 ~g6 16.dc5
15.l:tac1 l:tad8 16. ~11 l:tle8 17.lLld2 ~h7 lLlbS 17 .~e3 ~16 18.lLld2 a4 19.lLlb3±
18. ~g2 e5= Drozdovsky-Motylev, Khanty- Khenkin-Hertneck, Bad Homburg 201 0]
Mansiysk rapid 2011] 12 ..•lLlc3 13.bc3 12.lLlc3 [12.lLlbd2 l:tfd8 13.lLlh4!? ~h4
~e4 14.c4 [14.lLle5!? ~g2 15.lLld7 (13 ...lLld2 14.lLlf5 ef5 15 .~d2 ;!;) 14.lLle4
l:tld8 (15 ... 'ii'd7 16.<j,;>g2 l:tfd8 17.e4;!; ~e7 15.lLlc3 lLlf6 16.e4 ~g4 17.13 e5!=;
Kaufman) 16.<j,;>g2 l:td7 17.e4 "*fa5! RR 12.lLlfd2 lLld2 13.lLld2 ~c2 14.l:te1
(17 ... e5 18.~e3 l:tad8 19.14! ef4 20 .~14;!;) ~g6 15.lLlc4 'ifa6! 16.~d2 l:tfd8 17.~c3
18.~d2 b5= (6. 19... 'ilt'a4) 19.a4 ba4 l:tac8 18.a3 lLll6 19.b4 lLle4= Laznicka-
20.'iWc4 a3! 21.'ilt'c6 l:tdd8o:t] 14... l:tfd8 Andriasian, Benasque 2009] 12 ... l:tfd8
15. · 2 c5= 16.l:tac1 [16. ~11 ~16 30 ..b 7? [30.<j,;>f2! 'ii'a1 31 .g4 'it'b1 13.lLle1 [13.lLlh4!? ~h4 14.lLle4 -
17.lLld2 ~c2 18.l:tdc1 ~g6 ~ - ~ Hellsten- 32. ~h6!? gh6 33.1t'd2 <j,;>g7 34.1t'd7 <j,;lf6 12.lLlbd2] 13•.. ll:lc3 [13 ... lLldf6] 14.bc3
Vasquez, Santiago 2007] 16... ~f6 35.'it'd8=] 30 ... 1t'c1 31 . 2 1t'h1 I+ ~g6 15.e4 c5 16 . ~e3 'ifaS 17.lLld3
17.lLle 1 [ 17.lLld2 ~g2 18.<j,;>g2 cd4 32.<j,;>e3 1t'g1 33.'it'f2 'ifc1 34.<j,;lf3 'it'c3 18.dc5 l:tac8 19.l:tab1 [19.l:tac1
19.ed4 lLlcS!;:o] 17... ~g2 18.lLlg2 cd4 'ifd1 3S.<j,;>e3 ~g4 36.~c5 b1? 'it'a3oo; 19... 'ifa5oo] 19... ll:lc5! [19 ... b6
19.ed4 l:tac8 20.lLle3 'ifaS 21.l:td3 [36 ... <j,;>h7! 37.16 gl6 38.'i+'f6?? 'i+'e2X] 20.l:tdc1 'it'a3 21.c6t] 20.l:tbc1 [20.lLlc5
'ifc7! [21...lLlc5?? 22.dc5 l:td3 23. ~16! 37.'ii'd2? [37.16 "ii'c1 38.<j,;>d3 ~e6 l:td1 (20 ... ~c5?? 21.l:td8 l:td8 22.l:tc1)
l:te3 24.'it'g4 l:te1 25.<j,;>g2 g6 26.'fi'f4+-l 39.fg7 <j,;>g7 40.'iff8=] 37 ... 'iff1 38.'ifc2 21.'i!t'd1 ~c5 22 .~c5 (22.l:tc1 'ife3)
22.l:tdd1 'ifaS 23.l:td3 'ii'c7 "*e1 39.<j,;>d3 ~f3 40. ~e3 'ifh1 22...'l!t'c5 23.l:tb7=; 20.~c5 ~c5 21.l:tbc1
24.l:tdd1 'iWaS 25.l:td3 'h-112 41.<j,;>c3 ~e4 42.1t'f2 '*'b1 43.f6 1Va5 22.lLlc5 l:td1 23.-..d1 l:tc5 24.l:tc5
'ifd3 44.<j,;>b4 'ifbS 0-1 'l!t'cs 25. dB 'l!t'ts 26.1Vc7 h6 27.1Vb7
1Va3 28.'it'c8 <j,;>h7 29.'l!t'c2=] 20 ... ll:la4!
21.lLlf4 [21.l:tc3? lLlc3 22.tfe1 lLld1
Miron,Liat 23.'ifd1 l:tc3+ 24.~11? ~e4] 21 ••. tfb4
Volkov,Sergey Laznicka,Viktor 22.l:td8 l:td8 23.lLlg6 hg6
Plovdiv Ech 2012 (5) Howeii,David
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.lLlf3 ll:lf6 4. 'it'b3 Gibraltar 2012 (8)
dc4 5.'ilt'c4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7.~g2 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.lLlf3 lLlf6 4.'i!Vc2
lLlbd7 8.0-0 ~e7 9.e3 0-0 10.l:td1 dc4 5.'ifc4 ~f5 6.g3 e6 7. ~g2
Wc7 11.lo c3 l:tad8 12.'it'e2 [12.h3!? lLlbd7 8.e3 ~e7 9 .0-0 0-0 10.l:td1
h6 (12 ... e5 13.'iWe2 - 11...e5 12.h3 l:tad8 lLle4
13.'it'e2) 13.'it'e2 lLle4 14.lLld2 lLlc3
15.bc3 ~c2 16.l:te1 c5 17.lLlb3 (17.lLle4
~4! 18.~a3 ~c6=) 17...~g6 18.e4 e5
19.~e3 (Grigorian-Volkov, Dubai 2012)
19... c4!? 20.lLld2 ed4 21.cd4 (21.~d4 lLle5,
d3<) 21 ... c3o:t 22.l:tec1 ~a3 23.~14 'ifcS
24.lLlc4!? ~c1 25.lLld6 'ii'c6 26.l:tc1
lLlf6oo] 12...lLle4 13.lLle1 [13.lLle4 ~e4 24.e5? [24.'ifc2!g?] 24 ... ~c5 25. ~g5
14.b3 'ifa51 15.~b2 'it'h5= Bacso-Corke, l:td7 26.'tlfc2 b5 27.h4 a6l + 28 .~f3
Budapest 2009] 13...ll:lc3 14.bc3 e5 l:td4 29.ft'b3 '*'as 30.<j,;>g2 b6?!
15.e4 ~e6= 16.lLlf3 f6 17.~e3 l:tfe8 [30 ... l:tb4] 31.l:th1? [31.~e3] 31 •.. l:tb4
[17 ...lLlb6!? 18.de5 ~c4 19.'ii'c2 fe5=] 32.'l!t'd3 l:tb2 33.<j,;>h3 l:tf2 34 .~e4
18.l:tab1 lLlb6 19.de5 fe5 20.lLlg5 'ifc7 35.h5 'ifes 36.1fd8 ~fa
l:td1 21 .l:td1 ~g5 22.~g5 h6 1Uit'e2 [RR 11.lLlc3 lLlc3 12.bc3 ~e4 37.l:td1 f6 [37 ... 'it'e4! 38.tff8 <j,;>h7-+]
23 .~e3 l:td8 24.l:td8 'i+'d8 25.f4 lLlc4 13.'i!Ve2 b5! 14.lLle1 ~g2 15.lLlg2 'ifa5 38. ~g6 fg5 39.l:td7 l:tf3 0-1
26 .~h3?! [26 .~12 'ii'a5 27.15 ~f7 28.16! 16.~d2 'ifa4= Franco Ocampos-Filgueira, Howell
gf6 29. g4 <j,;>h7 30.'ifd7 <j,;>g7 31.~h3o:t] Buenos Aires 2003] 11 ... 'i!Vb6 [RR M/ 12-2-90

Slav Defence
Alapin Variation SL 4.3 (017)

A Fingerfehler?
by Lee Wang Sheng and Junior Tay

1. d4 d5 plays an early king move, B) A Solid Developing Move

2. c4 c6 9. '0to> f2. When encountering 9 ... lLl bd7 ?!
3. tLlf3 lLlf6 As thi move was played by for the fir t time, one could be
4. lLlc3 dc4 trong grandmaster like tempted to play a solid deve lop-
5. a4 .itS Laurent Fre sinet and Ani h Giri ing move. This was Black's in-
6. lLle5 e6 in tournaments- not in an online tinctive reaction in the games
7. f3 .ib4 setting where a mou e-slip might Laznicka-Vernay and Bu Xiang-
8. lLlc4 0-0 explain the king 's early-morning zhi-Kakageldiev. The problem
9. 'Oto>f2 excursion - we will investigate with this natural move i that it
more deeply in this article doesn ' t present White with any
whether uch an early king move challenge and allows him to
~ .i * is the start of an important new freely develop while maintain-
iii theoretical development in the ing an iron grip on the centre.
i~ main-line Slav.
.t. The main point of the move is to C) A Safe Haven for the
~ j_ Cfj~ getoutofthe pin from the bishop Bishop
on b4, so that an eventual e2-e4 In the rapid game Shen Yang-
Cfj ~
push by White will be more Wang Yu , it was demonstrated
8 ~~~ ~ forceful. how the black bishop remains a
n ~'if ~ n From thi po ition, the following spectator after 9 ... h6?! while
possible continuations will be White focu es her energies on
In the past two years , there examined. dominating the queen ide.
have been a handful of game A) 9 .. . b5?
in the Slav in which White B) 9 .. .lLlbd7?! D) Pseudo-Activity
C) 9 ... h6?! The move 9 ... ttJd5 ?! was ana-
D) 9 ... ttJd5?! ly ed by Scherbakov on the
E) 9... c5 Che website in
F) 9 .. ..tg6 2010 when commenting on the
game Giri-Vallejo Pons.
A) The Pawn Sacrifice
9 ... b5? was the reaction of GM
g~ ~
Dragan Solak in the stem game
of this line, Fressinet-Solak ii
2009. After IO.ab5 cb5 ll.tLl b5 i i
lLlc6 12.e3 'it'b8, W hite with-
drew the knight with J3.ttJc3 and
~ A
~ j_ Cfj ~
returned the pawn. But continu-
ing aggre sively with 13.J:ra6
will allow White to safely keep ~ ~ ~ ~~
the extra pawn and maintain a :s .i'if ~ n
Laurent Fressinet
big plus.

After I0. ttJa2 ! b5 I l. ttJe5 f6 are hard to asse s and there are here. Giri 's improvement over 19.
12.ttJd3 ~d3 13. d3 ~e7, practical chances for both sides 'ii'd4 in a game played three days
White has a clear advantage and in over-the-board play. after the above-mentioned one in
control of the centre. Another try for Black i IO.e4 Sigeman & Co (Malmo) 2012
~g6!? (see Grandelius-Hector). was to play the con olidating
E) Striking in the Centre In this variation 12 ... cb4, 19.b3 in Giri-Hector. After
The move 9 ... c5 ha been the l3 ... ~e4 and 14 ... 'iYd4 are all in- 19 ... h5 20.'iYd4 'iYa5 White
main focus of the analysis in teresting alternatives that war- missed several chances to consol-
annotated game by Scherbakov rant further investigation . idate hi advantage. However, . e-
and Kaufman . It lead to compli- riou alternative for Black
cated positions with very unbal - F) A Prophylactic Move include 20 ... 'iYd4 and 20.. . c7.
anced material. In the 20 I0 If the po ition ar1 mg after The e need to be more deeply
European Men 's Champion- 9 ... c5, which lead to material im- analysed, as there appear to be
hips, this was Vallejo Pons balance, are not Black's cup of solid equalizing chance in these
choice in his game against An ish tea, he could go for the prophy- line .
Giri. However, by playing 1O.e4 lactic 9 ... ..ig6, getting the bishop
~c3 ll.bc3 ..ie4 12 ...ia3!?, Giri out of harm s way and waiting Conclusion
did not choose the most critical for White to build up his centre There are few practical example
continuation. After Vallejo's before striking at it. Thi was with this early king excursion at
12 ... ~d5 !, it looks difficult for Mark Paragua 's choice against the moment. Of the game that
White to maintain an edge. [n- Ding Liren in the Asian Conti- are available, the score over-
tead, a more critical try is nental Champion hip in May whelmingly favour White.
12.fe4! ttJe4 13.'it>g l ttJc3 2012. After 10.e4 'iYc7 ll.'ii'b3 Therefore, if Black plays 6 ... e6
14. el cd4 15. ~a3 , which c5 12.ttJa2 ttJc6 13.ttJb4 cb4 instead of 6 ... ttJbd7 in the
lead to complex position in 14 .~e3 l:[fd8 15 ..l:td l l:td7 main-line Slav, expecting to go
which variou type of material l6. ttJe5 ttJe5 17.de5 l:tdl for the line in which Black gets
imbalance are po ible. 18.'iYd I 'iYe5, the following three pawn for a piece (7.f3
po ition arose. ~b4 8.e4 ~e4 9.fe4 ttJe4
LO .~d2 'iYd4 I J.ttJe4 e4
&~ tf 12.'iYe2 ~d2 13 .~d2 'i!Yd5
i.t. ~
14.'it>c2), he could be in for a

''' na ty surprise. It is expected that
many l.d4 players will choo e
thi a a new weapon against the
~ t!:, i !:!:, Slav, as it currently poses Black
new and interesting problems.
!:!:,!:!:, ~!:!:,
At the moment, diagram 4 looks
~ 'li'~~n ~ ~ !:!:, ~ like it could be a new tabiya for
~ ~ 1::[ thi s variation, and it may be
[f Black plays 15 ... l:te8, as in the Black's best chance for equaliz-
games Jakovljevic-Bykov and This could be a new tabiya for thi ing. A deeper analysi of this po-
Zhou Jianchao-Batchuluun, then line. Thi s position i asse sed as sition could reap huge reward in
White gets two bishops v knight equal by variou engines, a tournament play.
and three pawns. In Kaufman ' White has compen ation for the
opinion this is equivalent to a pawn. The game Ding Liren- Sources
pawn advantage for White. If Paragua continued 19.'iYd4 'il'a5 - l .d4 d5 -
Black goes for 15 ... ttJc6 instead , 20 ...ie2 a4, when White had a Ru Jan Scherbakov 2010
then after 16 ...if8 'iYf8 White has slight pull despite being two The Kaufman Repertoire for
a rook for four pawn , as in the pawn down . But 19 ... 'iYd4!? Black and White, Chapter 9, Slav
encounter Ding Liren-Zhou 20 ...id4 l:tc8 (Junior Tay) look Defence, pp 134-138 ( ew In
Jiaochao. Both these po itions like a way for Black to equalize Che 2012)

Survey SL 4.3

A: The Pawn Sacrifice J:lfd8 13.'ifb3 a5'lb4 ab4 15.~e2 c5 36.~d3 Wd4 37..ie2 b3 38.Wf2 gS
9 .. . b5 16.J:lhd1 cd4 17.~d4 tt'lc5 18.'ife3 tt'la4 39.a6 c,tcs 40.g3 Wb6 41.gh4 gh4'le5 'ife8 20.'i'b3 b5 21 .'i'b4 J:lab8 42.\Pe3 ttJdS 43.Wd4 ttJ14 44. ~c4
Fressinet,Laurent 22.~a7 J:ld1 23.J:ld1 J:lb7 24.'ifa5 1·0 tt'lg2 4S.We4 Wc6 46.14 1-0
Solak,Dragan Fridman-Kaufeld, Obemausen 2010]
Eforie Nord tt 2009 (9) 12.J:lc1 [White has central dominance and
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 t016 4.l0c3 Black's g6-bishop is out of play - Kaufman]
dc4 S.a4 ~1S 6.t0eS e6 7.13 ~b4
M :Jc4 0-0 9.Wf2 bS 10.abS cbS C: A Safe Haven
11.tlJbS t0c6 [This does not seem 9 ... h6
sufficient - Scherbakov] 12.e3! [12.e4?!
~e4 13.fe4 t0e4 14.Wg1 a6~ followed by Shen Yang
15... tiJd4 gave Black good compensation for Wang Yu A
lhe piece; 12 .~d2 ! ? deserves attention - Hefei ch·CHN rapid 2011 (7)
Scherbakov] 12.. .'ifb8 13.l0c3 [13.J:la6! 1.d4 dS'l13 ttJ16 3.c4 c6'lc3
(Kaufman) 13 ... it'b5 14.t0e5 '*'d5 dc4 S.a4 ~1S'leS e6 7.13 ~ b4
15.1bc6±] 13... es 14.dS J:ld8'a4'lc4 0-0 9.W12 h6?! 10.e4 ~ h7
0.e7 11. ~e3 tt'lbd7 12.'ifb3 cS 13.J:ld1
cd4 14.'ifb4 de3'le3 '*'b8
16 . ~e2 tt'leS 17.ttJbS tt'lc6 18.'ifd6
12... tt'le8 13.h4 h6 14.g3 tt'lc7 a6 19.fl/ b8 J:lab8'ld6 J:l1d8
1S . ~e2 ~e7 16 .~14 t0a6 17.'ifd2'lec4 W18 22.J:ld3 We7
tt'lb4 18.Wg2 ~ h7 19.J:l hd1 tt'lb6 23.J:lhdU
20.b3 tt'ld7 21 .~11 tt'l16 22 .~e3 J:le8
23. ~12 tt'ld7 24.Wg1 ~18 2S.'if14
fl/e7 26.J:ld2 ttJ16 27.J:lcd1 tt'lhS
28.'ife3 ttJ16 29.g4 'i'c7 30.'i'e1
tt'ld7 31 .~g3 1Vd8'ld6 ~d6
33. ~d6 1S? 34.g1S tt'l16 3S .~es e1S
36.J:lg2 • e7 37. g3 J:lad8 38. 14
Wh8 39.e1S ttJhS 40.'ifg4 'i'f7
16.d6?! [16.e4 ~c3 (16 ... ~c5 17 .~e3 41. ~c4 ttJdS 42.ttJdS cdS 43 . ~d3
~e3 18.We3!) 17.bc3 ~e4 18.d6 (18.fe4 J:l18 44.'ifhS '*'hS 4S.~g7 'ii<g8
lbe4 19.Wg1 t0d5 20.ii'c2 l0ec3 21 .h3±) 46. ~es 47.J:lg7 w e8 48 .~bS
18... 1bed5 19.'ifa5 ~f5 20.~e2 ± ; J:ld7 49.J:lc1 J:lf7 SO.J:lc8 We7 S1.f6
16.'i'b5!? 'ifb5 17.l0b5 t0fd5 18.t0e5 1-0
~c5 19 .~c4 ! Scherbakov] 16 ... ~d6 23 ... t0e8'le8 We8? [24 ... J:ld3
17.tiJd6 J:ld6 18. ~e2 e4 19.J:l11 25.J:ld3 J:le8! ] 2S.J:ld8 tt'ld8 26.b4 16
~d7 20.'ifa3 e13 21. ~13 t0g4'lb6 ~g8 28.J:ld7 ~f7 29.bS±
22 ..ig4 ~g4 23.Wg1 iOdS 24.t0dS Bu Xiangzhi eS 30.aS t0e6 31.ba6 ba6 32.J:la7
J:ldS 2S.e4 J:lbS'e7 it'b6 Kakageldiev,Amanmurad tt'lcS 33 . ~a6 tt'la6 34.J:la6 We7
27.~h1 ~e6 28.J:la3 'ifb7 1-2-1-2 Guangzhou Ach 2010 (3) 3S.J:la7 1Pe6 36.We3 g6 37.ttJdS'l13 dS 2.d4 ttJ16 3.c4 c6'lc3 J:lb3 38.\Pd2 ~g8 39.J:la6 Wf7
dc4 S.a4 ~1S 6.t0eS e6 7.13 ~b4 40. J:l16 c,1;>g7 41.J:lb6 J:la3 42.a6 1-0'lc4 0-0 9. t0bd7?1 10.e4
~g6 11. ~e3 • e7'la2 J:l1d8
B: A Solid Developing Move 13.'ifb3 aS 14.l0b4 ab4 1S.~e2 cS
9 ... tt:l bd7 16.J:lhd1 cd4 17. ~d4 tt::Jcs 18. ~cs
'tifcS 19.'ife3 'i'c7 20.'i'b6! 'ilt'e7 E: Striking in the Centre
Laznicka,Viktor 21.Wg1 ± hS 22.aS h4 23.J:ld8 J:ld8 9 ...c5
Vernay,Ciovis 24.J:ld1 J:ld1 2S. ~d1 tt'ld7 [25'lh5
France tt 2010 (5) 26.'ife3±] 26.'ifc7 'i'cS? [26 ... f5!? Giri,Anish
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.t013 t016 4.t0c3 27.ef5 ef5±] 27. 'lieS+- tt'lcS Vallejo Pons,Francisco
dc4 S.a4 ~1S 6.t0eS e6 7.f3 ~b4 1S'lb 7! tt'la6 30.~e2 tt'lc 7 Rijeka Ech 2010 (9)
8.1bc4 0-0 9.Wf2 l0bd7?! 10.e4 31.e1S e1S'ld6 8 33 ..id3 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.t013 ttJ16'lc3
.ig6 11. ~e3 aS [11 ... 'ife7'la2 w e7 34.~1S Wd6 3S. ~g6 w cs dc4 S.a4 ~1S'leS e6 7.13 ~b4
a.lZ'lc4 0-0 9. 2 cS 10.e4 ~c3! Jakovljevic,VIado 38.l:td6 :ta5 39.:te6 gS 40.:tg6 c.t>t7
11 .bc3 ~e41 12. ~a3?1 [Scherbakov Bykov,Aiexey 41 .:th6±] 36 ••• l:la3 37.:td7 6
analyses 12.fe4! lZ'le4 13.Wg1 lZ'lc3 Vienna 2011 (9) 3a.:th7 hS 39.l:th6? l:td3 0·1
14."it"e1 cd4 15 . ~a3 but after 15...lZ'lc6!? 1.lZ'lf3 dS 2.d4 lZ'lf6 3.c4 c6 4.lZ'lc3
16.~f8 "i!l'l8!1r! opined that Black's pawn dc4 5.a4 ~fS 6.lZ'le5 e6 7.f3 ~b4
phalanx gave him good compensation for a.lZ'lc4 0-0 9.'itf2 cS 10.e4 ~c3 Ding Liren
the rook. Still, it probably deserves deeper 11.bc3 ~e4 12.fe4 lZ'le4 13 .~g1 Zhou Jianchao
and more careful analysis. Three months lZ'lc3 14.'ilt'e1 cd4 15. ~a3 :tea Danzhou 2010 (1)
later Ding Liren was successful with the 16.lZ'ld6 .l:le7 17.lZ'lb5 :td7 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.lZ'lf3 lZ'lf6 4.lZ'lc3
h2·h4, .l:lh1·h3 plan against this idea. See dc3 19.'it"c3 lZ'lc6 20.h4 lZ'ld4 dc4 S.a4 ~fS 6.lZ'le5 e6 7.f3 ~ b4
below] 12•.. ~d5! (12 ...lZ'lbd7? 13.fe4 21 .:tc1 'it"f6 22.:th3 :tada 23. ~b2 a.lZ'lc4 0-0 9. 2 cS 1O.e4 ~c3
lZ'le4 14 .~g1 lZ'lc3 15.'it"c2 lZ'ld5? 16.dc5± eS 24.Wh1 'it'f2 25. ~a1 lZ'lc6 11 .bc3 ~e4 12.fe4 lZ'le4 13.'itg1
'*'h4 17.'it"l2 'it"l2 18.Wf2 .!:lieS 19.lZ'ld6 26.'it"e3 ifa2 (26... 'it"e3 27.:te3 f6±] lZ'lc3 14.'it"e1 cd4 15. ~a3 lZ'lc6
.rtc7 20.l:lc1 b6 21 .lZ'lb5 .!:IceS 22.c6 lZ'leS 27.'ilfb3 (27. ~e5!? lZ'leS 28.'it"e5 'it"a4 16. ~fa fa 17.h4
23.lZ'ld4 .!:IdS 24 .~e2 .!:lacS 25.l:lhd1 1·0 29.:ta1±] 27 ...'it"d2 2a ..-c3 'it"f4
Henrichs-Beeker, Oberhausen 201 OJ 29.Wg1?! [29."it"e3 W'a4 30.~e5 lZ'leS

31.'it"e5 'ifd4i] 29 .. .'i!fa4 30.'i!fc4
'ilt'c4 31.:tc4 l:td1 32. ~c3 :tc1

if :i*
33.'itf2 fS 34. ~e1 .l:lb1 35.l:td3 l:tb2
36.'itg1 l:td3 37.~d3 e4 3a. ~c2
£.,. 'itf7 39 . ~a4 :tb1 40. 2 lZ'leS
41.:tc7 'ite6 42. ~c3 g6?! (42 ... 'itd6
£.t. 43.:tg7 bS 44.:tb7= lZ'ld3 45.~e2 lZ'lf4
!::, CiJ£::, 46.'itd2 c.t>c6 47.:tb8 lZ'lg2=] 43. ~c2 ;!;
~ !::, !::, lZ'lg4 44.'itg3 :tf1 45.:th7 lZ'le3
~!::,!::, 46 . ~b3 'itd6 47.:tf7 bS? [~
47 ...lZ'ld5i] 4a.~ b4 ~es 49.:te7 c.t>d4
l:t ~ ~ l::t (49... c.t>f6 50.:te6 'itg7 51. ~c3 Wh6 17 .. .'ii'c5?! [17 ... e5! 18.:th3 l:td8 19.l:tc1
52. ~e5+ -] SO.:td7 'iteS 51.~c3X 'Wie7 20.:thc3! dc3 21.'ifc3i Kaufman;
13.lZ'le5 (13.~c5?! ~c4 14 .~c4 .!:lea 1·0 17 ... lZ'lb4!? 18..-12! :td8 19.:th3 't!Ve7
(although White has the two bishops 20.h5! eS (20...h6 21.lZ'le5! lZ'le4 22.'it"f4 f5
against Black's double knights in an open 23.~c4 lZ'ldS 24 .~d5 :td5 25.l:ld3±)
position, he does not have any advantage Zhou Jianchao 21 .h6 g6 22.lZ'le5!! 'ifes 23. ~c4 lZ'lcdS
as Black's compact pawn structure (with no Batchuluun,Cegmed 24.:te1 'fic7 25 .~d5 lZ'ld5 26..-d4 16
weaknesses) coupled with White's immobile Shenzhen 2011 (7) 27.:td3 and the knight dies soon after
central pawns give Black the chance to 1.lZ'lf3 lZ'lf6 2.c4 c6 3.d4 dS 4.lZ'lc3 :ted1] 1a.t0d2 lZ'lb4 (18...:td8 19.:th3
generate swift counterplay) 15.a5 ( 15 . ~d3 dc4 S.a4 ~fS 6.lZ'le5 e6 7.f3 ~ b4 tOeS 20.:tc1 'it"d5 21 .lZ'lb3 and White may
lZ'lbd7 16.~a3 .l:lcS 17.'it"d2 lZ'ld5 18.l:lhc1 a.lZ'lc4 0-0 9. 2 cS 10.e4 ~c3 play 22.:tc3 next to reach a bishop versus
'ilt'h4 19.'itg1 lZ'lc3! 20 .~h7 'it'h7 21 .l:lc3 11 .bc3 ~e4 12.fe4 lZ'le4 13.'itg1 three pawns middlegame in which the
lZ'li6=F) 15..."it"c7 16.'it"d3 .rtc8! 17.~b5 lZ'lc3 14.'il'e1 cd4 15.~a3 :tea pawns are not imposing - Kaufman. After
lZ'lbd7 18. ~b4 lZ'ldS"f] 13••. lZ'lbd7 16.lZ'ld6 :te7 17.lZ'lb5 l:td7 1a.lZ'lc3 18... e5 19.:th3 f5 20.:tc1 'fid6 21.lZ'lb1
14.lZ'ld7 'it"d7?! [14 ... lZ'ld71 might have [18 .~b2 lZ'lc6 19.lZ'lc3 dc3 20. ~c3. Two lZ'ldS 22.:tb3 lZ'ldb4 23.lZ'la3 White has
been more promising: 15 .~b5 ~c6 or bishops vs knight and three pawns is about completed his development and the ex1ra
15...'it'h4!? 16.g3 'it"e7 with a certain a pawn net advantage to White. His shut-in rook should count for more than the pawns,
advantage for Black - Scherbakov] rook can be developed via h2·h4 and though it's messy - Kaufman; 18...lZ'le5
15 .~c5 :ttca 16.a5 b6! 17. ~ b4 :th1·h3 - Kaufman] 1a ..•dc3 19..-c3 19.h5 d3 20...12 ..b4 21.:th4 lZ'lg4
'it'c7 1a.'ilfd2 h6?! (18... ~c4!?=F lZ'lc6 20.h4 :tea 21 .:tc1 lZ'le7 22.lZ'l13! and White gets in 23. d4 which
19.~c4 'iic4 20.ab6 ab6 21.'it"e2 'it"c7 22. _.b3 :tc1 23.~c1 lZ'lfS 24.~g5 will ensure a favourable queen trade]
22.'ite5 'it'c6 23.'it"d6 'ilt'b7=F Scherbakov] as 25.:th3 h6 26. ~e3 lZ'le3 19.'it"f2 .!:Ida 20.:th3 lZ'lbdS 21 .:td3
19. ~a61 ~ b7 20. ~e2 lZ'ldS 21.c4 27.:te3 'ilt'cS 2a.'ilt'c3 'i!fc3 29.:tc3 [White missed the strong move 21 .:tf3!, but
lZ'lt4 [21 ...lZ'lb4 22.'ilt'b4 :tda (22 ...'t!Vt4 a6 30.:td3! :tc7 [30 ... :td3 31 .~d3 aS even as he played, he kept the advantage
23.:thd1 'it"h2 24.ab6 ab6 25.'ilt'b6) 23.ab6 32.h5 c.t>fB 33.'itf2 c.t>e7 34.'ite3 'itd6 and won after 21 ... 15 22 .~c4 a6 23.l:td3 b5
ab6 24.:ta8 :taB 25.l:tb1 'it"h2 26.'t!Vb6 35.'itd4+-l 31.:tda c.t>h7 32 . ~d3 g6 24.ab5 abS 25.~d5 'WidS 26.:te1 lZ'le4
'ilt'h4 27.'itf1 'ilt'h1 28.'itf2 'ilt'h4= 33.h5 'itg7 34.hg6 fg6 35. 2 :tc3 27.lZ'le4 fe4 28.l:tdd1 White is winning as
Scherbakov] 22 .~f1 ~a6 23.ab6 ab6 36.~e3?! [36. ~e4 bS (36 ... :ta3 37.~b7 he will soon win Black's pawns- Kaufman]
24.d5 edS 25.g3! lZ'lg6 1-2-~ :ta4 38.:td6 Wf6 39 .~a6±) 37.a5 .l:la3 21 ...e5 22.:te1 'fic7 23.lZ'le4 lZ'la4
Survey SL 4.3

24.J:Ig3 ti::lf4 [24 ... ti::lac3 25.ti::lf6 'othB 20.'i!fc3 J:ldB 21 .J:Ic1 gg) 18.a5 ti::ld3 16•.i.b2 '2Jc6 17..i.c3 dc3 18.J:Ic1
26.lL!d5 1Lld5 27.h5 h6 28."ii'f5! e4 29.J:Ig4 19.'otg1 ! ti::lc1 20.J:Ic1 ;t White's minor ti::ld4 19.J:Ic3 b5 20.ab5 ti::lb5 ~ - Y2
ftle3 30.J:Ie3 de3 31 .J:Ie4± and after pieces have become very useful in hitting
winning the e-pawn, White retains good Black's queenside pawns) 16... J:Ifd8 17.h4
kingside attacking chances] 25.ti::lf6 'oth8 'i!fd5 18.J:Ih3 ti::lc2 19.J:Ic1 ti::ld4 20.'fkd1 Ashwin,Jayram
26.lL!e8 J:le8 27.'it'f4 J:le7 28.'i!fg4 f6 Two bishops for a knight and three pawns is Nikolova,Andriana
29.l:la3! "irc6 30.J:Iea1 ti::lb6 31.J:Ia7 very favourable when the pawns aren't Albena 2012 (7)
e4 32."ii'h5? [32.J:Ia8!+-] 32 ... h6 dangerous - Kaufman] 15..i.d2 ti::lc2 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ti::lf3 ti::lf6 4.'2Jc3
33.11t'g6 'li'c8 34.J:Ie1 'fkc6 35.'oth1? 16.J:Ic1 ti::ld4 17.'i!fe3 'i!fd5 18.'i!t'f4 dc4 5.a4 .i.f5 6.ti::le5 e6 7.f3 .i.b4
[35..i.d3!+-] 35 .. .d3? 36..i.d3 "irc3 J:lad8 19.ti::le3 'i!fc6 20..i.c3 e5 8.ti::lc4 0-0 9.c,tt2 c5 1O.e4 .i.c3
37.J:Iaa1 f5 38.'iff5 1-0 21.'it'e5 J:lfe8 22.'i!fg3 'i!ff6 23.'otg1 11 .bc3 .i.e4 12..i.a3?! .i.d5!
'it'h6 24.J:Ie1 f5 25.'tlff2 f4 26..i.d4 13..i.c5 .i.c4 14..i.c4 J:le8 15.a5!?
cd4 27.ti::lc4 d3 28.h4 .i.f5 [28 ...13!? 'li'c7 16.1t'e2 ti::lbd7 17..i.b4 J:lac8
Grandelius,Nils was itching to be played - ChessBase 18..i.b3 ti::lb8 19.'it'e5 ti::la6 20. J:Ihc1
Hector,Johnny website] 29.J:Ie8 J:le8 30. d4 1fh5 ti::lb4 21 .1fc7 J:lc7 [21 ... '2Jd3 22.'ote3
Malmo 2012 (5) 31 .ti::ld6 J:lf8 32.'i!fd5 'oth8 33.1Llf5 J:lc7 23.'otd3=] 22.cb4 J:lec8 23.J:Ic5
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ti::lf3 ti::lf6 4.ti::lc3 d2 34.'i!t'd2 'tiffS± 35.J:Ih3 'it'c5 ti::ld7 24.J:Ic7 J:lc7 25.d5 ed5
dc4 5.a4 .i.f5 6.ti::le5 e6 7.f3 .i.b4 36.1t'f2 'tlt'b4 37.b3 h6 38.J:If3 a6 26 ..i.d5 ti::lf6 27 ..i.b3 J:lc3 28.J:Ib1
8.1bc4 0-0 9.c,tt2 c5 1O.e4 .i.g6!? 39.g3 b5 40.ab5 ab5 41 .J:If4 J:lf4 8 29.'ote2 <J;e7 30.'otd2 J:lc7
11.lL!a2 ti::lc6 12.ti::lb4 ti::lb4 [12... cb4!? 42.1t'f4 'i!fb3 43.'ii'f8 'oth7 44.'it'f5 31. J:Ie1 'otd6 32.J:Ie3 ti::lh5 33.g3 g6
13..i.e3 'it'e7 (13 ..."ii'c7?! 14.J:Ic1 J:ladB liti>g8 45.'i!fd3 'it'e6 46.'fkb5 'i!fe3 34.J:Ic3 J:le7 35.J:Id3 'otc7 36.J:Ie3
15.lL!e5±) 14."~fb3 (now the queen is on 47.'oth2 g5 48 •.i.c4 8 49.'tlff5 J:ld7 37.J:Id3 J:le7 38.J:Id4 ti::lg7
e7 instead of c7 as in the 9....i.g6 tine. The 'ote7 50.'fkh7 'ote8 51 ..i.b5 1-0 39.J:Ih4 h5 40.J:Ic4 'otd6 41.J:Id4
question is whether this is an improvement 'otc7 42.J:Ic4 'otd6 43.J:Id4 'otc7
lor Black) 14 ... J:Ifd8 15.J:Id1 J:lac8 16..i.e2 44.'otd3 ti::lf5 45.J:Ie4 J:ld7 46.'otc3
.i.e4 17.fe4 ti::le4 18.'otg1 'it'f6 19.'fkd3 ti::ld6 47.J:Ie5 ti::lc8 48.J:Ic5 'otd8
(1 9.g3 1Lld4 20.J:Id4 J:ld4 21 .'otg2 J:lcc41? Almeida Quintana,Omar 49.J:Id5 f6 50.J:Id7 'otd7 51 ..i.f7 '2Je7
22 ..i.c4 J:ld2 23 ..i.d2 'iff2 24.'oth3 'i!fd2 Alarcon Casellas,Rolando 52.'otc4 'otd6 53.'otd4 ti::lc6 54. 'ote4
25.J:If1 ti::lg5 26.'otg4 'othBI? 27..i.d3 g6 Badalona 2011 (4) ti::le5 55 ..i.e8
28.11t'c2 f5 29.'oth4 ti::lf3 30.'oth3 ti::lg5 1.d4 d5 2.ti::lf3 ti::lf6 3.c4 c6 4.ti::lc3
31.<;;>h4=) 19... ti::lc5 20."ii'd2 ti::le4 dc4 5.a4 .i.f5 6.1Lle5 e6 7.f3 .i.b4
21.11t'd3::] 13.'li'b3 ti::le4 [13 ... .i.e4 14.fe4 8.ti::lc4 0-0 9.'otf2 c5 10.e4 .i.c3
"i'd4 15..i.e3 'it'e4 16..i.e2 J:ladB 11 .bc3 .i.e4 12.fe4 ti::le4 13.1iti>g1
17.l:lhd1 ti::lc2 18.J:Iac1 ti::le3 19.'ii'e3 J:ld1 ti::lc3
20..i.d1 . Here, as in other sidelines, a piece
is stronger than three pawns, all other
things being equal - Kaufman; 13... J:Ic8?!
14.dc5 ti::la6 15..i.e3 ti::lc5 16.'i!fa3 b6
17..i.e2±] 14.fe4

55 .•. 'ote7? [55 ... f5 56.'ote3 liti>e7 57..i.b5

'ote6] 56.f4! ti::lc6 57 ..i.g6 h4 58.gh4
\it;>f8 59.h5 'otg7 60.b5 '2Ja5 61.\iti>dS
'2Jb3 62 ..i.c2! ti::ld2 63.<J;d6 1Llf3
64.'otc7 [64 ..i.d3! ti::ld4 65.15!] 64...ti::ld4
14.'iYd3?! [Selling one tempo cheaply to 65 ..i.d3 ti::le6 66.'otb8 ti::lf4??
Black. 14.'i!t'e1 cd4 {14 ... 'i!fd4 15..i.e3 f6 [66... ti::lc5! 67.'ota7 '2Jd3 68.'otb7 'oth6
16.J:Ia3! '2Jd5 17..i.c5 J:lcB 18.J:If3 dB 69.b6 '2Jb4 70.'otc8 'oth5 71 .'otd7 <J;g4
19..i.a3±) 15..i.b2 ti::lc6 16..i.c3 dc3 72.'ote6 f5!=] 67 ..i.c4! 1Llg2 68.\iti>b7
1Hit"c3 ti::la5!? (17...'ii'd5 18.h4 J:lac8 ti::le3 69..i.d3 ti::lg4 70.'ota7 ILleS
14....i.e4 [14... 'fkd4 15..i.e3 e4 19.J:Ih3 J:lfdB 20."ii'b2!) 18.'ii'e3 J:lcB 71 ..i.f5 ti::lc4 72 ..i.e6 /Lld6 73.b6 f5
1 6.<~g1 (16..i.e2 J:ladB 17.J:Ihc1 ! 19.ti::la5 1t'a5 20.h4 J:lc3 21 .'li'e1 ;t J:lfc8 74 ..i.f5 'otf6 75.h6 7 76 ..i.e6 'otg6
(1 7.J:Ihd1 ?? 'i!fh4 18.'otg1 .i.c2+) 17... b6 22.J:Id1 !? 'otfB 23.We4 Wc5 24.1t'd4 n .'otb8 ti::lb5 78.<J;cs 'oth6 79.'otd7
(17 ... ti::ld3 18..i.d3 J:ld3 19.J:Ic3;t J:lc3 liti>e7~] 14... 'ltd4 15.'i!t'd4 cd4 1-0

F: A Prophylactic Move 29."i!t'dS edS 30.llb4 feS 31.feS ti:lc7~] 23 ... lld1 24."i!t'b7 'i!rb2 2S.~ ~e4!
9 ...~ 6 27.'it'd7 ~f7 [27 ..."*'es 28.'it'b7 "i!t'b8 26.1t'b8 ~h7 27.h4 ~IS+ ; 22.~d4 "i!t'l4
29."i!t'e7 'it'd8 30."i!t'b4 eS~] 28."i!t'b7 23.~16 'iWI6 24."i!t'b4 as 2S."i!t'c4 (2S.'it'b7
Ding Liren l:td8 29.'it'e7 lla8 30.llb4 "i!Ve5?! 'ii'd4;g3 "i!t'e5 27.~ llb8 28."i!t'a7
Paragua,Mark [30 ... eS~] 31.lld4 f5 32.ef5 ti:lf6 llb3+) 2S ... lld8 26.~d3 "i!Vb2 27.~e2 'iPh7
Ho Ch i Minh City 2012 (8) 33 ..l:td8 lld8 34."i!t'd8 ~ h7 35.fe6 28.lle1 lld4 29.'i!rb5 llb4 30.'ii'a5 'it'b3
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ti:lf3 ti:lf6 4.ti:lc3 ~e6 36.~d4 +- 'ii'f4 37. ~f6 gf6 31.lla1 b6=i=) 22 ... a5 23.g3 lld8 24..l:tc1
dc4 5.a4 ~f5 6.ti:le5 e6 7.f3 ~ b4 38.fVe7 ~g6 39.'ii'e6 'i!fh4 40. 1 "i!t'b2 25.llc2 'i!t'b1 26.<J.?g2~; 20 ..."i!t'd4
8.ti:lc4 0-0 9.'iPf2 ~96 10.e4 'ilfc7 'i!Vh1 41.'iPf2 1-0 21. ~d4 b6 22.~c4~] 21.~e2 lldB
11 . 'i!Vb3 c5 12.ti:la2 ti:lc6 13.ti:lb4 22.'it'a7 "i!t'e5 23.'it'b6± lld7
cb4 14. ~e3 l tfd8 15.lld1 lld7 24. "i!t'c5? [24."i!t'bS b2 25.llc1 'iPh7
16.ti:le5 ti:le5 17.de5 lld1 18."*'d1 Giri,Anish 26.h3 (26."i!t'b4 ~e4 27.fe4 ti:lg4 28.~ 1
"*'e5 19."*'d4 Hector,Johnny ti:le3+) 26 .. .'tifb3 27.llc4 "i!t'a2 28.llb4±]
Malmo 2012 (6) 24 ...'ii'b2? [24.. .'i!fc5 25 .~c5 ~e4
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ti:lf3 ti:lf6 4.ti:lc3 26.~b4 ~d3;!;] 25.~g5?! [25.~c1 "i!Vb3
B. ~ dc4 5.a4 ~f5 6.ti:le5 e6 7.f3 ~ b4 26.'i!fc8 ~h7 27.eS±] 25...lld3 26. c1
ii iii 8.ti:lc4 0-0 9 . ~f2 ~96 10.e4 'i!fc7 llb3 27.'ii'b2 llb2 28.llc1 .l:ta2
i ;l).t 11 .1t'b3 (The rook is coming to dB so the 29.llc7? ~e4 30.fe4 e4 31 .~e3
white queen makes a pre-emptive exit to ti:lg5'i' 32.llb7 lla3 33. 4 f6
~ avoid a confrontation. White does not seem 34.~h5 lla4 35.~g6 b3 36. ~e3 8
~ i vw ~ to have a strong alternative trying to gain 37.llb3 ~e7? [37 .. .fS'i'] 38.llb7 ~d6
1l,~ an edge. 11 .g3 lld8 12.~14 "i!t'e7 13.'iPg2 39..l:tg7 ~e5 40.~d3 ti:le4 41 ~e4
~ w~ ~ c5 14.dS edS 1S.edS ti:lc6 16.d6 'ii'e6 lle4 42. f5 43.g4 .l:tg4 17-Y2
17 .~d3 lle8=; 11.~e3 lld8 12.'it'b3 cS
~ 1::r 13.lld1 cd4 14.lld4 ti:lc6 1S.lld8 lld8
16.~e2=] 11 ... c5 12.ti:la2 tt:lc6 Cheparinov,lvan
19 ... 'i!Va5 [19 ...'it'd4!? (Tay) 20 .~d4 llc8 13.ti:lb4 cb4 [13 ...ti:lb4 14.dcS ti:la6 Arngrimsson,Dagur
21. ~e2 (21. ~d3 a6 22.b3 h6 23.lld1 ti:ld7 1S. ~e3 ti:lcS 16."i!Va3 b6±] 14 .~e3 Albena 2012 (2)
24.~c4 ti:lb8 2S.~b6 ti:lc6 26.lld7 llfd8 15.lld1 lld7 16.ti:le5 [ 16.~e2 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ti:lf3 ti:lf6 4.ti:lc3
(26 .~e2 ti:leS 27.14 ti:lc6 28. ~e3 ti:lb8 llad8 17.g3 ti:ld4 18.~d4 lld4 19.'ii'b4 dc4 5 .a4 ~f5 6.ti:le5 e6 7.f3 ~b4
29.~c4 ~hS 30.lld6 ~18 31 .h3 tj;e7 lld1 20.lld1 lld1 21.~d1 ;!;] 16 ... ti:le5 B.ti:lc4 0-0 9. 2 ~96 10.e4 W/c7
32.lld2 16=) 26 ... ti:leS 27.llb7 ti:lc4 28.bc4 17.de5 lld1 18.'ilfd1 'iWe5 19.b3 h5 11. "i!t'b3 a5!? 12.ti:la2
llc4=; 21. ~a7 llc2 (21...llc1 ?! 22 .~e3 eS 20."i!Vd4
(22 ...ti:ld7 23.~d2 llc7 24 .~d4 ti:lcS
2S .~c5 llc5 26 .~bS ;!;) 23.~d2 lla1
B;l) &~
24.llg1 lla4 2S.~b8 ti:ld7 26.~bS lla8 ~ ~ i 'i¥ iii
27.~d6 16 28. ~b4;!;) 22 .~e2 llb2 23 .~d4
lla2 24.lla1 lla1 2S. ~a1 ti:ld7 26 .~bS
ti:lb8 27.~es ti:la6 28. ~c4 16 29. ~d6
ii ii
i ;l).t
'i¥ i
~ j_ Cjj~~
i i ;l).t
(29 .~e6? ! ~17 30 .~17 ~17 31. ~d4=)
29... ~e8 (29... ~17 30.~e3 IS 31 .eS;!;) ~ i 'if ~ ~ ~
30 .~e6 ~17 31 .~c8 b3 32 .~3 ti:lcS ~ 1l,~ Cjj~ w ~~ ~e8 34.~e3 ~d7 3S .~d7 ti:ld7
~ ~~ 1::[ 1l, ~ 1::[
36. ~d2 ti:leS 37 .~c3 ti:lc6 38 .~b3 ti:laS
39. ~c3 ti:lc6=) 21...llc2 22. ~a7 llb2 ~ l:r
23 .~d4 lla2 24.llb1 (24.llc1 h6=) 12 ... c5? [ 12... ~e7 !? 13.g3 bS 14.abS a4
24... 0 dS! 2S.llc1 ti:lc3 26 .~c3 bc3 20... "i!t'a5?! [20 ..."i!t'c7!? (with an ~ to 15. d1 cbS 16.ti:leS b4 17.~14 'ii'b7oo]
27.llc3 IS 28.llc8 tj;f? 29.eS lla4 30.llc7 both c2 and h2- Tay) 21 ."i!Vc4 'ii'es 22.~d3 13.ti:lb4 ab4 14.dc5± ti:la6 15.~e3
~8 31 .llb7 lla2=] 20. ~e2 'i!fa4 (22."i!Vb4?! lld8 23.~7 (23.~e2 ~e4 ! ti:lc5 16.1t'b4 ti:lce4 17 .fe4 b5
21 ..l:tc1 h6 22.h4 h5 23.llc7 b6 24.fe4 (24.Wic5 lldS 2S."i!t'c8 ~h7 26.fe4 18."i!t'b5 .!:tabS 19 .~ b6 'i!ff4 20. ~g1
24.~g5 ti:le8 25 ..l:tc4 f6 26. ~e3 tLle4 27.~g1 ti:lc3-+) 24 ... ti:le4 25.~1 'We4 21.a5 ti:ld5 22.'it'c5 tLlb6
'i!fa5 [26... ~17 27.eS '*"as 28.14 1fdS "i!t'l6 26.~ 1 1fa1 27.~11 lld1 -+) 23.ti:lb6 llfd8 24.h4 1-0

Slav Defence
Chebanenko Variation SL8.1 (045)

The Variation That Did Not Decide

the World Championship
by Istvan Almasi

1. d4 d5 Anand had prepared the

2. c4 c6 hebanenko Ia wi th 5 .. . 6 a
3. lbc3 tbt6 hi main weapon wi th the black
4. lbf3 a6 piece . It is considered to be
5. e3 e6 quite a modem way of handling
6. c2 c5 thi opening, but it i not the
7. cd5 ed5 most popular Slav ub- y tern -
8. ~e2 ~e6 even within the Chebanenko it-
9. 0-0 lbc6 e lf (5 ... b5 a well a 5 ... ~g4 or
5 .. .~f5 , occur more often).
5 .. .e6 gai ned popularity among
high-le e l pl ayer around 2002,
and ha been pl ayed frequ ntly
at all level ince then, with rea-
sonable core fo r Bl ack. Al -
though Black re trict hi own Vlswanathan Anand
chance o mewhat wi th the
'earl y ' ... e7-e6, in Ge lfand ' ample, and even in hi 20 I0
move order (White ha already rapid match again t Leko, he
pl ayed 4 .e3) it make more delved into the wi ld Anti-Mo -
en e. Ge lfa nd decided to pl ay cow Gambi t (6.~h4 dc4). But in
The Match from a Theoretical the mo t olid move order the mo t important encounter of
Point of View again t the lav in thi match - hi li fe he did not ee a rea on to
The recent World ham pion hip later he even confronted Anand 's ri k too much wi th white in a re l-
match received a lot of critic i m imzo-lndi an with the arne atively hort match. For exam-
fo r being boring, lacking in fre h fo ur move : d2-d4, c2-c4, ple, it wa onl y in the fir t game
theoretical ideas, etc. However, lbb l -c3 , e2-e3! It i , I hould of the rapid play-off(! ) that we fi -
it mu 1 be under tood that uch a th ink, a perfec t wea pon to avoid nally aw what he had in mind
match (or any non-fri endl y Anand ' well-prepared noveltie agai n I the Ia ical Meran,
match, for that matter) i a pecu- in the sharp and complex Mo - whi ch had served a Vi hy'
liar type of conte t, and a very cow Variation, which req uire an main weapon in another of hi
few people get a chance to expe- excellent memory ( l .d4 d5 2.c4 prev io u Wo rld Champion hi p
rience it, it i hard to offer judge- c6 3.lbc3 llJ f6 4.lbf3 e6 5 . ~g5 matche !
ment and advice ' from the h6), or in the Krau e Variati on Gelfa nd cho e the Anti-Meran
out ide' . It i true that onl y three ( l .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. c3 lb f6 et-up l .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.lbc3
game were decided and that 4.lbf3 dc4 5.a4 ~ f5 6. e5). lbf6 4.e3 e6 f3 lbbd7 6.'ifc2,
both player avo ided exce ive However, Bori did not avoid altho ugh he had often u ed the
ri k , but thi i not a medi a how the e y tern throughout hi ca- harper and ' more challeng ing '
to make everyone happy: onl y reer: he u ed to play the chal- 6. ~d 3 before (a often a
one contender can e nter che le ng ing main line 5.a4 ~f5 6. c2). He managed to beat
hi tory a · the World Champion . 6.tbe5 again tthe Krau e, for ex - Aronian wi th 6 . ~d 3 (2009, Tal

Memorial) although he lost a games the score dominates: the again, the que tion i how White
game with it again t Anand in adjustment for the first success- can profit from hi a lready devel -
2008 ( ice rapid). Here I add ful game is too great. oped queen. In thi s ca e it defi -
that Kramnik who revealed in an Well , this ex plains a lot of nitely has more pluses: agai nst
interview about the World Gelfand's caution . Thi s is why the potential d5 IQP White can
Champion hip match then being he used the 'quiet' Anti-Meran, develop with ~e2/0-0/.I:d l , a
played in Mo cow that ' ... Boris and why, on the whole, hi main the d 1- quare has already been
Gelfand and I are conceptuall y aim with white in the whole vacated. There is al o a ma ll
c lose in our understanding of match can be summarized in one tactical trick owing to the queen
che s , and that he had enough word: neutrali zation! being on c2: after the rook ar-
courage to te t the Anand team rives on d I , a threat i et up -
novelty, which had been pre- Fight Against the Isolated Pawn after inserting deS ~c5- White
pared months before, in a sharp Let' now see the course of the make use of hi battery by play-
po 1t10n (he even accepted game in which Gelfand was ing ltJd5 . However, it i not too
Anand' challenge for the ec- White. In Game 2 and 4 Gelfand hard to parry this threat: Black
ond time- with the arne result) . cho e 6.b3, which is the most must defend hi c5-bi shop with
Hi 'courage ' and 'curio ity ' frequently played continuation. ... 'W/e7, or get out of the danger
co t him the match and the title in In Game 6, Bori repl aced 6.b3 zone (to a7 or d6).
2008. (You can ee the detail in with 6.~c2 , which is the econd As ... a7-a6 has already been
a Survey in Yearbook 89 by Hun- mo t popular move in the posi- pl ayed, but a2-a3 ha not, White
garian co-author Lukac !Hazai tion according to the tati tic . can gai n another important
with the telling title: The Varia- Thi s game is our su bject. tempo com pared to the above-
tion that Decided the World mentioned Tarrasch et-ups. The
Championship ... ) move ... ltJc6-b4 deserves atten-
~.t~ • .t i tion in some positions (for exam-
Allow me to quote former World
Champion Vladimir Kramnik ~ .t.~.t. ple inca e of 8.~e2 ltJc6 9.ltJe5·
from the same hort interview ~ .~.~ see Caruana-Dominguez, Khanty-
again: Since world champion- .t. Man iy k ol 20 10 - YB 98 p.
ship matches were reduced to 12 ~~ 164), but it i not so important
games, they have become more that it should be prevented.
tactical than strategic. The
t2J ~tb Anand has even pl ayed a move
match strategy doesn't play the ~~ "VJII ~~~ order which kill the possibility
role it once did; I can say this be- l::t .i ~~ l::t of 8 ... ltJc6 9.ltJe5 and Jo e
cause I played matches of 16, 14 Vi lela wrote twi n Surveys about
and 12 games. In a 16-game Bl ack plays 6•.. c5, after which it in Yearbooks 98 and 99. We
match not a lot depends on one the course of the u ual Anti- have already seen the move
specific contest. And when we Meran play dra tically changes, 8 ... ~e6 in Gelfand-Yakovenko,
started to have just 12 games the and the ensuing po itions are Khanty-Mansiysk o l 20 I 0, but 1
result of each specific contest much more imilar to other open- am not sure that Gelfand would
was much more important. ings! An analogy with the have gone for 9.ltJe5 after
Imagine iffoo tball were cut to 60 Queen' Gambit Accepted arises 8 ... ltJc6, a it i doubtful whether
or even 45 minute - clearly a lot if White plays 7.a3, or 7.dc5 ~c5 that move is reall y so good.
would change. I would therefore 8.a3, allowing Black to take on
advocate an increase in the num- c4.
ber of games to at least 14. It's Another type of tructure ari es
very difficult to predict the result if White in e rts 7.cd5 ed5 and
of a short match. Someone later take on c5, which will re-
catches his opponent out with a sult in an isolated pawn for
gimmick and wins- and that 's it, Black. Thi s is pretty imilar to a
the shape of the match changes Symmetrical Eng lish Opening
dramatically. So we'll be looking or a Tarra ch Defence, e.g. l. c4
at what actually happens, at c5 2.l!Jc3 lDf6 3.ltJf3 ltJc6 4 .e3 e6
each goal that's scored. In 12 5.d4 d5 6.a3 a6 7.cd5 ed5. Once

Survey SL 8. 1

In my opinion, itju t g ive Black mu t be defended , becau e the the fixed pawn tructure (i a-
too many option to pi ck the ' natural ' I 1... 0-0 met by lated d4-pawn v i olated d5-
most comfortable tructure. I 2.ttld5 ...). paw n), but the tructure with
From a practical point of view hang ing pawn on d5/c6 without
Anand wa compl tely right to the white d4-pawn give good
limit Gelfand po ibilitie , fo- counterplay.
cu ing on a po ition that wa till
behind the hori zon ... White can Anand's Novelty: 14... 0·0
capture on c5 at everal point , or One of the points of IO..l:td I i to
ju t wait until Black take the recapture on d4 with the rook
d4-pawn (he mu t do thi ooner after I O... cd4 ll .ttld4 ttld4. o
or later, of course, before devel- far, the pretty straightforward
opi ng hi -bi hop). IO ... tt:l b4!? ha been much more
The early central exchange u u- popular at high Je e l.
ally give Black a wider choice of
et-up . For examp le, after the I think this i one of the critical po-
~-· .i. g
immediate 7.cd5 ed5 8.dc5 .ic5 ition of the opening. White usu-
9..ie2 Black i no longer forced ally continue by developing hi
to put hi bi hop on e6 and can queenside with the well-known .t.-.
play 9 ... 0-0 I0.0-0 tbc6 I J.l:ld I 12.b3 0-0 13 ..ib2 or 12.a3 0-0 j.j.
.ia7, which i no wor e or better,
of cour e although I can ' t ee
I 3.b4 ( o much for kipping
a2-a3 ... ). or play in the spirit of
.. ~
any drawbac k to it. However, 8 ... tt:lc6 by I! .. It i
tLl ~tO
8... .ie6 i a ound move that not ad vi able to take (I 2... d4), ~~ ~~~~
Black hould play ooner or later becau e the en uing po ition fa- ll . ll ~
anyway. vour White, even though th en-
8..ie2 .ie6 9.dc5 .ic5 10.0-0 gine consistently call it a 'dead I think Gelfand had been ex pect-
allow IO ... tt:l bd7 !? (Farago- draw'. Between human players I ing (or even hoping for) thi , and
Erdo , Hungary 2004). It i in- would bet on White' ucce , be- probably focu ed hi preparation
tere ting that Yako enko cho e cau e Black ha no counterplay, on thi move, undere timating
the ame way to develop in his whereas White has a lot of time to the more natural central ex-
gam again t Ge lfand at the create omething again t the black change. According to Gri chuk,
20 10 Olym piad: !? 0-0 king. who did the Ru ian commen-
11 .0-0 tt:lbd7. Thi wa It i better to let White take on c6: tary during the World hampi -
Gelfand' mo t recent game after 12 ... 0-0 bc6 14.b3 on hip live coverage: 'Toma-
with the 5 ... e6 Cheban nko, and .id6 Bl ack uddenl y profit hev ky had a game ver u i
Anand had probably ba ed hi from the knight wap, becau e Hua and he found omething in
preparation on it. Therefore the white king' po llron is I O... tt:lb4 II. b I .. .' Actually,
Gelfand did not repeat hi idea omewhat weakened . Later he the game he mentioned i really a
(i n view f the con equence he can force another weakne wi th mile tone in the development of
would have b en better off if he ... tt:lf6-g4, and if White mu t the line, and practically ide-
had ... ), and went for 9.0-0 tt:lc6 trade hi s bi hop for that knight, tracks the IO... tt:l b4 line.
IO.l:ld l in tead. Thi i the late t he will uddenly reali ze that Anand and hi camp did not want
fa hion. White wait till the very Black' onlyweakne on c6wi ll to confro nt another home prepa-
Ia t moment, and now taking on be hard to exploit against hi two ration in the o nl y relatively harp
c5 i a real threat. bishop . At thi point let me re- line (White often ac hi e-paw n
mind you of Yilela' urvey, ju t to open the po ition), and
A Critical Position where he pointed out that four found a ' imple' olution to the
In tead of IO ..I:tdl , the ' final ' type of central pawn tructure po ition. 10...cd4 tt:ld 4
moment to take on c5 i an alter- can ari e from 8 ... tt:lc6 12..1:td4 .icS 13..1:ldl had already
native though: IO.dc5 .ic5, and Ba d on my ex perience, gained occurred in tournament practice
now I l ..l:td I. The game can con- while working on thi article, I before the Anand-Gelfand
tinue I I... e7 (the c5-bi shop wou ld ay Black hou ld avoid match. 13 ... e7 14 ..if3 0-0!

was a very practical decision by think it i better to let the Conclusion
the World Champion, demon- c 1-bi hop into the game than to You may wonder how Black can
strating that White cannot hope play again t the isolani with un- be so uccessful with the isolated
for any edge there even if he wins developed pieces ... In line men- pawn structure even at the cost of
the d5-pawn ' for free ' . Although tioned before White play a tempo early in the opening.
there are ome tries to improve tlJ O-d4 after 9.dc5 ~c5 or The ecret lies in White' very r
on Gelfand ' play ( 14. ~a4, l O.dc5 ~c5 ll. lld l "f!e7. White early e2-e3, which eal the fate
20.'fifb3), I do not think the final can on ly hope for this structure, of hi s dark- quared bi shop. If the
a se ment will change: Black but the decision wa always in c l-h6 diagonal remain open,
equalize relatively ea ily. Black' hands! This seems to be Black can hardly try ... c6-c5, as
I ee only one point which can be the chance for White to get it. In the appearance of the bishop on
a ' eriou improvement on the the ymmetrical po ition he can g5 would hurt in that type of
game: 12.ed4! . pin the f6-knight and try to cap- i olani tructures. So if you like
ture the d5-pawn with ~f3 , but Black's style of handling this
the opposite-coloured bi hop tructure, and you would like to
do not guarantee victory, even give it a try in your own game ,
with the extra d-pawn. If Black please be careful tote tit in ope-
goe for .. .g7-g5 , then swap the nings where the c !-bi shop can-
dark-squared bishop on g3 and not come into play early!
doubles rooks on the e-file, he After his unsuccessful winning
can try to exploit the white king' attempt , Gelfand switched to
weakened defences, and/or re- the third most seriou alternative
group ~+ to the b l -h7 diago- 6.c5! ? and won the 7th game of
nal. Black ha some queen ide the match in good style. I think
counterplay, but it is not too White's attention will focu s
Thi changes the game's charac- promising. He mu t mainly fo- mainly on thi move in the fu -
ter again and although the sym- cus on parrying White' initia- ture, in tead of improving on
metrical po ition doe not tive on the king ide, which he 6. ~c2. But that i the beginning
promise much at ftr t ight, I till has every chance of doing. of a brand new tory ...

Main Game be more popular than the other, and may preparation on one set-up which can be
6. 'i!Vc2 have slightly better statistics, but it is used universally against different move
basically a matter of taste, and Anand orders! 4...a6\f3 b5 Gelfand-Gashimov,
Gelfand,Boris decided to use the ...a6· ... e6 set-ups this Nice blind 2010; 5... g6 Gelfand-Kamsky,
Anand,Viswanathan time. As Grischuk (who was responsible for Wijk aan lee 2012; 5... ~f5 Gelfand-
Moscow Wch m 2012 (6) the Russian commentary of the Wch Kamsky, Moscow blitz 2008] 5. f3
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6\c3 li:\f6 4.e3 e6 games) pointed out, after 4...a6 5.'*'c2 (this
[At this point it seemed that Anand repeats move order became fashionable after the
the Meran-Variation, like in his earlier World game Kasparov-Morozevich, 1999) Black's .i .. .t'if ~ .t .i
Championship match against Kramnik best reply is 5... e6, while the typical .l.l .l.l.l
(2008). If Black wants to play the Chebanenko-patents 5... ~g4 or 5... b5 6.b3 .l .l ..
Chebanenko all the way, the specialists i.g4 'hit on thin air', since the king's knight
usually start with 4...a6. The early 4...e6 has not developed yet. I found only one
limits Black's perspectives to some extent, Gelfand game (and even that one was a ~~
especially because White has already blitz game... ) with 4...a6 5.'*'c2, which after ttJ ~tt:)
played 4.e3. After 4...a6\f3 Black has Ponomariov's 5...e6\f3 transposed to
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
several options: 5... b5, 5...~f5, 5... ~g4 , the subject of the current match. I think
5... g6 and of course 5... e6. But OK, you here lies the secret of why Anand chose the : .i 'if~ ~ I:r
can choose only one of those ... It is hard to ...e7-e6 sub-system: with 4...a6 5.• c2
say which one of the abovementioned Boris could force him into this line anyway, 5... a6 [Anand prepared a surprise, I did
alternatives is objectively the best. One may therefore it was useful to focus his not find any earlier games by him with this

Survey SL B. 1

move! However, Gelfand had quite a lot of .l:tb8 (Akopian-Arizmendi Martinez, Gibraltar
experience with 5... a6 as well, and he has 2006) 13.~a6!? ~g4 14 .~e2 'IJ¥c7 15.'it'b3
also tested all major alternatives against it. ~2 ~e2 17..1:tea Gagunashvili)
5... 1i:lbd7 6.~d3 Gelfand-Anand, Nice rapid 11..1:ld1 ~7 (White managed to gain a
2008; 6.W'c2 ~d6 Sasikirian-Anand, Bastia tempo compared to the Tarrasch (remember:
2011] 6.W'c2 [6. ~d3?! dc4 7 .~c4 c5 (this Black has played ... c5 in two moves), and
is the main goal of Black's 5...a6: now the spared the move a2-a3, too, but it still seems
game transposes to a version of the QGA to be difficult to come up with a powerful
which is not too favourable for White. The plan, so White often plays a3, b4, ~b2
early development of the queen's knight is anyway. 11... ~e6?!; 11...'li'd6?!
not preferred here, because Black can gain
important tempi in case of the usual
...b7-b5, a2-a4 by ... b5-b4. Another 8 ... ~e6 [Anand selects a move order
drawback is that even the classical 8.a4 which is useful from a practical point of
move is not fully sufficient here, because of view. He wants to exclude the possibility of
8...~e7 9.0-0 tt:lc6 10.W'e2 cd4 11 ..1:ld1 8... tt:lc6!?, when 9... 1i:lb4!?
eSI (which would not work without the Caruana-Dominguez Perez, Khanty-
insertion of tt:lc3-~e7 . The latest high-level Mansiysk ol 2010 - YB/98-164;'c7
game we saw with 6.~d3 was Kramnik- 10.1i:lc6 'it'c6 Mamedyarov-Grischuk,
Tomashevsky, Moscow 2012, where Nalchik 2009 - YB/99-192] 9.0-0 [9.dc5
Kramnik went for a relatively rare and not ~c5 10.1i:ld4!? (10.0-0 li:lbd7 !.Farago-
too convincing line: 8.0-0 b5 9. ~e2) 8.a4 Erdos, Hungary 11 2004/05) 10... 0-0 11 .0-0
li:lc6 9.0-0 ~e7 10.'it'e2 cd4 11 ..1:ld1 e5 li:lbd7 Gelfand-Yakovenko, Khanty-Mansiysk
12.ed4 ed4 tt:ld4 14.'it'e5 '*'d6=! tt:ld5 .l:td8 (13... .1:le8 ol 201 OJ 9 .•• 1i:lc6 1 O..l:td1 [You may ask
Gelfand-Pr.Nikolic, Tilburg 1990; 6.b3 1H~'h7 WfB 15 .~f3 tt:lf6 (15 ...~e6 what happens if White plays at this
Gelfand-Anand, Moscow Wch-m/2 and m/4 16.W'h8 w e? 17...g7+- moment? The answer is 10... .1:lc8!.
2012; 6.c5!? Gelfand-Anand, Moscow Komarov; ~ 13...'1J¥h6 14.'li'c5 (14 ..1:ld5? Compared to 8... tt:lc6 9. e5!?, where
Wch-m/7, 2012] 6 .•. c5 [It is interesting to ~e7) 14...'li'g5 15..,d5 (15 ..1:ld5!?) Black, if he wants to recapture on c6 with a
note that even 6... tt:lbd7 exists here. Black 15...'i!Vd5 16..1:ld5 ~e6 17..1:ld2 (17 ..1:ld1 piece, should play 9.....c7 or 9...~d7. It is
continues to play the Anti-Meran- tt:lb4 t:. 18.b3 tt:la2) 17....1:tfd8 18.b3 .l:tac8 clearly the ideal solution to take back with
Chebanenko hybrid, still not showing his ( 19. ~13; 19..1:ld8 .l:td8 20 .~a3 the rook, and he has the same type of
cards. However, after 6... tt:lbd7 7.c5 the .l:td2) 19.<;t>f1 tt:lb4 20 ..1:ld8 .l:td8 21. ~a3 structure. See the game Sadler-M.Gurevich
game can transpose to Game 7!] 7.cd5 tt:lc2 22. ~e7± Komarov) 14.'*'h7 <;t>!S in the Game Section below. 10.dc5 (I
[White has three moves which are worthy of 'ifeS ~f5 17.'it'h8 'Jile7 thought for a while that this is the optimal
attention: 7.cd5, ?.deS and 7.a3. The latter is 18.'*'h4 16 19. ~d2 '*'b2 20.'it'g3 'JiltS moment to take, since Black has already
another waiting move. White wants to keep 21.e4 tt:ldb4 22.ef5 1-0 Komarov-Kallai, positioned his light pieces (so he has no
the tension, and he does not develop his France II 2005) ... li:lbd7 anymore, neither ... ~c5-a7 by
bishop before recapturing on c4. 7.a3 sparing ... li:lc6 or ... ~e6) , but White still
becomes a useful move after 7... dc4 8.~c4 hasn't achieved anything special) 10... ~c5
bS, when the bishop can return to a2. 7.dc5 11..1:ld1 'ife7 (11... ~a7 !?)
.icS (7 ... dc4 ~cs 9.ttJc5 '*'as
10..id2 W'c5 11 .W'c4 ..c4 12 .~c4cP
Dittmar-VI.Georgiev, Bad Worishofen 2003)
i: • g
B.a3 (~ 8.cd5 ed5 - see 7.cd5 ed5 8.dc5 ' 'it' i i i
.icS) 8... dc4 9 .~c4 b5. This leads to
another QGA-type position. White is just ' ..
.i. i
.a ..
slightly ahead in development in a
symmetrical structure, and his king's bishop
will be better placed than its colleague, but it
is not enough to call it an edge] 7... edS
B.~e2 [If White decides to go for the ( tt:ld5 13.'it'b3 ~e6
isolated pawn structure too soon, it gives 14.e4 tt:ll4-+; 14... tt:la5-+ t:. 15.'it'a3
Black extra possibilities: 8.dc5 ~c5 9.~e2 li'b6 16.ed5 'it'l2; 12.e4?! tt:lg4!) 12... .1:le8;
(}.() (9 ... ~e6 - 8. ~e2 ~e6 9.dc5 ~c5; 12.....d6!?) 10.0-0 'it'e7 (10 ... tt:lc6 11 ..1:ld1 12.b3 (12.a3 0-0 13.b4 ~d6 14 .~b2 .l:tac8)
9... tt:lc6 10.0-0 0-0 (10 .....e7! ~d6 ~a?- 10.0-0 .l:td1 ~a?) 11..1:ld1 12...0-0 13.~b2 .l:tac8 14..1:lac1 ~a?
( 11...~a7 12.~a6 0-0 13.~e2;!;;) ~e6!?] 15.'1J¥b1 .l:tfd8 16.1i:lg5 d4 17.ed4 (\-7-\-7

M.Gurevich-Morozevich, Moscow 2001 ) not come to any official commentator's
17 ...ltJd4:f; 1V iJd4!?, which is very similar mind), especially if you see the follow-up,
to Gelfand's try against Yakovenko, is but it seems to work: 19.llb1 ( 19 .~d2
worthy of attention, but if Black does not tt'b2; 19.g3 llfd8 20.lld8 lld8gg1J)
take on d4, I could not find any decent plan 19... tt'g6 (19 ... 11t'e6!?, a2<) 20.11t'd3
for White] 10...cd4 [10 ... liJb4 11 .11t'b1 (20.lld3 llfdB 21 .e4 lleB!?t; 21...lld3
11t'c8 is a hot subject in today's GM 22.-.d3 lle8=) 20... tfd3 21 .lld3 llfd8
practice, which needs a lot of concrete 22.lld2 (22.lld8 lldB 23.\Pf1 lld1 24.<Jo,e2
analysis - see the Game Section] 11.liJd4 llh1;::t) 22... ~b4 (22...~e7 ! ?gg 6
liJd4 [11 ... llc8 Krasenkow-Bareev, Wijk 23.\Pf1 ?? llc1 24.llc1 lld2- + ) 23.lld4
aan Zee 2003; 11 ... ~d6 Saric-Esen, Novi lld4 24.ed4 llc2gg (6 25 ... ~d2) 25.~e3
Sad 2009] ~d2 (25 ... 1P!B 26.\PI1 \PeS=) 26.\Pf1
However, Black retains full compensation here, ~e3 27.fe3 \Pf8gg) 19.lld1 I.Aimasi;
too, and I do not see how WMe develops his 19.-.d1 !? ~e7! (19...~!) 20.lld4 (20.13
bishop - even at the cost of giving back his (6 21 .e4 Kasparov) 20 ...11t'c2 21 .e4
extra pawn ... (like in the game with 18.~d2) . llfd8gg) 20 ...llld8! Svidler; 19.-.f3 -.13
All this was already pointed out by 20.gl3 llfdB 21.lld8 (21.e4 lldS 22.ed5
Christopher Lutz back in 2003(!) in his notes lld8) 21...lld8 22.b3 (22.1Pf1 lld1 23.\Pe2
to the game Krasenkow-Bareev!] 14...()-()N llh1 24.b3 llh2 25 .~b2 llh6 26.llc1
[Technically, this is Anand's novelty, but the llc6=) 22 ...lld1 23.\Pg2 f6= 6 24 .~b2
idea of giving up the central pawn has already lld2 Kasparov) 19 ...llfd8 20.~d2
occurred after 14... lld8 15.b3 0-0 16.~2 (20.\Pf1 ?! (6 21. ~d2 11t'c2 22 .~e1 )
llc8 in two grandmaster encounters. Perhaps 20 ... ~b6 (6 21...llc2; 20... lld1 21 .• d1
Gelfand expected this when he chose 1O.lld1 ~e7 22 .~d2 lld8) 21 .lld8 (21. ~d2?
and ignored 12.ed4!... Anand (or his team) llc2+) 2 1... ~d8 22 .~d2 llc2; 20.lld8
12.lld4 [12.ed4! Grischuk-Rublevsky, has found the best form of the already lld8 21.b3 (2 1.~d2?? . c2 22.lld1
Internet blitz 2004, see below] 12... ~c5 'irNented' pawn sacrifice: not losing an extra ~b4-+) 2 1...~b4 22.a3 (22 .~b2?? lld2 )
13.lld1 11t'e7 [13...0-0? 14.liJd5] tempo, and not allowing the fianchetto of the 22... 11t'd3 (22... ~c3 23 .~b2 lld2 24.lld1 !
14. ~f3 [14.liJa4?! ~d6 ( 14...~a7 ! ? ~ on c1] 15.liJd5 ~dS 16~d5 5 tfc2 25.lld2 ~d2 26.~d4 tt'b1 27.'. -11
15.~a6! ? 0-0 16.~e2 llac8 17.liJc3 17.lld5 llacsgg [17... llfd8? 18.lld8 lld8 tt'b3)'d30 lld3 24.1Pl1 (24 .~b2
liJe4gg; 17... llfd8gg) 15.liJb6 (6 16.11t'a4) 19.~d2] llb3) 24 ...lld1 25.\Pe2 lle1 26.\Pd3
15 ...~h2 (15 ...lld8'a4 ~d7 17.liJd7 ~a3=) 20'c2!t 21 .llab1 (6 \Pf1 ,
lld7 18. ~d2;!; cP) 16.\Ph2 tt'd6 17.\Pg1 ~e1 ;!; ; 21.b3 ~e7! (2 1... ~b4? 1 22.llac1±
tfb6. Mhough White retains some tt'a2?? 23.llc8 llc8 24.tfg4; 2 1...~a3!?
compensation for the pawn by placing his 22.1Pf1 (6 23.~e1 ) 22 ... tfc7 (6
bishop onto the a 1-h8 diagonal, this is 23 ... -.h2) 23.g3 (23.-.hS!? g6'a5
definitely not the way to handle the position. 11t'h2! 25.11t'a3 'i!fh1 26.\Pe2 -.g2=)
Gelfand could continue with'a4!? ~d7 23... -.c6 24.13 lldS 25 .~e1 llcSgg)'b3 ~e6? 1 (Smirin was very proud of 22.\Pf1 (22.-.e1 ~f6 23.llac1 -.a2)
finding this move, threatening 16... d4) in his 22 ...~f6 23.~a5!? tfe2 24 .~e2 llc2
live commentary, but I do hope he did not 25.\Pf3 lldc8 (25... lld1 26.lld1 lla2
seriously think the line ends here ... The 27.~c3 lla3=) 26.llab1 lla2=) 2 1...~!
level of the Russian commentary that day (!> 21...llc6 22.1Pf1 llcd6 23.lldc1 1?;!;;
was saved by the appearance of Garry 23.~e1 11t'd1 24.lld1 lld1 (6 ... ~b4 ; 6
Kasparov, the 13th World Champion. ~ 18. ~d21 [This excellent move is Gelfand's ... llc1 , ... lldd1 ) 25.-.c40 ~e7 26.\Pe2oo)
15 ...~c6 (not allowing 16.liJa4) 16 .~13 0-0 only chance to stay in the game, and fight 22.llbc10 1it'b2 23.llc8 (23.llb1 ..a2
17.liJd5 liJdS 18.~d5 ~dS 19.lld5 - for an advantage. Holding onto the extra 24.llb4 11t'd2! (24 ... lld2 25.lld2 llc1
15... ~e6) 16.~13 (16.liJa4!? 6 16... d4 pawn would only get him in trouble: 18.lld1 26.lld1 tfe2 27.llc1 ±) 25.lld2 llc1
(16... ~d6 17.liJb6 lld8 (since the knight (Grischuk) 18...~e3'e2 ~cS 20.11t'e7 26.11t'f1 llf1 27.1Pf1 lld2 28.llb7=)
on b6 is guarded here ... ~h2 does not ~e7= 6 21 .lld7 llfd8;'f5 llfd8 6 23 ...llc8 24.tfg4! (6'c8; 6 25...b4)
work anymore ...) 18.1it'a4 - 14.liJa4 ~d6 19. ~d2 lldS'c8 lld8- + Grischuk & 24... lld80 25 .~b4 lld10'd1 tfb4'a4) 17.tfc2) 16...0-0 17.liJd5 liJdS Smirin;'b3 lltdagg 6 19 .~d2 lldS 27.1it'd8 tffB 28.tfc7! tfaBD= 6 29... b5]
18. ~d5 ~ds 19.lld5 llfdagg and at first 20.11t'd5 lld8- + Svidler; 18.11t'e2 tfe4 18... ~e3 19 .~c3 ~b6 ! [The bishop is
sight it looks as if White has won the (18... llfd8? 19.lld8 lldB 20.~d2 ± ; less vulnerable here. 19... ~g5? ! 20.tfb3±
central pawn under better circumstances 18... tt'f6!? (6 19 ...llld8) is obviously not a (6 lle1 ; 6 ~b4;'f5;!; Svidler)
than in the game] human way of finding compensation (it did 20 ... llfe8 21 .lle5 tfdB 22.11t'b7;
Survey SL B. 1

19... .i.c5?! 20.l:te1 ] 20.W'f5 [~ 20 .~b3! ? Black controls the f4-square, preparing the be careful here because of the h5-pawn.
(I.Aimasi) 20 ... ~e6 (20... llc6?! 21 ..i.b4 perpetual by 28 .. .'ii'e4 and if 29 .~g3? ? For instance, Black already threatens
~c5 22 ..i.c5 l:tc5 23.l:tc5 W'c5 24.~b?;!;; ; f4X. 28.'it'b4 (28 . ..-c7 '*e4 29 .~g3 26 ... l:td5 29.g4 l:tg5. White has no time to
20... l:tfe8 21 .h3 (21.'i!t'b6 l:tc3!; 21 .g3 .i.l2! '*d5) 28 ... l:te30 29.l:te3 'it'b4oo] execute his plan l:te4-a4/c4] 26.l:te1
22.~12 W'e3 23 .~g2 ~e4 24 .~h3 20 ...'t'i'e6 21 ...-f3 [21 .ii'e6 .i.l2 (26.h6?! g51? (the most ambitious 6
'i'e6=) 21...'it'e6 (21 ....i.c5!? 6 22.l:te1 (21...fe6=) 22 .~ h1 (22.'i912? fe6- + ) ... ~f7-g6; 26... .i.d4?! (Svidler) 27..i.d4
'i'e1 23 ..i.e1 l:te1 24 .~h2 .i.f2~) 22 .. .fe6 23.l:td7 e50 (Svidler; 23 ... l:tf7? l:td4 28.l:tc1 ;l; l:td6 (28 ...l:ta4 29.l:tc6 gh6
22.l:tad1 - 20 .... W'e6 21.l:tad1 llfe8 22.h3; 24.l:tf7 'ittf7 25.l:tf1 + -) 24 ..i.e5 (24.l:tb7 30.a3;t) 29.hg7 'ittg7 30.b3! (6 g3, J:tc5)
22.l:te1 '*'c6; 22 ... '*'e1 23 ..i.e1 l:te1 .i.d4=) 24 ... l:tf7 25.l:tf7 ~f7= 26.l:tf1 ~g6] still gives some slight winning chances;
24 .~h2 .i.l2~) 21 .l:tad1 (21 .l:te1?? 21 .. .f6! [This move was criticized by both 30.l:tc5 l:td1 31. ~h2 l:td2; 26 ... gh6
l:tc3!-+ Svidler; 21 .h3 l:tfd8=) 21 ...l:tfe8 Russian top GM commentators because it Grischuk 6 27..i.f6 .i.f2 (27... l:td2=)
(21...l:tfd8? 22.l:td8 l:td8 23.l:td8 .i.d8 creates weak squares around the king, and 28 .~12 l:tf8=) 27..i.f6 l:tf8 28..i.g5 l:tl2
24.'i'b7 ~a2 25.h3±) 22.h3 (22.h4!?) Svidler preferred 21...h6 here. But I think Kasparov: 26.g4 l:te8!? 6 27 ... l:te4;
22 ....i.c5!? (aimed against 23.'*'b4: 22 .. .16 that if we can lessen the power of the 26... .i.d4 27.l:tc1 .i.c3 28.l:tc3 l:td4=;
23.'ftb4!;l; 6 l:td6; 6 l:td7; 22 ... h6 bishop on c3 and take away the e5- and 26.l:tc1 l:td5] 26... 7 27.g4 [27.l:te4
23.'it'b41 and then drive the queen to the g5-squares from the rook, we can live with l:td1 (27 ... l:td5 28.l:ta4 (28.g4 .i.a5!?=)
kingside - just like in the game, but with a those 'holes' - in fact only e6 was 28 ... l:tf5 29 ..i.e1 l:tb5 (29 ...a5 30.g4 l:tb5
serious difference: ... f7-f6 has not been weakened ... ; ~ 21...h6 (Svidler) 22.l:te1 31 ..i.c3 f5~ ) 30.b3 a5 31.g4 f5 ~ ) 28. ~h2
played yet) 23.l:t1d3 (6 24.l:tg3; 23 ..i.g7 l:tc3?! (~ 22 ... '*c6) 23.l:te6 l:tf3 .i.l2 29.l:ta4 l:td3! 6 30... .i.g3] 27 ... .i.d4
~12 (23...~g7? 24.W'c3± ) 24 .~12 'ittg7 24.l:tb6;l;; 21 ... l:tfd8 (Grischuk & Smirin) (27...l:td5!? 28.l:te4 .i.a5= 29.l:tc4 .i.c3
25.'ittg1 'ife3= arrives still in time, 22.l:te5! (22.l:td8 l:td8 23.'*'b7 ~a2 ! 30.l:tc3 l:td4] 28.l:tc1 .i.c3 29.l:tc3
otherwise after 26.~h1 or 26 .~h2 the (23 .....-e2 24 ...-f3) 24.l:te1 .i.c5) l:td4 Yd'2
Black monarch's situation would be quite 22 ... ..-c6 (~ 22... ~d7 (keeping an eye on
unpleasant; 23 ...-b7 g4) 23.l:tae1 (6 24.l:te7) 23 ....i.c5 and
you cannot avoid playing ... f7-f6 anyway)
23.'it'g4 (6 24.l:te8, 25 . ~g7X) 23 ... g6D
is a move a human definitely would not The Piece Capture on c6
want to make] 22.h4 [22.l:te1 c6 1O. tt:le5 :tea
23.l:te7 (23.h4 l:tfe8) 23 ... l:tfe8 (Grischuk &
Smirin; 23 ... l:tc7!?=) 24.l:tg7 ~g7 25.l:td7! Sadler,Matthew
d70 (25 ... ~f8 26..i.b4!) 26 .'~Wf6 ~g8 Gurevich,Mikhail
27...-h8 ~7 28.'*f6=. This could be a Germany Bundesliga 2002/03 (12)
spectacular way to finish the game, but of 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.t.Llf3 t.Llf6 4.t.Llc 3
course Boris was still searching for more at e6 5.e3 a6 6.'ifc2 c5 7.cd5 ed5
this point; 22.l:tad1 (6 23.l:td6) allows to B..i.e2 t.Llc6 9.0-0 .i.e6 1O.t.Lle5!?N
trade rooks: 22... l:tfd8 23.l:td8 l:td8 24.l:td8 J:tc8!
.i.d8 (6 25... 'it'c6) 25 .~b7 '*'a2 (the
23....i.l2! 24 .~f2 'ife3 25.Wf1 l:tc4 whole position hangs by a thread, but, as
26.l:t5d4 l:td4 27.l:td4 'i!fc1 28. ~12 ~e3 White needs a moment to draw breath, the
29.~f1 1!fc1=. With the queen on b3, gained tempo is enough for Black to
White could defend by returning to d1 ) survive) 26.h4 'i!t'b1 27. ~h2 '*f5! (~
23... f6!? (23 ...b6 24.l:tg3 g6; 24... f6 27 .. .'it'd3 28.'t'i'b3! 'itth8 29.'ifb8 (6
25.l:td7!) 6 24.'t'i'b7 .i.f2! 25.'i912 l:tc3! 30..i.a5) 29.. .'lWd5) 28.ii'b3 (28.'it'a6?
26.l:tc3 '*et 27 .~3 g5!! .i.c7+ 29 .~g1?? 'it'b1 30.'iff1 .i.h2;
28.'t'i'b8 'ifd5D; 28 ...-a8 'iff4) 28 .. .<t>f8!;
however 22 .. .'il'c6 is fine too, e.g. 23.'i!Wg4
(6 24.l:td7) 23 ... l:tcd8D (23... l:tfd8?
24.l:td7 +-) 24.l:td7 l:td7 25.l:td7 l:tf7=]
22 ... 'ifc6 [Kasparov predicted it correctly
long before Vishy played it. 22 ... l:tfd8? 11 .'i!t'a4 (11 .l:td1 cd4 (11....i.d6 12.t.Llc6
23.l:td8 l:td8 24.'it'b7±] 23.h5 l:tfd8 l:tc6 13.dc5 l:tc5 14.'it'a4 '*d7 15.W'd7
24.l:td8 l:td8 [~ 24 ....i.d8 25.'t'i'f51 ~d7 16..i.d2 t.Lle4 17.t.Lle4 de4 18..i.c3
Svidler; 25.'it'g4t Grischuk & Smirin] l:td5 19..i.g7 l:tc8 20..i.c3 l:td1 21 ..i.dt b5
25.~c6 [25 .~f5 'it'd5] 25 ... bc6= 22.a3 f5 23.g3 .i.d5 24 .~1 1 ~e6 25.'ittet
[Although Black's queenside pawns are .i.c4 26.l:tc1 .i.d5 27.'ittd2 l:tc6 28.h4
weakened, I felt that it is White who must i.e? 29..i.h5 .i.b3 30..i.e2 .i.d6 31 .g4 f4

32 .~f1 13 33.g5 <M7 17-17 Ovseevich-Wirig, 50.'i!t'c4 <;t;>Q7=] 47.l:le3 de3 48.l:lt3 gfS 23.~c4 ~2 (23...~d4=) 24.~h2 ~c4=]
Ulle 2011 ) 12.ed4 ~d6 13.~c6 l:lc6 49.l:lf5:t 1Vc6 SO.'ilt'e3 e4 51 .<;i;>h2 20.•. ~t6 21 .d5 eS 22.W a2 ~g4
14 .~g5 o-o 15 . ~ h6 16.~ ~h2 . d6 52.'i!t'f4 'i!t'f4 53.l:lf4 gS 23.t3 ~d7 24.l:lac1 "Wb8 25 .~b4
17.coPh2 g4 18. ~g4 W"h4 19.~3 ~3 54.l:la4 ~g6 55.l:la6 t6? [55 ... <;t;>g7=] · 4 26.l:ld4 aS 27.~c5 W'b3
20.gh3 'iit'f4 21.coPh1 ..13 22.coPh2 f4 56.<;i;>g3 t7 57. 4 hS 58.l:la8:t 28.'*d2 l:lc8 29.~d1 W"d1 30.l:ld1
23.coPh1 W"l3 24 .<~>h2 W"f4 17-17 Kornev-Ni h6 59.~e4 fS 60.l:lb8 h6 ~d1 31 . 'ilt'aS ~c2 32.l:ld2 ~fS 33.f4
Hua, Moscow 2012; 11. ~13 cd4 12. c6 61 .coPd5 t7 62.<;t;>e6 ~gS 63.<;i;>e7 d3 34. a4 <;i;>d8 35.W'as <;t;>e8
l:lc6 13.ed4 ~e7 14. ~f4 o-o 15.l:lad1 e4 64.l:lh8 <;t;>gS 65.<;i;>e6 h4 36. bS ~d7 37.'i!t'd3 l:lcS 38.l:lc2
16.W"b3 ~ 17 .~d2 l:lfc8 18.a3 ~c3 66.coPd5 ~t2 67.coPd4 4!= 68.l:lh4 l:lc2 39. c2 ~d8 40. e4 8
19 . ~c3 ..c7 20.h3 l:lb6 21 .W"c2 .-d7 [6B ... coPg3 69.l:lh6 <;t;>g2] y,. y, 41.W'b4 8 42.a4 hS 43.a5 l:lh6
22.l:lfe1 ~fS 23..-d2 ~e4 24 .~e4 ~e4 M .Gurevich 44.d6 ~c6 45.a6 7 46.a7 l:ld6
25.l:le3 l:lg6 26.13 ~fS 27.g4 hS 28..-e2 47.'Wc4 ~b6 48.'i!ft7 <;t;>c8 49. 1
hg4 29.hg4 ~e6 30.l:le1 l:lc6 17-17 l:ld7 so.Wt8 l:ld8 s1. W'g7 l:ld7
Postny-Antoniewski, Eretria 2011] 11 ..• .-c7 52.'i!t'g8 l:ld8 53."Wt7 l:ld1 54.<;i;>e2
[11... ~d6 12. c6 l:lc6 13.dc5 ~cS l:lc1 55. 2 l:lcS 56.'i!ff8 1-0
14 .~6± ; 11 ... W"b6!N 12.l:ld1 cd4 Sidetracked
( 12...~e7 13.dc5 ~cS 14.~ l:lc6 1 O.l:ld1 tt:J b4 1 U!Vb1 1!Vc8
15.~13;t) 13.ed4 (13.~c6 l:lc6 14.'i!t'd4 Wojtaszek,Radoslaw
'*c7 15."*'h4 ~d6 16.~d3 ~g4 17.~e2 Wang Vue Sokolov,lvan
~16 18. ~d3 g4 17-17 Turov-Rublevsky, Rublevsky,Sergey Khanty·Mansiysk ol 2010 (3)
Krasnoyarsk 2007) 13...~e7 (13...~d6!?) Ningbo It 2010 (20) 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 t6 4.e3 a6
14 .~e3 o-o (14 ... 'iit'b2?! 15 .~ ! bc6 a) 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 t6 4.e3 e6 5.'i!fc2 e6 6. f3 cS 7.cd5 edS
(1 5... l:lc6 16.l:lab1 W"a3 (16 ... W"c3 s.~t3 a6 6.Wc2 cS 7.cd5 edS 8.~e2 8 . ~e2 c6 9.0-0 ~e6 1 O.l:ld1 b4
17.l:ldc1±) 17.l:lb7 '*a4 18. ~4± Roiz) ~e6 9.G-O ~c6 10.l:ld1 b411 .'ilt'b1 11 .'i!t'b1 W'c8 12 .~d2 ~fS 13."Wc1
16.~d2 ~fS 17. ~6;t Roiz) 15."Wc2 'i!t'c8 12 .~d2 ~fS 13."it'c1 c4 14. eS c4 14.a3 d3 15 . ~d3 ~d3 16. eS
(15.l:ld2=) 15...l:lfdB 16. ~d3! (16."ifd2?! [14. e1 ~d6 15.b3 bS+ Krasenkow· ~fS [I prefer this move to 16... ~g6,
~~) 16... .-c7 (16... eS?! 17.de5 d4 I.Sokolov, lzmir It 2004] 14..•~d6 because from fS the bishop oovers
18.el6 ~16 19.~7 coPh8 20~d4 ~d4 [14 ... ~c2? 15.e4] 15.b3 [15.13!? ~ important squares on the queenside and is
21.~e4:t; 16... b4 17."_.b3 'Wc7 18.~e2= 16.~e1 o-o 17.g4 ~e6 18.g5 ~d7 19.~c4 a better help in the defence than on g6]
Roiz) 17. c6 (17..-e2? ~es 18.~f4 ~g4 ! ~e7 20.14 21.ed4 dc4 22.~13 b6
19.~e5 Wc3! 20.bc3 ~e2 21.~e2 e4+ 23.d5 ~g4 24.~g4 'iig4 25.~g3 ~cS
Roiz) 17....-c6 18.l:lac1 (18.~g5 h6 26.<;t;>g2 l:lfeB 27.W"c2 l:le3 28.l:le1 'i!t'l3
19.~h4 l:leB 20.l:lac1 = Roiz) 18 ....-d7 29.<;i;>h3 l:laeB 30.l:le3 l:le3 31 .".-fS l:ld3
19.h3 (19.~g5 h6 20 .~h4 ~hS 21. ~e7 32.l:le1 ..hS D-1 Duque500f·lautier,
'We7 22..-d2= Roiz) 19... l:lc6= Montpellier 2006] 15...b5 [15 ... ~!? 16.bc4
Mittelman-Roiz, Israel 2005] 12..~d2 ~d6 (16.e4?! d4; 16.l:lb1 ~3) 16... ~ 1
[12 ...cd4 13.ed4 W"b6;:] 13. c6 ~d7? ! 17.'i!fa1 f] 16.bc4 bc4 17.a3 [17.e4!?
[13 ...1i'c6 14.dc5 ~cS 15.l:lac1t] 14.dc5 e4 ( 17...~e4 18. ~g5 .c. ~16. )
~h2 [14...~c5 15.~d5 dS 16.1i'e4 ~e6 18. ~e4 19.~ ~ 20."We3 o-o
17. d4±] 15.coPh1 ~c6 16.W"h4 ~es 21.~oo] 17...~c6
17.f4! ~c3 18.~c3 We7 19. ~d3
[19.'Wgs o-o 20.l:lf3±J 19...~b5!?
20.~b5 abS 21 .l:lt3 [21.'i!fg5!?] 17.e4 de4 18.~g5 [18. a4 ..e6
21 ...l:lc5! 22 .~b4 b6g'! 23.l:ld1 o-o 19. c4 is similar to Tomashevsky-Ni Hua,
24.l:lg3 l:le8 25."it'gS g6 26.l:lt3 c;Pg7 but after 19... b5 20. cb6 l:ld8 (20 ... l:lbB
27. ~c5 bcS 28.'i!t'h4 h6 29.l:lh3 l:lh8 21 .d5 dS 22. dS 'i!fdS 23 .~f4) 21 .d5
30.a3 W'd7 31.c;Pg1 -.fs 32.'i!t'e1! [.c. dS 22 .~a5 ba4 23.~d5 l:ldS 24.l:ld5
33..-cJ;:] 32 ...l:lb8 33 ..-c3 b4 'WdS there is no check on cB; 20. ab6
34 ..-cs ba3 35. 'iit'a3 [35.ba3 l:lb2;=] l:ld8 (20... bc4 21 .~a8 'i!fc6 22.d5! W'a8
35 ... 'ilt'c2 36.-.d3 'i!t'b2 37.l:lt3 W"b4 (22... dS 23 .~a5! "Wa8 24.'i!t'c4 ~e6
38.1t"d4 'ilt'e7 39.l:lt2 l:lb4 40.W"e5 25."Wa4+-) 23."Wc4 (.c. 24 .~b4 )
'ilt'cs 41.l:ld3 l:lb1 42.c;Ph2 l:le1 23... "Wb8 24.'i!Va6:t) 21.d5 dS 22 .~g5!
43.c;Pg3 1t"c6 44.l:lc3 W"d7 45.f5 d4 bc4 (22 ... f6 23. dS (23 .•d2 fgS 24. dS
[45 ... gf5 46.l:lf5 W"e6 47.W"e6 fe6 4B.l:lc7 18.~d51? ~es [18 ...~d5 19.~c4 .c. l:ldS 25.'Wd5 bc4) 23... l:ld5 24.l:ld5 'WdS
<;t;>g6 49.lll3=] 46.l:ld3 l:le3 [46 ... de3 ~13 . e4gt!] 19.'i!t'c4 ~e6
20. t6 25. e3 'We6 26. fS 'WfS 27.'Wc6 <;f;lf7)
47.l:ld7 ef2 48.l:lf7 <;f;lf7 49.'i!t'c7 l:le7 [20.~13 ~dS 21.~d5 ttJd4 22.ed4 'ilt'c4 23."Wc4 f6 24. ~d5 <;t;>f7 25 .~f4 ~e7;::t]

Survey SL 8. 1

18 ...W'e6 19. e2 dS 20.ti:lf4 f4 11 . b1 "ireS 12 . ~d2 ~fS 13.'ifc1 27.bc5 'ifd4 28.c6 llacB 29.c7 lld7
21 .~f4 llc8 22.dS 'i!ff6 23.d6 ~d6 c4 14.a3 d3 [14 ... c2 1S.lla2 bS 30.'ifd4 lld4 31. c6+- ) 27. c6 ...d2
24.lld6 W"d6 2S.t1:Jf7 .-e6 26. d6 16. h4 ~d3 (16 ... b4 17.liJf5 'it'fS 18.ab4 28.liJe7 WfB 29.'i+'d2 lld2 30. fS! )
'it>fB 27.".-c3 lld8 28.lld1 WgB liJb4 19.llaS) 17.b4!; 14... c6!? 1S.e4 26 ...~c5 27.bcS 'i+'d4 28.W"d4 lld4
29.lld2 ~g6 30.~eS lld7 31 . c4 (1S.lle1 ~e7 16.e4 de4 17.dS el3 18 .~13 29.~c3!] 24. aS ~d6 2S. c4 ~b8
h6 32.ftjd6 Wh7 33.h3 llhd8 d4 19.d6 0·0 20.de7 li:\13 21 .gl3 lleB) [25...~c7 26. eS] 26.liJeS lle8
34.W'g3 llc8 3S.b4 llc1 36.Wh2 1S ... de4 16. eS bS; 16 ... ~e7 17 .~c4 0-0 27.llac1 W"d6 [27... ~fS] 28.W"h3
J:lb1 37.f4 ef3 38.gf3 ll b3 39. ~f4 18. ~gS] 1S .~d3 ~d3 16.liJeS ~g6 dS [28 .. .'..d4 29. c6±; 29. ~f4 W"b2
J:la3 40.llg2 lla2 0-1 17.e4!? de4 [17...~e4 18.lle1 (18. ~gS 30.llb1 'i+'c2 (30 ...'it'a2 31.liJg6+-)
~e7 19. e4 e4 20.~e7 We7 21 .lle1 31 .lldc1 (6 32.liJg6) 3 1... ~eS 32.llc2
lleB (21...16 22.13 feS 23.fe4; 21...Wf8!?) ~f4] 29.liJg6 'i+'g6 30. e4!+- llae7
Yakovenko,Dmitry 22.13 liJf6) 18...~e7 19.~gS 0-0 20.13 ~fS 31 . c3 f6 32.W"f3 g4 33.h3
Sakaev,Konstantin 21 .liJg4 ~e6 22 . ~16 ~f6 (22 ... gf6 h2 34.'it'dS 'i+'d3 3S.liJb1 J:le2
St Petersburg 2011 (1) 23. dS+-) 23. f6 gf6 24.tfh6 'i+'dB 36 . ~b4 llc2 37. ~d6 llc1 38.llc1
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4.e3 a6 2S.lle3!± (2S. e2 ~fS 26. f4 ~g6) liJf3 39.".f3 f3 40.gf3 ~d6
S.'i'c2 e6 6.liJf3 cS 7.cdS edS 2S... hB (25...~fS 26.llae1 tt"d6 27.f4) 41. 1 aS 42.llc6 ~e7 43. c3
B.~e2 liJc6 9.0-0 ~e6 1 O.lld 1 b4 26. e2 ~fS 27. f4] 18. 4N "tt'e6 llb8 44. dS ~d8 4S.b4 8
11.'ii'b1 W"c8 1 2.~d2 ~fS"c1 [1 8...llb8 19. b6 W'e6 20. ec4 lldB 46.We2 1-0
c414.a3 liJd3 1S. ~d3 ~d3 16. eS 21..~.14 ±; 1B ... liJdS 19.liJc4 'i+'c6 (19 ... bS
.ig6 17.e4 de4 18. ~f4 bS 19.liJg6 20.liJab6 liJb6 21 . b6 'i+'c1 22.llac1 llb8
hg6 20. e4 e4 21 . e3 'it'e6 23.llc6±; 19...~e7 20. ab6 b6 21 . b6
22.dS 'ii'c1 22.llac1 lldB 23 .~f4±) 20.liJcb6!
liJb6 21 .W'c6 bc6 22.liJb6 llbB 23.~as The Rook Capture
~e7 24.llac1±] 19.liJc4 ~e7 [19 ...bS 1o...cd4 11.t!J d4 t!J d4 12.l:l d4
• .t. K 20.liJcb6 lldB
...... Ragger,Markus
~ ... Kobalia,Mikhail
Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011 (8)
!::, 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4.e3 e6
... ~ S. f3 a6 6."tt'c2 cS 7.cdS edS
!::, 'iV 8.~e2 ~e6 9.0-0 liJc6 1O.lld1 cd4

!::, t::,t::,t::, 11.liJd4 d4 12.lld4 ~cS 13.lld1

~ ~ w 'i+'e7 [13... llc8

22 ... ~cS 23.de6 ~e3 24.ef7

2S .~e3 llhd8 26. ~b6 lld1 27.lld1
J:leB 28.f3 f6 29. lleS 30. · S
J:ldS 31.lld2 We6 32.~c3 J:lfS 21 .dS! dS 22 .~5 ~e7 23. dS lldS
33.lle2 34.g3 gS 3S.Wg2 g4 24.lldS 'i+'dS 2S.W'c8 ~dB 26.liJc3 W"d7
36.fg4 liJg4 37.h3 liJf6 38.lleS lleS 27.W'a6 e30 (27... ~aS 28.lld1) 28.fe3
39. ~eS dS 40. 3 g6 41 .We4 ~as 29.lld1 ~d3D 30.'i+'aS±; 19... dS
'it>e6 42.'~d4 liJb6 43. ~f4 liJa4 20. c5 ~c5 21 .dc5 0·0 22 . ~aS!;
44.~c1 Wd6 4S.g4 We6 46.We3 22. d6!?! ] 20. cS tfc6 [~ 20 ...~c5
'it>dS 47.h4 aS 48. 4 We6 49.WgS 21 .dc5 0·0 22 .~aS !] 21. aS "it'dS
SO.Wh6 c3 S1.bc3 liJc3 [21...'i+'b6 22.liJab7 o-o 23.b4! ]
52. ~d2 b4 S3.ab4 ab4 S4.gS liJdS 22.liJab7 [~ 22. cb7 o-o (22 ... ti'd4? 14.e4? (14.W"a4! ~d7 (14... d7 1S.tfd7
SS .~b4 Y.- Yz 23.Wc6 WfB (23 ...'it'd7 24. d6 ~d6 Wd7 16.e4!) 1S.'ifb3 ~c6 (1S ... ~e6
2S.W"a8 WdB 26.tfdB WdB 27. ~b4+-) 16.W"b7±; 16.e4!) 16 .~f3 0·0 17.liJdS!
24.~b4 tfeS 2S.liJd6+-) 23.W"c4! ] with the rook on cB is a better version of
Tomashevsky,Evgeny 22 ...0-0 [22 .. .'i!¥d4? 23 . ~f4+ -; 22...~hS pawn grabbing for White than after
NiHua 23.lle1 0-0 (23... d4 24 .~c3 dS 13 ...'ife7- notes to 14th move of Gelfand-
Saratov 2011 (3) 2S.~f6 ~f6 26.liJd6! +-) 24.'it'c3] Anand main game) 14... e4 1S.1it'a4?
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.liJc3 liJf6 4.e3 a6 23.'ifc3 lla7?1 [23 ... llfb8 24. aS lldB (1S. e4?? ~12 ; ~ 1S . ~S abS 16.liJe4+)
S.W'c2 e6 6.liJf3 cS 7.cdS edS 2S.b4 (2S .~e3 'ifhS! 6 ... liJdS; 6 ... g4) 1S ... ~d7 16.'ilt'b3 f2-+ 17.lldS liJg4
8 .~e2 ~e6 9.0-o c6 1 O.lld1 liJb4 2S ... ~hS 26.lle1 (26.lldc1 W"d4 (26... ~cs (17 ... Wc7-+ 6 .. . g4; 6 ... 0-0) 1B.llc5
l:tc5 19..i.g4 .i.g4 20.'ii'b4 'ii'e7 21 ..i.f4 .i.d2 31 •.i.d6 .i.gS 32. ~f8 c;,f;>f8 ol 2006] 13 .~gs [13.'it'b3 0-0 14 .~13
l:tc6 22.'ii'd4 "i!J'c5 23.l:te1 .i.e6 24.'it'c5 33.l:td1 l:tc7 34.l:tdd4 .i.f6 3S.l:tc4 (14.'it'b7 ~h2 ! 1s.wh2 'ikd6 16.g3 : lb8
l:tc5 25.t!:le4 0·1 Mamedyarov-Aronian, l:td7 36.l:tc8 w g7 37.w g2 l:td2 17.~14 'it'14 18.gf4 l:tb7; 14 .~gS h6
Moscow blitz 2009] 14..i.f3 l:td8 1S.b3 38.l:tc7 bS 39.a3 aS 40.l:tb7 l:tb2 1S.~f6 (<!: 1S .~h4) 1S... 'it'l6 16.tUdS
0-0 16 .~b2 l:tc8 17.tUdS .idS 41.h3 l:tb3 42.l:te3 l:te3 43.fe3 a4 ( 16 .~13? ..14; 16...b7 l:tlb8 17...c6
18 .~dS .i.e3 19.'iVe2 tUdS 20.l:tdS 44.l:tbS .i.e? 4S.l:taS .i.a3 46.l:ta4 "*dB!? 18.l:tab1 l:tb6 19.'i!i'a4 .its 20..i.d3
[A position very similar to Gelfand-Anand, .i.b2 47. 3 .i.eS 48.l:ta7 ~d6 ~g4 21.~e2 (21.13? 'i!i'h4; 21 .l:te1 l:tb4 A
after Gelfand decided to give back the pawn 49.g4 hg4 SO.hg4 51.w e4 22...l:td4) 21... ~1S=) 16... 'i!i'gS 17. ~13 l:tfd8
by 18..i.d2! .i.e3 19.~c3] .i.c3 52.w d5 .i.d2 53.e4 .i.c3 A 18...~h2) 14...tUe4!?oo; 14......d7; :s;
54.l:tb7 wta 55.w d6 .i.e1 56.w d7 13.'it'a4 bS 14. b3 0-0 1S.a4?! b4 16.tUa2
~g3 57.l:tb5 .i.t4 sa.: as ~g3 h6 A 17... aS'f] 13... h6 [1 3... 0-0 14 .~13
59.l:ta8 w g7 60.c;,t;>e8 6 61.l:ta6 h6 1S..i.h4 ( 1S.~I6 ._16 16.~dS .idS
'iPg7 62.l:ta3 63.l:tf3 f6 64.w e7 17.tUdS ~h2 18.Wh2 'i!i'd6) 1S ... l:tc8
.i.d4 6S.w e6 .i.b2 66.l:tf1 .i.d4 16.l:te1 bS 17.-.d3 gS 18.~g3 ~g3
67.l:td1 .i.c3 68.l:td3 .i.b2 69.l:tdS 19.hg3 "*d6 20.a3 l:tc4 21. ~d1 l:tfc8
w h6 70. .i.c3 71 .l:tb5 .i.d4 22 ..i.b3 l:t4c7 23.l:te2 w g7 24 .~c2t (A
72.gS fgS 73.eS 1-0 l:tae1 /l:te5/14) (24.l:tae1 tUe4!?) 24... ~g4 !?
2S.f3 ~hS A 26... ~g6] 14 . ~ h4 1 ( 14 .~16
'ii'16 1S.'i!t'a4 ~d7 (1S... c;,t;>e7 16.'i!Vb3
l:thd8 17.'Wb7 WIB 18.'ii'b3;!;/=) 16.'it'b3
~c6 17.g3 (17.tUdS ~h2 18.'iPh2 ..,d6=;
The Pawn Capture 17. ~13? tr'l4) 17...0-0 (17... 0-0-0!?
20 ....i.gS [<!: 20 ....i.c5 21 .l:teS (21.'it'g4 12.ed4 18.l:tac1 ~c7;!;) 18.tUdS;!;/=] 14... gSI?
.i.f2! 22.'iPh1 g6) 21 ...'ifd6 (21...'i!fc7 [<!: 14...0-0] 1S. ~g3 ~g3 16.hg3 hS? I
22.l:tc1 "i!J'b6? (22 ... "i!J'd6D) 23.'it'c2 l:tld8 Grischuk,Aiexander [16...0-0] 17.1Vd2! ;!; l:tg8 18.l:tac1 h4
24.h3+-) 22.l:td1 (22.l:tc1 h6; 22 ....i.a3!? Rublevsky,Sergey 19.1t'e3 hg3 [19 ... 'Wd6!?] 20.1t'g3
23.l:td1 (23.l:tc8 l:tc8 24 ..i.a3 'ii'a3 Internet 2004 (18) 'it'bB 21.'i!VeS!? [21 . 13;!;] 21 ... tUd7
2S.l:te8 l:teB 26."i!J'e8 'i!VIB 27.'i!Vd7 _.b8=) 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.tUc3 tUf6 4.e3 a6 22.'ti'e3 'i1Vd6? [22 ... w 18J
23....-d1 24.'i!Vd1 .i.b2 2S.l:te10 l:tc1 S.'it'c2 e6 6.tUf3 cS 7.cdS edS
26."i!J'c1 .i.c1 27.l:tc1 l:te8=) 22 ...'ii'b6= (A 8 ..i.e2 tUc6 9.0-0 .i.e6 1 O.l:td1 cd4
23.l:tgS .i.f2) also comes into 11.tUd4 tUd412.ed41
consideration, but the bishop on b2 remains
a bit dominant without its counterpart in this
case. If you have the opportunity to oppose
it (on 16), then go for it. However, as the
games show this eventually did not work ...
In the actual position the weakness of 12
crosses White's plans to organize a
powerful demonstration against g7]
21 .l:teSI [21."i!J'g4 ~16 22.l:td7 W'e6
23 ...-e6 le6 24 ..i.f6 l:tl6 2S.l:tb7 l:tc2 26.13
h5= (A h4; l:tg6); 21 .'i!Ve7 .i.e? 22.l:td7 23.g3 [23.tUdS+- dS? 24 .~c4 A
.i.c5 23.l:tb7 .i.f2 24.c;,f;>f2 l:tc2=] 2S.dS] 23... 8 24.~f3 l:te8 2S.l:te1
21 .....-f6D 22.l:te1 [A 23 ..i.a3; <!: tUf6 26.1Vd2 l:tg6 27.l:teS g4
22.l:td1 (A 23.~a3) 22 ... l:tcd8 (22 ... l:tfd8? 12..•.i.d6 [12....i.e7 13.'it'b3 bS 14..i.gS 28. ~g2 tUd7 29.l:thS tUf6 30.l:th8
23.l:te1 +-) 23.g3 (23.l:td8 W'd8 24 ..i.a3 'it'd6 (14...0-0 1S..i.f3 'i!Vd6 (l'l-l'l tUgS 31.tUe2 w g7 32.l:th4 l:th6
.i.f4D 2S.l:te4 .i.d6) 23 ... l:td1 24.'ii'd1 ;!;] Horowitz-Euwe, New York 1948) 16..i.f6 33.l:th6 tUh6 34.'1Wgs Wh7 3S.tUf4
22 ....i.f4 [22 ... h6 23.h4 W g6 24.hgS l:tc2 .i.f6 17..i.dS (17.tUdS .idS 18."i!J'dS l:tad8 J:tga 36.-.fs 'ilt'd7 37.l:te1 "\!fda
2S.W'e3 l:tb2 26.gh6 'it'h6 27.'it'h6 gh6 19.'ii'b3) 17...b4 18..i.e6 bc3 1'2 -1'2 B.Lalic- 38.'iiVeS l:tgS 39.'i!fe3 'tWf6 40.tUe6
28.l:tSe2 l:te2 29.l:te2 l:tc8 l'l·l'l Lenic- Malakhatko, Bergamo 2004) 15..i.f3 l:td8 fe6 41 .1Ve6 'it'd4 42.1t'd7 l:tg7
Rublevsky, Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011] 16.a4 b4 17.tUe2 0-0 18 .~14 'i!Vb6 19 .~eS 43."\lfdS 1VdS 44 ..i.dS l:td7 4S.l:teS
23.l:te4 'i!fh6 24.g3 .i.c1 2S ..i.d4 'i!i'as 20.tUI4 l:tle8 21 .l:tdc1 l:tc8 22.l:tc8 w g7 46 . ~e4 tUf7 47.l:te6 tUd6
"i!J'd6 26.b4 .i.a3 27.'it'g4 g6 l:tc8 23 .~16 ~16 24 .~dS ~dS 2S.tUdS 48 . ~d3 w f7 49.l:th6 tUbS SO.l:th7
28.'i!fh4 hS 29.'i!VgS ~b4 30.~es l:td8 26.l:te1 ~d4 Fridman-A.David, Turin w eB S1 .l:td7 1-0

Slav Defence
Chebanenko Variation SL 8.1 (045)

In Search Of a Godfather
by Istvan Almasi (special contribution by Boris G elfand)

1. d4 d5 5... a6 was the move lazy people

2. c4 c6 were using, who didn't want to
3. ttJc3 ttJf6 get inside the lot of the01y in the
4. e3 e6 main Meran.
5. ttJf3 a6 r think it is better to leave thi s
6. c5 without comment...

c4·c5 against the Triangle

U ually in the tructures with
e6-d5-c6 where Black plays
.. .a7-a6 the move c4-c5 alway
comes into con ideration. The
clas ical example for thi i the
Chebanenko main line: 4.ttJf3 a6
Boris Gelfand

at Black po ition too: he ha

fter Gelfand had tried both al o moved hi king's paw n early
mai n alternative (6.b3 and and thi definitely did not help
6.'t!fc2) in Game 2, 4 and 6, he fi - him e ither! In the above-men-
nally went for the po itionally tioned 4 ... a6 5.c5 y tern, and
mo t logica l and most ambitiou generally in the e structure.
continuation : 6.c5. The Engli h- Black' main ai m are to start
language commentator that day actions against the white paw n
wa Peter Leko, who expres ed chain : ideally with ... e6-e5 or in
hi urpri e that Gelfand had not the cia sical way with ... b7-b6.
u ed thi s move already in previ- There are many atisfactory There is also the fl ank develop-
ou game , becau e he ha high moves: 5 .. .~ f5 (the favourite of ment with ... g6/... ~g7/ ... 0-0
tat with it (2Y2 out of 3 accord- Chinese players) or 5 ... g6 ( imilar to the Chebanenko with
ing to my databa e). At the same (Kam ky ' pet et-up) and the 4 ... a6 5.c5), and then immedi-
time he took the opportunity to mo t popular one: 5 .. .ttJ bd7 , af- ately tart the fi ght for the central
critici ze Anand ' deci ion to u e ter which White put hi bishop break ... e7-e5. Although actuall y
the Chebanenko-Meran Hybrid: on f4. Since in our Main Game in thi s case he can go for ... e7-e5
... to me it was a complete sur- White play e2-e3 on move 4, in only two move ( imilar to
prise and a shock to see Vishy thi option no longer exist ! So at Game 6, where after 6. c2
play this ... a6 Meran , because I first ight in the actual circum- Black had to go for 6 ... c5, de-
don 't even know the name of this Lances- after White has pl ayed pile the fact that he had already
opening and just before this 4.e3 - it seems that pu hing the moved the c-pawn!). Still , if he
match I considered it a second- paw n forward doe not have get the chance to pl ay ... e7-e5
rate opening, because basically much en e. But let' take a look he mu t u e it anyway!

The third option is to target the Therefore, if we want to under- (Game 7)! 8. ~d2 has a imilar
white pawn chain with ... b7-b6, stand the crux ofthe move 7.~c2, idea as 7.fic2 had in the game:
which al o combines nicely with we mu t concentrate on the so- preve nting 8 ... c5 (in view of
... e7-e6, but thi s is also met by called main line: 6 ... b6. Inca e of 9.ttJa4! thi move i not too ad-
White's main strategic idea: to 7.cb6 ~b6 White does not de- vi able now) and forcing Black
take on b6 and play against the velop his kingside, but starts to to capture with the knight on b6.
weaknes on c6. deploy his queenside pieces: At this point, let me remark that
ttJa4/~d2/.l:[c I, ru in Beliavsky- Viktor Erdos is a pupil of the
The so-called Main Line Buhmann, K.hanty- Mansiy k Hungarian colleague authors/
Anand replied with 6 ... ttJbd7 , Olympiad 20 I0. I think thi s i not trainers Lukacs and Hazai, who
which urges us to stop for a few too pleasant for Black. at the same time have been Boris
moments. Why not the recently Gelfand 's long-time helpers
more popular 6 ... b6, which i of- Development First throughout hi s chess career...
ten suggested by commentators Thi is why he doe not want to
in other chess publications, and give White a u eful tempo (by Vishy's Choice
also played regularly by ttJa4) and tries to play ... c6-c5 Let's go back to the game with
Rublev ky, who is the greatest first and recapture on b6 later, 6 ... ttJ bd7.
speciali tin this line? 6 ... ttJbd7 is developing with 7 ... ttJbd7 fir t.
considered a secondary line be-
cause it gives White space and
time to strengthen hi s pawn
chain with 7.b4. Gelfand himself
cho e thi s move in 2009 against
Miro hnichenko, so Anand' in-
tention was to ignore the main
line with 6 ... b6 7.cb6 ttJ bd7 and
go for a lightly handicapped
line, where the position remains
quite solid , and I think they had
found a way to neutralize Here, besides to the main move
White's trie . Gelfand him elf A similar logical and direct ap- (7.b4), the natural developing
laconically consider 7.b4 b6 proach here is 8.ttJa4 tDb6 9. ~d2 , move 7.~d3 is popular. Then
equaL However, the opening which occurred in the top-level Black reali ze his plan with
fight from Gelfand's point of encounter Ponomariov-Topalov, 7 ...b6 8.cb6 c5!, deciding tore-
view looks like this: they (i.e. he Sofia 2006- and in the 8th World capture the b6-pawn later (u u-
and hi team) were predicting as Champion hip match game ally with the queen) - the
Vi hy 's main line 6 ... b6 7.cb6 Euwe-Aiekhine 1935! As the execution of ... c6-c5 is of greater
ttJ bd7, and if Black decides to Game Section hows, this fast importance! Therefore from
play like this, White has no queen ide blast doe not bear White's point of view, 7 .~d2
choice; he mu t open the fruit: although White gets the look the most piau ible, prepar-
queenside early. Ln that position , bishop pair in an endgame that ing to meet 7 ... b6 in the way
I think they found the plan wa perhaps considered ;!; a cen- already shown in the previou
8.'it'c2/~d2/.l:[c I, which defi- tury ago, in today's grandma ter paragraph. But here comes an-
nitely suited Gelfand 's taste. practice almost every game ends other point of the 'sub-optimal '
And o they decided to play the in a draw here! 6 ...ttJ bd7 : Black can meet 7. ~d2
same way against 6 ... ttJbd7 ! In my opinion, 8. ~d2 ttJb6 with 7 ... e5!. Al so interesting is
Why waste time on tudying a 9 ..1:[c I c5 (Erdos-Ragger, Croatia 7 ... ttJe4!?, which i not only un-
totally different type of po ition 2009) i the way for White, u ual as it doe not come into
(7.b4) if you can force your op- which could have caught the at- con ideration if White protects
ponent into the same posi tion tention of Gelfand's camp. Here the e4- quare (by 7 .~d3 or
that you have already studied, one of the stronge t moves for 7.~c2), but the ' unfortunate '
and where you see a chance to White is IO.'it'c2, which would placement of the bi shop would
get an advantage? tran pose to Gelfand-Anand prevent the f3-knight from going

Survey SL B. 1

to d2 after de4. The same

idea appeared in Timman-
I.Sokolov, Malmo 200 l , with
7... ~e7 8.l:l.c I in erted!

The Mysterious Move

We have finally arrived at the
my teriou 7.'ii'c2!?. I hope its
plu e are now more understand-
able, after the previous para-
graph . Let's have a brief look at
Black's option .

The 7th match game In progress.

Notice the names wrongly attributed on the giant screen!
Krasenkow, declining to go for 17.bc3 a5, and one of my
the line 8 ... de4 9. e4 e4 opponent (who was my former
IO.'ii'e4, which doe not look too trai ner! ) played 18.'ii'e3,
promi si ng for Black. wherea another, less ·trong op-
There is still another very origi- ponent played 18. c2. I eventu-
nal idea: 7 ... 'ii'e7 (preparing ally won both game . So never
.. .e6-e5, of cour e), which was mind the confident computer en-
ln case of 7 ... e5 Gelfand gives played and given a '!' by Michael gines - I would by all means
8.de5 tt:lg4 9.e6!? fe6 IO. ~d3 Roi z. Thi other I rae li grand- prefer White here. A pos ible
(Radjabov-Gri schuk , Corsica master was a member of improvement, though, is if Black
rapid 2003), with orne pressure Gelfand 's camp, and si nce he is doe not hurry to gain space with
on the bl -h7 diagonal. Thj line al o an expert of this type of the early natural 9 .. .de4, but first
till needs orne seriou con id- Chebanenko, I guess thi de- finishes development with 9 ... g6
eration, as it is quite untested in cently facilitated Gelfand ' prep- IO.b4 ~g7 ll .a4 0-0, and now,
practice so far! However, with aration. in case of 1 2. ~a3, opts for
hi clever 7th move Boris in- After 7 ... 'ii'e7 the ... e6-e5 pu h 12 ... ed4 13 .ed4 tt:le4!. In view of
tended not only to top the whole seems unstoppable, so White thi , White hould spend a tempo
... e6-e5 concept, becau e in ca e must learn to live with it. I sug- with l:l.e l at orne point (let ' say
of7.~d3 e5 8.de5 tt:lg4 9.e6 fe6 ge t 8. ~e2 e5 9.0-0 e4, in tead of 12 .~a3) , but the posi-
IO.'ii'c2 we reach the arne posi- which is very imilar to a King's tion remain unclear. A possible
tion a after 7.'ii'c2 e5. So after Indian Attack with reversed plan for Black is to move hi
7 .~d3 Gelfand was definitely colour , which I have played a knight to help out on the queen-
not worrying about 7 ... e5. I think lot on the black side (actually, side by 12 ... tt:le8 and 13 ... tt:lc7.
the ' prophylactic move' 7.'W/c2 here thi means I wa White ... ). 7 .'ii'c2 i the move that demon-
erved much more to prevent the One pos ible way to continue i strates best what World Cham-
7... b6 8.cb6 c5 line in view of a IO.. .g6 I l.b4 ~g7 12.a4 0-0 pion Anand was talking about in
later recapture on b6 by the 13 . ~a3, which seems promising the interview publi hed in New
queen (see below)! In ca e of for White. I had two games with In Chess 20 12/4:
'slow ' development with 7 ... g6 black which aren ' t worth men- He (Gelfand) knows how to make
White i ready to open the centre tioning, except that they reached moves that are unpleasant. I
with 8.e4. However, thing are thi s concrete po ition: l .tt:lf3 e6 don't know if they're the best,
far from easy even there, thanks 2.g3 d5 3 . ~g2 tt:lf6 4.0-0 ~e7 they probably are, the) 're un-
to Gelfand compatriot Bori 5.d3 0-0 c5 7.e4 tt:lc6 pleasant and he is very good at
Avrukh, who introduced the 8. l:l.e l 'W/c7 9.c3 b5 IO.'ii'e2 a5 this (.. .) Everywhere he tried to
brave and very intere ting deci- ll .e5 tt:ld7 ~a6 13 .~ f4 find very intelligent choices.
ion to play 8 ... e5!? ver u a4 14.h4 c4 15.d4 b4 16.a3 bc3 Also with white. I never got a

chance to implement the greater b3/~b2 in the 7.i..d3 line, with Here I notice that Bori played
part of my preparation. the same structure). Apparently the solid 4.e3 y tern (like his
So a Vi shy probably did not like Vishy did not feel comfortable in Hungarian helper, Peter Lukac ,
any of the ideas presented up to the middlegame, and Boris could had done his whole career) and
this point, he went for the most force hi tyle on him. Black wa gained the upper hand in both
natural and al o very popular left without any counterplay, o games, gaining position where
7 ... b6. After 8.cb6 we transpose the loss of the game was already he could build on hi bi hop pair.
to the main line starting with predicted by the online commen- In hi first Nimzo encounter, he
6 .. .b6. Then he realized he could tators. Interestingly, in the rapid went for a simplification, after
not play 8 ... c5 (as after 7 .i..d3 b6 play-off Gelfand managed to which it wa not po sible to win
8.cb6) in view of 9.lLla4!, so he keep the position clo ed with a (queen v bi hop and rook), but
went for 8 ... lLJb6. However, as imJlar motif: l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 the econd time he had a more
you can ee in the Game Section, 3.lLlf3 lLlf6 4.e3 ~f5 5.lLlc3 e6 promising option to increa e hi
7. ~d3 b6 8.cb6 c5 9.0-0 'it'b6 6.lLJh4 ~g6 7.lLJg6 hg6 8.i..d3 advantage.
IO.b3 cd4 ll.ed4 i a more natu- lLlbd7 9.0-0 ~d6 IO.h3 0-0 We can summarize that the theo-
ral way to handle this position ll.'ilfc2 ~e7 12.J:dl J:ac8 13.c5 retical battle in the World Cham-
for Black, with his queen on b6. ~b8 14.f4. And he came very pion hip match was won by
Of course, even in the line with clo e to winning there a well, ex- Gelfand with the white pieces:
7. ~d3 b6 8.cb6 c5 9.0-0, cept that Anand launched a des- he set problems for Vishy that
9 ... lLlb6 exi t (Rublevsky pre- perate bid for counterplay and the latter was not always able to
fer it, for example), but now omehow escaped. olve.
Vi hy faced another unplea ant I think Gelfand was patiently All in alii think that 7 .~c2 does
move: 9. ~d2 c5 IO.l:kl !, the waiting for hi moment, and he not refute the system and Vi hy
point of the whole white queen- managed what Kramnik had not topped playing it because he did
ide mobilization. been able to do in his match: to not like the type of middlegame
keep the po ition clo ed. This re- that arise , in which he ha no
mind me of a quote from counterplay at all and only White
Kramnik, which I read in an in- can try something. Most games
terview he had given to the Rus- in the database how that White
sian website Whychess in 20 II: often realizes his chances in a
He (Anand) does have weak- similar way to Gelfand.
nesses. For example, he doesn 't Both IO... c4 and I0 ...cd4 look
sen e some nuances or move or- reasonable for Black, and a
ders very well. But the thing is Gelfand himself points out,
that in modem chess you can ar- Anand ' later play i improvable
range the whole play to suit your too ( 15 ... ..Q.f4). Still, I think not
style - that's the problem. So everyone will feel comfortable
ln view of the threat ll .dc5 i..c5 with a computer you can create on the Black side here.
12.lLld5 Black is forced to make your own little chess world and In the move order of the game
a deci ion: to move hi c-pawn. live in it. OK, blockaded posi- Black still has two options:
That is a big difference compared tions, but then he probably 7 ... e5 , or, if that does not work,
to 7 .i..d3 b6 8.cb6 c5, where he is knows about that too. If you can then 7 ... ~e7 still offers a lot of
not obliged to make uch a deci- tell me how to block everything scope for anaJy is. At this point I
ion quickly. Even Gelfand him- in the Me ran and still get an edge notice that Gelfand' novelty
self had played 9.dc5 against I'd be very grateful. creates more headache for the
Fridman in this po ition, but Well , Gelfand managed to find a supporter of the main line 6 ... b6
White could not get an advantage way. 7.cb6 lLlbd7, where both 8.i..d3,
and the game ended in a draw. 8. ~d2 and 8.lLla4 had already
After IO.J:cl cd4 ll.ed4 the Conclusion been te ted, but never 8 .~c2! I
c l-h6 diagonal wa opened for After his defeat Vishy gave up think from a theoretical point of
Gelfand's bishop, which is a third the Chebanenko with 4 ... e6 for view the whole ~c2/~d2/J:c I
advantage of the move 7.'ii'c2 his last two Black game , and concept ha added valuable ideas
(there are many games with switched to the Nimzo-Indian . for White in the main line.

Survey SL 8. 1

Main Game ll)bd7 22.ll)a4 l:lc2 23.llc2 as (23 ... llc2 tt'b6! 2S.el6 llc5 26."iid2 llc1 27."iic1
7 . ~c2 24.'iWc2 'i'bB 2S.ll)c5f) 24.i.bS 'iWbB ll)f6=) 24... ed4 2S.b4 d3 26."iib2 llc7
2S.i.d7 ll)d? (2S ... llc2) 26.ll)c5 ll)cS 27.i.d3!) 24."iib3 (24.a3 eS 2S."itb1!
Gelfand,Boris 27.llc5 llcS 28.dc5 .ice 29.'ilre3±) (2S.deS tt'b6 26.ef6 llc5=) 2S ... ll)c5 26.deS
Anand,Viswanathan 19.llc2 [19.ll)eS llc7 20.J:Ic2 ll)ld7 'ilre7 27.ef6 "itl6 2B.i.h7 <RIB (28...Wh8
Moscow Wch 2012 (7) 21 .lllc1 tOeS 22.deS 'iWdB=) 19... bd7 29.b4 ab4 30.ab4 ll)d7 31.llce .ice 32.i.fS
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ll)c3 ll)f6 4.e3 e6 [19...ll)ld7 20.lllc1 llc6 21.ll)dt;t; 19... as ll)b6 33.i.ce ll)cB 34.bS;!;) 29.b4 ab4
S.l!lf3 a6 6.c5 [6.b3; s:iic2] 6 ...ll)bd7 (bS<) 20.lllc1 We7 21.a3i tDc4!f; 30.ab4 (30."iib4 'ilre7 31.i.IS llc7
7."i'c2!? [Prophylaxis; 7.b4 b6=; 7.i.d3 19 ... ~ ll)d7 21.lllc1f) 20. J:Ifc1 32."itl4t) 30... ll)a4 31.llce .ice'a2
e5=] 7 ... b6 [7...eS B.deS ll)g4 9.e6 le6 ll)b6 33.i.d3i) 24...i.a6! 2S.ll)e1 !
10.i.d3 ll)gt6 (10 ... ll)deS!?) 11.ll)gS ll)cS
12.i.h7 ll)h7 13.'iWg6 '<Pd7 14.ll)f7±
Radjabov·Grischuk, Bastia 2003) 8.cb6
~ b6 9.i.d2 cs
•• •
.i. ... .t.t
'ii' .t ... .t
(2S.i.a6 tra6 26.ll)a6? llc1 27.'0Ph2 ll)g4
28.'0Ph3 ll)f2 29.'0Ph4 llh1 30.ll)h2 llh2X)
2S ... ll)c5 26.llc5 ll)e4 27.J:Ice .ice
2B:itbS trc7!'eB Wh7 30.ll)l3 tt'c1
31.Wh2 tt'd1 != 32.ll)eS (32.i.e4 de4
.t 33.ll)h4 tt'd4'f7 trf6 35.W'f6 gf6=)
~ 32 ..."ithS 33.<Rg1 tt'd1 =) 22.llc8 i.c8
lb .i lb~ [22 ... l:lce 2s.:ce .ice 24.i.e4 de4
~~ l::r WI~ ~ 2S.W'e4±]

1::r w
20... llab8?1 [20 ... lle8 21 .ll)eS!? (21 .ll)a4
eS 22.ll)c5 (~ 22.deS ll)eS 23.ll)c5;!;)
22... l0c5 23.deS (23.dc5 "itc7'f) 23... ~'d3 l:les 2S.tOeS tres'b3 llb8
27.J:Ic7 lleB! 2B.llb7 tt'e1 29.lle1 lle1
10.J:Ic1 [Ll. 11 .dc5 i.cS 12.ll)dS; 10.dc5 30.'0Ph2 ll)g4 31 .'0Ph3 ll)f2 32.'0Ph4 llh1 X)
i.cS 1Utc1 i.e7=) 10... cd4 [10 ... c4'b4'e3 ll)es 23.deS ll)d7
11 .b3 cb3 12.ab3 i.b7 13.i.d3 i.d6 14.0.0 24.ll)e2i; 20 ...llc7! (LJ. 21...l:lace)
0-0 1S.ll)es l:lce (1S .. :itb8 16.ll)a4;t)'e1 !? (21.a3 l:lace 22.b4 aS!o:t 23.baS
16.'i'b2i) 11 .ed4 i.d6 12.i.g5 "ita3 24.a6 llc3 (24 ... h 6 2S.i.a6 llc3
[1 2. a4!? ll)a4 (12 ...i.d7 13.ll)c5;t; 26.i.ce tt'c1 27.llc1 llc1 2B.ll)e1 llc8=)'c21 [23.W'e1! i.b7 24."itaS±
12...<t)c4 13.i.c4 dc4 14.ll)eSi) 13.'iWc6 2S.llc3 llc3 26.llc3 "iic3 27.ab7 ll)b8 Karpov; .s 23.'ilre3 i.b7'l4i)
i.d7 14.'iWd6 ll)e4 (14 ... ll)b2 1S.'iWa3 ll)c4 2B.tres ll)ld7'e2 ll)f6= ; 21.ll)a4 llc2 23 ... g5? [23 ... i.b7 24. c5 llcB 2S.b4±;
16.i.c4 dc4 17.i.aSt) 1S.'iWa3 ll)d2 22.llc2 i.c6! 23.ll)c5 i.bS 24.a3 (24.i.bS 23 .. .ll)dl6 24.a3 (24.ll)eS i.d7 2S.ll)c5
16.<Rd2!? (16.ll)d2 We7 17.'iWe7 <Re7=) abS 2S.a3 b4 26.a4 b3!o:t) 24 ...i.d3 ll)cS (2S ... i.e8!? 26.ll)a6 (26."ite2 llb4o:t)
16... 'i'e7 17.'ite7 <Re7 18.b3 b6 19.llc5 2S.'t!i'd3 aS 26."iib3 tt'b8'b8 llbB=; 26 ... J:Ia8 27.ll)c7 l:lce!)'c5 trcS
f6;!;) 12... o-o 13.i.d3 h6 14.i.h4 i.b7 21.ll)bS? llc2 22.ll)d6 llc1 23.ll)e1 J:lb8+) 27.dc5 i.bS (27 ...llb2 28. d7 ll)d7
15.o-o "itb8?1 [1S ...i.l4 16.llb1 21...l:lace 22.ll)a4 llc2 23.i.c2 (Ll. 24.b4, 29.c6+-) 2B.i.bS abS±; 24.ll)cS ll)cS
(1 6.J:Icd1 ll)bd7 17.ll)a4 aS 1B.ll)c5 'iib6=) 2S.ll)c5) 23...i.c6 24.ll)c5 "iibB 2S.b4 t] 2S.dc5! (2S.trc5 'ireS 26.J:Ic5 i.d7 27.b3
16...l0bd7 17.b4 (17."ite2 aS) 17... l:lce 21 . 4 ['e3!? ll)b6 22.b3! ) 2B.i.c2!; 2B.ll)eS) 2S ..."itc7 26.'irc3
18."i'b3 ll)b6] 16.i.g31? [16.i.f6!? gf6 21 ...ll)e4?1 [21...llc2 22."iic2 (22.llc2 ll)g4! 27.lle1 as 2B.ll)d4!? (2B.c6!?±)
17.l0e2! (17.'ilre2 l:lce tJ. 18... i.IB) : ce (22 ...i.c6 23.ll)cS ab5 28... eS (28... i.d7 29.c6 i.eB 30.'irc5
17... J:Ice (17 ... <Rg7 1B.ll)g3 i.g3 19.fg3 (24 ... llbS 2S.a4 llb4 (2S ... llb6 26.ll)eS) hS!o:t 31 .b3! (31 .llc1 !? h4 32.i.e2 ll)f2
: ce 20.'ilrd2 llc1 21.llc1 'ilrd6 22.'ilr14 26.ll)eSf lld4 (26... c5 27.llc5 llb8 33.Wf2 'irg3 34.Wf1 h3 3S.gh3 'irh3
"1'14 23.gf4i; 17...1S 1B.ll)g3 'itdB 19. hS'c2;!;) 27.ll)cd7 ll)d7 2B.l:lce ll)f8 36.'0Pe1 'irg3 37.Wd1) 31...h4 32.gh4
00 20.g4! Ll. 20.. .fg4 21.'ilrd2+-)'hS tre7 30.ll)c6 trcS 31 .llc7 ll)g6D 'irh2 33.'0PI1 'irh1 (33 ...'irh4 34. 13 'ith1
18.'i'd2 i.f8 19.l:lce ll)cB (19 ... Wce 32.ll)e7 tt'e7 33.lle7 ll)e7'eS!? 35.We2 'irg2 36.llg1±) 34.We2 'irg2
20.l014t) 20.ll)g3 ll)d6 21 .ll)h5 i.g7 (34.b3;!;) 34 ... lla4 35."iib8 '<Ph7'e8±) 3S.ll)l3 d4 36.llf1 ±) 29. bS 'it' dB 30.13
22.'i'14f ll)e4 23.'iWg4 ll)gS 24.ll)gS lgS 2S.ll)eS ll)cS 26.dc5 tra6 27.b4 tra4±) i.a6 (30 ... d4 31.ll)d4 ed4 32.'iraS+-)
2S.l0g7 <Rg7 26.14f) 16... llc8 17.'iWe2 23.l:lce .ice'c2 i.b7 2S.a3!; 31.fg4 i.bS 32.i.bS llbS 33.lleS±)
i.g3 18.hg3 [.S 18.fg3) 18...'itd6 2S.ll)c5!?;!;) 22... l:lce 23.ll)c5 (23.Wce .ice 24... i.d7 2S.ll)c5 aS 26.ll)eS i.eB 27.i.e4
[18... J:Ic7 19.llc2 Wa7 20.lllc1 (20.'iWeS 24.l:lce ll)f8 2S.ll)c5 tt'b6; 2S ... ll)d7!? de4 2B.lld1 'irdS 29.b3 i.bS 30.a4 i.c6
i.c6 (20 ... llc6 21 ."itl4 ll)bd7 22.b4f) 26.ll)a6 ll)b6 27.llc2 ~=) 23... as 31 .ll)e6 "ite6 32.ll)c6 "iib3 33."iib3 llb3
21.'1'14 l:lace 22.lllc1i) 20... l:lace 21 .b3 (23 ... eS!? 24.i.IS!? (24.ll)eS? ll)cS; 24.deS 34.lla1 lld3 3S.ll)aS lld4 36.ll)b3 lld3
37..1:lb1!] 24.'tlt'c7 [24.ttJc5 IS 2S.b4±] [38 ....1:lh1 39.'it>h1 e1'tlt' 40.'it>h2+-; .l:lh2 44.<.Pe3 .l:lb2 45.84 .l:lb3
24...1t'c7?! (24...~7 2S. ~e4 'tlt'c7 38...e11t' 39.ltJg6 'it>g8 40..1:lg7X] 1-0 46.Wd2 .l:lb4 47.<.Pc3 .l:l84 48..1:lfS
26.~h7! 'it>h7 27 ..1:lc7 'it>g7 28..1:ld7 ~c6 Gelfand .l:l81 49..1:lhS .l:lc1 SO.'it>b3 .l:lc7
29 ..1:lf7! 'it>17 30.ltJeS 'it>e8 31 .ltJc6 .l:lcS M/12-4-18 S1 ..1:lh6 <.PbS S2 ..1:lhS <.Pb6 S3 ..1:lh6
32.l£~eS .l:lc1 33.'it>h2 .l:ld1 34.ttJc5 .l:ld4 'it>bS Y2 -Y2
35.ltJed3±] 2S •.I:lc7

.i. • The So-called Main Line Kovacevic,Biazimir
n~ 6 ... b6 7.cb6 ~b6 Murska Sobota tt 2008 (8)
.t .t Beliavsky,Aiexander
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 ttJf6 4.e3 e6
s. f3 86 6.cs b6 7 .cb6 bd7
.t Buhmann,Rainer 8 . ~d2 1t'b6 9. ~d3 (9.ltJa4 'tlt'a7
ttJ ~~ Khanty-Mansiysk ol 2010 (10) 10..1:lc1 (10. ~d3 aS 11 .0-0 ~a6 12.'ife2
~ ttJ~ 1.ltJf3 dS 2.c4 c6 3.e3 ltJf6 4.ltJc3 ~d3 13.W'd3 ~d6 14..1:llc1 W'b7 1S..I:lc2
0-0 16..1:lac1 .l:llc8 17 .~e1 h6 (Kragelj-
~~ ~~ 86 S.d4 e6 6.cs b6 7.cb6 W'b6
8.ltJ84 'tlt'87 Cvitan, Bled tt 200S) 18.ltJd2 eS 19.ltJb3
~ (19.a3 .!:labS) 19... ~b4oo) 10... ~b7
11. ~d3 (11.~aS !?!) 11...aS 12.Q-O ~d6
[In a bad position there are no good moves * .i. ll 13.~c3!? (13.1fe2 0-0 14..1:lc2 e4
- Anand] 2S ...f6? [2S ...ttJel6 26.ttJc5 .l:la8 .t.t.t 1S..I:llc1 ISo:t) 13... 0-0 14.ltJd2 eS (~
27.b4+-; 2S ...g4 26.ltJeS ttJeS 27.deS± 6
28.~e4; 2S ... ltJd6 26.ltJc5 ltjf6 27.b3±]
.t ... ~ 14... ~a6) 1S. b3 e4 16.~e2 ~c7
(M.Foisor-Bulmaga, Gaziantep Ech W 2012;
26 . ~e41 de4 27.ltJd2 fS 28.ltJc4
.t 16... ~a6 17.~a6 (17. aS ~e2 18....e2
ttJf6 (28 ...1Pf8 29.ttJc5 ltJc5 30.dc5 eS ~ • c7 (6 ...: as; 6 ...~h2) ; 17.~a5? !)
31.c6 ~e6 32..1:lb7 .l:lc8 33.ltJeS+-J ~ttJ 17......a6 18.ltJa5!) 17. ~d2oo] 9... ~d6
[9...a5; 9...~b7] 1o.o-o o-o [10 ...a5]
29.ltJcS ttJdS 30 ..1:l87 ttJb4 [30 ... ttJI6
~~ ~~~
31 .b3+-] 31 . S?l (31.ltJd6 ttJdS
(31...ltJa2 32 ..1:lc7+-) 32.b3+-l n ~~~~ n 11.ltJ84 • 87 12..1:lc1
13. ~8SI ;t .l:lac8 14.W'e2 (14.b4!]
31 ... ttJc21 32.ttJc6 .l:lb2 33 ..1:lc7 14... cs 1S.dcS ~cs [15 ... ltJc5??
9. ~d2 (9. ~d3 aS (9 ... ttJbd7 10.0-0 eSt 16 . ~b6 +- l 16.ltJcS ttJcS 17 .~b1 cl'

• Rogozenco) 10.0-0 ~a6 11 .ltJeS ~d6
(11... ~e7!? 12. ~a6 W'a6 13.b3 0-0
14.~b2 ltJid7 1S..I:lc1 ttJeS 16.deS ttJd7!
Rogozenco) 12.~a6 'tlt'a6 13.b3 0-0
[a6<] 17... ttJce4 (17... ~c6 18. d4
~d7] 18. d4 .l:lc1 19..1:lc1 .l:lc8
20..1:lc8 ~c8 21. ~d3 ttJcS 22.'tlt'c2!
~d723 .~e2
(13...ltJid7 14 . ~2 ~es 1S.deS c5
ttJ 16. ~a3± Rogozenco) 14. ~b2 ld7?!
~ ... (14 ... .1:lc8 1S..I:lc1 ttJbd7 16.14-+) 1S..I:lc1
~ .l:lcS?I 16.14!± Bacrot-I.Sokolov, Turin ol
2006] 9... 8S 10..I:lc1 ltJe41? (10 ... ~a6
~ ~ ~~
11 .ltJeS!? ~11 12..1:ll1 'tlt'c7 13.W'c2
~ .l:la6!J 11 .~d3 ltJd2 12.ltJd2 ~86
13.'tlt'c2N [13.ltJb3 ~b4 D.Doric-
33 ... .1:lb1? [33 ...e3 34.1e3 ttJe3 3S ..I:lc8 S.Martinovic, Zadar 200SJ 13...~d3
'it>h7 36 ..1:lc7 'it>h8 37.ttJeS .l:lg2 38.'it>h1 14.W'd3 'tlt'86 1S.'it>e2 ~d6 16.W'86
.l:ll2 39.ltJI7 (~ 39.ltJcd3+-) 39 ...'it>g7 .l:l86 17.ltJb3 ttJd7 18..1:lc2 'it>e7
40.ltJgS ~g6 41 .ltJh3 .l:l11 42.ltJg1 14 19•.1:lhc1 .l:lb81? 20.ltJd2 (20..1:lc6?!
43.gl4 .l:ll4 44..1:lg7 ~16 4S..I:lg3] 34.c.Ph2 .l:lc6 21 ..1:lc6 .l:lb4 22.ltJc3 a4] 20 ... .1:lc8!
e3 3S ..I:lc8 c.Ph7 36 ..1:lc7 ~h8 21 .h3 f6 22.f4 'it>d8 23.g4 'it>c7 23 ...eS? (23 ...ltJie4! 6 24...ltJd6]
37.ttJeS [37.ttJd7 ~g7 38.ttJceS (6 24.fS .l:le8 2S.fe6 .l:le6 26. c.Pd3 ~b4 24.ttJf3 e4 2S.ltJeS± ~e8 26.b4
39.ltJI6 'it>l6 40..1:lf7X) 38 ... ttJd4 39.ltJI6! 27.ttJb3 .l:l88 28..1:le2 ttJb6 29.ttJbcS ttJcd7 27....c71 • c7 28. ~c7 ltJeS
(39.fe3+-) 39 ...'it>l6 40.14 ttJI3 41 .gf3 .l:lb2 ~cs 30.ltJcS .l:le7 31.e4 de4 32 ..1:le4 29 .~es ~bS 30 .~bS 8bS
42.'it>h3 g4 43.1g4 lg4 44 .~g4 hS 4S.'it>f3 .l:le4 33.We4 .l:le8 34.Wf3 ltJdS 31. ~f6 +- gf6 32.Wf1 8 33.We2
.l:lf2 46.'it>e4] 37...e2 [37 ...ef2 38.ltJe6 3S.ttJe4 'it>b6 36.h4 g6 37.hS ts 'it>e7 34.c.Pd2 fS 3S.g3 'it>d6 36.'it>c3
.l:lh1 (38 ...11 ltJ 39.'it>h3 g4 40.'it>h4) 38.gfS gfS 39.ttJc3 .l:le3 40.Wf2 .l:lh3 <.PeS 37.a4 b84 38.bS a3 39.Wb3
39.'it>h1 11W' 40.'it>h2+-J 38.ltJe61 41.ltJdS cdS 42 ..1:lcS .l:lhS 43 ..1:ldS 1-0

Survey SL 8. 1

Development First 20.gf5 lLlf5 21 .~f5 ~f5 22.lLlg4 1B. ~c3 ~hb8 19.bc4 ~b1 20.\l»d2 ~b2
6 ... b6 7 .cb6 tt:l bd7 llo>g7 23.lLlh6 ~fS 24.'ti'g4 lLJf6 21 . ~c2
dc4 22. ~c4 ~at ~ Rogozenco]
25 ....g2 lLJeS 26. ~g3 lLld6 27.'*'f2 1S.bc4 ~b4 19 .~b4 ~ b4 20.c5;!;
Erdos,Viktor lLlfS ~f5 29 .~ h4 ~ bS ~ b2 21.a4 ~as 22. ~e2 ll»c7 23. ~f1
Ragger,Markus 30 .~c2 ~c6 31 .-.e1 • d7 32 .~e7 ~abS 24 .~f2 ~ Sb3 25 . ~a6 ~e3
Sibenik tt 2009 (1) '*'e7 33. ~g3 aS 34.h3 a4 35.a3 26.'itf1 ~ b4 27. ~a2 ~eb3 2S. ~ d1
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 li:\f6 4.e3 e6 ~ b3 36.\l»h2 ~f8 37. ~gg2 'it'f6 lLJgS 29.a5 lLJe7 30.~e2 c6 31.a6
H~f3 a6 6.c5 b6 7 .cb6 tt:lbd7 3S.,..g3 • •s 39., • gs 40.~ gs 'itbSI 32. ~ad2 ~ a3 33.11»12 g5?!
8 .~d2 li:\b6 [B ... cS?I! cd4 ~fbS 41. ~gg2 6 42.h4 ~ 3b7 [33 ... ~aa4 34.We3 ~a3 3S.II»I2=] 34.h4!
10.ed4;!; tt:lb6? (10 ... tt:le4 11 .~aS) 11.~as 43.\l»g1 h6 44.'itf1 ~ g7 45.\l»e1 gh4 35 .~ h1 ~d4 36 . ~ b2 [36.~b 1
~fd7 12. ~c1+- t:J. 13. ~c6] 9. ~ c1 ~ bgS 46 .~cf2 llo>e7 47 .~ g3 g5 ~b4 37. ~b4 lLlb4 38. ~b2 ~a4 39 .~d1
[9.'i'c2 c5 10.dc5 ~cS 11 .tt:lbS!? tt:le4 4S.hg5 hg5 49. ~fg2 11»16 50.fg5 ~a2J 36 ...Wc7 [36 ...~b4? 37. ~b4 lLlb4
(11... fd7 (Leko) t:J. 12.b4 abS 13.bc5 ~g5 51. ~g5 ~ g5 52. ~g5 llo>g5 38.~b1 ~a4 39 .~d1 ~a2 40.'itf1+-]
~c4) 12.b41? (Smirin & Grischuk) 12 ... abS 53.11»12 'itf5 54.11»13 ~es 55. ll»e2 37 .~ hb1 lLJeS 3S .~ bS llo>c61 39. ~ cs
13.bc5 tt:lc4'l'] 9 .•. c5 [9 ... ~b7 ~c6 56.e4 4 57.ed5 ed5 5S.'itf2 ll»d7 40. ~gS llo>e7?1 [40 ... \l»c6]
~a4 11 ....a4 ~d6 12 .~b4 0-0 13.~d3 aS ~as 59.\l»e2 ~c6 60.\l»d2 11»13 Y2-Y2 41. ~ b7 'itf6 42.a7 ~da4 43.c61
14.~d6 '*'d6 1S.O.O ttld7 16. ~c3 ~feB lLlc6 44. ~b5 ~a2 45.\l»g1 ~ a7
17.l:lfc1 h6 1B.h3 '*'b4 19.'*'c2 'it'b6 46. ~c6 ~ b7 47. ~b7 h5 4S.'ith2
20.e4 c5 21 .dc5 tOeS 22.~c5 ~cS 23....c5 Ponomariov,Ruslan ~a1 49. ~c6 ~c1 50. ~b5 ~ b1
'lc5 24.~c5 de4 2S .~e4 ~e4 Topalov,Veselin 51 .~e2 ~e1 52 .~a6 ~a1 53 .~d3
~d5 27.a4 ~b8 2B.b3 ~b3 ~b3 Sofia 2006 (3) ~ d1 54 .~ h7 d4 55 .~ bs llo>g7
30.l:laS ~b1 31.\l»h2 12·12 Holzi·Ragger, 1.d4 lLlf6 2.c4 e6 3.lLlf3 d5 4.lLlc3 56 .~ b1 ~d2 57.~e4 f5 5S .~ b7 e5
Jenbach ch-AUT 2009] 10.~d3 [10 ....c2 c6 5.e3 a6 6.c5 b6 7.cb6 lLlbd7 59 .~ b5 6 60.f4 e4 61. ~cS d3
~bd71? (Smirin; 10... c4!?; 10...cd4 S.lLJa4 lLlb6 9.~d2 tt:la4 1 O....a4 62. ~f5 llo>g7 63. ~g5 6 64.~f5
Gelfand-Anand, Moscow Wch rr/1 2012) t:J. ~d7 [10 ...... b6?! 11 . ~c1 ~d7 12.lLJeS llo>g7 65. ~ g5 llo>f6 66 .~f5 ll»g7 Y2-Y2
11.~a4 tt:le4 12.dcS tt:ldcS (12...lLlecS?! 'ti'b2 13.lLld7 lLld7 14 .~d3 ~bB 1S.IIo>e2±
13.~c5 ~cS?! 14 .~d3;!; ; 14.'it'a4!? t:J. Euwe-Aiekhine, Netherlands Wch m-B 193S]
15.'i'c6)!? (\c5 ~cS 14. ~d3 11 .lLle5 lLle4!?N 12. ~a5 cso Krasenkow,Michal
~d2 1S.'*'c5 lLlf3 16.gf3oo Smirin & [12 ... 'ti'c8? 13. ~c1 c5 14. d7 '*'d7 Kazhgaleev,Murtas
Grischuk; 13. ~ lLld3 14 .~d3 ~b4) 1S....d7 \l»d7 16.f3 lLlf6 17.dc5+-; Port Erin 2006 (5)
13...lLld71? (yeah, that's ill Just play against 12...... bB? 13.b4±] 13.lLld7 'ti'd7 1.d4 d5 2. f3 lLJf6 3.c4 c6 4. c3
all the classical chess rules ... ) 14.lLlc6 '*'f6 14.'ird7 ll»d7 15.f3 lLlf616. ~c1 e6 5.e3 a6 6.c5 b6 7.cb6 lLlbd7
is a line given by the Houdini analysis s.~d2 tt:lb6 9. a4 a4 10.'ti'a4
engine, but it looks very suspicious for ~d7 11.lLle5 c5
Black; lLla4 1UWa4 ~d7]
10...~ b7 11 .0-0 [11 .dc5 ~cS 12.lLla4
~4 13....a4 '*'d7 14....b3 ~d6 1S .~b4 'if * .i.
l:lb8=; 11 .lLla4!? c4 12. ~as
~ ~~
'ii' * .i. K ~~ C[J
~~~ ~ ~
~~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ 16... c4!? [16 ...cd4 17. ~c7 (17.ed4 .tl ~~ .tl
~~C[J ~d6=) 17... Wd6 (17 ... \l»eB 1B.ed4 ~d6
19.:b7 lLld7 20.\1»12 llo>e7) 1B.ed4 (1B. ~f7
£::,~ ~~~ 12.'ti'a5!? [ 1!t'd7 13...-d7 Wd7
de3oo) 1B... ~e7 19. ~c2 (19.\l»d2 ~dB 14.dc5 ~cS 1S.b4 (1S.~c1 ~hc8
.tl'if~ .tl 20 . ~c5 ~as 21 . ~as ~hb8 22.b3 (1S ...~d6 16. ~d3 ~hb8 17 . ~c2 ~b4 12·12
lLlgB!?~ ; 19 . ~c5 ll»d7 20. ~c2 ~hb8=) Lenic-Kempinski, Kallithea II 2009) 16 .~d3 13 .~dB (13....a4 'ti'd7 14....d7 19... ~hc8= Rogozenco] 17.b3 ~ bS!? 12-12 Kornev-Rublevsky, Krasnoyarsk 2007;
~d7=) 13... tt:lb2] 11 .•• ~ cs 12....e2 c4 [17 ...cb3 18.~c7 Wd6 19.ab3 ~e7 1S.~d3 ~hb8 16. ~b1 ~b4 17.\l»e2 aS
13. ~c2 ~e7 14.lLle5 0-0 15.f4 20. ~c1! Rogozenco; 20. ~b7 lLld7 21. ~d3 1B. ~hc1 g4 19.f3 lLleS 20 . ~c2 12-12
~bd7 16.~e1 lLleS 17. ~f3 [17.fSI?] (21. ~b4? ll»c6) 21 ... ~hc8 22.\l»d2 ll»c6 Markus-Sedlak, Zlatibor II 2006) 1S... ~d6
17...f5 1S.g4 lLld6 19. ~ h3 g6 23 . ~c7 ~c7 24 . ~c1 lLlcS=; 17...~a3 16.13 llo>e7 1 7 .~d3 lLld7 tB.\1»12 lLJeS

19.~e2 l:lhc8 20.l:lhc1 tOc4 21.~c4 l:lc4 26.~e1 lH~ Svidler-Vitiugov, Moscow (7... b6 8 . ~b2 aS 9.a3 with a very similar
22.l:lc4 dc4 23.l:lc1 : ca 24.14 es 2S.g3 ch·RUS 2008] 10 ... ltlfd7 [10...cd4!? structure to 1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3. ltlc3 ltll6
'it.>e6 26.e4 ef4 27.gf4 c3 28.l:lc3 l:lc3 11. ~18 dc3 12.h3 ( 12 .~g7 l:tg8 13.~h6 4.ltlf3 ~e7 s.~l4 o-o 6.e3 bd7 7.c5 c6
29.~c3 ~14 30.~g7 m 31.a4 lHz Vallejo l:tg2oo; 12 .~b4 d4! 13.ed4 ltlbdS 14 .~c5 8. ~d3 b6 9.b4 aS 1O.a3, which is
Pons-Tkachiev, France II 2007] 12.. ."it'85 ltld7 6 1S .~a3 1t'aS; 12 .~cs ltlbd7 considered not dangerous for Black, plus
13.h 5 cd4 14.ed4 ~b5 [14 ... l:lb8!? 13. ~a3? 1 'tt'as 14.1t'c1 ltlc5 1S .~e2 with the not too promising difference for
1S.b3 h 3; 1S... ~! ?] 15.l:lc1 ~d6 ltlce4) 12...'it'c7 13.l:tc1 eSoo Krasenkow] White: his dark-squared bishop stays within
16.f3 ltld7 [16 ... <J.>e7 17.lLJc6 (17.~c7 11 .o-0 ~b7 12.l:tc1 l:tc8 13.l:te1 the pawn chain) 8.~b2 g6 9 .~d3 ~g7
l:lhc8 (17 ...t0ea!? 18.~d6 ltld6 19.l:lc7 ~e7 14.l:te2 o-o 15.l:tec2 cd4?1 [ ~ 10.ltla4 o-o 11 .0-0 eS 12.ltleS eS 13.deS
<J.>f6) 1a.~d6 rJ.>d6 19.: ca : ca 20.<J.>d2 1S... c4 16.~e7 'tt'e7 17.bc4 ltlc4 lt:lg4 14 .~e2 eS 1S.I4 d7 16.~g7
( 'it.>e7 21.ltle5 l:lc2+) 20... <J.>e7=; Krasenkow] 16. ~e7 'tt'e7 17.ed4;t [6 <J.>g7 17.'tt'd4 <J.>g8 18.e4 de4 19. c3 aS
20...~e8! ? 6 21 ...aS) 17...~c6 18.l:lc6 18.1t'e2] 17 ...e5 18.de5 lt:le5 19.ltld4 ab4 21. ~c4 b6 22.l:tad1 bc5
l:lhb8t 6 19...~] 17.ltlc6 f6 18.~b5 g6 20. ~f1 [20.1t'e2!? aS 21.14 lt:lc6 23.1t'b2 l:ld8 24. ~17 1-0 Gelfand·
8b5 19.'it.>e2 rJ.>f7 20.~ ~f4 22.'tt'e7 (22.ltlc6 1t'c5) 22... e7 23.ltlcbS Miroshnichenko, Austria II 2008109] 7.cb6
21 .l:lc2 l:lhc8 22.g3 ~h6 23.83 e5? Krasenkow; 23.<~12 ! ? ; 23.~bS!?] lt:lbd7 a. ~d3 cs 9.o-o 'it'b6 10.b3
[23 ...g6 24.h4 ~18=] 24.l:ld U 'it.>e6? 20 ... 'it'd6 21.h3 l:tfd8 22. 1t'd2 cd411.ed4
25.de5 fe5 26.l:ld5+- l:lc6 27.l:lc6 'it.>g7?! [~ 22 ... l:te8] 23.a4 bd7? r~
'it.>d5 28.l:ld6 'it.>c4 29.l:ld7 1-0 23...l:te8] 24.f4 lt:lc6
.i. • .t.
~ '~'''
Bu Xiangzhi
Nanjing 2008 (8)
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ltlc3 ltlf6 4.e3 e6
5.ltlf3 a6 6.c5 b6 7.cb6 ltlbd7 ' ' ~ .. ' *'
' '
~ tt::J YJ..
8 .~d3 c5 9.b3 [9.0.0 'it'b6 10.~d2 cd4 ~ tO ~
11 .ed4 ~d6 12.l:te1 0-0 13.l:tc1 ~b7 ~ tO ~
J::t ~ 'if
14.b4 lt:le4 1S.ltla4 'tt'a7 16.ltlc5 ltldl6
J::t'if ~
17.ltleS aS 18.a3 ab4 19.ab4 .!:ticS 20.~e3
(20. ~14!) 20 ...'it'b8 21. ~14 l:ta2 22.l:te2 J::t ~~ 11.. .~e7?! [ 1 1... ~7 12.'tt'e2 ( 12 .~b2
l:te2 23.'it'e2;t gS 24. ~g3 (24 .~e4 ltle4 ~e7 13.l:tc1 1t'a7 14. a4 0.0 1S.ltlc5
(24 ... gl40 2S.~d3±) 25.ltlc6? [2S.ltle4! 'it'e7 (2S ...de4 l:tlc8 16.b4 aS 17.a3 ab4 18.ab4 W'b6
26.ltlfS; 2S ... 'it'b8 26.ltlc6 ~c6 27."it'd4 19.~c3 ~c6 20.W'e2 lt:le4 2 1.~e 1 l:tcb8
~g8 28.l:tc6 l:tc6 29.l:tc6 de4 30.l:td6+-) 22.ltla6 .!:tea 23.bS ~b7 24.l:ta1 lt:lgS
26.ltlc6 l:tc6 (26... ~c6 27. ~a6) 27.l:tc6 2S. gS ~gs 26.l:ta4 ~16 27.~as 1t'a7
~c6 28.'tt'd4 'it.>g8 29.ltlf2 +- ; 29.l:tc6 28.l:ld1 lH7 Fressinet-Tkachiev, Nimes
de4 30.l:td6 e3 31 .'tt'd1 +- Krasenkow] ch-FRA 2009; ~ 12 .~14) 1 2...~e7 13 .~b2
25 ... l:tc6 26.ltle2 l:lc2 27. l:tc2 ltlf8 (~ 13.~gS) 13 ... 0-0 14.l:tac1 l:tfc8=
28.ltld4 ltle6 29.ltle6 1t'e6 30.'tt'd4 Lafuente-Gagunashvili, Sautron 2008; ~
'it'f6 31.'tt'f6 6 32.l:tc7;t l:tb8 11... ~d6 12 .~b2 ( 12 .~gS! 0·0 13.l:le1
33.g4 h6 34.b4 ~c8 35.a5 'it.>e6 'it'b8 14.l:tc1 ~b7 1S.~h4 : ca 16.l:tc2
36. ~d3 ~d7 37.f5 7?? ~b4 17.'it'c1 'it'a7 18.a3 ~c3 19.l:tc3
[37... <J.>d6=] 38. ~86 + - 'it.>d6 39.l:tb7 e4 2o.: ca : ca 2H W14 'Wb6 22.b4 h6
l:tb7 40. ~b7 gf5 41 .gf5 ~f5 42.h4 23.l:tc1 gs 24.l:tc8 ~ca 2S.'it'c1 ~b7
~d3 43.<J.>f2 d4 44. 3 ~f1 45. 4 26.~g3 g3 27.hg3 ~c6 28.g4 <J.>g7
2S.h4!1+- (2S.'it'hS 'tt'c70) 2S ... h6 26.hgS ~d3 46.a6 <J.>c7 47.'it.>e5 'it.>b6 29.'tt'c3 ti'b7 30 .~c2 ~bS 31. d2 16
hgS 27.1t'hS 'tt'c7 28.ltle4+- I.Aimasi) 48.'it.>d4 ~e2 49.'it.>e5 h5 50.'it.>f6 32.13 1t'b8 33.a4 ~e8 34. 11 hS 3S.W'd2
24 ...ltlg3 2S.hg3 ~es 26.deS ltle4 27. ~e4 ~c4 51.'it.>g5 ~e2 52. ~d5 f6 'it.>h6 36.ghS hS 37.ltle3 IS 38.W'e1 ~g6
de4 (Krasenkow-Cs.Balogh, Warsaw 2008) 53. 6 <J.>a6 54. ~c6 1-0 39.g4 ltlg7 40.giS ltliS 41.~fS efS 42. dS
28.'it.>h2 'it'eS 29.'tt'e3!± I.Aimasi] • ca 43 ...,d2 '*'c4 44 ...,h2 <J.>g7 4S."itc7
9 ... lt:lb6 [9 ... cd4 10.ed4 'it'b6] 10 . ~a3 '*'c7 46. c7 ~17 47. a6 1-0 Bacrot-
[10.0.0 ~b7 11. ~b2 cd4 12.ed4 ~e7 Gelfand,Boris Chernin, Bastia rapid 2006; 12. a4 11'a7
13.l:tc1 o-o 14.1t'e2 aS 1S.a4 ltlc8 Feller,Sebastien 13.~b2 ~b7 14.l:tc1 0·0 1S.ltlc5! aS
lt:la7 17.ltlbS ltlbS 18.~bS 'it'b6 19.l:tc2 Ohrid tt 2009 (7) (1S... c5? 16.dc5 ~cS 17 . ~16 gl6
: rca 20.l:tfc1 l:tc2 21 ..1:tc2 ~d6 22.'tt'e1 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.ltlc3 ltlf6 4.e3 e6 18.~h7 'it.>h7 19. eS! d4 (1 9...feS 20.'it'hS
'it'd8 23.'tt'c1 'tt'e7 24 .~c3 h6 2S.h3 ltle4 5.ltlf3 86 6.c5 b6 [6 ...ltlbd7 7.b4 'it'c7 'it.>g7 21 ....gS 'it.>h7 22.l:tc3+ - ) 20.'WhS

Survey SL B. 1

~7 21.'ttg4 c;f;>h7 22.'tth4 c;f;>g7! 17.a3 .l:lldB?! (17... tt:leS 18.deS tt:le4) (23 ..1%b7 .l% ab8 24.'ilt'c3 'ilt'b7 (24 ... .1%b7
1 e7 24 ..1%cd1 (A .l% d3) 24 ...~e4 2S.We4 tt:ld7 19.b4 tt:lb6 tt:lc4 de4 c;t;>g6 27.'it'g3 cJ;h6
IS (2S ... 'ttd7 26.'ttg4 c;f;>h7 27..1%d3+-) 21 .tt:le6+- Wirig·M.Gurevich, Antalya 28.'ilt'h4 cJ;g6 29.14) c;t;>gB
26.'i'eS+- ; ~ 1S... .I%1c8 16.b4;!;)! 2009) 16..1%ac1 ~18 tt:ld7 18..1%c2 'ilt'b2) 23...c;f;>g8 tt:le4
~c5 ( 17.deS ~c5 18.el6 g6 .l% c2 19.Wc2 tt:l16 .l% c8 (20 ...aS);!;)± 'ilt'b6 17.a4 ~cs
19.h4-) 17.dc5 ~c5? (~ 17...~e7) 21 .b4;!; aS 22.'ilt'a41 tt:le4 23 ..1%c1 ~aB 18.bc5 Was tt:le5 20. ~e5
24.a3 .l%c7 2S.I3 tt:ld6 26.Was Was tt:ld7 21. ~d6 ~c6 22. ~c2 Wb4?
27 .baS± Koneru-P.Cramling, Krasnoturinsk 23 •.1%b1 'it'c4? 24.Wd2 g6 [2S .~b3)
2008) 12. ~f41 o-o Wa7 1·0
14..1%c1 ~ b715.b41 .l%fc8 [1S ... ~!?

~~· The Most Plausible
6 ... l!:l bd7 7.-" d2
~ Timman,Jan
ttJ .i. /:::; ~ Sokolov,lvan
~ ttJ MalmCl 2001 (2)
1 M~d7 11 tt:ld7 19 . ~h7 c;f;>h7 20.'it'hS c;t;>gB
~ /:::;/:::;/:::;
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 c6 d5 4.e3 a6
21.~g7 c;t;>g7 22.Wgs c;t;>h7 23.WhS c;t;>g7 5 .~d21? e6 6.c5 bd7
24.'ttgS c;f;>h7 2S ..I%c3 ~e30 26..1%e3 ll'if ll<;t> ~e7N [7 ... Wc7 A B... eS; RR 7... eSI?
(26.fe3? 16) 26 ... We3 27.1e3 160 28.Wh4 B.deS
(~ 28.Wg4 eS 29.We6oo; 28.WhS cJ;g7 16.Wb3 tt:lhS! ( 16...~as 17 .~c7! ~c7
29.1:113 .1%17 30.Wg4 c;f;>IB 31.We6oo) 18..1%c7 .l%1b8 19..1%b1+- ; 17.a3
28 ... c;t;>g7 29.Wg3 c;t;>l7 30.Wc7 ~ca tt:lhS 18. ~es tt:leS 19.deS) 17.Wb4
31.1:113 (~ 31 ..1%14 A .l%a4xaS) 31...a4! ( 17.~eS tt:les 18.deS ~aS ; 17.~e3 ~d6)
32.b4 (32..1%h3 ab3 33.ab3 IS) 32 ... .1%b8 18. ~h7! c;f;>h7 19..1%c7 tt:le2!
33.a3 .l% b7 34.'ttd6 .l% b6 3S.Wc7 .l%b7 ( 20.g3! (20..1%b7 .l% ab8) 20... e2
36.'i'd6 .l%b6 37.Wc7 Yz·Yz Fressinet· (20... tt:ld3 21.Wb1+- ; 20... tt:lg6 21..1%b7
Kempinski, Germany Bundesliga 2009/10) .l% ab8 c;f;>h6 (22 ... c;f;>g8 23.WIB)
12...0-0 (12...Wb8 13.We2 0·0 14..1%1e1 cJ;h7 c;f;>h6 25 ..1%b8 .l% b8
~7 .l% c8 ~es 17.deS 26.Wd2+ - ) 21 .cJ;g2 .l% ab8 22.'ilt'b2±)
~e4 18 .~d4 (18.-.e3 ~c6 19 .~e4 de4 20.c;f;>h1 tt:l16 21.Wb2 (21..1%b7 .l%ab8
2M~c5 tt:lc5 21.Wc5 ~dS= Khuzman· li>g6 23.Wb1 tt:le4) 21 ... tt:le4
Bacrot, St Vincent tt 200S) 18... aS?! (21....1%ab8 22.'ilt'e2 .l% bc8 23.'ilt'eS;!;)
(18... ~c6 19 .~a6) 19.We3 (A 13) 19...16?! (22.We2 .l% ac8 23 ..1%d7 .l%cd8! (8 ... tt:le4! 9.e6!? le6 10. e4 de4
(~ 19 ...h6) 20.el6 eS 21. ~e4 de4 (21...ed4 24 ..1%e7 .!%deB; 22..1%b7? Wb7! 23.Wb7 11. d4 c5oo I.Aimasi) '*ic7
22.~h7 cJ;h7 23.Wh3 c;t;>gB 24.17+-) .l:labB+ (Naiditsch-Seel, Germany Bundesliga
22.'i'g3 g6 23.Wh3 Wd6 (23 ... .1%180 2007/08; 9... tt:lgeS 10.lLleS tt:leS 11. ~c3
24.'i'd7 .1%17 2S.We6 ed4 (11.lLlb6 .l:lbB 12.Whs tt:lg6)
24.17 cJ;g7 2S .~e3 ~dS 26.18W Hl (11...We7 .l:lbB 13.Whs)
Avrukh·Ubiszewski, Benidorm 2008; 12.Wd4;!; I.Aimasi) 10.~c3 tt:lc5
12...~7 13..1%e1?! 0·0 14..1%c1 .l%1c8 (10... geS 11 . eS eS 12. b6
1S.t0eS .l%c7 16.We2 tt:lfB?! Wa7 (12.Wd4;t) 12....1%b8 13.WhS± I.Aimasi)
18.l:lc7 ~c7± ~d6 20.b4 Wb6 11 .tt:lc5 ~c5 12.Wc2;!; I.Aimasi; RR
21 .a3 ~c8 22 ..1%c1 aS 23.bS ~d7 7... tt:le4!? 8.~d3 tt:ld2 eS 10.()..0
(Chatalbashev-Stamenkov, Struga 2009) ~e7= J.Fischer-Marcelin, Munich 200S)
24.a4±) 13.We2 ~b7 (13... as 8 ..1%c1 [B.~d3 eS!?; B... b6 9.b4 aS 1O.bS
'fa7 1S..I%ac1 ~a6 16.~a6 Wa6 17.'ilt'a6 (1 0.a3 ~a6) 10... ~b7 11 .bc6 (11.cb6 c5)
lla6 18..1%c2;!; Kamsky-Navara, Baku 2008) 1 1... ~c6 12.cb6 0-0 13..1%b1 b6
14.l0a4 'ilt'a7 .l%1c8 (1S... .I%ac8;!;J 8 ... tt:le4 [B ... eS? 9.deS tt:lg4
16.<~h1 ~e7 17..1%ae1 ~b4 18..1%d1 aS A 24 22 ... tt:l2c3 (22 ... .1%ab8 23.'ilt'e2! cdS 11.'it'a4 tt:lh6 12 .~a5+-l
19.a3 ~e7 20..1%de1 WbB 21.~bS .l%c7 Wb6 ( tt:lgS 2S.'ilt'c2;t A 9•.Q.d3 [9. e4?! de4 eS] 9...f5
22.t0d7 Yz·Yz Kramnik·Dreev, Moscow 24 ...'it'c7 c;f;>gB [9 (10.'it'd2 eS) 10...eSoo]
ch·RUS 200S; 15...~e7 16..1%1d1 .l% ac8 g6 27.We3 We7 28.'ilt'g3-) 10. 4 d2 [11.'ilt'd2 0·0=)

11 ••• 0-0 12.f4 gS 13.ttlf3 [13.().() g4] 'it"e7=) 13...1t'a5 14 .~e7 l:te8 15 .~d6 RR 8. ~e2 (8.e4? e5 9.de5 tt:leS
13 ..•g4 tt:leS 15.fe5 [15.de5!! ttlf6D 16.-.e1 ! (16.-.M!?f) 16... 'it"e1 'tlfes 11 .14 'tlfd4+ Roiz; 8. ~d2 es 9.0-0-0
A 15 ... b5? 16.cb6 c5 17.b3!] 15.•• ~g5= 17.l:tfe1 ed4±, 17< Avrukh] e41SJ (!? tt:lg4 11.ttlge4 l:tb8 17.1t'e2 ~d7 18.h3 9.de5?! [ ~! tt:leS 10.de5 tt:le4 de4 12. tt:le4~ Roiz) 10...g6 (11.13
gh319.l:th3 ~e8 20 .'~f1?! [20.~d2=] de4 12 .~c4 ! ( 12 .~e3 'tWaS ~g7 ( 1 1...~h6! ?) 12.fe4 tt:le4
20..•'tlfe7 21.~g1 ~g6 22.l:tf1 l:tf7 13.1t'd2 1t'd2 14 .~d2 ~e6+ A 1s...o-o-o de4+% Roiz) 11... ~g7 12.13 ( 12.~a5 ttlf8
23.b4 l:tbf8 24.a4 hS 25.b5 abS e5<, c5<; 12.-.e4 ~cS A 13... ~15) l:tb8 14.ttlc8 l:tc8+% Roiz) 12...0-0
26.ab5 h4 27.l:ta1 l:th7 28.1t'd1 12... (12 ... -.d4? 13 .~e3 'it"es l:tb8 (13...l:te8!? Roiz)
[28.l:ta7 ~h5 29.-.12 -.e8 (29...~g4 14.l:td1 !f A 15 .~d4) 13.~d2 ...c5 l:te8 15.1t'b3 b5! ( ~ 15... ef3 Alexandrov-
30.bc6) 30.bc6 bc6 31 .l:th7 ~h7 32.l:th4! 14.1fe4 ~15 15.1fe2 ~g7 16.14 0-0 Roiz, Saratov 2006) 16.cb6 c5 17.fe4 cd4!
~h4 33.-.M ~g7 34 .~a6! +%] 17.l:tc1= Avrukh] 9 ... tt:le4 de4 (17... tt:le4? 18. e4 de4 19.~c4 ± Roiz)
28 ... 29.bc6 bc6 3o.-.a4 11.e6? [~ 11.• e4 tt:lcS 12.1t'e3 18.ed4 tt:le4 19.ttle4 -.e4 20.l:te1 1fe1
• h6 31.l:te1 l:tc7?T [31...14+ ; (12.'it"d4?! ...d4 ~g7 14.14 16 2 1. ~e1 l:te1 22 .~c2 l:te4f Roiz) 8... e5
3 1...~h5 A 32... ~g4] l:tcc8 15.ef6 ~16 16 .~e3 ~g4!+ , e1<) 9.0-0 e4?1 ( ~ 9... g6 10.b4 ~g7 11.a4 0-0 l:tc7 l:tcc8 ~· ~ 12... ~15! (12! 13 .~c4=) 13.ttld4 12.l:te1 ( 12.~a3 ed4 13.ed4 tt:le4!?)
J.Sokolov ttle4! 14.ttlf5 gf5+ (A ... ~c5; A ...~b4) 12... tt:le8 13.~a3 (13.~b2 !?)
~e1< ; 11.~g5 ~e7 (11 12.~d2 14.b5 ab5 15.ab5 tt:le6oo I.Aimasi) 10.ttld2
• cS 13.-.e4=) 12.~e7 1fe7 13.-.e4 g6 11 .b4 ~g7 12.a4 0-Q 13.~a3f (A
tt:lcS 14.'tlfe3 ~g4 !'f Avrukh] 11 •.. ef3! 14.b5 ll> I.Aimasi] 8.de5 tt:lg4 9. a4
12.ed7 ~d7 13.1t'c3 l:tg8 14.gf3 [9.e6 fe6 10 . ~d3 Gelfand] 9 ..•tt:lge5
The Mysterious Move ~g7 15.1t'b4 as 16.'tlfb7 • bs tt:leS 11. ~d2 ~e7 12. b6
6 ... tt:l bd7 7.'i!Vc2 17.1t'b8 l:tb8 18.~d3 ~b2 19. ~ b2 l:tb8 13 . ~a5!? ~f6? ! [13 ... ttld7!? A
l:tb2+ 20.0-0 ~e7 21.l:tfe1 ~f6 (~ 14.b4 b6 15.~b6 ...d7
Krasenkow,Michal 22. ~e4 ~e6 23.l:ted1 l:ta2 24.l:ta2 16 .~d3) 14 ... b60 15.~b60 (
Avrukh,Boris ~a2 25.l:td6 ~es 26.l:tc6 fS ~cS + ) 15... tt:lb6 ~cS 17....c5
Plovdiv Ech-tt 2003 (4) 27. ~c2 ~dS 28.l:tb6 ~f3 -+ 29.c6 • b6= I.Aimasi] 14. ~e2 [14. c41? -.e7
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 ttlf6 4.e3 a6 ~d6 30. ~a4 l:te8 31 . l:te4 ~18 16.~e2! I.Aimasi]
5 ....c2 e6 6.c5 ttlbd7 [A 7...e5] 32 .~b5 l:t b4 33 . ~e1 l:td4 0-1 14... -.e7 15.0-0 0-0 16.l:tad1 l:te8
7.ttlf3 g6 8.e4 [8.b4 ~g7 9 . ~b2 0-0 17.l:tfe1 g6 l:tbc8 19.b3
1O.~e2 l:te8 11.0-0 e5= Avrukh] ~g7 20.a4 tt:ld7 21.l:tc1 ~f8 22.b4
Koneru,Humpy tt:lf6 23 .~d3 24.h3 1fg5
Zhu Chen 25.'ifb3 d7 26. ~e2 hS 27.l:ted1
Gibraltar 2012 (9) l:te6 28.l:tc2 lt'e7 29. ~f1 h4
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 f6 4.e3 a6 30. ~e2 l:te8 31 .• b1 fS
5 ....c2 e6 6.c5 ttlbd7 7.ttlf3 eS
[7 ...1fe7!

8 ...e5! [8... de4? tt:le4 10.-.e4

~g7 11. ~c4 o-o 12.0-o (~c8 <) 12... e5o
(RR 12... tt:lf6 13....e2 ttldS 14 .~g5 ~16?
15.h4± Bunzmann-Heimgerger, Austria tt-2
2004/5) 13.~g5! ( tt:leS 14.de5 32.b5 abS 33.ab5 • gs ~-~

Tarrasch Defence
Rubinstein Variation TD 4.10-14 (034)

Proving Dr Tarrasch Right!

by Jacob Aagaard and Nikolaos Ntirlis

1. d4 d5 proof ' fo r the opening under di s-

2. c4 e6 cus ion. Ye , we were crazy to
3. tl:lc3 c5 try and do thi s for the Tarra ch
4. cd5 ed5 Defence but at the end we were
5. tLlf3 tl:lc6 more than sati tied with the re-
6. g3 tLlf6 ult. After the publication of the
7. i.g2 ~e7 book Grandmaster Repertoire
8. 0-0 0-0 Vol. 10: The Tarrasch Defence
we ob erved a bi g boost of popu-
larity of the mi sunderstood Doc-
tor' old invention. We beli eve
that now we are clo er than ever
to justify Dr Tarrasch's e tima-
tion of hi s own defence! Doctor,
you were correct!
Nlkolaos Ntlrlls
Two Parts
ln thi s Survey we are goi ng to ex- Part 1: Reti's 9.dc5
amine Rubin tein 's ' refutation' . Reti ' invention was 9.dc5 ~cS
After the move l.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 ~e7 ll.~e3 , fo ll owed
Dr Siegbert Tarra ch, one of the c5 4.cd5 edS tl:lc6 by 12.l:tc I, taki ng control of the
mo t influential teachers of the 6.g3! tLlf6 7.~g2 ~e7 8.0-0 0-0 dark quares on the queenside.
20th century, wrote in his book we will di vide the Survey in to Thi s approach wa recommended
The Game of Chess: 'The future two parts. in 2008 by Boris Avrukh in
wi ll decide who ha erred in e ti - In the fir t part we will exam ine Grandmaster Repertoire Vol. 1:
mating thi defence, me or the Reti 's 9.dc5. l.d4. ln Laznicka-Jianu we ee
chess world !'. Since Rubinstein that ll ...~g4 12.l:tcl l:te8
developed a ystem of fig hting b6! , which was not
again t thi fearful defence, all mentioned in GM Rep I, but wa
the ches world considered the the mai n line in GM Rep 10, hold
Tarra ch Defence an interesting well fo r Black.
but not enti rely correct opening. In Giri-Ji an u we see White get-
In 2011 , we (Jacob and Nikos) ti ng the bi hop pai r but in a po i-
started a very ambitious project: tion in which thi s is not much of
writing a book on the Tarrasch an advantage.
Defence under the Grandmaster In Pa hik ian-Bejtovic we see
Repertoire erie . The aim of this Timman's im portant lO.~gS
erie i to provide a powerful vari ation and especiall y the line
repertoire for all level of che s In the econd part Rubinstein ' we warned in GM Rep I0 that it
players, but also to discover the classical 9.~g5 , which is the might become more popular.
' truth ' and provide 'scientific main line until today. After 10... d4 ~e7

12. ~ f6 ~f6 l3.b4! we still be- Part II: Rubinstein's 9.~g5 Thi was the line recommended
lieve that 13..• ttJb4 i the way We start the econd part of thi in the recent book A Strategic
forward for Black. Survey with the impre sive Chess Opening Repertoire by
In Kachar-Bezgodov Timman 's game Gormally-Holland, in IM Watson, o if the reader
original idea was implemented. which the following firework s work on the notes in this Survey
ll..~f6 'il'f6 12.tLld5 'i!i'd8 (we took place: 9. ~g5 c4 IO.ttJeS (which will not be found in the
think that 12 .. .'i!t'f5 is a valid al- ~e6 ll.b3 h6 12.~f6 ~f6 GM Rep I0 book) he or she will
ternative) l3.ttJd2 l:e8 13.l:cl, l3.ttJc6 bc6 14.bc4 dc4 15.e3 get a practical advantage over the
and now Bezgodov played 'ifaS 16.'ifc2 cS 17.ttJe4 ~d4 players who are willing to try
Niko ' favourite move 13... ~f8 , 18.ed4 cd4 19.ttJd6 d3 20.ttJc4 Watson's uggestion in practice.
butinthenote you'll eethatthe 'ifa6 2l.'i!i'd2 ~c4 22. ~a8 We have to note at this point that
solid status of Jacob 's favourite l:a8. we totally agree with Wat on 's
l3... ~b6 hasn ' t changed. Black opinion in hi s book. Thi line i
is fine in all ca es. very difficult to play with black
Fini hing this ection, we go to a and require good tudy and
game we were waiting to ee in memory in order to under tand
great anticipation. After IO.a3! the nuance that make all the dif-
in GM Rep I0 we propo ed the ference. But we believe, as does
new move IO ... ttJe4!? as the only Watson, that objectively White
way for Black to olve his prob- has no advantage here. We also
lem . believe that it is very important
for White to understand the e
ubtleties quite well, becau e if
he doesn' t, he'll quickly find
Impressive, and you can be sure him elf in a worse position , as he
that thi s line was exten ively might have in Ramirez-Skytte.
analysed in GM Rep 10! Black i Readers who don ' t like bother-
an exchange down but his pas er ing with uch a detailed and un-
is enough for at least a draw. We balanced endgame should buy
were happy to see that a GM fell issue no I 03 of the Yearbook
victim to a well -prepared 2200 instead and tudy the excellent
player. This is the punishment Survey by GM Halkjas there.
for not reading our book (or for We fini sh thi s Survey with the
We were happy to di scover that not reading thi Survey! ). examination of another critical
in the recent publication Th e In the game Ramirez-Skytte position. In Bai-IIIingworth and
Kaufman Repertoire for Black and Ra mus en-Aagaard we Nguyen Chi Minh-Li zak the
and White by the American IM examine the uper-critical ll.f41ine is examined.
Larry Kaufman, ourconclu ion 16.l:cl l:ac8 17.'i!i'a4! line.
- that the move I O.a3 is very After 17...'i!i'a4 18.lLla4 ~e7
critical- wa also upported by Black is ready to exchange his
the author, but it puzzled us bishop for a knight after 19.ttJb2
why our solution was not men- ~a3!.
tioned . So we were waiting for
a high-level game with thi s line
in order to be ure that the ' big
guy 'shared our opinion. In the
game Bacrot- Delchev, the
strong Bulgarian GM not only
tru ted our idea of IO ... ttJe4
against a very dangerou s player Thi s i the line Rubinstein
but al o got a healthy advantage played against the 9 .. .c4 varia-
which re ulted in an ea y draw tion . We remain supporters of
for him . the ... h7-h6 approach almost ev-

Survey TO 4.10-14

erywhere in the Tarrasch with deed happened in the game Me quite un ba lanced position that
9.-tgS , and this line is no excep- Kay-Aagaard, where the old enables him to play for the whole
tion . After ll.f4 h6 12. · 6 .tf6 sugge tion of GM Khalifman point. In the 9 ...Q.g5 c4 line we
13.f5 Black should play wa met once agai n by the rare remai n supporters of the .. .h7-h6
13.•...Q.e5 14.de5 "tifb6 IS.~hl ... h7-h6 approach. approach and we haven ' t spotted
'i'b2 !, acrifici ng a piece for a single problem with it after the
orne pawns. If White doe n ' t go Conclusion publication ofGM Rep IO. Ifyou
for this critical continuation, We cannot ee a theoretical prob- combi ne these lines with the
Black wi ll play the typical et-up lem in the main line of the ones showed by GM Halkias in
with ...ti:Je7, topping f4-f5 and Tarrasch today. ln both the his Yearbook I 03 Survey, you
getti ng ready fo r queenside ac- 9 ...Q.g5 and the 9.dc5 lines, Black wi ll become a fear orne Tarra ch
tion with ... b7-b5, etc. Thi s in- get a satisfactory and u uall y player!

Part I (17./0d4;!; J:le3?! 18.fe3 doesn't work. 20.l:lc5 W'a6=, just one of many ways to
Reti 's 9.dc5 Black has insufficient compensation for the equalize] 16....i.h5 [16 ... .i.f5!= seems
exchange) 17....i.f3? ! (17 ... .i.h3 18..i.h1 more natural] 17.lle1 h6?! [17 ... .i.g61
laznicka,Viktor a6+", for example 19./0d4?1 /Og4 with 18./0h4 .i.e4=J 18.'*'d3 [18./0M!;!;J
Jianu,VIad Cristian active play for Black) 18..i.f3 tOeS 18...1fd3 19.ed3 .i.g6 20.J:lc3
Plovdiv Ech 2012 (4) 19.W'd7 /Of3 20.ef3 /Od7;!; Gyimesi· .i.d6=
1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3./0c3 cS 4.cd5 Brandenburg, Germany Bundesliga
edS 5./0f3 /Oc6 6.g3 /016 7..i.g2 2010/11) 15.W'b3 W'a6 (a reasonable
.i.e7 S.o-o o-o 9.dc5 .i.cS 10./0a4 idea. The queen stands excellently at a6)
[Avrukh's recommendation] 10... .i.e7 16.l:lfe1 J:lad8 17.h3! (17 ..i.f1 fails to
11 ..i.e3 .i.g4 12.llc1 J:le8 13./0cS impress: 17...d4! (17... /0e4 18.J:led1 /Oc5
19.llc5 d4 was also reasonable but a bit
worse for Black in Malakhov·Belov,
Krasnoyarsk ch·AUS 2003) 18.e3 W'as
(18 ...d3 19./0d4 /Oe5 20.14 .i.e6 21 .1fd1
.i.g4 22.W'b3 .i.e6=) 19.ed4 lle1 20./0e1
b6 21 .d5 /Od5 with excellent play for
Black) 17... .i.h5 18.W'a3 seems like a
correct solution for White: 18... W'a3
19..i.a3;!; .i.f3 20 ..i.f3 /Od4 21.<J.?g2 /Of3 [Black is not worse at this point, but is
22.<J.?f3 J:lc8 23.l:led1 llc6 and now after outplayed by his resourceful opponent. As
24 ..i.c5 J:lec8 25 ..i.e3 one of the biggest authors we feel that this is beyond the
modern heroes of the Tarrasch Defence guarantee we are able to offer!] 21.J:lec1
failed to save this unpleasant endgame in .i.g3 22. aS d4 23. d4 /Od4
13... W'b6! [Ntirlis' idea that seems to Grachev·Halkias, Zurich 2011 J 14./0b3 24.J:lc8 t!Je2 25. 1 c1 26.J:le8
solve the problems of the position. [Jianu remained faithful to this line and got tOeS 27.fg3 t!Jd3 28.b3 /Od6
13... .i.c5 14 ..i.c5! (14.J:lc5 W'b6!~) rewarded with the win a few rounds later in 29./0b7 lOtS 30 ..i.a7 g3 31.<J.?g1
14... W'a5 (14 ... W'd7 was the only move the same event: 14./0a4 1Va6 15.a3 t!Je2 32.<J.?h2 c3 33 ..i.e3 ts 34.a4
examined by Avrukh in 2008 but despite (15.h3 .i.f3 16..i.f3 J:lad8 is fine for Black) t4 35 ..i.d4 /Oe2 36 ..i.b6 ec1
the unfavourable conclusion for Black that 15...J:lad8 16.J:le1 /Oe4 17./0d4 /Oe5 37 .as /Ob4 38 •.i.c5 a6 39 ..i.d6
he stands slightly worse many players still (17 ... /0d4= with 18... .i.f6 next seems more .i.d3 40 ..i.d5 <J.?h7 41 ..i.t4 a2
trusted Black's position, with bitter results: clear) 18.13? .i.d7 19.fe4 .i.a4+ 42 ..i.d2 <J.?g6 43./0dS 2b4 44 ..i.b7
15.J:le1 J:lac8 (15 ... .i.h3 16..i.h1 /Oe4 Novkovic-Jianu, Plovdiv Ech 2012 (11 )1 45 ..i.c3 <J.?e7 46. c6 /Oc6
17..i.e3 J:lad8 18./0d4 /Oe5 19.13 14...W'a6 15.a3 J:lac8 16.h3N 47 ..i.c6 <J.?d6 48 ..i.t3 g6 49.b4 c7
Zagorskis·Warszawski, Warsaw 2006, was (16.J:le1 h6 17..i.c5 was played in SO ..i.g7 hS 51 .<J.?g3 .i.t1 52 •.i.h6
Avrukh's main line. If someone says chess Delchev·Moradiabadi, Ravenna 2011 , l!Je6 53.tJ.?f2 .i.bS 54.h4 d4
is easy then look at this position! White which was the first game that featured 55 ..i.e4 lOtS 56 ..i.t4 <J.?d7 57 ..i.b 7
has to play .i.h1 and f3 to get the Nikos' novelty. Now simplest was /Od4 58.a6 /Oc6 59.<J.?e3 <J.?e6
advantage!) 16..i.e3 h6 17.W'a4 17... .i.c5!?N 18./0c5 1t'b6 19./0a4 1Vb5 60 ..i.b8 1-0

Giri,Anish the kingside like this. Probably it was 13. ~f6 (13.~f4 liJdS 14.liJeS ( 14 .~es
Jianu,VIad Cristian recommendable not to do so] 27.84 tOeS 1S.liJeS ~16 16.'ilt'd4 l0b6 17.'ilt'd8
Plovdiv Ech 2012 (1) (27.h4!!] 27...~g7 28.b4 8b4 29.~b4 l:ldB 18.l0b6 ab6 19.l0d3 ~g4 with
1.l0f3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.g3 l0f6 4 .~g2 (29.l:lb4! ] 29..•l0d5 30. ~83 ~g6 pressure for Black and lots of
~e7 5.0-0 0-0 6.d4 c5 7.cd5 ed5 31.~b2 h5 32. ~ h2 liJe7 (32 ...l016=] compensation) 14...l0f4 1S.l0c6 l0e2
8.l0c3 l0c6 9.dc5 ~c5 10.l0a4 ~e7 33.l:ld2! h4 [Maybe too aggressive] 16.1t"e2 bc6f (Kozhevnikov-Uiko, Moscow
11. ~e3 (11.l0d4!? is not at all easy to 34.gh4 l0f5 [34 ... l0f4 3S.hgS ~gS 2012) 17. ~c6 ~h3 18.l:lfd1 l:lc8 with two
face with Black: 1 1... ~g4 12.h3! ~d7 ! 36.~c1 ! l:le1 37.l:ld3 l:lc1 38.h4 ~fS wondertul bishops] 13... ~f6 14.83
(Jacob's strong novelty that gives Black 39.l:lc1 l0d3 40.l:ld1 l:ld4 41. ~d3 'iPI6 (14.l0d2!? (more dangerous) 14... l:lb8
adequate counterchances) 13.~e3 (else 42.hS ~gS 43.~c2 l:ld1 44 .~d1 <J;lhS± is 1S.l0c5 (B.Larsen·Kortchnoi, Bad Homburg
Black gets nice play with ...l:le8·l:lc8. of course dangerous for Black, but maybe 1998) 1S... 'ilt'aS!?N 16.a3 l:ldB 17.l0de4
13.l0c6 bc6 14 .~e3 l:le8 1S .~c5 Wc8 this endgame can be held due to the low ~e7 18.l0d3 ~e6 19.l0ec5 ~dS 20.~dS
16.~h2 ~fS 17 .~e7 l:le7;:t) 13...liJeS! - number of pawns?] 35.hg5 <J;>g5 l:ldS=] 14... l:le8 ( 14... ~fSN 1S.l0c5
the knight gets to c4 to hit the bishop while 36.l:le41± l0h4 37.~e2 l:le4 38.fe4 'ilt'e7;:t] 15.b4 ~f5 [1S ... 'i!t'e7N would
Black isn't afraid of l0e6] 11 ..•~g4 de2 39.l:le2 ~f4 40.~c1 ~f3 still have been fine, as there is time to take
12.l:lc1 l:le813.h3 ~f3 14.ef3N [This 41 .l:lb2!+- [A great move] 41 ..• l:lg8 on e2 still, should White ignore the threat]
is quite an attractive novelty. White is aiming (41 ...<J;>e4 42.l:lb4 l:ld4 43.l:ld4 \l;>d4 16.l0c5! 'ilt'e7? (16... l:lb8 17.l0b7 l:lb7
to get long-term pressure from g2 to b7. On 44.~e3+ - ] 42. ~e3 l0g2 43.~ b6 18.l:lc6! was also quite unpleasant, but
the other hand his pawn structure is slightly l0e1 44.l:lb3 <J;>e2 45.l:le3 ~ 1 Black would have better chances there]
impertect. 14 .~f3 1t'd7 wins a tempo at h3 46.h4 l:lh8 47.\l;>g3 l0g2 48.1:183 17.b5 l085 18.l0d4 ~g4 19.'ilt'841±
to play 1S... l:lad8 and 16...d4 with good l:lg8 49.<J;>f3 1-0 ~d4 20.'ilt'd4 ~e2 21.l:lfe1 'ilt'd8
counterplay] 14...• d7 [Normal play, Black 22.1i'b2!+ - ~c4 23.l:le8 'ilt'e8
develops] 15.liJc5 ~c5 16.l:lc5 ( 16 . ~c5 24.l0b7 l0b7 25 . ~b7 l:lb8 26.l:lc4
d4!?oo] 16...h6 (This is not very ambitious, Jianu,VIad Cristi8n l:lb7 27.1t"c2 l:lb8 28.84 l:ld8
but Black needs for the knights to be stable Bejtovic,Jasmin 29.l:lc7 g6 30. 'ilt'c4 l:ld7 31.l:ld7
in the centre to match the power of the Plovdiv Ech 2012 (5) 'ilt'd7 32.h4 'ilt'd2 33.'i!t'f4 'ilt'85
bishops] 17.1t"d3 (17 .~d4 1t"d6 18.f4 1.l0f3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.g3 l0f6 4. ~g2 34.\l;>h2 h5 35.'ilt'd4 1i'c7 36.'ilt'b4
l0e4 19.l:lc2 1t"b4 20.~c3 1t"bS with the c5 5.0-0 tOeS 6.cd5 ed5 7.d4 ~e7 'ilt'b7 37.'ilt'c5 <J;>g7 38.85 1i'd7
idea 21 ... l:lad8 and Black is no worse] 8.l0c3 0-0 9.dc5 ~c5 1o. ~g5 d4 39.'ilt'e5 <J;>g8 40.1i'c5 'ilt'b7 41.'i!i'c6
17.•• l:lad8 (17...d4!?] 18.l:ld1 11.l084 'ilt'e7 42.b6 8b6 43.86 b5 44.'ilt'b7

Plovdiv Ech 2012 (9)
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3. f3 c5 4.cd5
ed5 5.g3 tOeS 6. ~g2 f6 7.0-0
~e7 8.l0c3 0-0 9.dc5 ~c5 10 . ~g5
d411 .l0e4 ~e7

18••. 1t"e6 [Black's clearest path to equality (We are sad to have to admit that this
looks to be 18...d4! 19. ~d2 1t"e6!=] reasonable move is not mentioned in GM
19.1t"b3 b6 [The game was still not Rep 10!] 11 ... ~e7 12.l:lc1 h6
obviously in White's favour after 19...d4!? (12...1faSI? 13.a3 l:ldB (13...1fbS!?N
20.1t'e6 l:le6 21 .~d2 , though Black has 14 .~16 ~16 1S.l:le1 l:ldB 16.l:lc5 'ilt'a6
lost some of his active possibilities and will 17.liJgS tOeS 18."ilt'b3 ~gS 19.l:leS ~f6=)
have to play a bit more accurately] 14.b4 'ilt'bS 1S .~f6 gf6 16.l0c5 aS 17.a4
20.l:lcc1 d4 21 .1t"e6 l:le6 22.~d2 ! 'ilt'b4? (17...1t"b6oo 18.bS l0b4 19.l0d3
(White's advantage is very very tiny, but we l0a2 20.l:lc2 liJc3;:t) 18.l0e1 ! tOeS
feel that it is there, at least in a practical 19.l0ed3 l0d3 20.l0d3 'ilt'b6 21 .l:lb1 'ilt'c7
sense] 22 •.• d3 23.~f1 l0d4 24. ~g2 22.'ilt'd2± Bratanov-Kolev, Sunny Beach 12.~f6 (12.l0f6 ~16 13.1!t'd2 ~g4
liJe2 25.l:lc7 aS 26.l:lc4 g5 [We do 2007; 12... ~e6 13.a3 ~dS? ! 14.l0c5! 14.l:lfe1 (14.h3 ~gS 1S. gS ~e2 f
not find it absolutely necessary to weaken P.Cramling-Ponomariov, Pamplona 1996/97] Capablanca-Euwe, Rotterdam m-S 1931 )

Survey TD 4.10-14

14... h6 15..Q.f6 'ilt'f6 16.h3 .Q.h5 17.b4 a6 Robert-J.Andersen, cr Email 2011] [12... 'ilt'f5 (a valid alternative) 13.<t:ld2
18.llad1 llad8 19.'ifb2 b5!?= Aggelis- 16...'iVe517.<t:le5 lle818.llfd1 .Q.f5 (13.<t:lf4 should be met with the accurate
Berzinsh, Eretria 2011 ] 12... .Q.f6 13.b4! 13... .Q.b6! and after 14.<t:ld2 Nikos' idea
[1M j f6 'iff6 14.b4 lld8 15.'ifd2 .Q.g4=
16.llac1?? d3 0-1 Wohi-Kanep, Gibraltar
2011 ] 13...<t:lb4 [This was our original
recommendation. 13... a6!? 14.<t:l16 (14.a4!

14... 'it'bS or Brautigam's 14...h5 which is
similar to Gonzalez Zamora-GraQ 13... lld8
14.<t:lf4 .Q.d6 15.<t:ld3 h5+=< Gonzalez
Zamora-Graf, Merida 2006] 13.<t:ld2 lle8
li:lb4 15.<t:lf6 'iVf6 16.'ilt'd4 and White
seems a bit better to us) 14... 'ilt'l6 15.a4
ttJ .i.
(we wrote at GM Rep 10 that this 'helps ~
White. The black d-pawn has become !'::.
weaker'. This is an opinion that some
disagree with. For example IM Breutigam in
!'::. !'::.!'::.Si..!'::.
'ChessBase Magazine' 145 proposed the
1::[ 1::[ ~
move 13...a6 for Black. 15.llc1 .Q.f5=)
1S... lld8!? {but alter this move probably 19.f4 [A new move we didn't consider in
Black proved us wrong in the following GM Rep 10. 19.<t:lc4 lle2 20.<t:le3 (20..Q.b7
game! 15... <t:lb4 16..-d4 'ife7 is llb8 21 .<t:ld6 .Q.e6 22.a3 ttJc2 23..Q.f3 <t:la1
Brautigam's suggestion. We still believe that 24 ..Q.e2 ttJc2=) 20....Q.e6 21.llab1 aS! 22.a3
the position looks more pleasant for White, <t:lc2 23.<t:lc2 llc2 24..Q.b7 lle8=]
but it is not one of those positions that are 19...<t:lc2 [19 ...16 20.<t:lc4 lle2 21..Q.b7 14.llc1 [The following model game shows
not defendable in practice) 16.bS {16.'ifd2 llb8 22.<t:ld6 is a more attractive version of the attacking potential of the Tarrasch!
d3! 17.ed3 .Q.g4+=<) 16...<t:lb4 (16 ...<t:laS!N the posnion reached alter 19.<t:lc4, 14.<t:lb3 .Q.b6! 15.llc1 .Q.g4 16.lle1 'iVd6
also seems reasonable; 16...<t:le7N doesn't nevertheless with careful play Black has 17.<t:ld2 llad8 18.<t:lc4 'ilt'h6 19.<t:lt4
seem as strong though: 17.'ifb3 .Q.f5 nothing to fear: 22... .Q.c2 23.lld4 lld8 24.a3 20.<t:ld3 'iVh5 21 .llc2 lle6'F 22.'ilt'd2 gS!
18.'it'b2!!) 17.ba6 (17.'ifd2! is critical, but lle7! 25 ..Q.f3 <t:ld3 26.<t:lt5 lled7 27.lld7 (22... llh6 is met by 23.h4) 23.h3 .Q.h3
alter 17... a5 18.<t:le1 ! llb8 19.<t:ld3 <t:ld3 lld7 28..Q.g4 .Q.a4 29.llb1 llc7 but nis true 24..Q.h3 'ilt'h3 25.Wg5 llg6 26.<t:lt4 .Q.f4
20.'it'd3 g6 21 ..Q.e4 .Q.h3 22.llfc1 'it'e5 that White has some tricks and a hint of 27 ..-14 llh6 2B.'it'f3 'ilt'h2 0-1 Hauser-
position is more or less balanced) 17... lla6 pressure] 20.llac1 <t:le3 21 ..Q.b7 llab8 Perunovic, Deizisau 2012. A great game!]
18.'it'd2 <t:lc6 19.'it'b2 <t:la5 and Black 22 ..Q.c6 lle5! 23.fe5 d1 24.lld1 14....Q.f8 [Nikos' coach, the late FM
seemed fine in S.Schneider-Steneskog, .Q.e6 [This endgame is of o;>urse played at Nikolaos Karapanos, had a special love for
Sweden tt 2011 /12] 14.<t:lf6 'iVf6 White's condnions, but a draw should this move. The bishop is romantically
15.'iVd4 [15.<t:ld4 lld8 (15....Q.g4 16.llb1 certainly be wnhin reach for Black] 25.a3 related to the h6-square! We actually see
aS 17.'iVd2;!;) 16..-a4! (this discovery of c;t.>ta 26...w2 7 27.c.fw>e3 llb6 its effect in this game. 14....Q.b6 is a more
Ntirlis hasn't been played until now. 16.e3 28 ..Q.f3 lla6 29.lld3 lla5 30. 4 h6 popular move and Jacob's favourite: 15. c4
li:lc6 17..Q.c6 bc6 18.llc1 .Q.h3 19.lle1 31.h4 lla4 32.e4 llc4 33.g4 llc5 (1S.<t:lf4 .Q.g4 16.lle1 llc8 17. c4 .Q.c7
lld5!+=< Budzyn-Stengelin, cr Email 2010) 34.g5 hg5 35.hg5 g6 36 ..Q.d1 llc1 18.<t:ld3 'it'gS 19..Q.f3 hS 20.'ilt'b3 llb8=
16...a5 (16... 'iVd4 17.llad1 'it'b6 18.lld8 37 •.Q.f3 llc5 38.lld4 aS 39..Q.d1 llc3 Shirov-lllescas Cordoba, Buenos Aires
'ii'd8 19.'iVb4 g6 and now Jacob's move 40.a4 llc1 41.lld6 lla1 42 ..Q.c2 llf1 1993) 1S... .Q.g4 16.lle1 .Q.cS! {16... .Q.aS?
20.h4!± kills every dream of equality. The 43.c.fw>e3 llg1 44.lla6 llg5 45.lla5 17.<t:la5 'iVaS 18.b4 b4 19.Wd2!
point is that in some lines with 20...hS, llg1 46.lla8 g5 47.a5 lla1 48 ..Q.d3 Horstmann-Biauert, Germany Bundesliga B
White has gained a very important square c.fw>d7 49.a6 c.fw>c6 50.llb8 g4 51. 4 2003/04. The point being: 19... c6
on h2 for the king. In all others h4-hS is c.fw>c5 52 ..Q.e2 lla2 53 ..Q.g4 lla6 20.'it'gS!!±) 17.a3 llc8 (17... a6 18.b4 .Q.a7
very dangerous) 17.e3 .Q.d7 18.'it'a3 54 ..Q.e6 fe6 55.llc8 c.fw>d4 56.lld8 19.'ii'd2 llc8 20.a4 h5 is the other big
{18.'ifb3 llab8 19.llab1 <t:lc6 20.<t:lc6 c.fw>c5 57.c.fw>g5 lla4>f6 lle4 main line here. Black is doing well after
.Q.c6=) 18...<t:lc6 19.llad1 b6 (19... .Q.g4 59.c.fw>e6 llh4 60.llc8 c.fw>d4 61 .c.fw>d6 21 .<t:lf4 h4 22. d3 .Q.e6 23.bS <t:le7!N as
20..Q.c6 .Q.d1 21 ..Q.b7 lla7 22 ..Q.g2 lld4 1-0 proposed and analysed in GM Rep 10)
23.ed4 'it'd4=) 20.'it'b3 <t:ld4 21 .lld4 llac8 18.b4 .Q.fs 19.'tlrd2 b5 (1 9... .Q.e6N 20.e4
22.llf4 a4 (22 ... .Q.e6!?) 23.'iVb1 'it'e6=. We g6 21.<t:lb2 .Q.g7 22.<t:ld3 a6= can be found
analysed this in far more great detail in GM Kachar,VIadimir in GM Rep 10) 20.<t:lb2 aS 21 .<t:ld3 ab4
Rep 10 but we really need some practical Bezgodov,Aiexey 22.ab4 hS (22 ....Q.f5 23.<t:l5f4 and now the
tests to be sure that Black is fine] Moscow 2012 (1 ) new move 23 ... 'iVf6= was proposed in GM
15•..'ii'e7 16.'it'e5 [According to IM 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.<t:lc3 c5 4.cd5 Rep 10) 23.h4 .Q.d6 24. cS;t .Q.b8
Brautigam White is slightly better here but ed5 5.<t:lf3 <t:lc6 6.g3 <t:lf6 7 ..Q.g2 2S.<t:le4 .Q.f5 26.<t:lc5 'it'd6 27.<t:lb6 lle3
we honestly don't see it. 16.'iVb2 <t:lc6 .Q.e7 a.o-o o-o 9.dc5 .Q.cs (an impressive move, similar to the classic
17.llfd1 llb8 18.a4 .Q.e6 Black was fine in d4 11 ..Q.f6 'it'f6 12.<t:ld5 'ilt'd8 Tarrasch game Ogaard-Petursson, Gausdal

1984, but this time it doesn't work!) 28.tDc8 12.tDc3 tDc3 13.bc3 'Wd1 14.l:td1
1fg6 (28... ~c8 29.tDa6 ~as 30..I:tc6+- ) l:t8d8 15. ~b2 tDaS 16.tDd4 ~b3
29.tDd3 ~g3 30.l:tc6 1fg4 31 .tDe7 1-0 17.l:te1 [17.tDb3 the only move given in
Paunovic-Gonzalez de Ia Torre, Elgoibar the book with the comment that else Black
2011 ] 15.lDf4 g6?1 [1S ... ~d6! ? or plays ... ~a4!J 17... ~84 1 18.e3 tDc4
1S... ~g4 16 .~13 ~13 17.tDI3 ~d6, like 19 .~c1 b5
Miles-L.autier, Biel 1992, are both
satisfactory for Black; 1S ...l:tb8!N could be
an interesting new idea, with the intention to
transpose to the game after 16.l:te1 g6!]
16.l:te1 [16.l:tc6 bc6 17 .~c6 l:tb8
18.~e8 1i'e8! gives Black definite
compensation for a pawn but it is difficult to 13.'Wb1 !! (13.lDd4 was played by
say if it is really enough to claim equal Rubinstein in 1911 against Teichmann. but
chances] 16... l:tb81 [Black corrects his this time the "Tarrasch killer"'s instinct was
mistake and stands well] 17.tDb3 ~ h6 not correct. After 13... tDd4 14.'Wd4 aS
18.l:tc4 ~f4 19.gf4 ~e6 20. ~c6 Black was fine and because this was given
bc6 21.l:td4 [21 .l:tc6 ~b3 +] for so many years as the only line in the
21... 'Wf6:f 22. 'Wd2 [22.e3 ~dS is very prestigious 'ECO' none noticed that White
uncomfortable for White] 22 ... ~ b3 can improve and reach a great position) 20.f4?1 [20.~11 (a plan I (Nikos) feared
23.8b3 l:tb3 24.l:td1 c5 25.l:td8 l:td8 13...1fd7 14.l:td1± l:tfd8 1S.tDgS d4 while watching the Delchev game live.
26.'Wd8 'Wd8 27.l:td8 lto>g7 28.l:td2 16.lDbS ~fS 17.1fa2 lDdS 18.lDd4 ~gS White dreams of 12-13 and e3-e4, just like
[White's task is difficult in this ending, but 19.lDfS 'WfS 20.l:tdS l:tdS 21 .1fdS 'WdS Jacob played against me in a Glasgow blitz
not hopeless] 28 ... 85 29.e3 84 30.l:tc2 22 .~dS bS 23.14 ~f6 24.~f6 gf6 2S.l:tc1 game) 20...l:tfe8 21.~e2 g6!? 22 .~d1
l:tb5 31 .1to>g2 [31 .'ito>f1 is more natural, to tDe7 26.l:tc8 tDc8 27.Wf2 fS 28.We3 Wf8 ~d1 23.l:td1 b6! 24.13 fS Black is just
bring the king to d3J 31 ...'ito>f6 32.l:tc41 29.'ito>d4 lto>e7 30.\to>cs tDd6 31. ~c6 as fine] 20 ...~b6 21.l:tb1 ~as [21...a6!?J
l:tb2 33.l:t84 l:tb6 34.l:tc4 [Shows a 32.Wb6 tDc4 33.\to>aS tDa3 34 .~bS c2 22.l:tb4 [22.tDc6 ~c3 23.lDd8 l:td8!?
lack of rook endgame experience or 3S.Ito>aS tDe3 36.~d3 tDf1 37 .~fS 1-0 24.l:tf1 aS and Black is at least equal]
perhaps time. The rook should not be used Wieczorek-Oienderek, Suwalki 1999] 22 ...~b4 [22 ...l:tfe8!?J 23.ab4 f5 [This
as a blockader - the king is far more suited 11.tDd5 [11 .1fd3 tDc3 12.1i'c3 ~b6 ! seems a bit unnecessary. 23... l:tfe8 Black
for this. 34.\to>13 l:tc6 3S.Ito>e4 and there is (this is the correct solution. In the book we seems at least equal here] 24.e4 [24.tDe6
no reason for White to ever lose] 34...l:tc6 got it wrong it seems. 12...1fe7 is less ~c2 2S.e4 ~e4 26.tDf8 'ito>f8 27 .~e4 fe4
35 .~f3 lto>e6 36 . ~e4 'ito>d6 37.f5 gf5 natural: 13.b4 ~b6 14.e3 l:td8 1S.l:td1 28.Wf2 l:td3=J 24 .. .fe4 25.tDe6 ~c21=
38. 5? [The king is not of much use as ~g4 16 .~b2 16 17.'Wb3 1ff7 18.h3 ~e6 26.tDd8 l:td8 27.c;t.?t2 86 28.l:te2
an aggressive piece in rook endings. 19.lDd4 lDd4 20. ~d4! Hirneise-Utwak, ~b1 29.l:te1 ~c2 30.l:te2 ~b1
38.'ito>d3 'ito>dS 39.l:th4 and White would still Germany Bundesliga 2011 /12; 12...~e7? ! is 31 .l:te1 ~c2 Y2-Y2
have drawn] 38 ... \to>dS 39.l:tc2 c4 40.f4 in the book: 13.tDd4! lDd4 14.'Wd4 ~e6
c3 41.h4 lto>c4 42.e4 'ito>d3 43.l:tc1 1S.~f4 ~f6 16 . ~eS;t is of course
lto>d2 44.l:th1 c2 45.e5 c1 1f 46.l:tc1 drawable for Black, but is quite unpleasant, Manolache,Marius
lto>c1 47.h5 Wd2 0-1 as shown in a computer game where White Jianu,VIad Cristian
actually won) 13.b4 d4 (13 .. .16 is also OK Sarata Monteoru ch-ROM 2012 (10)
according to GM Moradiabadi. The idea is 1.d4 d5 2.tDf3 e6 3.c4 c5 4.cd5
Bacrot,Etienne ... ~fS-e4, but in principle we do not like to [4.g3 tDf6 S.~g2 ~e7 6.0-0 c6 7.dc5
Delchev,Aieksander weaken the kingside like this) 14.1fd2 'ili'e7 [White can play deS without exchanging at
Plovdiv Ech 2012 (4) (14...l:te8 1S .~b2 ~e6 16.l:tad1 ~b3 dS. This gives Black the opportunity to play
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.tDc3 c5 4.cd5 17.l:tc1 ~a4 and Black should be okay) ...dc4 himself, which gives me easy
ed5 5.tDf3 tDc6 6.g3 tDf6 7. ~g2 1S .~b2 l:td8 16.l:tfd1 ~e6 17.bS?! equality) 7... ~c5 8.a3 dc4 9.'ili'a4 0-0
~e7 8.0-0 0-0 9.dc5 ~cs 10.831? (17.'ili'f4!!) 17... tDaS 18.'ili'b4 'ili'b4 19.ab4 10.1i'c4 ~e7 11.tDc3 eS 12.l:td1 ~e6
[Recommended in the recent book 'The lDb3 20.l:ta3 l:tac8 21 .tDe1 l:td7 13.l:td8 (13...-bS 'Wb8!?N (13... 1fc7 was
Kaufman Repertoire'. 10.~f4 (another (21 ... ~c4 !=) 22 .~e4 l:tdc7 23.tDf3 h6 not bad either and this is the move that
poisonous move we had a hard time to (23... ~c4=) 24.1to>f1 g6 2S.Ito>e1 ~c4 Berkes thought that Black should play to get
counter in our analysis) 10...h6! 11 .l:tc1 26.tDeS ~e6 Black was fine and even won equal chances, but this made him play an
(11 .lDa4 ~d6!=) 11 ... l:te8! 12.lDa4 ~f8! against his GM opponent in Rasmussen- even better move!) was proposed by FM
13.tDd4 ~g4 14.l:te1 l:tc8=J 10...tDe41 Byklum, Stockholm 2011/12; 11 .-.dS tDc3 Dennis Monokroussos while reviewing
[But Kaufman did not include this in his 12.1fc5 tDe2 13.'ito>h1 tDc1= is OK for Marin's 3rd to my GM 10 Rep English book
analysis. 10... ~e6 11 .b4 ~e7 12.~b2 l:tc8 Black as shown in GM Rep 10] 11... ~e6 in his blog 'The Chess Mind' and was

Survey TO 4.10-14

Jacob's intention to try this against his 2700+ 19.ltlf8 l:tf8 20.~7 l:td8 21.~e4 W'd2~] from: 1. Play b3 taking advantage of the
(at that time) opponent) 14 .~e3 is met by 14.ltle4 ~fS [14...l:te8!? seems to be the ... c5-c4 move; 2. Playing f4 taking advantage
14...a6 1S.W'b6 ~dB! and this shows why most effective: 1S.ltlf6 (1S.Wf4 ~e5!=) of the fact that Black has closed the centre
the queen went to b8 instead of c7!) 1S... Wf6 16.W'd2 d3!;;::t 17.ed3 ~g4J and 3. Play something flexible before
13...~c4 14.l:ta8 l:ta8 (Black has equalized, 15.ltlf6 Wf6 16.W'f4 gS 17.W'd2 deciding for 12-f4 or b2-b3] 11 •.. h6 [We
txrt WMe has somehow lost his way and l:tad8 [17 ...d3! keeps good counterchances: called the lines where this approach was
sees 'nothing' as he later explained) 1S.b4 18.ed3 l:tad8 19.h4 gh4 20.ltlh4 ~d3 applied 'The New Lines', calling the ... Was
: dB 16 . ~b2 e4 17. e1 e3!:f' 18.fe3 ltlg4 21.~c6 bc6oo] 18.h4! g4 19. a Main Line 'The Old Lines'. In our book we
19.bS tt:Jas 20.ltlc2 ltlb3?! (20...~gS! was l:tfe8 20.ltld3 ~d3 21.ed3 l:te7 supported the 'New Lines' approach and we
proposed to us by GM John Shaw, as the 22.~c6 bc6 23.l:te1 l:tde8 24.l:te7 investigated the move ... h7-h6 almost
'cleanesf solu1ion: 21.~e4 ltle3 22.ltle3 l:te7 25.b4 ~7 26.l:te1 l:te1 27.W'e1 everywhere. We were happy to discover that
~e3+) 21 .l:td1 l:td1 lH2 Berkes-Aagaard, W'f528.We2 h5 our approach was consistent and good,
Greece tt 2011] 4...ed5 5.g3 ltlc6 because Black seems to gain enough
6.~g2 ltlf6 7.o-o ~e7 counterplay and thus equality with ...h7-h6 in
all variations!] 12.~f6 ~f6 13. c6 bc6
14.bc4 dc415.e3 Was

£ ~
tO ~ ~
[This queen ending should not give Black
~ ~~~
serious practical problems, even ~ WMe has
8.dc5 [8.~e3 was Taimanov's specialty: a slightly better pawn structure. Bu1 WMe l:l ~ l:l ~
8... c4 9.ltle5 (}{) 10.ltlc6 (10.b3 cb3 11 .W'b3 really manages to outplay his opponent with
~d6 12.ltlc6 bc6;;::t) 10...bc6 11.b3 cb3 nice technique] 29.W'd2 f6 30.Wc2 W'dS 16."if c2 (This was considered the Main
12.ab3 W'b6 ( 12...~15 13.ltlc3 Wb6 14 .~f4 31.Wa4 Wd7 32.Wa5 ~g6 33. Wc5 Line of the ... h7-h6 approach before the GM
a5= was proposed by Taimanov himself) ~h6 34.84 ~g6 35. 1 ~h6 36. ~e1 Rep 10 was published. Now, we believe that
13.W'd3 a5 14.l:tc1 ~6 (14 ...ltlg4;;::t) We6 37.~1 Wd7 38.a5 ~g6 39.a6 16.l:tc1 ! is stronger and thus this is the
1S.Wc2 (Taimanov-Marjano'lic, Vrnjacka ~h6 40.~g2 ~g6 41 .~g1 ~h6 Main Line of the future. More on this in the
Banja 1977) 1S...l:tfc8=] S..• ~cs 9~g5 42.Wf8 ~g6 43.Wgs s 44. 1 games to come] 16...c5!!N [Mr Holland is
[9.a3 is met once again by 9...ltle4! and ~ We7 45.1t'c8 ~g6 4Uii'b7 Wd6 thus the first to play Nikos' great novelty
10.ltlfd2 fS! 11.ltlb3 (11.ltle4 de4=) 47.b5 W'a3 48.W'c6 W'd3 49.~g2 over the board. A draw against a GM with
1 1...~! 12.ltlc3 ~e6 13.ltla4 d4!=. Black W'e2 50.b6 W'a6 51.'ilt'e4 ~g7 almost 350 rating points more is the reward]
will play 14... ~d5 with an equal game ahead; 52.W'e7 ~g6 53.ba7 W'c6 54.~h2 17.ltle4 ~d4 18.ed4 cd4 19.ltld6
9.W'c2 ~ 10.ltlc3 (a system championed WaS 55.Wd7 d3 56.'ifd3 ~g7 d3 20.ltlc4 W'a6! 21.W'd2 ~c41?
by GM Malaniuk) 10...<Hl 11.~g5 ~e6 57.W'd7 ~g6 58.We7 1-0 (This deviates from what we recommended:
12.ltla4 h6 13.ltlb6 ab6 14.~f4 We? 21 ... Wc4. In the book we assumed that
(14...l:te8 has only been tested in oompu1er Black was fully OK after 22.l:tac1 W'd4
games with good results. The move is logical 23.~8 : as 24.Wc3 l:tdB 2S.W'd4 l:td4
and needs a human test. It reminds us of the 26.f3 ~a2 27.l:tc3 ~c4 28. ~12 ~bS
famous game Tal-Keres, Bled'Belgrade ct Part II 29.<iPe3 l:td6 30.l:tl2 a6=] 22. · 8 : as
1959, where Black won a very similar position Rubinstein's 9.~ 5 23.l:tfe1 l:tdB 24.l:te4 [24.l:tac1 !?;t was
in great classical style) 1S.l:tfd1 l:tfc8 16.a3 the best attempt to exploit the fact that the
~e4 17.l:tac1 was played in Malaniuk-Potkin, Gormally,Daniel bishop is less solid on c4] 24 ... W'c6
St Petersburg 2000. In GM Rep 10 we Holland,James 25. W'e3 W'dS [2S ...~a2 !=] 26.l:te5
proposed 17...W'c5 18.~e3 Wb5 with close North Shields ch·GBR 2012 (2) Wd7 27.l:td1 ~b5 [27...~a2 28.l:te7
to equal chances] 9...o-o 10.Wc1N ~e7 1.d4 dS 2.ltlf3 cS 3.c4 e6 4.cd5 edS W'dS 29.l:ta7 d2 30.l:ta3 ~b1 !=] 28 .W'c5
11 . c3 h6 [11 ... d4 is met typically in those 5.ltlc3 ltlc6 6.g3 ltlf6 7.~g2 ~e7 [28.l:te7 Wfs 29.l:ta7? d2!+ 30.l:td2?
fllles by 12.l:td1 !;t] 12~f6 ~f6 13.l:td1 S.G-0 G-0 9.~g5 c4 1O.ltleS ~e6 W'b1 31. ~g2 ~f1 32 .~f3 WfS-+]
d4 [13...~e6!?N 14.e4 d4 1S.eS!? lUeS! 11 .b3 [This move represents one of the 28 ... a6 29.l:te7 "ifg4 30.l:td2 l:tcB
16.ltld4 ~g4 17.ltle6 ltld3! 18.l:td3 W'd3 three different strategies WMe can choose 31.13 [31 .l:tc7!?;t] 31 ..."ifh3 32. W'f2

'tf1S [32 ...l:tc2!=] 33 ..1:te4 ..-h3 34.a4?! gS 2S ..I:tc2 g4 [25 .. .15 26.lL!b2!±] .l:tc7 22 ..1:tc1 (22 ..1:td1 gS; 22 ...g6 23.l:tc2
.b 4! 3S ..I:td3 ~c2 36..1:th4 ..-h4 26. ~g2 hS [26... ~g7 27.lL!b2 (27.lL!b6 .l:tdB 24..1:tdd2!?i ] 22 (22 ...g6 (the
37.gh4 ~d3= 38.'tfd4 ~bS 39.14 c3 28.lL!a4 ~f5=) 27 ... c3 28.lL!a4 ~fS most accurate move here) 23.<~f1 (23..1:td2
.l:tc6 40 .<~12 .l:te6 41 .<~g3 .l:tg6 29.e4 ~g6 30.lL!c3 .l:te7+t] 27.lL!b6 c3 is a move we didn't mention in the book -
42. ~ .l:te6 43.hS .l:te2 44. ~g3 .l:te6 28.lL!a4 LeeRoth asked about it on the
4S ...-d8 .l:te8 46.'tfdS .l:te3 47. ~ h4 chesspublishing forum: 23 ...l:td8! (most
.l:te6 48 .~g3

Ramirez Alvarez,Aiejandro


ambitious. 23... l:tb8 24.~f 1 .l:tb4 25..1:tdc2
and now both 25 ...c5 and 25 ....1:ta4 should
draw; 23...c5 24.d5±) 24.Wf1 (24.~f1 cS)
24...~7 25. ~e1 Wf6 (25 ... .1:tb8 is also
Skytte,Rasmus possible) 26.~f1 (26.l:tdd1 .l:tbB!) 26...c5
Cappelle Ia Grande 2012 (2)
i (Black is just fine) 27.d5) 23... .1:td8 24.~e2
1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.lL!c3 cS 4.cdS tt:J .t. ~ i ~d5! 25.~d5 cd5 26.a4 ~g7 27.l:tcb1 ~16
edS S.lL!f3 lL!c6 6.g3 l016 7.~g2 i ~ ~ 28.a5 ~e7 29..1:ta2 ~e6 30.a6 15 31. ~2
~e7 8.0-0 0-0 9 .~gs c4 10.lL!eS
~ 1:1 ~Ji..~ ~-~ Keuter-Aitrichter, cr Email 2012]
~e6 11 .lLlc6 [11 .b3 h6 12 . ~f4 is not 23.l:td2?! [23.14 gf4 24.gf4 f5! 25 .~f1
dangerous. Black takes on b3 and is fine. A 1:1 ~ .l:teB 26.WI2 .l:tce7 27..1:tc3 ~d5 28.~c4
recent game saw a worse idea: 12... ~a3? (28..1:tb4 aS 29..1:tb2 (29.l:ta4 .l:tbB+t)
13.bc4! ~b2 14.lLld5± lLldS 15.cd5 ~dS 28...cS? [A simple blunder. 28... ~f5 ! 29... .1:tg7 30.l:tb6 ~h7 31 .a4 .l:tegB>=t)
16.e4 lL!eS? ( 16...~e6!i) 17.l:tb1 ~e4 29.e4 ~e6 30.lL!c3 ~c3 31..1:tc3 .l:tcd7=] 28...~c4 29.l:tc4 .l:te3 30..1:tc6 .l:t3e4+t
18.~e4 ~d4 19. ~b7 .l:tbB (Gunina- 29.dS± [Black always has to watch out for enough activity to draw; 23..1:tbc2 .l:tdB 24.f4
Seliverstov, Moscow 2012) 20.1fa4!±] this] 29 ... .1:tcd7 30.e4 1S 31 ..1:ta1 ! ~g7 with the idea 25.15 ~15 26..1:tc4 .l:te7+t
11...bc6 12.b3 h6 13. ~16 ~16 [Threatening 32.a3 as well as 32.de6] 27.~12? ! .l:tbB 28.~c6? .l:tb2] 23 ... l:td8
14.bc4 dc4 1S.e3 'it'aS 16..1:tc1! 31 .. .fe4 [Desperation, but 3 1... ~f7 24.h3 [24.14! gf4 (24... ~g7 25.15 ~fS
[16.1fc2 cS! (extensively analysed in GM 32.ef5± wins a pawn because of 32...~d5? 26.l:tc4 is now good for White because
Rep 10) 17 .~a8 (17.lL!e4 ~d4 - 33.lLlb6+-; 32.a3? fe4!oo] 32.de6 .l:td1 26... .1:te8 (26... .1:te7 27.Wf2 .l:tbB 28.~c6
Gormally-Holland, North Shields ch-GBR (32 ....1:td2 33..1:tac1 ~a3 34.lL!c3 and White and there is no .l:tb2 with check) 27.Wf2
2012) 17... cd4] 16....1:tac8 17.1fa4 wins] 33 ..1:td1 .l:td1 34 . ~11 .l:td3 ~e4 (27 ... .1:te6 28..1:tc5 .1:16 29.~e2i)
1fa4 18.lL!a4 ~e7 19.l:tb1 .l:tc7! 3S. ~d3 ed3 36.l:tc3 1-0 28.~e4 .l:te4 29 ..1:tdc2 .l:tce7 (29 .. .15 30..1:tc6
20.lL!c3 (20.lL!c5 ~cS 21 .dc5 .l:td7 when .l:tc6 31.l:tc6 f4 is an interesting defensive
Black is equal and plans 22 ... .1:tfd8. If possibil~. Deep analysis will reveal if this is
22 ..1:tfd1 .l:td1 23.l:td1 .l:tbB!f ] 20 ... .1:td8 a draw or not) 30.l:t2c3 .l:t7e6 31 .Wf3 h5
(20... g6, not committing the rook yet, is also Rasmussen,AIIan Stig 32.a4 fS 33..1:tc5 Wf6 34.l:ta5 f4 35.gf4 gf4
viable. Putting the king on g7 has many Aagaard,Jacob 36.ef4 .l:td4 (~ seems that Black can hold)
benefits, both strategic and tactical. The Helsingor ch· DEN 2012 (7) 37..l:th5 .l:ta4 and the presence of the h+g
strategic ones are obvious: the king is What is the worst an author can do after pawns give Black excellent drawing chances;
closer to the centre of the board while publishing a book? Play the opening again 24...16 25.~f 1 .l:te7 26.Wf2 c5 27.~c4 ~c4
keeping flexibility with the fB·rook (it can go and in the same way. First of all he has 28.l:tc4 cd4 29..1:tcd4 .l:tde8 30..1:t4d3±)
either to eB or d8 or b8 according to the published his analysis for all to see (and try 25.gf4 ~g7 26.15 ~f5 27.l:tc4 .l:td6 28.e4
circumstances (and all these where allowed to pick holes in), but more importantly, if he ~d7 29..1:tdc2±] 24 ... ~g7 2S.g4
by the deep 19... .1:tc7!). The tactical has a bad day, the reputation of the
justification is that the king at g7 avoids a opening and book can take an even greater
check at 17 either by a bishop (after hit than he; maybe undeservedly (well, his
~f1xc4xe6) or by a pawn after d5xe6. This loss is, but not the readers for misjudging
little detail becomes relevant in many lines!] the book!). As it was, Jacob played this
21 . .1:t1d1 aS?! [Blocking the access to the game without having checked the analysis
b-file by putting a bishop on b4 is a nice in the book and thus did not remember
idea but ~ seems that it doesn't work here. them. This is an unfair disadvantage to put
It was better to play standard and make a yourself in after having published them!
move with the g-pawn. 21...g5+t and 1.d4 lL!16 2.c4 e6 3.g3 dS 4.lL!f3
21 ...g6 is good but the text is more active] ~e7 S .~g2 0-0 6.0-0 cS 7.cdS edS
22.~13 (22.l:tb6!i would take advantage 8.lL!c3 lL!c6 9 .~gs c4 1O.lL!eS ~e6
of Black's last move] 22 ...~b4 ! [Black's 11 .lL!c6 bc6 12.b3 h6 13.~16 ~16
idea was realized and he stands at least 14.bc4 dc4 1S.e3 ..-as 16•.1:tc1 ! 2S ... hS? [This is a horrible practical
not worse] 23.l:tbc1 ~8 (23 ...g5! .l:tac8 17.1fa4 'it'a4 18.lL!a4 ~e7 decision and comes out of very poor form.
immediately seems more natural] 24.lL!a4 19.lL!b2 ~a3 20.l:tc2 ~b2 21.l:tb2 Sometimes this happens to a player.

Survey TO 4.10-14

However, Black is not fully lost yet. Still (17 ...a6 18. ~d6 b5 19.f5 ~cB 20.16 g6 is
Rasmussen played a great game and no problem for Black according to the
deserved to win. 25... l:tb8! with the idea machine, but the human eye can see better
... l:tb4-a4 seems like the simplest defence that such a risky strategy is faulty, at least
to us: 26.l:tdc2 l:tb4 27.~f1 c5 28.~c4 cd4 in a practical game: 2UWf3 ~e6 22. ~f5
29.~e6 l:tc2 30.l:tc2 fe6=] 26.ghS 'Ot>h6 'Ot>h7 23. ~ h6!-+ White has a very strong
27. ~f3 fS 28.'0t>h2 (28.'0t>f1 l:td6!?; attack] 18 .~d6 [1B . a4 d3'i'] 18..• l:tad8
2B.a4 (the only logical pawn move in this
endgame) 28... l:td6! (with the idea 29 ... l:tb7
or 29...c5 and 30... l:ta6) 29.a5 ~17 30.l:tb2
c5 31 .dc5 l:tc5 32.l:tb7 ~h5 33. ~h5 'Ot>h5
34.l:ta7 c3 35.l:th7 'Ot>g6 36.l:tb7 f4 (36 ...c2
37.l:tb6) 37.ef4 q;,f5 38.l:tb6 (38.fg5 c2 16 . ~a4? [This is not a very fortunate
39.q;,g2 l:td1) 38 ... l:td7 39.a6 q;,f4 40.l:tb7 idea] 16...1fe5 17.fe6 fe6'i' 18.l:tf8
l:!b7 41.ab7 l:tb5 42.l:tc3 l:tb7 draw] l:tf8 19. ~c5 l:tf21 -+ 20.~e6 l:tg2
28 .. .14 (28... l:td6!? with the idea ... l:tb7-b4. 21 .q;,g2 W'e6 22.e3 ~ b4 23.a3 ~d3
After 29.l:tcc2 l:tb7 30.d5 l:td5 31. ~d5 24. 1fe2 1fe4 2S. 1ff3 c3 26.h3 0-1
~d5i Black has reasonable drawing
chances] 29.e4 l:tcd7 (29... l:tb7
30.~g4!t ~17 31 .d5 cd5 32.l:tc4 l:tb6 Nguyen Chi Minh
33.l:tc7 ~h5 34.ed5± looks very Lizak,Peter 19.W'hS?! [19.15 is met by 19... ~e5;
suspicious] 30. ~g4! ~g4 [30 ... l:te7 Pula 20 12 (9) 19 .~c4 ~c4 20.l:tc4 1fb2 21."iWb1 'ifa3=
31. ~e6 l:te6 32.13 l:ted6 33.l:tc4 'Ot>h5± is 1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3 .~c3 cS 4.cdS 22.W'b7? ~a5 ; 19.l:tf2 f6=; 19...'ifa6o:% is
poor, but still offers some resistance1 edS s.~f3 ~c6 6.g3 ~16 7.~g2 typical in these positions. The queen makes
31.hg4 l:td4 32.l:tdc2?! [32.l:td4 l:td4 ~e7 s.o-o o-o 9. ~gs c4 10. ~es room for the advance of the b·pawn]
33.e5! 'Ot>g7 34.'0t>g2 q;,17 35.h6!±] ~e6 11.14 [11. ~c6 bc6 12.1fa4 can still 19... d3'i' [White's attack looks much
32 •.. l:td2? (Possibly the last chance was be met by 12... h6!? (12 ...1fb6!'i' is slower than Black's queenside play]
32...l:te4 33.l:tc4 l:tc4 34.l:tc4 l:td2 35.l:tc6 objectively better) 13.~16 ~f6 14.1fc6 20.g4?1 [Consistent at least. 20.l:tb1 q;,h7
<;f;> h7 36.Wg2 l:ta2 37.Wf3± although this l:tcB 15.1fa6 ~d4o:% Matnadze- 21 .l:tfd1 f6 is just a sample line that
looks very suspicious: 37...a6 38.l:tg6 l:ta5 Kovalevskaya, Batumi 2012] 11 ..• h6 illustrates Black's threats. Beside the
39.w e4 l:ta4 40.'0t>f5 l:ta5 41 .'0t>f6 l:tb5 12. ~16 ~16 13.'0t>h1 ~e7! queenside play he also has the idea to
42.l:tg7 'Ot>h6 43.l:ta7 l:tb6 44.'0t>f5] attack the exposed d6-knight] 20 ...'ifb2
33.l:td2 l:td2 34.'0t>g2 l:td4 3S.eS! 21.g5 hgS 22.l:tb1 W'e2 23 .~f3
l:le4 [35 ...c5 36.l:te1 c3 37.e6 c2 38.e7] W'e3 24.'ifgS d2 2S ....g3 ~d4 [White
36.'0t>f3 l:teS 37.l:tc4 cS [37 ... l:te6 is lost. Not only he has no attack at all and
3B.l:tc5! a6 39.l:ta5] 38.l:te4 l:tdS the queen cannot be trapped, but also his
39.l:te6 'Ot>h7 40.l:te7 'Ot>h6 41 .l:tc7 pawns are loose and the terrible d- and
l:ld6 42.'0t>e4 l:td4 43.'0t>fS l:tdS c-paws are passed and close to promotion
44.'0t>e6 l:td4 4S.f3 c4 46.l:tc6 w h7 - not rare in the Tarrasch Defence!] 26.15
47.Wf6 l:tdS 48.l:tc4 'Ot>h6 49.l:tc6 c3 27.l:tf2 ~f3 28.l:tf3 c2 29.l:tg1
: as so.a4 w h7 S1.l:td6 q;,hs 1fg1 30.W'g1 d1 W' 31.l:tf1 l:td6
52.l:te6 a6 S3.l:td6 'Ot>h7 54.l:tc6 32.ed6 1fd6 0-1
<;f;> h6 SS.l:te6 l:ta4 S6.'0t>fS 'Ot>g7
57.w gs as 58.h6 1-o
[In this game Black shows the correct
set-up for his pieces] 14.e4 [If not this, McKay,Roddy
then Black will have a free hand at the Aagaard,Jacob
Bai,Jinshi queenside with ... b5-b4 etc] 14... ~e5! Scotland tt 2012
Illingworth, Max 1S.deS?! [This seems wrong, but the The following game was played on board
Canberra 2012 (5) alternative doesn't give White hope for any one in the local league where I live. Rod is
1.d4 e6 2.c4 dS 3. ~f3 cS 4.cd5 advantage. 15.fe5 1fd7 16.ed5 and now a talented IM who decided to just play for
edS s. ~c3 ~c6 6.g3 ~16 7. ~g2 either 16... ~d5o:% or 16... ~d5o:% Black's fun on rare occasions. Many times I have
~e7 s.o-o o-o 9. ~gs c4 10.~es only soft spot at 17 is easy to cover, while been in trouble with him, just to make up
~e6 11 .f4 h6 12.~16 ~16 13.fS his counterplay at the queenside will for it in time trouble. Recently I seem to
~es 14.de5 1fb6 15.'0t>h1 1fb2 [This become worrying for White shortly] have gotten the best of him. The game was
piece sacrifice seems to hold up brilliantly] 15•.• d4! 16. ~ b5 ~c6 17.l:tc1 1fb6 played with 1 hour for 30 moves and

another 15 to the end. I played a bit fast planning 17....i.c8 But what about rnanoetMe. It was to become apparent that
while Roddy got into time trouble, 17...~15 18.1:[15 g6. Here the computer gives my opponent had not anticipated this idea at
accelerating his downfall. Most of the game the amazing line:!? tt:ld5! (19 ...gh5 alq 26 •••g51 (The attraction of putting the
H was just unclear, I think. d5 2.g3 'iPh8 21.J:[h5 Wg7 22.J:[f1 with knight on h4 is just too great to miss.
c5 3 . ~g2 tt:lc6 4.d4 tt:lf6 s.o-o e6 compensation)\g6 tt:le3 21 .1:[13 W'd4 26...l0c6!?+ with the point ol 27.lLlcs?!
6.c4 ~e7 7.cd5 ed5 o-o\18 J:[f8 23.J:tb1 and allegedly the tt:leS! was something I did spot during the
9 . ~e3 c4 ~f5 (10 ...h6 is position is equal - though I prefer Black in a game, but I did not see the point of H. The
interesting, in order to play ... ~f5 , but I was practical setting: 24.~h1 J:[eS point is to play ... W'e7-g5, force WhHe to take
ready for the main line a moment ago and I 25.W'I5 J:[e1 26...if1 Wg7~] 17.We2 on f4, weakening the d4-pawn. Too deep for
am ready now. Such options are more (17.Wh6?! is reMed t7y\15 18.W'h3 my wrists I must say] 27.a3 [Seeking
important for people who want to play ~e5! (the ll1CM! order is important. counterplay. 27.h4? tt:lg6 28.hg5 hg5 'Mll.lld
9.~g5 cd4. The main point is to avoid 18... tt:ld4?!!; 18... tt:le3?! 19.g4 .i.eS? only favour Black as he is the one on the
10... ~e6?1 11 .tt:lc41 dc4 12.d5! ] 11 . ~g5 (\g4!oo) 20.W'e3±) 19.fe5 tt:le3'1' attack] 27••• ba31? [I refrained from playing
~e6 12.e3 h6 13 .~16 ~f6 14.f4 20.g4? tt:lg4 21.J:[f4 ~5 22.h tt:\g4!+]!+ because I did not see what to do
tt:le7 17.• ...ig7 18.g4 f5 [This is not how ~ after 28.ab4? tt:lh4 29.1:[12 tt:\13 30.1:[13 ~g4
normally play and here n is just a bH 31.hg4 Wg4 32.'iPI2 fe3 33.W'e3. Admittedly
inaccurate I think. I played quHe quiddy I did not look very hard eHher. Or I 'Mll.lld
throughout the game, not wasting time on have seen 33...1:[13 34.W13 J:[f8, winning at
seeing that 18...b5 was ever so slightly more once. Again I was a bH restless and playing
accurate and that WhHe did not have 19.15 too fast] 28.<t:Jc3 [Maybe there is some
gf5 20.gf5 because of 20... tt:ll51 21 .l0c6 difficult improvement here, but practically there
W'gSt ] 19.h3 [A bH slow. 19.gf5! ~f5 was nothing better for him with 40 seoonds
20.W'I3 (20.e4!? de4 21 .Wc4 'iPh7oo) on the clock] 28.•• tt:lg6+
20...~e6 21 .W'g3 ~f5 22.W13=] 19•••b5
20.~f3 b41? [Preparing to sacrifice the
exchange, ~ allowed. 20... W'd6 21 .J:[g2oo]
21 .l0a4 J:[c8 22.J:[g2 [22.lLlcs J:[c5
23.dc5 ~e5 24.fe5 W'c7~] 22 •.. ~e5
[Halkias wrote in his article in 'reaJbook 102 23.fe5 f4 (23... W'a5 24.b3 c3oo was also
that he did not like this position because of possible. The computer says Black is just
the power of the knight on e5. This game is a better, but I personally find the position rather
good example of why we do not think this unclear. I was only too happy to protect my
should be feared] 15.J:[f2 [This has been queen a bH] 24.Wd2 [24.lLlcs? certainly
played twice in the database. My response is does not work now. After 24... J:tc5 25.dc5 fe3
o!Mous, but still a nowlty. Knowing the typical 26.W'e3 d4+ WhHe's position is unbearable]
ideas of the positions helped me a lot during 24•••W'd7 [I quHe liked this 111CM!, even ~ the
this game. 15.g4 is Khalifman's idea, but is details were lost on me. There are other good 29.J:[a3?T [After 29.~d1 tt:lh4 30.1:[12 my
neutralised with 15...b5!N as can be seen in moves such as 24 ... c3!? but the main intention had been to play 30 .. .'it'e7, which
Chapter 4 of GM Rep 10. 15.W'e2 We are question is of course why I did not play is actually quite a good move as it turns
very surprised to find out that the 'idiotic 24... W'a5. What I saw was that my usual idea out. But even stronger would have been
computer 111CM!' 15... W'b61 actually is a very does not work here: 25.lLlcs J:[c5 26.dc5 fe3? 30... h5! 31 .ef4 hg4 with a devastating
deep and intelligent 111CM!. We apologise for (26 ... g5!?~) 27.W'e3 d4 fails to get attack] 29 •••tt:lh4 30. ~e2 [I was
the offensive remark - deadline pressures and compensation on account of 28.W'd4! 1:[13 expecting 30.1:[12 tt:\13 31 .J:tf3 ~g4 32.hg4
a publisher trying to get us into the red-top 29.W'd6 <J;f7 30.J:tf1 ± and WhHe keeps his W'g4 33. ~12 fe3 34.W'e3. Here I had
press: 16.g4 J:[ad8 17.J:tad1 WaS extra exchange without having to face an looked at ideas such as 34 ... Wf3 and
(17...W'a6!? looks tike a possible refinement: avalanche of pawns] 25.b3 [I did not have 35... J:[c3 afterwards, but the computer
18.e4 W'b6 could still transpose though) full control over 25.W'b4 fe3 26.J:[f1 liJc6 points to a simple solution I would have
18.e4 Wb6 19.ed5 ~d5 tt:ld5= 27.W'c3 tt:le5 28.de5 W'a4 29.W'e3 Wh7'1' found for sure, had I gathered my thoughts:
Wllzschei.Qvergaard, cr Email 2007] but Black is doing OK here; 25.10<:5 is still 34 ... J:tf3! 35.W'I3 and now either 35 ... W'd4
15•••J:tb81N 16.W'h5 g61 (I could not met with 25... J:tc5 26.dc5 fe3 27.We3 d4~ or 35 ... J:tf8, winning] 30 ••.tt:lg2 [30 ... 13
resist the temptation of kicking the queen although the position is not nearty as clear as also won of course, but I saw a simple way
back and playing this standard regrouping. I imagined during the game (and I still b.ind to win a rook and went for it] 31 .Wg2 f31
Especially after calculating the oonsequences npreUy unclear). The main point is that n is 32 .~f3 W'f7 !White resigned. The point is
of Wh6 accurately. Ha.Yever, in the cold light unpleasant for WhHe] 25 ••• c3 26.We1? [I of course that after 33.~e2 Black wins with
of day, one is tempted to ask what the wMe expected 26.Wd3 which I thought was 33 ... J:tc3! 34.W'c3 W'l2 35.Wh1 W'e2
idea is after 16...b5. Maybe n was 17.15, stronger because of the ...liJe7-h4 36.J:[a1 1:[12 and mate is near] 0-1

Catalan 0
Open Variation CA 5.5 (E05)

Black's Queen Goes Forward!

by Ruslan Scherbakov

1. d4 tLlf6 immediately with 9 . ~c4 (Bu

2. c4 e6 Xiangzhi -Zhou Ji anchao Dan-
3. g3 d5 zhou 201 2) are rather harmJes ,
4. ..tg2 ..te7 while the aggre ive 9.tLle5 ~d4
5. tLlf3 0-0 JO ...ta8 'f#"e5 till gives Black
6. 0-0 dc4 good counterchances.
7. ~c2 b5
8. a4 b4 A Slight Edge
The olid 9.tLl bd2 might prorni e
a light edge, but hardl y more
than White can obtain in ty pical
Catalan positi on .

Sebastian Schmldt·Schiiffer

pawn, i a seriou challenge but

White' pressure does not look
unbearable. In V.M ikhalev ki -
La t year the urpri sing 7 .. .b5 !? Hess Wheeling 201 2 , Black ig-
8.a4 b4! udde nl y came on stage nored the offer and obtai ned a
with great effect when Black quite playable though omewhat
cored orne convincing victo- worse position.
rie with it. Since then White bas Black can react in di ffe rent After the principled IO... 'f#"d4
found ways to prevent things go- way , though he should carry White has a choice.
ing beyond hi control yet the through the themati c .. .c7-c5 and
b-pawn push which i u ually especially the follow-up ... c5xd4 :16\.t :i~
played much earlier - before
ki ng ide development - has be-
come a eri ous option to deal
carefully, as the simpl ifications
mi ght favour White, as in
Sasikiran-David, Gibraltar 201 2,
and Po tny-Al.lvanov, Plovdiv
' i ,.,.

201 2. Black s plans were more ~ .l ttJ ~

New Developments convincing in the games Vidit-
There have been some new de- Wei Yi , Ho Chi Minh City 201 2,
velopments ince Rene Olthof' and M.Ande rsen-V.Georgiev, ~ 'if ~ ~ Jl. ~
Survey in Yearbook 99 so it's Copenhagen 20 12. ~ tb~ n~
worth looking at the m first.
Ignoring Black's c4-pawn by Ambition II ...te3 eem less pro mi sing;
9 .~g5 (E.Hansen-J.Friedel, The more ambitious 9.tLlfd2 c6 see Gleizerov-Paikidze, Alghero
Wheeling 201 2) or taking it back I O.tLlc4, sacrificing the d4- 2011. I U :l:dl c5 12 ...ie3 ,

dri ving Bl ack' queen to the Be ide , here Bl ack also ha a and fo und him elf in a pretty un-
ki ng ide, i more cha llenging. fa irl y unexpected way to make plea ant though ti ll d fe ndable
After 12 ...'i t'h5 bd2 Black thing more complicated - endi ng.
waps White's bi shop with 7 .. .'i i'd5 !?, ending the queen
13, after which hi queen- fo rward to protect the pawn!
ide remai n under eriou pres-
ure, al though it' still not ea y
for Wh ite to get a tangible ad-
vantage; Ju Wenj un-We i Yi , Ho
Chi Minh City 201 2. Instead of
exchanging the only decent-
looking pi ece, Black can try to
fo rti fy hi kn ight on d5, whi ch
might be more ambitiou . It has
not been reall y te ted yet and of
cour e there mi ght be Whe n the two queen finall y fi nd
problem ... the ir place on the board , Black's
Thi s look dubiou , as it eem q ueen ti ll look awkward on the
A Simple-Looking Solution? to faci litate Black' develop- edge. However, there are orne
T hu , ma ny w hite pl ayer , no t ment. However, the actual gain good point to thi s, ince it
be ing co mpl e te ly ati fi ed in time is not obviou , a in order makes the d8- q uare avai lable
with all thi , have tri ed to find a to avoid an ending the bl ack fo r e ither rook and it lends more
o lut io n to the pro bl e m in th e queen' counterpart ha to be re- upport to Bl ack's queen ide
impl e- loo king 7.'~'a4, with arranged too. pl ay. Even in ca e Wh ite'
the arne idea of g ra bbin g the Thi s idea eemed quite attractive ki ng ide action come fi r t, thi
c4-paw n w ith th e quee n. How- during our preparatio ns for the may be a clear draw back, but
ever, it actu all y no t the match agai n t a much hi gher Bl ack keep good defen ive re-
a rne! rated pl ayer and the fac t that it ource ; M.Kryl ov-A.Fil ipenko,
eventuall y came on the board Mo cow 201 2.
from a di ffe rent opening sy te rn
onl y increa ed the e lement of Conclusion
surpri e. Le Quang Liem- The e fres h and omewhat
Megaranto, FIDE World C up ugly-looking attempt fo r Black
( 1.1 ) Khanty-Man iy k 2011. to upport hi c4- pawn on move
For orne time White may have 7 can hardl y be tronger than the
thought that he fo rced hi s oppo- approved ... a7-a6 approach.
nent to play something he had However they fo rce White to
never played before, but then he olve concrete problems earlier
became vi ibly confu ed, having than he is used to doing, which
probably reali zed he wa actu- might pro mi e Black good
Fir t of al l, Bl ack can imply go al ly play ing on hi opponent ' chance to compl icate thing .
fo r the main line with 7 ...a6 ground . Yet the lack of ex peri - White player who want to avo id
8.'i i'c4 b5 9.'ii'c2 ~b7, happy to ence in thi type of po iti on uch a me might pay more at-
avoid 7 .'~'c2 a6 8.a4, which ha eventuall y told when the lndone- tenti on to an earl y 6. c2 , pro-
recently become more popul ar at ian player tried to improve his tecting the c4-pawn in ad vance,
top level. light- quared bi shop too earl y but that is another story.

Survey CA 5.5

The Surprising 26 ..l:lb1 .l:lb1 27 ..l:lb1 ~e7 28.'ii'a7 ~cS 8.a4 b4 9.tLlbd2 ~b7 1O..l:ld1 !?
8 ... b4 29."Wc7 "Wf2 3Q.q;>h1 .l:ld2+] 25 ..l:lcd1 ll:\bd7 [10 ... a5 11 .tLlc4 ~e4 12.'it'b3
"Wb5 26 •.l:ld8 ~d8 27.ab5 ~e7 "Wd5 13.tLle1 ~g2 14.tLlg2 tLlbd7 15.lLJ14
Hansen, Eric 28 ..l:ld1 ?I g5 29..l:lc1 .l:le5 0-1 "Wb7 16.tLld3 (16.~e3 tLld5 (H.Hernandez
Friedei,Joshua Carmenates-Maze, Salou 2011 ) 17..l:lac1 ! )
Wheeling 2012 (6) 16... .l:llc8 17.~14 h6 18..l:lac1 ! lturrizaga- li:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.~g2 Bu Xiangzhi H.Hernandez Carmenates, Barbera del
~e7 s.o-o o-o 6.d4 dc4 7.1i'c2 b5 Zhou Jianchao Valles 2011 ; 10...c5 11 .tLlc4 (11.dc5?!
8.a4 b4 9.~g5 Danzhou 2012 (3) tLlbd7 12.tLle1 (12.tLld4 ~g2 13.'itg2
1.c4 tLlf6 2.tLlf3 e6 3.g3 d5 4.~g2 .l:lcB=i=) 12... ~g2 13.tLlg2 tLlcS 14.tLlc4
~e7 5.0-0 0-0 6.d4 dc4 7.1t'c2 b5 b3!=i= Kauleld-V.Georgiev, Sunny Beach
8.a4 b4 2011) 11...~e4 12.1i'b3 Postny·A.A.Ivanov,
Plovdiv Ech 2012] 11.tLlc4 c5 12. ~f4
(12.tLlfe5 ~g2 13.'itg2 cd4 14.tLlc6
(14 ..l:ld4 1i'c8) 14.. .'i fe8 15..l:ld4 .l:lcB
16.tLle7 'it'e7oo El Debs-Mareco, Sao Jose
do Rio Preto 2012; 12 .~g5 .l:lc8 13..l:lac1
cd4 (13... ~e4 ! ?) 14.tLld4 (Vorobiov-Azarov,
St Petersburg 2011 ) 14... ~d5!o:]
12 ... ~e413."W b3

9... ~a6 [9 ... li:lbd7?! 10.ll:\e5 li:le5

11. ~16! gf6 12.de5 .l:lb8?! (12 ...c6!?)
13..l:ld1 1fe8 14."it'c4± Tikkanen-
Goudriaan, Wijk aan lee Ill 2012; 9... ll:\d5 9.1i"c4 ~a6 10.'tWc2 tLlbd7 11 .tLle5
10.~e7 1t'e7 11 .li:le5! ] (11 ..l:ld1 - YB/99] 11 •.•tLle5 12.de5
(1 0.~16? ! ~16 11.tLlg5? ~g5 12 .~a8 (12.~a8 "Wd4 13 .~g2 cS (13... .l:ld8!?)
'l'd4; 10..l:ld1 tLld5!? (10 ...tLlc6 11 .tLlbd2 14..l:ld1 "Wg4f El Debs-Morales, Gibra~ar
c3 12.~16 ~16 13.tLlb3 .l:lb8 14..l:lab1 2012] 12...tLld5 13..l:ld1 'it'c8 14.~e4
~c4 15.bc3 bc3 16.e3 'ii'd6 1H!fc3;t (14.e4 tLlb6"i" Weber-Hahn, Oberhol jr 2012]
Gupta-Svetushkin, Kavala 2011 ; 14.•• h6 [14 ...c5!? 15 .~h7 (15.tLld2 c4)
17.tLlld2!?!) 11. ~e7 1i'e7 12.tLle5 cS] 15...'ith8 16.~e4 it'c7!1!?] 15 .~d3
10... b31 11.1fc1 tLlc61 (11 ...tLld5 [15.b3!? c5 16. ~h7 'ith8 17 .~d3oo] 13•.. cd4?1 (13... tLld5 14.tLlle5 tLJ14
12. ~e7 1i'e7 13.tLlc4 tLlc6 14.tLlcd2 15... c5 16.b3 ~d3 17..l:ld3 aS?! ( 14...~g2? ! tLJI4? 16. dB .l:lad8
tLlcb4 15.1i'd1 tLJc2 (Karkanaque-Reid, (17 ...c4! 18.bc4 1t'c6 (18 ...'tWc7!?) 19.tLld2 17.g14+- Nabaty-A.A.Ivanov, Plovdiv Ech
Rogaska Slatina tt 2011) 16..l:lc1 1i'b4 tLlc3 20.e3 .l:lld8 21 ..l:ld8 .l:ld8 22 .~b2 aS!t] 2012) 15.gf4 ~g2 16.'itg2 cd4 17..l:ld4
17.tLle4!] 12.tLJc4 (12.tLlb3 cb3 13.1fc6 18.tLld2 tLlb6 19.tLlc4 li:lc4 20.1t'c4 (17.tLlc6 tLlcS! 18.'it'f3 1i'c7) 17... ll:\c5!
~e2 14..l:llc1 !1!?] 12...tLlb4 (12 ....l:lc8!?oo] fic7 21 .~e3 (21 .14 .l:lld8] 21 ... .l:lfd8 18..l:ld8 (18.1t'e3 'it'c7) 18... tLlb3 19..l:la8
13. ~f6? (13.tLlle5!? tLlc2!? (13... .l:lc8 [21 ..."We5 22..l:lad1 .l:la7 23."Wb5!1!?] .l:la8 20 ..l:ld1 q;>IB;l;/=; 13... .l:lc8!oo 14..l:lac1
14..l:ld1 tLlc2 15..l:lb1 c6!? 16.1fd2 cSJ?oo) 22 ..l:lad1 .l:ld3 23 ..l:ld3 .l:ld8 24 ..l:ld8 cd4 15.tLld4 ll:\c5 16.'it'b4?? tLld3-+]
14.tLlc6 'ifeB 15.tLJ4a5 tLla1 16.tLle7 1fe7 'it'd8 25 .~c5 ~c5 26."Wc5 'ii'd1 14..l:ld4 (14.tLld4! ~g2 (14 ...ll:\c5 15.1fb4
17.tLlc6 1fd6 18 .~16 gl6 19.1i'h6 c2 27.'itg2 "We2= 28."Wa5 "We4 29.'itg1 ~g2 16.'itg2 tLld5 17.1t'd2;!;) 15.'itg2
20 .~e4 15 21 .1fg5 'ith8 22.1fl6 'itgB= "We1 30.'itg2 'it'e4 31.'itg1 ~- ~ .aca 16.tLlb5f ] 14...~c5 15..l:ldd1 ~d5
23.tLle7 1fe7 24.1fe7 le4=] 13•.• ~f6 16. e1 (16.tLlle5 .l:lc8oo] 16... .l:lc8
14.1fc3 .l:lb8 [14 ...tLlc2!? 15..l:lad1 17 .~d5 tLldS (17 ...ed5!? 18.tLle3
.l:lb8+] 15.1fb3 tLJc6 16.1i'c2 'l!t'e7+%] 18.tLld3 "itt6 19. ~d6 ~d6
(16.1fa21? tLld4 17.tLld4 "Wd4 18..l:lac1 20.ll:\d6 .l:lc6 21.tLlb7 [21 .ll:\e4!? 'it'e7
.l:lld8 (18... .l:lb4 19.b3 ~c4 20..l:lc4 .l:lc4 A Slight Edge 22 ..l:lac1 .l:llc8 23..l:lc6 .l:lc6 24.a5 h6
21 .bc4 .l:lb8 22..l:lb1=) 19.b3 1fc5=i= 6 9. tLl bd2 25.'it'a4 .l:lc7 26.'it'b5! ] 21 ... e5
20..."Wb4] 16.•.tLld4 1fd4 22.tLla5 (22.tLlb4 .l:lb6 23.ll:\d5 .l:lb3
18..l:lac1 .l:lb4 19.b3 ~c4! 20.bc4 Sasikiran,Krishnan 24.tLJI6 gl6=] 22 ... tLld3 23.1i'd3 .l:lc5
(20 ..l:lld1!? 1fe5 21 .bc4 .l:lb2 22.1t'e4 "We4 David,Aiberto [23....l:lc7!? 24.ll:\c4 .l:llc8] 24.tLlb3
23.~e4 .l:le2 24 .~c2] 20 ....l:lb2 21 .1fd1 G ibraltar 2012 (3) (24. c4!? 'ife7 (24 ....l:lfc8?? 25.tLld6+-
.l:ld2 22. "Wb3 .l:le2+ 23.1i'b5 .l:ld8 1.d4 ll:\f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.~g2 6 26. e4) 25.e4 .l:llc8 26.ed5 .l:lc4 27.d6
24.c5 "Wb2 [24 ... .l:lb2 25."Wa5 ~g5 ~e7 5.tLlf3 o-o s.o-o dc4 7.'tlt'c2 b5 1i'd7oo] 24 •...l:lc7 25 ..l:lab1 h5 26.a5

l::Uc8 27.'ird4 'irg6 28.'tifd3 1fg4 19.13 'ira6!?<=%) 15... 'i+'d7 16.dc5 'li'b7 22 ...'irc7 23.ttJe7 'ilfe7 24.J:ldc1;!;)
[2S...'ird3 29J:td3 '<PfSoo] 29.l:tdc1 17.'ir13 '\!t"f3 1S.'<Pf3;!;] 15.ttJd7 ttJd7 20.'ifa5 'ii'b7 21 .fja7 (21 .rldc1 J:lc7)
"ilfgS 30.J:lc7 J:lc7 31 .J:ld1 'irg4 16. ~f4 'irb7 17."t!ft3 '\!j"f3 18.«P#3;!; 21 ...'i!fa7 22.J:la7 ~c5 23.~c5 J:lc5
3Vi:~d4 J:lc8 33.1fa6 J:lc7 34.1fd6 cd4?1 [1S... J:lfc8 19.J:lac1 cd4 20.J:ld4 24.ttJe1 l:lbS=] 17... ttJd7 18.ttJd2
'i!re4 35.ttJe6 [35.1t'dS '<Ph7 36.'irg5 g6 ttJc5 21 .ttJd6 ~d6 22 .~d6 ttJa4 23.J:lcS [1S.tlJd4! J:lc5 19.ttJb31? (19.'it'd2 ~g2
37.J:ld3 ttJe7!? 38.13 W'd5 (38 ... 'it'b7? : ca 24.l:lb4 ttJb6;!;J 19.l:ld4 t [19.ttJe5?! 20.'<Pg2 J:lc1 21.J:lc1 ttJe5) 19 ...J:lc2
39.ttJb5 J:lc2 40.ttJd6 'irc7 41.ttJeS±) ttJc5! (19 ... ttJe5 20 . ~e5 J:lfdS 21.J:ld4;!; (19...~ b3 20.1t'b3;!;) 20.ttJa5 flieS
39.'ii'd5 ttJd5=] 35 .. .fe6 36.J:ld5 edS Sasikiran-Arnold, Bastia 2011) 20.ttJc6 ~16 21 . ~d5 ed5 22.J:lc2 J:lc2 23 . ~a7 (23.J:lc1
37.fkc7 1t'b1 38.'<Pg2 'ire4 39.'<Pg1 21. ~d6 flieS 22.~c5 J:lc6=] 19 ... ttJc5 J:lc1 24.~c 1;!;) 23... l:lb2 24.~d4 J:lc2
.. b1 40.'<Pg2 !1.2-!1.2 [19 ... ttJf6 20.e4; 19 ...ttJbS!?] 20.ttJa5! (24 ...J:le2 25.ttJb3 J:le6 26.a5 J:la6
~d8 [20 ... J:lfcS 21 .l:lb4±] 21 .J:lc4 27.J:lc1 t) 25.ttJb3 ttJc5 26 .~c5 ~c5
[21 . ~d6 ~a5 22 . ~c5 J:lfbS 23.J:ld7±] 27.ttJc5 J:lc5 2S.J:lb1 J:lc4!? 29.J:ld1 ! b3
Postny,Evgeny 21 ...ttJd7 [2 1...~a5 22.rlc5 ~dS (29... d4 30.l:lb1 «PIS 31 .a5) 30.J:ld5 g6
lvanov,Aiexander A 23.J:lac1 ~16 24.b3 ~c3 (24 ... J:lfdS 31.l:lb5 J:la4 32.l:lb3 h5;!;] 18... ~c5
Plovdiv Ech 2012 (3) 25.J:l1c4) 25.J:ld1] 22.ttJc6 ~16? [22 ...a5 19. ~d5 [ 19.~c5 J:lc5] 19 ... ~e3 D
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 dS 4.ttJf3 ~e7 23.b3±] 23.J:lb4 J:lfc8 24.J:lc1 +- gS 20.fkc8 'irdS? [20... J:lcS! 21.J:lcS tats
S.~g2 o-o 6.o-o dc4 7.1t'c2 bS 8.a4 25 .~d6 '<Pg7 26.l:lb7 ttJb6 27.a5 22.fe3 (22.ttJc4 ~12 23.'<Pf2 'i!i'd5 24.ttJe3
b4 9.ttJbd2 · 7 10.ttJc4 ~e4 ttJa4 28.b3 ttJc3 29.ttJe5 1-0 'i!i'd7 25.J:lac1 oo) 22 ...ed5!? 23.J:lac1 g6
11.fjb3 [11.'ird1 - YB/99] 11 ...c5 24.b3 '<Pg7 25.ttJf3 ttJe6+=>, '<Pg1<]
[11...ttJbd7 12.J:ld1 c5] 12.J:ld1 [ 12.~e3 21.'irc2 'i!rd2 22.'i!fd2 ~d2
cd4 (12... ttJbd71?) 13.ttJd4 ~g2 14.'<Pg2 Vidit,Santosh Gujrathi 23.J:ld1? [23.J:lc71±] 23 ... ttJc5 24.J:ld2
fjd5 15.13 tlJbd7 (Maletin-Zontakh, Olginka tt Wei Vi tlJb3 25.J:lad1 ttJd2 26.J:ld2 J:lc8=
2011 - YB/99-1 73) 16.J:lac1 !? (16.J:lfd1 Ho Chi Minh City 2012 (3) 27.J:ld7 g6 28.J:la7 J:lc2 29.l:l b7
:lacS 17.J:lac1 tlJc5 1S.'tifc2 (18.fjb4?! 1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.ttJf3 ttJf6 4.g3 l:l b2 30.e3 b3 31 .a5 J:la2 Y2-Y2
ttJd3 19...-e7 tlJc1 20.ttJd6 J:lc6 (20 ... ttJe2 ~e7 S. ~g2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.'ifc2 bS
21.tlJc8 J:lc8 22.J:ld2 tlJg4!oo) 21.ttJe4 tlJe4 8.a4 b4 9.ttJbd2 ~ b7 10.ttJc4 ~e4
22.fjb7!oo) 1S...'WaS!?+=> (1S..."it'b7 19.ttJa5 11 .'irb3 ~dS!? Andersen,Mads
ttJd5 20.~12 fja6 21.tlJac6 J:lc6 22.ttJc6 Georgiev,VIadimir
'irc6 23.e4 tlJc3 24.bc3 b3 25.'ird2;!;) Copenhagen 2012 (3)
19.tlJa5 (19.ttJb5!?) 19...tlJg4 20.~14 1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 dS 4.ttJf3
(20.~g1 ttJe5) 20... e5 21.tlJf5 ~16 22.~d2 ~e7 S. ~g2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.ti'c2 bS
b3 23.ttJb3 (23.'irc4? e4!) 23... ttJa4 24.'irb1 8.a4 b4 9.ttJbd2 ~b7 10.liJc4 ~e4
e4!oo) 16...l:lac8 17.~12!;!; !:>. 17... tlJc5 11 .'i!fb3 ttJc61? 12.J:ld1 [ 12 .~e3 -
1S.'Wb4 ttJd3 19...-e7 tlJc1 20.J:lc1 YB/99] 12...~d5 13."it'd3 [13.a5!?;!;]
(20.ttJd6 l:lcd8 21.J:lc1 'Wd6oo) 20... J:lc4 13...~e4 14."it'b3 [14."it'd2?1 "it'd5
21.e41 ttJe4 22.J:lc4 'irc4 (22 ...ttJI2 23.'irc5 (14 ...'. -eS!? 15.b3 ~13 16 . ~13 ttJd4!)
1 24.1!rd5 ttJe3 25.Wf2 ttJd5;!;) 23.fe4 15.b3 ttJa5 (15 ... J:lacS!?<=% ) 16.tlJa5 '*ka5
'\!t"a4 24.b4;!;) 12...ttJbd7 17.ttJe5 (17.tae1? ~g2 1S.ttJg2 ttJe4 '!'
Burmakin-Kiein, Oslo 2011 ) 1 7... ~g2
1S.'<Pg2 'ird5 19.13 '*kb3 20.e4 c5 21 .'i!i'e2
12.J:ld1 [12 . ~g5 ttJbd7 13.ttJfe5 (13.J:lfd1 c4 22 .~e3 t , 'irb3 <] 14...'ird5!?
liJb6 14.ttJfe5 ttJc4 15.liJc4 ~g2 16.~16
~d5 17 .~e7 "*'e7 !:>. 1S ...c5) 13 ... ttJe5
14.de5 ttJd7 15.~e7 VJ!ie7 16.J:lfd1 c6
17.J:lac1 ttJe5 1S . ~d5 ed5 19.ttJe5 fjes
20.J:lc6 'ire2 21 .J:ld5 :ladS 22.J:ldS J:ldS
23.'<Pg2 a5 J.l! -J.l! Galopoulos·Halkias,
Kavala 2011 ] 12...c5 [12 ...ttJc6
M.Andersen-V.Georgiev, Copenhagen 2012]
13. ~e3 ttJc6 14.dc5 ttJaS 15.ttJa5
'it'as [15 ... ~b3? 16.l:ldS J:lfdS
13.ttJfe5 [13.~14 Sasikiran·Aib.David, 17.ttJb3+-] 16.'it'c2 J:lac8 17.J:ldc1
Gibraltar 2012] 13 ... ~g2 14.Wg2 'irc7 [17.J:lac1 b3 (17 ... ttJd7? 1S.J:ld5! ed5 19.c6
[14 ... J:lc81? 15.ttJd7 ( 15 . ~e3 'irc7 ttJf6 20.~h3 J:lc7 21.~14+-) 1S.'\!t"d2
16.J:lac1 (Gutov-Arnaudov, Albena 2012) 'ira4 19.J:la1 1t'd7 (19 .....-b5 20.ttJd4 15 . ~e3 J:lac8 16.J:lac1 l:lfd8
16... ttJd5!? 17.ttJd7 'i!Vd7 1S.dc5 '\!t"c6 "t!fbS 21. ~d5 ttJd5 22.ttJf51 (22.c6 ~16) 17.ttJe1 [17.ttJcd2 ttJa5 1S."it'd5 ~d5
Survey CA 5.5 c6oo] 17 ... ~g2 aS 1S ...id7 'Wd7\1l?) 1S.'t'd2 tt:lb8!? [11...'ifg4 { tt:ldS!?oo; 'it'aS 20.trc6 tt:ldS 21. ~f4 ..ic2 17.tre1 tt:le4 18.'i!fe3 tt:ld6\1l? 19 ...id3 12... ~a6 'Wh5;t
.if6 [21... ~d6 22.trdctt ] 22.e4?! tt:lts 20...its ets 21 .tt:ld2 : eat] 12 ... : ca Av.Grigorian·Oiszewski, Shenzhen 2011)
[22.e3!;!;] 22 ... tt:lb6 [22 ... tt:lf4 13.e4 tt:lb6 14.a5 [!? ab6 12 ... WhS 13 ...if4 ( tt:lc6 14.'it'c6
.id4! ~12 ! {24 .. .fe6? 2S.'it'e6 {14 ...'i!fb6 ..ic4 16.'t'c4 tt:lg4 1S.h3 tt:le3 16.fe3 trb8 17.'Wc7 'i!fcS!
'ifthB 26.trd4!+-) 2S.Wf2 trdt 26.'it'd1 cS 17.'tli'e2 cd4 18.eS;!;; 14.b3!? 'i'd4 (17 ... ..ia6 18.'t'e7 't!fe2 19.'i!fa7 : as
fe6=] 23.'i!fc2 [23 .~c7 1 ? 'it'a4 24.'it'a4 {14 ... c5 15.dS edS ab6 17.edS;t) 20.'ilt'b6 : ab8 21 .'i!fa7 : as 22.'it'b6
10a4 2S.dS edS 26...id8 {26.edS trd7) 15 ...ib2 'ifd8 16.lLJf1 'WeB ~d6 trab8 ~- ¥.! Golichenko-Vysochin, Kiev
26 ... trc6 27.edS : ca 28...if6 gf6oo/=] 18.trd6\1l?] 14 ... tt:lc4 15. c4 'it'd7 2012) 18.'i!fc5 {18.'ii'b8? ..id6 19.'it'a8
23 ...'ifa4 24.b3 'ii'bS 25 ...ie3 [2S.trc5 16.b3 trfdB 17...ie3 'i!fe3 20.Wh1 'i!fg3 21.Wg1 'ii'h2 22.~12
't'a6 26.dS edS 27.edS ..ie7 28.trc6 'i!faS ..icS 23.e3 'ii'e5 24.'ii'f3 'i!t'b2- +)
29...ic7 trdS 30...ib6 : cs 31 .~as : c2 18.....ic5 19.'iti>f2 trd8+) 13... ~d6 14 ...if3
32.trdS trc1 tre1 34.Wg2=] 'i!fh3 15.trd1 ~es 16 ...ie5 tt:lg4 17 ...ig4
25 ... a5 26. trc5?! [26.dS! ..ic3 'i'g4 18...id6 : ea 19.13 'tiffS 20.Wf5 ef5\1l?; 27.trc5 'it'a6 28.de6 fe6 29.trc7 21 ...ib4;!;/=] 12.trd1 tt:ldS 13 ...id4
a4!f] 26 ... 'ifa6 27.tra1 a4 28.ba4 tt:ld7 [13...~a6?! 14.e4 ..ic4 1S.'i'c4 tt:lb6
..id4?! [28 ... c6! {c. 29 ... ..ie7) 29.trc6? 16.'i'e2t 't'c8 (16 ... 'i'c7!?) 17.a5 tt:l6d7
b3! 30.'fi'c3 trc6 31 .'fi'c6 b2 32.trb1 ..id4! 18.eS! tt:la6 19. d2 lOdeS 20.'t'e3 'ifc7
33...id4 : ca! 34.'iVd6 'fi'd3!-+] 29...id4 21 .tt:lc4 trfd8 22.trac1 ± Gagunashvili-
l:ld4 30.trc7 trc7 [30 ... trc4! 31 .'i!fd3! Shanava, Tbilisi ch-GEO 2012] 14.e4
{31 .trc8 trc8 32.'i!id2 'i!ias h6 b3?1 [14! 1S. aS (! ab6
34.trb1 trc3f ) 31...h6f ] 31 .'it'c7 h6 16.'i'c6 ..ib7! 17.'i'b7 {17.'i!t'c2!?f ) [! b3 (32 ... tre4? 17 ... tt:lcS 18.'t!fc6 l%c8 19.'i'bS tt:lb3
33.'i!ic6; 32 ... tt:ld71?) 33.'it'eS tra4 34.tra4 17 ... tt:ld51? 18 ...id2 [18.edS? cd5 tt:ld4t) 1S ...c5 'ife8
10a4 'iti>f8D (3S .. .f6?? 36.'it'c7) 19 ...if1 dc4 20.bc4 'i!fc6 21 .: ac1 ~b7 17. ~e3 aS 18.eS tt:ld5 { 18... ~a6!?
36.'it'b8=] 32 ... b3 33. 'ii'c3 tra4 22.dS edS 23 ...ig2 'Wa6+] 18 't!fe7 20 ...ia8 : as 21 .tt:ld2 trc8'i1l?)
34.trb1 tre4 35.'i!t'b3 tt:ld 7+ 36.'t'c2 19 ...if4 'i!fb7 20.: ac1 ..ibS 21.h3 19.%:rd5!? { ..ib7 e7)
f5 37.'ilt'c7 trd4 38.trb7 Wh7 [21 ...if3!? 'ifa6 22.'i!t'b2;t {c. h4, ~g2) 19 ... edS 20 ...id5 ~a6 {20... tra6?!
39.tra7 'ilt'e2 40.Wg2 trd2 4 H i'f4 22 ... cS?I 23.d5 ed5 24.edSt] 21...'i'a6 21 .tt:ld2 : caoo] 15. 'i'b3 tt:lb4
'i'bS 42.'ifa4 'ifa4 43.tra4 tt:lc5-+ 22 ...ie3 tt:ldS 23 ...id2 tt:lf6 24 ...ie3 16.'t!fc3 f6 17.e5?! [ 17 .~e3 'f/c7
44.trc4 tt:ld3 45. trc6 tt:lf2?! [4S ...trf2 tt:ldS 25 ...id2 tt:lf6 J-1!-l-1! {18...ih3 eS;!;) 18 ...trb8
46.Wg1 tre2 47.tre6 Wg8-+];!;] 17 ... tt:le5 tt:ld7
l:le2 47. 3 : a2 48.tre6 e4 [18 ... tt:ldS!? 19 ...id5 {19.'i'c2!?\1l?) 19... edS
[48 ... tt:lh3!?] 49. We3 trb2+ 50.g4? feS 21 .'i'c6 (21...ieS 'i'b6)
lOgS 51.tra6 fg4 -+ 52.tra4 hS Gleizerov,Evgeny 21.....ig4 22 .~eS ~d1 23.trd1 oo/?]
53. 4 Wh6 54.Wg3 tre2 55.tra3 Paikidze,Nazi 19.'fi'e3 [!;t] 19 ... Wh8 [19 ...eS?!
10e4 56. 4 trf2 57.We4 trf1 Alghero 2011 (2) 20 ...ic3 Wh8?! 21 ...ib4! ..ib4 22 ...ic6 trb8
58.tra2 trf3 59.trb2 WgS 60.tra2 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 dS 23.'ii'a7±] 20.f4?! [20.: ac1 \1l?]
l:lf1 61 .We3 Wh4 62.trf2 trt2 ~e7 S...ig2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.'i'c2 bS 20... tt:ld5 2U !t'e2 tOeS 22.trab1
63. Wh3 64.Wg1 h4 0 -1 8.a4 b4 c6 'i'd4 tt:la4 [22 ...'i'c7!?] 23 ...ie4 tt:lab6
[23 ... lLJcS!? 24 ...ic2 't'e8+] 24. 't!fhS fS
25 ...ig2 'i!Ve8 26.'fff3 ..ia6 bc1
.i~.i. .i * : ca [27 ... tt:ld71?, eS <J 2a.: e1 ..ib4
.t. .i. .t..t..t. 29.tred1 ~g8 30. f2
9 .lLJfd2

Mikhalevski,Victor ~ .t. ttJ 'if

Hess,Robert ~
Wheeling 2012 (7)
~'lt/i ~~~fj
1.c4 e6 2.g3 dS 3. ~g2 lLJf6 4.lLJf3
.ie7 5.d4 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7. c2 bS
J:;I ttJ ~ J;I~
8.a4 b4 [9.lLJeS 'ifd4 1O...ia8
'i'eS+=t - YB/99] 9 ... c6 1 ..ia61? 11 ...ie3 [11 ...if4 ..ia6 {!?)
11.trd1 tt:lbd7 [12 ...ic6? 'i!fc5 13.trac1 (Bulski-Zeberski,
l:lc8 13...ibS ~b7 14.'i'd3 ..ie4!? {14 ...a6 Litomysl 2011)] 11...'it'd8

30... 'ifd8?! [30 ...'ife7 ab6 ~c6 tt:lb6 21 .e4 eS tt:ld7 26.l:td1 : ca l:tc2 2B .~e4 l:te2
32 .~b6 tt:lb6 33.'i+'b6 ~e2 34.l:td4 l:tb8 23.ii'd2 tOeS 24.'ilfb4 tt:le6 2S.l:tdS±) 29 . ~13 l:tc2 30 .~e4=] 26.l:tc4 l:tc7
35.'ilt'c6 W'f6-+] 31 .tt:le5 c5 32. ~c5 : aca 20. ~14 b3!? 21.W'b3 27.l:tc7 ~c7 28.e3 b3 29. ~d1 ~e5
~c5 33.l:tc5 l:tc5?1 [33 ... 'ilt'e7'1'] (21.W'c1!?) 21...l:tc6 22.~dS ! l:tb6 30. ~b3 ~ b2 31 . ~g2 Y2-Y2
34.W'c L W'c8 35.b4 ~b7?! [~ (22 ... edS 23.'ilt'dS l:tc2 24.'ilfd7±) 23.~g2 1
3S ...l:teB] 'i!fb8 [36 ... a6!? l:tb3 24 .~h3 tt:lb6!] tt:le3 W'b8 38.l:ta1 l:tdB 39. b7 [14 ... es 1S.~d2 b3!? 16.'i+'b3 ~c5!?
( : ca 40.'i!i'd6 l:teB) 39 ... 'i!i'b7 (16 ...e4 17.h3 lL\12 18. ~12 ef3
40.~1 1;!;] 37.l:ta1 a6 [37 ... l:tcB 38.1t'd6 (Edvardsson-Zumsande, Reykjavik 2012) Black's Queen Goes Forward
Wd6 l:tc7 40.l:ta7] 38.~d5!? 19.'i¥13!!) 17.~e1 e4 1B.h3 ef3 19.hg4 7.'ira4 'ird5
tt:ld5?? [38 ... ~dS! 39.l:ta6 l:tc8! 40.l:tb6 ii'g4! ~e3 21 .el3 'ifg3! 22.fe3
(40.W'b6 l:tc1 41. ~12 'ifc8 l:tc2! '*'96 23.l:tac1 ~] aS Le Quang Liem 'i!i'c2 44 .~e3 ii'c1 4S .~d4 [ l:ta7 (16...~a6 17 .l:tac1 ~ - Megaranto,Susanto
1t'g1=) 40 ...W'aB 41 .tt:lc7 'ilfa1 42.<.t>l2 YB/99) (17 . l:t ac1 ~) 17... ~a6 Khanty·Mansiysk 2011 (1)
h6!~. ~12 <] We8 40.'i!i'f8 1B.l:tac1 ~16 (1B ... l:td7!?) 19.'ilfe4? 1.c4 e6 2.g3 tt:lf6 3 .~g2 d5 4.d4
W'f8 ab5 1-0 (!?~) 19 ... l:td7 ( ~e7 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.'i!i'a4
l:td1 21 .l:td1 tt:lc6 22.'i!i'c6 ~c4 23.Wc4 ...d51?
~b2+) 20 ... ~c4 21.Wc4 ~b2 +
Ju Wenjun H.Hernandez Carmenates·Krysa, Monte-
WeiYi video 2011] 16... l:ta7 [16 ... ~a6!?]
Ho Chi Minh City 2012 (1) 17.l:tac1 [ tt:lc6 1B.W'c6 'ii'e2;
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 tt:lf6 4.g3 17 .~c6?! l:tc7 18. ~13 l:tc2 19.~hS l:tc7
~e7 5.~g2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.'i!i'c2 b5 (19 ... l:tb2!? eS! 21 .tt:lb2 ed4~)
8.a4 b4 c6 ii'd4 ~f6oo] 17... ~a6 [17 ... l:td7
11.l:td1 ii'c512. ~e3 ii' 18. ~13 ii'eS (1B ...'i!fgS!? 19.h4 'i!i'eS) Wc7! ] 18. ~f3 [1B.f4
~dB!? 6. 19...~b6] 18...We5 [B. bd2?! bS Ufc2 tt:lc6!

(9 ...'i!i'hS? c6 (10 ... tt:ldS 11.~13
W'h3 bc4 13.~g4+ - ) 11 .a4+-
Guramishvili·Medina, Jakarta 2011 ;
9...'ilfb7?! 10.a4 a6 11 .b3t) 10.b3 (10.a4?!
~7 11 .tt:lh4 (11 .abS? tt:ld4) 11...'it'd7
12.abS lLld4 13...c4 ~g2 l:tfbB+)
10... ~b7 11. ~b2 (11 .bc4 d4) 11...cb3
13 ... tt:lg4 [13...~a6? ! 14 .~13! (14.h3? ( 12. c3 cS 13.bc4 bc4 14.dc5
tt:ldS 1S. ~d4? c5 16.~eS tt:lc6+ Zanan· 'ilfcS 1S. c4 (1S.'i!i'c4 l:tac8) 1S ... l:tac8
Sihite, Biel 2011) 14 ... tt:lg4 1S. ~g4 'ilfg4 [! Wc7 (19.....gS? 16.l:tfc1 l:tfdB'i'; 16... ~dS 1!fc3
16.13 ii'g6 hS 1B.l:tac1 h4 20.lLlc6 tt:lc6 21 .h4! (21.Wc6 ~b7 1B.l:tc3 l:tc3 19.~c3 l:tcB) 12.ab3
19 .~g2± , lLlbB<; 13 ...lLldS!? 22.'iib6 ~13 23.1Va7? ~g4)!? (!?) 12... as 13.e4 (1 _.d7
( 14 .~d4? c5 1S.e4 tt:lc6! tt:ld4 (21...ii'fS 22 ...c6 l:tb8 (22... ~b7? 14.l:tfc1 l:ta6) 13... 'i!i'd7'!'; B.l:td1 ~d7 cd4 1B.edS edS ~16+ 23.'i!fb6 ~13 24...a7+-) 23.l:td7 l:td7 9.'ifc2 tt:lc6 (9...~c6?! 'ii'aS
Zanan·A.Oewi, Biel 2011 ; 14 .~13 !? ; 24.1!t'd7 ~fB 2S.l:tc7+-) 22.l:td4 • g6 11 .e4t) 10.~14 ( tt:lb4! 11 ...d2!?) 14... tt:ld7 (14... ~a6? ! 1S.~c5) 23.'iid1±) 20.~c6! ( tt:lc6 21.Wc6 .-as (12.a3 l:tadB+) 12...'ifa6+ (1S.~I3 'i!i'g6 (1S... h3 l:tc8) 20... 'ilt'c8 (20 ... l:tdB 21.lLlbS ~s 13.e4 h6 ~a4 (1 4... l:tadB!?) 1S.eS
c5 17.~14 ! ~a6 ~16 19 .~d6 22 .~bS 'ii'c2 23.l:tdB ~dB 24.l:tc2 l:tc7 (1S.b3 cb3 16.ab3 ~b3 17.l:te1 l:tfdB)
:tea± 6. 21 .e4) 16.'i!i'g6 hg6 2S.l:td2!; 20... ii'b6 21. ~bS!) 21.~bS 1S ... tt:lfdS-+ Goryachkina·N.Zapata, c5!) 1S ... ~f6 ~b7 'ilt'c2 22.l:tc2!] 20 ...c6 'ilfb8 Albena 2011 ; 10.a3 'iffS!? (10... tt:laS
17 .~13 'ilt'h3 1B. aS ( tt:le3 21 .tt:lc4 l:tc8 [21... ~gS!? 11 .tt:leS • bs 'i!i'a6'1') 11.'ii'fS efS b3! (19...l:ta7 20.l:td7 ~e4 (22.e3?? ~b7) 22 ... : ca 23.Wd6 'it'd6 12.lLleS tt:laS; tt:lb4 (10... ~a3
21 .'it'e4 l:td7 22.'i+'b4±; 19...~13 24.l:tcB ..-rB 2S.l:ttB ~tB'l'J 22.'i!i'b6 11 .ba3 'it'bSoo) 11 .'i!i'c4 ~c6oo)
20.l:td7±) 20.'ii'b3 ~13 21 .l:td7 ~e2 ..-b6 l:tc1 [23 ... l:tcc7!?] 10... W hS!? (10... b4 11.1Vc1 'ifaS!? hS~) 1B... ~c6 (1B ... tt:le3 19.fe3 24.l:tc1 ~d8 ~c4 [2S ...l:tc7 (11...'i+'hS 12. eS ( c3

Survey CA 5. 5

13.bc3 tt:lbdS) 12 ... ~a4 (13.b3 tt:laS 11 .tt:le5 tt:lb4 (11...l:ld8 12.l:ld1 tt:lb4 l:ld8 21.bc4 tt:lc5oo]
~b3!) 13....-aS (13 ... 'i!t'h5) 14.b3 ~c6oo) 13.l:ld2! tt:lbd5 bS 15.b3! ~b7 12... ~d7?! [12 ... tt:ld3 13 .~g5 (13.b3 (11.'it'c4 tt:ldS 12. ~d2 l:lad8o:t 6 1S.~2 l:lacB 17.l:lc1;!;) 12.l:lb1 l:ld8 ~b4 14 .~d2 c5) 13... hS 14 .~1S ~IS 15.b3
tt:lb6, eS) 11...l:lld8!? 12.~13 'it'h3 13.a3 tt:lbd5 b6oo 6 ... ~b7 , ... c5) 'i!t'a5 1S.e5 (1S.bc4 'ft'c3 17.'i!t'd3 'it'd3
13.'it'c4?1 ( 13.~g2 'it'hS) 13 10.'tlrb6 (10.'~a4 'it'c6= Colovic-Aib.David, 18.l:ld3oo) 1S ... ~e7;!;; 12 ... c5!
1 4.~e5 tt:lg4 15. ~g4 'it'g4 1S.I3 ( Rethymno 2012) 10 ...ab6 11 .tt:le5 l:ld8 13.e5!? ( 13 .~g5 hS 14 .~1S ~IS 15.e5
c5) 1S ....-h3 1Htc7 IS 18 . ~14 l:lacB 12.a4! (12.l:ld1 tt:ld5 tt:lc3 14.bc3 (15.dc5 ~c3 (15 ... tt:ld3 1S.e5 ~e7
19.'i!t'b7 eSf 20.~e3 (20.de5?! ~cS b5 tt:ld7 l:ld7 17.e4 c6oo) 1S.bc3 tt:ld3 e5
21.'itrh1 ~c6 22.... b3 ~dS 23.'li'a4 leS 12 ... tt:ld5 (12 ... l:ld4?; 12 ... tt:le8!? 'it'c4 19 ....d3 't!Vc5'f) 15 ... ~e7 1S.a3
24.~e5 l:l18 l:lce8 l:leS 13. ~e3 ( l:ld4) 13... tt:ldS ( 13... ~1S (1S.d5?! tt:ld5 ed5 18.l:ld5 ~eS)
27.l:ld5 l:ldS 28.'*'b3 l:ld8 1t'eS tt:lc6 15.a5l) tt:lb5 15.ab5 1S... tt:ld5 (1S... tt:ld3 17.d5g?) 17.dc5 tt:lc3 l:ldS 31 .e4 l:leS 32.'li'eS l:leS l:la1 1S.l:la1 IS ~d7 18 .~b7 ~b5 ( 1 7...~c5 !?) 18.bc3 ~cs; 13.d5
33.l:lc1 +) 20... ed4 21 .~d4 (21 .l:ld4 ~cs 19.l:lc1 c5 20.dc5 ~cS 21.~c5 bc5;!;/=) ed5 14.e5 (14.ed5 l:le8) 14 ... tt:lg4
22.'i!fd5 'ifrh8 ~d4 24.'li'd4oo) tt:lc6 (13... tt:lc3?! 14.bc3 b5 (14 ... tt:ld7!?) (15.h3?! d4)
2 1...~4 (21... ~dS 22 .~12 ~a4 23.l:le1 15.~a3 ! ) tt:lcb4 15 .~d2 (15.e4 1S.l:ld5 ~eS 17.l:ld1 (17. g5? c3!
l:lc5!?!) 22.l:le1 l:ld4 23.'i!t'e7 l:le8 ~d7 !) 15 ... ~d7 1S.~b4 tt:lb4 ( 16... ~b4 ( 1 7... ~d5 18 .~d5 ~g5 19 .~g5 'ii'gS
24 ..-cS l:le2! 25.l:le2 l:ld1 2S.'ifrt2 '*'h2 17.l:llc1) 17.e3 l:la4!? (17... dS 18.l:llc1 20.'i!t'g4 hS 21.h4 hg5 22.eS leS 23.~eS
27.'ifre3 g1 28.l:ll2=; ~d7!? ~18) l:la1 19.l:la1 l:lcB 20.l:la8 ~h8 24.hg5 l:lad8 25.'ifrg2 'it'h7= 6
(! bS 10.'i!t'd1 'it'c4 l:la8 21 .tt:la8 b5 22. e5 ~c6;!;/=] 2S ... l:ll2) 18.'it'aS baS leS 20.l:ld7
11.ttld2 'i!t'd4 12 .~a8 ~as 13.~13! ? tt:les 9 .. .'i t'a6 [9 ... tt:lbd7 10. ~g5 ( 10.~14 l:lad8!l ) 1 7...~15 18.h3 ~d3 19.'ii'e1 tt:l13 15.el3;t; 8... ~a3 9.'t!Va3 tt:ldSoo Dubeck-Schmidt-Schiiffer, Germany tt:lhS'f) 13 ... tt:lld5!? (13 ... tt:ld7!? 14.a4
'it'bS (9 ... tt:lc6 10.~14) 10.~gsgg) 9.'tWc4 tt 1991/92, apparently the stem game; (14.d5 ed5 tt:ld5 1S.l:ld5 tt:lb6
~ 3 (9 ... tt:lc6!?) 10.1i'd5 edS 11.ba3 l:le8 10.e4g?) 10 ...'i!t'aS 11 .a4 (11.b3!?; 17.l:ld1 ~15 ; 14 .~e3 cd4 15 .~d4 tt:lc5
12.l:lb1 b6 13.l:lb2 c5 ~ISoo ; 11 .tt:le4!? hS 12 .~1S tt:liS;!;/=) 1S.~c5 ~c5 ~e7 tt:ldS
14...~a4oo; 8.~14 'i!t'c6!? (B...~dS 9 .~e5! 11...hS 12 .~1S ttl IS;!;; 9... 'it'b6!?] 19.'it'c4 'ii'c4 ~d7 21 .tt:le3 ~c6
(9 .~dS cdS ~d7 11 .Wc4 l:lcB 10.e4 [10.~g5! ?] ~dS ~g2 24 . ~g2 l:lld8)
12.'it'd3 'ft'c6!?oo) 9... ~d7 10.'it'c2;!; 14 ... cd4 (14... d3?!; 14 ... l:lb8
Morchiashvili-Sumets, lzmir 2011) 9.'i!t'c2 15.l:ld4 ( tt:ld3
(9.'i!t'c6 tt:lc6 10.l:lc1 ( 10.~c7? ! tt:ldS'f) (15... 'ii'a5!?) 'ii'a5 17 .~d2 ~b4
10... tt:ld5 11 .l:lc4 l:ld8!? 12 .~d2 tt:lb6 (1 7...1t'd8 18. ~c3 tt:l7e5 19.b3 ~c5
( 12... ~1S 13.e3 eS 14.l:lc6!? bc6 15.de5 20.bc4 aSoo) 18.b3 ~d2 19.l:ld2 tt:l3e5
~e7 ~d7oo) 13.l:lc2 tt:ld4 20.bc4oo) 15 ... tt:lc6 1S.l:ld1 ! (1S.l:lc4 tt:la5 l:ld4 15.l:lc7 ~ISo:t)] 17.l:le4 tt:lb3 18.l:lb1 'i!t'e2 19.l:le2 l:ld8
8... 'it'c6 20 .~e3 (20.~g5 ~g5 21 .tt:lg5 hS)
20... tt:ldc5 21.l:lc2 ~d7 tt:ld2
23.l:ld2 ~e8 ;!;/=) 1S ... tt:lc5 17 .~e3 tt:lb3
18.l:lab1 g?) 14 .~g5 ~gs (14 ...cd4
tt:ld5 1S.l:ld4 ~c5 17.l:lg4 gS ) hS cd4 17.l:ld4 c6
11 .1i'e2 tt:lb4 12.l:ld1 [ 12 . ~14 ?! c5:f (17... tt:ld3 18. dS tt:lc3 19.bc3g? 'it'aSoo)
13 . ~g5 cd4 eS ~15 1S.el5 18.l:ld2 tt:leS 'i!t'dS 'it'c5
hS (1S... tt:ld3 17.b3 l:lad8 18.l:lad1 oo; 21 .'it'e5 ed5 22.l:ld5g?/=] l:lad8
1S... l:lad8!? 17.b3! (17.l:lad1 hS 18. ~1S 14. ~e3 tt:ld3 'it'c4 16.l:ld3
~IS 19 .~e4 l:ld4; 17.'iWe5?! l:ld7 18.a4 eS [1S ... tt:lg4!? 17.e5 ( 17.~d2 ~c6)
(18.l:lad1 tt:ld3 19.'it'e2 hS 20.~h4 17... tt:le3 18.'it'e3 ~c6 19 .~c6 'i!t'c6
WaS+) 18 ... hS:f 6 19 ... tt:ld3) 17... cb3 20.l:lad1 'i!t'b6;!;/=] 17.l:lc1 'it'a6
18.1i'aS baS 19.ab3 l:ld3 20.l:llc1 hS 18.l:ldd1 'i!t'e2 19. e2;!;/± ~d6
9.'i!t'c2 [! .-a4 tt:ld5 21. ~1S ~IS 22 .~11 l:ld4 23. ~as e4:f) 20.h3 [20.de5 ~es 21 .~a7 ~b2 22.l:lc7 ( bS; 11 .e4 tt:lb4) 17.~1S ~IS 18. ~e4 ?! (!?) ~c6 ~d4 24.l:ld4 l:ld4 25.~d4
11...ttlb6:f; 9.'i!t'a5 _.bS!? (9...b6 10.'tlre5 18... l:lad8 19.a3 (Guramishvili·A.Dewi, l:ld8 2S.e5! dS (2S... e8 27.l:le7 ~18
(10.'it'g5 tt:ldS) 10... 'it'd7 11.1i'b5!? Jakarta 2011 ) 19 ... tt:lc6! tt:ld4 28. ~c5 l:ld1 29 . ~1 1 ~g8 30.14 gS
(11 .'i!t'l4 ~b7 .-ca) 11....-b5 21 .tt:liS ~h8 + 6 22 ... 'it'IS; 12 .~g5 hS 31.~12 ;!;) 27 .~d5 ~dS ;!;J 20 ...l:lfe8
( 11...~S 12 ..-d7 tt:lbd7 tt:le5 (12 ... c5?! 13.e5) 13 . ~h4 ( 13 .~1S ~IS [20... ~a4 !? 21 .b3 ~c6 22.de5 ~e5 23.14
14 .~a8 l:la8 15.de5 tt:ld7 1S.l:ld1 tt:leS 14.e5 ~e7'f) 13... l:le8 ( 1 3...~d8 ! ?) 14.a3 (23.13!?) 23...~b2 24.l:ld8 l:ld8 25.l:lc2;!;]
17 .~14 ~IS;!;) tt:ld5 tt:ld3 15 .~1S ~IS 1S.e5 ~e7 17.b3 c5 21 .de5 ~es 22.14! ~b2 23.l:lb1;!; 6; 9...'it'aS!? 10.'it'aS 18.l:lld1 cd4 (18 ... .-a5!?) 'it'a5 ~a3

44.t!JI5 ~b6 45.t!Jd6 ~B (45 ... ~a7?? 20.t!JI4 t::. 21.~e4; 13... 16 14.el6 ~16
46.t!Jb7 lt>b7 47.<;Pd4+- ) 46.~d4 <;Pa7 15.~16 t!JI6 16.l:tlea ; 13...~dB 14...Q.dB
47.~e5 ~b6 4B.t!Jf7 (4B . ~I6 <;PeS!; l:tdB 15.t!Jg5 g6 16.'i!t'e2t, ~gB < )
4B ...It>c7? 49. ~e71) 4B ...~c7 49.q;,l6 ~e4 14.t!Je4!1!1 l:tdB!? (14... h6 15.~e7 t!Jce7
50.t!Je5 ~d6 51 .t!Jg4 ..Q.g6 52 .~g7 ~e6 16.l:tlc1 b6!? 17...Q.I1 !? ~d7 1B .~c4
53.t!Jf6 ~d3 54.t!Jh7 ~15 55. ~h6 q;,g4=) 'fi'bn) 15.l:tlc1 h6 (15... b5 16...Q.e7 t!Jce7
42 ... gl4 43.gl4 h5 44 .~c3 h4 45.t!Jh4 ~d6 17.t!Jc5 -..b6 1B.a4;t) 16.~e7 t!Jde7
46.'09d4 16=] 42.t!Jb5 g6 (42 ... g5 43.fg5 (16... t!Jce7 17 .~11 ;!; ) 17.t!Jc5 Wb5
lg5 44.g4!] 43.g41 hS 44.f5 1+- h4 18.'it'c4 Wc4 19.l:tc4 aS (19... t!Jd5!? t::.
45.fg6 h3 46.g7 h2 47.g81!f h1 W' t!Jce7, b6) 20.l:tac1 l:tbBoo] 12...h6
48.'i!ff7 ~c6 49.t!Jd4 ~b6 50.'it'f6 13...Q.h4 ~d8 (13... g5 14.t!Jg5 hg5
..Q.a6 51 .~c3 W'a1 52.~d2 'i!fb2 15.~g5!1!1] 14.e5 t!Jh7 [14... t!Jd5!?
24.l:tb3? [24.e5! ..Q.IS 25.l:tdB ..Q.b1 53. ~e3 'it'c1 54.~e4 'i!fe1 55. ~f5 15.~dB l:tdB 16.t!Jd2 (16.t!Je4 t!Jb3
26.l:teB t!JeB 27.t!Jc3 ..Q.d3 2B ...Q.bW±] ~d3 56. ~g5 'i!fe3 57.'i!i'f4 'i!fe8 17.l:tad1 ..Q.d7) 16... ~d7=F] 15 . ~d8 l:td8
24 .•...Q.f8? [24 .....Q.d6! 25.e5 ..Q.a4 26.~12 58.d7 1-0 16.l:tae1? 1 (16.l:tad1 ~d717 . d5 t!JIBoo]
..Q.b3 27.ab3 2B.l:tdB l:tdB 29.fe5 16... t!Jb3 17.l:te4 bS 18.l:th4 ..Q.b7
t!Jd5oo] 25.e5 ..Q.e61 26.l:td8 l:td8 19.t!Je4 ~e4 (19... l:tacB!?; 19... W'b6!?]
27.l:tb7 [27.el6? ..Q.b3 2B.ab3 l:td3] 20. 'i!fe4 cS? [20 ... t!JIB 21 .g4 'i+'b6 22.g5
27... t!Jd5 [27 ... l:td1 !? 28. ~12 t!Jd5 Krylov,Mikhail h5 23.l:th5 l:tab8 24.l:td1 l:td7 25.l:th3
29 .~d5 l:td5 30.l:tc7 (30.l:ta7 ~h3 Filipenko,Aiexander l:tbdB 26.'i!fh4 t!Jg6 27.'i!fh7 ~IB+]
31 .l:taB g5 32.a4 ~g7;t) 30...l:ta5 (30 ...a6 Moscow 2012 (6) 21.'i!fg4 8 22.'i!fe4 ~g8 [22 ... t!Jg5?
31 .g4) 31 .l:ta7 l:ta7 32 .~a7 ~a2±] 1.d4 t!Jf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 dS 4.t!Jf3 23.t!Jg5 hg5 24.l:th7 ~gB 25.l:th3t]
28 . ~a7 cS (2B ... l:taB 29.t!Jd4 ~c8 ~e7 s. ~g2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.W'a4 23.'i!fg4 ~f8 24.'i!fh5? [24.'i!fe4=]
30.l:tb5 l:ta7 31 .~d5±] 29.l:tb8 l:tb8 'i!t'dS 8.t!Jc3 W'c6 9.'i!t'c2 'i!fa6 10.e4 24 ... l:tac8 25.l:tf4 l:tc 7+ (25 ... l:td7?
30. ~ b8± t!Je3 31.a4 c4 (31...t!Jg2!? t!Jc6 11.a3 t!JaS (11...t!Jb4? 12.ab4 26.d5!] 26.dc5 t!JcS 27.g4 t!Jd3
32 .~g2 ~e7] 32 . ~d6 ~d6 33.ed6 'fi'a1 13.e5 t!Jd5 14.t!Jd5 ed5 15 .~g5± ; 28.l:te4 ~g8 (2B ... t!Jb2!? 29.g5 t!Jd3]
t!Jg2 (33... ~1B!?] 34. ~g2 ~f8 11 ... l:tdB!?J 29.g5 t!JgS? (29... t!Jb2! 30.gh6 g6
35.t!Jd4? (35.~13! ~eB 36 .~e4 ~h3 31 .'i!fh4 (31 .'it'g4 'it'a3 32.h4 W'e7)
37.a5 ~c8 38 .~d5 ~d7 39.t!Jc3 16 31...l:tcd7-+] 30.t!Jg5 hgS 31 .'i!fg5
40.t!Ja4 (40.15 g6 41 .1g6 hg6 42.t!Ja4 ~b7
43.~c5 c3 44.t!Jc3 15 45.t!Jd5 g5 46.t!Jb6
.i ~
(46.g4 lg4 (46 ...14 47.t!Jb6
48.\t>d4+-) 47.t!JI6 ~dB 4B.t!Jg4 ~cB
... g ......
49.t!Je5 g4 50.~c6 g3 51 .t!Jf7 ~eB
52.q;,c7 g2 53.~c8 g1 1!f 54.d7 ~17
'iV ...
!::, ~
55.dB'if+-) 46.. ,q;,dB 47 .'~d4
48.g4!+-) 40 ...~b7 41.'09c5 g6 (41...g5
42.fg5 lg5 43.g4! ~cB 44.t!Jb6 ~dB
45.t!Jc4 ..Q.g4 46.t!Je5+-) 42.t!Jb6 ~dB

' ... .,. :t::t:
!::, f::,j)_f::,
43.c;t;>c4 h5 44.~d4 g5 45.t!Jd5! h4 46.gh4
gh4 47.t!JI6 ~c8 48.c;t;>e3+-] 35 ... c3 12 . ~g5 (12.e5!? t!Jd5 13 .~g5 (13.t!Jg5 I:t~
36. 2 ..Q.h3 37.a5 ~e8 38.a6 ~c8 ~g5 14 . ~g5 t!Jb3 (14 ... h6 15.~h61? t!Jc3
39.a7 ~ b7 40 .~e3 ~d7 41 . ~d3 (15... gh6 16 .~d5 ed5 17.t!Jd5 ~g 7 3 1...l:tcd7? ? [31...16! 32.el6 l:[f7 33.fg7
f6?? [41 ... g6 42.t!Jb5 h5 43.~c3 16 1B.t!J16 l:thB 19.d5t ; 15... t!Jb3 16 .~g5 1? (33.l:tg4 e5 34.1g7 'i!fl6 35.'i!fh5 l:tg7
44.<;Pd4 (44.t!Jc7 ~d6 45.aB'if ~aB (16.'fi'e4 gh6 17.'i!fg4 ~hB 1B.'ifh4 ~g7 36.14! t!JI4 37.l:tff4 el4 38 .~d5 l:td5
46.t!JaB ~c6 47 .~d4 g5=) 44 ... g5 45 .~e3 19.1t'g4 ~hB=) 16... t!Jc3 17.bc3 t!Ja1 39.'it'd5=) 33 ... 'i!fb6 34.l:te6 'it'e6
~e6 46.t!Jc3 ~d6 47.t!Je4 ~e7 4B.Ig5 1B.l:ta1 !1!1) 16.'it'd2 ISoo) 15.l:tad1 t!Jc3 (34 ... l:tg7!?) 35.'it'dB ~g7!1!1/=, t!Jd3>]
lg5 49.t!Jg5 ~d6 50.t!Je4 ~c7 51 .t!Jf6 16.bc3 ~d7oo) 13... t!Jc6!? (13... l:teB 32.l:tg4 g6 33.'i!ff6+- l:td4 34.~e4
~b6 52.t!Jh5 ~a7 53.g4 ..Q.c8 54.g5 ~15=; 14 .~e7 t!Je7 15.t!Jg5 t!Jg6 16.'i!t'e2t h6 t!JeS 35.l:th4 t!Jf3 36 .~f3 [36 ... l:th4
41...g5! 42.t!JI5 (42.fg5 ~d6 43.®c3 ~c5 17.t!Jf7! '0917 1B.'i!fh5 t!Jc6 19.t!Je2 t!Je7 37.'i!fdB ~g7 38.'iWh4] 1-0

Nimz -Indian Defence
Rubinstein Variation 5...td3, 7... dc4 Nl 5.12 (E54)

Bronstein's Original 8... ~d7

by Peter Lukacs and Laszlo Hazai

1. d4 tlJf6 David Bron tein in 1957. He White lo e ome tempi elimi-

2. c4 e6 drew two game against Furman nating the light- quared bi hop.
3. tt:lc3 ~b4 and Petrosian, after which thi s So White played ll.a3, and after
4. e3 0-0 line became more and more pop- ll .•..ic3 12.bc3 tt:lbd7 he uc-
5. .td3 d5 ular. In compari on to the main ce fully opened the a3-f8 diag-
6. tbf3 c5 line 8 ... cd4 9.ed4 b6, followed onal for his bi hop wi th 13.a4!.
7. 0-0 dc4 by ... .tb7, the bishop i more A typical tructure with hanging
8. .tc4 .td7 vu lnerable on c6, but the other pawn aro e after 13 .. .l:fc8
bi hop retreat to a5 after a2-a3 i 14 ..ib3 'it'e8 15.c4 cd4 16.ed4.
ecured. Black avoid ... b7-b6,
keeping the d8-a5 diagonal
open. On the other hand, Black
maintai n the ten ion, avoiding
...cd4, which open up thee-fi le
and the cl-bi hop ' diagonal.
White ha two main option ,
9.'it'e2 and 9.a3. They can ea ily
tran pose to each other later in
the game.

Thi idea of developing the Immediate Threats

bi hop to the long diagonal via 9.'iVe2 prepare IO.l:dl , with Here White firmly controlled the
....td7-c6 wa succes fully in- immediate threat on the d-fi le. four vita l quare . Black had no
troduced by the original thinker ln Farago-Dely, Budape t 1974, pre ure again t the c4- and
after 9 •...tc6 lO.l:dl , Black d4-pawn and he i deprived of
went for the wrong develop- the liberating moves .. .b7-b5 or
ment, playing 10••..tf3?! .. .e6-e5 a well.
ll.'iff3 tt:lc6. He had to give up ll ....iaS i more in the pirit of
the other bishop as well after thi variation , a wa demon-
12.a3 .ic3 13.bc3, ince strated in Kortchnoi -Matanovic,
12 ....ia5? wa bad due to Palma de Mallorca 1968. White
13.dc5. The en uing po ition played the imple 12•.id2 , and
looks clearly favourab le for after 12....if3 13. f3 tt:lc6
White, who can build up a trong 14.dc5! 'i!VcS 14.~fl White ha
centre with e3-e4 or ometime got a sma ll but Ia ting advantage
c3-c4. His bi hop pair has a due to hi bishop pair. The arne
bright future. goes for 12! c5
Ln Gligoric-Taimanov, Montilla! , or 12....ib6 13.dc5
1977, Black wa more cautiou , 'i!VcS or 14.b4.
opting for 10••.'it'e7. Now Ln ca e of 10.•.tt:lbd7 ll.dS! i
David Bronstein ll.tlJe5 is met by ll ... l:d8 and trong, becau e after ll...edS

12.lbdS ltJdS 13.~dS the b4- ll.bc3, with sli ghtly better ation, for example: 12...~b6
bishop cau es some headache chances in a pos itional game, or 13.dcS ~cS 14.~el , fo llowed
for Black. ln Beliavsky- go fo r the hanging pawns via by 1S.lbd4, getting the bishop
Kortchnoi , Paks 2004, Black 10.ed4 ~c3 ll.bc3, with pair again.
went for 13.. .'ifc7, and after chances of an attack, sometimes ln our Main Game Gelfand-
14.~c6 'it'c6 1S.a3 ~aS 16.b4! acrificing the backward pawn Anand, Moscow Wch m/11
White grabbed the initiative. on c3. ln Lukacs-Biack rock, 20 12, ll ... ~c3 wa seen, avoid-
More precise seems to be Budapest 1977, Black went for ing the breakthrough d4-d5 , and
13..•~dS 14.l:dS 'it'c7, and now 9... ~c310.bc3 ~c6, and here we onl y after 12.bc3 lb bd7. The
White ha a choice between 1S.e4 uggest ll.ltJeS! ~dS 12.~e2 challenger went for 13.~d3 and
or again 1S.a3 ~aS 16.b4!. cd4 13.ed4!, fo ll owed by c3-c4, after 13... 'it'aS he had to make a
ln Jussupow-Feller, Moscow again reaching a omewhat seri ous decision about the cen-
2008 the somewhat surprising better hanging pawn structure. tral pawn tructure. He went fo r
10...~c3 followed. Now, after Again the thematic 9 ... ~aS the hangi ng pawns wi th 14.c4
ll.bc3 lbbd7 White ha to decide looks best. cd4 1S.ed4 'it'hS 16.~f4 l:tac8
whether he want to grab the cen- ln Sanguineti -Szabo, Lugano ol 17 .lbeS 'ife2 18.~e2 lbeS
tre with c3-c4 or with e3-e4. He 1968, White tarted with 9.'it'e2 19.~eS l:tfd8 .
opted for 12.~b3 'it'aS 13.c4 cd4 'it'e7, and now came lO.a3 ~aS.
14.ed4, when again a structure
with hanging pawns has arisen.
·~ .~.
'' .t'ifiii

White has got the bi shop pair and

Here ll.~d2 cd4 12.ed4 led to control of the vital quares.
an isolated pawn structure in However 20.a4 all owed
Now Black's positi on is not so which, after 12... lbc6, the imple 20 ... lbe4, with suffic ient coun-
bad as in the other game. After 13.l:fel was requi red. ln the e terplay. More accurate, perhaps,
14...'it'bS lS.l:el ~f3 has been structures the rook is u uall y best was 20.f3!?, with a very small
uggested creating many weak- on e I . Another viable alternative advantage.
nes es in White's pawn structure i ll.l:dl ~c6 12.lbeS, gaining The harp pawn sacri fice
after 16.'it'f3 'it'f3 17.gf3. It has the bi hop pair. 14.e4!? deserve attention as
to be said that the black knights So after 9.a3 ~aS 10.'i#'e2 'Wie7 well.
have no real influence on the tran pose to the previou game,
square d4, c4, b5 and e5 even but in Knaak-Jussupow, Ham- Conclusion
here, and White' bishop pai r is burg 1991 , the natural 10... ~c6 In our opinion, the Bronstein line
trong. In ca e of 12.~d3 we was seen, and after ll.l:dl i playable, although in many
reach a imilar position to our lbbd7 agai n the well -known cases White can get a mall but
Main Game Gelfand-Anand - breakthrough 12.dS came, fo l- durable advantage if he gets the
without a3! Careful analysis will lowed by 12... edS 13.ltJdS bishop pai r. Subtle pos itional
have to decide whether this is a lbb6!. ln comparison with the play i required in which Black
weakening move or not! Beliav ky-Kortchnoi game thi s can avoid the long fo rced lines.
is now possible, although even Knowledge of iso lated pawn
The Main Line here we suggest 14.lbb6 'ifb6 tructure and hang ing pawns is
9.a3 is the mai n option and if 1S.b4! , with exc iting complica- es ential. As a surpri se weapon it
9... cd4 then White can get the tions. In tead of l 2. d5 the quiet is excellent, a our Main Game
bi hop pair with 10.ab4 dc3 12.~d2 comes into consider- has demonstrated.

Survey Nl 5. 12

Main Game [23.c5 eS 24.deS lld3 2S .~d3 tt:lc5 21 .llba) 21 .llba ; 21 .-.dS h6; 21 ... c;PhB
8 ...~ d7 26. ~c4 ~f7ooj 23 ... lld4 24 .~e3 lld7 22.aS!? (22.llb1 aS 23.14! 16! (23 ... ef4
~-~ 24.'it'd4; 23... llad8 24.feS eS 2S .~3
Gelfand,Boris ttlg4 26.'it'd6 '*'c3 27 .• g3 1t'g3 2B.hg3
Anand, Viswanathan cJolgB 29.llb6 e3 30.~18 <;Pta 31 .lle1
Moscow Wch m 2012 (11 ) 1·0 Janosevic·Dely, Skopje 1967) 24.feS
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 ~b4 4.e3 eS (24 ... feS? 2S .~gS) 2S . ~a3 llldB
o-o 5.~d3 d5 6.ttlf3 cs 7.0-0 dc4 Immediate Threats 26.~e7 ;t) 22 ...baS (22... aS? 23.lla4± ;
8..ic4 ~d7 9.a3 · 5 10.'it'e2 ~c6 9. 'it'e2 23.~a3±) 23. ~a3 ;t) 20 .~3 'it'c6l
11.lld1 ~c31? 12.bc3 ttlbd7 17. ~gs [ 17.~h6 ! ? lltdB 1B.'it'g3 -.Ia
13 ..id3 [13..ib2 Was (13 .. ."it'c7 14 .~d3 Farago,lvan 19 . ~gS ;tj 17 ... tt'e7 [17 ... ttldS! 1B.edS
.ie4 1S.c4) 14 .~d3 - 13 .~d3 ; 14.ttld2 Dely,Peter (1B.lldS tt'c4) 1B... tt:lbB 19.d6;tj 18.'iVg3
~b6 1S .~d3 cd4 16.cd4 tt:la4; 14.a4 Budapest ch-HUN 1974 c;Ph8? [18 ... llldB 19 ..1ld3 lld6 20.llad1
llac8j 13 ... 'tWaS 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.ttlc3 ~ b4 4.e3 -.cnj 19 ..1ld31 h6 [19 ... tt:lb8 20.'ifh4
0-0 5.~d3 c5 6.ttlf3 d5 7.0-0 dc4 ttlbd7 21 .llh3 c;PgB 22.g4 llldB (22 ... h6
8 ..ic4 ~d7 9.1t'e2 ~c6 10.lld1 23 . ~b7) 23 .~16 -.16 24.'tit'h7 IP!B
~f3?1 11.-.f3 c6 12.a3 ~c3 2S . ~b7 llc7 26.~dS±l 20.'it' h4 c;Pga
[12...~aS? 13.dc5+-l 13.bc3 21 ..1lg3? [21 .llh3! llldB 22.~h6 dS
23.~gS 16 24.edS!+-I 21 ... hg5
22.-.gS tt:le8 23.-.hS 'iVf6? [23 ... ttll6
24.-.h6 tt:leB 2S.-.hS=I 24.ll h3?
[24.llf3 -.e7 2S.llh3+ - l 24... -.h6
25.'it'f5 d6 26.'iVg4 .. 27 .• h5,4
.. h6 ~-~

14.c4?1 [ 14 .~b2 llac8 (14 ... cd4 1S.cd4; Taimanov,Mark
1S.ed4 'ilt'hS) 1S. d2; 14.e4!? tt'c3 Mantilla 1977 (3)
(1 4... c4 1S .~c2 tt'c3 (1S... h6 16.llb1) 1.d4 ttlf6 2.c4 e6 3. c3 ~b4 4.e3
16. ll b1 ~) 1S..id2 ( 1S.~f4 cd4; 1S.llb1 o-o 5. ~d3 d5 6.ttlf3 c5 7.0-0 dc4
'l'a5) 1S .. ."it'b3 16.eS!? (16.lldc1 cd4 13 ... e5 [13 ...'it'aS 14 .~d2 ( 14 .~b2 llac8 8. ~c4 ~d7 9. e2 ~c6 1 O.lld1
(1 6... llfd8 17.a4 '*'b6l 17.llab1 1t'a2 1S.~d3;t; 1S ..it1 cd4 16.cd4 'it'dS '*'e7
18.a4!? (18.lla1 1t'b3 19.ttld4 1t'b6 17.llac a) 14 ... llac8 1S .~t1 Wc7
20. c6 bc6) 18 ... es 19.ttlgS h6 20.lla1 16.llab1 llfdB 17 .~e1 lld7 1B.llbS cd4
'l'b3 21 .llcb1 1t'b1 22.llb1 hgS 23 .~gs 19.cd4 eS 20.g4 h6 21.h4 llcdB (21...a6
: aca 24.aSt) 16... tt:ldS 17..1ldb1 1t'a4 22.llc5 lld6 23.dS 'it' dB 24.llb1 ) 22.gS!
18.llc1 llfd8 (18 ... g6 19.llc4 1t'b3 20.dc5 (22 .~h3? ed4 (22 ... a6 23.llbb1 lld6oo)
'l'b2 21.llcc1 tt:le7 22.llab1 1t'a3 23.gS lldS 24.lldS ttldS 2S.gh6 gh6
23.ttld4 t; 18 ...llac8 19.llc4 1t'b3 20.dc5 26.c;Ph1 '*'e7; 26 ... c.tt8?! 27 .~d2 ! de3
'l'b2 21 .llb1 1t'a3 22.1t'e4 g6 23.1t'd4) 2B.fe3~ Taimanov-Kholmov, Kislovodsk 14 .. .cd4 15.ed4 tt'h51 1966) 22 ... hgS 23.hgS dS 24.deS eS
16 ..if4 llac8 [16...~13'l3 'i¥13 2S.1t'e4;t; 13... tt'c7 14 .~11 ! ? ; 14 .~bS a6
18.gl3 llac8 19.lldb1 b6 20.a4;tj 17. e5 1S. ~f1 ! ? ; 1S . ~c6 ..c6 16 ...c6 bc6
[1 7.llab1 llfd8 ( 17...~13 18.'it'l3 'i¥13 17.llb1 lltb8 1 B. ~d2 d7; 18... e4!>
19.gl3 b6 20.a4) '*'e2 19.~e2 19. ~e1 llbS 20.a4± ; 20.c4 llb1 21 .llb1
~e5 20.~eS - 17... -.e2 cd4 22.ed4 ttld6 23 .~b4 (23.llb4 16) 11.a3 [11 .ttleS lldB ( 1 1...~as 12. c6
18 ..ie2 e5 19. ~e5 llfd8 20.a4 23... c4 24.llc1 aS 2S.llc4 ab4 26.llb4 ( 12 .~d2) 12... c6 13.dS! edS (13... eS
[20.llac1 e4; 20.llab1 tt:le4; 20.13!? Yl-Yl Barcza·Portisch, Sal1sjobaden iz11962; 14.d6 'it'dB 1S.e4± ; 13... ~c3 14.dc6 ~as
~hS 6 21...16 (20 ... ~4 21 .lle1 ; 21 .lld2; 14 .~d3!?J 14.dc5!? [14.-.fS;t; 14.dS e4 ( 1 4...~eS 1S.I4 ~ 16.-.13±) 1S.cb7;t)
21.lldc1 ; 21.lldb1 ; 20 ....1ld7 21. ~14 (21 .a4 1S."it'f4!? ('e2 ttleS 16 .~a2 '*'d6oo 14. dS (14... dS 1S .~ds tt:les
llcd8 22.aS a6) 21 ... ~a4 (21 ... llcd8 Larsen-Wade, Moscow 1962) 1S ... tt:laS 16 . ~d2;!;) 1S .~d2 dS ( 15... ~d2
22~e3) 22.lld2) 21.h4; 21 .g4?! 16 22.ghS 16 . ~a2 c4J 14 ... 15.e4 -.cs 16.lld2;t) 1 6.~aS;t) 1 2.~d3 (12.a3
feS 23.deS llfB;:t ; 21 .h3 16 22 .~h2 gS 6 16 .~d5 llac8 [16 ... lladB 17.~gS;t; ~aS !?) 12 ... h6 ( 1 2... ~c3?! 13.bc3 .ie4
23... 14; 21 .c5 ttlf6, dS <I 20... 4 16... dS 17 .edS tt:laS 1B.d6 b6 19.a4 lltdB 14 .~a3 ~d3 1S. d3 Wc7 16. c5 b6
21 .lld3 f6 22 .~f4 ~e8 23.ll b3 (19... c4?! 20.d7 '*'c7 (20 ... lladB 17. b3± ; 1 2...~eB !? 13.a3 ~aS) 13 .~c2

(13.a3 ..Q.a5!?; 13.....Q.c3 14.bc3 .i.a4 13.dc5 1i'c5 14.b4 (14.tLld4 1i'g5 15. c6 25.1i'13;t Boudy-Vilela, Sagua de Grande
15.J:tl1 tLlc6 16.14) 13.....Q.a5 14.1t'c4 ..Q.b6 tLlc6 16.tLla4 (16..i.d3 1i'h4 17...Q.e1 tLlg4 ch-CUB 1982) 17.b4 .i.b6 18.tLla4 tLle5
(14 ... cd4 15.J:td4 (15.ed4 ..Q.e8) 15.....Q.e8) 18.h3 tLlge5 19...Q.c2 as 20.J:tac1 J:tld8 19.1i'g2 (1 9.'ilfe2 tLlc4) 19... tLlc4
15.a4 ..Q.d5 16.tLld5 ed5 17.1i'd3 tLlc6 (20... g5? 21 .tLle4 Whs 22.1i'h5 1i'h5 20...Q.c3;t; 16.b4 ..Q.c7 17.g3;t; 17.b5 tLle5
18. c6 bc6 19.dc5 (19.b3!?) 19... ..Q.c5 23.tLll6 ~h8 24.tLlh5+- Lugovoi-Jovanic, 1B.'W/b7 tLleg4 19.g3 tLlf2!;::e; 16.J:tac1
20.b3 ..Q.d6 21 ...Q.b2 (Portisch-Matanovic, Solin 2005) 21.tLle4;!;) 16... .i.c7 17.J:tac1;!;) J:tldB 17.b4 ..Q.c7 1B.tLle4;!;) 16... J:tad8
Sousse izt 1967) 21 ...a5! (Portisch) 22.1i'l5 14 ... ..Q.I3 15.gf3 1i'h5 16.14 tLlg4 17.13 eLliS 17.J:td8 J:tdB 18.J:td1 J:td1 19.1i'd1 1t'd7
J:te8 23 ...Q.I6 1i'16 24.1t'l6 gl6 25...Q.I5 18.Wh1 tLlc6 19.tLla4;t; 19.J:tg1 J:tad8 20.Wd7 tLld7 21 ..i.b5;!; Sanguineti-
J:ted8=] 11 .....Q.c3 12.bc3 tLlbd7 20.l:!ad1;!;; 20.J:tg5?? J:td2! 21 .1i'd2 W'l3 Matanovic, Lugano ol 1968] 16.g3 J:tfd8
13.a41 [13...Q.b2 tLlb6=] 13... J:tfc8 22.1t'g2 (lotov-Cheparinov, Plovdiv 2004) 17.J:tac1 J:td7?1 [17...J:tac8 18.b4;!;]
14..i.b3 [14 ...Q.d3] 14.•.1i'e8 [14 ... c4 22 ...1i'g2 23.Wg2 ..Q.e3+] 13.1i'f3 18.b4 ..Q.b6 19.tLla4± 'ite4 20. We4
15...Q.c2 .i.e4 16.tLle1;!; t:. 17.13; 16...Q.a3;!;; tLle4 21 ...Q.e1 J:td1 22.J:td1 J:td8
14...Wd6 15.c4 .i.e4] 15.c4 cd4 16.ed4 23.J:td8 tLld8 l23 ... .i.d8 24 ..i.g2 tLld6
tLlb6 17.a5 [17.tLle5 .i.a4 18..i.a4 tLla4 25.tLlc5±] 24.tLlb6 ab6 25.f3 tLld6
19.J:td3 tLlb6 20. J:tg3~; 17.J:td3 tLla4 26.b5 8 27...Q.c3 f6 28 ..i.d3 h6
(17....i.a4 18..i.a4 tLla4 19...Q.g5t) 29 •..Q.b4 w e7 30.f4 Wd7 31.e4 tLl8f7
18.tLle5t] 17.....Q.a4? [17 ....i.l3 18.gl3 32. ~ g6 33.e51 feS 34 ..i.g6 ef4
tLlbd7 (t:. g6, tLlh5-g7-15) 19.14;!;] 18..i.a4 35.gf4 e5 36. 3 We6 37.a4 ~d5
tLla4 19...Q.d2 b6 20.J:tdb11 baS 38.h4 We6 [38 ... Wd4!? 39.15 e4
21 .c5 tLldS 22.1t'd3 [t:. 23.1t'b3; 40.Wg3±] 39..i.c2 f5 40 •.i.b3
22.J:tb3 J:tcb8 23.J:tba3 tLlb2 24.J:ta5±] 41.fe5 tLleS 42.We4 tLlh4 43 ...Q.c3
22 ... J:tab8 23.J:tb8 [23 ..i.a5±] tLlg6 44..i.d4 hS 45 ..i.b6 l45 ..i.d5+- I
23 ... J:tb8 24.Wc2 tLlab6! [24 ... tLlb2 45 ...tLld7 [45...tLlf7] 46 ...Q.d4 ~e7
25.J:tb1+-] 25.cb6 ab6 26.tLlg5 g6 47.a5 h4 48 ...Q.d5 [48.Wf5+-l 48 ... h3
27.W'e4 J:tc8 28.1i'h4 hS 29.We4 13 ...tLlc6 [13 ...cd4 14.ed4 tLlcS (14 ... h6? 49 •.i.b7 Wd6 SO ..i.g1 tLlcS 51. 3
[29.g4!+-] 29 ...a4 30.h3 bS 31 .g4 15.d5! J:tc8 (15... ed5 16.tLld5 tLld5 tLleS [51 ...tLlb7 52.a6+-J 52.Wg3 h2
hg4 32.hg4 J:tc4! [32 ... b4? 33.1t'h1 b3 17...Q.a5+-) 16.W'e2 'W/c5 (16 ...e5 17.d6! [52 ... tLlb7 53.a6+-] 53.Wh2 tLlb7
34.1i'h7 Wl8 35.tLle4 b2 36.J:tb1 a3 '*'d6 18.tLlb5 ...c5 19..i.a5 'i!fc4 54.a6 tLlf3 55.Wh1 1-0
37...Q.g5±] 33.1i'h1? [33.Wg2 'Wie7 20.J:td8+- l 17...Q.a2 ..Q.c3 18..i.c3 tLld5
34.J:th1] 33 ... tLlf6 34.tLle41 tLle4 19...Q.d5+- ed5 20.•g4! g6 21 .J:td5 '*'18
35.1Ve4 1i'd7 [35 ... e5 36.1i'e5 1i'e5 22 ..i.b4 1-0 Najdorf-Schweber, Buenos Beliavsky,Aiexander
37.de5 J:tg4 38 .~11 J:te4 39...Q.c3 J:tc4 Aires 1968) 15..i.g5 ..Q.b6 (15.....Q.c3 Kortchnoi,Viktor
(39 ...b4? 40.J:ta4) 40 ..i.d2 ~g7 41 .J:tb1±] 16.bc3;!;) 16...Q.I6 (16 ...14 h6 17..i.l6 W'l6 Paks 2004 {3)
36 ...Q.e3 eS!? [36 ... ~g7;!;] 37.W'e5 18.W'I6 gts 19.d5 tLld4 20.de6 fe6 1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 e6 3.tLlc3 .i.b4 4.e3
1i'g4 38.Wh2 W'h4 39.~g2 W'g4 21 .J:tac1;!;) 16......16 17.1Vf6 gf6 18.d5 dS 5.tLlf3 0-0 6 ..i.d3 cS 7.0-0 dc4
40.1i'g3 W'd7? I40...1Vg3 41.Wg3 Wg7 tLld4 19.de6 le6 20.J:tac1;!;] 14.dc5 8...Q.c4 ..Q.d7 9.'ti'e2 ..Q.c6 10.J:td1
42.d5 WIS;!;J 4U Wf3? [41 .J:th1 !±J [14.tLle4 tLle4 (14 .....Q.d2 15.J:td2 tLle4 bd7
41... ~g7 [41 ... b4 42.J:th1! b3 43...Q.g5] 16.'i!fe4 - 14... tLle4) 15.•e4 .i.d2 16.J:td2
42.J:th1 b4? !42... ...15! 43...Q.h6 Wg8 cd4 (16 ... J:tad8 17.J:tad1) 17.ed4 J:tadB
44.WI5 gf5 45.J:td1 ±] 43 ...Q.h6+- w gs 18.J:tad1 J:td6 (18... J:td7 19.d5;!;) 19.d5
44..i.g5 f5 45.W'f4 I45...Q.f6? ...c6oo] J:tfdB] 14...Wc5 15..i.f1 [15..i.e2 'ilfe7
45 ...1i'e6 46 .~g3 J:tc3 47.f3 (15 ... tLle5? 16.'it'b7 J:tabB 17.b4 J:tb7
48. J:th7 ~g8 49.J:te7 ...a6 so:tlt'b8 1B.bc5 J:tb2 19...Q.e1 !±; 15...•e5 16.b4
1-0 .i.c7 17.W'g3;!;) 16.J:tac1 (16.tLle4 tLle4
(16... ..Q.d2 17.tLll6 (17.J:td2 tLle4 18.'it'e4 -
16... tLle4) 17...1i'f6 18.W'I6 gl6 19.J:td2
Kortchnoi,Viktor J:tfdB;!;/=) 17.•e4 ..Q.d2 18.J:td2 J:tldB'f/=)
Matanovic,Aieksandar 16... J:tfd8 17.b4;!;] 15 ... -.eS? [15 ...1i'e7
Palma de Mallorca 1968 {7) 16..i.e1 (!> 16.tLle4 tLle4 17.'i!fe4 ..Q.d2
1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 e6 3.tLlc3 .i.b4 4.e3 18.J:td2 J:tldB 19.J:tc2 J:td5 ~- ~ Donner-
cS 5•.i.d3 0-0 6.tLlf3 dS 7.0-0 dc4 Kholmov, Havana 1965; 16.g3 J:tac8 11 .d5! l11 ..i.d2 J:tc8 (11 ......e7 12.a3
8 ..i.c4 .i.d7 9.a3 .isS 10.1i'e2 .i.c6 (16... J:tfd8?! 17.b4 tLle5 18.W'g2 ..Q.b6 ..Q.c3 (12....i.a5 13.dc5!;!;) 13..i.c3 J:tfdB
11.J:td1 1i'e7 12..i.d2 .i.f3 [12 ... tLlbd7 19.tLla4 tLld5 (19 ... J:tac8 20..i.c3! J:td1 14.b4!? (14.dc5 c5 15.J:td8 J:tdB 16.tLle5
13.dc5! (13..i.a2? .i.b6= Knaak-Vilela. 21 .J:tdt tLlc4 22 ...Q.c4 J:tc4 23.tLlb6 J:tc3 .idS) 14 ... tLle4! (14 ...cd4 15.tLld4 .idS
Halle 1981) 13... Wc5 14.tLld4!;!;; 14.b4 24.Wb7!+- ) 20.tLlb6 ab6 21 .e4 tLll6 (15... b 4!?) 16.tLll5! ef5 (16... W'IB?
.i.l3 15.gf3 Wg5 16.~h1 .i.c7oo; 12....i.b6 22 ...Q.c3 tLlc6 23.b5! tLla5 24 ...Q.b4 W'c7 17..i.d5 ed5 18.J:td5! tLld5 (1 8...g6 19..i.l6

Survey Nl 5. 12

1016 20.l:td8± ) 19 .~g7 '*g7 (19 .....e8?

20.1t'g4+- l 2o.tcg1 'lt;lg7 21.W g4 'lf;lfa
22.WIS Sl6 23.g4 l:teB 24.14 h6 2S.h4
l:le7 26.gS tOga 27.l:td1 10b6 2B.hS±
26.l:td8 [26.bc5 l:tdS 27.'i!fdS (27.l:tdS
'it'a1 28.'i!i'l1 W a3 29.c6 (29.cb6 ~b6oo)
29...W c3 30.tLld4 ~eS) 27... l:td8 28 .• b3
l:td1 29.'ii"d1 bcS;!;) 26 .•.l:td8 27.l:td8
.. 'if

.a. ·~
Donner-Kuijpers, Amsterdam
17 .~dS;!;) 1S . ~e1 (1S . ~b2 cb4 16.ab4
• b4 17. ~3 'itb6) 1S ...cd4 16.10d4 ~a4)
12.a3 ~13 (12...~c3 13. ~c3 10e4 14 .~e1
1963) 1i'd8 28.bc5 'i!i'd1 [28 ... bc5 29.g3;
[29 ...W11?!
A 30.gS) 29 .• f1
30.'it;ll1 bcS
30. '*c1? [30.c6 '*c3 31 .tLld4 ~es
31 .'it;le2±]

~ ~CLJ
deS 16.10d4 ~dS
...16 1S.dc5 32. IS 'it;lh7; 30.cb6 ab6 31 .•a1 '\lt'a41
~ ~~~
(Spassky-Taimanov, Tallinn 197S; 16... ~a4 (31 ... bS 32.tLld4±) 32.g3 ~d6] 30 ... bc5
17.b3;!;) 17.~dS edS 18.l:tac1 ;!;) 13.gl3 31.tLld2 'ii"d3 [31.....,dS 32.g3 aS 1:1 ~1:1 <it'
~c3 14. ~c3 dS 1S.~dS (1S. ~e1 7b6 33.W'c2;!;) 32.g3 ~as 33.tLlc4 ~c3=
16.~a2 'itrgS 17.'it;lh1 '*hS) 1S... eds 34.'ilt"11 'i!i'c2 35.'ifg2 '*'d1 [3S ... g6 12.~ b31? [12 .~d3 compare to Gelfand-
16.dc5 tOeS 17.e4 (17.'it;lh1 l:teB 18.l:tg1 36.'l!VI3! A 37. d6, 17<] 36.'it'11 '*'c2 Anand, Moscow Wch m/11 2012 without a3]
d4) 17...tLla4 (17... 10e6 18.W e3 l:tcS 19.14 37. W g2 'it'd1 12.. :.-as [12 ... aS?I 13.a4 'ttb6 14 .~c2
l:leB 20.IS;!; Sosonko-l.lvanov, Leningrad ~e4 1S.c4 l:tacB 16.l:tba ; 16 . ~e4 e4
1967) 18 .~d4 tfe7oo] 11...ed5 12.tLld5 17.'*c2 d6 18.dS eS 19 .~b2 16 20.e4;!;
10d5 [12 ... b6?? 13. b4+ - ] 13. ~d5 Dambacher-Fier, Maastricht 2012] 13.c4
..-c7?! [13... ~dS 14.l:tdS tfc7 1S.e4 cd4 14.ed4 '*h5 [14... l:tle8 1S. e1
(1S.a3 ~as (1S ... 16 16.l:tgs ~as l:tadB 16.tLld31] 15.l:te1 l:t1e8 [1S ... ~I31?
17.b411) 16.b41 cb4 17 . ~21) 1S... IOb6 16.'l!fl3 'l!fl3 17.gl3 l:tldB] 16 . ~14
(1S... tLll6 16.l:td1;!;) 16.l:thS! c4 17 .~e3 [16. eS!? 'l!fe2 17.l:te2 eS 18.l:teS;!;)
l:tleB 18 .~d4 16 19.'l!fc2 (19.eS g6) 16.. .'*fg4 [16... ~13 17.tfl3 tfl3 18.gl3
19... l:te6 20.eSI g6 21.l:th4! ~cS (21...feS l:tacB] 17.~g3? 1 [ 17 .~e3 l:taca 18.h3
(Barcza) 22. ~b6 W b6 (22 ...ab6 23.l:tc4) ~13 19.W 13 'i!i'l3 20.gl3 eSoo] 17... ~13
23.1t'c4 ~e7 24.l:te4;!; ~16? 2S. d4+-) [17 ... tLle4 18.dS tLlg3 19.hg3 edS 20.• e8
22.el6 ~d4 23.l:td4 (23.tLld4? l:tl6 24.l:te1 l:teB 21 .l:te8 18 22.l:tee1 d4 23.tLleSt]
l:laiB 2S. e6 l:teB 26.l:the4 'itrc6 27.'ii"e2 18. 13 'l!fd4!? [18... 13 19.gl3 l:tacB]
10a4=; 27 ...'\lt'dS?? 28.tLlc7 1-0 Portisch- 38.'it;lh2?? [38.'it'l1=] 38 .... d3- + 19.l:tad1?1 [19.l:ted1 b6 20.~a4
L.Lengyel, Budapest 1962) 23 ...l:tl6 39.'it'a8 'it;lh7 0-1 l:tedB 21 .l:tab1 ;!;; 19.1t'b7 c5 20.tfl3
24.l:te1 ;!;) 14. ~c6 [14.e4 l:taeB] l:tacB 21.l:tad1 '*g4 22.W'e3;!;)
14...W c6 15.a3 [1S .~d2? 1 ~d2 16.l:td2 19...'irb6 20 . ~a4 l:ted8 21. ~ h4
1016 17.l:tad1 W e6 18.a3 W e7 19.h3 l:tldB Jussupow,Artur c5 22 .~16 g16 23.'i!i'16?1 [23.~c2
20.1t'bS l:td2 21 .l:td2 l:tcB= Del Rio de Feller,Sebastien ISoo] 23 ... tLla4 24.'it'g5 'it;l18 25.W'h6
Angelis-Ki.Georgiev, Marrakesh 2010] Moscow 2008 (6) 'if;le8 26.'it'h7 'it'c5? [26 ... 'it'b2 27.l:tb1
15... . 5 16.b41 [16.b3 ~c3 17 .~b2 1.d4 16 2.c4 e6 3.tLlc3 ~b4 4.e3 'it'c3 (27 ......16 28 .• g8 'it;ld7 29.l:tb7 ~c6
~b2 18.W b2 l:tldB 19.l:tac1 'ii"16 20.W e2 0-0 5 .~d3 d5 6. 13 c5 7.0-0 dc4 30.l:tf7 l:tgB 31 .l:tl6 cS) 28.l:tec1
10181 (20 ... b6 21 .W a6;!;) 21.h3 (21.l:tc5 8. ~c4 ~d7 9. 'it'e2 ~c6 1 O.l:td1 (28.l:te3 'i!i'l6) 28.... 16 29.Wg8 'it;ld7
1i'b21) 21... e6 22.'iic2 b6= Berkes- ~c3 11.bc3 tLlbd7 [11...'l!faS 12.~b2 30.l:tb7 'if;lc6 31 .'i!i'f7 'ir17 32.l:tf7 tLlcS=F]
Kortchnoi, Paks 2004] 16...~c7? [16 ...cb4 tLlbd7 (12 ... l:tc8 13. eS ( 13 .~b3 ;!;) 27.l:te6! 1e6 28 .• g6 'h-'h
17.tLld4 (17.~d2 l:tldB 18.ab4;!;) 17...1t'b6 13... ~4 14.l:tdc1 (14.l:tl1 cd4 1S.ed4!?
(17...1i'l6? 18.'itrbS+-) 18 .~b2~ ; (1S.cd4 bd7 (1S... c6 16.14 tOeS 17.1eS
16... ~b6 17.~b2 l:tadB 1B.l:tac1 ;!;) e4 18. ~d3 (18.l:tf7?! l:tc4! 19.'ifc4 'lf;lf7
17. ~b2 l:tad8 18.l:tac1± b6 19.'it'c4 20.l:tl1 ~gB 21 .it'e6 ~hB 22.'i!ff7 l:tgB
[19.'ii"a61? ~b8 20.1i'd3 A 21 .10gS; 23.~a3 h6 24 .~18 W b6!?; 24... ~bs ( ~- ~ The Main Line
19.'ifc21? A 20. gS] 19...l:tfe8 Benjamin-Youngworth, Lone Pine 1980) 9.a3
20.l:td5!;!; [20.l:td2 10181] 20 ... 'ii"e6 2S .~g7 ! l:tg7 26.'l!fl8 ~h7 27.'- IS l:tg6
[20 ... bS?I 21 ...g4 g6 22 ...d4± ; 20 ... tLl18?1 28.1t'f7 l:tg7 29.'ii"IS=) 18.... d2!) 16.14 Lukacs,Peter
21 .l:tiS;!;; 21 .l:tgS e6 22 .• c31(Kortchnoi) l:tc4!! 17.tLlc4 (17.• c4 ~bS) 17... '\lt'a6 Blackstock,Lesly
22 .. .16] 21 .tLlg5 [21 .'if;lf1I? Kortchnoi; 18.l:tlc1 l:tcB 19.'it'l1! ~bS 20. d2! ~11 Budapest 1977 (3)
21.'iWc3! 16 22.l:tcd1 ;!; Beliavsky] 21 .l:tc8 18 22. 11 bSoo) 1S ...1t'c7 1.d4 t016 2.c4 e6 3. c3 ~ b4 4.e3
21...W g6 22.h4 h6 [22... ~eS? 16 .~d3 ;!; ; 14 .~b31?) 14... bd7 (14 ... cd4 0-0 5.~d3 c5 6. 13 d5 7.0-0 dc4
23.l:tcd1 ! ~b2 24.l:td7±] 23. f3 '*e6 1S.cd4 c6 16.~c3 ;!; ; 16. g4;!;) 1S. d7 8 . ~c4 ~d7 9.a3 ~c3 [9... cd4 10.ab4!?
[23 ...l:te4? 24.1t'd3 1i'g4 2S.l:td1 +-J d7 16 . ~d31) 13 . ~d3 (13 . ~3 l:tldB (10. d4?! ~c3 =F ; 10. e2?! ~d6 11 .'it'd4
24.l:tcd1 [24.'1t;lt1 ~d6; 24.1i'c3!± 14.c4;!;) 13... ~e4 (13 ...l:tld8 14.tLld2;!;; ~c7 12 .~d2 c6 13.'i!i'h4 e7
Beliavsky] 24 ...tLlf6 25 . ~f6 'l!ff6 14.e4 c4 1S .~c2 ~a4 ; 14.c4;!;) 14.c4;!;) (13 ...tLleS) 14 .~b4 aS Alexandrov·

Kortchnoi, Plovdiv Ech-tt 2003; 1O.ed4 14 .~11 'it'b6!; 14 ... tilb6? 15.a4 l:tldB
~c3!? (10 ...1t'c7 11 . eS; 10... ~e7 16.tild2 cd4 17.ed4 ~c6 1B.l:te5 l:td5
11 .l:te1 (11. ~b3 ~c6 12.tileS; 12.~c2 19.tilb3 l:teS 20. aS l:taS 21.c4± Knaak-
bd7 13.'it'd3 l:tc8 14 .~gS g6 1S.l:tle1 Schone, Cottbus ch-DDR 1983] 14.cd4
dS 16.~6 (1 6.h4? ~gS 17.hgS tilc3 [14.ed4!? 'it'h5 (1 4... b5 15. e5) 15. eS;t]
1B.bc3 ~13 19.'fil3 'it'gS 20.'i+'b7 16+ 14 ... ~e4 [14 ... -.h5 15.e4;t; 14... e4!?
Fuhrmann-Gipslis, Berlin 1993) 16... l:teBoo; 1S.'it'c2; 1S.-.e2 l:tac8 16.l:tec1 15 17.a4
1 1. ~14 ~c6 12. eS;t) 11...~c6 6 18. ~a3] 15. eS [ 1S.~e2] 15 ... ~d3
12. eS;t) 11.bc3 'i+'c7 (11...~c6 12.tileS) [15 ... tileS? 16.deS l:tldB 17.el6 l:td3
12. eS ( 12 .~d3 'it'c3 13.~gS~) 1B.'it'g4--+] 16.tild7 tild7 17.1t'd3
12... c6 13. d7 'it'd7 14 .~d3 l:tac8 l:tac8 18.e4!? [1B.l:tec1 b6 (lHz
15.l:te1 ; 1S .~gS dSoo) 10 ...dc3 11 .bc3 Geller-Keres, Curacao ct 1962) 19 .~c3
'fic7 12 .~d3 (12.'it'b3?! l:tc8 13.~e2 -.ds 20.~ l:tldB=: 1B.a4 16 (1B... b6 11.~d2 [11 .l:td1 ~c6 (11...tilc6
'fic3'f; 12 .~e2 !? 'it'c3 13.~a3~) 19.'*bS) 19.1t'bS bS 20.abS l:tc2 12 .~d2;t; 12.dS ed5 13.lLJdS d5 14 .~d5
12 ... 'it'c3 (12 ... es 13.-.c2 l:teB 14.tild2! 21.~a3 l:tlc8=] 18 ... tilb6 [1B .. .f5!? (Sosnicki-Stluka, Pardubice 199B)
c6 1S.~a3 (1S.bS dB 16.c4 tile6=) 19.d5!? (19.13 til16oo; 19.l:tac1 16 14...~g4= ; 12.e4!? cd4 13.eS tilg4
1S... l:tadB (1S... bS!?) 16.c4 (16.bS e7 20.'*b3 le4 21.-.e6 ~hB 22.h3 l:tceBoo) (13 ... dc3 14.el6 gl6 15.b4! ~c7 (15 ... ~b6
17.h3 ( 17 .~e7? ! l:te7 1B.l:ta7 'it'b6 19...1e4 (19... cS?! 20.1!t'g3f) 20.1t'd4 eS 16.~6 l:tldB 17.bSf) 16.~h6 l:tldB
19.l:tla1 ~bS=) 17... ~1S ; 16.tile4;t) 21 .-.e4 '*cS (21...l:t14 22.W'd3;t) 22.l:te2 17.b5!f) 14 .~gs 16 (14 ... -.eB 1S.tild4
16... ~e6 17.tile4 (17.b5!? '*d7 1B.bc6 till6 23.'it'a4 bS 24.'ili'd1 'it'dS 25.-.dS tilgeS 16.tilc6 c6 17.tile4±) 1S.el6 till6
'i+'d3 19.-.d3 l:td3 20. 13;t) 17 ... tile4 tildS 26.l:teS l:tldB=] 19.d5! edS (1S ... gl6 16.tild4!±) 16.tild4;t Szily-Foldi,
1B .~e4 h6 19.bS a5 20 .~b4 ! (20.c5 [19... tilc4?! 20.~c3 1!t'c7 21 .l:tad a] Budapest 19S9; 11...l:tdB 12.e4 (1 2 .~d2)
b3 21 .l:tad1 22.~b2 '*bS'f) 20.-.g3 f6 [20 ... g6! 21 .'ili'eS (21.'i!i'l3?! 12... cd4 13. d4 (1 3.l:td4 ~c3 14.bc3 tilc6
20... c4 21. l:ta7 ~dS 22.h3 (22.~aS? ! l:tc6; 21 .• h4 l:tc6 22 .• h6 - 21 .-.gS; 1S.l:td1 eS 16 .~gS h6 17.~h4 ~e6=)
~e4 23.~c7 ~c2 24.~dB l:tdB 2S.l:tb7 21 .-.gS l:tc6 22.'ili'h6 16 23.eS l:te6oo) 13... c6 14.eS tildS 1S.tilcbS (1S.tilc6
~e4 26.l:tc7 tilb6'f) 22...~e4 23.-.e4 21...16 22.'ili'e6 l:tf7 (22...'il;lg7 23.e5) ~c6 16.tile4 '*c7 17. d6;t; 17 .~gs
l:td7 24.l:tc1 '*b8 2S.l:taa1 (2S.l:ta2!? 23.~d4~] 21.e5 feS [21 ... l:tleB? W'e5! 18. ~dB ~dB (1B ... l:tdB) 19.tilc3
tilb6 26.l:tac2; 2S .~c5!?) 2S... b6 22.l:te3±] 22.l:te5 'it'e2 20.tile2 lLJb6 21. ~b3 ~~6~ Van der
26.l:tc5± Lesiege-Kortchnoi, Montreal Stricht-Schekachev, Metz 2002) 1S ... ~
2004) 13.~a3~ ; 9... ~aS!?] 10.bc3 ~c6 16.till3 h6 17.tild6;t) 12.tileS ( 12. ~d2)
[10 ... 'lit'aS 11 .l:tb1 ~c6 (11...1t'c3 12... l:tdB (12... bd7 13.tilc6 bc6 14.'it'c2
12.tileSf) 12.tileSf] 11.l:te1 [11 .tileS!? (14.tila4 ~c7 (17-17 Schweber-Damjanovic,
~dS (11...-.c7 12.a4;t) 12. ~e2 cd4 Buenos Aires 1970) 15.dc5 c5 16.tilc5
(12... bd7 13.c4;t) 13.ed4!;t Knaak 'liVeS 17 .~d2;t ; 14.tila2 cd4 ( 14... ~b6
(13.cd4 c6 (13 ... tilbd7 14 .~d2 (14.tild3 1S.dc5 c5 16.tilc3 tilce4 17.tile4 tile4
l:tc8 1S.I3; 1S.a4 tile4 16.~2 tilb6 17.13 18. ~d3 tileS 19.~c2 ;t Mahia-Cheparinov,
tilc3 18.~c3 l:tc3 19.-.d2 l:tc7 20.tilc5 Dos Hermanas blitz 2004) 1S.ed4 d5oo)
~c4; 20 ... tild7 21 .tild7 'it'd7 22.a5 l:tlc8 14 ... cd4 (14 ...l:tadB 15.dc5 (15. ~e2!? ;t)
23.l:tlc1 ~c4= Zherebukh-Feller, Paris 15... ~c3 16.1t'c3 tileS 17 .~d2 ;t)
2010) 14... eS 1S.deS tild7 16.~b4) 1S.edU) 13.dc5!? (13 .~a2 ~c7 14.tilc6
14. d3 tile4; 14... as 1S.I3; 1S .~2? ! tilc6 1S.dS edS 16 .~dS (16. dS tildS
tilb3 (1S ... l:tc8?! 16.l:tc1 !?; 16.-.e1 tilb3 22 ...-.d2?? [22... -.bS! 23.~d4 (23.l:te2 17 .~dS d4!) 16... l:td7 (16...tild4!?
17.l:td1 l:tc2;:t Taimanov-Wade, Buenos l:tf7) 23 ...l:tf7 (23 .. .'*c4 24.-.e3 l:tc7 17.ed4 'i!i'e2 18. ~17 c;l;lf7 19.tile2 cd4
Aires 1960) 16.l:tb1 tile4;:t) 13 ... tilbd7 2S.l:te1 f) 24.l:tae1 tilc4 2S.l:tgS 'ili'd7 20.tild4 (20.l:td4 ~b6) 20 ... l:td7 21 .~e3
(13... tilc6 14.c4 ~e4 1S.tilc6 ~c6 26. h3~] 23.l:te21 '*h6 24.l:te6 g6 l:tadB 22.l:td2 (22.l:td3 tilg4 ~ Szabo-
16.~14;!;) 14.c4 ~e4 1S.~I4 ;t] tild7 [2S ... tilc4 26.-.d5+- J Portisch, Budapest ch-HUN 1961 ) 22... g4
11 ...tilbd7 12. ~d3 [12 .~b2 '*c7 26.'ili'd5 1-0 23.h3;t) 17.~c6 l:td1 1B.• d1 bc6oo;
(12 ...-.b6 13.l:tb1 '*c7 14 .~d3 ~e4 13.l:tb1 ~eB 14.dc5 ~c3 1S.bc3 c6
1S.c4) 13.~d3 ~e4 14 .~11 tilg4 1S.g3 16.tild3 e4 17.~b2 tilaS 18.~a2 ~a4
tilgl6 16.tild2 ~c6 17.a4; 17.e4 lLJb6 19.l:te1 'ii'd7 20.tileS 'tlfc7 21 .tild3 17- 17
1B.a4 1t'd7;:t Ovseevich-Khetsuriani, Patras Sanguineti,Raul Savon-Polugaevsky, Skopje 1968; 13.h3
2000] 12 ...-.aSI [12... ~e4 13.~11 Szabo,Laszlo ~eBoo; 13... ~d5 14. d5 edS 1S .~a2
(1 3. ~2 ~d3 (13 ... 1t'c7 14 .~11 ; 14.c4 Lugano ol 1968 (8) ~c7 16.tilg4; 16.b3?! tilc6 (16... ~es
~d3 1S.-.d3 - 13...~d3) 14.-.d3 '*c7 1.d4 tilf6 2.c4 e6 3.tilc3 ~ b4 4.e3 17.de5 W'eS 18. ~2 'ii'e7 19.W'bS 17-17
1S.c4 l:tldB) 13 ...'llt'c7 14.tild21 ; 12 ...tile4 o-o s.tilf3 cs 6. ~d3 dS 7 .o-o dc4 Rogers-Lobron, Germany Bundesliga
13.c4] 13.~ b2 cd4 [13...~e4 14.c4f; 8. ~c4 ~d7 9.-.e2 '*e710.a3 ~as 1995196) 17.tilc6 bc6=) 13 ... l:td1

Survey Nl 5. 12

(13.. .'i fc5 14.l:l d8 ..lld8 15 .~c6 ~c6 (~- ~ 41 .ttb3 (41.....\lc2 42.ttb5 ..lla4 43.tta5 (17.....\lb3? 18.ttb3 W'es 19...\lb2 We7
Schweber-Cobo Arteaga, Havana 1966) ..lld7 44.tta8±] 1-0 20.ttd1 (20.e4!? e4! (20... e4??
1G.b4 ..Wgs 17...\lb2!) 14. ~d1 tt'cS 21.13!+-; 20 ... ttad8? 21 .e5 ttd2 22.'.-13!
15 .~c6 (15.14 ..\lb6 1G.b4 We7 17. 12 (22.eiG? We2! 23...\le2 tte2 24.fg7 ttle8
..\ldS 18...\ld3 cGoo; 18... ld7 (Bisguier- K.naak,Rainer 25.g3 c4! 2G.ttb7 c3-+) 22 ... ttb2 23.ttb2
Germek, Bled 19G1) 19. d7 d7 20.e4 Jussupow,Artur (s; 23.eiG WeS!) 23 ...We5 24.ttab1 b6
..llb3 2U:tb1 ..lla4 22.e5;!;) 15... ..Wc6 1G.b4 Hamburg 1991 (7) 25.tte2± Szabo-Kholmov, Leningrad 1967)
..llc7 17...\lb2 bd7 18.14 aS 19.b5 WdG 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3. ~c3 ..\lb4 4.e3 21...\liG (21.ttg3?! W'e2! (21... 15?
20.~12 eS 2U1d1 ..We7 22 ...W13 ttb8 0-0 S...lld3 dS 6. ~f3 cS 7.0-0 dc4 22 ...\ld3 W'eG 23.Wc2! gG (23 ...hG?
23.'tt;>h1 el4 24.el4;!; ~- ~ Taimanov- 8 ...\lc4 ..\ld7 9.a3 .\las 24 ...\lc4 Wc6 25.WgG ~e8 2G.'.,g7! g7
Reshevsky, Buenos Aires 1960] 11 ... cd4 27.ttg7 ~h8 28.%117 c;t;>g8 29.ttc7+-)
[11 ... ttc8 12.dc5 (12.e4?! cd4 13. d4 24.%113 (24.Wc5 WdS! (24.....\lbG?
c6; 12...\ld3 cd4 13.ed4 hG 14.ttle1 Wd8 25.'it'c3! c;t;>g7 2G.ttl3+-) 25.Wc1
15.ttad1 (15.b4 ..llb6 1G .~e4 ..\lc6oo ttacS ) 24... ~d5 25.Wc5 WbG 2G.Wd5
Plachetka-R.Rodriguez, La ValeHa ol 1980) Wb2 27.%:tb1 =) 22...\liG (22 ...\le2 ..lld8)
15...~c6 1G...\lb1t) 12... Wc5 13...\ld3 ..WhS 22 .....\lc3!1 23.ttg7 'tt;>h8 24 ...\lc3 Wc4
14.ttac1 !; 11 .....\lcS 12.dc5!] 12.ed4 25 ...\liG! WeG 2G.ttgG WIG 27.ttiG c;t;>g7+)
~c6 (12 .....\lcS?! 13.d5! ..\lc3 14...\lc3 dS 21...W'e2 22 ...\le2 giG 23.%:tb7=) 20... ttab8
15...\ldS ..lldS 1G...Ilb4 Wd8 17...\ll8 W18 21 .g3 aG 22.a4!!!?) 18...\lb2 We4 19.13 Wc6
18.ttac1 ~c6 19.ttld1 ;!; Borisenko- 20.ba4 Wa4 21.%:tb3 W'c6oo) 15.....\l13
Kortchnoi, Kiev 1964] 13 ...\lgS (13.ttle1] (15... cb4 1G. eS ..lla4 17.ttd4;!;) 1G.W13
13.....\lc3 14.bc3 Wd6 1S•..\ld3 cb4 17.ab4 ..llb4 18...\lb2!!!?] 14...Wc7
(15 ...\liG giG 1G.We3 c;t;>g7] 15...~dS (1 4... 1t'e7 15...\lbS=] 1S. · 2 (15...\lbS]
16.c4 [1G.'it'd2;!;] 16•.•~f4 17...\lf4 10.'i!Ve2 (10.Wc2?! cd4 11 .ed4 ..llc6 1S... ttae8 (15... ttad8] 16...1ld2 ..lld2
'it'f4'e3!? (18.ttld1 ttacS 19.ttab1 12...\le2 ..ll13 (12... ~bd7!?) 13...\l13 c6 (1G ... W'I4!? 17...\las WhG 18.ttac1 ;
b6] 18...We3 (18 ... WIG? 19 . ~g5] 19.fe3 14...\lc6 beG 15.Wa4 ttb8!?; 15.....\lbG 18...\lbG ab6 19...\lc4; 19.ttdG ..WhSt]
ttad8? (19...b6=] 20.cS! .Ilea (20 ... ~e7 1G.ttd1 ; 1G...\le3 WdG 17.h3 ttab8 18.b4 17.ttd2 e4 18.ttc2 (18.%:tdd1 c3!
21 .ttab1 ..llc6 22.~e5;!;] 21.ttfd1 f6 eS 19.de5 Wes 20 ...\lbG ab6= Peralta· 19.bc3 Wl4] 18...'i!Ve7! 19.ttac1 ..\la4
22. ~d2? [22.ttab1;!; 6 23 ...\le4] 22 ..• fS Lopez Martinez, Barcelona 2006; 10.~e2? ! 20.b3 ..llc6 21. ~d2! d7 22 ...1lb1
[22 ... e5?! 23...\lc4 6 24.d5] 23.g3 gS cd4 11. ~ed4 c6 12.b4 ~d4 13. d4 W'gS 23. ~f1 tte7 24.Wd1 ttfe8
..llc7 14.We2 ttc8o:t Cherepkov·Taimanov, 2S.f3oo ef6 26. h3 Wh6 27. ttd2
St Petersburg ch·city 1997; 1O...\ld2 cd4 eS 28. f2 (s; 28.e4 bG; 28 .....\lbS (6
j_ .~ . 11.ed4 (11 . d4 ~c6 12 .~13!? ; 12. cbS?! ..\ll1 , 13) 29.14] 28 .....\lbS 29.f4!

'' ~
' ..lld2 13.'~ d2 ~aS!? ; 13...~d4 14. d4
Wb6 15.ttac1 ttacS 1G...Ild3 hG 17.h3
ttc1 18.ttc1 ttd8 ~- ~ Ciocaltea-
Troianescu, Netanya 1968; 12. cG .\leG
[29. g3? We3 30. 15 13! 31 .gl3 Wgs
32. g3 tte1 33.We1 tte1 34.tte1
W'd2-+] 29...~g6 30 ...\ld3 ..\ld3
31. ttd3 b6 32.ttd8 h4 33. g4
~ ~ - ~ Kluger·Dely, Budapest ch·HUN 19G8) [33.b4!?] 33...Wg6 34. f6 'iff6
~ .$..~ ~ 11.....\lc6 12...\lgS (12 ...\le3 ..llc3 13.bc3 3S.Wd7 8 36.tte8 tte8 37.ttd1!?; 13...~ bd7 14...\ld3 -.c7= Donner·
lLl ~ g6 [37 .. .'i fb2? 38.ttd2 W'b3 39.W'dG c;t;>g8

n n <;!; Barcza, Havana 1967)

(12... ~bd7? ! 13.d5 edS 14 .~d5) 13.bc3
12... ..\lc3 40.We7+-] 38.Wa7?!
38 ...Wc6! 39.ttd2 tta8 40.Wd7

bd7 14.tte1 ~-~ Kozma-Dely, Veseli nad 'it'd7 41.ttd7 tta3 42. d2 'tt;>e8
24. ~f3!? (24 ...\lbS 14 25...\lc6 bcGoo; Moravou tt 19G7] 1O.....llc6 11.ttd1 43.ttdS ~fS 44.g4 ~e7 4S.ttd3 fS!
24.'tt;>l2 14 25.gl4 gl4 2G .~I3] 24 .. .f4? ~bd7 12.dS (12 ...\ld2 ..llc7!?; 12 ... ..\lbG 46.gS?! (4G.~c4 tta1 47.'tt;>l2 lg4
[24 ... hG!? 25.ttab1 ; 24 ...g4 25. e1] 13.dc5 (13...\le1 We7; 13... ttc8; 13.ttac1 48.e4=] 46 ...bS 47.ttd6 tta2 48.e4?
2S.ef4 gf4 26 •..\le4 fg3 27.hg3 ttd7 We7; 13.....\l13 14.W13 cd4 15.ed4 ..lld4 (<!. 48.<J.>i1=] 48 ... ttc2! 49.eS ~c8
28.ttab1 ttg7 29.'tt;>g2 ~e7 (29 ...%114 1G...Il14) 13... ..\lcS 14...\le1 Wb8 15.~d4 (49 ...c4!? 50.bc4 bc4+] SO. ttd3 c4
30...\lc6!±] 30. ~es dS 31.ttb3 ..lld7 (15 ...\lbS ..\lb5 1G .~b5 aG 17. bd4 ttc8 S1 .bc4 bc4 S2.ttd4 c3 [<!. 52... b6]
32. ttf1 [32.~d7 ttd7 33.tte1 b6] 18.ttac1 ~18 19 .~b3 ~-~ G.Johansson· S3 .~ b3! ~ b6 S4.ttb4? (<!. 54.ttd3]
32 ... ttf1 33. 1 ..lla4 [33 ... ..\lc6?? Szabo, Reykjavik 1968) 15... ..\ld4 1G.ttd4] S4 ... ~dS SS. ttb8 ~e7 S6.%:tb7 ct>d8
34 .~c6+ - ] 34 •..\ldS (34.ttb1 ttc7] 12 ...edS 13.~dS ~b6! 14. ~f4 S7.e6 ~c8 (57 ... 14!- +] SS.ttbS?
34...edS 3S.ttf3 ..lld1 36.%:td3 ..llc2 (14. b6!? Wb6 15.b4!? ( 15 .~e5 ..lla4! (58.e7 tte2 59.ttb5+ ; 58. tth7]
37.ttc3 ..lle4 38.qm ttc7 39.'tt;>e3 1G.ttd3 Wc7 17.b3 (17.~g4 g4 18.'i t'g4 S8 ... ~f4 -+ S9. ~d4 ttd2 60. ttc5
8 40.a4 aS? (40... ttg7!? 41 .'tt;>l4±] ttad8oo; 17.14!? bS 18...\la2 c4+) 17...We5 'tt;>d8 61. f3 ttb2 62. d4 ttb1 0-1

ueen's Indian Defence
OJ 4..i.d2 ~d2 Line 011.2 (E11)

Is Simplification Enough for

by Dejan Antic

1. d4 ttlf6 ~d2 and in order to avoid the

2. c4 e6 abovementioned plan White has
3. ttlf3 ~b4 to recapture 5. d2.
4. ~d2 ~d2 Another move order, let's say
5. 'it'd2 d5 l .d4 ttl f6 2.c4 e6 3.ttl f3 (g3) d5
6. g3 0-0 4.g3 (ttl£3) ~b4 5.~d2 ~d2 al-
low White the strong reply

Anlsh Girl

The Mai n Game

Ba ically, there are two way to The game Kir. Georgiev-Antic,
reach thi po ition: via the Cata- Plovdiv 20 12, featured the
lan 3.g3 ~b4 and via the ow the knight is perfectly novelty 12.ttle5, as 12.ttlb5 had
Bogo-lndian 3.ttlf3 ~b4 . In the placed for the forthcoming battle yielded White nothing in the
latter ca e White keep the op- in the centre. game Kramnik-Carlsen.
tion to develop hi light- quared Another option for White after
bi hop via e2-e3, which lead to 3 ... ~b4 is 4.ttld2, which lead to
a different type of po ition. a different type of po ition where
This order of move , with I believe Black ha ati factory
Black' pawns on d7 and e6, play.
practically force White to re- From a trategic point of view it
capture with 5. d2, a 5.ttld2 look a if White has excellent
can be imply met by the super- control of the dark square and
olid et-up with ... d7-d6, ... e7 central domination in the Cata-
and later ... e6-e5, improving lan et-up (g2-g3). But thing are
Black' control of the dark not o imple at all and Black ha
quare and howing that the his trump . To counter the pres-
'knight doe not have very good ure on hi s c4-pawn, White may There i no doubt that White ha
pro pects on d2. Thi mean that play .t[fc I and ttla3 or c2 and some pressure and a pace ad-
I am recommending the follow- ttlbd2, which mean not the be t vantage, but there is only one
ing move order: l.d4 ttlf6 2.c4 po itioning of hi rooks a well open file and Black can defend it
e6, and now aftereither3.ttlf3 or a omewa teoftime. Let have easily. In order to ju tify thi
3.g3, Black play 3 ... ~b4 4. ~d2 a look at the po ibilitie . et-up I think that White ha to

Survey Ql 1. 2

try to open the game on the other followed by a very olid set-up development of the light-
ide of the board. That is not go- where he had all his pieces, espe- quared bi shop, a in the game
ing to be imple at all and only cially hi s major one , on the per- Giri-Vitiugov, Black equalize
future game will show if it i fect quares. ea ily. I think this line i
po ible. Another intere 6ng game wa harmle s for Black.
Damljanovic-Antic, where
Option 1: The Catalan Set-up White tried to justify the po ition Conclusion
White has tried several different of hi s rooks to play on the I have to admit that o far I don't
plan and some of them were queenside and to postpone the see any clear way for White to
very logical. A we can see in the development of his knight. This get an advantage in this line.
game Topalov-Carl en, increas- gave Black the excellent option · However, it is premature to give
ing White ' pace advantage to react in the centre, cau ing a definitive asse ment. The
with b2-b4, at the arne time va- great damage in White's po ition. theory develop every day, and
cating the b2- quare for the this line certainly de erve at-
queen, does not yield anything Option 2: Development via tention. There i no doubt that it
particular, as Carlsen proved e2-e3 will be inve tigated further in
with l l...l:tb8! The simplest set-up of White's the future. However, my im-
pieces is shown in the game pression is that Black doe have
i: tv K~ Giri-Jobava. So, ifWhitedoesn't
want to lose a tempo developing
almo t full equality. A proper
as essment of thi variation i
.l1. ~ ''' his light-squared bi hop, he can up to the top grandmaster . In

'' ' ·~
capture c4xd5, followed by .td3
or .te2. Otherwi e Black plays
... d5xc4, followed by ... J:td8 and
the meantime New in Chess
readers and chess lovers as well
as professional players can ap-
... c7-c5, with excellent play in ply this quite safe plan with
the centre. I recommend the black. So if you don ' t want to
reader to pay attention to the force too much and you are
games played by Jobava. After ometime happy with a draw,
another option, to postpone the ju t try this line and enjoy.

Main Game 28.q;g2 ~d7 29.h4 h5 30..1:[c3=] 28. ~a6 39.'ifd2 'ifc6 40.q;f2 "it'e4) 36 ...q;g7
6. 3 .l:[a6 29.lLle6 fe6 30 ..I:[c5 (36 ... g5) 37.h3 g5) 35...1Wb3 (35 ... "ifa2)
36.'ii'b3 (36.'it'd2 d3 37 .~12 c4) 36 ... ab3
Georgiev,Kiril 37.q;f2 c4 38.q;e2 c3] 31 .'ifb7 'ifc7
Antic,Dejan 32."ifa6 'ifc6 33.'ii'c6 .l:[c6 34.e4

~.l ·
Plovdiv 2012 (6)
1.d4 e6 2.c4 ~ b4 3 .~d2 ~d2
4.'ilfd2 lt:lf6 5.g3 d5 6 .~g2 o-o
.i.l .l
7_lij f3 c6 a.o-o lLlbd7 9 •.1:[c1 b6
~ .~. ~
10.cd5 cd5 11 .lt:la3 ~b7 12.lLle5!? .l 'iV ~
lt:le5 13.de5 lt:ld7 14.14 a6 ~ ~ ~
[15 ... ~e7!?
l:l.c8 .l:[fcBao]
~ ~ "ilfe7 17.a3 .l:[fd8 [17 ...16
18.~h3 15 19.'ifb4;t] 18.e3 lLlc5 J:l w
19."i!fb4 'ifc7 20 .~f1 a5 21 ."i!fe1 a4
22."ilfb4 [ 1i'e7! (22 ..."i!fb8 23.lLld6 30 ... bc5?1T [30 ... :c5= 3Utc5 bc5
l:l.c7 (23 ....1:[d6 24.ed6 "it'd6~) 24.'ii'b4 32.'ilfb7 q;h6 33.'ifa6 d4 34. d3
~c6 25..1:[c2 f6ao) 23."ilfb4 ~c6 24.lLld6 (34."ilfd6 "ifa5=; 34.g4 de3 35.g5 ~g7
:b8 25.~e2 16ao] 22 ... : aa 23 . ~b5 36.'ifd6 "ii'a5=) 34...'ifd5 35.e4 (35.ed4 34 ... Wf7 ?1 [A) 34 ...d4 35 ..1:[c4 .l:[b6
.l:[dc8 24..1:[c3 "it'd8 25 ..1:[ac1 g6 cd4 36.g4 (36.h3 'ifc5 37.q;t2 q;g7 (35 ...d3!? 36.q;f2 (36..1:[c3 c4 37...W .l:[b6
26 ..1:[3c2 q;g7 27. ~e2 ~a6 [27...~c6 38.q;g2 (38.b4 ab3 39.'ifb3 d3) 38 ... "it'b6 38 ..1:[c4 .l:[b2 39.q;e3 d2 40.q;e2 d1'it'

41. ~d1 l:h2 42.l:a4 l:g2 43.l:a7 w gs l:a1=) 45 ... l:a1=J 36.ed5 l:b2 37.w e3 1M 18.'ii'd2 (18.l:c2 l:lc8 19.l:ac1 'ifdS
44.a4 l:g3 45.a5 l:a3 46.a6 h5 47.15+-) ed5 38.l:c5 l:h2 39.l:d5 l:a2 2D.'itd2 'ilt'd7 21 .b4 t0e4 22.~e4 de4oo)
36 ... l:b6 37.We3 l:b2 38.w d3 l:h2 40.l:d3 We6 41. ~e4 h5? [41...l:e2! 18... a5 19.t0b5 'iid7 20.t0d6 ~c6 21 .l:c3
39.l:a4 l:g2 40.l:a7 ~h6 (40 ... w g8 42.Wf3! (42.Wd4 g5 43.l:e3 J:[f2 44.We4 (21 .15 ef5 22.~d5 l:adS;t) 21...16 22 ...-d4
41. ~c4 l:g3 42.Wc5 h5 43.15 gl5 44.el5 l:11 45.l:c3 l:e1 46.Wf3 l:11 47.we2 l%a1 le5 23.fe5;!;) 12...a6 13.t0d6 1i'b8
el5 45.e6 l:e3 46.Wd6 14 47.l:f7 13 48.l:l4 48.l:c6 Wf5 49.l:f6 w g4 50.e6 l:a2 14.'*'b4 aS 15.'iia3 ~a6 16.t0e5 b5
l:d3 49.We5 Wg7 50.a4 l:e3=) 41 .a4 l:g3 51 .We3 l:a3 52.~ l:a1 53.15 l:e1 17.~a5? [17.t0c6 b4+; 17.l:c6 b4
42.Wc4 l:f3 43.a5 (43.wc5 l:t4 44.Wd6 54.Wc3 l:e3 55.Wb2 h5 56.l:f7 h4 57.gh4 18.~e3 ~b7 19.t0b7 'i!t'b7 2D.l:ac1 l:lc8
g5;:t) 43 ... l:l4 44.a6 l:e4 45.Wc5 l:e5 gh4 58.e7 h3 59.16 Wf5 60.l:h7=; 42.l:e3 21 .l:c8 J:[cSoo] 17...'i!t'd6 18.l:c6
46.w b6 l:e2 47.l:e7 l:b2 48.wc6=) J:[f2 (42 ... l:c2 43.Wd4 h5 44.l:c3 l:d2 'iib8:f 19.l:a6 [19.t0d7 ~71+)
36.l:c5 l:b2 37.l:c7 w gS;:t 38.l:d7 l:b3 45.We4 l:e2 46.Wf3 l:a2) 43.g4 l:l1 19... l:a6 20.'iia6 tOeS 21 .de5 We5
39.l:d4 l:a3 40.Wf2 l:a2 41.Wf3 a3 44.l:e2 h5 45.gh5 gh5 46.l:e3 h4 47.l:h3 22.'it'b5 l:b8 23. ~d3 l:b2 24.We3
42.l:d8 Wf7 43.l:d7 w gs 44.l:a7 h5 l:e1 48.Wd4 l:d1 49.wc5 l:c1 50.wb5 'ife3 25.fe3 l:e2 26.a4 l:c2 27.a5
45.15f; 35 .~12 l:b6 36.l:c5 (36.l:c2 l:b3 ~d5 51.l:h4 l:c41) 42... l:a2 43.g4 h5 l:c7 28.a6 l:a7 29. ~11 8 30.l:b1
37.we1 d3 38.l:c5 l:b2 39.l:c7 w gs 44.gh5 gh5 45.We4 l:e2 46.l:e3 J:[f2 7 31 .l:b7 l:b7 32.ab7 t0d7
40.l:e7 l:h2 41.l:e6 l:e2 42.Wd1 l:e4 47.l:e1 h4 48.l:h1 l:e2 49. ~ l:d2 33.Wf2 w d6 34.~b5 t0b8 35 ~e8
43.wd2 l:e2 44.wd3 l:g2) 36... l:b2 50.Wc5 l:c2 51.Wb5 Wd5 52.l:h4 l:c4!g?) ~e7 36 .~b5 f6 37. 3 w d6 38. ~e8
37.Wf3; 35.wl1 ; 42.l:d6 43.l:d7 8 44.e6 l:e2 w c7 39. ~17 ~b7 40.~e6 w c6
B) 34 ... de4 35.l:c4 l:b6 36.l:e4 l:b2 45.Wd5 l:e3 46.Wd6 w eB 47.l:g7 41 .~g8 h6 42.<it<g4 t0d7 43. 5
37.l:a4 l:a2 (37 ...g5 38.1g5 w g6 39.h4 1-0 tOeS 44.h3 w cs 45.g4 Wd6 46.~ h7
Wf5 40.l:a7 c4 41.l:c7 l:b3 42.Wf2 l:a3 w e7 47. ~g8 g6 48. 4 t0f7 49.~h7
43.l:f7; 37...Wh6! 38.g4 l:e2 39.h4 l:c2 g5 50.~g3 t0d6 51.~g8 t0e4
40.l:a7 c4 41.l:c7 c3 42.l:c6 Wg7 43.a4 52.Wg2 lltd6 53. 3 w cs 54.~h7
l:a2 44.l:c7 WIS 45.l:c3 l:a4 46.l:l3 h5 t0c3 55. ~d3 lltb4 56. · 6 Wb3
47.g5=) 38.l:a6 c4 39.l:c6 l:a3 40.l:c4 g5 Option 1: The Catalan Set-up 57.~b7 w c2 58.~a6 w d1 59 . ~b7
41.l:c7 Wg6 42.fg5 l:a1 43.~g2 l:a2; 6. 3 w d2 60.~c6 w e1 61 .~b7
C) 34 ... c4= 35.ed5 ed5 36.l:d1 l:b6 62. · 8 w g1
(36 ...l:c5! 37.Wf2 (37.g4 l:b5 38.l:d2 Wf7 Kramnik,VIadimir
39.15 ~e7 40.Wf1 w f7 41.We2 d4 42.e6 Carlsen,Magnus
Wf6 43.l:d4 gl5 44.gl5 l:b2 45.We3 c3 Wijk aan Zee 2011 (11)
46.l:d7 (46.l:a4 l:h2 47.l:a8 c2 48.l:c8 1.d4 t0f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 ~ b4 4 . ~d2
h5g?) 46 ... l:h2 47.l:17 w gs 48.e7 c2 ~d2 s ...-d2 d5 s.~ g2 tObd7 7 .t013
49.:97 w l6=l 37... J:bs 38.J:d2 w f7 c6 8.0-0 b6 9.l:c1 0-0 10.cd5 cd5
39.we3 l:b3 40.Wd4 w e6g?) 37.l:d5 l:b2 11 .t0a3
38.l:c5 l:c2 39 .g4] 35. ~12

63.w g3 t0e4 64. 3 t0d2 65.w g3

t0t1 66. tOd2 67.w g3 t0c41
68. ~d5 t0e3 69. ~ b7 t011 70. 3
Wh2 71. t0d2 72 . ~g2 t0c4
73 . ~11 tOes 74.w e3 ~g1 75 .~e2
w g2 76.w e4 w h3 77. 5 llth4
78 .~d1 t0c4 79.We4 t0d6 80.'iPd5
11... ~b7 [11...~a6 12.t0e5 tOeS 13.de5 15 0-1
35 ...l:b6?T [35 ... d4 36.we2!? (36.l:c4?! t0d7 (13... t0g4 14.14 d4 15.t0c2±) 14.14
l:b6 37.l:c5 l:b2 38.Wf3 l:b3 39.Wg4 tOeS 15.b4 t0e4 16. ~e3;!;) 12.t0b5
l:a3 40.l:c7 w eB 41.Wg5 d3 42.l:c6 ~e7 [12.t0e5 tOeS (12 ... a6 13.t0c6 ~c6 Sedlak,Nikola
43.l:c7=) 36 ... c4 37.l:d1 l:b6! (37 ...d3 14.l:c6;!;) 13.de5 t0d7 14.14 a6 15.t0c2 Antic,Dejan
38.~ l:b6 39.Wc3± l:b3 40.Wc4 l:b2 (15.t0c4 dc4 16.~b7 tOeS 17.'iid8 l:adS Greece tt 2011 (6)
41.l:d3 l:h2 42.Wb4) 38.l:d4 l:b2 39.Wf3 18.~13 b5!? (18 ... l:d2oo) 19.b3 l:d2 20.bc4 1.d4 e6 2.c4 ~b4 3.~d2 ~d2
h5 40.l:c4 l:b3 41.Wf2 l:a3 42.l:c7 W!S b4t) 15... t0c5 16.t0d4 'iid7 (16 ... 'iie7 4.'ilt'd2 t0f6 5.g3 dS 6 . ~g2 0-0
43.l:a7 l:a2 44.Wf3 a3 45.h4 (45.we3 17.b4 t0e4 18.~e4 de4 19.t0c6;!;) 17.'it'b4 7 .t013 c6 8.0-0 t0bd7 9.l:c1 b6

Survey Q/1.2 ~b7 11.cd5 cdS 1V!:lc3 11 .cd5 cdS as 13.'ilt'd6 ~b7 [10 ... a5 11 .cd5 cd5 ~a6
'i'e7 a6 14.J:lc7 :labS 'it'b8 14.'Wb8 :labS= ~a6; 10...~a6 11 .b3 'iVe7]
15.J:lb7 l:lb7 We8 16.a4 flfc8 8 18.e3 ~bS 11 .a5 tl:le4 12.'ilt'f4 [12.'i\Ve3 c5 13.a6
Was 1a.: c a 19.ab5 flc1 20.flc1 w e7 21.J:lc6 ~c6 f5 15.dc5 bc5 16.cd5 ed5
'ltd8 22.e4 de4 CV.e4 17.b4 fleB 18.'i!ff4 'ilt'f6 19.bc5 tl:ldc5
24 .~e4 tl:lf6 25.f3 g6 26.Wf2 tl:le8 de4 21.tLld2 tl:le6 22.'ilt'e3
'i!V g~ 27 . ~e2 tl:lc7 28 .~d3 tLldS 29 . ~e4 ( ~d5f) 22 ... fled8oo] 12... c5
X ... i i i tl:le7 30. J:lc3 ~d7= [30 ...l:lc8!? 31. ~d2 13.a6 [13.ab6 'Wb6 14.cd5 ed5oo
.li ttJ ttJ .l ... ~d7 32 .~b7 (32.14 flc7 33.Wd3 <J;ld6!] 13..• ~c6 fS oo
34.Wd2 tl:ld5 35 .~d5 flc3 36.bc3 ed5)

32... flc7 33.~e4 f5f]


Nanjing 2010 (9)
1.d4 tl:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 ~ b4 4. ~d2
18..•tl:lb8 'ii'b7 20.'ii'c3 tl:lc6 ~d2 5.'1Wd2 dS 6. ~g2 c6
21 .'Wc6 '1Wc6 22.flc6 l:lb8 23.e3 aS tl:lbd7 8.0-0 b6 9.flc1 0-0 1O.b4
24.~f1 8 25.~d3 h6 26. 1 tl:le8 ~ b7 [10 ...a5!?] 1U i'b2 l:lb8
27. 2 ~e7 28.~ b5 tl:ld6 29.J:lc7 '1We7 13.e3 J:lfc8 14.flc2
30.~d3 flea 31.fld7 flc6 32.f3 [14.c5 ~a6 15.'Wc3 ~e2 16.J:lab1 h6
<i.'e8 33.fla7 <i.'d8 [33 ... flc1 34.J:la6 tl:lc8 17.a3 l:lb7 18.J:le1 ~b5oo] 14... c5 15.h4 [15.cd5 ed5 16.dc5 bc5 17.b4 c4oo
35.J:la8 <i.'d7 36.~ <i.'c7 37.~6 tLldSf] 15.bc5 bcSoo 16.'1Wa3 flc6 17.J:lac1 (17... g5 18.'i!fe3 g4 19.lLlh4= c4?
34.e4 flc7 35.J:la6 tl:lc8 36. 3 [17.cd5 tl:ld5oo] 17...J:la6 18.'i\Vd3 h6 20.fla51±) 'i¥b6! (
de4T [36 ... J:lc1 oo] 37.fe4 J:la7 38.fla7 19.'li'e2 dc4 20.'Wc4 cd4 21 .tl:ld4 'i\Vc6 20.1fe3 tl:ldf6 21.h3 J:lfbBf) 19... tl:ll2
CV.a7 39.~c4 tl:lc6 40.e5 tl:le7 J:lb6 22 .~ b7 J:l8b7 23.Wg2 tl:leS 20.'i!ff2 'WI2 21. ~12 flf5 22 .~g1 tl:lb6
[40 ...cif.>e7 41 .c.Pe4 <i.'d7 42.d5 ed5 43.~d5 24.'ilt'c5?! [24.'ilt'e2 flb2 flc2 23.e4;!;] 15... : ca [15 ...cd4 e5
CiJ.da=] 41 .~e4 tl:lg6 42.d5 tl:lf8 26.flc2=] 24 ...'Wc5 25.flc5 l:lb2t ef4 18.CV.d8 J:ladB (18... tl:ld2??
43.~e2 tl:ld7 44.Wd4 7 45.a3 f6 26.J:l1c2 tl:ld3 27.J:lc8 ~ h7 19 . ~d5 +-) de4 20.gf4 tl:lc5
46.de6 We6 47.~c4 ~e7 48.ef6 tl:lf6 aS 29.h3 a4 30.a3 gS 31.flb2 fl b2 21 .J:ld1 oo] 16.CV.g5 'ilfen
49.w es tl:lg4 so. 4 tl:lf6 51. s de4 18.dc5 [ 'We6 19.d5 ~d5
CV.e8 52.~d5 tl:ld6 53. 5 tl:le8 20.cd5 'it'd5 21 .fld1 'ilt'f7 22.fld6 lLlbB
54.~f3 CV.f6 55.h3 'ltd7 56~e2 w e7 23.13 'i!fb3f] 18...h6 eS
57.~d3 tLlhS 58.g4 tl:lf6 59.~f5 gS 20.'We3 bcS [20 ... tl:lc5 21.'i!fa3 f4 22.b4
60.~c8 tl:le8 61.~b7 tl:lc7 62. 5 bS tl:le6 23.e3f] 21 .fld1 l:lb8 22.b3 l:lb6
63. 5 tl:le6 64.~e4 b4 65.ab4 ab4 23.J:la3 CV.f6 24.J:la5 J:ld8 25.J:ld8
66.~c2 tl:lcS 67.b3 tl:le6 68.~d3 tl:lf4 'Wd8 26.fla1+ [26.'Wc5 'Wd1 27.~11
69~f1 70. 5 <Jte7 71.h4 tl:le6 l:lb3-+ 28.'ii'c6 l:lb1 29.'1Wc8 <J;lh7 30.'Wf5
72 .~c4 tl:ld4 73.<lte4 tl:lc2 [73 ... tl:lb3 <J;lhB 31.g4 'Wf1 32.Wh2 e3 33.'iVf3 e4
74.~ gh4 75.r;ttl3 ~] 74.h5 Wd6 34.'iVg2 e2 35.fe3 tl:lg4 36.<J;lg3 'it'g2
75 ~d3 tl:la1 76.~c4 tl:lc2 77.~e2 37.<J;lg2 tl:le3 38.Wf2 tl:lc4 39.J:lc5+]
[77...~e6 78.~d3 tl:la1 79~c4 Wf6 26... 'it'd4 27.'i!fd4 cd4 28.l:lb1
80.~5 tl:lc2=] 78.~e5 tl:ld4 79.~c4 [28.fla3 tl:ld7] 28 .•. J:lb4! [28 ...fla6 29.b4]
CV.c2 80. 3 81.~e2 'ltd6 32.flc3? [32.J:la8 g4 33.hg4 tl:lg4 29.f4 ef3 30.ef3 tl:ld7 31 .tl:lf2 ~a4
82.<ltg6 7 83.Wh6 84.<Jth7 34.J:la4 tl:ldl2f; 32.J:ld8 tl:lc5 32 . ~h3 l:lb3 33.l:lb3 ~ b3 34. ~f5
CiJ.dS 85.'ltg8 tl:le7 86. tl:lc6 tl:lte4 J:lc2f ] 32 33.flc7 tl:lcS tl:ld3 36 . ~d3 Wf7
87.~d3 tl:leS 88.h6 1·0 tl:l2e4 0-1 37.Wf2 [37.c5 We6 38.~e4 ~c4 39 .~b7
(39 . ~12 ~a6) 39 ... d3-+] 37.•.<J;le6 0-1

Atalik,Suat Damljanovic,Branko
Margvelashvili,Giorgi Antic,Dejan Harti,Dan iel
Kavala 2011 (9) Valjevo 2011 (10) Shengelia,Davit
1.d4 tl:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 ~b4 4 . ~d2 1.d4 e6 tl:lf6 3.c4 ~b4 4 . ~d2 Linz ch·AUT 2011 (4)
~d2 s:i\fd2 ds 6 . ~g2 tl:lbd7 ~d2 S.'li'd2 dS 6.g3 c6 7. ~g2 1.d4 tl:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 ~ b4 4. ~d2
c6 8.0-0 0-0 9.J:lc1 b6 10.'1Wb4 ~b7 tl:lbd7 8.0-0 b6 9.J:lc1 0-0 10.a4 ~d2 5.'1Wd2 dS 6 .~g2 c6

~bd7 s.o-o o-o 9.b3 b6 10."il'c2 1S.:lfd1 :ladS 16. ~e1 ~g2 17.q,>g2 ~es 21 .~f1 ~c7 22. ~d3 ~d3
.-e7 11. ~ bd2
~b7 12.e4 de4 ~f6 1S.~f3 h6 19.b3 cd4 20. ~d4 23."il'd3 :laS
13.~e4 cS 'ii'cS 21. ~f3 aS 22. ~es Wc7
23.q,>g1 :lfeS 24.a3 1fcS= 2S. ~ d3
W'fS 26.'ii'e3 ~g4 27.'ii'e2 :ld4 if •
[27... e5!?] 2S.f3 ~f6 29 .~es :ledS ~~ ii
30.:ld4 :ld4 31 .b4 WgS 32.:le1 ii i
ab4 33.ab4 :ld2 34. 'ii'e3 W"e3
3S.:le3 ~d7 36 . ~d7 Y2-Y2 8 i
8 8
CD 8 8
Krakow 2011 (5) 1:! ~
1.d4 e6 2. ~f3 ~f6 3.c4 ~b4 4 .~d2
~d2 s.'ii'd2 o-o [s ... ds 6.g3 c6 1 .~ 9 2 [Incomprehensible result! 24.:la8 'ii'aB
14. ~eS?! [14.~16 ~16=] 14...cd4 ~ bd7 s.o-o b6 9.'ii'c2 ~b7 10 .~bd2 O·O 25.cb6 ~b6 26.~e5;t] 0-1
1S.~d7? ~d7 16.f4 ~cS + 17. ~ gS transposes] 6.g3 dS 7.~g2 c6 S.0-0
d3 1S.W"d2 as 19.:lae1 ~g2 ~ bd7 9.'ii'c2 b6 10. ~ bd2 ~b7
20.W"g2 :ladS 21.:lf2 :ld6 22.:ld2 11 .e4 de4 12. ~e4 ~e4 [12 ... c5 Harikrishna,Pentala
:lfdS 23 .~e4 :ld4 24. ~c3 :l4d7 13.~d6 (13.~16 ~16=) 13...~c6 Lenderman,Aiex
2S.fS eS 26. ~dS :ldS! 27.cdS e4 (13...~13!? 14.~13 cd4 15.~a8 1fa8 Wheeling 2011 (5)
2S.W"f2 :ldS 29.'ft'f4 [~ 29.16] 16.:lle1 e5 17.:lad1 1i'c6!1!?) 14.dc5 bc5 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 ~ b4 4. ~d2
29 ... W"eS 30. W"e3 W"fS 31.a3 W"e6 (14... ~c5 15.:lld1 "it'c7 16 .~b5 'ii'b7=) ~d2 S.'ifd2 dS 6 . ~g2 c6 7. ~t3
32.b4 ~ b3 33.:lb2 a4 [~ 33... ~d4] 15.:lad1 'ii'c7;!;] 13."tre4 Wc7 [13... ~16 ~ bd7 S.0-0 b6 9."it'c2 ~b7
34."il'f4 [34.We4 -.we4 35.:le4 q,>IB 14.1i'e3] 14. ~es ~es 1S.deS :ladS 10 .~ bd2 o-o 11.b4 ~a6?! 12.:lte1
36.:le1 ~d4 -+ ] 34 ... gS 3S.-.we3 h6 16.:lfd1 ~as :lbS 13.cdS cdS 14. a4! ~b7
36.:lf2 d2 37.:ld1 :ld3 3S."*'e2 15.'ii'a7 ~eS 16."ii'a4 :laS 17.".-b3;!;
~d4 39.W'f1 g4 40.q,>h1 ~f3 0-1 bS 1S.a4 ba4 19.:la4± 'il'b6 20.:laS
~as 21 . a4 ~c6 22.'if aS ~bS
23.e4 de4 24. ~e4 ~c7 2S . ~ cS
Blagojevic,Dragisa 'il'aS 26.baS ~cs 27.dcS :laS
Shengelia,Davit 2S.:la1 ~c6 29 .~eS ~ g2 30 . ~g2
Porto Carras Ech-11 201 1 (6) q,>fs 31 .:lb1 t6 32 . ~c4 :la7 33.c6
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3 . ~f3 ~b4 4. ~d2 q,>e7 34. 3 eS 3S.:lb7 :lb7 36.cb7
~d2 s.Wd2 dS 6.g3 c6 7.~g2 ~a6 37.q,>e4 q,>e6 3S.tlJe3 g6
~ bd7 S.W"c2 b6 9.~bd2 ~ b710.e4 39 . ~c2 q,>d6 40 . ~ b4 ~cs 41. 3
de411 . ~e4 ~e412. 'ii'e4 -.wc7 q,>c7 42.a6 fS 43.q;>e3 ~d7 44. ~d3

17.'il'e3 [17.c5 :ld5!oo] 17... cS

1S . ~aS :laS 19.:ld6 'ifdS [Clearly an Berczes,David
input error] l/2-Y2 Khenkin,lgor
Rome 2011 (3)
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3 .~13 ~b4 4. ~d2
Evdokimov,Aiexander ~d2 S."i!i'd2 0-0 6.g3 dS 7. ~g2 c6
Fedorchuk,Sergey s .o-o ~ bd7 9 .~es ~es 10.deS
Marrakesh 2010 (3) ~d7 11.14 'il'e712.cdS edS13 . ~c3
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 ~b4 4 . ~d2 ~b6 [1 3...16 14.e4 d4 15.el6;t] 14.W"d4
~d2 S."il'd2 dS 6. ~g2 c6 7. ~f3 0-0 ~fS 1S.e4 de4 16.11Je4 ~e4
s :.-c2 b6 s.o-o ~b7 10. ~ bd2 17.'ii'e4 :ladS 1S.:lad1 :ld1 19.:ld1
13.o-O [13.~e5 ~e5 14.de5 (Y.z-Y.! ~bd7 11.b4 aS 12.a3 'ii'e7 13.cS :ldS 20.:ldS "ifdS= 21 .e6 liJdS
Zhukova-Chiburdanidze, Plovdiv tt 2012) ~a6 14.:lfe1 ab4 1S.ab4 ~bS [21 ...'ife7] 22."ii'eS [22.ef7! q,>f7 23.'it'h7
14... 0-0-0!oo 15.c5?1 :ld5! 16.cb6 "it"e5 16.e3 :lfbS= 17."ii'c3 h6 1S.:la3 "ii'b6 24.q,>h1;!;] 22 ... ~e7 23. ~e4 f6
17.W"e3 :lb5 18.Qa7 'ii'e3 19.1e3 :lb2 [1 8 .~11 ~11 19.:ll1 bc5 20.bc5 "ii'dB=] 24 .~h7 q;>h7 [25."it'h5 q;>gs 26."it'17=J
20.0-0 16'i'] 13...cs 14."~'e2 0-0 1S...'il'dS 19.:lea1 :la3 20.'ifa3 l/2-¥.1

Survey Q/1 .2

Moranda,Wojciech J:lad8 18.e4 tt:le4 19."iia5± tt:ld6 8.a3 dc4 9 . ~c4 cS 10.0-0 J:ldS
Jobava,Baadur 20 .'~!fc5 h5 21.J:Id3 h4 22. J:Ifd1 'ii'15 11.J:Iad1 tt:lc6 12.'i!Ve2 cd4 13.ed4
Warsaw 2011 (5) 23.'i!fc6?! J:lfe8 24. ~13 J:le1 25. J:Ie1 tt:ld5 14."iie4 tt:lc3 15.bc3 ~d7oo
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 ~ b4 4.~ d2 "iid3 26.W'd5 1t'c2 27.J:Ie2 'ii'c1 16.J:Ife1 J:lac8 17.h4 h6
~d2 5."iid2 d5 6.g3 tt:lbd7 7. ~g2 2S.'It;>g2 "iics 29.g4 Wbs 30.'itb3?
c6 ltJe5 9.de5 tt:ld7 1O.f4 0·0 [30.'it'g5+-l 30 .•• tt:lb5?! 31.J:Ie5 a6
11.0-0 tt:lb6 'We7 13.J:Iac1 32.~d5 'ii'c7 33.a4 tt:ld6 34."iic3
aS 14.J:Ifd1 tt:la4 15.e4 "iib4 16.b3 "iid7 35.J:Ig5 tt:leS 36.a5 J:lc8
'i'c5 17."iid4 [1 hft>h1 "iia3 18 . ba4~) 37.'lid3 'it'c7 38.J:Ie5 tt:lf6 39. ~t3
17•.•"iia3 18.ba4 c5! 19."iid3 "iid3 'i!fc1 [~ 39 ...J:Ib8±) 40."iia6?!
20.J:Id3 d4 21 .J:Ib1 ~d7 [40.g5!+-] 40 ...J:Ic2? [40 ... J:Ib8±)
41.J:Ie2+- h3 42.'1t;>g3 J:lc4 43."iid6
Wg1 44.'lt;>h4 J:ld4 45.'ii'b8 'lt;>h7
46. e5 "iit1 47. 'lte3 J:ld6 48.a6
J:la6 49.'i+'d3 g6 50.'i+'a6 'ii'13
51.'i+'f6 e2 52.'i+'f7 'it>h8 53.'1t;>g5
eS 54. 'ii'15 "iib2 55. "ii16 1-0
18.d5 [18. ~d3 15 19.'\i'e3 'i!fa3 20 .~c4
J:le8 21.'ii'd3~) 18 ...ed5 19.'. -e7 tt:le7
Banikas,Hristos 20.J:Ie7 'lt>f8 21.J:Id7 J:ld7 22.~ d5
Jobava,Baadur J:lc3 J:ldc7 24.'1t;>h2 [24.a4!?
Porto Carras Ech-tt 2011 (4) J:lc1 !) 24 ...J:Ia3 25. ~17 [25 ... 1:117 26.J:Id8
1.d4 tt:\16 2.c4 e6 ~b4 4. ~d2 'lt;>e7 27.J:Id7 'lt;>e6 28.1:117 'lt;>eS 29.J:Ib7=)
~d2 5.'i!Vd2 dS 6.g3 tt:lbd7 7. ~g2 1I2-Y2
22. J:Ib5? [22.J:Ib7 ~a4=) 22... ~ b5 c6
23.ab5 h6- + 24.g4 g5 25.f5 efS
26.e15 J:lae8 27. ~ b7 J:le5 28.'1t;>f2 Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime
J:l1e8 29. ~t3 J:le3 30.J:Ie3 J:le3 K .t'i¥* K Mchedlishvili,Mikheil
31 .b6 J:leS 32.b7 'lt;>g7 33. ~c6 J:lb8
34.'1t;>t3 6 35. ~e4 'lt;>e7 0-1
'' I. .. , .. ''' Spain tt 2011 (1)
1.d4 tt:\16 2.c4 e6 ~ b4 4. ~d2
~d2 5.'\i'd2 d5 0·0 7.e3 'ii'e7

Mardin W 2011 (6)
~ ~ ' 8.J:Ic1 J:ld8 9.cd5 ed5 1 o. ~d3 tt:lc6
11.h3 tt:le4 12.'i!Ve2 ~15 13.a3
[13.0-0 J:ld6oo; 13... tt:lc3!?] 13... a6 tt:lc3 15.J:Ic3 ~d3 16.'ii'd3
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 ~b4 4. ~d2 tt:la7! 17.0-0 tt:lb5 18.J:Ic5 c6 19.a4
~d2 s."iid2 d5 6.g3 c6 7.~ g2 tt:ld6oo 20.b4 J:le8 21 .'i!Ve2 "iih4
ttlbd7 8.0·0 b6 ~ b7 10.f4 22.'\i'g4 "iidS 23.J:Ib1 J:le6 24.J:Ic2
0·0 8.cd5!? ed5 [8 ... cd5 9.0-0 0-0 10.ltJc3 'i!Ve7 25."iif4 J:leS 26.J:Ib3 J:lt6
b6 11.J:IIc1 ~a6 12.'i!Vc2 'i!Ve7 13."iia4 27.'i!Ve5 'i!fd7 28.'i!t'h5 J:lg6
~b7= a6 J:lacB J:lh6 30. e5 'i!fdS 31.'ii'13 112-112
J:lc1 17.J:Ic1 J:laB 18."iib4 'i!Vd8
bc5 20.'i+'b7 J:lb8 21 .'i!Vc6 c4 22 .J:Ic2~)
9.'i!Ve3 'i!Ve7 10.'i!Ve7 'lt;>e7 11 .tt:l1d2 Giri,Anish
tt:leS tt:ld6 13.0-0-0 112-112 Jobava,Baadur
Spain tt 2011 (2)
1.d4 tt:\16 2.c4 e6 ~ b4 4 . ~d2
~d2 5. d2 dS 0-0 7.e3 "iie7
Option 2: 8.cd5 ed5 9 .~d3 tt:lc6 [9 ... J:Id8 10.0-0
l!Jc3/e3 tt:lbd7 11.'i!fc2 c5 12.b3 b6 13.J:Iac1 ~b7
14.'i!fe2 a6 15.J:IId1 (1 5. a4?! c4!"1')
Beliavsky,Aiexander 15... b5 (15... e4!? 16.dc5oo) 16.dc5 tt:lc5
1L.c5?! [11 ... "iie7 12.J:Iac1 J:lac8 13.b3 Jobava,Baadur g6 18.h3 J:lacB 19.'ii'b2 ( 19. ~b1
J:lld8 14.e3 c5 15."iie2 ~a6oo] 12. J:Iad1 Porto Carras Ech-tt 2011 (6) b4) 19... b4 tt:ld3 21.J:Id3 tt:le4
'Wie7 13.cd5 ed5 "iid7 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 ~b4 4. ~d2 22.J:Idd1 aS 23.J:Ic8 J:lc8 24.J:Ic1 J:lcs
15.dc5 bc5 ~d5 17. ~d5 ~d2 5."iid2 d5 0·0 7.e3 'ii'e7 25.J:Ic5 "iic5=) 10.0-0 J:ld8 11 .a3 ~g4

[11...tLle4 12.'ii'c2 ~f5 13.l:tfe1 l:td6 Malaniuk,VIadimir 17.tiJeS ~e2 18."ife2 f6 19.tiJed3
( 13...~g6 14.tiJe2;!;) 14.tiJd2 l:teS 15.13 Jobava,Baadur tiJbc4 20.tLlf4 'i!i'f7 21.f3 l:le8
tiJc3 16.bc3 ~d3 17.'ilfd3l:th6oo] 12.tLle1 Milano 2011 (8) 22:.-12 aS 23.baS l:laS 24.e4 de4
· S (12 ... tLle4!?; 12...a6 13.14 tiJa5 1.d4 tiJf6 2.c4 e6 3.tiJf3 4 .~d2 2S.tiJe4 tLle4 26.l:le4 l:laa8 27.l:le8
14.'i!i'l2 tLlb3 15.l:tb1 l:teS 16.~c2 tiJa5oo] ~d2 S.'ilfd2 dS 6.tiJc3 o-o 7.e3 'it'e7 l:le8 28.dS cdS 29.'ii'cs l:ld8
13.b4 a6 14.f3 (14.14! l:teS (14 ... h6 15.h3 8.a3 dc4 9.~c4 c5 1o.o-o l:td8 30.l:td1 tOeS 31 .l:tdS l:tdS 32.tLldS
(15.f5!) 15...l:te8 16.tiJc2 ~g6 17.15 ~h7 11 .l:lad1 tiJc6 12.Wc2 cd4 13.ed4 'ii'd7 33.f4 tiJc6 34."ilfc4 lti>h8
18.l:tae1 l:tad8 19.g4oo) 15.tiJc2 (15.h3? 'fic7 14.dS edS 1S.tiJdS tiJdS 3S.'if;lf2 h6 36.'li'e4 fS 37.'ii'c4 'li'd8
'ii'e3 16.'ife3 l:te3 17.g4 l:th3 18.gh5 16.~dS;!; h6 17.'ii'c4 'ii'e7 18.~c6 38.g3 'lifas 39.\Pe2 'lifa3 40.tiJe3
l:teS+) 15... h6 16.15f] 14...tiJa7 1S.tLlc2 bc6 19.l:td8 'ii'd8 20.'it'c6 l:lb8 21.b4 'ili'b2 41 .tLlc2 lfc1"d3 ifh1
~g6 16.a4 tOeS 17.l:tae1 tiJd6oo ~b7 22. Wc3 l:lc8 23."i!i"e3 a6 24.h3 43.h4 'li'g2 44.'if;ld1 ...g1 4S.'if;ld2
'i+'dS 2S.l:le1 lti>h7 26.'ii'd4 "tits "ilfcs 46.a3 b6 47:.-c3 "ilfdS
27.tiJh4 W'gS 28."tid7 l:lc1 29.'ii'd3 48.1ti>c1 tiJaS 49.tiJb4 'lifh1 SO.'if;lb2
fS 30.l:lc1 'ii'c1 31.1ti>h2 ~e4 32.'i+'d6 "*'g2 S1 .tLlc2 "ife4 S2.'ii'd4 "ilfe6
'i+'a3 33.f3 ~b1 34.'i+'g6 'if;lh8 l-2-l-2 S3.W'd8 lti>h7 S4.-..d3 tiJc4 SS.Iti>c3
tiJd6 S6.\Pb4 tLle4 S7.11tbS 1!fg6
S8.'Wd7 tiJg3 S9.tLld4 1!ff6 60.tiJe6
Gunina,Valentina tLle2 61 .\ti>a6 bS 62.'if;laS Wb2
Khurtsidze,Nino 63:.-e7 "*'c3 64.\Pb6 tiJf4 6S.tiJf4
Mardin W 2011 (4) "*'d4 66.\PbS "*'14 67.a4 'ili'b8
1.d4 tiJf6 2.tLlf3 e6 3.c4 ~b4 4. ~d2 68.'if;lcS -..cs 69.\ti>bS 'ii'b8 70.\ti>cS
~d2 s.Wd2 dS 6.e3 0-0 7.tiJc3 'ire7 'Wc8 71 .'if;lbS "ifb8 72.'if;lcS W'b3
8.l:tc1 l:ld8 9.cdS edS 1O .~e2 ~g4 73.'i!Vd7 'irg3 74. e7 [Clearly input
11.b4 a6 12.0-0 tLlbd7 13.tLla4 tLle4 errors for the final two moves of the game]
18.~g6 hg6 19.'ii'd3 l:te8 20.l:te2 14.'i!Vb2 c6 1S.tiJcS tiJd6 16.l:lfe1 11.2-11.2
c6 21.aS gS 22.g4 l:tad8 23.h3 tLlbS tLlb6oo
24.l:th2 tiJh7 2S.tiJe2 tiJfS 26.tLlg3
Wc7 27. 2 tiJg6 28.l:tfh1 tLlh4
29.tiJfS tiJd6 30.tLlh4 gh4 31.gS K R • Giri,Anish
l:te6 32.l:tg2 fS 33.gf6 l:tf6 34.l:tg4 i 'if i.t..t. Vitiugov,N ikita
tiJe4 3S.IItg2 tiJg3 36.l:tb1 l:tdf8 i ~ .t. ~ Olginka It 2011 (5)
37.tiJe1 We7 38.l:tb3 l:te6 39.tLlc2 1.d4 tiJf6 2.c4 e6 3.tLlf3 ~b4 4 .~d2
tiJfS 40.\Pf2 tiJh6 41 .l:tg1 tiJf7
tZJ .t. ~d2 S.'ltd2 dS 6.tiJc3 0-0 7.e3 'ftie7
42.\Pg2 [~ 42.f4] 42 ... tiJd6- + ~ ~ i. 8.l:ld1 a6 s:.-c2 dc4 10 . ~c4 cS
43.l:[bb1 tiJfS 44.l:lbe1 l:lg6 4S. 2 ~Cjj 11 .dcS 'flieS 12.tiJe4 tiJe4 13.'ili'e4
l:lg3 46.e4 de4 47.l:te4 'i+'gS
~~~~ tiJd7 14.0-0 tiJf6 1S.W'd4 'f/id4
48.l:lg4 l:lf3 49. 3 tiJg3 SO.Iti>g2 16.tiJd4 ~d7 17.13 l:tac8 18 .~ b3
'i+'dS S1 .l:le4 tiJe4 0-1 1d: ~ l:lcS 19.l:lc1 l:lfc8 20.l:lcS 11.2-11.2

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Grunfeld Indian Defence
Exchange Variation Gl 4.1 (085)

Good, Solid and Reliable

by Alex Finkel (special c ontri bution by Fabiano Caruana)

1. d4 ttJf6 in g to find a key to the GrUn feld

2. c4 g6 Defence, and given that this in-
3. tt::lc3 d5 teresting - albe it rather harmless
4. cd5 tt::ld5 - line ha not been covered for
5. e4 tt::lc3 quite a while, and also g iven that
6. bc3 ~g7 it recently occurred in a game
7. ~b5 c6 between Ivan Cheparinov and
8. ~a4 0-0 Fabi ano Caruana, which was im-
9. tt::le2 c5 portant fro m a porting perspec-
ti ve, we decided that it wa worth
reca lling why it has been ne-
glected fo r almost a decade.
To be hone t, after rev iewing the
games played with 7. ~b5 c6
8 . ~a4 0-0 c5 10.0-0 I feel
that Wh ite should continue hi s Fabiano Caruana
que t el ewhere, as rede mption
will not come fro m 7. ~b5 . pl ayer in the world went for
Moreover, it eem that in almo t 12 ... 1'Hc7 (recommended by
any line Bl ack has more than o ne Bori Avrukh in hi remarkable
ati facto ry alternati ve. book on the GrU nfeld) rather
Our topical variation, the cunning than the more conventio nal
7. ~b5 , was a quite popular line Grabbing a Pawn l2 13."ii'd8 lld8 1 4.~g5
again t the Grtinfe ld Defence We ' ll tart our Survey with the ~d7 1 5 . ~b3 tt::la5 16 J:tfd I 'Ot>f8 ,
through the mid-to- late 90's of line tried by Cheparinov 10.0-0 whi ch is also con idered harm-
the prev iou century. At fi r t tt::lc6 ll . ~e3 tt::la5 . les fo r Black, and go t a comfo rt-
Black truggled to confront able po ition fro m the opening.
7.~b5 , mai nl y becau e it was
pretty d ifficult to choose between Keeping the Pressure
the pl ans involving ... b7-b5 , White 's more popul ar cho ice
...e7-e5 and ...c7-c5, all of which after I 0.0-0 tt::lc6 ll .~e3 tt::la5 is
are perfectl y playable! However, 12.l:tb I, after which Bl ack
once Bl ack has succeeded in mas- should choose between two
tering the 8 .. .0-0 c5 et-up, perfectly rea onable altern a-
it eemed to take the sting out of ti ve : the more fl exible and
7 .~b5 , which i why this varia- popular 12 ...b6 and the traig ht-
tion has practical ly di appeared fo rward 12 ... tt::lc4, whi ch Avrukh
fro m tournament practice in the roots for in hi book. Ju t as in
2 1st centu ry. Thi s is considered the main line, the previo us Li ne it's not easy to
Given that White is de perate ly the Bulgarian grandma ter opted make a choice in favour of either,
(and not very uccessfull y) look- for 12.dc5. The younge t top- 10 and it s more a matter of per onal

ta te than of the objective val ue Black get his hare of play by ider capturing on d4 at once al-
of the move . In my opinion, af- mo t natural mean , uch a though White eem to enjoy a
ter 12 ...b6 13.i.b5 (after 13.dc5 l l ... tba5 12.i.g5 b6 13. d3 very light edge after I 0.0-0 d4
it White who ha to be careful (otherwi e the black bi hop l l.cd4 tbc6 12.i.e3 a5 13.l:c I
to keep the balance) Black would be developed to a6) ~d714. d5 i.b2 1 5 .l: b l ~g7, in­
hou ld contin ue hi typical 13 ... ~d7 1 4. ~d7 'it'd7 15.f4 e6, tending to jump to c4 with the
Griinfe ld play with 13 ... i.b7 with double-edged play where knight as well a to initiate mu lti -
14.f3 cd4 15.cd4 e6 16. l:c l B lack's chance are by no mean ple trades along the c-ti le.
e7, fo llowed by 17 ... l: fc , inferior.
with comfortable play for Black. Conclusion
Black Deviates on Move 10 Black ha no problem what a -
Defining the Pawn Structure Although Black ha no objective ever in the 7 ..tb5 line, o it i not
nother attempt on White' part reaso n to look for improve- particularly likely we are goi ng
to tight for an openi ng advantage ments in case he i looking for to ee a comeback of thi varia-
i by playing I l .d5 , although plain eq uality he may at o con- tion .

Grabbing a Pawn 2S. bS _.b6 26.~c5 'ires 27.'it'd8 ~g7 18.~c6 'Wc6 19.l::tfd1 bc5 20. c5
1o... tl:l c6 11.-".e3 tl:la5 12.dc5 28. C7=) 22 .~c5 'ifc5 23.W'd8 Wf8 ~ 21 .~f2 l::tdbS?! [21... 3 22.~
24 .~a4 tt:lc6 25.~c6 'irc6=; 18.l::td4!? tt:lb5 23.l::td8 l::td8 24.l::td1 l::td1 25.'ird1
Cheparinov,lvan ~18 (18 ... ~d4 19 .cd4~) 19.'irg1 l::tdc8] ~] 22.l::tab1 l::tb6'a4 [23.l::tb4!i ]
Caruana,Fabiano 18... ~ts 19.f4 ~cs [19 ... l::td1 !? 20.l::td1 23 ...'ilt'a4 24. l::ta6 2S.l::tb4 S
Reykjavik 2012 (7) ~c5 21. d4 l::td8:;:] 20. d4 ~fS 21.fS 26.f4 ~fS= 27.l::tbd4 g4 28i h4 eS
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cdS b3 22.ab3 eS 23. f3 f6 24.c4 29.feS tOeS 30.~g3 l::teS 31 . 1 tt:lc6
tt:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~bS ~c6 2S. 'irc2 l::td1 26.l::td1 l::tdS 32.l::tc4 tOeS 33.l::tcd4 c6 34.l::tc4
c6 8. ~a4 0-0 9. e2 cS 10.0-0 tt:lc6 27.l::td8 'it'dS 28.fg6 hg6 29. ~a7? tOeS
11.~e3 aS 12.dcS 'Wc7 [12... c4 [29.h3] 29 ... b6 30.cS bS! 31 .b4 ~ h6
13.'it'd8 l::td8 14 .~gs ~d7 1S.~b3 tt:laS 32. ~g1 ~g7 33. ..-as 34.W a2
16.l::tld1 ~18 l::tac8 18.~e3i] ~e4 3S.'it'aS 'it'b7 36. ~ b6 'Wd7 Ristic,Nebojsa
13.~b3 [ e6 b6!~] 37.'i!i'a7 ~b7 -+ 38. ~d8 [38.c6 ~c6 Maksimovic,Miroslav
13 ... ~g4 14.f3 ~d7 1S. b1?! 39 ...-d7 ~d7] 38 ... e4 39. e1 '*'d2 Obrenovac 2008 (7)
[1S.l::tc1 l::tld8 16....e1 b3 17.ab3 aS !~ 40 . ~g3 [40.~11 ~e3 41 . b7 ~ h6 - +] 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.cdS
!!. 18 ... a4] 1S...e6 16.l::td1 l::tfdS 40 ... 'irf4 [41. ~ h3 'iriS 42.g4 'it'll dS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7 . ~ bS
17 . ~ h1 ~es [17... ~bs Wcs 't!fl3] 0-1 c6 8. · 4 0-0 cS 10.0-0 [10.dS
19.W'c1 b3 20.ab3 ~e8 'irc3 aruan a e6 11 .0·0 edS 12.edS d7 13 .~e3 Was
22. g7 l::td1 23.'ird1 W'e3 24. e8 l::te8 M/ 12·3·53 14 .~b3 eS 1S.c4 ~IS 16. 14 tt:lg4!
2S.'Wd7 l::tb8 26.'irc7=] 17.~d2 Hellsten·T.Ernsl, 6rebro ch·SWE
2000] 1o... tt:lc6 [10 ...cd4 11.cd4 c6
Shariyazdanov,Andrey 12 .~e3 tt:laS] 11 .~e3 aS 12.dcS
Dvoiris,Semen c4 13.'Wd8 l::tdS 14 . ~ gS ~d7
Moscow 1998 (5) 1S.~b3 aS
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cdS
tt:ldS S.e4 6.bc3 ~g7 7 . s c6
8. · 4 0-0 c5 10.0-0 c6
11 i e3 S 12.dc5 'irc7 e6
[13... ?! tt:le3 1S. 7 tt:ld1
16.l::tfd1 l::tb8 17.l::tab1± Alexandrov-
'fdndemirov, Smolensk 1997 - YS'46-161 ] [14.'~1i'd6 '*'d6 1S.cd6 l::td8 16.l::tld1
W~] 14... b6 1S · s [1S.l::tb1 ~6
18.... b2? ! [18.'it'c2 ~18 19.l::td8 l::td8 16....e2 l::tld8 17.l::tld1 bc5<=] 1S... . 7
20.l::td1 l::td1 2U!fd1 ~cs (21... ~bS 16.f3 l::tfdS 17...-c2 ~c6 [17 ... a61?
22. d4 ~c4 23.~c4 tt:lc4 24 .~g1 ~c5 18.~4 (18.dl6? 'Wc3+) 18...bc5 l

Survey G/ 4. 1

16.l:fd1 [16.i.e7 l:e8 17.i.d6 l:e4 28.l:a8± Avrukh) 22.14 ~18 23.<1Jc3 ~e7 ~d41 22 .~d4 fe4? [22 ... e5!i] 23.fe4
18.<1Jd4 <1Jb3 19.ab3 i.d4 ll!-ll! Topalov- 24.'it>l2i] 21 ... ~e7 22.c4 [22.<1Jd3 <1Jd2? 24.l:lf8 l:lf8 2S.l:lb6+- 1fc7
Kasparov, Linares 1998] 16...'it>f8 ~b5] 22 ... ~e8 23.<1Jd3 <1Jc6 24.f4 26.l:lc6 'ifd7 27.l:lg6 28.l:lg7
17.l:d2 [17.13 18.<1Jd4 i.a6 [24.l:b1 <1Jb8 25 .~d1 ! l:lc7 26 .~e2] w e8 29 ..-a8 'ifd8 30.W'c6 W'd7
(18...i.c4 19.i.c4 <1Jc4 20.c6!) 19.l:ab1 24 ...<1Jb8 2S.l:b1 <1Ja6 26 .~d1 ~c6 31 .l:e7 w e7 32 .~cs 'it>d8 33.'Wd7
l:dc8 20. ~e3 'it>g8 21. ~12 ~18 22.c6 27.l:b3 l:c7 28 . ~e2 hS 29. 1 'it>d7 34. ~f8 <1Je4 3S. ~b4 <1Jf6
<1Jc6 ll! -~ lonov-Shipov, St Petersburg [29.'it>l21 'it>l8 30.~13 ~13 31 .'it>l3 'it>e8 36.d6 'it>e6 37.'it>f2 'it>fS 38.a4 'it>e6
ch-RUS 1998; 17.<1Jd4!? l:dc8 18. ~e3 32.l:b5;!;] 29 ... 'it>f8 30.g3 'it>e8 31.h3 39.aS 'it>dS 40.'it>e3 'it>c4 41.a6 <1JdS
~e8 19.l:ab1 e6 20.14 'it>g8 21.15;!; 'it>d8 32.'it>f2 'it>c8 33. ~d4 ~a4! 42.'it>f3 1-0
Uanos-Hoffmann, Budapest 1999] 34.l:lb2 liJcS 3S.'it>e3 b6 36.g4 hg4
17... ~c6 18.f3 [18.<1Jd4 h6 19.<1Jc6 bc6 37.hg4 <1Jb7 38.<1Jf2 [38.l:ld2 <1Ja5
20.~e3 <1Jb3 21.l:d8 l:d8 22.ab3 ~c3 39.<1Jb2 ~c6'f] 38 ...<1JaS 39.<1Je4? Gleizerov,Evgeny
23.~h6 'it>e8 24.l:c1 ~e5=] 18... l:d2 [39.c5] 39 ... <1Jc4 40.~c4 l:lc4+ Ernst,Thomas
19.~d2 l:d8 20.~e1 [20 .~14 ~b5 41 . d6 ~d6 42.ed6 'it>d7 43 . ~eS Stockholm 2001 /02 (4)
21.<;1;>12=] 20 ...~bS 21.l:d1 l:d1 gSI 44.fgS ~c6 4S.'it>d3 l:g4 46.l:lf2 1.d4 <1Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.<1Jc3 dS 4.cd5
22.~d1 ~c4 23.<1Jc1 'it>e8 24.~b3? ~e4 47.'it>c3 ~g6 48 .~14 l:lg1 liJdS S.e4 <1Jc3 6.bc3 i.g7 7.~bS
[24 .~] 24 ... <1Jb3! 2S.lfJb3 [25.ab3 49.'it>d2 l:la1 SO.'it>e3 l:lc1 S1.l:ld2 c6 8.~a4 0-0 9.<1Je2 cS 10.0-0 <1Jc6
~h6!=i=J 2S ... 'it>dn 26.f4?! 'it>c6 l:c3 S2.Wd4 l:cS S3.'it>e3 l:fS 11. ~e3 liJaS 12.l:b1 b6 13. ~ b5
27.eS ~bS 28. ~f2 aS 29.<1Jd4 S4.l:lg2 eS SS .~h2 'i9d6 S6.l:g4 ~e6?1 14.dS ~d7 15 . ~d3 eS 16.f4
'i1i> a4+ 30.c6 bc6 31.<1Jc6 ~a2 'it>dS 57.l:g1 ~hS S8.l:lg2 l:f3 ef4 [16.. .15?! 17.<1Jg3 c4 18.~c2 g5
32.c4 ~c4 33 .~e1 'it>bS 34.<1JaS S9.'it>d2 e4 60.'it>e1 l:le3 61.'it>f1 19.1e5! 14 20.e6 ~e6 21 .e5!± Avrukh-
~dS 3S. 2 e6 36.'it>e3 ~f8 37.g4 l:d3 0-1 nmman, Amsterdam 1999] 17. ~f4 ~g4
~cs 38.'it>d3 ~b6 39.fS ~as [17 ... 'We7 18..-d2 l:lae8 19.l:be1 <1Jb7
40 . . s w as 41.fg6 fg6 42.h4 h6 20.'19h1;!;] 18.'il'd2 'il'e7 19.d6 'iJ'e6
43.gS hgS 44.hgS 0-1 20.<1Jg3 <1Jc4 21 .~c4 ' 'ifc4 22.eS

Keeping the Pressure

Avrukh,Boris 12.l:lb1 b6
Amsterdam 1999 (6) Bao Khoa
1.d4 <1Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.<1Jc3 dS 4.cdS Nguyen Van Hai
liJdS S.e4 <1Jc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7 .~ bS Ho Chi Minh City 2012 (8)
c6 8.~a4 0-0 9.<1Je2 cS 10.0-0 <1Jc6 1.d4 <1Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.<1Jc3 dS 4.cd5
11 .~e3 liJaS 12.dcS <1Jc4 13.1Wd8 liJdS S.e4 <1Jc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~bS
l:d8 14 .~gs ~d7 1S .~b3 liJaS c6 8.i.a4 o-o 9.<1Je2 cs 10.0-o <1Jc6
16.l:fd1 ~c61? [16 ... 'it>l8] 17.f3 ~f8 11. ~e3 liJaS 12.l:lb1 [12.dc5] 12 ... b6
18.eSI? [18.<1Jd4 l:dc8 19 .~e3 ~e8 [12... <1Jc4; 12... ~d7 13.~d7 ..Wd7
20.<1Jc2 e6 21.c4 ~c5 22 .~c5 l:cS'i' 14.dc5;!;]
Gaprindashvili-Qin Kanying, Shanghai tt W 22 ... ~e6 23.a3 f6?! 24.l:fe1 feS
2001] 18...l:d1 19.l:ld1 e6 20 . ~e3 2S. ~es ~es 26.l:eS± l:lad8 27.h3
l:c8 'it>h8 28.l:be1 ~g8 [28 ... 'il'a2 29.1Wg5
l:d6 30.1:15e2 ..WdS 31 .'ife7+-] 29.l:le7
'Wh4 30.<1Je4+- 1:117 31.<1JgS l:fS
32.l:e8 l:ld6 33.<1Jf7 l:f7 34.W'd6
'Wf2 3S.'it>h1 'iff4 36.'iff4 l:lf4
37.1:11e7 l:a4 38.l:la8 l:a3 39.l:lee8
'it>g7 40.l:lg8 6 41 .l:lgb8 l:c3
42.l:la7 1-0

13 .~bS [13.dc5 ~a6 !] 13... cd4 Lalic,Bogdan
[13...~b7] 14.cd4 ~b7?1 [14 ... e6] Stockholm 2001 /02 (6)
21.<1Jf4? 1 [21 .c4 ~g7 (21...~e8? ! 1S.dS;!; l:c8 16.'ifd3 fS 17.f3 1.d4 <1Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.<1Jc3 dS 4.cdS
22.<1Jc3 ~cs 23.~c5 l:cS 24.l:d8 'it>f8 W'd6?1 [17 ...e61?] 18.<1Jd4 a61? liJdS S.e4 <1Jc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.~ bS
25.<1Je4 l:le5 26.~4 <1Jc6 27. ~c6 bc6 19. ~a6 ~a6 20.'i!Va6 <1Jc4 21. ~f2 c6 8.~a4 0-0 9.<1Je2 c5 10.0-0 <1Jc6

11. ~e3 ttJaS 12 ..1:tb1 b6 13.~ b5 27.ttJg3?! fS! 28.ef6 [28.~d3 ~d3! ttJc3 [22 ... .1:tld8!? 23.l:td8 .l:tdB 24.h4 15+]
cd4 14.cd4 e6 15. ~d2 [15.".-d2 ~b7 29.'it'd3 .-a4+ ] 28... ~f6 29 . ~g5 ~d4 23.ttJc3 ~c3 24.l:tb6 .l:ta2 =F Y2-Y2
16.13 .-e7 17..1:tlc1 .l:tlc8oo] 15...~b7 30.\t;1h2 ~eS+ 31. ~g6 .-g7?!
16 . ~ b4 ~e4 17. ~f8 .-f8 18..1:tc1 [31 ... hg6 32 ...g6 ~g7 33.~h6 'it'f7
'it'd6oo 34.'it'g4 ttJI6 35.'it'g5 ~c4-+] 32.~e4 Mamut,lgor
h6 33. ~d5 edS 34.f4 hgS 35.fe5 Givon,Asaf
gh4 36.ttJt5 "tli'es 37.\t;1h3 d4 Haifa ch-ISR 2010 (8)
38.w h4 "tli't6?! [38 ... d3!J 39.\t;1g4 d3 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3.ttJc3 dS 4.cd5
40.'it'b3 [40.1t"a4!=] 40...q;,h7 41 . 4 ltJdS 5.e4 c3 6.bc3 ~g7 7 .~b5
d2 42."i!i'h3 q;,g8 43.1t"g3?! -+ c6 8. · 4 o-o 9.ltJe2 cS 10.0-0 ttJc6
44.1t"b3 "tli'e6 45.ltJd6 7 46.ttJf5 11 . ~e3 5 12.l:tb1 b6 13.dc5
Wd7 47.'it'a4 'Jilc7 48.ttJe3 "i!i'd6 ~a6 14.cb6 d1 15 . ~d1 ab6!!!?
49. 3 'it'd3 50. 4 'Ji/b7 51.g4 16..1:te1 ttJc4 17. ~g5 h6 18. ~c1
~c4 0- 1 [1B. ~e7 :tieS 19. ~ ttJd2 (19 ... .1:te4
20 .~c2 .l:te6 21 .l014;!;) 20..I:tc1 .l:te4=F]
18... eS 19. f4 e6 [1 9... d3 20. d3
~d3 21 ..1:tb6 ~c3 22 .~b3 ~e 1 23..1:tg6
Gual Pascuai,Antonio 'Ji/h7 24 ..1:th6 q;,g7 25 ..1:th3!!!?] 20 . ~b3
19 . ~a6 ~ h6 20 ..1:tc3 .l:td8 21 . ~d3 Sanchez lbern,Marc ttJd3 21 ..1:td1 l0c1 22 ..1:tbc1 .l:tfd8=F
~b7 22 ..-a4 ~d2 [22 ... e5!t] 23 ..1:tc2 Spain tt 2011 (1) 23.g3 gS 24 •.1:td8 .l:td8 25.ltJh5 ~ h8
~ h6 24 ..1:tc3 ~d2 25 ..1:tc2 ~h6 1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 g6 3.ttJc3 dS 4.cd5 26.g4 .l:td3 27.c4 ~d4 28 ..1:tc2 ~ b7
26 •.1:td1? [26 ..1:tc3= ] 26 ....-dS 27.t3 dS S.e4 ttJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~b5 29. g3 lt;1g7 30.Wg2 6 31 .t3
~e3 28. 1 ? I [28.q;,h1 "i!i'l3 29.ttJc3 c6 8. ~a4 0-0 9. e2 cS 10.0-0 l0c6 w es 32. e2 ~cs 33. c3 ~d4
'it'g4+ ] 28 ... 'it'hS 29.h3 ~f3 - + 11. ~e3 aS 12..1:tb1 b6 13.dc5 34. e2 ~cs 35. g3 ~c6 36 ..1:te2
30."i!i'b4 [30. g3 'it'g5] 30 •.. ~e2 [13."ti'd3!?; 13 .~5] 13... ~a6 14. ~ b5 4 37.l0h5 'JileS 38. g3 ~d4
31 ..1:te2 .l:td4 32."i!i'e7 .l:td3 0-1 ~bS 15.l:tb5 ttJc4 16. ~g5 [16 .~14 e5 39 ..1:tc2 ~e3 40 ..1:te2 ~cs
17. ~c1 a6 18..1:tb4 b5 19.a4 .l:tb8 20.ab5
ab5 21 ."i+'c2 'it'c7=F Gleizerov·Konguvel,
Korotylev,Aiexey Koszalin 1998] 16 ... h6
Alushta 1999 (7)
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.cd5
lOdS S.e4 l0c3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.~b5 c6
8 · 4 o-o 9. 2 cs 1o.o-o l0c6
11.~e3 5 12 ..1:tb1 b6! 13 .~b5
~b7 [13 ...cd4?1 14.cd4 ~b7 15.d5;!;] 14.t3
cd4 15.cd4 e6 16..1:tc1 [16. .-d2 .-e7
17..1:tlc1 .l:tac8 18.~g5 'it'a3o:t] 16.•. W'e7
17.'it'd2 .l:tfc8 18 •.1:tc8?1 [18.ltJ14 .l:tc1
19..1:tc1 .l:tdB=] 18... .1:tc8 19..1:tc1?! .l:tc1 41 •.1:tc2? fS ! 42.gf5 [42 ..1:te2] 42 ... ef5
20.'it'c1 'it'b4 2 1.~d3 c6=F 43. fS [43.h3 le4 44. e4 'Ji/14-+;
43..1:te21? g4 44.ef5 'Ji/14 45.\t;111 gf3
17. ~ h4? [17 ."~!i'd8 .l:tldB 18 .~e7 :tea 46 ..1:te6+] 43 ...g4! 44. h4 gf3
19..1:tb4 tOeS 20.~d6 ttJd3 21 ..1:ta4 b5 45. t3 4 46.ltJd2 [<!:. 46.l0e1 ~e4
22..1:ta6 .l:te4 23.l0c1 ttJb2!!!? Arencibia- 47.1t.>f1 .l:td6! 48 ..1:tb2 'Ji/g5! 49.we2
Shirov, Spain tt 1998; 17..l:tb4 b5!? ~15!-+] 46 ...~e3 47.c5 bcS 48.l0c4
(17.....d1 18..1:td1 .l:tldB 19.l:td8 .l:tdB ~e4 49. 1 .l:td1 SO.We2 ~t3X 0-1
20.g3 bc5 21 ..1:tc4 hg5 22 ..1:tc5 .l:td2=)
18 .~c1 .-d1 !? (18 ... .1:tb8 19.a4 a6 20.ab5
ab5 21 .ltJd4 'i+'c7 22.ttJb5 'ilt'c5 23.'i+'b3 Kosyrev,VIadimir
.l:tbc8 ~- ~ Cs.Horvath-Ruck, Gyula 2000) Nedev,Trajce
19..1:td1 .l:tldB 20..I:td8 .l:tdB 21 .14 a6 22.a4 Skopje 2002 (2)
e5 23.ab5 ~18 24..1:tc4 ab5 25 ..1:td4 ~ -~ 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.cd5
Gleizerov-Oral, Stockholm 1999/00] ttJdS 5.e4 ttJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~b5
22.e5 ttJe7 2 3 .~e4 ttJdS 24. ~d2 17... g5 18. ~ g3 ltJd2 19..1:te1 ttJe4 c6 8 . ~a4 0-0 9. e2 cS 10.0-0 c6
"*a4 25."i!i'c2 .-d7 26.h4 ~a6 20.cb6 .-d1 21 ..1:td1 ab6 22 •.1:tb4 11 . ~e3 aS 12. .1:tb1 b6'd3 e6

Survey Gl 4. 1

l1 3... ~e6 14.d5 ~d7 15.~c2 e5 16.14 15 1S. ~b3 l15....c1 cd4 16.cd4 b5 17 .~b3 53...l:.b2? l53...a2 54.l:.c3 l:.c3
1Uo g3 le4 1 ~15oo Krush-Atakisi, ~a5=] 1S... ~ a3 16.l:.c1 c4 17..ic2 55.'iVc3=] 54,q.>g3?? l54 .~h3! a2
Oropesa Wch-jr 1999] 14.l:.fd1 ~b7 bS 18 .~g3 ..-as 19...-d2 ~b7 55.l:.c3 l:.b1 56.l:.c7! 'tiVI5 (56... tt:l15
1S.f3 cd4 16.cd4 l:.c8 17. ~bS 20...-e3 c2 21 .l:.c2 l:.ad8;::< 57.hg5 'it'g5 58.1i'c6) 57.el5 l:.c1
22.l:.d2 't1Va3 23.l:.b1 ~ h7 24.eS 58.l:.c1 +-] 54 ... a21 55 ..ig6 l55.l:.c3
~c8 2S.dS ~fS 26.l:.bd1 l:.d7 27.h3 l:.b1-+ 56.l:.c7 tL\15 (check!) 57.el5 l:.c1
l:.fd8 28. ~h2?1 ~d3 + 29.~f4 ..-c3 58.l:.c1 gh4] 55 ... l:.b1 56.-.c3 aH i'
30.e6 te& 31.lo e& l:.c8 32. ~g7 'it'g7 57 ...-e3 'it'f4 58.l:.f4 0-1
33.'it'e6 l:.cd8 34.l:.e1 1~ 34 .~e5
'it'g8 35.'t1Va6 ..-d5+] 34 ... 'Wf61
3S.~eS 't1Ve6 36.de6 l:.b7 37.a3 aS Shariyazdanov,Andrey
0·1 Rade,Miroslav
Sibenik tt 2005 (9)
1.d4 ltlf6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 d5 4.cd5
Avrukh,Boris tt:ldS 5.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 .ig7 7 ..ib5
Tseitlin,Mark c6 8..ia4 o-o 9.ltle2 c5 10.0-0 tt:lc6
Tel Aviv 1999 (7) 11 •.ie3 5 12.l:.b1 c4 13 .~c1
17 .....-e7 117... 15 18.el5 1:.15 19.l:.bc1 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3.~c3 d5 4.cd5 'f!lc7 l13 ...b6 14 . ~c6 l:.bB 15. ~b5 tt:ld6
.l%c1 20.l:.c1 e5= Kosyrev-Barbeau, ~d5 5.e4 3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. · 5 c6 16.~d3 ~e6 17.d5 .icB 18 .~g5 'ti'c7
Montreal 2001] 18.~d2 l:.fd8 19. ~b4 8..ia4 o-o c5 10.o-o tt:lc6 19.'t1Vd2 e5 20.de6 le6 Avrukh·
'ilfgS 20 . ~d2 ..-e7 21.~ b4 1t'gS 11 ..ie3 5 12.l:.b1 tt:lc4 13•.ig5 Simonenko, Ubeda 2001 ] 14.d5 e5
22 .~d2 !h· !h 't1Vc7 14.'it'c1 114.~ tt:la3 15.l:.c1 c4 l14 ...a6 15...1i.b3 tt:ld6] 15 . ~c2 d6
16.~ b5 17....d2 tDc2 18.l:.c2 16.14 ef417. ~f4 'ti'e7
Lauber-Naumann, Germany Bundesliga
1998199] 14... b6! 15 . 5 tt:ld6 16..id3
f6 17. · 4 l17.~e3 c4 18..ic2 e5oo]
Straightforward 17...e5 18.de5 ~ 18..ig3] 18.. .fe5
12 .l:. b1 tl:l c4 19.c4 ~e6 20. c3 'it'f7 120...~? ...f7 22..ic4 .ic4 23.lMl+ - ]
Shtirenkov,Veniamen .idS 22.cd5 ~f6 23 .~g3
Zinchenko,Yaroslav 't1Ve7 24.'t1Vc3 l:.ae8 25.h3 125.131]
Alushta 2005 (4) 25....ig5! 26.~h2 h5 27.a4 c4
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3 .~c3 dS 4.cdS 28•.ic2 ~f4 29.g3 ~h6;::t 30.l:.be1
lOdS S.e4 ~c3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~bS h4! 31 .gh4 ~f4 32.~g3 'it'h7
c6 8.~a4 o-o 9. ~e2 cS 1o.o-o ~c6 33 ~d1 g5 34.'t1Va3 l:.d8 35.h5 '*lc7
11.~e3 ~aS 12.l:.b1 ~c4!? 112... b6] 36.'*1c3 't1Ve7 37.~g4 '*116 38.~g2
13 .~gS h6 l13... ..-c7 14.'it'd3 ~a3 ~ h7 39 ....b4 l:.f7 40~e6 l:.c7 18.1t'd3 f5 fe4 20. e4 '*le4
15..1%b2 't1Va5 16.~d1 cd4 17 .~e7 l:.e8 41.1rc3 ~h6 42.l:.h1 l:.f8 43.l:.e2 b5 21 ..id6 l:.f1 22.l:.f1 1rd3 23 ..id3
18.~ 1t'b5 19 .~c2 dc3;::t Oyachkov· 44.~g4 .ig3 45.fg3 ba4 46.l:.b1 ?I ~d7= 24. ~c5 ~c3 25 ..ie7 .id4
'fandemirov, Orel 1995 - YB/47-161] l46.l:.a1 !1] 46 ... l:.b7 47.l:.b7 b7 26.q.>h1 l:.c8 27. ~e4 b5 28.d6 l:.c5
14..ih4 a6 l14 ...b6? 15 .~c6 l:.bB l47...1fl1 ! 48.~h2 1:.12 49.1:.12 'it'12 50.~h1 29.g3 l:.e5 30 .~ b7 ~ h3 31 .l:.d1
16..id5! ~60 17...-d3 b5D 18.a4 tt:le4!? 51..il5!=] 48.~f5 ~d6 49.g4± ? l31... ~b6=] 32 . ~d8 ~f2?
(18.dc5±) 18... cd4D± Topalov- l:.b8 50.l:.f2?1 l50...-a3!±] 50... l:.b3 33.d7+- ~e6 34 ..ic7 1·0
Svidler, Linares 1998- YB/47·158] 51.1i'c1 a3 52.h4 c3 53.l:.f3

~ 'if • 12.~c1

~ i ..t i ~ Abramovic,Bosko
~ ~~ Djukic,Nikola
Bar 2010 (8)
' l:I ~ 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 d5 4.cd5
tt:ldS 5.e4 ltlc3 6.bc3 .ig7 7 ..ib5
c6 8. · 4 o-o c5 10.0-0 c6

11 •.i.e3 tt:laS 12.W'c1 cd4 [12 ... b6?1 Grabliauskas,Virginijus 16.'irb3 'i!fb8 17.ti:ld4 'i!fb7
13.dc5 .i.a6 14.l:1d1 'ireS bS Smith,Axel Granda Zuniga-Lein, New York 1998 -
16..i.b3 .i.b7 A.Brown-Feldman, Lviv 2010 (1) YB/47-162] 15.l:tb1 .i.g7 16..i.d4 .i.d4
Cammeray 2011 ] 13.cd4 b6 14•.i.b5 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cd5 17.'ird4 .i.a4 18.'i!fa4 .!:tea 19..1:tfc1
.i.b7 15.f3 .l:tc8 16.'ifa3 a6 17..i.d3 ti:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 .i.g7 7. · c6 b6 20.g3 (20..I:tc8 c8 21 .l:tc1 'i!i'b7
tt:lc4= 18..i.c4 .l:tc4 19•.1:tac1 .l:tc1 8. · 4 ()-{) cS 10.()-{) ttlc6 .l:tc8 23.l:tc2i ] 20 ... 'ird6
20 ..I:tc1 'i!i'd7 21 .d5 bS 22 •.i.d4 .i.h6 11.d5 ttJe5 12.f4 (12..1:tb1 a6 13.14 ttJc4 21.l:tc2 e6 22.de6 .l:tc2 23.'i!i'c2
23 ..i.e3 .i.g7 24 •.i.d4 .i.h6 25 ..i.e3 14..i.b3 ttld6 15.e5 c4 16.ed6 cb3 17.de7 'iVe6= 24.ttld4 .l:tc8 25.'t!fe2 'ifc4
Y2-Y2 'fie7 18.l:tb3 .i.g4+ Gomez Jurado-Berdullas 26.'ii'c4 .l:tc4 27.l:td1 a6 28.f3 .l:ta4
Guerra, Naron 1993] 13•.i.b3 29.l:td2 tt:lc4 30 ..1:tf2 aS
tt:lb6 (13 ... tt:ld6 14.e5 c4 15..i.c2 ttJb5 16.a4 .l:tb4 32 ..1:tc2 a4 33.ti:ld2 ti:ld2
'it'a5 17.l:tb1t] 14.h3?! (14.a4!i] 14.. .f5! 34 ..1:td2 .l:tc4 35.l:tb2 bS 36.l:tb5
15. · 3 c4 16..i.c2 fe4 17.d6 ed6 Y2·Y2
Defining the Pawn Structure 18..i.e4 .l:te8 19..i.f3 dS+ 20.ttld4
11.d5 .l:te3! 2U !fc1 .l:td3 22 ..1:td1 .i.d4
23.cd4 .l:td1 (23 ... l:tf3!? 24.gf3 'fi'h4 Sumets,Andrey
Vaisser,Anatoli (24....i.h3!?) 25.'it'd2! .i.h3 26.'fi'h2 .l:teB+] Pytei,Krzysztof
Lagarde,Maxime 24.'i!i'd1 .i.fS 25.'it'e1 'tlt'd7 26 •.i.c5 La Fere 2008 (6)
Belfort ch-FRA 8 2010 (9) tt:la4 27.'i!i'e5 tt:lc3 28.'i!fd6?! 'ird6 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.cd5
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cd5 29 •.i.d6 .i.e4 30..i.b4 .i.f3 31 ..i.c3 ttldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 .i.g7 7 ..i.b5 c6
ti:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 .i.g7 7 ..i.b5 .i.e4 32.<J;>t2 .l:tf8 33.<Ji;>g3 .l:tf6 34.l:te1 a •.i.a4 o-o cs 1o.o-o cd4
c6 8 ..i.a4 0-0 cS 10.0-0 tt:lc6 .l:ta6 35.f5 .l:ta2 36.fg6 .l:tg2 37. 4 11.cd4 tt:lc6 12..i.e3 .i.g4 13.f3 .i.d7
11.d5 tt:laS 12..i.g5 b6 [12 ... tt:lc4!?] .l:tf2 38. 5 hg6 39.l:ta1 a6 40.l:ta5 14.l:tb1 (14.l:tc1 .l:tcB 15.d5 e5 16.'tlt'b3
13.i fd3 .i.d7 (13 ... h6 14..i.f4 e5 15..i.e3 .l:tf3 41 •.i.e1 .l:th3 42.l:tc5 .l:tf3 43.<Ji;>e6 .i.a4 17.'tlt'a4 'ifd7 18.'ifd7i Dragoma-
15 16.d6 .i.b7 17.ef5 gf5 18.13;!; gS 44.l:tc8 <j.>g7 45.l:tc7 <j.>g6 46.l:tb7 retsky-Rudolf, Warsaw 1992 - YB/27-154]
Grabliauskas-Sakalauskas, Vilnius 1999] c3 47.l:tc7 c2 48.<Ji;>e5 .l:tfS 49. 14..• b6?! (14 ... tt:la5 15.d5 b6 16 .~d7
14..i.d7 (14..i.c2 'fi'e8 15.l:tab1 b5 .l:tf1 SO..i.d2 g4 0-1 'ifd7 17.'ifd3 .l:tacB=] 15 ..i.b5 e6
16.'it'e3 .l:tc8 17..i.d3 a6 18..i.h6 e5-=t 16.'i!fa4 tt:lb8 17.d5?! [17.l:tfc1 a6
Grabliauskas-Urban, Poznan 1999] 18..i.d7 ti:ld7 19.'t!Yb4i] 17...ed5
14•..'i!fd7 15.f4 e6 16.f5 efS 17.ef5 18.l:tfd1 .i.bS 19.l:tb5 'ireS 20 ..1:tdd5
.l:tfe8 b7 tt:lc6 21.l:tb1 tt:le7 (21...ttla5] 22.'i!i'e8
Black Deviates l::Ue8 23.l:td7 tt:lc6 24 ..1:tc1 .l:ted8
10... cd4 25.l:tc7 ttlb4 26.l:tb7 tt:la6?! [26 ....i.e5] .l:td3 .l:te3? 29.ttle3
Dao Thien Hai .i.d4 30 ..I:te1 ± tt:lcS 31 ..1:tc7 fS
Tagaytay City zt 2011 (4)
1.d4 ti:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cd5
ttldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 .i.g7 7 •.i.b5
c6 8 ..i.a4 0-0 9.ttle2 cS 10.0-0

19.f6 .i.f8 20 ..i.f4 c4?! [~ 20 ...b5'f]

2 U !fc4 .l:tac8 22.'it'd3 .l:tcS
23 ..1:tad1 .l:td8 24.c4 bS (24 ...'it'a4!?]
25.cb5 .l:tbS 26 ..1:tfe1 .l:tdS 27.'ii'd5
'it'dS 28.l:td5 .l:tdS 29.l:te7 ti:ld8 32.<Ji;>f1 [32.ef5 .l:te8 33.Wf1 .l:te3 34.l:te3 tt:le6 31..i.d6 h6?! (! .i.e3 35.fg6 hg6 36..1:ta7±] 32 ... fe4 .l:td1 3J.Ij.>f2 .l:td6=] 32 •.1:te8i (32 ....i.e5! 33.l:tc6 fe4 34.ttld5±]
.l:td4 33 ..i.f8 tt:lf8 34. <j.>f2 .l:ta4 [~ 33.ttld5] 33 ....i.g7 .i.eS
35.'it.?e3 .l:ta2 .l:ta1 37.<iYe2 35.l:tc6 .i.c3 36.l:te2 ef3 37.gt3 .l:tta
.l:ta2 38.<Ji>d3 .l:ta1 39.<Ji;>c2 .l:ta2 38.<Ji;>g2 .i.b4 [~ 38... l:tf7] 39.l:te7 bS
40.'it.?c3 .l:tg2 .l:th2 42 ..1:tf8 11.cd4 tt:lc6 12•.i.e3 tt:laS 13.l:tc1 ti:ld3 <Ji;>h8 42 ..1:tcc7
<j.>h 7 43 ..1:tf7 1-0 .i.d7 14.d5 .i.b2 (14 ...b5 15..i.b3 tt:lb3 (input errors?] 1-0

GrUnfeld Indian Defenc
Gl 7.4 (090)

Just a Check, Don't Worry - Part I

by Endre Vegh

1. d4 t!Jf6 The queen check disturb

2. c4 g6 Black' development before cas-
3. t!Jc3 d5 tling. In thi Survey I will deal
4. t!Jf3 ~g7 with the ' hot line that occur
5. 'iir'a4 after 5 ... ~d7 6.'ffb3 dc4 7.'ffc4
0-0 8 .~ f4. In Part 11 I will try to
introduce all other po ibilitie
after 5.'ilr'a4.

Sato Aohr In 1937

Th other option IO... t!Jh5 i

more so lid but demand accu-
racy to keep the balance. the
ow Black can choo e from example prove, it ' ea y for
among everal moves: 8 ... t!Ja6, Black to find himself in a
body can refute a eriou defence 8 ... ~c6, 8 ... c6, 8 ... .if5, 8 ... .ie6 ( lightly) wor e p ition.
like the Gri.infeld, but it' alway and 8 ... t!Jc6. I would call the fir t
exciting when we try to arm our- three main line , and the Ia t Clever?
elve with omething new three ideline . 8 ... ~c6 i a cle er move - the
again tan opening. There are dif- question i : how clever?
ferent calibre , from water-pi tol Standard Development
to machine-gun and everything in 8 ... t!Ja6 i the mo l frequent re- ~ if g ._.
between. The 5.'ilr'a4 ystem be- ply, a standard po ition for the
long to the tronger categorie at knight. iii i.l.i..l
the moment. After the obviou 9.e4 c5 IO.e5 .i. ~i
(other move are weaker here)
History Black i at a eros road . If he i
It first appeared in 1944, when ready for adventures, he can
Salo Flohr decided to pu h hi choo e the razor- harp IO.. .~e6,
queen three quare ahead on the when White i forced to accept
diagonal. He repeated it twice in the invi tation to the dance. The
the a me year. It wa n ' t mate yet, outcome i uncertain : an unfor-
ince Black had three rea onable gettable night, or going home I prefer Ivan okolov ' late t re-
defence . alone .. . action (9. :ctdl ) again tit. Apart

from that, he is the mo t experi- liable ystem , and ea y to unde r-
enced top player on the white rand . It's a! o ideal for che
ide, and the move eems very amateur who do not have much
logical. time to learn ton of theory. In-
I con ider 9.lLle5 to be weaker a f- stead, checking through a dozen
ter the natural 9 ... ..id5(!). I think or o page (we shouldn ' t forget
9.e3 i playable too - a little a fer about the econd part! ) they get
than neces ary ... enough information to boo t
the ir se lf-confide nce. On the
Old-Fashioned other hand , hig hly-rated grand-
8 ... c6 i a bit old-fa hioned, but ma ter may a lso find omething
Sutov ky won with thi move in It mean something that Pono- to their benefit here.
one of hi recent games from the mariov pl ayed it again t Yitiu- Anyway, it 's a challenge to per-
European Team Championship. gov, coring a draw, in the 20 12 manentl y learn new thing . In-
Anyway, I'm fairly ure it' not Rus ian Team Champion hip. ten ive use of the brain keep one
the be t in the long run . Until now 8 ... lLlc6 ha n' t found mentally fresh - regardle of
many follower , and not without age and Elo point . If nothing
Rarer Moves rea on. After the strongest reply e lse, it can g ive extra motivation!
I don ' t really be lieve in 8 ... ..ie6, 9.e4, White is clearly better. See
although Svidler wa able to the game Flear-Dutreuil.
hold Sokolo to a draw with it. In Pa rt ll of thi · erie all
8 ... ..Q.f5 i a rare move (prevent- Conclusion option be ide the main line
ing 9.e4) that de erve more I warmJy recommend thi theme will be crutinized in order to
attention. for studying. Fir t of all , it's are- complete the picture.

Standard Development 11 .~e3 cd4 12. d4 ~c6 13.~e2

8 ... tt:l a6 ~f3 14 .~f3 1t'd4 1 5 .~d4 c!l:\b4
16.0-0-0 f4 11.'iYb1 [17.~b7? c!l:lbd3
Demchen ko,Anton 18.'iYc2 .!:labS 19..1:ld3 d3 20.'iYd3
Gabrielian,Artur (20. ~e4?! b2! 21 .14 (21.~a7 .l:lbc8
Armavir (Yuzhny) 2010 (6) 22.'iYb2 ~e5 23 ..1:lc1 .l:lc7!- +) 21....1:llc8
1.d4 tt::lf6 g6 3.c4 ~g7 4.c!l:lc3 22 .~a7 (22 ..1:lb1 .l:lb4 -+; 22.'iYd2
d5 5.'~Wa4 · 7 6.1t'b3 dc4 7.'i!fc4 .l:lb4 -+) 22 ... .1:lb4 -+) 20 ... .1:lb7 21 .b3
()..() 8 .~f4 tt::la6 [The main line besides .l:ld8 22.14 .l:lb4 23.c!l:le2 16 24.'iYe4 a5+]
8...~c6; 8...c6; 8...~e6; 8... ~15; 8...c!l:lc6] 17... e6 [17 ... c!l:lc6 18. ~e3 ( 18. ~c6!?
9.e4 cS 10.d5?! [This game demonstrates bc6 19.g3 c!l:le6 20.14;!;) 18... ~e5 19..1:ld7
well how wrong Wh~e·s concept is. 10.dc5 .!:labS 20 ..1:lc1 ?! (20..1:lhd1 !?) 20... .1:lld8=
.l:lc8!tt] 10... b5! 11. bS c!l:le 4! 12 .'~'e4 Renette-De Haan, Belgium tt 2011 /12]
[ c!l:lc3 13.bc3 e6 (13 ...'lli'a5!? 14..1:lc1 15... .1:lab8!-+ 16 .~ b8 .l:lb8 17..1:ld2 18. ~e3 c!l:lc6 [18 ... ~e5 19..1:ld7 c6
c!l:lc7 15.~e2 'ifa3t) 14..1:ld1 (14.d6 c!l:lb4!t) .l:lb4 18.'i!fd3 c4 19.'i!fc2 'i!fa2 20..1:lhd1 (20 ..1:lb7!? ed4 21 . ~e4 15
14...c!l:lc7 15.de6 (15.d6 c!l:ld5+) 15... tt::le6 20.'ifb1 'i!fas 21.'iYd1 c3 22 ..1:le2 22 .~d4 c!l:\d4 23..1:le7 le4 24..1:le5 .l:lf2
16.~e5 'i!fe8 (16...lL)g5!? 17.~g7 c!l:\13 'i!fdS 23.'iYe1 c!l:lcS 24 ..1:lh1 cb2 25 ..1:le4;!;) 20 ... .1:lab8 21. a4 (21 .~c6 !?
18.gf3 'it;g7 19.'i!r'c5 .l:le8 20.~e2 'ife7 25 •.1:le7 .l:le4 26 ..1:le4 c!l:le4 0-1 bc6 22.'iYc2;!;) 21....1:llc8 22 ..1:lc1 (22. ~c6
21.'i!fe7 .l:le7 and Wh~e is worse with an .l:lc6 23..1:le7 ~16 24 ..1:led7 c!l:\18 25 ..1:l7d6
extra pawn!) 17.~e2 lL)g5 18.c!l:lg5 ~e5 .l:lbc8=) 22 ... c!l:led4 23.~d4 c!l:\d4 24 ..1:lc8
19.(}{)oo Rios·Alonso Garcia, Catalunya tt Sokolov,lvan .l:lc8 25 .~b7 .l:lc7 26..1:lc7 ~c7 27.h3 ~d6
20121 12... · s 13.0-0-0 [13.~ ..-as Wang Vue 28 . ~c1 ~b4 29.Wd1 e5 30.a3 ~e7 '*b5 15. ~d4 16..1:lc1 .!:ladS Nakhchivan 2011 (9) 31.c!l:lc3 15 \7-17 Riazantsev-
17.a3 'ifb7+; 13..1:ld1 ~b2 14 .~ 'i!fa5 1.d4 c!l:\f6 2.c4 g6 3.c!l:lc3 dS 4.c!l:lf3 Sutovsky, Sochi tt 2005] 19. ~c6 bc6
15.~d2 '*b5'f] 1 3...~f1 14..1:lhf1 ..-as ~g7 5.'tlt'a4 ~d7 6.'ifb3 dc4 7.'ifc4 20.f4 f6 21.ef6 ~f6 22.c!l:le4 ~g7
15.'ifc4 o-o a. ~f4 tt::la6 9.e4 cs c!l:lhS 23.g3 .l:lfb8 24 ..1:ld2;t .l:lb4 25. cS

Survey G/ 7.4

~c5 26.~c5 J:lb7 [26 ...J:le4!? 27.J:lhd1 14.0-0 (14.Wh4 ~es 15.ll:le5 We5
aS 28.J:ld7i] 27.J:lhd1 ~ [~ 27... e5 16.o-o-o ll:lc7 (16 ... l0g7!?) 17.J:lhe1 ll:le6
28.te5 ~es 29.J:le2 ~g7 30.J:ld6i]
28..id4 J:ld8 29.~g7 J:ld2 30.J:ld2
1Pg7 31 .J:lc2 J:lc7 32.J:lc5
33.1Pc2 '<Ve6 34.b4 'i>d7 35.1Pc3
18 .~h5 Wh5 19.Wh5 gh5 20.l0d5 J:lfeS
21 .~h6 'ithS 22 .~d2 J:lac8 23.~c3 '<VgS
24.J:le5 ~d5 25.J:led5=1i Grigoriants·
Esen, Warsaw Ech 200S] 14... ~f3
'' .t
6 36.83 [WMe can torture his 15.~f3 ~es 16. e4 tOeS 17.'tt'b4
opponent without any risk] 36 ... e6 [17.Wh4 ~c3 1S.bc3 ll:lg7 19.~c5 WcS
37.1Pc4 86 38.J:l85 J:l87 39.1i>d4 J:l88 20.~b7 J:labS 21 .J:lab1 5 22.'tt'a4 l0d6
40.\Pe4 J:l87 41.g4 J:l88 42.h4 J:l87 23. ~13 c4 24.Wd7 lOeS:J: Ding Uren- J:l88 44. J:lf8 45.'<Vg4 J:l88 J.Gomez, Ho Chi Minh City 2012]
46.h5 J:l87 47.h61 J:l88 48.'itg3 J:l87 17...l0d3 18.W b3 ~c3 19.'it'c3
49. J:l88 50.'ite3 J:l87 [SO ... c;t;>c7!?] Wc3 20.bc3 J:l8c8 21 . ~87 J:lc3 16.g4! ll:le3? [16 ...l0a1 17.J:la1 'iiVb4
22.J:lfb1 [22.a4 J:ldS? (22 ... J:laS) 23.J:lfb1 1S.ghS 'ii'b2 19.J:lc1 ~13 20.~13 J:lfc8
l0hf4 24.aS eS 2S.~e3 tOeS 26.~c5 J:lcS 2Ui'd4i] 17.fe3 ~h6 18.l0d1 'ith8
27.~b7 +- l0e2 2S.IPI1 c3 29.J:lc1 19.ghS+- J:lg8 20. J:lad8
J:lc7 30.a6 lObS 31 .J:lc7 ll:lc7 32.a7 aS 21 .hg6?! [21.We7! ~13 (21...ghS
33.'<Ve2 c;t;>g7 34 .~S J:laS 3S.'<Vd3 1-0 22.b4+-) 22.'*'16 ~g7 23.'Wf3 ~es
Feiler-Jansa, Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011] 24. c3+-] 21...~f3 22. [22.gf7?
22 ... l0c5 23. ~ b7 l0b7 24.J:lb7 J:l88 J:lg7 23.We7 ~e2 24.fS'*' J:lfS 2S.'ii'f8
25.84i J:lc6 26.8S J:la6 27 .~d4 8 J:lg8 26.'*'h6 '*'d2= Krasenkow] 22 ... J:lg6
28.J:l8b1 ll:lf6 29. J:lb8 lOeB 30. ~c3 23.'*'e4 [23.We7?? •ds 24.e4 'i!Vd2
f6 31 .'<Vf1 32. J:l88 J:l88 33.'<Ve2 2S.'*'h4 J:ld3 26.Wf2 J:le3-+] 23 .. .fS!?
<i>e6 34.'i>d3 d6 3S.~b4 J:la6 24. Wc4 '*'d2 25.J:lc1?? [2S.Wc3 'ii'dS
36. J:l81 WdS 37.J:lc1 h5 38. J:lc7 26.Wf2 ~gS 27.<i>e1 ~h4 2S. 12 J:l~;
We6 39.Wc2 WdS 40. J:le7 '<Vc4 25.J:lf2! We1 (2S ... J:lc6?! 26.Wb3 J:lb6
S1 .841 J:lb7 52.J:l86 J:lb4 53. J:l87 e5 41. ~d6 [~ 41. ~d2] 41 ... J:ld6 42.J:le1 27.~c4 ! We1 2S.'Wc3 Wh1 29.'ite2 J:lc6
54.J:lh7 ef4 55.'i>f3 J:l84 56.J:lg7 WbS 43.J:l81 WaS 44.'itc3 J:ldS 30.a4±; 2S... J:lg4 26.~11 ! aS 27.b4! 'ilfeS
~PeS 57.J:lg6 5 58.h7 J:l83 59. 4S.J:l84 gS 46.J:l82 J:ld1 47.h3 f5 2S.'tt'c3±) 26.~d3 J:lg4 27 ...c2 Wh1
l:!82 60 .~e1 J:l81 61.'i>d2 J:l82 48.J:ld2 J:lg1 49.g3 J:lh1 SO.J:ldS 2S.'ite2 J:lg1 29.'l'c3 e6i Krasenkow]
62.'<Vc3 J:l83 63.'<Vb2 <i>g6 64.h8 J:lh3 S1 .J:lf5 g4 S2.'i>d2 h4 S3.gh4 25... J:lc6-+ 26.t+'h4 'i!Vc1 27.We7
[Ivan Sokolov is the leading expert of this J:lh4 S4. J:lgS J:lh2 SS.We2 J:lh3 J:lg8 28.e6 Wd2 29. t4 o-1
variation and this game was a nice 56.J:lg4 <i>aS 57.J:lc4 J:lh8 58.f3
performance by him!] 1-0 '<VbS S9. J:lc1 J:le8 60. 2 J:lh8 61.f4
J:lh3 62.Wg2 J:ld3 63. J:lc2 '<Vb6 Salem,A.R.Saleh
64.J:lc8 J:l83 65. J:lc4 WbS 66.J:lc2 Cheparinov,lvan
So, Wesley 'i>b6 67.fS J:la5 68.f6 J:lgS 69. 1 Biel 2011 (7)
N8vara,David J:lg8 70. ~e2 ~-~ 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.l0f3
Belfort tt 2012 (7) ~g7 5.Wa4 ~d7 6."Wb3 dc4 7 ...c4
1.1Llf3 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 d5 4.d4 0-0 8.~f4 a6 9.e4 cs lOhS
~g7 S."-84 ~d7 6.Wb3 dc4 7."* c4 Yakovenko,Dmitry 11.~e3 cd4 12.Wd4 ~c6 13.~e2
o-o 8.~f4 l086 9.e4 cS 10.eS hS Topalov,Veselin • as 14.0-0 b4 [14... 16? 1S.Wc4 'ithS
11 .~e3 cd4 12.W d4 ~c6 13.~e2 Nanjing 2009 (6) 16. d4+- J:lacS 17.l0c6 J:lc6 1S.WbS
'l'c7 1.d4 ll:lf6 2.c4 g6 3.ll:lc3 dS 4.l0f3 Wc7 19.lOdS (19.g4+-)
~g7 5."it'a4 ~d7 6.Wb3 dc4 7.'1'c4 20 ... b7 J:ld6 21 .J:lad1 e6 22.l0c3 Hl
0-0 8. ~f4 6 9.e4 cS 10.eS lOhS Avrukh-Rombaldoni, Alghero 2011 ; 14...~13
11. ~e3 cd4 12.".-d4 ~c6 13.~e2 1S.~f3 ~eS 16.'i!rdS (16.Wd7!? should be
W as 14.0-0 ll:lb4 1S.Wh4 [15.1t'c5 better) 16... 'iYdS 17. dS J:lfeS 1S.J:lac1
Salem-Cheparinov, Biel 2011] 1S... l0c2?! (1S.g4!? ll:lg7 19.J:lad1 =1i) 1S... e6 19.l0c3
[15 ... ~13 16 .~13 ~es 17.~hS (17.'i!Ve7 J:le7 (19 ... l0b4!?) 20.a3= I.Sokolov-Van
l0c2 1S.J:lad1 l0e3 19.fe3 J:laeS 20.'*'b7 Wely, Belgium tt 2003104; 14... J:lfdS
l016 21 .lOdS=) 17...~16 1S.'it'e4 ghS 1S.'*'h4 ~es 16.b4 '*'c7 17. eS WeS
19.J:lad1 (19.'it'b7 ll:lc2 20.J:lad1 e3 1S.b5 ..c3 19.bc6 ...c6 20.~13 'l'd6
21 .fe3 J:lab8 22.Wf3 J:lb2 23.lOdS Wa2 21.J:lab1 J:lac8 22 .~hS ghS (Zhukova-
24.J:la1 'i!Vb3 2S.J:la7=) 19... J:lfdS 20.'i!Vb7 Mikhalevski, Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011)
~c3 21 .bc3 lOdS 22.c4 ll:le3 23.fe3=] 23.J:lb7!;t/±] 15....c5 [1S.J:lad1 !? ll:lc2

(15... ~13 16.~13 ~e5 17....d7t) 16.'it'c5 ~c6 (14 .. .14 15....b7+-) 15.1i"c6!+-) 17.~e2 ed6 18.l:ld6 '*'c7 (18 ... 'it'a5?
-.c5 17.~c5 t014 18.l:ld2 t0e2 (18 ...l:lac8 14.-..b7+- is even stronger) 13... ~e6 19.'it'c4; 18...... b8?! 19.l:lhd1 ~c2 20.1t'c4
19 .~e7 l:lfe8 20.~d6 t0e2 21.l:le2 ~13 14.t0g5 -..d4 15.l:ld4 c7 16.t0e6 t0e6 ~d1 21 .l:ld1 ~e5 22 .~c5 ~c3 23.bc3
22.l:lc2 ~g4 23.l:lea; 18... l:lfc8 19.~e7 17.~c4 ..W 18.14 l:lfcS 19.~b1 a6 20.a4 'it'l4 24.\Pb2 'it'c4 25 .~c4 c6 26.~18
e2 20.l:le2 ~13 21 .l:lc2 ~c6 22.14 White b5 21.~d5 l:lab8 22.ab5 ab5 23.l:lb4 g5 ~8 27.l:ld6+-) 19.t0d5±; 13... a5
is a pawn up) 19.t0e2 (19.l:le2 ~13 20.l:lc2 24.g4 gl4 25.g15 fe3 26.~e6+­ (Greenfeld) 14.dc5 '*'c7 15.~5;!;) 14.t0d4
~c6 21. ~e7 l:lle8 22.~16 ~16 23.ef6 Zakhartsov·ScMfer, Bad Wiessee 2011] 'it'a5 15.e6 ~e6 16. e6 leG 17.'*'e6
l:le6=) 19... ~13 20.gf3 l:lfc8 21 .l:lc2 b6 13 ~e2?! [Alter 13.1i"e4! Black has ~h8;:!] 12 ... cd4 13. d4 aS [13...~!?
22.l:lfc1 l:lc5 23.l:lc5 bc5 24.l:lc5 l:ld8 serious problems] 13... d4 14.t0d4 14.e6 (14. c6 ~c6 15.~e2 (15.14 e6~ t::.
25.b4 ~h6~] 1S ...'it'cS 16 .~cS tOdS ~es 1s. 1e6 16 . ~13 tOb4 16... 'it'h4) 15...~e5 16.~5 gh5 17.'*h4
[16... ~13 17.~13 t0d3 18.~e7 l:tfeS 17.0-0-0 t016 18. ~b1 t0c6 [18 ... ~c3!? d3!~) 14... d4 15.ef7 (15.ed7? • d7+)
19.t0d5 ~e5 20.g3;!;; 16... a5 17.g3 19.bc3 t0c6] 19.t0a4 [19.t0e4!?] 15 ... l:lf7 16.~d4 l:tc8 ( 16... ~e6!? 17.1i"e6
( 17.~e7 l:lle8 18.~d6 t014<=) 17... ~13 19... [~ 19...~d6] 20. cS;!; l:lab8 'it'd4 18. l:lc2~) 17.1i"b4 aS 18.'it'b6 ~d4
18.~13 ~es 19 . ~e7 : res 20.~gs; 21.l:lhe1 l:l1c8 22.g4 [22 .~c1 !] 19.'it'd4 e5~] 14.a3 [14.14 l:lcS 15.'*b3
Krasenkow] 17.t0dS ~dS 18.~e3 22... t0d4? [22 ... ~d6] 23.l:ld4 [23.~d4 ! (15.'ilt'e2!?;!; Vegh) 15 ... g5! 16.fg5 '*c7~]
[18.g3!? l:lfcS (18 ... l:lle8=/;!;) 19.~e7 l:lc2 ~d4 24.t0e6 ~12 25.l:le2 ~ 26.g5 (with 14 ...l:lc8 1S.'it'b3 c6 16. c6 ~c6
20.l:tld1 ~c6 21 . d4 l:lb2 22.~3 excellent play for the pawn!) 26... h5 17.e6 [17.l:ld1 (Greenfeld) 17.. .'tifc7 18.14
(22.~h5!? gh5 23.~ bc6 24.14=/;!;; (26 ... t0e8 27.l:l11+-) 27.l:lf1 ~ 28. ~d5 ~6. 14<; 17.14 ~h6 , 14<] 17...fS
22.14;!;) 22 ... l:lb6 23 .~c5 l:lb2 24 .~3 l:lb6 ~hS 29.l:lf7±] 23 ... l:lcs 24.l:lb4 : as 18 .~e2 14 [18 ... ~g2! 19.l:lg1 14 20.~b6
25 . ~c5 l:lb2 17·17 Vegh·Erdogdu, Turkey tt·2 2S.~a7! l:la7 26.l:leS;!; l:ld8 27.l:l14 'it'd6! 21 .l:lg2 (21.~h5 ~d5! 22....d1 ...e6
2012] 18...16 19.l:l1d1 e6 20.g4 1eS h6?! [~ 27 ... l:ld2] 28.h4 ~g7 29.l:le6 23. ~ 1 ~b3-+) 21 ...13 22.l:lg4 fe2-+]
21.ghS [21.l:td5!? ed5 22.gh5 gh5oo] bS 30.gS hgS 31 .hgS t0h7 19. ~ b6 'it'd6 20.l:ld1 a4 21 .1t'a2
21 ...~13 22 .~13 l:l13 23.hg6 hg6 32.l:leS+- l:ld2 33 .~dS e6 34.~e4 ~c3 22.bc3 1t'es 23.13 ~bS
24.l:ld7 l:lf7 2S.l:lad1 b6 26.l:lf7 l:le2 3S.l:le6 l:ld7 36.l:lg6 ~h8 37.a3 [23 ...'it'c3!? 24 .~ 'it'b3!~] 24.~d4
27.l:ld7 28.h4= ~18 29.~gS l:ld1 38.~a2 l:ldd2 39.l:l h6 l:lb2 1i"e2 2S.'it'e2 ~e2 26 . ~e2 t0g7
s 30.l:lf7 ~e4 31 .~g2 ~cs 32.13 40. ~a1 l:la2 41. ~ b1 l:lab2 42. ~c1 [26 ... l:lc6? 27.l:lb1 l:lb8 28.l:lb4=] 27.~g7
~dS 33.l:ld7 ~c4 34.l:lg7 ~d4 l:la2 43.l:lh7 ~98 44.l:lh1 l:le4 [27.l:lhe1 e6 28. ~ 1 ~) 27...~g7
3S.l:lg6 ~b2 36.~16 ~d4 37.l:lg4 4S.l:le4 l:la1 46. ~b2 l:lh1 47.14 l:l11 28.l:ld3 [28.l:ld7!? l:lc3 (28... ~6 29.l:ld4!,
WdS 38.hS ~e3 39 ~g7 l:tc8 40.h6 48.~c3 l:l13 49.~ b4 SO.l:leS 1-0 a4 <, 14<) 29.l:le7 " 30.l:lh7 l:la3
l:lc2 41. ~h3 l:lc1 42. ~h2 l:lc2 31.l:lb7=] 28... : 16 29.l:lb1 l:le6
43.l:lg2 ~14 44. ~ h3 l:lg2 4S .~g2
~ h6 46.~h6 e4 47. Y.!· Y.!
Aagaard,Jacob Israel II 2011 (7)
Andersen,Mads 1.d4 t016 2.c4 g6 3.t0c3 dS 4.t013
Odense ch·DEN 2011 (9) ~ g7 s ....a4 ~d7 6:it'b3 dc4 7.'it'c4
1.d4 t016 2.c4 g6 3.t0c3 dS 4. 13 0-0 8. ~14 a6 9.e4 cs 1 O.eS tOhS
~g7 s.'ii'a4 ~d7 6.'ii'b3 dc4 7 ....c4 11 . ~e3 t0b4!?
0-0 8 . ~14 6 9.e4 cs tOhS
11 .~e3 cd412.'it'd4

30 . ~d2 [30.~d1 !] 30 ... l:lcS 31.l:ld4

[31 .l:lb7 l:lg5 32.g4 fg3 33.hg3 l:tg3+]
31 ...l:lgS 32.l:lg1 l:ld6 [32 ...l:lb5!?
33.l:la4 l:lb2 34 .~c1 l:la2 ~] 33 . ~d3
l:ld4 34. ~d4 [34.cd4 l:lb5 t::. 35 ... l:lb3,
a3<] 34... 6 3S.c4 e6 [35 ...l:te5)
36.l:lb1 [36.h4! l:lg3 (36 ... l:le5?! 37.l:lb1)
37.~e4 g5 38.hg5 ~g5 39.l:lb1 l:lg2
40.l:lb7 l:le2 41. ~d4 ~] 36 ... l:lg2
12.l:lc1 ?! [12.Q.O..()! b5 13.1i"b3 od4!? 37.l:lb7 l:lh2 38.cS gS 39. ~c4 hS
(13...~e6 14.d5 ~15 15.~5! (15. ~c5?! 40.l:lh7 l:lc2 41.~ bS g4 42.l:lhS g13
12 ...~e6?! [12 ...15? is simply weak: a5t) 15...... b6 (15 ...~c2?! 16.'ii'c4 ~d1 43.c6 12 44.l:lh1 eS 0-1
13.().().0 (13 ....d5 e6 (13...~h8 14.()-().Q 17.l:ld1±; 15... l:lb8 16.'ilt'c4) 16.d6 a6 Gold
Survey G/ 7.4

Vegh,Endre 22 .~d61±) 22.de6 l:l.e6 23.l:l.e6 fe6 2S.ti::Jf3 bS 26.ti::JeS?! (26.g4!? ba4
Andersen,Mads 24.ti::Jg5± Kizov-Colovic, Struga 2011] 27.~a2+) 26 ... ba4 27.~a2 a3-+
Heviz 2011 (8) 14.~e5 [14.l:l.d1 '6'a5 (14 .. .'.-b6!? Galliamova-Lahno, Rostov-on-Don W 2011 :
1.d4 ti::Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.ti::Jc3 dS 4.ti::Jf3 15. ~e5 f6 16 .~d4 'ifb2 17.0-0 \!i'b4 21 .ti::JdSI?) 21 ...l:l.fd8 22.ti::JdS '6'c5 23.e4
~g7 S.'ii'a4 ~d7 6.'ii'b3 dc4 7.'i!Vc4 (17... l:l.ac8?! 18.~b3! (18.l:l.b1 'Wa3 aS 24.l:l.fe1 1t'bS 2S.ti::Jc3 'ii'b4 26.ti::JdS
0-0 a .~f4 ti::Ja6 9.e4 cs 19.ti::Jb5 'it'a4 20. ~e6oo) 18... l:l.c3 1t'bS 27.ti::Jc3 'ii'b4 28.ti::JdS ~ - ~
~e61? 11.ef6!? [A typical motif, also (18 ... eS?! 19.ti::Je5 fe5 20.~e5 ~h6 Kaidanov-Robson, St Louis ch-USA 2012]
known after s.'ii'b3, the Russian Variation] 21.l:l.d7 'it'c3D 22 .~c3 l:l.c3 23.l:l.b7±; 21 .ti::Jd5 l:l.ac8 22.ti::Jd2! fS 23.<;Ph1 [A
1 1... ~c412.fg7 18... 'Wa3 19.ti::Jg5 ti::Jc7 20.ti::Jd5t) critical moment. A possible improvement is
19.l:l.b1!;!;) 18.~3 ti::Jc7 19.l:l.fe1 l:l.feBoo) 23.ti::Jf3!? l:l.feB (23 .. .14 24.ti::JgSt) 24.g41?t
1S .~es (1S.l:l.d4 l:l.ad8 16.0·0 l:l.d4 Farago; 24.l:l.f2oo] 23 ... a5 24.ti::Jf3 l:l.fe8
17.~e5 f6 1B. ~d4 ti::lb4=i=) 15...16 16. ~d4 25.g41 [2S.l:l.f2 bS=i=; 2S.e4?! bS (2S ... fe4?!
eS 17 .~e3 l:l.fd8 18.0-0 ti::Jb4 19.a3 ti::Jc2 26.ti::JgS-+) 26.a3 f4 27.l:l.d2 (27.g3?! a4
20.~d2 ti::Jd4 (20 ... l:l.ac81?) 21 .ti::Jd4 l:l.d4 28.U 'i!Vc2+/-+) 27 ... h6=i=] 25 •.. b5
22 .~e2 l:l.ad8 23.~e3 (23.b4!?oo) 26.a3 f4 [26 ...a4 27 .~a2 'it'c2 28. ~b1 !
23 ...l:l.d1 24 .~d1 =i= Galyas-Naumann, (28.gfS? 'tiffS+/-+; 2B.l:l.d2?! 'i!Ve4 29.gfS
Germany Bundesliga 2011 /12; 14.0·0·0 'ii'IS 30.~b1 W'hS 31 .l:l.df2 l:l.f8 32.e4
doesn't promise anything special for White: l:l.17=i=) 28 ...'Wb2 29.gfS-+] 27.ef4 e4
14...'ii'a5 1S.l:l.d4 l:l.fd8 16.l:l.e1 l:l.d4 28.ti::Je5 a4 29.~a2 gS? [29 ...e3!
17 .~e5 ~18 18. ~d4 l:l.dB 19.l:l.e5 '6'c7 30.l:l.fe1 (30.ti::Je3? l:l.eS-+ ; 30.l:l.de1
20.l:l.e4 ti::Jb4 21. ~e3 <;Pg7 22 .~14 'i'c5 1fc2) 30... l:l.ed8! 31 .l:l.e2 (31. e3 l:l.d1
23. ~e3 ~-% Renette-Hoffmann, Belgium It 32.ti::Jd1 't!Vc2!-+) 31 ... l:l.d6t]
1 2...~g7 [12... ~f1 13.gf8'6' 'i!VfB?! 2011 /12] 14..•f6 [14...Wg8!? 15 .~d4 l:l.c8
(13...'itf8 is obviously better: 14.l:l.f1 16.~e2 ti::Jb4 17.l:l.c1 'it'aS (17 ... eSI?
(1 4.'it•f1?! 'ii'b6 1S.dcS 'i!Vb2 16.l:l.c1 18 .~es ti::Jd3 (18 ... f6 19 .~d4 l:l.eB 20.0·0
~c5 'i=) 14... ti::Jb4!? (14... cd4?! 1S.O·O·O d3 ti::Ja2 21 .ti::Ja2 l:l.e2 22 . ~f6;!;) 19 . ~d3 1t'd3
16.ti::Je1 ti::Jb4 (16 ... ti::JcS 17.~b1 ;!;) 17.a3 20.l:l.d1 'i!Vc4 21 .l:l.d4 (21 .ti::Jd5 l:l.fd8!)
i'as 1B. ~b1 ;!;) 1S.O·O·O c4!? and this 21 ... '6'a6 22.l:l.d6 b6! (22 ... 't!Vc4 23.ti::Jd2
interesting position requires furher tests) 'i'c5 24.l:l.dSV±; 22 ...l:l.c6 23.ti::JdS f6
14.~f1 cd4 1S.ti::Jd4 'ilt'cB 16.ti::Jde2 ~fS 24.l:l.c6 'it'aS 2S.l:l.c3;!;) 23.ti::Jd5 l:l.feB
17.:ld1 eS 18 .~e3 ti::Jb4 19.h4! 'it'e6 20.b3 24.ti::lf6 wra 2S.ti::lh7 <;Pe7!? (25 ...<;Pga
11Jc2 21 .l:l.h3± Cs.Horvath·Fiumbort, 26.ti::lf6 <;Pta 27.ti::lh7 <;Pga 2a.ti::lf6=l
Budapest ch-HUN 2004; 12... l:l.e8 13 .~c4 26.<;Pd2 l:l.cdB (26...'it'a5 27.We3!) 27.l:l.e1
cd4 14.0·0·0 eS? (14.. .'ifaS!? 1S.l:l.d4 l:l.d6 28.~d6 <;Pd6 29.l:l.e8 'it'a2oo) 18.0·0
lladB ( 16.l:l.d7 ef4 17.l:l.f7+-) l:l.fd8 19.a3 ti::Jc6 20 .~e3 a6 21 .h3 ti::JeS
16.:lhd1 oo) 1S.ti::JeS 'i!VaS 16.~17 ~g7 22.ti::Je5 'i¥e5 23 .~13 bS 24.l:l.fe1 l:l.d7 30.ti::Jd7? [It's a pity that I missed the
17.~e8 l:l.eB 18.l:l.d4 l:l.eS 19.l:l.d7 <;PgB 2S .~h6 'i!VbS 26.~g4 e6 27.ti::le4 l:l.c1 beautiful winning move 30. 16!! l:l.e7 (as
20.:lhd1 (20. ~eS!? 'WeS 21 .g3±/+-) 28.ti::Jf6 ~ h8 29. l:l.c1 ~ Farago-Sarenac, far as I remember I saw it during the game,
20...ti::Jb4? (20 ... l:l.e8 21 .l:l.b7 'i!VIS Albena 2011] 15.~d4 eS 16. ~e3 ti::Jb4 but after 30... l:l.ed8 I didn't notice 31 .ti::JhS
22.~e3;!;/±) 21 .l:l.d8+- ~17 22 .~e5 17.0-0 ti::Jc2 18.l:l.ad1 'i!Vc7 19. ~b3 with a forced win: 31 ... <;Ph6 (31... ~h8

i'eS 23.:%1d7 Wf6 24.a3 ti::Jc6 2S.ti::Jd5 ti::Je3 20.fe3 32.ti::Jf7+-) 32.ti::JI7 ~g6 33.1S+-;
<l.>e6 26.ti::Jc7 wrs 27.l:l.f8 1·0 Jankovic- 30... l:l.eS 31.feS 1feS 32.l:l.d7 Wg6 33.~17
Nestorovic, Sarajevo 2012] 13 .~c4 cd4 <;Ph6 34 .~e8 +-) 31.ti::le4 (31 .ti::JhS?! <;PhB
[13... ti::Jb4 is a new move, but I think this X X 32.ti::J17 l:l.17 33. ~f7 e3+=t) 31 ...'i!Vc2
will be worse: 14.0·0 cd4 (14 ...ti::Jc2 .t..t. 'if (31 ...'it'e3 32.ti::Jg3 <;PhS 33.l:l.d3 l:l.eS
15.:tad1 cd4 16.~b3±) 1S.l:l.ad1 dc3?!
(1 5... d3!? 16.l:l.fe1 ;!;) 16.l:l.d8 l:l.fdB 17.~e5
.t.i 34.l:l.e3 l:l.e3 3S.IS ~g7 36.f6 'ot;>fS
37.17+-) 32 .~b1! 'it'b2 33.ti::Jd6 gf4
<l.>gB 18. ~c3 ti::Jd5 19.~d2 (only White can
.t. (33 ...l:l.f8 34.ti::Jf5 l:I.IS 3S.gf5+-) 34.ti::JIS
win in this type of position) 19... l:l.ac8 WfB 3S.ti::Je7 <;Pe7 36.~h7+ -]
20.~b3;!;/± Halkias-Hunt, Reykjavik 2012; ..tttJ ~ttJ 30 ••.'ii'c6? [30 ...'ii'c2!] 31.ti::Je3
13...'i'b6 14.0.0·0 ~b4 1S. ~a6 (1S .~e2!?
~~ ~~ [31 .ti::JeS! 'ii'c5 (31 ...l:l.eS 32.feS e3 33.l:l.fe1
lladB (1S ...l:l.ac8 16.a3 _.b3 17 .~b 1;!;) 1t'e6 34.l:l.e3 'i'g4 3S.l:l.g1 'ikh4
16.a3 '*b6 17.dS;t; Kizov) 15... ba6 16.a3
1:[ ~~ 36.l:l.e2+-: 31 ...'i¥c2 32.ti::Je3+-)
Was 17.d5 c4?! (17 ...l:l.fe8 Kizov) 1B.l:l.he1 32.ti::Jf6!! :le7 33.ti::le4 "ti'c2 34. ~b1 't!Vb2
llfeB 19.l:l.e4 _.b6 20.~g3 l:l.ac8 21 .l:l.de1 20 ..•'it'c5 [20 ... l:l.ac8 21 .<;Ph1 (21 .l:l.f2 3S.ti::Jd6+- see before!] 31 ..• gf4 32.l:l.f4
e6 (21 ...'itf8 22 .~b1± ; 21...'6'b7 1t'c5 22.ti::JdS aS 23.a4 l:l.fdB 24.ti::Je1 fS Wh8 33.l:l.f7 [33.gS l:l.e7 34.l:l.f6 l:l.d7

3S.l:tc6 l:td1 36.l0d1 l:tc6 37.l0c3;t; 42.WI2 l:tcS 43 . ~1 (43.1:18 J:tts 44.l0f8 12.'iVb3 '*'b6 13. ~c4 l0bd7 14.~g3 lOhS
33.l:tf6!? ~c7 34.gS! (34.1:17?! 'Wa7 W'f3 4S.Wg1 ~g3 46.Wt1 e3- +) 43... e3 1S.O-O ~ - ~ Riazantsev-Eiianov, Sochi II
3S.l0f6 l:te7 36.l:td7 1:17 (36 ... l:td7?? 44.l:te3 (44.We2 ~g2 4S.We3 l:te8-+) 200S; 11 .'iVb3 'i!fb6 12.e4 e6 13.~c4
37.l:td7 l:tc7 38.l:td8 q;g7 39.lOhS q;h6 44 ...'iVh2 45.q;f3 ~hS-+ ; 36.l0g3! l:tg8 l0bd7 14 .~b6 ab6 15.a4 l:tle8 16.We2
40.lOfS+-) 37.l:ta7 l:ta7 38.q;g2f; (36... 'iVg4 37.l:tdS (37.l:th7 Wh7 38.l0f6 ( 16 .~e3 1?) 16... lOdS! 17. ~dS ed5 18. ~e3
38.l0e4 l:te7 39 . ~dS l:tce8+) 34 ...~a7 Wg6 39.l:td8 (39.l0g4 l:tdt 40.<oW l:td2 l016 19.Wd3 l:tad8 20.l:the1 de4 21.fe4
(34 ...l:te7? 3S.l0b6 l:td8 36.lObdS+- ) 41 .We3 l:tb2-+) 39... gS 40.l:te8 ~ct l0g4 22.13 tOeS 23.We2 l0c4 24 .~12 l0b2
3S.l0b6 l:tcd8 (35 ... l:tb8 36.l:tdf1!) 41.Wg2 ~b2 42.q;h3 ~a2 43.l0ge4 2S.l:tb1 l0c4f Cs.Horvath-Sedlak,
36.l:tdl1-] 33 ... l:tcd8 W!Soo) 37...~g6 38.l:thS e3 39.l:thh7 ~h7 Amsterdam 2011 ] 11 ... l0bd7 12 . ~e2
40.l:th7 Wh7 41 .l0f6 q;g6 42.l0e8 l:te8=; e6 (12... lOhS?! 13 .~gS! h6 14 . ~e3 e6
36... e3 37.l:te1 e2 38.~b1 l:td7D 39.l:td7 1S.h4! 'iVI6 (1 S... c7 16.eS!±; 15... l0hf6!?
~g4oo) 37.l:tdS l:tg4 38.l0f6 l:tdS 39.~dS 16.f4!t Shipov) 16.eS± Giorgadze·Lputian,
l:th4!? (39 ... l:tg3 40.hg3 ~g3 41.Wf1 Ankara zt 1995; 12... aS! 6 13... eS!
~13=) 40.l01e4 'iVh2 41 .Wf1 ~h3 Shipov] 13.h4 e7 14 . ~e3:/;t e5
42.W12oo ] 36 ...e3-+ 37.l0f6 (37.l0g3 15.de5 tOeS 16. c5 'iVcS 17.~c5
e2 38.l:te1 l:te3 39.l:te2 l:te2 40.l0e2 l:tfe8 18 .~e3 l0ed7 19.h5! l0b6
l:td7-+] 37 ...e2 38.l:te1 l:td1 39.l0e8 20.hg6 hg6 21 .a4 l:tad8 22.0-0
..f1 0-1 h7 23.a5 tOea 24.f4 iOta 25 . ~g4
l0d6 26.e5 l0c4 27. ~a7 (27.l:td8!?
l:td8 28.l0e4] 27 ...l:ta8 28 .~d4 l0b2
29.l:tb1 l0d3 30.l0e2 : as 31.l:tb7
(31.l:tfd1 tOeS 32 .~cs l:tc5 33.l:tb7 f6=1;t]
34.q;g1 ?! (34.l0f6? l:td1 35.l0d1 e3 Clever? 31 ...l:ta4 32.l:td1 c5? (32 ... l014!
36.q;g1 "it'f6 37.1:16 e2 38.l:tf1 e1'i f-+; 8 ... -'l.cG 33.l014 ~eS] 33.l:td3 (33.e6!? l0e6
34.q;g2!? ~ h6 35.l015 (3S.l0f6 l:td1 34 .~g7 Wg7 35.l:td3 l0f4 36.l014 l:tf4
36.l0d1 e3 37.l0e8 e2 38.gS! ~g5 Sokolov,lvan 37 .~13 l:teS with good practical chances
(38 ...'i:Vc6 39.<oW ~e8 40.q;e1 edt 'if Neverov,Valery for a draw in spite of White's material plus]
41.~ 1 'i:Vd8 42.q;e2f) 39.q;l2 edt lO Plovdiv Ech 2012 (3) 33 .•. cd4 34.q;g2 l:tea8 35.l:tbb3 g5
40. ~ 1 ~e3 41.~ 1 ~e8 42.l:t12f) 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 d5 4.l0f3 36.fg5 ~es 37.f4 ~d6 [37...~g7 !?]
35 .. .'*'f4 36.l0g3 (36.1:11 ~d2 37.1:12 ~g7 5.'iVa4 ~d7 6. ~ b3 dc4 7. ~c4 38.Wf3 l0g6 39.~ h5 l0h4 40.Wg4
l:td70 (37...'i:Vd7 38.l:td7 l:td7 39.l:te2±) 0-0 8 . ~f4 ~c6 l0g2 41.l:tb7 l:tf8 42.l:td7 ~b8
38.~e6 (38.l:td2 l:td2 39.q;g3 e3 40.~e6
l:th2 (40... e2?! 41.q;12 l:tb2 42.l0e7 (6
.~.,. x •
•••.t ••.t• w
45.l:tbb7+ -
· 7?

gS-g6) 42 ... e1 'i+' 43.q;e1 l:th2 l:tg2 47.l0b1 (47.~17 1:17 48.1:17+-1
45.~1S l:th2 46.~d7 l:td8 47.~S ;t) 47 ... l:tc1 48.l0d2 lOtS 49.Wg4 l0e3
41.l0e3 l:th6'i=) 38 ... 1:17 39.l:td2 e3oo) 50. 3 l0f1 51.l0e4 d2 52.l0f6 Wh8
36 .. :iVg4 37.l:td5!? (37.l0f6 ~13 38.q;h3 53.l:ta7 d1 ~ 54.l:td1 l:td1 55. ~f7
'iff6 39.1:16 l:td1oo) 37...~g8 38.l:thS l:td7 l:td6 56 .~e6 l0d2 57.Wg4 l:tf6
39.l:td7 ~a2 40.l:thh7 q;g8 41.l:tdg7 q;f8 58.gf6 l:te6 59.l:ta8 Wh7 60.f7 1-0
42.lOfS 'i:Vb2 43.q;g1 'iVct 44.q;g2=;
34.l:tdS! ~c1 35.l0d1 l:tcS 36.l0f6 l:tc70
37.l:tc7 'iVc7 38.l0e8 'iVI7 39.h3 ~11 Rakhmanov,Aiexander
40.Wh2 ~14 41.q;g1 e3 42.l0c7! 'iVc7 Nepomniachtchi,lan
(42 ... e2? 43.l:td8 q;g7 44.l0e6+-) 43.l0e3 Moscow 2012 (3)
'i:Vg3 44.l0g2 'iVc7 (44 ... 'iVh3? 4S.l:td8 9.l:td1 [The most powerful reply in my 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 d5 4.l0f3
q;g7 46.gS+-) 4S.l:td1 !±] 34 ...'iVh61 opinion. White threatens 10.dS and 9...~d5 ~g7 s .-.a4 ~d7 s.-.b3 dc4 H Wc4
35.l0f5?! (35.l:te1 ! ~d6 (35 ...l:tc8 36.l016 is not possible because the c-pawn is 0-0 8 .~f4 ~c6 9.l0e5 e6 [9. .. fd7
(36.q;g2 l:tc7 37.lOeS l:tce7 38.l:te7 l:te7 hanging] 9 ...~f3 [9 ... lOdS 10.~eS!? ; 10.e4?! (10.l0c6 l0c6 11 .e3 (11.l:td1?!
39.l017 1:17 40.~17 'iVg7+) 36...l:tc1 9...e6 10.e3 with a slight advantage for l0b6) 11...eS 12.deS lOceS=; 10.l:td1 !?;t)
37.l:th7 (37.l:tc1 'iVe3 38.Wg2 'iVf3 White; 9... l0bd7 10.lOeS tOeS 11 .deS! 10...lOeS 11. ~es (11.de5 e6f ) 1 1... ~e5
39.q;g1 ~e3=) 37 ...'iVh7 38.l:tc1 'iVh6 (11.~eS? ! e6 12 . ~d3 -.e7 13 .~c2 12.de5 e6 13.14 -.e7 14 .~e2 l0d7 1S.b4
39.lOfdSoo) 36.l:td1 (36.l016 l:te7 37.l:te7 ~h6f Sajtar-Smyslov, Moscow-Prague tt l0b6 16.-.b3 a6 17.Q-O l:tad8=1f Koneru·
'iVe7 38.lOfdS eS 39.l:te2 hS=) 36 ...~h6 1946) 11...l0d7 12.e6 fe6"e6 Wh8 Boros, Budapest 200S; 9...~dS (this natural
37.l:te1 'iVd6=] 35 •.. 'iVh3 36.l:tf1 ?T 14.~gs (14.e3 ~e8 1S.h4!?t) 14...1:15 move is perhaps the best. The knight on eS
(36.l:te1? 'i+'g4 37.Wh1 ~13 38.'11i> g1 l:tg8 1S.f4oo Gretarsson-Khusnutdinov, Pardubice covers the bishop's diagonal, so the pawn
39.l0g3 l:tg3 40.hg3 it"g3 41.Wf1 ~h3 2012] 10.gf3 c6 11 .e4 [11 .e3 e6 on c7 is not hanging) 10.lOdS (10.'i!fd3

Survey G/ 7.4

q}hS 11 .~d2 ~e6 12.e4 tt:la6 13.a3 c5 SO.J:lhS tt:ld7 S1 .~g2 l:la6 S2.~e4 13.gf3 tt:ld7 14.J:lc1 (14.0·0·0!?) 14... tt:lf6
(13 ... tt:lc5!? 14.dc5 ~es 15.'i'c2 c6=i=) J:la2 S3. ~b7 aS S4 •.ic8 tt:lb6 15. ~g2 c6 16.14 e6 17.0·0 aS 1B.'i+'b3
14.d5 ~d5 (14...~eS!? 1S.de6 fe6=i= ) SS. ~a6 tt:ld7 S6. ~c8 tt:lb6 S7.~a6 'flle7 19.J:lcS tt:ld5 20.l:lfc1 f5 21.'iPh1
15.'i'd5 'i'dS ~es ~g7 tt:la4 S8.~ b7 J:lb2 S9.~c6 tt:lc3 ~-~ Riazantsev·Li, Moscow 2007]
1B.t!~d5 tt:\16 ~16 20.0-0-0 tt:lc7= 60.J:lcS ~d6 61.J:laS ~c6 62.l:lhS 10... tt:lb6 [10 ... tt:lc3 11.bc3 (11 .tfc3 tt:ld7
Riazantsev-Shomoev, Sochi tt 2006; Y.l-Y:! 12..ie2)\d7 12..ie2 e6 13.0-0 .idS
10.'i'a4!? is an alternative which as far as I 14.'i!fd3 c5 1S.e4 ~c6 16.dS edS 17.ed5
know hasn't been played yet, but alter ~a4=/;!; Bacrot-Wang Hao, Biel 2012]
10... tt:lh5 Black seems to be OK) 1 tt:ldS Khalifman,Aiexander 11 .'f!lb3 ~f3 12.gf3 tt:l8d7 13.J:ld1
11. ~g3 tt:lb6 (11...c5!t looks very strong Belov,VIadimir c6 14•.ig2 aS 1S.a4 tt:lf6
since White is behind in development) Khanty·Mansiysk 2007 (1) tt:lfdS J:la7 18.h4 eS?!
12.'i'c3 tt:l8d7 'W'd7 14.e3 J:lac8 1.d4 tt:lf6 g6 3.c4 ~g7 [1B ... h5!?] 19.e4 [19.de5!? 'flle7]
15.b4 'W'a4 (15 ... tt:la4!? with good play for dS S.'i!Ya4 ~d7 6.'it'b3 dc4 7.'ilt'c4 19... tt:lb4 20.deS 'i!fe7 21.'it'c3 tt:la6
Black) 16.a3 tt:ldS (16 ... tt:ld7!?) 17.'W'c5 0-0 8. ~f4 ~c6 9.e3 tt:lbd7 [9 ... ~13 J:la6 23. d4 [23.b3!±]
'i'b3 18.'ifc4 'i'b2 19.'i'c1 'i'c1 10.gf3 c6 11 .'it'b3 'it'aS (11...'it'b6!?) 12.e4 23 ... cs 24.'f!ld6 'ilfeS;: 2S.'it'cS tt:la4
20.J:lc1=1;!; Van Wely-Khalifman, Liepaja (12.0·0·0!?) 12... tt:lbd7 13.e5 tt:ld5 14 .~d2 26.tfa3 J:lb6 27.0-0?! [27.J:ld5]
rapid 2004] [10 .~g5 ~dS Wb6 cdS 16.'i'b6 tt:lb6 17.14 27... tt:lb2 28.l:ldS a4 29.f4 J:lb3
tt.q}dS edS 12.'W'b3 tt:lc6 is about equal] J:lac8 18.b3 f6 19 .~d3 (19.h4!?) 19... ~h6 30.'i'a2 tt:lc4 31 •.ih3 'it'c6 32 . ~d7
10... tt:lc6 11 .e3 tt:lhS 12. ~g3 tt:lg3 20.~e3 fe5 21 .feS ~g7 22.'iPe2 l:lf7 23.h4 'ilt'b6 33 .~ h1 [33.~h2 l:laB] 33 ... a3
13.hg3 tt:le7 14.~e2 c6 1S.O-O J:lcf8 24.J:lh2 ~e3 2S.fe3 'iPh6=1;!; 34.J:lc1 J:la8 3S.'iPh2?
[15.0-0-0!?] 16.deS ~es I.Sokolov-Brkic, Sibenik 2011] 1 O. ~e2
17.J:lad1 'W'b6 [17.. .'i!t'c7=] 18.J:ld7 ~c3 tt:lb6 [10 ... tt:lh5 11.~g5 h6 12 .~h4 g5
[18 ...'W'b2 'tWa3 20.J:lb7;!;] 19.bc3 13.g4 (13. ~g3!? e6 (13 ... tt:lg3 14.hg3 e6
q}dS 20.e4 tt:\16 21 .J:ld6 tt:le8 22.J:ld4 15.J:ld1) 14.J:ld1) 14.'W'd3 tt:lf4!?
J:td8 [22 23.J:lfd1 tt:le6 24.J:ld6 (14 ... tt:lf6 15.~g3 tt:lbd5 16.h4t) 15.ef4
J:tad8=] 23.J:lfd1 tt:lf6 24.eS J:ld4 gh4 16.0-0-0 tt:ldSoo Smirnov-Kurnosov,
2S.J:!d4 tt:ldS 26.~f3 'i'b1 27.~ h2 Olginka ch-RUS rapid 2011 ; 1O... e6 11 .0-Q
[27.l:ld1 'i'c2!=J 27... tt:lb6 28.'ii'e2: ea tt:lb6 12.'it'b3 'it'e7 ~e8?!
29.l:le4 [29.'i'd2 1ff5 30.'i+'h6 16=] (13 ... tt:lfd5!?) 14. ~13 c6 15.J:lac1 tt:lfdS
29... J:le6 [29 ...1fc1=] 30.l:le3 16. ~g3;!;/± Kan-Kortchnoi, Moscow
ch-URS 19S5] 11 .'tWb3 aS [
12. ~g3 aS 13.a3 (13.0-Q!?;!;) 13 ... a4
14.'i'c2 e6 (14!? 15.bc3 tt:lc8)
15.0·0 tfe7 16.l:lfc1 (!?) 16... tt:lc3 3S ... tt:le3! -+ 36.l:ld6 'it'b4 37.J:ld2
17.bc3 f5 ~e4 19.'W'd2 tt:ld7 20.f3 l:lb2 38.J:lb2 'irb2 39.l:la1 l:la6
tt:le5 21.fe4 tt:lf7 22.e5;!; Likavsky- 40. 'iPg1 tt:lc2 0-1
Kurnosov, Warsaw rapid 2009] 12.0-0
tt:lfdS ~dS 14.'i'c2 ~f3
1S. ~f3 c6 16.'i'b3 e6 17.J:lfd1 a4
18.'i'b4 : ea 19.~g3 ~fa 20.'i!fd2
~d6 21.J:lac1 ~g3 22.hg3 W'd6= Old-Fashioned
23.a3 J:led8 24.'i'c3 J:ld7 2S.Wcs 8 .. .c6
'i!fc7 26.J:lc2 'i'c8 [Clearly an input
30 ... gS?! [Too ambitious. 30... ~g7 error, since the knight on b6 is hanging. Is Petrosian,Tigran V
31.~g4 J:le7=] 31. ~g4 J:lh6 32. ~ h3 26... tt:lc8 the right move?] 27.J:ldc1 'i'd8 Kasparian,Genrikh
'i'g6 33.Wg4 [33.J:ld3! ~g7 (33 ... g4? 28.'i'c4 [Another input error??] Tbilisi ch·city 1945 (6)
34.l:ld41+-) 34.~g1±] 33 ... 'W'hS 28 ... tt:ldS 29.'i!fd3 Y2 -Y2 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS
34. ~g1? [34.'tWd4! tt:ld5 (34 ... g4? ~g7 s.tfa4 [This check was played for
35.l:le4! J:lg6 (3S ... gh3 36.J:lh4+- ) the first time in a few games by Salo Flohr
36.e6!+-) 35.J:le4±] 34...'it'g4 3S. ~g4 Ding Llren in 1944!] S... ~d7 6. 'it'b3 dc4 7.'it'c4
8= 36.l:ld3 ~e8 37 .~fS tt:ldS Li Chao B 0-0 8. ~f4 [The very first game with this
38.c4 tt:lb6 39.l:ld4 cS 40.J:lg4 ~e7 Tianjin zt 2011 (8) move according to Mega Database 2012!]
41. ~d3 f6 42.J:le4 fS 43.l:le1 f4 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 8 ... c6 9.e4 ~e6 [9 ... b5 or 9...'iVaS are
44.gf4 gf4 4S.g3 f3 [45 ...fg3 is a bit ~g7 S.'i'a4 ~d7 6.'i'b3 dc4 7.'W'c4 more usual in modern tournament practice]
risky: 46.f4 J:lh4 47.J:lf1] 46.l:le3 J:lhS 0-0 8.~f4 ~c6 9.e3 tt:ldS 1 O.~g3 10.'i'd3 tt:la6 11 •.ie2 'it'b6 12.0-0
47.J:lf3 J:leS 48.J:lf4 h6 49. J:lh4 l:le6 [10.~e5 tt:lc3 11 .tfc3 ~f3 12 .~g7 'iPg7 J:lad8 13.h3 tt:lhS 14..ie3

20.tLld5 cd5 21 .J:I.c5± Turov-Schut, Wijk 25.J:I.e2 e6 17-17 I.Sokolov-Svidler, Germany
aan lee Ill 2012) 11.tLld2 (11.~e2!?) Bundesliga pff 2004) 15...tLld6 16.0-0 ~d5
11... ~e6 12 . ~e2 b4 13.tLld1 J:l.d8=l'i' 17.tLle5 tiJd7 18.tLlc3 (18.14!?) 18... 't!fb7=
Cs.Horvath-Dragojlovic, Val Thorens 2007] Esen-Atakisi, Ankara rapid 2007;
10...~e6 11 . ~c2 ~as 12. ~d2 b4 18... ~e6!?] 11...~e6 12.'i!fc2 tiJd5
[12...~b6 13.~e2 tiJa6 14.0-0 J:l.ac8 15.h3 13 .~d2 tiJc3 14. ~d3 tiJa6 15.0-0
c5 16.d5 ~d7 17 . ~e3 b4 18.tLlb1 ~b5 tLle2 16 .~e2 ~ b6 17.a4 rlac8
19. ~b5 ~bS 20.a4 ba3 21 .tLla3 tLlb4 18.ab5 cbS 19.'i!fe4 c7 20. ~ b4'b1 ~d3 23.tLld2 a6 24.tLlac4 tt'b1 ~d5 21 .'tlfe3 tiJe6 22 . ~e7 [~
25.J:I.Ib1 tLld7 26.J:I.a4;t; Miton-Kolosowski, 22.J:I.Id1] 22 ... J:I.fe8 23 . ~d6 ~f3
Warsaw ch-POL 2012] 13.tLld1 'Wb6 24 .~f3 tiJd4 25 . ~d5 J:l.cd8 26.'lii'g5
14.tiJe3 b3 15.ab3 ~b3 16. ~ b1 c5 J:l.d6? [26 ... tiJIS 27.'t!fl4 J:l.d?'i'] 27.ed6
14... c5?! [14'b2 1S.J:I.ab1 tt'a3 17.tLlc4 [17.dc5!? ~b7 ( 17... ~c5 J:l.e5
1M :JdS "Wd6 17.J:I.b7 ~dS 18.eS tt'e6 18J%a5!) 18.tLld4t] 17...~c4 18 .~c4'a6;!;] 15.e5 [1S.dS!±] 15.. .f6? ! cd4 19.e5 tLlfd7 20.e6 [20 .~d5 !? tiJc6
[1S ... ~eS ! ? 16.tiJeS (16.tLla4 tt'aS) 21 .e6] 20 .. .fe6 21.tLlg5 tiJe5
16... cd4 17 . ~h6 tiJcS'bS dc3 [21... ~h6!?J 22. ~e6 q,;>ha 23.0-0'b6 ab6 20.~hS cb2 21 .J:I.ab1 ghS tLlbd7 24.~d5 [~ 24.14] 24 ... J:I.ac8
22 .~18 <J.>f8 23.J:I.b2 16 24.tiJI3 J:l.d6:/;!;] 25.tLle6 J:l.f6 26.tLlg7 'Ot>g7'e4
16.dc5 [16.ft'e4!?] 16... 'lWb2 17.tLla4 J:l.f5'i' 28 . ~f4 ~f6 29 .~ g3 J:l.d8?! [~
~a1 18.J:I.a1 J:l.d3 19 . ~d3 tLlb4 29 ... tLlc5] 30.b4 tLlb6 31. ~ b3 J:l.d7
20 . ~e4 ~d5 21.tLlc3 ~e4 22.tiJe4 32.h4 tiJec4 33.J:I.fd1 e5 34. J:I.ac1
f5 23.tiJeg5 tiJc6 24.J:I.b1 J:l.b8? tLld6 35. d3 tLlf7 36.b5 [~ 36.J:I.c5]
[24 ... tLld8] 25.g4+- tLld8 26.gh5 h6 36 ... tLld5 37.J:I.c5 tiJf4 38.'Wc4 ~e7
27.hg6 hg5 28 . ~g5 tiJc6 29.e6 f4 39.J:I.c6 tiJd6 40.'i+'f1 tiJe4 41 .tt'e1
30.q,;>g2 ~d4 31 .tLld4 tLld4 32 . ~f4 tiJg3 42.fg3 tiJd5 43 .~d5 J:l. d5+
J:l.f8 33 . ~e5 tLlc6 34.f4 tiJe5 35.fe5 44. e4 J:l.b5 45. J:I.d4 J:l.b1 46.'i+'b1 28.'i!fe7! +- J:l.e7 29.de7 't'lb8
b6 36.cb6 ab6 37.J:I.f1 J:l.a8 38.J:I.f7 ed4 47.q,;>h2 J:l.f7 48.'it'a1 'i+'e5 [30.J:I.Ie1 tiJe6 (30... ~e5 31. J:I.a7+-)
J:l.a2 39.q,;>g3 J:l.a1 40.q,;>g4 J:l.e1 49.J:I.c4 J:l.d7 50.J:I.a4 tt'c5 51 .J:I.a5 31. ~C6+-} 1-0
41.J:I.e7 J:l.e5 42.h4 J:l.e1 43.h5 J:l.g1 tt'c3 52.'ilfa4 'it'c7 53.'i!fa1 h5
44. s J:l.f1 45.q,;>gs J:l. ta 46.h6 1-o 54.J:I.a6 q,;>h7 55.'t !ff1 tt'e5 56.J:I.a3
'i!l'e7 5H Wd3 'i!l'c5 58.J:I.b3 'iWf5 Rasmussen,AIIan Stig
59.'iWc4 d3 60.J:I.b8 't!ff6 61 .'iWg8 Sutovsky,Emil
Sokolov,lvan q,;>h6 62.'-eS 'i!fd4 63.'ili'f8 ['e6!] Porto Carras Ech-tt 2011 (8)
McShane,Luke 63 ... tt'g7-+ 64.'ili'f4 q,;>h7 65.'t!fd2 1.d4 tiJf6 2.c4 g6 3.tLlc3 d5 4.tLlf3
France tt 2004 (5) 'ili'e5 66.J:I.c8 ~d4 67.J:I.a8 J:l.b7 ~g7 5. 't!fa4 ~d7 6.'t!fb3 dc4 7.'i!fc4
1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 g6 3.tLlc3 d5 4.tLlf3 68.'ili'a2 J:l.g7 69.'iVd2 J:l.g8 70. J:I.g8 0-0 8. ~f4 c6 9.e4 a5
~g7'a4 ~d7'b3 dc4 7. ~c4 q,;, 9 a 71.'iifh6 'iWd6 72.'t!fd2 q,;,h7
0-0 8 . ~f4 c6 9.e4 b5 73.'ili'f2 'iifd7 74.'iWd2 't!fd4 75.q,;>h1
a5 76.g4 hg4 77.h5 'ili'a1 78.q,;>h2 .i~ .i .
't'le5 79.q,;>g1 'i!fc5 80.q,;>f1 g3 ii .i.ii.i.i
.i~ 'if .i .
81.hg6 'Ot>g7 82.'t!fe3 f5 83.q,;>e1
i .i.ii.i.i '
't!ff2 84.q,;>d1 ~e2 0-1

Plovdiv Ech 2012 (9)
1.d4 tiJf6 2.tLlf3 g6 3.c4 ~g7 4.tLlc3
d5 5.ft'a4 ~d7 6.'tlt'b3 dc4 7.'tlfc4
0-0 8. ~f4 c6 9.e4 b5 10.'t!fb3 't!fa5 10. ~d2 [10.b4 't!fd8 (10 ...~a3 11. ~c1
11 .e5 [11. ~d2 b4 12.tiJa4 tiJe4 13. ~b4 'tlfa6 12.'t!fb3 ~ b6 13.~c4;!; Van
10.1t'b3 ['d3 'WaS (10 ... tt'b6 11.J:I.c1 't!fc7 14 . ~d3 ~e6 15.'t'lc2 (15.'ili'd1 ~d5 Heirzeele-Coenen, Belgium tt 2011 /12)
~e6 12 .~e2 ~c4 13 .~c2 ~e2'e2 16.0-0 cS 17.tiJc5 tiJc5 18. ~c5 tLlc6 11 .a4 ~e6 12.'tlfd3 tiJa6 13.J:I.b1 h5
aS 1S.O·O (1S.eS!?±) 1S ...tLlbd7 16 .~g5 19.J:I.e1 ~13'l3 tLld4 21. ~d4 ~d4 14. ~e3 15 15.tLlg5 fe4 16. d2 ~d5
J:l.le8 17.e5 tiJd5 18.e6 tiJI8 19.el7 q,;>f7 22.J:I.ac1 'lii'd6 23.b3 J:l.ad8 24.J:I.c6 't!fb4 17.tiJd5 d5'c2 q,;>h8 19. ~c4 ts
Survey Gl 7.4

20.h3 l014 2U.14 'tlfl4 22.l0e6 'tlfl5 ~13 (13 ...a6 14 .~d7 .l:ld7 1S.O-Oi) 14.gf3 21.g4 tlJf6 22.l0e5 tlJfdS 23.tlJd5
23.tlJIS .IllS 24 .~a6 ba6 2S.O-O ~d4 e5 15 .~d7 ef4 16.~a4 15!? (16... ~h6 tlJdS 24. ~d5 cdS 25 ..1:ld5 .!lacS~
26..1:lbe1 as 27.ba5 es 2S ..I:le4 (2S.'tlfe4 17.<Ji>e2i) 17.~b3 <Ji>IS 1S..I:lc1i] 13...f6 26 •.1:lad1 .l:lc2 27.b4 b6 28.b5 ~b7
'l'e4 29 ..1:le4 eS 30.g3±) 2S... es~ 14 . ~h4 .!lacS 15. ~d3 eS 16.e4 29.tlJc6 ~c6 30.bc6 .l:lc6 31 .~g3
I.Sokolov-Howell, London 2009] 1 O...b5 [16.de51?] 16... ~c4= 17. ~c4 .l:lc4 .l:lce6 32 ..1:ld7 .l:l6e7 33 ..1:le7 .l:le7=
11 .'i'd3 b4 12.l0d1 c5 13.d5 e6 18.b3 .l:lb4 19. ~g3 ~f8 20 ..1:lb1 34 •.1:ld8 <Ji> h7 35. 1 ~f6 36 ..1:la8
14.l0e3 ed5 15.ed5 .Ilea 16. ~e2 .Ilea 21 .0-0 ed4 22 ..1:lfd1 tOeS <Ji>g7 37.<Ji>e2 .l:ld7 38.a4 g5 39. 3
l0g4 [16 ...l0h5!?] 17.l0c4 [17.'ii"e2 ~a4 23 •.1:lbc1 d3 24 ..1:ld3 .l:le4 25 ..1:ldd1 .l:le7 40. ~d6 .l:ld7 41.~f8 <Ji> g6
1S.'i'e1 l0e3 19 .~e3 ~bStj 17...'tlfa6 \-1!-\-1! 42.<Ji>e4 ~g7 43.~g7 <it.?g7 44.<Ji> e5
18.a4 ~f5 19.'ii"b3 .l:le2-+ 20.<it.?e2 .l:lb7 45.<Ji> d6 b5 46.ab5 \-1!-l-1!
/t)d7 21 .<Ji>e1 ~e4 22.h3 ~d5
23.hg4 ~c4 24.'tlfc2 ~d3 25.'tlfb3 Vitiugov,Nikita
c4 26.'tlfb4 'tlfe6 27.~e3 .l:lb8 Ponomariov,Ruslan Flear,Gienn
28.'i'a5 ~b2 29..1:ld1 ~a3 30.l0d4 Sochi tt 2012 (4) Dutreuii,R
'l'g4 3Hii'g5 ~ b4 32 ..1:ld2 'tlfgs 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 d5 4.l0f3 Lille 2012 (5)
33 . ~g5 ~as 34.l0b5 a6 35.l0a3 ~g7'a4 ~d7 6.-.b3 dc4 7:i!Vc4 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.tlJc3 dS 4.tlJf3
.l:lb3 36 . ~e7 .l:lb2 0-1 o-o a . ~t4 ~ts ~g7 5.'i!fa4 ~d7 6.'t!Yb3 dc4 7.'i!fc4
l0c6 [In a different move order the same
position emerges after 7...0-0 S .~f4 tlJc6
9.e4; 9..1:ld1 ~g4 (9.. .tlJh5 10.~gs h6
11. ~e1 aS 12.e4 tlJb4 13. ~e2 c6 14.0-0
Rarer Moves ~e6 15.d5 cd5 16.ed5;!; Belov-Tukhaev,
8 . ..Q.f4 Chalkida 2009) 1O.d5 tlJaS 11 .'Wa4 c5?!
(interesting but very risky. 11...b6 12.tlJeSi)
Sokolov,lvan 12.dc6 'ii"b6 13 .~e3 'tlfb2 14.'tlfa5 b60
Svidler,Peter 15.~c1 (1S.tlJa4! 'tlfa2 16.'tlfb4±)
France tt 2004 (8) 15...'Wc1 16..1:le1 baS 17.e3= I.Sokolov-
1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 d5 4.l0f3 MeShane, Istanbul Eeh 2003] 8.e4 0-0
~g7 5.'tlfa4 ~d7 6.'tlfb3 dc4 7.'tlfc4 [S ... b5? 9.tlJb5 tlJe4 10.dS+-] 9 . ~f4
0-0 8 .~f4 ~e6 9.-.c7 .l:lc8?! [Too passive to prevent the d4-d5
9.e3 [9.'tlfe7 l0c6'dS (10.'i!fb7 l0d4 threat. 9... tlJh5!? 1O .~e3i] 1O.h3
11.tlJd4 (11.0-0-0? l0e4! 12.l0e4 (12.l0d4 [10 ..1:ld1 !? ~g4 11. ~e2 i ] 1 o....l:lea
~d4 13.e3 tlJc3 14..1:ld4 (14.bc3 'i!fa5-+) [10 ... b5 11.'tlfd3!i; 11.l0b5 tlJe4 12.d5
14.. .'ti'a5-+) 12... .1:lc8 13.<it.?b1 (13.tiJc3 tlJd6 13.tlJd6 tlJaS!] 11 ..1:ld1 e6 12 . ~e2
'i!fa5-+) 13...'i!fb61 14.'i!fb6 ~e4+/-+) b5 13.'ti'd3 [13.'~'b51? .l:lbS (13 ... tlJd4?
11 ... 'i!fd4 12.e3 'i!fe5 13.'i!fb5 .IlleS 14..1:ld4+-) 14.'ti'd3 .l:lb2 15.0-0;!;/±]
14..1:ld1 tlJe4~; 10.e3 tlJb4 11 ..1:ld1 tlJfdS 13 .. .a6 14.G-O 'tlfe7 15..1:lfe1 h6
12.'tlfdS .l:lfdS 13.tlJd5 tlJdS 14.~es .l:laeS 16 .~f1
1S. ~g7 <it.?g7 16 .~e2 .l:le2 17..1:ld2 .l:lc1
18. ~d1 .l:la1 19.0·0 ~- ~ Likavsky-
P.Popovie, Germany Bundesliga 2007/0S)
10... .1:lfdS 11 .e3 l0b4 12.<Ji>d2?! (12 ..1:le1
tlJfdSt) 12... tlJg4 13 . ~e7 tlJI2! (13... .1:ld7?!
9... l0d5 [9 ... 'tlfe7 10.~e7 l0e6 (10... l0a6 14 . ~g3 e5 15 .~b5 .l:lddS 16.h3 ed4
11.~as b6 12.e3! ~cB 13. ~6 ~a6 17.tlJd4 l0h6 1S.tlJe2) 14 .~dS .l:ldS
14 .~b4 .IlleS 15.a4i) 11 .a3 (11 .e3?! .l:laeS 15..1:lg1 ~h6 16.tlJe5 (16.tlJd1 tlJd1
12 .~g3 l0b4 13.<Ji>d2 .l:lfdS~) 11 ... tlJdS 17..1:ld1 tlJc2+) 16... l0g4 17.tlJg4 .l:ld4!
12.tlJdS ~dS 13.e3 .IlleS 14. ~g3 l0a5 1S.<.tte1 l0c2 19.<it.?f2 :tg4 0-1 Gomez-
15.~d3 (there is no other useful move, so Salem, Ho Chi Minh City 2012; 19... .1:lg4
White has to waste a tempo) 15...l0c4 20.tlJdS .l:le4-+; 9 .~c7 'tlfcB!tt] 9 ...c6
16.~c4 .l:le4 17.<Ji>d2;!; and Black doesn't 10. 'tlfb3 'i!fb6 11. ~c4 tlJbd7
have full compensation for the pawn deficit] [11 ... tlJa6!? 12.a3 .l:laeS] 12.0-0 'i!fb3 [Black is without eounterplay] 16... 'tiffS
10.-.dS .l:ld8 11 .tlJd5 ~d5 12.e3 13.~b3 tlJhS 14. ~g5 eS 15.h3 17..1:lc1 .l:led8 18. e3 <Ji> h7
l0d7 [12 ... l0c6 13 .~e2 l0b4 14.0-0 ~e4 [15 ..1:lfd1!?] 15... h6 16 . ~e7 .l:lfe8 19..1:led1 'tlfb4 20 ..1:ld2 tlJhS 21 . ~ h2
(14 ...l0a2 1S.e4+-: 14...~a2 15. ~c7 .l:ldS 17.~d6 ed4 18.tlJd4 ~d3 19..1:lfd1 tiJaS 22.e5!+- ~fa 23.tlJe4 cs
16.e4+-) 15.~g3 ;!;/±] 13. ~g5 [13.~b5! . 6 20.tlJf3 [20.tlJc2!?] 20 .. .tlJb6 24.g4 cd4 25 ..1:ld4 .l:lc1 26.'ifc1 1-0

Kin 's Indian Def nee
Fianchetto Variation Kl 71 .6 (E63)

Another Try for Black

by Damian Lemos Sarro

1. d4 ttJf6 Repertoire - l .d4 Volume 2

2. c4 g6 (Qu ality Che 2010). The idea
3. ttJf3 ..tg7 of thi calm move i een after
4. g3 0-0 8 ... e5 . Wh ite simply trade
5. ..tg2 d6 queen and get a favo urable
6. 0-0 tbc6 endgame after 9.d 5 de5
7. ttJc3 a6 I O.'ii'd8. I recommend you to
8. d3 ..Q.d7 take a look at Yearbook I03,
where Tuncer analyse thi end-
game carefully, offering good
defen ive re ource for Bl ack.
Unlike Tuncer, I think that
Black be t try i not 8 .. .e5 but
... ..Q.d7, which we are going to
discu here. A we will ee in
the Game Section, the main line Oscar Panno
fo r White i 9.d5 , but he ha an
intere ting alternative in 9.l:[d I. ta nt fo r the evaluation of the line.
The fi nal tanding were: I.
Meier 6; 2. Mareco 5\12; 3. Le mo
Fighting agai n t a dynamic and 5; 4. Rodriguez 5; 5. Delgado
complex opening like the King' 4\.-'2; 6. Flore 4 .
Indi an i n' t an easy ta k. When
White pl ay the Fianchetto Vari - Conclusion
atio n, he aim to take the game 8. d3 i a very solid move and I
onto po itional path rather than think that after 8 ... e5 the en uing
going for the harp po itio n the endgame favo ur White becau e
King' lndjan player is looking he can play fo r a win without
fo r. After l .d4 ttJ f6 2.c4 g6 much ri k of lo ing, although
3.ttJ f3 ..tg7 4 .g3 0-0 5 ...tg2 d6 Blac k ha good defen ive re-
6.0-0 ttJc6 7. c3 a6 we reach the ln December 20 I I, a the mati c ource . You may compare my
Panno Variati on, which is one of round-robin tournament o n the findin g to tho e of Tu ncer in
the mo t popular way to light Panno Vari ati on wa he ld in Yearbook I03 and draw your
aga in t the Fianchetto Variati on. Buenos Aire in the honour of own concl u ion . I thi nk Bl ack'
Among White s mo t principled Marcel Duchamp . Six grand - be t try i 8 .. ...Q.d7 when apart
trie are 8.d5 , .h3, and 8.b3, but ma ter took part (Andre Rodri- fro m the main line 9.d5, I be li eve
in thi article we are going to fo- guez, Neury Delgado Georg that the new mo e 9 .lXd I de-
cu on 8. d , which ha be- Meier, Diego Flores, Sandro erve eriou in e Ligati on. O f
come even more fa mou after Mareco and my elt). I am har- cour e, we will need more prac-
GM Bori Avrukh ugge ted it in ing orne games from that event, tica l exa mp les, but I have fa ith in
hi excellent book Grandmaster becau e I lind them quite impor- White' po ilion in thi line.

Survey Kl 71 .6

Thematic Tournament pair of bishops. 15.l0d5 .i.a4 16.W'e1 l:lc8 35.l:lf4 W'a1 36.~ 1i'g7 and Black's
8 ... ..1td7 was a more serious alternative, although I queen reaches the danger zone] 33 ..i.g6
don't see anything wrong with Black's l0g6 34. W"gS 3S. 1t'g6 <l;e7
Lemos Sarro,Damian position] 1S...l0e6 [Now Black wins the 36.1t'g7 cJo>dS 37.1!t'f6 w cs 38.1i'f7
Mareco,Sandro bishop pair and the game is at least equal] [38...l:ld8 39.l:lg7 and Whtte wins] 1-0
Buenos Aires 2011 (4) 16. ~f6 .i.f6 17.ltJdS .i.b2 18.l:lb1
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 ~g7 4. ~g2 .i.a3 19.baS .i.c6 [19 ... l:la5 20.l:lb7 ttJc5
0-0 S.l0c3 d6 6. f3 l0c6 7.0-0 a6 21 .l:lb1 e6 22.l0c3 a4=] 20.1fd2 l:le8 Mareco,Sandro
U f d3 ~d7 [In my opinion this is a 21 . b6 l:la6 22.l:la1 ~cs 23. dS Lemos Sarro,Damian
better move than 8...e5. Black keeps his Was 24. · 3 .i.dS [Unfortunately for Buenos Aires 2011 (9)
pieces on the board and hopes to develop Black he can't go back with his queen: 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 .i.g7 4.g3
an initiative on the queenside] 9.dS l0b4 24 ...'*'d8 25..i.e6 fe6 26.1fh6 followed by o-o s •.i.g2 d6 6.l0f3 c6 7.0-0 a6
10.W"d1 aS 27.l0g5 is winning for White] 2S.cdS f8 8.'*i'd3 .i.d7 9.l:ld1 !? [In this game I
26.ltJgS [An ambitious move. The easiest had to face my favourite King's Indian line
way to maintain the balance was 26.l:la2 b6 with black. My opponent tries to improve
27.l:lfa1 l:la5 28.l:la5 baS 29.l:la5=] White's play with this move. I like it,
26 ...b6 27.l:la4? [During the game I was because it looks like a useful move for
captivated by this manoeuvre. The rook White] 9 ....i.fS [I don't think that moving
comes to the kingside to take part in the the bishop twice is the solution for Black.
attack, but it's not hard to see that Black has Black had already tried 9... b5 10.cb5 (I
enough resources. 27.'*'f4 16 28.l0e6 l0e6 would seriously consider playing 10.e4. I
29..i.e6 ~7 30..i.d7 l:lb8 31 ..i.c6 '*'a7 think White's pawn centre is potentially very
32.ab6 was the correct way to go, with a dangerous. After taking on b5 Black's going
balanced position] 27 ... l:laS 28.l:lh4? [As to get a powerful queenside initiative)
usual, one mistake is followed by the other. 10...ab5 11. b5 b4 12.1t'c4 l0a2
28.l:lf4!?] 28 ... l:la4! 29.l:lf4 fS [29 .. .16 13.~d2 1i'b8 (Black's compensation is
11.~e3 [In this game I decided to follow 30.l0e6 '*i'a5 was also a hard variation for more than enough) 14. c7 l:la4 15.b4
Avrukh's advice. Black has great play after Whtte to face. He is a pawn down and it l:lc8 16.l:la2 l:lc7 17.1i'b3 l:lca7 18.l:lc2
11.e4 e5 12.l0e1 b6 13.l:lb1 ttJa6 14.a3 looks like his attack will not succeed] 30.e4 l:la3 19....c4 ~e6 20.d5 d5 21 .W'h4
tOeS 15.b4 ab4 16.ab4 l0a4 Bukal· [White is still in big trouble, but now at least l:la1 22.l:ldc1 .i.f6 23. g5 .i.g5 24.Wg5
A.Fedorov, Sibenik 2005] 11 ... c6 12.a3 he gets some attacking chances] 30... h6 l0b4 25.l:la1 l:la1 26.l:lc1 l:lc1 27 .~c1
6 13.~d4 cS [13... cd5 14. d5 31 ..i.fS! [Perhaps this is a bad move, but in l0a2 28 ..i.e4 -.b4 29 ..i.d2 'ife4 30.-.e?
5 15.cd5i] 14.l:lc1 [14.l:le1 od5 15.cd5 practice ~ proved to be a good decision. W'e2 31 .W'd6 h5 32.h4 W'd1 33.Wh2 1!t'f3
a4 (I think Black has already equalized here) Objectively 31. e6 e6 32.de6 is a better 0·1 Turov-Van Kampen, Haarlem 2010]
1U .c5 dc5 17.e4 .i.g4 18.h3 .i.f3 19.W'f3 try for Whtte] 1O.e4 ~g4 11.h3 .i.f3 12.-.f3 d7
12-12 Grachev-Grischuk, Moscow blitz 2010; 13..i.e3 eS 14.deS deS 1S.l0e2
14. 2 cd5 15.l0d5 l0d5 16.~g7 when 'fle7 16.h4 l:lad8 17..i.gS! [Now Black
apart from the natural 16.. .'~g7 Black may has a tough decision to make: whether or
consider to play the tricky 16...l0e3. The not to play 17.. .16 and create weaknesses
position is oomplex] 14...cdS on the light squares]

.i R ._.
.,. i

31...hgS [During the game I saw that Black

could play 31...l:la2 32.'*'c1 hg5 33.l:lg4

CiJfj, ·
W'a3 34.1i'g5 1i'f3 and after this oold·
blooded defence Black wins inmediately] ld. w
32.l:lg4 e6? [Now Whtte can develop a
1S.b4?! [I can't remember why I played winning attack. After 32 ...l:la1 33.1!t'g5 things 17... f6 [17 .. .16 18.~e3 c5 19..i.h3.
this crazy move. White will have some are not that easy for Black, but I think he can Despite the fact that White's bishops are
problems now because he has to give up his still win by means of 33 ...l:lf1 34 .~1 1i'a2 powerful here, I think this was the best way

to play for Black. Both tLlc6 and tLlcS can 13... : es [13 ... cd5!? 14.cd5 l:tc3 15.bc3 Cosma,loan
jump to d4 one day] 18.tLlc3 tLld4 tLle4 16.Wb2 tLldS~] 14.l:tfd1 cd5 Manolache,Marius
19.l:td4 ed4 20.tLld5 l:td5 21.cd5± [14 ... tLlg4!? 6 15 .~d4 ~h6 16.e3 c5] Eforie Nord 2011 (4)
h6 22 .~14 c6 23.l:tc1 'ilrd7? 15.cd5 tLla6 16. ~h6 ~h8 17.e4 1.d4 tLlf6 2.tLlf3 g6 3.c4 il.g7 4.g3
[23 ...l:te8 was offering more resistance for tLlc5 18.'ti'f4 (18."ife2 tLlg4 19. ~f4 0-0 5. ~g2 d6 6.0-0 a6 7.tLlc3 tLlc6
Black] 24. ~e5 [WMe wins a pawn and ...b6=] 18... tLlg4 19.~h3 tLlh6 8.tfd3 ~d7 9.e4 [I don't think this move
the rest is easy] 24 ...tLlg4 25 .~g7 20. ~d7 Wd7 21 .'ti'h6 ~g7 [21 ... ~c3! offers White an advantage. Once again I
ci>g7 26.W'd3 We7 2H f d4 'ti'e5 22.l:tc3 tLle4+] 22."ife3 tLla4 23.e5 should mention that 9.l:td1 deserves
28.1t'e5 tLJe5 29.f4 tLld3 30.l:tc3 tLlb2 24.e6 fe6 25.de6 Wd8 serious investigation - Mareco-Lemos
tLlb2 31 .dc6 bc6 32.l:tc6 l:td8 [25 .....-c6-+] 26.l:te1 tLlc4 2H itd3 Sarro, Buenos Aires 2011 ] 9 ... ~g4 1O.d5
33.l:ta6 l:td3 34.l:tb6 l:td1>h2 tLlb2 28...-d2 tLlc4 29.W d3 tLlb2 [Black doesn't have problems after the
l:td2 36.e5 tLlc4 37.l:tb3 l:ta2 [29 ...l:tc6+] 30.W d2 tLlc4 Y.!-Y.! natural 10 . ~e3 tLld7 11 .h3 (11 .tLle2 ~f3
38.Wh3 l:ta7 39 .~d5 tLla3 40.h5 12 .~f3 tLldeS 13.de5 tLleS) 1 1...~f3
gh5 41.Wh4 tLlc2 42. ~e4 12 .~f3 e5 13.d5 tLld4] 10... ~f3 11 .-..f3
(42.Wh5+- l 42 .•. tLld4 43.l:tb4 l:ta2 Jianu,VIad Cristian d4 12.-..d1 c5 13.dc6 tLlc6
44.g4 tLlc2 45.l:tb7 tLle3 46.e6 l:th2 Timoshenko,Georgy
47.Wg3 tLlf1 48.Wf3 tLld2 49.We3 Brasov It 2011 (2)
tLJc4 50.Wd3 tLld6 51 .l:td7 hg4 1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 ~g7 4. ~g2
52.l:td6 fe6 53.l:te6 h5 54.l:tg6 Wf7 0-0 5.tLlf3 d6 6.0-0 tLlc6 7.tLlc3 a6
55.f5 l:tb2 56.~d5 1-0 8."ifd3 ~d7 9.d5 tLlb4 10."ifd1 a5
11. ~e3 c6 12.h3

Black 's Best Try

8 ... -'t.d? j.
i. *
j.j. ~j.
j. ~
Bad Wiessee 2011 (6) ~~ 14.~d2 (14 .~e3 l:tc8 15.l:tc1 tLld7 16.b3
1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 ~g7 4 .~g2 tO tLlcS 17.Wd2 is also interesting. While is a
0-0 5.tLlc3 d6 6.tLlf3 tLlc6 7.o-o a6 ~~ bit better, although Black's position is very
8.W d3 ~d7 9.d5 tLlb4 10.-..d1 a5 playable] 14... tLld7 15.l:tb1 J:[b8
11 .~e3 c612.Wd2 l:tc813.l:tac1
1::[ 16.tLld5 b5 (16... e6 17.tLlf4 "*'e7=]
17.cb5 ab5 18.J:[c1 tLJce5 19 .~g5
12...e5 [This is an interesting way of playing tLlf6 20 .~f6 ~f6 21 .b3 (21 .tLlf6 ef6
by Black, although after the natural 12...cd5 22.Wd4 : as 23.a3 l:ta4 24.1t'e3i]
13.cd5 J:[cB 14.a3 I beliew Black can get a 21 ... tLld7 (2 1... ~g7] 22."*'e2 Wg7
good position after 14...l:tc3!? 15.ab4 (15.bc3 23.l:ttd1 W as 24.~ h3 l:tb7 25. ~d7
tLlbdS 16.~d4 e5) 15... l:te3 16.fe3 tLle4 and l:td7 26.tLlf6 ef6 27.l:td5 'i!Va3
given the chance, I would rather be behind 28.l:tcd1 l:tb8 29.l:tb5 l:tb5 30.W b5
the black pieces] 13.de6 (13.dc6 ~ 14.a3 l:te7 31."ifa4 (31 ."ife2 f5 32.l:td5 l:te4
tLla6 15.b4 ab4 16.ab4 tLlb4 17.l:ta8 "ifaB 33.W'd2i] 31...Wa4 32.ba4 l:te4
18.W'd6] 13...~e6 14.b3 d5 15.tLld4 33.l:td6 l:ta4 34.l:td2 f5 35.f4 h6
'it'e7 16.a3 6 17.tLle6 fe6 18.cd5 36. 37.h4 l:ta3 38.Wg2
(18.W'c2] 18...ed5 19.~d4 Y.!-Y.! Y.!-Y.!

Benoni Defence
BenkoNolga Gambit 81 18.4 (A57)

A Sharp Line against the Benko -

Part II
by Efstratios Grivas

1. d4 tt:lf6 C) 4 ... "ifb6 is a harmle

2. c4 c5 move. White can continue
3. d5 b5 or - ee the analy-
4. ~g5 sis in the game Tukmakov-
D ) 4 ... 'ifa5: this check should
probably be given after 4 ... tt:le4
5.~f4, a now White has some
ex tra po ibilitie which are not
in Black' favo ur. White can
continue with 5."ifd2 or 5.ttJd2,
with rea onable chances to get
the initiative - see Summer cale-
An el l.
E) 4 ... bc4 is a more or le
' welcome' answer, as it gives Ellzbar Ubllava
ln Part I in Yearbook L03 we ex- White a free hand to build a spa-
amined the main Une 4 .. .tt:le4 in tial advantage. But of cour e this 5 ... ed6?! ee Grivas-Lputian,
detail. However, there are many is eas ier to said than done. The and for 5 ... bc4!? ee Gri va-
minor replies for Black which games Grivas-Tassopoulos and Kjeld en.
al o warrant attention. In the Grivas-Leko are illuminative. G) 4 ... d6 i a slightly passive
above diagram po ition, Black F) 4 ... g6: wa once uppo ed continuation, which gives White
mu t make his choice. to be a ' fair' an wer to 4 ..ig5, a choice; accepting the gambit
but after A . Miles' innovation of with 5 .~f6 ef6 6.cb5 a in
Minor Replies 5.d6!? thing became wi ld ... Ubilava-Gorelov, or continuing
A) 4 .. .e5?! i probably the development with as in
wor t move that Black can lvaochuk-Giorgadze and Griva -
choo e, a it block the long di -
~.t'if • .t. K I. Horvath.
agonal that belongs to his dark- .l .l.l.l. .l
quared bi shop. See the analysi
of the game Anagno topoulo - .l.l
£::, ~·
I believe that thi s sharp line has a
athanail. £::, lot to contribute to the theory of
B) 4 ... b4 allow White to build the ever-ilive Benko!Vo lga
an impre ive centre and, gener- Gambit and that it i much better
ally, to be happy with the out- than it reputation . The player
come. After d6 6.a3 ba3 who i better prepared and is able
7..l:ta3 Black can choo e between to come up with new ideas,
7 ... e5?! (Ubilava-Glek) and For 5 ....ib7! ? see the game always has the fi rst option to
7... g6 (Grivas-Renet). Mile -Bellon Lopez; for prevail. ..

Variation A g6 8. ~e2 ~g7 9.()-() o-o 10.h3 (defending Grivas,Efstratios
4 ... e5 against Black's idea with ... ~g4-eS) Renet,Oiivier
10.....i.b7 11.1i'c2 h6 12.~e3 aS 13.a4 Bucharest 1984 (2)
Anagnostopoulos,Konstantinos ~e8 14. e1 ;!;, planning 12·14, ~d3 and 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4. ~g5 b4
Nathanaii,Emanouel .l:tae 1, with strong pressure on the centre 5.~d2 d6 6.a3 ba3 7 ..1:ta3 g6 8. ~f6
Chalkida 2009 (1) and the kingside: 14...e6 1S.de6 fe6 ef6
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4 .~g5 16.~d3 ~b6? (16 ... 11t'e7 17..1:tae1 ;!;)
e5?! [This can only help White ... ] 5 . ~c3 17..1:tad1?! (17.e5!+-) 17... g5 18.eS dS
[As Black has blocked the a1·h8 diagonal 19. S ~cB 20.~13 '1Jie7 21 .cdS dS
and there is no point anymore in placing his 22.'ii'e4 ~e3 23.1t'e3 c7 24. ~c4 .l:tf4
dark-squared bishop there, White could 2S.b3 ~18 26. ~e4 ~g7 27.~cs ~18
'safely' accept the gambit: S.cbS a6 6.ba6 28. e4 ~g7 29. d6 ~6 30 .~bS 1.0
(6.e4 abS 7.~16 1i'16 B.~S 'it"g6 Liu Yang-Uiuwitike, Shenzhen 2011)
9.<;t.?l1!±) 6...~a6 7.~c3 d6 8.~13 ~e7 6 •.. ba3 [6... ~bd7 (or 6... ~a6) seems to
9.e4±] 5 ••. b4 6 .~e4 d6 7.a3 ba3 be interesting: 7.ab4 cb4 8.'ii'a4 aS 9 .~gf3
B..l:ta3 ~e7 9. ~f6 ~f6 [9 ...gf6 10.e3 IS (9.e4 g6 10.c5 deS (10 ... ~g7? ! 11 .1i'c6
11. g3 'ii'b6 12.1i'c2;!;) 10.'ii'a4 8 .l:tbB 12.cd6± Dyachkov-Vescovi, Halle
11.g3 ~e712.~g2 ;!; Wch·jr 199S) 11.~16 ef6 12.~c4~) 9...g6
10. ~d4! (10.~16 ef6 11. ~b3 ISoo)
10... ~g7 11 .e3;!;) 7 ..1:ta3 e5?1 [7...~bd7 9.e3?1 [White should be 'smart' and
8.g3! g6 9 .~h3 ~g7 1o.~gf3 o-o 11.o-o; continue with 9 .~gf3 ~g7 (9...~d7 10.h4
For 7...g6 see Grivas·Renet, Bucharest h5 11 ."i!t'c2 ~g7 12. e4 b6 13.e3 o-o
1984) 8.de61 ~e6 [8 .. .fe6 9.g3 ..i.b7 14 .~d3;!;) 10."i!t'a4! (10.h4 0·0 (10 ...h5
10.~gf3 ~e7 11.~3! ~cB 12 .~g2±) 11 .e3) 11 .hS IS; 10..I:te3 <;t.?l8) 10... 'ii'd7
(10 ... ~d7? ! 11 .'it"b3 c7 12.'ii'e3 <;t,?18
13.1t'f4 IS 14.e4±) 11 ..1:te3 q.,fB 12.1t'd7
~d7 13 .~e4 ~h6 14..1:ta3 q.,e7 1S.e3 15
16.~c3 14 17.ef4 ~14 18 .~e2 eS
19 .~d2;!; or, even better probably, with the
direct 9.h4 hS 10.g3 ~g7 11. ~h3 o-o
(11 ... 15 12.e4;!;) 12 .~c8 "i!t'cB 13. e4
12...1t'b6 13.1i'c2 [13 ..1:tb3 1i'a6 fic7 14. c3;!;) 9 .•. ~g7 10.b4? [A
14.1t'a6 a6 (14...~a6? 1S .lt~c5!) wrong exchange, delivering the cS-square to
1S.~h3!;t) 13...~a6 14. ~f3 .l:tbB Black. Correct was 10. gf3 IS 11 .'ii'b1
15.o-o g6 16..1:tfa1 q.,g7 17.~c3 (11.b3 ~a6) 11 ... a6 12 .~e2oo]
b4 18.1i'd2 a6 19.~a4 1i'c7 10.•. cb4 11.'ii'a4 d7 12.'ii'b4 aS!
20. e1 .l:tts 21. ~c2 f5 22 ..1:tb3 ~c2 13.'ii'b1 0-0 14 .~ gf3 f5 15. ~e2
23.1t'c2 e4 24 ..1:tb8 1t'b8 25 ..1:ta3 9. ? [9.g3! ~ 10~±1 9.. . 7 .l:te8 16.'ii'd1 [16.0·0 14+ ) 16...~c5
1t'b4 26.'it"b3 'ii'e1 27.~f1 f4 10 . ~f6 11.'ii'd6 [11.~16 'ii'16 12.g3 17.0-0 ~d7 [The black bishop pair, the
28.'it"c3 1i'c3 29. ~c3 e3 30.f3 g5 liY:J7 13~g2 .l:tb8 14.~13 'IJib2 1S..I:ta7 'ii'c3 strong cS·knight and the passed a-pawn are
31. e4 ~f5 32 ..1:ta6 ~e4 33.fe4 16.~ J:1b2 17..1:ta8 ~ 18.()-() .l:td2 19..1:tb8 too much for White ... ]
[Probably White lost on time, as this ~7 20..1:tb7 " 21..ab3 .l:td1 22..1:tc3 .l:td4
position is more or less equal. ..) 0· 1 23..1:td3 ~ 24..1:td4 cd4 25..1:td1=) 11 ...'ii'd6
12. 7f. 13. . 2 14..1:ta2?!
[14..ab3 - " 1S.0.c5 ~ 16..1:tb7 ~
14...f5 15.t0cs ~c3 16. 1 ~c4
17..1:tc2 .l:tc8 18..1:tc3 .l:tc5 19. h3
Variation B 20. 1 l4b8 21.f3 .l:tb1 22.
4 ... b4 23..1:te3 24.g4 fg4 25.fg4 .l:tcc1
26i g2 .l:th1 27 . 1 ~ 28 . a5
Ubilava,Eiizbar 29..1:tc3 30. h6? [30...a4!+]
Glek,lgor 31.~e4 32i e4 .l:tb2 33..1:tc6
Minsk 1983 34. a4 35..1:lc5 36..1:lc6
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4. ~g5 b4 37..l:tc5 38..1:tc6
5. ~d2 d6 6.a3 [White can also go for 39..1:ta6 7 40i d3 .l:ta2 41 . 18.g3 "i!t'b6 19."it'b1 "i!fb4 20 ..1:ta2
the simple and natural 6.e4 ~bd7 7.~gf3 a4 21. "i!fb4 ab4 22. b1 b3

Survey 81 18.4

23.l:td2 cs 24. d4 l:ta1 2S.tcc3 %te8 29.-.f3 -.a4 30.-.fS -.a2 (11.../.0e51 12 .~e2 f5 13.0-0 l:tb8oo]
%tf1 26. 1 l:ta8 27.%tb2 l:ta1 31./.0cs 'it'c4 32./.0d3 l:teS 33.l:tc1 12.0-0 ~c4 13.t.Oc4;!; W a6 14.b3
28.%tb1? [28.l.Od1 + ] 28 ... b21 -+ 'tlfc1 34.1it'es 'ilt'c4 3S.-.b8 ~ h7 eS 1S.%tfc1 ?I [15. b2!;!;] 1S...I.Oc4
29. ~g2 I.Oe4 30.l:tb2 t.Oc3 31 .l:tb8 36.1t'b4 37 . ~c3 ~gs 38.1t'e4 16.1t'd3 fS 17.t.Oa4 -"t6 18.%tab1
~fB 32.l:td8 t.Oe2 33.l.Oe2 l:ta7 g6 39.1t'd4 f6 40.'tlfd7 1-0 l:tab8 19.l:tc4 g6 20.l:tbc1 l:tb4
34. f4 ~g7 3S.i.Od3 ~e7 36.l:tb8 21. 1 l:tc4 22:iltc4 'tWaS 23.'tlfd3
%tc7 37.cS deS 38.l:tb6 ~f6 39. 1 l:te8 24. c3 ~c3 2S.Wc3 'ita6!
c4 40./.0b4 c3 0 -1 [25...-.a2? 26.%ta1 +-] 26.<ot>g1 'it'a2
27.l:ta1 -.e2 28.'li'f6 f4 29.1t'f4 lteS
Variation D 30. '*'c4 'ilt'd2 31 .e4 'it'f4 32.f3 lthS
4 ... 'i!i'a5 33.h3

Variation C Summerscale,Aaron
4 ... 'i!i'b6 Anseii,Simon
Nottingham ch-BCF 1996 (5)
Tukmakov,VIadim ir 1.d4 t.Of6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.~gS
Rajkovic,Dusan 'ilt'aS S.I.Od2 [Here the simple 5.'i¥d2!?
Hastings 1972/73 (15) seems to be pleasant: 5... b4 (5... d2
1.d4 t.Of6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.~gS 6.i.Od2 bc4 7.e4 d6 B. ~c4 bd7 9.0-0-0!
W'b6 S.I.Oc3 [5.l.Od2! is in the spirit of the (9.t.Oe2 g6 10.0-0 ~g7 11. c3 h6 12 .~f4
variation: 5...bc4?! (5 ... h6 6.~f6 1t'f6 g5 13.~g3 t.Oh5 14 .~e2 g3 15.hg3
7.%tb1;!;) 6.e4 ~a6 (6...1t'b2 7 .~c4 W'b7 l:tbB'i" Aguiar Garcia-Gomez Polo, Malaga
8.t.Ogl3 d6 9.0-Q±) 7.1t'c2 g6 8. gl3! 1985) 9... l:tb8 10.t.Ogl3 g6 11 .h3 ~g7
(8./.0e2?! t.Og4! (8...~g7? ! 9.l.Oc3 0-0 12 .~e2 b6 13.b3 0-0 14 .~c2 with the
10.~e2 d6 11.0-0;!; Loemker-Boehle, idea l:tb1 and l:thc1. If 14... a5 then 15.a4 33 ...1t'g3? [33 ... l:th3! 34.gh3 W g3=]
Germany tt 1992) 9.l.Oc3 t.Oe5oo) 8... ~g7 with domination on the light squares - 34.l:ta7 l:th3'c3! +- f6
9.t.Oc4 -.b7 10.~e2 ±] S... b4 6.l.Ob1 Black's aS-pawn is also weak; 5... 'ilt'b6?!'aS! tt'h2 37. 'i¥g3 38.<ot>e3
I.Oe4 7. ~c1 [Now this position shows 6. ~f6! (6.13 d6 7.e4 b4 8.~d3 g6 9.14 trgs 39.<ot>d3 1-0
remarkable similarity with the modern ~g7 10.1.013 0-Q 11.0-0oo T.Maes-Van de
treatment of the 'Trompowsky Attack'] Velde, Belgium tt-2 2003/04) 6... gf6 7.cb5
7 ...1t'f6?! [7... g6 8.13 (8.l.Od2 i.Od2 9. ~d2 a6 8.ba6±) 6.~f6 gf6 7.e3 d6 8 .~d3 t.Od7
~g7 10.1t'c1 oo) 8... f6 9.e4 d6 10.~d3 9.14 ~g7 10.l.Of3 t.Ob6 11.'i¥c2! (11 .0-0 f5
~g7 11.14 0-0 12.l.Od2oo] 8.l.Of3 d6 9.e3 12.a3 -.a4 13.'it'e2 a5 14./.0M Wb3 Variation E
[9. bd2!? t.Od2 10.l.Od2 g6 11.a3;!;] 15.ab4 ab4 16.l:ta8 8 17 .~f5 ~f5 4 ... bc4
9 ...e6? [9 ... /.0d7 10.1t'a4 ~dB 18.l.Of5 ~f6 19.e4 'it'b2 20.Wb2 ~b2
11 ./.0bd2;!;] 1 O.-"d3 edS?I 21 .l:tf2 ~f6 22.%te2 b6 23.e5 de5 24.fe5 Grivas,Efstratios
~g5 25.h4 ~c1 26.l:ta2 ~-~ E.Kahn- Tassopoulos,Marios
lshbulatov, Budapest 1998) 11 ...15 Athens 2003 (3)
12.i.Obd2;!;] S... bc4 [5... e4 transposes 1.d4 i.Of6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4. ~gS
to 4...l.Oe4] 6. ~f6 ef6 (6... gf6!? is bc4 S. c3 d6 [Black could also try
interesting: 7.e3 (7.'tltc2? ~a6? 5......a5!? 6.1t'd2 (it seems that White can
(7... t.Oa6!+) 8.e4 ~h6 9.l.Of3 d6 10.~c4 also play it simple: 6. 13!? d6 (6... t.Oe4
~c4 11 .'i¥c4 i.Od7 12.'it'c2 W aG 13. c4! 7.~d2 t.Od2 8. d2 g6 9. c4 '*'b4 10.e3
(13.'i¥c4 'ita5 14.'it'c2 Wb5 15.b3 %tg8 ~g7 11 .'*'c2;!;) 7. d2;!; bd7 8.e3 ~a6
16.g3 ~d2 17.~d2 'it'b4 18. ~e3 e5 9 .~f6! (9. ~c4?! e4! ) 9... f6 10 .~c4
19.t.Oe5 fe5oo Sorokina-Valov, Peterhof (10. c4 -"c4 11. ~c4 g6 (11...l:tb8
2009) 13... b6 14.b3;!;) 7... t.Oa6 (7...c3'e2) 12 . ~b5 t.Od7 13.D-0;!;) 10...l:tb8
8.l.Oc4 'tlfb4 9.a3 c2 10.ab4 cd1W 11.<ot>d1 11 .%tb1 g6 12 .~a6 1t'a6 13.We2 'i!te2
-"b7 12.t.Oe2!;!; ~d5? ! 13.l.Of4 ~c6 14.b5 14.<.t>e2 ~g7 15. c4;!;) 6...d6 7.e4 and
11 .~e4! de4 12.-.dS+ - ef3 ~b7 15.l.Oa5± ) B.I.Oe2 %tb8 9.l.Oc3! %tb2 now: 7.../.0bd7 (7...~a6 8.f4 bd7 (8... h6
13.1t'a8 fg2 14.l:tg1 ~e7 1S.'it'b8 10.l:tc1 %tb8 11 .l.Oc4 'ilt'dB 12 .~d3 d6 9 .~h4 bd7 10. f3 g5 11.fg5 hg5
0-0 16:• as dS 17.1t'ds ~h3 (12... t.Ob4 13.-"e2 d6 14.a3 a6 12 .~g5 -"g7 13.e5 de5 14. h4 t.Oh7
18. d2 l:td8 19.'tlff3 'ilt'e6 20.l:tg2 15 .~d3;!; ) 13.a3;!;] 7.1t'c2?! [7.e31 with 15. f5± Quenette-K.O.Jung, Metz 1996;
~g2 21.1t'g2 ~f6 22. %tb1 'it'd& the idea e2-c3, is in the spirit of the 8... t.Ofd7 9. f3 f6 10 . ~h4;!; S. de Boer-
23.h3 hS 24.'it'f3 'it'd3 2S.'i¥e4 'it'd7 variation] 7 ... d6 8.e3 ~e7 9 .~c4 0-0 Kerstens, Arnhem ch-NED jr 1996) 9. f3
26.~e2 'tlt'h3 27.l.Ob3 'it'd7 28 . ~d2 10. e2 t.Od7 11 .t.Oc3 ~a6?! h6 10.~f6 ef6 11 . d1 ( 1 1. ~e2 g6 12.0-o

~g7 13.W'c2 0-0 14.1S;!; Kiriakov-De 1o... l:tb81? [10 ... lf:lb6 11. ~f1 was played d-pawn is a thorn in Black's side and
Vreugt, Dieren 1997) 11...'i!fd2 ('a4 in the game Grivas-Leko, Budapest 1993. cannot be effectively attacked. One would
12.lce3 ~e7 13.'ti'c3 lf:lb6 14.'0W o-o Another option is 1O...lf:lg4!? 11. ~f1! expect White to apply direct pressure on
1S.b3±) 12.lf:ld2 l:tb8 13.~c4 ;!;) 8. ~c4 (11 .h3 lf:lgeS 12.lf:leS lf:leS 13.~11 Black's weak pawns. However, there are two
~6 (8... W'b4 9.b3 lf:leS 10 . ~bS ~d7 (13 .~b3? ! ~a6 14.14? lf:ld3- + Radnic- other important elements in the position: the
(10...c;t;>d8 11.lf:lge2±) 11. ~f6 gf6 12. ~d7 Broz, Baunatal 2000) 13... l:tb8 14.l:tb1 oo weakened cover of the black king and the
lf:ld7 (12... c;t;>d7 13.lf:lge2 hS 14.f4 ~h6 K.D.Schulz-W.Carl, Germany tt 2000/01 ) lack of harmony among the black pieces -
1S.O-O±) 13. ge2±) 9 .~a6 'ti'a6 10.f4! 11...lf:lgeS (11... ~c3? ! 12.bc3 f6 13 .~d2 especially the a6-knight is misplaced]
(10.lf:lge2 g6 11.0-0 ~g7= Kjeldsen- lf:lgeS 14.lf:leS (14.lf:lh4 b6 1S.f4 lf:lec4 21 .'i!fe2! 'i!fb6 [21... b4 22.'i!fc4! would
J.Sorensen, Denmark tt 2000/01 ; 10.lf:lf3!? 16.~c1 ;!; I.Nemet-Caposciutti, Forli 1993) not help Black, but now the black queen
g6 11.~f6 lf:lf6 12.eS deS 13.lf:leS ~g7 14 ... lf:leS 1S.f4 lf:lf7 16.l:tb1 ±) 12.lf:ld2!;!;; has also abandoned the king's defence]
14.0-0-0 0-0 1S.l:the1;!;) 10... g6 11 . f3 Finally, Black has also tried 1O...h6 11. ~f4
~g7 12.0-0-0!? (12.c;t;>f2 lf:lhS! 13.l:thd1 ( 11. ~h4?! gS 12 .~g3 lf:lhS 13.lf:ld2 lf:lg3
(13.l:the1 h6 14.~h4 lf:lf4 1S.'tiff4 gS 14.hg3 lf:leS'f Steedman-Haugen, Fister
16 .~gS lf:leS!'f) 13...h6 14 .~h4 l:tb8 1992; 11. ~c1 ! as in the game) 11...gS
1S.c;t;>g1 D-Ooo) 12... h6 (12 ...0-0?! 12 .~c1 lf:lg4 13.~e2 lf:lgeS it'c7
13.l:the1 ±) 13 . ~h4 (13.~f6 ~f6 14.eS 1S.lf:lf1 c4oo Tai-J.C.Diaz, Biel izt 1976]
deS 1S.d6 e6! (1S ...ed6 16.'ti'd6 'ti'd6 11.Wc2 h6 12 .~c1 ! [The best. After
17.l:td6 ~e7 18.l:td2;!;) 16.feS lf:leS 17.d7 12 .~d2?! li:lg4! 13.~11 lf:lgeS White must
c;Pe7 18.W'e3 lf:ld7 19.lf:le4 l:thd8 20.l:td7 exchange a pair of knights, as the
l:td7 21 .'i!fc5 c;t;>d8'f8 c;t;>c7 23.'i!fcS=) d2-square is not available to the f3-knight.
13...lf:lhS! (13... 0-0?! 14.l:the1±) 14.eS gS! White's plan is to achieve the e4-e5
1S.fgS hgS 16.~gS lf:leS 17.l:the1 l:tb8 advance with the help of a set-up with
18.lf:leS ~es 19.g4 lf:lf6 20.l:tes deS 21 .d6 h2-h3 and ~f4 . Black's chosen method of
l:td8 (21...W'd6 22.W'd6 ed6 23.~16 l:th2 preventing White's plan is unsatisfactory] 22.d6!! [The isolated pawn advances and
24.l:td6 l:thb2 2S .~es l:tg2 26.lf:le4±) 12 ...lf:le8?! [12 ...lf:lg4 13.~f1 geS sacrifices itself, cutting Black's camp in two
22.Wg2! l:tg8 23 . ~f6 ef6 24.lf:le4 .-a2 14.lf:ld2 Wb6! 1S.b3 ~a6 16.lf:la4 Wb7 and simultaneously weakening the defence
2S.lf:lf6 c;t;>f8'b7 _.c4 27.c;t;>b1 We2=. 17. ~2 ~bS (17 ... gS 18.~c3 lf:lb6 of the black king, the f6-square in
I am sure that both sides can improve 19.lf:lb2 e6 20.~e5 ~es 21. ~a6 Wa6 particular. This typical idea, although not
somewhere in this sharp continuation ... 22.lf:lf3 li:ld7 23.de6 fe6 24.lf:leS lf:leS often met, is characteristic of the potential
Another try is S...e6?! 6.e4 d6 (6...edS? 2S.lf:lc4 lf:lc4 26.bc4;!;) 18. ~c3! ( 18. ~bS of the isolated pawn] 22 ... ed6?! [It was W'e7 8.'it'e2+-) 7. ~c4 ~e7 8.lf:lf3 '*bS 19.l:te3!?) 18... ~a4 19.ba4 lf:lg4 better to decline White's sacrifice by
(8.de6 fe6 9.lf:lf3 lf:lc6 1O .~bS 'fie? 20.~e2 ~c3 21 .1t'c3 lf:lgf6 22.l:tab1 tt'c7 22 ... l:td6 23.W'eS! c;t;>h7 24.We7 l:td1
11 .0-0;!; Zsinka-Szieberth, Balatonbereny 23 .~bS ;!;) 13.h3 lf:lc7 14 .~f4 ~a6 25.l:td1 c;t;>g8 26.b3, when White retains
1994) 8...0-0 9.0-0 eS 10.h3± ] 6.e4 [6. ~f6 15 .~a6 lf:la6 an advantage but it is kept within
ef6 7.e3 ~e7 (7 ...g6 8. ~c4 ~g7'a4

reasonable bounds. Black failed to realize
lf:ld7 10.~a6 0-0 11.~c8 'i!fc8 12.lf:lge2 the dangers facing his exposed king]
fS 13.0-0 lf:lf6 14.l:tab1 l:te8 1S.b4 lf:le4 ~ 23.lf:ld5 b7 24.W'f3 ! lf:lc7 [Forced,
16.l:tfc1 'fid8 17.bcS lf:lc5 18.Wd1 ~- ~ .,.££.i. as White was threatening'f6 c;t;>h?
Arencibia Rodriguez-Pazos Gambarrotti, £ ££'c3!. No relief was offered by 24 ... f6
Medellin 1987) 8 .~c4 0-0 9.~d3 lf:ld7 2S.W'g3! or'b2? 2S.l:te2! 'ilt'bS
10.lf:lf3 l:tb8oo Murshed-Adams, London
£ !::, (2S ... 'ilt'b7'f6 ~h 7 27.Wc3) 26.1t'f6
1991 , isn't much for White] 6... g6 7. ~c4 !::,~ c;t;>h7 27.l:tde1!] 25.'Wc3 ! f6 26.lf:lf4
~g7 8.lf:lf3 0-0 9.0-0 li:lbd7 1O.l:te1 ttJ !::, [White has multiple threats ('i!fg3, 'ifd3)
!::, !::, while the black pieces are still unable to
cooperate] 26 ... l:te8? [Hastening the end
1::[ by allowing the transformation of White's
positional advantage into material gain.
16.e5! [White's superiority is increasing, One possible line was 26 ... 1t'b4 27.W'g3
as he has already achieved his main aim] gS 28.lf:lhS c;t;>g6 29.'ti'd3! fS (29 ... c;t;>hS
16...de5 17.lf:le5 lf:leS 18 . ~e5 l:tb7 30.g4 c;t;>h4 31 .'i!fg3X) 30.g4! and g3,
[After 18... ~eS 19.l:teS l:tb7 20.l:tae1 with a clear advantage for White] 27.l:te8
Black would face unbearable pressure on lf:le8 28.'ilt'd3! ts 29.lf:le6 c;t;>ga
e7] 19. ~g7 c;t;>g7 20.l:tad1 l:td7 [White 30.lf:lc5! [Winning material and the
is better as Black has several weaknesses game] 30 ... Wc6 31.lf:ld7 ti'd7 32.b4
(e7, c5 and a7) while the isolated white 1-0
Survey Bl 18.4

Grivas,Efstratios preparation, will go lor the e4-e5 thrust] 9.cb5? [White should aim lor 9.<()131~g7
leko,Peter 23.h3 <()d7 24.l:lb1 ~ b8 25.llec1 10.-.e3 tt:le5 11 .tt:le5 fe5 12.'ilt'c5 bc4
Budapest 1993 (1) [25 .~c3 now was good: 25... ~c3 26.'ilt'c3 13.e4 0-0 14 . ~c4±] 9 10.e3
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4. ~f3 <()a6 27. a3±] 25 ... ~a6 26.'tlfd1 [10.0·0-0 <()e6 11.e4 1 1 o... tt:lb5
.ib7 5 .~fd2 bc4 6.e4 d6 7.~c4 ~c7 27. ~ a3 <()a6 28 . ~ b5 [White, in 11. ~b5 ab5? [11... ~g2! 12 .~c4 ~h1
~bd7 S.o-o g6 9.<()c3 ~g7 1O.l:le1 time-trouble, wrongly decided to repeat 13.13 ~g7 14.0·0·0 f5oo] 'ili'a5
0-0 11 ..if1 ~b6 [Here the bishop is not moves. He should go for 28.1t'e2 ~ b4 13.~c7 \Pd8 14. aS 1t'd2 15.'0Pd2
yet on g5, but by transposition we will get a 29.<()c4 ~d4 30 .~c3 e5 31.de6 fe6 ~g2 16.f3? [! ~as 17.l:lhc1
position of the 4... bc4 line] 32.e5;!;] 28 ... ~c7 tt:la6 ~d6 18. f4 !] 16... ~ h1 17.'0Pe2 ~d61 112· 112 [17 ... g5 18.l:ld1 g4 l:lgB i ]
18. 2 'it»e7 l:lb8
~ h2 21.e4 [21. e2?! ~13 22.'0Pf3 d5=F]
21...f5?1 [21...~e5! 22. e2 ~f3 23.\Pf3
~2 24.l:lb1 ~es 25.l:lb8 ~bBoo]
Variation F 22. h3 ~f3?1 [22 .. .fe4 23.l:lh1 d5
4 ... 6 24.l:lh2 dc4 25.\Pg3 el3 26.'iP13 lla8 l:la2 'it»e6 29. l:la1
Miles,Anthony 30.l:lh7;!;] 23. 3 g5?! [23 .. .fe4 24.'0Pe4
Bellon lopez,Juan Manuel f5 25.'0Pd5 h5 26.'0Pc5± ] 24. g5 h6
Surakarta/Denpasar 1982 (1) 25. h3 fe4 26.'0Pe4 'it»e6 27.l:le1 ?!
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4 ..ig5 g6 [27.l:ld1! f5 28.'0PI3 d5 29.l:ld2+-]
5.d61? [Another interesting idea of the late 27 ... d5 28. 3 'it»d7 29.l:le2 dc4?1
12.a4! [This is a nice and typical idea; Tony Miles and not mine, as Igor Stohl [29...~c7 30. e3 'it»c6 31 .tt:lf5±]
White expands on the queenside and hopes wrongly claimed in 'CBM'] 5 ... ~ b7!? 30.l:lh2+- l:la8 31 . f2 l:la2 32. e4
to play b2·b4 (see also Grivas·Arduman, [5 ... e6?! 6.cb5 ~g7 h6 8.~f4 1Pe7 33. 4 l:la6 34. 5 l:lg6
Athens 1989) or apply the plan of the (8. ~e3 !? a6 9 .~c5 ab5 10.e3±) 8... ~b7 35.\Pd5 f5 36. c3 37. c5 f4
game] 12... a5 [What else? II 12...a6, then 9. ~e5 0·0 a6 11.a4 'ilt'a5 12.l:lc1 38.\Pc4 5 39.b4 f3 40.l:lf2 \Pf4
13.a5 ~bd7 14 .~c4±] 13.<()c4 [As the tt:le4 (12... c4? 13.'ifd4+- V.Mikhalevski· 41.b5 h5 42.'0Pc5 l:lg8 43.b6 l:lc8
b5·square is now weak, White wants to Hendriks, Vlissingen 2000) 13.~g7 'it»g7 44. ~b4 h4 45.l:lb2 l:ld8 46.b7 h3
place a piece on it, blocking the trfile. At 14.e3;!;. For 5... ed6?! see Grivas-Lputian, 47 .'~c5 'it»g4 1·0
the same time the a5·pawn might be proven Athens 1983 and for 5... bc4!? see Grivas-
weak as well] 13 ... ~fd7 14. ~g5 [And Kjeldsen, Cannes 1995] 6. c3 [6.cb5!?
we have the position that could arise by ~g7 (6 ... tt:le4!? 7.de7 ~e7 8.~e7 1t'e7 Grivas,Efstratios
4..ig5 bc4] 14... <()c4 15.~c4 ~a6 0·0 a6 11 .e3 tt:ld2 12.1t'd2 lputian,Smbat
[1 5.. .t!~e5 16 .~f1 l:lbB 17. b5 1fd7 18.14 ab5 13.~b5 ~f3 14.gf3 tt:lc6 1 5 .~c6 dc6 Athens 1983 (9)
~g4 19 .~e2;!;] 16 . ~a6 l:la6 17.'ilt'e2 16.'ilt'c3;t) 7.<()c3 e6 B.lL\13 0..0 9.'.-d2 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4 .~g5 g6
l:la8 'ili'a5 (10. e4 1t'd2 11 . ed2±) 5.d61? ed6?! 6. c3 ~e7 [6 ... bc4
10... ~d5? ! 11.13 tt:lea 12.e4 ~es 13.ed5± 7. e4 ~e7 8 .~d6 'it?f8 9 .~16 ~f6
Wiatr-Byrka, Chelm 2010] 6 ... a6?! 10.'it'd5 <o\?g7 is analysed in Grivas·
[6 ... bc4! ed6 8. b5 tt:lc6 (8 ...1fa5?! Kjeldsen, Cannes 1995] 7. b5 [7 .cbS 0·0
9.'ifd2 'ilt'd2 (9 ...'ifb5? 10 .~f6) 8.e3 ~b7 (9.~f6 ~f6 10.1t'd6 ~e7
'it»e7 11 .tt:lc4±) 9.1t'd2 tt:ld4 cd4 11 .1t'f4 d5 12. 13 a6~) 9...a6~] 7 ... 0-0
11 .0·0·0 ~e7 12.'.-d4 0·0;!;] [!? might be good enough:
7 .~f6 ef6 8.'ifd2 c6 8.. .'i t'b6 9.b3! (9...d2?! tt:lc6 10.e3 l:lb8
11 .b3 b4~) 9... tt:lc6 10.g3! (10. 13?
<()d4 11 .tt:ld4 cd4 12. b5 .ib4 13.~d2
~cs 14.b4 ~e7 =F) 10... ~d6 11. ~16 tt:ld4
12 .~g2 ~b7 13.'it?f1±] 8... ~ b7!
~f3 1 O.gf3 'ilt'b6 11 .'ifd2 tt:lc6
12. ~g2 l:lab8 13.llb1 ;!; a6!
18.l:lac1! [Preparing the set·up with b3, [1 3... tt:ld4 14 .~16 ~f6 15. e4 ~g7 16.e3
~b5·a3·c4 and ~d2·c3, with full e6 17.14 f5±] 14.b3 tt:lb4
domination] 18... ~ b6 19.b3 'ilt'd7 15 . ~f6?! [1 5.a3! 1fa3 16.0-0;!;]
20 . ~ b5 l:lfbS 2 1.'ilt'c2 l:lb7 22 . ~d2 15 ... ~f6 ~g7 17.0-0 'i+'a2
'i'd8 [Black is cramped and has little to 18.l:lfd1 l:lfd8 d5 20.cd5
expect. In the end White, after good 'it'd2 21 .l:ld2 lld5 22.l:ld5 d5

23.ll:la4 a5! 24.14 [24.e3 ll:lc3 2S.ll:lc3 9... eS!? 10.~e3 l0d4 11. ~c4 ~b7 12.13 22 ... 'it'b4 23..1:117! <;1;>17 24.'it'd7 'it>g6
~c3 26.14 a4 27.%lc1 ~b2 28.%lc7 ab3 0·0 (after 12... hS?l 13.~gS! White 2S..I:lb1 ! with an easy win for White;
29.~dS=] 24 ... ll:lf4 25. ~f3 ll:lh3 dominates the dS·square) 13.~h6! l0c2 22... dB 23.lOdS ~e6 24.l0c7) 23.lOdS
26.'it>g2 g5 27. ~d5 .l:ld8 28.%ld1 14.'fi'c2 ~h6 1S.Wd3 with an unclear 'it>e6 24.l0d41 (and not 24 ..1:117? b3!
l0e6 29.e3 8 30. ~f3 .l:lbS 31.%ld3 position] 10.~e3 [Once again the capture 2S.~d1 'it>l7=) 24... ~d4 2S.ed4 .l:laf8
.l:lb5 32. ~d5 ¥.!·¥.! on e7 is unsatisfactory: 10.de7? e7 26.1t'b4±] 17.%lhf1 .l:lfS 18.%lab11 [All
11.~d6 l0e4!] 10..•ed6?! [Up to this of White's pieces occupy very active
point Black has avoided all pitfalls but here, positions, while their black counterparts are
Grivas,Efstratios driven by the desire to extinguish White's unable to create any serious threats]
Kjeldsen,Jens initiative, he 'forgot' about the importance of
Cannes 1995 (7) castling - or assumed that he will be able
1.d4 f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4. ~g5 g6 to accomplish it soon! It is true that
.. g
5.d6!? bc4!? 6.l0c3 [White ends up in 10... l0g4?! 11. ~cs Was 12.~a3 would i.i.
a suspect position after the over-ambitious

also not equalize, but Black should have
6.~f6?! ef6 7..-dS? 11t'b6!1] 6... c6 played 10... 'ilt'aS! 11. ~c4 l0g4 12.de7
[Black's best option. Again the alternatives (12.l0f3? ll:le3 13.fe3 e6!) 12... ll:le3 13.fe3
are unsatisfactory: 6...ed6?! 7.l0e4 ~e7 ~c31 14..-c3 (14.bc3? eS 1S .~dS .l:lb8
(7 .. :.-as? s.~d2 WdB 9.l0f6 'ilt'f6 16. f3?! (16..1:ld1 !? ~a6 17 .~17 'it>e7
10.~c3) 8.l0d6 IPIB (8 ...~d6? 9.11t'd6 18.'ilt'd6 'if;>f7 19.11t'es .l:lhdB 20.ll:le2 ~e2
l0e4 10.11t'eS) 9. ~f6 ~f6 10..-dS ~g7! 21 .'it>e2 Wa2 22.%ld2 1t'c4 23.'it>f3 .l:lb6
(10...'ilt'aS? 11.~d1 ~e7 12.'ilt'l7! ~d6 24.WdS 1t'dS 2S ..I:ldS;t) 16... .1:lb2!)
13._.16) 11 .0-o-o! (Black is better after both 14... 'ilt'c3 1S.bc3 tOeS 16 .~dS .l:lb8
11 .¥ 17? ~h6 12.l0f3 .l:lf8! (12...~b2? 17.l013 l0d3 (17 .. .16? 18. eS feS 19.()-{) is 18... ll:la4 [White had no reason to worry
13.g4!1 Was 14.l0d2 c3 1S.gS!) 13.0·0·0 good for White) 18 .~d2 ~a6 19..1:lab1 about 18... 'it'a3 19.'it>c2 a4 20..1:lb3! or
~2 14 .~c2 Wf6! and 11 .11t'a8? Was ~e7 with balanced chances] 1U i'd6 18.....b4 19.'it>c2 .l:lb8 20.a3!, with a
12 .<~>d1 Wa4) 11...We7 (11... c6? l0g4? [The decisive mistake! Black was winning position in both cases] 19.e5!
12.1t'l7 ~h6 13.l0f3) 12.e3!? (12.Wa8? compelled to play 11...l0d4! 12.%lc1! [The black aS-rook is of relatively little value.
l0c6 13.l0c8 11t'eS! leaves Black better, but (12 .~d4? cd4 13.'.,d4 0-0 is great for Indeed, 19. ~8? ll:lc3 20.l0c3 'it'c3
12.ll:lc8! .l:lc8 13.'ilt'a8 ~b2 (13 ...%lc6 Black) 12.. .'ii'b6 13.'ilt'b6 ab6 14 .~c4 ;!;] 21 .'it>e2 ~eS would be unclear at best...]
14..1:ld2 c3 1S.bc3 ~c3 16J:Ic2 _.f6 19.•.l0b6 20•.1:lb6! [Eliminating Black's
17..-bB ~ 18.'it>b1 .l:lb6 19.1t'b6 'it'b6) only active piece] 20 ... ab6 21 .l0g3!
14.'it>b2 'ilt'f6 1S .~b1 (not 1S.'it>c2? l0c6!1 [The complications have obviously ended in
16.'it'c8 l0b4) 1S... l0c6 16.'ilt'c8 'ilt'fS White's favour. In a quantitative assessment
17.e4 'ilt'e4 18.~d3 cd3 19.'ilt'b7 also wins) of the position Black is currently ahead in
12... c3!? (other moves also leave White material. But in terms of a qualitative
clearly better: 12... l0c6 13.~c4! ; 12... ~a6 assessment White's pieces are much better
13.~c4 ~c4 14.l0c4) 13.'fi'a8 (not placed and directed against a specific target
13.l0c8? .l:lcB 14.'it'a8 c411 1S.'ilt'b7 l0c6!) (the black king on e8). This game is a
13...l0c6 14.l013 c2 1S.'it>c2 ~a6 characteristic case where Black ignored the
(1S ...'ilt'd8? 16.lOfS!? gfS 17.11t'c6) necessity of safeguarding his king in favour
16.'ilt'c6!! and White's superiority is of other priorities. As a result, the king has
significant; 6... ~7? ! 7.11t'd21 l0e4 8. e4 ended up surrounded by the white forces,
~e4 9.f3 ~b7 10.e4±] 7 ..-d2 [Another 12.~c41 [Instead, 12 .~c5? 'it'aS 13.l0e2 while all of Black's active pieces have left
interesting continuation is 7.e4!? h6 8. ~e3! ~f8 14...g3 ~c5 1S.'ii'g4 tOeS would be the board!]
(8. ~f6!? ef6 9 .~c4±) 8...ed6 9 .~c4 . with equivalent to resignation] 12 ...ll:le3
a slight advantage for White] 7 ... ~g7 [Not , 13.fe3 1t'a5 [White retains his superiority
of course, 7... ed6? 8.'ilt'e3!] 8.e4 [8.de7?! after 13...~c3 14.bc3 'it'e7 1S.'it'dS
1t'e7! 9.lOdS?! 1t'eS! is good for Black] intending l0e2-g3] 14.l0e2 ll:le5
8•.. h6! [If Black attempted to continue with [14 ... ~es is no improvement: 1S.'it'dS o-o
8...0.()?! 9.l0f3 ed6 (9... l0d4 1O.eS!) 16.()-0±] 15. ~d51 l0d3 16.'it>d2
10.~c4 .l:le8 11.0·0. White would retain a l0b2?! [This eases White's task. Black
pleasant initiative. Note that Black cannot should have tried 16... ~eS!? , when after
relieve the pressure with 11...h6? due to 17. ~17 <;1;>17 18.1t'd3 d6! 19.'it'dS ~e6
12.~h6 l0e4 13.l0e4 .l:le4 14. ~17 1] 20.%lhf1 'it>e7 21.Wb7 ~d7 White would
9.~f4!? g5! [Black consistently fights for have to find the spectacular 22.b41!
the advantage. Another possibility was (22 ..1:117? is just a draw) 22...cb4 (or

Survey 8118.4

21 ...fS [Desperation, but other moves also 41.gh4 f4? [41...1ifc5 42.h5 h6 43.l:la4 33.l:ld3 fe3 34.l:le3+- l:la2 JS.bS
bring no salvation: 21 ... l:lhS .itS lifb5 44.l:lb4 <oPeS 45.l:lc4 lifb5 46.l:lb4 l:lb2 36.l:lee1 l:laa2 37.l:lg1 l:le2
23."i!ff6 l:lh7 24.-if? l:lt7 .id6 <Jta5 47.Wc4±] 42.e4! +- <oPeS 38.h3? [38.l:la1 ! l:la1 (3S...l:lg2 39.l:la2
26.W't7 ci>dS 27.ed6; 21 ..."i!fa3 c4 43.l:ld2 life6 44.l:ldS l:la7 4S.Iife4 l:la2 40.l:lb1+-) 39.l:la1 l:lb2 40.h4 l:lb5
23.1Llg7 lifdS 24."i!i'b6 life? 25.1ff6X] l:lg7 46.l:lfS l:lg4 47.l:lf6 <Jtb7 48.hS (40 .. .'iPg7 41 .l:la7 <Jtt6 42.l:lb7 +-)
22.ef6 l:lf6 23.l:lf6 1fb4 1-0 41.l:la7+-] 38 ... l:lab2? [38 ... Wg7!
"i!i'b2 2S.Iifd1 1-0 39.1ifh2 l:lab2±] 39.l:lb2 l:l b2 40.l:la1
lifg7 41.l:la7 6 42.l:l b7 hS 43.h4
lvanchuk,Vasily l:lb3 1-0
Moscow TV 1987
Variation G 1.d4 tt)f6 2.e4 cS J .dS bS 4. ~gs d6 Grivas,Efstratios
4 .. .d6 li)bd7 6.e4 g6 Horvath,lmre
[Alternatives are: 7.cb5 ~g7 a6 Dortmund 1990 (9)
Ubilava,Eiizbar 0-0 10.a4 li)eS?! (10...~c7 11. ~e2 1.d4 tt)f6 2 .c4 cS J .dS bS 4. ~gS d6
Gorelov,Sergey ab5 12.ab5 l:la1 13."i!fa1 li)b6 14.0-0!) g6 6.e4 ~g7 7 .cbS
Telavi 1982 (8) 11. ~e2 li)c? 12.0-0± Van der Stricht- [Alternatives: 0-0 8.cb5 a6 9.1fb3
1.d4 tt)f6 2.c4 c5 J .dS b5 4.~gS d6 Knoppert, Antwerp 1997; ~g7 li)bd? 1o .~e2 ab5 11. ~b5 ~a6 12.~a6
5...if6 ef6 [The alternative 5...gf6 fails to! (S.cb5!) S... bc4?! (S ... b4!) 9. ~c4 l:la6 13.0-0 ~as 14.a3 l:lbS 15.~c2 h6
satisfy as well: 6.cb5 ~g7 7.t:oc3 15 S.e3 o-o l:lbS 10.0-0 0-0 11.'it'c2 li)e5oo Bermejo 16 .~h4 l:la7 17.l:lab a J.Parker-Stoeber,
9...id3 e5 ~g5 11.Q-O e4 12.14 Martinez-Garcia Gata, Cullera 2005] Hastings 1995/96; 7.'i!fc2 0-0 S.~d3 li)bd?
"i!fg6 13...ic2± \blodin-Ajvazi, PiollcfiV tt 2010] 7 ...~g7 8.~d3 [S.1fc2!? 0-0 9.cb5 a6 tt)g4 10 .~14 li)ge5 e5
6.cbS g6 .ig7 o-o 9.e3 10.a4 ab5?! (10 .. .'i!t'a5! 11. ~d3 ab5 12 .~e5 ~e5 13.cb5! {13.0-0?! b4!=i=;
a6 10.a4 f5 11.~e2 [ .ib7 12 . ~b5 .ia6 13.~a6 ~a6 e6 13 ... 15? 14.cb5 14 15.13! C.Fiear-Dalmau,
12...ic4 00 13.o-o tl)b6 14.~b3 ab5 15.de6 fe6 16.e5!) 11. ~b5 ~a6 12 .~a6 Dobrna 19S5) 13 ...e6 14.0-0!; 7.13?! 0-0
15.ab5! Peric-Collas, Cannes 1995] 11 ...abS l:la6 13.0-0 tt)g4 14.l:lab1 li)b6 15.b3 8. ~d3 tt)fd7oo Camarena Gimenez-
12. · [12.ab5!?] 12...1fas 13.0..0?! ~d7 li)c4 17 .~c4 l:lb6 1S.'*Vc2 Granero Roca, Lliria 1995] 7 ... a6 8.b6?!
[13."i!fb3 li)a6 14.o-o l:lb8 15.l:lfd1 !] ~ b7 l:lb4 l:lbS [S.a4 'it'a5! 9.13 0-0 10.Wf2 e6~; S.'it'b3!?
13...~c3 14.bc3 ~c3 li)a6 1-0 V.Mikhalevski-J.Christensen, Copen- li)bd? 0-0 10. ~e2 !] 8 ... li)bd7 'it'f6 17. s li)b4 hagen 2000] 8 ... 0-0 9.0-0 tt)g4 10.cbS 0-0 1 b6 11 . ~e2 e6!
· 7 eb4 20.l:lb1 ~c3 a6?1 [10 ... ~b2 11 .l:lb1 ~g7 12.de6 ~e6 [12 .. .fe6?! 13.e5 deS
21 .W'b3 1fb3?! [21...l:lfc8! 22.l:lfd1 l:lc5=] tt)ge5 li)e5 14 .~d2!] 11 .ba6 14.0-0!] 13.0-0 'i!fd7 14.a4 l:la7?1
22J!b3 .idS 23.l:lb4! li)deS li)eS 13 . ~e2 h6 [14 ... h6 15.~14 ~c6oo] 1S.aS li)c8
14. ~f4 · 6 1S. ~a6 l:la6 l:lb7

'iW .~ .

K ''-*-
· '~ ~ '' ~Xi

~~ ttJ ~~~
n ~ n~
23 ... l:lfe8 24.h4 8 2S. l:ld4 .ib3
26.l:la1 [26.l:lb1! .ic2 27.l:lbb4!] 16.~eS! ~es± ~d4 18.a3 17.eS?! [17.l:lb1! l:lb4 1S.b3!] 17... deS
26... dSI 27.l:lb4 ~e4 28 ..ic4 l:lc4 ~d7 19.l:lb1 fS 20. ~e2 f4? 18 .~f6 ~f6 19.'it'd7 ~d7
29. l:lc4 dc4= JO.Iiff1 l:laS?! 21.<Jth1? [! ~e5 22 .'~i'a6 13 ~e7 21 .li)eS ~ bS 22.~ bS [22.l:lle1
[30... l:lbS! 31 .a5 c3 32.<<Pe2 c2 33.l:lc1 23.h3!+-] 21...l:la7 22.f3 ~ bS ~e2 23.l:le2 15 ~16=] 22 ... l:lbS
l:laS=] 31.<Jte2 ¢;e7 32.Wd2 lifd6 23.'i!.Yc2 'Wd7 24.l:lfc1 <Jtg7 2S.'i!fd3! [23.l:lab1! lifg7 l:lb7=]
33.1ife3 <oPeS 34.l:la2 f6 3S.g3 l:la6 l:lb8 26.b4! Wh7 l:l ba8 23 ... fS l:lb4 2S.l:la4 l:ld8
36.aS lifbS 37.l:la1 lifcS 38.hS ghS 28.l:lb3 .ieJ 29. l:lcb1 cb4 30.ab4 26. l:lb4 [26 ...cb4 li)d6
39.l:la4 <oPbS 40.l:la2 h4?! [40 ...Iifc5!] l:la6 'ti'bS 'it'dJ l:lcS=i=] Y2-Y2

Benoni Defence
Benko/Volga Gambit Bl 23.14 (A57)

A Jolly Joker on e5!

by Tibor Fogarasi

1. d4 tLlf6 master like Cheparinov, If we take a glance at the dia-

2. c4 c5 Zviagintsev and Throv u ed thi grammed po ition, we can ee .
3. d5 b5 weapon again as Black. how unplea ant the active b4-
4. cbS a6 In the po ition after 7 ... g6 8.tLlf3 rook is for White! The fir t am-
5. b6 d6 .ft.g7 9.a4 'it'b6 IO.a5 'ird8, ple game brought a cata trophic
6. tLlc3 tLl bd7 Black can play the typical ma- re ult for him: three losse out of

. ....
7. e4 : bs noeuvre ... tLle8-c7-b5-d4, but three, and the victims were
then his initiative simply peters trong players!
out. After 7 ... : b8 however, if A) 13.'irc2 ltJe5 14.h3 g5!!
K.ti+'•.t .i White insi t on the standard l5. l:te l g416.hg4 tLl fg417. tLl f1
queen ide pawn advance f5!, and White wa condemned
.l 8 .l .. a2-a4-a5, it is ea y to ee that to total pa ivity in Enchev-
.l 8 Black gai ns everal important Cheparinov, Plovdiv 20 12.
8 tempi , and hi rook is very active B) l3.a5 tL:le5 14.h3 g5! 15.b3
on b4. And I haven't even men- l:td4! 16. c2 g4!
tioned his fiercest weapon yet:
the 'Jolly Joker' on e5 ... If Black
manage to tabilize the position
of hi s ' magic horse' with ... tLle5
An old et-up ha reappeared in and ... g6-g5!, White eem to .l ·-~

the 5.b6line of the Benko Gam- face an uphill struggle. 8 .l 8 ..

bit lately. A I am a Benko player After this brief prologue, let' .1 8
myself, 1 analy ed 7 .. J1b8 orne ee the peci.fic variations:
time ago when preparing for a
8 CiJ 8
game, but unfortunately I have Gaining Ground "V/HCiJ ~88
had no chance to u e it yet. But With the advance a2-a4-a5 ~ ~ l:r~
ooner or later the moment wi ll White trie to gain ground on the
come ... queen ide. And Black won a pectacu lar
The plan with 7 ... : b8 was fir t 8. tLlf3 g6 9 ..ft.e2 .ft.g7 1.0.0-0 0-0 attacking game in Bocharov-
u ed by grandmaster Gerald 11.a4 : b6 l2.tLld2 X:C b4. Zviagintsev, St Petersburg 2009.
Hertneck in 1991 agai nst Csaba The advantage of 14.f4 .is that it
Horvath. I till remember that I prevent Black from having an in-
wa greatly impressed by this vincible knight on e5. On the other
spectacu lar tactical battle, which hand, White's king ide i weak-
I aw 'live' - 1 mean, standing by ened. After l4 ... tLleg4 15.tLlc4
the board during the EC encoun- tLle8 16. el ..Q.d4 17.~hl f5,
ter Honved-Bayern. The German Black has the initiative.
grandmaster won the game with
a pectacular queen sacrifice. Queenside Development
Still, we had to wait nearly two ll.l:tb I !? i a new plan intro-
decades (! !) until trong grand- duced by Rakhmano . Instead of

Survey 8/ 23.14

wa ting time on the unnece sary

a2-a4-a5, White develop his
queen ide. I do like thi s quiet
move! After ll ... .:rb6 I 2.b3 ttJe8
13 .i.d2! ttJe5 14.ttJe5 ~e5
15.ttJa4 .l:[b8 16.i.c3 i.c3
17.ttJc3 White was lightly
better in Rakhmanov-Zviagin-
t ev, Aeroflot Open 20 12.

With ll .b7 White tries to throw a Thi i u ually a good place for
panner in the work : I l ... ~b7 the white bi shop, as it supports a
12.h3! ? ( urpri ingly, thi logi- later breakthrough e4-e5 , and
cal move, which hinder ... ttJg4, hinder ttJe5 .
i a novelty. The earlier continu- ll. .. .l:[b6 12 ..1:[b I ttJe8 13 .~c2 Gerald Hertneck
ation wa 12.i.f4 ttJg4!) ttJc7 1 4.~e3 .l:[b8 15 ..1:[fd I, and
12 ... ttJe8 13 ..ig5. White pro- now Black hould have played
voke Black to weaken his 15 .. .f5 !, with active counterplay;
king ide. ll. .. ~b6 l2 ..1:[bl a5! (w ith the
typical plan .. .~a6) is al o
worthy of attention (Campo
Moreno-Matamoro Franco,
Mancha Real 1998).

Rare Continuations
The rare continuation I l.h3,
I l .ttJd2 ll .'i:Yc2 are also worth
trying, but there are not enough Hertneck give 12 ... ttJde5 as ' un-
ample games yet. clear' in hi analy i for Ch e s
Informant 52 in 1991 . However,
Virtually Unexplored I think Black ' position i diffi-
However, Leon Hoyo doe not It i a bit surpri sing that the plan cult after J3. ~a4! ~ f8 14.i.e2!.
ri e tothebait.l3 ... ttJc7 14. d2 with 8.f4 i virtually unexplored,
f5!, and Black' counterplay ar- although in other set-ups this Conclusion
rive in time. After 15.ef5 .l:[ f5 move occurs quite frequently, White ha to avoid the plan with
16..id3 .l:[ f7 17 ..1:[ael ~ f8 a po- and it i not harmJe at all. After a2-a4, as it ha led to quick disa -
ition with chance for both ide 8 ... g6 9.ttJf3 it eem that Black ter in everal game . The et-ups
aro e in Bruzon Bati ta-Leon ha to play 9 ... ttJ b6. 9 ... ~g7? without a4 re ult in position
Hoyo , Quito 2012. IO.e5! de5 I l.fe5 ttJg4 12.e6 led with chances for both side .
to immediate di a ter for Black 7 .. ..1:[b8! ? has bee n an unplea ant
Controlling e5 in Vai ser-Simonet Pons, Eli ta urpri e for White, o I expect
ll .i.f4. Olympiad 1998. many new game in the future.

Early a2-a4 5.b6 d6 6.l!Jc3 l!Jbd7 7.e4 l:rb8 l!Jb6o:Z] 17...1ra8! 18. d3 l:rb3
7 ... l'l b8 8.l!Jf3 g6 9.a4 l:rb6 1O.h3 ~g7 19. ~g5 l:re8 20.-.c2 c4! 21 .l!Jc1
11. ~d3!? o-o 12.0-o l:rba [12 ...l:rb4!? l:rb7 22.l:ra2?1 [22.l01e2!? l!Jc5
Deues,Erik 13:it'e2 a5o:Z] 13.-.e2 l!Je81? 23.l:rab1] 22 .•. l!Ja6! 23.'i!ie2 l!JeS
Turov,Maxim [13...'i!t'a5!?] 14 .~a6 ~a6 15.1ra6 24 . ~e3 l!Jb4 25.l:ra3 l!Jbd3
Bad Wiessee 2010 (1) l!Jc7 16.1re2 l:rb4 17.l!Je1 ?! 26.l!Jd3? [26.14! l:rb2 27.'i!id1 ~h6
1.d4 l!Jf6 2.c4 cS 3.d5 bS 4.cb5 a6 [17 .~g5 !? l:re8 18.l:rfd1 lrb8 19.l:rd2 28.'it>h1 l:rf8oo] 26 ...cd3 27.'i!fe1 l:rb2

28. ~c1 l:tbb8 [28 ... l:tc2 29.<t:lbS l:tec8 29.l:tb21+ - <t:lf6 [29 ...l:tb6 30.l:tb6 ~h1 Bocharov,Dmitry
30.~e3 d2 3Hi'd1 l:tb2- +] 29.<t:lb5 31.eS deS 32.<t:le3 <t:lf6 33.c4+- l 30.l:tb5 Zviagintsev,Vadim
l:tec8 30.f4 8b5 31.l:tg1 ~e4 32. e3 <t:ld7 St Petersburg 2009 (2)
33.b7 34.l:tf1 ~PeS 35.l:tf4 ~h1 1.c4 <t:lf6 2.d4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 86

j.j. j_ j.• 36.l:tf1 ~e4 37.l:tf4 ~h1 38.1Pd2
w d8 39.l:tf11 ~e4 40.l:tf8 ..tc7
41 .l:te8! <t:le5 1-0
5.b6 d6 6. c3 bd7 7.e4 l:tb8
8.<t:lf3 g6 9.84 l:tb6 [9... b6 10. d2
~g7 1 1. ~e2 0·0 12.0..() e6 13.aS <t:la8
14.<t:lc4 edS 1S.edS l:te8 16 .~gs l:tb4

t2J ' '
~ ~
17.<t:la2 l:tb7 18. ~13 c7= l.lvanisevic·
J.Lundin, Belgrade 2002] 1 O.<t:ld2 ~g7
11. ~e2 0-0 12.0-0 l:tb4 13.85 <t:le5
l:t ~
Gaining Ground 14.h3 g5! 15.b3? [1S.<t:lf3!? <t:lf3
~ 11.a4 (1S... e4 16. e4 l:te4 17.<t:lgS l:tb4
18.'ii'c2 <t:lg6oo) 16.~13 h6 17.W'c2 e6;::t]
~ 'ifl:t~ 15...l:td4! 16.W'c2 g4! 17.hg4 [17.h4
Enchev,lvajlo hS 18. c4 ISH 17... fg4 18 . ~g4?
30...d2! -+ 31 .~d2 c4 32.l:t8f3 Cheparinov,lvan [18.<t:ld1 e6 19 .~2 "it'gS! (19...1rh4?!
<tld2 33.1t'd2 1t'84 34. c3 l:tc31 Plovdiv Ech 2012 (1) 20 .~g4 g4 21 .<t:lf3 W'hS 22. e3! )
35.l:tc3 1t'd4 0-1 1.d4 <t:lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 20.~d4 W'hS! 2 1. ~g4 g4 22.<tlf3 ~d4
86 5.b6 d6 6.<t:lc3 <t:l bd7 7 .e4 23.l:tc1 ~eS I 24.g3 ~b7-) 18... <t:lg4
l:t b8 8.<t:lf3 g6 9 . ~ e2 ~ g7 10.0-0 19. f3 f5 1 20 . ~g5 We8! [6
Tikkanen,Hans 0-0 11.84 l:tb6 12.<t:l d2 l:t b4 21 ... 'it'hS] 21.l:tfe1 fe4 22. e4
Sochacki,Christophe 13.1fc2?!N [13.14!? aS 14 .~ bS <t:lb6
Pardubice 2008 (1) 1S ... c2 ~ d7t ; 13.<t:lc4 <t:lb6 14.<t:laS
1.d4 <t:lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 86 ~ d7 oo ; 14 ... <t:l e4 1S.<t:lc6 1fc7
j_ ~g .•

' ' '~ '

5.b6 d6 6.<t:lc3 <t:lbd7 7.e4 l:tb8 8.84
1t'b61? 9.85 "it'b31 10.1t'b3 l:tb3
13 •. • e5
17 . ~ 13 ~ fS oo]
[14.14 <t:leg4 -*- '
11 . f3 g6 [11 ... l:tb4! 12.<t:ld2 (12 .~d3 e6 1S.<t:lc4 <t:lhS (1S ... e6!?) 16.fS ~d4
13.().() ~e7 14.l:te1 0-0=) 12...e6!;::t) 17.1Ph1 <i:lhf6oo ] 14 ... g5!! 15.l:te1
~ ~
12.<t:ld2 l:tb4 13.<t:lc4 ~g7 14.f3 g4 16.hg4 <t:lfg4 17.<t:lf1 X ttJ ~
[14 .~e2 <t:lg4!) 14.••0-0 [14 ...h5!? 1S .~d2 ~ t2J
h4;::t) 15 .~d2 l:td8?1 [1S ... <t:le8! 16.<t:la4
'if ~~
l:tb8 17.<t:lab6 <t:lc7;::t] 16. 4 l:tb3
17 ~c3 <t:lh51 18...td2! f5? [18...~h6
l:t l:t c;t>
19.Wc2 l:tb8 20.<t:lab6 ~7 21 .g3:t;
18... l:tb8 19.<t:lab6 ~b7 20.g3:t] 19. b6 22 ...l:tf3! 23.gf3 e5- + 24.w g2
[19.efS gfS 20.l:te1 'it;>t8 21.~d3±) W'h5 0-1
19... b6 20.8b6 ~c3 21 .bc3 fe4
22.fe4 l:tf8 23.Wc2?! [23.~e2+- 6
24.l:thb1] 23 ... l:tb5 24.g3 [24.<t:ld6? l:tf21)
24...~g4? [24 ... l:tf21 2S.c.t?c1 (2S.Wd1 Gleizerov,Evgeny
l:tb3!;::t; 2S.IPd3 f6!;::t) 2S ... l:tb3;::t] Georgiadis,Nico
25.<t:le31 l:tf2 26.1Pc1 ~e2 27.l:t821 Vienna 2011 (6)
l:tf1 28.<t:lf1 +- ~f3 17...f5! 18.f3 <t:lh6 19.<t:lg3 '*'e8! 1.d4 <t:lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 86
[19...e61? 20.de6 ~e6 2 1. ~h6 ~h6 5.b6 d6 6. c3 bd7 7.e4 l:tb8
22 .~a6 ~e3! ? 23.l:te3 14-.J 20.~ h6 8.<t:lf3 g6 9 .~e2 ~g7 10.0-o 0-0
~h6 21.ef5 ~e3 22. 1 ~f4 11 .84 l:tb6 12.<t:ld2 l:tb4 13.85 e51
23.<t:lce4 h51 24.f6 ~g3 25.<t:lg3 14.f4N <t:leg4 [14... fg4!? 1S.<t:ldb1
[2S.fe7 -..e7 26.<t:lg3 '*'h4-+] 25 ••.l:tf6 (1S.feS? <t:le3 16.• e1 c2 17.W'd1
26.<t:le4 l:tf4 27.g3 [27.Wg1 'irg6 <t:la1 -+; 1S.<t:lb3 c4 16.l:tf3 fS!t)
28.l:ta3 ~h3 29. ~d1 c4-+] 27 ...l:tf8 1S...l:td4 16.Wc2 <t:lc4 17 .~g4 ~g4 18.h3
28.w g2 h41 -+ 29.g4 [29.gh4 '*'96 ~d7 19.<tle2 <t:laS 20. d4 ~d4 21 .1Ph2
30.Wh1 l:tf4-+ ; 29.l:th1 h3!-+) ~bS 22.l:tf3 <t:lc4t) 15.<t:lc4 e8
29.....g6 30.~d1 ~f5 ! 31.Wh2 [1S...e6!;::t) 16.• e1 ~d4 17.Wh1 f5
<t:lg4 32.fg4 ~e4 [33."it'e2 '*''6 34 ...th3 18.ef5?1 [18.eS! deS 19.h3 ef4!
'*'eS- + ) 0-1 (19...<t:lgf6 20. eS ~b7 21. d3 d6!oo)

Survey 81 23.14

20.hg4 g5!!!!1] 18... ~fS 19....g3 tt:lgf6 12 ... tt:le8 [12 ... e6!? 13.de6 le6 14 .~c4 3S.ll:lc3? [35.%:1e1 'iie1 36.<it;>g2'1']
2M~e3 ~e3! 21 .'ife3 tt:lc7 22. ~f3 W'e7 15.h3;!;] 13.~d2! ll:leS [13 ... tt:lc7?! 3S ... %:1f1? [35 ... %:115! 36.'ita7 <it;>h6-+]
14.ll:la4 %:1b8 15 .~a5 ! ±] 14.ll:les ~es 36.<it;>t1 "i!fd3 37.<J;g1 'iits 38.'iie3
1S.ll:la4 %:1b8 16.~c3 ~c3 17.ll:lc3 "i!ff3 39.'iid4= 'iif6 40.W cs "i!fe7
fS [17 ...'ii'a51? 18.'ilfc2 ll:lc7+=t 6 ... tt:lb5, 41 .'iid4 W'f6 42.'i!icS "i!fe7 43.'iid4
... e6] 18. ~c4 ltlf6 19.efS ~fS 'itf6 Y2· Y2
20.%:1b2 %:1f7 21 .%:1e2 ~d7 [21 ...ltld7?!
22.%:1e3! ±] 22.ll:le4 [22.a4 a5 23.%:11e1 ;!;]
22 ...ll:le4 23.%:1e4;!; ~bS 24.h4! ...f8! Horvath,Csaba
2S.hS?! [25."ij'e2 ~c4 26.bc4;!;] Hertneck,Gerald
25... 'i!fh6! 26.'i lfe2 [26.hg6 hg6 27.'ilfe2 Budapest II 1991 (1)
%:1h7 28.13 ~d7! +=t] 26 .. .'i !fhS 27.%:1e7 1.d4 ll:lf6 2.c4 cs 3.dS bS 4.cb5 a6
'ife2 28.l:e2 %:1f4= Y2· Y2 S.b6 d6 6.ll:lc3 ll:lbd7 7.e4 %:1b8 g6 9.b7!? ~ b7 10.~e2 ~g7
11 .0-0 0-0 12. ~f4 ll:lg4!
22... l:d4! + 23.b3 tt:lcdS lOgeS 14.~e3 [ 14 .~g3 g5!oo; 14.. .15?!
~dS 2S.'i!fe2 J:f7 [25 .. ."ilfd7+ ] 15.14 ll:l17 16.el5 gl5 17.ll:lc4 ll:lb6
26.~b2 [26 .~d5 %:1d5 27.W'a6 ~d3 Provocative 18.l:b1;!;] 14...fS ! [14...ll:lb6 15.14 tt:led7
28."ifc6 l:d4 29. ~e3 ~11 30.~d4 cd4 11.b7 16.ll:lb3 15 17.ll:la5 Wc7oo] 1S.efS?!
31.a6 ~a6 32. %:1a6 %:114 33.h3 %:1181 [15.14!? ll:lg4! t6 .~g4 lg4 t7.'iig4 ~ca
34."i i'd5 <J;g7 35.W'd4 %:116+ ] 26 Bruzon Batista,Lazaro 18.%:1ab1 ll:le5 19.We2 ll:lg4 6 20 ... tt:le3
27.W'a6 [27.W'e3 e5! 28 .~d4 cd4 Leon Hoyos,Manuel Hertneck] 1S•.. gfS 16.f4 ll:lg6 17.ll:lc4
29.W'd2 d5+ ] 27 ... %:1b4 28.W'a8 Quito 2012 (1) ~c3 ! ? [17 ...ll:lb6!?] 18.bc3 tt:lf6
29 ~a8 ~d3 30.%:1f3 %:1b8 31 . ~c6 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6 19.'ilfc2 tt:ldS 20.%:1ad1 'iic7?!
~a6 32.g3 ll:le6 33.%:117 <J;f7 S.b6 d6 6.ll:lc3 ll:lbd7 7.ltlf3 %:1b8 [20... e6 21. ~c1 %:117+] 21.~c1 'it;>h8?!
34.<J;g1 [34 .~d5 ~b7! 35 .~b7 %:1b7 8.e4 g6 9.~e2 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0 22 . ~f3 ll:lf6 23.ll:le3 [23.'ii15?
36.a6 J:a7-+] 34 ...%:1b3 3S .~h8 11.b7 ~b7 12.h3!?N tOea 13~gs ll:lh4!-+; 23.~b7 b7 2HV15?
~c7 ! -+ 36. %:1a2 %:1b1 37.<J;t2 eS 0-1 ll:lc7 14.'ii'd2 fS! 1S.efS :ItS 16 .~d3 "i!fg2!-+] 23 •..e6 24.c4 ~e4 2S . ~e4
%:1f7 17.%:1ae1 -.fa [17 ... ll:lb6 18.~e4 tt:le4 26. ~ b2 <J;g8 27. ~a1! ¢>f7?
~c3 19.bc3 ~d5 20. ~d5 ltlcd5 21 .ll:lh2!!!!1; [27 ... h5! Cs.Horvath] 28.g4! %:1g8
17... ~c3 18.bc3 ~d5 19.~e4 !!!1]! 29.gfS! [29.<J;h1 Wc6-+] 29 •..efS?
ll:ldS [18 ...ll:le5 19.~e2;!;] [29 ... ll:le7! 30.<;1;>h1 el5 31 .'iie2 (31.lLl15?
Queenside Development [19.~c4 e6! 20.%:1e6 tt:lc3 21 .bc3 ll:lb6 'iib7! 32.%:1d5 'it'b1 !!-+) 31...%:1g6! 6
11 J% b1 22 .~e2 ~d5 23.%:1e3 a5=] 19...~dS 32 ... <J;g8oo Hertneck] 30.ltlfS! ll:lh4
20.~g6 hg6 21 ....dS 'it;>h7 22.%:1e4 31 .<J;h1?? [31 .ll:lg3D %:1be8 32 .~e5 !
Rakhmanov,Aiexander [22.b3 : 1s 23...,d2 : ea 24.ltlg4;!;J (Pinter) 32 ... 'ill'c6 (32 ... de5 33.fe5 <J;g7
Zviagintsev,Vadim 22 ...%:1b2 23.~e7 %:1e7 24.%:1h4 ~h6 34.We4 ll:lg6 35.e6 'iie5 36.1:17 <J;h8
Moscow 2012 (7) 2S.ll:lg4 ll:lf6! 26.%:1h6 ... h6 27.ll:lf6 37.%:1dd7!+ -) 33.%:1d5 lLlg3 34."iWh7 <J;e6
1.d4 cS 2.dS ll:lf6 3.c4 bS 4.cbS a6 <J;g7 28.'itd6 [ %:1e5 29 ....e5 deS (34...'it;>l8 35.'iih6+-) 35.hg3! %:1g3
5.b6 d6 6.ll:lc3 tt:\bd7 7.e4 l:b8 30.ltlh6 'it;>h6 31 .%:1c1;!;] 28..• l:be2 36.'it;>h2 6 37.%:1e1 +- Hertneck]
8.ll:lf3 g6 9. ~e2 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0 29.ll:ldS %:1f7 30.'iiVcS 'iid2! 31.ll:lc7 31 .•.'iib7! 32.%:1dS
11.l:b1 !?N %:1b6 [1 1...ltlb6 12.b3 ltlh5 aS 32.a3 %:1ee7 33.ltlbS %:1e1 34.g3
13.'ifc2 e6+=t] 12.b3 'it;>h7
K :i
• • .l
~ .l
~ '
iK 1 ~.l ·~ ~ ~ CiJ
~ ~
~ Cjj CiJ
~ !;_ ~ ~ ~
~~~ ~~ 32 ... "i!fb1 !! - + 33.ll:le3 [33.'ife2 'ii11
34.'it'l1 %:1b1 -+; 33.'iid1 'ii'd1 6

34...<t:IIS-+; 33.<t:ld6 'iPIS 34.'i!t'd1 ..a2! 28 •.1lf61- <t:lf6 29 ...h4! <t:lh7
3S..IlgS 12! 36 ..1lf2 .llb1! 37 ..1lgS 30.'.,h6 f6 31 ..1lf1 .llef8 32.-..h4
IPgS-+ Hertneck] 33 .. .'.-c2 34.<t:lc2 [32.c.ii>h2! .lldS (32 .....g7 33.'tifg7 \Pg7
.llb1 0-1 34.<t:ld6+-; 32... .1lg7!?) 33.gS fgS 34.d6
'it'g7 3S.~gS±J 32 ... .1ld8 Y.!-Y.!

Controlling e5 Sandor,Christian
11 . ..ltf4 Poznan 1995 (7)
1.d4 f6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6
Gaprindashvili,Nona S.b6 d6 6.<t:lc3 bd7 7.e4 .llb8
Timoschenko,Gennady 12...aS! (12 ... <t:lg4 13. d2! <t:lgeS a. t3 g6 9. ~e2 ~ g7 1o.o-o o-o
Courmayeur Ech sen 2011 (4) 14 .~gS .lleS 1S.\Ph1 ± f). 16.14] 13. d2 11.h3 .llb6 12.-..c2 tOeS 13 . ~d2
1.d4 <t:lf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6 ~a6 14..1le1 [14.<t:lc4 ~c4 1S . ~c4 ( 13 . ~14 !?] 13 ..•<t:lc7 14..1lad1 .llb8 (f).
S.b6 d6 6. c3 bd7 7.e4 .llb8 * b4!<=] 14... -.a7 1S.a4 .llb4!= 1S...<t:lbSJ 1S.a4 <t:leS [1S ... IS!? 16.eiS
8. f3 g6 9 .~e2 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0 16. ~bS ~ bS 17. bS ~ b8 Y.!-Y.! .IllS 17.<t:lh4! .IllS 18. ~gS <t:leS.,.]
11 .~f4 .llb6 12..1lb1 <t:le8 (12 ... <t:lg4!?] 16.~c1 ?I [16.<t:leS ~es 17 .~e3 e6
13.-.c2 <t:lc7 14. ~e3!? .llb8 1S.I4 ~g7 19.eS edS 20.<t:ldS ~IS 21 .-.c1
(14 ...<t:lbS 1S. bS abS 16.b4!±J 1S ..Ilfd1 deS 22.<t:le7! 'tlfe7 23 .~cs '*'e6 24 . ~1S
<t:leS [1S ... <t:lbS 16.<t:lbS abS 17.b4!±; Rare Continuations .IllS 2S...c7 el4 ~] 16... f3 17. ~f3 aS
1S .. .IS! 16.efS .IllS 17.<t:lgS eS<=] 11.h3/11.<t:l d2/11 . 'tfc2 (17... e6!?+%] 18 ..1lfe1 ~a6 19 . ~e2
16. eS ~es 17.f4 ~g7 18.a4 fS? ( 19 .~14 ~c4!] 19... 'i!t'c8 20 .~gS .lle8=
(1 S...e6! 19.-.d2 .lleS<=] Viviani,Aiessio

Pahtz,Thomas sr

£ •• .t i
Arco 2011 (2)
1.d4 <t:lf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6
S.b6 d6 6.<t:lc3 <t:lbd7 7.e4 .llb8
8.<t:lf3 g6 9. ~e2 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0
11 .h3 <t:lb6 12.a4 [12 .~14 !?]
£ ~ £ 12 ... <t:lfd7 13.<t:ld2 ~b7 14.aS a8
~ ~~ 1S.<t:lc4 <t:lc7 16. ~ gS h6 17. ~e3
t2J ~ (17.~h4 <t:leS 18. ~g3 <t:lc4 19 .~c4 ~c8
20.'i!l'c2 ~d7<= /.). 21...~bSJ 17... bS
~'i¥ ~ ~~
18. a4?1 [1S.<t:lbS!? abS 19.<t:ld2 ~a6
1::[ 1::[ ~ (19... -.cS!? 20.~bS ~a6 21. ~a6 't!ra6~) 21 .b3 .llb4 (2 1... ~e2 22 ..1le2 • b7
20.Wc2;!;J 18... d4 19.<t:lab6 <t:lf6?! 23..1lb1 e6!=J 22.<t:lb1 ~e2 23 ..1le2
19.eS! deS 20 . ~cs <t:le8 2U !t'd2?1 (19 ... <t:lb6!? 20.ab6 (20.<t:lb6 e6<=) 20... e6! a6 24 ..1lee1 e6 2S.<t:la3 edS
(21 .b4! ef4 22.bS * c7 23.<t:la2! abS 21 .de6 fe6 22 .~d3 dS 23.<t:laS 1t'b6 (2S... .IlebS 26 ..1ld3 edS 27.edS=J 26.edS
24.abS±] 21...Wc7 22.'i!t'e3 ~h6 24.<t:lb7 Wb7 2S.edS 1t'dS 26 .~g6 .llb2f] .lle1 27 ..1le1 h6?! [27 ... 'tifb7!] 28 .~d2
23.g3 <t:\d6?! (23... .1lf7!? 24..1ll1 ;!;] 20 .~d3 eS?! (20 ... e6!?] 21.f4 -..e7 .lld4 29 .~c3 [29.'0c4 dS 30.~aS;t
24.b4 ef4 2S.gf4 aS 26.<t:lbS! bS 22.feS deS 23.g4 <t:lh7 24.'.-e1 <t:\14 31 .~c3 .llc4 32.bc4 Wc4] 29 ....1ld5
27.abS ~f4 28.We7 ~ h2 29.\Ph1 .llbe8 2S.1t'g3 \PhS 26 ..1lae1 .llg8 30. ~g7 c.ii> g7 31.'t!rb2 c.ii> g8 32 ...f61
'i!t'e7 30.~e7 .Ilea 31.d6+- ~d6 27.'iPh1 ~f6 'ifc6 [32 ... <t:le6 33..1le6! .lld1 34.\Ph2 le6
32. ~c4 \Pg7 33. ~d6 ~ b7 34. ~dS 3s.-.g6 IP!S 36.1fl6 \PeS 37.'. -e6 \PdS
~dS 3S ..IldS .lla8 36.b6 1-0 38.<t:lc4-] 33.'0b5? [33.<t:lc4!-J
33... bS 34.abS 1fbS 3S.• dB c.ii>g7
36 ..1le8 * b4!= 37 ..1lg8 h7 38 ..1lh8
\Pg7 39 ..1lg8 \Ph7 40 ..1lh8 Y.!-Y.!
Campos Moreno,Javier
Matamoros Franco,Carlos
Mancha Real 1998 Pustovoitova,Daria
1.d4 <t:lf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6 Rakhmangulova,Anastasia
S.b6 d6 6. c3 <t:\bd7 7.e4 .llb8 Moscow jr 201 0
8.<t:lf3 g6 9.~e2 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0 1.d4 f6 2.c4 cS 3.dS b5 4.cb5 a6
11. ~f4 'i!t'b6 12•.1lb1 5.b6 d6 6. c3 bd7 7.e4 .llb8

Survey 81 23. 14

8.t/Jf3 g6 9...ie2 ..ig7 10.0-0 0-0 Bellort ch·FRA B 2010] 12.t0d2 tOeS
11.t0d2 t/Jb6 (11...l:tb6 12.t/Jc4 l:tb4o:tJ 13. ~ h1 [13.14 c4 14 .~h1 t/Jeg4 1S.t/Jd1
12.a4 t/Je8 [12 ...aS!?J 13.aS t/Ja8 ..id7 16.t/Jc4 't!Vd4!g!!!J 13 ... gSI 14.a4
[13 ...t/Jd7 14.t/Jc4 tOeS (14 ... t/Jc7 1S...igS h6?! [14 ... t/Jig4!?; 14...e6!?] 1S.l:ta3
tOeS 16.t/Jb6;!;) 1S.t/Jb6;!;) 14.t/Jc4 ..ig4? [1S ... aS!? A 16... ~a6J 16.f3 ~hS
t/Jec7 1S.t/Je3 t/JbS [1S ...e6!o:t) 17.t/Jc4 t/Jc4 18. ~c4 ~96 19.aS
16.t/JbS abS 17.'. -c2 t/Jc7 18.l:ta2 'iia7 20.'tVe2! l:ta8 21 .t/Ja4 t/Jd7
b4?1 [18 ...e6! 19.de6 (19.b3 IS!o:t) 22.f4! gf4 23.l:tf4 (23 .~14! ?] 23 ... 't!Vc7
19... t/Je6o:tJ 19.b3 t/JbS 20.-ibS! l:tbS 24. ~d2 tOeS [24 ... l:tlb8 2S.l:th3!..... J
21.t/Jc4 ..ia6 22.l:td1 l:tb7 23.t0b6 2S.t/Jb6 [2S.~a6 c4 26 .~bS l:tab8g!!!J
..ibS 24 ...ib2 ..ib2 2S.'i!Vb2 Wc7 2S ... l:tab8 26. ~a6
26.f4;!; f6 27.h3 l:ta7 28.'iff2 l:ta6
29.l:tda1 l:tb8 30.'tVe3 l:tb7 31. ~h2 9 ... ~g7? [9...t/Jb6D 1O...ie2 ~g7 11 .0·0
l:tba7 32 . ~h1 ~g7 33.'t!Vf2 't!Vb8 O·Ooo] 1O.eSI deS 11.feS t0g4 12.e6
34.'tVe3 't!Vf8 3S.Wf2 ..98 36.eS fe6 13.de6 t/JdeS 14.'i!fa41 8
'tVf8 37.'tVe3 feS 38.feS 'iffS 1S.~e2 t/Jf3? [ 15... ~e6! ? 16.t/Je5
(16.t/JgS 't!Vb6 17.t/Je6 'ife6 18.0.0 'iti>g8
19...il4±) 16... t/Je5 17.0·0 1Pg8 18 .~e3
't!Vb6 19.'ifh4± ) 16.~f3 t/Jf6 17.0-0
l:tb6 18. ~e3 l:te6 19 . ~cS + - 'ifc7
20.'t!Va3 ..ih6 21.t/JdS 'i!VeS 22.t/Jf6
[22 ...l:tl6 23.l:tae1 +-l 1-0

26 ...l:tb6D 27.ab6 't!Vb6 28. ~c3 Karner,Christoph

l:tb8g!!? 29.l:tf1 'iti>h7 30.h3 'ti'd8 Sandor,Christian
31.~c4 ~f6 32.l:tfa1 't!Vf8 33 .~bS Austria tt 1999/00 (2)
hS?I [33 ...l:tbS! 34.'t!VbS ~e4g!!!J 34.l:ta7 1.d4 t/Jf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6
1fh6 3S. ~d7! 'tVgS 36.l:tf1 (A S.b6 d6 6.t/Jc3 t/Jbd7 7.e4 l:tb8 8.f4
39.e6?! (39.ed6 ed6 40.l:tf2! 'tVeS 37 . ~1S) 36 ...t/Jd7 37.l:td7 ~es g6 9.t/Jt3 ~ g7? 1 deS 11.feS
41 .'tVeS deS 42.l:tla2 ~16 (42... ~7 38.'t!Vf2 ~c3 39.bc3 'iti>g7 40.'t!Vf4 t/Jg4 12.e6 t/JdeS 13.ef7? [13.'tVa4!
43. ~g1±) 43.l:td1 !±) 39 ... 'tVf6 'tVf4 41.l:tf4± l:tb1 42.'iti>h2 ~f8 'iti>IS 14.~e2 ! ±) 13 .. . f7 14. ~a6 · 6
[39 ... l:tb6? 40.ab6 l:ta2 41 .l:ta2 't!Vb1 43.l:td8 ~g7 44.l:td7 8 4S.eS! 1S.'t!Va4 'tVd7 16.'i!fa6 0-0 17.0-0
42.1Ph2 -.a2 43.'i!fl41 'tVaS (43 .....ie8 deS 46.l:tc4 l:tb2 47. ~g3 l:td2 t/JfeS! o:t
44.'tVh4! gS 4S.'tVgS 'iti>IS 46.'i!Vh6 IPgS 48.l:tcS ..ie4 49.l:tc8 1Pg7 SO.l:te7
47.'tVh41 't!Va1 48.b7 'tVa? 49.'tVe7 l:tg2 S1. ~ h4 ~dS S2.l:teS ~e6
50.'t!Vg5! ..ig6 S1 .h4+- ) 44.'tVf7 'iti>h6 S3.l:tc7 ~96 S4.l:thS l:te2 SS.l:tccS
4S.'t!Ve7 'tVdS 46.'tVI8 ~g5 47.h4 'iti>h5 l:te3 S6.l:tcgS 6 S7.l:th6 'iti>e7
48.'t!VI3 't!VI3 49.gl3+- l 40.'tVe1i 't!Vd4 S8.l:tg3+ - l:te4 S9.1PgS l:tc4
41.'tVg3 'tVd3 42.'tVf4 'ti'fS 43.'t!Ve3 60.l:th4?? [60.l:td3 l:ta4 61 .l:th8+-]
'tVd3 44.'tVf4 1ffS 4S.'t!Ve3 'tVd3 60 .. .f6 [61 .'iti>hS ~17 - + J 0-1
46. 'i!Vf4 'tVfS J.11-J.11

Mogranzini,Roberto Virtually Unexplored
Lubbock 2011 (2) 8.f4 18.'tVa4? [18.b7!J 18... t/Jf3 19.gt3
1.d4 t/Jf6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6 [19.l:tl3? ~d4 - +] 19... ~d4 20.'iti>h1
S.b6 d6 6.t/Jc3 t/Jbd7 7.e4 g6 8.t/Jf3 Vaisser,Anatoli 't!VfS 21 .'iti>g2 'ifeS?I [21...\!i'hS! 22.h3
l:tb8 9 •..ie2 ..ig7 10.0-0 0-0 11.1t'c2 Simonet Pons,Marc t/Jh2!! 23 . ~h2 l:t13 24.l:tf3 't!VI3 25.'tVc2
't!Vb6 [11...t/Jb6 12.h3 e6 13.de6! le6 Elista ol 1998 (1) 't!VI1 - + J 22.f4 WhS 23.h3 l:tb6
14.l:td1 'tVe7 1S...il4 eS 16.-igS h6 1.d4 t0f6 2.c4 cS 3.dS bS 4.cbS a6 24. e2? [24.'ifc2 t016+J 24... t/Je3
17...ie3 1Ph7 18.a4 ..ib7 19.t/Jd2 tOeS S.b6 d6 6.t/Jc3 t/Jbd7 7.e4 l:tb8 8.f4 2S .~e3 'i!Ve2 [26.l:tf2 'i!Ve3 27.l:tal1
20.l:tab1 aS 21 .t0bS± Benitah·Vaisser, g6 9.t/Jf3 l:t14!-+ ; 26.~12 'tVe4!-+ J 0-1

Dutch Defence
Early Sidelines HD 5.14 (A85)

Sacrificing the Exchange

by Leon Pliester

1. d4 f5 more move. Af ter I .d4 f5 2.c4

2. c4 ttJf6 tbf6 3.tbc3 g6 4.h4, White is still
3. tbc3 g6 scoring more than 70% with
4. h4 5.h5 , at lea t in my database.
True, a little crutiny teaches u
that after 4 ... il.g7 5. h5 tt:lh5
.. .i.'if * .i. :i

''''' .,., '

6.llh5 ?! gh5 7.e4 0-0 !


Mateusz Bartel
How fa t can one acrifice the
exchange? Obviously, the quick- fe r a knight to quare e6, hi at-
e t way of losing a rook for a mi- tack can be quite strong. T his is
nor piece is l .h4 d5 2.l:!.h3??, but White has not enough compen- what Topalov mi ed again t
thi move is too ridiculou to ation for the exchange. How- Judit Polgar: l9. tbe4, fo ll owed
con ider. Slightly more eriou ever, White has tronger: 6.e4!, by tbgS and tbe6, would have
is l.e4 g6 2.h4 ttJf6 3.h5 ?! ttJh5 and it is by no means ea y for done the trick. Instead he opted
4.llh5 , but it' hard to imagine Black to equali ze. fo r 19.ttJd5?, and Blac k man-
that thi s line will ever be very Since my aim wa to inve tigate aged to get rid of her weaknes
popular. However, if Black ha the power of the exchange, or, to by pl ay ing l9 ... e6! .
pl ayed L...f5 fir t, in an wer to be exact: to compare the In fact, also in case White man-
l.d4, and continue with 2 ... g6, strength of rook and kni ght , age to get a pawn on e6, he has
matters are changing dramati - we will focus on 4 ... d6 5.h5 more than enough compensati on
cally. White ha an impressive tbhS fo ll owed by 6.llh5 gh5 for hi s small material defi cit -
score with 3. h4. As Robert 7.e4. ee Sandipan-Bartel.
BeliLn has put it in hi s book Win- These pessimi sti c con ider-
ning with the Dutch': 'There i a A Small Material Deficit ati on , from the bl ack perspec-
imple rea on for preferring White's trategy should be tive, might give the fa t e
2 ... tbf6 to 2 ... g6: to avert the aimed at keeping the black king impression th at White i clo e to
blitzkri eg attack launched by in the centre, followed by ope- winning after the sacri fice on h5.
3.h4. The e are dangerous for ning the position , as in Bartel- Analys i , however, proves that
Black in all forms.' Firman. But on the queen. ide the on everal occasion bl ack pl ay-
Much to my urpri e, Black' black monarch isn' t free from er are mi s ing the tronge t de-
performance hardly improves af- threats e ither; see Radj abov- fence. lntere tingly, it is one of
ter delaying the blitzkrieg one Vallejo Pons. If White can trans- the olde t game in this collec-

Survey HD 5.14

tion, where Black show u a hould not fo rget the older can aJ o, after 4 ... d6, go for the
promi ing way to play. A early moves. pawn acrifice 5.h5 ttJh5 6.e4,
a 1989, Gennady Timo chenko here, a wa een in Gri chenko-
got a plea ant po ition aJmo t A Pawn Sacrifice Potapov. Even though the
traight after the opening agai n t In ca e Black' defence agai n t squares g7 and d7 are now at
Zsinka. Thi exampl e prove that the exchange acrifice turn out Black ' knight's di po a!, it still
we, reader of New in Chess, to be uffi cient, White till has remains a question whether he
hould of cour e open ourselves another option. As i the ca e in will be able to maintain the
to noveltie , but at the arne time the et-up with 4 ... ..Q.g7, White balance.

A Small Material Deficit - I g4+) 24... ~g5 25.ttJg5 'ilt'f6=i=] Hoffman,Aiejandro

7 ... fe4 24. ~ c7 ! ? "it'c7 25.ttJb6 Wb8 Rodriguez Vila,Andres
26.ttJd7 cJ;;ca 27.ttJb6 cJ;;ba 28.ttJd7 Santos 2003 (9)
Zsinka,Laszlo cJ;;cS 1.d4 f5 2.c4 ttJf6 3.ttJc3 g6 4.h4 d6
Timoschenko,Gennady 5.h5 ttJhS 6.l:th5 gh5 7.e4 ~g7
Budapest 1989 (11 ) 8.'Wh5 cJ;;d7 9. ~e3 c6'f5 cJ;;c7
1.d4 f5 2.c4 ttJf6 3.ttJc3 g6 4.h4 d6 11.ti'a5 b6 12.'if'a3 ttJd7 13.0-0-0
5.h5 ttJhS 6.J:%h5 gh5 7.e4 'iff8 14.ttJge2 ttJf6 15.c5 ~d7
A Small Material Deficit - II [15 ... ttJg4!?=] 16.cd6 [16.d5! cd5
7 ... ~ 7 17.ttJf4±] 16...ed6 17.d5! c5 18.ttJf4
ttJg4 19.ttJb5 Wb8 20.ttJe6! ~e6
Zsinka,Laszlo 21.de6 ~ h6 22.ttJd6 ~e3 23.fe3
Tseitlin,Mikhail ttJf2 24.ifa6 e7 25.l:td2 l:tf8
Budapest 1989 (2) 26 .~b5 'if'c7
1.d4 f5 2.c4 ttJf6 3.h4 g6 4.ttJc3 d6
5.h5 ttJhS 6.J:%h5 gh5 7.e4 ~g7
8.ti'h5 Wd7 9.ttJf3 'if'e8 10.'Wf5 ~ .i
Wd8 11. 'Wg5 WigS 12.~e3 ttJc6 .l if .l
13.0-0-0 ~g4 14.'ilt'b5 l:tb8 15.c5 'if .l Cjj !J,
[15.d5 ttJe5 16.ttJe5 ~e5 17.13=]
15... l:tf8 16.d5 a6 17.'if'b3 ttJe5
..t .t.
7.. .fe4 8."it'h5 cJ;;d7 9.'Wh3 e6 18.ttJe5 ~e5 19.13 ~c8 20.ttJe2
10.ttJe4 ~e7 11 .~e3 'iig8 12.0-0-0 cJ;;eS 21.14 ~g7 22.f5 'if'f6 23.cd6
'it>d8 13.ttJf3 ~d7 14.~d3 cJ;;ca cd6 24.ttJf4 l:tg8
15.'iih2 ttJc6 16.c5 d5 17.ttJc3 a6
18.~f4 'if'd8 19.a3 ~f6 20.~c2 ~e8
21 .ttJa4 ~g6 22 .~g6 hg6 23.Wg3
27.e7 [27.ttJe8!] 27 ...'We7 28.l:tf2 'Wd6
29.l:tf8 1i'f8 30. ~c6 f7 31 .~a8
[31 .e5!] 31...c4! 32.'Wa4 [32."ifb71+-l
32 ...cJ;;a8 33.'Wc6 ® b8 34.'it'd6 cJ;;ca
35.ti'f4 'if'e7'f5 cJ;;bB 37.cJ;;c2
a6 38.g4 b5 39.g5 'it'b4'e5
cJ;;b7 41.'ii'd5 w c7 42.'it'f7 Wb6
43. e6 Wb7 44.'Wd7 Wb6 45.e5
'Wf8 46.'if'd4 cJ;;c6 47.ti'f4 'Wb4
48.'We4 cJ;;b6 49.'Wd4 cJ;;c6 50.'We4
25.ttJh5?! [25 .~e2!±] 25 ... 'iih4 Wb6 51 .e6 'if'a4 52.cJ;;c1 'Wa2
26.ttJg7 l:tg7 27. ~a6? [27.'if'c3=] 53.'it'd4 Wc7 54.e7 'i!fa1 55.'ifo?d2 c3
27 ..."i!fe4 28. ~b5 w f7 29. ~h6 ~f5 56.<1\>c3 'if'c1 57.Wb3 'l/lc6 58.cJ;;b4
23 .• .J:%g8 [23 ... g5! 24 .~g5 (24 .~c7 30. ~d3 :tea 31.cJ;;b1 l:tg3 32.'if'c3 aS 59.cJ;;a5 Wb7 60.cJ;;b4 'it'e6
'if'c7 25.ttJb6 cJ;;dS 26.ttJa8 'if'g3 27.fg3 l:tc3 33. ~e4 ~e4 0-1 61 .'lllc5 cJ;;a6 62.'ifb5 1-0

A Small Material Deficit - Ill s ..Q.e2 .Q.g7 9 ..Q.h5 <it;>d7 1O.d5 24 ..Q.d2? [24 ..J:tf4 'ife6=F) 24 ... 1!Vg6
7 .. .e6 11 .ef5 [11 ..Q.g4!?) 11 ... W'fS 12 ..Q.g4 25 ..J:tf4 [25 ..J:te6!?] 25 ... .Q.e7 26.g5?!
.Q.f6 [12... 'it;>d8=) 13.lLlge2 lLl86 [26.d5 h5 27.g5 -.wd3+) 26 ... .J:tf8
Bartei,Mateusz [13...'it;>c8 14.lLle4 lLld7 15..Q.h3! ? ~) 27.lLlh4 ..Wh5 28."ft'g3 .J:tf4 29 •.Q.f4
Firman,Nazar 14•.Q.e3 .Q.f7 15.lLle4 .J:tgS 16..Q.h3 .J:tfS 30.lLlf3 [30.lLlg2 'ifh1 31 .Wc2
Germany Bundesliga 2009/10 (9) <it;>cS 17.'ft'd2 .Q.e8 [17...b6!?) 18..J:tc1 -.wa1 -+) 30 ...'ii'f7 31.g6 ..Wt4
1.d4 f5 2.c4 lLlf6 3.lLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6 c5 19.lLlf4 .Q.d7 20.lLle6 'fi'f7 21.a3 32."fif4 .J:tf4 0·1
5.h5 lLlh5 6 ..J:th5 gh5 7.e4 e6 b6 22.b41 +-
8.ti'h5 <it;>d7 9.ef5

Baku 2011 (9)
1.d4 f5 2.c4 lLlf6 3.lLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6
5.h5 lLlh5 6 ..J:th5 gh5 7.e4 .Q.e6
8 ..Q.e2 c6 9 •.Q.h5 .Q.f7 1 o..Q.f7 'if;lf7
11.lLlh3 [11 .-.whs <;t;>gs 12.lLlh3 e6)
11 ... lLld7 [11 ... e6 12.lLlg5 ~e7
13.c5!+-J 12.'ii'h5 <it;>gS 13...Wf5 .Q.g7
14.'ii'e6 <it;>fS 15.lLlg5 'lli'eS 16..Q.e3
[16 ...Wh3 w gs 17.lLle6 lLl16 18.e5± ;
22 ... lLlc7 23.bc5 bc5 24.lLlc7 <it;>c7 18.lLlc7±] 16... h5 [16 ... h6 17.'lli'15 w gS
9 ... W'e8 1 O.fe6 "fie6 11 ..Q.e2 c6 25.'it'a5 <it;>cS 26.lLlc5 a6 27.lLl86 18.lLle6;!;) 17.0-0-0 lLlf6 18.e5 deS

., •
12 ..Q.e3 W'g6 13.'ii'h2 lLla6 14.lLlh3 .J:l86 28. W'86 <it;>dS 29 •.Q.b6 1·0 19.de5 lLlg4
.Q.e7 [14 ... 'it;>c7 15.lLll4;!;) 15.lLlf4 "fif5
16.0-0-0 ~d817. c5! + - lLlc7 18.d5!
g ~~ g
Topalov,Veselin .l .i.
Mexico City rapid 2010 (2)
1.d4 f5 2.c4 lLlf6 3.lLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6
!::, ttJ .l
5.h5 lLlh5 6 ..J:th5 gh5 7.e4 .Q.e6 !::,
8 ..Q.e2 .Q.f7 9 ..Q.h5 .Q.h5 10.'it'h5 ttJ ~
~d7 11.lLlf3 'ifeS?! [11 ....Q.g7 12.1!VI5 !::, !::, !::, !::,
e6 13."\th3;!;) 12...Wh3!? [12.-.wts e6
13.'ii'b5± ] 12....Q.g7 13.ef5 .Q.f6
<;t> .tr

16.b3 [16.g4 .c4

[13 ... e6=) 14..Q.h6 lLlc6 15.0-0-0 1ff7
17. g5 !?~) 16 •• •85
17.84 .J:tagS [17... 'it;>c8 18.lLle4 Wb8
20 ..Q.d4 [20 ..J:ld4 1 .Q.e5 21..J:tg4 hg4
22 .-.wes .J:th1 23. w c2 'lli'g6 24.lLlce4 ±)
18••. lLle8 19.dc6 bc6 20.cd6 lLld6 19.g4;!;) 18.g4 <it;>dS 20 .. . .J:th6 21 .'lli'f5 'it;>gS 22.f3 c5
21. 'ii'h6 'ii'f8 22.lLle6 .Q.e6 23.'ii'e6 23 ..Q.c5 lLle5 24.f4 lLlc6 [24 ... "fic8!
.J:tg8 24 ..Q.g4 .J:tg4 25."fig4 .J:tb8 25.lLld5 ..-cs 26.fe5 .J:tiS+) 25 . .J:te1
26 •.Q.a7 .J:tb7 27 ..Q.c5 'it;>c7 28 ..J:td2 ~ .Q.c3? [25 ....J:td8) 26.bc3 e5 27.fe5
"ith6 29.'ft'g3 .J:tb2 30 •.Q.e3 1-0
.l£ ·~ -.w g6 2S.W'f4 'l!fg7 29. 'llf d2 .J:tds
... .i. 30 . .Q.d6 lLle7 31 .c5 .J:t g6 32.lLle4
.J:t g2 33.'ii'd1 "t!rh6 34.Wb1
!::, "t!f g6?? [34 ... "We6 35.'itb3 "t!fb3
!::, 36.ab3=) 35 .'it;>a1?! [35.W'b3!+- ]
A Small Material Deficit - IV ttJ 'iY 35 ... '1i'f7 36.lLlf6 <it;>g7?? [ 36... ~ h 8 )
7 ... ~e6 !::, 37. "i!Vb1 [37.lLlh5!+-] 37 ... lLlg6?!
38.lLlh5+- 'it;>h6 39 . .J:t h1 'it;>g5
Radjabov,Teimour 40.lLlf6 'ifc4 41 . .J:th5 'if;lf4 42. "i!Vf5
Vallejo Pons,Francisco w e3 43 . .J:th3 w d2 44.lLle4 ~ c2
Monaco blind 2007 (6) 19.lLld5 (19.lLle4!±) 19 ... e6 20.fe6 45 .lLlf2 'it;>d2 46 . .J:td3 'ifd3
1.d4 f5 2.c4 lLlf6 3.lLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6 "fie6 21 •.J:te1 -.wt7 22 ..J:te4? 47."fi d3 'it;>e1 48 .'ii'e3 ~ f1
5.h5 lLlh5 6 •.J:th5 gh5 7.e4 .Q.e6 [22 ..J:te2!?) 22 ... lLlb4 23.lLlb4 8b4 49.lLld3 1·0

Survey HD 5.14

A Small Material Deficit - V 24.tLle4 deS 2S ..tes Wes [25 ... ~ 29."tt'b4 .tb7 30.tLld4 'ifb6 31 ..te7
7 ... c6 26.ab4 l:l.eS+] 26.1Ves .th4 27.'ifg3 .th6 32.1Pd1
.tg3 28.tLl2g3 h4 29.tLlfS l:l.ef8
Skytte,Rasmus 30. 2 h3 31.g4 tLld7 32.1Pg3 tL!eS
Dworakowska,Joanna 33.tLled6 1Pc7 34 ..te4 l:l.d8 3S ..tc6
Aarhus 2003 (1) tLlc6 36.1Ph2 l:l.hf8 37.l:l.f1 l:l.d6
1.d4 f5 2.c4 tLlf6 3.tLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6 38.tLld6 \Pd6 39.1Ph3
5.h5 tLlh5 6.l:l.h5 gh5 7.e4 c6
B.'l'h5 \Pd7 9.'1'fS 1Pc7 10.'ilt'f7
.td7 11.cS \PeS 12.tLlf3 .tea
13.We6 'ilt'd7 14.'ilt'b3 tLla6 15..tf4
/'jjc716.0-0-0 'ilt'g4 17..te3 ¥2 -¥2

Bartei,Mateusz 32 ....tf3? [32 ... l:l.d8!-+] 33.gf3 'ifb4
Tripoli Wch 2004 (1) 34 ..td6 li>b7 3S.l:l.c7 1Pa6 36 ..tb4
1.d4 f5 2.c4 tLlf6 3.tLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6 l:l.fd8 37 •.td6 l:l.ac8 38.l:l.h7 l:l.h8
5.h5 tLlhS 6.l:l.hS ghS 7.e4 c6 39.l:l.h8 l:l.h8 40.e6 tLld2 41 .e7 li:lc4'h5 \Pd7 9.'iffS 1Pc7 10.'ilt'a5 b6 42 ..tcs li:lb2 43.1Pc2 tLla4 44 ..td6
11.'ifa4 .tg7 12..te3 c5 13.0-0-0 39 ...1PeS 40.1Pg3 l:l.d8 41.l:l.c1 tLle7 li:lb6 4S.tL!ts .tgs 46.tLlg7 .te7
.td7 14.'ifa3 ~c6 15.dc5 bc5 16.f4 42.l:l.c7 tLldS 43.l:l.c1 l:l.d6 44.l:l.e1 47 ...te7 li:ldS 48 ..td6 l:l.h6 49..tes
'ifbB [16 ....tc3 17...Wc3 l:l.g8=] 17.e5 1Pf6 45.l:l.d1 1Pe7 46.l:l.c1 l:l.e6 'iti>bS SO.Ii>b3 l:l.h3 S1 ..tg3 li:le7
/'jjb4 18.tLlf3 aS 19.tLlg5 'ilt'e8 47.l:l.d1 li:le3 48.l:l.h1 tLlc4 49.l:l.h7 S2.a4 1Pc6 S3.1Pc4 l:l.h1 S4.tLle6
20 . ~b5 .tbS 21 .cbS ..Wg6 22 •.td3 li>f6 SO.f4 l:l.e3 S1.1Ph4 l:l.a3 S2.gS tLlfS SS ..tb8 a6 56 ..ta7 l:l.c1
/'jjd3 2U i'd3 'ifd3 24.l:l.d3 'iti>fS S3.l:l.f7 li>g6 [53 ... 1Pe4!?+] S7.1Pb4 l:l.b1>as li>b7 S9..tcs
S4.l:l.f6 1Pg7 SS.fS= li:leS S6.l:l.e6 l:l.b3 60.f4 l:l.b1 1Pc7
tLlf7 S7.l:l.g6 1Pf8 S8.l:l.f6 1Pg7 1Pc6 63 ..ta7 li>b7 64 ..tcs
S9.l:l.g6 'iti>f8 60.l:l.f6 1Pg8 61 .l:l.g6 'iti>c6 6S ..ta7 1Pb7 ¥2-!h
li>h8 62.l:l.f6 tLleS 63.l:l.e6 l:l.e3
64.l:l.a6 l:l.f3 6S.l:l.a8 1Pg7 66.l:l.a7
8 67.l:l.a8 1Pe7 68.l:l.a7 li>d6 Koziak,Vitaly
69.g6 l:l.fS 70.g7 l:l.f4 71 .1Ph3 l:l.g4 Bernasek,Jan
72.l:l.b7 l:l.g1 73.l:l.b6 IPdS 74.l:l.bS Czech tt 2011 / 12 (7)
lt>e4 7S.l:l.b8 l:l.g7 76.bS li:ld3 1.d4 fS 2.c4 li:lf6 3. ~c3 g6 4.h4 d6
77.l:l.a8 3 78.1Ph4 tLlf4 79.l:l.a3 S.hS tLlhS 6.l:l.hS ghS 7.e4 c6 8.'ilt'hS
1Pe4 80.b6 !h-'h 'iti>d7 9.'iffS IPc710.'ilt'h5 .tg711 .eS
-.ea 12.'ife2 deS 13.deS .te6
14.tLlf3 .tg4 1S..tf4 l:l.f8 16.'ife3
24 ... \Pd7? [24 ... c4 25.l:l.d2 l:l.hg8] Kovacs,Gabor .tt3 17.e6 \PeS 18.gf3 WhS 19.l:l.d1
25.ed6 [25 ....td4 26..td4 cd4 27.l:l.d4±] Szabolcsi,Janos 'it'fS 20 ..tgS a6 21 ..td3
1-0 Budapest 2011 (2)
1.d4 fS 2.c4 tLlf6 g6 4.h4 d6
S.hS li:lhS 6.l:l.hS ghS 7.e4 c6
Macieja,Bartlomiej 8."tt'hS li>d7 9. 'iffS 1Pc7 10.'if aS b6
Bartei,Mateusz 11. 'ifhS .tg7 12..te3 li:ld7 13.0-0-0
Opole ch-POL 2007 (6) tLlf6 14.'ilt'e2 li:lg4 1S ..tgs tLlh2
1.d4 f5 2.c4 tLlf6 3.tLlc3 g6 4.h4 d6 16.cS 'ili'f8 17.'ili'c4 deS 18.dcS bS
S.hS tLlhS 6.l:l.h5 ghS 7.e4 c6 19.'ii'b4 tLlf1 20.'ilt'aS \PbS
B."ilfh5 li>d7 9.'iffS 1Pc7 10."i!i'h5 cbS 22.'ii'bS 1Pc7 23."ilt'aS \PbS
.td7 11.cS 'ife8 12.cd6 ed6 24.tLlf3?1 [24.'ilt'b5=] 24... 1fe8
13."tt'h2 bS 14 ..td3 tLla6 1S.a3 1Pb7 2S.l:l.dS? [25.l:l.d30 .tb7 26 ..tf4 eS
16 ..tf4 'ifg6 17.l:l.d1 .te7?! 27.c6 1fc6 28.l:l.c3oo] 2S ...l:l.f8 26.c6?
18.tLlge2 l:l.ae8 19.b4 hS 20.dS tLlb8 [26.1Pb1 .td7 27.c6 .tc6 28..tf4 l:l.f4
21 .dc6 [21.e5!±] 21 ....tc6 22.f3 a6 29.l:l.d8 li>b7 30.'ili'b4 1Pa6oo] 26 ...1fc6 21 ...'iff3? [21...'ifc5! 22.~e4 (22.11i'c5?
23.eS? [23.a4! ba4 24.b5!f] 23 ... 'ifg7 27.l:l.cS "iVd6 [27 ... 'ilt'd7] 28.eS 'ifd8 ~c5 23 ..te7 tLld3 24.l:l.d3 l:l.e8'f)

22 ... W'e3 23.fe3=] 22.'i+'f3 l:tf3 10.lDg5 [10.e5!?] 10... 'i+'e8 11 .tDf7 Sand ipan,Chanda
23 .~e7 +- l:th3 24.<;f.>e2 <;f.>c7 ~c7 12.ef5 ~g7 13.c5 ~d4 14.~f4 Bartei,Mateusz
25 .~f5 l:th5 26.l:td7 <;f.>b6 27. ~g4 ~cs 15.0-0-0 lDd7 [15...l:tl8!?oo; Kavala 2009 (6)
l:te5 28. 3 h5 29.~ h3 ~f8 30 . ~f6 15...b5!?oo] 16.lDe4 lDf6? [16 ... l:tl8] 1.d4 f5 2.c4 lDf6 3.tDc3 g6 4.h4 d6
l:te1 31.e7 lDc5 32.l:td8 ~e7 17.tDf6 ef6 18.lDd6! 5.h5 tDhS 6.l:th5 gh5 7.e4 1+'d7
33.~e7 l:td8 34. ~d8 <;f.>a6 35.b4 b6 8.lDh3 <;f.>d8 9.lDg5 'i!re8 10.~e2 h6
36.bc5 l:tc1 37 . ~f6 bc5 38 .~c8 11 .lDh3 ~ g7 12.lDf4 tDc6 [12 ... fe4
<;Pas 39.a3 l:tg1 1-0 ~ .i. 'iV ~ 13 .~h5 1+'18 14.lDg6 W'g8 15.lDh8

'' ~i ttJ
i ~hS"f] 13.e5 'i!rg8 14 . ~e3 ~d7

i 15.e6

.i. £::, ~
A Small Material Deficit - VI ~
7 ... 'i!fd7
£::,£::, £::, £::,
~1:[ ~
Cattolica 1993 (4)
1.d4 f5 2.c4 lDf6 3.tDc3 g6 4.h4 d6 18... ~d6 [18... ..-h5 19.lDe8 ~b6
5.h5 lDh5 6.l:th5 gh5 7.e4 'i+'d7 20 .~c7X] 19 .~d6 <;f.>d8 20.'*h2 ~d7
8.'i+'h5 <;f.>d8 9.lDf3 'i+'e8 1O.'i+'h2 fe4 21 .~b8 'ii'e7 22. ~c4 <;Pea 23 . ~d6
11 .lDe4 'i+'g6 12 .~d3 l:tg8 13.tDh4 ft'g7 24. ~c7 ~f5 25.l:te1 ~d7
W'g7 14 . ~e3 tDc6 15.0-0-0 lDd4 26 ...-d6 ~c8 27.l:te7 '*h6 28. ~d1
16.c5 ~e6 17. ~ b1 h6 18.f3 tDc6 ft'h5 29 .~e1 W'h1 30 .~ d2 1+'h6 15... ~e6? ! [15... ~e8 !?oo] 16.tDe6
31.f4 1-0 W'e6 17.d5 'i!reS [ 1 7... ~c3 18.bc3 'i¥16
19.dc6 bc6 20.~13oo] 18.dc6 bc6
19.W'a4 f4 [19... l:tb8 20.0·0-0 l:tb2
21. ~d4 'i!rl4 22.<;f.>b2 ~d4 23 .~13±]
Czakon,Jakub 20.Wc6 fe3 2U i'a8 <;f.>d7 22.'it'a7
Alonso Moyano,Jonathan ef2 23.'i!rf2 l:tbB 24.0-0-0 l:tb2
Barbera del Valles 2008 (4)
1.d4 f5 2.c4 tDf6 3.tDc3 g6 4.h4 d6
5.h5 lDhS 6.l:th5 gh5 7.e4 '*d7
8.lDh3 ~g7 [S ... <;f.>dS!?] 9 . ~ h5 <;f.>d8
10.e5 [10.lDg5! ..WeB 11 .lD17 ~d7
12.c5±] 10 ...'i+'e8 11 ...-h4? ! [11 . d1 ]
11 ...de5 12.de5 ~es 13. ~f4 ~c3
19.cd6 cd6 [19 ... ed6 20.lDc5 dc5 14.bc3 tDc6 15.'ii'g3 ~d7 16 . ~c7
21. ~15 lDd4 22.~e6 ~d6+ ] 20.tDc5 <;Pea
'it'f7 21.lDb7? [21.lDe6 'i+'e6oo]
21 ... <;f.>c7+ 22. c5 ~a2 23. ~a1
~g7 24.tDa6 <;f.>b7 25.g4 '*b3
26.1i'e2 'i!ra4 27. ~ b5 ~c4 28. ~a4
~e2 - + 29.l:tc1 l:tac8 30. ~c6 l:tc6 25 . ~g4 ! +- hg4 26.W'b2 'i!rc3
31 .l:tc6 <;f.>c6 32.lDb4 <;f.>d7 33.lDd5 27.'it'c3 ~c3 28.<;f.>c2 ~f6 29.<;f.>d3
l:tb8 34 . ~c1 l:tc8 35.~e3 l:tc2 ~cB 30.l:tb1 ~ h4 31.<;f.>e4 e6
36.tDf5 ~f3 37.tDg7 ~d5 38 .~h6 32. 4 c6 33 .~g4 ~dB 34.~h5 1-0
l:th2 39.g5 l:th1X 0-1

Gajewski,Grzegorz Potapov,Pavel
Kadziolka,Beata Samara 2011 (7)
Warsaw rapid 2007 (13) 17.lDf4 [17.0-0-0 l:tgS"f] 17...'i!rg8! 1.c4 f5 2.d4 lDf6 3.tDc3 g6 4.h4 d6
1.d4 f5 2.c4 g6 3.tDc3 lDf6 4.h4 d6 18...-h2 'i+'g7 19.l:td1 'ii'c3 20.l:td2 5.h5 tDhS 6.l:th5 gh5 7.e4 'i!rd7
5.h5 lDhS 6.l:th5 gh5 7.e4 d7 c1 [20 ... e6+ ] 21.l:td1 '*c3 22.l:td2 8. W'h5 <;f.>d8 9.g3 'i!reB 10.'i!re2 fe4
8.'i+'h5 ~d8 9.tDf3 c6 [9 ... ..-eS!"f] 'itc1 Y.-112 11.lDe4 ~g7 12.d5 c5 [12...h5!?;

Survey HD 5. 14

12 ... h6] <j;c7 14.l?Jf4 b6 18.1t'e4 1rd7 19.l?Jd5 l%c8 20.b3 56 •.. l?Jc11 57.l%b5 Qo>d4? [57 ... l?Jd3!
15.i.e3 <j;b7 16.i.g2 i.fS 17.g4 l?Jd8 21 .l?Jf6 i.f6 22.gf6 l?Jde6 23.f5 58 ..ti>e2 g3!=] 58.l%b8 i?Jd3 59.<j;e21
i.e4 18.i.e4 i.h6 19.l?le6 i.e3 tOeS l?Jf4 60.Wd21 g3 61.l%g8? [61 .1:%18!
20.'iWe3 i?Jd7 21.f4 a6 22.0-0-0 b5 w e4 62..ti>e1 fj;f3 63 ..ti>f1 g2 64,<j;g1
23.g5 l?lb6 .ti>g3 65.l%g8 .ti>l3 66 ..ti>h2+- ] 61 ... g21=
62.l%g3 <j;e4! 63.<j;c2 i?JdS 64 ..ti>d2
i?Jf4! 65.We1 .ti>d4 66.<j;d1 .ti>e4
67.<j;d2 .ti>d41 68 ..ti>c2 l?JdS!
69.l%g4 Wc5! 70.Wd2 i?Jf41 71 ..ti>e3
i?JdSI 72 ..ti>d3 .ti>bS 73.Wd2 i?Jf41
74.<j;c2 l?JdS! 75.l%g5 .ti>b41 76.l%g4
<j;bS 77..ti>b2 l?Je3! 78.l%g3 <j;b41
79.<j;a2 .ti>bS! 80.Wa3 l?Jc2!
81 .<j;b2 l?Je31 82.Wc3 i?JdS I
83 ..ti>c2 <j;b4 84.l%g4 <j;bS 85 ..ti>d3
.tcs 86.l%g5 <j;b4! 87.l%g3 l?lf4
24.fg6? [24.'*id5!±] 24 ... hg6 25.f7 [87 ...g1 1r 88.l%g1 <j;b3 89.l%b1 <j;a4=]
26.1t'f3 <j;g8 27.l%h8 <j;h8 88 •.ti>c2 l?Jd51 89.l%g4 .ti>bS 90 ..ti>d2
24.l?Jc51 <j;a7 25.l?Je6 l%c8 26.<j;b1 28.0-0-0 .ti>g8 29.i.h6 e6 30.l?lb5 i?Jf4 1= 91 .Wd1 <j;cS 92 ..ti>d2 <j;bS!
[26.b3!?] 26 ...bc4 27.l?ld4 l%c5 "tlt'h7 [30 ...d5oo] 31 .i.f4 [31 .1re3! ±] 93.We3 i?JdS 94.<j;d4 f4 9S.<j;e4
28.l?lc6 <j;b7 29.f5 "iWf7 30.1t'd4 31 .•.d5 32.l?Jd6 l%d8 33.cd5 edS? l?Je6 96.<j;d3 i?Jf4 1 97.Qo>c2 i?JdS I
l:lg8 31.g6 hg6 32.fg6 1t'e8 33.l%g1 [33 ...1t'e7 34.de6 i?Jce6=] 34.1t'd5 l?Jce6 98.<j;d2 i?Jf4! 99.Wd1 w cs 100.b4
<j;c7 34.g7 e5 35:iff21 +- c3 35.l%h1 'flc7 36 ..ti>b2 'flc6 37.i.e5 <j;bS! 101 .<j;c2
36.i.g6 "tlfd7 37.i.f7 c2 38.<j;c1 l%d6 38.l%h8 39.•d6 1t'd6
l:lg7 39.l%g7 l?Jd5 40.l?Je5 '*le7 40.i.d6 gS 41 .i.f8 l?Jf8 42 ..ti>c3 .ti>g7
41 .l?Jd3 1-0 43.l%h1 l?le6 44.<j;d3 <j;g6 45.
l?JcS 46. 3 5 47.l%h7 aS 48.l%c7
b6 49.l%c6 g4 SO ..ti>e3 i?Jd7 51.l%d6
l?Jf6 52 ..ti>e2 l?Je4 53.l%b6 l?lc3
54. l?Ja2 55.l%b5 <j;e4 56.l%a5
A Pawn Sacrifice

Moscow 2012 (8)
1.d4 fS 2.c4 l?lf6 3.l?lc3 g6 4.h4 d6 101 ... .ti>a41 102.Qo>b2 l?Jd51
5.h5 l?JhS 6.e4 fe4 7.g4 l?Jf6 8.g5 103.l%g2 .ti>b4= 104.l%c2 l?lb6
tiJfd7 [B ... tiJgB 9.l?le4=] 9.i.g2 i.g7 105.l%c7 l?Ja4 106 •.ti>c2 l?JcS
1O.i.e4 l?lf8 11.i.e3 tiJc6 12.d5 107..ti>d2 <j;c4 108.Qo>e3 WdS
tOeS 13.f4 l?Jf7 14.1t'c2 i.d7 15.l?Jf3 109.l%h7 Wc4 11O.l%h1 Wd5
c5 16.dc6 i.c6 17.l?Jd4 i.e4 111 .l%d1 <j;eS 1-2-1-2

English Defence
Rubinstein-Botvinnik System EO 8.9+ 10 (A'28)

The Rubinstein-Botvinnik Shakes

off Its Depression
by Sarunas Sulskis and Vaidas Sakalauskas

1. c4 ttJf6 in both ca e Black could play

2. ttJc3 e5 9 .. .ttJg6 with imminent elimina-
3. ttJf3 ttJc6 tion of the beauty on h4 and, con-
4. d4 ed4 equently, White's bishop pair.
5. ttJd4 ..Q.b4 o wonder that Karpov equali-
6. ~g5 h6 zed comfortably.
7. ~h4 ~c3 Since our analytical team has
8. bc3 ttJe5 come up with a modem strategy
to handle the Rubin tein-
Botvinnik with white, you will
find only brief reference to both
9.e3 and 9.f4 here. Don't forget
you can refer to Mikhalchi hin '
Survey in Yearbook 46.

A Wartime Idea Goes Modern

The humble name of German Vafdas Sakafauskas
pre-war master Carl Carl
( 1880-1958), who repre en ted tack . It's a model game for 9.f3
Germany at three che line, highlighting all the devastat-
In the Ia t two decades 7 .. .~c3 Olympiads, is hardly known by ing potential of the bi hop pair.
8.bc3 ttJe5 ha grown into a the repre entative of the modern
reUable and ea y-to-remember PC g neration. everthele s the
weapon for Black to fight off way the Engli h Opening i
White attempt at creating an played now has been greatly in-
advantage. Hi queen ide pawn fluenced by Carls' effort to the
chain having been dealt a good extent that a common name for
blow, White wa uppo ed to get l.c4 in Germany i till the Bre-
compen arion in orne other mer Partie, honouring Carl Carls,
area. The idea of the bi hop pair who came from the Bremen area.
pring to mind fir t. It wa Carl who fir t potted the
However, practice how that key merit of9.f3 , maintaining the
with either of the conventional bi hop pair at the cost of the
move 9.e3 and 9.f4 White i c4-pawn, and bravely used it Les brave and much more po i-
able to retain that valuable a set again t Junge in a wartime tour- tional was the modern game
for a few instant at mo t. In the nament in Ro tock 1942. We Sui ki -Socko (Porto Carra
aforementioned period the latter don ' t devaluate the word ' brave' 20 I I), which nevertheles may
move wa slightly more popular ince in addition to the di abled be regarded a a succe sful at-
than the former, maybe due to pawn c4, Carl soon acrificed a tempt by White to pa a wartime
the well-known game Kramnik- piece and went on to ma h the idea of Carl into the 21 t cen-
Karpov (Las Palma 1996), but enemy king with a pectacular at- tury brain battlefield.

Survey EO 8.9+10

j Black Captures the Pawn

The analy i of the capture
Black Eschews the Capture
Both black player mentioned
9... tLlc4 by one of the co-author above went along the usual track
once laid a foundation brick for of 9 ... tLlg6 without achieving the
thi revised Rubinstein-Bot- u ual goal of getting rid of the
vinnik System. ~4, o typical of the old-fash-
ioned line 9.f4 and 9.e3. Both of
them lo t a a con equence.
Black' ignorance permit White
to choo e comfortably between
the retreat I O.~g3 and IO. ~f2.
While IO.~g3 was a lucky nov- On a path well known to modern
elty, I O. ~f2 had been played in a player of the Rubinstein-
couple of game ptior to Sui kis- Botvinnik, orne 50 years ago,
Socko. Black would u ually play 8 .. .d6.
Now 9.f3 doe n' t require any
Transposition to a Glorious Past guts to play and after 9 ... tLle5
But thi is not the most awe orne IO.e4 tLlg6 ll.~f2 - voila!
Unaware of the Rostock game he thing about IO. ~f2 d6 ll.e4. To connect the past with the
had tored it on a file in hi PC pre ent we have analysed many
for five long year but, over-
whelmed with joy after having
K .t'iW • K (relatively) old game . So in-
stead of Pepsi Cola the reader
defeated Poli h Board 1st at the £i£ .t.t may expect to be treated to a very
European Team Championship £ ~~£ old wine. We apologi e for this
in Porto Carra 20 11, decided to inconvenience ...
share it with the Yearbook read-
er , refre hing it along the way. Conclusion
Yet, this ignorance rather en- We strongly hope that Carl ' 9. f3
riched the capture line a the gambit, with the lucid strategy of
modern player focu ed hi anal- maintaining the bishop pair, may
y i on 10.e4 wherea Carl had soon exceed our personal affec-
immediately leaped on Black Much more curious i that after tion and push the Rubinstein-
with I O.tLlf5. However making this natural sequence the game Botvinnik System of the English
too many move with the arne suddenly finds it elf on much Opening to new hei ght . Inca e
piece in the opening may involve more explored ground and of the 9 ... tLlc4 capture the Year-
the ri k of underdevelopment, prominent historic names like book reader may find a lot of
which we' U make the reader Tal , Spa ky, Botvinnik, Kavalek useful material in our analysis,
aware of in the Game Section. and Porti ch pop up among tho e with a bomb attached that after
Since we are not a cheap team who have either taken on the line lO.e4 tLle3kill Black' queenby
that encourage other people to a White or have been forced to sheer force, although surpris-
ri kdubiou move , waiting com- fight against it as Black, thus con- ingly the game may carry on.
fortably for the outcome of such tributing to the theoretical ad- In case Black mercies the pawn
experiment in order to draw rele- vancement of the Rubin tein- and follow the u ual path with
vant conclu ions we have tried Botvinnik theory. 9 ... tL\g6, then after an innocu-
them out our elve . And it felt... So how doe that tran po ition ou -looking change of move
like heaven! Therefore we can't occur? How can it be that mod- order he will quickly get chal-
help noting that both the games ern white players have been put lenged by a remarkable Rubin-
Sui ki -Andersen and e pecially off from the notable Rubinstein- stein-Botvinnik heritage that
Sui kis-Socko take the Carls Botvinnik heritage? Let' have a 8 ... tLle5 wa once supposed to
gambit into the 21 t century. clo er look: erase.

The Conventional Moves 29.g4 'ifh7 30.g5;t] 29.l:le6 .i.t7 11 .'ifd4 [11.e4 d5 12..i.c4 ~IS! +]
9.e3/9.f4 30.l:le4 dS? [30 ....i.c4 31.l:lf4 .i.f7 11 ... dS [Black doesn't realize he's leaving
32.'iif6+-; 30...-i.eB 31 .l:lf4 'iifgB~] a monster alive. ~ 11 ... gh4! 12."i!i"c4
Kramnik,VIadimir 31 .l:lf4 'ife7 32.tile5 .i.gS 33.eS± (12.tilg7 wrs 13.tilh5
Karpov,Anatoly : es 34.l:lts .i.e6 3S.l:lt3 .i.g4
Las Palmas 1996 (4)
1.e4 es tiltS 3.tilf3 tile6 4.d4
36.l:le3 l:ltS 37.<~ g1 'ift6T 3S.tilg4
'fi't1 39.'iPh2 l:lt5 40.l:leS w a7 41.e6
• .i
ed4 S.tild4 .i.b4 6.-i.gS h6 7 ..i.h4
.i.e3 S.be3 tileS 9.t4 tilg6 1 O•.i.t6
'iif6 11 .g3 tiltS 12 ..i.g2 tile6 13.0-0
0-0 14.e4 d6 1S.'ifd2 tileS [1S ....i.d7
b6 42.'ifhS


' '
~ vw
16.l:lae1 ~- ~ Morozevich·Svidler, Morelia/
Linares 2007] 16.l:lae1 l:lbS 17.l:le3
[17.tilbS .i.e6 18.tilc7 (18."ilt'e2 a6 19.tilc7
Plovdiv tt 2007 (2)
1.e4 eS 2.tile3 tilt6 3.tilf3 tile6 4.d4
~ ' ~~
(19.tild4) 19...W'c3+%) 18 ....i.c4 19.tildS
.i.dS 20.'iidS ii'c3 21.'i!fd6 l:lbd8+ ]
ed4 S.tild4 .i.b4 6.-i.gS h6 7 ..i.h4
.i.e3 S.be3 tileS 9.e3 d6 1 O•.i.e2 n ~~ :bt
17 ... .i.d7 1S.tilb3 [18.eS deS 19.fe5 tilg6 11 ..i.f6 'ift6 12.0-0 0-0
(19.tilb3 tilb3 20.'iid7? ef4 21 .ab3 13.'ifd2 .i.d7 14.l:lad1 l:lteS'f [c4 <, 13...tile3!1 14."i!ie3 tilhS 1S."i!ic5 <Ji>g7
..,b6-+) 19.....We7'f] 1S ... tilb3 19.ab3 c3 <, a2<] 1S ..i.t3'f [c4 <, c3< , a2 <] 16.'ifh5 'it'gS+) 12 ... d5 13.'i!ff4 .i.fS
.i.e6= 20.'ifd4 a6 21 .'iff6 Yd2 1S ... l:labS 16 . ~e2 a6 17.l:lte1 l:le7 14.'ii15 We?+ ] 12.tilg7 We7 (12...'iPf8
[YB/ 46-174] 1S.f4 .i.a4! 19.l:lb1 eS 20.tilb3 tilh4 13.tilh5oo] 13 ..i.g3~ l:lgS [13 ... b6
21 .tilaS 'i!fg6 22.g3 l:lbeS 23. 2 (14.e4 c5 15 . Wf2~) 14 ... tile5
l:le3 24.-i.hS [24.'ife3 l:le3 2S.we3 15.ii'e5 .i.e6 16.e4 l:lh7 17.tilf5 <Ji>f8
Paschaii,William tilg2 - +] 24 ... 'ife4 2S.l:le3 'i!fg2 18.l:ld1 (18.tild4'f) 18 ...tild7 19.'it'g3 .i.IS
Baginskaite,Camilla 26.We1 'i!fg1 27.We2 'ifh2 2S.<Ji>d3 20.efS 'ife7+ Kahn·Pietzsch, Grof3r6hrsdorl
Seattle ch-USA 2003 (9) l:le3 29.'iPe3 tiltS 30.'iPd3 'i!fg3 1949] 14.e4! l:lg7 1S.O-O-O~ [C.Carls,
1.c4 eS 2.tile3 tilt6 3.tilf3 tileS 4.d4 31 .<Ji>e4 [31 .<Ji>e2 'ifh2 32.Wd3 'fi'hS-+ the father of 9.13, plays bold and spirited
ed4 S.tild4 .i.b4 6.-i.gS .i.e3 7.be3 33.l:lb7 "i¥13] chess, sacrificing a whole piece in addition
tileS S.e3 h6 9 ..i.h4 tilg6 1 O•.i.g3 to the meagre c4·pawn. I wouldn't be
tile4 11 ..i.d3 tilg3 12.hg3 tileS surprised if we read in his testament thai
13.f4 tild3 14.'iid3 d6 1S. a6 'i t's only the bishop pair which matters'.
16.l:lh4 'iff6 17.tilt3 .i.e6 1S.e4 Those hesitant about 9.f3!? should heed
this brave man's advice] 15 ....i.d7

• .i
[15 ....i.e6 16.~c4 dc4 17.'ilr'c5+- ;
15... tilb6 16.Wcs w eB 17.-i.c? We7

'' .l .i.'ii''' ' ~

18 ..i.d6-+] 16.ed5 tild6 17.-i.eS!
[White has undeniable compensation for a
missing piece now] 17 ... l:lg6D [17...tilde8
18. ~f6 tilf6 19.'ifb4 WeB 20.l:le1 ~e6
~ ~ ~ n :bt 21 .de6 fe6 22.l:le6 <Ji>f7 23..i.c4-+]
~vw C[j~ 1S..i.d3 [Carls goes on displaying the
~ ~~ 31 ....i.e2!! 32.1t'e2 'ife3 0-1 maximum power of his bishop pair. The
corner rook wiil be joining in the attack
:bt shortly] 1S ... tilgS [18 ... tilfe8 19.l:lhe1
'iPf8oo] 19.l:lhe1 -+ [The immediate
1S... g5 [18 ... 0-0-0 19.'ifd4 (19.l:lb1) 19.~g6 was probably killing: 19 .. .fg6
19 ...'fi'd4 20.cd4 ~c4 'f ; 18 ...0·0 19.g4 Black Captures the Pawn 20..i.d6 Wd6 (20 ... cd6 21 .ii'g7+- )
'iif4 20.g5 .i.g4 21 .gh6 gS 22.1t'd4 f6'f] 9.f3 t2l c4 21 .l:lhe1 +-l 19... s 20.g4 lLleS
19.fgS hgS 20.l:l hS 'iWhS 21 .1t'd4 21 ..i.g6 fg6 22.l:le3 'iie7
0-0-0 [21 ...1t'd4 22.cd4 .i.c4 23.l:lc1 bS Carls,Carl [22 ... Wf7!?oo] 23.l:lde1 [23.d6!? tild6
24.tilgS (24.tild2 .i.a2 25.l:lc7 aS+ ) Junge,Kiaus (23 ...cd6 24 ..i.d6 'i!fd6 25.l:le8+- )
1 24... 'iPd7'f] 22.tilgS W'h6~ 23.tilt3 15 Rostock 1942 24-'if cS-+] 23 ... tild6 [23... tilgf6 24 .~16
(23 ... b6!? 24.a4 aS~] 24.ets .i.t5 1.e4 eS tilf6 3.tilf3 tile6 4.d4 Wf6 25.l:le8+- ; 23 ... c5 24.dc6 .i.c6
2S.l:le1 'iPbS [25 ... c5 26."it'f4 'ifh7 ed4 S.tild4 ~ b4 6.-i.gS h6 7 ..i.h4 25 . ~d6 ! "it'd6 26.l:le8+-; 23 ...a5 24.14 ..... ]
27.tilgS Wg6 28.l:le7t] 26.ifh4 "flitS .i.e3 S.be3 tileS 9.f3 [The stem game!] 24.1t'eS ~eS 25.f4! [Carls gives his
27.W't4 .i.d3 2S.'i!fd4 .i.g6 [28 ...'iff5 9 ... tile4 10.ttJfS [10. e4~] 10 ... gS opponent no respite] 2S ... b6 26.ii'd4

Survey EO 8.9+ 10

/Qb5 27.'tli'd2 -.aa [lfs quite his rook, queen or bishop respectively, efforts to bring 9.131? into the limelight)
understandable that, sick of the relentless depending on the demands of the ensuing 11 .'ife2 I.Llf1 12.e5! 0-0
threats to his king, Junge attempts a battle] 11...d6 12.0-0 I.Llg6 [12 ... 1.Lld3 [13.Wf1 l:l:ea d6 15.1.Llh6 (
counterattack. On the other hand his king 13.-.d3 0·0 14.14 l:l:ea 15.l:l:ae1t] 13 .~t2 l:l:e5-+) 15...gh6 1 6.~f6oo] 13... d6
loses a mighty defender] 28.<.Pb1 gf4 o-o 14.'ii'd2 (14.c4 I.Lld7 15.l:l:e1 'ii'g5 [13...g5 Wh7 1 5.~g5+- ;
29.~f4 'ii'a4 [29 ... g5 30.~e5 ~g6 16.~f1 I.Llde5 17.'iPh1 !1'? ; 14.l:l:e1 1?] 13... l:l:ea 14.1.Llg7! 'ii>g7 (1 4...l:l:e5 15.'ii'e5
31.<.Pa1 :tea 32.c4 l:l:e5 33.l:l:a3 :te1 14... d5 15.ed5 I.Lld5 16.1fc2 (~ 'ii>g7 16.l:l:f1 +-) 15.~f6 'Wf6 16.ef6 'iPfa
34.'ii'e1 I.Lla3 35.'i t'b4+-J 30.l:l:e4 16.l:l:fe1] 16... 1.Llh4 [~ 16... 'Wg5] 17.l:l:f1 +-) 14.1.Llg7! deS 15.1.Llh51
[30.~h6! (this was winning outright, but 17.l:l:fe1 'i!t'g5 18.~g3 I.Lle3 19.'ii'f2 [Now in order to avert the worst Black is
lefs not forget the clock gave no increment ( 19.~h4 I.Llc2 20 . ~g5 I.Lle1 -+] strongly advised to give up the queen
back then) 30... 1.Llh6 3Utea :tea 32.'.-h6 19... 1.Llhg2 [19 ... 1.Lleg2 20.l:l:e5oo] 20.f4 immediately] 15... 1.Llh5 16 . ~d8 li:lf4
~ 33...h7 ~6 34.g5 <j.1g5 35.l:l:g1 <j.1f4 [20.l:l:e3 'ife3 21.<J;g2 'tli'd3- + ; 20.h4 [ 17.hg3 I.Llg3 1a.l:l:h6! I.Lle2
36.'iff7 \Pe3 37.Wea+-] 30.. .'i fe4? 'Wda 21 .l:l:e3 I.Lle3 22.'ii'e3oo] 20 ... 'ifd5 19 .~f6+- l 17.'iff1 l:l:d8 [That was the
[Frustration, caused by the inability to help (20... 'We7? 21 .'ii'g2+-; 20... 'ii'a5 21 .l:l:e3 end of my file some 5 years ago, beaming
one's king under fire. 30...1.Lla3 31.'iPc1 I.Lle3 22.'ife3 -.c3?? 23 .~h7 +-] with confidence in White's position. From a
'i'c2 (31...1.Llc4 32 .~h6 Wf7 33.'Wf4 I.Llf6 21 .l:l:e3 I.Lle3 22.'ife3;!; l:l:d8 purely psychological point of view it didn't
34.Wf6l \Pf6 35.l:l:f4X) 32.'i!t'c2 I.Llc2 23.l:l:e1 ?! [23 .~e4 ;!; l:l:ea?l 24.l:l:e1 ±] seem like Black would feel alright being a
33.<.Pc2 g5 34.~c7 ~g6±] 31 .l:l:e4+- 23... ~ h3 24.'ife4 [24 .~e4 'i+'d7 queen down. However, exaltation aside, it
g5 32 .~e5 ~g6 33.'Wf2 \Pe7 (24 ... -.a2 25 .~h4 ± ; 25.~7 l:l:ea! turns out that White is quite unlikely to
34.'i!t'e2 l:l:e8 35.1fb5 ~e4 36.'iPb2 26.'ifea l:l:ea 27.l:l:ea <J;h7-) 25.f5t] castle either side, therefore ifs yet too early
l:tf8 37.'i i'b4 <;PeS 38.1fe4 1-0 24 ... 'ife4 [24 ... c5?? 25..-h7+-] to draw any conclusions]
25. ~e4 c6oo 26.l:l:b1 ?! [26.f5; 26.<J;f2)
26 ...l:l:d7 27. l:l:e8 28 .~ h1 es t
Sassi,Pekka 29.1.Llb3 l:l:de7 30. ~f3 [30.1.Llc5 l:l:e2
Luukkonen,Tommi 31 .Wg1 b6 32.1.Lld3 ~f5 33.l:l:d1 l:l:da)
Jyvaskyla 2002 (4) 30 ... b6 31 .l:l:d1 l:l:e3 32.c4 l:l:c3
1.c4 e5 2.1.Llc3 I.Llf6 3.1.Llt3 I.Llc6 4.d4 33. ~d5 a5 34.l:l:c1 l:l:ee3 35.~h4 a4
ed4 5.1.Lld4 ~ b4 6. ~g5 h6 7. ~ h4 36.1.Lld2 l:l:c1 37.\Pe3 l:l:c2 [37 ... l:l:c3
~c3 8.bc3 I.Lle5 9.f3 I.Llc4 1O.e4 38.<J;e2 ~g4 39.We1 l:l:e3 40.'iPf1
~e5 l:l:a3- +) 38. ~d8 l:l:a2 39. ~b6 l:l:c2
40 . ~c5 a3 41 . ~d4 a2 42.c5 [42.1.Llb3
l:l:h2 43.c5 ~f5 44.c6 l:l:h3 45.'iPf2
l:l:d3- + ) 42 ...l:l:c5 [42...~e6+)
43. ~a2= l:l:c1 44.~d5 ~f5 45 . ~f3
<.Ph7 46.~d5 [46.Wf2=) 46 .. .f6 18.l:l:d1 [1a.g3 ~h3 !) 18... l:l:d1
47 . ~f3 <J;g6 48. ~b2 (48.'.Pt2 l:l:c2 ( 18...~f5 1? 19.\Pf2!±] 19.<J;d1 ~f5
49 .~e3=) 48 ... l:l:c2 49. ~d4 20.g3 (20.'ifb5 l:l:da 21.'iPc1 (21 .We1
50. ~d1 l:l:c1 51 .~f3 \Pe6 52 .~ b7 a6!? (21...1.Llg2 22.\Pf2 l:l:d2 23.\Pg3 I.Llf4
h5 53.1.Llb3 [ ~ 53.1.Llf3] 53 ... l:l:c7 24.'ii'ea+ - ) 22.1fb7 I.Llg2 23.<J;f1 I.Llf4
54.1.Llc5 [54 .~b2] 54 ... Wd6 55 . ~f3 h4 24.l:l:g1 Wh7!1'? 25.'ii'c7? l:l:d1 26.Wf2 l:l:d2
56.1.Llb7 [ <J;e6 57.1.Llc3) (with a decisive counterattack) 27.\Pe1
56 ...'iPe6 57.1.Llc5 58. ~d5 Wg6 (27.Wg3 I.Llh5 2a.<J;h4 l:l:h2X) 27... l:l:e2
59.~f3 h3 60. 2 l:l:a7 61 .Wg3 l:l:a2 and mate in three after either king retreat)
11.~d3 [This looks ugly, but the most 62 . ~f2 ( l:l:d2 63.~c5 l:l:d3 21...a6->; 21...1.Lld3 22.Wd2 a6 (22 ... 1.Llf2
essential thing is to maintain the dark- 62 ... l:l:a3 63 .~d4 ~c2 23.<J;e3 li:lh1 24.'ii'e5 l:l:d3 25.'ii>l4)
squared bishop, which holds Black down in 64 . ~f2?? (64 .~2 l:l:a2 65.~c1 ) 23.'it'a5 b6 24.'ii'a3 when 24...1.Llf4- is
an awkward pin. 11 .c4 o-o 12 . ~e2 64... ~d1 0-1 probably even stronger than 24 ... 1.Llf2
(12.Wd2 I.Lle4! 13.~da I.Lld2 14. ~c7 25.<J;e3 li:lh1 26.'i t'e7; 20.g4!?) 20 ...l:l:d8
I.Llf1 + ) 12...1.Llg6 13 .~12 (13. ~g3 I.Llh5) 21 .<J;c1 [21 .'iPe1 li:ld3 (2 1...~h3?1
13...1.Llf4 14.0.0!1'? . The correct assessment Analysis 10...ll:\e3 22.'ii'b5) 22.<J;d2 I.Llb4 (22 ... 1.Llf4) 23.Wc1
of this critical position largely depends on 2007 I.Lla2 24.Wb2 l:l:d2 25.'iPb3 (25.\Pa3 I.Llc3)
taste. It may not suit everybody on earth to 1.c4 e5 2.1.Llc3 li:lf6 I.Llc6 4.d4 25...~e6 26.c4 b5I-] 21...1.Lld3
play a pawn down as White, but our feeling ed4 5.1.Lld4 ~ b4 6 .~g5 h6 7.~ h4 (21...~h3 22.'ii'b5 a6 23. b7 (23.'itc4
is that the absence of the wreck is an ~c3 8.bc3 liJeS 9.f3 li:lc4 10.e4 ~e6 24.'ii'c7 I.Lle2 25.<J;c2 ~f5 (25 ... l:l:c8
advantage rather than a drawback. White li:le3 [Meeting this insolent intrusion once 26.'ite5±) 26.<J;b3 l:l:d2 27.'ii'ba Wh7
can use the vacant square c3 to position upon a time was the cornerstone of our 2a.'ite5 ~e6 29.c4 b5 30.Wb4;!;)

23...'Lle2 2H;>c2 (24.Wb2 l:td2=) the text also serves a prophylactic purpose
24 ... ~f5 25.Wb3 ~e~ 26.c4 l:td3 as Black's queen is denied a sortie to g5]
27.Wb4;t] 22.>Pb1 'Lle1! [22... ~ 12 12•.•'Llc5 13.h5 ~e7 [13... ~e5!?
23.<ifo>a1 l:td2 (23... ~h1 24.'ifh1;!;) 24.%:lg1 14 .~h4 f6 (14...'i!Yd7 15 .~f5) 15 .~e2 0·0
~e6 25.c4;!;; 22...~ b4 23.Wa1 ~c2 16.f4!? ~c6 (16 ...'Lle4?! 17.fe5 'Llc3
24.'iPb2 ~e3 25..-e2 l:td2 (25 ...%:ld3!) (17...de5 18.~ b5± ) 18.ef6!±) 17.~b3
26.'iVd2 ~c4 27.'iPc1 'Lld2 28.'iPd2±] e7 18. ~c5 dc5 19.e5 l:td8 20.'iVc2t]
23.Wb2 l:td2 24.'iPc1 !White can also 14.g41 [Clamping Black down] 14 ... ~e6
play 24 .<~>b3 at his own peril...] 24 ... %:lc2 15. ~f5 [15.a4 'iVd7 (15...a5 16.'Llb5)
[24 ... %:la2 25.'iVe1 ::tal 26.'iPb2 ::tel 16.a5 0-0-0 17.%:lh2oo; 15.'iVd2 'ii'd7
27.%:le1 f6 28.%:ld1;!;] 25.Wd1 ~g2! 16.0-0-0 0-0-0 17.<.t>b2 Wa4+=t] 15 ..•%:lg8
[25 ... %:la2 26.'iVc4 ::tal 27.'iPe2 ~d3 [15... ~f5 16.gf5 ~c6 17 .~h4 'iVd7
28.'iVd3 ~d3 29.%:la1 ± ] 26.'iVb5 ~e3 18.c6! [Starting a sequence of three 18.16t] 16 . ~c5 [16 .~d4 f6 17.%:lh2 't!fd7
27.<lf.7e1 ~ g2 28.'iPd1 ~e3= consecutive pawn thrusts which turns 18.a4 0-0-0 19.a5 ~f5 20.gf5 a6
Black's position into a strategic ruin beyond (20...%:lde8 21. ~c5 deS 22.'t!fd7 <ot;> d7
repair] 18... ~e6 [~ 18...~c8] 19.h5! 23.0·0·0) 21.l:tb1 ~c6 22.%:la2 l:tge8
~e7 20.e5! ~ h7 21.~d3 + - l:tb6 23.~e2t ] 16... dc5 17."ilt'b3 ~f5
[21...'iVc8 22.'iVc2] 22 . ~ h4! [It has [17 ...b6 18.%:ld1 'ifc8 19.%:lh2f] 18.gf5
Black Eschews the Capture turned into a position for knights (compare 'iVd6! 19.%:ld1 [19.1Vb7 l:td8 20.'it'b2
9.f3 'Ll g6 d4 to h7), so White is already willing to give g6+=t !::. 21 .hg6 fg6 22.%:lh6 't!Vf4 ....1
up his bishop] 22...1Vc8 23 . ~e7 l:te7 19.. .'iit'g3 20.'iPe2 b6 21 .'ifa4 c6
Sulskis,Sarunas 24.f4.... ~g4 25.%:lde1 'ii'e8 26 .~ h7 [21...'iPf8 22.'ii'a7!!±]
Andersen,Mads [See our note after move 22] 26 ... 'iPh7
Borup 2010 (1) 27.'iVd3 g6 [27 ... 'iPg8 28.15
.i .i
1.c4 ~f6 2.~c3 eS 3.~13 ~c6 4.d4
ed4 s.~d4 ~b4 6.~g5 ~c3 7.bc3
h6 8 · 4 lL!eS 9.f3 ~g6 1O~g3!?
(28.'ii'g3!?+-) 28 ... l:te5 29.'ifg3 l:te4
(29... f6 30.%:le5 fe5 31 .%:le1-+) 30.%:le4
'ii'e4 31 .%:le1+- is a funny trap for the
.l *
6\ .l.l
[No less plausible than 10.~12. The bishop is queen!] 28.hg6 fg6 29.'ii'g3 ~c8
more active on g3, but Black may chase n [29...~f5 30 . ~f5 gf5 31 .l:th6 w h6 32.l:th1
.l ~ ~
with ... ~f6.h5. 'ret by doing that he risks 'iVhS 33.%:lh5 <.t>h5 34.'it'g5X; 29 ... h5 ~ ~ ~
displacing his knight out of the centre] 30.'ifg4+-] 30.f5 hS [30 ... ~f5 31 .~f5 £::, ~ tv
10...0-0 [10...d5? 11 .'Llb5!±] 11 .e4 d6 (31.'ifg5+-) 31 ... gf5 32.%:lh6 <.t>h6 33.%:lh1
~ ~
12.'iVd2 ::tea 13.().{}.() [Displaying a 'it'h5 34.'ii'f4 'iPg6 35.%:lh5 <.t>h5
completely revised strategical content in the 36.'\WfS+-; 30... gf5 31 .%:lh6 (31 ...g5+-) ~ ~ ~
Rubinstein-Botvinnik, better adapted to 21st 31...'iPh6 32.%:lh1 'iVhS 33.%:lh5 <.t>hS
century needs. The awkward c4-pawn may be 34 .~13] 3H !i'g5 l:tg7 32.t6 1-0 22.%:ld3!;!; [This hard-to-find major-piece
used as a bumper to block down Black's regroupment enables White to maintain
counterptay whereas WMe's kingside pawns domination just when it seemed about to
may be thrown on the enemy king. 13.~e2 ebb off] 22 .. .16 23. d1! 24."tlfd2
~h5 14.~ ~hf4] 13.. ~d7 [13 ... a6!? 'i!i'b8 [Full gear back! But was there
14.Wb2 b5 15.<lf.7a1 ~e5 16.cb5 ab5 A Glorious Past anything better? 24...~f5? 25.ef5 l:tge8
17.~e5 de5 (17...%:le5 18.~±) 18.'Llb5 1 o.At2 d6 11.e4 26.<.t>d1 +-; 24... %:tge8? 25.f4 g4
(18.~c6! ? _.d2 19.%:ld2) 18... 'iVe7~] (25... ~f5 26.%:lg3 'Llg3 27.<.t>f3 ~ h1
14.'iPb2 a6 15.'iPa1 [Safety first!] Sulskis,Sarunas (27... ~e4 28.tfd7 l:te7 29.'iVe7 <.t>e7
15...%:lb8?! [Burning precious time. 15... b5 Socko,Bartosz 30.<.t>e4+-) 28.~g2 l:tad8 29.'Wc2±)
didn't require any more backing: 16.c5 (16.cb5 Porto Carras Ech·tt 201 1 (1) 26.'iPI2 l:tad8!? (26... ~f5 27. ~e2!+-)
ab5 17.~5 ~ 18.~b5 lLleS~) 16...dc5 1.c4 'Llf6 2. ~c3 e5 3. ~f3 ~c6 4.d4 27 .~e2 (27.%:ld8 l:td8 28.1fd8 'iff4=)
(16... d5 17.c6 ~cB 18.~b3 ~e6 19.e5 ~h5 ed4 5.~d4 ~ b4 6.~ g5 h6 7 . ~ h4 27... %:ld3 28.~d3 l:td8 29.'iVe3 l:td3
20.14t) 17.~b3 c4 18.'Llc5 ~c6 (18...'iVe7! ~c3 8.bc3 ~es 9.f3 ~g6 [After Black 30.'it'd3 'iff4 31 .<.t>e2± ; 24 ... 'i!fe5
19.'Lld7 'Lld7 20.'iVd7? (20.~c7;!;) eschews the capture on c4, the modern 25.¢>f2±) 25.f4 l:td8 26.%:lhh3! [The
20... %:tad8!+) 19.'iVd8 l:tad8 20.~e2;!;] game soon transposes from terra incognita end of the major-piece clustering
16.h4! bS 17.c5 dS? [17...dc5 18.~b3 into a position which has been tested at a commenced by 22.%:ld3] 26 ... '\Wc7
c4 (18...'iVe7 19.~7±) 19.~ 'iVe7 decent level since 1959] 10. ~f2 [ 10 . ~g3] 27. 2 l:td3 28.%:ld3 <;Pea [Once again
(19...M 20/-!~a6 'iVd2 21 .%:ld2 l:tbd8 10... d6 11.e4 ~d7N [11...0·0] 12.h4! it seems that Socko will snatch the d-file
22.%:ld4± ) 20.'Lld7 (20.'Lla6) 20...%:tbd8 [After deep thought White comes up with a from White shortly. Thus White transfers his
21.~16 'iVI6+=t] well thought-out expansion plan. Note that rook to the g-file, where his property rights

Survey EO 8.9+10

cannot be challenged] 29 J~g3 %ld8 51 .%lh61+- ] 47.%lg2 "ifc7 48.%lg1 69. ~c6 %tb6 70.Wb6 <t:ld6 (70 ...h3 71 .c5
30.~d3 [White's edge is defined by the [Passing the move to Black, who is by now h2 72.c;f;>a5+-) 71 .c5 <t:lf5 (71...<t:lc4
fact that he is playing 4 versus 3 at the doomed to passivity] 48 ... %le8 49.%le1 72.'iii>b5 <t:le5 73. ~e4 h3 74.Wa5 h2
kingside. Yet there are technical difficulties Wg8 50."iWe5 'ilt'e7 [Conceding almost 75.'iii>b5) 72. 'it>a5 (72. ~e4 <t:lg3 73. ~g2
with his own bishop, which has just made the entire board to Wh~e. but it's not easy <t:lf5) 72 ... g5 73.'iii>b6 g4 74.a5 h3 75.a6 g3
his first move in the game] 30... 8 to advise Black under these circumstances) 76.a7 g2 77.aB"iW g1 1r 7B.'tit'eB Wf6
3U it'e3 "ifc8 32."ife2 [32.'iii>g1 6 51 .%ld1 [51 .~c6 tldB 52 .~d5 (52 .~13 79."iWf7 'it>e5 BO.e7 "iWb1 B1 .'iii>c7+- l
32 ... "ifa6?133.e5 "iWa2 34.ef6 gf6 35."ife6 %ld3 53.%le3 tld2;:) 52 ... <t:lh5] 51 ...%lc8 68.%ld6 %lb7 69.c;f;>c5 h5 70.'it>c6
l:l.d3 (35...'it"a1 36.~f1 %ld1 37."iff6 'iii>eB [51...%ldB 52.%ldB "ifd8 53.e7 1re8 %lb2 71.%ld7 8 72.c5 h4 73.'iii>d6
3B."ifhB lt>d7 39.%l13±) 36."iWf6 'iii>eB 54."ife6 'iii>h8 55 . ~c6 (55.'iii>g2 <t:lgB %ld2 [73 ... h3 74.%ldBX] 74.We5 [74.'it>c7
37.'ti'hB+-) 32 .. •"ifc7 33.e5 <t:lg8 56.~c6 (56.16 gf6) 56 ..."ife7=) 55... "iWh5 %lb2) 74 •.. %ld7 [74 ... %le2 75.Wf4 h3 76.c6
34.W"e4? [A sad tactical oversight, caused 56.Wg2 1lrg4 57.'iii>12±] 52.'ilt'd6 h2 77.c7 %le4 (77 ... %ll2 7B.'iii>g3 h1 <t:l
by time shortage and the weighing burden [Pushing on successfully) 52 ... "ifd6 79.'it>h3 %l13 BO.'iii>g2) 78.Wg3 (7B.'iii>g5
of playing Poland's board 1. 34.%le3 'ilt'f? [During the game I thought he should have %lc4) 7B ... h1 <t:l 79.'iii>g2+- ] 75.ed7 'iii>e7>g3 <t:le7 36.Wg4;!;) 34 ...fe51 35.fe5 ventured 52 .. .'i+'eB (eyeing h5) 53.e7 'iii>h7 76. 4 \t>d7 77.'iii>g4 w c6 78.Wh4
l:l.eB 36.e6 [36. l:l.e3 <t:lf6! 37."iff4 %le5!+ 54."ifdB <t:lgB 55.%ld7 <t:lf6 56.%ld6 <t:lgB] 'iii>c5 79.'iii>g5 1-0
is what White overlooked; 36.f6 <t:lf6 37.ef6 53.%ld6 [At last White's king cannot get
l:l.e4 3B.fg7 'iii>gB 39 .~e4 "iff4 40.~13 struck from behind) 53... 8 54.%ld1!
'tfc4+) 36 ... <t:lf6;: [Now Black is fine] [Now Black is being pulled over 2 ropes, g
37.1t'f3 [37."ife2 "iff4 3B.It>g2 "ifh4] and b. No fun at all ... ; 54.'iii>h4?1 We? lvanov,Mikhail
37 ... l:l.d8 38. e2T W'f4 39.'iii>g2 55.%lc6 %lc6 56 .~c6 'iii>d6gg) 54 ...1t>e7 Rausis,lgors
l:l.e8 [39... WgB 40.e7 : ea 41 .'i+'e6 <i>hB 55.%lb1! %lb8 56.%lg1! %tg8 Reykjavik 1998 (8)
42.'i rf7 tlgB 43.Wh3 (43.'it"f6 "ifg3!-+) 57.<iPg3± <t:lh7 [57 ... %lc8 5B.'iii>f4 WIB 1.c4 e5 2.<t:lc3 <t:lf6 3.<t:lf3 <t:lc6 4.d4
43... "iWI2 44 .~e4 "iff1 45.Wh2 (45.~g2 59.We5 <t:lgB (59 ...%ldB 60.e7! 'iii>e7 ed4 5.<t:ld4 ~ b4 6. ~g5 h6 7 . ~ h4
W"f5) 45 .. .'i fe2 46. ~g2 <t:lh5+] 40.'iii>h3 61 .%lg7 WIB 62.c;i;>t6 %ld6 63.'iii>e5+-) ~c3 8.bc3 <t:le5 9.t3 0-0 10.e4 d6
l:l.e7 41 ."iWe3 60.'iii>d6 <t:le7 61 .'iii>d7 looks horrible] 11.iLt2?! [Unnecessarily releasing the
58. ~c6 %ld8 59 . ~d5 <t:lf6 60. 4 enemy from the pin. Black immediately
<t:lh5 61 .'iii>e5 grabs his chance, jumping with the knight to
better pastures. He has spared a lot of time
on the ... <t:le5-g6 retreat. 11. ~e2 <t:lg6
12 .~12 ; 11 ."iWd2? <t:le4 12 .~dB <t:ld2
13 .~c7 <t:lf1 14 .~d6 <t:le3 15.~e5 tleB+ ;
11.~d3! ?] 11 ... <t:lfd7 12. ~e2 <t:lb6
13."ifb3?! [13.a4 Wg5 (13...<t:lbc4?
14.14) 14.g3]

41 ..."it"d6? [Unbelievable! Instead of

snatching the h5·pawn almost for free,
Socko pulls back and allows White to fully [It took White 60 moves to achieve
regain control over the position. 41...<t:lh5 complete centre control) 61 ...%lg8
42.'tff4 <t:lf4 43.'iii>g4 g5! 44.fg6 <t:le6 [61 ... %lbB 62.%lg7!! <t:lg7 63.16 'iii>IB 64.e7
(44...<t:ld3 45.%ld3 (45.Wt5!?) 45...%le6 'iii>eB 65.fg7 We? 66.gB'ilt' tlgB
46.'iii>f5gg) 45.%lf3 'iii>g7 46.%le3 : ea 67 . ~gB+- ] 62. %lb1 %lb8 63.%lg1 %lg8
(46... Wt6 47.%ll3 lt>e5 4B.%le3 \t>d6 64. ~b7! [Basically the last hard·to·find
49.%lh3) 47.~15 <t:lc7 4B.%ld3gg; 41..."iWe3 move. Chasing the b6·pawn, White puts a
42.%le3 <t:lh5 43.Wg4 (43. ~e4 %lc7) slab between it and his rifled defender. 13.•.c5! 14.<t:lc2 [14.<t:lf5!? iLlS 15.ef5
43... <t:lf6 44.Wt4 %lc7 45 . ~e2 w e? Thus the poor creature perishes within a 1lrg5 16.0-Q 'ilrf5'i'] 14...f5! 15.ef5 ~f5
46.~13gg) 42. ~e2 ;!; [Black has been minute...) 64... <t:lf6 [On 64 ... %tbB 65.%lg7!! 16.%ld1 [16.<t:le3 ~d3+) 16...iLc2
successfully kicked out] 42 ...%le8 43.%lg1 still looks valid - 65 ... <t:lg7 66.16 'iii>IB 67.e7 17.1t"c2 "ifgs- 18.0-0 [1B.tld6 g2
'tfc7 44.a4 aS 45.~f3 %le7 46.%lg6 <i>t7 68. ~d5 Wg6 69.fg7 Wg7 70.'iii>d6) 19.%lg1 <t:lf3 20. ~13 : aeB!- + ; 20..."iWI3??
'tfd6 [46 ...'iii>gB 47.1t'h6 'i!re5 4B.'irg5 65.%lb1 %lb8 66.%lb6 <t:le8 [66 ... h5 21 .%lg7 'iii>g7 22.'i+'g6 <i>hB 23."iWh6+-]
'tfc3 49.W'g3 (49."iff4? <t:lh5) 49... <i>h7 67.%lb5 h4 68. ~g2 tlb5 69.cb5+-l 18.•.<t:lf3 19 . ~f3 %lf3 20 . ~g3 [20.%ld6
(49... W"d3? 50.%lf6) 50.h6-+ gh6 67.Wd5+ - <t:ld6T [67 ... h5 68.'iii>c5 h4 tlafB 21 .%lg6 %lc3!+] 20 ... %lt1 21.%lt1

tL:lc4 22.'ii'b3 [22.'it'e4 'it'e3 23. e3 h1 - + ; 29.1i'c1 oo] 29'd8- + tL:laS 41.~ b8 tL:lc6 42. ~d6 tL:laS
tL:le3- + ] 22 ... 'ite3 23.~f2 'it'e4 30.gS 'i!fe8 31 .l:g1 hgS 32.hgS 43 .~a6 ~a4 44.c4 ~c6 4S. 4
24.l:e1 'itdS 2S.l:d1 'itf7- + ~d7 33.Wh2 tL:lgS 34.l:gS l:e2 ~g2 46.cS tL:lb7 [46...~h3?
26. ~g3 l:f8 27.h3 dS 28.'t!fbS b6'e2 'fie2 36.'iPg1 cS 37 .~f2 47.'iPg3+ - ] 47. ~ c4 w ee 48 .~bS
29.'ii'c6 tL:le3 30.l:e1 d4 31 .cd4 cd4 ~e6 38.l:e1 'i!fc4 39 .~e4 Wg7 49 .~ b8 bcS SO . ~a7 lLld6
32.'ii'd6 'ii'a2 33.'ii'c6 aS 34 . ~d6 40. ~g3 6 41 .l:hS 'ifc3 42.Wh2 S1 .~e2 c4 S2. ~d4± [52 . ~c5 c3
'ii't2 3S.'iPh2 tL:lg4 36.hg4 'ii'h4 'iPg7 43.a4 fi'd2 44.\Ph1 ts 4S .~t3 53.~d3±] S2 ... ~c6 S3.We3 w ee
37.w g1 'ii'e1 38.Wh2 'ii'h4 39.'iPg1 'ifd3 46.Wg2 ~dS 0-1 S4 .~cS Wd7 SS.Wd4 [55 .~d6 Wd6
'it'e1 40.'iPh2 'it'h4 41 .Wg1 'ii'f6 0-1 56 .~c4 w c5 57.~e2±J ss ...~g2 S6.h4
hS S7.a4 ~h3 S8. ~d6 \Pd6 S9.ghS
Kosten,Anthony ~ts 60 .~c4 ~g4 61 .~t7 ts 62.aS
Van der Sterren,Paul Naumkin,lgor f4 63.We4 f3 64.\Pe3 \Pc6 6S.
Dao Thien Hai Asti 1996 WbS 66.Wg3 f2 67. \PaS
W ijk aan Zee 111997 (8) 1.c4 eS 2.tL:lc3 tL:lt6 3.tLlf3 tL:lc6 4.d4 68.We3 [And White went on winning this
1.c4 es 2.tL:lc3 tL:lt6 3.tL:lt3 tL:lc6 4.d4 ed4 S.lLld4 ~b4 6. ~gS h6 7 . ~ h4 odd-looking ending] 68 ...~d1 [68...<;i;>b6
ed4 S.tLld4 ~ b4 6 . ~gs h6 7.~h4 ~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 tL:leS 1O.e4 tLlg6 69.Wf4 ~d1 70.Wf5 ~c2 71.We6 would
~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 tL:leS 10.e4 tL:lg6 11. ~f2 0-0 12. fi' d2 l:e8 13 .~e2 have transposed] 69. 4 <;f;>b6 70. S
11 . ~f2 0-0 12 .'~!fd2 lLld7 13.~e2 tL:lhS 14.g3 tL:leS 1S.h3 [15.g4 lLlf6 ~c2 71 .We6 \PeS 72. ~g6 ~b3
tL:lcS 14.0-0 [14.h4 tL:le5 (14...tff6 16.0·0-0oo] 1S... tLlf6 16.g4 c6 17.0-0 73.<;i;>e7 1-0
15.0·0·0 tL:lf4 16 .~f1;t) 15.h5 f5 16.ef5 dS 18.edS cdS 19.l:ad1 [19.cd5 tfd5
~f5 17.tL:lf5 1:15 18.0-0-0oo tL:le4?? 20.l:ad1 ~d7=] 19...~d7 [19... tL:lc4
19.'it'd5+-] 14•.. ~d7 1S.l:fe1 b6 20.~c4 dc4 21 .lLlb5 (21 .~h4 d6
16.tLlfS!? tL:leS 17. ~d4 l:e8 22.lLlb5? c5) 21 ... ~d7 (21 ... ~e6 Manor,llan
18.l:ad1 'iYc8 19.g4 ~a4 20.l:b1 22.'ifd8 (22.'iff4 'ii'a5 (22 ... lLld5) 23.tL:lc7 Alterman,Boris
~c6 lLld5oo) 22 ...l:ad8 23.tL:lc7 l:d1 24.l:d1 Tel Aviv ch·ISR 1994 (8)
l:c8 25.tL:le6 fe6 26.~a7 : as 27 . ~d4 1.c4 eS 2.tL:lc3 tL:lt6 3.lLlf3 tL:lc6 4.d4
l:a2 28.l:b1 =) 22.lLld6 l:e6 23.lLlb7t; ed4 S.tL:ld4 ~b4 6 . ~ gs h6 7. ~ h4
19... dc4 20.lLlb5 ~e6 (20...lLld3 2 1. ~d3 ~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 tL:leS 1O.e4 tL:lg6
cd3'd3 'ii'd3 23.l:d3 ~e6 24.tL:lc7 11 . ~f2 0-0 12 . ~e2 [12.'ifd2 looks
~c4 25.lLle8 l:e8=) 21 .lLld6 l:e7 more to the point] 12... tL:lf4 [Of course ... ]
22 . ~h4oo] 20.cdS lLldS 21.tL:ltS ~ts 13.0-0 [ 13 .~11 !?] 13 ...lLl6hS
22.'i fdS 'ii'dS 23.l:dS tL:lc6 24.l:e1 [13...lLld7=] 14.'it;>h1 fi'e7 [14... f5 15.ef5
~e6 2S.l:d2 l:ad8 26.l:ed1 b6 ~f5 16.g4 tL:le2 17.tL:le2± ; 14... c5! 15.lLlc2
27.fU l:d2 28.l:d2 l:d8 [28 ... tL:la5 (15.tL:lb5 tL:le2 16.'i!fe2 a6; 15.tL:lf5 ~15
29.f5 ~c4 30. ~f3 ;!;] 29.l:d8 lLld8 16.ef5 'ii'g5) 15.. .15 16.ef5 ~15 17.tL:le3
30.a3 tL:lb7 [30 .. .15!?] 31.tS ~ b3 ~h7=] 1S.l:e1 tL:le2 16.'it'e2 ~d7
32 .~g3 ;!; [White has retained his pair of 17.'i!fd2 l:fe8 18.l:ad1 'ii'gS
bishops despite some fractured pawns. The 19 . ~e3 't!fh4 20. ~f2 't!fgS 21 .~e3
21.f4! tL:le4 [21...~e4 22.fe5 ~b1 main opening strategy point has been fi'h4 22.Wg1 b6 23.l:e2 cS
23.l:b1 deS 24 .~c5 bc5 25.l:b5;!;] made]
22.'t!fc2 tL:lg6 23. ~t3 [23.lLlg7!? tL:lf4
24.tL:le8 'it'e8 25.~13 lLlh3 26.Wh1
(26.\Pf1 !?) 26... f5oo] 23 ...'ii'b7 24.lLlg7
tL:lt4 2S.tL:le8 [25.h4!? l:e7 26.tL:lf5 l:e6
27.'iYh2-+] 2S ...l:e8 26.h4 l:e6
.l ;i)
.l.l • .l
27.Wh2?! [2Hi'h2!? lLld3 (27 ...tL:lf2
28 .~12 ~13 29.'it'f4+- ; 27 ... tL:lg6
28.'ii'h1±) 28.l:e3 tL:le5 (28...tL:ldf2 ~
29.l:be1 l:g6 30.'iYf2! tL:lf2 31 .l:e8+-; ~ i. ~ Ji ~
28 ... tL:lc3 29.~c6 'ii'c6 30.l:e6 fe6 31. ~c3
'*c5 32.Wh1 'ii'c4 33.'it'd2 'We4 34.1t;>h2
tL:le5oo; 28... lLldc5? 29.l:be1+- ; w
28... tL:lec5 29.l:e6 fe6 30 . ~c6 tt'c6 24.lLlc2 [24.lLlb5!? ~b5 25.cb5 l:ad8
31 .1i'g2± ) 29 .~e5 l:e5'g2+- l 32 ... tL:laS 33. ~ b8 tL:lc6 34. ~d6 tL:laS (25... d5'd5 l:ad8 27.'ifb3) 26.c4;!;]
27 ...tL:lg6 28.'iPh3 'WaS! -+ 29. ~ h1? 3S. ~b8 tL:lc6 36. ~f4 tL:laS 37.'iPf2 f6 24 ... ~a4! 2S.g4 tL:lt6 26 . ~f2 'i!t'h3
[29 .~e4 ~e4'f2 ~b1 31 .l:e6 38.We3 Wf7 39.'iPd4 tL:lc6 40.It;>e4 27.'ii't4 l:e6'g3 'ii'g3 29 . ~ g3

Survey EO 8.9+10

.l:!dB 30 . .I:!ed2 tlld7 31.l:tc1 ~c2 <;i;>!S 35 .l:tg7~ ] 32 ... c4 33.h4 l:thS 24.tllc5; 22... ~c4 23. ~c4 tllc4 24.tllc5± )
32.l:tcc2 tLlbB 33.eS tllc6 34.l:td6 34.l:th3 4 3S.l:tt3 [35.'itf2 : as 23 .~d3;!; ) 21 ... l:td6 22.l:tae1 (22.l:thl1
.l:!dd6 3S.ed6 8 36. 2 'iteB~ (3S ... 'itg4 36.l:th1) 36.h5 l:ta2 (36 ...'itg4 l:te8 23.a4 as 24.l:tab1 ;!;) 22 ... l:te8
37.l:te2 tllaS 38.l:te6 fe6 39 .'~e3 37.l:th1 l:ta2 38.'ite3~) 37.'ite1] 23.l:thl1 tLleS 24.~hS g6 25.~e2 tllbd7
tllc4 40.'itd3 bS 41. ~f2 tLleS 3S ...'itg4 36.l:te3 l:th4 37.l:te7T 26.tllb3 b6 27.tlld2 c5 28.tllc4 l:tde6
42.'ite4 tlld7 43.h4 aS 44.hS ~f7 [37.l:te4 'iti>gS 38.l:th4 w h4 39.<;1;>13 bS 29.~es tlle5 30.tlle3 ~b7 =i' 31 .tlld5 l:tiB
4S.f4 tllf6 46. 3 tLld7 4 7 .gS b4 40.'ite4 'itg3 41.Wd4 <;1;>13 42.a4 ba4 ll!·ll! Botvinnik-Pirc, Moscow 193S -
48.cb4 ab4 49.We4 es SO.g6 'ite6 (42 ...a6?! 43.abS abS 44.wc5 'ite4 YB/46-173) 13.'it'd2 dS 14.edS cdS
SUeS c4! S2 . ~d4 tllb8 S3.'ite3 4S.'itbS Wd5 46.'itb4 'itd6 47.wc4 1S.O-O dc4 16 .~c4 ~d7 17.~b3
ILleS S4.d7 b3 SS.ab3 cb3 S6.Wd2 ~c6=) 43.~c4 aS 44.'iti>d3D=) 37... 4! l:tc8 18.c4 a6 19.l:tfd1 [19.cS!?! )
<;i;>d7 S7.e6 'ite6 S8 . ~g7 li:le7 38.a4 [38.l:tb7 We4t) 38 ... b6 39. 2 19 ... 'ilfe7 20.l:te1 'ilfd6 21 .'ilr'c2 tllf4
S9.~h6 Y.!-112 l:th3 40.l:ta7 l:tc3 41 .'ite2 w e4 22.l:tad1ttP l:tfe8 23.tLlfS [23.l:te8 l:te8
42.'itd2 l:tb3 43.'itc2 'itdS 44.l:ta8 24.cS Wes~ ; 23.tlle6 'it'b8 (23... d5
'itcS 24.tLlg7 l:te1 2S.l:te1 'itg7 (2S ... tllb4
26.l:td1 tllc2 27.l:td6 'itg7 28 .~c2 l:tc4
Fahnenschmidt,Gerhard 29. ~d4! ±) 26.'it'd1 ±) 24.tll14 "*'14
Smejkai,Jan 2S.c5! ) 23 ... l:te1 24. l:te1 ~fS 2S.'it'fS
Germany Bundesliga 1983/84 l:te8?! [2S ... l:td8=) 26.l:te8 [26.l:td1?!
1.c4 eS 2.tllc3 tllf6 3.tLlf3 tllc6 4.d4 VJ/ic7 (26 ...tlle2 27.'ith1 ) 27.cS l:teS
ed4 S.tlld4 ~b4 6. ~gS h6 7.~ h4 28.'it'c2 l:tgS (28 ... tlle2 29.o;f;>l1 ; 28... l:te2
~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 tlleS 1 O.e4 tllg6 29.'i!i'c4f) 29.~g3 l:tc5 30."ii'd2 g5oo]
11 . ~f2 0-0 12. ~e2 tllf4 13.0-0 tLld7 26 ... tlle8 2H We4! [27.cS 'it'l6 28.-.-16
[ 13... ~e6? ! 14 .~h4) 14.'ith1 tLlcS tll16 29. ~c4 ;!; tP] 27 ... tllf6 28.'it'b7
1 S . ~e3 tlle2 16.'it'e2 'it'e8 17.g4 'Wid3 29."ii'b4? [29.'it'e7?? tlle2 30.WI1
[17.a4 a6 (17 ... tlla4? 18.tllb5+- ; 17... a5 tllg3- + ; 29.h3± 'ith7 (29... e2 30.o;f;>h2
18.tllb5; 17...~d7 18.a5 15 19.tllb5 ~b5 'i!i'd6 31 .g3± ) 30."~'17 "ii'b1 31.o;f;>h2 'it'b2
20.cb5 le4 21.~c5 dc5 22.fe4!) 18.a5 15=] (31..."ii'l1 32 .~c2 o;f;>h8 33."ii'18 tllg8
17 ... 1i:le4! 18.fe4 'it'e4 19.'it'f3 4S.aS? [4S.l:tc8 'itb4 46.l:tc6 l:tc3 34.'ilr'l4+-) 32.'i!i'a7]
l:te8oo 47.'itb2 (47.w d1 =i') 47 ...bS 48.abS l:th3
49.b6 c3 SO.Wc1 'itb3 S1 .'itd1 l:th1
S2.'iti>e2 'itc2 S3.b7 (S3.we3 l:th4)
S3 ... l:tb1 S4.l:tc7 l:tb6 ss.we3=J
4S ... bS-+ 46. l:tc8 'itb4 47.a6 l:ta3
48.l:tc6 l:ta2 49.w b1 'itb3 SO.l:tg6
~ ~1
IYB/ 2-4S2J

W ijk aan Zee 1976 (10) 29 ... tlle4!! ~ 30.fe4 [30."ii'e1? tlle2
20.'i!i'e4 [20.tllb5 ~d7 ! (20 ... 'i!i'c4 1.c4 eS 2.tllc3 tLlf6 3.tLlf3 tllc6 4.d4 31 .o;f;>h1 tll12 32.-.-12 "ii'b1 -+) 30...'it'e4
21.tLld4 ~g4 22.'it'g4 l:te3=i') 21.tllc7 ed4 S.tLld4 ~ b4 6.~gS h6 7. ~ h4 31 .'i!i'b8 ~ h7 32 .~c2 0 -.wc2 33.'it'f4
~c6 + 22. e4? l:te4 - + ) 20 ... l:te4 ~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 tLleS 10.e4 0-0 'it'd1 34. ~e1 -.we1 3S.'it'f1 'it't1
21 .l:tae1 ~ g4 22 .~ h6?! [22 .~d2 11.~e2 [11 .g4!?] 11 ... tllg6 12 .~f2 c6 [35 ... -.we3 36.o;f;>h1 ~g6 37.h3 IS=)
.l:!ae8 23.l:te4 l:te4 24.l:tl4=) 22 .. Jle1 [12 ... tlld7 13. d2 tLlb6 14.tllb3 ~e6 36. 1 Wg6 37.g4 'itf6 38.'ite2
23.l:le1 cS! 24. ~g7 [24.tllb5 ~13 1S.c5 deS 16.tLlcS d2 17.o;f;>d2 l:tad8 'iteS 39.w e3 as 40.h4 (40.a4 g6 41 .h4
25.'itg1 gh6+; 24.l:tg1 15 25.h3 (2S.tll15? 18. ~d4 U ~c8 (18...~c4? 19.tllb7) IS 42.giS (42.hS? 14-+) 42 ... <;1;>15! (42 ... gl5
~13-+) 2S ... cd4 (25 ...gh6? 26.tLJIS +-) 19.g3 (19.a4 IS (19 ... tll14 20.~11 tlle6) 43.h5± ) 43.'itd4 'ite6+ ; 43 ... g5 44.hgS
26.hg4 gh6 27.gl5 <;1;>17 28.cd4 l:tg8=i') 20.aS tlld7? (20 .. .fe4) 21 .tlle6 cS 22.tlld8 hgS=) 40 ... a4 41 .a3 [41 ... gS 42.hgS hgS
24 ... 'itg7 2S. l:tg1 fS ! 26.tLlfS 'itf6 l:td8 23.~e3±) 19 ...1S 20.'itc2 (20.eiS l:tiS 43.c5! (43.Wd3 IS 44.gl5 'itiS 45.'ite3
27.l:tg4 Sf 28.l:tg7 'ite4 29.l:tg3 21. ~d3 (~ 21 .'iti>c2 l:tc5 22 .~c5 ~IS w eS-+) 43 ...'itdS 44.c6! 'itc6 45.we4
[29.l:tb7 'itd3 30.l:td7 'itc4 31 .l:td6 'itc3+ ) 23.'itb3± ) 21 ... l:tc5! 22 .~c5 ~IS 23 .~d4 'it;>cS 46.'itiS 'it;>c4 47.'it;>g5 'it;>b3 48.<;1;>16
29...l:td8 30.'itg2 dS 31.cdS l:tdS ~d3 24.'itd3 c5+) 20 ... 1e4 21.fe4 (21 .tlle4 w a3 49.g5=; 41 .h5? a3 42.o;f;>d3 gS!
32.l:tf3 [ ~ 32.h4 l:td2 33.'ith3 l:ta2 34.hS ~e6 22.14 ~15 (22... ~d5 23 .~d3 ~c4 43.'itc3 15- + ) Y.!-112

Zinn,Lothar (16 ... lLle4? 17.feS 'ii'eS (17 ... 1fa3 18.'t!fb1 '*'g5+] 17... cd4 18.cd4 lllc4
Broberg,Horst 18.1!fe1) 18.1i'e3±) 17.eS 'it'dS 18.el6 19.'ifc4 dS! 20.1!fdS 'iWdS 21 .edS
Potsdam ch·DDR 1974 (12) ~e2 19.lLle2 Wg2+] 14.. .fe6 1S.O·O l:%d8 22 .~d2 l%dS 23.l:%hb1i a6
1.c4 eS 2.l!:lc3 lLlf6 3.lLlf3 lLlc6 4.d4 (1S.c5 dS (1S ... lLleg4? 16.fg4 lLJe4 17.'it'e3 24.l%b4 l%a7
ed4 S.lLld4 ~ b4 6. ~gs h6 7.~ h4 lLlt2 18.0-0!+-; 1S ... tllhS) 16.edS llldS
~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 lLJeS 10.e4 lLlg6 (16 ... edS 17.0-0 c6 18.l:%ab1 i) 17.~g3
11.~f2 0-0 12.1!fd2 lLld7 13.~e2 (17.0-0 lLJ14 18.l:%1d1 'ii'gS 19 .~g3 l%ad8f) .i.
lLlcS 14.0-0 1!ff6 1S.l:%fd1 a6 17...'t!fl6 18.1!fd4 lLlc6 19.'it'l6 l%16 Xi
16.l:%ab1 lLlf4 17. ~f1 ~d7 18.lLlfS! 20 .~bS= lLJe3? 21. ~c6 bc6 22 .~eS+ -]
lLlte6 [18 ... ~1S 19.eiS -.Is 20.g4 'l!fes
21.~d4 'tfgS 22.h4+- J 19.~d4 'tfgS
20.-.f2 lLlf4 21 .g3 lLlfe6 22.~g2
1S... b6oo 16.~e3 [16.a4 aS] 16... 1!fe8
17.a4 aS [17 ... Wc6 18.eS!? deS
~c6? (22 ... b6i] ~
.i ~.i ~ ~ ~~~

.l.l .l.l
.i~ .l
,,..,. ,. .l

i. .l ..
tb ~
~ ~
2S.l%e1?! (2S.l:%e1! ~e6 (2S ... ~d7
26.l%e7 ~c6 27.l:%e8 <i;h7 28.<i;c3±)
26.l:%cSi ] 2S ...~d7 26.l%eS ~c6=
~ ~~ ~ ~~ 27.l%ds ~dS 28.l%b6 : aa 29.l%d6
~ ~~ 'i¥ ~ ~ ~ ~c6 30.dS ~ bS 31.h4 hS 32.g4

~ 'if.i~ ~ 1:[~
hg4 33.fg4 l%e8 34. ~e3 f6 3S.gS
fgS 36.hgS l%e7 37 . ~d4 [37.g6 l%d7=]
li li ~ 37 .. .l%d7 38.l:%d7 ~d7 39.<i;c3
18.cS!? deS (18 ... beS 19.l%ab1 t::. 40.<i;b4 g6 41.<i;cS <i;e8 42.<i;b6
23.h4! 'ifd8 24.eS? [24.lLlg7! lLlg7 19... 1!fa4? 20.~bS 'Wa3 21. l:%a1 lLJe4 ~bS 43.<i;b7 <i;d7 !.1!-Y.!
25.~+- 1 24.•.lLld4 25.'ii'd4 'ifd7?! (21...1!fb3 22.l:%fb1+-) 22.l%a3 (22.fe4?!
[25 ...lLle6 26.'ifg4-+] 26. . 3 [26.lLlg7±; l%11 23.%%11 c4oo) 22 ...llld2 23 .~d2 ±]
26....g4 g6 27.lLlh6 <i;h7 28....g5±] 19.~f4 tllfd7 20. ~g3 1!fe7 21 .l%fd1 Lengyei,Levente
26.. .<~h7 [26 ...lLle6 27....e3f] 27.ed6 [21.14! lLlg6 (21...lllf7 22.eS±) 22 .~e4 t] Spassky,Boris
lLle6 28.ft'd3 g6 29.'iVe3! gfS 30~fS 21 ... 1%ad8 22.1!fa2 c4 23.l%d2 hS Amsterdam izt 1964 (1 6)
<i;g7 31 .l:%d4 [31.'itfe5 <i;gB 32.1i'16 :tea 24.l%ad1 [24.h4 gS! 2S.hgS WgS-+] 1.c4 eS 2.lllc3 lllc6 3.lLlf3 lLlf6 4.d4
33.'t!fh6 16 34.l:%d4+-] 31 .•• hS 32.1!feS 24.•• h4 2S .~es lLJeS 26.l:%d8 l:%d8 ed4 S.lLld4 ~ b4 6. ~gS h6 7.~h4
f6 [32 ...<J;ga 33.1!fl6+-] 33.'t!fe6 'l!fe6 27.l%d8 'ii'd8 28 .~c4 'iVd1 29.<i;f2 ~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 lLleS 10.e4 lllg6
34.~e6 cd6 [34 ... l:%fe8 35~d5 c:d6 lllc4 [29 ... gs 30.~e6 <i;g7 31.'it'dS 11 . ~f2 0-0 12.'\Wd2 c6 13. ~e2
36.~c6 bc6 37.l:%d6 l:%e3 38.l:%c6 l:%13±] (31 .1!fe2?? lLld3 32.<i;e3 'it'e2 33.<i;e2 [13.l:%d1 !? d5 14.lLlb3 l%e8 (14...'ii'e7?
35.l:%d6 l:%ad8 36.l:%bd1 l:%d6 37.l:%d6 lLJI4; 31.~b3 '*'e1 !1!1) 31...We2:f] 1S .~c5±) 1S.cdS ( 1S .~e2 'flc7 (1S ... 'it'e7
~13 38.9;12 ~e4?! [38 ... ~c6 39.~d5 30.'i!rc4 1!fd6 31.<i;e3 !.1!-Y.! 16 .~c5 'ii'c7 (16... eS 17.~d4 1!fe7
~ds 40cdS :ca 41 .lld7 <J;Q6 42.llb7 llc3 (17... 'it'l4; 17... 'i!rg5) 18.cdS cd5 19 .~c5
43.d6±J 39. 3 ~b1 40.cs : ea 'it'e5oo) 17.cdS cdS 18.edS? lLldS+)
41 .<i;d4+- 1-0 Lehmann,Heinz 16.~g3) 1S ... cdS 16.~bS ~d7 17 .~d7
Kavalek,Lubomir 't!fd7 18.0·0 (18.c4? l%ad8 19.cdS lLle4
Marianske Lazne 1965 (1) 20.fe4 l%e4 21 .<;t;>l1 lLJI4-+) 18... l:%ad8=]
Cafferty,Bernard 1.c4 eS 2.lLlc3 lLlf6 3.lLlf3 lLJc6 4.d4 13... dS 14.edS cdS 1S.O-O ~d7
Portisch,Lajos ed4 S.lLld4 ~ b4 6. ~gS h6 7.~h4 16.l%ab1 b6 17.l:%fe1 l%e8 18.~ g3
Teeside 1972 (11) ~c3 8.bc3 d6 9.f3 lLJeS 10.e4 lLJg6 dc4 (18... lLleS 19.cdS lLld5 20.~a6±]
1.c4 eS 2.lLlc3 lLlf6 3.lLlf3 lLlc6 4.d4 11 .~f2 0-0 12.'i!rd2 lLld7 13. ~e2 19. ~c4 l:%e1 20.l%e1 ;!; ~a4 1 [20 ... l%c8
ed4 S.lLld4 ~ b4 6. ~gS ~c3 7.bc3 lllb6 14.a4! [14.l:%d1 lLleS 1S.c5 deS 21. ~b3i] 21.'ii'd3 [21 .'t!fe2 d7; 21 .a3
h6 8. ~h4 d6 9.13 lLleS 10.e4 lLlg6 16.lllb3=] 14... lLleS 1S.aS! lLlbc4 : ca 22.'it'a2 1!fd7=] 21 ...l%c8 22. ~e6!
11 .~f2 0-0 12.'t!fd2 ~e6 13. ~e2 16.W a2 cS [16 ... dS 17.edS 'i!fd5 18.0-Q!f; (22.'f!g6 l:%c4=] 22 .. .fe6 23.1!fg6 ~ea
lLleS 14.lLle6 [1 4.c5 ~c4 1S.cd6 'iVd6 18.14 Wg2 (18 ... ~g4? 19.feS ~e2 24.'\Wb1 ~f7 2S.'it'b2 [25.~es l2ld7
(1S ... ~e2? 16.de7 'l!fe7 17.lLle2 l:%1d8 20.1!fe2±) 19.l:%g1 't!fh2 (1 9... lLld3 26 .~g7 ~g7 27.l%e6 l:%c5; 2S.lLlbS a6
18.~d4± ; 1S ... cd6 16.lLJIS (16.0-0 dS 20.~d3 l%e8 21 .lLle2+-; 19... 'l!fh3 26.lLld6 l%c3 27 .~es l%c6 (27 ... l%c5?
17. ~g3 ~e2 18.'i+'e2 l:%e8=) 16... ~e2 20.l:%g3 'li'h2 21.fe5 llle5 22.'l!fd5-) 28.lLlb71±) 28.lLle4\1!1] 2S... 'it'dS
17.'iVe2 dS 18. ~d4oo) 16.14 lLleg4! 20.feS lLleSoo] 17.~c4 [17.lLle2 ~e6 26.lLlbS W cs 27. ~f2 [27.<i;h1 lLld5

Survey EO 8.9+10

(27 ... a6 28.~d6 'irc3 29.'irb6±) 28.~d6 17.0·0-0oo; 17.h4? ~g4 ! 18.fg4 'it'e4 ..... ] 26. ~d2 ~fg6 27.~f1 'irc7
• c4 (28 ... -.c6 29 .~a7 (29.~e5i) 14... ~e5 15.g4 ~f6 28. ~e3~ ~e7 29.l:l5d2 c4 30.~e5
29 ... -.c3=) 29.~e5i ] 27 ... 'ire7 deS 31.l:ld8? (31 .'irc4 _.c4 32 .~c4=]
28. • b4 W'b4 29.cb4 ~d5= 30.a3 31 ... l:ld8 32.l:ld8 W'dB 33.W'c4
a6 31 .~d6 l:lc6 32 . ~g3 l:lc2 'ii'd7? [33...~g6! 34 .~15 ~h4 !-+]
33.~e5 ~g6 34 . ~g3 ~17 35 . ~e5 34.'ii'a6 ~h7 35 ..-a3 (35. ~c2 ~g6
8 36.l:le4 1--2-Y.! 36 . ~15 ~14=1=] 35 ...~g6 36 .~f5 ~gB
[36 ... 'ird3+) 37.~c2 ~f4 38.c4 ~e6'1'

Riga ch·LAT 1962
1.c4 eS 2. ~c3 ~f6 3. ~f3 c6 4.d4
ed4 (4... e4!? 5.~g5? ! (5 .~d2 ! ? ) 5...h6!
6. ~ge4 ~e4 7 .~e4 'irh4=] 5.~d4 ~b4
6. ~g5 h6 [6 ... ~c3 7.bc3 h6 (7... ~e5 16.h3? [White loses a tempo. 16.h4 ..... ;
8.14 ~g6 (8... ~c4? 9.e4 ~e3 10.'ire2 16.0.().()t] 16 ... ~e6 17.l:lg1 [17.14 ~e4
~11 11 .e5 0·0 12.~15 +-; 12 .<~11 h6 (17...~c4 18. ~e6 ~d2 19.~d8 ~de4
13.~16 +-) 9.g3 h6 10. ~16 'it'f6 11.~g2 20.~b7 ~c3+) 18.We3 ~12 19.'irl2
0·0 12.0.() d6;!;) 8 .~c6 bc6 9.~h4 0.() ~c4 - + ; 17 .~e6 l:le6 18.0·0-0oo]
10.'ird4 d6 (10... g5 11.~g3 d6 12.c5 dc5 17...~ h7 (1 7... ~c4 18.g5 h7 (18 ... hg5
(12... d5? 13.h4 g4 14. ~c7 'ire? 15.'irf6 ± ) 19.'it'g5 g6 20.~c4 ~c4 21.'irh6oo; 39.'ire7 ~d4 (39 ...W'a4 40 . ~b2 c5
13.'ird8 l:ld8 14 .~c7i) 11.c5i ] 7.~h4 21.~h4 ~e4oo) 19.gh6 g6 20.0·0-0oo; 41 .'ird8 ~h7 42 .~e7 'ii'b4 43 .~c2 'irc4
~c3 [7...~e5 8.W'b3 ~c5 9.().0-0 ~96 17... ~c4? 18.~e6 d2 19 .~d8±] 18.h4 44 .~d2 'ird4 (44 ... W'a2? 45.~e3)
10.~g3 0·0 11 .e3 ~h5 12 .~e4 ~g3 ( 18 .~e6 l:te6 19.h4oo; 19.0.().() ~g5 45.'ird4 ed4 46 . ~c6oo] 40 . ~ d3 'it'e7
13.hg3 ~d4 14.l:ld4 d6 15.c5;!; Salov· 20.l:lg3 'it'f6 21.'ire3 ~g6 + ] 18... ~c4 41 .~e7 8 42. cB ~f3 43. ~a7
lllescas Cordoba, Madrid 1995] 8.bc3 d6 19.0-0-0 cS 20. ~ b3? (20.~15 'ira5t ~ h4 44. ~c8 ~f3 45.g6 fg6 [45 ... h4
9.f3 [9.c5!?] 9 ... ~e5 1 O.e4 ~ g6 21.~d6 ! ? (21. ~c4 ~c4 22.W'c2 l:le6 46 . ~e3 ~d2 47 .~ b6 h3 48. d7 ~e7
11 .~f2 0-0 12.'ird2 (12 .~e2? 1 ~14] 23.g5 'ira3 (23 ...d5) 24.<ot>b1 hg5 25.hg5 49.gf7 ~c4 50.~12 c;W 51.~g3=]
12 ... l:le8 13. ~e2 (13.0·0-0!? a6 14 .<~b2 d5-) 21... l:lad8 22 .~c4 l:ld2 23.~a5 l:te2 46. ~e3 ~d4 47 .~ b6 ~e7 48.c5 g5
b5 15.c5 dc5 (15 ... d5 16.~c6 'it'd? 17.ed5 24.~g3 (24.l:td2 l:td2 25.~d2 ~13 -+) 49.~c4 ~c6 50.a4 ~d7 51 . g4
~7 18. ~b4± A 18 ...~d5 19. ~d5 l:lad8 24 ... ~13+] 20 ... 'ii'e7?1 [20 ... ~e2 52 .~g3 gS 53 .~b6 (53.a5 ~c7 54.a6
20.~16 +-) 16.~ b3 Wd2 17.l:ld2 c4 21.'ire2 c4 22 .~d4 ~d3 23.~b1 d5 ..... ] ~b8] 53... ~e6 54.lL>c 4 ~e7 55.a5
18 . ~a5~] 13...~h5 14.g3 (14 . ~e3! ? 21 .g5 ~e2 22.'ire2 hS :f: 23 .~ g3 ~d7 56.a6 ~c7 57. b6 WbB
W'h4 15.g3 'ire? ( 15...~g3!? 16.~12 ~e4 ~fB (23 ... a5 24.a4 b5! 25.ab5 a4 26.~a1 58. ~d7 w a7 59.lL>f6 h4 60. ~g4
17.1e4 'ire4 18.0-().0oo) 16.g4 ~16 a3t] 24.l:ld5 b6 25. l:lgd1 l:lad8 w as 61 .~ h7 Y.!-1--2

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Survey are indexed by opening, by author and by Yearb ok.

Symmetrical Variation EO 34.3 (A35)

A Variation from Three Openings

by Alexey Kuzmin (special contribution by Maxime Vachier-Lagrave)

1. c4 c5 allows Black to retreat hi knight

2. ttJf3 tLlc6 with gain of tempo: 8 ...tLlb6
3. t2Jc3 g6 9 ...tb3 ..Q..g7 10.0-0 0-0 .
4. e3 ttJf6
:i .i.'it' .~.

.t'it'• .t K
i.l .i. .l
'' ~ ''~ · '
' ~~
~~ ~~~ In thi s variation the situation is Maxlme Vachler-Lagrave
: .i'if~jL l:l analogou to the move 6 ... g6. In
the Caro-Kann or the English The main po ition of the 8 ...tc4
A pecial feature of thi variation move order 8 ...tc4 i not popular, variation.
i that it can ari e from three but the po ition after Black' White has tried a number of
completely different openings: 1Oth. move often occurs from the moves, but they have been un -
the Engli h Opening the Caro- Griinfeld Defence! able to et Black any eriou
Kann Defence ( l.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 l.d4 t2Jf6 2.c4 g6 3.tLlc3 d5 problems.
3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 t2Jf6 5.t2Jc3 t2Jc6 4.t2Jf3 ..Q..g7 5.e3 0-0 6.cd5 tLld5 The mo t popular continuation
6.t2Jf3 g6) and even the Griinfeld 7 ...Q..c4 tLlb6 8 ...tb3 c5 9.0-0 cd4 12.l:tel occurred in Vachier-
Defence, and after the three main 10.ed4 t2Jc6. Lagrave-Nepomniach rchi , Wijk
fir t move l .e4, l .c4 and l.d4. Here the Griinfeld Indian meets aan Zee 2011 and Ehlvest-
It i intere ting that for the up with the Caro-Kann! Kamsky Philade lphi a 20 I 0.
Caro-Kann move order 6 .. .g6 i ll.d5 ttJa5 The occa ionall y occurring
a very rare continuation. The 12...ig5 i aJso not dangerous.
diagram position ari e more ln my view, 12.h3!?, preventing
often from the Engli h Opening. the planned development of the
7.cd5 black bi hop, i more intere t-
7 ...Q..g5 i not dangerou ; in reply ing. Thi move was succe sfu lly
Black should play 7 ... ..Q..e6! employed in Potkin-A iexeev
(Laznicka-Dorninguez Perez Ru ian Chan1pionship 20 12. Of
Havana 20 12). cour e, Black could have played
7 •.. t2Jd5 much more accurately than in the
The main continuation i 8.'ir'b3. game, but in any ca e the re ult-
The knight can al o be attacked ing po itions are quite compli -
by the bi hop 8 ...Q..c4, but this cated and a yet unexplored .

Survey EO 34.3

Defending the Knight Thi move drew attention after

Let us return to the main varia- the game Ga hirnov-Topalov,
tion . Nanjing, 2010. True after9 ..tg5,
8. b3 Veselin made a poor re pon e
9 ... f6?! , but the next year thi
variation appeared in the opening
repertoires of Anand, Leko,
Nepomniachtchi and others.
White has two main pos ibili-
tie : 9..tg5 and 9..tb5. Other
conti nuations are not at all dan-
gerou . Black's position looks omewhat
The correct reply to 9..tg5 i uneasy, but with accurate play he
9....te7! Bocharov-Nepomn- olves hi problem .
iachtchi Aeroflot Open 2012, Nepomniachtchi continued
ended in a draw after 10•.th6 15..tf4 against Leko (Sochj
ow the naturaJ capture 8...tbc3 ~f8 ll.~gS ~e7 . Of cour e, 20 12), but Peter demon trated an
runs into 9 ..tc4!, while 8... tbb6 White could have exchanged the accurate way to equaUze:
1 i bad becau e of 9 .d5. For a long
time the e two factors gave the
dark- quare bi hop , but this
would ha.rdJy have given any se-
15 .. .l:re8 16 ..td6 a6!=.
15.l:rfe11 eads to tactical compli-
po ition after Black ixth's riou chance of exploiting the cation , but after the acceptance
move a poor reputation ... Ught weakening of Black's of the piece sacrifice - 15 .•. · !
8... e6! king ide - fo r the attacking plan 16. e3 fgS White wa unable to
The defence of the knight with with h2-h4 the queen i badly achjeve more than a draw in
the e-pawn after ...g7-g6 does placed on b3. Potkin-Nepomniachtchi, Ha-
not look ae thetically too attrac- After 10.~h6 , apart from vana 20 12.
tive, but now is the ti me for a IO ....t£8 Black has the interest-
concrete approach. ing po ibiUty 10...a6, Conclusion
ll...'ifb6 - ee Wang Yue-Zhou The po ition in the fir t diagram ,
Jianchao, Zaozhuang 20 12. which, a we have seen can arise
The econd continuation is more from djfferent move orders and
dangerous for Black: 9..tb5 openings, looks at pre ent to be
.tg7 10..tg5 ( IO.tbe5 or 10.0-0 defensively ound for Black.
doe not pose any problems at White needs to find new po i-
all) 10... b6. ow White pre- bilities for etting opening prob-
vent Black from castling by lems, or to eekalternativeway.
ll.'ti'a3 f6 12.~d5 edS 13..tc6 I think that the discu ion will be
bc6 14.0-0 <;f;>f7 . continued ...

Not Dangerous 10.D-O tt:le4t; 8.'i!t"b3 tt:la5 9.'i!t"b4 tt:lc4 l12 ... a6!?] 13.'i!t"a3 dc4 14. ~c4 l:tc8 t
7 .~ g5 ~ e6 10 .~c4 dc4 11.'i!t"b7 ~g7oo] 8 ... ef6 15 . ~t1 1t'e7 ps ... a6! ? 16.l:tac1 l:te8
9. ~e2 ~g7 !9 ... ~ 10.c5 ~c3 11 .bc3 17.dS tOeS ~eS'f] 16.1t'e7
Laznicka,Viktor 0·0 12.llld2 tt:la5 13.0-0 b6= Teterev- tt:len ~bs 18.~b5 l:ttd8
Dominguez Perez,Leinier Kryvoruchko, Rogaska Slatina It 2011] 19.l:tac1 l19.~a4~] 19 ... ~ h6 l19 ... l:tc1
Havana 2012 (6) 10.0-0 0-0 11 .'i!t"a4 l11 .11i'd2 dc4!? 20.l:tc1 a6 21 .~a4 ~d4 22.l:tc7 bS cS 2.c4 tt:lc6 g6 4.e3 (11 ...l:te8) 12.d5 tOeS fe5 14 .~c4 23.llld4 tt:ldS 24.l:tcS lllb6 2S .~b3 l:td4f]
lllf6 5.d4 cd4 6.ed4 d5 7 .~g5 ~e6! ~IS 1S.d6 1t'h4<= Speelman-Kortchnoi, 20.l:tc8 tOeS 21 .~a4 llld6
! 8.cd5 lllc3 9.bc3 'ifd5 Reykjavik 1988 - YBIS1 -177] 11 .• .f5 l:tc8 23 . ~ b3 l:tc1 24.l:tc1 ~c1
10.11i'b3!] 8.~f6 !8.c5 ~g7 9 .~b5 o-o 12.l:tfd1 1~ 12.l:tad1 =] 12... ~d7 V2· ¥.!
Cabrilo,Goran %ta2 30.%ta2 'i!fa2 31 . ~e5 tt:le4 [ 12 .~e3 ..Q.g4 13.h3 ~13 14.'iWI3 ~c3
Kovacevic,Aieksandar [31...'t!i'a8+) 32.%tf1 'iWc2 [32 ... tt:lf2!+) 15.bc3 tt:lb3 16 .~b6 tt:ld2 17.'i!fd3 't!i'b6
Jahorina tt 2012 (6) [!=) 33 ... tt:ld2!+ 18.'t!fd2 't!fc5= Alexandrov-Riazantsev, c5 2.c4 tt:lc6 3.e3 tt:lf6 4.d4 34.'tWd7 ~f8 35. %ta1 ?? [ Plovdiv Ech 2012) 12 ... ~ g4 13.h3 ~f3
cd4 5.ed4 d5 g6 7 .~g5 ~e6 35 ...~c3! -+ 36. %ta2 't!i'c1 37 . ~ h2 14.'t!i'f3 %te8 15 .~e3 ..Q.c3! [15 ... tt:lb3
8 .~f6 ef6 9.a3?1 [9.c5 ~g7 (9 ... ~h6 !? f6 38.~c7 tt:lf1 39 .~g1 'i!fb1 16.ab3 ~c3 17. ~6! 'I\Wb6 18.bc3 e6?!
10.~5 0·0= Ojurovic-Bukal, Zagreb 2008) 40.%ta3 tt:lg3 41. ~h2 e2 42.h4 (18...'t!i'b3 19.%tab1 c4 20.%tb7 -
10 .~b5 0·0 11.h3 15 (11...a6!? 12 .~c6 bc6 't!i'g1 43.'wt>h3 h1 0-1 Ehlvest-Kamsky, Philadelphia 2010) 19.de6
13. ~d2 ~15 14.0·0 ~e4oo) 12.'ilfd2 %te6 20.%te6 fe6 21 .c4±) 16.bc3?!
tt:la5!? (12... h6?! (Melia-Lupulescu, [16...Q.b6!? 't!i'b6! 17.bc3 'ijt'l6!? 18.'1\We3
Gibraltar 2012) 13.0·0 g5 14.%tle1;!;) 13.0·0 Kogan,Artur n ac8 19.%tac1 a6 20.c4 b6 21. ~a4 l:!ed8
a6 14 .~e2 tt:lc6oo; 9.cd5 ~d5 10. ~b5 Laketic,Gojko 22.c5 'ijt'h4 23...Q.b3 bc5 24.%tc5 %tc5
~h6=; 9.'ilfb3?! ~b4 ! 10.c5 ~g4f Alimini 2011 (4) 25.'ijt'c5 tt:lb3 26.ab3 %td6=) 16... tt:lb3
Mikadze-Batsiashvili, Batumi Wch rapid 1.c4 c5 tt:lc6 g6 4.e3 17...Q.b6 tt:ld2! 18.'t!i'd3 'iWb6
2012) 9 ...~g7 10 . ~e2?! [10.'ilfb3! 0·0 tt:lf6 5.d4 cd4 6.ed4 d5 7.cd5 tt:ld5 19.'1\Wd2= 't!i'c5 [19 ... %tad8 20.c4 e6
11 .cd5 tt:la5 12 .~a2 ~g4!1!?) 10... 0-0 8 ...Q.c4 tt:lb6 9 .~b3 ~g7 1 o. ~e3 21 .%tad1 'iWc5 22.%te4 ed5 23.%te8 %te8
11 .0-0 [~ 11 .c5'1') 11...f5+ 12.~ a4 [10.0-0 0-0 (10... tt:ld4?! 11 .tt:ld4 't!i'd4 24.cd5 'ijt'd6) 20. %te4 %tad8 21 .c4 f5?
dc4 13.d5 ~d5 'iWd5 12.'i!fd4 ~d4 11.d5 tt:la5] [21 ... e5! 22.%tb1 !? 15 23.%tee1 b6 24.%tec1
15. ~c4 'iWd6 16.%tad1 'iWc7 17.%td2 10... 0·0 11.d5 [11 .h3?! tt:la5 12 .~c2 %tc8 25.%tb3t; 21...b5?? 22.'ijt'h6 bc4
%tad8 18.%tfd1 %td2 19.%td2 ~f6 tt:lac4 (12... ~e6!?) 13 .~c1 tt:ld5t Wohl· 23.%th4+-] 22.%te5! 'I\Wc4 23.%tc1
20 . ~e2 n ea 21.'ilfd1 %te7 22.b4 Zelcic, Schwarzach 2011)
~g7 23. ~f1 h5 24.%tc2?! [24.%td5 h4 12. ~d4 tt:lb3 13.ab3
25.g3+) 24 .•. %td7 25.%td2 %td2
26.'i!fd2 tt:ld8 tt:le6
h4 29. d3 b6 30.tfc4 e5
31. e2 'ilfb2 32.g3 'ilfc1 33.'it;•g2?
tt:lg5-+ [33 ... 14!-+] 34.f3 'iWb2
35.'i!fd3 tt:le6 36. ~e2 ~e5 37. ~
't!i'c1 38.f4? [38. ~11) 38 ... 'i!fh1 0-1

Attacking the Knight 23 ... '!Wa6 [23...'1\WM 24.%tc7 'i!fl6

8 ...Q.c4 25.'i!fe3± ; RR 23...'i!fb5 24.'1\Wd4 (24.%tce1
13... e5! 14. ~ c5 %te8 15.0-0 e4'!' e6!=) 24 ... 'i!fb6 25.'i!fb6 ab6 26.%tc7 %td6=
Vojinovic,Jovana 16.~ b6?! [ ) 16...'i!fb6 17. d2 A.Kuzmin) 24. %tce1 'I\Wd6 [24 ... e6
Cmilyte,Viktoria ~f5?! [17 ... e3! ef2 19.%112 'i!fc5 25.'1\We3 %td6 26.de6 't!fa2 27.h4 b5 28.h5
Gaziantep W 2012 (3) 20.l:la5 'i!fd4+] 'ilfd8 19.d6oo b4 29.h6 %te7 30.g3 6 31 .'t!i'g5 (30.'i!fg5? c5 2.c4 tt:lc6 g6 4.e3 ~c3?! [19 ...'t!i'd7] 20.bc3 b5? %tde6 31 .%te6 %te6 32. d8 Wf7 33. d7
tt:lf6 5.d4 cd4 6.ed4 d5 7.cd5 tt:ld5 [20 ... 'i!fl6 21.'i!fd2;!;] ~e6 ~16 34.'ijt'd4 ~g5 !) 30... a4 31 . c5
8 . ~c4 tt:lb6 9. ~b5 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0 22.c4 a5 23.c5 %tc8? 24.'t!i'd4+ - 't!fc6 32.'t!i'b4±; 24... 16 25.%te6 'i!ff7
11. ~c6 bc6 12 . ~f4 [12.h3 ~e6 ~d7 %te6 1·0 26.'1\Wb4! b6 27. b5 ~18 28.~c6+-J
13.~14 tt:ld5 14 .~e5 16!? 15...Q.g3 tt:lc3 25.h4! %td7 [25 ... ~g7 26.h5 't!fl6
16.bc3 %te8 17.%te1 ~17= Svidler-Smeets, 27.%te6 't!fl7 28.'1\WgS %td7 29.d6+- ;
Germany Bundesliga 2009/10) 12 ... ~g4 Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 25 ... %118? 26. %te7 dS 27.'t!i'h6 %117
13.%te1 n ea 14.~e5 ~h6 [14...~e5! ? Nepomniachtchi,lan 28.%te8; RR 25...'t!i'l6 26.%te6 'ii'f7 27.h5±
15.de5 't!i'd1 16.%tad1 %ted8=] 15.h3 ..Q.t5 Wijk aan Zee 2011 (12) A.Kuzmin] 26.h5 gh5 [26 ...~g7 27.%te6!
16. e2 tt:ld5oo 17. c4 %tc8 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 d5 'i!fdS 28.%te7+-] 27.%tf5 [27.%te6? 'ijt'd5
18 .~g3 tt:lf4 ~e6 20.'ilfa4 ~g7 5.e3 0-0 6.cd5 tt:ld5 7. ~c4 28.'i!fg5 ~ h8oo] 27 ... e5 28.tfg5 %tg7
tt:lh5 21. ~ h2 't!i'b6 ~f5 tt:lb6 [7 ... tt:lc3 8.bc3 c5 9.0-0) 8. ~b3 c5 [28 ... 't!i'g6 29.%tle5! 'li'gS 30.%tg5 ~ %tcd8 't!i'b2 9.0-0 cd4 10.ed4 tt:lc6 [10 ... ~g4 11 .d5 31 .%te8 ~e8 32.%th5+-) 29.'i!fh5 l:!ge7 [25.~e5 ~e4 't!i'b5 tt:l8d7 12.h3 ..Q.I3 13.'t!i'l3 tbc5 14.ttda] [RR 29 ... 'iJig6± A.Kuzmin] 30.'t!i'f3! [6
27.'iJia7 tt:l14oo] 25 ... ~e4 [25 ... ~141+) 11.d5 [RR 11. ~e3 tt:la5 12...Q.c2 tt:lac4 31 .%116) 30 ... %tg7 [30 ... e4 31.%tg5 %tg7
26. %te4 tt:lf6 27.%tee1 't!i'c2'1' 13.'tWe2 ~g4= Opocensky-Tolush, 32.%te4 %te4 33.%tg7 'iti>g7 34.'1\We4+ - ]
28.'tWa7?! [28. ~a6) 28 ... %ta8 29.'tWb7 Leningrad 1946) 12.%te1 31. %tf6 + - d8 [31...'1Wb4 32.%te4 'I\Wd2

Survey EO 34.3

33.d6+-J 32.d6 e4 33.1t'f5 l:td7 tt:lc8 17.l:tlel tt:ld6= Hamark-T.Ernst, 32.'i'd4+ - <;i;>h6 33.l:ta3! llf8
34.l:te31 l:td6 35.l:tg3 <;i;>h8 36.l:tg71 Sweden 2008; 12... tt:lb3 13.ab3 ~c3 14.bc3 34.l:te1 l:tf7 35.l:te5 g5 36.f4 l:tg8
!36 ...<;i;>g7 37.l:tf7 <;i;>g8 38.1t'h7X; 36.l:t17 'ifd5 15.'ifd5 (15.Wcl ~g4oo) 15... tt:ld5 37.l:tg3 ~h3 38.VJie3 ~g4 39.l:tg2
llh6; 36.llh3 l:tdl 37.<;i;>h2 'We? 38.l:tf7 16.c4 tt:lf6 17.l:tlel ~e6 l:tld8 l:ta8 40.llh2 lla1 1-0
'We5 39.'i'e5 l:te5 40.llhh7 <;i;>g8 41 .llfg7 le6 20.l:te6 <;i;>l?= Fodor-Groszpeter,
<;i;>IS 42.llb7+-] 1-0 Kecskemet 2011] 13. ~f4 l13.~e3 ~g4
Yachier-Lagrave 14.h3 ~13 15.W13 tt:lbc4 16.~c l tt:lb3
M/ 11-2-27 17.ab3 tt:ld6= Keres-Byrne, San Antonio
1972] 13...~g4 14.h3 ~f3 15.'i'f3= Defending the Knight
c4?1 l15... tt:lbc4 16.We2 tt:lb3 17.ab3 8.~b3 e6
Ehlvest,Jaan tt:ld6=] 16.'i'e2 !16.d6!? ed6 17.l:tldlt]
Kamsky,Gata 16...llc8 17.l:tad1 <;i;>h7 18.~c1 Vallejo Pons,Francisco
Philadelphia 2010 (9) l18.lld3!? tt:ld6 19.l:tel l:teB 20.h4t] Anand,Viswanathan
1.c4 c6 2.e4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.d4 18... 6 a6= tt:lf5 Sao Paule/Bilbao 2011 (4)
tt:lf6 g6 6.cd5 tt:ld5 7. ~c4 21 .tt:le4 VJic7 22 ~d2 tt:ld4 23.'i'd3 c5 2.c4 tt:lc6 g6 4.e3
tt:lb6 8. ~ b3 ~g7 0-0 10.0-o tt:lb3 24. 'i'b3 tt:lc4 25 .~c3 tt:ld6 tt:lf6 5.d4 cd4 6.ed4 d5 7.cd5 tt:ld5
tt:lc6 11.d5 tt:la5 12.l:te1 tt:lb3 26.~g7 111-111 8.'i'b3 e6 l9.~b5 ~g7 10. d5
13.ab3 I13.'Wb3 l:te8 (13... ~c3 ed5] 9 ...ed5 10. ~b5 ~g7 1H i'a3
14.Wc3!? (14.bc3 W'd5 15.lle7 ~e6=) 111 . e5 ~d7 12.~c6 ~c6 13.0·0 0·0=
14... tt:ld5 15.'*'d4 tt:ll6 16.Wh4oo) 14 . ~e3 Potkin,VIadimir Y.!·\7 Bogdanovski-Palac, Skopje 2012]
~15 15.h3 (15.l:tadl ~g4 ! =) 15... ~d3;:t ] Alexeev,Evgeny 11...'ife7 12.'We7 <;i;>e7 13. ~c6 bc6
13... ~g4 !13... ~c3 14.bc3 'ifd5 15.Wd5 Tiumen 2012 (8) 14. ~f4 f6 15.llc1 ?! l15.<;i;>d2 g5
tt:ld5 16.c4 tt:lb4 17.lle7.t] 14.h3 ~f3 1.c4 c5 tt:lc6 g6 4.e3 16.l:thel <;i;>d? 17 .~g3=]
15.Wf3 l:te8 16. ~e3 ~c3 17. ~b6 tt:lf6 5.d4 cd4 6.ed4 d5 7.cd5 tt:ld5
'Wb6 18.bc3 W'b3 8.~c4 tt:lb6 9 . ~ b3 ~g7 10.d5 tt:la5
11 .0-0 o-o 12.h3!? tt:lb313.ab3

15...g5! l15 .. .<~d7 16.<;i;>d2 ~a6

l:the8 ~18 19.l:the1 ~c4=
19.l:tab1 l19.l:teb1 !? Wc4 20.l:tb7 'ireS! Aagger-Vallejo Pons, Bahia Feliz 2011 ]
(20...a5 21.d6! ed6 22.l:ta4! 'i'e6 23.l:te4! 13... e6?! l13...~c3 14.bc3 'i'd5 15.~d2 16.~e3 ~dr:F 17.h4 l17.<;i;>d2 l:thb8
'i'a2 24.l:tl4 t) 21 .Wd3 l:teb8 22.l:taa7 (15.~e3 \!Vd1 16.l:tld1 ~15 18.b3 a5'f] 17... h6 !17 ...g4 l:thbB
'ira? 23.lla7 l:ta7 2Hi c4 l:td7 25.'ifc5 Grischenko-Bojarinov, Voronezh 2006) 15... 16 19.llc2 <;i;>l?'f] 18.hg5 hg5 19.llh8
J:lbb7 26.c4 l:tdc7=] 19... 'i'a3 20.l:tb7 16.llel e5 17.c4oo; 13...'t!Vd6! 14.l:ta5 llh8 20.<;i;>d2 ~f8 'f
J:lac8 21.l:te3 'i'c5= 22.l:td7 l:tc7 ( 14.~e3!? ~c3 15.bc3 tt:ld5 16.~6oo) ~g6 23. c5 ~e8 24.g3
23.'i'g4 l:td7 24.'- d7 8 25.d6 14... l:td8 15.llel e6 16 .~g5 16 17.~e3 <;i;>f5 25.llc3 ~d6 26.lla3 llh7
• d6 26.'i'a7 111-111 tt:ld5 ed5 19.~7 ~e6=] 14.d6!.t 27.l:ta6 ~g4 l:tc7 29.b4
~d715.~g5 f616.~e3 ~c617.~c5 ~d7 30.b5 ~e7 31.bc6 ~c6
e5 18.b4 <;i;>h8 19.b5 ~d7 20.'i'e2 32.lla5 ~dB 33. b4 ~as 34.l:tc5
Bae,Torstein l:te8? 120... ~e6 21.l:tldl ~b3.t] 21. We4 l:td7 35.83 ~b7 36. d3 ~86
Thorfinnsson,Bragi 121 .l:tldl !?±J 21 ...l:tb8 121 ... W'b8 22.llldl !37.l:tc6!? ~c4]
England tt 2011/12 (5) l:td8 23.'i'e3 tt:lc4 24.'iie2t ~e6 25. d5! 37... ~c4 38.l:tc8 ~e7 + 39.l:ta8 l:tb7
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 tt:lf6 tt:ld6 26.b6!± ] 22.l:ta7 f5 23.'i'e3 tt:lc4 l40.<;i;>c3+] 40 ...~a3 41.l:ta7 tt:lc6 g6 7.cd5 d5 24.We2 e4? !24...~e6±] 25.'i'c4 ef3 l:ta7 42. a7 ~b4 43.<;i;>c2 3
8.~c4 tt:lb6 9. ~b3 ~g7 1O.d5 tt:la5 26.~d4! --. fg2 27.l:td1 f4 44. c8 ~b5! 45. ~d1 ~a4 46.<;i;>c1
11 .0-Q o-o 12 .~g5 h6 112...~g4 13.h3 'i'h4 'i'g5? !29.. .'~ h6!] <;i;>e2- + 47. ~b2 ~d7 48. b6 ~c6
~13 14.'iWI3 tt:lb3 15.ab3 l:te8 16.lladl VJih5 31 .~g7 <;i;>g7 49. c8 g4 50.<;i;>c1 ~d7 51 . b6

.ie6 52J(:Ja4 .ie1 53.c!De5 .if5 17.-iaS :tea) 14.c!Da4 'fic7 1S.c!Dc5 16... "i!fa6! 17.Wa6 .ia6= 18.l:tfe1
54.c!Da4 .if2 55 ..if2 2 56. e3 l:ttd8;:) 12... bc6 13.c!De4 "ilfb6 14.c!Dc5 .ib7 [1a ... l:tac8 19.l:tc3 .ie2 20.l:tb3 aS
.ie4 57.1Pd2 .it3 0-1 (14.'it'a3!? c!Db4+=') 14... eS!= 1S."i!fc4 ed4 21 .l:tb7 w ga 22.b3;t] 19.l:te3 l:te2
16.c!Dd4 :teat Kramnik·Gashimov, Monaco 20.l:tb3 .ia6= 21 ..ie5 g5 22.h3
blind 20111 1o....id7 [1 o... 7!? 11 ..ic6 Wg6 23.l:ta3!? [23.l:te1 l:te1 24. e1
Wang Vue bc6 (11 ...c!Dc6 12.c!Dc6 bc6 13.o.o o-o .ic4 2S.l:ta3 a6=] 23 ....ib5 24.l:ta7
Zhou Jianchao 14.l:td1 1t'c7+=') 12..ie3 o-o 13.o-o c5= l:ta7 25 ..ia7 l:tb2 26.a4 .ia6
Zaozhuang 2012 (4) Szmetan-Perez Cascella, Mar del Plata 27 ..ie5 h5 28.g4 hg4 29.hg4 f5
1.e4 e5 2. f3 c!De6 3.c!De3 g6 4.e3 1994] 11. d7 1t'd7 12.o-o o-o 30.l:te1! fg4 31 . e5 .ie5 32.de5
c!Df6 5.d4 ed4 6.ed4 d5 7.ed5 d5 13.c!Dd5 "i!fd5 14.W'd5 ed5 15..ie6 l:te2= 33.l:te2 .ie2 34.e6 6 35.e7
8.W'b3 e6 9 •.ig5 [9 ..ic4 c!DaS 10.-ibS bc6 16..ie3 l:tfe8= 17.l:tae1 8 w t7 36.Wh2 d4 37 •.id4 1Pe7
.id7 11..-a4 a6! 12..id7 W'd7 13.W'd7 [17 ... l:tab8 1a.l:tc2 aS 19.l:ttc1 a4=] 38.Wg3 We6 39.a5 5 40 ..ie3
(13.WaS? .ib41+) 13...Wd7 14.c!DeS We7 18.l:tfe1 l:tab8 19.b3 l:tb6?! .ia6 41 ..ia7 1.7-1.7
1S.c!DdS (1S..id2 c!Dc6=) 1S... edS 16.We2 [19 ...l:tb4=] 20.l:te5 l:te8 21.l:ta5 a6
t6= Bruno-Aisina Leal, Forni di Sopra 2012] 22.l:ta4 l:te6 23. 1 WeB 24 ..if4
9 ....ie71 [9 ... t6?1 10..id2 .ig7 11 ..id3 Wd7 25.l:te6 fe6 26. 2 .itS Potkin,VIadimir
o-o 12.0·0 c!Dce7 13.l:ttett Gashimov- 27 •.ie5 8 28. Wb7 29.Wg4 Nepomniachtchi,lan
Topalov, Nanjing 2010] 1O..ih6 [10 ..ie7 h6 30.h4 w a7? (30... l:tb4 31.l:tb4 .ib4 Havana 2012 (2)
c!Dde7 11 .Q-Q-O!? (11 .l:td1 D-0=) 11...Q-O 32..ig7!;t] 31.14 l:tb7?! [31 ...l:tb4] 1.e4 e5 2.c!Df3 e6 3. e3 g6 4.e3
12.h4 c!DtSoo] 10... a6 [10 ...-ita 11 .-igS 32.h5! gh5 33.\PhS Wb6 34.Wg6+ - c!Df6 5.d4 ed4 6.ed4 d5 7.ed5 d5
.ie7 12..ih6 .ita Y.!·Y.! Bocharov- 'it;>b5 35.g4 aS 36. l:tg7 37.g5 h5 8.'ilib3 e6 9 ..ib5 .ig7 1O..ig5
Nepomniachtchi, Moscow 2012; 10... 'it'b6?! 38.We6 h4 39 ..ig7 h3 40.-ifB h2 W'b6! 11 .Wa3 f6 12. d5 ed5
11 .-ibS!;t] 11 ..id3 "i!fb6 12."i!fb6 41.g6 h1 "i!f 42.f5 'ite4 43. 1t'f4 13 ..ie6 be6 14.0-0 15.l:tfe1
b6 13.G-G-0 [13 ..ie4 t6 14.0-0 Wt?oo] 44.g7 "i!fh4 45. "i!fh5 46.We7 [1S. eS?! tes 16.We7 \Pga 17.'fiea .ita
13...16= [13 ... b4 14..ie4 t6=] 14.a3 1t'e2 47.Wd6 'itg4 48.We7 'i!fgS 1a..it6 'ilib7! 19.-iha .id7 20.tves :tea
c!Dd5?1 [14 ... Wt7 1S..ie4 c!DaS!?+='] 49.16 "i!fg6 50..ie7 "ilff7 51 . 6 21 .'ilit6 l:te7! 22.1t'f3 (22.l:tae1 l:tf7
15 ..id2 .id7 16•.ie4 :tea 17.Wb1 1t'e8 52.We6 1t'g6 53.l:ta3 e5 23.'ilida w ha 24.l:te7 Wg7+) 22 ... l:tf7
e3 18•.ie3;t b5 19.l:the1 8? 54..ie5 "ilfeB 55 ..ie7 .-ga 56.w e5 23."i!fb3 Wb3 24.ab3 'it;>ha 2S.l:ta7 1Pg7:f]
(19...b4l;t] 20.d5! ± ed5 21 ..id5 .if5 1t'h7 57.b4 w e6 58.We6 'i!fe4 1s....ifB! [1S ...'ilib7?! 16..it4 .its
22.Wa2 b4 (~ 22 ....ig4] 23 ..id2! h5 59. "i!fh7 60.l:th3 1-0 17.c!Dd2 :thea 1a. b3 l:te1 19.l:te1 :tea
24.l:te1 c!Da7?! [24 ... c!DeSI] 25.a4! l:th7 20.l:tea ~Pea 21 ..id6;t Ragger-Voloktlin,
26. h4 l:td8 27.c!Df5 gf5 28.l:te7?! Austrian 2011 /12]
[2a.l:ted1 1+-l 28 ... l:td5 29.l:tee7 l:te7 Nepomniachtchi,lan
30 •.ib4 <!DeB 31.l:te8 32 ..ie7 Leko,Peter
1Pe7± 33.Wb3 f4 (33 ... h4!?] 34.l:te7 Sochi 2012 (4)
Wd6 35.l:te4 f3 [3S ... w eS!? 36.Wc2 h4] 1.e4 e5 2.c!Df3 c!De6 3.c!De3 g6 4.e3
36.g3 l:td2 37.l:te2 l:te2 38 .~e3 c!Df6 5.d4 ed4 6.ed4 d5 7.ed5 c!Dd5
l:te4 39.b3 ~Pes 40.Wd3 f5 41 .l:te5 8.'ilib3 e61 9 ..ib5 .ig7 10..ig5
6 42.l:te6 w es 43.l:te5 6 44.a5 Wb61 11 .Wa3! f6 12.c!Dd5 ed5
l:te2 45.l:te2 l:te1 46.l:te6 ~PeS 13..ie6 be6 14.o-O 15..if4 l:te8
47.l:te5 6 48.h4 l:te4 49.l:te6 w es 16..id6 (16.l:tte1 .ig4=; 16.h3 .ia6
50.l:ta6+- l:te2 51.l:tb6 l:tf2 52.We3 17.l:tte1 .ie2=]
l:tf1 53.l:tb5 IPe6 54.a6 f2 1-0

Pap,Gyula 16."i!fe3D fg5 [16 ... .id6!? 17..it4 .ib4]

Predojevic,Borki'e8 1Pg7 18.l:te7 .ie7 19.W'e7
Hungary tt 2011/ 12 (2) w ga 20.tvea [20.l:te1 .its 21.c!DgS l:tta
1.c!Df3 e5 2.e4 e6 3.c!Dc3 g6 4.e3 22.c!De6 .ie6 23."i!fe6=; 20.h4 .itS
c!Df6 5.d4 ed4 6.ed4 d5 7.ed5 c!Dd5 21 .c!DgS l:tta 22.c!De6=] 20 ... Wg7
8."i!fb3 e6 9..ib5 .ig7 10. 5 [10.D-O 21 .'ite5 'it;>gB 22.We8 Wg7 23. W'e7
Q-0 11 .l:td1 h6 (11 ... "i!fb6!?oo) 12..ic6?! Wg8= 24. g5 "i!fb7 25.1t'e8 1Pg7
(12 ..id2!? 'ilib6 13.l:tac1 .id7 (13 ... c!Dc7 26.W'e5 Wg8 27.W'e8 Wg7 28.-.eS
14..ic6 "i!fb3 1S.ab3 bc6 16.c!De4 c!Db5 1.7-1.7



Previews & Reviews


The Powerful Catalan

by Victor Bo/ogan The material in thi bo k i ar- Black's main idea i to play ....ie7,
ranged in the cia ical way - start- ... 0-0, and then take on c4. After
ing with the rare t variations and 'i!fc2 a6 White can play a2-a4, but
moving toward the mo t popular. there we have a great many varia-
But it should be noted that ' rare tion . In my view, from a po i-
variation ' doe not nece arily tional viewpoint, the immediate
mean 'bad variation '. For exam- recapture on c4 i more c rrect, o
ple, in the opening chapter , we a then to try to establi h pie e
look at orne variation which control over the centre. An impor-
ari e via other opening , uch a tant ubtlety in thi line i the
the Queen ' Indian and Tarra ch multi-purpo e move .id2. Fir t of
Defence. I have included the e in all , White want to ee how hi op-
the b ok because they can ari e via ponent will reply. and how he will
the Catalan move-order. Bl ack can arrange hi piece . If Black bring
play ...b7-b6 or ... c7-c5, and the hi knight to c6, then he cannot
reader will immediately be able to play ... c7-c5; if he puts it n d7 ,
obtain a ll the information he then White ha the po ibility of
needs. It would be cheating, if we .ia5; and if he play ....ie4, then
imply referred him to another later on this bi hop will come un-
book. Thus, with this book, you der attack.
VIctor Bologan is a world can prepare for the whole pec- In my opinion, the tructure ofthi
top player. He has won trum of po ition of th e Catalan book i quite preci e; I do not be-
many tournaments in his type. lieve I have overlooked any impor-
career, including Dort- Of cour e, the mo t concrete and tant et-up .
mund and the Aeroflot tactical line ari e after 4 ... d5xc4.
Open, both in 2003, and Black take a pawn, after which he
Mainz 2007. His book 'Vic- ha a ma of po ible move .
tor Bologan Selected White mu t remember the preci e
Games 1985-2004' was reply to all the main move , be-
highly acclaimed. cau e a pawn i a pawn - if you do
For New In Chess he has not manage either to regain it, or to
written two earlier opening obtain ufficient compen ation,
books: 'The Chebanenko then Black will imply have an ex-
Slav According to Bologan ' tra pawn.
(2008) and 'The Rossolimo One intere ting idea for Black i
Sicilian ' (2011). The third, to check on b4 with the bi hop,
'The Powerful Catalan ', will and, in reply to .id2, to tran fer
appear in September hi bi hop to e7 or d6, and place
2012. Here we present a hi pawn on c6 and b6 and hi s
fragment of his preface other bi hop on b7. Thi i po i-
and three sample pages. bly the most olid et-up for Black
again t the Catalan, but at the
arne time, it i quite pa ive. I B : 978-90-5691-401-1
White eize the centre, after Price: 29.95 I 24.95
which it i not o ea y for Black to Pages: 252
obtain full equ ality. ew ln Che. , 2012
The Powerful Catalan

B) 6. ~c1-d2 sure. It is clear that Black's main problems

are connected with the poor position of
g~..t'i¥ • g the bi hop on c8 .

''' ·~''' Bl) 6 . ... ~b4-e7

Black has lured the enemy bishop to what

i asswned to be a poor square on d2, and
now retreats his own bishop. Now White
also has a choice: he can immediately set
about regaining the c4-pawn or fir t con-
tinue his development.

The strongest move, after which Black 811) 7.0-0

again has a wide choice. 812) 7.'fi'c2

81) 6 ... ~e7 B I 1) 7. 0-0 0-0

82) 6 ... a5
After 7...~d7 8.'ii'c2 ~c6 9.'ifxc4 Black
83) 6 ...c5
reaches a position examined later under
the variation 7.'ii'c2.
The simple-minded exchange of bishops
does not bring Black equality: 6 ... ~xd2+ 8. ~d1-a4 a7-a6
7.'ii'xd2 (I like this line for White, be- 9. ~a4xc4 b7-b5
cause he has already solved one of his
problems, i.e. what to do with his dark-
squared bishop. Our plan in the next few
moves is also very clear: regain the pawn
on c4 and develop pressure on the c-flle
and the long white diagonal) 7...0-0 (the
attempt to hold the gambit pawn with
7 ... b5 8 .a4 c6 9 .axb5 cxb5 turns out to
be futile: I O.tlJc3 'ii'b6 ll.'ii'gS!± and
White wins back the material, obtaining a
clear positional advantage) 8.tlJa3 (at-
tacking the pawn on c4 and at the same This position is well-known to Catalan
time preventing the move .. .b7 -b5) 8 ...c5 theory, only with the white bishop on cl,
(8 ... 'ii'e7 9.0-0 c5 lO .dxcS .l:Id8 11.'ii'c3 instead of d2 . This difference should be
'ifxc5 12.'ifxc4 'ifxc4 13. tlJxc4;;!;) in White's favour : he can bring his rook
9 .dxc5 tlJe4 I O.'ifxd8 .l:Ixd8 II.tlJxc4 to c 1 quickly, whilst the bishop is ready to
tlJc6 12.0-0 tlJxcS 13 . ~fdJ;;!;. Black still jump to aS.
experiences difficulties completing his
10. ~c4-c2 ~c8-b7
development. White can play either
11. l:tf1-c1
ttJf3 -e5, or tlJd6, strengthening the pres-

Chapter 11 - Bishop Check after 4... dxc4

The most logical move, although II ..Ud I! ? On of the key question of the atalan i
i al o not bad, for instance: ll .. .~e4 w h ther Black will achieve ... 7 -cS, or
12. c l ~b7 13 .~f4 tlJdS 14.tlJc3 t2Jxf4 will White prevent it? This is one of tho e
IS . xf4 ~d6 16. e3 tlJd7 17 . tlJe4 ~e4 case where White manag to stop thi
18. xe4 .Ub8 19 ..Uacl .Ub6 20.tlJeS tlJb8 br ak, and thank to thi , he obtains th
21. c2 e7 22. ~e4 g6 23 .e3 .Ud8 advantage.
24.f4;!; C . Horvath-Mochalov, Rethymnon
14. ... J:a8-c8
2003 . ow it i very hard for Black to get
15. ttJd2-b3 ~b7-e4
rid of the backward pawn on c7, whilst
16. 'ifc2-c3
other thematic break, .. .c6-cS, is practically
impo ible. The whole battle revolves around the
square cS .
11. ... ~e7-d6
16 .... f6-d7
The attempt to solve his positional prob-
lem by tactical means, exploiting h.i Or 16 ... ~dS I 7 .ttJfd2 L g2 18 5.t•xg2 b4
small development advantage, is not very 19 . c6 eS 20.dxeS ~xeS 2 1. tlJc4
convi ncing: ll ... tlJc6 12 .e3 .Ua7 (Black's queenside pawn structure i
13 .tlJgS! tt:l b4 14. ~xb4 ~xb4 IS .~xc 7 hopelessly damaged; White is just wait-
a8 16 .~xb7 .Uxb7 17 . c2 h6 18.tlJf3 ing for the mo t favourable conditions to
l:tbb8 19 . e2 .Ub 8 20. ttJbd2 (White harve t his crop) 21... e7 22.e4 .Ufe8
has won a pawn and con olidat d hi 23 ..Ufl ~d7 24. xd7 tlJxd7 2S .f4 ~d6
po ition) 20. .. dS 21 .a3± P akhis- 2 6. '1f;>f3 ± Khalifman -Tissir, Shenyang
Kurajica , Benidorm 2002. 2000.
12. ~d2-g5 17. ttJf3-e5 b5-b4
18. c3-e3 ~e4xg2
19. ttJe5xd7

This intermed.iat move i directed at pr -

venting ... c7-cS; however, it wa a] o pos-
ible to permit Black this mall triumph :
19.'1i;>xg2 ~xe S 20.dxeS cS 21 ..Uc4!.

19. ... 'ifd8xd7

20. q;g1xg2 d7-b5
21. ttJb3-c5 l:f8-e8
22. f2-f4 J:e8-d8
We have reached a typical po ition for
23. 'ife3-e4 ~d6-e7
this variation, but White ha an extra
24. J:c1-c2!
tempo, as his rook is already on c I .
Safin-Kritz, Dieren 2002 .
12.... ttJb8-d7
13. ~g5xf6 ttJd7xf6
14. tt:lb1-d2 B12) 7. 'ifd1-c2 ~c8-d7

The Powerful Catalan

11. 'iWc4-g41

8. tLlf3-e5

After s :ihc4 Black happily puts his

bishop on the long diagonal - 8 ... ~c6,
but ev n here, White ha the right to Even the lin e that Lautier played against
count on a mall advantage after 9.0-0: me did not permit me equality : I i.ltJc3
A) 9 ....td5 1o.'ita4+ .tc6 ll.'itb3 0-0 ltJxc3 (I l. ...tc6 12.0-0-0 0-0 13 ..tf4
12.ltJc3 a6 13 .l:fd I;!; followed by ltJe5; ltJb6 14.l:xd8 l:fxd8 15 . b3 ~xg2
B) 9 .. .0-0 I O.ltJc3 ltJbd7 ll .l:ac l llc8 16.l:d1± .tc6) 12.bxc3! ? c6 ( 12 ...llb8
12 .l:fdl a6 13 .'ii'd3 h6 14 ..tf4 ~d6 13 . g4 'it> f8 14.h4 h5 15 . f4;!;)
15 .ltJe5 .txg2 16.<ot>xg2 'ii'e7 17. f3 c6 13 . g4 g6 14. llbl c7 15. e4 h5
18.e4 h e5 19.dxe5 ltJh7;!; Onischuk- 16 .h4;!; followed by ~g5. Lauti r-
Bologan, Sevastopol 2004; Bologan, Calvia 2004.
C) 9 ... ltJbd7 I O.ltJc3 ltJe4 11 . ~ f4
11. ... g7-g6
ltJxc3 12 .bxc3 (weaker is 12 .'ili'xc3 ltJf6)
12. tLJb 1-c3
12 ...0-0 13 .'itd3 .tf6 14.c4 e7
15 .llab I l:ab8 16.llfd I;!; . Also good is 12.0-0 c6 13 .ltJa3 c7
14.ltJc40-0 15 .llfdl.
8 .... tLlb8-c6
12.... tLJd5xc3
Pro pectles is 8 ...~c6 9.ltJxc6 ltJxc6
13 . ..Q.d2xc3 d8-c8
I O.e3±, then White takes the c4-pawn
14. A g2-e41
and obtains a positional ad antage, wid1
material equaHty. The key moment for under tanding
White' whole trategy: h wants to play
9. 'iWc2xc4 tLlc6xe5
f3 and h2 -h4 (Avrukh) . White ha a
10. d4xe5 tLlf6-d5
space advantage and controls the long
EarHer, I played this as Black, but then I white diagonal ; his advantage is obvious.
became familiar with Bori Avrukh' ex- Les promi ing i 14.0-0 c5 15 .a4 ~ 6
cellent book on the Catalan, and was 16.e4 0-0 17 .h4 b6 18.f4 b7 19 .llae I
forced to admit the strength of his recom - h5 20. e2 b5~ Lemke-Beber dorf, Ger-
mended move I I. g4. many 1995 .


Slowly, but Surely

by Glenn Flear Keeping one's openings up to I have completed thi Yearbook's

scratch can be a time-consuming election with a look at how
chore, especially if they revolve Arkadij a.idi tsc h's brainchild, the
around harp uncompromising Chess Evolution erie , i (for the
variations. tn ten e situation , a want of a better word) evolving!
mall detail can tum an a se ment
on it head, o one need to check Tim Taylor
for holes. Apart from all the mem- slay the Sicilian !
ory work involved there is, in addi- Everyman 201 2
tion , the nagging fear that an oppo-
nent' cunning preparation will It may be a rare event these days,
undo all o ur effort . but Everyman has done without a
Hence many are attracted to reli- sub-title. lf they bad instead opted
able po itional choices. Although for one it could have read as : 'A
' olid ' move early on are Ie s ound cia sical repe rtoire fo r
likely to provoke panic, if well- White ai ming for a light pull
founded, they can create as many, if against the Sicilian' . So the choice
not more, problem for an oppo- of the word slay i , hall we say,
nent. Take for example the case of imaginati ve. May be 'Grinding the
the Berlin Defence. Practitioners icilian would have been more ac-
know that their set-up is rock solid curate, but if the book i 'grist to
at heart, o they are rarely worried the mill ' it won' t matte r too much
by an opponent's homework. either way.
tn a irnilar vein, Dejan Antic and Timoth y Taylor exami ne a erie
Branimir Mak imov ic have devel- of idea where White keeps con-
oped a French repertoire based on trol of matter in the centre. The e
trategic option . They recom- usually, but not alway involve
mend fo r example the calm water 6.~e2 in the Open Sicilian . A one
of the Steini tz and McCutcheon, would expect, recent interpreta-
rather than the white-knuckle rap- tion are adequately covered in a
ids of the Winawer. fair selection of key game from
For tho e who like to keep things modern rna ters. However, o ne's
under control with the white impress ion is that the author wants
pieces, Tim Taylor's slay the Sicil- to parti cularly emphasize timele.
ian! could be ideal. The title may Ies on from classical encounters.
invo ke image of knight of old So there are many references to the
taking on mythical bea t , but the like of Geller, Tal and Fischer.
content i rather different! Instead The pl ayer however, who most
the prudent choice 6 ...ie2 i the or- eem to have truck a chord i
der of the day, where White hopes Anatoly Karpov, who take centre
For more book Information to slowl y, but urely, build up a po- tage in no Ie s than 13 main
we refer to our website: itiona! ad vantage. game from a total of 70.
The e three books have a certain So in many of the recommended
mentality in common: steady play, lines the main battle plans were
patient manoeuvring, and the nur- drawn out by previous genera-
turing of positional pluses. tions. The point then is that posi-
tiona! under tanding is more im- 1.e4 c5 2.tlJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 Although thi aggre ive move i
porta nt in slay rhe Sicilian! than 4.tlJd4 tlJf6 5.tlJc3 a6 6 .~e2 e5 tempting, even in 1998 Joe
the late t wrinkle . 7.tlJb3 ~e7 8.~e3 0-0 Gall agher expres ed doubt over
More olidi 8 ... ~e69 . 0-0 ( 9.g4 i s whether Whi te houl d ' take up the
gain t the ccelerated Dragon now well met by 9 ...d5!) 9 ...0-0 challenge '.
he ugge t a prophylactic idea: 9 ... ~e610 . g5 tlJfd711.h4
1.e4 c5 V t:lf3 tlJc6 3.tlJc3 imil ar i ll .~d 2 , which ha in
Chapter Three has the title ' o fac t been pl ayed by the author.
Sve hnikov allowed !'. Bl ack hould push hi s a-paw n ...
3 ... g6 ll. .. a5! 12.a4 c6 13.f4 f5! ?,
The onl y igni fica nt exception which turned out fi ne fo r Black in
from the author' Open Sicilian Khali fman-Gelfa nd , La Vega
repertoire i 3 ...tlJf6 4 .~b5 . 1999.
4.d4 cd4 5 .tlJd4 ~g7 6.~e3 11 ...tlJb6
tlJf6 7 . ~e2 0-0 8.tlJ b3 a5 9.a4 Taylor fee l that ll. .. a5!? immedi-
tlJ b4 ately i Bl ac k' be t option.

IO.f4 ef4 l l.l:f4 tlJc6 12.tlJd5

(Tay lor claims at thi point that
' White has our familiar, comfort-
able, if mall Karpovian edge' )
10.~f3! 12 ... ~d 5 (after thi s Black ha a
After thi the de ired ...d7-d5 ad- plu core) 13.ed5 tlJe5 14.l:b4 Here ex perience sugge t that
van e i omewhat ri ky. I like this ~c7 15 .a4. Blac k hould reach for hi s a-paw n.
move, but White has actually 12 ...a5!
cored better with the more direct Taylor analyse the fo llowi ng
IO.f4. high-profi le clash: 12... 8d7
10 ...d6 13.f4 ef4 1 4 .~f4 tlJe5 15.0-0-0
It eems that IO... d5 ?! i dubious: l:c8 16.Wbl 'fie? 17.h5 l: fe8
ll.ed5 ~g4 !? (be t, a ll ... ~f5 18.'tt;la I ~ f8 19. d4 'f/c5 20.g6 !
ha proven inadequate after Carl en- akamura, Wijk aan Zee
12..1:lc I) after which White hould 20 II , which White won.
continue with 1 2 . ~g4 tlJg4 13.a4
13.'itg4 tlJc2 14.'tt;le2 ~c3 15.bc3 White would have to accept a
~d5 16.c4 'it'c6 17.tlJd2 tlJa l bumpy ride after 13.0-0-0 a4.
18.l:a I with an edge. 13... c6 14.tlJd5 ~d5 15.ed5
11 .0-0 ~e6 12.tlJd4 ~d7 b416.c4 : ca
13.tlJd5 Curi ously e nou gh, the onl y Kar- Smagin-Ra hkov ky, Mo cow
Bron tein-Petro ian, Riga ch-URS pov ga me I found at thi point 1984, and Black has a promi ing
1958, where Taylor prefer White. wa one where he won a Bl ac k ! queen ide initi ati ve.
Si cili an player will know only
Gai ning any ort of an advantage o well that the bi shop pair and A. for the quali ty of the text: The
aga in L the Najdorf i far from queenside majority are fac tor , author ha an attrac ti ve writing
ev ident, whi ch i perhap re- but Bl ac k i o lid, ha a fin e out - tyle, full of plea ant humour,
fl ected in the author offering no po L on e5, and ultimately hi li vely comment and handy ad-
le s than fi e po ibiliti es for kin g ide maj ority is not bad ei- vice. I enjoyed hi enthu ia m, hi
White! The fifth o f the e i hi fa- ther. directne s and hi s clarit y. A plea -
vourite: 9.g4 ant read where I fo und myself

chuckling or nodding in agree- that a e ment are made by and pl u wi de pread reference to
ment on everal o casion . large, with the u e of conveni ent page number . So I fo und it rela-
De iating lightly, we learn from ymbol . However. the majorit y of tively traight forward to earch
hi dedication that the author ha the book isn' t quite a den e, wi th for, and then ucces fu ll y fi nd a
fi e children (which mu t be trategic factor. being given prior- varia ti on.
omething of a record, a I per on- ity.
ally don't know of any European I found their ugge tion to be co-
lM or GM who have that many). herent and convincing. Here i an
Hence, he may have le time to example:
tudy opening theory than mo t! 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.l0c3 t0f6
o it follow that he i per onally 4.~g5 ~b4 5.e5 h6 6.~d2 ~c3
concerned by the need for an 7.bc3 t0e4 8. g4
ea y-to-maintain repertoire.
Overall , it ' a tine b ok that will
uit the majority of pl ayer . Jn ~..t~ • X
particul ar, it would be an ideal
choice for tho e who are toying
with the po ibility of switching
to the Open icili an, but are reti -
''' · '~ '' '
cent because 'there i too much ~ ~ 'iY
theory to learn ' . M y impre ion is ~
that hi ugge tion merit clo e
~ ~~ ~~~
attenti on, do have orne poi on,
but aren' t going to rattle battle- l::t ~ ttJl::t
hardened Sicilian pl ayer who
know thei r opening y tern thor- 8 ...Wf8
oughly. evenhele , even for the So certain ection do offer lighter A ntic & M ak imovic' prefer-
higher echelon it would be a notes along with quite extensive ence. The more popular move i
handy tool to poli h up their cia - textual explanati on . A nice bonu the potentially weakening 8 ...g6,
ica l education. occur when the authors reall y aga in t which White has a better
want to empha ize a factor, there- core.
Dejan Antic & upon they label a small ection as 9. ~d3 t0d2 10 .~d2 c511 .h4
Branimir Maksimovic ' important ', j u t to make ure that After II . f3 c4 1 2 . ~e2 c6
The Modern French the point ha been taken. 13.a4 ~d 7 14.h4 ~e8 I S. l:th3
ew in he 20 12 l:tg8 16.hS <t;e7 17 .t0h4 aS
Certain vari ati on covered by the 18.<t;c I , T.L. Petrosian- Volkov,
It fee l lightl y odd reviewing a author have been wi dely te ted M o cow 2006, the author ug-
book when a four-page preview in practi ce, and in con eq uence ge t the improvement 18 ... bS!,
wa already publi hed, in the pre- many game reference are re- for example 19.f4 l:tb8 20.fS b4
viou Yearbook. However, thi quired to give the full truth . Fur- and here Bl ack 's attack i tron-
doe enable you, dear reader, i f therm ore, move order ger.
you are curious enough, to get a altern ative and I ight differ- 11 ... c4 12. ~e2 t0c6 13.l:th3 b5
neak view, i .e. i f you have Year- ence in pi ece posit ioning j u 1 Black aims to hold the fort on the
book I 0 to hand, and are able to have to be ex pl ained properl y. Be king ide whil t prepari ng eventual
turn to pages 237-24 1. A fter tak - reas ured, Antic & M ak imovic counterpl ay with ...bS-b4.
ing a glance, you will urely get the have done their work diligently. Piau ible however, i an altern a-
impre ion that the author have However the u e of nomenclature tive plan invol ving 13 ...~d7
gone into great detajl, and in- uch as D 111 2 13 1 could be orne- 14.l:tf3 l:tg8 I S. h3 <t;e7 .
dulged in plenty of ori ginal analy- what hard to digest for the more 14."i!t"f4 ~d7
•. modest readership. I al o found After 14 ..."i!fe7, Bl ack held fi rm
Thi i true, but the annotation the habi t of having note within following IS .~h S We8 16.a3 aS
tend to vary in tyle, whjch may re- note wi thin further note heavy 17.l:tg3 l:lg8 18. f3 l:la7 in
flect the pre en e of two authors going at times , for example on Volokitin-Kortchnoi , lgualada
working eparately, or the relative page 232-2S3. 200S.
complex ity of the vari ation . In the Fortun atel y, there are pl enty of 15. ~h5 ~e8 16.l0e2 aS 17.g4
preview, for example, we notice diagrams (up to fo ur by page!) b418.g5
.a • Seriou French players will love

'". l
. tv

.l ~
this book, especiall y concerning
the Steinitz and McCutcheon vari-
ations where they have clearly
go ne well beyond what is avail able
el ewhere. The Modern French is
.l.l ~ 'if ~ an excellent piece of work.
~ ~
~ ~ ~Cjj~ Igor Lys)~ & Roman Ovetchkin
The Berlin Defence
It Chess Stars 201 2

Now Acs-Z.Aimasi, Ohrid Ech Opening theory can be thought of

200 1, continued with 18 ... hg5 as basic principles piced up with
19.hg5 ri;e7 20.llah I bc3 2 1.tDc3 threats, themes and tempi manage-
b6 22.llb4 llb8 wi th dou- ment. Understanding, in the e early
ble-edged play. Although the au- tage , involves getting the mix
thor stop here and give the draw right depending on the specific cir-
sign, the game actually lasted 51 cumstances, plus a fair measure of Although 4.0-0 occur in 60% of
move before the point was shared. common sense. However, it oon games, there are still several ways
A minor oversight, which i more become clear that under tanding fo r Whi te to dev iate in the e-
than made up for by their follow- the theory of the Berlin require ad- quence leading up to the following
ing improvement: ditional wisdom. position.
18... bc3! 19.Wc3 Four years ago, English JM John 1.e4 e5 2.tDf3 tDc6 3 ...ib5 tlJf6
Or l9 .tDc3 ~6 20.tDe2 c3! etc. Cox wa the first to get to grip 4.0-0 tDe4 5.d4 tlJd6 6 ...ic6 dc6
19... ~b6 20.a3 llb8 21 . Wd2 c3! with thi fact in The Berlin Wall 7 .de5 tlJf5 8. d8 Wd8 9.tDc3
When A & M prefer Black. (Quality Chess, 2008). Mo t open-
ing manuscripts aimed at experi-
The pre ence of several handy ap- enced pl ayer onl y require a brief
pendices in recent ew in Chess strategic overview, but Cox felt the
publication i alway a bonus. need to u e over I 00 page . . Indeed
Here, as well a a bibliography and the real theory only began on page
a li t of variation , there is one for 136!
players. The latter i rare in open-
ing monographs, but a welcome Now, Che s Star have published a
addition, as it helps no end when very different work, but one that
hunting down a game (for exam- complement very nicely it pre-
ple, one involving a pecific dece sor. Ly yj and Ovetchkin
player, who wa somehow in- have opted for a repertoire ap-
volved in a variation that you can't proach (Cox dealt with a much 9 ... We8
quite remember). wider selection of key line ), and The move chosen by L & 0 for
Many French aficionados will al- have spent more than half the book theirpropo ed repertoire. They de-
ready have The Flexible French by looking at early deviations. This i cribe it as fo llows: ' Bl ack is ready
Viktor Mo kaJenko (New in u eful for the practical player, as to develop his queen's rook to the
Ches , 2008). A particularity of mo t opponent avoid the main d8- quare. Hi s other rook may en-
Viktor i that he like to joke, pro- line, with fo r example White opt- ter the action on the h-fi le. There
voke, and evoke dynamic play ing (after l.e4 e5 2.tD f3 tDc6 are orne more aggressive scheme
even if it is ri ky. The Serbian pair 3 ...ib5 tDf6) for the mode t 4.d3, a for him connected with the place-
are more cautiou and di scerning, start.ling 30~ of the time. Side- ment of the king on the c8- quare.
both with their choice of word lines such a thi one hardl y seem Bl ack ha. no problems then to acti-
and with their recommendations. to be critical, but they sti ll require vate later his king, but he has diffi -
They are also more di crete con- attention . So the author have culties wi th the protection of hi
cerning their own game , but it 's highlighted (i n several full y- f7-paw n and with hi defence
wo1th noting that both Antic and fledged chapters) how to cope ade- again t the offen ive of White'
Maksimovic have been pioneers in quately in the Four Knights and kingside pawn .'
certain variation . relevant sidelines of the Spanish. 10.h3 h5

ferred to concentrate the ir atten- cour e, New in Chess Yearbook .

•.t .i tion on the key moments. Even The Surveys in the latter highlight
ii game egment and analyses are the latest trend , ex plai n the alie nt
not too heavily e mbellished, so the point and give a selection of ana l-
tome hould sui t tho e who prefer ogou games. T hi s enable a
~~ j.
lig hter reading. reader lo learn a variati on virtua lly
The fac t that many of the e lite play fro m cratch, whil t hav ing acces
ttJ ttJ ~ the Berlin should be a trong sell- to the late t nuances but without
~ ~ ~ ~~ ing point. Those who invest in the hav ing to hunt high and wide fo r
book will find that the author are additiona l informa tion.
1::[~ ll~ objecti ve, and furthermo re have lnformator has the advantage of
done a good job at makin g thi s di f- involving many more games, but
Thi i now the most commonl y fic ult opening y tern under ta nd- the in fo rmation i condensed, and
played move. However, be fore the able at all levels. the reader needs to have previou
end of 2008 thi was almost un- AJI-in-all The Berlin Defence i a knowledge and reference work .
known hence it ab ence from fin e effort. Although it i a imed To wide n the ir appeal, the cope
Cox 's book, where IO... a5 and primaril y at Black, the ide lines has been wide ned in recent years
IO...b6 are the onl y option exam- are so well ex pla ined it would be with the inclu ion of other fea-
ined . useful fo r any Spanish pl ayer even ture , including mi ni- urvey and
L & 0 explain : 'Blac k has pre- those who don' t e nj oy fac ing even hi tory.
vented for long g2-g4, but ha 3 ... t2Jf6.
weakened the important g5- Chess Evolution has sought its
sq uare. The subsequent actions Arkadij Naiditsch and f riends own path, a it ha graduall y been
mo tly depend on whether White Chess Evolution (series) moving away fro m the Informaror
wi ll manage to exploi t this defect Che s Evolutio n sty le. Each volume is made up a l-
of Black' position. The rook o n mo t entirely of annotated game
h8 may enter the actions on the The tory goes that Arkadij (now around about 50). although
h-fi le in nu merou variati ons.' Naiditsch, along with a group of some pace i all ocated to puzzle
Thi s po ition i the cornerstone of hi close contacts, had their Eu- or endga me feature . Volume
the au thors whole repertoire and is reka mo ment. As they were pend- Seven even cover the recent
covered in the fi nal fo ur chapter . ing a great deal of their ti me ana- World Champi on hip game in a
A you may have gues ed from the ly ing recent games anyway, they specia l feature. Persona ll y though,
above, the general level of the u e rea oned that they may a well get the special artic les by Etienne
of the English language leave paid fo r it ! So Chess Evolwion wa Bacrot, mainly dea ling with end-
muc h to be des ired. Another nega- born a couple of years ago, and if I games, are my favo urite ecti on.
ti ve characteri tic is the complete have counted correctl y, the sev- On the cover of each volume, they
lack of indice , but fo rtunately for enth edition (May 201 2) i now have had the ori g ina l idea of fea-
u , the chapter are in a logical or- avail able. turing a key po ition where a nov-
der. At fir t the idea wa to produce six
edition a year, but thi always
Unli ke John Cox, the Russians sounded like hard wo rk . The intro-
haven ' t included a major ection on duction to Vo lume Six info rms u
trategy, but the tex t contains de- that they will now be senling for a
tai led accoun ts of po ' itional as- more c ivili zed pace, with three
pect . Indeed I found the planned in the next twelve mo nth .
explanation to be particularly well
conceived and more sub tantial How hould I summarize Chess
than in comparable publications. Evolution? If I de cribed the eries
Each chapter con ists of 'A quick as ' Perceptive analysis of innova-
repertoire' , fo llowed by a larger 'A ti ve games and ideas, with particu-
tep by tep' section, and then orne lar empha i on the opening
'complete game '. Thi approach, a phase', doesn' t th.i sound fa mi -
Ches Stars patent, enables the ma- liar?
terial to be presented with clarity. Yes, indeed ! In fac t, one can' t es-
The complete games are not over- cape the urge to compare with
loaded, as the authors have pre- Sahovski Informator and, of
elty wa recently introdu ed. In priced at 33 Euro , which I find grounding i required, plu a level
Volume 3 & 4, my reaction to the relatively ex pen ive. Another fac- above 2 100. A thi i generally
po ltlon wa ' intere ting, I really tor to take into account i that they quite a mall cro - ection of the
want to learn more'. However, I are now publi shing the e work at che community, an international
must admi t that the diagram on the the arne pace a the competition , reader hip i required to make the
front of Volume 6 didn ' t inspire o ugge Lion and great synthesis whole project work. There i al o
me. My reaction wa , ' how could are not available any earlier. my feeling that even trong e tab-
uch a natural move be new '? A the serie ha developed, the li hed player have their u ual
CE ha pecialized in picking out volume have become chunkier, reading li t. Are they willing to
high-le el encounter and really which i largely due to there being add Chess Evoltttion? Can they be
delving into them in order to un- more text the e day . The type-set- financially succes ful in such a
cover hidden idea . aturally the ting ha improved, making the crowded niche market?
competitjon doe thi to a certain products clearer and plea anlly So, perhap in order to widen their
degree, but aidit ch' team aim more paciou than in the begin- public, CE i now aiming at a ub-
to go further. The main game are ning. A couple of editjon (vol- tantial diver ification . The late t
annotated in uch a way a to ap- ume 4 & 5) were publi hed with volume adverti e the offer of
peal to trong tournament player . help from Quality Che , which ' ofter che material ' through a
There are ignificantly fewer than certajn ly improved the quality of weekly new letter (edited by
in lnformator, but in Chess Evolu- the Engli h language. However, a C aba Balogh along with
tion theory i highlighted to a far new era began with their sixth vol- ajdit ch), plu me DVDs, and
greater extent. ume (January 20 12) where they even the publication of opening
The member of the he Evolu- have aimed to produce the final books (including one on the lav
tion team are a hand-picked group product in-hou e. The pre enta- by Sakaev). With uch rapid devel-
of high-ranking GM , many around tion is till profe ional-looking, opment , maybe they hould be
the 2700-mark. There i no holding but unfortunately numerou nig- called 'Che · Revolution '?
back a the team reveal analy i of gling error have crept into the The Chess Evoltttion team hould
the rughe t tandard. Where other text. Ju t a with Che Star , the be commended for their enthu i-
ource would top and judge a po- lack of a native Engli h peaker in a m in trying their hand at uch
ition with a ' provisional a ess- the team clearly ha it drawback . project . It' a if they are still find-
ment' , they go further, deeper, and In Volume Seven (May 20 12), the ing their way, but they eem to be-
con idermoreoption intheirque t introduction of different- ized lieve that they can compete with
for the truth. When I compared diagrams for analysi is a welcome anyone, on the ground that they
annotation by aidit ch and bonu . have the tronger analy i team .
Predojevic to those of my own It' probably true to say that the Time wi ll tell if they are proved
(which were available everal majority of ches tudy, mo t of right.
month earlier on Ches pu- the time, i concentrated on the For the time being, I would recom-
bli I had to admit that opening pha e. So it follow that mend all eriou player to make
their uperior vi ion had added a the hard-core theoretical informa- the effort to buy at lea tone of the
tangible plus for the reader. tion available in Chess Evolution recent volume , and then ta ke the
However, all thi come at a price would be ideal. True, but on ly un- time to (s lowly, but urely!) enjoy
and each individ ual edition is der certain condition . A thorough the analy is to the fu ll.

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