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A study of Consumer Buying Behavior of

i i i i i i

i Cookies at E-Commerce Sites

i i i

A Comprehensive Project based on Field Research

i i i i i i i


International Management Institute

i i



i i i i i i i


i i




The ipurpose iof ithe istudy iwas ito iunderstand ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies iconsumers
ias iwell ias ipurchase idecision iof ithem. iA isurvey iwas icarried iforward iin itwo isteps. iFor ithe

ifirst istep iwas ia iqualitative iapproach, ibased iin ifloating igoogle iform iamong istudents iand

iemployees iof ivarious iinstitutions iand iorganizations. iThe isecond istep iconsisted iof ia

iquantitative iand idescriptive iresearch. iThe isurvey ialso iperformed iinvolving i111

iCookies iconsumers. iBesides, iconsidered ivarious iattributes ithose iare iapplicable ifor

iCookies imarket isale iin iOnline ior iE-Commerce isites. iTherefore, ithe istudy iof iresearch

iincludes ivarious imanagement iand iacademic iimplications.


I iwould ilike ito ithank iall ithe istudents iof iIMI iBhubaneswar, iBirla iGlobal iUniversity, iand
i the iemployees iof iTCS, iVedanta iLimited ifor ihelping ime ito ido ithe ifield iresearch iwhich
i was ia igreat ichance ifor ilearning iand iwas iprofessionally ideveloping iexperience.

Bearing iin imind iprevious iI iam iusing ithis iopportunity ito iexpress imy ideepest igratitude
i and ispecial ithanks ito iProf. iBindu iChhabra iof iIMI iBhubaneswar iwho iin ispite iof ibeing
i extraordinarily ibusy iwith iher iduties, itook itime iout ito ihear, iguide iand ikeep ime ion ithe
i correct ipath iand iallowing ime ito icarry iout imy iproject. iI ithank iher ifor itaking ipart iin iuseful
i decisions i& igiving inecessary iadvice iand iguidance. iI ichoose ithis imoment ito
i acknowledge iher icontribution igratefully.

I iperceive ias ithis iopportunity ias ia ibig imilestone iin imy icareer idevelopment. iI iwill istrive
i to iuse igained iskills iand iknowledge iin ithe ibest ipossible iway, iand iI iwill icontinue ito iwork
i on itheir iimprovement, iin iorder ito iattain idesired icareer iobjectives. iHope ito icontinue
i cooperation iwith iyou iin ithe ifuture. i

Thank iYou

Sougata iMondal i
International iManagement iInstitute, iBhubaneswar


I, iSougata iMondal ibearing iinstitute iRoll ino- i18PGDM-bhu080, ideclare ithat ithe

i comprehensive iproject ititled i“A istudy iof iConsumer iBuying iBehavior iof iCookies iat

i E-Commerce iSites” iis imy ioriginal iwork iand icompleted iunder ithe iprovision iof i i iProf.

i Bindu iChhabra iof iIMI iBhubaneswar.

Further, iI ialso ideclare ithat ithe iproject ireport ibeing isubmitted iherewith iis ifree iof iany

i textual iplagiarism.


Place: iIMI iBhubaneswar

Executive Summary

The iProject i“A istudy iof iConsumer iBuying iBehavior iof iCookies iat iE-Commerce
iSites” iis ian iattempt ito iexplore ivarious ibehavioral iattributes iof ibuying iproduct ifrom

iOnline isites, iwhich ican ibe ienhanced ithe igrowth irate iof iCookies iin ibakery iindustry iwith

ia ipositive ianalysis iof isignificance iof ithe iattributes.

Last ithree iyears iin iCookies isegment iof ibakery iindustry iin iIndia ihas ibeen igrowing iat ia
iCAGR iof i10%, iand iIndia inow iranked itop iof ithe ilist ito iconsume iCookies. iThe iindustry

ican iexpect ito igrow iat iCAGR i7.37% iduring ithe iperiod i2020-2025.

Increasing idisposable iincome, iorganized igoals iin iretails, ichanging ilife-style iand
iincreasing ion iconsumption ireadymade iand ipackaging ifoods iare ipreferable iby

iconsumer. iBut ithe imain iproblem ithe itax iincreasing iin iOnline isites iare isuffered iby ithe

icompanies. iBecause, icompanies ishould ipay ithe itax ito ithe igovernment ibut iat ithe isame

itime iIndian iconsumers iare iprice isensitive. iBoth ithe icontradictory iissues iare ifaced iby

ithe icompanies iand iwill itry ito ifind iout ithe isolutions.

Top iof ithe ileaders iin ibakery iindustry iare ileading inow ia idays iin iworldwide ito ioffered
iCookies iin ionline iin igood iprice. iMost iof ithe icompanies iare iselling iCookies iin iwestern

iCountries. iBecause, ithese icountries iconsumers iare ivery ispecific iwith itime, iconcerning

iabout ihealth iand imore iimportant itaste. iSo, icompanies iare inow ievolving i with inew

ivarieties iof iflavor iwith ihealthy irecipe. i

The iproject icovers ithe iconcerned iattributes iwhich iwill iimportant ito iincrease ibusiness iof
iOnline iSites. iFor ithe ilast ifew iyears iCookies iare ireplaced imany ifast ifood ihabits iof

iconsumers iin iIndia iand iattracts iadults itowards iit. i

Hence, ifrom ithe ifindings iof ithe icompetitive ianalysis, ieffective istrategies ihave ibeen
iformulated iand iproposed ithe ifuture irecommendations iwhich iare igood ifor iCookies

iindustry iand iOnline iSites.

Key iWords: iBuying iBehavior, iOnline iSite ipurchasing, iCookies iIndustry, iIndian i i i i i i

1. About the Industry
i i

“Why isend iflowers iwhen iyou ican isend icookies?” isays iOne iCookie, iOne iCause
ifounder, iKim iKalan.

Bakery iproducts ilike icookies, ibiscuits, icakes, ietc. ibecause iof iits itaste iand ivarious
iavailability iof iflavors ibecame ihousehold ifavorites iglobally. iIncreasing ipopulation iand

ichange iin itaste ibuds iit ihas igained isignificant imarket ishare. iFMCG’s ioverall islowdown

iwas ilargely iled iby ithe irural imarket. iBiscuits iare ione iof iIndia’s ilargest iconsumer

isegment iand iit igrew i2.5% iin iApril-June iQuarter. iMoreover, ithe iconsumers iare

iattracting itowards icookies. iAs iper ithe ireport, irural ipopulation ihas ieasily iattracted ion iit.

Innovation iin ithe iproduct iline, ithis iindustry iis ilikely ito ibe iattracted iby imost iof ithe
ipopulation. iIn iWestern icountry, iCookies iare iwidely iused ifor isnacks. iIn ithe icase iof ithe

iAsia iPacific iregion, ithey iare ialways ifood ilovers iand iready ito iexperiment iwith ithe inew

ifoods ithat iare icoming iin ithe imarket. iIndia iis ione iof ithe ilargest imarkets ifor iany iproduct,

icompanies ialways iwanted ito ifocus ion iIndia. iEven icookies icame imuch ilater iin iIndia ior

iChina, ithe iindustry iis igrowing istably iproviding ia icertain iamount iof irevenue ior iprofit

ievery iyear. iThey iare ieven imuch imore ieager ito iexperiment imuch imore. iAccording ito

istats, icookies imarket ishare ihas ibeen iincreased iby i8%, iaccounting ifor itwo-third iof

isales iin ithe ibakery iindustry, icosting imore ithan iRs i100 iper ikilo, iwhile ithe irest iof isales iof

ibiscuits iwhich iare ilesser ithan iRs i100 iper ikilo iand ifell iup ito i9%. i

Today iE-Commerce itransaction ihas ireplaced iphysical iexistence iin ithe imarket iplace ias
isuch ithat icompanies imore ishifted itowards inew imarket ispace iand ipopulation. iBut iat

isome ipoint, iof iview, ithe icomplaining ibehavior iof ithe iconsumers iis ifaced iby ithe ie-

commerce iindustry. iCompanies iwill itry ito iresolve ithe iproblem iof imatters. i

1.1. Overview of the World Market

i i i i

The iGlobal imarket iis iforecasting igrowth iat iCAGR iof i7.37% iduring ithe iperiod i2020-
2025. iDue ito iconscious ihealth, iconsumers iare ishifting itowards ithe icookies iindustry.
iBiscuit iindustry iis icontinuing iwith iits ialmost isame iproducts iso idue ito ivarieties iof

iproducts; iconsumers iare ilikely ito ibe iattracted ito ithis iindustry. iExcept ifor iAsia ipacific,

iglobally, iEurope iis idominating ithis iindustry. iIn ithe iWestern imarkets, ithe isize ifor

ipremium icookies iis ibetween i10%-15% iof ithe itotal imarket. iRising iconcerns iover

iglutamic idisorders iand ilactose iintolerance iin iNorth iAmerica iand iEurope iincrease ithe

idemand ifor igluten-free icookies. iFactors ilike iSupportive iregulations iaimed ifor iensuring

iorganic ilabeling iin ithe ifood iindustry ifor ithe ifinished igoods iare iforcing ithe

imanufacturers ito iimprove ilabel istandards, iaffecting ipositively ithe imarket igrowth.

iRising iconsumption iof isandwich ibiscuits, iespecially iamong iworking-class ipopulation

iin ithe iU.S. iand iCanada, iavailability iof iflavors, isuch ias ibuttercream, ichocolate, iand

ipeanut ibutter, iis iexpected ito icontribute ito ithe igrowth. iDue ito iits ivarious iflavors, imaking

ithem iattractive, ichildren iare imost ilikely ito iconsume icream ibiscuits iand icookies.

iOatmeal icookies iare ipreferred iby ihealth-conscious icustomers. iBar icookies iare

ipopular iamong iconsumers. iAs iper ithe iresearched iadults iaged ibetween i18 i– i24 ibinges

ion isweets, isnack ia ilot iand ibuy icookies. iBecause ithey ilike ithe imost iCookies ias isnacks

irather ithan ithe ihealthiest ichoice. iThis isegment iis ian iideal itarget imarket ifor icookies.

iNow-a-days iit iproved iby iresearch ithat imost iof ithe icookies iare iprepared iin iterms iof

iprotein iand inutrition-based. iBecause ievery icountry iis iconcern iabout ia ihealthy ilifestyle
iand ibeing ihealth iconscious. i

1.2. Overview of Indian Market

i i i

Indian ibakery iindustry iis iproven ito ibe ivery iprofitable iin ithe ifood iindustry ihaving iannual
iturnover iapprox. iRs.3000 icrore. iThe iBakery iindustry iis iworth i$69 imillion, ibeing ithe

isecond ilargest iproducer iafter iUS. iIn iIndia, icookie iconstitutes i25% iof ithe itotal ibiscuit

iand icookie isector. iAn iadvantage iof ithe iIndian imarket iis ithe ilarge inumber iof

ivegetarians ifavoring ieggless iproducts, iespecially iin istates ilike iGujarat iand iTamil

iNadu. iMajor ibrands iin ithe icookie iindustry iare iUnibic, iCookieman, iBrittania, iParle ietc.

iThe isize iof ithe ipremium icookie isegment iin iIndia iis icurrently ismall ibut iwith igrowing

iawareness iand ichanging icustomer ipreferences, ia idemand ifor ipremium iproducts iis

ievolving. iBunch iof icompanies, iboth iinternational iand idomestic, iare iexpected ito ilaunch

iproducts iin ithis icategory ias ithere iis ia imarket ifor ithis isegment iof icookies. iIn ithe ifast ifew

iyears, iIndian iretail iindustry iis igrowing ivigorously idue ito irapid iurbanization iand ichange

iis itaste iof icustomers iso idoes ipackaging igoods, ichanging ilifestyle. i

The iIndian iconsumer iis iconcern iabout ithe itaste iand iquality ibut istill iconsidering ivalue
ifor imoney iand iwilling ito ipay ia ipremium ifor iquality. iNot ionly iin iretail istores, iOnline isites

ilike iamazon, ibig ibasket, ireliance ifresh ietc. iare ialso isailing ithe icookies idue ito iits

ipopularity. iThe ipopularity iof icookies iis ialso igrowing idue ito iits iextensive iadvertising,

iboth ionline iand ioffline. iPremium ibrands iare ihiring icelebrities ito imake ipeople ibelieve

iand igain itrust. iCookies iare ipopular iin imost imetros iand itier-2 icities iin iIndia. iThe istores

iin isouth iIndia iaccount ifor iover i50 ipercent iof itotal isales. iKolkata, ia itraditionally icookie

iconsuming imarket, ihas ishown ian iincrease iof i20%. iThe ioffline ichannel iis iundoubtedly

ithe ilargest idistribution ichannel isegment.

Due ito ithe ipopularity iof ie-commerce iportals, ionline ichannels iare iexpected ito iregister
ithe ifastest igrowth iof i5.9% iover ithe iforecast iyears. iE-retailing iallows ieveryone ito iselect

itheir ikind iof iproducts iand ioffers idiscount iin ifestive iseasons, ithis iboost ithe isales. iOnline

ishopping ialso iless itime iconsuming ihence imost iof ithe icustomers iopt ifor ie-commerce.

iAmazon, iFlipkart iare isome iof ithe ie-retailers iin iIndia iwhich isell icookies ifrom iboth

inational iand iinternational ibrands. iMajor ibrands ioperating iin ithe imarket iof iIndia iare iITC

iLtd, iBritannia iIndustries iLimited, iParle iBiscuits iPrivate iLimited, iSurya iFood i& iAgro

iLimited iand iUnibic iFoods iIndia iPrivate iLimited. iTo iincrease isales iin irural iareas,

icompanies ihave iinitiated ito ilaunch ipremium icookies iin ismall ipackets. iWith inew

ilifestyles iand igrowing ihealth iproblems, iconsumers iare imore iconscious iabout ihealthy

iproducts ihence ithere iis ia igreat idemand ifor inutria-rich iproducts. iCookies imarket ialso

iworks ion iinnovative iR&D, isuch ias igluten-free, ifirebrick, iand itransfect-free icookies.

iThese ifascinate ithe ibuyers, iespecially ithe iparents, ifor ibuying ienergy isnacks. i

Thus, ithe ioverall icookies iand icream ibiscuits imarket iwhich isatiate ithe iconsumers iby
igiving ian iattractive ilook iand ipresentation iis ilikely ito idominate ithe ifood iindustry. iIt iis

iexpected ithat ithe ipackaged icream iand icookies imarket iwill iexceed iwith ia iCAGR iof

imore ithan i11% iby i2023. iCompanies icurrently ifacing ithe imain ichallenge iare iincreasing

itax iincidence iand irising iinput icosts iof ithe ibiscuit iand icookie iindustry.

2. Major Companies in the Industry
i i i i

In iIndia, isome iof ithe itop ibiscuit ibrands igained iprominence iin ithe inational ibakery iduring
ithe ilast ifew iyears iin ithe i20
th icentury. iBecause icurrently, ithe iurban ipopulation iwas

ilooking ifor iready-made ifood iat ithe iconvenient ivalue iof imoney. iToday’s imarket imost

ipreferred ifast ifoods iacross ivarious iage igroups iand ipeople ioffer ia iwide ivariety iof itastes

iwith inot imuch iexpensive. i

List iof itop ibiscuit iand icookies ibrand iin iIndia iare iParle iBiscuits iPvt. iLtd., iBritannia
iIndustries iLtd., iAnmol, iITC iLtd., iUnibic iFood iIndia iPvt. iLtd., iSurya ifood iand iAgro iLtd.,

iSunfeast, iBiskfarm, iRose, iPriya iGold iBiscuits, ietc.

3. Product Profile

3.1 Parle iBiscuits iPvt. iLtd. i

In i1927, iParle iProducts iPvt. iLtd iranked itop ibrand iin iIndia. iCompany ihas ia
i40% ishare iof ithe iIndian imarket iand iavailabilities iof iproduct ismall ivillage ito

itownships, ismall ishops ito ian ionline iplatform. iThe isales iof ithis ibrand ilead

iamong iall ithe ibrands iin iIndia. iParle ioffered iin ithe imarket-

Parle iG, i20-20 iCookies, iHide i& iSeek iBourbon, iHide i& iSeek iMilano, iHappy
iHappy, iCoconut iCookies, ietc.

3.2 iBritannia iIndustries iLtd.

Britannia iIndustries iLtd iwas iestablished iin i1892, iin iBangalore. iToday ihas
imanaged ito imaintain ia idistinctive iposition iin iIndian iBakery iMarket iand

ileading ibrand iin iIndia. iBritannia ioffered iin ithe imarket-

Tiger, iBritannia iCookies, i50-50, iRusks, iBourbon, iLittle iHeart, iGood iDay
iNutri iChoice ietc.

3.3 Anmol

Anmol iis iespecially ipopular iin ieastern iand inorthern iIndia iand imajor
iproduction iunits iin iNodia iand iDankuni iin iWest iBengal. iAnmol ioffered iin ithe


Veg iMunch, i2 iin i1, iE-Time, iBakersville, iSnackles, iJadoo, iFunfill iRich
iChocolate ietc.

3.4. iUnibic iFood iIndia iPvt. iLtd.

In i2004, iUnibic iintroduced iits ifirst iproduct iin iIndia. iThe igrowth iof iUnibic iis
itotally idepended ion ithe iinvestment ithey ido. iNow iit ihas icombined iIndian

icompanies iand ilocal imerchants ito iincrease itheir isales. iUnibic ioffered iin ithe


Unibic iChoco iNut iBiscuit, iUnibic iFruit iand iNut iCookies, iUnibic iMeetha iPaan,
iUnibic iHoneyoatmeal iCookies, ietc. i

3.5. i iITC iLtd.

ITC iis ione iof ithe iIndia's iforemost iprivate isector icompanies iand
idiversified iconglomerate iwith ibusinesses ispanning iFast iMoving iConsumer
iGoods, iHotels, iPaperboards iand iPackaging, iAgri iBusiness iand iInformation

iTechnology. iThe iCompany, iis iacknowledged ias ione iof ithe iIndia's imost

ivaluable ibusiness icorporations iwith ithe imarket icapitalization iof iaround iUS$ i50

ibillion. iAccording ito ia isurvey iITC iwas iranked ias iIndia's imost iadmired icompany.

iITC ioffered iin ithe imarket-

Sunfeast iDark iFantasy iChoco iFills, iSunfeast iDark iFantasy iChoco iFills iLuxuria,
iSunfeast iDark iFantasy iCoffee iFills, iSunfeast iDark iFantasy iChoco iMeltz, iDark

iFantasy iChocolate iand iVanilla ietc.

3.6. iPriya iGold iBiscuits

Priya-gold iproduces iscrumptious ipremium ibiscuits iand ihas idone iso ifor
ithe ipast i23 iyears. iThe ipopularity iof ibrands ilike iButter iBite, iCNC, iSnacks iZig

iZag i& iMarie iLite ihave ienabled ius ito icommand ia isizeable imarket ishare iin ithe

ibiscuit iindustry. iThe icompany ibakes ion idaily ibasis iwith ienthusiasm iensuring

ionly ithe ihighest iquality iproducts iare ichurned, iday iin iand iday iout. iThe

icompany’s ipassion ilies iin itradition, iusing ionly ithe ibest iingredients ito imake.

iPriya iGold ioffered iin ithe imarket-

Italiano iButter iCookies, iItaliano iCoconut iCookies, iItaliano iChoco iCookies ietc.

Many imore ilocal iplayers iare icontributing itheir ishare iin ithe iCookies imarket iin iIndia.
iThey iare imore isailing itheir iproduct iin ithe ionline isites ibecause ithe iconsumers isearch

ionline ifor itheir ipreference iand ilocal icompanies itap ithem ito isell itheir iproduct. iSome iof

ithe iproducts iare-

Butter iEggless iCookies, iAlif iJeera iCookies, iChokola iEggless iCookies, iDry ifruit
iCookies, iHey iGrain iBesan iCookies iand imany imore.

4. Introduction of the Study
i i i

4.1. iLiterature iReview

4.1.1. iResearch iPapers

Len iTiu iWright, iClive iNacarrow, iPamela iM.H. iKwok i(2001) ihad idone ia istudy ion ifood
itaste ipreferences ion iconsumption. iThe ipaper iwas itold iabout ithe iinfluence ion ifood

itaste ipreferences iand iconsumption. iBecause ifor ithe ifood iindustry itaste iis ione iof ithe

ikey ielements ito ibuy ithe iproduct iand iit ialso iinfluence ius ifor ifuture ibuying ibehavior iof ithe


Aurelia iMichaud-Trevianl i(2012) ihad idone ia istudy ion ionline ishopping iexperiences. iIn
ithis iresearch, ipointing ithe iissues iof ishopping iexperiences iin ian ionline ienvironment.

iThis ipaper ihas iexamined, ionline ishopping iexperiences ifrom ithree iaspects, ionline

itrust, iexperience iabout ithe ionline isites, iand isecurity iin ionline isites.

Rashed iAl iKarim i(2013) ihad idone ia istudy ion iconsumer isatisfaction iin ionline ishopping
iincluding ithe imotivations iand iinhibitions. iThis iresearch, isaid iabout ithe ibasis iof

iframework ito iexplain icustomer isatisfaction ithrough itheir imotivation ito ibuy iproducts

ifrom ionline. iAlso iestablished irelationships iin ionline ishopping iis iconvenient ito iall

iconsumers, ionline ipayment isystem iand iprivacy isecurity.

Dr. iAmit iKumar iSingh, iMalsawmi iSailo i(2013) ihad idone ia istudy ion iconsumer ibehavior
iin ionline ishopping. iIn ithis iresearch, ihas iobtained ivery iimportant iposition iin ithe i21

icentury ias imost iof ithe ipeople iare ibusy iand ibusy iin ihectic ischedule. iThe irapid

idevelopment iinto iglobal iperspective i i ibuying iproducts ias iwell ias iservices iare imore

iimportant. i

Thanigachalam iand iVijayarani i(2014) ihad idone ia istudy ito imeasure iconsumer ibehavior
itowards iFMCG iproducts. iConsumer ibehavior iis ithe iprocess ifor iselecting ifoods, ibuying

iand idispose iof igoods iin iterms ito isatisfy iconsumer iwants, ineeds ior idesires. iIn ithis

istudy, iresearcher ihas ifound ia itotal iten ivariables ifor imeasuring iconsumer ibehavior

inamely; ibrand iloyalty, ipromotion, ibrand iknowledge, ibrand iawareness iproduct, iprice,

iplace iand icustomer iservices.

Khudsen i(2014) ihad idone ia istudy ito imeasure ithe iattitude iof iconsumers itowards ithe
ibakery. iConsumers iacceptability iof ifood iitems iaffected iby ithe ihealthy, itastefulness

iand inatural iingredients. i

Nagyova iet ial. i(2014) ihad idone ia istudy ito imeasure ithe ibehavior iof iconsumers itowards
ifood iitems ilike icookies. iAs iper ithe iresearchers ihave istated ithat ibakery iproducts iare ian

iimportant ipart iof iour idaily ilife iand ibehavioral ichange iin ilifestyle iof ithe iconsumers.

Yaro, iLami iMusa i(2015) ihad idone ia istudy ian ioverview iof ipackaging iof ia icompany
iproduct iinfluence iconsumer ibuying ibehavior. iIn ithis istudy, ihas iidentified ia iknowledge

igap iwhich iconcerns ithe iconsumers, isince ithis istudy iwill idirect ifocus ion iconsumers. iIn

ithis iresearch, ian ioverview iof ibranding iand ipackaging iof ia icompany iproduct iwas

iexamined ibecause iof iits iperceived iindispensable irole iin ibusiness iand imarketing.

10 | P a g e
Dr. iVirender iKhanna i(2016) ihad idone ia istudy ion iconsumers ibehavior itowards ibakery
iproducts. iThis istudy iis ibased ion iprimary idata icollected ifrom ithe i500 iconsumers iand

iconsumer iattitude itowards ibakery iproducts. iThe iresearch isays iabout ithe ifactors iwhich

ivary itowards ithe iattitude iof iconsumers.

B. iDayakar iRao iand iG. iBhargavi i(2017) ihad istated iCookies iare inow-a-days ifamous iin
irural iand iurban iareas. iThe imajor iingredients iused ifor imaking icookies iwhich iare

ihealthy ifor ithe ihuman ibody iand ias ia isnack iit’s ialso iused ifor iconsumers. i

Sagar iMalviya, iWritankar iMukherjee i(2017) ihad istated ian iarticle ion iCookie’s idemand
igrows iwhile ibiscuits isales islow ibecause ichocolate, ideodorants, imalted idrinks, iand

inoodles iare iall ivaluable. iFMCG icompanies inow ia idays ihas iemphasized ito itarget inew

iconsumer isegment iwhere isales igrow ihigh. iThe ionline iplatform iis ione iof ithe iplaces

iwhere ithe imarket inot istagnant iand igrow isales iwith ithe inew iconsumer. iAs ithis ionline

imarket iplace iconnected ito ithe iyoung igeneration iand icompanies icollected itheir idata

ifrom ithese isites iwith itastes i& ipreferences.

Sachin iPandey i(2020), ihad istated ian iarticle ion ibuilding itrust iin ie-commerce isales iin
ithe ibakery iindustry. iThis iarticle iis itelling iabout iwhich ifactors iimportant ifor ie-commerce

isales iincreasing iat ifast ispace iof ithe ieconomy. iRegarding ithe iarticle imain ifactors iare

ibased ion iinformation ion ibrand, itrust iand isecurity iof ithe itransaction iprocess,

iinfluencing ithe inature iof iconsumer, imedia inews iinfluence ito igrow isales. iThose ifactors

iare iimportant iin istudying ifor ifuture iforecasting iof ithe imarket iand ipenetrate ithe imarket.

4.1.2. iArticles

Article iin iJournal iin iBusiness iEthics i39(1):43-50, i(2002), isaid iabout ithe irole iof
iconsumers’ itrust iin ionline ishopping. iIn ithis iarticle, ibasically ifocused ion itheory-building

ion itrust ias ia icritical iissue iin ionline isites ito iretain ithe iconsumers iin itheir ionline isites.

iBecause itoday’s imarket imore ithan i200+ isites iare ithere ito isell itheir iproducts. iIn ithat

iconcern ithe imost iimportant ifactor iis itrust ior iexperience iof ia iconsumer ibought iproducts

ifrom ithe isite.

Article iID i2097415, iVolume i2019, isaid iabout ifactors iaffecting iconsumers ifood
ipreferences: ifood itaste iand idepression-based ievoked iemotional iexpressions iwith iuse

iof iface ireading itechnology. iThe iresearch isaid iabout ithe imajor ideterminant iof ifood

ichoice iis ihunger, ibut iif iwe ihave ioptions iwhat iwe ichoose ito ieat iis inot idetermined isolely

iby iphysiological ior inutritional ineeds. iIn ithis istudy, iseveral ifactors iaffecting iconsumer

ifood ichoices i(FC), iincreasing ithe irelationship itaste iand ifood.

FNB iNews, iarticle, i(2020) ihad istated ithe iIndian ipremium ibiscuit imarket, icookie iman
ioccupies i2%. iAccording ithe istudy, ithe ibakery iindustry iin iIndia iis iworth i$69 ibillion iand

ifocused ion iusing ithe ibest iingredients ito iensure iquality. iIn itoday’s imarket ithe iconsumer

iis imore iprefer ito ibuy ionline iproduct idespite iretail istores. iThe iarticle iforecasted ithat ithe

icookies isegment iin ibakery iindustry iwill igrow ibecause iof ibiscuits iare islow idown iin

imarket iplace.

By, ithe ihelp iof iliterature ireview iI ican iconsider ivariables iwhich iare ifunctional ikey
ielement iof ithis iresearch.

11 | P a g e
4.2. iObjectives iof ithe istudy

In ithis iresearch iin ibakery iindustry iis islow idown iin imarket iplace ibut ithe icookies iindustry
iis igrowing iand iin ionline isites icompanies’ isales itheir iproducts. iSo, iI ifound iout itwo

iobjectives iin imy iresearch-

1. To ifind iout ithe ifactors iwhich idepend ion ibuying icookies iand ibiscuits ifrom ionline

2. To ifind iout iwhich ifactors iare isignificantly icontributing ito iconsumer ibuying
ibehavior itowards icookies iand ibiscuits.

5. Research Methodology

Since ithe istudy iis iconcerned iwith ithe ieffect iof ibuying ibehavior iof ithe iconsumer ion ie-
commerce isites iin icookies iand ithe ibiscuit iindustry. iIn ithis ifield isurvey iby ifloating ithe
iGoogle ifrom ihas icollected iprimary idata iand icollecting idata iof iconsumers ifrom ivarious

icompanies, icolleges, ischools. iMoreover, isecondary idata iwas icollected ifrom ivarious

iarticles, ithesis ipapers, iearlier iresearch ipapers iand iwebsites. iThe icollected idata iwas

ianalyzed iwith ithe ihelp iof iproper istatistical isoftware iin iSPSS iand iwhich iI iexplained


1. Exploratory iFactor iAnalysis i

By ithis ianalysis ito imeasure ithe ifactors iwhich iwill ihelp ito iidentify ibehavioral
istatus iof iconsumer itowards iresearch iobjectives. iFrom ithe iresearch ipapers iI

iidentified iall ithe ivariables iwhich iare iimportant ito istudy iof iconsumer ibuying

ibehavior ifrom ionline isites. iTo ianalysis ithe iobjective iI iconsidered ithat ivariables

iwhich ihelp ito ime iresearch iconsumer ipreferences ito ibuy icookies ifrom ionline

isites. iThe ivariables iwhich iI ihave iconsidered iare igiven ibelow-

a. Knowledge iabout ithe iBrand

b. Varieties ior ivariances iof iProduct
c. Comparison iamong idifferent isites
d. Varieties iof iflavor iof iproduct
e. Expectation iof iconsumers
f. Review ichecking
g. Service iquality
h. Fresh iand igenuine iproduct
i. Time i
j. Discount irate
k. Advertisement
l. Packaging i

In ithis ianalysis iwe isee iout iof itwelve i(12) ivariables iwhich iare iimportant ito iour iobject
iof ithis istudy. iAnd, iafter ithat iwe iwill iconsider ithe igroup iof ivariables iinto ismall ifactors.

12 | P a g e
2. Regression iAnalysis

In ithis iresearch itechnique iused ito iidentify iwhich ifactors iare iimportant ito icontribute
ionline ibuying iof iconsumer itowards iCookies. i

6. Data Analysis and Interpretation

i i i

In ithis ianalysis iwe iwill isee ifirst ithe ifactor ianalysis iand ithen iwe ianalyze ithe iregression
imodel. iFor ithe ifirst ipart iof ianalysis iwe idone iFactor iAnalysis ito idetermine ithe ifactor

iwhich iare imore isignificant ifor ithis iresearch.

In ifactor ianalysis ithe ivariables iare icoverts iin isimilar igrouping ivariables iinto
idimensions. iThis iprocess ishould ibe iused ito iidentify ilatent ivariables ior iconstructs.

iBasically, ifactor ianalysis ito ireduce imany iindividual iitems ior ivariables iinto ia ifewer

inumber iof idimensions ior ifactors. iIt ican ibe iused ito isimplify idata, iand ireducing ithe

inumber iof ivariables iin iregression imodels.

Factor ianalysis ihas ionly ione iassumption, ithe ivariables iare icorrelated ito ieach iother, ii.e.

6.1 iKMO iAnalysis

KMO imeasure iof isampling iadequacy itells ius iabout ithe isample iadequate iin
iterms iin iterms iof icorrelation. iIt ialso imeasures iof ithe iproportion iof ivariance iamong
ivariables ithat imight ibe icommon ivariance. iIf iKMO ivalue i> i0.5, ithen ifactor ianalysis iis

isuitable ion ithat idata iand ivalues ishould ibe iin ibetween i0 ito i1.

ii Table-1: i- iKMO iMatrix iAnalysis

In ithis ianalysis ithe iKMO ivalue iis i>0.5, iwhich i0.550. iThat imeans ithe idata iis isuitable ifor
ifactor ianalysis. iThe iresponse iwhich iwill icollect iis iquite irelevant ifor ithis iresearch.

6.2. iCommunalities

Communalities iis idefined ias ithe itotal ivariance iin ia ivariable iexplained iby ithe
ifactor isolution. iHigher icommunality iindicates ithe ilarger iamount iof ivariance iin ithe

ivariable ihas ibeen iextracted iby ithe ifactor isolution iand icommunalities ishould ibe i>0.3.

If ithe ivalues iof ivariance iare i<0.3, ithen ivariables inot ito iinclude iin ifactor ianalysis
iprocess, iit imust ibe iomitting iand ifurther icheck ithe icommunalities iof ithe ivariables iup ito

13 | P a g e
ithe ivariance ivalue imust ibe i>0.3. iAnd ieach istep ione ivariables ishould ibe iomitting iand
ifurther ichecking ithe icommunalities ivalue.


iiiiiiiii ii Table-2: i- iCommunalities iMatrix iAnalysis

In iour idata iall ivariance iof ieach ivariable i>0.3, iso, iall ithe ivariables iare ipreferable ifor
ifactor ianalysis iprocess.

6.3. iTotal iVariance iExplained

The iVariance, iexplained iby iinitial isolution iand irotated icomponents iis
idisplayed iin isolutions. iThe ifirst isection iof ithe ichart ishows ithe iInitial iEigen-values.

iEigen ivalues iis ithe isum iof ithe iequal iof ifactor iloadings iand iit iwould ibe igrater ior iequal

i1(>=1). iEigen-values iare icalculated ifor ieach ivariable. iEigen-value iis icriteria iuses ito

iretained ithe ifactors.

The i%of ivariance icolumn ishows ithe iratio iexpressed ias ia ipercentage iof ithe ivariance
iaccounted ifor iby ieach icomponent ito ithe itotal ivariance iin iall ithe ivariables.

The i% iof icumulative icolumn ishows ipercentage iof ithe ivariance iaccounted ifor iby ifirst in

14 | P a g e
Table-3: i- iTotal iVariance iExplained

In ithis itable, ifor ithe ifirst isection iInitial iEigen-Values, iwe ican isee ifirst i5 icomponents iare
ihaving ivalue i>1. iSo, iwe ican iconsider ionly i5 icomponents iare ifactor ias ithe ifactor

ianalysis. i

In ithis, iall ithe i5 ifactor iwe ican isay, inearly i62% iof ithe ivariability iin ioriginal itwelve
ivariables, iso, iwe ivan iconsiderably ireduce ithe icomplexity iof ithe idata iset iby iusing ithese

icomponents, iwith ionly i38% iloss iof iinformation.

The irotation isums iof isquared iloadings ishow ithe icumulative ipercentage iof ivariation
iexplained iby ithe iextracted icomponents, ibut ithat ivariation, iis inow ispread imore ievenly

iover ithe icomponents.

6.4. iRotated iComponent iMatrix

The irotated icomponent imatrix ishows ito idetermine iwhat ithe icomponents
irepresent. iThe iidea iof irotation iis ito ireduce ithe inumber ifactors ion iwhich ithe ivariables

iunder iinvestigation ihave ihigh iloadings. iRotation idoes inot iactually ichange ianything ibut

imakes ithe iinterpretation iof ithe ianalysis ieasier.

Table-4: i- iRotated iComponent iMatrix i

15 | P a g e
Looking iat ithe itable i4, iwe ican isee ithat-

You isave itime iwhile ipurchasing iCookies ifrom iOnline iSite, iyou ifind ivarious iflavors
i of i Cookies i in i Online i Sites i and i Discount i attracts i you i to i buy i Cookies i from i Online

i Site i are i substantially i loaded i on i Factor i 1.

Followed iby, iyou isee ithe ireviews ibefore ibuying iCookies iin iOnline isite, iyour
i preference i about i service i quality i at i Online i site, i and i you i compare i price i among

i different i Online i sites i are i substantially i loaded i on i Factor i 2. i

Followed iby, iAdvertisement iattracts iyou ito ibuy iCookies ifrom iOnline iSite iand
i Packaging i attracts i you i to i buy i Cookies i from i Online i Site i are i substantially i loaded i on

i Factor i 3.

Followed iby, iyou ihave iknowledge iabout ithe iBrand iand iyou iknow iabout ivarieties iof
iCookies iare i substantially i loaded i on i Factor i 4.

Followed iby, iyou iget ifresh iand igenuine iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iand iYour
i expectation i about i Cookies i are i met i by i Online i are i substantially i loaded i on i Factor i 5.

6.5. iCorrelation-Regression iAnalysis

In iregression ianalysis, isignificant ivalue iand icoefficients iare ishows irelationships

iin iour imodel iare istatistically isignificant iand ithe inature iof ithose irelationships. iThe
icoefficients idescribe imathematical irelationship iin ibetween ieach iindependent ivariable

iand idependent ivariable. iThe isignificant ivalue ifor ithe icoefficients iindicates iwhether

ithese irelationships iare istatistically isignificant ior inot ito icheck iby ihypothesis itesting. iIn

ithis icase iassumed ithat ithe ihypothesizes iare-

H0: iThe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idoes inot idepend ion ithe i i i i
ilisted ifactors.

H1: iThe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idepend ion ilisted ifactors.

Table-5: i- iAnova iMatrix

From ithe iabove iAnova itable ithe isignificance ivalue iobtained iis i0.000<0.05, ithus ithe ianalysis
iis isignificant. iHence, iwe iaccept iH1, ithat imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline

isite iin ifuture idepend ion ilisted ifactors. i

16 | P a g e
Table-6: i- iModel iSummary iMatrix

From imodel isummary imatrix, iwe ican ifind ithe ivalue iof iR-Square iand iAdjusted iR-
Square. i

R-Square ishows ithat ihow imuch idependent ivariable iis ibeing iexplained iby iall ithe
iindependent ivariables. iIn ithis icase, ithe iR-Square ivalue inearly i55%, ithat imeans ithe

ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture i55% iis ibeing isignificantly

iexplained iby iall ithe ifactors.

Adjusted iR-Square ishows ithat ihow imuch ipercentage iof idependent ivariable iis ibeing
iexplained iby iindependent ivariables iwhich iare isignificant ito ithe imodel. iIn ithis icase,

iAdjusted iR-Square inearly i53%, ithat imeans ithat imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies

ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture i53% iis ibeing isignificantly iexplained iby iall ithe ifactors, iwhich

iare isignificant ito ithe imodel. i

6.6. iCoefficient iAnalysis

Form ithe iCoefficient imatrix itable iwe ican ifind ithe isignificant ilabel iof ieach
ifactors iin icorresponding iof idependent ivariable. iIf ithe ivalue i<0.05 ithan, ithus ithe

ianalysis iis isignificant. iThat imeans inull ihypothesis i(H0) iis irejected iand ialternative

ihypothesis i(H1) iis iaccepted.

Table-7: i- iCoefficient iMatrix

In ithis icase, ithe isignificant ivalue iof iFactor i1, i0.006<0.05, ithus ithe ifactor iis isignificant.
iThat imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idepend ion ifactor

i1. i

17 | P a g e
Also, ithe isignificant ivalue iof iFactor i2, i0.000<0.05, ithus ithe ifactor iis isignificant. iThat
imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idepend ion ifactor i2. i

And iagain, ithe isignificant ivalue iof iFactor i4, i0.002<0.05, ithus ithe ifactor iis isignificant.
iThat imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idepend ion ifactor

i4. i

But, ithe isignificant ivalue iof iFactor i3, i0.251>0.05, ithus ithe ifactor iis inot isignificant. iThat
imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idoes inot idepend ion

ifactor i3. i

And iagain, ithe isignificant ivalue iof iFactor i5, i0.243>0.05, ithus ithe ifactor iis inot
isignificant. iThat imeans ithe ibuying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture idoes

inot idepend ion ifactor i5.

6.7. iPartial iRegression iCo-efficient

Looking iat ithe iBeta ivalues iin ibelow itable iwe ican iknow ithat iwhich ifactors iare
ipartially iaffecting ithe idependent ivariable. iHere, iFactor i3 iand iFactor i5 iare ipartially iaffecting

ithe idependent ivariable. i

Here, ithe ipartial iregression ivalue ifor iFactor i1 iis i0.194 iwhich iindicated iwith ievery iincrease iin
i1 iunit iof iFactor i1, ithe ichances ionline ibuying iof iCookies iwill ibe iaffected iby ia ifactor iof i0.194.

Here, ithe ipartial iregression ivalue ifor iFactor i2 iis i0.671 iwhich iindicated iwith ievery iincrease iin
i1 iunit iof iFactor i2, ithe ichances ionline ibuying iof iCookies iwill ibe iaffected iby ia ifactor iof i0.671.

Here, ithe ipartial iregression ivalue ifor iFactor i4 iis i0.215 iwhich iindicated iwith ievery iincrease iin
i1 iunit iof iFactor i4, ithe ichances ionline ibuying iof iCookies iwill ibe iaffected iby ia ifactor iof i0.215.

Table-8: i- iStandardized iCoefficients iAnalysis

7. Results and Findings

i i

18 | P a g e
In ithis iresearch, iwe iwill istudy iabout ithe iconsumer ibuying ibehaviour iof iCookies ifrom
iOnline iSites. iToday’s iindustry iis igrowing iin ie-commerce iworld iand ifor ithat imany iof

ireasons iare ithere. iIn iour idaily ilife ifor ithe ifood iwe iare ivery ichoose iand itaste ipreferable.

iIn iIndia ialso iconsumers iare iprice isensitive. iSo, ias ithe ifactor ianalysis iwe iget i5 ifactors

iand iaccording ito ithe ivariables iFactors iare inamed-

7.1. Factor i1

For ithe ifirst ifactor iwe iget ithree ivariables, iwhich iare- iYou isave itime iwhile
i purchasing i Cookies i from i Online i Site, i You i find i various i flavors i of i Cookies

i in i Online i Sites i and i Discount i attracts i you i to i buy i Cookies i from i Online i Site.

i So, i identifying i the i attributes i like i Saving i Time, i Varieties’ i of i Flavor i and

i Discount i offer i which i are i mainly i required i or i consumes i wants i that i when

i they i decided i to i buy i product i from i online. i So, i we i named i the i First i factor i as-

i Convenience.

Because, iat ithe itime iof ishopping iconsumer isaving ilots iof itime ito ibuy ia
i product. i Consumers i need i not i to i stand i in i queues i like i mall i or i shopping

i market i and i todays’ i busy i life i style i people i can’t i afford i that i time i or i we i can

i say i consumers i don’t i have i that i much i of i time. i

Next, iVarieties iof iflavor, iconsumers ihaving idifferent itaste ipreference iand
i each i consumer i have i different i taste i preference i than i another i one. i So, i in

i online i site i they i can i get i all i the i preferences i what i they i want i as i per i their

i taste i and i mood. i Because, i the i company i or i merchandiser’s i always i keep

i stock i in i online i sites i with i many i possible i varieties i because i consumer i don’t

i think i any i other i option i to i buy. i

Next, iDiscount ioffers iwhich iis ivery ireliable iattribute iin ionline ior ie-
commerce iindustry. iIn ibulk ipurchase, iseasonal idiscounts, iparticular-day
i of i price i and i many i more, i e-commerce i sites i are i giving i discounts i to i retain

i customers i and i competition i among i their i rivals.

7.2. Factor i2

In ithe isecond ifactor iwe iget ithree ivariables, iwhich iare- iYou isee ithe
i reviews i before i buying i Cookies i in i Online i site, i Your i preference i about

i service i quality i at i Online i site, i and i You i compare i price i among i different

i Online i sites. i So, i identifying i the i attributes i like i Checking i Reviews,

i Service i Quality i and i Making i Comparisons i which i are i mostly

i consumes i do i before i to i decide i to i buy i product i from i online. i So, i we

i named i the i Second i factor i as-Support.

Because, iwhen ia iconsumer iwants ito ibuy ia iproduct ifrom ionline ifirstly
i check i the i reviews i of i the i product. i Reviews i tells i them, i or i influence i them

i or i confirming i them i about i this i product i and i this i satisfying i that i this

i product i will i be i met i customer i satisfaction i in i terms i of i expectation.

Next, iin ie-commerce isites iproviding iservice iand itaking icare iafter isales
i service. i So, i if i the i service i quality i is i not i satisfying i the i customer i or i the

19 | P a g e
i end iuser inot isatisfy iwith ithe ipoint iof ibilling iperson ithen ichances ihigh
i supposed i to i lose i that i customer.

And inext, iconsumers imaking icomparison iin ibetween itwo ior imany ie-
commerce isites ifor iprice, iquantity ithey ioffered, idelivery iof itime iand
i many i more. i So, i many i e-commerce i sites i now i a i days i provides i that

i option i to i comparison i among i different i product i or i brand i in i their i site. i So-

that, iconsumes ineed inot ito igo iany iother isites ifor icomparison iand ithat
i particular-customer i continuing i their i shopping i on i that i particular-online

i site.

7.3. Factor i3

In ithe ithird ifactor iwe iget itwo ivariables, iwhich iare- iAdvertisement
i attracts i you i to i buy i Cookies i from i Online i Site i and i Packaging i attracts

i you i to i buy i Cookies i from i Online i Site. i So, i identifying i the i attributes i like

i Advertising i and i Packaging i are i influencing i consumer i to i buy i product

i and i product i like i Cookies, i these i two i attributes i deeply i affect i consumer

i brain. i So, i we i named i the i Third i factor i as i -Promotion.

Because, ie-commerce isites inow-a-days imaking iattractive iads iof itheir

i available i products. i Rather i than i signing i big i stars i for i endorsement i they

i casted i normal i models i at i their i ads. i So, i that i consumers i can i relate i their

i position i with i the i product i offered i by i company i or i e-commerce i sites.

Next, ipackaging iof ithe iproducts iare imore iimportant icriteria iof
i promotion, i because i in i the i layman’s i term i if i we i can i say i those i things i are

i looking i good i to i see i which i will i buy i by i the i customer i first. i So, i following

i this i statement i companies i are i more i focused i for i packaging i of i goods.

i And i making i attract-full i pictures i on i the i packets, i so-that, i children i and

i adults i more i attracts i on i the i products.

7.4. Factor i4

In ithe ifourth ifactor iwe iget itwo ivariables, iwhich iare- iYou ihave
iknowledge iabout ithe iBrand iand iYou iknow iabout ivarieties iof iCookies. i So,

i identifying i the i attributes i like i Knowledge i about i Brands i and i Varieties

i of i Cookies i are i giving i a i complete i information i about i the i bakery

i industry i and i products i available i in i the i market i also i about i the i brands i of

i this i market. i So, i we i named i the i Fourth i factor i as- i Awareness.

Because, ia iconsumer ibuying iproduct iwhen ithey iknow iabout ithe

i product i or i the i brand i of i the i product. i There iare i two i type i of i consumers

i are i there- i one i who i will i buy i product i with i their i taste i or i loving i to i take i or

i use i that i product i and i another i one i who i will i go i with i the i brand i name i and

i least i interest i about i the i product i offered i by i the i company. i So, i by

i adverting i now-a-days i consumers i knowing i about i the i product i and

i getting i information i for i them, i and i after i that i sometimes i they i google i by

20 | P a g e
i the iname iof ithe iproduct ior ibrand. iWhen ia iperson igoogle ithat iproduct
i that i data i saved i by i the i e-commerce i site i company i data i base. i After i that,

i those i brand i or i product i advertised i in i consumers i search i engine i and

i influenced i them i to i go i to i e-commerce i site.

Next, ias isame ias iprevious ione ionce ia iconsumer iknowing iabout ithe
i product i variation i offered i by i market, i they i can i able i to i get i that. i Because,

i in i todays’ i market i approx. i 50+ i small i and i renowned i companies i are

i there i to i sell i same i kind i of i product i at i the i same i market i place.

i Competitions i are i there i between i companies, i so, i who i provides i best

i varieties i of i product i they i can i get i fast i mover i advantage i and i e-

commerce isites iare ithere ito igive iopportunities iwith ihuge icustomers.

7.5. Factor i5

In ithe ififth ifactor iwe iget itwo ivariables, iwhich iare- iYou iget ifresh iand
i genuine i Cookies i from i Online i site i and i Your i expectation i about i Cookies

i are i met i by i Online i sites. i So, i identifying i the i attributes i like i Fresh i and

i Real i product i and i Customer i Expectations i are i defined i how i much

i time i consumer i retain i with i this i product i and i e-commerce i sites. i So, i we

i named i the i Fifth i factor i as- i Trust.

Because, iConsumer iwhen ibuy ia iproduct isome iconstraints iare ithere

i like- i product i should i be i fresh i means i the i expiry i date i if i product i should i be

i on i time, i product i should i not i be i misplaced i or i duplication i of i product,

i product i should i not i be i broken, i because, i Cookies i are i light i in i weight i and

i breakable. i So, i the i company i of i e-commerce i sites i should i be i careful i all

i those i things. i

Next, iif iconsumers ihaving igood iexperience iwith iparticular-product, ibrand,

ie-commerce isite ior ithe iservice iquality ithan iconsumers iare ifurther ibuy

iproduct ifrom ionline isites. iEach-and-every icustomer ihaving idifferent

iexpectations iregarding ieach iattribute. iSo, icompanies imust ito itry imet ithe

iconsumers iexpectations.

7.6. Regression ianalysis ifinding

From ithe iregression ianalysis iwe isaw iFactor i1, iFactor i2 iand iFactor i4 imore
isignificantly iparticipate ion ithe idependent ivariable ithat ithe ibuying

ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isite iin ifuture. i

So, iafter ithe ifinding iof ifactors iwe isay ithat iConvenience, iSupport iand
i Awareness i are i more i important i for i buying ibehavior iof iCookies ifrom

iOnline isite iin ifuture. iSo, iif icompanies iare iworking ion ithese ifields ithan iin

ifuture ithe ibuying iof iCookies ifrom iOnline isites iincreasing. i

21 | P a g e
8. Limitations of the Study
i i i

In ithis iresearch istudy ihaving isome ilimitations ithose iare-

1. The idata iwas icollected ifrom ieducation icenters, ischools, ioffices iby ifloating
iGoogle iForm. iSo, ithe idata iis ilimited ionly i105 irespondents.

9. Conclusion
In ithis iresearch, istudy iof ibuying ibehavior iof iconsumer iat iOnline isites iof iCookies, iare
isignificantly idependent isome iof ithe ivariables. iAnd iat istaring iof ithe iproject iwe iwill

idiscussed iabout iforecasting iof igrowing irate iof iCookies iin itodays’ imarket. iSome iof ithe

ipoints iare imentioned ibelow iwhich iare iimportant iof ithis istudy iand ifuture iresearch-

 Shopping iis imade ieasier iand iconvenient ifor iconsumer ithrough iOnline. iIn ionline
ishopping icustomer ican ipurchase iitems ifrom itheir ipreference istores.

 In ionline ibuying iconsumer idepends ion isuch iattributes ilike isaving itime iin ionline,
igood idiscount ior ilower iprice, idetailed iinformation iabout iproducts, iwe ican

icompare ivarious imodels ior ibrands iwhich iare imore isignificate ito iretain

iconsumers iin ionline isites.

 In inormally, iin iphysical istores ilike ismall ishops, imalls ithe isales irepresentatives
itry iinfluence ito ibuy ithe iproduct. iBut, iin ithe ionline isite iconsumers iare ithe ifinal

idecision imaker ifor ibuying. iSo, iconsumers iare inot ifeeling ipressurized iwhile

ishopping iat ionline.

 iIn iIndia iCookies iare isale ias imuch imore. iBecause, ithe icompanies imaking

iCookies iwhich iare igood ifor ihealth. iAlso, iCookies iare iready iproduct iso ino itime

itaken ito iprepare ithat iand iit ikills ihunger. iConvenient ito icarry iand ieat ianytime,


 For ichildren iand iadults iare imore iaddicted ifor iCookies ibecause ivarieties iof
iflavors iare iavailable iin imarket. i

 In ionline ishopping iyou ican ibuy iproduct iat iany ipoint iof itime ibecause iit iopen
i365*24*7 itimes. i

 In ionline iyou ican icompare ibetween iproducts, ifeatures iof iproduct iand iprice. iSo,
ithat iit iis ieasy ito iget imore ioptions ihaving iby ithe iconsumers. iAnd iin iIndia

iConsumers iare ilooking ifor imore ioptions iand iafter icomparing ithey ichose

ireasonable iproduct.

 Online isites inow ioffering ipremium iaccount ifor iconsumers. iSo-that, iconsumers
ican iget iproducts iminimum iprice irate ior iconsumers idon’t ipay ithe itransportation


 In iOnline istore ihaving ino iissues ito ifind ithe iproducts. iIn igeneral ishopping istores
iconsumer ifacing iproblem ito ifind iout ithe iproducts iand isometimes ithey ifeel

ihesitate ito iask ithe irepresentatives. iBut, iat ionline iconsumer iare ieasy ito isearch

itheir iproducts.

 In iOnline, icompanies ifocus irural, isemi-urban iand iurban iareas ialso. iBecause, iin
itodays’ imarket irural, isemi-urban iand iurban ipopulation ipenetrate iby iusing

iinternet. iSuper-marts iare inot iopened iat irural imarket ibut iOnline istores ican

iprovide ifacilities ito irural ipopulation ialso.

22 | P a g e
10. Recommendations
In ithis iresearch imany igaps iare iidentified iof ionline isites, iso, iI irecommended isome
isuggestions ito ithe iOnline isites’ ibuyers iand icompanies ialso-

 In iOnline isites, isometimes ithey idelayed ito idelivery ithe iproduct. iSo, ithat iwill ibe ia
iconcern ifor iconsumers iand icompanies ineed ito ibe ifocused ion ithat.

 In iOnline isites, icancelations iare ihappened iby ithe icustomers. iIn ithat ipoint iof
itime, iOnline isites iare ineeded ito icarefully ihandle ithat isituation iand ithey ishould

iidentify ithe iproper ireason ifor ithe icancelation.

 In iconsumer ipoint iof iview, isome iconsumers iare idon’t iknow ito ibuy ifrom ionline
isites ibecause iof itraditional ishopping iexperience. iOnline ishopping ineeds ito

iguide ithem ihow ito ibuy. iFor ithat ireason, ithey ishould iadd ia ivideo ias iin itutorial


 In iOnline ishopping, isome-times iconsumer igets idefault iproduct ior iduplicate

iproduct. iThat’s imean iconsumer iordered ia iproduct iand iwhich iwas idelivered ito

ithe iconsumer iit idifferent ior ihaving idefaulted. i

 Online isites, ishould icareful iabout ipayment iprocess. iBecause, imany ihackers
iare inow ihacked ithe ipayment idetails iof iconsumers iand imaking ifraud ito ithe

icustomer. i

23 | P a g e
Questionnaire of the Project
i i i

Comprehensive iProject
A iStudy iof iConsumer iBuying iBehavior iof iCookies i(Biscuits) iat iE-Commerce iSites
* iRequired

1. iWhere ido iyou ilive? i*


2. iWhat iis iyour igender? i*


3. iWhat iis iyour iage? i*

Below i18
Within i18-25
Within i26-35
Above i35

4. iWhat iis iyour ioccupation? i*


5. iDo iyou iregularly iconsume iany ikind iof iCookies i(biscuits)? i*


6. iHow imany ipackets iof iCookies ido iyou iconsume iin ia iweek? i*
Below i10
Within i10-20
Above i20

7. iHow ifrequently ido iyou ibuy iCookies? i*

Daily iBasis
Once iin ia iweek
Twice iin ia iweek
More ithan iTwice iin ia iweek
Once iin ia iMonth

24 | P a g e
8. iHow imany itimes ido iyou ibuy iCookies ifrom iOnline? i*
Daily ibasis
Once iin ia iweek
Twice iin ia iweek
More ithan itwice iin ia iweek
Once iin ia iMonth

9. iWhich isite ido iyou iprefer ito ibuy iCookies, irank ithem i1 ito i6 ias iper iyour ipreference?

Rank i1 i i i i i i iRank i2 i i i i i i iRank i3 i i i i i iRank i4 i i i i iRank i5 i i i i iRank i6

Reliance iFresh
Indian imart
Nature's iBasket
Reliance iFresh
Indian imart
Nature's iBasket

10. iWhich iare ithe iattributes iimportant ifor ionline ipurchasing iof iCookies? iRate ithe
i attributes i in i 1 i to i5 i scale i where i1-extreme i low i and i5- i extreme ihigh. i *

Attributes Extreme Low Moderate High Extreme

i High
i Low

You ihave iknowledge iabout ithe iBrand

You ihave iknowledge iabout ithe iBrand

You iknow iabout ivarieties iof iCookies

You icompare iprice iamong idifferent iOnline isites

You ifind ivarious iflavours iof iCookies iin iOnline

i Sites

Your iexpectation iabout iCookies iare imet iOnline

25 | P a g e
You isee ithe ireviews ibefore ibuying iCookies iin
i Online i site

Your ipreference iabout iservice iquality iat iOnline

i site

You iget ifresh iand igenuine iCookies ifrom iOnline

i site

You isave itime iwhile ipurchasing iCookies ifrom

i Online i Site

Discount iattracts iyou ito ibuy iCookies ifrom iOnline

i Site

Advertisement iattracts iyou ito ibuy iCookies ifrom

i Online i Site

Packaging iattracts iyou ito ibuy iCookies ifrom

i Online i Site

11. iHow ito iincrease iawareness iof iCookies iare iavailable iin ionline isites? iRate ithe
i attributes i in i 1 i to i5 i scale i where i1-extreme i low i and i5- i extreme ihigh. i *

Attributes Extreme Low Moderate High Extreme

i High
i Low

TV iCommercial iAds

Social iMedia iCampaigning

Online iSite i(Netflix, iHotstar, iAmazon iPrime)

i Promotional i Ads

You-Tube iAds

26 | P a g e
12. iWill iyou iprefer ito ibuy iCookies ifrom iOnline iafter ithis isurvey? iRate iin i1 ito i5 iscale
i where i 1 i -Least iPreferred i and i 5-Mostly i Preferred. i *

Least iPreferred Most iPreferred

1 2 3 4 5

13. iWill iyou irefer ito iother ipeople ito ibuy iCookies ifrom iOnline? i*

27 | P a g e


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1. Indian iJournal iof iMarketing i

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4. ICFAI iMarketing iMaster iMind
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1. Economic iTimes
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