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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

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Pediatric Oral Formulations: An Updated Review of Commercially

Available Pediatric Oral Formulations Since 2007
Robert G. Strickley*

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Oral pediatric formulations are either ready-to-use or require manipulation and multiuse or single-use.
Received 6 August 2018 Strong encouragement for preservative-free pediatric formulations has resulted in fewer multiuse so-
Revised 23 October 2018 lutions or suspensions in favor of single-use solid oral dosage forms. This updated review covering new
Accepted 7 November 2018
pediatric formulations marketed in the United States of America, Europe, and Japan spanning the years
Available online 14 November 2018
2007 to mid-2018 identified 16 types of pediatric oral formulations of which 7 are ready-to-use and 9
require manipulation, and 51 total new pediatric oral formulations of which 21 are ready-to-use and 30
formulation require manipulation. Ready-to-use formulations include oral solution, oral suspension, oral soluble film,
oral drug delivery tablet, scored tablets, orally disintegrating tablet, chewable tablet, and mini-tablets. Formulations
pediatric requiring manipulation include sprinkle capsule, powder for oral solution, powder for oral suspension,
granules for oral suspension, oral powder, oral granules, tablet, dispersible tablet, dispersible scored
tablet, tablet for oral suspension, and mini-tablets (oral granules). Significant advances in packaging
technology include filling mini-tablets, granules, or powders into sachets, stick packets, blisters, and 2-
piece capsules. The future of pediatric oral formulations will increasingly be with user-friendly, preser-
vative-free, taste-masked formulations including multiparticulate single-use solid dosage forms
including mini-tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, and sprinkle capsules with or without a specialized
package configuration.
© 2019 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction and Japan that began commercialization starting in 2007 to the

present (mid-2018). This review does not cover generics, over-the-
Pediatric formulations continue to be scientifically challenging counter products, or parenterals. Although many new oral pediatric
and there have been many advances since the author’s previous drug products were identified, and the author attempted to be
review published in 2008.1 The most significant advance has been comprehensive, there will be commercial products that were not
the strong encouragement for preservative-free pediatric formu- identified, but this review provides the reader with an update in the
lations that has resulted in fewer multiuse solutions or suspensions trends and listing of newly approved oral pediatric formulations.
in favor of single-use solid oral dosage forms including mini-tablets Many of the recent advancements in pediatric formulations
(also known as granules), orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs), were spurred initially by far-sighted government regulation in-
single-use powder for oral suspension or oral solution, oral soluble centives encouraging development of pediatric formulations. Now
films and multiple multiparticulates including sprinkle capsules, the development of pediatric formulation(s) is standard practice
oral powders, oral granules, and manipulated mini-tablets. A and is normally conducted when the new chemical entity is in
consequence of the trend to single-use solid oral dosage forms has phase 2 clinical trials. Pediatric formulations in recent years have
also resulted in significant advances in packaging technology in been an active area of international interest including a theme issue
powder-filling or granule-filling into sachets, stick packets, blisters, in AAPS PharmSciTech2 in 2017, a book3 in 2014, an Arden Con-
and capsules. ference4 in 2014, a review in 2014 on challenges and progress,5 and
This updated review attempts to capture the newly approved a review in 2013 of prescription and over-the-counter pediatric
oral pediatric drug products in the United State of America, Europe, medications for allergic rhinitis, cough, and cold.6 A European
perspective7 discussed a focus on mini-tablets, orodispersible films,
Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
excipient safety, and adequate user instructions (along with useful
* Correspondence to: Robert G. Strickley (Telephone: þ1-650-278-6871). references). There has been more attention to primary packaging8
E-mail address: (R.G. Strickley). and delivery devices.9
0022-3549/© 2019 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1336 R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Pediatric oral formulations have some similarity to geriatric

formulations for older adults because both populations have similar
challenges including swallowing.10-12 Some key considerations in
the development of these formulations include efficacy and ease of
use, safety, and patient access.11,13 Many pediatric oral formulations
require manipulation before use, and authorized instructions are
provided, but in practice, there is sometimes nonauthorized com-
pounding or manipulation of a drug product.14
It is the author’s opinion that mini-tablets will be the future of
pediatric oral formulations. Mini-tablets range in diameter of 2-4
mm and are manufactured using multitip tablet compression
tooling with 2-mm tooling shown in Figure 1 and 2-mm mini-
tablets shown in Figure 2. As of this writing, mini-tablets are not
administered individually but are packaged and administered with
20 mini-tablets in sachet. Mini-tablets are currently called gran-
ules and may bring into question the definition of a tablet. There
has been significant amount of research to determine at what age a
child can safely be administered an individual mini-tablet, and for a
placebo 2-mm diameter uncoated16 or coated17 mini-tablet, that
age has been determined to be as young a 2-28 days by observa-
tions of the child and feedback from the parent of caregiver, and
indeed mini-tablets were determined to be preferred over an oral
suspension and oral powder. Another study showed that placebo 4-
mm diameter uncoated mini-tablets can be administered to chil-
dren from 1 year of age.18 Another study showed that children from
2 years of age were able to be administered 5 to 10 placebo mini-
tablets on a spoon or with fruit jelly soft food.19 A recent clinical
study showed that administration of 25 uncoated mini-tablets (2
mm in diameter and height) is well-tolerated, feasible, and safe in
children aged as young as 6 months and was superior to the
equivalent dose of syrup.20
The literature on mini-tablets goes back to 1989 with an article
using 3-mm diameter coated mini-tablets of a mass of 20 mg for
the controlled release of theophylline using 20 mini-tablets in a
capsule.21 The literature on mini-tablets appears to have increased
starting in 2009 with a publication on the ability of children 2 to 6
years of age to swallow a 3-mm uncoated placebo mini-tablet as a
new modality to deliver medicines to preschool-aged children.22
The literature on mini-tablets includes, in chronological order,
orally disintegrating mini-tablets,23 treatment of infants aged 6-30
months with cystic fibrosis with 2-mm mini-tablets,24 delayed
release 2- to 4-mm mini-tablets,25 levamisole filmecoated 5- to 8- Figure 2. (a) Mini-tablets of 2-mm diameter on a U.S. penny. (b) Multiple mini-tablets
mm mini-tablets,26 orally disintegrating films and mini-tablets,27 of 2-mm diameter and height in relation to a $1 U.S. coin.15
the acceptability of 2-mm uncoated mini-tablets in neonates of
age 2-28 days compared to a syrup,15 a review article28 in 2014, and Age-appropriate considerations are important for pediatric oral
understanding the manufacturing factors that control the quality of formulations, and Table 1 lists the pediatric age range, approximate
the mini-tablet compression process.29 mass, classification, current dosage forms, and proposed dosage
Soft foods are often used to mix pediatric oral formulations, and
a recent regulatory Food and Drug Administration draft guidance
was published online.30 The draft guidance included a table, which
is reproduced in Table 2, of a listing of soft food with their pH
values, which are all slightly to moderately acidic with a pH range of
This updated review spanning the years 2007 to mid-2018
identified 16 types of pediatric oral formulations of which 7 are
ready-to-use and 9 require manipulation and 51 total new pediatric
oral formulations of which 21 are ready-to-use and 30 require
manipulation. The bar chart in Figure 3 shows the occurrences for
the various types of pediatric oral formulations identified in this
updated review: 12 multiparticulates (6 sprinkle capsules, 2 oral
powders, 3 oral granules, and 1 manipulated mini-tablet known as
oral granules), 7 oral solutions, 6 granules for oral suspension, 5 oral
suspensions, 5 tablets ready-to-use, 3 powders for oral solution, 2
Figure 1. Multitip 2-mm tooling for manufacture of mini-tablets. manipulated tablets, 2 scored tablets, 2 powder for oral suspension,
R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365 1337

Table 1
Age-Appropriate Pediatric Oral Formulations: Current and Proposed

Age Mass (kg) Classification Age-Appropriate Dosage Forms, Current Age-Appropriate Dosage Forms, Proposed

<3 Preterm infant Nasogastric tube using solution or suspension Nasogastric tube using tablets for oral
(ready-to-use or powder or granules for suspension
0-28 d 3-5 Term new born infants Solution or suspension (ready-to-use or powder Tablets for oral suspension
or granules for constitution)
1 mo-2 y 5-10 Infants and Toddlers Solution, suspension, mini-tablets, ODT Mini-tablet(s)
2-6 y 10-25 Children (preschool) Mini-tablets, ODT, sprinkle powder, oral
powder, oral granules
6-12 y <25 Children (school) Chewable tablets, ODT Chewable tablets, ODT, mini-tablets
12-18 y >25 Adolescent Small tablets, capsules Small tablets, capsules, mini-tablets
>18 y >40 Adult Tablets, capsules Tablets, capsules, mini-tablets

and 1 each of mini-tablet ready-to-use, oral soluble film, ODT, Technology (DS Technology) that is a subsidiary of the company
chewable tablet, dispersible tablet, tablet for oral suspension, and Harro Ho € fliger. The XStraw® is a drinking straw filled with exactly
concentrated oral suspension. The decision on the type of pediatric the required dosage in the form of pellets and is made of poly-
oral formulation to develop depends on multiple factors and propylene and an air-tight packaging in an aluminum blister; thus,
properties of the drug substance, and Figure 4 is a suggested special storage conditions are not required.32
decision-making flow-chart with yes and no decision points start- Some innovative delivery devices are under development
ing with the decision to develop a preserved or preservative-free including a mini-tablet dispenser and a multiparticulate dispenser.
formulation, then upon drug substance properties of acceptable The sMTS is a smart mini-tablet dispenser with a rotation compo-
taste-masking, then water soluble, and then chemically stable. The nent for controlled release of tablets (Fig. 6).33 Sympfiny™ is an
left half of Figure 4 are preserved multiuse or single-use formula- innovative system for dosing and dispensing multiparticulate, dry
tions, whereas the right half are preservative-free single-use for- powder, and microsphere drug formulations for oral delivery
mulations. Another decision tree based on taste masking (Fig. 7).34 Designed with the entire supply chain in mind, the sys-
approaches to age-appropriate formulations was intended to tem Sympfiny™ fits common bottle sizes and can be prefilled or
be a rational and practical proposal that may be applied during filled at a pharmacy. The internal valve and bottle cap protect the
development.31 drug through storage and use. The reusable syringe comes in 2 sizes
Some alternative and innovative oral pediatric formulations and has selectable dose settings.
include a drinking straw and an XStraw®, as shown in Figure 5. The Overall, the trend in pediatric oral formulations is toward flex-
Clarosip® drinking straw from IP technology by Grünenthal GmbH ible solid dosage forms as recommended in a 2008 World Health
was introduced in 2006, but discontinued in 2009, and it was a Organization report35 and another World Health Organization
drinking straw that contained a premeasured dose of the antibiotic report from 2011 and 2012.36,37
clarithromycin in a formulation of coated taste-masked granules
and was administered with a pulp-free beverage of the patient’s Methodology
choice, cold or hot. The XStraw® appears to be in development and
is a potential new product from the company Dose Sipping New oral pediatric formulations were identified at their time of
approval by daily news letters from APhA’s Pharmacy Today
( as a main source of daily information. The
Table 2 prescribing information for that specific drug product is the source
Soft Foods and Their pH Values From an FDA Draft Guidance Document25 of the formulation information. The pictures are images from the
Soft Food pH Range
internet after a search for the drug product.

Apples (puree) 3.34-3.90

Applesauce 3.35-4.00 Ready-to-Use Oral Formulations
Baby food, unstrained 5.95-6.05
Bananas (puree) 4.5-5.2 Ready-to-use pediatric oral formulations are available as many
Buttermilk 4.41-4.83
types including solution, suspension, oral soluble film, and multiple
Carrots (puree) 5.88-6.40
Chocolate pudding 5.5-6.0 types of tablets including small tablet, scored tablet, ODT, chewable
Coconut milk 6.1-7.0 tablet, and mini-tablets. Table 3 is a listing of identified ready-to-
Cranberry juice 2.30-2.52 use pediatric oral formulations that were commercialized be-
Fruit jellies 3.0-3.5 tween the years 2007 and mid-2018.
Grapefruit juice 2.90-3.25
Honey 3.7-4.2
Infant formula 5.7-6.0 Oral Solutions
Maple syrup 4.6-5.15
Milk 6.4-6.8
Oral solutions were a standard multiuse type of aqueous-based
Orange juice 3.30-4.19
Orange marmalade 3.00-3.33 pediatric formulation until the recent trend toward preservative-
Peanut butter 6.28 free formulations.
Pineapple juice 3.3-3.6
Rice pudding 4-5
Soybean milk 7 Organic-Based Oral Solution
Strawberries 3.0-3.9
Strawberry jam 3.3-3.4 Epidiolex® (cannabidiol) oral solution from Greenwich Bio-
Yogurt 4.4-5.0 sciences, Inc., was approved in 2017 for the treatment of seizures
associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) or Dravet
1338 R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

8 ManipulaƟon Required

Figure 3. Bar chart of the occurrence in this updated review of oral pediatric formulations from 2007 to mid-2018. Notes that multiparticulates include sprinkle capsules, oral
powders, oral granules, and mini-tablet for manipulation.

syndrome with a dose of 2.5-5 mg/kg twice daily using a dose propylparaben (0.3 mg/mL), ammonium glycyrrhizate, glycerol,
volume of 0.025-0.50 mL/kg of a preservative-free organic-based maltitol liquid 300 mg/mL, acesulfame potassium, grapefruit fla-
100 mg/mL formulation containing ethanol, sesame seed oil, vor, and water.
strawberry flavor, and sucralose. Buccolam® (midazolam) oral solution from Shire Pharmaceuti-
cals and ViroPharma was approved in 2011 for the treatment of
Aqueous-Based Oral Solutions seizures and is available in prefilled age-specific syringes with unit
doses of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg, or 10 mg in volumes of 0.5 mL, 1 mL,
Epaned® (enalapril maleate) oral solution from Silvergate 1.5 mL, or 2 mL of a 5 mg/mL preservative-free formulation con-
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., was approved in 2017 as a ready-to-use taining sodium chloride and water with pH 3.3 (HCl or NaOH).
replacement to the kit that required manipulation and included a Buccolam® oral solution is oromucosal midazolam that provides for
bottle of powder and a bottle of Ora-Sweet diluent. Epaned® is convenient buccal (i.e., via the cavity between the cheek and gum)
indicated for the treatment of hypertension with a dose of 0.08 mg/ delivery. Buccolam® (midazolam) oral solution appears to be only
kg up to 5 mg once daily using a dose volume of 0.08 mL/kg up to 5 available in the United Kingdom, European Union, and European
mL of a 1 mg/mL formulation containing citric acid, mixed berry Economic Area.
flavor, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, sucralose and water. Zofran® (ondansetron HCl) oral solution from GlaxoSmithKline
Desitrend® (levetiracetam) oral solution from Desitin Phar- was approved in 2013 for the treatment of nausea with a thrice-
maceuticals GmbH was approved in 2011 for the treatment of daily dose of 4 mg for age 4-11 years or 8 mg for age 12-17 years
seizures with a dose of 10-30 mg/kg twice daily using a dose using dose volumes of 5 mL or 10 mL of a 0.8 mg/mL formulation
volume of 0.1-0.3 mL/kg of a 100 mg/mL formulation containing containing citric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, sorbitol,
sodium citrate, citric acid, methylparaben (2.7 mg/mL), strawberry flavor, and water.

Figure 4. Suggested decision-making flow-chart in the choice of a pediatric oral formulation.

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365 1339

Figure 5. Alternative pediatric oral formulations. (a) Drinking straw was introduced in 2006 but discontinued in 2009. (b-d) XStraw® is in development.31

Hemangeol™ (propranolol HCl) oral solution from Pierre Fabre using a dose volume of 0.0625-0.125 mL/kg of a 20 mg/mL
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., was approved in 2014 for the treatment of formulation containing xanthan gum, aspartame, raspberry juice,
proliferating infantile hemangioma requiring systemic therapy sucrose, methylparaben, propylparaben, and water.
with a dose 0.6-1.7 mg/kg twice daily using a dose volume of 0.15- Noxafil® (posaconazole) from Merck was approved in 2006 as an
0.4 mL/kg of a 4.28 mg/mL (equivalent to 3.75 mg/mL propranolol) antifungal with a dose of 100-400 mg using a dose volume 2.5-10
containing strawberry and vanilla flavorings, hydroxyethyl cellu- mL of a 40 mg/mL formulation containing polysorbate 80, sime-
lose, saccharin sodium, citric acid, and water. If necessary, the thicone, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, citric acid, glycerin,
product may be diluted in a small quantity of milk or fruit juice, xanthan gum, liquid glucose, titanium dioxide, artificial cherry
given in a baby’s bottle. flavor, and water. Use the provided plastic calibrated spoon to
Prexxartan™ (valsartan) oral solution from Medicure Pharma, measure and administer the dose.
Inc., was approved in 2017 as an ACE inhibitor for the treatment of
hypertension with a twice-daily dose of 0.65-1.35 mg/kg (up to 40-
160 mg) using a dose volume 0.16-0.34 mL/kg (up to 10-40 mL) of a
4 mg/mL formulation containing grape flavor, methylparaben,
poloxamer 188, potassium sorbate, propylene glycol, sodium cit-
rate, sucralose, and water. Diovan (valsartan) oral solution from
Novartis is available in Europe at a concentration of 3 mg/mL.

Oral Suspensions

Onfi® (clobazam) oral suspension from Lundbeck was approved

in 2011 for the treatment of seizure only with LGS with a dose of 5-
40 mg using a dose volume of 2-16 mL of a 2.5 mg/mL formulation
containing magnesium aluminum silicate, xanthan gum, citric acid,
disodium phosphate, simethicone emulsion, polysorbate 80,
methylparaben, propylparaben, PG, sucralose, maltitol solution,
berry flavor, and water.
Felbatol® (felbamate) oral suspension from Meda Pharmaceu-
ticals was approved in 2011 also for the treatment of seizure only
with LGS with a 3 or 4 timesedaily dose of 15-45 mg/kg/d using a
dose volume of 0.031-0.12 mL/kg of a 120 mg/mL formulation
containing sorbitol, glycerin, microcrystalline cellulose,
carboxymethyl-cellulose sodium, simethicone, polysorbate 80,
methylparaben, saccharin sodium, propylparaben, FD&C Yellow No.
6, FD&C Red No. 40, flavorings, and water.
Purixan™ (mercaptopurine) oral suspension from Rare Disease
Therapeutics, Inc., was approved in 2014 for the treatment of acute Figure 6. The sMTS is a smart mini-tablet dispenser with a rotation component for
lymphoblastic leukemia with a once-daily dose of 1.5-2.5 mg/kg controlled release of tablets.32
1340 R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Figure 7. (a and b) Sympfiny™ is an innovative system for dosing and dispensing multiparticulates, dry powder, and microsphere, drug formulations for oral delivery.33

Banzel® (rufinamide) oral suspension from Eisai was approved formulation containing croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stea-
in 2015 also for the treatment of seizure only with LGS with a twice- rate, and povidone. The Aptiom® tablets are administered whole or
daily dose of 5-22.5 mg/kg up to 1600 mg using a dose volume can be crushed.
0.125-0.56 mL/kg up to 40 mL of a 40 mg/mL formulation con- Viread® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) low-dose tablets (150
taining microcrystalline cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose sodium, mg, 200 mg, and 250 mg) from Gilead Sciences were approved in
hydroxyethyl cellulose, citric acid, simethicone emulsion, polox- 2017 as an antiviral with a daily dose determined by body mass
amer 188, methylparaben, propylparaben, propylene glycol, po- with 17-22 kg one 150-mg tablet, 22-28 kg one 200-mg tablet, 28-
tassium sorbate, sorbitol solution 70% (~30% water), and orange 35 kg one 250-mg tablet, and >35 kg one 300-mg adult tablet in a
flavor. preservative-free formulation containing croscarmellose sodium,
lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellu-
Oral Soluble Films lose, and pregelatinized starch. The Viread® tablets are adminis-
tered whole and should not be crushed. See Viread® Oral Powder
Zuplenz® (ondansetron) oral soluble film from Strativa Pharma- for a measurable pediatric formulation.
ceuticals, the proprietary products division of Par Pharmaceutical, Orkambi® tablets is a fixed-dose combination of lumacaftor and
was approved in 2010 for the prevention of nausea- and vomiting- ivacaftor (100 mg and 125 mg, or 200 mg and 125 mg) from Vertex
associated chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or postoperative nausea and approved in 2015 for the treatment of cystic fibrosis with a twice-
with unit doses of 4 mg or 8 mg for a dose of one 4-mg film 3 times a daily dose determined by age of 6-11 years a dose of two 100 mg/125
day of a preservative-free formulation containing butylated hydrox- mg tablets, and 12 years a dose of two 200 mg/125 mg tablets in a
ytoluene, calcium carbonate, colloidal silicon dioxide, erythritol, preservative-free formulation containing microcrystalline cellulose,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose acetate succinate, magnesium
peppermint flavor, polyethylene oxide, sodium bicarbonate, sucra- stearate, povidone, and sodium lauryl sulfate. See Orkambi® oral
lose, titanium dioxide, and xanthan gum. The film’s surface areas are granules for ages <6 years.
0.55 in2 and 1.09 in2. The film is applied on top of the tongue where it
will dissolve in 4 to 20 s and then is swallowed with saliva and does Scored Tablets
not require water to aid dissolution or swallowing. In 2015, Galena Banzel® (rufinamide) scored tablets from Eisai were approved in
Biopharma, Inc., announced the launch for Zuplenz® (ondansetron) 2009 for the treatment of seizure only with LGS with a twice-daily
oral soluble film in the United States. dose of 5-22.5 mg/kg up to 1600 mg using scored tablets of unit
doses 200 mg or 400 mg of a preservative-free formulation con-
Tablets, Ready-to-Use taining colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, croscarmellose so-
dium, hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate,
Multiple types of ready-to-use tablets are available as pediatric and microcrystalline cellulose. The Banzel® tablets can be swal-
oral formulations including small tablets, scored tablets, ODTs, lowed whole, cut in half, or crushed.
chewable tablets, and mini-tablets.
Orally Disintegrating Tablets
Tablets Zofran ODT® (ondansetron, free base) ODTs from Glax-
Tivicay® (dolutegravir sodium) from ViiV Healthcare was oSmithKline were approved in 2013 for the treatment of nausea
approved in 2013 as an antiviral with a once-daily dose of 35 mg or with a thrice-daily dose of 4 mg for age 4-11 years or 8 mg for age
50 mg using tablets of unit doses of 10 mg, 25 mg, or 50 mg in a 12-17 years using unit dose ODT of 4 mg or 8 mg of a freeze-dried
preservative-free formulation containing mannitol, microcrystal- Zydis® formulation containing aspartame, gelatin, mannitol,
line cellulose, povidone, sodium starch glycolate, and sodium methylparaben, propylparaben, and strawberry flavor. The Zofran
stearyl fumarate. The Tivicay® tablets are administered whole. ODT® is administered orally whole and rapidly disintegrates on the
Aptiom® (eslicarbazepine acetate, a prodrug) from Sunovion tongue and does not require water to aid dissolution or swallowing.
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., was approved in 2013 for the treatment of
partial-onset seizures with a once-daily dose of 200-1200 mg using Chewable Tablets
tablets of unit doses of 200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg, or 800 mg, all of Isentress® (raltegravir) chewable tablets from Merck were
which are scored except the 400 mg, in a preservative-free approved in 2014 as an antiviral with a twice-daily dose of 75 mg,
Table 3
Pediatric Formulations Marketed since 2007: Ready-To-Use

Drug Name/Marketed Name/Year Marketed Formulation/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
approved/Country Storage/Package Listed in Package Insert)

Cannabidiol/Epidiolex®/2017/EU/USA Oral Solution/room 100 mg/mL 2.5-5 mg/kg (b)i.d. dose Ethanol None Greenwich Biosciences,
temperature/bottle, volume: 0.025-0.50 Sesame seed oil Inc./Treatment of
100 mL mL/kg Strawberry flavor seizures associated with
Sucralose preservative-free Lennox-Gastaut
syndrome or Dravet
Clobazam/Onfi®/2011/USA Oral suspension/room 2.5 mg/mL 5 mg-40 mg dose Magnesium aluminum silicate None Lundbeck/anti-seizure only
Epaclob® in France, Ireland, Germany temperature/bottle volume: 2-16 mL Xanthan gum with Lennox-Gastaut
and Italy; and Silocalm® in Denmark, with, bottle adapter, Citric acid syndrome (LGS)
Spain and Iceland by Martindale 2 plastic 10-mL Disodium phosphate
Pharma syringes Simethicone emulsion
Polysorbate 80

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Maltitol solution
Berry flavor

Dolutegravir sodium/Tivicay®/2013/EU/ Tablet/room 10 mg, 25 mg, or 50 mg 35 mg qd Mannitol None ViiV Healthcare,

USA/Japan temperature/bottles 30-40 kg Microcrystalline cellulose GlaxoSmithKline/
50 mg qd at least 40 kg Povidone Antiviral
Sodium starch glycolate
Sodium stearyl fumarate
Enalapril/Epaned®/2017/USA Oral solution/room 1 mg/mL 0.08 mg/kg up to 5 mg Citric acid None Silvergate Pharmaceuticals,
temperature/bottle, QD Mixed berry flavor Inc./Hypertension
150 mL dose volume: 0.08 mL/ Sodium benzoate
kg Sodium citrate
Eslicarbazepine acetate (prodrug)/ Tablets/room 200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg, 200-1200 mg qd Croscarmellose sodium None or can be crushed Sunovion Pharmaceuticals,
Aptiom®/2013/EU/USA Zebinix in temperature/bottle 800 mg all are scored Magnesium stearate Inc./treatment of partial-
Europe by Eisai tablets, except the 400 Povidone preservative-free onset seizures
(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Name/Year Marketed Formulation/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
approved/Country Storage/Package Listed in Package Insert)

Felbamate/Felbatol®/2011/USA Oral suspension/room 120 mg/mL 15-45 mg/kg/d t.i.d or Sorbitol None Meda Pharmaceuticals/
temperature/bottles, q.i.d dose volume: Glycerin Antiseizure only with
8 oz. and 32 oz. 0.031-0.12 mL/kg Microcrystalline cellulose Lennox-Gastaut
Carboxymethylcellulose syndrome (LGS)

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Polysorbate 80
Saccharin sodium
FD&C Yellow No. 6
FD&C Red No. 40
Levetiracetam/Desitrend®/2011/EU Oral solution/room 100 mg/mL 10 mg/kg - 30 mg/kg (b) Sodium citrate None Desitin Pharmaceuticals
temperature/glass i.d. dose volume: 0.1- Citric acid GmbH/Antiepileptic,
bottle, 300 mL, and a 0.3 mL/kg Methylparaben 2.7 mg/mL treat seizures in epilepsy
1-mL oral syringe, Oral solution for infants Propylparaben 0.3 mg/mL
graduated every 0.05 and children under Ammonium glycyrrhizate
mL the age of 6 y Glycerol
Maltitol liquid 300 mg/mL
Acesulfame potassium
Grapefruit flavor
Levetiracetam/Desitin®/2011/EU Mini-tablets/room 250 mg, 500 mg, or 1000 10 mg/kg - 30 mg/kg (b) Povidone K30 None, or coated Desitin Pharmaceuticals
temperature/stick mg per packet mini- i.d. Microcrystalline cellulose granules may also be GmbH/Antiepileptic,
packets tablets are 2 mm in Mini-tablets for Silica colloidal anhydrous suspended by treat seizures in epilepsy
diameter with 5 mg children >6 y Magnesium stearate shaking for a
levetiracetam per mini- Poly(vinyl alcohol) minimum of 2 min in
tablet Titanium dioxide at least 10 mL of
PEG 3350 water and
Talc administered via a
preservative-free feeding tube that
should be rinsed
twice with 10 mL of
water each,
immediately after
R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365
Lumacaftor and Ivacaftor/Orkambi®/ Tablets/RT/blister Lumacaftor 100 mg and Age 6 through 11 y: 2 Microcrystalline cellulose None Vertex/Treatment of cystic
2015/USA ivacaftor 125 mg or tablets (each Croscarmellose sodium fibrosis in patients age 2
lumacaftor 200 mg and containing Hypromellose acetate succinate y and older who have 2
ivacaftor 125 mg lumacaftor 100 mg/ Magnesium stearate copies of the F508del
ivacaftor 125 mg) Povidone mutation (F508del/
Age 12 y and older: 2 Sodium lauryl sulfate F508del) in their CFTR
tablets (each preservative-free gene
lumacaftor 200 mg/
ivacaftor 125 mg)
Taken orally every 12 h
with fat-containing

Mercaptopurine/Purixan™/2014/USA Oral suspension/room 20 mg/mL 1.5-2.5 mg/kg qd dose Xanthan gum None Rare disease therapeutics,
temperature/bottle, volume: 0.0625- Aspartame Inc./treatment of acute
100 mL 0.125 mL/kg Raspberry juice lymphoblastic leukemia
Sucrose (ALL)
(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Name/Year Marketed Formulation/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
approved/Country Storage/Package Listed in Package Insert)

Midazolam/Buccolam /2011/UK, Oral solution/room 5 mg/mL 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg or Sodium chloride Nonedprefilled syringe Shire Pharmaceuticals
European Union and The European temperature, do not 10 mg dose volume: Sodium hydroxide Buccal administration Limited and ViroPharma/
Economic Area refrigerate or freeze/ 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1.5 mL, Hydrochloric acid Treatment of prolonged,
Midazolam has odor prefilled syringe 2 mL Water pH ¼ 2.9-3.7 acute, convulsive
preservative-free seizures in infants,
toddlers, children and
adolescents (from 3 mo
to <18 y).

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Ondansetron/Zuplenz®/2010/USA Oral soluble film/room 4 mg and 8 mg Pediatric patients 4 y Butylated hydroxytoluene None Strativa Pharmaceuticals,
European Markets under the brand temperature/packets Dimensions: 0.55 in2 and through 11 y of age Calcium carbonate Applied on top of the the proprietary products
Setofilm® of 10 per box 1.09 in2 One 4 mg film 3 times a Colloidal silicon dioxide tongue where it will division of Par
d Erythritol dissolve in 4 to 20 s Pharmaceutical (In 2015
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and then is Galena Biopharma)/
Monoammonium swallowed with prevention of nausea and
glycyrrhizinate saliva, does not vomiting-associated
Peppermint flavor require water to aid chemotherapy,
Polyethylene oxide dissolution or radiotherapy, or
Sodium bicarbonate swallowing postoperative nausea
Titanium dioxide
Xanthan gum preservative-free
Ondansetron HCl in oral solution, free 1. Oral Solution, 2. (1) Age 4-11: 4 mg t.i.d. (1) Oral solution: (1) GlaxoSmithKline/
base in orally disintegrating tablets/ Orally Disintegrating 4 mg/5 mL (0.8 mg/mL) dose volume: 5 mL None prevention of nausea
Zofran® and Zofran ODT®/2013/EU, Tablets/1. 15 C-30 C, (2) Age 12-17: 8 mg t.i.d. Citric acid (2)
USA 2. 2 C-30 C/1. Bottle, 4 mg or 8 mg dose volume: 10 mL Sodium benzoate None, rapidly
50 mL, 2. Blisters Sodium citrate disintegrates on the
(pictured) Sorbitol tongue and does not
Strawberry flavor require water to aid
Water dissolution or
(2) ODT (freeze-dried, Zydis®):

Propylparaben Strawberry

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Posaconazole/Noxafil®/2006/EU, USA Oral suspension/Room 40 mg/mL 100 mg-400 mg Polysorbate 80 None Merck/Antifungal
temperature/Bottle, Ages 13-17 y Simethicone Use the provided plastic
105 mL, supplied After a full meal Sodium benzoate calibrated spoon to
with a plastic dosing Dose volume: 2.5-10 Sodium citrate measure and
spoon calibrated for mL Citric acid administer the dose
measuring 2.5 mL Glycerin
and 5 mL. Xanthan gum
Liquid glucose
Titanium dioxide
Artificial cherry flavor
(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Name/Year Marketed Formulation/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
approved/Country Storage/Package Listed in Package Insert)

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Propranolol HCl/Hemangeol™/2014/ Oral solution/Room 4.28 mg/mL (equivalent to 0.6 mg/kg-1.7 mg/kg Strawberry and vanilla None Pierre Fabre
USA temperature, do not 3.75 mg/mL propranolol) b.i.d. flavorings If necessary, the Pharmaceuticals, Inc./
freeze. dose volume: 0.15-0.4 Hydroxyethyl cellulose product may be Proliferating infantile
The product can be kept mL/kg Saccharin sodium diluted in a small hemangioma requiring
for 2 mo after first Citric acid quantity of milk or systemic therapy.
opening./Bottle, 120 Water fruit juice, given in a
mL preservative-free baby’s bottle.
Raltegravir/Isentress®/2014/EU, USA Chewable tablets/Room 25 mg unscored or 100 mg 75 mg, 100 mg or 150 Ammonium hydroxide None Merck/Antiviral
temperature/Bottle scored (pictured) mg (b)i.d. Crospovidone
with desiccant 75 mg: three 25 mg Ethylcellulose 20 cP
100 mg: one 100 mg Fructose
150 mg: 1 and half 100 Hydroxypropyl cellulose
mg, 1 scored into Hypromellose 2910/6cP
equal halves Magnesium stearate
Medium chain triglycerides
Natural flavors (orange, banana,
with aspartame)
Oleic acid
PEG 400
Saccharin sodium
Sodium citrate
Sodium stearyl fumarate
Yellow iron oxide
100 mg scored

Rufinamide/Banzel®/2009 (tablet) (1) (1) 5-22.5 mg/kg up to (1) Tablets: (1) Eisai/treatment of seizures
2015 (suspension)/USA Tablet Scored Tablets: 200 mg, 400 mg 1600 mg Tablets: None or associated with Lennox-
Inovelon® in EU and Japan (2) (2) b.i.d. Colloidal silicon dioxide tablets can be Gastaut Syndrome (LGS)
Oral Suspension/ Oral suspension: 40 mg/ dose volume: 0.125- Corn starch swallowed whole,
Room temperature/ mL 0.56 mL/kg up to 40 Croscarmellose sodium cut in half or crushed
Bottle mL Hypromellose (2)
Lactose monohydrate Oral suspension:
Magnesium stearate none
Microcrystalline cellulose

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

(2) Oral suspension: Micro-
crystalline cellulose

Hydroxyethyl cellulose
Citric acid
Simethicone emulsion
Poloxamer 188
Propylene glycol
Potassium sorbate
Sorbitol solution 70% (~30%
Orange flavor
200 mg tablet, scored

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/Viread®/ Tablets/Room 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, 17-22 g: 150 mg Croscarmellose sodium None Gilead Sciences/Antiviral
2017 (150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg temperature/Bottle 300 mg 22-28 kg: 200 mg Lactose monohydrate
tablets)/EU, USA, Japan 28-35 kg: 250 mg Magnesium stearate
35 kg: 300 mg Microcrystalline cellulose
qd Pregelatinized starch
(continued on next page)

1348 R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

100 mg, or 150 mg using unit dose tablets of 25 mg and a scored

Medicure Pharma, Inc./ACE

inhibitor - hypertension
100 mg of a preservative-free formulation of ammonium hydrox-
ide, crospovidone, ethylcellulose 20 cP, fructose, hydroxypropyl

cellulose, hypromellose 2910/6cP, magnesium stearate, mannitol,

medium chain triglycerides, monoammonium glycyrrhizinate,
natural flavors (orange, banana, with aspartame), oleic acid, PEG
400, saccharin sodium, sodium citrate, sodium stearyl fumarate,
sorbitol, sucralose, and yellow iron oxide. See Isentress® powder for
oral suspension for a measurable dosage form.

Desitin® (levetiracetam) mini-tablets from Desitin Pharmaceu-
ticals GmbH was approved in 2011 for the treatment of seizures in
epilepsy for children aged >6 years with a twice-daily dose 10-30

mg/kg using unit dose stick packs of 250 mg, 500 mg, or 1000 mg

per packet of a preservative-free formulation containing povidone

K30, microcrystalline cellulose, silica colloidal anhydrous, magne-
sium stearate, poly(vinyl alcohol), titanium dioxide, PEG 3350, and
talc. The entire packet of Desitin® (levetiracetam) mini-tablets is
administered orally. The Desitin® mini-tablets are 2 mm in diam-
Listed in Package Insert)
Inactive in Formulation (as

eter with 5 mg levetiracetam per mini-tablet.

Potassium sorbate
Propylene glycol

Oral Formulations Requiring Maninuplation

Poloxamer 188

Sodium citrate
Grape flavor


Pediatric oral formulations that require manipulation are


available as many types including concentrated suspension, pow-

der for oral solution, powder for oral suspension, granules for oral
suspension, multiple types of tablets including scored tablet,
dose volume: 0.16-0.34
0.65-1.35 mg/kg (up to

dispersible scored tablet, tablet for oral suspension, and multiple

mL/kg (up to 10-40
40-160 mg) (b)i.d.

microparticulates including sprinkle capsules, oral powder, oral

granules, and manipulated mini-tablets. Table 4 is a listing of
identified pediatric oral formulations that require manipulation
and were commercialized between the years 2007 and mid-2018.


Multiparticulates include sprinkle capsules, oral powders, oral

granules, and a manipulated mini-tablet.
Active in Formulation

Sprinkle Capsules
Powder filled into 2-piece gelatin or hydroxypropyl methylcel-
lulose capsules can be sprinkled onto soft foods or added to drinks.
4 mg/mL

Sustiva® (efazirenz) from Bristol-Meyers Squibb is an antiviral

and is available in 50 mg and 100 mg 2-piece hard gelatin capsules
that can be opened and the contents added to 1-2 teaspoons of
Marketed Formulation/

120 mL and 473 mL

soft food such as applesauce, grape jelly, yogurt, or 10 mL of infant

Oral Solution/Room

formula in a small container and then administered with a spoon


or syringe. The preservative-free composition includes lactose

monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and
sodium starch glycolate.
Cholbam® (cholic acid) from Manchester Pharmaceutical was
approved in 2015 for the treatment of bile acid synthesis disorders
due to single enzyme defects with a once-daily dose or divided into
Diovan in Europe, 3 mg/mL (160 mL)

2 dose of 10-15 mg/kg using a unit dose 2-piece capsule of 50 mg of

a preservative-free formulation containing silicified microcrystal-
Drug Name/Marketed Name/Year

line cellulose, magnesium stearate. To mask any unpleasant taste,

the Cholbam® capsule(s) can be opened and the contents mixed
with 15-30 mL of either infant formula or expressed breast milk (for

younger children) or soft food such as mashed potatoes or apple

Table 3 (continued )

puree (for older children and adults).

Nexium® (esomeprazole magnesium) from AstraZeneca was
by Novartis

approved in 2007 for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux

disease (GERD) with a once-daily dose of 10-40 mg using unit
dose 2-piece delayed-release capsules of 20 mg or 50 mg of a
preservative-free formulation that is enteric-coated granules
Table 4
Pediatric Formulations Marketed since 2007: Manipulation Required

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

Atazanavir sulfate/ Oral powder/Packet: Room 50 mg per packet (1.5 grams 200-250 mg (4 or 5 packets) Aspartame Mixed with food such Bristol-Meyers Squibb/
Reyataz®/2014/EU, temperature powder, thus 3.33% w/w Must be taken with Sucrose as applesauce or Antiviral
USA Mixed with food: 1 h at room atazanavir sulfate) ritonavir Orange-vanilla flavor yogurt or infant
temperature/Packet preservative-free formula
Artemether and Dispersible tablets/Tablets: 20 mg/120 mg scored tablet 1-3 tablets (b)i.d. for 3 d Colloidal silicon dioxide None or tablets may be Novartis/treatment of
Lumefantrine/ Room temperature Croscarmellose sodium crushed and mixed acute,
Coartem®/2009/USA Constituted suspension: Hypromellose with 1 to 2 teaspoons uncomplicated
Riamet® in EU consume immediately/ Magnesium stearate of water in a clean malaria infections
Blisters Microcrystalline cellulose container due to Plasmodium
Polysorbate 80 falciparum

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Azithromycin/Zmax®/ Single-use Prolonger-release Constituted suspension: 27 mg/mL 60 mg/kg up to 2.0 grams Lipid nanoparticle: Constitute with 60 mL Pfizer/Antibacterial
2013/USA granules for oral suspension/ Dose volume: 2.2 mL/kg (1 Glyceryl behenate water
Sumamed® in EU Bottle/Before constitution: mL per pound body Poloxamer 407
room temperature. weight) Sucrose
After constitution: room Sodium phosphate
temperature for maximum Magnesium hydroxide
12 d, after which the Hydroxypropyl cellulose
remaining suspension is to Xanthan gum
be discarded. Colloidal silicon dioxide
Titanium dioxide
Artificial cherry flavor
Artificial banana flavor
Bosentan/Tracleer®/ Tablets for oral suspension/ 32 mg, quadrisected 16 mg-64 mg (b)i.d. Microcrystalline cellulose Disperse intact tablet or Actelion
2017/EU, USA, Japan Room temperature Calcium hydrogen scored tablet in a Pharmaceuticals US,
Divided tablet pieces: 20 C- phosphate minimal amount of Inc./Treatment of
25 C in the opened blister for Croscarmellose sodium water immediately pulmonary arterial
up to 7 d. Silica colloidal before hypertension
Constituted suspension Tartaric acid administration
(dispersed tablet): consume Tutti-frutti flavor
immediately/Blister Aspartame
Acesulfame potassium
(continued on next page)

Table 4 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

Magnesium stearate

Carglumic acid/ Tablet for oral suspension/ 200 mg, triple scored tablet 100-250 mg/kg/d divided Croscarmellose sodium Constitute in a small Recordati Rare Diseases
Carbaglu®/2010/EU, Tablets: Refrigerated 2 C- into 2 or 4 doses Hypromellose cup with 2.5 mL Inc./Chronic

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

USA 8 C, after opening 1 mo at Microcrystalline cellulose water per tablet, stir, hyperammonemia
room temperature Silica colloidal anhydrous administer either as due to deficiency of
Constituted suspension: Sodium lauryl sulfate a drink, through a the hepatic enzyme
consume immediately/Bottle Sodium stearyl fumarate syringe or N-acetylglutamate
preservative-free nasogastric tube. synthase (NAGS).

Cholic acid/Cholbam®/ Sprinkle capsule/Capsule: 50 mg 10-15 mg/kg qd or divided Silicified microcrystalline Capsules can be opened Asklepion
2015/EU, USA Room temperature into 2 dosed cellulose and the contents Pharmaceuticals LLC
Mixed with food: consume Magnesium stearate mixed with 15-30 or Manchester
immediately/Bottle preservative-free mL of either infant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
formula or expressed a wholly owned
breast milk (for subsidiary of
younger children), or Retrophin, Inc./
soft food such as Treatment of bile
mashed potatoes or acid synthesis
apple puree (for disorders due to
older children and single-enzyme
adults) to mask any defects
unpleasant taste
Clobazam/Onfi®/2011/ Tablet/Room temperature/ 5 mg (discontinued), 10 mg scored, 5 mg-40 mg Corn starch None, scored, or Lundbeck/Anti-seizure
USA Bottle 20 mg scored Lactose monohydrate crushed and mixed only with Lennox-
Magnesium stearate with applesauce
Frisium® in EU by Silicon dioxide Gastaut syndrome
Aventis Talc (LGS)
Frisium® 10 mg Onfi® tablet

Deflazacort (prodrug of 1 Tablet, 2 Oral suspension/1 (1) 0.9 mg/kg (1) Tablet (1) Marathon
corticosteroid, 21- Room temperature, 2 Room Tablets: 6 mg, 18 mg, 30 mg, 36 (1) Tablets: None or Pharmaceuticals, LLC
desDFZ)/Emflaza™/ temperature, discard after 1 mg Tablet: round up to the Colloidal silicon dioxide crushed and taken (and later acquired
2018/USA mo of first opening/1 Bottle, (2) nearest possible dose immediately after by PTC

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Lactose monohydrate
Calcort® in EU by 2 Bottle: 13 mL in 20 mL Oral suspension: 22.75 mg/mL (2) Magnesium stearate mixing with Therapeutics)/
Sanofi Aventis bottle, with 2 1 mL oral Oral suspension: round Pregelatinized corn starch applesauce. Duchenne muscular
dispensers up to the nearest tenth of preservative-free (2) dystrophy (DMD)
a mL Oral suspension:
(2) Oral suspension
dose volume: 0.04 mL/kg Slowly add to 3 to 4
ounces of juice or
Acetic acid
milk and mix well,
Aluminum magnesium
immediately, do not
Benzyl alcohol
administer with
grapefruit juice.
Polysorbate 80

Efavirenz/Sustiva® Sprinkle capsule/Capsule: 50 mg and 200 mg 100 mg-600 mg Contents of capsule: Open capsule(s) and Bristol-Meyers Squibb/
capsule for oral use/ Room temperature Lactose monohydrate add contents to 1-2 Antiviral
2013/EU, USA Mixed with food: 30 min room Magnesium stearate teaspoons of soft
temperature/Bottle Sodium lauryl sulfate food such as
Sodium starch glycolate applesauce, grape
preservative-free jelly, yogurt, or 10
mL of infant formula
in a small container.
Administer with a
spoon or syringe.
(continued on next page)

Table 4 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

Enalapril/Epaned™/ Powder for Oral Solution/Room 150 mg per bottle, reconstituted to 0.08 mg/kg up to 5 mg QD Mannitol Reconstitute with 150 Silvergate
2013/USA temperature/Kit: 1 mg/mL dose volume: 0.08 mL/kg Colloidal silicon dioxide mL of the provided Pharmaceuticals,
1 bottle of powder preservative-free diluent Inc./Hypertension
1 bottle of Ora-Sweet SF diluent
Eltrombopag/ Powder for oral suspension/ 25 mg per packet 25 mg or 50 mg, adjust dose Mannitol Constitute with 20 mL GlaxoSmithKline/
Promacta®/2015/ Before constitution: room to maintain platelet Sucralose cold water, and Thrombocytopenia
USA temperature. count greater than or Xanthan gum consume
Revolade® in EU and After constitution: 30 min/Kit: equal to 50  109/L. preservative-free immediately
Japan 30 packets, 1 reusable bottle
with lid and cap (pictured),
and 1 reusable 20-mL oral

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Esomeprazole (1) (1) 10 mg-40 mg qd (1) Capsules, active (1) Capsules: AstraZeneca/
magnesium/ Delayed-release capsules/ 20 mg, 40 mg enteric-coated Gastroesophageal
Nexium®/2007/EU, Room temperature/Bottles (2) granules, (white to pale Nasogastric tube: Add reflux disease
USA, Japan (2) 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg per packet brown color) contents of capsule (GERD)
For delayed-release oral sus- Esomeprazole is unstable in acidic to 50 mL water in a
pension/For oral suspension: media Glyceryl monostearate 60-mL catheter-
Room temperature Hydroxypropyl cellulose tipped syringe, shake
Constituted suspension: Hypromellose well for 15 s, attach
30 min/Packets Magnesium Stearate to nasogastric tube,
Methacrylic acid copolymer administer.
Polysorbate 80 Food: Add contents of a
Sugar spheres capsule to
Talc applesauce,
Triethyl citrate administer
preservative-free (2) For oral
(2) For oral suspension: suspension:
active enteric-coated
granules same as in Nasogastric tube: Add
capsule, and inactive 15 mL water to a
granules (pale yellow catheter-tipped sy-
color): ringe, add contents
of a packet, shake, let
Dextrose the suspension stand
Xanthan gum for 2-3 min to
Crospovidone thicken, attach to
Citric acid nasogastric tube,
Iron oxide administer
Hydroxypropyl cellulose Water: Empty contents
preservative-free of a packet into a
container with 15 mL
water, stir, let the
suspension stand for
2-3 min to thicken,
drink within 30 min

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Everolimus/Afinitor® Tablet for Oral Suspension/ 2 mg, 3 mg, 5 mg 5 mg/kg2, or adjust dose to Butylated hydroxytoluene Add tablets to the Novartis
Disperz™/2012/USA Blisters: Room temperature attain trough Colloidal silicon dioxide syringe, pull in Pharmaceuticals
Votubia® in Europe Constituted suspension: concentrations of 5-15 Crospovidone water, mix to Corp/TSC-associated
administer immediately after ng/mL Hypromellose constitute to a partial-onset
preparation/Blisters Adjust dose by number of Lactose monohydrate suspension, let stand seizures
tablets Magnesium stearate for 3 min, then
Mannitol administer
Microcrystalline cellulose Gently invert the
preservative-free syringe 5 times
immediately prior to
Tablet must be
dispersed in water…
not swallowed
whole, chewed or

Hydroxyurea/Siklos®/ Tablet/Tablets: Room 100 mg, 1000 mg triple scored 15-30 mg/kg qd Silicified microcrystalline None, score the 1000 Addmedica/
2018/EU, USA temperature (pictured) cellulose mg tablet, or Antimetabolite,
Broken 1000 mg tablets must Sodium stearyl fumarate dispersed indicated to reduce
be stored in the bottle and Film-coating agent amino immediately before the frequency of
must be used within 3 mo/ methacrylate copolymer use in a small painful crises and to
Bottles preservative-free quantity of water in a reduce the need for

(continued on next page)
Table 4 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

teaspoon. Adding a blood transfusions in

drop of syrup or pediatric patients, 2
mixing with food can y of age and older,
mask a possible with sickle cell
bitter taste. anemia with
recurrent moderate-
to-severe painful
1000 mg triple-scored tablet

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Ivacaftor/KALYDECO®/ Oral granules (mini-tablets)/ 50 mg or 75 mg per packet One 50 mg or 75 mg packet Colloidal silicon dioxide Each packet mix with 1 Vertex/cystic fibrosis
2015/EU, USA granules: room temperature (b)i.d. Croscarmellose sodium teaspoon (5 mL) of
Mixed with food: 1 h (therefore Just before and just after Hypromellose acetate age-appropriate soft
should be consumed during fat-containing food succinate food or liquid at or
this 1-h period)/Unit-dose Lactose monohydrate below room
packets/Packets Magnesium stearate temperature, then
Mannitol follow with fatty
Sucralose food.
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Sweetened but unflavored

Losartan potassium/ Tablet/Tablet: room 25 mg, 50 mg (scored, pictured) or 0.7 mg/kg up to 50 mg total Microcrystalline cellulose 2.5 mg/mL suspension: Merck/Anti-
Cozaar®/2012/EU, temperature 100 mg dose volume: 0.28 mL/kg Lactose Add 10 mL water to a hypertension
USA Constituted suspension: 2 C- Pregelatinized starch 240-mL PET bottle,
Nu-Lotan in Japan by 8 C for 4 wk/Bottle Magnesium stearate add ten 50 mg
Hydroxypropyl cellulose tablets, shake for
Banyu Hypromellose 2 min, let stand 1 h,
Pharmaceuticals Titanium dioxide shake 1 min, add 190
preservative-free of a 50/50 mixture of
Ora-Plus and Ora-
Sweet, shake for
1 min

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Lumacaftor and Oral granules/RT/Packets, every Lumacaftor 100 mg and ivacaftor Age 2 through 5 y and Microcrystalline cellulose Mixed contents of a Vertex/Treatment of
Ivacaftor/Orkambi®/ carton has 56 Orkambi® oral 125 mg or Lumacaftor 150 mg weighing less than 14 kg: Croscarmellose sodium packet with 1 cystic fibrosis in
2015/USA granule packets, organized in and ivacaftor 188 mg 1 packet of granules Hypromellose acetate teaspoon (5 mL) of patients age 2 y and
4 weekly wallets. Each wallet (each containing succinate soft food or liquid older who have 2
has 2 packets for each of the lumacaftor 100 mg/ Povidone and administered copies of the F508del
7 d in a wk. ivacaftor 125 mg, (b)i.d. Sodium lauryl sulfate orally every 12 h mutation (F508del/
Age 2 through 5 y and preservative-free with fat-containing F508del) in their
weighing 14 kg or food. CFTR gene
greater: 1 packet of Consume within 1 h of
granules (each preparation
containing lumacaftor
150 mg/ivacaftor 188
mg), (b)i.d.
After administering
Orkambi® consume fat-
containing food.

Nilotinib HCl/Tasigna®/ Sprinkle capsule/Capsule: room 50 mg 230 mg/m2 rounded to the Colloidal silicon dioxide Contents of each Novartis/Treatment of
2018/USA temperature nearest 50 mg dose (to a Crospovidone capsule dispersed in Philadelphia
Mixed with food: 15 min, maximum single dose of Lactose monohydrate 1 teaspoon of chromosome
consume immediately/Bottle 400 mg) b.i.d. Magnesium stearate applesauce. epositive chronic
(continued on next page)

Table 4 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

Poloxamer 188 myeloid leukemia

preservative-free (Ph þ CML)
Oseltamivir phosphate/ Sprinkle capsule/Room 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg 3 mg/kg up to 75 mg (b)i.d. Croscarmellose sodium TAMIFLU capsules may Gilead Sciences and
Tamiflu®/2007/EU, temperature/Blisters for 5 d Povidone K30 be opened and Genentech/Antiviral
USA, Japan Pregelatinized starch mixed with
Sodium stearyl fumarate sweetened liquids
Talc such as regular or
preservative-free sugar-free chocolate
syrup, corn syrup,
caramel topping, or
light brown sugar
(dissolved in water).
Pantoprazole sodium/ Granules for delayed-release 40 mg per packet 15-40 kg: 20 mg Enteric-coated granules: Because proper pH is Wyeth (now Pfizer)/
Protonix®/2007/USA oral suspension/Room >40 kg: 40 mg Crospovidone necessary for Treatment of erosive

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

temperature/Packet Hypromellose stability, do not esophagitis
Methacrylic acid copolymer administer associated with
Microcrystalline cellulose PROTONIX. For Gastroesophageal
Polysorbate 80 delayed-release, oral Reflux Disease
Povidone suspension in liquids (GERD)
Sodium carbonate other than apple
Sodium lauryl sulfate juice, or foods other
Talc than applesauce.
Titanium dioxide Applesauce: Sprinkle
Triethyl citrate granules on 1
Yellow ferric oxide teaspoonful of
preservative-free applesauce.
Apple juice: Empty
granules into a small
cup or teaspoon
containing 1
teaspoon of apple
juice. Stir for 5 s
(granules will not
dissolve) and
Nasogastric tube:
Empty the contents
of the packet into the
barrel of the syringe,
Add 10 mL (2
teaspoonfuls) of
apple juice and
gently tap and shake
the barrel of the
syringe to help rinse
the syringe and tube.
Repeat at least twice
more using the same
amount of apple
juice (10 mL or 2
teaspoonfuls) each
Rabeprazole sodium/ Sprinkle capsule/Capsule: room 5 mg or 10 mg 10-20 mg qd In a hydroxypropyl Open capsule(s) and Eisai/Treatment of
AcipHex® Sprinkle™ temperature Enteric-coated granules, methylcellulose capsule: add contents to a gastroesophageal
delayed-release Mixed with food: 15 min room rabeprazole is unstable in acidic Colloidal silicon dioxide small amount of soft reflux disease
capsules/2013/USA temperature/Bottle media Diacetylated food such as (GERD)
monoglycerides applesauce, baby
Ethylcellulose food or yogurt, or a
Hypromellose small amount of
Hypromellose phthalate infant formula, apple
Magnesium stearate juice in a small
Mannitol container.
Talc Administer with a
Titanium dioxide spoon or syringe.
Raltegravir/Isentress®/ Powder for oral suspension/ 100 mg per packet, constituted to 6 mg/kg/dose Ammonium hydroxide Constitute 1 packet Merck/Antiviral
2014/EU, USA Packets: Room temperature 20 mg/mL suspension dose volume: 0.30 mL/kg Banana with other natural with 5 mL water to
Constituted suspension: 30 min flavors 20 mg/mL
at room temperature/Kit: Carboxymethylcellulose suspension in the
Each carton has: 60 packets, 2 sodium supplied mixing cup,
reusable mixing cups with Crospovidone measure dose and
lids, 2 reusable 5-mL dosing Ethylcellulose 20 cP administer
syringes Fructose

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Hydroxypropyl cellulose
Hypromellose 2910/6cP
PEG 400
Magnesium stearate
Medium chain triglycerides
Microcrystalline cellulose
Oleic acid

Tacrolimus/Prograf® Granules for Oral Suspension/ 0.2 mg, 1 mg 0.075-0.15 mg/kg (b)i.d. Croscarmellose sodium Add contents of packet Astellas Pharma Inc./
Granules/2009/USA, Packets: Room temperature Hypromellose to 15-30 mL water, immunosuppressant
Japan Constituted oral suspension: Lactose monohydrate stir, administer the indicated for the
Modigraf in EU consume immediately/ preservative-free suspension prophylaxis of organ
Packets immediately, or the rejection in patients
suspension can be receiving allogeneic
drawn up via a non- liver, kidney, or heart
PVC oral syringe. transplants
(continued on next page)

Table 4 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

Tenofovir disoproxil Oral powder/Powder: Room 40 mg per 1 gram powder, 1 level Oral powder: 8 mg/kg up to Ethylcellulose, Use the provided Gilead Sciences/
fumarate/Viread® temperature scoop is 1.0 grams of powder 300 mg (2-7.5 scoops) qd Hydroxypropyl cellulose custom-made scoop Antiviral
Oral Powder/2011/ Mixed with food: consume Mannitol, and add the powder
EU, USA immediately/Bottle, with Silicon dioxide to 1/4-1/2 cup of soft
custom-made scoop preservative-free foods

Terbinafine HCL/ Oral granules (mini-tablets)/ 125 mg or 187.5 mg per stick packet 125 mg/d for <25 kg body Basic butylated Pour entire contents of Novartis/Treatment of
Lamisil®/2007/USA Room temperature/Stick mass; 187.5 mg/d for 25- methacrylate copolymer stick packet onto a tinea capitis, fungal
packets 35 kg Colloidal silicon dioxide spoonful of a soft infection of scalp
Dibutyl sebacate food, such as
Hypromellose USP pudding or other
Magnesium stearate soft, nonacidic food
Microcrystalline cellulose such as mashed
Nitrogen (filling gas) potatoes. Do not use
Polyethylene glycol applesauce or a fruit-
Sodium lauryl sulfate based food.
Sodium starch glycolate Make sure that no
preservative-free granules remain in
the stick packet.
Swallow combination
of food and granules
without chewing
Uridine triacetate Oral granules/Room 95% uridine triacetate Xuriden™: Only 5% inactive Need a scale to measure Wellstat Therapeutics
(prodrug of uridine, temperature/Packets, 30 per Xuriden™: 2 grams per packet, 60-120 mg/kg (not to ingredients at 0.1 gram accuracy, Corporation/
Vistogard®: 10 grams per packet.

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

which has 4- to 6- carton exceed 8 grams), 103 mg per Xuriden™ or a graduated Hereditary orotic
fold higher oral 0.4-6 grams, packet teaspoon. aciduria (Xuriden™)
bioavailability than 1/8-2 teaspoons qd Ethylcellulose, 62 mg Weigh the prescribed or following a
uridine/Xuriden™ Vistogard®: Opadry, 15 mg dose to at least 0.1 fluorouracil or
and Vistogard®/ 6.2 grams/m2/dose, natural orange juice flavor, gram, or a graduated capecitabine
2015/USA 2.1-10 grams, 1-4 26 mg teaspoon accurate to overdose
teaspoons q.i.d 517 mg per Vistogard® the fraction of the (Vistogard®)
packet dose.
Ethylcellulose, 309 mg Administer dose with
Opadry, 77 mg soft food
Natural orange juice flavor, (applesauce,
131 mg pudding, or yogurt)
preservative-free or in milk or infant
formula within
30 min

Vancomycin HCl/ Powder for oral solution/Before 25 mg/mL or 50 mg/mL on 40 mg/kg t.i.d or q.i.d. for 7 Artificial grape flavor Transfer about half the CutisPharma/
Firvanq™/2018/USA reconstitution at refrigerated reconstitution; to 10 d. The total daily Citric acid contents of the Antibacterial:
conditions, 2 C to 8 C (36 F 3.75 g, 7.5 g or 15 g per bottle, dosage should not D&C yellow no. 10 grape-flavored Clostridium difficile
to 46 F). Do not freeze. exceed 2 g. FD&C red no. 40 diluent into the eassociated diarrhea
Reconstitute solution at 2 C Dose volume Sodium benzoate vancomycin and enterocolitis
to 8 C and discard after 14 50 mg/mL: 0.8 mL/kg t.i.d or Sucralose hydrochloride USP caused by
d or if it appears hazy or q.i.d. Water powder bottle, shake Staphylococcus
contains particulates/Kit: 25 mg/mL: 1.6 mL/kg, t.i.d bottle vertically for aureus, including
Bottle of powder for oral or q.i.d. approximately 45 s, methicillin-resistant
solution (150 mL or 300 mL), add the remaining strains

(continued on next page)
Table 4 (continued )

Drug Name/Marketed Marketed Formulation/Storage/ Active in Formulation Dose Inactive in Formulation (as Preparation Company/Indication
Name/Year Package Listed in Package Insert)

and a bottle of premeasured grape-flavored

Grape-flavored diluent diluent, shake the
bottle for
approximately 30 s.
Vigabatrin/Sabril®/ Powder for oral solution/Room 500 mg per packet, constituted to Initial daily dose is 50 mg/ Povidone (simple Constitute a packet Lundbeck/infantile
2016/EU, USA temperature/Packets 50 mg/mL kg/d given in 2 divided formulation) with 10 mL water spasms
Generic: Vigabatrin doses (25 mg/kg twice preservative-free Generic: Par
for oral solution, daily); subsequent Pharmaceutical
USP, 500 mg, in 2017 dosing can be titrated by
25 mg/kg/d to 50 mg/kg/
d increments every 3 d,
up to a maximum of 150
mg/kg/d given in 2
divided doses (75 mg/kg

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

twice daily)
dose volume per dose:
0.25-1.5 mL/kg

Generic: Vigabatrin for oral solution, USP, 500 mg

R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365 1361

containing glyceryl monostearate, hydroxypropyl cellulose, product and indication. The once-daily dose of Xuriden™ is 60-120
hypromellose, magnesium stearate, methacrylic acid copolymer, mg/kg not to exceed 8 grams (0.4-6 grams, 1/8-2 teaspoons). The 4
polysorbate 80, sugar spheres, talc, and triethyl citrate. The timesedaily dose of Vistogard® is 6.2 grams/m2/dose (2.1-10 grams,
capsule contents can be used to prepare a suspension that can be 1-4 teaspoons). To prepare the doses of Xuriden™ and Vistogard®, a
administered by a nasogastric tube. The contents of a Nexium® scale is needed that measures at 0.1-gram accuracy or a graduated
delayed-release capsule can be added to 50 mL of water in a 60- teaspoon. Weigh the prescribed dose to at least 0.1 gram or a
mL catheter tipped syringe, then shaken well for 15 s, attached graduated teaspoon accurate to the fraction of the dose. Administer
to a nasogastric tube, and then administered. Alternatively, the dose with soft food (applesauce, pudding, or yogurt) or in milk or
contents of a Nexium® delayed-release capsule can be added to infant formula within 30 min. The oral granule preservative-free
applesauce and then administered. formulation is 95% uridine triacetate and approximately 3% ethyl-
Tasigna® (nilotinib HCl) from Novartis was approved in 2018 for cellulose, 0.8% Opadry coating, and 1.2% natural orange juice flavor.
the treatment of Philadelphia chromosomeepositive chronic Orkambi® oral granules is a fixed-dose combination of luma-
myeloid leukemia (Ph þ CML) with a twice-daily dose of 230 mg/ caftor and ivacaftor (100 mg and 125 mg, or 150 mg and 188 mg)
m2 rounded to the nearest 50 mg dose (to a maximum single dose from Vertex and approved in 2015 for the treatment of cystic
of 400 mg) using a unit dose 50 mg 2-piece capsule of a fibrosis with a twice-daily dose determined by age and body mass
preservative-free formulation containing colloidal silicon dioxide, with age 2-5 years and <14 kg a dose of 1 packet of 100 mg
crospovidone, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, and lumacaftor and 125 mg ivacaftor; and with age 2-5 years and 14
poloxamer 188. Contents of each Tasigna® capsule can be dispersed kg, a dose of 1 packet of 150 mg lumacaftor and 188 mg ivacaftor. To
in 1 teaspoon of applesauce, and then administered. prepare the dose, add the contents of 1 packet to 1 teaspoon (5 mL)
Tamiflu® (oseltamivir phosphate) from Roche is an antiviral of soft food or liquid (Fig. 8) and administered orally every 12 h with
with a twice daily dose of 3 mg/kg up to 75 mg for 5 days using unit fat-containing food. Consume the mixture within 1 h of prepara-
dose 2-piece capsules of 30 mg, 45 mg, or 75 mg of a preservative- tion. The Orkambi® oral granules have the same composition of the
free formulation containing croscarmellose sodium, povidone K30, tablets except without magnesium stearate and is a preservative-
pregelatinized starch, sodium stearyl fumarate, and talc. The free formulation containing microcrystalline cellulose, cro-
Tamiflu® capsules may be opened and mixed with sweetened liq- scarmellose sodium, hypromellose acetate succinate, povidone, and
uids such as regular or sugar-free chocolate syrup, corn syrup, sodium lauryl sulfate. See Orkambi® tablets for ages 6 years.
caramel topping, or light brown sugar (dissolved in water).
AcipHex® Sprinkle™ delayed-release capsules (rabeprazole so-
dium) from Eisai was approved in 2013 for the treatment of GERD Mini-Tablets (Oral Granules)
with a once-daily dose of 10-20 mg using unit dose hydroxypropyl Lamisil® (terbinafine HCl) oral granules are mini-tablets that are
methylcellulose capsules of 5 mg or 10 mg of enteric-coated packaged into sachets with nitrogen filling gas. Lamisil® oral gran-
granules with a preservative-free formulation containing colloidal ules were approved in 2007 and are from Novartis for the treatment
silicon dioxide, diacetylated monoglycerides, ethylcellulose, of tinea capitis, fungal infection of the scalp. The daily terbinafine HCl
hypromellose, hypromellose phthalate, magnesium stearate, dose is 125 mg for <25 kg body mass or 187.5 mg for 25-35 kg body
mannitol, talc, and titanium dioxide. The AcipHex® Sprinkle™ mass using a 125 mg or 187.5 mg stick packet that have multiple
capsule(s) are opened and the contents added to a small amount of mini-tablets in a preservative-free formulation containing basic
soft food such as applesauce, baby food or yogurt, or a small butylated methacrylate copolymer, colloidal silicon dioxide, dibutyl
amount of infant formula, apple juice in a small container, and then sebacate, hypromellose USP, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline
administered with a spoon or syringe. cellulose, nitrogen (filling gas), polyethylene glycol, sodium lauryl

Oral Powder
Reyataz® (atazanavir sulfate) oral powder, packaged in unit-
dose sachets, from Bristol-Meyers Squibb is an antiviral was
approved in 2014 with a dose of 200-250 mg using 4 or 5 packets of
50 mg per packet of a preservative-free formulation containing
aspartame, sucrose, and orange-vanilla flavor. The Reyataz® (ata-
zanavir sulfate) packets are opened, and the contents mixed with
food such as applesauce or yogurt or infant formula. Each 50 mg
packet is filled with 1.5 grams of powder, making the formulation
3.33% w/w atazanavir sulfate.
Viread® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) oral powder, packaged
in a bottle, from Gilead Sciences was approved in 2011 as an anti-
viral with a once-daily dose of 8 mg/kg up to 300 mg (2-7.5 scoops)
of a preservative-free taste-masked formulation containing
mannitol, hydroxypropyl cellulose, ethylcellulose, and silicon di-
oxide. The provided custom-made scoop is used to measure the
dose that is then added to 1/4 to 1/2 cup of soft foods.

Oral Granules
Xuriden™ and Vistogard® (uridine triacetate, a prodrug of uri-
dine that has 4- to 6-fold higher oral bioavailability than uridine)
oral granules from Wellstat Therapeutics Corporation was
approved in 2015 for the treatment of hereditary orotic aciduria
(Xuriden™) or following a fluorouracil or capecitabine overdose
(Vistogard®). The dose and dose frequency are different for each Figure 8. Orkambi® (lumacaftor/ivacaftor) oral granules.38
1362 R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

sulfate, and sodium starch glycolate. To use Lamisil® oral granules, sucralose, and water. To reconstitute Firvanq™ powder for oral
pour the entire contents of a stick packet onto a spoonful of a soft solution transfer about half the contents of the grape-flavored
food, such as pudding or other soft, nonacidic food such as mashed diluent into the vancomycin hydrochloride powder bottle, shake
potatoes. Do not use applesauce or a fruit-based food. Make sure that bottle vertically for approximately 45 s, add the remaining grape-
no granules remain in the stick packet. Swallow combination of food favored diluent, and shake the bottle for approximately 30 s. The
and granules without chewing. reconstituted solution is at 2 C-8 C, and discarded after 14 days, or
Kalydeco® (ivacaftor) oral granules, which appears to be mini- if it appears hazy or contains particulates.
tablets and packaged in sachets, is from Vertex and was approved Sabril® (vigabatrin) powder for oral solution from Lundbeck was
in 2015 for the treatment of cystic fibrosis with a twice-daily dose of approved in 2016 for the treatment of infantile spasms. Sabril®
one 50 mg or 75 mg packet just before and just after fat-containing powder for oral solution is 500 mg of vigabatrin per packet and a
food. Kalydeco® oral granules is a preservative-free formulation pack is constituted with 10 mL of water to a 50 mg/mL solution. The
containing colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, hypro- initial daily dose is 50 mg/kg/d given in 2 divided doses (25 mg/kg
mellose acetate succinate, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stea- twice daily), and subsequent dosing can be titrated by 25 mg/kg/
rate, mannitol, sucralose, and sodium lauryl sulfate. Each packet of d to 50 mg/kg/d increments every 3 days, up to a maximum of 150
Kalydeco® oral granules is mixed with 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of age- mg/kg/d given in 2 divided doses (75 mg/kg twice daily). The
appropriate soft food or liquid at or below room temperature and Sabril® (vigabatrin) powder for oral solution preservative-free
then administered within 1 h. A video is available showing the drug formulation contains only povidone as the inactive excipient. A
product and manipulation with soft foods.39 generic Vigabatrin for Oral Solution, 500 mg, became available in
2017 from Par Pharmaceuticals.
Oral Suspension, Concentrate to Be Diluted
Emflaza™ (deflazacort, prodrug of corticosteroid, 21-desDFZ) Powder for Oral Suspension
oral suspension originally developed by Marathon Pharmaceuti- Promacta® (eltrombopag) for oral suspension from Glax-
cals, LLC was approved in 2018 for the treatment of Duchenne oSmithKline was approved in 2015 for the treatment of thrombo-
muscular dystrophy with a dose of 0.9 mg/kg rounded up to the cytopenia with a dose of 25 mg or 50 mg that is adjusted to
nearest tenth of a mL using a dose volume of 0.04 mL/kg of a maintain za platelet count 50  109/L, using unit dose 25 mg
concentrated 22.75 mg/mL oral suspension with a formulation packets of a formulation containing mannitol, sucralose, and xan-
containing acetic acid, aluminum magnesium silicate, benzyl than gum. Promacta® for oral suspension is provided as a kit with
alcohol, carboxymethyl-cellulose sodium, polysorbate 80, sorbitol, 30 packets, 1 reusable bottle with lid and cap, and 1 reusable 20-mL
and water. The Emflaza™ concentrated oral suspension is slowly oral syringe. Promacta® for oral suspension is constituted with 20
added to 3-4 ounces of juice or milk and mixed well and admin- mL of cold water and consumed immediately or within 30 min.
istered immediately; do not administer with grapefruit juice. Nexium® (esomeprazole magnesium) for delayed-release oral
suspension from AstraZeneca was approved in 2007 for the treat-
Powder or Granules for Oral Solution or Oral Suspension ment of GERD with a once-daily dose of 10-40 mg using unit dose 10
mg, 20 mg, or 40 mg packets of a formulation containing the same
Powder or granule formulations that require manipulation are active enteric-coated granules (white to pale brown color) in the
available in multiple forms including powder for oral solution, capsules, along with inactive preservative-free granules (pale yel-
powder for oral suspension, and granule for oral suspension. low color) containing dextrose, xanthan gum, crospovidone, citric
acid, iron oxide, and hydroxypropyl cellulose. Nexium® for delayed-
Powder for Oral Solution release oral suspension is constituted by adding the contents of a
Epaned® (enalapril maleate) powder for oral solution from Sil- packet to a catheter-tipped syringe; add 15 mL of water, shake, let
vergate Pharmaceuticals, Inc., was approved in 2013 as a kit that the suspension stand for 2-3 min to thicken, attach to a nasogastric
required manipulation and included a bottle of powder and a bottle of tube, and administer within 30 min. Alternatively, empty the con-
Ora-Sweet diluent. Epaned® is indicated for the treatment of hyper- tents of a packet into a container with 15 mL of water, stir, let the
tension with a dose of 0.08 mg/kg up to 5-mg once daily using a dose suspension stand for 2-3 min to thicken, and drink within 30 min.
volume 0.08 mL/kg of a 1 mg/mL reconstituted solution, which was Isentress® (raltegravir) powder for oral suspension from Merck
prepared by adding the 150 mL of diluent to the bottle of powder. were approved in 2014 as an antiviral with a twice daily dose of 6
Epaned® (enalapril maleate) powder for oral solution was a formu- mg/kg/dose using a dose volume of 0.30 mL/kg of a 5 mg/mL
lation containing mannitol and colloidal silicon dioxide. Epaned® constituted suspension. Isentress® powder for oral suspension is
(enalapril maleate) powder for oral solution is being replaced by the provided as a kit with each carton containing sixty 100 mg packets,
ready-to-use Epaned® (enalapril maleate) oral solution. 2 reusable mixing cups with lids, and 2 reusable 5-mL dosing sy-
Firvanq™ (vancomycin HCl) powder for oral solution became ringes. Isentress® powder for oral suspension is a preservative-free
available in 2018 as kit from CurtisPharma that has a bottle of formulation containing ammonium hydroxide, banana with other
powder for oral solution (150 mL or 300 mL) and a bottle of pre- natural flavors, carboxymethylcellulose sodium, crospovidone,
measured grape-flavored diluent. Vancomycin HCl is an antibac- ethylcellulose 20 cP, fructose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypro-
terial for the indication of clostridium difficileeassociated diarrhea mellose 2910/6cP, PEG 400, magnesium stearate, maltodextrin,
and enterocolitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, including mannitol, medium chain triglycerides, microcrystalline cellulose,
methicillin-resistant strains. The amount of vancomycin HCl is 3.75 monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, oleic acid, sorbitol, sucralose, and
g, 7.5 g, or 15 g per bottle, and a bottle is constituted with 150 mL or sucrose. Isentress® powder for oral suspension is constituted by
300 mL of the diluent to prepare an oral solution of 25 mg/mL or 50 adding one 100 mg packet to the supplied mixing cup, add 5 mL of
mg/mL. The vancomycin HCl dose is 40 mg/kg t.i.d or q.i.d. for 7 to water to prepare a 20 mg/mL suspension, cap the cup, mix, measure
10 days with the total daily dosage not exceeding 2 grams. The dose the dose, and administer within 30 min.
volume of the 50 mg/mL suspension is 0.8 mL/kg t.i.d or q.i.d., or the
1.6 mL/kg, t.i.d or q.i.d. of the 25 mg/mL suspension. The Firvanq™ Granules for Oral Suspension
powder for oral solution formulation contains artificial grape flavor, Zmax® (azithromycin) granules for oral suspension from Pfizer
citric acid, D&C yellow no. 10, FD&C red no. 40, sodium benzoate, is an antibacterial with a dose of 60 mg/kg up to 2.0 grams using a
R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365 1363

dose volume of 2.2 mL/kg (1 mL per pound body weight) of a 27 Repeat at least twice more using the same amount of apple juice (10
mg/mL constituted suspension, which is prepared by adding 60 mL mL or 2 teaspoonfuls) each time.
of water to a bottle with the granules. Zmax® is a single-use
package configuration of a prolonged-release preservative-free Tablets
formulation of lipid nanoparticles containing glyceryl behenate,
poloxamer 407, sucrose, sodium phosphate, magnesium hydroxide, Multiple types of manipulated tablets are available as pediatric
hydroxypropyl cellulose, xanthan gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, oral formulations including scored tablet, dispersible scored tablet,
titanium dioxide, artificial cherry flavor, and artificial banana flavor. and tablet for oral suspension. Note that the mini-tablets (oral
Prograf® granules (tacrolimus for oral suspension) from Astellas granules) that require manipulation are included in
Pharma is an immunosuppressant indicated for the prophylaxis of multiparticulates.
organ rejection in patients receiving allogeneic liver, kidney, or
heart transplants with a twice daily dose of 0.075-0.15 mg/kg using Scored Tablets
0.2 mg or 1.0 mg packets of a formulation containing cro- Onfi® (clobazam) scored tablets from Lundbeck were approved
scarmellose sodium, hypromellose and lactose monohydrate. Pro- in 2011 for the treatment of seizure only with LGS with a dose of 5-
graf® granules (tacrolimus for oral suspension) are constituted by 40 mg using a unit dose 10 mg or 20 mg scored tablet of a
adding the contents of a packet to 15-30 mL water, stir the sus- preservative-free formulation containing corn starch, lactose
pension, administer the suspension immediately, or the suspension monohydrate, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, and talc. On
can be drawn up via a non-PVC oral syringe. use, an intact Onfi® tablet or scored tablet is administered whole or
Protonix® (pantoprazole sodium) for delayed-release oral sus- crushed and mixed with applesauce.
pension from Pfizer was approved in 2007 for the treatment of Siklos® (hydroxyurea) triple scored tablets from Addmedica was
erosive esophagitis associated with GERD and is packaged in unit approved in 2018 and is an antimetabolite, indicated to reduce the
dose 40 mg packets. The dose is 20 mg (15-40 kg body weight) or 40 frequency of painful crises and to reduce the need for blood trans-
mg (>40 kg body weight) using a formulation containing crospo- fusions in pediatric patients, 2 years of age and older, with sickle cell
vidone, hypromellose, methacrylic acid copolymer, microcrystal- anemia with recurrent moderate-to-severe painful crises. The hy-
line cellulose, polysorbate 80, povidone, sodium carbonate, sodium droxyurea once-daily dose is 15-30 mg/kg using 100 mg or triple
lauryl sulfate, talc, titanium dioxide, triethyl citrate, and yellow scored 1000 mg of a preservative-free formulation containing silic-
ferric oxide. Because proper pH is necessary for stability of pan- ified microcrystalline cellulose, sodium stearyl fumarate, and film-
toprazole, do not administer Protonix® for delayed-release oral coating agent amino methacrylate copolymer. The scored Siklos®
suspension in liquids other than apple juice, or foods other than tablet can be administered whole, split, or dispersed immediately
applesauce. To use applesauce, sprinkle granules on 1 teaspoonful before use in a small quantity of water in a teaspoon, and adding a
of applesauce. To use apple juice, empty granules into a small cup or drop of syrup or mixing with food can mask a possible bitter taste.
teaspoon containing 1 teaspoon of apple juice, stir for 5 s (granules
will not dissolve), and swallow immediately. To use a nasogastric Dispersible Scored Tablets
tube, empty the contents of the packet into the barrel of the sy- Coartem® (artemether and lumefantrine) dispersible scored tablet
ringe, add 10 mL (2 teaspoonfuls) of apple juice, and gently tap and from Novartis was approved in 2009 for the treatment of acute, un-
shake the barrel of the syringe to help rinse the syringe and tube. complicated malaria infections due to Plasmodium falciparum with a

Table 5
Excipients in New Oral Pediatric Formulations Marketed Since 2007

Taste Solid Formulations Solution and Suspension Formulations

Flavors Sweeteners Binders Capsule Shells Glidants Antifoam Solvents

Banana Acesulfame Hydroxypropyl cellulose Gelatin Silicon dioxide Simethicone Ethanol
Berry potassium Povidone Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Talc Buffers and pH Glycerol
Cherry Ammonium Buffers and pH modifiers Coating Agents Lipids modifiers Propylene glycol
Grape glycyrrhizate Ammonium hydroxide Amino methacrylate Medium chain Acetic acid Sesame seed oil
Grapefruit Aspartame Calcium carbonate copolymer triglycerides Citric acid Water
Mixed berry Glucose Calcium hydrogen Basic butylated methacrylate Oleic acid Disodium Surfactants
Orange Maltitol phosphate copolymer Lubricants phosphate Poloxamer 188
Orange-vanilla Saccharin Citric acid Diacetylated monoglycerides Magnesium stearate Hydrochloric Polysorbate 80
Peppermint sodium Magnesium hydroxide Dibutyl sebacate Sodium stearyl fumarate acid Suspending and dispersing
Raspberry Sorbitol Sodium bicarbonate Ethylcellulose Polymers Sodium citrate agents
Strawberry Sucralose Sodium carbonate Glyceryl behenate Hypromellose Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
Strawberry- Sucrose Sodium citrate Glyceryl monostearate Hypromellose acetate hydroxide sodium
vanilla Sodium phosphate Hypromellose phthalate succinate Dyes or colorant Hydroxyethyl cellulose
Tutti-frutti Tartaric acid Methacrylic acid copolymer PEG 400 FD&C Red Magnesium aluminum
Bulk agents and diluters Triethyl citrate Polyethylene oxide No. 40 silicate
Dextrose PEG 3350 Poly(vinyl alcohol) FD&C Yellow Microcrystalline
Erythritol Colorants Preservative No. 6 cellulose
Fructose Iron oxide Butylated hydroxytoluene D&C yellow Xanthan gum
Lactose Titanium dioxide Surfactants no. 10
Lactose monohydrate Disintegrants Poloxamer 188 Titanium dioxide
Mannitol Corn starch Poloxamer 407 Isotonicifier
Maltodextrin Croscarmellose sodium Polysorbate 80 Sodium chloride
Microcrystalline cellulose Crospovidone Sodium lauryl sulfate Preservatives
Silicified microcrystalline Pregelatinized starch Suspending and dispersing Benzyl alcohol
cellulose Sodium starch glycolate agents Methylparaben
Sucrose Carboxymethylcellulose Potassium sorbate
Sugar spheres sodium Propylparaben
Xanthan gum Sodium benzoate
1364 R.G. Strickley / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 (2019) 1335-1365

twice daily dose of 1-3 tablets for 3 days of unit fixed-dose combi- mg, 30 mg, or 36 mg of a formulation containing colloidal silicon
nation scored tablet with 20 mg artemether and 120 mg lumefantrine dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, and pregelati-
of a preservative-free formulation containing colloidal silicon dioxide, nized corn starch. On use, an intact EMFLAZA™ tablet is adminis-
croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, micro- tered whole or crushed and mixed with applesauce.
crystalline cellulose, and polysorbate 80. The scored Coartem® tablet
can be administered whole, split, or may be crushed and mixed with
Excipients in Oral Pediatric Formulations
1-2 teaspoons of water in a clean container.
Table 5 lists the excipients that are in the oral pediatric formu-
Tablet for Oral Suspension
lations in Tables 3 and 4. Table 5 is divided into 3 categories: taste,
Tracleer® (bosentan) quadrisected tablet for oral suspension from
solid formulations, and solution and suspension formulations.
Actelion Pharmaceuticals US was approved in 2017 for the treatment
Within the 3 categories are the excipient functions in the alpha-
of pulmonary arterial hypertension with a twice daily dose of 16, 32,
betical order.
48, or 64 mg using a quadrisected tablet of total unit dose 32 mg of a
preservative-free formulation containing microcrystalline cellulose,
calcium hydrogen phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, silica colloidal, Conclusion
tartaric acid, tutti-frutti flavor, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and
magnesium stearate. The quadrisected tablets are packaged in blisters Current trends and recent advances suggest that the future of
and on use an intact tablet or scored tablet is dispersed in a minimal pediatric oral formulations is with single-use, preservative-free,
amount of water immediately before administration. taste-masked, solid dosage forms including mini-tablets, ODTs,
Carbaglu® (carglumic acid) triple-scored tablet for oral suspen- chewable tablets, scored tablets, granules and powders, and tablets
sion from Recordati Rare Diseases was approved in 2010 for the for oral solution or suspension, and a variety of multiparticulates
treatment of chronic hyperammonemia due to deficiency of the including sprinkle capsules, oral powders, oral granules, and
hepatic enzyme N-acetylglutamate synthase with a dose 100-250 manipulated mini-tablets. These solid oral pediatric formulations
mg/kg/d divided into 2 or 4 doses using a triple scored 200 mg are packaged in various configurations including conventional
tablet of a preservative-free formulation of croscarmellose sodium, bottles, sachets, stick packets, blisters, or 2-piece capsules. It is the
hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, silica colloidal anhydrous, author’s opinion that the use of mini-tablets will likely increase and
sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium stearyl fumarate. An intact Car- may include moving toward uncoated 2-mm mini-tablets admin-
baglu® tablet or scored tablet is constituted in a small cup with 2.5 istered individually to children as young as 2 days of age.
mL of water per tablet and stirred and administered as a drink
through a syringe or nasogastric tube.
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1 min, add 190 of a 50/50 mixture of Ora-Plus and Ora-Sweet, shake atric dosage form selection. Int J Pharm. 2012;435:115-123.
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15. Klingmann V. Acceptability of mini-tablets in young children: results from
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17. Klingmann V, Spomer N, Lerch C, et al. Favorable acceptance of mini-tablets
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