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Phvslcs HandBook

Cathode ravs :
Generated in a discharge tube In which a high vaccum is maintained.
They are electrons accelerated by high potential dlfference(10 to 15 kV)

1 , p'
K.E. of C.R. particle accelerated by a p.d. V is eV=-mv = -
2 2m
Can be deflecled by Electric & magnetic fields.
Electromagnetic Spectrum :
. Ordered arrangement of the big family of electro magnetic waves (EMW) either
In ascending order of frequencies or decendlng order of wave lengths.
Speed of E.M,W. In vactrum : C - 3 x 10' mls - VA

red(7.6 x lO- 7m) violet(3.6x 10-1m)

• infrared

• •
Radio waves
• •
Micro waves
(e.g. radar)

Frequency (Hz)
A beam of EMW Is a stream of discrete packets of energy called PHOTONS; I
each photon having a frequency v and energy - E=hv ~

where h - planck's constant - 6.63 x 10'''' J-s.

L -__________________________________ ~


182 E
Physics HandBook

According to Planck the energy of a photon is directly proportional to the

frequency of the radiation.

hc 0 ]
[ .,' -;- = 12400(A- eV)

E hc h 1
Effective mass of photon m = c 2 = c2). = CA. i.e. m oc i

So mass of violet light photon is greater than the mass of red light photon.
(.,' l., > l.)

E hv h
Unear momentum of photon P = ~ = 7 = I

• Intensity of light, 1= At = A ... (i)

Here P = power of source, A "" Area, t - time taken

E - energy incident in t time = Nhv N",. no. of photon incident in t time

Intensity 1= N~v) = n~v) ... (ii) [.,' n = ~ = no. of photon per sec.]

~ P n(hv) P Pl.
From equation (I) and (ii) - = - - => n = - = -- = 5 x 10" J-l m- l x Px l.
•A A hv hc


Force exerted on perfectly reflecting surface

• L-______________________________________________________.J
E 183
Physics H andBoolc

Force exerted on perfectly absorbing .urface

F = ~ (.; n = Pi>.) and Pressure=.!:. = ~ = !

c hc AAcc

• When a beam of light Is incident at angle 9 on perfectly reflector


F = 2IAcos' 9
• When a beam of light Is incident at angle e
on perfectly absorbing surface F = - --
The phenomenon of the emission of electrons, when metals are
exposed to light (of a certain minimum frequency) is called photo electric
Result. :
Can be explained only on the basis of the quantum theory (concept of photon)
Electrons are emitted if the Incident light has frequency v;' v, (threshold
frequency). Emission of eJectrons Is Independent of Intensity. The wave length
corresponding to v,Is caDed threshold wave Jength ;".
v, Is different for different metals.
Number of electrons emitted per second depends on the intenSity of the
incident light.

Photon energy - KE~. of electron + work function

hv - KE~. +.
~ = Work function - energy needed by the electron in freeing itse~ from the
atoms of the metal ~ - h v, §


eVeW. off •

The minimum value of the retarding potentia] to prevent electron emission is

Note: The number of photons Incident on a surface per unit time Is called ~
photon flux . ,

L-___________________________~------------------------.J "
184 E
Physics HandBook


Beams of electrons and other forms of matter exhibit wave properties including
interference and diffraction with a de Broglie wave length given by 1.. = -

(wave length of a praticle).

De Broglie wavelength associated with moving particles
If a particle of mass m moving with velocity v.

1 , p'
Kinetic energy of the particle E = - mv = - -
2 2m

momentum of particle p = mv = .J2mE

h h h
the wave length aSSOCiated with the particles Is 1.. =- =-- =~
p mv ,,2mE

De Broglie wavelength associated with the charged particles :-

, _ 12.27 X 10- 10 _ 12.27 A

For an Electron ".- JV m- JV

0.286 X 10- 10 0.286 A'

For Proton A, JV m~Tv

, _ 0.202
For Deuteron "d -Tv A
= 0.101 •
! For a Particles
.. ,," JV A

I (a) Thomson model: (Plum pudding model)

Most of the mass and all the poSitive charge of an atom Is uniformly distributed
over the full size of atom (10·\0 m).
~ Electrons are studded in this uniform distribution .

•i Failed to explain the large angle scattering a - particle scattered

of matter.
by thin foils

E ~------------------------------------------~
Physics HandBook

(h) Rutherford model : (Nuclear Moden

The most 01 the mass and all the positiYl! charge Is concentrated within a size 01
10-]4 m inside the atom. This concentration is called the atomic nucleus.
The electron""""""" around the nucleus under electric Interaction between them
In ctra.oJar orbits.
An accelerating charge radiates the nucleus spiralling Inward and finally lall
into the nucleus: which does not happen In an atom. ThIs could not be
explalned by this model.
(c) Bohr atomic model : Bohr adopted Rutherford model 01 the atom &
added some arbitrary conditions. These conditions are known as his postulates
The electron in a stable orbit does not radiate energy.
A stable orbit Is that In which the angular momentum 01 the electron about
h h
nucleus is an integral (n) multiple 01 -2 i.e. mvr = n - ; n=1, 2, 3, .. (n ~ 0).
• 2.
The electron can absorb or raellate energy only II the electron jumps Irom a
lower to a higher orbit or lalls from a higher to a lower orbit.
The e nergy emitted or absorbed Is a light photon 01 Irequency v and 01
energy. E • hv
For hydrogen atom : (Z • atomic number • 1)

• L,. - angu1ar momentum in the nth orbit - n 21t

• r, • radius 01 n" ctrcular orbit • (0.529 A) n' => r,O: n'.

-13.6 eV 1
• En - Energy of the electron In the nih orbit - n2 =>E a:: -
" n'
Note : Total energy 01 the electron in an atom Is negative, indicating that it
ts~ i

13.6 eV ~
Binding Energy (BE), _ - E,
n' ?
• E n2 - Enl - Energy emitted when an electron jumps from n 2th orbit to n/h I
orbit (n, > nil. I
.iE • (13.6 eV) [n~' - n:' ] ~
hv; v ... frequency 01 spectral line emitted i
~----------------~1~8~6------------------~ E •
Physics HandBook

i-wave no. I no. of waves in unit length Urn)] - R [ -1, - -1,]
"1 "2
Where R _ Rydberg's constant, for hydrogen. - 1.097 x 10' m·1
• For hydrogen like atom/species of atomic number Z:

Bohr radius n2 22
Z n' - (0.529 A'i -Z ; E~ - (- 13.6) --,

R, -RZ'; Rydberg's constant for element of atomic no. Z .

Note : If motion of the nucleus is also considered , then m is replaced by ~.
Where ~- reduced mass of electron - nucleus system - mM/(m+M)

Z, ~
In this case E, - (-13.6 eV) n"~

Spectral series :
Lyman SerIes (Landing oroit n - 1) .

Ultraviolet region v - R [:' - n: 'l n, > 1

Balmer Series: (Landing orbit n - 2)

Visible region v _ R [~ __1_] ; n, > 2

22 n ,.

Paschan Series : (Landing orbit n - 3)

In the near infrared region v = R [--\ -

n2 > 3
a Bracket SerIes : (Landing orbit n - 4)
f v _ R[~2 _ -.!..]; n, > 4
In the mid infrared region 2
4 "2

Pfund Series : (Landing orbit n - 5)

;; In far infrared reglon
. L-________________ ~----------------~
E 187
Physics HandBook

In all these series n, = nl + 1 1s the a line

- n, + 2 Is the Pline
"" n l + 3 is the y line .. ..... etc.
where n l - Landing orbit
o Total emission spectral lInes

From n, _ n to n, _ 1 state _ n(n -1)


{ (n-m)(n-m+l)i
Fromn a nton - mstate - l )
" 2

Excitation potential of atom :

Excitation potential for quantum jump from n~n-

E02 -E 0 1
1 2 - electron d8r~

Ionization energy of hydrogen atom :

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom. The energy required
to ionize hydrogen atom Is - 0 - ( - 13.6) - 13.6 eV.
Ionization Potential :
Potential difference through which a free electron Is moved to gain Ionization
-E n
energy ,., electronic charg2

X-rays are produced by bombarding high speed electrons on a target
of high atomic weight and high melting point.
Short wavelength (0.1 A to lOA) electromagnetic radiation.
Are produced when a metal anode is bombarded by velY high energy electrons !
Are not affected by electric and magnetic field. kft - Js,-Characteristic Spectrum ~
They cause photoelectric emission.

Characteristics equation
e - electron charge;

V- acceieratlng potential

Vm - maximum frequency of X - radiation
A" A
~----------------~1~8~8------~~--------~ E
Physics HandBook

Intensity of X - rays depends on number of electrons hitting the target .

Cut off wavelength or minimum wavelength, where V (in volts) is the p.d.
12400 ·
applied to the tube A""" " -V- A
Continuous spectrum due to retardation of electrons.
• Characteristic X-rays
For Ko ' A - E-=E
K l

• Moseley's law for characteristic spectrum:

Frequency of characteristic line .r.; = a(Z - b)
Where a, b are constant, for K" line b - 1
Z - atomic number of target
v = frequency of characteristic spectrum
b = screening constant (for K- series b- l, L series b-7.4),
a = proportionality constant
Bohr model Moseley's correction
1. For single electron species 1. For many electron species

2. liE = 13.6Z{ : : - : :] eV 2. liE - 13.6 (Z-b)' [:: - :Jv


4. .!. = RZ' [..!.. -..!..]

~ n~ n~
Diffraction of X-ray
Diffraction of X-ray take place according to Bragg's law 2d sln9 - nA

f 9

! o o o o

o o o o o

d - spacing of crystal plane or lattice constant or distance

:; between adjacent atomic plane
;; 9 - Bragg's angle or glancing angle
i ~ - Diffracting angle n - I , 2, 3 ...... .

" ~----------------------------------~
E 189
Physics HandBook
For Maximum Wavelength
sin e- I, n - 1 ~ }."ITIII. - 2d
so if A > 2d diffraction Is not possible I.e. solution of Bragg's equation is not
Binding energy - - ITotal Mechanical Energy]
Velocity of electron In n~ orbit for hydrogen atom" 137n ; c - speed of
Series limit means minimum wave length of that series.

We can represent a nuclear collision or reaction by the following notation,
which means X (a,b) Y

a + X --> Y +b
(bombarding parlicle) (at rest)
We can apply :
. (I) Conservation of momentum (II) Conservation of charge (III) Conservation of

For any nuclear reaction a + X -. Y + b

K, K, K3 K,

By mass energy conservation

(I) K, + K, + (m. + m,)c' - K3 + K, + (my + m,)c'
(ii) Energy released In any nuclear reaction or collision Is called Q value of the
(III) Q - (K, + K.) - (K, + K,) - tKp -tK R - (tm R - tmp)c'
(Iv) If Q is positive, energy Is released and products are more stable in comparison
to reactants.
(v) If Q is negative, energy Is absorbed and products are less stable In comparison ~

to reactants.

Q - t(B.E,)"""" - t(B,E.)"""""

Nuclear Fission
In 1938 by Hahn and Strassmann. By attack of • particle splitting of a heao,y
nucleus (A > 230) Into two or more Ughter nuclei, In this process certain mass
disappears which Is obtained In the fonm of energy (enonmous amount)
A+p ~ excited nucleus ~ B+C+Q i
190 E
Nuclear Fusion:
It Is the phenomenon of fusing two or more lighter nuclei to form a single heavy
A+B ~C + Q (Energy)
The product (C) is more stable then reactants (A and B) and m, < (m, + mJ
and mass defect ~m - I(m, + m,,)- m,J amu
Energy released Is E = ~m 931 MeV
The total binding energy and binding energy per nucleon C both are more
than of A and B. ~E - E, - (E, + EJ
Radioactive Decays : Generally, there are three types of radioactive decays
(i) a decay (ii) p- and P' decay (iii) y decay
a decay: By emitting a particle, the nucleus decreases It's mass number and
move towards stability. Nucleus having A>210 shows a decay.
P decay : In beta decay, either a neutron is converted Into proton or proton
is converted into neutron.
y decay : When an a or p decay takes place, the daughter nucleus Is usually
in higher energy state, such a nucleus comes to ground state by emitting a
photon or photons.
Order of energy of y photon Is 100 keV
Laws of Radioactive Decay: The rate of disintegration Is directly proportional
to the number of radioactive atoms present at that time I.e., rate of decay oc
number of nuclei.

Rate of decay = A (number of nuclei) i.e., dt = -AN
where A is called the decay constant.
~ This equation may be expressed In the form N = -Mlt
{ } dN = -). fclt (n(l~l) =-At

! N No

No 0

where No Is the "umber 0/ parent nuclei at 1- 0 . The number thai survives at

, " nd 2.303 (Nol

time t is therefore N= Noe-4 a t = --loglO l-)

). N,

N _ Noe-u where).. - decay constant

. ~--~--------~~------------~
E 191
Physfcs HandBook

o Halflife t' /2 = T

o Average lIfe t

• Within duration t,n => 50% of No decayed and 50% of No remains active

• Within duration tw => 63% of No decayed and 37% of No remains active

o Activity R - AN • Roe-"

o 1Bq - 1 decay/s,
o 1 curie · 3.7 X 10" Bq,
o 1 rutherford · 10' Bq

o After n half lives Number of nuclei left • *

. N N e-I.I
o Probability of a nucleus for survival of time I • N =
= e-'"

• ParaJ\el radioactive disintegration

lei Initial number of nuclei of A Is No then al any time number of nuclei of

A, B & C are given by No • NA + N. + Nc

A diSintegrates Into B and C by emitting (l,p particle.
~c !
dN 1'-
=> _ A = -(A, +1..,)NA => A•• = A, +1.., => toll =-'1:L f
dt I, + I,

192 .

Radioactive Disintegration with Successive

f1 - •••••••••••• ~ ... - ...

dNA -a- ANA .... (1).
dt -

when NA is maximum dNA

~ 0 ~ a - ANA = 0 ,

a rate of production

, dN ,
By equation (I) J A
o a - AN...
JeIt, Number of nuclei is NA~ ~ (l- e-" )
o A

• Equivalence of mass and energy E _ mc2

Note :- 1u - 1.66 X 10-27 kg" 931.5 MeV or e' = 931.5 MeV/ u

• Binding energy of ,x'

BE - Arne' - IZrn, + IA- Z)rn, - rnxle' - IZrn H + IA-Z)rn, - rnx]c'

• Q-value of a nuclear reaction

For a + X ---> Y + b or X la, b)Y; Q - 1M, + Mx - My - M,)c'

• Radius of the nucleus

~ R - RoA'/3 where Ro - 1.3 1m- 1.3 x 10-" rn
I From Bohr Model


n, - 2, 3, 4....... K series

n, - 3, 4, 5 .......L series

, n, - 3, n, - 4, 5, 6 .......M series
• L-________________________~~~------------------------..J
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