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Do the task below based on the given example…

If you feel hungry, you can have some snack while doing this

This is a rocking chair. (Purpose)

This is a wooden chair. (Material)
This is a brown chair. (Color)
This is a comfortable chair. (Opinion)
This is a medium chair. (Size)
This is an old chair. (Age)
This is from Java. (Origin)
 This is a comfortable, medium, old, brown, Javanese,
wooden, rocking chair.

This is a rectangle house. (Shape)

This is a ___________ house. (Color)
This is a ___________ house. (Opinion)
This is a ___________ house. (Size)
This is a ___________ house. (Age)
This is a ___________ house. (Origin)
This is a ___________ house. (Purpose)

This is a ___________ table. (Color)

This is a ___________ table. (Opinion)
This is a ___________ table. (Size)
This is a ___________ table. (Age)
This is a Spanish table. (Origin)
This is a ___________ table. (Purpose)
This is a ___________ table. (Shape)
This is a ___________ table. (Material)

This is a ___________ car. (Opinion)
This is a ___________ car. (Size)
This is a ___________ car. (Age)
This is a ___________ car. (Origin)
This is a sport car. (Purpose)
This is a ___________ car. (Color)

This is a ___________ couch. (Size)

This is a leather couch. (Material)
This is a ___________ couch. (Age)
This is a ___________ couch. (Origin)
This is a ___________ couch. (Opinion)
This is a ___________ couch. (Color)

This is a ___________ cat. (Color)

This is a ___________ cat. (Opinion)
This is a ___________ cat. (Size)
This is a ___________ cat. (Age)
This is a Persian cat. (Origin)

~How to make it?~

1. Stick the picture onto your exercise book.
2. Do the task based on the given example.
3. You can collect it through:
Google Classroom :
vsye22d (Putri)
25iwcdn (Putra)
E-mail :
WhatsApp : 0852 7167 0608
4. Don’t forget to make it neatly…

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