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LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES QUARTER: 3 INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Indoor recreational activities are voluntarily undertaken for pleasure, exercise, relaxation, and leisure, tis a way of rejuvenating the mind and the body especially when you are caught in situations such as hectic jobs and routine chores. This is why you have these modules, for you to Indulge in some recreational activities like scrabble, chess, and domino. Scrabble, chess, and domino are varieties of activities that affect what, when, and how people recreate induding chgange in lifestyle, family stiucture/commitments, work demands, and work-life balance. Participating in this leisure and recreational activities can foster a range of positive benefits including Opportunities for health, well being, and quality lifestyle for he community. Personal development, expressions, creativity, individuality, social, physical and intellectual, and close family tes/relationship. uz LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES MODULE I: SCRABBLE INTRODUCTION (Ao Welcome leamers’ to word power. This module will provide you an overall outlook on what yeu will learn in the game scrabble. Activities wil be provided to enhance your knowledge and Skil. on the following concepis: nature of the game, basic stil and tacts and interpretation of the rules and regulations. Varied assesament tools vill be given to you, ths willbe used to define your personal gpals and targets, acquire adequate and relevant information and knowledge and broaden your Understanding about the game You will be given the opportunity to engage in practical application ofthe principles and ideas of playing scrabble. So what are you waiting for? Let the learning begins! OBJECTIVES: Atthe end of the lesson, you should be able to discuss the nature/background of the game scrabble: ‘oxplain the bonofits that the family can darivo from playing scrabbio: practice proper and acceptable behaviour when paricipating indoor recreational activities; promote indoor recreational activities to family members; ‘execute basic skills and tactics in scrabble; interpret rules and regulations in scrabble; apply knowledge of rules and regulations and strategies in scrabbie. us LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES | PRE. ASSESSMENT: | eee See ‘You will be provided with sets, of activities to assess and actvate your prior knowledge about ‘sorabblo.. DOI KNOW THIS INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES? Indeor recreational activities ‘ere undertaken in the comfort of ene’s home or specifically Indoor and they ‘are 0 recreate the mind and soul of person. 1. Table Aare sets of terms used In playing indoor recreational acivities. 2. Select the terms used in playing scrabble and place iton the space provided for in Table B. oy | Boneyard Rico Knight Hardway | Jail ‘Spade Double Word Cardboard Doub letter | Bankrupt Heart Hook Letter Free space Soldier | Sare Tiplo Word | Open Board Queen fog | Casting Blank Tes Ghance ioler fectange | Draw nse ook | Count Ties Bones | Chips ark Mate Double challenge Adjutant | stock Gotosal Fale Alarm shuttle no LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES io im |n a x - u iz Cg iz Zz lo el 7 ee Tf is WAONOUAUNE WONaQUaUNE 10/ 10 1i_C jaa 12| az 13|_|_ jas 14\_[ze 14 15 a5 B Lactwity2 | AGREE a OR DISAGREE , Put a postive sign( +) it you agree with the statement and negative sign (-) it you disagree. You will be guided by your teacher. 41.Playing scrabble will enhance your vocabulary. Scrabble is played with exactly 100 tiles. The objective of scrabble Is to Score more poinis than one’s opponent. 120 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 4.Playing scrabble with your family will not only enhance your vocabuary but also increase closeness within 5. Players cannot place any word which can be found in a Standerd English dictionary. 6. Reading books will nelp you improve your vocabulary. 7.Generally, foreign words can be olaced on the scrabble word. '8. You can play blocking to stop your opponent from making a potentially largo score. Enhancing your skils and strategies can be done through onine scrabble competition or online videos about scrabble strategies and techniques in playing 10. Concagt of sportsmanship cannot be apolied in playing scrabble. ° Reflection f Qoocops! Before you proceed to the next activity, take time frst to reflact on what you have un in Activity No. 2 How will you rate yourself? ‘Equivelent Descriptions 10 Congratultienst Highly Proficient You know the concept ofthe game serabble 73 ‘Younave an idea about the game scrabbie Proficient 56 Youhave atleast a partalidea about the game base seabbie BEIOWS You need to be updated about the game Betow Bavie serabbie m1 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES LEARNING GOALS and TARGETS: To Know You More! This acivity will give you opportunity to know more about your expectations of the lesson, your Prior knowledge and skills in one of tho indoor recreational gamos callod SCRABBLE. 1. Belowis aK-W-L chart. In column K, your going to write 4 things that you already KNOW about scrabble In column W, which is what you WANT to know, 4 things that you WANT fo know more about. Oops! Please don't write anything yet in the third column, column LL you will accomplish this after we are done discussing the firsttwo colurnns. Is it clear? Okay, get ready to accomplish the chart, K - W—L Nal TE What you KNOW. (W. Whatyou WANT 10 know, T What you LEARNED. Ok vey good, ae yu eady wih the next encaurter® > Let's Gol LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES om PART 1 WHAT TO KNOW? The objective of Scrabble is to have the highest number of points at the end of the game when the extra letters | run out, and one person doesn't have any letters in their ‘hand’, | Hi, Welcometo CLOSE ENCOUNTER of the SECOND KIND! This activity will assess your encounter with scrabble and will serve as the basis in planning the sequence of your learning activities regarding indoor recreational activities. Reflect on your participation in scrabble game by accomplishing the questionnaires below. 1. Anawerthequeston by revinga smi]. [i] fr Yes 2 © ene © or Noontne eum provided 2. The result will be the basis of designing future activities in SCRABBLE game. You will be guided by your teacher. READY to DRAW? READY!, GETSET!, DRAW! LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘questions ves [NO 4. Have | experienced playing SCRABBLE? 2. Do IplaySCRABBLE often? 3. Do IplaySCRABBLE with fiends? 4. Do IplaySCRABALE with family? 5, Amlamember ofa SCRABBLE team inthe school? {6 Do Lenjoy participating ina SCRABBLE gamer 7, Do leonakder the benefits derived from playing SCRABBLE? 8 Ave there SCRABBLE game enthusiasts in my family? Do Iplan to mae SCRABELE game a5 ona of ny lifelong acthities? .. Nive drawing! Restfor a while and prepare yourself to go to MDA. 1% ! i“ TARA NA! MagMMDA _—~ ‘psn cipaolan ley epatray mest MMDA (Meet my Deep Appreciation) In thss activity, you will be introduce with what is expected of you in terms of product and. porformanos including how thaso shall bo assessed and rated m4 LEARNING NODULE PUYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER: 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV TIES aoe ( ‘Scrapbook containing pictures of your family playing SCRABBLE. (On your scrapbook, pasie pictures that you have taken while playing with your family athome. Puta short description,induding the date and place of each pioture/s and wrte a short essay on the benaiits that your family may derived from playing the game Criteria for Assessment © Content / relevance of picture prasented 30% © Creativity and resourcefulness of presentation 30% © Understanding the benefits irom playing SCRABBLE on family’s fitness and wellness 40% 100% ws LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES B. Performances ‘+ Domonstrate of your undorstanding of skills and basic rulesin playing scrabble, Critoria for Assosemon! © Proficiency in the execution of skills 30% © Ability to adopt / use skils to a particular 40% game situations © Bohavier in playing SCRABBLE 100% Check this out ! How did you appreciate playing sorabble with y your fami ly? = -— — Wow! That's nice! lappreciate what you have done | actwiry 3 |puNTo ror puNTo @ Hello learners This activity will allow you to further understand the lesson. Questions with, increasing diffcuity will be given to draw ideas from you. 16 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1. Based on what you have writton in tho KW —L chart, what indoor recreational activitiesigames does your family play? Write down atleast 3 skils/tactics you use as you play scrabble with your family and or fiends, 2. Give a short description about the nature and background of the game scrabble. 3. Do you think playing scrabble can promote health, fitness and wellness among family mombors? How? Congratulations learners! You can now proceed to your next acivity _ | s = <<. PARTI. WHAT To PROCESS? In this part, you are provided with various learning resources and learning experiences for you to develop enrich or broaden your understanding about the lesson. ACTIVITY 1 INTERNET CONNECTIVITY ‘+ Mako an internet research on the nature and background of the gamo sorabolo. Objectives of the game No. of players Rules of tho gamo Scoring system Equpmort Playing time © Formative assessment will be used to measure your knowedge retention. 7 PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER. 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV! Check this out ! scrabble? ‘What are the objectives of the game scrabble? What are the materials used in playing scrabble? How many players can play in any game of scrabble? ‘Why do you needito follow correctly the rules of the game scrabble? ‘What panicular rules of the game will enhance your knowledge/skiis about the game ‘What are the values of each tile used in scrabble? How could you determine i you won the game ? 8. What learnings wil you get irom playing scrabble? ee Aan sepa aen nen nc ‘Descriptions Beginner Worle Trtermediate Expert a 2 3 4 Contentand | The research work] The research work | The research | The research Resource | seems haphazard,| has a focus but }work presents | work hasa clear Requirement | hurried ‘or| strays from it at] information in an | goal related to a Unfinished, times, There isan | accurate and|| significant topic There are| organizational —_| organized or issue. significant factual structure, though | manner that can | information ‘errors, not be consistent | be understood by | included misconceptions or | enough the intended } reflects bread misunderstanding | There may be | audience. There | research and factual errore ar | is a focus that is | application of Inconsistencies, | maintained critical thinking but relatively | throughout the} skils, show. minor, piece. rnetable insight Information is or relevant and] understanding use of the topic, compels the audience's attention Subject__| the learners does | Learners TE | leamers at | Learners Knowledge | not have group of | uncomfortable | ease and ready | demonstrates 2 information. wth the | with expected] full range of Information 1s information and answers to all knowledge anc confusing, incorrect | are able toanswer | questiors, but] is able to cr flawed, ‘only rudimentary | fale to daborate. |arewer all ps LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER. 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV! ‘questions. Information Is] questions with Some information | clear, aporopriste | explanation anc are confusing | andcorrect. | elaboration. incorrect or All information Flawed. are clear, appropriate and correct. There fs minimal ar | Learners Adequate ‘Abundant Irrelevant data. Jazempted to} relevant data of | retevant data None is gathered] gather their own} at least two} with at least rectly by leamers, | field dats, but | types, at lesst| three different were unable to | one set gathered | types, at least complete the |directy by Jone set is ‘assignment, learners, gathered by therefore learners shoulc ‘conclusions be drectiy from ‘cannot be drown, their own field work { ACTIVITY2|) WATCH AND LEARN : THE BASIC The activity aims to introduce to you the basic skills in playing scrabble and how each skill is properly executed. Video aidod instructional materials will bo used for your skill acquisition. Kindly visit and download this site yw youtube comwatch?y=62FxWIKEngM How fo play scrabble. Your teacher will guide you in this activity Scrabble moves Sequence of Play Scoring StrategiesTechniques = _/ 19 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES PLAY TIME ! Since you have already an idea on how to play scrabble, you can now proceed to the next activity. = I WANT TO PLA’ Hello leamers! This is now the opportunity for you to demonstrate the basic skills you have ‘soen in the picturo/video-aided instructional materials. LET'S PLAY! 1. Form a group with 4 members each. 2. Assign an cbserver & a recorder while the other members of the group will play. While playing, observer / recordar will record histher observation on skills / tactics Usediapplied by the player, 3. At the end of the game, the player, observer / recorder will share their experiences in the game. 4. The leader of your group will conduct a short discussion to arrive at a generalizaton rogarding the importance of mastory of the basic skills in scratblo. Note: To enhance your skills in playing scrabble, you can play ‘online scrabble game at>Word Games. CONGRATULATIONS LEARNERS ! You know already how to play! e —————— 130 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER: 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES —— 4 si __> | PARTIIL WHAT TO UNDERSTAND ‘Your understanding of the essence of participating in scrabble games will be assessed, activity 1 | HOW APPRECIATE THE GAME Hello Learners’! In your activity notebook answer the following questions: oo is © How do you play sorabble? ‘What basic skilsitactios do you need to develop/master in order to be successful in playing SCRABBLE- © Doyou think that your knowledge on the rules and regulations of the game is an ‘edge for you towin? Why? © Are there any health and fitness benefits we can get out of playing scrabble? Enumerate ai least five of them, PLAYING WITH MY FAMILY ACTIVITY 2 ‘Scrabble helps build language skills, and your s will develop more if you are directly engage with - family. Scrabble is a social game and t can top the —{ vxiewmiendiovmasisttoarn | list of family fun activities. It is a form of recreational ee activity that allows you and yourfamily to relax. forget any pressing concerns and improve mental ‘capabilities. To sum up everything, it is a way of family bonding/camaraderi Basad on the statements you have read above, — kindly fil up the chart given below. Copy the format below in your activity notebook. a You ill be guided by your teacher. (a a LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ee How the game scrabbles enhance bonding in your WHAT VALUE WE LEARNED FROM PLAYING SCRABBLE? One of the important aspects in playing scrabble is developing good values. Complete the survey blow and dotormino tho values in playing scrabble. In your activity nototook chock tho appropiate space based on the importance. After you have completed the table below, look for a partner and discuss with them the values you leain from playing scrabble. Values Learned Not important | Slight Importent_| Mest important I. Developed camaraderie among my peers 2. Established good felationship with my family 3. Made inteligent ecisions in my fe Made mefacing chalengas 5. Enhanced my ‘apabilties in torms of vocabula Before you proceed to the transfer part, answer the SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT below: [PO LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 133 Multiple Choices: Choose the correct answer from the given choices below. Write the letter of the correct answer on the ‘space provided for. ANSWERS = Which of the following scrabble tiles have a value of fve points? 1 AD BX CK ‘What particular color of the calls on the scrabble board 2. Corresponds to a tiple word score? A. Light Blue 8.Dark Red C. Dark Blue How many borus points wil be given to a player whois able to 3. place all seven tiles on the board at the same time? A 50 B. 100 ©. 150 Which of the following scrabble terms that is used to stop 4. - ‘he opponent from making a potontally largo score? A. Bufirg — 8.Blocking ©. Challenge When a rack has more than one of a given letter, it iscalled as? 5. A. Dumping B. Hold C. Duplication Completion Type: Compote tho given statemonts bolow. Write your answer on the space provided for. ‘ANSWERS - Scabble is played with exactly tiles. 1 ‘When a player's able to place all seven ties trom the tile rack on the board, the player receives point bonus. 2. . Ip serabble tho tilos may bé used as any lottor desired. A __ square doubles the score of a letter. ‘An opponentealls when they thnk a play is not acceptable. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES lll Matching Type: Match the scrabble letter in Column A with the equivalent point value in Goumn B. Write the letter of the correct answer an the space provided for in Column C. Column A Column B Column c. + AFLLLNORST andU 10 points - QandZ . 4 points Sand Bpoints . FHV, end ¥ . points . B.C Mand P = A point | ‘keep it up! In this phase, you are expected fo demonstrate a complete product or performance. ACTIVITY1 HOW WELL DO! KNOW THE GAME ‘This activity gives you chance to re- assess and apply what you have learned about the basic rules of the game scrabble. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER. 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV! Using the table below, enumerate the rules on how to play the game scrabble. Copy the table in your activity notebook. Ss ‘How to play scrabble on uno sont es-uneen scleral ACTIVITY 2 | DO YOU STILL REMEMBER ME? Hilearners'! Kindly identity the common scrabble terms that you have learned before. Complete the corresponding scrabble letters . placed on the scrabble board Use the guide statements below as your reference to complete the scrabble terms. ‘Write your answers in your activity notebook. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES In scrabble, itis a term that dascribes a rack that has more than one of a given letter. It consists of two blanks, the four S's and the letter J, Q, X and Z. Aplece that is being used in playing scrabble, itis a word game in which two fo four piayers score points by forming words from individual lotiored files on a game board marked with a 16-by-15 grid, Aleim used in scrabole when an opponent thinks a piay Is not acceptable. A\letter that will spell a new word wnen it is played with in the front of or at the end of a word already on the board, 7. This isa dark red square on the scrabble word. When a words played using this square, then the points for the word are multiplied by three. 8. Any word played that uses all seven letiers on the rack earning a bonus of 50 points. 9. The act of playing a word on the board that stops the opponent from making a potersially large score. 10. Term in scrabble wherein the player may “pass” hisiher turn by not exchanging tiles and not making a play on tho board. Rale yourself based on the value of the tiles 136 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AEILNO,S,T and U Dand 6 BM and? [a Hv Wand ¥ Tand ® Tipe oe a light Red Cells Bork Red cl ACTIVITY 3 | MINI SCRABBLE GAME TOURNAMENT This activity aims to synthesize and apply what you have theoretically and practically leamed in the previous learning sequence. Decision making, critical thinking and sportsmanship will be revealed and developed. Your performance during the activity will be rated according to the following criteria’ ‘appropriateness of skills, execution of skills and behaviour during the performances 1. Group in such a way that there will be players and game officials. Rotation will be made so that all groups will be able to play and offciate as arbiter recorder. 2. The winner of each group will be selected to compete with the other winner of the group and came up with the champion. Check this out! a7 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES You are encouraged to integrate/use terms related to social issues such as environmental aspect, drug educaton, peace education and consumer education Ven \ ("ANALYTIC RUBRIC FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF LEARNERS’ PERFORMANCE Proficiency inthe | Ability to Adapt a Skill to | Behavior in Playing Execution of Skills. tain Sport Situation. | wean 30% 40% ‘30% MASTERFUL: Able to use | SKILLFUL: Demonstrates | MATURE: Highly 5 | knowledge and skills powertul and skilful discipined and able to auiomatically, effectivey | execution of the game _| demonsirate appropriate andeffciently ingame | skill with high level of | behavior towards the situations confidence gamo, players and game officials SKILLED: Abie to use | COMPETENT: SENSITIVE: Disciplined 4 | knowledge and skills Demonstrates and able to demorstrate competently in game competently the game _| appropriate behavior situations skill with confidence towards the game, players and game officials ‘ABLE: Has Imtedbut | PRACTITIONER: ‘AWARE: Genarally ‘growing ability 0 use Demonstrates general | demonsirates proper 3. | knowledge and skillsin | level of coordination and | behavior towards the ‘game situations ‘competence in the game, players and game execution of game skills | officials, with limited but growing ‘confidence ‘APPRENTICE: Relies on | APPRENTICE: DECENTERING: Has 2 | limited knowledge and | Demonstrates limited some capactty for self- skills; has limited use of | coordination and discipline but with limited judgment and competence in the reactions and atitudes Tesponsiveness to. game | execution of game skills | towards the game, players situations. with low level of and game officials ‘confidence NOVICE: Can perform | NOVICE: Has very lowor | EGOCENTRIC: Has litle 1 | enlywith coaching and | nocoordination in or no consideration to the relies on highly directed | demonstrating game skills; | rules of the game; behaves ski execution, procedures | has very low level orno | untowardly and has no andgame approaches —_| confidence at all respect for ather players and gamo officials ‘CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID A GOOD JOB TO FINISH THIS MODULE ae Ba LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER. 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV! Ss SUMMARY/SYNTHESIS/GENERALIZATION a Ater doing all the activities, | hope that you have learned a lot specifically on the following parts: Part 1 gives you a brief recall about your concept on the game scrabble including adequate and relevant information and knowledge. Part ff enables you to perlom/demonstiate activities that will assess your skills and understanding. Part Ill provides you with different activities and discussion that will help you to reflect and think eeper about the game scrabole Part IVis the final phase in which you are expected to tansfer your leaming through a product or performance in a new context or situation. hoped that you geinod a lot in terme of knowledge, skills, and value formation from the difforent activiles. Congratulations! GLOSSARY OF TERMS 139 PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 10. REFERENCES . BINGO- Any word played that uses all seven letters on the rack, earning a bonus of 50 points BLOCKING -The act of playing a word on the board that stops the opponent from making a potentially large score. It also refers to the act of playing words that make it harder for either playor to soore many points. CHALLENGE-An opponent calls a "CHALLENGE" when s/he thinks a play is not acceptable (i.e. not in the OWL or Merriam-Websier Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition). A Word Judge is called to verify which words are acceplable or not. Whenever there is a challenge, someone loses exactly one turn. COUNT TILES- players often coun’ ties at two different times: 1) before a game begins to ensure that there are 100 tiles; 2) near the end of the game, when knowing exactly how many tiles remain to be played can be crucial for the astute player. DOUBLE-DOUBLE-When a player makes a play with letters that cover two Double-Word Squares. The bonus for covering two DWSs one play: quadruple the sum of the value of the letters of the "Double-Double" word. The sum should include that extra values earned fon any DLS covered that turn only. END GAME. The portion ofa SCRABBLE game when there are less than seven tiles left to draw from the bag. HOOK LETTER (A.K.A. HOOK)-A loiter that will spoll a now word when itis played with in the front of or at the end of a word already on the board. Example With HARD on the board, the letter Yis a hook letter since HARDY is accepiable. Likewise, the letter C can be "hooked: since CHARD is acceptable. PASS.A player may pass his/her tum by not exchanging tles and not making a play on the board. The player scores zero and says "Pass!" and starts opponent's timer. itis now opponent’ turn. Noto that when there are 8 consecutive scores of zero ina game, the game is finished. SCRABBLE- is 2 word game in which two ‘to four players score points by forming words from individual lettzred tiles on a gameboard marked with a 15-by-16 grid, TILES - Game equipment consisting of a flet thin plece marked wih characters and used in board games like Mah-Jong, Scrabble, ete 140 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Wipedia : The free Encyclopedia ww. Scrabble www. ‘htio:/ ph MAPEH.CAT IV By Vilma Perez, . htip:/www'scrabble/en_US/glossary.cim OMAN S MODULE 2: CHESS LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Participating in indoor recreational activites Is important for @ child's developmert and can. lay a foundation for a healthy life. Play is @ good mental and physical activity for children. It dovolops their physical body, movomeni, and coordination; oncouragos salf-octoom; fostors social interaction skils; improves thinking skills; and develops emotional skils. Moreover, famiy relationships can be enhanced when the family has something worthwhile to do altogether. ‘Ths module encompasses the basic principles and ideas about one of the indoor recreational activities, .2., chess. it will lead you to understand the nature/baskground of the game ‘chess and the benefits derived from playing it. This will help you to become better player or ‘o love chess while learning the basic skills in playing i. Loarning Competencies: Attho end ofthe lesson, you should be able to 1. disouss the nature/background of the game chess: 2. explain the benefits that the family can derive from playing chess 3. practice proper and acceptable behavior when participating in indoor recteational activities; . promote indoor recreational activities to family members: execute basic skills and tactics in chess: interpret rules and regulations in chess; apply knowiedge of rules and regulations and strateges in chess. Noms Pre-Assessment ‘You will be given set of activities to assess and activate your prior knowledge about chess. = - In this activity your prior knowledge in the 1@ chess will be assessed, Ih your activity notebook, copy the table as shown. Look at the drawing of chess pieces and equipment of the game. Identify each of the pieces. ‘Wiite your answer on the appropriate boxes. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘Are you ready? Let's check it out! Chess pieces and equipment So, you are. i i a i ES I The above simple recall and identification have surely activated your prior knowledge in chess. In the next activity, you will be directed to identify your own personal learning goals and ‘objectives of the course. At this point. you will write your expectations for this module. GOOD JOB LEARNER! us LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES LEARNING GOALS and TARGETS Detine your own personal leaining goals and targets about our lesson chess. Example: Leam the moves ofeach chess piece. The succeeding activities are classified into four phases of leaming. Knowing, processing, reflacting and understanding, and transferring of understanding. In this phase, you will be given activities to assess your prior knowledge; communicate your expectations: what you want to know, understand, produce or perform. You will be taught what you need to learn about chess. You will also be informed of the assessment techriques which will be used to rate your cutput and performance at the end of the lesson. Brief History of Chess Do you know whore chess originated? Choss is a game that has been played for conturies and was thought to have originated in India in the 15° century. Long ago, it was considered a game reserved only forkings and members of the upper classes. Nowadays, chess is played by ‘commen people even at an early age. The modern design of chess pieces bears the name Staunton, who was an English master in the mid-1800's. These are the type of pieces that are now used in all tournaments worldwide. The first intemetional chess tournament was the London Tourney played in 1851. A Geman named Adolf Anderssen won the game. He became the unofficial best chess player of the world because he did not receive any award or ttle ctr LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES The first great American-born chess player is Paul Morphy. Paul traveled to Europe in the 1850's, where he beat all challengers, including Adolf Anderssen. However, the English champion of the tme (Staunton) refused to play with him, so Morphy never became a world chess champ. The first officiel championship chess tournament was played in 1866 in London, with sand locks to restrict the length of a game. A Bohemian (Czechoslovakian) Jew named Steinitz won the game. He became the world's fist offcial chess champion, holding this tle until 1894. Have you wondered who rules in the world of chess today? Recently, Russia dominates the ‘game of chess. This resuts from the estebishment of govemment schools for talented chess Players after the communist revolution of 1917. Since 1927, many of the top chess players have boon citizens of tho former USSR, and include: Tal, Alokhino, Potrosian, Spascky, Smysiov, Anatoli Karpov, and Gary Kasparov. Benefits Derived from Playing Chess. Chess is an indoor recreational activity which is now being introduced 2s a major part of secondary level curiculum because of the benefits it gives to the students. You probably know some of the benefits derived from playing chess. Here are some of the benefits which can be derived from playing chess. 1. Chess increases the mathematical and scientific skills of the students. It also enhances the problem solving skills, concentration abilly, as well as logical thinking ability of the siudents. |t develops a sense of confidence and seif-worth of a student. It also increases communication skille of a studont. gives a lesson of hard work and commitment. Aside from intellectual exercise, chess provides entertanment and relaxation. This game is ‘ree and can provide entertainment even for the cbservers. Chess also has health benefits. It is considered as a form of recreational therapy. Chess keeps the mind healthy and a healthy mind resutts in healthy body. itis used by therapists ‘a help people suffering from cognitive functioning such as anxiety and depression. 7. Chess a form of indoor recreational activity can bo used to strongthen family bond. Tho ‘members of the family can play with each other while at home. In a way, the chess pieces can represent ihe family members. Each member of the ‘amily has a rdle to play. In chess, the pieces also have speciiic function to perform to win the game. 2 MAE us LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES This activity will give you the opportunity to know moro about your oxpoctations of tho lesson, to assess your prior knowledge and skills in chess, and what you want to knowileam about it, Copy the illustrations as shown, and write what you currently know about the game chess under box A and what you want io know more about the game under box B. Use the questions ‘as your guide. Ready Chess Go! Guide Questions 1. Give a short description abaut the nature and background of the game chess. 2 Do you think playing chess can promete health, fitness, and wellness among family members? How? LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Aittis point questions are provided for you to gauge how youvalve chess as a game. in your activity notebook, copy ihe table a chown, ancl anewor the quodiions by placing ttle fr always, Setter somotimes, and 1 for naveron the space provided ‘QUESTIONS always | sometimes | never Have | experianced playing chess? Do! play choss with my family? Do! enjoy participating in chess games? Do! consider the benefits derived from playing chess? Do | plan to make chess game as one of my litelong activities? Do! play choss with friends? How often do I play chess? ‘Are there chess enthusiasts in my farmly? ‘The two activities above gave information on your personal concepts of the game chess. in the next activity. your answers will be based on the lessons you will learn in the classroom about the ature and background of the game. a LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES This time, you will express what concepts you know about chess. Below are chess pieces. Write a word or phrase inside the pieces which are related to the background and nature of chess. 2\ BES After writing the four words or phrases, use each word in a sentence. The sentence must be related to the background and nature of chess. 1 2 a 4 ‘The above actvities are only starters and the succeeding ones will enable you to identiy the banefits derived from playing chess and the proper conduct when participating in the game. Below is a chess board containing rumbled details regarding benefits derived from chess and the proper behavior when participating in this game. Copy the chass board in your activity notebook. From the numbered details below, identify which are the benefits derived from chess and the proper behavior when participaling in the game. Write the number on the shaded box below corresponding to benefits derived fram chess and the number on the white box for the proper behavior when participating in chess game. us 1 2 3 4 Develops a sense of | It gives alesson of Increases confidence and sel hardwork and | Neverboastovera | communication worth, ‘commitment win skis. 5 6 7 8 Chess increases the Dont show rude Always show mathematical and | Chess keeps mind | — behavior overa sportsmanship. scientific skills. healtiy, defeat ° 10 1 2 Strengthen family | Dont distract the Provide Donot make it bond. ‘ther players. entertainment. | obvious if you make a mistake 13 14 i 15 16 Ifyou disagree with Never blame others | Chess provides Minimize talking | what your opponent for something thay relaxation when at the event | has done raise your did not do. venue. hand end ask for help. ‘You have made a lot of progress by leaning the overview of the game chess. Now, you 19 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES vill leam the basic skils in playing chess. You will be acquainted with the rules and regulations of the game This module comes with a video presentation on how to play the game which you can download at https:/ 7v=unB3B0EtL Do8feature=channel&ist=UL After the video presentation answer the following questions: 1. How does @ chess piece move? 2. What are the special features of the chess pece? 3. Howcan you do castling? 4. When doos check er chackmate occur? In Part | of the module, activities are designed to gauge the knowiedge and interests you already possess as well as the evidence of your leaming from this module. In the second phase, ‘activities wil focus on how you process the information you gained in the first phase. In this phaso, you will bo provided wih various learning resources and learning experiences to enable you to undersiand and perform betler in the game chess as an indoor recreational activity This activity will test your ability to use your hands and eyes together to partorm a task requiring you to synchronize vision, touch, movement, and cognition. Paper juggling is a fun way to help you develop and mainiain your eye-hand coordination. that is essential in playing chess. 1. Make your own paper juggling ball by crumpling 2 sheets of paper. 2. Start the activity by juggling the paper bal alternately with right and left hand. 3. Count how many times you hit the paper ball. 4. you fail to hit the paper ball, stop counting. 5. Do itthree times. 6. Your final score will be the highest in three trials. EARNING MODULE PUYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER: 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV TIES ‘You are now on the exciting part of the module. In this activity, you will be acquainted with the proper positioning of the chess pieces on the chess board. Try to visualize a chess board with chess pieces placed in their proper initial positions. in your activity notebook, copy the istration as shown and locate the following pieces in their intial positions on the chess board by writing the number in the space provided. at LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘Through the aforementioned activities, you were warmed up by playing paper juggling and identitying the initia positions of the chess pieces. in the proceeding activity, you will perform the moves of each chess piece. In this next activity, you will be given the opportunity to practice the basic moves of each chess piece. You need to remember each spectic move o win a game. Pieces can be moved to ‘capture an opponent's piece. This is done by landing on the square of the opponent's pioce and then replacing it. Pieces can also be moved to defend other pieces in case of capture. or to control important squares in the game Follow the moves of the chess pieces as ilustrated below. Tho king ié"Tho most important piocs, however itis alo considered ono of tho woakost. Tho king only moves one squaie in any direction - up, down, to the sides, and diagonally. The king may never move himself into chack (where he could be captured). row [Note:The dot (e}ropresonts the drection of moves the pices Sl ‘The queen is the most powerful piece. it moves in any one straight direction - forward, ‘backward, sideways, or diagonally. As all the other piaces, except the knight, it cannot move aver ‘any intervening piooe. 152 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘The rook ray move io any square as far as it wants, but only forward, backward, and to the ‘sides. The rooks are particularly powerful pisces when they are protecting each other and working together! ‘The bishop may move as far as it warts, but only diagonally. Each bishop starts on one color (light, or dark) and must always stay on that color. Bishoos work well together because they cover up each other's woaknossos. ee Knights moves by gcing 1wo squares in one direction, and then one more move just like an. “L' shape. Knights are the only pisces thet can move over other pieces. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Pawns move forward, but capture diagonally. They can never move backwards. On its first move, the pawn can advance two squares at a time. Sucozeding moves will be one square at a time. Note: fhe x represents the move for capturing opponent's piece. Congratulations! You have gained understanding and knowledge of the basic moves of each chess piece. You can now proceed to the next activity. At this point you need to concentrate on the rules and rues and regulations of the game and. bbe in focused on the game play. Alter learning each chess moves, let us review your knowledge on the rules and regulations in playing chess. Welcome to your next acivity! In your activity notebook, copy the figures and other entries ‘as shown. You have to identify the move of each illustrated chess piece. With the use of a straight line, connect column A to column B then, column 8 to column C. The first one is done for you. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN G ft. ; Pieces that other pieces. The most important . ‘b piece, but one of the weakest Move to any square as far \ ome as it wants, 4 . \ but only forward, backward, an tothe sides. Move and capture along the diagonals The most powerful piece. Can be promoted to any piece. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Alter finishing the preceding activities, you are now equipped with the basic skills in playing ‘chess. To furthor your knowledge and for more excitement. you will now play chess antino. Way to go! Play choss online. You will havo the computer as your opponent. Play chess with your computer at http:/'board/play-chess- against-the-eomputer him, In Part Il, you were given sets of activities to facilitate better understanding of the game chess. Aside from just knowing the basic required skils in playing the game, a decper understanding of its importance Is necessary. In the next phase, acliviies are designed (o convey the deeper value of chess. In this phase you have other learning resources and experences to enrich your understanding of chess Below are pictures of chess pieces and members of a typical family. In your notebook, copy the table as shown. Write the function of each chess pieces and the function of the family members on the space provided for. After which, relate the functions of each chess piece to the members of the family or to the family as a whole. Present your work to your teacher. LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES CHESS FUNCTION INTHE FUNCTIONOF THE | FAMILY PIECES CHESS PIECES FAMILY MEMBERS | MEMBERS Se op Be ip >» 1 be bt pe 7 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Here is a question for you to ponder. This will give you a deeper understanding on the value of playing chess. Do you think playing chess can promote health, fitness and wellness among family members? How? Copy the ilustrations in your notebook, and write your anewer on the space provided. In Part Ill, you have sets of activities which deepen your understanding of the game chess. In Part IV, your performance and product will be assessed. It's now time for you to solve chess, puzzles and meet other players and do chess match. EARNING MODULE PUYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER: 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV TIES WOW! Finally, you made itto this part! This is now your chance to show everyone that you ‘can play chess with your classmate. In the next activities, you need to have a chess set. Your performance and product will be graded based on a set of criteria PS fk) Below are chess puzzles for you 10 solve. Your teacher will rate your ablity (by checking the appropriate bax) to execute the basic skills and tactics in playing chess by using the rubyics that follow. (White to move) RATING ACTIVITY 159 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Second Thid | More than First Attempt sche ws pasts Atlempt | Attempt | 4 Atterpis 2. Time to solve the Less than 2 | Less than’ | Less than | More than Puzzle. minutes minutes | 4 minutes | § minutes Rating Scale: 4 + Advance 3 ~ Proficient 2 = Approaching Proficiency 1 = Developing mari MINL-CHESS TOURNAMENT Tne aim of this activity is for you to apply what you have learned theoretically and practically in the previous phases of learning sequence. 1. You will be grouped by pairs. Rotaton will be done so that you will have the chance to meet the other members of the group. 2. Yeur performance will be ranked based on the score gamered during the minitournament. Name of Students, Score | Rank | 160 EARNING MODULE PUYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER: 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV TIES Note: The number of students 10 be ranked is not limited to three. SUMMARY / SYNTHESIS / GENERALIZATION 1 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER. 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV! ‘This module focuses on aiiferent sets of activities that help you develop the required skils in playing chess. it has enabled you to understand the basic principles and concopts behind tho game. Aiter performing all the required tasks in this module, it is expected that you have already gained knowledge on the essentals of choss and its doopor value as a recreational activity 10 Promote good family relationship. Part 1 gives you a brief recall on the game, chess. It has also provided you with activities which strengthened your knowledge about te game such as providing you with the opportunity to ‘enumerate what you know and what you want to know about chess. You are also acquainted with the benefits derived and the proper behavior when participating in a chess game. Moreover, a downloadable video clip is prepared for you to help you better understand the ules and regulations of the game. Part Il enables you to perform activities that evaluated your skills and understanding of the game. You are tasked fo demonstrate the move of each chess piece. Moreover, you are given the ‘opportunity to play online chess ta enhance your skils in playing the game, Part Ill provides you with activities to make you reflect and think deeper on the value of chess as a game. Finally, in Part IV, you are made to transfer what you have learned in this module through a. product or performance. You are given the chance to apply what you have leamed theoreticaly ‘and practically in this module. You were made to solve chess puzzles and played mini-chess tournaments. Congratulations! You made a good job. Surely, you have gained a lot of knowledge after performing all the activities in this module. tis hoped that you have also gained the family values thie module wants to convey. Glossary of Terms 12 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES -Castling - This is a move of the king and either rock of the same color along the player's frst row. On a player's tum he may move his king two squares over to one side and then move the rook from that side's comer to right next to the king on the opposite side. Checkmate - is a situaton in chess. in which one player's king is threatened with capture (in check) and thors is no way to moet that throat. Chess - A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. Draw - a chess game where nobody ends as a winner. En Passant - It is a spocial pawn capture which can occur immadiatoly after a player moves, ‘@ pawn lwo squares forward from its staring position, and an enemy pawn could have captured it had it moved only one square forward. The opponent captures the just-moved pawn as if taking it tas it passes" through the first square. The resulting position is the same as if the pawn had moved only one square forward and the enemy pawn had captured normally Promotion - Special abilty of pawns wherein ifit reaches the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece except the king, Sources: 163 http:/Amww.fide. com/component/handoaok/id~1248view-article hitp:/ Chess basic rules of play hitp:/mww. http:/! ‘The History of chess http:/ php http:/ him! MODULE 3: DOMINO LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES The family needs to have opportunities to have fun and bond altogether. Parents are important role models and shouid be active with their children everyday. Itis best that activities for children match their skis and abilties. Families who spend their leisure time together become closer and indcor activities are the best ways for them to stay close while having fun! This module focuses on anothor indoor recreational activity for the family, the game domino. Itis designed to acquaint you with the principles and ideas behind the game. This module will assist you in the process of understanding the nature/background, benefits derived, and the basic skills and tactics in playing the game. You will be given the opportunity to engage in Practical applications, of the principles and ideas of playing domino. As a student, you are Probably familiar with the procedures of playing domino. This time, you can become a better Player and appreciate the game more as you go through this module. Learning Competencies: At the end cf the lessen, you should be able to discuss the neture/background of the came domino: explain the health and fitness benefit that the family can derive from playing dominos; 1 2 3. practice proper and acceptable behavior when participating in indoor rearaational activities: 4, execute basic skills and tactics in domino; 5. 6 7 Interpret rules and regulations in domino: applyappropriate rules and ragulations in domino: initiate the promotion of indoor recreational activities to family members Pre- Assessment: At this point, you wil beprovided withactivties to pre-assess and recall your prior know edge about the game domino, Now, start with your lesson! Ear I, 1 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES We are going to start wih our first actvily. You will be divided into 3 teams. You will play charades on words related to chess. This activity will test how sharp your mind and body act in coordination when you are short ofsome words. Here's what you ara to do. 1, The game starts by asking each team to write words related to domino on pieces of paper ‘hen fold and putthem on a bow! 2. Each member of the team will pick @ piece from the bowl. When i's your tuin, close your eyes and pick a piece of paper irom the bow. Without saying a word, help your team by trying to guess the word by giving signels and gestures. 3. Stop when your team guesses the word or time runs out. You will be given a minute to act ‘out the word. 4, The team with the most rumber of correct guesses wins the game: You need to use the following words related te the game. Bone Double Block Tiles * China + Rectangle + Bar + Dots Tho above activity helps facilitate your prier knowledge about domino. In the next activity, ‘enumerate your own personal learning goals and objectives for the lesson. At this point, you will write your expectations for this module. LEARNING GOALS and TARGETS Express’State your own learning goals and target about our lesson domino. Example. Learn how to play domino. 165 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 2 a 4. 5 ‘The succeeding activities are classified into four phases of learning. Knowing. processing. reflecting and understanding then transferring of knowledge. i OG LO) In this phase, you will be provided with sets of activities to measure your prior knowledge; to express your expectations of this course based on what you know, what you want to know and what you can accomplish in relation to the topics; to equip you with the necessary knowedge ‘about domino; and to inform you of the assessment techniques which will be used to rate your ‘output and performance. History of Dominoes Dominoes (or domines} generally refer to the collective gaming pieces making up adomino ‘sot(sometimes called a deck or pack) or to the subcategory of tile games played with domino pioees. In the arca of mathomatioal tings and polyominoes, the word domino often rofors to any rectangle formed from jeining two congruent squares edge to edge. A domino set may consist of Aiforont numbor of tilos and dots. Tho traditonal Sino-European domino set consists of 28 dominoes. The to!als for all common domino sets is presented in the following table Domino Set Double Six (6-6) Double Nine (9-9) 166 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Double Twelve (12-12) 3 1092 Double Fiftean (18-15) 136 2080 Dominoes are called ‘bones’ because the earliest domino tiles were made from animal bones or ivory. In addition to "bones", dominoas are also called "tiles”, "stones", "men", “lckets".or “spinners.". Each domino is a rectangular tile with a line dividing its face into two square ends. Each end is marked wth a number of spots (also called pios) or is blank. The word "pi commonly means a “spot” or a "speck", and perhaps that's why a dominc’s spots are called ips’.The backs of the dominoes in a set are indistinguishable, ether blank or having some commen design. A domino set is a generic gaming device, similar to playing cards or dice, in that avariely of games can be played witha set Evidences show that tile cames have been found in China as early as 1120 CE. Some historians credit Keung Tai Kung, in the twelfth century BCE for creating them. Other historians stated that dominoes were invented by a statesman named Chu sz yam in 1120 CE. This person Is sald io have presented them to the Empetor Hui Tsung, and that they were circulated abroad by Imperial order during the reign of Hu's son, Kao-Tsung (1127-1163 CE). ‘You might have notice that there has been no exact data on the origins of domino. However, one is clear enough, it has existed so long ago that documentation of which is scarce. Although domino ties are clearly of Chinese inheritance, there is a debate over whether the European tile set came from China to Europe in the fourteerth century or was inverted independent. Have you seen European dominoes? They are reotangular tiles that are twise 2s long as they are wide. There is a single tle for each combination of the faces of a pair of dce: the blank suit is the throws of a singe die, for a total of twenty-eight tles in the standard Double six set. Other sets with larger numbers of tiles were invented later, with the double nine and Double twelve sets beng the most common extensions, Where did the word domino came from? The word "domino" is most likely to be derived from the Latin, dominus (ie., the master of the house). The vocative, domine, became the Scottish and English dominia (i.e.. schoolmaster). The dative or ablative, domino, became the French and then the English domino. The word "Domino" is French for a black and white hood worn by “7 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Chistian priests in winter which is probably where the name of the game derives trom. Domino games are played all over the world, but they are most popular in Latin America, ‘The game domino is very popular in Italy, France, and Britain in the 18” century. France was also producing domino puzzles. The puzzles were of two types. In the first. you were given a pattern and asked to place tiles on it in such a way that the ends matched. In the second type, you were given a pattem and asked to place tiles based on arithmetic properties of the pips, usually totals of lines of ties and tile halves. Benefits from playing dominoes. ‘As any indoor recreation game, playing deminoes provides fun and interaction for the family. At the same time, the game provides leaming opporturities to stimulate the mind, It also ‘encourages socializing and important social skills such as learning how to win/lose, teamwork, and ther values. These are values which cannot be gained from playing online games which children Pay on their own. Dominoes cater not only for the young ones but also for the grown-ups. Domino sets come in different colors, designs. and sizes. A 1:Go Domino! This activity will give you opportunity to know more about your expectations of the lesson, your prior knowledge and ckils in one of the indoor recreational games called domino, and what you want to knew/ learn more about the game. ‘A. In your activity notebook, copy the chart as shown and write what you currently know about domino under box 1 and what you want to know more about the game under box 2 168 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER. 3_ INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIV! Share your answers with your teacher or resource person. Alter the activity, each group will share with the class what they have written. As each group presents thelr output other groups are allowed to contribute to the discussion. B. Below are frequently asked questions about domino. Try to answer each of the following based on your prior knowledge abcut the game. Write your answers in your activity notebook. 1. Is domino a game for two persons only? If your answer isno, give a scenario wheren the game can be played by more than two persons? 2 Why are domino tiles called bones? 3. How many tiles and dots are there in a domino sex? 4, What is the origin of dominos? 5. Why ate dots on the dominoes called pips? 169 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘The above activities are focused on your personal concept of the game domino. They cover the nature and backround of the game. Now, you will further your knowledge on the rules and regulations of the game by watching a vdeo. = This module comes with a video presentation on how to piay the game wich you can cbwrload al_huips:/www.youlube comwaich?vauy/2XO8n-yMBfeature=9-upl. Now you know how to play domino based on the video you have watched. The next two activities can be answered based on the video you watched. ‘Acti ol ity 3: Way to Domi 'n your activity notebook, copy the chart shown and write the 7 steps on how to play domino ‘on tho appropriate boxes. a PPT] 170 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘Activity 4: Domino Rules! In this activity, you leam the rules and regulations of domino. Copy the chart in your activity, notebook and arrange the staiements according to the sequence on how the game is piayed. Puta dot on the first step, 2 dots on the second step, 3 dois on the third step, and so on... Place your answers on tho box at the lof sido of the statements. The first player places the firsttile, usually a double-six, on the table. if no ‘one holds the double-six, then the double-ive is played, and so on. ‘Once you begin drawing ties, they are typically placed on-edge so that you ‘and your opponent can see your own tiles, but without showing the value of the tiles. Every player can thus see how many tiles remain in the other players hands at all times during game. ‘The dominoes mustbe shuttled to make a boneyard. make a move, you can draw a tle from the boneyard ‘The game ends when you have played all your tiles, or when a game is, blocked. Each of the players choose a domino at random, with first move going to the player holding the "heavier" domino. | At you ak ts placing ls wit our pooner. someone canna In Part 1 of this module, activites are intended to assess the knowledge and interests as well as the proof of your learning from this module. In Part I aciivties will deal with how you process the information you gained in Part | m LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES PART Il: WHAT TO PROCESS In this phase, you will be provided with various learning resources and learning experiences to enable you to better understand and perform the game domino as an indoor recreational aotivity. ee This activity will help you relax, develop, and mainiain your coordination and reaction tme all of which are essentials in playing domino. With your fiends/classmates, form a straight ina. 1. The first player in front will perform and the next player will follow one after the other. 2. Ifsomeone can't follow, he/she will go in front and make a move to be followed by the students, Suggested moves/steps: sit Squat Tum te the righteft Raise arms Clap The activity has surely warmed you uo. Belore you play domino with other players, you need to answer the following domino puzzles. rT op st Let us gauge your skills in playing domino. Below are domino pieces which need other ieces fo be connected. Salve the puzzles below by applying the domino game tips. What will be your best move a,b, or c. Write the letter of your answer in your activity notebook, wm LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES After finishing the puzzies, enhance your knowledge on the basic skills in Paying domino by playing online games. oe Let us further enhance your skills by using the computer as your opponent. Play domino w/ your computer at http:/ 13 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES You are now equipped with the basic skills in playing domino! Attthis point, you will be familiarized on how domino tlss look lke. You will make your own domino sot. Activity 4: Make your own domino! Have the clacs form three groups, meke 28 domino cards using illustration board or carioina. The size will be 2x1 inch. Use pen marker or ballpen to draw dots. The 28 domino cards will look like the illustration below. Materials needed: tlustraton board, cartolina, scissors and pen marker. RUA ™ “AN ) Ie } You ata 2 good Job in making your own domino cards! In Part Il, you were given sets of activities io facilitate better understanding of the game domino, Aside from just knawing the necessary skills in playing the game, a deeper understanding of its value is necessary. In Part Il, the sets of activlies are intended to communicate the importance of domino. PART Ill: WHAT TO REFLECT AND UNDERSTAND Ih this phase, you will be provided with other learning resources and experiences for you to ‘enrich your understanding of the game domino. wa LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘Activity 1: Let's Get Domino! Based cn what you have leamed in this module, has your view on the significance of Playing a recreational activity like domino changed? Start your write up wih this statement. | have ‘come to realize that LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Below are doming tiles which, when arranged, form the words that complete the two unknown phrases at the midde (two question marked files). Rearrange the letters at the bottom of ‘each wordiphraso to find tho word. Tho two unknown words ropresont tho category of tho words/phrases. Write your answers in your acivity notebook. comes — ic | See Tats | catvaes| tame | “i” San | ronan | oats) pn ov ta | epgen rr E F E s I N T B Refrain from Never Dont show | Pent Winimze | Aways | HEE | Door | donot ra comments | boast talking show others for | Sstract | make it tere” | nanotner | overa | "Er" | sports: | sometting fhe, | ghvins era gameinas | veoy | ert | mansnip. | meyadtnet oh | youn detest. | Hprogress 27 | play fake. 1 E B A v H ° R ‘The above activity focused on the benefits derived irom playing domino and the proper and acceptable behavior in playing the game. In the next activity, i's your time to share your own idea ‘on tha importance of playing domino. 16 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘Activity 3: Sharing Tim Share to the olass/friende’relatives your ideas about the value of playing domino. Be uided by the following questions. Write your Ideas/answers to the questions in your activity notebook. How did you fee! about playing recreational games tke domino? Would you encourage your farrily members to play domino? Why? 's playing domino considered a good recreational activity which fosters good sccial relationship? Can you think of other activities which can be paired with domino to make the game more exciting? In Pan Ill, you have sets of activities which deepened your understanding of the game domino. Ih the next part, your performance and product will be evaluated. You will play domino matches. PART IV: WHAT TO TRANSFER In this phase, you are expected to demonstrate/show a completed cutput or performance as required by the lesson. 7 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘Activity 1: Let's Play! Finally, you made it to this part! This is now your chance to show everyone that you can play domino with an opponent. a. Your teacher will ask you to par with your classmates in a match of domino, b. Youwill be assessed using the following rating scale: Numerical Interpretation Descriptive Value Equivalent Perform the basic skills with no errors “Advance Perform the basic skills with some errors | Proficient Perform the basic skills with some errors ‘Approaching ‘and reliad on others’ help | Proficiency Needs more precice © pertom basic Developing After you have mastered playing domino with your classmates, you are now ready to compete in a mini-iournament. Ths time, your performance will be ranked based on the score gamered during the tournament. A game will be composed of four players. Name of Students Score Rank Note: The number of students to be ranked is not limited to three. ve LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES SUMMARY / SYNTHESIS / GENERALIZATION Domino mimics family situation wherein the pieces are interconnected and needs to match. each other. Like the family, the members of the family have a bond thai connects them. Each momber needs to be in consonance with each other so that harmony among thom will bo achieved, This module focuses on activities that faciitated the development of the required skills in Playing domino. It has helped you understand the basic ideas and concepts behind the game. After performing the required activities in this module, it is expected that you are already equipped with the knowledge on the basics of domino and it the family values the game wants to promote. Part 1 deat on a short recall on your prior knowledge about doming. It has activities which. strengthened your knowledge about the game such as asking you te enumerate what you already know and what you want to know about domino. The module also acquainted you with the basic rules and regulations of the game. The module also comes with a downloadable video clip which ‘surely helped you to better understand the rules and regulations of the game. Part l focuses on acivities tha! assessed your skills and understanding of the game chess. ‘You were tasked to solve domino puzzles 2s well as make your own domino set. Moreover, you are given the opportunity to play online chess to enhance your skills in playing the gama, Part Ill provides you with activities to make you reflect and think deeper on the value of chess 2s a game. Finaly, in Part 1V, you are made to transfer what you have learned in this module through a. Product or performance. You are given the chance to anply what you have leamed theoretically and practically in this module. You are made to compete in mini-chess tournaments. Great job! Congratulations! You have leamed a lot after gcing through the module. It is hoped that you have alco gained the family values embodied in this module. GLOSSARY OF TERMS 19 LEARNING NODULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUARTER 3_IMDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Bar refers to the middle line dividing the two squares of 2 domino tile. Blocked game - occurs when neither player can play. Bones also Known as the domino ties. Bone yard refers to the stock of domino pleces. Dominoes generally refers to the collective gaming pieces making up a domino ‘sat (sometimes called a deck or pack) or to the subcategory of tle games played with domino pieces Dots refers to the spots of a bone. Draw game Players are additionally allowed to draw as many tiles as desired from the stock before playing a tile, and they are not allowed to pass before the stock is (nearly) empty. The score of a game is the number o pips in the losing player's hand plus the number of pips in the stock. Sources: hitp/ hp //en.wikipedia.orgwik/Dominoes btip:/Avww.pagat com tila/wcom/history. btm! 180

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