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Duhat St., Golden Acres Subdivision Las Piñas City

Module 1: Earth and Space
Lesson 1: Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior
Introduction and Focus Questions:

Mount Pinatubo, an active volcano in the Phil, erupted on June 15,1991- the second
largest volcanic eruption of the century. The impact of its eruption continues to this day as
people in nearby towns have started to make the land covered with volcanic materials

In this Unit, you will learn the formation of volcanoes, the different types of volcanoes,
and its causes of volcanic eruptions. You will also discover how scientist are able to study
Earth’s Interior through volcanic eruptions. Remember to earth for the answer of the following

 How are volcanoes are formed?

 What causes a volcano to erupt?
 What must you do before, during and after an volcanic eruption?

Lesson Coverage:
In this Lesson, you will learn the following:
Title You’ll learn to… Time estimated
Earth: Volcanoes and Earth’s
Concept Map of the Lesson:


Erupts due to have

Magma Types

Moves up thru Earth’s Surface as


Structure Activity Location

Shield Active
Cinder cone Dormant

Composite Extinct Himalayan Belt

Expected Skills:

To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:

1. Follow the directions always

2. Complete all the activities and worksheets
3. Keep a notebook handy to scribble notes. Use it also to write answers to the
questions that you will encounter
4. Make a schedule to your study and recreation. Disciple is very important
Let’s Find out how much you already know about the Earth’s Volcanoes and its composistion by
answering the following Questions:

1. How volcanoes are formed?

2. What is the difference between active and a dormant volcano? Active and extinct
3. What happens when a volcano erupts?

Let’s start the lesson by exploring volcanoes. What are the key points of a volcano?

ACTIVITY#1: What’s in the picture?

Volcanoes like Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. St. Helens; Mt. Una loa; Mt. Taal and many others are
structured on the same anatonic structures. Link below contains the anatomic structure of a

13 Parts of a Volcano: The Anatomy of Volcanoes


After Reading the article, answer the following questions:


1. What is the article about?

2. What is a caldera?
3. What is the difference between lahar from ash fall (tephra)
4. Are volcanic bombs dangerous? Why?
5. How does Acid Rain form after an Volcanic Eruption?
6. How does Volcanic eruptions form Earthquakes before and after an eruptions?


Give your Initial ideas on how Volcanoes are windows of the interior of Earth and the different
classifications and locations. These ideas will be reinforced by doing the next activities.

The goal of this section is to learn and understand the key questions:

 What are the volcanic materials?

 Different Classifications of Volcanoes based from their Activity
 What are the locations where majority of volcanoes can be found?

Activity #2: Youtube Education: Video analysis

When Volcanoes Erupts, the super pressurized materials found in the magma chamber gets
released in the volcano in a form of lava . these Lava composed of the different chemical
compositions of the Earth’s Inner composition mainly found in the inner crust and the mantle.
In this video link provided will demonstrate what are the types of rocks are made.
What types of rocks are made by Volcanic Eruptions By Darron Gedge’s Geography
After Watching the Video; Answer the Questions listed below.

Process Questions:
1. What are the three general classification of Volcanic material?
2. What makes Basaltic lava its dark colored structure?
3. What makes rhyolite rocks its Light or white colored rocks?
4. Why is it important to know the composition of these rocks?
5. Find the correlation of the depth of the magma chamber within the volcano from its
volcanic Materials.

Activity #3: Fill them up!

What is the difference between active, dormant and extinct volcano?

An active volcano is a volcano that has had at least one eruption during 10,000 years with a
highly pressurized active magma chamber.

A Dormant Volcano is an Active volcano that is not erupting but still have a less pressurized
magma chamber.

An Extinct Volcano has not had erupted for at least 10,000years and its not expected to erupt
again for the absence of magma inside its magma chamber.

Classify the following Volcanoes listed below (inside the box) into its proper Category.
Mt. St. Helens Mt. Mayon Mt. Una Loa
Mt. Pinatubo Mt. Batulao Mt. Vesuvius
Mt. Kilauea Mt. Kilimanjaro Mt. Mauna Kea
Tamu Massif Mt. Krakatoa Mt. Taal
Mt. Bulusan Mt. Tambora Mt. Fuji


Now that you know the important ideas about this topic lets go deeper by now understanding
the following:
 Different Classifications of Types of volcanoes.
 Locations of the volcanoes.

Activity #4: Classifications of types of volcanoes.

Volcanoes are grouped into three types: cinder cone, composite and shield volcano.
Cinder cones are circular or oval cones made up of small
fragments of lava from a single vent that have been blown
into the air, cooled and fallen around the vent.
Composite volcanoes are steep-sided volcanoes composed of
many layers of volcanic rocks, usually made from high-
viscosity lava, ash and rock debris. Mt. Rainier and Mount St.
Helens are examples of this type of volcano.
Shield volcanoes are volcanoes shaped like a bowl or shield in
the middle with long gentle slopes made by basaltic lava
Shield flows. Basalt lava flows from these volcanoes are called
Volcanoes flood basalts. The volcanoes that formed the basalt of the
Columbia Plateau were shield volcanoes.
Process Question:

 Does the structure of Volcano indicate the severity of its volcanic eruption?
 On the list provided on Activity #3 table; categorize the following based from its

Cinder Cone VOLCANO Composite VOLCANO Shield VOLCANO

Activity #4: Picture Analysis
here is a picture showing the locations of the active volcanoes and a picture of a list of Tectonic

Process Question: Find the correlation between the two pictures.

The Goal of this section is to apply your learning to real life Situations.

Activity #5: Preparing for a Volcanic Eruption.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology is a government agency dedicated in

monitoring volcanic activities, earthquakes and tsunamis as well as providing specialized
information and services primarily to protect life and property. The agency issues warnings as
part of its mandate of preventing disasters that may arise from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes
and other related phenoma.

Considering the Philippines is one of the countries under the Pacific Ring of Fire (*Circum-
pacific Belt) as of late of this year 2020 we had experience one volcanic eruptions Taal Volcano
(batangas) on January 12 and an Impending Volcanic activity that may or may not led to a
volcanic eruption on Mt. Bulusan (sorsogon).

Your task is to create an Informative Presentation about Preparing for a volcanic Eruptions.

The presentation will be Judged according to: content, organization, appropriateness of


The Following is the Rubric for the Presentation will be used:


CRITERIA EXEMPLARY Accomplished Developing Beginning RATING

4 3 2 1
Content Provides Provides Provides No back-
exhaustive and accurate unrelated ground
reliable background background Information
background information; information;
information Information Some
about the organ provided is information
system; related to the are not
Information objective of the relevant to
provided is presentation.. the objective
clearly relevant of the
to the objective presentation
of the
Organization Details of the Details are Some The slides or
presentation are placed in a information pieces of
placed in a logical order, are logically information
logical and thereby helping sequenced. are not
interesting order. the audience Some slides organized.
understand the or pieces of
presentation information
without difficulty are out of

Appro- Graphics/animati Graphics/ Some No

priateness of ons used are not animations used graphics/ graphics/anim
Graphics/ only appropriate are appropriate animations ations were
animations to the target to the target used are used in the
used audience but audience. inappropriate presentation
also effectively to the target
keep the interest audience
of the audience. which can
also lead to
Side Remarks:
Post – assessment:

Directions: have this attachment printed out and Answer the Following Crossword Puzzle. Avoid

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