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Cc: severe headache 3 hours after sexual intercourse,

Then, complained of severe throbbing headache at occiput, then to the entire head
(+) vomiting
(+) LOC

Precipitating factors: Vascular injury to the brain

- Past history of stroke, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
(e.g. leakage or rupture of
vague headaches aneurysm)
relieved by Paracetamol
- (+) Hypertension
- (+)
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Dilatation of blood vessels
- Stretch in the dura mater

Interruption in the
blood flow to the brain

Impaired distribution
of oxygen and glucose
to the brain tissue

Tissue Hypoxia

Altered cerebral

Decreased cerebral

Brain Tissue necrosis

Clinical Manifestations: LOC, GCS 3, anisocoric pupils, very minimal eyelid movements to corneal
maneuver, + Doll’s eye maneuver, (-) grimace to pain stimuli, very minimal purposeless to
abnormal posturing movements of the limbs to pain, (+) Babinski reflex, bilateral

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