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Uniqueness theorem

1. Create a source-free volume’ V ‘in an isotropic homogenous medium. The volume must be bounded by a
surface ‘S’.
2. Generate fields E1 and H1 inside volume V, by a set of sources external to the volume.
3. Generate another set of fields E2, H2 inside volume V, but this time, without the sources.
4. Now prove that fields E1, H1 is identical to E2, H2.

Field equivalence principle

Initial preparation steps

1. Create a set of current sources in an isotropic homogenous medium that produces fields E and H
2. Enclose the sources by a closed surface S, to create two volumes. One being volume V1 enclosed by surface
S and another V2 being source -free.
3. Make sure surface S is also source-free.

Situation 1
Consider the fields in V2 to be same as before (E and H), but delete all sources in V1. Tell us what the values
of E and H will be. Now you will find that the fields are discontinuous at the boundary surface. To address
this problem, you have to introduce sources on the discontinuity surface. How will you do that?

Situation 2
Consider the fields in V2 to be same as before (E and H), but fill volume V1 with a perfect conducting
material. Tell us what the values of E and H will be. Now you will find that the fields are discontinuous at
the boundary surface. To address this problem, you have to introduce sources on the discontinuity surface.
How will you do that?

Clues for solution of situation 1 and 2

1. Place a unit normal vector n to the surface from V1 into V2.
2. Using the fields E and H on the surface and n vector find two virtual sources Js and Ms.
3. Make sure that these virtual sources do not produce any fields in volume V1.
4. You must prove that fields in V2 can also be produced by virtual sources Js and Ms.

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