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Show an effort in describing the role of 05 Muslims scientists in

development of science?

We all know that The story of Islamic involvement to science, technology, and
entrepreneurship is a remarkable Islam has its own golden history almost in every sectors of



1. Abu Ali Ibn Sina:

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (980-1037), better recognized to the West as Avicenna, was conceivably the
Utmost physician until the contemporary epoch. His renowned book, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb,
stayed a typical textbook even in Europe, for over 700 years. Ibn Sina’s effort is still considered
and assembled upon in the East. Abu Ali Ibn Sina, alone wrote 246 books, together with
Kitab-al Shifa (The Book of Healing) containing 20 volumes and Al- Qanun fit Tibb (The
Canons of Medicine). The Qanun was the principal guide for medical science in the West from
the twelfth to the seventeenth century. Dr. William Osler, who wrote The Evolution of Modern
Science, remarks “The Qanun has remained a medical Bible for a longer period than any other
work”. It graphed the entire medical facts available from ancient and Muslim sources Together
with his innovative assistances. Ibn Sina’s creative influences involved such developments
such as acknowledgment of the communicable nature of phthisis and tuberculosis; spreading
of diseases by water and soil and the collaboration between psychology and health. Also, the
book defined over 760 medicines and became the most authentic of its era. Ibn Sina was also
the first to describe meningitis and prepared ironic contributions to anatomy, gynecology
and child health.

2. Al-Farabi (870-950 C.E.):

Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn al-Farakh al-Farabi was born in a small village Wasij, near Farab in
Turkistan. He died a bachelor in Damascus at the age of 80 years Farabi contributed
considerably to science, Philosophy, Logic, Sociology, Medicine, Mathematics and Music. His
117 books are known, out of which 43 are on Logic, 11 on Metaphysics, 7 on ethics, 7 on

Political Science, 17 on Music, Medicine and Sociology, while 11 are commentaries. Some of
his more famous books include the book Fusus al-Hikam.

The book Kitab al-lhsa al 'Ulum discusses classification and fundamental principles of science
in a unique and useful manner. The book Am Ahl al-Madina al- Fadila (The Model City) is a
significant early contribution to Sociology and Political Science.

3. Abual-Rihan Al-Beruni:
Al Beruni is a renowned physicist, who determined the specific density of 18 types of precious
stones. He established the rule which stated that the specific density of a body suits the volume
of the water which makes it move. The contents of the work include the Arabic nomenclature
of shade and shadows, strange phenomena involving shadows, gnomonic, the history of the
tangent and secant functions, applications of the shadow functions to the astrolabe and to
other instruments, shadow observations for the solution of various astronomical problems,
and the shadow-determined times of Muslim prayers.

Topics in physics that were studied by al-Biruni comprised hydrostatics and made very accurate
measurements of specific weights. He defined the ratios between the densities of gold, mercury,
lead, silver, bronze, copper, brass, iron, and tin. Al-Biruni displayed the results as combinations
of integers and numbers of the form 1/n, n = 2, 3, 4... 10.

4. Umar al-Khayyam:
Al-Khayyamwas bom at Nishapur, the provincial capitalof Khurasan and diedalso at Nishapur.
He was one of the most reputed Mathematician, Philosopher, Physician and Poet of his times.
In the field of Algebra, he made an attempt to classify most algebraic equations, including the
third degree equations and, in fact, offered solutions for a number of them. In fact, he has been
considered to be the first to find the binomial theorem and determine binomial coefficients.
This includes geometric solutions of cubic equations and partial geometric solutions of most
other equations.

5. Abu Marwan Ibn Zuhr:

Ibn Zuhr was one of the greatest physicians and clinicians of the Muslim golden era. As a
physician. He described correctly, for the first time, scabies, the itch mite and may thus be
regarded as first parasitologist. Likewise, he prescribed tracheotomy and direct feeding through
the gullet and rectum in the cases where normal feeding was not possible. He also gave clinical
descriptions of mediastinal tumours, intestinal phthisis, inflammation of the middle ear etc.

6. Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi:

He was one of the greatest inexhaustible Muslim doctors and perhaps second only to Ibn Sina
in his endeavors. He was born at Ray, Iran and became a student of Hunayn ibn Ishaq and later
a student of Ali ibn Rabban. He penned over 200 books, including Kitab al-Mansuri, ten
volumes on Greek medicine, and al-Hawi, an compendium of medicine in 20 volumes.
Al-Razi was first positioned in control of the first Royal Hospital at Ray, from where
He quickly moved to a similar position in Baghdad where he remained the head of its famous
Hospital for a long time. He originated a treatment for kidney and bladder stones, and clarified
the nature of various infectious diseases. He was also an expert surgeon and the first to use
opium for anesthesia.



How is the modern science unable to deny the existence of ALMIGHTY

ALLAH (SWT)? Prove with the set of arguments the existence of
ALMIGHTY ALLAH through we are unable to grasp him with our

Science is not a religion or a belief. It is a technique for verifying our assumptions about how
the universe works. These statements and many others are veritable invitations to humanity to
enrich their knowledge from all sources. It comes as no surprise, therefore, to learn that in
religion and science have always been considered as twin sisters and that today, at a time when
science has taken such great strides, they still continue to be associated.

What is more, in a century where, for many people, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to
religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of
the Islamic scripture, have highlighted the supernatural nature of revelation and the authenticity
of the religion which it taught.

When all is said and done, scientific knowledge seems, in spite of what many people may say
or think, to be highly conducive to reflection on the existence of God. Once we begin to ask
ourselves, in an unbiased or unprejudiced way, about the metaphysical lessons to be derived
from some of today’s knowledge, (for example our evolving knowledge of the smallest
components of matter or the questions surrounding the origin of life within inanimate matter),
we indeed discover many reasons for thinking about God.

 The Qur’an and Science:

For many centuries, humankind was unable to study certain data contained in the verses of the
Qur’an because they did not possess sufficient scientific means. It is only today that numerous
verses of the Qur’an dealing with natural phenomena have become comprehensible. There are
also some very rare examples of statements in the Qur’an which have not, as yet, been
confirmed by modern science.

I shall refer to these by pointing out that all the evidence available today leads scientists to
regard them as being highly probable. An example of this is the statement in the Qur’an that
life has an aquatic origin

{ “And I created every living thing out of water” Qur’an, 21:30 }

 Science unable to deny God:

Indeed, science has brought us an immense amount of understanding. The sum total of
human knowledge doubles roughly every couple of years or less. In physics and
cosmology, we can now claim to know what happened to our universe as early as a tiny
fraction of a second after the Big Bang, something that may seem astounding. In chemistry,
we understand the most complicated reactions among atoms and molecules, and in biology
we know how the living cell works and have mapped out our entire genome. But has
modern science, from the beginning of the 20th century, proved that there is no God, as
some commentators now claim? Science is an amazing, wonderful undertaking: it teaches
us about life, The world and the universe.

 But it has not revealed to us why the universe came into existence nor what preceded
its birth in the Big Bang. Biological evolution has not brought us the slightest
understanding of how the first living organisms emerged from inanimate matter on this
planet and how the advanced eukaryotic cells—the highly structured building blocks
of advanced life forms—ever emerged from simpler organisms. Neither does it explain
one of the greatest mysteries of science: how did consciousness arise in living things?
Where do symbolic thinking and self-awareness come from? What is it that allows
humans to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, engineering and
medicine? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, architecture and

 Science is nowhere near to explaining these deep mysteries, from past years science
has proven that everything is running through science there is no external power who
move anything rather its science. The moving earth, the things pull down toward the
ground, many proofs around us can show science and its power. it all about science.
Science has made so much progress in the world and still improving better and get his
standard on another level. Science and religion are two sides of the same deep human
impulse to understand the world, to know our place in it, and to marvel at the wonder
of life and the infinite cosmos we are surrounded by. Let’s keep them that way, and
not let one attempt to usurp the role of the other.

 Almighty Allah proving himself of his presence:

Human beings sense the existence of God—or what they perceive as a higher power—by pure
instinct, with or without a prophetic revelation to guide them. Expressions of this senses
divinities have appeared in cultures and religions all over the world, despite them being widely
separated by time, geography, and language. In Islamic spiritual terms, this is because God
took a primordial covenant with every person before the world was created that they would
recognize their Creator.

Allah said:

 [Prophet], when your Lord took out the offspring from the loins of
the Children of Adam and made them bear witness about
themselves, He said, ‘Am I not your Lord?’ and they replied, ‘Yes, we
bear witness.’ So you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, ‘We
were not aware of this.’ [2]

All people were born to be believers in God, and the revelations of the Prophets simply awaken
and reinforce the disposition that is already inside us. Even polytheists, who believe in multiple
gods and deities, often believe that there is an even higher power, an even greater God over all
of them.

 Allah said:

If you asked them who created the heavens and earth, they are sure to say,
‘God.’ Say, ‘Praise belongs to God,’ but most of them do not understand. [6]

 And Allah said:

If you [Prophet Muhammad] ask them who created them they are sure to
say, ‘God,’ so why are they deluded? [7]

Since all humans can sense a higher power, they will instinctively turn to God in times of danger.
Every person, at some point in his or her life, will have an intense experience that causes a natural
reaction to turn to prayer. There are many cases of people who experience a sudden brush with
death that causes them to become more faithful to their religious tradition.

 Allah said:

Whenever they go on board a ship they call on God, and dedicate their
faith to Him alone, but once He has delivered them safely back to land, see
how they ascribe partners to Him! [8]

 And Allah said:

Say [Prophet Muhammad], ‘Who is it that saves you from the dark depths
of land and sea when you humbly and secretly call to Him [and say], ‘If He

rescues us from this, we should truly be thankful’? Say, ‘God rescues you
from this and every distress; yet you still worship others besides him.’ [9]

 Proving of his presence in our senses:

This contention is false, as it implies that God is nothing. God is a unique agent with the potential to
create and bring things into existence through His will and power. Therefore it is not the case of
something coming from nothing. God’s will and power were the causal conditions to bring the
universe into existence. Since this creator is uncreated, it means that it was always in existence.
Something that did not begin has always existed, and something that has always existed is eternal.
The Qur’an makes this very clear: “

He neither begets nor is born

.The Qur’an, Chapter 112, Verses 2 and 3

Something coming from nothing is impossible, because nothing implies non-being, no

potential and no causal conditions. It is irrational to assert that something can emerge from an
absolute void without any potential or prior causal activity. God provides that causal activity
via His will and power. Even though the Islamic intellectual tradition refers to the God creating
from nothing, this act of creation means that there was no material stuff. However, it does not
assume that there were no causal conditions or potential. God’s will and power form the causal
conditions to bring the universe into existence.

Mankind, in general, has maintained a belief in the existence of the Creator of the Universe
since time immemorial. The duty of the prophets of Allah was not so much to inform their
people of Allah's existence as to warn them against associating others with Him, and to teach
them how to serve Him. Allah Says (what means)

"Their messengers said, 'Is there any doubt concerning Allah, the
originator of the Heavens and the Earth?'" [Quran 14:10]

As already mentioned, the human being has an inherent and inborn recognition of his
Creator. This is a consequence of a pledge which Allah took from the soul of every one of
us before we came into this world, Allah Says (what means)

"And [remember], when your Lord took from the children of Adam, their
children behind them, and made them testify over their own selves,
[saying to them], 'Am I not your Lord?' They said, 'Yea.'"[Quran 7:172]



How does Islam is considered as a complete cod of life? Support your

answer with Qur’anic references?

The claim of Muslims that Islam is the complete code of life is not merely a false or shallow
claim, rather from reading the ayahs of Quran and the knowing traditions of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) give this claim a strong and provable groundings on the bases of which a
Muslim can follow Islam and its instructions without any doubt.
The prime focus of Islam is to make sure that maximum of its followers’ rest in heavens in the
afterlife. However, in order to do so, the followers have to live this life according to the
instructions of Islam and follow the path of righteousness. Unlike other religions, the path of
righteousness is not related to religious traditions and obligations only, rather righteousness is
to be observed in every aspect of life and this is why Islam gives proper instructions to live life.
Before moving on to explaining how Islam gives complete code of life by giving some
examples, the need is to understand the essence of being righteous or doing right deeds in this
world. In Quran, Allah Almighty says:

“Say: ‘Truly, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah,
the Lord of the worlds. No partner has He: this am I commanded, and I am the
first of those who submit to His Will.” (6:162-163)

From the ayah in can be deduced that one of the prime purposes of human life is to submit to
the Will of Allah. Now the question that arises is that how can a Muslim know the will of Allah
or what it is as a whole? This is what gives the answer to the complete code of life, as Allah
Almighty has given His will with regards to the way Muslims must live life, so that it is
according to His will and the Muslims could be rewarded consequently. Regarding this Allah
Almighty says in Quran:

“For those who believe, and work deeds of righteousness is a reward that will
never (fail).” (41:8)

Therefore, the prime reason behind Allah Almighty giving a complete code of life is the fact
that there should be no area in the life of a Muslim that does not have any instructions, and by
following those instructions in life Muslim actually submits to the Will of Allah, which pleases
Him and He then rewards a better world to the Muslims in the world Hereafter.

The lines below give some examples of Islam being complete code of life by highlighting the
instructions related to different walks of life.

Islam does not emphasize upon the religious life of a person only, rather it commends the
followers to be honest in every walk of life, especially when it comes to trading in the form of
buying and selling.

In Quran, Allah Almighty says:

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah, as witness to fair dealing, and
let not hatred of others make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be
just: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do.” (5:8)

Therefore, from this ayah, it is clear that Islam wants Muslims to be just and be fair in their
dealings. Further to that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of His hadiths:

“”The seller and the buyer have the right to keep or return goods as long as
they have not parted or till they par; and if both the parties spoke the truth and
described the defects and qualities (of the goods), then they would be blessed in
their transaction, and if they told lies or hid something, then the blessings of
their transaction would be lost.” (Bukhari)

Therefore, pertaining to conduction of trade, Islam has given forward its rules and for a
Muslim to be successful in this life and the one hereafter it is imperative to follow these rules.

In addition to honesty in business, Islam also wants the followers to be fair

especially when it comes to weighing and measuring the goods in business. Allah
Almighty says in Quran:

“Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with an even balance. That
is the best (way) and best in result.” (17:35)

Thus, Islam wants the followers to be just in dealing and whenever it comes to weighing or
measuring goods for selling and buying purposes, one needs to be fair and just in that
occupation as well.

Another evil for which the societies of the world today have laid down laws and
regulations is bribery. It is abhorred in all societies, however, for them it is purely
a matter of legal pursuit. On the other hand, Islam does not let bribery go out of
the reach of the religion, and condemns it in the religious manner so that Muslims
wont fall prey to it. Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“And do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly or send it (in bribery) to
the rulers in order that (they might aid) you (to) consume a portion of the wealth
of the people in sin, while you know (it is unlawful).” (2:188)

This ayah explicitly forbids the act of bribery and regards it as a sin. Therefore, for people of
other religion and societies, bribery might be against the law, however, for Muslims, bribery is
against the religion.

Where people in different societies of the world are laying down rules and
regulations to ensure peace, Islam gives the need for peace as a religious and
moral instruction. Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a
person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah; for
Allah loves not those who do wrong.” (42:40)

Therefore, Islam does not encourage violence, rather it wants its followers to be
peaceful and forgiving to ensure a society where love prevails.

Above all the one thing that Islam preaches to its followers the most is kindness
towards others. Islam wants the followers to be peaceful and live a life where they
are kind towards the others and respect and care for each other. Regarding this,
Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“…..Treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and ophans and those in
need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and give Zakaah.” (2:83)

Thus, one ought to be kind towards all if one is a true Muslim. Other societies of
the world that work on preaching ethics to people, Islam makes kindness a part
of religion. Moreover, besides kindness in general, Allah has given the rights to
women which the women of west have come to gain not more than a century ago.
Regarding the rights of women, Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor
should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dower
you have given them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness. On
the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity if you take a
disliking to them it may be that you dislike a thing, and Allah brings about
through it a great deal of good.” (4:19)

In a nutshell, there is no matter of life about which Islam has not spoken
either in the form of verses of Quran or in the form of traditions of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). Therefore, whenever there is guidance required by a
Muslim regarding any aspect of life, he or she must consult both these
resources before going for any other book or worldly rule.


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