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Estonio, Ryan L.



(Multiple Choice, Identification, Matching Type and Modified True/False)

Multiple Choices

Direction: Read the questions carefully and encircle the correct answer of each item.

1. It is a process by which people exchange and share messages. The message can be delivered orally or
through written symbols.
a. Communication c. Knowledge
b. Language d. Interest
2. Communication is derived from two Latin words communis which means “commonness” and
communicare which means ________.
a. To give c. To share
b. To inform d. To motivate
3. It is a very important factor for communication to transpire.
a. Communication c. Knowledge
b. Language d. Interest
4. People who are engaged in communication should possess the same level of _____ so that there will
be a continuous exchange of information.
a. Communication c. Knowledge
b. Language d. Interest
5. It is a process of communication which there is a give and take relationship.
a. Two-way Communication c. Oral Communication
b. One-way Communication d. Written Communication


1. _________________ A Latin word which means commonness.

2. _________________ The act of transferring information from one place to another.
3. _________________ A written symbol of the spoken word.
4. _________________He stated that “without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know a man”.
5. _________________ French word for “tongue”

Modifies True or False

Direction: Read the statement carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and if it is False underline
the word/s that makes the statement incorrect.

______1. Proxemics refers to the smell when communicating

______2. Language is one of the important factors of communication.
______3. The key element that is transmitted in communication is message.
______4. Noise or interference refers to anything that hinders the transmission of the message.
______5. Perlocutionary act is the resulting act of what is said. This effect is based on a context in
which the speech act was mentioned
Matching Type

A. Identify the function of communication in the given communicative acts below. Write your answer in
the space provided. Choose the letter only for your answer.


____________1. That is very surprising! a. Regulation/Control

____________2. Giving background b. Social Interaction
information c. Motivation
____________3. Come on, you can do it. d. Information
____________4. Accepting invitations e. Emotional Expression
____________5. Giving orders and f. Persuade

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